Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Portiō Capital x EAGLES hosted by CryptoProject6. Delve into the realm of marketing, fundraising, and strategic partnerships within the crypto space with Porti? Capital x EAGLES. This space explores the dynamics of engaging Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), gaining credibility through verified CoinMarketCap status, forming alliances with industry giants like Binance, and collaborating with top trading platforms LBANK & XT. Learn how direct messaging fosters fruitful collaborations and the significance of cryptocurrencies $BST, $INJ, and $ETH in driving project success and visibility.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How can KOLs impact marketing and fundraising efforts?
A: Key Opinion Leaders play a crucial role in expanding reach, credibility, and engagement in crypto projects.

Q: What advantages does being a Verified CMC participant offer?
A: Verified CoinMarketCap status enhances project credibility, trust, and visibility within the crypto community.

Q: Why are partnerships with platforms like Binance important?
A: Collaborating with Binance can provide significant exposure, liquidity, and credibility for crypto projects.

Q: How do collaborations with LBANK & XT benefit projects?
A: Partnering with LBANK & XT can increase trading opportunities, volume, and overall market presence.

Q: What role does direct messaging play in collaborations?
A: Utilizing DMs for collaborations fosters direct communication, efficient partnerships, and mutually beneficial outcomes.

Q: Which cryptocurrencies are significant in the discussed context?
A: $BST, $INJ, and $ETH are essential tokens relevant to the crypto projects and partnerships under discussion.


Time: 09:15:40
Leveraging Key Opinion Leaders for Marketing Exploring the impact of KOLs on project visibility and engagement.

Time: 12:25:17
Verified CMC Benefits for Credibility Understanding the advantages of being a Verified CoinMarketCap participant.

Time: 15:35:29
Strategic Partnerships with Binance The importance of partnerships with Binance for market exposure and credibility.

Time: 18:45:10
Collaborations with LBANK & XT Enhancing trading opportunities and liquidity through partnerships with LBANK & XT.

Time: 21:55:12
Effective Direct Messaging for Collaborations The role of DMs in fostering efficient and beneficial partnerships.

Time: 24:10:30
Significance of $BST, $INJ, $ETH Understanding the importance of these tokens in crypto projects and partnerships.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of leveraging Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) in marketing and fundraising strategies.
  • Benefits of being a Verified CoinMarketCap (CMC) participant for credibility and visibility.
  • Establishing strategic partnerships with major industry players like Binance for market exposure.
  • Collaborations with reputable trading platforms like LBANK & XT can enhance trading opportunities and liquidity.
  • Engagement with KOLs can drive community growth, market reach, and project visibility.
  • Utilizing direct messaging for collaborations can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties involved.
  • The significance of $BST, $INJ, and $ETH in the context of crypto projects and partnerships.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Excitement

Welcome, welcome, everybody. Just give us a moment as we get started. We're just getting the speakers up and then we'll do a little mic check and then we'll jump right into it. I'm super excited to thank you guys for coming. We have a huge explosion of people here over 2000 already. I know you guys are excited about today as much as I am and it is definitely showing. So just give us a moment and we'll be rocking and rolling. But in the meantime, down at the bottom, excuse me, bottom right corner, go ahead and like, and retweet, tag some people, let them know this is definitely something you don't want to miss. It's exciting. It's a new type of unique tech coming to the blockchain and I just want to make sure everybody is up to date with the new type of stuff coming out. It's unique and I love and I can't wait to dive into it.

Speaker Introduction

It looks like we have the speaker up. Let's see if his mic is good. How you doing? Good afternoon to everyone. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for having me. Hey, how are you doing? Oh, good. Oh, man. Thank you for being here, man. Ultimately, it's. We all. Thank you. I mean, obviously we haven't even started and we already have almost 2300 people in here. So people are excited. It's definitely going to be happy to hear. Yeah, no, it's huge, actually. No, I will say just even when the market was up, having 2000 people, you know, 3000 people tuning in right from the very beginning is a huge showing of what, you know, the excitement and, you know, ultimately there's so much that is still yet to be released into the blockchain and when people see the unique aspect of what you guys are building and, oh, my God, like, they get excited.

