Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Practice Speaking in š¯•¸Spaces & Learn to Host š¯•¸Spaces hosted by DiligentDenizen. Immerse yourself in the world of public speaking and hosting dynamic conversations on Twitter spaces. This space provides essential insights on shaping historical dialogues, utilizing breaking news, and fostering community engagement. By mastering the art of hosting and active participation, individuals can influence narratives, impact the media landscape, and create lasting impressions. Stay informed, practice effective storytelling, and leverage recorded highlights for continuous learning. Become an integral part of the media landscape by actively contributing to meaningful discussions and engaging with diverse communities.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: How can public speaking influence historical narratives?
A: Through compelling conversations, individuals can shape historical outcomes and influence narratives.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial in Twitter spaces?
A: Engaging with the community fosters interaction, knowledge sharing, and a sense of belonging.

Q: What role do recorded highlights play in Twitter space conversations?
A: Recorded highlights serve as valuable references, preserving key discussions and insights for later use.

Q: How can one effectively host a captivating Twitter space?
A: Effective hosting involves active participation, engaging topics, and inclusive communication.

Q: What benefits does practicing public speaking in Twitter spaces offer?
A: Practicing in Twitter spaces improves communication skills, boosts confidence, and enhances storytelling abilities.

Q: How can Twitter spaces contribute to shaping media landscapes?
A: Twitter spaces offer a platform for diverse voices, perspectives, and conversations that influence and shape media narratives.

Q: What tips can help individuals become successful hosts in Twitter spaces?
A: Successful hosting involves preparation, active listening, fostering inclusivity, and creating engaging dialogues.

Q: Why are breaking news updates important in the context of Twitter spaces?
A: Staying informed with breaking news enhances discussions, adds relevance, and keeps conversations current and engaging.

Q: How do Twitter spaces enable individuals to be part of the media landscape?
A: By hosting and participating in spaces, individuals become active contributors to media creation, dissemination, and shaping narratives.

Q: What values can be derived from interacting in Twitter spaces?
A: Interacting in spaces fosters learning, networking, skill development, and community building among participants.


Time: 00:15:43
Impactful Conversations in History Exploring how conversations have historically shaped events and narratives.

Time: 00:25:12
Hosting Engaging Narratives Tips on hosting captivating dialogues that resonate with audiences.

Time: 00:35:29
Community Engagement Strategies Building a strong community presence through active engagement and interaction.

Time: 00:45:18
Effective Public Speaking Techniques Practical advice on improving public speaking skills and communication.

Time: 00:55:37
Breaking News Updates The importance of staying informed and incorporating breaking news into conversations.

Time: 01:05:44
Recorded Highlights for Reference Utilizing recorded discussions as valuable resources for personal and educational purposes.

Time: 01:15:22
Inclusive Hosting Practices Tips on creating inclusive spaces that welcome diverse perspectives and voices.

Time: 01:25:09
Media Landscape Influence Exploring how Twitter spaces contribute to reshaping media narratives and dialogues.

Time: 01:35:55
Narrative Creation and Collaboration The collaborative process of creating impactful and memorable narratives in public spaces.

Time: 01:45:31
Educational and Informative Dialogues The value of Twitter spaces as platforms for knowledge sharing, learning, and informative discussions.

Key Takeaways

  • Harness the power of conversation to influence historical outcomes.
  • Empower yourself to shape narratives through engaging dialogue.
  • Stay updated on current events and breaking news within the Twitter spaces community.
  • Utilize recorded highlights as valuable resources for future reference.
  • Learn effective hosting techniques to captivate and retain audience interest.
  • Understand the significance of engaging storytelling in media and public discussions.
  • Enhance your public speaking skills through active participation and practice.
  • Foster a sense of community by actively involving yourself in Twitter space conversations.
  • Create impactful and memorable discussions to leave a lasting impression on participants.
  • Discover the potential of Twitter spaces as a tool for sharing knowledge and information.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Saints be greeted in the name of Jesus Christ. Welcome to the last night of our prayer and fasting. Thank you so much for joining us. We are ending our fast and we give glory, honor and praise to the most high God for sustaining us. May you all see God. May you all experience the favor of God and the mercy of God. May the Lord reward the sacrifice that you guys have made to him. May your altars be strengthened. May the spirit from your altar, which is the holy spirit from your altars rather made fight for you guys in the name of Jesus. I just want you guys to know that the fasting was not in vain. The Lord has heard your prayers.

Prayer Initiation

I think Sister Becca is struggling with the connection because she's our speaker for the night, but we are going to be praying while waiting for her. It's been an emotionally taxing day for me. Let's just close our eyes and pray. Father, we glorify your name. We honor you. We love you so much. We thank you so much, Lord, for sustaining us. We thank you so much, Lord, for loving us in this manner. We thank you for every plan that you have for our lives. O God, we thank you that you fight for us, you provide for us, Lord, we thank you for the amazing opportunities that you give us.

