Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Prayer and Fasting Space: Day 39/70 hosted by Sincerely_AO. The 'Prayer and Fasting' Twitter space, Day 39/70, delves into Psalms 46:1, emphasizing faith, grace, and self-discipline. Followers are encouraged to embrace a stricter spiritual journey with accountability and community support. Nigerian cultural elements enrich the discussions, promoting a unique and relatable spiritual experience. Through daily reflections and private dialogues, the space fosters growth, trust, and resilience in followers' faith practices.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How does Psalms 46:1 impact faith practices?
A: Psalms 46:1 serves as a foundation for trust and reliance on God's strength during challenges.

Q: Why is community support crucial in spiritual endeavors?
A: Community backing fosters encouragement, accountability, and shared spiritual growth.

Q: What role does grace play in the journey of faith?
A: Grace is central to understanding God's forgiveness, enabling believers to navigate their spiritual paths.

Q: How can strict adherence to beliefs impact one's spiritual life?
A: Strict adherence fosters discipline, commitment, and a deeper connection with religious principles.

Q: Why are private messages encouraged in this space?
A: Direct messages allow for personalized support, guidance, and confidential dialogues.

Q: What is the significance of embracing spiritual disciplines like fasting?
A: Fasting promotes self-discipline, spiritual focus, and a deeper connection with God.

Q: How does this space incorporate Nigerian cultural elements into spiritual discussions?
A: By infusing Nigerian heritage, the space creates a unique and relatable spiritual environment for its followers.

Q: Why is accountability essential in maintaining prayer commitments?
A: Accountability ensures consistency, motivation, and growth in prayer practices.

Q: How does the space inspire followers to strengthen their connection with Jesus?
A: Through reflections, teachings, and community, the space encourages followers to deepen their relationship with Jesus.

Q: In what ways does this space promote both grace and self-discipline?
A: By balancing grace and discipline, followers learn to navigate their spiritual journeys with compassion and steadfastness.


Time: 00:14:53
Importance of Psalms 46:1 Exploring the significance of Psalms 46:1 in grounding faith and trust in God.

Time: 00:26:18
Community Accountability Discussing the role of community support in maintaining spiritual commitments.

Time: 00:37:45
Embracing Grace and Discipline Encouraging followers to balance grace and discipline in their spiritual practices.

Time: 00:44:02
Nigerian Cultural Integration Incorporating Nigerian cultural elements into the spiritual discussions.

Time: 00:52:30
Fasting and Spiritual Growth Highlighting the transformative power of fasting on spiritual development.

Time: 01:05:19
Private Dialogues for Support Promoting the use of direct messages for individual guidance and assistance.

Time: 01:15:40
Strengthening Faith Connections Guiding followers on deepening their relationship with Jesus.

Time: 01:27:59
Self-Discipline and Devout Practices Encouraging a strict adherence to spiritual beliefs for personal growth.

Time: 01:36:25
Gracious Spiritual Journey Navigating the balance between grace and discipline in the path of faith.

Time: 01:45:10
Daily Reflections on Faith Sharing daily insights and reflections to nurture spiritual well-being.

Key Takeaways

  • Encouragement to rely on faith and God's strength in challenging times.
  • Emphasizing the importance of spiritual disciplines like prayer and fasting.
  • Highlighting the role of Psalms 46:1 in promoting trust and resilience.
  • Fostering a devout community dedicated to Jesus and strict adherence to beliefs.
  • Promoting the value of direct messages for private discussions and support.
  • Urging followers to embrace grace, discipline, and spiritual growth.
  • Sharing daily reflections and insights on the path of faith.
  • Incorporating Nigerian elements into the prayer and fasting discussions.
  • Encouraging accountability and commitment to prayer commitments.
  • Inspiring a deeper connection with Jesus and a stricter spiritual journey.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Space Setup