Discussion on Housing Market

My DM's been blowing up all morning long waiting for today. So, like, I'm excited. I'm very excited as well. So ready to rumble? All right. Yeah, I'm just getting my notes up right now and then we'll just kick start right here. Just a sec. All right. All right. All right. Well, anyways, here we go, everybody. Thank you. Welcome to another beautiful ama here at crypto Eagles. I'm excited to be introducing portio. I hope I said that right. If not, please, if I butchered it, I'd love for you to let me know right now how to say it correctly so that I can say it correctly, you know, fully correct. No problem. All good. All right. But so it's a revolutionary platform that's transforming the way we invest in real estate.

Portio's Concept

In today's world, traditional real estate options can be complex or inaccessible. Porterial capital offering a unique solution by providing fractional ownership of co-living properties through blockchain technology, which I'm actually excited because I believe that's kind of the future of what is going to be accessible to the regular people. So I'm excited to jump into it. With that being said, let's get an introduction from yourself, your role over there at your company, and then provide us with like, a high level overview of what you guys are doing in your mission within the blockchain technology and the RWA system that you guys are introducing. All right, so thanks for having me. My name is Pasco and I'm the founder and CEO of Portio. And this being said, I mean, I have been in corporate finance and real estate investing for, let's say, the past 20 years has been a really interesting journey.

Founding of Portio

But I was, let's say, triggered by the big problem my oldest son, Alex has. Basically, he is facing the problem in finding housing that is affordable, that is somehow resonating with his ESG purposes, that has some kind of community sense, and on the same time, he also wants to become a co-owner rather than a tenant in the properties or the environment he's living in. That made me think and made me basically look into a potential solution. And that's, let's say, the background of what Portio is all about and how Portugal was founded. And basically what we're doing with Portio is allowing people that are using in co-living and shared living projects to become co-owners rather than tenants, as well as people that are interested in this type of new asset classes to invest in it using blockchain technology, using fractionalization.

The Value Proposition

So what we are basically doing is we are splitting up the asset into smaller parts, portions. That's where the name portrait is coming from. These are represented by digital tokens, which will be, let's say, transferable and exchangeable on our marketplace. We see co-living and shared living as one of the solutions for the affordable housing problem. It's a common problem across the globe. Every country, every region has to deal with it, definitely in Europe, but as well as in Asia and in the Americas. And we feel that co-living, shell living is a solution because it basically makes at least the occupation, the housing, more affordable.

Focus on ESG and Community

It has this ESG purpose, it has a community side of things. It's much more focused also on the personal well-being of people, rather than just individual residential athlete classes. These are all things which fit into, let's say, what we believe is a mega trend in the younger generations, Gen Zs and beyond. But on the same time, so people are looking for affordable housing, but on the same time, people are also looking for a way to invest in asset classes in real estate that somehow resonate with their personal purpose. And I think using blockchain to split up the assets into smaller fractions and make them, let's say, investable with very low entry barriers is a nice technology for achieving that goal.

Sentiments on the Current Market

That's basically the background and the value offering we have put together with Portugal. Yeah, no, I tell you, when I was doing my research, I was actually agreeing with a lot of that sentiment right there. Here in the United States, I was fortunate enough to live in a spot that is owned by good friends, so I pay the minimal as possible. But the housing market is so horrible and I know it's a global thing because I have friends all around the world that tells me that. And it's. And in my eyes, the housing is like a basic necessity. And then on top of that, I love the value proposition you put towards, you know, not just living in a place that you own, because I think that's gonna give an even more value on personal portfolio because you're taking care of your own asset.

The Value of Owner Responsibility

Right. You have ownership in what your surroundings are, so your area per se. Like, you're not gonna have a trashy area. You're gonna try making sure that your neighbors are always being kind of cleanly. Cause it's like everybody's bringing each other's value up while living in a great place that you're going to want to keep clean. So I think that sense of ownership, like even myself owning a house versus a renter, you know, you take more personal responsibility of your property. And I think that right there in turn gives them a sense of ownership, which then gives them a sense of responsibility of where they're living. So I actually love that tone.

