Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space PG group x Plague: Equity swap hosted by PGgroup_. The PG group x Plague space delved into the realm of tech incubation, community empowerment, and strategic collaborations in the web 3 space. With a focus on equity swaps and innovation, the space highlighted the pivotal role of partnerships in propelling startups like Plague towards market success. Through empowering individuals with tech solutions and fostering sustainability, the space underscored the importance of innovation and strategic backing in the competitive tech ecosystem. By showcasing the potential of web 3 technology, Plague exemplifies how collaborative efforts and community support drive impactful solutions in the digital landscape.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: What is the core focus of PG group in equity swaps?
A: PG group focuses on incubating tech products and empowering individuals through equity swaps.

Q: How does Plague benefit from collaborations with established brands?
A: Collaborations with brands like Redactedcoin and Bullx.io provide Plague with strategic support and market presence.

Q: Why are partnerships essential for web 3 startups?
A: Partnerships enable startups to leverage expertise, resources, and network connections for growth and sustainability.

Q: What role does innovation play in the initiatives of PG group and Plague?
A: Innovation drives the core initiatives of PG group and Plague, enabling them to create impactful products in the tech industry.

Q: How does community support impact the success of web 3 startups?
A: Community support plays a vital role in promoting awareness, credibility, and adoption of web 3 startup solutions.

Q: What advantages do equity swap models offer for startup growth?
A: Equity swap models provide startups with unique opportunities for growth, resource access, and partnership development.

Q: How does Plague showcase the potential of web 3 technology?
A: Plague demonstrates how web 3 technology can empower individuals and businesses through innovative solutions and strategic collaborations.

Q: What drives the success of tech startups like Plague in the current market?
A: Collaboration, innovation, and a shared vision drive the success of tech startups like Plague in the competitive tech ecosystem.

Q: What are the key elements of incubating products in the web 3 space?
A: Incubating products in the web 3 space requires innovative thinking, strategic partnerships, and market understanding.

Q: How does strategic backing contribute to the growth of startup ventures?
A: Strategic backing from established entities accelerates the growth, visibility, and scalability of startup ventures.

Q: Why is empowering people through tech solutions crucial in the digital landscape?
A: Empowering people through tech solutions fosters digital inclusivity, innovation, and sustainable development in the current digital era.


Time: 00:12:47
PG Group's Focus on Tech Incubation Exploring how PG group incubates tech products and drives innovation in the industry.

Time: 00:25:19
Strategic Collaborations with Plague Analyzing the impact of collaborations with Redactedcoin, Jirasan Official, and other industry leaders on Plague's growth.

Time: 00:40:50
Innovative Solutions in Web 3 Space Discussing how Plague pioneers innovative solutions in the web 3 technology landscape.

Time: 00:55:32
Equity Swaps for Startup Sustainability Understanding the role of equity swaps in fostering long-term sustainability for startups.

Time: 01:10:11
Community Empowerment through Tech Highlighting the importance of community support in empowering startups and tech initiatives.

Time: 01:25:45
Market Success Factors for Plague Unpacking the critical factors driving market success for tech startups like Plague.

Time: 01:40:30
Web 3 Tech Innovation Showcase Showcasing the potential of web 3 technology through Plague's innovative projects.

Time: 01:55:14
Strategic Backing for Startup Ventures Examining how strategic backing enhances visibility and growth opportunities for startup ventures.

Time: 02:10:05
Digital Empowerment Initiatives Delving into the significance of digital empowerment through tech solutions in today's digital landscape.

Time: 02:25:40
Future Growth Prospects in Tech Industry Exploring the future growth opportunities and trends in the tech industry through web 3 startups like Plague.