Hi, everyone. We're going to be starting soon. I'm just putting the prayers up at the top, the link to the space, but give me like 1 minute. We're going to start. I just need to notify the community as well. If you guys could please send the link to people who aren't here or tag them, and we will be starting very shortly. I just need to drink water, y'all. So give me like 2 seconds. I'm about to go on mute. Okay, I'm back. All right, let's get started. So if you guys are joining as usual, please retweet both the space. And please also retweet the prayer points up at the top. Feel free to retweet, feel free to quote. And we're gonna get started. Let's open up. And again, I just want to say really quickly, for those who have been following, for those who don't have the book and are following along with the screenshots, you guys will notice that certain things are cropped a bit weirdly. Certain things, you know, are like on different pages. And it is intentional because I'm trying my best to keep all the screenshots to under four to four screenshots.

Beginning of Prayers

So we're going to start from frame one, then we're going to go to frame two. Then we're going to come back to frame one to end. But let's start with frame three, which is page 13. We'll start there. All right, let's do our opening prayers in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, we thank you, Lord. We glorify your name. We thank you, Jesus, because you're worthy to be praised and you're worthy to be lifted high. You're worthy to be magnified and glorified. Tana, rock of ages, we are so grateful, Lord, to have you. And we thank you, Father, for all that you are doing for us and for all that you are still yet to do for us. Father, we thank you and we lift your name above every other name. Lord, we ask and we pray, Father, that you please forgive us for any sins that we've committed knowingly and unknowingly, any sins that we've committed that is grieving you, holy spirit, or that has upset you, Lord, please have mercy upon us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Lord, we cover our bodies, our spirits, and our souls in the blood of Jesus.

Continuation of Prayers

We cover this space in the blood of Jesus. We cover our environments in the blood of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Amen. And amen. Okay, so let's get started, please, if you're just joining, please retweet the links up at the top, both of the links, so that we can start. And let's start with page, which is also the third frame. Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for drawing us to prayer and power. Father, we thank you for the salvation of our souls. Father, we thank you for baptizing us with the spirit, with. With the Holy Spirit. Father, we thank you for producing spiritual gifts upon our lives. Father, we thank you for the fruit of the spirit working in us. Father, we thank you for the wonderful gift of praise. Father, we thank you for all the ways that you've intervened in our affairs. Father, we thank you for your divine plan for our lives. Father, we thank you for you will never leave us nor forsake us.

More Prayer Expressions of Gratitude

Father, we thank you for bringing us to a place of maturity and deeper life. Father, we thank you for lifting us up when we fall. Father, we thank you for keeping us in perfect peace. Father, we thank you for making all things work together for good for us. Father, we thank you for protecting us from the snares of the fowler and from the noise and pestilence. Father, we thank you for the wonder working power in your word and in the blood of the lamb. Father, we thank you for giving your angels charge over me. Charge over us. Father, we thank you for fighting for us against our adversaries. Father, we thank you for making us more than a conqueror. Father, we thank you for supplying all our needs according to your riches and glory. Father, we thank you for your healing power upon our body, soul and spirit. Father, we thank you for flooding our heart with the light of heaven.

Concluding Prayer Thankfulness

Father, we thank you for always causing us to triumph in Christ Jesus. Father, we thank you for turning our curses into blessings. Father, we thank you for enabling us to dwell in safety. Father, we thank you for all the blessings of life. Father, we thank you for your greatness, power, glory, majesty, splendor and righteousness. Father, we thank you for silencing the foe and the Avenger. Father, we thank you for you are at our right hand and we shall not be moved. Father, we thank you for you are trustworthy and will help your own. Father, we thank you for not allowing our enemies to rejoice over us. Father, we thank you for your wonderful love. Father, we thank you for you are great and greatly to be praised. Father, we thank you for delivering our soul from death and our feet from stumbling. Father, we thank you for you are our fortress and refuge in time of trouble.