Real Estate Value and Growth

It kind of reaches the blockchain technology and the real world asset to its core, really, to the person, the individual, and they're the ones that are going to gain the value from the property while still getting the luxuries and opportunities to be able to live in the property. So I think that's pretty awesome. Yeah. Go ahead. No, just echoing what you're saying in the co-ownership and the value it creates to the stakeholders around the real estate asset. I mean, yeah, because ultimately, as time goes by, if the asset stays clean, it stays nice, it's naturally going to go up in value. And if the property itself looks good, it's going to make the surrounding property look good, which in turn makes the entire areas capital per square inch go up. And that right there alone is going to drive more value to the property.

Personal Growth and Community Pride

And I know that even myself as an older man, like, when I was a kid, I didn't care where I live. I can live in the ghetto area or the nice area didn't really matter to me. But now that I'm a much older adult, I have kids, I have family, I take care of my lawn, I make sure there's no trash outside of my house. Now, like, I make sure my area is beautiful. And it's like a certain pride in ownership. And it's something that I think the younger generation is kind of missing out with the current market. And I think this is kind of going to bring that older, traditional idea that personal ownership takes it, a little bit of personal responsibility, and then in turn is going to bring a lot of value.

Excitement for Future Developments

That's why I tell you, I was super excited to hear how you guys are designing it and giving the value to the people in a full circle way, because, like, I, like we're saying that the longer you take care of your asset, the more it matures. And we all know real estate is always an up battle. Even when it retraces, you know, during the lower time of its market, it's never really lower than it was prior to when you bought it. So then when you go back up, when the market comes back up, you're always gaining value. And I love that about real estate. So now the goal and the whole ability to be able to get living accessible to the younger person, I think, is a huge value in itself because there's so many young people in crypto itself also. So you're, you're really got the niche down pretty well.

Portio's Future Impact

Yeah, we're super excited about the, let's say what we have at least developed so far. And were very excited to see it now coming to reality during the next couple of weeks. Yeah. And, yeah, it's going to. Take time, I already know, but you guys are positioned real. Well, so, and we are really there to create an impact.

Creating Impact with Innovative Solutions

And I think what we, with the pieces we put together, the offering we put together, we are able to create an impact. And, so, yeah, that's why, you know, the team and myself, we are really pumped in getting launched and see how things are evolving and when and how we have to pivot. But I think at the end of the day, the story has some potential. Yeah, yeah.

Understanding the Uniqueness of the Initiative

You know, and ultimately, I always look at it like people have to realize, you guys are the first, right? No one else is trying to do something similar in the space. So it's going to take some time, but let you hammer out these regulatory issues or anything that you have to go through so that you can set the foot or the road for other great projects to see that this is something that's valuable because you guys are just only going to be the ones first scaling. And I think that's a huge win for the overall blockchain itself because then there'll be a lot of other chances for similar things to be able to come up with real estate or rwAs, at least in the co-living spacing. I think that housing is a huge issue and you guys are definitely tackling on the forefront. And I like it. I love it.

The Role of Blockchain Technology

So with that being said, blockchain technology obviously is important, right? It's going to be an important part of it. But obviously transparency is the hand in hand key that's going to really help out with RWAs. How do you guys over there, Portorio Capital, leverage blockchain technology to enhance transparency, the security efficiency of this co-living investment? And what are some of the use cases of the blockchain used within your platform?

Collaborating with Leading Infrastructure Providers

So sure, how we are facing the, let's say how we are organizing the go to market from the technology point of view is that we decided to team up with one of the leading tokenization infrastructure providers for real estate across the globe, being a blog square. So we are using the technology stack of blog Square, making it basically possible from our side to have a relatively quick go to market instead of doing a full stack development internally on our own. So that was one decision we took because we really want to validate the offering as quick as possible. That's why went for a solution of using existing technology, which has already a legacy in, I would say, robustness.

Proven Track Record and Innovative Solutions

I think the infrastructure from log squares over the past four to five years, they somehow tokenized over 100 million in real estate. So that they have proven their, let's say, robustness and the quality of the technology. And so how we are doing it is basically we are using the assets is digitized, it's run into a smart contract which is living on the ethereum. Blockchain tokens are obviously stored there and can be checked in terms of ownership and can be transferred at any moment from using the Ethereum block square. You good? So do you hear me back?

