Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Polkadot Decoded Asia 2024: Key Takeaways hosted by CESS_Storage. Polkadot Decoded Asia 2024 event delved into the innovative CD²N + Storage Layer1 Network for DePIN, offering profound insights into the future of blockchain technology and decentralized finance. Discussions highlighted the importance of efficient storage solutions, collaborations, and upcoming projects like $CESS in the DeFi space. The event emphasized emerging trends, community engagement, and the transformative potential of blockchain innovations. Attendees gained valuable knowledge on advancements, future forecasts, and the significance of community-driven progress in decentralized ecosystems.

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Total Listeners: 23


Q: What is the main focus of the CD²N + Storage Layer1 Network for DePIN?
A: It aims to revolutionize decentralized storage solutions, offering enhanced efficiency and data security.

Q: How are future trends shaping blockchain technology?
A: Future trends point towards improved security, scalability, and innovation in blockchain networks.

Q: What advancements can be expected from projects like $CESS in DeFi?
A: $CESS and similar projects are likely to bring significant advancements and new opportunities to the DeFi sector.

Q: How important is collaboration for the progress of blockchain technology?
A: Collaboration and innovation play crucial roles in driving technological advancements and market growth in the blockchain space.

Q: Why are efficient storage solutions vital for blockchain networks?
A: Efficient storage solutions are essential for maintaining data security and enhancing operational efficiency in blockchain networks.

Q: What insights does the Polkadot Decoded Asia 2024 event provide?
A: The event offers insights into cutting-edge advancements, future trends, and community collaboration in the blockchain and DeFi sectors.

Q: How does the CD²N network enhance DePIN's capabilities?
A: The CD²N network is poised to elevate DePIN's capabilities by providing improved storage solutions and user experiences.

Q: What opportunities do upcoming projects like $CESS bring to DeFi?
A: Projects like $CESS bring new opportunities, advancements, and developments to the rapidly evolving DeFi ecosystem.

Q: What role does community collaboration play in decentralized ecosystems?
A: Community collaboration is fundamental for sharing knowledge, driving progress, and fostering innovation in decentralized ecosystems.

Q: What does the future hold for blockchain technology based on the event discussions?
A: The event discussions suggest exciting trends and innovations that will shape the future of the blockchain industry.

Q: Why is the Polkadot Decoded Asia 2024 event significant for the blockchain and DeFi sectors?
A: The event showcases significant advancements, collaborations, and insights that are key for the growth and development of the blockchain and DeFi sectors.


Time: 00:15:47
Revolutionizing Decentralized Storage with CD²N Exploring the transformative impact of the CD²N + Storage Layer1 Network on decentralized storage solutions.

Time: 00:30:12
Future Trends in Blockchain Technology Insights into the evolving landscape of blockchain technology focusing on security, scalability, and innovation.

Time: 00:45:28
Advancements in DeFi with $CESS Unveiling the expected advancements and potential contributions of projects like $CESS to the DeFi sector.

Time: 01:00:17
Collaboration and Innovation in Blockchain Space Discussions on the importance of collaboration and innovation for driving progress in blockchain technology.

Time: 01:15:42
Efficient Storage Solutions for Blockchain Networks Highlighting the significance of efficient storage solutions for data security and operational efficiency in blockchain networks.

Time: 01:30:59
Enhancing DePIN with CD²N Network Exploring how the CD²N network enhances DePIN's capabilities through improved storage solutions and user experiences.

Time: 01:45:22
Insights on $CESS Project in DeFi Sector Gaining insights on the upcoming $CESS project and its potential impact on the DeFi ecosystem.

Time: 02:00:11
Cutting-Edge Advancements at Polkadot Decoded Asia 2024 Showcasing the latest advancements, trends, and community collaborations in the blockchain and DeFi sectors.

Time: 02:15:37
Emerging Trends Shaping the Future of Blockchain Industry Discussing emerging trends and innovations that offer a glimpse into the future of the blockchain industry.

Time: 02:30:44
Community Collaboration for Progress in Decentralized Ecosystems Exploring the role of community collaboration in driving progress, innovation, and knowledge sharing in decentralized ecosystems.

Key Takeaways

  • Introducing the CD²N + Storage Layer1 Network for DePIN aims to revolutionize decentralized storage solutions.
  • Future trends in blockchain technology suggest a shift towards enhanced security and scalability.
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi) projects like $CESS are set to make notable advancements in the near future.
  • Collaboration and innovation in the blockchain space are key drivers of technological progress and market growth.
  • Understanding the importance of storage solutions in blockchain networks for enhanced efficiency and data security.
  • Exploring the potential impact of the CD²N network on elevating DePIN's capabilities and user experience.
  • Insights on the upcoming $CESS project hint at new opportunities and developments in the DeFi sector.
  • The Polkadot Decoded Asia 2024 event showcases cutting-edge advancements in blockchain technology and decentralized finance.
  • Emerging trends and innovations discussed at the event provide a glimpse into the future of the blockchain industry.
  • The event highlights the significance of community collaboration and knowledge-sharing for driving progress in decentralized ecosystems.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Cheers, everyone. Hi, Dolmen. GMgm hey, nice to be here. Yeah, Mike's working. Perfect. Perfect. Hi, Dolman. Gm dm hey, nice to be here. Hello, Peter. Hello, Dolman. Hello, Jesse. Welcome, welcome. Hi. Yeah, Mike's working perfect. Good. Hey, Dolman, how's everything helped you back to from Singapore?

Travel Experience

It went well. You know how it is going back to Europe. It takes like twelve hour flight. A bit annoying, but apart from that everything went according to plans. And you? Yeah, the weather is not so great here. Yeah, I just. From like summer to winter when the day when I left UK is the summer. The day I come back from Singapore, it's really autumn. Yeah, here as well. It's like 14 degrees. 15 degrees. Shitty weather. So. Yeah, yeah. The leaves everywhere. You know. It's really autumn.

Discussion Commencement

We could stay in Istanbul for a couple of more days, huh? Hello, 30 Charu, are you able to hear us? Who's doing a mic test? Hello? Hey. Hey, is this Drew? Yep, it is. How are you? Oh, great. Hey, how's it going? Thanks for joining us. Your mic sounds great. Awesome. I saw unique network joining. Is that Charu or their team member? Should be. Charu, are you able to hear us? It. Hi, Charu, are you able to hear us?

Session Setup

Hey. Hi. Yes, I can hear you. Am I coming in clear? Yes, very clear. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, everybody, we have everybody, we just give about two more minutes and then we'll officially start on the official time. Thank you. Alrighty, everybody, it's time. And also GMGM. Thank you for taking the time to join us at the SES Twitter space. It's truly an honor to host today's session along with other esteemed leaders and projects from the web three community.

Introduction of Guests

Today we have with us guests from Apulona, unique network, tango and SAS Cumulus encrypted storage system. Our main topic of discussion for today is Polkadot decoded Asia 2024. Key Takeaways my name is Mark Wang and I will be your host for today. I'm with the project teliwally, an AI powered decentralized video AMT platform that's built on top of SAS. Everyone, you can picture telewealy as a decentralized version of TikTok. We were very careful with our decentralized storage selection and settled on the SAS network because of the many proprietary technologies which only available on the SAS network, one of them being the decentralized CDN.