Key Takeaways

  • PG group incubates products focused on tech and equity swap initiatives.
  • Plague collaborates with notable brands like Redactedcoin, Jirasan Official, IAgent Protocol, Bullx.io, Maxis.gg, and Magically.gg.
  • Partnerships in web 3 startups can lead to significant advancements and opportunities in the tech industry.
  • Innovation and empowerment are at the core of PG group's initiatives with Plague.
  • Exploring the impact of equity swap models on startup growth and sustainable development.
  • The value of community support in fostering web 3 startups and their market presence.
  • Tech startups like Plague showcase the potential of web 3 technology in empowering individuals and businesses.
  • Collaboration and shared vision drive success in the tech ecosystem.
  • Understanding the dynamics of incubating products in the web 3 space.
  • The influence of strategic backing from established entities in propelling startup ventures.
  • The significance of empowering people through innovative tech solutions in the current digital landscape.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Preparations

Sean, where's the music? You don't have any intro music for us? Sorry, just 1 second. I'm just trying to find my earphones. Right. I think we can kick off. Hey everybody, thanks for joining us today. I think this is one of the first spaces we're having with Ponce from plague, although I think we have been having a lot of chats for the last few months. We've been discussing a lot of things and I think at the beginning of his NFT journey, and I think even beginning of PG's NFT journey, we didn't connect as much, you know, at the start. Then more and more I think we started realizing that we had a lot of similarities and, you know, it led to us, you know, chatting a lot more often. So here we are. I think I'm super excited to have the frogs also join us today along with Jira's. Hey, Ponce, how's it going, man?

Welcoming Ponce

Good morning, sir. Thanks for having me. I guess we're together on this space, but yeah, it's been a long time coming. We've been, we've been talking for a while now. I don't know how long been, but looking forward to the conversation this morning. And like I said in my post, appreciate what you guys have been doing in the background from just a product development standpoint and actually doing something with the tech. So I appreciate what you guys do. Yeah, I think one thing I can always say about the plague or the frogs is that I think it's arguably one of the strongest communities in the space. I think you guys turn up like, you know, I don't know you. It's almost like another super strong, you know, cult group. I see them everywhere. They farm your posts so hard, you know, I think they're like most of the NFT projects, they gotta like, you know, reward people, you know, for like with tokens or something to farm any post and whatnot.

Discussion on Community Strength

Like, you know, I've been noticing this. I really don't know what your secret, you know, for that, but I think, I think you guys have, you know, found, I think they found their leader in that sense. So it's really like really nice to have those guys also look into us now and, you know, and talk a little more about the equity and talk a little more about the space in general. There's no specific agenda as such. It's just more like a free flow space. I'm going to just dig into my thoughts and I'm going to get Ponce to talk about his thoughts as well. If you guys got any questions, please do comment. You know, under the bubble on the right side, in the bottom. So I could probably answer it myself or get pawns to answer.

Starting the Discussion

Yeah, I think that's. That's. That's just jumping. Yeah. What do you want? Where do you want to start? I mean, as far as the community goes, there's no doubt the. The frogs are one of the strongest, if not the strongest. And I don't know that there's a secret to it other than that's just kind of how we. That's what we're founded upon. Of course, there's ebbs and flows to it. But I would say that if you're a frog, PFP, and you're posting at least halfway decent content, other frogs engage with it because you're a frog. So it's not just me they engage with. We all engage with each other, and I think it. It is part of what we do.

Ponce’s Insights and Community Dynamics

And there should be incentives, and there will be incentives, but that's not what's driving people today. Yeah. Amazing. I think let's just kick off with how did you come up with the name plague? And what was your inspiration? To jump into web three? Yeah. So I came into web three for the money, like everybody else. I been here since 2017, late 2017, was trading a bunch of coins, or at least the ones that were available at the time, and got wrecked back then, was dormant for a while, and then learned more about the tech, I would say, in 2020. And actually, that's what brought me back, is I understood the tech better. So it was explained to me better by somebody that one of my friends, acquaintances.

