Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space “Play, Own, Earn: The New Era of Gaming” hosted by WEB3M delved into the evolution of  Web3 gaming, emphasizing strategies for enhancing the competitive landscape and integrating NFTs to enrich the gaming ecosystem. The discussion highlighted the importance of educating users to facilitate a smooth transition into Web3. Key strategies for driving user engagement included democratizing competition and attracting skilled players. The community expressed a strong commitment to innovation and collaboration, ensuring Web3 gaming remains engaging and popular. Insights into monetization stressed user-driven approaches, allowing gamers to explore advanced options at their own pace. The overall sentiment was enthusiastic, focusing on sustaining interest through continuous development in competitive features and integrations.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What’s the future of Web3 gaming?
A: The future of Web3 gaming hinges on adopting a competitive landscape and integrating NFTs into the gaming ecosystem.

Q: How can user engagement be increased in Web3 gaming?
A: By democratizing the competitive landscape and attracting skilled players.

Q: What role do NFTs play in gaming?
A: NFTs act as both assets and collectibles within Web3 games, enhancing the gaming ecosystem.

Q: How important is user education in Web3?
A: Crucial for onboarding, helping users transition smoothly and embrace advanced Web3 features.

Q: What strategies help games gain popularity?
A: Competitive adoption and skilled player engagement are key strategies.

Q: Can traditional gaming elements be integrated into Web3?
A: Yes, integration helps in transitioning and sustaining user interest.

Q: What will drive Web3 innovation?
A: Continuous development in competition, user-friendly monetization, and educational pathways.

Q: How should monetization be approached in Web3?
A: It should be driven by user readiness and willingness to explore advanced options.

Q: What’s the impact of skilled competition in Web3 games?
A: It significantly boosts engagement and popularity.

Q: What’s the community’s stance on Web3 transition?
A: There’s enthusiasm and commitment to integrating and innovating in Web3 gaming and features.


Time: 00:06:28
Importance of competitive landscape in Web3 games

Time: 00:12:04
Transition to Web3 and its strategic benefits

Time: 00:16:53
Closing remarks and community engagement

Time: 00:27:05
Role of NFTs in gaming

Time: 00:34:09
Educating new users about Web3

Time: 00:42:30
Integrating traditional gaming elements

Time: 00:55:12
Democratizing game competition

Time: 01:02:12
Monetization strategies in Web3

Time: 01:07:30
Impact of skilled players on game popularity

Time: 01:11:22
Community’s commitment to innovation

Key Takeaways

  • Transitioning to Web3 gaming is a strategic move for longevity.
  • Understanding the competitive gaming landscape’s impact is paramount.
  • NFTs are central to the new gaming ecosystem.
  • Democratizing competition in games can drive user engagement.
  • Education is key for onboarding new users into Web3.
  • Integration of traditional gaming elements with Web3 features.
  • Skilled players can drive the popularity of games.
  • Monetization options in Web3 should be user-initiated.
  • Continuous innovation sustains interest in Web3 projects.
  • Collaborative efforts can strengthen the Web3 community.

Behind the Mic of Play, Own, Earn: The New Era of Gaming

Introduction and Overview

Awesome. Okay, we’re all up. Hey, everybody. GM GM, how’s it going? A lot of familiar faces here. So cool to see everyone. Yeah, GM. Thanks for joining today, everyone. We are so excited to be here and be doing our first Twitter space ever in celebration of crypto’s year anniversary. Just this year has gone by so fast. It feels like it’s been forever and it feels like it’s been two months. It’s crazy. Time is weird in the Web3 space. But before we get into things, I just wanted to do a quick little overview of what we’re doing here today and the agenda for today’s call. And then we can dive off into more interesting stuff.

Introduction to Cryptoys

So we’ll do a little quick overview of what cryptoys is. I see some people here that may not know what cryptoys is and what we’re doing. So we’ll do a quick little five, ten minute overview. And then we’ll get into the cool stuff, which is these amazing guest speakers, entertainers, and creators that we have joining us today. And they’re going to be sharing their experiences with Web3 gaming, their thoughts on the space overall, and what they’re most excited about for the future of this industry. And then we’ll do a little quick Q&A at the end. And we are giving away some really cool prizes today. So make sure to stay until the end. And you do need to stay for the entire time to win some of these really cool prizes.

