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Piin Fireside Chat with Woody


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Piin Fireside Chat with Woody hosted by WoodyLightyearx. The Piin Fireside Chat with Woody delved into the importance of community-driven strategies in Web3 projects, the value of collaborations, the significance of artistic expression, and the pivotal role of founders in shaping community initiatives. Pi RevolutionX and Lightyear Entertainment are actively spearheading innovative projects in the Web3 landscape. This insightful discussion emphasized creativity, innovation, and the power of community building within the art niche of the Web3 space.

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Q: How important are community-driven approaches in Web3 projects?
A: Community-driven approaches are vital for fostering sustainable growth, user engagement, and long-term success.

Q: What benefits do collaborations bring to Web3 communities?
A: Collaborations can enhance creativity, expand networks, bring diverse perspectives, and accelerate innovation.

Q: What role does artistic expression play in shaping Web3 narratives?
A: Artistic expression is integral to creating unique identities, engaging audiences, and fostering emotional connections within Web3 communities.

Q: How do founders influence the direction of community initiatives?
A: Founders play a crucial role in setting the vision, values, and culture of community-driven initiatives, shaping their trajectory and impact.

Q: In what way are Pi RevolutionX and Lightyear Entertainment contributing to the Web3 space?
A: Pi RevolutionX and Lightyear Entertainment are actively involved in pioneering projects, driving innovation and creativity in Web3 ecosystems.


Time: 00:09:20
Community-Driven Growth Strategies Exploring effective tactics for building and engaging Web3 communities.

Time: 00:15:45
Collaborative Innovation in Web3 Discovering how collaborations fuel creativity and innovation in the digital space.

Time: 00:22:10
Artistry as a Key Element in Web3 Understanding the impact of artistic expression on community building and engagement.

Time: 00:30:05
Founders' Vision and Community Culture Insights into how founders shape the direction and ethos of community initiatives.

Time: 00:37:40
Pi RevolutionX and Lightyear Entertainment Initiatives Exploring the innovative projects and contributions from Pi RevolutionX and Lightyear Entertainment in the Web3 sector.

Key Takeaways

  • Community-driven approaches are essential in Web3 projects for sustainable growth.
  • Collaborations can enhance creativity, expand networks, and foster innovation.
  • Artistic expression plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative of Web3 communities.
  • Founders have a key role in setting the tone and vision for community initiatives.
  • Pi RevolutionX and Lightyear Entertainment are actively involved in pioneering initiatives in the Web3 space.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Close it. Our channel it. Hello everyone. Welcome back to our Intuta spaces. Every day, every weekend. Today, to have you guys joining again. We'll just give a bit of some minutes and let the pie in speakers also come up on the speaker slots. Meanwhile, where is Joy? Joy played some songs last time. I was hoping she'd play some songs. I don't have music right here with me. But I look forward to having a fantastic conversation today with the parent speakers.

Discussion and Updates

Because I. Over the past last week, I saw some interesting new movements happening within the PI in network, PI in community. So I'm looking forward to hear more information on that. Meanwhile, pioneers go and do validation. I call them as calls for more validators. I'm a validator. I haven't gotten much validation myself recently. But who knows? Maybe if you become a validator, you'd get some do the work so that more pioneers can pass KYC before November 30. Otherwise they will not have PI to buy PI in by opening it.

Intermission and Speaker Coordination

Yeah, so I'll just mute for a while. For a bit. Let the pie in speakers who are not here yet. Joy and Agua. And so please someone reach out to them and let them know that the space has started. Then we'll do our introduction. Thank you. Meanwhile, also share this space, the link on your timeline, please, so that more pioneers can see that we are alive and they can join in. Please share. Click on the share icon and share the link for this live space. Thank you. Be back in a bit.

Technical Difficulties

What's up? So sorry, guys. It seems I cannot. Speakers are requesting for the microphone. Hold on. I cannot see joy. Where's joyous faces this issue every time you're hosting a space because. Yeah, I got some requests for some speakers, but they are not the scheduled speakers for today. And the scheduled speakers are sending microphone requests, but I can't see them.

Observing People in the Space

And the people who I saw are not the skated speakers. It means I can see some people. I can see some people. Man, I'm fed up of this space glitches. I really cannot be stressed for this kind of stuff. How do I resolve this now?