Gratitude and Acknowledgment of God's Mercy

In the name of Jesus, we thank. You for your grace. We thank you for the blood of Jesus, the efficient blood of Jesus, the potent blood of Jesus. We thank you for this precious blood. We thank you that it speaks greater things than any other blood. We thank you that the blood of Jesus vindicates us, Lord, whenever our names are mentioned in evil altars, let the blood of Jesus speak on our behalf, O God, in the name of Jesus. All the ordinances written or spoken against us, O God, may they be blotted out by the precious blood of Jesus, my father. Anyone and everyone who's under the sound of my voice tonight I bring them closer to the throne of grace, my. Father, in the name of Jesus.

Intercession for God's Presence

And I pray that your divine hand be upon us all, O God, in the name of Jesus. I pray that we all receive your kindness. We all receive your grace and your mercy. In the name of Jesus. Imundama Mahore kelemosi rukamuhanta Ikuzia Indaria Indori holy ayahusi umuharikalamahasaya kazaya my father, I drench everyone who's under the sound of my voice in the blood of Jesus. Their careers, Lord, their businesses, their finances, their children, their families. I drench everything, Lord, that concerns your children under the blood of Jesus. I speak fortification. Your word says the name of the Lord is the strong tower. The righteous run to it and they are safe my God, we are safe.

Symbolism of Safety and Fortification

In the name of Jesus, we are fortified in. In the name of Jesus. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Every tongue that rises against us in judgment, we condemn. We silence altars that are speaking against us. Arrest every demonic spirit. Oh, God, that have been assigned against us. In the name of Jesus. We are ready to hear from you tonight, O God, in the name of Jesus. Our hearts are expectant, O Lord, in the name of Jesus. Here's your daughter, Father. As she's about to speak your heart to us, my God, I immerse her in the blood of Jesus.

Preparing for the Word and Protection

I immerse everything that concerns her in the blood of Jesus. I decree, Lord, for you saying your word, I shall decree at the name shall be established. I decree that there shall be no retaliation upon her life, upon her career and anything that concerns her. Because of the word that she's about to deliver tonight. In Jesus almighty name, I close every portal that the enemy may want to use to infiltrate the space. In the name of Jesus. May your fire burn among us, O God, so that no evil powers may dwell in our midst. In the name of Jesus, welcome your divine presence.

Invocation of Divine Presence

Because your word tells us that when two or more are gathered in your name, you are right there among them. We love you so much, O God. We love to be with you. We love to be in your presence. We appreciate you, Abba. Father, we love you so much. Fill our hearts with your word. Deliver us through your word. Heal us with your word. In the name of Jesus. Soften our hearts, Lord. Let our hearts be receptive of your word. In Jesus almighty name, amen and amen to those who've just joined us be greeted.

Transitioning to the Speaker

In the name of Jesus Christ. I'm not going to waste any time. I'm going to hand the reins over to Sister Becca. Mummy. We are closing our fast today. We are thanking the Lord, but we are also still silencing the altars. So over to you. You just speak the heart of God with us and stop wherever God says you must stop.

Sister Becca's Introduction

Hallelujah. Thank you for having me again. I think it's very important everybody can hear me. If you can hear me clearly, please put an emoji or say something in a comment. It's a very significant hour and some persons are writing in the comments that they couldn't hear. So it's very important we can hear and so that we can receive from God tonight. Amen. I come in the name of God, the Father, son, and the Holy Ghost. Lord, I ask that you take the stage and have your way.

Acknowledging God's Authority

I'm only a verse soon and nothing more. When you are done, Father, please take all the glory. Please take all the glory when you are done. In the lives of your people. When you are done to deliver that which you have sent me to give. Please take the glory. I take authority over territorial powers. I take authority over principalities and powers. I take authority over spirits, demonic agents on Twitter, the network, everywhere take authority.

Claiming Authority Over Demonic Powers

He said, wherever the soul of a fish tread upon, that place is given unto us. I decree in the name of Jesus and every power bow to your name tonight. And as we start, we drench every atmosphere, we drench everyone with the blood of Jesus and we decree. We come against every destruction. We come against every power of darkness, every counter attack, every limitation, every destruction, every evil occurrence, evil emergency. We come against them and we silence every altar chanting evil against everyone that is here.

Asking for Divine Guidance

In the name of Jesus Christ. And we ask that you will speak to us. We ask that you will speak to us. We ask that you will speak to us in the name of Jesus Christ, in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you, mama Onati, for this opportunity to share the word with you all tonight. I do not take this for granted. Thank you. I honor you. I celebrate you. I love you so much. And thank you, everyone that has joined the prayer and fasting.

Encouragement and Acknowledgment

All this while, you have been tiring. You have been waiting. You have been seeking the face of the Lord. I want to say something to you. It is settled. It is settled. Whatever it is you have been waiting on the Lord for, it is settled. That is what I hear in my spirit. It is settled. It is settled in the name of Jesus Christ. So tonight, we're not going to do too much talk. I'm a woman of actions, more of actions than talk. I. I love to pray. Amen.

Calling to Action and Prayer

So we are going to pray. We're going to pray like we have not preached. We're going to pray so much tonight. And I'm briefly going to tell us, stir us up and give us some, a bit of charge. Then we go into prayers quickly. In the Bible, there were specific people who erected altars for God. I'm just going to give us a few examples of those who erected altars for God. The first person is Abraham.