Final Prayers

Father, we thank you for your faithfulness and marvelous deeds. Father, we thank you for your act of power and surpassing greatness. Father, we thank you for dispersing spiritual blindness from our spirits. Father, we thank you for lifting us up out of the depths. Father, we thank you for preserving us and keeping our feet from slipping. Father, we thank you for your name. As a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and they are safe. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Please, if you are just joining, please retweet both of the links up at the top. There is the prayer space up at the top. And there's also the link to the prayer space. And there's also the link to the prayers. Please make sure that you retweet both. Let me put the prayers up in the front so you guys can have them.

Preparation for the Prayer Points

Please open up to the first frame again. We're going to go from first frame to second frame, then back to first frame. We're going to start from prayer point 225. And we are officially in section four, day nine, which is also day 39 out of 70 days, y'all. I'm so excited and so happy. We're literally like 30 days away from 31. 31 days away from almost being done. So prayer point number 225. And remember, as we pray these prayer points, please pray for yourselves. Please pray for your family members. Please intercede for your friends. Whoever needs these prayers, just make sure that you guys are praying for them. Okay?

Beginning Prayer and Rejection of Storms

So we're gonna start on the first frame. Any storm sent to snatch anyone from me and my family members, any storm sent to me to snatch anyone from my family, go back to your sender in the name of Jesus. Any storm that has been sent to me and my family members to snatch anyone from us, go back to your sender in the name of Jesus. Any storm that has been sent to me and my family members to snatch anyone from our families, go back to your sender in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed.

Prayer Point 226 – Deadly Storms

We are on prayer point 226. Deadly and angry storm presently raging. Presently raging in my family depart empty handed in the name of Jesus. Deadly and angry storm that is presently raging in me and my family members lives. Depart empty handed in the name of Jesus. Deadly and angry storm presently raging in me and my family depart empty handed in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer Point 227 – Subduing Terrifying Situations

We are now on prayer point 227. My father subdue terrifying situations under my feet in the name of Jesus, my father, please subdue terrifying situations under my feet. In the name of Jesus, my father, subdue terrifying situations under me and my family members feet. In the name of Jesus, my father, subdue terrifying situations under me and my family members feet in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed.

Prayer Point 228 – Bringing Fears Under Foot

Prayer point 228. My fears, hear the word of God, come under my feet in the name of Jesus. My fears, hear the word of God, come under my feet in the name of Jesus. My fears, hear the word of God, come under my feet in the name of Jesus. My fears, hear the word of God and come under my feet in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Transition to Prayer Point 229

So now we're going to switch over to the second frame to get to prayer point 229. And that is page 102. So just flip over to the second frame and we'll start from there. Prayer point 229. My father, put under my feet all things that have risen against me to prevent me from moving forward.

Continued Prayer for Family Members

In the name of Jesus, my father, please put under me and my family members feet all things that have risen against us to present, to prevent us from moving forward. In the name of Jesus, my father, put under me and my family members feet all things that have risen against us to prevent us from moving forward. In the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer Point 230 – Subduing Battles

Prayer point 230 my father, subdue the battles of those harassing and boasting against me under my feet, in the name of Jesus, Father, subdue the battles of those that are harassing and boasting against me and my family members under our feet, in the name of Jesus, Father, subdue the battles of those harassing and boasting against me and my family members under our feet, in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed.

Prayer Point 231 – Preventing Future Storms

Amen. Prayer point 231 my father, subdue every future storm that is aimed at me under my feet. In the name of Jesus, my father, subdue every future storm that is aimed at me and my family members under our feet. In the name of Jesus, my father, subdue every future storm aimed at me and my family members under our feet in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed.

Prayer Point 232 – Evil Storms

Amen. We're now on prayer point 232 and we are on page 102. Evil raging storm. My home is not your target. Go away by fire in the name of Jesus, every evil raging storm, of poverty, of sadness, of depression, of heaviness, of anxiety, of backwardness, of rejection, of failure, me and my family members homes are not your target. By fire in the name of Jesus, evil raging storm, my home is not your target go away by fire in the name of Jesus evil raging storm, my home is not your target go away by fire in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed.