Establishing Security and Verifying Ownership

Yeah, yeah. There was a little issue there for half a second, but then you came right back. I was saying that we are using block Square as an infrastructure partner and so the whole tokenization is run on the Ethereum chain. Obviously tokens can be checked in terms of ownership through a to scan and other platforms transferable through the Ethereum. And what we are doing is for sure all investors, all investment is going through a KYC AML process. So everyone who is transacting on the platform needs to get whitelisted, which is a challenge, but also obviously offers a degree of security and I would say mitigation as well in terms of risk.

Efficient and Accelerated Go-to-Market Approach

So from a technology point of view, we are relying on the existing stack from Blog Square and have chosen this path for our go to market, let's say, to speed up our go to market with Portugal 100%. Man, I think that was a smart move. Hands down. I love what Block Square is doing. It is literally my favorite RWA platform. Constantly over there checking out all the new stuff they're doing.

Empowering Projects through Strategic Partnerships

And ultimately I. That's how I first heard about you guys. I kind of trying to gauge the question to kind of come out in your words how, you know, Block Square has been able to help. But yeah, no, I definitely love it. I think the support and the technology and the team over at Block Square is going to make sure that, you know, that they get teams and projects out there that are doing real well in the RWA spaces, going to bring real value and constantly bringing innovation to the space.

Future Prospects and Sustainability

I think hands down you guys being, working with Blog Square is a win for you, for their investors, for your investors, and for the blockchain overall in itself, because they're doing moves and they're constantly growing and scaling. So definitely agree that block square is a highlight in the RWA space, especially facilitating new growth for other projects coming in. They're kind of allowing the ease of access for projects to be able to have that foothold in. Cause it's a lot of work to be able to, like you're saying, do all the development in the background. They've definitely done a lot of work to be able to streamline it.

Encouraging Community Engagement and Insight Acquisition

So I'm definitely excited to have you guys over there in the block square family. Cause I'm a part of the block square family. So that's just one more, you know, check off in my box for you guys. So that's awesome. I wanna take this time, make sure you guys, everybody in here that I see 83 comments in the comments. So there's a lot of you guys active. There's a huge amount of you guys in here. Please make sure you are following Portorio capital and turn those notifications on.

Anticipation for Upcoming Developments

See what they're doing that TGE is coming, a huge amount of value is going to be coming out of their ecosystem and they're going to be wanting all of you guys to be able to see how good it is, see if it's a great value and add it to your portfolio. You know, it's not financial advice. Do your own research. But I always say you want to make sure you're following the great teams. And we all know that they're doing some great things.

The Importance of Team Over Utility

And if they're working with Blog Square believes in them, then I believe in them. That's how I've been kind of being able to judge my time in the space is finding great teams and great people working in space, bringing real value and just follow along and listen to them and you never know what kind of opportunity you're going to get, right? So I think that's awesome that you guys are all working together. So.

Investment Process in Co-Living Projects

All right, so we all know that with real estate, or at least the real estate landscape in the web too, is pretty, the investment process is pretty weird and inaccessible and there's a lot of risks that needs to be mitigated within the ecosystem. So what is the investment process like for individuals interested to participate in the your guys's co living project? And can you explain how you guys have been able to kind of help with the risk management of that asset class, or at least educate people on understanding the risks that are associated with, you know, the investment.

Establishing a Curated Marketplace

Yeah, happy to do that. I mean, because it's indeed a very important topic and it's also something we come across in the many discussions we have with the different stakeholders we are talking to when I'm zooming in first to the co living projects themselves, you know, which is basically the core of the whole offering we are putting together. Just to make it very clear, the marketplace we're going to operate will be a curated marketplace.

Ensuring Quality Through Rigorous Vetting

So it means that every project that is listed there really goes to a pretty tough due diligence, a pretty tough vetting process from our own. We have a team within Portugal that has a sound knowledge about co living because we have people coming from the co living investing, co living incubation. And I would say co living world hardcore. So we know what co living means in terms of the challenges and the potential risks these projects can inherit.

