Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Powered by Parallelization hosted by BitgetWallet. Powered by Parallelization, Bitget Wallet offers extensive support for over 100 public chains like TON and SOLANA, enriching Web3 trading and earning experiences. With a focus on DeFi transactions and blockchain interoperability, Bitget Wallet ensures efficient and user-friendly interactions within its ecosystem. The utilization of parallelization enhances transaction processing speed, empowering users to navigate diverse blockchain networks seamlessly.

For more spaces, visit the Wallet page.


Q: Which public chains does Bitget Wallet support?
A: Bitget Wallet supports over 100 public chains, including TON and SOLANA.

Q: How does Bitget Wallet enhance Web3 trading experiences?
A: By providing superior support for DeFi transactions, Bitget Wallet enriches Web3 trading and earning activities.

Q: What is the significance of parallelization in transaction processing?
A: Parallelization improves transaction speed and efficiency for seamless user experiences within Bitget Wallet.

Q: Does Bitget Wallet support decentralized exchanges (DEX)?
A: Yes, Bitget Wallet integrates support for DEX within its platform.

Q: How does Bitget Wallet promote blockchain interoperability?
A: Through enabling cross-chain transactions, Bitget Wallet enhances blockchain interoperability for users.

Q: What role does compatibility with Web3 play in blockchain interactions?
A: Web3 compatibility is crucial for seamless interactions across diverse blockchain networks using Bitget Wallet.

Q: How user-friendly is Bitget Wallet for trading and earning activities?
A: Bitget Wallet offers a user-friendly interface to support convenient trading and earning experiences.

Q: Why is support for a wide array of public chains important for users?
A: Having support for various public chains allows users to navigate diverse blockchain ecosystems with ease.

Q: How does Bitget Wallet empower users in the DeFi space?
A: Bitget Wallet empowers users by providing enhanced support for DeFi transactions within their platform.

Q: What advantages does parallelization bring to Bitget Wallet users?
A: Parallelization enhances transaction efficiency and speed, offering improved user experiences within Bitget Wallet.


Time: 00:10:45
Extensive Public Chain Support Bitget Wallet stands out by supporting over 100 public chains such as TON and SOLANA.

Time: 00:25:20
Enhanced Web3 Trading Experiences Bitget Wallet enriches users' Web3 trading and earning experiences through superior support.

Time: 00:37:50
Optimizing Transaction Efficiency The power of parallelization within Bitget Wallet optimizes transaction speed and efficiency.

Time: 00:45:12
Seamless DEX Integration Bitget Wallet seamlessly integrates support for decentralized exchanges (DEX) within its ecosystem.

Time: 00:55:30
Cross-Chain Transaction Capabilities Users benefit from Bitget Wallet's ability to facilitate cross-chain transactions, promoting blockchain interoperability.

Time: 01:05:18
User-Friendly Interface Bitget Wallet offers a user-friendly interface for easy navigation during trading and earning activities.

Time: 01:20:05
Empowering DeFi Transactions Users are empowered in the DeFi space through Bitget Wallet's enhanced support for decentralized finance transactions.

Time: 01:35:40
Efficiency Through Parallelization Parallelization mechanisms enhance transaction efficiency and speed, providing seamless user experiences.

Time: 01:45:55
Navigating Diverse Blockchain Networks Users leverage Bitget Wallet's capabilities to navigate the intricate landscape of blockchain networks.

Time: 02:00:10
Web3 Compatibility Benefits The Web3 compatibility of Bitget Wallet facilitates smooth interactions across various blockchain networks.

Key Takeaways

  • Bitget Wallet supports a wide array of public chains, including TON and SOLANA.
  • Enhanced Web3 trading and earning experiences are provided by Bitget Wallet.
  • Superior support for decentralized finance (DeFi) transactions through Bitget Wallet.
  • Exploring the power of parallelization in enabling seamless and efficient transactions.
  • Bitget Wallet offers a user-friendly interface for convenient trading and earning activities.
  • The importance of Web3 compatibility for seamless interaction with various blockchains.
  • Parallelization enhances transaction speed and efficiency within Bitget Wallet.
  • Support for decentralized exchanges (DEX) within Bitget Wallet's ecosystem.
  • Bitget Wallet facilitates cross-chain transactions, improving overall blockchain interoperability.
  • Leveraging Bitget Wallet's capabilities to navigate the diverse landscape of blockchain networks.

Behind the Mic

Song by Taylor Swift

It, it. It. Now we're gonna play a song by Taylor Swift here. I really love the melodies in this song. I think that they're just absolutely brilliant. It's really good melody writing. Well, I'm serious. I love the melodies. Innocent it's good. Nice to meet you where you've been I can show you incredible magic madness heaven since are you there and I died oh my God look at that face look like next mistake loves the game wanna play it new money to the entire I could read you like a magazine any funny rumors lie and I know you heard about you so hey, let's be friends see how this one ends grab your passport in my hand I can make a bad guy good for a weekend so it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames you can tell me when it's over if the house works they'll tell you I'm insane cause you know I love the players and you love the game always been nasty star got along with the service they'll tell you I'm insane but I've got a blank space baby and I'll write your name cherry lips crystal skies I could show you incredible things stolen kisses, pretty lies you're the king baby I'm your king find out but you won't be that girl for a month wait, the worst is yet to come oh, no.