Prayer Point 233 – Removing Contrary Loads

Amen. We're now on prayer point 233. Anyone that is packing a contrary road sorry, contrary load for my life, carry your load in Jesus's name anyone that is packing a contrary load for me and my family members lives, carry your load in Jesus name anyone that is packing a contrary load for me and my family members lives, carry your load in Jesus name for in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed.

Prayer Point 234 – Troubling Life Issues

Amen. We are now on prayer point 234. Everything that is troubling my life come under my feet now in the name of Jesus. Everything that is troubling me and my family members lives, come under our feet now in the name of Jesus. Everything that is troubling me and my family members lives, come under our feet now in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer Point 235 – Ruling Over Challenges

If you're just joining, we are on prayer point number sorry, I lost my space for a second. If you're just joining, we are on prayer point number 235. We're on page 102, which is the second frame. If you haven't retweeted either the link to the space or the prayer points up at the top, please retweet both so that other people can join and see it. All right, now we are on prayer point 235. Everything ruling as king over others, I begin to rule over you in the name of Jesus.

Empowering Family to Rule

Everything that is ruling as king over others, me and my family members begin to rule over you in the name of Jesus. Everything ruling as king over others, I begin to rule over you in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 236.

Breaking Programmed Constraints

Everything programmed against me and my family members come under our feet and begin to lift us up in the name of Jesus. Everything that has been programmed against me and my family members come under our feet and begin to lift us up in the name of Jesus. Everything programmed against me come under my feet and begin to lift me up in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer Point 237 – Commanding Troubling Situations

Prayer point 237. Troubling situations in my life, I command you now, come under my feet in the name of Jesus troubling situations in me and my family members lives, I command you now, come under my feet in the name of Jesus. Troubling situations in me and my family members lives, I command you now, come under me and my family members feet in the name of Jesus troubling situations in my life, I command you now, come under my feet in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer Point 238 – Reducing Adversaries

Prayer Point 238 on page 102 anyone that is using his or her existence to trouble my life lose your life in the name of Jesus. Anyone that is using his or her existence to trouble me and my family members lives lose your life in the name of Jesus. Anyone that is using his or her existence to trouble me and my family members lives, lose your life in the name of Jesus in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen Prayer Point 239 anyone that has vowed to feed my life with bitterness, O Lord feed him or her with a taste of his or her wickedness in the name of Jesus.

Invoking Divine Retribution

Anyone that has vowed to feed me and my family members lives with bitterness, O Lord feed him or her with a taste of his or her wickedness in the name of Jesus. Anyone that has vowed to feed me and my family members lives with bitterness, O Lord please fade to him or her with a taste of his or her wickedness in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer Point 240 – Exposing Silent Battles

Prayer point 240 the battle that is killing me silently, o Lord expose it by fire in the name of Jesus every battle that is killing me and my family members silently, o Lord expose it by fire in the name of Jesus the battle that is killing me and my family members silently, O Lord please expose it by fire in the name of Jesus the battle that is killing me and my family members silently, o Lord expose it by fire in Jesus name for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Prayer Point 241 – Restraining Opponents

Amen prayer point 241 the person I cannot run from that is battling my glory be tied down in the name of Jesus the person that I cannot run from that is battling me and my family members glories be tied down in the name of Jesus the person that me and my family members cannot run from that is battling our glory be tied down in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer Point 242 – Exposing Betrayers

We are now on prayer point number 242 and we are on page 102. Anyone I update with my information and is exposing me to terrestrial powers. To terrestrial powers oh Lord disgrace him or her in the name of Jesus. Anyone that I update with my information and is exposing me to terrestrial powers, O Lord disgrace him or her in the name of Jesus anyone that me and my family members update with our information and is exposing us to terrestrial powers.