Request for Microphone Assistance

Joy, if you're here, right, requesting for the microphone. Can you try exiting this space and joining again? Then request for the mic again. I just saw Yunnan unan school eco City, which is Angela. Yes. Hi Angela. How you doing?

Communicating Across Language Barriers

Nihau is only as far as I can go. Except the translator. When the translator comes, then we can have that conversation. You have a translator there? Joy, I still cannot see your request. And I. And I can't even see you on the space. To invite you. I'm trying to find you to invite you back and see what about Agua and Ben, if possible.

Issues with Translators and Visibility in Space

Translators. Hello, Woody. Translators. Hi, Angela. Translators? I'm sorry, I'm trying to get the. I'm trying to find a way to see Joy so I can bring Joy up, but I cannot see Joy in the space. Apparently she's there. She said she's there. She on telegram?

Communications and Waiting for Translators

Yeah. Joe, I can see a message that you're here. Hello. Hi, Angela. I'm waiting for a translator. Yes, same here. I cannot see the translator in this space. Hello, Woody, please wait a few yeah, Angela, please wait a few minutes. Okay, thank you.

Final Acknowledgements in the Conversation

It. Hello, Woody.

Special Fate and Pie Ecology

Special fate jointly hold the pie and then also pie ecology together and then also build Peine together. Special fate jointly hold the pie and then also empower the pie ecology together and then also build Peine together.

Communication Issues

I'm sorry, guys. I don't know what's wrong. I can't see the people I'm supposed to have a conversation with regarding pain, which is funny, because if I could see Angela and some other people, why. Why didn't I see them? Hello, Woody? Hi. Can someone. Can someone who speaks. I'll talk to you through the translation app. Let's get started. I'll talk to you through the translation app. Okay, so you mean you can understand what I see? The translation app? Angela, can you understand what I said through the translation app?

Technical Difficulties

Okay, I just saw a request to speak, but it's not from any of the scheduled speakers. So this is clearly. This is clearly default of the Twitter app. The space. The request to speak just came up, but it's not from joy or from the other speakers who have been sending their requests. I don't know why it does it's doing that. Anyone here who speaks English, who can come up as a co host and see if you. If the speakers can. May appear on your side.

Translation Needs

Hello, Dee? Hi, Angela. I need you to speak slowly so I can use the software to translate what you're saying. I need you to speak slowly so I can use the software to translate what you're saying. Okay, if I speak this slowly, can you understand what I am saying? With the translation app, I am considering ending the space and starting it all over again.

Confirming Presence

Hello, Woody? Yes, Angela. She's here. You accept? Ryu, she's here? Yeah. So I just started with one of the PI in core builders. It turns out it's not only. So default is not only happening here in my side, but also for a set of users on the space. They cannot see some other users. So one of the PI in contributors just told me that they also cannot send me a screenshot. They also cannot see joy on their screen.

Joy's Screenshot Discrepancy

But Joy sent me her screenshot, and you know, what she sees is different. What is showing on her screen is different. And she's here in this place. I just cannot see her. And also the other party guy, moa, he cannot see her. Hi, Emmanuel. John, are you there?

Technical Glitch Discussion

Gm guys, I'm here. I'm listening to all you're saying, and I can hear you very clearly. I think it is, a glitch from the Twitter app, from the s app, I mean to say. could you please I just off it, like what you said before, go out and restart all over. I think everything will be normal. Thank you.

Attempts to Resolve the Issue

Okay, can I try this with you? just. Follow her. I think everything will be normal. Thank you. Okay, can I try this with you? yeah, hold on, Emmanuel, please. I just sent you an invite for co host. Let me see if you can see requests on your site. Can I try this with you? Yeah, hold on, Emmanuel, please. I just sent you an invite for co host. Let me see if you can see. Can I try this with you? All right.

Echoes and Microphone Requests

I think there are so many echoes at the background because of many mics that are on. So you can come again? Yeah, can you, as a co host, can you see any request for the microphone? Let me check, let me check. No, I don't see any problem. The problem is still there.

Ending the Space

Then I guess I'll just have to end this space and start it all over. So fine. Community guys. When I started new space, share the space, link to the community so that they can join this one. I can see again. I can see more requests coming in, even from some PI in speakers. PI open Media 2024. But I just cannot see Joy and the others. All right, so I'm going to end the space.

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