Project Overview

Because of SAS, televallet is able to give data sovereignty and control back to the users and reward participants, not only for creating, but also for viewing, sharing and collecting videos. If you are interested in more about our project, please give us a follow on Twitter or xdev at tellywelly IO. All right, thank you everyone. Also, just a friendly reminder that everything shared on this Twitter space today is for informational and educational purposes only. This is not financial advice. Please do your own research and consult with a professional before making any financial decisions. Thank you.

Discussion Introduction

Okay, moving on. Informing this discussion with us today we have Jesse Dye, co founder of Cesse Domin Orsett, co founder and coo of alkyl, Sharu Seti, CMO of Unique Network and Juice Stone, CEO and founder of Tango. We definitely have an excellent panel with us today and as always, we're excited for the engaging discussions ahead. So guests, please go around and briefly introduce yourself and your project and its unique position in the web three space. So Jesse, co founder of SAS, we'd like to introduce yourself first.

Recognizing Achievements

Also, congratulations to SES. I know you all had a very successful event, both events and also at Token 2049 in Singapore. And also understand that SES is on his final testnet codenamed Venus, before going to Mainnet. Also, another huge congratulations for the upcoming DPIM briefing with the US Congress on October 2 at Capitol Hill in Washington DC. So Jesse, please introduce yourself.

Jesse's Introduction

Thank you Peter, you already introduced me, I think I have not so many to add up. So hello everyone, this is Jessie from SAS. SAS is decentralized data infrastructure, a blockchain powered decentralized storage and content delivery network. With SAS, network users and creators can use the SAS platform for on chain data sharing. Why the builders and developers can deploy the apps. So we are offering most optimal web three data solutions for storing and literal high frequency dynamic data. SAS will help you to fully control your data ownership and your data sovereignty and protect user privacy.

Dolman Orthod's Introduction

Thank you Jesse. Thank you for the great introduction. About SASA. Now Dolman Orthod, co founder and CEO of Apelon. We'd like to introduce yourself and Apelon also by. Sure, yeah, go ahead. Cheers everyone. My name is Dolman, I'm a co founder of Epilon web three development platform. So what we do with Apollon is abstract the blockchain complexity behind currently Polkadot Network. It's parachains. And combine this into a suit of development tools that empower developers to upgrade to web three easily.

Apelon's Function

So we make this environment easier to enter and you can think of as something similar to what Firebase is for web two developers. So making it easier giving them the complete tools, something like one stop shop for developers that are entering the web three world. Thank you. So you're a one stop shop for integrating blockchain solutions and pretty much making web three adoption more accessible. Something like that. Yeah, exactly.

Website Features

Okay. Yeah. Also, I love what you did with your guys website. You're offering your website on centralized storage and also on decentralized on ipfs. I love that you're giving users the option. Yeah. Obviously we have Seth here. We discussed in length at the Polkadot booth and with Jesse on a few meetings in Singapore. So yeah, we're doing something together pretty soon.

Future Collaboration

Oh, wow. That's awesome. Looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Yeah, thanks. Thank you. All right. Thank you doma for the great introduction. Next we have Charu Seti, CMO of unique network. You can find Charu at her Twitter space at Charu Seti. S e t h I. Charu, would you like to introduce yourself and your project?

Charu's Introduction

Sure. Thank you, Mark. Hi everyone, I'm Charu. First of all, thank you for making it to this session. For some of you, it's Saturday morning, for the others in Asia, Saturday night. So thanks for being here. I head up marketing and parts of business and product as well. At unique. Unique network is the most advanced NFT infrastructure blockchain out there. Essentially we've been building from day one for the next set of use cases.

NFT Use Cases

Nfts 2.0 you can call it. And we have a very powerful set of SDKs and tools using which any developer, even web two developers, can build NFT based applications like music, apps or loyalty programs, fan engagement products. So essentially we power these use cases. And the first wave of the NFT hype was mainly driven by speculative images. And that phase has passed and the industry is now getting ready for more mature use cases for nfts and our tech is ready to deliver on that.

Unique Network Milestones

Oh great. Thank you, Sher. Also, congratulations. I saw like a post recently. Also check out the video. I think recently Ivan on text shares that he made a YouTube video and where he mentioned unique network. Everybody knows ion tech has half a million subscribers on YouTube. And he mentioned about the unique networks, AMT, XCM. That's awesome news. Thank you.

Future Prospects

Yeah, that's a big milestone and it's very exciting because it's for the ecosystem and I'll talk more about it later. But yeah, exciting times indeed. Oh, great. Yeah, I absolutely agree with you. I understand the first phase of AMT was just regular jpegs, just like was unique or, you know, with my project. Kelly Wally, we're making videos into NFT. So it's definitely, I think everybody's gearing up toward the next phase, you know, as you said, NFT 2.0.

Ju Stone's Introduction

Looking forward to hearing more about your project. Lastly. Oh, you're welcome. Lastly, we have Ju Stone, CEO and founder of Tango. Also, I think with Ju's personal Twitter space at zksnark, I saw your post. I do agree with your video post of intro to CS is dead since OpenAI is getting so much better at coding. In a way, I feel kind of cheated for all those years of CS programming. So drew, please introduce yourself and your.

Tango's Purpose

Project can go hey, thanks for having me. Yeah, my personal twitter is zknarc, not the succinct part. Yeah. Hi everyone, I'm the founder of Tangle. We're building decentralized AWS so you can think of it as a marketplace for on demand, multi party compute solutions. We empower developers to build multiparty systems and decentralize them from day one, where there's a restaking infrastructure that supports it, where any type of asset can be used to secure and ensure different multiparty services such as oracles bridges, ZK applications, or AI agent applications.

Development Tools

We're building a pretty powerful SDK that lets developers build these types of services. You can check it out at our main development company for Tangle is called Web. You can check out our GitHub and we have a lot of interesting services we're building together with partners in the AI space, Oracle Space bridge space to make it really easy to deploy these systems. So if you're a blockchain or a project that needs this type of infrastructure, definitely get in touch.

Closing Remarks


Introduction and AI Integration

Thank you jush. Thank you for the great introduction. Also, I like that you all recently had an AI integration so where users are able to leverage AI to learn more about more and faster about Tango. I love those features. So also, before we dive in, could I kindly ask everyone to do a quick favor? Please like and retweet this space so we can welcome more people to join exciting and engaging discussions instead. Thank you.

Polkadot Dakota Asia 2024 Key Takeaways

Now, moving on to our main topic of discussion, Polkadot Dakota Asia 2024 Key takeaways we're excited to dive into the discussions about Polkadot decoded event that has brought together developers, investors and enthusiasts from all around the world to support the latest developments in the Polkadot ecosystem. During this space, we'll be unpacking the most significant takeaways from the event, including new investments in governance and interoperability, how they are shaping the future of decentralized network. So now moving on to our first question, what inspired you to attend Polkadot decoded Asia 2024? Could you share some of your key takeaways from the sessions workshop you participated in? So Jesse from SES, we would like to take a lead first for this first question.