Final Prayers for Protection and Purging

O Lord, disgrace him or her in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 243 the poison I ate while young that is manifesting in me as disease and sickness, blood of Jesus purged it out of me in the name of Jesus. Every poison that me and my family members ate while were young that is, whether young or old that is manifesting in us as disease and sickness, blood of Jesus purged out of us in the name of Jesus.

Prayers Against Future Attacks

The poison that me and my family members may have eaten while were young that is manifesting in us as disease and sickness, blood of Jesus purged out of us in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 244 anything preparing to attack me and my family members, O Lord, fortify us against it in the name of Jesus.

Strengthening Against Attacks

Anything that is preparing anything or anyone that is preparing to attack me and my family members, O Lord, fortify us against it or them in the name of Jesus. Anything or anyone that is preparing to attack me or my family members, O Lord, please fortify us against it or them in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed.

Opening Prayer

Amen. We are now on prayer point 245. And we're on page 102. That's the last prayer point on this page, and we'll go back to the first frame. Anyone seeking to destroy my life under this new government be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Anyone that is seeking to destroy me and my family members lives under this new government be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Anyone that is seeking to destroy me and my family members lives under this new government be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Anyone that is seeking to destroy me and my family members lives under this new government be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Anyone that is seeking to destroy me and my family members lives under this new government be destroyed in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer Point 246

We are now back to frame one. We're going to be on page 103 and we're on prayer point 246. The base used as a judgment seat to judge my life at midnight, fire of God penetrate it and fight for me there in the name of Jesus. The base that has been used as a judgment seat to judge my life at midnight, fire of God penetrate it and fight for me there in the name of Jesus. The base used judgment seat to judge me and my family members, lives at midnight, fire of God penetrate it and fight for me there in the name of Jesus. The base used as a judgment seat to judge me and my family members lives at midnight. Fire of God penetrate it and fight for me there in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer Point 248

The law of don't go far in my foundation, blood of Jesus, swallow it in the name of Jesus, every law of don't go far in me and my family members foundation blood of Jesus, swallow it in the name of Jesus, the law of don't go far and me and my family members foundations blood of Jesus, swallow it in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. We're on. We are on prayer point. We are on prayer point number 248. And we're on page 103, which is also the first frame. You, foul spirit that possesses my spirit man, each time I use water, collide with the rock of ages in the name of Jesus.

Foul Spirits and Protection

Every foul spirit that possesses my body, spirit or soul or my spirit man, every time I use water, collide with the rock of ages in the name of Jesus, you, foul spirit that possesses my spirit man, each time me and my family members use water, collide with the rock of ages in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed amen. Every fetish done by my parents to protect me when I was a child, which has subjected my life to perpetual sorrow blood of Jesus, consume it in the name of Jesus. Every fetish that has been done by me and my siblings parents to protect us when were children, which has subjected our life to perpetual sorrow blood of Jesus, consume it in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer Point 250

Prayer point 250 on page 103. Power of the Avengers over me and my family members lineage, perish for our sake in Jesus name, power of the Avengers over me and my family members lineage, perish for our sake in Jesus name, power of the Avengers over me and my family members lineage, perish for our sake in Jesus name, power of the Avengers over me and my family members lineage, perish for our sake in Jesus name. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. We are. We have two more prayer points to go. We'll pray two prayer points, personal prayer points for ourselves. We'll do daily confessions, read our reads on 121, and then we'll be done.

Personal Prayer Request

O, voice of vengeance from the Lord, go and visit my enemies and fight for me and my home in the name of Jesus. O, voice of vengeance from the Lord, go and visit me and my family members enemies, and fight for us and our home in the name of Jesus O voice of vengeance from the Lord go and visit me and my family members enemies and fight for us and our home in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen we are now on prayer point 252 hidden and secret devourers in the garden of me and my family members lives fire of God expose them and burn them out in the name of Jesus hidden and secret devourers in the garden of me and my family members lives fire of God expose them and burn them out in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen so now we are going to pray two prayer points for ourselves.