Understanding Technology and The Plague Name

And then I came back full force, and I fell in NFTs because of Decentraland and the sandbox, the metaverse play, and then just went down the rabbit hole. The plague, the name is based on the biblical plague of frogs. So that's. That's part of it. Then we picked frogs because of that name, but also because of how memeable they are, which you see on the timeline quite a bit, I'm sure. And then, yeah, I mean, that's really the genesis of the name. And, you know, the plague being something that would disrupt the elites. And that's kind of where we laid out our mission of decentralizing opportunity, which continues to be our mission, and that will be the mission of the frogs, and how we do that continues to change based on experiences that we get.

The Evolution of Gojira

But that's what brought me here. I've always wondered the same for you, and I haven't heard the story behind where Gojira came from, so I'd love to hear that. Yeah, I think our story as such, I think it started because of my co founder. I think he was a Godzilla fan and he wanted to create a collection. This was in 2021, and he didn't know what to name it or what, nothing. So he didn't even. He hadn't even decided the collection size, you know, whether it's going to be like five k, ten k and whatnot. So he was just making a bunch of, like, pixel arts. He's based in Canada. He was. He had exited this, like, you know, landscaping business, and he was just looking for some, like, you know, like, chill, like, and he just wanted to do something fun.

The Creative Process Behind Gojira

So that's how, you know, like, he was doing this pixel artwork and, you know, and then I came in as an advisor for PG and, I mean, the name was not even decided back then. And then we started off with like, a small supply 333. We let the community choose the name as well. We kept a competition, you know, for people to come up with names within the. Within the discord server. And, you know, we just went to the name that we felt was, you know, made sense. So, you know, and just added, like, project Gojira. So now I think we are moving away from the name Gojira because of, you know, a lot of we're moving.

Rebranding and Evolution

I don't want to say that we are going to have this IP play because IP is just like, a lot of projects just use it just for the sake. But, you know, I just wanted to be, you know, that option also to be open. So we rebranded as PG Group. PG group is our, like the parent company, and we rebranded as PG Group. And then, like, we remove the name, you know, any kind of references to Godzilla and Gojira. But yeah, I think we had known still by that, by a lot of people, were called the Jira's. So hence the new name Jeera san. So Jeera san is the NFT collection under PG group. So that's how the name started.

Path to NFTs and Market Experiences

Jumping into nfts was super, super, you know, like random, as in, like, I was into cryptos for a long time. Got into nfts by minting bonapes just because one of the guys that I follow on YouTube, journey crypto, he was shilling the shit out of bored apes. And I was like, I don't want to mint it. I didn't believe in nfts. I didn't believe in like, you know, artwork on, you know, on chain and stuff like that. I didn't understand, to be honest, right, the potential and stuff. But I just ended up minting it just because he made me a lot of money with his calls and stuff.

Conversation on Product Viability

So you guys, and I know from your side, you're not, again, one of the, probably the ten projects in the space that actually has a product and product that makes sense. That is, when swap, the one that attracted me, the one that made me like even to reach out to you to discuss about this equity swap and stuff. And when swap is a product that I think personally makes a lot of sense to decentralize the, you know, the stock room and stuff. And you guys recently sold out your first beta or the first launch. Congrats, by the way, for that. So do you, as a founder, feel that maybe it is, maybe sometimes you're too early for things that you're doing, then what the space is primed for.

Reflections on Market Timing

I don't know about. I don't know if it's too early is the right word for me. We never had our hysteria moment. So we minted in April of 2022. And immediately after the bear started, everything tanked, including nfts, and it's been a downward trajectory ever since. So we've never actually had a, I mean, if you look at the volume the frogs have done and you, if you went on to open sea and sort it by volume and looked at the volume, comparatively speaking, I think we're ranked like 376th all time in volume. And we never had that hysteria moment, per se. And I've kind of resigned myself. So you asked, you know, what I. What do I think when I see all these other things pumping just because of random post or nonsense on the timeline?