Jesse's Insights on Polkadot Decoded

Thank you Peter Ces, have we attended Polkadot decoder several times from the New York, from Copenhagen, from Argentina and Hangzhou Shanghai that several we have been attended. I think every time we attend Polkadot decoded I always think the Polkadot ecosystem is the one public chain ecosystem focused on the builders and developers to develop the ecosystem together and Polkadot always support all the builders and developers to deep involved with the project staff and also the community together. And this is always the one impression every time I have involved with this community event. So with this time I because of the also is a time that we are entering with the Polkadot 2.0 and this is the new time for the Polkadot to facing the new area for the enterprise and Polkadot always the focus on really practicing technology not only on the white paper, not only on the yellow paper.

Key Takeaways and Identity in Polkadot

It's actually all the miles that move forward always had their own purpose is provide really enterprise level technology to bridging web two with web three. One of the key takeaways from this event is identity and its role in enhanced trust and security across network. The discussion around the evolution of the governance was also particularly enlightening and especially with the introduction of the more granular voting mechanism that could better reflect the community voice. I think this is the one I really try to learn because with the blockchain ecosystem it makes sure most of voice can be heard from the community and Polkadot is always the one with the community try to get really governance by the community.

Community Engagement and Ambassadors

I think this time this module are really sure Polkadot is really driven by community. We see so many the ambassadors in the Polkadot ecosystem during the token 49, 2049 and everyone was so full of passion to introduce Polkadot to the visitors and also try to make connection to each project. So this is really I really as a staff also is a layer one chair. We really need to learn from the Polkadot and maybe we can introduce this governor palate into SAS ecosystem. So we, I talked to the team during the Singapore time and I think he mentioned that like this module is easily to be adopted to the other chain if really well into the governance by the community.

Dolman's Experience and Insights

Thank you Peter. Thank you Jesse. Yeah I agree with you. Polkadot is very good with community engagement and also forming great connection within the web three space. So I think all of us are really lucky to work with Polkadot. So, yeah. Next, Dolman Orsic, co founder and CEO of Appilon. We would like to share what inspired you to attend Polkadot Dakota 2024. Maybe some key takeaways, please. Yeah, I mean, just following on Jesse, similar to SAS, Apollon has been at, I think, nearly all Polkadot decoded so far, be it in Europe, Asia, US.

Apollon's Experience at Events

We've traveled around the world with this amazing ecosystem. And yeah, I think that I want to stress what Jesse said, the ecosystem that supports all partners in it. So I think that all our teams were represented at the Polkadot booth as well, not only at the Polkadot decoded and being there, it was just a reminder of how connected the ecosystem is, where all teams with the official Polkadot team, the ambassadors, and especially all teams or people from different teams, how they support each other, how connected we are.

Progress in the Ecosystem

And we've seen multiple times when some founders or people from other teams brought someone interested in epilon to our booth, you know, just helping each other, because we know that if one team succeeds in the ecosystem, this is really good for the ecosystem as a whole. And I think that this shows that we are one of the most thriving and positive ecosystems out there. But just the key takeaway from, let's say first from the token 2049 itself, it was just the vastness of the conference and everything that goes on around it. I've been at my first Token 2049 in Hong Kong in, I think it was 2018.

Token 2049 Experience

But what has happened in the past few years with the conference is just on another level. It's with more than 1000 side events, I think workshops with, I don't know, 30, 40,000 people interested in web three in Singapore. At the same time, this is just a never ending positive vibe and positive discussions about how to cooperate, what to do and so on. And I don't know, it shows maybe that crypto, if we compare it to back then or web three space, it's not only fun and games, it has evolved into something really serious.

Developments and Brand Engagement

You have, you know, the biggest brands entering Webtree also to the Polkadot ecosystem, as Jesse said, focusing on enterprise adoption. And this is something that, I think that it's really cool and it's a bit different than back the early days of crypto when we started to take part of events like this. In terms of Polkadot decoded. I mean, we all know each other more or less, we know what we're doing. So it's really cool to see these small projects that started, I don't know, three, four years ago evolve into businesses, serious businesses that can cater to either enterprise or developers in any way.

Newcomers and Developer Adoption in Ecosystem

And yeah, it's, I would like to see some more newcomers entering. I was just checking the developer adoption report and there's a bit less newcomers comparing to 2020, 2021 in the ecosystem. But nevertheless, it was really amazing event, similar faces, doing a great job in the ecosystem. So yeah, thank you for sharing Dulman yeah, I agree with you. Polkadot, I think they always put on a great show. I think the last, besides decoded Asia token 2049 in Singapore and every time I think also at the same time, I'd like to give a shout out, I think, to the Polkadot team, the people on the ground.

Acknowledging Polkadot Team Efforts

I think you all met Elizabeth Zemina and Eric from the Polka Dot team. All the conferences I've been to, they've just been put on a great show. And this time I think a lot of people had a lot of fun too, because they also brought Mario Kart arcade game into the Polkadot booth where people have a lot of fun enjoying and sharing and have a great time and hanging out with other great projects in the community. So definitely a shout out to the Polkadot team.

Charu's Experience and Networking

So Charu, would you like to share your insight about this question? What inspired you to attend Polkadot decoded 2024 and maybe some key takeaways? Sure. So first of all, I live in Singapore, so I had to be there. But Polkadot decoded n sub zero and other ecosystem events give, I think, all of us the opportunity to connect with ecosystem partners, friends and colleagues. And normally we don't meet them face to face. So it's a great opportunity from that perspective. It is also because our team itself, I mean, and I think it applies for most of us.

Collaborations and Initiatives

We work from different countries, so good to just get together in one place. And then I think from the ecosystem or the decoded takeaways perspective, it was we are, I think, at a place where most of the parachains, all projects building in the ecosystem are at a stage where whatever they're building can be cross leveraged. So we are no more in the phase of fighting for parachains or securing our own place, but we are now maturely building. And it was for unique network. It was a great opportunity to connect with other parachains and discuss synergies.

NFT Initiatives and Ecosystem Focus

In fact, we are already working on integrations with Appalon. I didn't get a chance to say hi to you, but I had a chat with Nino so it was amazing. That's one example. Plus are the major initiatives that we are focused on right now around NFT, XCM and the NFT collective. They're all ecosystem focused initiatives. So my takeaway from that from Polkadot decoded was great conversations. Much more openness, in fact, a lot of openness from every parachain to be collaborating and making sure that we all succeed together. And of course it's all fun to see friends as well.

Token 2049 and Community Engagement

And Jesse, thank you for the moon cake you share. It was amazing. So we had a lot of fun too. And from token 2049 perspective, I think it is. I mean it is one of the largest conferences globally and brings together people from Southeast Asia. Singapore in itself is nothing, a massive community in terms of volumes, but it becomes a good hub to get together with communities from Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, where there are masses of retail investors and developers and so on.

Industry Updates and Market Dynamics

So from that perspective, it's really good to see and meet people and domain, as you said, that there are big brands coming in and two years ago compared to two years ago, a lot of froth from the ecosystem, from not polka dot but the industry where there were smaller projects building just for around speculative nfts or games or shilling projects, all of that has gone and it was really good to see mature projects and serious builders and companies at token. So that was exciting.

Network State Conference

And much more exciting were many of the side events that happened and more meaningful conversations. My other favorite event side event was the network state conference on Sunday. I don't know if any of you got a chance to attend that, but I think that was really good in terms of content. So I think great conversations within the ecosystem, outside the ecosystem. I think it was. It was a good idea to do a decoded alongside token.

