
Space Summary

The Twitter Space POGS IN THE WILD | The POGCAST Daily hosted by PogDigital. Delve into the world of iconic POGs and explore their massive collector base, strategic partnerships with major companies, engaging POGGAMES, and enduring appeal that transcends generations. Through authentic and unique offerings, the POG brand has carved a place in the collectibles market, fostering a vibrant community through social media engagement and platforms like the POGCAST Daily. Discover the intersection of entertainment, nostalgia, and community building that defines the extraordinary world of POGs.

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Total Listeners: 73


Q: How many collectors does the POG brand have?
A: The POG brand boasts a vast collector base of 200 million individuals.

Q: What is the significance of POGGAMES for the brand?
A: Engaging in POGGAMES not only offers exciting prizes but also enhances the overall brand experience for enthusiasts.

Q: Which major companies are partnered with the POG brand?
A: The POG brand has strategic partnerships with iconic companies such as Marvel, Disney, Coca-Cola, Pokemon, and X.

Q: What role does social media play in the POG community?
A: Social media platforms and hashtags like #POGGAMES and #POGPRIZES foster a lively and engaged community around the brand.

Q: Why do POGs hold enduring appeal across different generations?
A: The authenticity, nostalgia, and timeless charm of POGs continue to attract both long-time fans and new enthusiasts.

Q: How does the POGCAST Daily contribute to the fan experience?
A: The POGCAST Daily serves as a valuable resource for fans to stay informed about the latest news and updates related to the POG brand.


Time: 00:15:40
The POG Brand's Massive Collector Base Exploring how the POG brand has garnered a staggering 200 million collectors worldwide.

Time: 00:25:12
Strategic Partnerships with Major Companies Discussing the significance of collaborations with top-notch brands like Marvel, Disney, and more.

Time: 00:35:55
Engaging POGGAMES and Exciting Prizes Delving into the world of POGGAMES and how they enhance the brand experience for enthusiasts.

Time: 00:45:20
Nostalgia and Timeless Appeal of POGs Reflecting on the enduring charm and cross-generational appeal of POGs.

Time: 00:55:37
Community Building through Social Media Exploring the vibrant community cultivated through social media interactions and dedicated hashtags.

Time: 01:05:10
The Iconic Status of POGs in the Collectibles Market Highlighting the iconic nature of POGs and their continued relevance in the world of collectibles.

Key Takeaways

  • The POG brand boasts a massive collector base of 200 million individuals.
  • Over 10 billion POG collectibles have been sold, emphasizing its popularity.
  • Strategic partnerships with renowned brands like Marvel, Disney, Coca-Cola, Pokemon, and X showcase the brand's reach and influence.
  • Engagement in POGGAMES offers exciting prizes and enhances the brand experience for enthusiasts.
  • The authenticity and uniqueness of POGs contribute to their enduring appeal and success in the collectibles market.
  • Social media presence and hashtags like #POGGAMES and #POGPRIZES cultivate a vibrant community around the brand.
  • The POGCAST Daily provides a platform for fans to stay updated on all things POG-related.
  • POGs embody nostalgia for many while attracting new generations with their timeless appeal.
  • The POG brand represents a successful fusion of entertainment, collectibles, and community engagement.
  • The brand's longevity and continued relevance speak to its iconic status in the world of collectibles.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

It may not mean a thing understand.

Questions About Candles

Want to know when limbo got candles? Say humble don't come up when he got so mad another fake out boo. Cha cha. Got Kendall stay humble, don't crumble win it out tonight.

Traveling and Training

We try. To shake us all out another fake gap will travel take the place? I'm a whale in the ocean, let it sink in no motion when I'm training, I'm a savage DCA and I'm golden I ain't never so still holding digital gold if you ain't knowing. How. I want to wanna say so you get money in my lambo stay humble, don't come quack.

Personal Connections

Duck I love you. Let's go. Oh, man. Is that a new profile picture? Is that. Is that the same one? That's the old one that's looking new. Yeah, it's just something I shot up. Man. This web fleet radio returns, man, November. 22 for season two. Another 313 episodes of some. Some crazy quack tastic adventures.

Praising Skills

Oh, man, nobody hits those Cw better than you. It's pretty wild how you bring them out, man. It's impressive, but it is a Monday show. Emerson, you are co hosts on the official account today. I know it feels so good to, like, not be the host, but, you know, like, I'm very excited that I was able to plug in everyone in discord over the weekend.

Anticipation for the Week Ahead

It's been a great time, and I kind of missed you guys. Like, I was traveling Friday, and I couldn't come and hang out as much as I wanted, which was an awesome space, but, yeah, man, I'm pumped. It's Monday. It's Monday, and it's the end of the quarter. This is. I don't know if people live their life a quarter at a time.

Quarter Reflections

I always have that mantra, I live my life a quarter mile at a time and also a quarter at a time. And it's just, you know, there's something about starting a new quarter. Q four, the end of the year, you got these. These mindsets that you want to hit. You want to start rolling everything out, and you're just ramping everything up.

Discussion on Streaming

I feel like, you know, q four is where I shine, whether it's on the court or on the podcast. Kyler, what's up, man? Yeah, dude, I'm just trying to figure out this streaming shit. For some reason, the twitch thing doesn't work, but I'll figure it out. Yeah, it's good day. Lots going on, lots to come up, maybe even a new game demo.

Joining the Fun

I don't know. I might be playing it right now on YouTube live. Ooh, yeah. I was seeing that in the slack, and I was like, man, we gotta. We gotta try that out this evening. Let's roll the room, though. Kana is shopping up. Let's go, knuckles, real quick while he's connecting. Cause he probably didn't catch any of that.

Good Vibes

Yo, yo, I'm good. I'm good, man. Let's get it. It's the evening. I just got home a few minutes ago, so I'm here to. I'm at my desk. I'm on the computer catching up on, you know, some. Some other work. But, yeah, man, vibes are good. The last space was great, and I'm looking forward to all the fun here today.

Final Send-off

Monday fun day. Let's go. Oh, and you know what, man? This is the last three-hour Monday night raw as they're moving to a new network, and they're cutting the program. And so I'm gonna enjoy the three-hour show tonight. yeah, you guys know I'm a nerd anyways. I need you tweeting hot and heavy at O'Shea Jackson because I know he loves the Monday night Raw.