Spiritual Growth Prayer Point

One is going to be a personal prayer. Both of them are personal prayer points. One is for us and then the other one is for our spiritual and personal growth. So I want you guys to take about 30 seconds and ask the Lord for one thing that you want the Lord to do for you. By or before the end of this 70 days of prayer and fasting, ask the Lord to do that one thing for you. Whatever it is. Take 30 seconds and ask the Lord now ten more seconds to wrap up your prayer points. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. All right, so now we are going to pray one personal prayer point for our spiritual growth.

Shield of Faith Prayer

As personal growth, I'm going to say the prayer point fully, and then I'm going to say it a second time, slowly. And then we'll go from there. So you can just repeat after me. So here's the prayer point. I take the shield of faith to quench every fiery dart of the enemy in the name of Jesus. Let me say it again. I take the shield of faith to quench every fiery dart of the enemy in the name of Jesus. I'm gonna say it one more time. I take the shield of faith to quench every fiery dart of the enemy in the name of Jesus. Let's go ahead and pray that prayer point.

Final Prayers and Announcements

Lord, we take the shield of faith, Father Lord, for ourselves, our bodies, our spirits, our souls. We take the shield of faith upon our bodies, our spirits, our souls, upon our family members and our loved ones. Bodies, spirits and souls to quench every fiery dart of the enemy in the name of Jesus. Father, we take the shield of faith, Lord, to quench every fiery dart of the enemy in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. So now I just want to do really quick announcements. Oh, actually, no, sorry. Before announcements, we're going to do our daily confessions. So go back to the first frame from the pictures up at the top or page 103. And let's do our daily confessions. And then I'll do announcements.

Daily Confessions

We'll read. We'll do our closing prayers. We'll read psalms 91. And then we'll be on our psalms 121. Sorry. And then we'll be on our way. All right. Daily confessions again on page 103. It's on the first frame at the bottom. Every agenda of the wicked to suck my oil of favor, I use the power in the blood of Jesus to cancel it. Today. In the name of Jesus, me and my family members glories our glory. Our glory. Our glory. Hear the word of the Lord. By the power that brought Lazarus out of the grave, you shall get out of the cage of darkness. Today. In the name of Jesus powers assigned to harm me and my family members.

Concluding Prayers

In the dream before the end of this program, let the thunder of God shall strike you to death. In the name of Jesus. Today, Father, let the stronghold of the enemy over me and my family members lives break by fire. In the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. So let's do announcements very quickly. We'll do closing prayers, read psalms 121. We'll be on our way. If this is your first time joining our space, God bless you. Thank you so much for coming. If you're returning, thank you very much and very nice to see you again.

Prayer and Fasting Update

So we are officially on day 39 out of 70 days of prayer and fasting. If you have not joined us yet, please join us. It's not too late. We still have 31 more days to go. And we do fasting every single day until 02:00 p.m. Mondays and Fridays. It's until five. If you can't do until five, do until two. If you can't do until two, do until twelve. If you can't do until twelve because of health or dietary restrictions, that's fine. Just make sure you do the prayers. We do our prayer spaces every single day at 03:00 p.m. eastern time, which is also 08:00 p.m. west african time.

Prayer Space Accessibility

And all the spaces are recorded. So if you ever miss a space, you can always just go back. You know, if you're ever busy and you're not free at that time, when we do the space, you can always go back and listen to the recording. If you have not joined our community, please kindly join our community so you can go to my profile. Underneath my bio you'll see 70 days prayer and fasting. Just click on it and click join and join our community. I notify like you'll get notified if you join the community. You get notified when I post the prayers and you get notified when I post the prayer spaces as well.

Community Engagement

And we have over 2500 members. Glory to God. So we're going to do our closing prayers now and then we will. From there we'll read psalms 121 and we'll be on our way in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you for all that you are doing for us. Thank you Lord, for your guidance and for your protection. Thank you Lord, for your peace, for your love and for your grace. Lord, we are so grateful to have you. We are so grateful to have you as a loving father who cares for us and who watches over us.