Follow-Up and Insights

Great. Thank you Haru. Thank you for sharing. And this is one of the things I love, these Twitter spaces. We get to find firsthand about these alpha that you shared that I guess both your project and Dolman's project will be collaborating. So it's great for all the audience here to learn about new perspectives and new project collaborations. And definitely good luck to both your projects.

Ju's Takeaways from Decoded

So moving on. Ju would like to share your insight about the Polkadot decoded Asia 2024 and your key takeaways and maybe sessions or workshop you participated in. Hey, sure, yeah, my main interest in joining this year is decoded where to meet some of the projects we've been chatting with online, meet their team members in person. We have a few bridging partners within the broader substrate Polkadot ecosystem, and we're planning a very large or a much larger airdrop distribution for participation on Tangle, for asset holders anywhere, but also on Polkadot.

Concerns about Ecosystem and Collaboration

So working together with teams like Moonbeam, Bifrost, or Tansy, once some of our more restaking infrastructure goes live, you know, I think a big takeaway, if I can, if I can let the mask come off, is that there's a lot of teams leaving the Polkadot ecosystem. There's, there are, there's a lack of use cases, I think, beyond what's now being built out in other ecosystems. And my experience, I see some people at the event, but not really there, you know, and it's really great, I think, to see the number of projects collaborating, that the level of collaboration has certainly increased, partially because I, I think maybe people need to, or they've like, resorted to this more friendly nature than in the past.

Background and Current Challenges

For background, I'm. I was the creator of this very early blockchain called Edgeware. So Polkadot's been quite dear to my heart since the beginning of my career. We kind of launched one of the first substrate chains that existed, and since then, the hype has certainly been sucked out of the room. So what we're hoping, and it's great to be here with some of these new projects, I would really love to see new use cases for the assets in the ecosystem and new technologies that kind of make substrate polka dot shine again.

Project Collaborations and Future Prospects

There's a number of projects that actually, after leaving token 2049, I learned were substrate projects, but they're completely branded away from Polkadot. So it's an interesting, these are my interesting takeaways from the event. It's like I could have found ways to collaborate with these people had I known maybe what stack they were built on, because substrate is a very flexible modular system and projects using it can collaborate quite easily with one another. So hopefully the next year or two, I think that will shine.

Opportunities and Future Directives

Hearing that there's probably going to be more focus and discussion around substrate as a. As a core piece of infrastructure next to Polkadot, because there are a lot of very valuable projects that are based on this stack that people might not know about because people don't want to brand as such. So my hope is that hopefully changes, you know, beyond that, I think there's a lot of promise for what's going on in Polkadot. There's a lot of assets and value that can be tapped into if we can find a way to get users using new products.

Call for New Product Development

And obviously new products are driven by yield. So we have to be building solutions that provide new yield opportunities for these assets. So that's hopefully what one of the main focuses that we're focused on at Tangle, and hopefully we can collaborate with some of the people in this space as well.

Rounding Up Thoughts

Thank you drew. Thank you for sharing. I agree. Substrate is definitely a great framework. I do look just like you. I do look for new projects and maybe more synergy amongst even more existing projects so everybody can find out they are on taking advantage of the sub trade framework and more collaborations down the road.

Governance and Interoperability Developments

Okay, now moving on to our second questions, we heard some exciting new developments announcements regarding governance and interoperability features within the Polkadot ecosystem. What are your thoughts on these? Could you share the progress and plans for decentralized governance within your project? Jesse from Seth would like to share your input. I think the advancement in the governance and interoperability are truly groundbreaking for the Polkadot ecosystem.

Insights on Decentralized Governance

And the Polkadot moves towards more decentralized governance, particularly through open governance, sets a new standard for how decision can be made more inclusively and transparency with a decentralized network. And we can see since we participation many times for the Polkadot decoded and many events that Polkadot host and we can see before is already like community, deeply involved, but always had different issues and not so efficiency and also as the community members. And we can see so many wastage during the old event for the merchandisers and all the different things.

Challenges in Decentralized Operations

And as an ecosystem member and also is like a co founder of the SAS, we always say sometimes what we do that it would be save so much money or save so many energy for the different part of the members. So that's always hard issues, but that's the blockchain, because we are not centralized, we cannot operate so efficiently or reduce some cost. So that's the disadvantage from the decentralized.

Advantages of Decentralized Governance

But the good part of the decentralized is like try to get everyone be heard from the different corner of the world. I think that's like even Gavin Wood also discussed the limitation of the current blockchain system, not only because of the governance, but also in the turn of the interoperability between the different chain and layers. So also the new popular 2.0 gem chain aims to address these issues by introducing most torrent state model that balance scalability and interoperability.

SAS Network Dynamics

So when we look at this, the assess also is like layer one chain building on a building with substrate framework. So we are the typical dping project there are so many roles in the SAS network we have the full miners, you know, the storage miners, consistent miners, literary miners, cache miners and also we have the users and the data creators. So there are so many different roles were played in the SAS network.

Future Directions for Resource Efficiency

So then by hand as the deeping SAS can provide a decentralized open source network that allows everyone can join the SAS network provided, you know, different resources. But how can we make sure all the resources can working together efficiently for the future users with the web three functionality but web two performance that also really need a lot of work.

Community Participation and Development

I don't know if from the open governance or from the infrastructure building implementation or the coding side or the innovations in the technology. So there are so many things that we need to working on and I think open source network is not only required the project itself the core team to deeply involve the Wuhan but also need help needed support from the community working together.

Communication Between Community and Team

And sometimes I think that the way how we build this network is always had two different side even the community also have the two different side requirements when they required some delivery most efficiency network they required a lot from the project itself. So they need this from the core team needed that from core team and they want to give the best service to the community which with the startup company, startup team there are not so many hands to deal with so many things so like we don't have enough people to give the, you know, the communication in the group and also if anything that team members or committee members not happy they assume the project not care about them ignoring them actually at the same time we are dealing many things one is deliver the technology we promised on the mindstorm second, we want to building the market to make sure our technology can provide a service to the users that we aiming to like says we're aiming to the enterprise or the massive adoption.

Focus on Open Governance

So this is all demand a lot of work. So then we also sometimes if something not go well with communication between the community and the team I think the open governance is the way to go because they give more power to the community members who really want to deeply involve this project. This network they really think is good or they really want to support.

Involvement of Community and Opportunities

So then the network become the more open and the community members can also get involved with different things just like a team member and our community token allocation can really give the grants to the people really become the similar like a part time job. I think this from the can be developers can be the marketing people can be the content, the creators. There are so many opportunities to the people to involve.

Open Governance and Engagement

I think for me, open governance is really interesting. Me, I have to mention this again.

Concluding Remarks

Thank you. Thank you, Jesse. Thank you for sharing about SAS. Thank you for sharing about decentralized governance. Those are some great perspectives. So let's get input from another guest, Dolman. We would like to share about your perspective about this questions, input on announcements regarding governance and interoperability features within the Polkadot ecosystem and whether if your plans or your project's plans for decentralized governance.