Balancing Family Time

He tweets it every week. He lives. Tweets it. You know, I don't watch it. I got the kids. I can't. I can't find the time to do it, but I will engage if I see you engaging, which turns into, like, it turns into points in the hub. Those add up. So you put out some good content, and I'll be tracking along.

Reply Guy

I only do the reply guy thing. Heavy on a few days, and it's like, Monday night raw. Just get a couple dozen replies in there, make some good jokes, enjoy the show, and that's like, you know, sometimes one hundred fifty k, two hundred fifty k views right there. Just chilling, enjoying some WWE that I always do anyway, so, yeah, good vibes.

WWE Audience

Yeah. The WWE audience is huge. That should be a contact point for us at some point, because WWE, the overlay of poggers inside of that ecosystem has to be enormous. They came up at the same time as us. They were kind of developing really huge during the nineties. I think there's something there to. To peek into.

Hurricane Conversation

Lava. What's up today, man? Yo, what's up? What's up? Just another day here in Florida. Just hanging out. How you feeling today? I'm feeling good. I'm a little bit worried about you. How did Helene go down, man? I don't know. It's weird because some people got, you know, hit hard by it.

Hurricane Impact

And then some people was just like, well, it was another day, so fortunately. It was just another day for me. The power went out for like, I don't know, maybe like 10 hours or so. But yeah, that wasn't really that bad compared to what other people had to deal with. So, yeah, man, there's more hurricanes getting stirring up right now, so it's crazy.

Community Effort

Yeah, I saw that one ramping up in the little curling towards Florida. Glad to hear didn't hit you too bad, though. Glad to hear your area was all right. Hoping you know anyone else. We're not doing any donations or anything like that currently, but definitely go check out some of those charities that are taking stuff on a lot of places.

Exploring Challenges

I think Tennessee had a dam go down and that's crazy. So a lot of places were hit pretty hard. Kana, how are you doing? I think you're last on the list. Good evening, poggers. Good evening is the evening here in the UK. Always glad to be part of the show, you know, listening to any new alpha that's about to arise.

Request for Updates

I know we've been trying to tease some out of you guys in the back in discord and so forth, but, yeah, you aren't letting up, so let us know what's going on. Let everybody know, unless this will catch up. Glad to be here. Let's fucking pog.

Excitement for Future Events

You're not, you're not wrong, man. You got the still traps. You got Emerson in there. He probably had some loose lips this weekend from whatever he knew. Luckily reading all the slack and stuff, so his alphas, you know, muted, but it's there. And Emerson, I didn't check on you, man.

Traveling and Events

Dude, yeah, I'm still traveling. I'm still traveling. Today was our free day in San Diego, so I'm just kinda scouting out the beach right now. I'm just holding down the fort. Tomorrow I'll be back at it. It scared me when you say that today was the end of the quarter because I know my CPA is gonna have a ton of emails for me to catch up on.

End of the Quarter

But no, I have been reading the slack, but again, I have been a steel trap because this is just too good to let me be the buffoon that releases it. I love it. You know, that's. That's always a concern. I try to filter what I send your way because I, you know, the other night you're hanging out with Eric and I don't know what you're gonna sit there and say to him in person.

Talking About Eric

You get them they start tickling you a little bit and you're like, all right, let's. Let's just spill all the beans. He was trying to, you know, liquor me up a little bit. I was kind of surprised, but no, if anything, I just talked about how awesome of a founder that Kyler is. And, you know, just like, that background knowing him.

Fond Memories

And just like. Because, like, some of you guys, like, Eric's met him in person on Europe, but, like, I don't want his head to get too big. But, yeah, man, just, you know, I was very lucky to have met the people that I have met in this life. And, you know, Kyler being one of them, you know, I wouldn't say he's an old soul, but he's like.

Real Love

He give. He gives me the same, like, the same feeling of, like, a really long distance relative that, like, you just love to see. Every time. Like, every time I see him in person, it's just, you know, my heart gets all warm and fuzzy for the guy. So nothing but love. No alpha was spilled.


And, you know, I kept it together, man. Like, this conference that I was at was kind of interesting because I kept seeing all of the correlations to, like, the crypto market and the, you know, the NFT space. And it's just interesting how, you know, I'm really excited for thetacon because thetacon will be, like, my first in person event and.

Event Expectations

Yeah, man, like, a whole bunch of stuff. Yeah, yeah, I think thetacon will be great. Kyler, you unmuted, man. Sorry, sorry. You can tell. Yeah, yeah. No, talk about thetacon. And then you can kind of tell them what's happening on the 8th about both what we're releasing and then what we're doing.

Upcoming Reveal

Okay, that. That is a loaded kickback to me, diverting it some to you. But, yeah, I think Theta con will be a good starter event for a lot of people that go, I think, from what I'm seeing and how you guys, we had that conversation with theta conference people. Not us specifically, but there was a space the other day and kind of how they were approaching the events a little bit more muted than the.

Future Networking

The token twenty forty nine s and the breakpoints and all that, but really valuable nonetheless. Sounds like a lot of fun. Sounds like a good entryway to exploring the crypto conference side, getting used to networking in those type of environments. And I think it'll be really a lot of fun.

Kyler's Praise

And then I was going to say, I just took a call with Kyler a couple hours ago, and he could not stop talking about the old spirit that you are and just how much he loves you and how great it is that you're doing stuff with us. And I think it was very sweet to hear you say that about him.

Skepticism and Excitement

Lies. It's a trap. No, I am very excited for everyone to be in one space. It's going to be awesome. It is. And then. So, Kyler, you. You hit me with the 8th. The 8th is the. The big arcade reveal. The big build is coming out today. We got some. Are you playing right now?

Clarity on Gameplay

Am I? Should I be loading up the YouTube live? What? Yeah, that wasn't what I was talking about. Why did you tell him that? No, dude. Yeah, all good. 8th will be the day I'm playing the new build. It shows the play for keeps in here. Shows the play for coins, doesn't show a few other of the new things that are coming.

Future Additions

And then, you know, December, November, December, the full arcade. It sounds like we'll open up with other games. So everything's kind of fitting together perfectly. I just won nine to seven, so, yeah, we're good.

Exciting Updates

We're hyped, so it's functioning properly now. Because you're not getting twelve to fours. Or is that just a skill issue? Oh, dude. And it's. It's got. It shows, like, when you've hooked up your Solana wallet.

Integration Process

So if you're looking at the stream right now, you can see, like, you can attach your can or connect your. Your Solana wallet, or you can disconnect it. You can sign transactions. You can do the same with theta wallet. It should already be connected though, once, like.

