Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Placeholder: Before the 90 Days after show Twitter Space! #90dayfiance hosted by SHABOOTY. Dive into the vibrant world of a famous writer and comic from #90DayFiance in this engaging Twitter Space. Explore intriguing discussions on pop culture, unorthodox talents, and breaking rules in the creative landscape. Discover the importance of authenticity, inclusivity, and humor in content creation. With a focus on celebrating diverse perspectives and unconventional creativity, this space inspires content creators to think outside the box and embrace the unexpected. Join the conversation to unlock new ideas and insights that defy traditional norms and promote individuality.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: Who are the key personalities from #90DayFiance in the space?
A: The space features a famous writer and comic from the #90DayFiance community.

Q: What makes the content in this space unique?
A: The content explores unorthodox talents, rule-breaking approaches, and unexpected perspectives.

Q: How does the space appeal to the #TLC demographic?
A: Insights in the space resonate with the #TLC demographic by delving into pop culture and unique creativity.

Q: Why is authenticity important in content creation?
A: Authenticity is crucial for connecting with audiences and maintaining a genuine creative voice.

Q: What themes are prevalent in the space discussions?
A: Themes include breaking rules, celebrating uniqueness, and embracing unconventional creativity.

Q: How does the space promote inclusivity in content creation?
A: By showcasing diverse perspectives and unconventional talents, the space advocates for inclusivity and celebrating individuality.

Q: What role does humor play in the discussions?
A: Humor adds a light-hearted touch to the insightful conversations, making them engaging and entertaining.

Q: Why is unconventional content creation important in today's media landscape?
A: Unconventional content stands out, captivates audiences, and brings fresh perspectives to the creative realm.

Q: How does the space inspire content creators to think outside the box?
A: The discussions encourage content creators to embrace the unexpected, break norms, and think creatively.

Q: What can participants learn from the space about creativity?
A: Participants can gain insights on pushing boundaries, exploring new ideas, and staying true to their unique creative vision.


Time: 00:15:45
Exploring Unconventional Creativity Insights on how breaking norms can lead to innovative content.

Time: 00:25:12
Diving into Pop Culture Discussing the influence of pop culture on creative expressions.

Time: 00:35:30
Embracing Unexpected Perspectives Highlighting the value of unexpected viewpoints in content.

Time: 00:45:18
Authenticity in Content Creation The importance of staying true to oneself in creative endeavors.

Time: 00:55:22
Celebrating Diversity in Creativity Recognizing the beauty of diverse talents and perspectives.

Time: 01:05:50
Humor as a Creative Element Exploring how humor enhances creative discussions.

Time: 01:15:37
Breaking Traditional Boundaries Encouraging creators to break free from conventional norms.

Time: 01:25:19
Inspiring Creative Innovation Motivating participants to think innovatively and outside the box.

Time: 01:35:42
Encouraging Rule-Breaking Creativity Embracing the value of defying norms in creative pursuits.

Time: 01:45:28
Promoting Individuality in Content Advocating for unique voices and individual expression in content creation.

Key Takeaways

  • Engaging content with a famous writer and comic from #90DayFiance.
  • Deep dive into pop culture and unorthodox talents.
  • Explore rule-breaking approaches in content creation.
  • Insights on appealing to the #TLC demographic.
  • Blend of humor and insightful discussions.
  • Exploration of unique perspectives in the creative space.
  • Emphasis on unexpected and unconventional content creation.
  • Importance of staying authentic and true to oneself.
  • Insights on connecting with diverse audiences through unconventional means.
  • Celebrating creativity that defies traditional norms.

Behind the Mic

Technical Difficulties

You there, George? Yeah. It kept saying that I couldn't join or I was declining. I don't know what's going on. Yeah, I might have invited you to speak, and then I invited you to host at the same time, and then it probably went ape. Apeshit. Yeah, it said speaking, and then it said co host, and then I accepted, and it said I was declining, and I don't. I don't know. True. So let's get into it.

Thoughts on the New Season

How did you like the new season? Well, first of all, this was a lot like, the drama was really high, right? Like, went from a blind cast member to a quadriplegic to a chick who's talking to chickens to a woman who escaped an abusive and controlling marriage that is going to marry a muslim at first sight. You know, I was very, very entertained. Right. Like, every story got crazier and crazier for me, and I was impressed. But I want to. I want to real quick talk about how pissed off I am that they have decided that we are no longer going to be allowed to stream without commercials. I'm really upset, and I just feel like, I mean, we saw this coming. I didn't think it was going to be this soon. We know that Warner Brothers discovery is broke, and, you know, they're scrounging for pennies, so they're attacking all of their actual entities that are still making money, you know, because they own a lot of stuff that isn't in production anymore.

Frustration with Streaming Changes

So I just want to get that out there real quick, like, out of the way first. I hate them. They piss me off. But this season, it's crazy. Like, I don't even know where to start, you know, I was really interested in the story with. With Brian, him being a quadriplegic and him dating this 20 something year old brazilian and everything. And then right at the end, he dropped that bomb. He's like, oh, I have to tell her that my carjacking and me being shot was not random. And I think everybody kept tweeting out there, like, please let this man, you know, not do anything to make him like us, hate him. Right? I kept seeing that on x, and I don't really know if him being, like, in a gang or involved in, like, some sort of organized crime. I don't know if it really is gonna change my perception, because I feel like pretty decent person from what I saw on the show, you know?

Brian's Relationship Dynamics

And I think he said it's been 25 years since he became a quadriplegic. So I think that his story is gonna be the most interesting to follow because Ingrid hasn't even asked him, like, what works and what doesn't, which I think it's easy to me, because if you're gonna be dating someone, I feel like that's the first question I wanna. Well, maybe we should ask some of the ladies in here. Like, if you're dating a guy who is paralyzed from the waist down, is it important to know what's going on down there? Do you not care? Like, I was under the impression that you would at least want to know. Right. Like, she didn't even ask. It was funny when they were. What it was. What's the thing they do? Like, rugby. They're doing rugby in the wheelchair.

Awkward Conversations about Relationships

You know, wheelchair rugby. Yeah. And, you know, they do that with basketball, too. Yeah, basketball as well. The part that I thought was amusing was they were having that, like, conversation about orgasms and shit. But then there was, like, that female was with them. Right. Yeah. I'm sure that was kind of awkward. A little, like, you know, do I leave? Like, this is kind of not my. This isn't the conversation that I want to be a part of because, you know, it got a little graphic, you know, and hearing all of the different issues that go on with men, specifically in that situation. Like, I didn't know that. Well, I have limited knowledge. Right. Like, I was under the impression it just didn't work. And then were hearing, you know, different men tell their. It varies by the person. And some men said, oh, no, it works.

The Complexity of Relationships and Sexual Health

But if you can't ejaculate or if you do, it could. That. That's even worse. It could lead to headaches or. Or pain. He said he could. He can. He may have aneurysm once he finishes. Right. Or our seizure aneurysm, that's. That's pretty fucking serious, right? Like, that's crazy to me. and then they were talking about Viagra. And sometimes Viagra will make things work that don't work. It was just. It was crazy to me. And the fact that these people had this conversation. But Ingrid and Brian have never had that conversation. It makes me question. Makes me question her. I mean, her being a 20 something year old brazilian who. It's pretty hot. Okay? Like, pretty hot. She's a milf.