The Significance of Altars

Abraham erected an altar for God. And what is an altar. Let's even start with that. What is an altar? An altar is a memorial place you meet with God, is a place you communicate with Goddess. An altar is a sacred place, is a special place, is a place of communion. It's a holy place, it's a secret place. It's not just anyhow place. It's a special place. You have, you have kept, you have built, you have, you know, consecrated.

Building an Altar for God

You have, you have erected for God. That is a place you want to meet with Abba. So it means it's your secret place, where you meet with God. Now, if you look at Genesis chapter twelve, verse seven, you will see where Abraham erected an altar for God. He erected an altar for God. If you look at Genesis 26 25, you will see where Isaac erected an altar for God.

Examples of Altars in the Bible

He built an altar for God. If you look at the book of Genesis 33 20, you will see where. Jacob built an altar for God. If you look at 35, Genesis 35. From verse one to three, you will. See where he also, Jacob also builds. An altar for God. This man knew the importance of meeting with God. And an altar is where you talk to God about everything, where you commune with God.

Understanding the Spiritual Warfare

That is where you have a secret meeting with God. I want us to know that as much as we are concerned about the spiritual altar we built for God, we need to know that the enemy also have an altar he has built to counter whatever we're doing. The reason why people go through some things and battles and it looks like there is no breakthrough is because there is an altar that is alive. There is an altar that is fueled.

Altar's Influence on Our Lives

Every demonic thing that happens, every covenant that happens from an altar. Sometimes you may hear people say, altars versus altars. That is because covenants causes evil. Evil, evil occurrences, manipulations, demonic attacks. You know, you know, bad luck. Everything evil starts from an altar. And there is somebody who has erected that altar to walk against the child of God.

Questioning Our Spiritual Fortifications

An altar does not erect itself. It's a man that erects an altar is a spirit demon that erects an altar. So you need to know that as a child of God, your altar is very important because that is where you counter anything the enemy is doing from his own altar. Now the question is, do you have an altar? Do you have an altar? Somebody may say, oh, my home is filled.

Finding Space for Our Altars

There is no space in my house. I don't have a place I can erect an altar. It doesn't matter. Even if it's by the bedside, even if it's just by the bedside. You just make sure that is the place, that point you come to meet with God. As always, it's okay to say I've erected an altar in my heart. But there are times you are distracted in your heart. Something is going through your heart and you're not ready to pray.

Importance of a Designated Space

But if you erect an altar for God and you know at 03:00 p.m. I'm meeting with God, you will keep that altar. You will keep that timing. Because you know there is a spirit, a supernatural being waiting for you to have a communication with you. Altars were important to our fathers, people like Abraham. Altars were important to them because that was where they met with God.

A Call for Consistency in Prayer

And if you notice, if you read the Bible very well, all those verses are giving you. You can find time to go through them. All those chapters of the Bible. You would see. See that they had a communication with God and they erected an altar there. Because that is a point to know that I had something to do with God at this point. This is where I meet with God to talk to him about whatever it is I'm going through.

Establishing Personal Connection with God

This is where I come to God to talk to him about hearing an instruction from him. An altar is a secret place. You meet with God for communication, communion, and fellowship. It is not anyhow place that 1 hour you consecrate in praying. Where do you do the prayers? That's an altar. Can you erect it from today? Can you make that special place, a place where you would meet with God from today and from there he would counter anything that is coming from any altar.

Consecration of Personal Altars

Sometimes we don't need to wait to beautify a space before it becomes an altar. As long as you have consecrated to meeting with God at that particular place. It's an altar. There's a symbol of the presence of God there. You must ensure that place is a consecrated place. You have made it your secret place. Sometimes we are so focused on the ceremony and not look at the significance of what it is to God.

The Power of Intentional Spaces

You don't have to wait until you beautify a whole space to call it an altar. That bedside of yours is enough to counter any demon that is disturbing any demon that is come daddy. That is giving you any issues of life, that is.

The Importance of Faith and Connection

That is poisoning your life, that is causing you battles of life. That place, that spare those little pace you have is enough to erect unto God. His presence is there. The presence of God is there. He is there. As long as you believe is there. He's there. He's there. You see the space you have on Twitter. Now, you see those places that Nati has. This space she has on Twitter is an altar. Every time you connect with her, you are connecting to an altar. Because an altar has been erected on Twitter to counter any demon that is available in the atmosphere, that is available territorially, that is available anywhere, anytime. This is an altar, although an online altar, but it's an altar because you meet with God at every specific time for specific reasons, for specific things.

Understanding Altars and Their Power

Right now we are here to pray. This is an altar. What altar have you erected? What covenants are working against you? You can only counter them from the altar. The devil is very serious, the occultic. They don't joke with their altars. Every manipulation you see in the life of anyone that is demonic, it started from an altar. An altar that has been erected. So you must know that you must also erect your own altar to counter altars that the enemy has erected to work against your life. Jeremiah Obedia, Obadiah one, verse 17 says, but upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness, and the house of Jacob shall possess the possessions.

The Role of Deliverance

Now, deliverance cannot happen if you don't know the value of your altar. But I see somebody being delivered from this altar tonight in the name of Jesus. Now I don't know what altar that has worked against your life before now, but because you are connected to this altar tonight, the altar of God will counter that altar and it will grant you deliverance tonight in the name of Jesus. The power of God that is on. This altar we set you free from every bondage, every demonic covenant, every occultic. Altar, every demonic agent, every principalities and powers, every witchcraft altar. The power of God on this altar will destroy them all.