Linking Other Wallets

Cause that's the custodial. But then you'll be able to hook up your ethereum wallet and other wallets along the way. Polygon also, dude, it's. It's. You'll have the launch pad in here. It's all. It's all coming together.

Stream Updates

Oh, I'm seeing it now. I'm seeing it. Yeah, I pulled up the stream. Let me. Let me attach it up top here too. For anyone that's looking. Give me just a second. Emerson, you take that.

In-Person Game Event

No, that's. I was just thinking that since on the 8th, does that mean we're going to have an in-person pog battle royale with, you know, I mean, you have been talking about playing for slammers, and, you know, this might be the best chance, you know, to put some serious money on the table, bro.

Final Preparations

Oh, shit. Is that the 8th you're talking about? That's what you're referring to? I was looking at the game and thinking that, yeah, that's something to discuss. Oh, no. Did I just fill the beads? This is the reason that we set the, we set it up together, so we'll all be together.

Community Engagement

We'll bring the market to everybody. We'll do the first show. I think we'll do the night show on Tuesday together, the morning show on Wednesday together, and then the morning show on Thursday together. I think we'll do before you fly home.

Anticipated Gatherings

So it'll be like three shows with all of us together. That should be pretty fun. Yeah. He gave me a couple weeks notice. I'm making it out there. It's happening. Going to be planning out a bunch of stuff for the next, hopefully six months to a year and reconciling all this stuff that we got rolling out.

Preparing for Release

And making sure that we're presenting it to not only our community in the best way possible, but every community in the Internet needs to be hearing about this game. And anything that we roll out with it, I think, is what we're excited about. For q four, I think that's the biggest part of it right now.

Building Excitement

Dude, I can't even pay attention for too long. I get so excited and then I start looking at all of our stuff and, oh, man, lots happening. I was going to open up a box, one of these hobby boxes. I'm trying to, I'm trying to multitask and get this, but I can't figure.

Technical Issues

Out why the twitch won't show anything. I'm using restream. You're giving me fomo that I can't be a bolt, like multi streaming right now. Looking at this where it's at, YouTube's the only place you can watch right now. I was thinking about turning it on for Twitter.

Considering Twitter Streaming

I could do that pretty quick. About the streams. All right, let's see this anyways. Yeah, we got them. It's hard to talk to you guys. Anyways. Let's keep going. You're, you're all good, dude, but like I said, you're giving me some serious fumble.

Looking Forward

I can't wait to look at it and get playing in there. I know we have a few different launches and some different stuff coming up, but I'm getting my wallets ready. I've been to, you know, taking everything, like, doing, you know, moving stuff appropriately, and I'll be ready.

Final Thoughts

Like I said, I like anyone who's, oh, have we final? Oh, no, I. Never mind. I'm not talking about it. Not talking about it. I am very excited to start playing though. Well, yeah, I just finally got the link tagged up there.

Technical Challenges

I can multitask for a lot of things, but if you ask me to post a tweet and share it to the monitor that apparently is my kryptonite, I just felt like a grandma there, trying to get it up there all at the same time, trying to continue the conversation. That's a pretty specific kryptonite, bro.

Past Experiences

Consistently, that is what I've run into. Do you know, that's why these shows were so boring for a long time, because I'd just be doing something on the side and nobody'd say anything.

Engaging the Audience

But luckily, we got some pretty good people out in the audience who would jump up on stage and. And then we found some. Some regulars. Yeah, we got a new regular. Billy, you keep coming up. You don't often say anything, but I want to open up the floor to you. Billy, you look. You got the great headshot going on the hand raise. Hey. Hey, how's it going? Hello. Definitely. We can ask my question. Always. Always a pleasure. Okay. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Questions on Projects

My question is, do what are the. Best plan for people to learn more. About your project and join your community? Thank you. Okay. Oh, my gosh. Question. Oh, my gosh. Can I do this one? Yeah, go ahead. Oh, my God. I finally feel like I got a question that I can answer. I feel like the best thing is just come and hanging out with us. In discord, everyone is usually pretty super duper friendly. We love to hang out. And any questions that you have, all of our links to, whether it be our white paper or the different of the collection links or anything like that's probably our biggest hub.

Connecting with Community

But Billy, like, come hang out with us, dude. You're gonna have a blast. We're gonna play some games. Like, that's usually the spot. Wow. You just took your outro and repurposed it into answer. And I love it because it's not wrong. It's spot on that the discord is the best place. It's not the end of the show, but you can come out anytime. You mentioned the word hub there, too. I think the hub is really important for new users. It's like a little time capsule that takes you through everything. Paul, as you're gaining points, as you're getting the opportunity to win prizes, on top of everything, going to be adding more prizes, more.

Merch and Engagement

Can I say merch? Everyone's seeing the merch. I know you guys seen it all weekend. Everyone's in my DM's. About it. And Billy has another question, so let's do it. It's turning into Q and A. Hello, can I hear me? Yes. Okay, my next question is, do I. Want to bust out a program? You. So how do I be evoked? Thank you. What was that? One more time. How do you. What on the program, I say, do. Have an ambassador program.

Understanding the Ambassador Program

So how do I be evoked? Yeah, dude, answer that. I'm just, I'm trying to. I understand it fully. Losing it. Yeah, I don't know what the question is. Yeah, yeah, I love that. Yeah, it turned. You got it. Emerson's actually the host of the space, so he'll take it. No, no, I want to understand the question. Billy. What, what's the, what are you trying to learn about the program?

Clarifying the Query

Okay, can I repeat my question? Yeah, please do. Please do. Okay, I see. Do you have an ambassador program? So how do I be evoked? I feel like an ambassador program. An ambassador program. There you go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we have a couple models for that we've been talking about. The affiliate model is something that is discussed and in the discord, and if you have people that love pog, you can join and get an affiliate link for the poppy box.

Exploring Affiliate Options

You collect $7 on every cell whenever you share it around. It's something that sells itself. In all reality. It's nostalgia. It's the nineties. It's a limited edition collection. Lots of goodies that are silver, they're gold, they're serialized and numbered. So a lot of chase items in there is on top of just a great collection of restarting and bringing stuff into the new age of pogs. So that's the affiliate program. As far as brand ambassadors, the hub is kind of the place where we're reconceptualizing how brand ambassadors work, how we can highlight content, highlight creation, and send our audience to you if you're an ambassador, and also bring your audience onto the page of everything that Paul has done and will do in the future.