Concerns Over Brian's Financial Situation

It makes me wonder. Well, the first question that came to my mind was, how much money is he sending her? Like, did you. Well, that's what he said is to his daughter was, this is the first time. I'm not sending money or something to a chick. I was like, so there's clearly money involved. She's a single mom. She's in her early twenties. She's hot, you know, and she doesn't even care that he's in a wheelchair. I just feel like this is. This isn't gonna end well for him, you know, I feel like. And then the fact that she hasn't even mentioned it to her family or friends, you know, I think that he's just a sucker sending her money at this point. And it sucks because it's not fair. You know, dating as a quadriplegic, he said, is not an easy task, especially not in the US.

The Struggles of Dating as a Quadriplegic

And, you know, I feel bad for him, but I definitely feel like she's. She's using this dude like she has to be. Mm. Well, I want to talk about another cast member, if that's okay. Yeah. So, I mean, I think the answer is kind of obvious, but as far as social media live tweeting goes, who would you say is the most, like, viral to live tweet about? Well, Lauren. Lauren is the most viral at this point. Everyone is. Is like, they don't even know where to go with his character because he. He's a gyrosexual. There's. I don't. He said gynosexual, but gyrosexual is funnier. Yeah, let's go with gyrosexual.

Exploring Gyrosexuality

I like that better. He likes gyro. Okay, so he is only attracted to women that have penises, which I didn't know was a thing. I mean, I did know that there are men that are into. That are only into trans women. And then I know that men that have, like, a trans women fetish. Right. Like, we've. We've heard our stories. Our, share of stories of celebrities who got caught, you know, who are clearly married to women that got caught with trans women or whatever. So we know that exists. But this was the first time I've heard it, like, express explicitly explained on tv. Like, he. He doesn't want to be with, like, a legitimate woman because apparently his best friend, who was on the show was a girlfriend of his.

Navigating Relationships and Sexual Identity

I. And she. It didn't work out because she didn't have a penis, which is just. It's wild to me. Like, it's just different. And I think that the fact that he's a homeless gyro sexual makes it even more crazy. Like, it's like his whole story was just, like, one bombshell after another. I couldn't even, like, keep up. Yeah. And then he's a. He, he basically wants to be like. Well, he basically says, I don't, I really don't believe in monogamy. Well, yeah, and see, that's not even uncommon. You know, like, we've been watching Polly Ann Marie, we've been watching plural lifestyle. There's plenty of people like that.

Issues with Honesty in Relationships

So. But usually the people that you're with are aware. So, like, what's her name? Faith doesn't know that he is not interested in monogamy and that he's, like, banking of other people here in the US. And I already see that as an issue because, yeah, he is like a poly person, which is fine. It's not cheating in his eyes. But if you're with a person who isn't poly, you're just banging other people, right? Like, you both have to be on the same page or it doesn't work. Like, that lifestyle only applies to people that participate in it. To a normal person, if you're like, oh, I'm polyamorous. So, yeah, I'm sleeping with like, 50 different people.

Concern for the Cast Member's Living Situation

They're not gonna deal with you because they think that you and them are in a relationship. So it's. And also the scene with him cooking in the bathroom. Yeah, I'm a germaphobe, right? Like, I'm very, very weird about, like, cleaning. And it was too much for me. Like, started, like, working out and steaming up. It made me, like, sick. Like, I didn't eat any of the food, but I was literally sick just watching the fact that this guy was, like, cooking. First of all, he had a hot plate on the toilet. What the actual hell is. And he's making seafood too.

Reviewing Unusual Cooking Habits

It smells naturally. Anyway, what is happening right now? Ate a whole frickin shrimp. Like the head, the tail, the answer. Oh, yeah, with the shell. What is going on? Do people do that? Like, now I'm curious. Do people do that? Eat shrimp whole? I don't know. But then it just reminded me of, like, Kyle doing, like, nudnick shit for attention. Also, you think that this was just him trying to be weird on the show? Yeah, it reminded me of, like, Kyle's antics of just doing extra weird shit for the show.

The Nature of Reality Television

Well, yeah, like grabbing his balls while they're out in public just. Just to be weird. So it's like, yeah, I mean, I would hope to goddess that he doesn't eat, first of all, that he doesn't actually cook in the bathroom, like that. Second of all, that he doesn't eat shrimp whole. Like, I've never seen that happen. And then the crunching sound, it was too much. Like, it really got to me. I was like, this is really freaking gross. I don't know. I don't know if I can take this. This is just crazy, this whole thing. What was his bullshit reasoning? It was because it's really hot. And in this country, the Philippines, they.

Rationale Behind Cooking Methods

Have a very humid climate. Like, it's more humid than Florida, more humid than. More humid than Vegas. Like, it's very humid, you know, based on their location and to the sun. So he was supposedly preparing himself for the humidity and heat of living in the Philippines, which. Whatever. I don't hear that. No. I feel like that was kind of like a fake scene in the sense of, let's do something over the top. And then, obviously, at least they know I'm going to tweet about it because it's ridiculous, but it's going to get the attention.

Strategy Behind Television Content

Well, yeah, it caught everyone's attention before anybody could even get into the show, they see this guy in his in shorts and no shirt, steaming up the bathroom, cooking shrimp on the toilet. They knew what they were doing, right. They know what they're doing. They know how to rope us in the. And then the fact that he's reverse green carding her. Right. Like, he is moving to her country so he can, like, move into her house and, like, squat into her life and then try to live there is even more crazy, right?

Reverse Green Card Dynamics

Because usually the person coming from the Philippines is the one trying to get the green card. He's trying to reverse green card, which I think is even more crazy. Meaning, like, he's trying to the other way her. Well, yeah, he's trying to move into her country and take advantage her life. So, I mean, when. When he first applied for casting, do you, like, they had to consider, hey, he could technically fall under the other way. But then, obviously, based on this past season of the other way, which has been kind of mid, they probably were like, no, this guy's too good to.

Observation on Episode Pacing

For other way. We got to save him from the main show for b 90. Well, yeah, I did think when I heard him say that he wanted to move over to, the Philippines, I was like, well, this is the wrong show. This should be the other way. But as I. As we know, we unpacked more and more of his story, I was like, yeah, I get why they wanted to save him. And also, it crossed my mind they put him on before the 90 days because I'm assuming they're not gonna get married. Right? Like, I'm gonna assume that he's gonna get over there and shit's gonna fall apart pretty rapidly.

Anticipating Relationship Outcomes

So I'm assuming they're like, well, yeah. It wouldn't even get to the point where he was packing up to move there because I don't think they're gonna make it because I'm pretty sure she's going to. She's gonna basically in this pretty quickly. Right? Like, I don't know her. We haven't really seen any scenes with her, but I'm pretty sure that she's not interested in this. In this situation. Yeah, they previewed, because in the preview, at the end of the episode, it was like, she was like, oh, my God, he cheated.