Screaming and Crying

Screaming, crying perfect storm I can make all the tables rose got it. My God if the high was worth the day got an oldest of x lovers they'll tell you I'm insane cause you know I love the players and you love the game but I've got a blank space faith when the night is come and the land is dark and the moon is the only light. We see. No, I won't be afraid no I won't be afraid just as long you stand by me sadly oh stand by me cause we younger and we'll take this way too far it'll leave you breathless always the nasty star got longest of ex service they'll tell you I'm insane but I've gotta learn space.

Introduction and Guest Welcome

Hello, hello and a warm welcome today's twitter spaces. My name is Jamie Elkali and I am your host here representing bitget wallet. And today I am joined by some fantastic guests. And we're having a good conversation and we're going to have questions at the very end of today's session. All around paralyzation. Now, today's session is going to run for 1 hour and I just want to say, before we do get stuck into today's session, be sure to drop a retweet and also, like today's spaces to help us share today's knowledge. Without any further ado, I would like to welcome all of my guests, and of course, we're going to start with Alvin. Warm welcome to you, Alvin. It's a pleasure to have you here. It's actually our first spaces here together. How are you doing? And maybe you could give an introduction to what your role is at Bitget wallet.

Alvin's Introduction

Hey, thanks, Jamie. Great to be here. So I'm the CEO at Biget wallet, usually based in Singapore. So if you're coming by token 2049, please drop by to say hi. I take care of everything that's growth related at Biggad wallet and it's been a good, I think, good half a year so far. Last month, we actually overtook metamask in terms of monthly downloads and apps. So that's fantastic. Yeah, it's been a fantastic few weeks and months for bitget wallet, and I'm sure we're going touch on it throughout today's spaces. Thank you so much for jumping on. Now, I'd like Lee Xu to introduce yourself, please.

Lee Xu's Introduction

A warm welcome to you today. Lee, of course, a familiar face here to bitget wallet. Welcome back. Yep. Thank you, Jamie, for this. I'm actually very honored to be on this panel today. Thank you very much. To Alvin and the steam for coordinating. So I represent say and say is a lay one blockchain that combines the advantages of Ethereum and Solana. So you can imagine that in layman terms, having EVM tooling on Solana speed, basically. So right now we have just went live with our update for V two about two months ago, and it makes it the first paralyzed EVM chain in the market. So we serve as the scaling approach for Ethereum ecosystem. And yeah, today I'm glad to be joined by, you know, Alvin, of course, with other ecosystem projects. And yeah, looking forward today's insightful panel.

Welcome and Introduction of Count Duckula

We are super happy to have you here in today's spaces. And a warm welcome to Yuli now. Next, but not least, we want to go to Count Duckula now, it's not very often you talk to a duck on a Twitter spaces. A warm welcome to you. Why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself and a little bit about your project GMGM. Thank you, Jamie. Thank you everyone from big get as well for giving us the opportunity to talk to your supporters and use this platform to really promote what we're doing at Duck Gang, we really appreciate it. So look, let's get straight into it. There's a lot to cover with Duck Gang, right? And I have to say, like, first and foremost, there's nothing like Duck Gang anywhere. Not on, say, not in crypto as a whole. And we've spent a long time making Duck gang a really fully inclusive platform for everyone to get involved in it, right. As founders from Duck Gang, we've been in crypto since 2017.

Duck Gang Overview

So quite some years now, we've experienced, let's be honest, the best and worst of crypto at that time. And we spent probably around a year in planning and strategizing exactly what we want to do with Duck gang. Like, what do we want to bring to people and make something different? But also, what's important for us is making it sustainable, which is really important these days. Make it fun and also, of course, make it bullish so people keep interested in what we're doing. And I think what we've built based on these things and what we liked in crypto, as I said earlier, we took out things we didn't and we're really highlighting, I think, what works and what excites users whilst ensuring what's key, as I said, sustainability. So, look, Duckgang covers a lot of different areas. I'll keep it very short because I know we get really bored in crypto very easily, myself included. But Duckgang is defi. It's gaming, it's staking, it's nfts.

Focus and Strategy of Duck Gang

And to be honest, a little bit of meme thrown in there for the lols as well, which is important. But I would say our main focus is on defi in our gaming platform. So we've taken a different approach. As I said earlier, we've combined a lot of key factors that work in gaming and web three into our offering. And that's, I think people have been around for a while, realize what's essential to keep people entertained and keep them going, whether it's gaming, whether it's defined. So we are releasing in Duck game, we release a multitude or multiple casual games. We're not really focusing one ip. That's one thing we've always been allergic to because as we've seen with gaming companies, a lot of them, not all of them, but a lot of them, release one game, invest everything into that. And if it dies.

Duck Game and User Engagement

And so what we want to do is release a lot of casual gaming because we see that as a bridge for web two users coming into web three and releasing a lot of different cool casual games that you may love some, you may not like some others, and that's fine. We'll have a multitude or a library of games that people can use. So as I said, we're currently working on multiple casual games. But also games increase stickiness and ensure that we provide something that suits everyone's needs. So as we said, duck game, it pays to play and that's exactly what we're doing. And what I can say about that, for example, is if you look at what we're doing at Duck game right now, a lot of games say, hey, invest in us, you know, invest your token and we'll release games after that.

Flagship Game and Player Engagement

We've already released our flagship game called Duckdash. I know a lot of people probably in this audience are already playing it. A lot of people playing it in general. It's a super addictive, I have to say, a super addictive game that's really blowing us away how many hours people are spending on this game per day. It's a casual game, so we expected a few minutes, but we're really looking to the hours of elements of people playing Duck dash. And what it is simply you stake say so it's your say, you keep it forever, but you stake it on our platform. And there's two things you can do. Firstly, it's a free airdrop, so you can get involved in a free airdrop.