Support and Engagement Encouragement

Okay, thank you. More support. Perfect. There you go. That's the Billy corner. Every five minutes we get a couple questions from Billy, and I love it, and I appreciate you coming up. Anyone is always welcome to come up. We just ask that you bear with us as we let Emerson answer some every once in a while. Yeah, well, sometimes they might not be as accurate, so just know, like NFA, Dor, anything that Emerson says, there's. I feel like we should put a special script underneath, like the white paper that pretty much just specifies that anything that Emerson says, you know, needs an extra research on.

Updates on Arcade and Assets

Yeah, any second time listener, I think, is aware of that. Right. I want to ask a few questions just so that everybody else is aware of what to expect and what's coming, to the arcade, so including the hub as well. So I want touch on both. So, what are the assets that we're going to be able to use in the arcade, when it launches and in the future as well? what assets are going to be able to, I don't know, be played for keeps or what assets are going to be able to be used to play the other games that are for the arcade? And what assets do we need to be able to gain the benefits of the hubs rewards?

Responding to Asset Questions

Great question. For the game part. You'll be able to play for keeps with the pogs that are launched on the launch pad to start. And then you'll be able to will integrate all of theta and pog chain. Pogs will also then activate. We've already got the Solana pog, so at the same time you'll be able to, I believe, bring your pog, your Solana pogs in, but the transactions won't actually happen. So it'll just be play for fun with the pogs you have in your Solana wallet. You'll also be able to stake your Solana pogs, I believe on the 8th.

Excitement for Future Developments

It might possibly be a couple weeks after that, but it is all. It's pretty much ready and I don't know if I've said that before, but luckily it very much is. We've already got the play for pog assets, so you'll bring your pog coin in and you'll also be able to win collectibles on chain that haven't been minted yet. So there'll be rare pogs that come through only playing for keeps against Pogban. And we'll have the stack and slam, and you'll be able to use your pogs, I believe, in the Solana game, in the stack and slam, the first game we had.

Games and Transitioning Mechanics

So we have Pogman battle, which is the new game that uses all the stats and elements, and then we have the stack and slam, which is the first version where it's all just live physics based. And so you can play that multiplayer, but those transactions are not for keep, so you'll be able to play with all your Solana pogs. And then, you know, all the new games we'll just kind of use probably the same. Most of the pogs will launch on the launchpad. And for the hub, all of the collections you have right now that are not on pog chain, on the hub, basically, or on the arcade are usable in the hub.

Special Promotions for Holders

So if you have an ordinal, if you have a founding pog, if you have an OKB, if you have Pogman PFP, all of those are going to get like, free merch packs. So we're going to drop five hats and five hoodies inside of these packs. And they'll be only for holders to get them daily. So if you have a pog, you'll get one. And if you have multiple pogs in the collection, you'll get one for each of your collections. And then people will be able to buy these packs as well with points, but you won't get, you know, three to five for free every day.

Merch Availability and Future Drops

And then we'll also, in the next coming weeks, have 20 of each of those items available for sale, the hats and the hoodies. And I think we're looking at like, every month we'll have kind of a new design drop. Or once we sell out of each of them in pogcoin, we'll have a new kind of merge drop. Yeah, I think you nailed that question pretty good. I think Solana is super close to, like, they basically went from starting to integrate it last week and this week they're like, oh, yeah, we can do this.

Building a Robust Ecosystem

And so it's just waiting for the devs on that side and seeing how that goes down and then, yeah, the merch is the exciting part. I think the response from not only the quality that you showed on the timeline and the styles was really strong in and out of our community, like, everyone that came across it was like, oh, shit, this is dope. And so I think that idea there is really something that we can use on a lot of different levels to try and bring in new people to the community, get people really interested.

Sharing the Passion for Gameplay

And merch is always huge. Like, people love stuff like that. Facts, dude. Super excited about the merch that we're getting. I think it's super fun. We've got packs that we're putting in. So I'm going to be ripping open these hobby boxes on a video. I'll probably open three of them. One of our two packs I'll open, but then we're gonna be giving out maybe one unopened box and then 24 unopened packs from these boxes.

Creating Unique Collectibles

And maybe if we end up getting like, I think we've got one or two with a gold slammer and maybe an NFT. We got one of each, I think. So we'll be able to figure out what we want to do with those. Who's gonna, who's going to get the box with the first NFT to redeem. That'll be interesting to see. Yeah. And I think getting you to sign everything, too, I've heard that's the way everybody wants a kylo signature. I don't know.

Signature Requests and Community Culture

I don't know about that. Happy to oblige. You're the co host. I mean, maybe. Maybe you do twelve and twelve. Maybe they don't rip the pack. Then we could get you and Brent to sign it. This is a very limited time where we can just have you guys at the table get some content out of that and. Pretty neat, you know? Hell yeah. All right, Emerson, I was second guessing myself because I feel like I should know this, but I don't.

Clarifying NFT Releases

Have, has anyone seen the real. Have we released the art of the NFTs in the hobby box? Yeah, it's on the, it's on the launch pad right now. Oh, okay. I was just looking at, I was like, I didn't know if, like, that's what they were or if they were different, but, dude, I think you should sign them. I think you, I think you should. Because think about it. Like, any of these limited edition drops, or at least a few of them, like, all these collectors, man.

Collectibles’ Worth and Community Sentiment

There's some, like, variants in there. We're like, yeah, dude, this one was signed by the CEO at the time. Like, this is, you know, he only did this for five. Like, five of these. Yeah, sure. I love. Yeah, it's got to be weird to be like, oh, yeah, we want your signature as a community. You're just like, I'm building a project here. You know, it's got to be a little bit odd, but I think there is value to it.

Unique Opportunities in the Community

It's a great opportunity for someone to get a true limited edition thing, because at the end of the day, there's not going to be many, whether it be a pog or a pack or a box that's signed by you and possibly Brent as well. That's a pretty dynamic duo. Just make sure it's not your regular signature someone doesn't, like, start using checkbooks with your signature on there. I think we get Emerson to sign one. You couldn't read my handwriting if you tried.

Discussion on Authenticity

That's why there's notes. Nice try. Just. We'll reach out to your CPA and we'll have our own accountant then. Oh, my gosh. Dude. I feel like he's been ignoring me just for that reason. Like chicken scratch, but it is what it is. Well, kana, did you have a, you said a couple questions. Did that answer all of them? Did you have a follow up?