Navigating Speculation

I stopped paying attention to that probably a year and a half ago because I gave up on the expectation that a large percentage of the audience that we're talking to on a daily basis actually is here for anything other than the speculation. So that's not a knock. I mean, that's what brought me here, but I gave up on that part of it. So I think that. I think we are early in the standpoint of in our bubble. Most people that are still in our bubble don't really care about the products that are coming out. I think we're probably just in time for when whatever mass adoption looks like and you start seeing wallets be more commonplace. I think we'll be just in time for what we're building from windswap and making coffee and those kind of things.

Bullish and Bearish Sentiments

So I'm bullish in the sense of where we are from a timing standpoint in our product development. I'm bearish from a standpoint of whether I think that all the people that we've been interacting with over the last several years will jump in all of a sudden to our project unless they see something speculative come out of it. And there's going to be things that we do that will create speculation, of course, but how long they'll stay, I don't know. And for me, that's the most important thing is gaining users that want to be a part of what we're doing, gaining holders that want to be a part of we're doing now.

Debate on Speculation

I mean, that's amazing because, you know, this is a conversation. I think Amrish is also here. My co team, like the co founder of Redacted and our co team member from the start, we always used to have this debate, the debate of, you know, like, this speculation, speculative. You know, kind of like a move where I'm for it, right? I've been. I would say I don't. I wouldn't say I'm for it now, but maybe like few months back, if you ask me, I was the guy who was like, you know, dude, like, we have to keep them. Keep the whole thing speculative.

Understanding Community Engagement

We have to keep the whole, you know, this thing, like, you know, the concept of this thing is speculative and whatnot. And he's the type of guy like Sean, who's our target audience? Like, do you want guys just coming in and asking when ten eigth floor? Or do you want the guys who understand what's happening and trying to contribute to the ecosystem and participate in the products? You know, I think it's kind of like, you know, it's hard to come up with like, you know, an easy answer for that. Right? There's probably no right answer for that because you need attention and you need attention for any product, you know, to gain the user base, right?

The Importance of Attention

And for that attention, you know, you might need that speculation, like why would somebody want to come and farm blast or blur? Because there was this speculation of this airdrop or, you know, so and so, you know, even that's why we've been so subtle about the redacted coins so far and not announcing or even for Bulex for that matter, for the tokens. We didn't want to just try and talk about tokens for our nfts and be like, hey, guys, each NFT is going to get 10,000 tokens or 30,000 tokens and whatnot because that is the speculative part and stuff like that.

Debate on Speculation's Role

So I think it's been a debate and I still don't have answer for it. I'm also trying to figure out whether the speculation part is good or like, you know, somewhere we got to be like, okay, it's fine. It is how this is going to be. Let's keep doing what we are doing and build products and like products that make sense, products that brings in revenue and users organically. All right. So I think just want to jump into the main, you know, the topic of the title of the space is equity swap.

Explaining Equity Swap

I think there is, I realized a lot of people after we even made the tweet fully didn't understand what even equity is and how, what this means, right? So I think I'm a big believer in equity and so response. So equity means taking a stake in the business, right? So the plague group, for example, you know, THEY build a series of products. They have their ip, they have valuation. Let's assume it's an ex valuation. Then PG Group, we have, you know, a bunch of products. We have our own NFT collections and like series of products that we own or have a stake in and our company has a valuation.

Mechanics of Equity Swap

So equity swap means we have taken a stake in the playgroup and the plague group has taken a stake in PG group. Meaning, let's assume tomorrow, for instance, all of PG's products fail and it goes to zero, for instance, and we do not have anything left. Our treasury is dried, our products are worthless, and nothing, and let's say plague, reaches like, a billion dollar valuation, for instance, if this thing happens, or vice versa, or both of us do really well, that particular section, or the portion of the equity that we HavE in Playgroup still has that value for us.

Value of Equity in Adverse Conditions

And that value could at least go back to the holders of pg and e group as such. So why we wanted to do this was because in the past, we have announced a series of partnerships with some random projects. That was in 2021, 2022. Because every project founder that I talked to, I used to get excited. Everyone is excited. Back then, nobody exactly knew which. Who's legit, who means good in the space. We had something called as spit buddies with llama wears. And, you know, I couldn't realize or recognize who's. Who's legit, right?