Airdrop and Engagement Opportunities

I've dropped a quick video in the comments section of this spaces so people can have a little bit more look into that. And that's a free airdrop. So everyone can get involved just for a small amount of say or a large amount of say and get involved in our free duck gang airdrop. But on top of that, we're also running at this very moment a 15,000 say prize pool for the rest of the month for anyone who hits a thousand points on the game as well. So there's a lot of different things people can get involved in and with a bit of luck, you can win 15,000, say back to a little bit more about what that game is about. As I said before, we're embracing also web two users. I think it's essential with casual games.

Web Two and Web Three Integration

We think we can do that, but we're also building DeFi, and this is Defi, I think is more focused on web three users. But we also want to use the platform to get people in from web two and learn about Defi. So they eventually come into web three a little bit more and really get deep and involved in about it. So I think from our experience, Defi has been largely boring in the past. Swap wallets are a better apy and then kind of follow them up with other wallets and swap them around, et cetera. And what we're trying to do on Duck dang. In regards to defi now is gamify the whole aspect of a high, of a risk and a high reward model.

Gamification of DeFi

So the higher the risk, the higher the reward. The lower the risk, the lower the reward. But it's really up to really tapping into people's gaming aspect. So that's really essential for, I think, keeping people tuned into what Duck gang is doing in regards to other aspects. We're also releasing a limited edition duck gang PFP NFts. They have not been released yet on Duck Gang. Anyone who's interested is super early. It's still super early in Duck gang because we're just launching our airdrop now. Free airdrop. But these PFPs will have utility from day one. I know. Shocking. These NFTs actually have utility, but we want to build something really unique and like, as a founder, I want to.

Building a Unique Platform

And we want to build something that blows the, say, community and wider crypto community away. So it's super important for us to really appeal to a wide range of people and it's super important that we know we go big on this. And I think we have to appeal to a global audience, whether it's web two web three gamers, Defi stakers, meme Coin, whatever it may be, meme coin investors and general NFT enthusiasts, I think so. It sounds like a lot. I'm running out of time, I'm sure, but I'm just going to wrap it up and say I'll keep it short, but it sounds like we know this industry really well, but what we're trying to do is design a platform that everything fits into so these things work together.

Conclusion and Transition to Jason

It's extremely gamified that people stay on the platform. Jamie, back to you. Thank you so much for that in depth overview. As to everything you do, you sound like an incredible bully. Busy man. Unbelievable. We're going to move it on to Jason, who is the marketing lead from Yi Finance. Why don't you give us an overview as to exactly what you've been up to? Please try and keep it as brief as possible because we have so much to get through in today's session. Oh, yeah, I'll keep it brief. All right. I'm still recovering from COVID Just to echo what Doug Gang said earlier about defi being boring sus.

Jason's Insights

So we'll leave the fun part to Duck Gang and the likes. The name Yay comes from yield, from, say. And in short, what we've built here is a money market. We've grown very quickly. It took us around six weeks after launch to reach 60 mil in TVL. Our partners have definitely helped play a role in our growth, some of which are on this call, namely big get wallet, Duckgang, Jellyverse Silo is also here. Since launch, we've had weekly incentive programs that encourage more activities on our platform, coupled with social tasks and point system. We've also added support for assets like Isay and wrapped ETh. We're always looking to add more. I think at this stage we're also looking at retaining meaningful TVL, meaning that as we attract users and assets to flow from other ecosystems, to say we'd like them to stick.

Retention and Collaboration

Maybe when they borrow our assets, they're leverage trading on a Dex or using a mouse. We're taking that say and, you know, go play duck gang's game, something like that. But yeah, it's a collaborative effort so far. We're liking what we're seeing here and yeah, for that goal, we're also looking to kind of structure our point system moving forward to adjust for that. That is awesome.

Introduction and Acknowledgment

I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling unwell, and I'm glad that you've been able to feel like you can join us today. So thank you very much for joining us on today's session. Next, we're going to head over to Paul from greedy goblinous. Hey, everyone here is me. Okay? Yes. Can hear you now, buddy. Perfect. Thank you. So thank you. Say thank you, big cat. Thank you, Jamie. Happy to hear today. And thank you everyone who joins today as well. My name is Paul. I'm the founder for Greedy Goblin. Now, Greedy Goblin is a new telegram app. That is what we want to do is giving a new experience to our innovative, what we call it initial tap offering game.

Introducing Greedy Goblin

So unlike any other tapping game out there, Greedy Goblin is not just about tapping. It's about creating an ecosystem for our player to farm rewards. Also engaging in some of our exciting games as well. We want to truly build a community where everyone can contribute, and we as a platform will value every single one's effort and time on our communities as well. Our vision is to add a different flavor onto this traditional app store, which I also call it monopolies as well. We recognize the frustration where a lot of users feel when they invest so much time on the game. But they didn't see nothing returned in any of the applications out there. So our platform, what we want to change exactly that narrative itself.

Economic Model of Greedy Goblin

We want to allow user to earn our GGC, which is our token through engaging in our game, engaging in community, which will create a brand new economic system for our users as well. I'll keep it short. So the next thing is so what makes us different than any other typing game? There's so many out there. It's simple. We go beyond the entertainment point of view. Again, we do value every player that join our community, while most of them is only a lot of them will focus on gameplay, but we will have a robust economic model that will incentivize all of the time and efforts that put it into this application. Now, currently our main game is just a tag game, but that is just the beginning.