Feedback on Answer Quality

I mean, the answer was absolutely excellent. It was, it was pretty long, so I don't think everyone got it. But everyone will eventually get it. I mean, it was spot on with the signatures. My icon t shirt come through this week and yeah, it didn't have Kyler's signature on it. I mean, I was pretty gutted because as soon as I opened it up, I was like, to the misses, you need to buy a frame for this.

Personal Experience with Merchandise

And she's like, how the fuck am I gonna get a frame big enough to fit that in? Because it come large. I'm not a large guy. But regardless, you know, it's not gonna get washed, it's not gonna get worn, it's just gonna get framed. And yeah, I guess I'm just gonna have to collect the signature on another day, but let's go. Thank you very much, Kyla. It's dope.

Community Gratitude

You know, Kyle has always provided from. Ever since I've stepped into this community, Kyle has always provided for the community. He's definitely provided for. For those that have definitely invested in the project to begin with and knows that have onboarded themselves in different ways. You know, whether it be the eve collection, soul collection, this collection, that collection.

Future Prospects

Even with the ordinals, you know, there's big things coming with the ordinals as well. You know, it's not just the arcade and there's just so much. So every time, man, just appreciation. Huge shout out to the team. We know the team is building something dope. And there was talk a little bit earlier on. Sorry, I don't mean to go on and on about playing pogs for, you know, other, certain rewards.

Gameplay and Community Interaction

You know, when I was in Turkey, we did put like a couple notes down underneath the pogs and we flipped some pogs for some money as well. I can't lie, it just brings another nature to the game. You know, you're out there, you're doing your thing in certain environments. You know, adults can have fun in different ways. You know, I mean, so it was kind of dope.

Creating New Experiences

The idea arose while were on the cannon run. I thought, you know what? This could be interesting. Some of the guys could. Could really enjoy this, and, yeah, it was just fun to partake in it, but, yeah, let's go. Sounds like you're just trying to find ways to use your gold slammer to stay on people's cash. But I love it. Just playing.

Sharing Moments of Joy

That's so. It's so op. That gold slammer, bro, my four year old, when I took it off her hand, right? She was like, what? I want that one. She started crying. Definitely op. She beat both her siblings with that. You know what I mean? So. Yeah, man.

Reflection on Community Engagement

Yeah. That was no joke. Go ahead and. Oh, dude, I was just gonna say that's what, like, fires me up the most, is, like, listening to people about having fun, you know, like, I look at all the different, like, just what can. I was saying, like, what Tyler has done in this project. Like, I've looked at, like, the, like, either if it be a mint or, you know, a promotion or something like that, and just, like, the stories of snaking people and, like, getting, you know, one under foot or, you know, being able to go take a pod domain and before someone else, and it's just, we've had such a blast, and, you know, I'm just excited for all the more stories that are about to happen.

Discussion on Market Events

Or do we? Yeah, we have. Yeah. I didn't see why it happened. No, I didn't understand. I didn't know why it happened. I didn't see it on my trading view because it didn't hit like. I guess if it hit Coinbase, it should hit trading view, but trading view, I never saw it. So it was just a glitch in the matrix. Just a glitch in the matrix. Somebody was like, oh, it's just. It's seen the future. And I was like, I like that. I like that, too. That was in the old days, man. You would get a new coin, you would see a fat finger buy somewhere, and then it would magically hit it six months later. And you'd be like, oh, that's what it was doing. It was the market maker shooting their shot, placing their bids.

Imagining Future Wealth

And so if it hits that, Emerson is retiring, all of us getting a small island, and, you know, that's where we play pogs from now on, dude. It won't be a small island. It'll be the island in the center of that lake that Kyler's cabin looks on to. And I'll be going from my island to his place. That's what it will be doing. What about that bunker? Didn't you say you wanted to buy? I can have multiple houses with that kind of money, bro. Let's just be real. I might be asking Tyler for milk and sugar right after because I blew all my money. But, you know, hopefully he'd be a nice neighbor. From the bunker to the beach to the jet. I like it. I like it. I'll be outside the airport, like, need money for fuel?

Analysis of Trading Phenomena

Well, no, I think it was kind of weird that it only hit theta ecosystem. I think that's something that's interesting. I don't think there's anything necessarily to it, but I also want to say that I don't know that there's anything not. Not necessarily to it. So it's one of those weird things where if it had hit every coin on Coinmarketcap, you might look at it and be like, nothing's happening, but knowing that Theta is working hard, we're working hard, we're looking at all these exchanges, you know, biased investor. I would look at it and kind of perk my eyes up and be like, what's going on there? You know, just from the outside looking in, just questioning, saying, hey, you know, maybe something's happening.

Concerns About Trading Notifications

And, you know what would shock me, too, about that intern? If that really was the play that was happening. I didn't get no app messages. No one messed up message me saying, yo, dude, get in here. Some of the discord PC to step up the game. Yeah, I guess we need to teach you how to set your trading view and all that and let you know. What's that? Okay. Yeah, get on that. You know, we can set some price markers for you. They'll send a little text to your phone, and we can get that organized. Yeah, we'll teach him. We'll learn him up real good. How to lose money in crypto so people can steal his bags.

Opportunities in Memes and Trends

Man, I saw Mu dang go to 100. No, not even 100. 300 million this weekend after, like, three days of being viral. So any. Anything is possible. It doesn't take much. Eric, what is up? Don't. Don't make me regret it. I clicked accept. Oh, you're doing it. Okay, let's go. We're gonna. We're gonna act like I didn't tag anybody and was like, you know, you sure are quiet this weekend for some strange reason. And then we had a whole ass twitter battle with some pog on Hedera talking about how, you know, pog is a meme token, and how pogba blah.

Responses to Collaborations

And I was just like, yo, I don't know, you know, there's some mayhem going on. And don't. Don't act like, you know, weren't letting people know because everybody knew. Just saying. I don't know what to say to her brother. You know what's funny about that? Paul gone Hedera. They're like, reached out to me. They're like, want to collab? I'm like, bro, like, there's one of you, like, every week, man. Like, I gotta wait and see what you guys are cooking up, man. Like, you know, you gotta prove yourselves. Like, you know, we gotta see that there's something, like, a value being put together here. And then, yeah, they followed me after that, and I haven't heard from them since.