Lessons Learned from Partnerships

Who's. Who's actually gonna be sustainable in the space and whatnot. Because I was also new, and for me, it was about like, okay, I was always into partnerships, and I believed it. And then I realized that all of these partnerships and associations, 99% of them, those projects, don't even exist anymore. Or the people that run the projects have quit. Like, how many projects from 2021, 2022 have quit or given up to the community by just putting out a post? And then they've gone, like, you know, it's gone forever, you know.

Reevaluation of Strategic Partnerships

So for me, it was like, we refrained from partnerships after that. If you see PG groups, posts after that, we refrained from partnerships. We started, like, partnering only with, like, solid projects, like revolving games, Pixelmon, just spending enough time with those founders and identifying them. And Pont was arguably one of the best ones that I've found in terms of thought processes, even understanding the concept of equity, and why we should focus on building products and building value behind products.

Evaluating Business Viability

Because tomorrow there is hype and there is all these kind of things that's going on that's driving a project forward. But if there is no product or service or something that's not generating revenue, how do you evaluate a company? Like, how would you put valuation to a company that just has a community but no products behind? It's very hard to put. Like, for example, if I'm going to ask somebody to evaluate milady's, I'm not sure whether the team is active.

Challenges in Valuation

I'm just making an example. It's kind of hard to evaluate if they do not have a product that is anywhere close to revenue generation. Maybe you can argue that they're making a lot of royalties, so that royalties could be considered as a revenue, and maybe the valuation could be set up. So for here with Playgroup, they're looking not at just wend swap, but a series of other products that they're developing.

Benefits of Collaboration

We have spoken together products that have the potential to bring in a lot of revenue. Hence this equity swap, and this forges our relationship stronger. We will be looking to give value to plague holders in anything that we do, early accesses, potential token drops, and anything because we want to expand our community with two or three projects or project holders that we think would make sense.

Access to Opportunities

Project holders where they're sensible and not just the types that we cannot manage, but where we feel or we believe that if Pont is launching a product tomorrow and he's like, hey, there's a beta test that's opening. And I've given this offering to the plague holders. So can I offer it to Jira san holders? Amazing. Because you guys can get that early access. And maybe if he's launching some tokens, potentially we'll be discussing something.

Engaging with Holder Communities

We are launching tokens. We will be looking at rewarding plague holders through that. We want plague holders to utilize, use our products as well. Like Bulex. When we launched, were searching for a few communities and stuff. It was very hard to find the right community. So I'll just take a pause here. But this is what it means for us as a business, that we have a stake in his company and they have a stake in our company.

Collaborative Future Vision

And also, from the holders point of view, two different projects, building different products and getting or giving access to holders and assisting each other. Combined, our market cap of nfts is pretty small, like us and plague, and we are looking at projects with five e ten e flow. So it's not a competition. Plague, or anybody as such, is not a competition. But if we can grow together as a project, supporting each other, that's what we are looking at.

Building Partnerships

Yeah, I mean, I don't have a lot to add to that. I think you explained it very well, I would say. Just to your earlier comment about trying to navigate the space and find the right partners, we've had lots of people come in and out that wanted collaborations or partnerships, and in many cases, it's really just been extractive on their part. They want to get what they can out of the frogs from engagement or mints or whatever the case may be.

Challenges in Collaborative Efforts

And then they deliver very little back in the way of support or even acknowledgement. So there's been very few projects that we've partnered with over the years that have stayed around and continue to work in a collaborative and environment. So, you know, I think like you, I've been very hesitant since then on what, who I would call a partner. And, you know, I ask around about people as, you know, things are getting closer.