Team Introductions

So with that said, why don’t we jump into things? And before we start, I just want to do quick introductions. So I’m going to let the team introduce themselves real quick. I’ll go last. We have a lot of people to get through. So why don’t we start with Isaac and go from there. Yo, yo, GM GM. What’s up, everyone? Super excited to be here with a lot of familiar faces, like Tyler said. I’m Isaac. I lead the brand team over at cryptoys, and I’m happy to be here today. Thanks, Isaac. Christine, you want to go next? Yeah, absolutely. I’m happy to be here with everyone and to hear all of these amazing guest speakers we have coming on today and hear their experience with Web3 gaming. But yeah, my name is Christine. I’m the community and social lead at cryptoys. Thanks, Christine. And William. Hey, GM GM, everybody. How’s it going? Thanks for joining us here today. I’m William and I head up content and strategy. Very honored to have all you guys here and looking forward to the conversation. So Andy, our operations lead. Hey, good morning, everybody. Nice to see everybody in here. As Tyler mentioned, Andy Krainak, Director of Operations at cryptoys. Excited to answer some of your questions today during the Q&A panel. Awesome. And my name is Tyler. I’m one of the co-founders of cryptoys and the CEO, and just very excited to be here with you guys.

Overview of Cryptoys

Sounds great. So let’s jump into this overview real quick, and then we can get into our special guest speakers. So just to outline quickly what cryptoys is, and again, I know there are some people here that may not know exactly what cryptoys is. Cryptoys is a digital toy company that builds new playgrounds for the digital generation. We like to think of it as toys for the digital age, and we’re really at the intersection of toys, gaming, and entertainment. And so our goal is to build really engaging experiences in metaverse platforms that people collect and play with, while also welcoming new users into the L3 ecosystems and making it really easy for them to get started. So we believe that the future of play is digital, and with our ecosystem, folks will be able to play with their toys in ways that they weren’t able to before.

Guest Speaker Introductions

And so with that, why don’t we jump straight into the good stuff, which is the speakers that we have today. We can start with David Bloom, the co-founder of gaming platform Next. So David, it’s all you. Thank you, Tyler. Good to be here. I’m David Bloom, and I’m working on Next, which is a new platform for gaming. We are working to build really engaging experiences in the metaverse and aiming brands as part of this. We’re making it easy for brands to create and sell digital merchandise in branded experiences. And we’ve partnered with the team here to host this space today. Really excited about the next year ahead to see how the gaming industry continues to evolve in Web3.

Discussion on Digital Ownership

Thank you, David. Let’s jump into our next speaker, Brandon. GM GM, everyone. My name is Brandon, and I’m the head of strategy at Next. Super excited about Web3 gaming, what the future holds for this space, and how we’re working to create seamless user experiences within this industry. Month over month, the growth in user adoption is really exciting to see, and I’m thrilled to be part of this journey with cryptoys and the amazing community here today. Great points, Brandon. One of the things that excites us the most at cryptoys is the relationship and intersection of ownership in the digital world with gaming. This is an essential change brought by web three, where players own their assets in game and can truly participate in the gaming economy. William, any thoughts about this? Yes, absolutely. The concept of digital ownership in gaming changes the traditional gaming landscape. Before I came to Cryptoys, I spent many years in the gaming industry, and I saw how player engagement skyrocketed when players could invest value back into the games they love. The Web3 gaming space is no different but even more empowering with the freedoms and rights that players have over their digital assets, enabling new forms of gameplay and personalized experiences.