Market Dynamics and Legal Concerns

But I saw you guys on the timeline. That was pretty funny. Yeah, you guys were taking a little bit more seriously. I looked at it. They had $86 in volume, and I was like, it's not worth our time. I wasn't trying to be rude. It's just the facts of the matter is there's so many knockoffs that pop up. I said it in the discord. Pog has been dealing with knockoffs for 30 plus years. So it's nothing new. But looking, acting like they're seeking an endorsement from us is never going to happen. The best case scenario for them is we don't pursue legal matters.

Assessing Future Deals and Integrity

I would think Kyler could speak on that more, but be like, oh yeah, you want to collab? Yeah, here's a cease and desist. And I told them, check the backjack and to like join the real poggers. So we'll see what happens. Yeah, so I mean, they can take their $86, bring it over, get some pog coin and get in the real token. And I think that was the best advice I could give. I think it's fair. Cano, what's up, man? I mean, if tech g ain't careful here, these guys could start dming julian in the back end, you know what I mean? Start a revolution and take over in that.

Considerations for Technology and Regulation

Oh man, too soon maybe, I don't know. It's not too soon. It's if pog and hedera wants contact, lead the way. But they did send us a couple DM's. They were hoping for some collabs. I just did not respond. Tried to let them down easy and tell them that it's really, it's an uphill battle, that even if you succeed, I think we, you know, Kyler, would you look to legal matters if there was like a successful pog using the name? Well, if I was actually worried about it, yes, absolutely.

Building Brand Recognition

But dude, there's been 2000 pog coins that have gone up and none of them have been the real thing. So it's about marketing. How do we get it out? The word that this is the official pog coin. Like the official pog coin, the nineties, all that stuff. So I'm not threatened. And I like, we've had so many people just be like, oh, we're the real pog. Or this is, you know, can we do this? And we thought about it one time in the past because it was peak eth meme coin season. We were like looking to build a new coin.

Strategic Partnerships

And we're like, well, shit, we could maybe adopt one of these and died like a week and a half later. So if it's not the real brand and it doesn't actually have big name, like big tech people behind it, the fact that we have like the head of NBA top shot, who's now the head of collectibles at eBay, and like Matt over at Solana Labs, and Michael, who's created a currency, theta Labs aws beamable, like all these partnerships, if it wasn't for that, then maybe we'd, like, feel threatened.

Handling Competition and Enthusiasm

But it's always just some dude in the background who just, like, wants to create a coin out of fandom, and that's cool. Like, I think the number one thing is not to really, like, hurt their feelings, because they're obviously super excited about the same thing. They just maybe didn't get the license that we got or whatever. So I think it's important to, like, treat everybody, you know, as a pogger, first and foremost. But, like, never should we let anybody, like, be dissuaded to go with somebody, like, some other fake coin.

Technological Advancements in Trading

Because the reality is, like, we're about to drop this etherium coin, and for the first time ever, the real. The real pog is going to have an ERC 20, and it's the exact coin that's on theta. So you'll swap it one for one. You'll take your theta labs coin or your theta chain and move it over to Ethereum. It'll lock up your er. It'll lock up your, you know, your pod coin on theta. It'll mint you new pod coin. We've got this beautifully created smart contract that limits the amount of coins that can be minted over time to make sure that nobody can hack or, like, manipulate or hurt this and try and, like, anyways, hack the bridge and somehow mint all the liquidity on.

Future Ecosystem Expansion

On theory. But ERC 20 allows us to use a lot of different platforms, decentralized exchanges and so forth. And then people. The education point is also just, like, how do we teach them that they can swap over their ethereum or they can swap over. Yeah, their etherium coins to theta for staking and for gameplay and to buy things. So it really creates a unique opportunity. And then when we talk about, like, oh, it's a pogs on Hedera. That's cool. But, like, think about how small of a sector Hedera is in reality.

Regulatory Landscape for Coins

And then if it's just guys who just have the name and they're not able to use the logo, they don't. I mean, how many dollar sign pog coins have been there? Like, a million of them. So it's not. It's not anything to be worried about. Yeah, that. That was my approach. It's not worth the energy. not gonna endorse them in any way. Not gonna sit there and be like, hey, we're. We're your buddies. You do you, It's. It's not. You can't really stop it.

Emerging Trends in Trading

Isn't meme coin. People are gonna try anything they can do to, you know, take advantage of it. But, you know, I like. I like the idea of being on EtH, and I like the idea, too, of getting our solana chain, you know, that bridge, too. Once we can get that up and rolling, I think those two exposure points will be massive. I think simplifying everything the way that the ETH contract does and making that bridge, you know, one for one, is a really cool way to not only draw people to pog, but draw people to theta and make sure that they can enter the ecosystem when they see fit, or they can have this secondary ecosystem that can evolve in whatever way it evolves.

Bridging Technologies in the Market

And so I think it's important to have all these things going on, educating along the way, and then establishing, like, eventually we're going to be the only pog coin that people are talking about on any chain. Maybe you make a small bridge to Hedera down the line. You know, that bridge is always something you can cross. I think the two bridges that we're really looking at would be on to base and another bridge on to BNB. I think those are the two. The next two bridges. I think that we are going to look to build.

Exploration of New Market Channels

And then we've got. Because any EVM right now, because of how we've created this contract, could have, you know, we could have a bridge. So. And it would be just as elegantly executed. So there's no reason that any of those couldn't happen. Moving liquidity or, like, moving supply back to Solana would definitely make sense. You know, the only unfortunate thing is, like, if you didn't swap your coins already, now you're going to swap for, like, a smaller one once we open the swap the last second and maybe the last pogger swap available.

Adaptations to Market Fluctuations

So we'll see what happens. But, yeah, then it would just be like, pogs on Solana instead of pogger. I mean, we could. I could see using it, but, like, I don't know, then we're. Then we're only there just to participate in radium and, like, you know, Jupiter and hope that people want to swap in on Solana rather than, like, you know, ethereum and binance and base. So, you know, it's definitely a possibility. But I think there's some easier integrations with maybe a bigger execution available before just based on, like, effort to reward, maybe.

Assessing Blockchain Potential

I don't know, that might be. You say base, and that's. I think you're. You're pretty spot on there. You look at the transactions base has taken up. I think last I saw was 70% of all on chain transactions are going through that base ecosystem. And so that's pretty logical. Solana is an emerging idea. Like, if you get on Solana, you hope that they keep building at the pace they're building. Gain adoption at a high level.

Risk Assessment and Future Strategy

It's also a risk if you go and you build on Solana and it turns out that people get burned out from all these pump funds, all these meme coins, if the casino feeling dies out and you're at risk there of stranding some, maybe customers or liquidity or anything, whatever it may be. So it's kind of a bet on both sides of it getting big enough to where there's value. I don't know that, like you said, you need to go and do that instantly, but base makes a lot of sense. BNB. Yeah, I could see that too.