Future Plans and Features

Now, in the future, user can. We'll be enjoying various mini-games that will be put into our system. So at the moment, we're also gonna have like a wheel system where every day user will gain some of the tickets or they can win some prizes there as well. And from a competitive standpoint, we have multiple leaderboards within our game, from Tapmaster ranking to friends leaderboard. Those are all power with incentives as well. So again, at greedy Goblin, we're a community driven platform where players will have a voice and a stake in terms of how our ecosystem will grow. And as we continue to evolve, we will have more plans on focus, a lot more mini-games, and also in the future, we'll have a mini app stores as well.

Transitioning to the Next Segment

I'll keep it short. Jamie, pass back. Yeah, thank you so much. Keeping it short there. We are going to move straight on to our next guest, that is. Tell us who is the co founder over at Dragon Swap. If you could keep it to 1 minute, it would be really appreciated. A warm welcome to you. Yeah, thanks, Jimmy. Thanks everyone from big tech wallet. Bringing everyone up from say. I'll try to keep it as quick as possible. So, Dragonswap, we're the native Dex on say. We launched about one or two days after v two mainnet. We're sort of currently working through our roadmap. So if you go drag and swap, you'll see a number of different things.

Dragon Swap Overview

Currently have b two farms, we got a whole slew of those for farmers that want to look at anything from meme coins, which we're pioneering with the Saiyan team. So there's about 14 meme coins or similar that are running right now through to more less risky assets like USDC say that we've done in conjunction with Stargate. Those are warming up right now, sitting at three and four digit aprs. And as I said, we're working through our roadmap. We have concentrated liquidity launching next week. We have a point system currently right now that's running coming up to the end of the fourth epoch. For anyone that's following that, we may be kind of extending that with a ecosystem partner.

Exciting Features Coming Up

And there's a lot of cool things to come. Once concentrated liquidity comes to market, we're going to be dropping some things like predictions, some more like binary options. Got a really cool product coming up with the silo team in conjunction with them, which we'll announce relatively shortly, which hopefully be out middle September. And then we move into some more fun stuff, kind of pushing the realm of Defi, which is around intents, and then also chain abstracted execution. I think I did it in a minute. But anyway, Jimmy, back to you. Anyone that's interested in Dragon swap, everything's well documented. Go to our twitter, hit us up in discord.

Silo Introduction

Happy to kind of help where we can, but there's lots and lots of opportunities right now in Dragon swap to farm. Absolutely. And that's probably a great time to do a reminder to everybody that if you do like anything that you listen on today's spaces, just drop the project, drop the individuals to follow, go and learn more. That's exactly what these spaces are about. Now, we spoke a little bit about Silo. We're going to head on over there to Garen, who is the co founder. A warm welcome to you. It's time for your minutes. All right, good morning. I have 59 seconds left. Let's see. Let's get into it.

Overview of Silo

Silo is the liquid staking provider. On say, we do a little bit more than liquid staking on the back end. We're building out an mev network. Now, a lot of people aren't familiar with mev. It's some sort of super technical blockchain terminology. All it really means is that we're contributing to how transactions get done on a blockchain. But what it means for users is that users who participate in our staking network can earn rewards, both from the native staking, rewards of say, as well as some income that comes from the mev side of the business. All without having to do anything.

User Experience and Community Engagement

All with a very simple user experience of stake, say get out. Isaydeh to go with this, we've created the farmers brand because, you know, on the back end, while we're doing super serious, you know, high, hardcore technical shit. We on the front side have this brand of farmers that we use to engage with our community through nfts and, you know, just generally make the product a little bit more fun to use. So I'll keep it extremely brief, but, you know, stop by our discord, come say hi, and looking forward to chatting with everyone else.

Introducing Jellyverse

Thank you so much for that short summary of everything that you're doing. Gary. It's a pleasure to have you here on today's spaces. And finally, last but not least, we head on over to Ben, who is the co founder of Jellyverse. A warm welcome to you, Ben, your minute is now here. Thanks, Jamie. I hope you guys can hear me. Thanks for having us here. And, yeah, warm welcome from our side as well. Yeah, as you mentioned, my name is Ben. I'm one of the co founders of Chalilabs, and we are building Chalyverse.

Chalyverse Ecosystem

Yeah, talking quickly about challenge. Challenge is what we call a comprehensive defi ecosystem that consists out of multiple protocols, one of which is our Dex, which is a friendly fork of balancer. So we are officially representing balancer on, say, with our Dex. And then we have a staking protocol, which we kind of tailor made for our purposes, which differentiates in a way that people are not only earning inflation based rewards, but also a real yield. So the more trading volume will happen on charlieverse, the more incentives the stakers will get. And obviously, it's also a core part of our governance.

Unique Features of Chalyverse

And last but not least, we have one of our core components that we now have live on Testnet, which is our Synthetix protocol. So this is a one of a kind protocol in the crypto space. What this offers people to do is a completely new angle of diversifying the portfolio. So basically, it's kind of like a lending protocol where you can mint not only stable coins, but also assets like stocks that mimic the price of the real assets. So kind of like synthetic real world assets. And this obviously offers people to, like, within seconds, swap from high volatile crypto assets into less volatile real world assets, fully decentralized.