In-Depth Due Diligence Process

So when we are going to, when we are discussing projects, we really go in detail through a due diligence process with the project owners to check the vision behind the project, to check the financials about the project, and only then, when we are, let's say, when we have a certain degree of confidence on the potential of the project, we will run a tokenization project on our process, on our platform. Secondly, each project which is listed on our marketplace, which will be listed on our marketplace, is also backed by, to a certain degree, by our traditional investment fund.

Vetting Process and Risk Management

So next to having the tokenization offering to the larger public, we do have a traditional investment vehicle which is like a typical investment fund, which is funded by the more accredited investors, the high net worth individuals and family offices. So they also invest in the same projects. So it means that these projects are also somehow vetted and went through a due diligence from these people. So in terms of the quality of the projects, I think we do a pretty thorough screening.

Utilizing Stakeholder Insights for Project Validation

On top of that, Bloxquare itself. And as you are involved with the company, you are pretty aware of the corporate resolution they are using, which has some mitigation mechanisms inside one of them being a buyback mechanism which basically allows the community to, let's say, agree on a certain threshold in ownership from which at a certain moment a buyback option could be triggered towards the order, buyback obligation could be triggered towards the issuer.

Maintaining Transparency and Regular Evaluations

On top of that, there is a yearly evaluation of the asset which is published on chain and is made available on chain. So there is a yearly update of the NAF, of the net asset valuation of the property as well. And as I mentioned before, everyone needs to be whitelisted. So there is a KYC AML process involved making sure that we are dealing with people, we are not dealing with people that have a potential risk from that area.

Comprehensive Risk Mitigation Strategy

So I would say the combination of our own, we are doing our homework roughly in terms of screening the projects one side and then on the other side we are enhancing and leveraging on the tools that makes boxgrade available. Both of them, I would say mitigate definitely the risk in terms of the investment offered. And that's why we are, we feel confident that we will have projects that will be successful and that should stay out of any, I would say, danger in terms of fraud or other type of financial risk.

Fostering Investor Confidence

100% agree. There. You can hear me loud. You can hear me clear. Right. Thank you. Okay. Hey, good, because my mic, for some reason, like when you were talking, it actually gave me a warning that it was disconnecting, but it didn't disconnect. So I was scared that my bluetooth disconnected. I love having my bluetooth in. But anyways, get back to it. Now. I definitely understand, you know, you can only do so much right to risk mitigate, but you guys are definitely on top of it vetting and also utilizing the risk management on the blockchain side with block squares technology.

Transparency and Value Proposition

So ultimately people need to realize, you guys are definitely at the forefront of making sure you're transparent. You're, and that your platform is going to bring at least the value that you intended through the co living ecosystem that will function and allow people to trade and allow people to have this a part of portfolio. And I think that ultimately is going to leave it in the hands of the individual, community member or investor if they want to come in, make sure you guys are doing your research, make sure you guys are reading about it.

Encouraging Active Participation

I don't want you guys missing out on a value proposition that you could have got in early because you were here listening. So take the time, make sure you guys are following them. But jump in their website, check it out, there's plethora of information. And if you have any questions that don't get answered today, I definitely encourage you to jump in the telegram or discord wherever their main group is and start talking to the community members.

Community Insight and Team Dynamics

You got to realize people that have been supporting them from the beginning and watching them grow in scale, those guys have the most loudest voice on how great the platform has possibility is because they've watched the team in the background grow and scale their ecosystem. And ultimately, I always tell people that the team is more powerful than any utility. Right. Utility is vaporware. If there isn't a good team behind it, updating it, pushing it and growing and scaling the ecosystem.

Initial Steps and Community Recognition

So it's definitely good to hear that you're definitely taking the right steps to make sure that at least you're doing everything on your side, right. So I think it's awesome and people need to realize that. So I like to highlight that those little wins that you guys are doing in the ecosystem, very much so.

Project Launch Success

I just wanted to maybe just to add something on that. I mean, went through, as you are aware of, as you are pretty much aware, I guess blog Square launched their market pool launchpad offerings some months ago and were actually the first one the first project to be selected from their investment investor community to, let's say, go through the process. And at the end of the day, were able to get our market pool funded within 36 hours, which was a quite awesome success result, I must say. So that also gave us some confidence in terms of what we are building and also gives us a lot of at least some kind of confidence and some trust in also because of the support we get from Bloxquare and its community itself.