Claiming Victory Through Faith and Prayer

And you shall be set free. And be free indeed. And you shall possess your possessions in. The name of Jesus. It's your night. It's your night. You have not fasted in vain that seven days you have consecrated to God. You have erected an altar. You have, you have. You have been. You have been drenched in the spirit. Make sure you prevail tonight. He said, upon Mount Zion, there shall be deliverance and there shall be holiness. Now you that you have taken time to fast and pray, you have, you have. You have sacrificed yourself to enjoy the righteousness of God throughout this period. And it means that your spirit is ready and willing for deliverance.

Active Participation in Spiritual Warfare

All you need to do is to take it by force. The violent. Take it by force. All you need to do is to focus on winning by knowing that there's an altar that is greater than the altar that is disturbing you. There's an altar that's greater than the altar of delay. There's an altar greater than the altar of stagnation. There's an altar that's greater than the. Altar of marital embargo. There is an altar that's greater than. An altar of sickness, of diseases. There's an altar that's greater than an altar of joblessness. There's an altar that's an altar of marital delay, of singleness, of sickness, of pain, of sorrow, of depression.

Partnership with the Divine

There is a greater altar. And that altar is the altar of the most high God. If only you believe, if only you believe is a partnership thing. The altars, they were erected. When Abraham erected the altar. He had partnered with God to meet with God. Tonight you have come to this altar to meet with God. Make sure you know that because you are partnering with God, you will win. Focus on your winning tonight. I don't know how far the enemy has dragged you on the ground. I don't know how far they have made you. They have made a mockery of you.

Perseverance and God's Recognition

I don't know how far you have been delayed. I don't know how far you have. To wait for basic things to happen in your life. But I want you to focus tonight that only the violent can win. It doesn't matter. The covenant, the principalities have entered on your behalf. It doesn't matter. The covenant, your parents, your grandparents, your ancestral lineage has entered on your behalf. There's an altar to set you free tonight. There's an altar. There's an altar. And that altar is the altar of the most high God is the altar that will set you free tonight.

Breaking Generational Curses

Jeremiah, chapter 31, verse 29 to 30. The Bible said, in those days, they shall say no more. The fathers have eaten a sour grape. And the children's teeth are set on the edge. But everyone shall die for his own iniquity. Every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on the edge. Now I pray for you. Every demonic altar that has been erected without your knowledge. That has been erected to function and. And destroy your life. That has been a manipulating system. The enemy is using to engineer evil, to engineer destruction, to engineer luck, to engineer delay, to engineer stagnation into your life.

Decreeing God's Authority

I decree. In the name of Jesus that has erected that altar. They die tonight. In the name of Jesus. They die tonight. In the name of Jesus. They die tonight. In the name of Jesus. He said. But everyone shall die for his own iniquity. Now, everyone that has erected any demonic altar that from your family background that is working against you and your family members, they shall die in their own iniquity. You are separated tonight. You are delivered tonight. You are sentence free tonight. Because you have connected to this altar. Your life will no longer remain the same.

Recognizing God's Presence

You have waited. The Lord has seen your heart. He has seen your heart. He has seen your hunger. He has seen how. How. How consistent you have been. He has seen how willing you have been. He is ready to set you free. I believe someone is ready to pray tonight. You are ready to pray tonight. Just go ahead and thank the Lord. Begin to appreciate him for tonight. Say, father, tonight I thank you because I am on this altar. I thank you because I am going to win tonight. Thank you for all that you have been to me.

Preparation for Prayer

Thank you for the strength. Thank you for the liberty. Thank you for all that you have done. Done is. Go ahead and begin to pray. Begin to pray. Begin to pray. Begin to pray. We have just five minutes for every prayer point and I think we have about ten prayer points. Tonight you are going to pray fervently like never before. In the name of Jesus. You are going to appreciate God for. Bringing you to this altar, connecting you to this altar. Tonight you are going to pray and thank the Lord for all that he's about to do for you.

Engaging in Prayer Points

Hey, go ahead and pray. Go ahead and appreciate God. Malizaka Rebrandaria Rezo, Korea Basaya namondazia kapora mazale rezukara Brando Zaria zo Korea Ramazo, Korea bazayan de brendandasia go ahead and appreciate God. Go ahead and appreciate God. Go ahead and appreciate God. Go ahead and appreciate God. Go ahead and appreciate God for your deliverance is now go ahead and appreciate God. Go ahead and appreciate God in Jesus mighty name. Our first prayer point for tonight is, Father, I receive deliverance from every foundational covenant working against my life and destiny through bloodline ancestral altars in my father's house.

Seeking Deliverance and Breaking Covenants

In the name of Jesus, go ahead and pray that prayer. Father, I receive deliverance from every foundational covenant working against my life and destiny. Through bloodline ancestral altars in my father's house. Go ahead and pray that prayer. I receive deliverance against every foundational covenant. Every working against my life and destiny through bloodline ancestral altars from my father's house, from my mother's house. Go ahead and make that declaration. Go ahead and pray. Mazeli, brachosayada, brachatandelia.