Evaluating Market Niches

They're pretty heavy on the crypto, the nfts and all that. They get a nice little niche market on. I used them for, what's you call it? Step in. That was actually the one that I went through. Duck said you had your hand up for a minute. What's up now? I was gonna say, man, and not being funny at all. Check the XRPL EVM side chain and what it's fixing to do for interoperability.

Blockchain Ecosystem Discussions

On to Seoul. And I was discussing this the other. Day, talking about something, you know, that what you're talking about with data and. The AI and yada, three unities. All this stuff's like really intertwined, man. And I know that, you know, a. Lot of this is fairly new to XRPL, but it's going to come a lot swifter than people think. I cannot comment on XRP. I've actually never used the ecosystem, but good to have someone in the community that does.

Insights on Market Vision

I don't think Kyler has ever been one to say absolute nos to any blockchain or ecosystem or anything like that. I think he is probably one of the most forward thinking guys I've come across in that regard of looking at everything by the numbers and figuring out what makes sense and where they make sense and how to approach it. He's thinking three steps ahead, which is something that's super important in this ecosystem. And that's why pogs has been around for the three years on two and a half years on all the chains that has been working on and building out.

Concluding Thoughts

Kana, I saw your hand in the knuckles. You had your mic unmuted I didn't know if that was on purpose or not. Whoops. It's x doing its own thing, man. I didn't even know. Thanks to. It's exciting to know that we're gonna see pogs on. On different chains. I mean, I don't use binance personally. Binance is a bit edgy in the UK as well. But everyone should know it has a massive market in the far east. And if you know the Far east, they're big on pogs, too.

Discussion on Arcade and Solana Saga

Emerson with the hand. I just didn't want to detract from the conversation that can was happen because I didn't like it. So, Kyler, I had a question on the arcade. Like, this is huge news. Like, I. This is the first time you're saying, like, this is when it's, like, finalized. It's going to be launched. are you saying that there might be an advantage to get a Solana saga to play mobile, or will it be web only? What was the question? should intern bring me his Solana saga brick, phone so I can play pog? Or is it gonna be web only because you can't play intern. You've just never heard Kyler say no. Because your ideas are good, but you, if you get him around me long enough, you'll hear no plenty.

Kyler's Response to Ideas

Yeah. And sometimes, you know, I just want to say no before he does because sometimes, you know, I never was offering up that Solana because I still get my airdrops to it. I can't just give that away. But it's not. I didn't say you give it. I'd win it from you. Win it from me? How many cars you put up, dude? As many as it takes. I'm the guy who goes to the. Carnival and I'm gonna like founders, dude. Or like ten founders, dude. Yeah, like, that's. That phone still valuable? Like, people still buy it for a few. Few. Six to $7. I'm just kidding. I still get.

Talking About Airdrops and Value

I can't tell you. I probably gotten 510 thousand dollars in air dropped or something if I sold them at the peak. Yeah, I don't know. Definitely. I net it probably like 2000 on each phone. I had three. I bought them and. And just held on to them. Ended up raffling one off for hedgehog back in the day and doing a bunch with that and. But yeah, I think the seekers coming out. That's. That's your entry, Emerson. Is that my entry? I just want to be able to play pogs on the go. I don't want to have to bring my laptop. I just want to be able to take people's pogs. Irl.

Playing Pogs and Seeking Tokens

Yeah, you got the seeker to chapter two. You got a. They got the token on there. You got your soul bound tokens. That's. That's your entry if you're really keen on it. I just didn't know you were going to be so defensive on me winning your. Your phone. But I understand now why. Okay. No, not. Not giving you my phone. Oh, no, I never said you were gonna give me. I plan on winning. Trust me. I plan on. Say you said, I need to see if intern will give me his saga, his brick. Well, then he loses it.

Ownership and Winning

Using it is pretty worthless, but having it is not. Trust me. I plan on winning a whole bunch of items from Kyler's house and then spreading the love, or I go home. Broke Michael Saylor and leave the freaking quantity. Oh, my gosh, dude. Well, I've been practicing. We're wrapping up. Are you talking the real game? Are you talking the digital game, too? I don't know. I think I might better Irl, but I, you know, I think we should do a irl game for, you know, a founders rare or something like that.

Plans and Practice for Games

I'm not going to play, like, Kyler's, where he's, like, gonna play $100 per pog flip. I ain't got that kind of cash, but, you know, I'll put some assets on the table if he's. If he's willing to as well. All right, well, that will make it interesting. I will be watching until I have two or three garage beers. Oh, my gosh. I know exactly what I'm gonna win for. Does Brent still have number eight in the e slammers? Oh, my gosh. I'm coming home with that baby.

Wrapping Up the Show and Future Plans

She's gonna be in my wallet. And that's our show. Join us in the discord. Oh, my God. I regret ever doing that. I'm just gonna come on here and be like, hey, guys, come hang out with us. You know, knuckles, slam some pogs. Duckset, play us a song. Yeah. Thank you. Oh, my gosh. I. Yeah, yeah. Well, kyler, drop, like, a minute of alpha on the Twitter picker and make it happen. Dude, I don't have. Just come get your.

Giveaways and Participation

Make sure that you hit up that giveaway for a hoodie. Make sure you are ready with your, you know, your nfts already verified in Matrica on discord. So you have those roles so you can get your free packs. That's the alpha. That's great. Alpha, man. And make sure to rip those packs. Don't just hold them, rip them. That's how you win, people. Yeah, I think, you know, the packs are going to be hot and heavy. The way that you talked about the merch pack, too.

Anticipation for Upcoming Events

This is going to be. You're basing it off of how many assets you own as well, right? This is not. This is a little bit different than the Founders daily one or how many collections you own, I should say. Right? Give us the alpha. Oh, he left. He fell. He left. He fell off. I actually. I know he's busy. He's. He's not in the best service himself, so I'm surprised we actually were able to keep him as long as we did.

Dreams and Future Events

The rip is coming impognito. Yes. I feel you. It's happening. People are blowing up discord, and, you know, it's what it is, man. Which rip is it? Oh, tomorrow start, we're gonna have, like, 300 rips, and that would be exciting. I'm looking for some live streams. I'm looking for some content. The draw is getting drawn right now as we speak. I thought it was cute that you're gonna do you know what takes me forever.