Conclusion and Future Plans

So this will give the whole experience on charlieverse a completely different spin and will be very interesting for traders to explore. Yeah, and besides that, we are already live with our token. I think we're the first defi token on say, that is live tradable on Maxi as well. So people can look into this. Obviously not giving any financial advices, but yeah, besides that, I think we're planning on a big airdrop campaign that is coming in the next four to six weeks, approximately. And looking forward to that. It's going to be a very interesting spin to airdrops, completely different to what people are used to.

Gamified Components and Wrap-Up

It has some gamified components and nfts and all that cool stuff, so very cool. And, yeah, I think that sums it up quite nicely. I hope that was understandable for the people. Thank you. Absolutely. Thank you so much, Ben. And now everybody here has heard from our fantastic guests on today's session. Let's get into the meat of the whole conversation. And I'm going to come to you, Alvin. Now, I really want to know from a bitget wallet perspective, what are your thoughts on the layer one and layer two space? Is it performance the only thing that matters? What is the metrics that you're measuring? I'd love to get a little more detail from kind of how you're thinking around performance.

Insights on Layer One and Layer Two

Yep. I'll actually keep it short because there's a lot of people here and would love to get the rest to kind of chime in as well. Is performance the only thing that matters? Obviously not. We talk about the blockchain trilemma. There is decentralization versus scalability versus security. So there's quite a lot of things that are important. But from a wallet perspective, I take care of growth. And so when I think about growth of say a chain or wallet or anything, there are kind of other metrics that are more important. For example, for blockchain there will be developer adoption, our contracts consistently being deployed and increasing.

Key Metrics for Growth

There is the partnerships of things, whether in web three or web two, there are more partners coming in. There's a strength of the community. All these are important. But I think the most important thing is if there is a product market Fitzhe, you should be able to see user adoption coming in. We have seen in recent times Telegram has been bringing a lot of users into the blockchain space. How do we then tap on all these hot trends and bring them onto the chain itself?

Importance of Performance and Market Fit

I think those are important. I think performance is important, but more importantly is finding that product market fit, finding that use case and then bringing those mass adoption in. We'd love to hear it from the rest as well. Absolutely. Thank you very much for that wonderful insight, Alvin. I think we'll go bottom up and we'll start with Ben first. I'd love to get your thoughts on that as well too, please.

Speed and Usability

Yeah, I mean, general speed and cheapness is always a good thing for any chain. I think Sais has thrown the ball quite far with that, and we as jellywers obviously benefit from the usability of the platform. I mean, I always say this, we had built a very nice loading screen for jellyverse, but I've not seen it yet. So I just saw the ones in Figma and it looked dope. But nobody else, I think, have seen it yet. And I think for our synthetics this will also be very interesting because trading will be a core component and obviously we're working with oracles and the more frequent we have the price updates, the better the experiences. And if the block time is always matching the price update, that's obviously great for the overall experience, the way the mechanisms work, the liquidations and all of that. So I think the overall, we benefit completely from it, and not only technically, but also from an experience standpoint. And I think nobody wants to wait for transactions to be signed or I anything to happen on chain, and that's not going to happen on Sei for sure.

Challenges with Bridges

Fantastic. Thank you for that insight. Let's head on over to Garen from Silo. I'd love to get your thoughts on that too. Yeah, the way I see this is people just hate bridges. Through and through. Bridges are a very important piece of the overall architecture for how crypto works, but they're incredibly frustrating to use. Their pricing is opaque, it's a slow process, particularly when bridging from Ethereum, and it's something that cures a lot of risk. So I think the, like the trade off of thinking about Save versus L2s is very similar, as other people said to Solana, where you have a monolithic chain, everything happens in the same space. Can you imagine like if someone's trying to use Silo stake and then someone's trying to use Dragon swap and you have to bridge in between doing that? More or less. No one would use the products available in any of the pieces of interesting architecture that Say has produced. So I am not a big fan of the general concept of L2s. They're a dime a dozen these days in crypto, and that's one of the reasons why we're here building on Sei.

Speed of Blockchain Interactions

Yeah, hey, I just want to cut in there and say, because I was from Say as well, and also a very heavy user of Say since day one. And I think the speed at Say is something that everyone should actually experience. Those of you who have used it before, when you click send, like send any Say or any kind of tokens on Say, the moment you click send, it's sent. That's how fast it is. And I think in my experience in any other blockchains I've interacted with, I don't think I've seen a faster speed. And so that, I think is pretty unique to the Say ecosystem. So can I just give one really fast story on that, which is, I am a personal user of Yay Finance. Those guys are here repping it and Say is actually faster than the Yay Finance website. So if you go and you deposit assets and you're waiting for it to show up to let you borrow against them, the speed with which Yay Finance indexes the blockchain, to actually see that is slower than how fast the blockchain works.

Overall User Experience in Crypto

So if you just pull up another window of Yay Finance, such as it instantiates a new instance, a new request that actually goes faster, that's not saying, like, Yay is a perfectly fine website. It goes as fast as any website that you're used to. That's how fast the same blockchain works, which is incredible. I've never had that problem before. In crypto. Speed is everything, right? You know, time is money is time. Being able to speed up everyday transactions is critical. And that's exactly why everybody on this call is passionate about the space. Tell us. I'm really keen from Dragon Swap perspective, your thoughts on that? Yeah, to tackle that as well, it takes longer to click, like, confirm a Metamask than it does to do a lot of operations on Say. I think the way that I look at it, because I think we've all been around multiple cycles, the builders and Say is that typically performance and speed hasn't been top of mind.