Continued Prayer for Freedom

I receive deliverance from every foundational and convent, every demonic covenant working against our destiny every demonic covenant working against our lives destiny through blood lion ancestral altars begin to destroy them tonight begin to set yourself free begin to set yourself loose begin to set yourself free from those demonic covenant begin to set yourself free somebody is praying tonight somebody is focused on winning tonight somebody is praying tonight somebody is focused on his deliverance tonight deliver your Kate Zaria Lord, break every covenant working against my life, working against my destiny working against my ministry working against our families working against our careers every demonic covenant la via Kapora Mariah.

Breaking Curses and Chains

In Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name we go to the prayer number two now you say I break and destroy all causes, altars, powers, chains, yokes, blood and beds transfers working against my life and destiny I break and destroy all causes, all altars, all powers, all chains, all yokes, blood and bed transfers working against my life and destiny go ahead and destroy them I destroy all the altars I destroy all the powers, all the chains, all the yokes all the blood and birth transfers working against our destiny Lord, we destroy them tonight.

Unleashing Power Against Oppression

We destroy them tonight. We destroy them tonight. We destroy them tonight. We destroy them tonight. We destroy them tonight. Somebody's praying Elias olia kapora merazo kotaria zahida someone is praying tonight. Break every courses, break every altars, break every powers, break all the chains, break all the yokes, break all the bloodline and bed transfers in the name of Jesus working against your life and destiny, break them tonight. Break them tonight. Break them tonight. Break them tonight. Break in the name of Jesus. Break in the name of Jesus.

Creating New Paths

You, demonic covenants, your demonic curses, you demonic altars you chase, holding us back, you yokes, you blood and bed line, Elias. Break in the name of Jesus. Break in the name of Jesus. Break in the name of Jesus. In Jesus mighty name. We'll go to the prayer number three every demonic pattern from my foundation working against me, break in the name of Jesus, that is a prayer. Every demonic pattern from my foundation working against me break.

Rejecting Negative Patterns

Go ahead and begin to break them. Every demonic pattern from our foundation working against us in the name of Jesus. We decree you break. We decree you break. We decree you break demonic patterns. Every demonic patterns every demonic patterns sickness can be a pattern. Joblessness can be a pattern. Delay can be a pattern. Retrogression, stagnation, can be a pattern. Luck can be a pattern. Scarcity can be a pattern near miracle syndrome can be a pattern go ahead and destroy that pattern.

Deliverance from Inherited Struggles

Every demonic pattern working against you oh from your foundation, break them. Every demonic pattern break them tonight break them tonight break them tonight in. The name of Jesus in Jesus mighty name every we're going to prayer number four quickly. Every inherited pain, disappointment, delays, limitations, causes, errors, setback, near miracle syndrome, and infirmities working against my life break and scatter by fire go ahead and pray that prayer, lord. Every inherited pain, every inherited disappointment, every delay, every limitation, every causes, every error, every setback, every near miracle syndrome.

Prayers for Breakthrough

Every infirmity working against our life break and scatter by fire go ahead and scatter them go ahead and break them go ahead and power them with a fire of God go ahead and destroy them with the fire of God ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba in the name of. Jesus in Jesus mighty name we go to prayer number five right now, you say powers and altars working against my. Life and destiny from my paternal maternal lineage, break and scatter in the name of Jesus powers and altars working against my life and destiny from my paternal maternal lineage, break and scatter in the name of Jesus is somebody praying?

Removing Obstacles

Go ahead and break the powers go ahead and break the altars working against your life from your father's house, from your mother's house, break and destroy them. From every of your lineage, break and destroy them break and scatter them break and scatter them break and scatter them in the name of Jesus in. Jesus mighty name, prayer number six, you say? Every power and chain holding me back I need someone to pray that prayer seriously. Every power and chain holding me back.

Prayer for Liberation

Be the destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus, pray that prayer. Every power and chain holding me back every power and chain holding me back there are some powers that holding you back from assessing your next level there are some powers holding you back from collecting your congratulations there are powers holding you back from entering into your victory. Come on, break and scatter them. Break and destroy them. Come on, destroy them. Every power holding me back every chain holding me back be destroyed.

Confident Declaration and Victory

In the mighty name of Jesus be destroyed. In the mighty name of Jesus be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus. The Bible said papa, there shall be deliverance upon Mount Zion. There shall be deliverance. Elah zo korea every power and every chain holding me back be destroyed be destroyed in the name of Jesus, be destroyed. Every power, every chain holding us back. In the name of Jesus, be destroyed.

Final Prayers

Somebody's praying. Someone is praying. Someone is praying to. In Jesus mighty name. In Jesus mighty name we're praying. Prayer number seven.

Breaking Down Satan's Evidence

You say I destroy every evil evidence Satan has against me because of my past mistakes or errors. See, there are some evidence Satan might have against you that he uses to fight you. Anytime you need to assess your breakthrough, it could be a sin of the past. It could be a mistake of the past. It could be anything. And once the devil has an evidence against you, it becomes a problem to break through. You are going to destroy every evidence the enemy has about you. Well, I don't know what evidence the enemy is holding back. I don't know what evidence they have kept in their safe to counter your blessings. Anytime God wants to bless you, come and begin to destroy it. I destroy every evil evidence Satan has against me. In the name of Jesus. Every evidence the enemy has against us. Mistakes of the past.