Conclusion on Relationship Viability

Blah, blah. So they previewed that it's not going to go over very well. Well, yeah, I could see that. You know, I know that this is one of those short lived stories. Right? Like, that's what. Because we didn't meet everybody tonight. So this. It's not going to make it very far. So your, so your premonition is it'll be like, they'll be. Have their full storyline for half a season, and by the middle of the season, they'll probably be done and we won't see them by the end of the season. Absolutely.

Moving Forward in Relationships

Okay. Get over there. And he's gonna explain to her that he's been sleeping with other people and he's a homeless person and he wants to move into her house. I think that, you know, she's gonna say, well, you can take your ass back to the USA, I think. I'm pretty sure that's how it's gonna go. Yeah. You know, I'm actually really looking forward to seeing that. Like, the nerdy guy at the end of the preview that wasn't on this episode. Yeah, I'm interested in that, too.

Exciting Developments in Season

I mean, I think that this season, the casting has outdone itself, I guess. Like, I'm really impressed. You know, if they could have been doing this all along, I'm just kind of disappointed we didn't get this sooner. Yeah. And then do you, so do you agree that since everyone loved David, that's the reason they had, like, the blind guy and then the quadriplegic guy or paraplegic? Yeah, the quadriplegic guy. Oh, 150%.

Capitalizing on Unique Stories

Yeah. David definitely pulled on the heartstrings, and I think that they never realized the. The opportunity they were missing by not having someone with, like, a certain type of disability or disadvantage. And I think they want to. I don't want to make it sound bad, but, like, capitalize on that area. I think that it's important that they are representing that, because David and Sheila, it really opened our eyes to the disability aspect of love, because it's two normal, able bodied people who are falling in love.

The Love Spectrum

But that's not how love always works. Sometimes two people get together and then one of them becomes disabled while they're together or before they together or whatever. So I think it's important that they focus on that because I don't think they realize how much people want to see that. I think that it's a big opportunity. And this guy Chitty, who's a Christian, who plays, like, soccer and with a blindfold on, it's just mind blowing, right?

Incredible Skills of Athletes with Disabilities

Like, they can focus on and find the ball and find the goal of just based on sound and air and wind speed. It's just blows my freaking mind. It literally blows my mind. Yeah, that was pretty cool with Brian, that quadriplegic. He said he was married four times, right? So, I mean, do you think that's his. Like, he's. Do you think he feels insecure where he's like, oh, I gotta marry this chick ASAP.

Insecurity and Relationship Patterns

That's why he's been married four times. I don't know. I feel like with him being a quadriplegic, I feel like he might be a serial husband. Like, he. When he finds somebody that accepts him in any way, I feel like he might overly exert himself to solidify that relationship because he said it was very difficult for him to find a love in the US. He said that american women looked at it as a last resort, but he said he would go over to, I think he said Venezuela, I believe he said.

Cultural Considerations in Relationships

And they were more open to it. But you have to remember, in those countries, they're more open to an american, right? Like, they're more open to a gringa. And I think that he might have married those women who looked at him as an American who was going to improve their life, and they didn't actually love him. So I don't. I mean, I don't know that. I don't know the story of all that, but the way that he is working with Ingrid and how he's not asking questions, she's not asking questions.

Patterns in Past Relationships

It kind of looks like a pattern where he gets involved with a foreign woman and he starts sending her money, and as long as the money is slow and she loves him, I feel like that's probably how it ended up being four separate marriages because it's about five, right? Like, that's crazy. He's not even that old. He's only 51 years old. Like, how do you get married that many times? And then I have to do my research on some of these cast members, but so I guess Starcasm tweeted that Tiger Lilly is, like, a social media influencer, and she has 700,000 followers on Instagram.

Social Media Presence of Cast Members

I think it's. So I haven't had a chance to, like, dig in. I have not either. But it crossed my mind that something was going on with her because she didn't say she had an occupation, but she said, you know, you could tell that she was boasting a lifestyle. So that caught my attention right away. She had a nice house, nice car. She was buying, supposedly buying a $26,000 watch on her. Buying. Buying that expensive a watch without seeing it in person seems kind of stupid to me.

Skepticism Around Wealth Display

It does. It seems really stupid. Like, if that's stupid rich, right? Like, for you to do something like that, to wear a wa. Like, to wear a car on your wrist, that's stupid rich. And a lot of people online were saying, well, they wanted to know what her ex husband did for work, that she doesn't work specifically, and she has so much money, because clearly it's child support and spousal support. And she said it took four years to finalize a divorce.

Divorce and Financial Considerations

And, you know, if it takes four years to finalize a divorce, y'all are fighting tooth and nail. And I'm assuming that it was over money. So a lot of people like, oh, we gotta figure out what he does, what he owns, if he's a business owner, entrepreneur, you know, whatever they are from Texas. So people are saying, oh, he could be like an oil mungo or, you know, a lot of people who own and operate crude oil businesses are in Texas.

Understanding Financial Backgrounds

So I don't know. Like, it's really early on, so we gotta figure that out. I haven't even seen her instagram, so I'm interested in seeing what type of influencer she is. Like, is she just one of those women that post really nice trips and food or, like, does she niche? Like, I'm really interested in that. Yeah. Oh, we got to dig into it, was I gonna say? And then all of her friends seem like they're bought and paid for.

Authenticity in Relationships

Literally. Oh, literally. She had zero friends. They were her makeup artist, her hair stylist, her yoga teacher, her life coach. Everyone is a paid employee. Which reminds me a lot of, like, you know, celebrities. Britney Spears, you know, they don't have any actual friends. It's just, well, that, you know, they paid to do things and that's a red. That's a red flag if I've ever seen it. You should have at least one friend from when you were a kid that doesn't hate.

Friendship Dynamics

And if you don't, you know, I want to know what you did that everybody hates you, that you have to pay people to like you know? Yeah, true that. And then, so I pulled up her instagram and I texted you her name. But yeah, she has 701,000 followers. And then it says, let's see, she owns something, but there's some n e I g e. A conscious concept store for the modern family with a curt.

Business Ventures in Social Media

With a curated edit of ethical and sustainable children's wear, women's wear and skin care. So it sounds like she has like an online store that has those products. Where did you. Oh, never mind. I see it now. Yeah, so you could buy. You can buy a kid's bucket hat for dollar 45 offer page. You can buy a simple folk muslim trouser for kids for fifty five dollars to sixty dollars. But is anyone buying this stuff?

Consumer Interest in Products

I don't know, but I'm sure she was dying to be on the show because now people will buy her shit. I ain't buying it. I mean, I don't know that. What is this that she sent me out? I don't know that. Oh, I see it. She's not verified. Oh, yeah, that's interesting. That's very interesting. 701,000 followers and you're not verified that.

Skepticism Around Online Presence

Do you think they're not to start alleging things? So let me say allegedly. Do you think she paid for followers? I'm gonna. Oh, and she hides her likes. That means I was gonna eat the. Like count if the like. I see the. On her fourth post down, it has 5000 likes. Okay, that's well, and then this video has 16,000. It seems like her reels do really well.