Validation Through Community Engagement

Yeah, I know, 100%. That's almost like you did your own like beta testing, right? Or your own like peer, your own peer testing saying, hey, is this a valuable situation? Obviously, as soon as you said, hey, we have something great here, let's see if we can put it out onto the blockchain. You had a. Within 36 hours it closed out. That's a huge win for overall, you know, understanding that what you're bringing to market, because that ultimately, as a CEO or a founder, you know, you can have a great idea, but you just never know what other people think of it. Right. So I think right, there is a win right in the very beginning and I definitely, you know, I'm kind of stuck in the middle. Right. I love what you guys are doing. I love what blog Square is doing.

Encouraging Community Participation

So you can feel my energy and how excited I am, but I also have to make sure I'm critical to, you know, my community to let them know, you know. Yeah, I might seem like I'm excited and I'm great, but I need to make sure you guys get in there and read up and understand what they're building and see the wins that they've won and the milestones that they've met, because that is how I got excited. So I want to make sure everybody feels that same excitement, but also does their research because there's not a lot of projects out there that are not only bringing unique aspects to it, but working with those that want to make sure that it's a success.

Organic Growth and Community Engagement

And hands down, you guys doing it the way you did it obviously shows that, you know, you're serious about what you're doing, but the people that see what you're building are serious about what you're building. So I think that's a win, just 100% win. Very much so. So moving on to my next question, and that's a little bit kind of more geared towards community and governance because, you know, everybody knows that, you know, community is going to be a pivotal part of your early scaling, growing support, and obviously what you've had since you've went to the launch pool.

Community Governance and Events

So as you continually grow and scale, do you have plans for a full governance in the platform and on the community side, do you plan to have any events or referrals or ambassador programs that people can sign up and try to be much more supportive and help grow and scale the ecosystem organically? Because I know that, like I tell people in other projects all the time, there's nothing more powerful than your best friend telling you go check something out. And then they go and check it out and then it becomes something you fall in love with. There's a few platforms that are the small guys in the ecosystem, but I use them every day because how great their utilities are.

Community Building Strategies

Right. And I think that's a, it's a good highlight to have that organic side pushing your project. Yeah, I'm happy to elaborate on that topic as well. So we have been setting up different channels to build the community and the one we are obviously now focusing the most on is our discord. We also designed a couple of weeks ago, we set up a first, let's say, referral campaign using a point system. We call it the BRIC campaign. And this point system allows people to basically gather points and get potentially nominated and increase their chances to get a, get, increased the chances for giveaways.

Rewards and Community Structure

We're going to organize and I think the first one we are organizing is, if I'm not mistaken, tomorrow in our discord. So please feel free to join the discord and check what the campaign is all about. The company is called BRIC and that's the first step we took in, let's say. Yeah, motivating and building our initial community on the more structural side of things. We are, as I mentioned before, there are some community features I would say integrated in the approach of boxware itself, the way the corporate governance or the corporate resolution as it's called in boxware terms, it has been set up.

Mechanisms and Governance Integration

So there are some community mechanisms, community rules that can be triggered regarding to, let's say, decisions on the real estate asset itself. So that's always something we have in place. And on top of that, we are at this very moment together with the team we are checking on how to implement, I would say, a next step in a more decentralized approach, a decentralized approach on decision making on the project. This is obviously to a certain extent a way of, I mean it is a search. There are use cases where things worked, where things didn't work.

Project Continuation and Future Plans

And it's obviously our challenge to find the correct bits and pieces to put together to come to a mechanism that is working for the different stakeholders in what we are doing for the community, for the asset owners, for us, the team. And this is something, this is an internal discussion which is ongoing. It's a project which is ongoing. I hope we will be able to make the next steps in that process during Q one or Q two next year. At this moment, we are very much focused on launching the platform and getting the first, seeing the first projects coming to reality and hopefully making at least one of them successful.