Dolman's Reflections on Governance

Thank you. Yeah, I really liked, Jesse, what you said about being hurt and giving the power to the community because I think this is what Opengovern decentralized governance is actually all about. It's empowering people that can co create and co govern the whole ecosystem. And at the same time it's really cool to see that it gives a sort of connection between the decision makers that are in this term, you know, like voters on the OpenGov and projects that are working in the ecosystem or let's say get funded somewhat in from the polka dot treasury or so because it's a really interesting, this connection then that started to, starts to be there.

Empowerment and User Involvement

So it's like it's really giving the power back to the roots, to the people. And I don't know, for us at Epilon, it's really important in terms of product development. So it's not a guessing game when it comes to, let's say, building new features on Epilon, but it's something that is given to us and set to us from our users, from the community.

Governance Model and User Feedback

So it's like our governance model, focus on the platform and obviously product related questions. So it's not a broader decision making process, but it creates this feedback loop between developers, users and our team here at Apelon. So we can create a better product market fit, that we can create sort of better, clearer development priorities and really expand towards users needs and ultimately create, I think, greater adoption of epilogue.

Recognition of Importance

Yeah, it's something that we really think it's important. It's not just from the ideology but from the product itself. It's something that we will be working more on and as the adoption goes on, obviously also of Apple, I think that we will see more and more of this evolve in house at our case. Yeah.

Doomon's Appreciation and Introduction to Unique Network

Thank you, Doomon. I appreciate your thoughts on this. So next we have our charu unique network. We like to share your input regarding this particular question. Sure. So I'll dive more into the interoperability side of things, because that's what we announced last week. Just a little bit of context for those who do not know and are listening to this. I mean, interchange communication has been the core of Polkadot's value proposition, and XCM enables kind of seamless movement of fungible assets across chains. And we realized last year that XCM for NFT still needed to be built. So unique network took the leadership to submit a treasury proposal. And with huge support from the community, we won the referendum. And last week at decoded, we announced that we have deployed a development environment with the relay chain, the asset hub and unique network with Polkadot SDK that includes essentially all components of NFTXCM.

Development and Functionality of NFT XCM

So developers in this development or environment, they can test transfers of nfts between the asset hub and unique network. And so this proves that NFT XCM or cross consensus messaging for nfts, it works across between these two, between asset hub and unique network. For now, it's not a concept anymore, a functioning reality. And if there are other parachains who would like to be added to this development environment, feel free to reach out to me and we can later share a form to register your interest for that. So this will allow them to test this environment prior to its deployment in the production environment. In addition to that, if there are any EVM teams who would like to pioneer the implementation, the EVM implementation of this environment, please reach out to us as well. So, and then we are also working on the JavaScript libraries that will allow the wallets and blockchain explorers to easily read and post the NFT XPM transactions.

Technical Milestones and Community Collaborations

And this will come in about two months. So essentially, I mean it's symbolic, it's a technical milestone, but it's a very symbolic one as well to bring the ecosystem together and start working on applications and use cases that will actually deliver the promise of this technology and deliver the promise of Polkadot's value proposition to support that. Earlier in the year we at sub Zero Thailand, we had launched a small think tank to start the conversation around NFT XCM and cross chain NFT use cases in the ecosystem. So we already working on two of those with Acala and Zeitgeist. So if you are a parachain and have nfts that you would like to bring into unique network or be able to leverage unique networks, advanced NFT features, that is one use case. If you'd like to transfer back and forth, that's the other use case. So feel free to reach out to discuss ideas. Even now we just need organizational bridges and start connecting with the leaders of the ecosystem who are working on different NFT projects.

Governance and NFT Collective Initiatives

So that was, that's a big update from our perspective. Again, it's symbolic and it's ecosystem wide. And then from the governance and perspective, we are, we've also started work on sort of an open alliance, which is called the NFT collective. As of now, and hopefully with the support from the web three foundation, if that comes through, we will continue to define NFT collective and that will be, that is aimed to be a decentralized on chain alliance that will help uplift all NFT parachains in the ecosystem. So that's kind of the governance side of it. But there is a whole lot of technical work and research being done to create the collective and set it up to define a common vision of success for all NFT projects in the ecosystem. So yeah, those are our two major updates and they're both for the ecosystem. So really looking forward to sharing more and more news progressively with the community.

Interoperability and Data Movement in Web3

Oh, thank you, thank you, Charu. There's a lot of information, I agree with you 100%. Interoperability will definitely fuel the growth of web three and also the web three ecosystem together. And also, just like the ethos of web three, I guess your data should be able to follow you across different networks. In your cases, nfts are agreed, since your data, as you're right, it should be able to go across chain. Totally. Yep. Okay, Drew, we'd like to share your input about this questions announcement regarding governance and interoperability features within the Polkadot ecosystem. And if your or your projects plan to have decentralized governance within your project.

Governance in Tangle Ecosystem

Yeah, I mean, Tangle's current mainnet has decentralized governance and the traditional council setup. Hopefully as we get our larger upgrades out of the way, we will get rid of some of the centralized access we have. Pseudo pallet, whatnot. Yeah, when it comes to Polkadot, it's definitely, I think, and maybe I don't have a wide enough view of the broader blockchain ecosystem, but it's got clearly one of the most decentralized operations. I. Think that has its growing pains. But it's super interesting to see how progressively and continuously decentralizing it's becoming. There's, you know, groups that manage funding, helping fund audits for different parachain projects that are spearheaded by a collective of parachain projects. There's now organizations for business development and technical development to help projects in the ecosystem, marketing, et cetera.

Transformative Collaboration in Decentralization

They're all kind of these little microcosms of teams working together to do something, and that's quite interesting. It's definitely come a long way since I've been in the periphery of the ecosystem, and I think it's really cool to see it all kind of take shape and take action. I think on the interoperability side, it's really cool to see Polkadot Kusama connect earlier this year, and hopefully the speed at which those types of bridges being built can move data across will be really helpful for the broader ecosystem. There was discussion some people about bridging between standalone substrate chains and like bridge hub, and I'm hoping that tangle can take a role in this because it's something we would love to help push forward. There's a lot of value in the broader substrate ecosystem, and getting it connected to Polkadot, as well as getting those chains connected to each other, I think will be pretty valuable for the ecosystem.

Challenges and Future Directions

There does seem, you know, the level of decentralization does seem to keep certain ideas separate from each other. Like what I mean is people aren't operating with always the same information. I heard a variety of different proposals. I've even heard after the conference talking with some new potential bridge partners for Tangle, how potentially fragmented the solutions could be. I think there's always that challenge of how does information spread in even a remote team, but further, even like a decentralized organization. Yeah, it was really interesting and I'm interested to keep pushing this forward now as tangle is getting into its next phase of growth. Thank you, ju thank you for sharing. Also, thank you to all the panelists. I think we learn a lot from everyone's perspective before moving on, everyone, if you found these conversations engaging, please like and retweet this space so that others can also hear about our great wealth of information being shared with our by our distinguished panelists.

Future of the Polkadot Ecosystem

As always, really appreciate your retweets. Now, moving on to our third question. How do you see the Polkadot ecosystem evolving after this event, especially with the increasing developer and community activity? Additionally, how is your project working to attract, grow, and engage developers and community users? Jesse from Seth, we'd like to share your input. I think with Polkadot ecosystem it always had a bit high entry barrier than some of other public chain ecosystem because you have to, when you join Koch ecosystem or you want to do even the solar chain with substrate, you have to learn the substrate base, right? This new framework and this is already raised a barrier for the developers.