Exploring Social Media Metrics

So her reels got like a hundred thousand likes? Well, one. No, one of them did, but. Yeah. Well, one of them has 2.7 million views. This real? That's high. It's a year old. I don't know. I'm not 100% sold that she has 701,000 followers. For real. Not. It's because if you have, they automatically verify you on Instagram. Like, so if you would have that many and they didn't automatically verify you.

Doubts About Authenticity

That's a little questionable. In my. In my opinion. I don't know. I'm trying to look at her follower list, too, to see who she knows. But by the way, to backtrack on our front Friday Twitter space, we live sussed out what was going on in Bushwick, Brooklyn, and, yeah, apparently it was the case that they're doing.

Reflection on Social Media Trends

What was it?

Discussion about Tell All Events

Last resort tell all. Really? Yeah. Oh, I mean, I'm down. I mean, I don't know. I mean, they would have to find it necessary because I remember I told you last season it ended, and then everybody had to, like, face each other and say they were going to stay together or work it out or go their separate ways or whatever. So it gave a pretty good closure. But if they found it to be necessary, that means that there's a lot of drama and there's a lot of unanswered questions at the end. So I'm not against tell alls. I just don't think that they should be, like, five, six, seven parts, you know, I think that it shouldn't be, like, a whole situation.

Sending Information from Kimberly Rochelle

Yeah. What is this? People keep sending me something from Kimberly Rochelle. It's the third person that sent it to me. Have people been sending you something from her? No, I haven't really checked. I haven't checked everything, but no. All right. I'll have to look into it when we're done. Yeah. So let's see. Okay. What other cast members are worth talking about. Let me see. Talking about the main ones, I mean. Yeah. And as far as. Okay. What do you like the rain? Is it ray? Well, it's. It's r a y n e, but it's not pronounced as it sound. Oh, it's Renee. Renee. Yeah, Renee.

Thoughts on Cast Members

I mean, she reminded me of, you remember Chris from Chris and Jamie? Yeah. Her, for some reason, like, she has a farm. She sells eggs. She, like, goes and goes through storage lockers. She talks to her chickens. You know, she gave me that weird country vibe she does have, like, a young kid, like an eight year old, and then she has a 16 year old, and, you know, she's going to Nigeria to meet her nigerian prince. I'm like, man, I have heard this story before. Right? Like, we've heard this story literally before of a white woman going to meet a nigerian man. But it was really interesting when she revealed that he was blind because he didn't know she was a white woman.

Unique Aspects of the Story

So it kind of outlook on the situation a little bit because he literally was blind because she sent him a booty pic. And, you know, black men are very fond of booty pics. So she's booty pic and. And got no response. And that was her red flag. She's like, what the hell, man? You didn't even respond. Like, you couldn't say anything at all. And then that's when he finally admitted to her that he was blind. So I was like, well, I mean, this might. This story might be a little different from the white woman with the nigerian man, because he didn't even know talking to, he didn't know race. She was so it's not like he was seeking out a white woman, you know, like all of the other stories that were seeing.

Contemplating Future Relationships

So I was like, I'm assuming that him being a Christian and everything, that he might actually want a real relationship with her because he's putting her in a different room in his brother's everything. So I don't know. I'm not sold on whether I like her yet or not. I haven't seen enough. But she's. She's inch. I don't want to say she's interesting so far. She's. She's kind of basic, but I just want to see how. How she interacts with the people when she goes to Nigeria, because that's usually the situation that gets people when they go to Africa and they try to interact and they realize that, you know, the culture is very different.

Cultural Differences

And being. Just being a white person over there in general, sections you off. Like, she's going to be automatically judged and she's going to be standing out a lot. So. How'S this for a live tweet? Is it. Tell me if it's too politically incorrect Chitty on the wrong show. He should have been on love is blind. We'll see. I said that, too, right? Like, well, he's not the one that's actually trying to get married at first sight. Because I was like, oh, is he should be a married.

Concerns over Marital Arrangements

At first, I. But I was for, Adnan and Tiger Lily because she's literally going to assign the marriage document when she lands. I was like, that's wild to meet somebody for the first time and then get married and because I guess he's a Muslim and, you know, women can't be in the same room with a woman that or with a man that's not her husband or some shit, whatever their religion is. And, you know, but the. He's literally marrying her at no sight, right? Like, he's. No, it's like, he's never gonna know what she looks like.

Analysis of Tiger Lily's Situation

He's never gonna, like, be able to see her. So I was, like, married at first sight isn't even really accurate because he's like, he's married her at no sight, which is even more crazy. Yeah. I think also interesting that Tiger Lily is getting into a controlling relationship. And because I talked about this on my after show, you know, when a woman is receiving spousal support, the spousal support ends when she gets married. So as long as she stays single, she's gonna receive whatever spousal support she's getting.

Financial Implications

She's clearly getting spousal support. She's living large, so she's. She's getting a decent amount of spousal support. The second she marries Adnan, which is literally right, when she lands, he can file a motion to terminate the spousal support because you don't have to take care of your ex spouse when they marry someone else's. Then their response, the person they marry, it's their responsibility to take care of them after that. So the fact that she's going to give up her spousal support for a 22 year old model that probably doesn't even have any money.

Doubts and Observations

Right? Because she already admitted that she's never asked him how much money he made. So I'm going to go ahead and assume he doesn't have any. I'm going to go ahead and assume that she sends him money every month. I mean, I don't know that. That's just a vibe that I get. And I'm just wondering how much spousal support is she getting? And is it gonna really affect her? Because once she marries him, her ex husband don't gotta give her shit. Like, that's literally how it works.

Godzilla Discussion

And it was the. Not the Loch Ness monster. That's the water one. I can see it. I know what it is. I just can't remember the name of it. I literally just saw the movie on the plane not too long ago. Should I just tell you? Yeah. God. Godzilla. Yeah, I just literally just saw the movie when I was on the plane, and I. Godzilla. Yeah. Because I know, they have more than one movie of it, but, yeah, he's the one that climbs the buildings and terrorizes. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see. Okay, describe how you make a scarecrow.

Making a Scarecrow

Describe how you make a skirt. Okay, so it's just like a pole with, like, sticks, and then you, like, rope the sticks together to make body, arms, legs, head, and then you dress it with clothes. Fair answer. And then this one, we can't. It's not really a question answer. It says, draw a building using only implied line. I don't know what implied line is, but that was the last question on that page, and I don't have other. Page line means I don't either. But. No, you do. You did pretty good.

Commentary on Relationships

I don't understand why he has a girlfriend application when he's homeless. He should be filling out a leasing application, is what he should, because, like, what is. Why does. Why do they need to pass a test? You need apartment. You know, like, you need that. Like, I don't know. That was, I was just interesting to me because I was like, so wait, you're being picky. Like, after. After all of the issues that you bring to the table, you're gonna be picky now? Yeah, he, on the show, he. He was very excited to talk about lady boys.