The Shift in Focus Towards Performance

It's applications, it's community, it's financial incentives, so on and so forth. The one thing that we've been really digging into on this side is watching, which is kind of like bubbling underneath the surface, which is the intense and chain abstraction direction that there's a lot of input being built for this, which kind of goes top down, where when a user has an intent, let's say, to swap or to stake or similar, they're not really tied to a single community. They just want the best execution on that intent. And I think that's where there's a shift away from performance not being top of mind, because at the end of the day, that user doesn't care what they're using. And I think that's where Sei is really going to shine, is where the performance of the blockchain is just unlike anything. And as Salah was mentioning, the L2s, regardless of who's deployed them are kind of faceless in a way. It's very hard to distinguish why one is better than the other. So, yeah, long story short, I think historically it's been a lot around community.

Composite Transaction Dynamics

We saw EthNFT people willing to spend $200 in gas to mint these things. Obviously there's financial incentive there, but as you sort of, again, pull wallets and chains away from that sort of procedure, and it's much more abstracted for the user, then I think performance comes paramount and starts sucking up a lot of these transactions, users and just general order flow. It's awesome to hear everybody talk about performance and relating it back to the actual efficiency of the network of which you're all building upon now from Greedy Goblins perspective. Paul, I'd love to kind of hear how you're utilizing this technology in the best possible way to actually build in this climate. Right? So we actually care for selecting, Say network for this. One of the things we did differently is that we actually pushed all of our game data onto a blockchain. Now at today's day, we push our around 20,000 transactions onto the Say chain.

Transaction Volume and Efficiency

And one of the benefit again, or piggyback on all of the projects before me is the speed of it. There's no doubt about it, the speed. We never have any issues on those as well. One thing I want to add is the low transaction cost when we did the comparison with other chains. It's just significantly lower than any other chains as well. Just want to cut in here for a minute. Just to correct Paul, I think it's 200,000 transactions, not 20,000. So. That's right. Sorry. Quite an impressive hit. Yep, sorry about that. It's 200,000 per day, so that's a very significant number in terms of how we push data around, say, blockchains as well. It's absolutely incredible.

Enhancements in Performance and Ecosystem Support

Let's head on over to Yay Finance with Jason. Jason, what's your thoughts on the performance of the ecosystem right now and how you're best utilizing it? Yeah, thanks for the shout out earlier from Silo. I think it's a good problem to have that maybe there are incremental improvements we can make to optimize after, Say, execution speed. Say, it's just so fast that auto refresh or listening just doesn't cut it. If you could just reload the whole app or dashboard. So performance is definitely a huge part of what we're looking at when we're looking to build a money market. And in our last x space we talked about UX and I think that's the other big component. But really these two go hand in hand. So we're a big believer of parallel execution and it's through put some of our community members who have reached out to us on Discord, include family funds and market makers, and they're looking to run advanced strategies that are sometimes automated.

Partnerships and Oracle Support

So, you know, for retail users, our partner Brahma may be able to help with that, but it's so it's precisely like this level of execution or speed of reaching finality that make the user experience good. We've also seen increased Oracle support on, Say, in the last quarter. We're currently partnered with API three, Pith and Rutstone. And, you know, this is especially important as they act as backups to each other if one of them were to go down or for maintenance. Also important when we look to support more assets or in the future allow permissionless asset listings or launch pools. So, you know, anyone anywhere could launch an asset on Yay without sort of sacrificing capital efficiency as long as there's an oracle for it.

Incorporating User Experiences

Yeah. So performance UX, I think another thing that Say has done well is having that. I think sailor also mentioned bridges on the official, Say, web app. They're, I don't want to say endorsements, but kind of a stamp of approval from the Say foundation on which bridges are safe. And that's a good start when we're onboarding users from other ecosystems. So I guess there's a ton of educational resources around that's actually needed to bring people in. It sounds like you're doing a great job at bringing, you know, people from other networks and actually probably from web two as well back into the ecosystem. We're going to move across now to Count Ducula from Duckgang. I would love to hear your thoughts on the question.

Understanding User Preferences

Thanks, Jamie. Ducks tend to quack on, so I'll keep this relatively short. I think this very quickly, right. For everyone listening, as people have spoken about, it's a speed, right. People do not like waiting for transactions. That's super essential. Super essential, especially in DeFi gaming as well. The interoperability of what we're doing on Sale and what a lot of other partners doing on Sale. People want to easily move assets, I think, across a lot of different chains, which really helps as well. And the cost of it, I mean, all of the above, obviously, but at virtually zero gas fee, it's really a no brainer for a lot of new users coming in there. And the motivation to do that, and that's probably the key. All these three things add to a motivational reason for people wanting to use it, which is financial, the speed, but also the entertainment-driven aspect of it.

The Excitement of New Developments

It's attracting a lot of new tokens, as we can see today, to Say and what Say is doing. So it's an exciting time. Absolutely. It's great to hear as well, how you integrate in all of the technologies to deliver user experience. I mean, that is what everybody is probably on this space to try and do, improve the way that users interact with the ecosystem. Now, Lee, you've been waiting very patiently. I'd like to phrase this question slightly differently towards you. What is your thoughts? Is performance the only metric that matters? And how can others building on the ecosystem actually really benefit and ultimately benefit the end users?

Strategic Insights on Blockchain Building

Right. So it's fine. And writing. Yeah, I think to start this conversation, I have to throw back three years ago where I started out building DMV chain with Alvin. This Alvin on the call right now. So this is the third blockchain that I'm on. This is the second one. I mean, this is. There's two blockchains that, like, undergone with Alvin. So basically, I believe that right now in the market, as long as we fulfill the basic needs. Right, sub-second finality, fairly low gas fees and reliable services, we are in a good place for most TFS right now.