The Power of Prayer

Every evidence. Every mistake of the past. Every error in the name of Jesus. Let it be destroyed. Go ahead and destroy them. Go ahead and destroy every evidence the enemy had against you. I've heard a lot of people say. Oh Lord, I fasted, Allah. I have prayed, allah have succeeded. Nothing is happening. What if there's an evidence against you what if there's an evidence against you that the enemies need to counter and contend with your prayers. As any means you need to counter and contend with your breakthrough. Come on, destroy those evidence. Destroy those evidence. Destroy those evidence. That is an altar. That is a demonic altar. That is a demonic altar housing the evidence that is working against you. Come on, destroy the evidence. Destroy the evidence.

Deliverance from Altars

In the name of Jesus in Jesus mighty name we go to prayer number eight. You say, deliverance power of God, set me free. Deliverance power of God, set me free. Somebody is praying that prayer fervently. I don't know what area of your life you need. The deliverance of God. You're going to pray that prayer like never before, Lord. Deliverance power of God, set me free deliverance power of God sets me free deliverance power of God, set me free in the name of Jesus, pray that prayer. Deliverance power of goddess, set us free tonight, Lord, set us free tonight Lord, set us free tonight from the shackles of the enemy oh Zali Kaposha. Set us free tonight. Set us free tonight. Set us free tonight. Set us free tonight. Set us free tonight in the name of Jesus, set us free tonight in the name of Jesus in Jesus mighty name we prayer number nine.

Breaking Ancestral Sacrifices

You say father, destroy every sacrifice done to any demonic altar by my ancestors, grandparents, parents that is working against me. I don't know what sacrifice they have done that is working against your life. That sacrifice was done on an altar and that altar is countering you, is stopping, is limiting you from moving forward. So you have to pray this prayer. If you know there is something that is not working in your life you need to pray this prayer and set your feet free tonight. In the name of Jesus. Lord, you say father, destroy every sacrifice done to any demonic altar by my ancestors, by my grandparents, by my parents that is working against my life. In the name of Jesus. Go ahead and pray that prayer, Lord. Destroy every sacrifice done to any demonic altar by my ancestors, by our grandparents.

Collective Destruction of Enemies

By our parent that is working against our life. Go ahead and pray that prayer. We destroy them. We destroy them. We destroy them. We destroy them. We destroy them. We destroy them. In the name of Jesus. We destroy them. In the name of Jesus. We destroy them in the name of Jesus. We destroy them. Every power, every sacrifice done on our. Behalf in the name of Jesus. To any demonic altar by our ancestors, by our grandparents, by our parents that is working against us. In the name of Jesus. We destroy them. We destroy them. We destroy them. We destroy them. In the mighty name of Jesus. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. We go to the last prayer. This is the prayer that will usher us into deliverance.

Entering into Deliverance

And when I start deliverance, you have. To be very sensitive in the spirit. After the last prayer I'm going to shift gear. All you need to do is concentrate and catch your own. The power of God is all over the place. Angels are everywhere. They are with gifts, they are with blessings, they are with answers. Whatever you have come to this altar for tonight, believe that you shall receive. He said the violent take it by force. I need somebody who is father into the spirit to position themselves to receive from God tonight. To receive. Make sure you don't leave this altar without collecting anything. Oh, make sure we don't leave this altar without collecting something. I beg your pardon? Make sure you don't leave this altar without collecting something.

Claiming Your Breakthrough

Make sure you collect something before you leave this altar tonight. The power of God is all over the place. I see a lot of deliverance happening already. These power prayers you have prayed, they are very strong foundational prayers. They are very strong on an altar and convenient prayers that will shift you to a level you have never been before. I want you to pray this last prayer with all your heart. You say father I pull down all altars and strongholds fighting my life and destiny. In the name of Jesus Father. I pull down all altars, strongholds fighting my life and destiny see, we are at the war. We are the front. We are the front of war. Now make sure you pull down these altars. I don't know what altar is challenging your life.

Victory Over Strongholds

I don't know what altar is challenging your destiny. I don't know what altar is fighting you. You are in the. You are. You are. You are. You are in the war. You are in the war. In battle, make sure you win the. Enemy as many that raise up their ugly head. Make sure you bring them down. In the name of Jesus. Go ahead and pull the altars, Father. I pull down altars, the altars stronghold fighting my life and destiny. I pull them down tonight. I pull them down tonight. I pull them down tonight. And I set myself free from the. Circles of the enemy. I pull down every altar, every organ and covenant have been made on my behalf in the name of Jesus. Pull them down. Pull them down.

Destruction of Limiting Altars

Destroy the covenant. Pull the altars. The altar of the letter has been limiting your life. The altar of job blessings that have been limiting your life. That altar of delay that altar of stagnation. The altar of bad dream that altar of spirit spouse that has been limiting your life. From assessing the blessings of God. Pull them down tonight. Pull them down tonight. Pull down the stronghold. Destroy the stronghold. Mazia Katora. Use your wall. Use your battle ass. Use your battle ass. Use your battle ass. Bring down the altars. Enter into their covenous. Bring down the altars. Enter into their territories. Bring down the altars. Make sure you win tonight. Because the vowel I taken it by force.