Discussion on Preferences

Well, he definitely has that, you know, I don't want to call it a fetish, because I don't. I don't like to call what people like a fetish. That's not fair. But he's definitely infatuated with lady. I mean, yeah, lady boys, women with penises, which, interesting, because at first he said only trans. And then I thought, okay, so he could be talking about, like, post or pre op. But I guess post op is not his thing. It has to be a woman with a penis, which is really. I don't know, because remember, were watching Nikki exotica season, and the issue that Justin had was that because he wanted her to be post op, he still couldn't get over the fact that there was once one there.

Complex Relationships

But, like, with him, I guess he could be dating a lady boy or a trans woman, and if she has it cut off, he's gonna break up with her. Like, it's pretty serious for him. That's really interesting. He literally described it on the show. He said, penises are fun to play with. Did you hear that? I was like, what are we watching right now? Like, when did that become a lego? That must be people that watch the show with, you know, their mom or something. That must be an awkward scene. Yeah, yeah. Because I was like, well, when did that become like, I like drones, I like toys and stuff.

Kinks and Preferences

For him, it's. That's what he wants to be playing with, which I don't knock it, you know, I don't knock people's thing. That's not. You don't. You don't kink shame. Oh, I definitely don't. Because I feel like that's so unfair because everyone is different. Everyone has the thing that they're into or whatever. But it was just. It's just. No, it's just weird to me that he only wants that because there are people who date trans women and they don't care if they're pre or post ophde. Some of them, like I said, some of them have a preference.

Economic Discrepancies

They need to be post. But for him they have to be pre, which is. I don't know, it's just interesting if. He's so cuz on the show that he was homeless. But then he also said he worked with like those drag queens. Well, it said he had three jobs, right? He worked with the drag queens. He also worked with like a guy who made costumes for drag queens. And then he said he worked in retail. So I said he had three jobs, nowhere to live. And then the most expensive ring he could afford is $50.

Value of Rings

Yeah, $50 ring. Well, the ring looked nice when he said 50. It caught me off guard because they showed the ring first and I was like, oh, that's nice. And then when I heard the amount and I was like, oh, shit. But again, it's not. Well, some women will tell you it's not about how much it costs us to thought. And then other women will tell you no, go to hell, buy me a $50,000 ring. So it just depends on the type of woman that he chose, right? That's. That's the real question.

Marriage Dynamics

Is she gonna be cool? First of all, is she gonna be cool with marrying a guy who's always gonna be sleeping with other people? That was my question. I was like, what's the point of marrying her if you're never gonna be monogamous? Like, what's kind of like that hairdresser guy on love in paradise? He had a little side. Side dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. His side dude. And then he wanted to marry Aaliyah, and it's like, you can't marry. And then. But the whole time that he was in, I think Columbia, where she was at, they weren't intimate.

Understanding Marriage

He wasn't intimate with Aaliyah. He was only interested. Intimate with his side piece. I don't. I don't understand the purpose of marriage if it's just for, I guess, companionship. Like, that's. I don't. I guess that's what old people do. I don't know. I think that it's. It's weird when younger people try to do it. Yeah. Let's see. Do you want to see if anyone wants to speak? Any listeners want to speak?

Listeners Joining the Conversation

Oh, Lana's here. Yeah, if anybody wants to speak. Oh, Jenny's here, too. Speak now or forever hold your peace. I still have to watch the. Apparently there was a pillow talk special. Well, I knew about this, obviously. My bestie was there. They filmed it in Miami, a couple months ago. There's a pillow talk special. It has Darcy, Misha, Patrick, Robert Kim. Am I forgetting somebody? Oh, and Gabe. They were all there for the before the 90 days, pillow talk party.

Pillow Talk Reflections

So I haven't watched that yet. but I guess it's all original. Before the 90 days. Cast members, like, they are. They all originated from before the 90 days. So they got them all together, which I thought was funny that they. We're putting Darcy on because, you know, we're prepping for Darcy because she's gonna be on with her sister on the last resort. So I was like, strategically, they're, like, easing her back in. Yeah, I see what they were doing.

Future Possibilities

I was like, oh, I get it. I understand the cast now. But my next thing was, are they easing all of these people back in? Because I was like, what if this is all strategic? What if Kimberly, Darcy, Misha, Gabe, Patrick, what if they're all being gradually eased back into something in the future? Like what? You remember when they did that ten year reunion for the OG people that were going to be on an upcoming show? I was like, well, maybe that's what they're doing now.

Annie's Involvement

Maybe that's why they strategically chose this group of people. Yeah, that was a possibility. Was out of curiosity, and we haven't touched on the subject because it's a whole. That could be a whole hour, but it. Was Annie part of that pillow talk? No. Okay, and you know what I'm referring to, right? her pregnancy. Huh? Her pregnancy. No, I don't know if you saw my viral tweets today.

Political Conversations

Oh, you mean Annie. Annie. Not Annie from Annie and David? Yeah. No, Robert was there, Annie was not. So apparently, Patrick was there. Thais was not. They didn't bring couples. Okay. Single. It was the original cast members from before the 90 days, not their mates. But I did see your post where Annie declared her stance for magma.

Political Stances

I did see, and I'm laughing because. You said, you said magma, like, is that not it? Is it not magma, or is it maga? What is maga? Oh, it's maga. Oh, my bad. So what's magma is funnier. Maybe magma is like lava. I don't know. But I did see that she declared that. And it's really interesting because she's a newer citizen to the country, you know, and she's an immigrant, which, you know, we know how certain people feel about immigrants.

Immigration Issues

So I did. I did notice that, and I was like, it's interesting that she has taken this side of, you know, someone who at one point wanted to build a wall, you know? So it's really interesting that she was telling people to unfollow her, which is very extreme, you know, like, telling people that supported you know, and buy your cameos and watch you on tv to stop supporting you is kind of crazy, in my opinion. Yeah, the voice.

Personal Attacks

It's one thing to have that stance. It's another thing to send, like, a yemenite rude and expletive filled voice message to a fan. Well, yes, she was cussing, and it was a lot for me. And I know she's pregnant right now. Isn't she pregnant right now? You know, a lot of people say, you know, you take it with a grain of salt if a pregnant woman curses you out because, you know, there's, like, a lot going on, like, emotionally and through hormones and all of that stuff.

Emotional Responses

So a lot of people say, don't always take it, like, extra personal if a pregnant woman tells you to go to hell, you know? Cause it might just be, you know, emotions and stuff going on, but that's crazy to tell people to unfollow you and cuss people out because they don't agree with your political stance. I just think it's crazy for somebody who spends so much time at the mercy of the public, right? She doesn't have a regular job.

Public Persona

She doesn't go to work every day. You know, she goes on tv on a show where she's supposed to be entertaining to the public, and then she tells the people who watches the show that she works for to unfollow her. You know, it's. It's almost stupid, right? It's almost stupid. It's self sabotage at its finest. Yeah. Like, I don't know if she was saying to unfollow me. I think it was more of. She's not worried about losing followers.

Mixed Messages

Oh, is that what she said? I heard unfollow or followers, and I thought you. And then she said, they're not going to unfollow me because they're mer. My followers are Americans. Also, she's implying that every american is. Has the same stance as her. Is that what she's implying? Yeah, and obviously they don't because I think she limited her comments on, like, Instagram.