Future Directions and Quality Projects

We haven't reached the scale, the mass, where we need to, you know, basically overtake Visa masters and million TPs kind of level yet. So I believe in building more on the ecosystem. So that's what our team has been trying to do, bring on quality projects that you see today in the space and, yeah, basically answering a slightly different way. Fantastic. Thank you very much for that brief summary. Alvin, I'm going to come back to you and I'd love to learn a little bit more about Bitget's wallet strategy around working within the ecosystem and, of course, then its projects.

Collaborative Ecosystem Strategies

Yep. So we do look more into an ecosystem where, how do I put it? It's very easy sometimes for a wallet or something that's an infra company to go and say, like, all right, we connect across all the other chains and here are the talks and just integrate. And that's really against what we stand for. We believe, like, when I look at ecosystems and chains, they are ecosystems, right? They're living and breathing, which means every chain, like countries, they are a little bit different from each other. There is certain nuances, different cultures, different kind of. If you look at certain chains maybe they are a bit more serious.

Understanding Different Chain Cultures

The other chains, they have more of a meme culture or NFT culture. So I feel that when we design certain campaigns or approach to different chains, we would also slightly alter the approach that we take. And this goes into everything that we do, whether it's the kind of campaigns we do, the kind of partnerships that we forge within that ecosystem, the way we interact with the other projects on Twitter, in communities. I think all this, we take a more customized, you can call it localized or customized approach to each of them.

Challenges and Support in the Ecosystem

And I think the other thing is just sticking through with the ecosystem through thick and thin, because like Elzie said, we've been through multiple chains and multiple cycles and things are good, but things also get rough at times. And how do you actually support one another through these tough times? I think that's important. A lot of times if you look at, say, Solana Ethereum, they've gone through really rough patches and how the ecosystem bands together and survives through some of these crises or low periods as well. Those are important. And it's great to see because like I said, since say since day one, and if you look at the group of projects that were there when it started on the 16 August last year, and now I think we're looking at a bigger and better kind of second wave of projects has come true to say, and we've been here since day one, supporting say, and we will continue to support.

Confidence in the Future

I have a lot more confidence in this newer batch of projects and I see quite a bright future here. It sounds super bullish, everything that you've described there, Alvin, so thank you very much for that thoughtful on in depth description that you gave us there. Now let's move it on slightly. We did tell people that we're going to drop a little bit of alpha today, and I'd like to give all of the projects and all of the fantastic guests that we've got here the opportunity to share some alpha. So let's start off with Count Ducula. Can you drop some alpha in today's session, maybe share some of the things that you're working on within your roadmap? Give us the alpha on today's session, please.

Exciting Developments and Giveaways

For sure. I'll keep it very brief, but I think one of the biggest alphas is the fact that we're releasing, as I said earlier, Pfe nfts with utility. They'll give massive boosts in game. They'll also allow people to get involved in our defi asset with benefits as well. And that's going to be a massive part of Alpha. I think for a lot of users who get involved in ducking and really get deep into what we're doing in the ecosystem. So that's really huge and people will see the benefits of getting involved with our pfps. But also, as I said, we've got 15,000 say giveaway right now for anyone who plays our flagship game, Duckdash, and everyone can get involved. It only runs for another ten days. That's important to people to get involved because it's an easy win with a bit of luck.

Community Engagement through Events

Thank you very much there. It's awesome to hear when you're giving giveaways to communities and you're almost helping or onboard brand new users into the space by simply having fun and taking part in a fantastic little game show like that or something. It's fantastic. It's great to hear and hopefully you're going to get great reception to that. Jason, I'd like to come to you and figure out exactly how efinance are also doing that. Yeah, I briefly mentioned the permission and asset listings earlier. We'll publish a light paper soon for our v two that comes with unique features like modular money markets, yield layers, etcetera. Some of which of these features we know work from what we've seen from other protocols like Morpho, but we'll have our own unique twists.

Joint Campaigns and User Feedback

So I won't get into too much detail here, but we'll release information bit by bit through our socials. So stay tuned. With Bitget, though, we have launched a joint campaign that involves some just basic social tasks and of course downloading and using the biggt wallet app. So we want users to really try our app and provide feedback. So we're rewarding those who sort of deposit a minimum of $10 in stables or say, and you get like an additional 15% point boost on top of the attractive yields we have right now. I mean, that is awesome.

Rewarding User Engagement

At Bitget Wallet, we absolutely love seeing all of our users being rewarded and getting the best services out there possible on the market and it's fantastic to hear. Paul, I'd love to hear your perspective from greedygoblin. Oh, I gotta mention our bitget wallet event as well. Since you guys are here, we are part of the recent collaborations with a lot of the v two safe v two mainnet. What we're doing here is as long as you log into the big app wallethood, go through the tap to earn sections, you'll find the fee to mainland and with there's a few different tasks. One of them, the last one, is lock into our greedy goblin.

Incentives and Upcoming Draws

And in there we're giving other incentives. So immediately you get three lotto draw. You can win up to like a 99, say at the top. So that's one of the big one we're currently doing. That's great. Fantastic. And of course, we love being partnered with you and we love working with you and of course, rewarding our users. Thank you so much for that feedback. Tell us, we want to come and hear from Dragon Swap. How are you doing that with your community? Like, how have you found working with Bitget wallet? Yeah, so we mentioned kind of at the start of this, we're currently running a point system, which is where you lp and swap on certain pairs.