Building Trust in Partnerships

You know, I'm sure you asked around about me and I asked around about you. I watched how you operate. You watch how I operate. And then we just started talking about how, know, we touched base a couple times and talked about what we're looking at. The space is potential wise, what kind of businesses we're building. And for me, over time it became more of a natural fit. You're building products that I think the frogs can benefit from.

Natural Fit in Partnership

We're building products that I think the Jira is convented from. So I think it's a good fit for both. And I'm looking forward to the building upon the relationship and the partnership. Definitely, I think. And also I think France, can you also touch base upon because I think some of the PG holders, I mean like Jira san holders at this stage probably hadn't like fully aware. So can you just explain about what when swap is?

Understanding Winswap

This is a couple of questions I got in my DM's. What is when swap and how or what is it trying to solve? Yeah. So my background, first of all, I'm not just an NFT founder. I'm an existing position. I'm an executive at a large japanese company. And my background and experience is in manufacturing, retail sales and marketing.

Business Challenges in Cash Flow

And if you have those kind of backgrounds out there in the audience, then you know that one of the majority, what's the right word? One of the major setbacks or one of the major obstacles that businesses face a lot of times is cash flow, especially if you're in a business that needs to hold inventory. So if you have to hold 30 days, 60 days worth of inventory to service whoever your customer base is, whether it's b, two b or b, two c, then that cash that you have to buy that inventory with either coming out of your bank account or you have to go get a loan for it from a bank and you're.

The Role of Banks in Cash Flow Management

There's always a bank involved in some sort or fashion. And typically, you know, the rates are whatever they are, that's not really an important part. But what Winswap does is it gives businesses an opportunity tokenize their inventory. And then we're going to create what we're creating. And our MVP is not yet peer to peer, but in the end it'll be a peer to peer transaction where I'll give an example using making coffee.

Tokenizing Inventory for Cash Flow

So making coffee is another one of our businesses and we just put out around $75,000 worth of inventory, some of it's green coffee, some of it's roasted coffee, that we tokenized the inventory and said, okay, here's the wholesale price for the inventory. And we allowed, and it wasn't token gated this round, but it was primarily frogs and utility wind holders that participated. And so we created tokenized inventory that these frogs could go out and buy.

Creating Buyback Opportunities

And so they bought it at a wholesale price. And then what happens is they can sign it back to making coffee. And making coffee goes out and sells that inventory. And there's a buyback schedule based on a twelve month period that says okay, if we buy back this inventory in 60 days, you make x percent of margin. If we buy it back in 90 days, we make y percent of margin. And that margin increases over time.

Benefits for Both Businesses and Investors

And because it's making coffee and it's our own business, it's a guaranteed buyback within twelve months. And if it takes us twelve months to sell it, I think it's somewhere around 13% is what we pay. So it creates a environment where again, our mission is to decentralize opportunity. And it creates an environment where businesses can not only improve their cash flow, but you're also increasing your audience size because these are people that maybe they didn't know about your business.

Engagement Through Investment

Now they have a vested interest in your business succeeding because they're inventory holders and it creates lots of incentives for them to spread the word about your business. But it also gives you the cash flow you need and it gives these members of Winswap or whoever we allow to participate in it the opportunity for a relatively low risk use for their stable coins. Or, you know, it's USDC on base or ETH on base and it's backed by real product.

Tangible Benefits for Investors

And when we're out of the MVP phase, you can actually take delivery of this product. So if you buy or making coffee at wholesale and you just want the coffee at a discount so you can use it, you can take delivery of it. Or if you want to resell it yourself, you can do that as well. So that's windswap in a nutshell. Again, it's part of our ethos of decentralizing opportunity.

Expanding Use Cases for Winswap

And this actually was taken out of our business model for making coffee. And as were building it out, we realized that there's a much bigger use case than this, than just one business. Yeah, I think I was looking at when swap and I was asking ponds if there was a way for us to invest a little bit of a treasury on, let's say, like, you know, a decent size of investment.