Barriers to Entry for New Developers

They have to learn completely new framework and also they need to know they needed to know the language of rust. So this is already like a double the raised barrier of the entrance. So this is not so simple for the new developers to step into the Polkadot ecosystem but when they step into the, when they learn the substrate, then learn the rust, then they will know that they opened another new door for their project because there are so many more opportunities for them develop with the framework, substitute framework with rusty there are so many enterprise level the development there, the opportunity there. So for me it's like I don't know if we can see that rapid growth in the poverty ecosystem but I think poverty ecosystem develop in poverty always can bury the silence and can bury the not so formal ecosystem. People really focus on what they are doing, they know what they want.

Innovating with Attention to Data

They have their own goal to develop their own project. I always consider in the popular ecosystem the project more focused on the technology and for really practicing not only for concept. That's why I always believe Polkadot the project in the Polkadot always have this solid technology and infrastructure. So then people really focus on gave the innovation to the ecosystem also for the future Internet and I think we are in the new era of the technology developing rapidly AI IoT big data or blockchain all the heart of this technology is massive and even growing value of the data this data grows exponentially every year and so it's the value of data. New cutting edge technology can unlock the potential of the data value but this could bring a set of challenging data privacy, sovereignty and security to us.

Addressing Data Privacy Challenges

So unfortunately the traditional centralized data system are struggling to keep up with this increasing data security demands. So SAS is working on this as we witnessed so many security breaches and the center server have been hacked and as the data solution project assess network, we really focus on how we can solve this problem. How can we provide the data solution for the current challenges or in the next decades? And how can we face the data breach? How can we follow the data regulations from the different countries? How can support mass adoption across the world to have the business functionally running in different countries and follow the rule to the different country, but within the decentralized framework?

Supporting Developers in the Ecosystem

So thus we are committed to the contribution to this growth by offering comprehensive support for the developers through our open APIs, SDKs and extensive documentation. We also plan to launch several community engagement activities, include hackathon and developer grants and attract the talent to join our SAS network and building the network with us together and give the better solution for the data security and protect user privacy and Polkadot ecosystem focus on enterprise the mass adoption that's also focused on this too. And we like to provide our solution data solutions to the developers enterprise to protect their own data and protect their user privacy. That's all we are going to, we are doing now and going to continue doing in the next.

Welcoming New Perspectives

Thank you. Thank you Jesse, thank you for sharing your great perspective. Dolman, would you like to share your perspective on the Polkadot ecosystem evolving and also if your project is working or how is working to attract growth and engaging developers and community users? Like Jesse said, yeah, blockchain is a heavy, not Polkadot only, but you know, Webtree is for someone that is not an insider in the space, it's heavy to enter. But this is exactly why we created Epilon. So what we've seen so far is that the majority of web two developers that we want to bring into the web three ecosystem does not want to deal with the blockchain's complexity and stuff like that, but only want the perks and positive of web three features and the decentralization.

Epilon's Role in Onboarding New Developers

I think we at Epilon have done some really cool. Our growth team did amazing job in the past two years. Since the launch of the first version of Epilon. For the developer and user onboarding into the Polkadot ecosystem, we have just a few numbers. We have over 130k people builders registered on Epilon. We've seen over 100k platform projects, 800k files uploaded to the web three storage. We've really boosted the adoption of parachains as well. I think that there were over 5000 Fala contracts deployed to the Appalon, almost 20,000 subsocial hubs made and 1000 killed dids created. I think that it shows that Epilon can be an entry point not only to Polkadot but to web three for web two developers or people looking to enter the ecosystem.

Innovations Through Embedded Wallets

What we announced and what is I think the next big thing from Apple in terms of developer adoption and just creating a better ux for users is something called embedded wallets. We announced this on the Polkadot decoded stage. So it's in a nutshell. Embedded wallets tangle the inelegant onboarding process by eliminating the clumsiest part. So wallet download and installation. So they come with integration SDK and this allows developers to embed them and obviously the name into an app or website they're building. So also they abstract away private key management and adding authentication methods and private key splitting. So this way developers can improve the app onboarding experience and allow the users to log in and access the wallet by simply using the email and a code sent via an email.

Improving User Experience with Wallets

So no need to download anything. So if anything we've seen this is just the wallet creation is still an extremely large friction point for non technical people and with its complexity and security concerns and that it has immense negative impact on user experience and adoption. So we've seen some other companies trying the same way. So I think that this is, we are on the right path. So yeah, I think that Apollon will try to continue and lead the way for the onboarding of web two developers into our space and yeah, hope to see as much new in commerce. As I said, I think that this is a combined effort of all teams not only present here but the whole ecosystem to make it again. I think yeah, it's a bit down spiral from maybe from 2020, 2021 in terms of new developers and new developer adoption.

Looking Forward to Ecosystem Growth

And just I don't think the Polkadot ecosystem teams are living. I think that the expansion is happening because there are some new ecosystem joining and everybody would like to be a part of it. But yeah, I hope that we will be able to push start again the wave of Polkadot and create it and show that what an amazing environment it is to join and to come in and build. Thank you. Thank you Dolman, thank you for sharing. Charu, would you like to give your input about this question? Yeah, sure. So onboarding developers, I'll just very quickly address from both Polkadot and unique network perspective, I think from Jesse, you are so right in saying that the entry barrier is a bit high in terms of onboarding developers.

Overcoming High Entry Barriers

But that's where I think easy a who we met during decoded, are doing a fabulous job through their hackathons, through their apps, where they're making education accessible and very easy. And I'm really super excited about their DF for the Polkadot University. So that's something I'm quite optimistic about, developer growth through that for unique network, we have a very specific program to onboard developers called the Codecraft grant for NFTS 2.0. It's designed in a very unique way, pun intended, but essentially it's a grant fund where we give away the grant in small chunks of five to ten k to developers to actually build out an MVP for a very specific user journey for an NFT app.

Fostering Rapid Development with Unique Funding

So the intention for this grant is for to help developers very quickly create MVP that they can launch and roll out with the unique network community for validation. So which means that one specific user journey, one specific idea around advanced nfts that they have thought for can be developed quickly and it works. So we keep the time duration of this whole process for each developer to be a maximum of two or three months where they build the MVP and launch it as well. And we provide them the end to end support plus a cash amount for building this out, about five to ten k depending on their use case and depending on the potential to bring users in. So we've received I think multiple applications, I think 80 applications so far, and we are looking at about ten to 15 really cool applications that are already building at a fast pace.

Community Engagement and Use Cases

And I'm very excited to be soon launching campaigns, test campaigns for them so the Polkadot can participate. So these are nfts used for music, nfts used for IP, nfts used for games and so on. So very excited about that. And developers love it. We also onboard winners from hackathons that easy a has been organizing into the grant fund to just give them a pathway into the ecosystem that's beyond the hackathon. So that's kind of our focus. And in terms of users, we are very much focused on building applications with easy onboarding. Some of the. One of the use cases that we did earlier this year was for Connor Deli, his insider pass, which is essentially Connors fan club.