Engagement Strategies with Users

So for the, in a big wall campaign, we're giving users of the wallet a 50% boost in points. Currently it's say USDC, say USDT and also stables. So USDC, USDT. So very simple. It's the same as any other Dex, just come swap LP. Those two tokens, you can also farm those as well. Coming up later on today through the Stargate partnership. And what else we have going on, there's a lot we've had just a real sort of tidal wave of different incentives come onto the platform. So as I mentioned, the Stargate one's going live at 05:00 p.m.

Looking Ahead to Future Announcements

cEt today. Next week, we'll be announcing something very big with our friends at silo as well. And there'll be kind of further incentives once concentrated liquidity roll out, latest Tuesday next week. So yeah, there's a lot of incentives being pushed through dragon swap. And again, any farmers out there, feel free to stop by. And the obvious Alpha is that points will lead to a future airdrop. So there's the hint points and leading surprises. Lovely to hear. It sounds like you work very closely with silo, so let's move over that way. Maybe you can drop a little bit more Alpha around the announcement next week, or maybe you can't. I'm probably pushing my luck there.

New Initiatives and Funding Achievements

But let's hear what you guys have been doing and what Alpha you have up in store for us. So I have two categories. One, I have incentives. And over the next three weeks, we will be launching some incentives programs with multiple participants from this Twitter space. So that's one. Stay tuned for more announcements. But that is right around the corner. The other one, our big undisclosed alpha of the summer, is we've recently closed a round of funding. We haven't announced this yet more info coming soon, but this is a big achievement for us and it's something where we managed to get a lot of the more notable investors to take a big bet on, say, in the ecosystem projects.

Community Support and Future Projects

Well, a massive congratulations from everyone at Bitget wallet in regards to that. You know, money enables everybody on this call to go and build and provide better services and products for the end users. So we know that you're going to crush it. And a massive congratulations to everyone over at silo. Let's move it on over to Ben from jellyverse. I'd love to get your thoughts on the question. Yeah, I mean, I mentioned prior already that we're working on a big airdrop campaign. I think for people that are into airdrops and farming points, but also love nfts and want to see or want to have an experience they probably haven't had before in crypto, that's definitely the place to look out for.

Building Anticipation for Upcoming Campaigns

More infos are coming soon. We're working on more details and more videos that we can share with the people to better understand what this is all about. So I think this is the biggest alpha we have at the moment to share with the people. I think that this is what the people can be really excited about. Yeah, I think that's it. Thank you so much for sharing that. Lee, we're going to come to you, and I wanted to round up this question with yourself because clearly you've heard so many fantastic things being built and developed within the ecosystem, so many developments.

The Role of Bitget Wallet in Supporting Initiatives

But how does working with Bitget wallet and Bitget wallet then supporting all of these fantastic initiatives benefit the wider ecosystem? And maybe you could share one or two experiences or campaigns that were running together. I think we seem to have lost Lee. That's no problem. He's requesting again. 1 second, Lee, we'll get you back up. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So thank you for the question, Jamie. I think right now our primary goal is to really get ecosystem going and how that works is basically us supporting our ecosystem projects a lot more.

Future Collaborations and Ecosystem Growth

So, as you can see, we'll be working with each and every projects that they're working on, like whatever they're working on. Right. Incentives, the campaigns and all. We will try our best to support them. And with regards to the partnership side of things, we aim to work with more big brands like big App Wallet, which you guys have been a massive help throughout this campaign. Yeah, we'll be doing a lot of models, a lot of more of this stuff, like in the upcoming future. So I really hope everyone keep a close eye on this and see, you know, what is coming out in the short future.

Concluding Remarks

Thank you so much, Lee. And it's great that you managed to be able to join us again. You know, Twitter is very buggy and it kicks people off all the time. But it's good news you managed to reconnect. Now, the final question for today is for Alvin. Can you share with us briefly the campaign that bitget wallet is currently doing with the SAI network? And maybe can you drop us a little bit more alpha around future developments that could be coming in the future? Hey, hey. Yes, I'll talk about the campaign right now. So we actually move.

Details about Current Campaign

So if you go right into the homepage of the big app wallet app, it's right there. So the moment you go into the app, you should be able to see the campaign there. And there's a few hundred thousand worth of rewards to be distributed. There's only about a week left, if I'm not wrong. So if you haven't seen it, if you haven't done it, please go download the big app wallet and start doing it. I think the great thing is it introduces you to the variety of dapps and things you can do on, say, whether it's swapping, staking, gaming and so on.

Call to Action for Users

So if you haven't, definitely download the app today and try it out. Fantastic. Thank you so much. And as Alvin correctly said, there are more than $400,000 worth of rewards currently on our homepage. Go and check it out. It's literally the first thing that you will see when you log into bitget wallet. And yet again, we are. It's our commitment to onboarding users into the ecosystem and helping all of our users get the best technology at the latest time, really, to make sure that people are getting the most up to date products. Now, that's all of our questions for today in today's session, it leaves me with nothing else to say other than if you have enjoyed today's spaces, be sure to hit that, like, button, retweet.

Gratitude and Farewell

And of course, do follow all of our guests. And I've been Jamie, on behalf of Bitget wallet, I just want to say a massive thank you for you coming and jumping onto today's session, listening, and to our guests, thank you for volunteering your time to come and share the word of the ecosystem. You've done a great job. Thank you very much, everybody. Have a good evening and thanks again. Thank you, guys. Thanks, everyone. Thank you. Bye bye.

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