I mean, she does Florida, and there's quite a bit of MAGA here, you. Know, so a lot of magma mag. Is quite a bit, you know, like, so when you're. It's funny because, like, when I'm driving through, like, I live in, like, Orlando. Orlando. So when I'm driving through, like, these smaller cities, like, you know, going towards Tampa, going towards Daytona, I drive through these little tiny towns, and you will be.

Cultural Reflections

It's crazy, man. It's like, you drive down, like, this dirt road, and then there'll be, like, a little house or trailer park or whatever, and there's, like 50 billion trump flags, like, everywhere. Like every. Like everything from trees, from fences, from everything. So I get maybe what she sees around. He's under the impression, no, this is how everyone feels because, you know, where we are in Florida, it could feel that way sometimes.

Cultural Contexts

Yeah. You know what? There's a saying that a lot of people in the mentions kept saying where it was. They were saying, like, she kind of pulled the ladder up. Meaning, like, once she got here, she stopped giving a fuck about other immigrants she pulled the ladder up for. So the people behind her can't get. Get here. She's like, fuck you to all you immigrants. I'm already here. I mean, technically, you know, when.

Immigrant Experiences

When you take that stance because, you know, he is not as open with the borders as his counterparts. So it. When you. When you go with the person who wants to close them off completely, you know, or basically close them off as much as possible, versus a person who wants to leave them open as an immigrant, it is saying, hey, I'm here. I'm lucky you're not. Oh, well, you know, it is definitely giving a screw you, I don't care about you vibe, you know, because there's so many who are maybe in the process of trying to get here, you know?

Political Dynamics

And, you know, the person that you vote for could. Could have a say in that, you know, depending on how the laws change when office, you know, changes. I don't know. I feel like if you are an immigrant, you should have a soft spot for other immigrants. But I guess I can't really understand because I'm not an immigrant. So I don't really know. I just feel like you would think you would, you know?

Listener Engagement

Lana, you want to chime in on anything? Hey, guys. How you doing? We're good. Yeah. You know what? I think the biggest thing I want to say about. About Annie is for her to trash America like she did in that text, when America is what gave her visa. America gave her a whole new life. And she said. She basically spoke Trump's words.

Irony in Statements

She said, america's trash. America's nothing. And then to have the nerve to speak and tell me she knows more about America than an American that's been here their whole entire lives. Are you freaking kidding me? Yeah. And then the fact that she was saying it with such a thick accent kind of added, like, irony. Right, right. Americans. What? America is in an accent that is so far from, like.

Language and Identity

And I'm not even saying this to site, sound like an ass, but it's like you're so new here that you're still, you know, getting your English to fluency, but you're already, like, telling other Americans that you're more american than them. Like, that caught me. No, yeah, that's a good point. But, yeah, I didn't. I'm not saying, like, anything negative about anyone with an accent or whatever. I just thought it was ironic because she was basically telling this person, like, I'm more american than you, but she said it with her accent because, you know, she still.

Turning the Tables

She still knew. You know, she still knew. So it was just really ironic for me. Well, you know what, George? I'm going to let you in on a little secret. That was me. Wait, were you the person that she replied to? Yes, I am. No way. That's crazy. I have a question. Now. How did this conversation start? Well, I sent her. When I seen the post that she had made about Trump. Well, we could.

Exploring the Conversation

We could, George. Like, do you know what? Yeah. Do you know what started at all? Yes, I could explain it, George. No, I don't. Okay, so I could explain the whole thing, because I'm the one that kind of brought it to light. That's right. I sent it straight to Shibuti. Yeah, but so the. Okay, so there's this, like, musician. His name is, like, Anwal or Anwell. Aa. Like a n u e l a.

Musical Influences

A. I know exactly who he is. Yeah, him. So he's like, I like my music, so, yeah, I know exactly who he is. Yeah. So he apparently is. But you know how, like, this is about to get all, like, ten minutes into politics. But anyway, Trump, you know how he buddies up with, like, musicians and shit that, like him. So Anwala or whatever, he. I guess, you know, he's one of those.

Political Connections

So anyway, he buddied up with Trump. So then there were. I don't know if it was an event, but anyway, there was, like, a photo op where they took photos together. Trump and Anwale, whatever, and they took photos and stuff, blah, blah. So then Anwal, he posted it on his Instagram, and he has, like, a lot of followers. And I actually followed him.

Follower Dynamics

Cause I, like, I liked his music. Past tense. And then, oh, I would say anymore. Yeah, I don't know if I like him anymore. But anyway, he posted a photo with sharp and then on his Instagram, and then I saw it, and then I looked down at, like, the top comments, because, you know, if you follow. You know, if you follow, like, mutual. Mutual people, the mutual follow, if they comment on that post, it'll show up, like, in the top for you, probably.

Social Media Impact

Yeah. Yeah. So Annie was the one that was. It showed up on Instagram, like, as a first reply in the comments. And so she was commenting on his post with picture of Trump and was kissing his ass. And I could pull up the comment. So she said. She said, make America great again. Con papa Trump, you know, heart emoji. So anyway, she posted that, and then I posted the screenshot of the comment on my Twitter, and I forget what caption I used, but I.

Viral Reactions

I posted. That's how everyone knew that she. That's how I basically posted her comment. And then everyone knew what the deal was. And then I think. And then Lana went in Annie's DM's, and that's where that exchange happened. I woke up this morning and I had a message from Annie at 04:26 a.m. and she was. I could just tell in the message she was hot. But wait, what did.

Initial Exchanges

What did your initial message say? I don't have it handy. Do you have it? Shibuti? I mean, I tweeted it publicly. Yeah. Because I wanted Shibbooti to see what I said to her and how I said it to her. I spoke to her with nothing but respect, and she came back strong. I just wanted to know what. Okay, yeah, I could read you message rageful.

Conversations Unfold

So I just wanted to know, like, what. What happened before that she got so, like, angry. Yeah. So I could read it real quick. It said, annie, reading your Trump post was so disappointing and sad for me to see you were an immigrant, the same people he called killers and rapists. I adored watching you and Robert, but seeing you promoting Trump, I lost respect for you.

Responses to Criticism

By the way, your followers are going to drop. Like, so that's when she came back and said, I'm not worried about my father's. They're all Americans. They're not going nowhere type of thing. Yep. And she said, and if you want to unfollow me, go ahead. I don't give a fuck. Yeah.

Audio Repost and Reactions

It got reposted. Is she aware? Well, I know her, like, comments are limited, so I don't know if she knows that the audio is out there, but she knows she's getting, like, try again. Like, some backlash as far as messages. Yeah. And a lot of her backlash is probably coming from her latino community, because she basically said she was only worried about her american followers. Her followers weren't latin, so she didn't give a shit about them. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. She only cared about. She said, all my followers are american, so I don't give a shit. That's what she said. Her opinion. Anyone that's not american isn't worth her time. Is that what she's saying? I think she was basically saying that because I'm american and I don't agree with her views, then I'm stupid.