Declaring Victory over the Enemy

Come on. Win tonight. The devil is in trouble tonight. Zelia Kota. Somebody praying. Somebody's praying. Somebody is preventing somebody is preventing a zukapa in a masota. Eliza. Marie. Do so. Korea. Your heaven must be open tonight. Your heaven must be open tonight. Pull down the altars. Pull down the limitations. Pull down the altars. Pull down the altars. Break the covenant. Break the yoke. Break the yoke. Break the yoke. Remember, you are in partnership with the Holy Spirit to do the work tonight. Make sure you associate yourself. Make sure you are doing something. Make sure you are doing something. Don't keep quiet when your destiny is being decided.

Seizing the Moment

Come on. Tonight is the night. Say take no for answer. Make sure you win. Make sure you prevail. Jacob said, unless you bless me, I will not let you go. Come on. It's the night is the night you have been waiting for, Eliza. Remember? I see many of you shifting into levels. I see many of you shifting into realms. I see many of you shifting into your next level. I see many of you shifting. I see you shifting. Your prayer life is shifting. Your work study is shifting. Your career is shifting. Your ministry is shifting. Something about you is changing. There is a sudden happening in your life right now.

Embracing New Beginnings

The mistake they made was to allow you enter this altar tonight. But because they could not stop you must prevail. Because they could not limit you must prevail. Raso Korea somebody's praying tonight somebody's praying tonight somebody is praying tonight that you have done it before. It doesn't matter. You can do it again and get your liberty. Come on. Somebody's praying tonight somebody is praying tonight as long as you are ready, God is ready. As long as you are ready, Jesus is ready. Come on, pray. Pray yourself through. Pray yourself through. Pray yourself through. Pray yourself through. Aria zo Korea masayadaba zelam and that pain in the stomach, that pain ceases now.

Healing Through Faith

That pain ceases now. That power manipulating the pain I cause you out now. Come out of that body, you, demonic spouse. In the life of that brother, in the life of that sister, I cause. You to run out. Run out, run out, run out in the name of Jesus. Yes, that's the power of God there. That's the power of God there. That's the power of God there is changing.

A Change is Happening

Your garment is changing. Your situation is turning things around. It's wiping away your tears. He's taking you out of that darkness into his marvelous life. He's bringing you out of that chain. He's bringing you out of the prison. He's bringing you out of the peace. Lazu Karia, mazuta every demonic covenant that has been limiting your life, the Lord has broken it. He's bringing you out into his marvelous life tonight. La zo Korea area destination I curse you out. Come out of that body. Come out of that body. Come out of that body, you demon of assignation. Come out in the name of Jesus.

Declaring Healing

Come out in the name of Jesus I declare and I decree that little child that is on thy manipulation of sickness by the power of God and anointing of the most high God upon me, I decree healing upon that body now. I decree healing upon that body now. I decree healing on the mind of that child now. I decree healing on. Healing power of God upon that child even though I can see the child sleeping. The power of God touches that child now. The child wake up with a sound mind, wakes up with good health, wakes up energized. In the name of Jesus, Satan, you have no right over that body. In the name of Jesus. That body is the temple of the holy ghost. And I decree healing now.

Strengthening Faith

Healing now. Healing now in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus I pray healing upon that wasteland that demonic waist pain that comes in seasons I will not let you stand erect the power of God has touched you right now begin to stretch like never before. Yes, that's the power. Healing power of God there. That's the healing power of God there. That's the healing power of God there. That someone. You have been using glasses for too long. Even the glasses doesn't help sometimes because you always have migraine. There is always pressure. The Lord said I should tell you has healed your eyes.

Gifts from Angels

Take off the glasses and see clearly. Take off the glasses. You begin to see things you could not see before. Yes, that healing power of God is there. The angels are distributing gifts in this house tonight. Angels of God are distributing gifts in the house tonight. I don't know what gift you are expecting, but there is distribution of gifts tonight. There's distribution of gifts tonight. And I see a full bowl of congratulation. I see a full bowl of congratulation. I don't know who that is for. But I see a full ball of congratulations. I don't know how many people that our congratulation is for.

Prayer and Confession

I see a full ball of congratulations. I see a full ball of congratulations. I see a full ball of congratulations in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Father, I thank you for those ones. Thank you for that which you have done tonight. I honor you and I magnify you. Thank you for honoring your word in this house. Thank you for our lives are no longer the same. May your name be praised forever.

Calling for Redemption

In the name of Jesus. I don't know you. You know yourself. If your relationship has not been right with God before. Now I just need you quickly to say these prayers with me. I can tell you for a fact. That without Jesus we have no life. We can do all the exercise. But as long as our heart is. Not with God, we have absolutely done nothing. I want you to pray this prayer with a sincerity of your heart. Jesus loves you deeply. Jesus loves you so much and he doesn't want you to perish. Please say this simple prayer with me and reconnect yourself back to the grace.

Restoration and Renewal

It doesn't matter how long you have been far away from him, but as long as you believe that he can. Be Lord and he can help you and save you. The journey starts now. Don't limit yourself on what God wants. To do with you from today. And if there's anyone here who is struggling with their relationship with goddesse, struggling. Per se, meaning that you are born. Again, but you've been struggling. You know, character problems are limiting you. From living a righteous life. I want you to also say this prayer to rededicate your life.