Investment Opportunities Within the Space

Because I think for people, right, like in the space, it might not make sense when you hear this thing, like 13% a year, and you're like, man, I can make more on shitcoins. But truth is, how many people actually can make money on shitcoins and how many people are actually excellent traders or have the time for it? So from a business perspective, 13% is great because our treasury right now.

Analyzing Financial Strategies

So we raised about $10 million for redacted. Then we have a $7 million ecosystem fund announcement that's coming up. And then from other products from like, Bulex and whatnot, that we have, a lot of our funds are in us treasury bonds and us treasury bonds also. It's tokenized, by the way. So if you guys are not aware, you know, one of the largest companies in Singapore, they're tokenizing us treasury bonds and we're getting like four to 4.5% per annum.

Tokenizing Treasury Bonds

Right? It's good for us because even if I put like $8 million in, that four or 5% could be giving us some decent payback per year to continue operations and whatnot. But 13%, it's pretty solid in terms of. For a low risk, decent investment kind of a thing. So I was also chatting about it. So I think as the space matures, from a treasury management perspective, I think looking into these kind of alternative investments, I think is going to open up a lot.

Looking Ahead

Sorry, Ponce, you want to jump in? Well, what I was going to say is.

Understanding Investment Percentages

So, yeah, you said it, right. For people that are in this space, 13% or even 5% in a three month standpoint, six month standpoint sounds like nothing. But in the real world, that much, you know, people that understand money and have lots of money and don't want to create a lot of risk around their investments, that's huge. And I. Part of our business model will be having plugins for Shopify and woocommerce. And if you. If you do it, if you're doing any business on Shopify today or woocommerce or PayPal, you're getting solicited all the time by them with what they. I forget what they call it, but it's essentially they're extending you a loan. So let's just say Shopify, if you're doing x amount of volume, Shopify has some formula that says, hey, we're going to, because you're doing this amount of volume, we'll give you this loan and you pay it back as you sell it.

Competing Against Shopify

So this winswap is a competing product versus that. And Shopify, I think they charge like some 15% to 20% rate. And so a lot of businesses are taking advantage of it. This is a big industry that windswap tackles. And what makes it beautiful in my standpoint is instead of Shopify making that money, individuals can make it. Individuals that are in, you know, part of our ecosystem, your ecosystem. And it creates a lot of opportunity for individuals around the world. A guy in India can invest in a company in the US by buying their inventory and can get delivery of their inventory, or they can consign it back and make money on that inventory. So I think there's a ton of potential for it. And it's really one of our main focuses in building out right now.

Legal Considerations and Product Nature

Amazing. And I'm sure from legal standpoint of you guys would have spent quite a lot of time and efforts to make this, because that's crazy, right? Because in the space, anything that's related to this, you know, potentially making some money back comes with a lot of this thing. So anything. Yeah, it's not a fine, it's not, sorry to run, but because, yeah, of course, spend a lot of time with lawyers on it and it's not a financial product. Right. It's a inventory item. You literally own that inventory item and you can take delivery of it. So it's not a loan, it's not a. You're buying inventory and you're consigning inventory back. It's. You can call it a loophole, but it's a legal mechanism that we could always really, you know, nfts make possible.

Product Overview

Amazing, man. Amazing to hear. And I think I'm going to just talk about a little bit of our products as well. You know, what we have and what's coming up next for our nfts. But before that and after that, I'm gonna get some people on the stage before that. Do you have any other alpha or information to share for people or some other product that you guys are working on? If you're working on some other product, any, you know, like, let's say, you know, just about it or some basic information about it. Yeah, well, we've got making coffee, which is another one of our core businesses. And I won't spend a lot of time on that because, you know, as you know, I've got a hard stop here in about 35 minutes. I want to make sure you get time to explain your products. And then we take questions.