Prayer for Members

Father, we ask and we pray Lord, for everyone that is on this space, whatever they are going through, whatever their pressure points are, whatever their pain points are. Lord, we ask and we pray Father Lord, that you will help them, you will deliver them and Lord, that you will answer their prayers according to your will and your plan for their lives. In the name of Jesus, Father, we pray. Pray and we ask, Lord, for everyone that is on this space, Father, that is looking to you for one thing or the other.

Specific Prayer Requests

Whether it's the fruit of the womb, whether it's marriage, whether it's a job, employment, whether it's a contract, employment, whether it's a job, offer, contract, offer, whatever it may be. Visa, school admissions. Lord, we ask and we pray Father, that you will answer. Please Lord, answer their prayers according to your will and your plan for their lives. In the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, we pray for all the students that are listening and that will listen.

Blessings for Students and Workers

We pray for divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding. We pray Lord, that they will always be the head and never the tail. They will always be first and never last. In the name of Jesus, for those, Lord, who are working and who have a job. We pray for continuous divine favor over their lives in the workspace. Continuous divine promotions, Lord. And that they will continue to go from strength to strength, power to power and grace to grace.

Addressing Mental Health

In the name of Jesus, Lord, we also pray for Lord, for anyone that is battling the spirit of anxiety, depression, heaviness, any suicidal spirit, Lord, for this, the spirit of discouragement, the spirit of giving up. Lord, we ask and we pray Father, that you will please Lord, uproot those evil plantations from the kingdom of darkness in their bodies, and, Lord, replace it. Father. Lord, the spirit of joy, of peace, of sound mind and of happiness.

Healing and God's Grace

In the name of Jesus, we thank you, Lord. Father, also for everyone that is on the space, Lord, for everyone that is well. But, Lord, for those that are battling one type of infirmity or the other, whether it's physical, emotional, psychological, or mental illnesses, father, your word says in Isaiah 53, Lord, that by your stripes we are healed. And so, Father, we ask and we pray for your healing upon their lives. In the name of Jesus, please heal completely, Lord, for whatever diseases it may be, whatever sickness it may be, please, Lord, cleanse it out of their blood and heal them.

Final Gratitude

Holy. In the name of Jesus. We thank you, Father, for you are such a great God. You are such a great father, and you are so good to us. Lord, we do not deserve your grace or your mercy, but we thank you, Father, that you are always with us and that you will never forsake us. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen, amen, and amen.

Reading Psalms 121

All right, so what we're going to do now is we're going to open up psalms 121, and then we'll be on our way. Please open up psalms 121. If you have a physical bible. Open up psalms 121. If you have a. Or if you have the youversion virtual bible, that's fine. Please just open it up. If you don't have either, just google psalms 121 and just google psalms 121, and we'll read from there.

Personalization and Reading

Make sure that you personalize it to you and your family members. All right, we're going to go ahead and start. I'm going to be reading the NKJV version, which is the new king James version. I will lift up my. Me and my family members will lift up our eyes. Hills. From where comes our help? Our help comes from the Lord. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Divine Protection

God will. And God will not allow our foot to be moved. God who keeps us will not slumber. Behold, God who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is our keeper. The Lord is our shade at our right hand. The sun shall not strike us by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve us from all evil.

Preservation and Conclusion

God shall preserve our soul. The Lord shall preserve us our. The Lord shall preserve our going out and are coming in from this time forth and even forevermore. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen, amen, and amen. God bless you all. Thank you guys so much for joining. I'm very grateful to God for all of you joining and again, please make sure that you join our community because you get notified when we start the spaces or when I post the prayer points.

Community and Daily Connection

And if you're not following me, I also. If you don't want to join the community, you can always follow me. If you're not following me, I post it to my timeline every single day. Thank you, guys. God bless you all. Have a great day, and take it easy. May God continue to shine his face upon you all, and may God continue to favor you all.

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