Political Opinions and Backlash

She was like, you're. She told me I was betraying my own country. For having a political opinion. Exactly. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. And I. And, like, I wanted to tell her so bad. You know what, Annie? I have people in my family that are Trump supporters that I love dearly. So it wasn't the point of who she's voting for. It was the point that if she was able to make her opinion, I'm damn sure able to make mine. Yeah. I mean, I think that political opinions are breeding ground for arguments and fights and. Yes, and I hate when people, they use their political, like stances as a way to, like, what's the word? Set themselves apart. I guess. Like, I think that, I don't, like, for instance, I have lots of friends who have lots of different political views. Right, right. We don't make that a stance in our friendship. That's right.

Influence of Public Figures

And I think that public figures, when they have, like, a lot of followers, they're just like, well, you have to agree with me because 400,000 people follow me, so I have to be right and over you. And they take away that option for other people to have an opinion that's different. And it's just, I don't know, it's stupid. It's very stupid, in my opinion, for her to go and voice any type of political opinion when she's at the mercy of the public. Her job that she gets paid for is through the mercy of the public. So she's on the show because people like her commentary. And if people stop liking her commentary, she won't be on show anymore. So I just think it stupid to go out there and attack the public when you're at the mercy of them. You're a, because people haven't written a letter to the network and telling them to get you out of there.

Examining Current Political Climate

And if you want to piss people off, they will. They'll write letters. You think she's taking money out of her own pocket. That's right. I was just raised differently. I was always raised, if a hand is feeding you don't bite it. That's just how I was raised. You know, another thing is, I think she just really doesn't understand the politics. I think she spoke before she knew what she was speaking on. I really, truly do. Because knowing that Trump has different stances on abortions, IVF, that type of thing, and knowing what her and Robert went through with their sick child last year, that really makes me wonder, why would she want to vote for somebody that's against everything she stands for? That is interesting. Yeah.

State of Abortion Laws

Right now in Florida, we recently had a law go into effect now more than a few months ago. Abortions are basically illegal here right now. Right. Put it back on the ballot for November. Our governor thought he was gonna be Trump's running mate, so he went and did a bunch of extreme, he signed a bunch of extreme things that he could use on the, you know, on the campaign trail. Yeah. Right. And he didn't get picked, which was surprised him. Right. So now they're going, they're putting all of the weird things that he signed into law earlier in the year that he was going to use as his campaign. Now everything's going back on, so they can reverse it. But, like, right now, you can't get an abortion in Florida. Nope.

Insights on Social Media Management

You sure can. Yes. Like, George, when, I kind of know the answer to this. This is, like, an obvious question, but I'll ask it anyway. So when they have, like, pillow talkers on, I assume the producers are all like, you know, don't go on your social media and be, like, super political, right? Well, not necessarily. I mean, they don't have, like, a specific rule. I mean. Well, I feel like. No, like, I'll give you hypothetical look. Let's say you're a new cast member and before your season airs and they go through your feed, unless you're very political, they'll, I'm pretty sure I've heard they'll tell you to delete, like, your super political tweets and stuff and posts. Yeah.

Casting and Social Media Strategy

Well, now, when you go on a show, they make you deactivate whatever account that you were using and they make you make a new one. Oh, wow. I haven't heard that. So a lot of times, if you notice the cast members that, when you notice the show is premiering, they have an account with nothing on it. Like, no followers. Like, only a few posts. But then how does Tiger Lily have her 700,000 account? Well, everybody doesn't follow the rules. Like, I'm pretty sure she probably told them, I have 700,000 followers. I'm not deleting. They try to get you, because I know for a fact my bestie did it. She had an account that she was using, and when she did the show, they were like, make a new account.

Navigating Social Media Privacy

Well, they tell you to delete or deactivate, and then, I mean, or. They say, make your actual account private and don't let anyone see it and never unprivate it. Like, they don't want your old tweets to be resurfaced. And you, when you say crazy shit. Ten years ago, they'll have you wipe clean anything that they don't approve of. Like, you go through a social media background check before the show pre, like, the previews are made, the advertisements. You go through a social media background check, and you can either deactivate the account, wipe it clean and private it, but they prefer that you deactivate or close it and then make a new one.

Screening Process of Cast Members

And then they'll go and get it verified for you. That's. That's what they prefer to do. Okay, that's good insight. That I wasn't aware of. Yeah. Usually they don't keep the accounts. Like, whatever account that they had before the show, it's gone. Or they'll change the username or take their name. Like, it'll be there, but you never able to link it to them. And then they'll make a new one. Well, there's. There was. There wasn't anything bad on it, but there. But there was that old Twitter account that ended up being Ashley's. And she was like a 90 day fancy super fan, and she was live tweeting the show like.

Understanding Loss of Accounts

Like three or four or five years ago. Wait, really? I didn't hear. Still up? Yeah, I mean, sometimes the accounts are dormant and they can't get back into them. And really nothing that you can really do about it. Like, you can't, like, send a letter to X and ask them to delete an account. It doesn't work that way. Like, just like, if someone gets arrested and there's information on a phone and it's an Apple phone, even though the person can unlock the phone, they might not want to because it'll put them in jail. The police can't send a letter to Apple and ask them to unlock the phone.

Methodology of Data Security

I mean, well, they try, but that's not necessarily going to be successful. Right? Like, just like. So you can't really send a letter to X and say, hey, I need you to delete this account. It's not. It doesn't work that way. Yeah, true. That's. Oh, Lana. So did you watch tonight's episode? I did. I watched it. I started a little late, but I still. I have maybe ten minutes left at the end, but when I seen you guys come on, I said, oh, I gotta go on. I gotta jump on. So who do you. Do you have a favorite person or something?

Comments on Episode Viewership

You know what? For some reason, I don't know why, but I think the. The guy from Nigeria that's blind, I think because of the way he was blinded by an apple falling from a tree that his friend was climbing, and I think he said he fell and hit his head or something like that. That's actually a good topic real quick to talk with George about is I was a little perplexed by that because. Yes, because it was weird. Because it was like. It was like the story was okay. Yeah. Apple. Whatever hit him in his eye, right? So it was like his right eye.

Analyzing the Blindness Incident

So let's say that made him blind in his right eye, but then he was still. But then you should still be able to see out of your left eye, right? But then he said he. Then in the future, he stumbled and, like, hit his left eye. Maybe because of the blindness on the right eye made him have, like, bad ability to walk or something or whatever. So then he, like, his vision was obviously limited. So then he, like, stumbled and hit his left eye, the other eye on, like, a desk, and then all of a sudden, he got blinded in his left eye. So it was like a weird thing where both eyes had different, separate incidences.

Reflections on Fate

Yeah. That's so strange. What do you. George? Well, it reminded me of final destination. Right? Like, where something happens to you and you somehow cheated it, and then, you know, it eventually will track you down. You know, like, maybe he was supposed to lose full eyesight the first time around, and then something happened, and then he came back. It was a really interesting story because it's two separate incidents at two separate times. Right. That brought him to that. And I don't know. I'm superstitious, you know, and I have, like, some of my friends are psychic and mediums and clairvoyant, and we look into, like, things like that.