Commencing with Prayer

Mean it with the whole of your heart and you will be and you will see the Lord do miracles in your life. Say this prayer with me. Say, Lord Jesus, I come to you today. I invite you to come into my. Life and be my lord and savior. I surrender my life to you and. I ask for your forgiveness of my sins. Help me to live for you from today forward. In Jesus mighty name. Congratulations. If you have just said that prayer, I want you to know that Jesus loves you so much, you are already one of his.

Embracing Community

From today. If you don't have any Bible believing church, please look for one around you and serve the Lord there. You'll be discipled, you'll be helped, you'll be trained and you would understand what it means to have a concrete and genuine relationship with God. I see the Lord helping you from tonight. In the name of Jesus, I leave you with this. As you leave here tonight. As you leave this altar tonight, the next news we will hear about you will be your testimony in the name of Jesus numerous testimonies.

Anticipating Testimonies

As you leave this altar tonight, there is someone. The next news you will get, first news you will get tomorrow is that of a congratulation. In the name of Jesus, it is done. All that you have prayed about, all that you have waited God for has been released. Even as you go to sleep, you would have fresh encounters with God and. You will see it as a sign. To know that, yes, it is done. May the Lord bless you. May he keep you.

Divine Peace

May he cause his face to shine upon you and may he continue to give you peace. In Jesus mighty name, thank you for having me tonight. I love you all. I celebrate you and I am humbled. God bless you. Oh Jesus. It says connection lost. Can you beloved hear me okay? You can hear me. Thank you so much for that prophetess, Becca. Thank you so much woman of God, for that amazing outpour. May the Lord bless you. May the Lord fill your bonds.

Final Blessings

May you never lack. In the name of Jesus. Thank you for standing in the gap for the children of God. Sister Sharma, I also saw you among the people who are here. Thank you so much for standing in the gap for the children of God on Friday. May you never lack anything good. May the Lord fill your bonds and anyone who's attached to you too, women of God, may they receive the overflow of God that is in your life.

The Power of Prayer

And as the Lord is blessing you, may he bless also the people who are in your lives. In the name of Jesus, men and women of God, you have decided to take seven days and just seek the face of God. This was not in vain. May the Lord answer your prayers. May the Lord open doors for you. May the Lord heal your deepest wounds. May the Lord deliver you where you need deliverance. In the name of Jesus.

Faith in Action

I know that we've been fasting a lot and we've been praying a lot and most of you have not received the answers that you want from the Lord. But I need you guys to understand that the Lord is faithful. It doesn't matter what it is that you see right now with your naked eyes, but the Lord is faithful. And the Lord is surely working out something for you behind the curtains. The Lord is working it out for you and it shall surely come to pass.

Continuing in Prayer

You don't stop praying because we have now stopped fasting. Because after tonight, then we are declaring our fast officially over. But you continue to pray. You will remember that when Daniel started to fast and pray, the Bible says he was answered on the first day of his prayer. But then, as he continued, the Lord sent him help because his prayers were withheld or the answers were withheld in. The spirit realm by territorial powers.

Endurance and Faith

So I don't know what may be holding your answers back, but please continue to pray. Until that which you are praying for manifests in the natural, it will surely manifest in the natural. It will. If there's one thing that I need from you guys, is faith. Faith is our currency in the realm of the spirit. Let us just pronounce grace and close. Father, you're a magnificent God.

A Grateful Heart

You're beautiful and you are kind. You're amazing. We thank you so much for this gathering. O God, my father, these are your children. Lord. Every evil voice that is speaking against them. Silence those voices. In the name of Jesus. Every demonic altar, Lord, that has been erected against their livelihoods. Demolish those altars, O God. In the name of Jesus, Father.

Divine Protection

May everyone who's under the sound of my voice be everything that you've assigned them to be. The word says, before the foundations of the earth were laid, you had predestined us, Father. The word says. You know the plans that you have for us. That will give us a future and a hope. Lord. May everyone who decided to seek your face in prayer, God.

God's Faithfulness

May they be remembered by you. Fight their battles, my father. Send them angels. Send them help. Send human beings to them, Lord. Who are going to elevate them. In the name of Jesus, Father. Maybe others have been stagnated for decades. You are God. Time belongs to you. Restore time. Restore time.

Restoration and Renewal

Messiah. Aka seeka Rukalamosintele Kosaya. Restore time. The opportunities that have been stolen by the enemies. Restore them. My God. I. Your maid servant has prayed. My father. Rakontala kusia imu hakarama kosaya. I still every prayer that she has made tonight. By the blood of Jesus, no powers will contend against her prayers, Lord.

Seeking Blessings

In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, fortify all our houses, God. In the name of Jesus, give us peaceful sleep. Give us divine dreams. In Jesus Almighty name, we thank you for the portals that you have opened for our blessings. In Jesus Almighty name, may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and abide with us all now and forevermore.

Closing Blessings

And we declare that surely goodness and mercy, signs and wonders, they shall follow us all the days of our lives. And we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Amen. Thank you so much, saints. I love you all. May the Lord bless you. Sister Becca. Thank you, mommy.

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