Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by theantrepublic

Space Summary

The Twitter space revolved around gaming, particularly focusing on an upcoming poker event and engaging the community. It included announcements, encouragement to join a Discord channel for a tournament, and fostering a sense of community and excitement among players. The space emphasized inclusivity, fun interactions, and the entertainment aspects of gaming.


Q: What was the main event announced in the Twitter space?
A: The main event announced was an upcoming poker event.

Q: How did the community encourage participation in the poker event?
A: The community encouraged participation by inviting users to join a Discord channel specifically for a poker tournament.

Q: What was the primary focus of the Twitter space discussion?
A: The primary focus was on user engagement, sharing game-related information, and fostering community interactions.

Q: How did the Twitter space aim to engage users?
A: The space aimed to engage users by offering a platform for discussions, sharing updates, and promoting participation in gaming events.

Q: What kind of atmosphere did the Twitter space aim to create?
A: The space aimed to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, promoting a sense of community and camaraderie among players.

Q: What was the goal of inviting players to join the gaming experience?
A: The goal was to encourage players to join, participate in the gaming activities, and enjoy the overall experience.

Q: How was excitement built for the upcoming poker event?
A: Excitement was built through sharing updates, inviting participation, and creating a sense of anticipation among the community members.

Q: What role did the Discord channel play in the gaming community?
A: The Discord channel served as a platform for organizing a poker tournament and facilitating communication among participants.

Q: What aspects of gaming were emphasized during the Twitter space discussion?
A: The discussion emphasized the entertainment, enjoyment, and social aspects of gaming, promoting a positive and fun experience for players.

Q: How did the Twitter space promote a…
A: The space promoted a sense of belonging by fostering an inclusive environment that welcomed all players to join and participate in the gaming activities.


Key Takeaways

  • Announcement of an upcoming poker event in the Twitter space.
  • Encouragement for participants to join a Discord channel for a poker tournament.
  • Focus on engaging users and fostering community interaction.
  • Sharing updates and information related to the game.
  • Inviting players to join and enjoy the gaming experience.
  • Creating a sense of community and camaraderie among participants.
  • Offering a platform for fun interactions and discussions.
  • Building excitement and anticipation for the upcoming poker event.
  • Promoting a sense of inclusivity and welcoming atmosphere for all players.
  • Emphasizing the enjoyment and entertainment aspects of gaming.