Superstitions and Curses

And I was thinking of, like, negative energies and spirits and curses. And it's definitely sounded like some sort of curse to me. Like, I grew up in. In the south, in Louisiana. Run a lot of voodoo, a lot of witchcraft. Right. The way that he was telling the story, I was getting a lot of dark energy from that and thinking, like, you know, maybe somebody wanted something bad to happen to him, and then that was put upon him or whatever. I don't know. I'd have to talk to one of my psychic friends to look into that more. Yeah.

Medical Challenges in Nigeria

And I'm thinking that because he's in Nigeria and he's in a poor country, that there's not good doctors there to figure out why that happened to him. And I'm thinking that there's a possibility that this guy can see again. He said that he sees bright spots. Yeah. He said that he can see color and light. Right. Wasn't there, like, a mister beast video where helped restore, like, vision to, like, a hundred people or something? There's some expensive procedure. Maybe he needs that. I did see that. There's her eyes, like, process that you can do that has been known to restore partial blindness.

Advancements in Medical Procedures

It's like a laser repair on that. On the retina. Right. And still get some sort of vision out of the eye. It's possible it can be repaired. Yeah. That's there. Because technology has came so far now on stuff like that. And, I mean, you can literally, in America, you can get a glass eye. You can get. There's so many things you can do now, you know? And I just have a feeling if this guy could get over here, he might have a second chance at being able to see, because I'm sure there's doctors out there that would love to see what's going on with him.

Hope for Treatment

Do you think that's his, like, dream, is to come here and find a good doctor? Yes, for some. That was my first thought was he's not going to get the medical help that he needs over there. He doesn't even really know why his. He's blind. He just knows. I got hit with an apple and then I fell and hit the desk. But he doesn't know why. There's a reason for it. Can it be reversed? Can it be fixed and. interesting. I didn't think. I don't know.

Exploring Perspectives

I didn't get that vibe that was what he was trying to do. Right, but possibly. No, I don't know. I mean, that. That's intriguing, that thought. Yeah, I really thought about it, and I was like, wow, this. This guy's whole life can be changed. He seems like a genuine person. He's. I'm not sure how it's going to go with them. She seems to be a little bit more of a freaky deak because when he had to tell her that he wasn't going to give her any, you know, she seemed a little pissed.

Insights on Relationship Dynamics

Well, it's funny. She's one of those into aliens and shit like that. Yeah, she is. He's, like, hyper religious, and she doesn't. She only believes in the supernatural. And it's sad how insecure she is. Cause she literally said she'd rather be with a blind person so that he can't see how her body really looks. That's sad. Mm. Yeah. See, well, if you have, like, ten minutes left on your show, I don't. So you didn't get a chance to see the preview of the rest of the season at the end?

Discussion on Season Preview

No, I didn't see it yet. It showed her kind of acting. Kooky and, like, shit hitting the fan and. Yeah. Insecure and fighting and stuff. Yep, I can see that. Yeah, it's gonna be. Yeah. Based on that, it looks like it's gonna be a train wreck. Yeah. Do you guys watch forbidden love? I do, I do. I like it. Yeah, it kind of is like 90 day fiance on steroids.

Views on Other Reality Shows

Right. The. The cultural difference of the show, and it's, like, amplified, right? Yeah, I haven't. I haven't seen it. I like it. I think it's pretty good. I think it's. It's. I like the stories. True. Does, Any. If anyone out there wants to talk, let us know. Other people. But, George, you have any other topics? no, I'm good.

Closing Remarks

Yeah. Well, it is 1247, so. Yeah. And then, yeah, we. We gotta let Lana watch the last ten minutes for a show. Yeah, she gotta finish it. There's a bombshell right at the end, so. Yeah, you got. Well, without spoiling it, which bombshell? Hint at it. Oh, it has to do with Brian. Oh, about his previous. About his. Yeah, no, talking about.

Anticipation for Future Discussions

Yeah, there's a bombshell at the end. So once you get to that, you know, you'll. You'll be a little surprised, but, yeah, we'll talk about that next week. We'll talk about it. Right? Friday, hopefully. Friday. Friday. Yeah, we can talk about that then. But, yeah, I don't want to ruin anything for anybody. But, it's, It seems like a good premiere episode.

Reflection on Inclusivity

I was. I was happy with the. The craziness and, you know, the show is becoming so inclusive at this point. I don't even know what to expect anymore. Like, we have a quadriplegic. We have a blind person. We have a, Say that again. Shibuti. A gyro or gino sexual. Let's see the. Well, work as a goof. We're going to call it gyrosexual. Gyro. Like, I'm just.

Cultural Sensitivity in Language

And we have a lady boy, right? Like, I'm just. You don't even know what to expect anymore. And I feel like saying lady boy is so offensive, but I guess it's okay because that's the word that they use in the Philippines. I feel like in America, we wouldn't let that fly, that slide. I feel like. I feel wrong. I feel like that's. It's not respectful, but I guess that's just.

Terminology in Transgender Representation

That's the terminology that they use, so. Yeah, that's what they said on the show. It's like in Thailand. That's what they call them. But he's like, yeah, I feel like it's a bit. I don't know, it's kind offensive. But. So I guess that's their way of saying he's a gay boy or saying. He'S trans or she's transdez. Oh, got it. Okay, so remember way back in the day, they would use the word transvestite, right.

Evolution of Language and Understanding

That's considered extremely offensive. So. Yeah. And again, yeah, another. This is just me explaining it, not me saying the word to be offensive. But I think, like, tranny is very offensive. Yes, that. Extremely offensive. Like, back before, you know, years and years ago, they would use derogatory terminology to describe people who were trans. And now we are at, We're at the point where we just say it's a trans woman or trans man.

Awareness and Education

Leave it, you know, at that. And. But, yeah, I thought it was when she said label, but we learned that on David and Annie after the 90 days because Cindy, on David and Annie, who is Annie's really good friend and hairdresser, she. She explained it on the show. She's like, oh, yeah, we call up, we're lady boys. She's like. Because she's a trans woman, right? She was like, yeah, that's just a term nobody gets. You know, that's just what we say.

Acceptance in Other Cultures

Every. And also, what's even more interesting is over in those countries, they are fully accepted. They don't have any struggle or discrimination because, you know, back 2030 years ago, trans people were very. And they were endangered in public, right? There were hate crimes. There were all these problems and dangers for people who were trans. And she explained that. Cindy explained it in Thailand. You know, it's totally normal.

Cindy's Insight on Acceptance

She was like, you go down the street, there's men, there's women, there's lady boys. Everyone interacts with each other. There was no issue. That is fantastic. And you can tell with Cindy, because she lives in her truth, she was a great person. Yeah, I miss her on the show. I miss her. She was really nice. She was kind. She was. She was so funny.

Closing Thoughts

So funny. She was. True. All right, well, if anyone. If anyone wants to speak, let us know. But otherwise, we're going to end it, and we'll be back Friday with our regular scheduled programming. We'll be here. Thanks for your support, Lana. No problem. You guys have a great evening. All right, everybody. Have a good long weekend.

Holiday Wishes

Have a good holiday. Yes. Happy Labor Day. Yeah, happy Labor Day. Good night, guys. Good night, everyone.

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