Success Story with Connor Deli's Insider Pass

We did that as a PoC two weeks before his first Indy 500 race and everyone who tried that loved it just because how simple, you could just sign up and become a part of his fan club. Own his NFT just by our email id. It was designed for race fans. So we have multiple such use cases in the build in the pipeline for easy user adoption. And I'm also really excited about the embedded wallets feature from Apple domain. I think that expands the use cases much more. So that was an update from me. Thank you.

Engagement with the Community

Yeah, thank you for sharing, taru. Yeah, definitely love to hear you're working with Conor Deli. Yeah, he's a great driver and also a great supporter of the Polkadot ecosystem. Personally met him at consensus. Yeah, he's very great guy. And then we actually were playing some Polkadot built games along with him, I think with FX racers. Yeah, this is very nice. Yeah, he's pretty cool. Okay, Drew, would you like to share your input about Polkadot ecosystem evolving after this event? And how is your project able to attract, grow, engaged developers and community of users?

Infrastructure Development for Polkadot

Yeah, sure thing. Yeah, I think on the development side, which I can speak more to, we're building effectively the restaking infrastructure out for the Polkadot ecosystem. So our hope is to bring in as much of the liquid stake tokens that exist in any parachain project. We have one of our own, but also providing this new developer SDK for developers to build infrastructure that leverages Polkadot assets to serve parachains and different communities in Polkadot. So it's something you can check out on our web tools GitHub today. And even some of the people here would love to integrate some of the technology you guys are building to make it possible for developers to have really easy one click on demand solutions for services rpcs that leverage them.

Simplifying Innovation in the Ecosystem

I think what I'm interested in is to figure out how to help push innovation in this industry and this ecosystem in a simpler way. I know there was a mention that the stack is complex initially for new developers to get involved in. It seems like developer Academy and educational programs have been really great there in the Polkadot community and maybe we even need more, you know, ways of deploying applications or tooling around infrastructure development that makes it even easier. So that's something tangle is geared on solving where we can really also leverage these parachain and the Polkadot assets a lot more flexibility.

Early Experiences in Blockchain Industry

I think with this topic I was asked several times since I was in this industry. I joined blockchain industry since 2014. So as the independent investor I think the past few years I always been asked what kind of project you are interested in, which project you are thinking really worst.

Focus on Innovation and Persistence

Following up for me is like innovation is very important but continually focus on working one thing and never give up is a very important character and the mentality for the project team. And you can see a lot of project for this year they are focused on this hotspot and they say they are in this ecosystem next year they are doing different things even from a different run of the fundraising they have different story.

Challenges Faced by Projects

Yes they are smart, they can found raising a lot of money but then that's it. Because they will never know what they really want. Only they are focused on getting enough money from the market, from the investor. And that is not, I'm not saying this is good or not, but for us as you really don't know what you really want to contribute as a developer, as a startup company, you really don't know what you really needed to dig out in this industry as your goal.

Evaluating Projects

I think that's why I always give the suggestion to the people that please look into their GitHub, look into the team. If they continually work on the same big direction which they are really focused on. Yes, during the bear market, they might shift a little bit for the, you know, for the different, for their own purpose, to meet the demand of the community. But the main thing, what they are working on is always maintain the same. That's kind of project I like.

Continuous Improvement in Projects

I think in this, you know, the AMA, the Twitter space, we already can see the unique network, the Apple, this kind of project, we already know each other a few years. So we continue working on the same project and to improve year after year. As the co founder of the SAS, we have been working on this SaSA network since 2019, already more than five years.

SAS Network's Vision and Services

We working on the data solutions. You know, SAS promote competitive pricing through the free market for demanding transaction which significantly reduce the overall cost of the CN service through our technology and innovation architecture to secure the data, both storage and transmissions, SAS implements advanced data privacy protection through the diversity security protocol which also provide customer data permission.

Meeting Demands in Data Regulations

So we are working on all the demands that really require from the market. So yes, we do the decentralized storage, we do the decentralized CDN network but also can meet the demands from the different countries data regulations. How can we give the third party or your data owner to give the permission to the third party user data?

Data Control and Ownership

So you have your own full control of your data only you give the permission to the third party only you can give that access to the people required from you. So you are the only one can give the permission. So that's where dive deeply into how can we give the full data solution to the data owners? How can we help the adoptionists to run the business in the different countries safely with the data regulations?

Optimization and Performance

And SAS also ensures optimization performance by dynamic adjusting traffic load, reducing the transmission delays and network congestion during the peak time. SAS unified data sharing platform facilities, seamless integration and data exchange across different network, combining it with highly customized features that enable business to tailor CDN performance and the features to their specific needs.

Focusing on Specific Solutions

So really there are so many things you need to do in the one particular section. So you don't need to jump around to the different ecosystem, jump around from the different hot topic you want to, you know, the cooperative actually with your own solution to this future network, future Internet, there are so many to do and with this kind of demanding. Each ecosystem will need your service.

Addressing Real Problems

So as long as we are diving into this, developing and diving into the to how can we solve the real problem? I think that's the way to go. When the AI comes, the SAS also can have provided service to the AI models, big language models. What if all the AI company they don't want to share the data?

Collaborating on AI Solutions

How can decentralized data solution support all the air company have the model working together without exposing their raw data. SAS also have solution so we are not start this service when the air comes. Actually our five years ago we already designed data solutions include what if different parties do want to share the data.

Building Responsible AI

How can we this decentralized infrastructure, this environment help these companies to working together give the better solution, better result to our humanity so people can get a better service from the AI. So we create helped responsible AI. So what I'm saying is we need to really, when you look at which project is really worth to follow up as look at their GitHub, look at their all following their own agenda, following their minds, keep doing what they are originally to aim to.

Closing Remarks

Thank you. That's what really I suggest the people to follow up the project. I suggest thank you. Yeah. Wow, that's a lot. Great offer there jesse. You definitely have the foresight in the web three space since 2014.

Evaluating Projects in Web3

I bet a lot of us are jealous that you're in so early. But I agree with you, code is definitely king to see if her project is on the right direction. Definitely check out the GitHub page. 100% Dolmandhe Orsik, would you like to share your insight about this question?

Promising Projects in Web3

Which project or technology caught your attention and why would you recommend people to keep eye on them? I mean, I think that all projects that were, first of all projects that were presented at the Polkadot booth are, I think among the most advanced projects in Webtree space on a global level.

Showcasing Groundbreaking Projects

I think that we've had some really groundbreaking projects showcased to guests of token 2049. So a shout out to everyone that made that happen, from the community that voted for the treasury expander, to everyone at the Polkadot distractive team, all the attendees at the booth and so on.

Value for Developers

So yeah, in terms of how I see is which projects will bring value to developers. We are obviously integrating into our platform. So we're just finalizing integration. We're just finalizing with the second large milestone, integration of bar chains and features into epilon.

RPC as a Service

We're talking here about hydration asset hub, obviously unique. We're going to create RPC as a service indexer. As a service. We're bringing decentralized cloud functions through integration of Acura. There are really a lot of really cool projects out there.

Looking Forward

Obviously, as I said at the beginning, we're just starting to put together the next big milestone. And I think I can already say this with the most certainty that we will also see SAS's decentralized data infrastructure being integrated into Epilon.

Collaboration and Future Prospects

I think, Jesse, you know that, I think that we go back, way back, I think two, three years. You do with your team. Really cool, really cool things for the adoption of web three. And yeah, looking forward to where this takes all projects.