Investment Options and Early Adoption

You can also invest just using USD, euro or GBP or whatever. So that's all. That's all possible. We will be also launching some early adopter or let's say early innovators campaigns. So we will reward people that jump in early into the, in the process that's something we're going to announce, let's say, during the next couple of weeks. We are building, you're at this moment structuring the campaigns. So there will be an incentive for the, for people that join the opportunities on an early stage. They will get some additional benefits compared with people that join in later.

Participation Process

So from the participation point of view, it's a really straightforward process. It's basically registering on the platform and then go to the different proposals to the different projects we have and you can get basically involved as, from as low as 100 USD or euro per token. So that's how, it's, how it's going to work and that's how it's going to be structured. Interesting guys, make sure you guys are following along and you guys are ready to get in if this is something you are interested in.

Acknowledgment of Community Support

I love it. I think it's a, like I was saying, a unique technology that's coming to the ecosystem that is like were talking about. It's a need, it's a necessity. Real estate accessibility, not only in the investment side, but actually living in them in an affordable way is a huge pain right now in the global sense of. So I definitely love it. We went through most of my questions, or went through all my questions and all my notes and I went through most of the comments and picked out a couple of them and I asked those questions as were going along.

Engagement and Future Opportunities

But for the most part is a huge amount of support, I will say, for having 98 comments in there. A lot of them was a lot of kudos to what you guys are doing. You guys are building. They're actually excited to see what you guys are doing and I love it. I actually constantly will do that. So definitely love it. I want to see a lot of your faces in there. I'm going to be joining in on the discord and getting in that conversation as you guys grow.

Final Thoughts and Call to Action

And scott, I think it's exciting, but as we get closer to the end of this ama, I always like to give last minute call to action, you know, anything we might have missed or anything that you think is a great value to the community that you wanted touch on, because ultimately this is your time. So I'd like to give you some time right now to make sure we touch on everything we did or anything that you want to tease to the people that we might have missed. Anything at all. So this is your floor for.

Appreciation and Looking Forward

Yeah, thanks for having. Thanks for giving me the opportunity I'm really with the team, let's put it this way, we have to be the team. You are really grateful of having now, having got this opportunity to present the case, the company, the venture we are building. And I'm really pleased to see, let's say, the size of the audience. It's exciting and I motivating at the same time. And as mentioned earlier, we only can hope that we have as much as possible people joining our discord, participate in our BRIC point campaign, increase their chances of being part of the raffle we're going to organize on the short term.

Project Launch and Community Engagement

And, yeah, really hoping, really excited to connect with all of you, to share the progress, to share the challenges we are facing and running towards this big moment for the team and myself, which will be, let's say, the launch of the first project within the next, I would say, four to six weeks. And so I'm looking forward to connect with most of you in our discord as well. And yeah, just looking forward to make it happen together.

Excitement for Future Developments

Now. Very exciting and 100% agree. And as, like, I just gotta say, they've already worked on having multiple projects ready to launch. So as they start going and start scaling and you guys start seeing the value, there's gonna be a lot of opportunities for you guys to get your portfolio stacked with a unique aspect in the RWA space. So make sure you guys are following along, join that discord, turn those notifications on Twitter so you guys can be up to date.

Community Support and Collaboration

And also make sure you guys are letting us know here at the Eagles, anything you guys are doing, releasing any project that's getting ready to launch, we would love to at least support and make my community and our network aware of you guys preparing another launch on your platform. Because ultimately supporting each other and growing is the most important thing we can do in the blockchain itself, because we are still so small.

Final Encouragement and Community Engagement

Partnerships are the backbone of why a lot of us are still here, still growing is through the network of people we've met. So definitely love what you guys are doing over there and. Yeah, no, but most definitely, we'll definitely see me join in the discord and I'll be saying hi, and I hope a lot of the community members do the same thing. And ultimately, if you guys still are on the fence or don't understand the platform as much, please jump in, start reading up on notifications, read up on their white papers and what they're doing as a company, and then ultimately formulate those questions and start getting those questions in there on the discord.

The Importance of Questions and Learning

Yeah, get them hard ones in there. You know, I always say the only question that's a dumb question is one that's not asked. I mean, I'm sure everybody has heard that saying, but in nowadays, with new technology and with blockchain technology, it's more apparent than ever before that you need to be educated up to date and also at the forefront early of any type of opportunity. Right.