Security in Web3 Gaming

Interesting points, William. Having spoken about digital ownership, let’s talk about another aspect of web three gaming, which is security. And security is paramount when players start investing time and money into these games. So, Andy, what are some of the measures taken to protect player data and assets in Web3 gaming? Absolutely, Isaac. At Cryptoys, and across the Web3 ecosystem in general, security is a top priority. It’s crucial to consistently conduct smart contract audits and work with experienced cybersecurity partners to identify and patch any potential vulnerabilities. Multisig wallets and decentralized identity solutions also add significant layers of protection. It ensures that any transaction requires multiple approvals, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. And of course, continuous security assessments and robust communication protocols help maintain a secure environment for all users. Exactly, Andy. Security needs to be multi-layered, and regular audits are important. And John, given your extensive experience in the field, how do you see security evolving in the Web3 gaming space? Hi, everyone, I’m John, CEO of Tech Guard. It’s great to be here. In terms of security evolution, I believe that decentralized security models are becoming increasingly essential. These models distribute security efforts across the network, creating a robust defense against potential attacks. Solutions like Zero-Knowledge Proofs, where data privacy is preserved while validating transactions, are becoming more prevalent. The use of AI to predict and prevent security breaches is also a growing trend. Continuous advancements in security protocols and user education are key to safeguarding the future of Web3 gaming.

Community Engagement in Web3

Thanks, John. Indeed, security and privacy play a critical role. Moving on to another crucial aspect is community and active participation in the Web3 space. Christine, can you share the impact of community engagement on the development and growth of Web3 gaming? Absolutely, Tyler. Communities are at the heart of Web3 gaming. They drive the narrative, provide feedback, help in beta testing, and build a sense of belonging. At Cryptoys, we’ve seen that active community participation not only helps in shaping the gameplay but also builds trust and loyalty. Players feel valued when their voices are heard, and their feedback is implemented. Regular events, competitions, and rewards for community members keep the engagement levels high and make the gaming experience more immersive.

Audience Q&A

Thank you, Christine. Active and engaged communities truly redefine the gaming experiences in Web3. Now, let’s take some questions from our audience. I see we have a hand raised. Let’s start with Gallon. Go ahead, please. Thanks for this wonderful session. I have a question regarding decentralization and monetization in Web3 gaming. How can developers ensure that the game remains decentralized while still being able to monetize it effectively? It’s a great question, Gallon. From our perspective, retaining decentralization while monetizing involves creating fair and transparent in-game economies. With tokenization, players can acquire and trade assets directly, which the developers can facilitate with a transaction fee model. Maintaining transparency in the economic mechanics and providing equal opportunities for player participation is essential. Leveraging decentralized finance (DeFi) tools like staking and yield farming within the gaming ecosystem can also provide additional revenue streams without compromising decentralization principles. Excellent point, Isaac. And that’s something we actively incorporate at Cryptoys. Brandon, anything to add? Yes, Isaac covered it very well. I would add that the goal is to create engaging content that incentivizes players to willingly spend and invest their time and money. Providing unique experiences and value in return for their engagement is key. Decentralized governance as well ensures that players have a say in how the game evolves, which builds trust and further incentivizes participation and monetization.

Final Remarks and Community Inclusion

I think that wraps it up well. Do we have another question? Yes, we have time for one more. Let’s take this one from Umar. Thanks for the insightful discussion. My question is regarding community inclusion. How can the Web3 gaming community ensure active participation from global audiences, specifically in regions with less exposure to gaming technologies? Thank you for the question, Umar. Inclusivity is at the core of Web3’s philosophy. We need to make our platforms accessible, offer educational resources, and conduct outreach programs in regions with less exposure. Simplifying onboarding processes, reducing entry barriers, and offering localized support can significantly enhance global participation. Engaging local influencers and creating culturally relevant content also helps in resonating with diverse audiences. At Cryptoys, we aim to create an inclusive environment that champions diversity and global participation. Those are some great strategies, Christine. Expanding on that, developing narrative-driven content that resonates with various cultural backgrounds will make games more relatable and can aid in fostering a more diverse community.


Fantastic insights. That’s about all the time we have today. I want to take a moment to thank all our speakers for sharing their amazing insights, and of course, the community for joining this space. We hope you found it valuable and engaging, and we look forward to seeing you at our next event. Thanks again, everyone. This is Tyler signing off. Have a great day!

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