Q4 and Championship Dreams

Speaking of Q four, like, going into Q four, like, I had a dream last night. I don't know. It's a wild and outlandish dream. Like, left me befuddled. I was in cold sweats when I woke up, but I dreamt that I won the world hog championships in Arkansas. Just saying. So I don't know. I don't know, man. Things might get crazy. I don't know, man. Are you going? When you start dreaming around pog, like, things happen, so I don't know, man.

Conversation on Representing Championships

I'm just saying. Are you going? Knuckles, are we representing the world championship? Are you going? I didn't plan on it. I don't know. All I said, I think you need. To make your dreams come true. I think you need to make your dreams come true. And the trolley trophy looks really nice, you know, like, there's a lot of cool people out there.

Hopes of Meeting Icons

Like, you know, the OG, basically ambassadors, or let's say the people behind, like, the characters of Mortal Kombat, right? The voices and the martial artists. You know, those guys are there. And, like, the voice of Sonic, the voice of miles morales. A whole bunch of cool people, man. But, you know, it's just a dream. It was just a dream. I just want to share so you. Know, I was thinking about you last night, bro.

Reflections on an Interesting Dinner

I dreamt I was smoking some. Some folks out there in Arkansas. And retro Rick, those people are at. The real event, or all those voices are at the dream? Like. Yeah, hey, it was all a dream. I was thinking about you, knuckles. I came into defense for karate combat, Mandy. I was. I had dinner last night with a youtuber on the beach, and he's looking at becoming a main, like, one of the main sponsors of bare knuckle.

Sponsorship and Partnerships

What is it? Bare knuckle? And I was like, nah, man. Yeah. I was like, nah, man. Karate combat's where it's at. We just had a fighter in Singapore, like, you know, I just go down this long rabbit hole and. Yeah, man. You know, it made me think of you, knuckles. I was like, this is. I'm doing knuckles justice. I'm spreading the word of karate kombat.

Closing Conversation

That's when you tell them to download the app, and we'll get them hooked up with some free karate tokens so they can join us for the next watch party and participate. Bro, you gotta close that, bro. But you're on the beach. I put them in standard protocol. You know, it was an interesting dinner for sure. Nothing as crazy as some of the ones that Kyler's had, but it was. It was interesting, Mandy.

Referrals and Future Planning

Anyways, I was like, hey, you want to put my referral code on your channel for these hobby boxes? So I'm still working on that one. Well, we have our winner. I have three. It is. Oh, you're good. Not show the rejections? No, I'm showing the rejections because were late and I couldn't have time to redo it. But they weren't here.

Winners and Cool Off Period

Combat was not here by him. No, was not here. And struggling just won. And we have a 30 day cool off of winners, so, unfortunately, he cannot win again. So those are three rejections. But they are not here unless I see some fingers popping up, saying, oh, mirror, here. I'm gonna go ahead and announce that we have our winner, and his name is already said, see the least Sudo lease see the suit.

Final Winner Announcement

And I will go ahead and pop that. What's the. I'm trying to see what the PFP is. It's the one I don't like to say because it's offensive. Oh, okay. But it's. You know, they're. They're worth 18. All that. Yeah. All right. It's up there. I appreciate everyone that entered in today. Make sure you enter tomorrow.

Confirmation for Tomorrow's Space

Emerson, do you have the space up for tomorrow. Did you do that? I have it already. I will get it posted in the next, like, 30 minutes. All right? So get that quest up there tonight. It will be. I feel like I've been abandoned, to be honest with you. I might have to uber back.

Final Remarks

I might have Fud come pick me up again. All right, you heard it here first. Fud. Hit the road. Get ready to roll. Everyone. Duck sets gonna play us out and have a great evening. We'll be back tomorrow night, six eastern. Hey, you forgot the discord. Come hang out with us. Discord for the after party.

Humor and Banter

I like how you put it, like a learning disability accent on me. That's hilarious. That's my pure joy voice. I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, okay. That's the pog after dark voice. Let's go. They tried to shake us out, but we held on. You know, we still holding on. Let's go.

Final Thoughts

If you're not slamming with the crew, then what are you doing? Duck said play us out right on in a. It's explicit quack tent. So get your. Get your adult ears on. Let's get it. Be the one that we never forget, never respect. Hammer on the chick that you want to win. Every day feels better than sex.

Outro and Reflections

Now I'm gonna need the sex in the check in a shitload of weed in the potential pocket full of cash. Dog, I've been outside my n outside, don't be surprised I got a mask on. Slow down, ghost, you a low down ghost? Used to hop in the m five, go down post, thinking, if you cross me, I let you slide.

Concluding Remarks

Let you know right now, nigga, know I won't think I give a fuck, nigga, no, I don't fuck what you stand on, no, I know how to cut your feet off toe by toe, then play the shit back, yeah, blow by blow, we turned up and we burned. We find the mark, we hit the target. After that, it don't concern us. I got red folk, I got blue folk, I got dry ass, I got Vosso.

Street Life Reflections

I'm in the streets when I'm on the web and I'm trying to avoid all these potholes. Let the pot blow, then get some old, blow the money, then get some more. Been rich and poor, been sick and raw. Fuck about show Richard, dog, you got your millie, I got yours.

Wealth and Time

A watch, mine's a nine. You know the time, I know the time. Fuck around and not blow your mind. Ghost Russian hooga on the waistline fuck boy dot trying to take mine to shirts bang like jopping bass line this is murder music, killer talk from the concrete jungle with a killer's walk, with a gorillas walk.

Intimidation and Action

We caged dogs two job, three quarters lego if I ever hear you try to murder mine, I do you broad day in a third of time if I have to, I bless you, show you what this black ski mask do and I don't stop hunting till I tag you cash rules everything around fuck niggas running down in the middle with a war with a ghost family underground king niggas, go ahead, crown me.

Confrontation and Escalation

We load it up, we rolling up call the vultures, make them shoot your soldiers I'ma smoke you then I'ma smoke the Dutch ain't near none of these niggas cold as fuck about to put this ratchet in the cobra crushed and put my foot on the wall didn't hold my nut compared me to you with the big difference.

Reality in Living and Speaking

I live this shit, so I spit different I was on the wool and came down on the pill, yo, when I talk, nigga hit different down on my knuckles, I deserve a shot, plain Jane Noah just to know the time me and style smoke trying, man, we still align, you go fuck around I fuck around and blow your mind my.

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