Behind the Mic

Me got the mind of leave us alone I get the darkness about I want to time it with you with time we can do it me I won't die I wanna die I know it. Hey, everyone. How is everyone doing? Hey, guys below. Oh, you wanted us to speak, Estes? Yeah, just saying. What's up, everyone? Happy to have you here. We're gonna start the poker event in, like, maybe ten minutes. We just wanted to have the opportunity to talk with the community and to share everything that we've been up to. We know Shadow is here with us in the space. Maybe I see who is on the entropic account, by the way. Maybe you can make shadow a speaker in the space so that we can share a couple of informations, you know, about the updates for the ancient public on our side. We said everything in the AMA last week, but just to give the updates of this week foreshadow on his end, maybe there's some updates for the game. I'm super excited to hear them. And the objective will be simple, just to catch up, have a little bit of fun, and in, like, 19 minutes, ten minutes, something like this, we'll start the poker event, but that will be on discord. So right now we're here just to bring more people into the space. So make sure to, like, retweet the space. Comment below to make sure you get the farming codes. And in ten minutes, we will go to discord and start the poker session with IC. So what's up, crypto jammin? What's going on, team? How we all feeling today? Oh, feeling good, man. We're advancing on so many different things, you know, from the content production to the partnerships with different communities, projects and stuff. A lot of cool integrations, building the product. So there's a lot of different things, you know, talking with the creators, and we're very excited on multiple fronts. How are you, crypto jammin, man? Feeling good, estes? Feeling good. You know, I've been, you know, we've been following and chatting in the discord for some time now, and, you know, a lot has been going on in the back end here with the project, a lot of bullish news coming. So on my side, everything is pretty exciting. You know, this week and next, we've got a lot of interesting things that will probably blow some socks off. Yeah. Yeah. And I guess just waiting on shadow to come on. I see he just got approved. There he is. I see. If you want need to speak here, just press unmute on your right. I want to welcome shadow here as well. And for those who don't know, Shadow is the mind behind Light Umbra and a great friend of the protocol but also a core member of the development team. Welcome to the space, Shadow. Give us a little rundown of your updates and what's to come. Nice and thanks. Thank you guys. Happy to be here. Yeah. So we've been working a lot on our end, developing everything entropic related, real entropic models, balancing them, spending time with the partners and the different alphas that helped us out throughout the development. And, yeah, just making sure that everything runs smooth and that we'll be able to do rollout in the next few weeks. Interesting. And, yeah, we were really looking forward to sharing this with you because a couple of people were already asking me about it during the AMA, and they were wondering what are the heads, what are the models gonna do exactly. So, yeah, excited to share that with you. Yeah. And just to add a little bit of what shadow was saying, from an overall perspective, we've been up to a lot, man. Last week was quite busy, right? We started with the first part of the roadmap. We shared a couple of graphics that illustrated the different steps we'll take. Like I said during the AMA, we started with the character design. We're dealing with shadows on this and making sure that it looks cool. I see if you can remember we've been a lot behind us with this. And I'm sure we can give you, like, a cool glance of what's coming. What we've been working with, the props and lore behind the characters. It's something really nice, I think. Everyone will really appreciate when we drop it. Yeah, that's true. Basically, if you know Umbra and his quality, you know you're in for something good. Excellent, man. Anything that you can share as far as times of when we can expect these developments? I'd say if we're in an advanced stage. Yeah, definitely. For sure. At this stage, what we're looking to do is make sure that we follow the right steps in the roadmap and that everything has a purpose. So we don't want to rush, but we're definitely getting closer by the day. Good. Moving with the right pace. I think that's very important, like you said, not to rush. We want to keep that quality, keep everyone excited. Yeah, it's a fine balance. It's always a balance to keep things moving while ensuring that every step is perfect. That's true. And that's also why we're collaborating with more experienced alpha collectors. They're giving us amazing feedback from time to time. So, man, it's really coming together nicely. Great. Anything else you'd like to share, man? It's your floor. Thanks, Shadow. Well, I mean, I'd extend the floor a bit. If anyone has any question or anything, feel free to drop in a comment below. You know, make sure to share your thoughts. Also, we'd really appreciate if you can make some noise on the retweet button so more people can join us and get this caught on. That's the spirit. Yeah, definitely comment your questions. We got a dedicated team monitoring everything as we speak. OK, cool. And I feel the urge to crash this poker party in ten minutes. So if no one has any questions, any thoughts and no one comments below, we'll start making our way to Discord soon. Look at that, we got our first bubble. Someone dropped in a comment. Nice. Alright. We're here for about two more minutes, so drop those questions in, and let's keep this engagement moving. Shadow, are there any features of the game that you're particularly proud of or you want to highlight before we wrap this up and jump onto the poker session? That's great, man. That's a good one. Yeah. Basically, the anchoring feature of the characters. I think it's very unique how we've drawn up the lore and integrated it into their skills. I think a lot of gamers will enjoy that, for sure. Yeah. That and the balance we've achieved, I think it'll make for very competitive gameplay. And when we get new updates out, I think the community will feel even more part of the process, seeing their feedback in action. Perfect. That's exactly what we strive for, man. Yeah. And I think that's what will keep them engaged and interested as well. I see feels the same. Definitely. OK, this has been awesome catching up, guys. So if everyone is good and IC is ready, let's move this to the poker session. Oh, man, crypto Germany, you want to share a couple of words before we switch? If I can say one thing, that's another wonderful reason to join the Discord. Stay updated and active there. Absolutely, man. And I'm really looking forward to seeing all of you take part in it. It'll be exciting. Great. So everyone remember, get to Discord. We'll be there with IC, running the poker session. Nice hearing from you, Shadow, Estes and everyone. This has been just great. Don't miss out, everyone. Thanks a lot, everybody. Catch you on Discord soon. Alright, see you all soon. Cheers, everyone. Bye everyone. Bye. Bye.

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