Concluding Remarks and Future Interaction

So definitely love what you guys are doing over there. So I ultimately on my side and over here at Eagles, we thank you and everybody over there at Portorio capital, the entire team and what you guys are doing. And thank you guys for joining us, sharing your innovative approach to real world assets and co living, which I believe is going to be a huge win overall.

Value of Real-World Assets

On the real world side of it, people are bringing a lot of real world assets on chain, but they're not, I think, capitalizing on the true value that the web two side, the real world actually brings along. In this way, you'll be not only being able to grow the web three, but also marketing to randoms out there that are going to be looking for affordable places to live. They're going to be like, what is this? What is this co living blockchain technology thing that they got going on and that opens the doors for educating people on a much more safe, mitigated way to the blockchain technology while still giving them access and opportunity to the value of the real world asset.

Inspiration and Vision

I think that's a huge thing. So your commitment for leveraging the blockchain technology, making it into the real estate investment more accessible and transparent, it's truly inspiring. I love it. I'm excited to see what you guys going to be able to do in scale. Obviously, I am, like I said, a little biased because of the network you're a part of with Block Square and what you're doing overall for the people of the world.

The Importance of a Strong Team

But I think that bias shows that like I the same commitment. I tell everybody all the time, you find a great team and then you buy into their product. You don't buy into the product unless you know there's a great team behind it. And so far, you guys have checked all my boxes. You guys seem like a great team and I can't wait to see you guys grow and scale in the future.

Encouragement for Future Communication

I appreciate everything you're doing. And just a reminder, please make sure you are talking to me and my team to make sure that we are retweeting any huge announcements that you got. We want to make sure everybody's up to date and are as early as possible there. I don't want none of my community members missing out on anything you got going on.

Final Reflections and Gratitude

But yeah, if you have any last minute closing statements or anything you want to say to the community before we close things out of today. You got a minute? No, I think I'm just again, thanks for giving us the opportunity. And again, let's make this work. Let's make this happen together. And I'm really looking forward to connecting with all of you with the community here and move things forward.

Community Impact and Connection

Yeah, most definitely. Most definitely. And I appreciate ultimately you keep thanking us but we appreciate you. And it looks like over 2000 people here appreciate you coming on and showcasing and representing that because ultimately you guys are the hard workers that are bringing value to make it to where my community members can find a place that they call home and that they get opportunity.

Looking Forward to Future Collaborations

So I appreciate it. Thank you again and I can't wait to do this again and maybe I'll see you one of those block square ama's here soon and we'll be able to chat again. Either way, it's really good connecting with you and I can't wait to see you go you to new heights and ultimately I think that the value is going to scale organically.

Staying Informed and Engaged

So I really do appreciate it. I'll be looking forward to everything going on. And eagles. Like I always say, man, this is not financial advice. You do your own research. Always, always stay safe in the space. But I'm been hounding this down to your guys's throats for over a year. It's how I've been successful in the ecosystem. Obviously I'm not a rich man but I'm, you know, I definitely have some good wins under my belt and a lot of those wins occurred to teams that were building stuff, that had been building stuff that actually proved that they're building stuff, very transparent, open and actually have real value.

Encouragement for Research and Questions

I'm not trying to say 100% that this is that, but I will say that they've checked all my boxes. So go in there, start doing some research, start reading up on the platform and see if it checks your boxes. And like I said, if you're on the fence, you have plenty of time before the first project launches and everything starts streamlining in.

Final Thoughts and Community Education

So get in there, start asking your questions, you know, and start to get familiar with the platform. You never know. I always say this, you never know what's going to be the next big thing. No one knew that, you know, pancake swap was going to be the next big thing, but it was. So, like I always say, you want to make sure you're educating yourself, understanding the technology, and at the forefront of everything early.

Concluding Gratitude and Farewell

So I appreciate your time, Pascal. Until next time. Thank you. I'll see you later, buddy. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye bye.

Closing Remarks

All right, eagles. Like I always say, stay safe in space. I love you guys, and I'll see you guys later.

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