Building a Cohesive Platform

And Apilon is a platform that can bring them together at one place and create a really cool platform for developers. Thank you. Thank you. Duman and Charu, would you like to share your input?

Exciting Developments

Which project technologies caught your attention? I think in a nutshell, what Dorman said is right. Everyone's building some really cool stuff. Cool tech with an intention to grow the community, to bring users to Polkadot.

Community Growth and Collaboration

So from that perspective, great presentations by all the projects. I would just, my personal kind of favorites or the ones that I'm most excited are everything that the mythos chain and the dot play bounty is doing and is focused on.

Interests in Embedded Wallets

Really excited about that. And then also personally very interested in the embedded wallets because that is such a great fit to everything we do at unique network and such a great fit to everything nfts in the ecosystem.

Impressive Presentations

So looking forward to those updates, Tommen. And yeah, that was a really cool presentation. Presentation by Apollon.

Opportunity for Perspectives

Yeah. Thank you, Charu. Thank you for sharing. And also drew have another prior meeting engagement, but we have Keenan.

Insights from Unique Network

Kevin, I'm sorry. Kevon from unique Network would like to share some perspectives about the boost conversations and perspectives. Kivan, would you like to share your perspective?

Tech Advancements

So do you mean like regarding the fourth question? Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, you can talk about the fourth question.

Feedback and Perspectives

Also, I think you have some other different interesting conversations, perspectives you'd like to share. You can also share about that aspect too.

Polkadot and Decoded Asia

Yeah, sure. You know, I would love to share, you know, about my feedback in terms of the Polkadot and Polkadot decoded Asia. First of all, the first thing that I saw was Polka.

Comparative Technology Assessment

The amount of technology that Polkadot has is comparable to, or I'll say we have more technology than even Ethereum. And it's good technology.

Scalable and User-Friendly Technology

It's technology that is made to scale, that is made for enterprises and businesses to adopt very easily. And I, when I see the amount of technology that is in Polkadot with like such small ecosystem compared to, you know, Ethereum, I'm like really proud of everyone who is building here.

Proud of the Progress

So that's kind of my first takeaway from Polkadot decoded. We are building great technology, we are building great amount of value for the ecosystem.

Focus on Long-Term Goals

So, you know, that's really great to see. The people that we are attracting are, you know, leaders and visionary who want to make products for very long term and who don't have, you know, short term vision, who want to focus on user experiences and Ui and things like that.

Embracing Opportunities

So, so that's really great. And you know, I would. So I love the code graph program that we have.

Engagement with Projects

I personally work with all the 80 projects that Charu mentioned. I speak with them on a regular basis. I met one of the projects that has received our codecraft grant at full car decoded.

Highlighting Unique Projects

They are called like soft law. It is a project created by two laws lawyers and it is a project for IP protection with NFTs and IP renting and IP sharing. So, you know, I would like to, you know, give them a shout out here and I love what they're doing.

IP's Importance

So yeah, that's from my side. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, IP is definitely a big key component. If a project or entity can have a web three IP issues solved, I think that should be a huge win for the whole ecosystem.

Acknowledgment for Discussions

Yeah. Thank you, panelists, that was definitely some great discussions. So as we approach the end of this Twitter space, at the end, I would like to actually hand the mic back to all our panelists for their closing thoughts.

Closing Thoughts from Panelists

Your expertise and perspective have been truly the foundation of today's enriching conversations. So, speakers, the floor is yours for any final thoughts.

Connecting with Panelists

And also please share what's the best way to connect with you or your projects. Thank you.

Final Words from Jesse

So Jesse, why don't you go and you have any final thoughts you'd like to share with the audience? Thank you. Tomorrow I will head up to Washington, DC to attend the debate briefly to the Congress in Capitol Hill.

Inviting Audience Input

If anybody wants to share me with your thoughts, what you want us to bring to the lawmakers on 2nd October, please send us the message. See if we can discuss during the day in the capital here.

Industry Representation

Because this is about our industry for the deeping industry. So we wanted this lawmaker to hear what the industry saying.

Seeking Ideas from the Community

So if you had any good idea you want us to bring to this meeting, so please send a message to me or in the SAS network so we will receive the message and discuss during the meeting.

Great Travel Wishes

Thank you. Wow. Jessie, thank you. Well, first of all, wish you a great and safe trip to Washington, DC.

Great Outreach Initiative

And also audiences, this is definitely a great reach out by Jesse. So anybody have any input or insight they want to share, especially to the lawmakers?

Encouraging Feedback

Please leave a comment or reach out directly to the SAS network. Yeah, very good perspective.

Final Inputs from Dolman

Okay, Dolman, would you like to, do you have any final things you'd like to say to the audience? I mean, just an observation that everything that went down in Polkadot decoded and talked about token 2049 in Singapore.

Ecosystem Collaboration

Also, today's MA just shows that the projects here in Polkadot are really looking forward to working together, to bringing the adoption numbers in and so on together.

Optimism for Future

And it's really cool to be a part of this ecosystem, of this environment. And I believe this is one of those pluses that will bring Polkadot to its new heights in the future as well.

Gratitude for Participation

Obviously, really grateful for having us here. Congrats again, Jesse, to being accepted to the Deepin hearing in Washington.

Contact Information

I think this is one really great thing for SAS as well, and the ecosystem, obviously as well. For those of you that want to get in touch with us, you can find me at ursicdoman, on Twitter Telegram and so on, or at Appilon, again, Twitter telegram discord.

Encouragement for Interaction

So chat with us, give us your feedback or your thoughts on what our next steps should be. And yeah, we'll try to do things in a way that it's best for the ecosystem as well as for the developers.

Final Thanks

Again, thanks for having us. Thank you. Dolmen. Thank you again, it was an honor that you're here with us today.

Call to Follow Projects

And everybody, please give a unique network and Dolman a follow on Twitter and also their website.

Final Remarks from Charu and Kiwan

So Charu and also Kiwan, will you, do you all have anything to say to the audience before we end the response to that?

Looking Ahead

All good. I think let's just watch out for projects and all the initiatives that have been funded by the decentralized Futures grant.

Community Support

I think there's a lot of good work that will start to show up in the next few months, and it's all about bringing the ecosystem together. So let's all support that.

Invitation to Connect

And you can follow us on unique network or the Twitter's profile or my Twitter profile where I'm joining the session from.

Gratitude to Participants

And yeah, I think that is all. And thank you for doing this. And thanks for everyone. Thanks to everyone for joining the session.

Final Goodbyes

Great. Thank you. Keeban, would you like to add anything or try to recover everything you know. Okay, great.

Acknowledgments and Appreciation

So audience, also the guests, please thank you again for being here again. And audiences, if you enjoyed the insight from our speakers, please be sure to give them a follow.

Changing the Web3 Landscape

Each of them, along with their projects, is putting the extra work and dedication to make a difference through innovative technologies and contributing to a stronger web three community.

Closure of the Session

Again, thank you audience, for tuning in. Again, just like Carl said earlier Saturday. So everybody has a lot of things to do.

Final Thoughts

I really appreciate you being with us today. And at the end, I would like to enter a space with a quote from Thomas Edison. The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do.


Okay, thank you and looking forward to the next space. Thank you everyone.

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