Ecosystem Structure

Making coffee. If you look at the plague ecosystem, you can look at it three ways. We got the frogs, which are our web three brand, that we're growing and growing at our user base through web three. We've got making coffee, which is really a web two brand that is being built by a web three community. And then we got Windswap, which is a web three tech that will is competing against web two brands. So that's kind of how we're going to market with the whole ecosystem making coffee as a coffee brand being built by the frogs. And there'll be other times where we can talk about that brand specifically. But if you do drink coffee and you're in the US and or Europe, makingcoffee.com is the URL. Buy our coffee and drink our coffee. That's my shield there.

Expanding to New Markets

Yeah, man. I think you need to expand to the Indian market. I don't think people live, you know, here without coffee. I think my parents, I think they have like four or five times a day. So it's, it's wild here. So, you know, so, yeah. Anyways, good luck to you on that. Just from our side, guys. Just for those guys who have just followed us or haven't followed, haven't been following us, PG Group aims to be the web three Y combinator. We do not want to just use this term because we are going to be like, hey, we are going to develop these products or we're going to come up with these products. We have launched and own a bunch of products.

Product Acquisition and Development

If you see our bio right now, we own redacted coin. Then I, agent protocol, Maxis, Bullex. We also recently, not recently, a few weeks, few months back, we acquired, magically, the marketplace as well. And we have a bunch of other products in the pipeline. So the way we work is pretty simple for us. It's about we fully believe in products and we believe in diversity. We want to be that one stop place for creators, you know, to come in. We do not want somebody with an amazing product or an MVP to not let that product come to the market because of lack of funds or lack of KOLs or lack of marketing efforts. Our aim here is pretty simple or hard.

Investment Strategy and Support

Our business model is pretty simple. We scout for products or projects that have products, you know, and then we have a call with them just to understand, you know, like what their product is, what stage it is at. We test it out ourselves. We see if it's skilled enough and whatnot. And from there, we do two things. Number one, we invest in the product, you know, if it makes sense. And number two is we take equity in them. That is, again, equity means taking in their business anywhere from 10% up to like 50%. Sometimes we even buy it out. So what this does is when we take a ten to 50% stake in the company or in that product, we help them from everything from marketing to fundraisers to, you know, KOLs, to even like, beta testing with our holders, etcetera.

Case Studies in Success

So what this does is for teams that do not know how to navigate through this noise or where to install, start their journey from while they have some amazing product out there, you know, it solves this issue, right? Because a lot of the times there's so much of noise in the space. So, for example, let me just share the story of Bulex. So, for Bulex, for instance, when the first 1st, when the devs came and, you know, these guys are based India. And then we had a chat, this was in Jan of this year. When they came in, they didn't like, they didn't have that kind of a group or even a Twitter account of things or how to win start. So I announced myself as a co-founder of Bulex and pretty much like been working with them ever since just to make the product or get the product out to the market, helping them with connections, putting them in different groups, giving beta test accesses to holders of our community and other communities, etcetera.

Achievements and Growth Metrics

And now they started gaining traction after that. And then, like, now they're sitting at like 40,000, 50,000 users and like one point, about $1.7 billion in volume. Another story is about Maxis. Maxis, you guys might have used, I think, plague users. I think I see a lot of plague frogs in the Maxis. So Maxis is 100% also owned by us. So Maxis is a. Is a platform where you can, like, you know, get loans for your NFTs. It's a peer-to-peer loan, peer-to-peer. You know, NFT raffle Marketplace has this coin flip and few other features coming up. So how we are going to tie all this up is basically Jira san, NFTs, the ten k.

New Innovations in NFT Design

Jira san NFTs that we literally launched yesterday, where we merged all our previous collections before into one single 10,000 collection to make like, make everyone's life easier, you know, from the outside and even for the holders, so that there is not multiple collections out there. All these products that we support and are going to be supporting and taking equity in, we are going to be pushing the value down to the holders. The value is in terms of tokens, the values in terms of access, the values in terms of discounts and whatnot. So our target is to support like 50 to 60 products by end of next year.

Immediate Use Case for Holders

One of our other products, the immediate use case, as people like to know, the immediate use case that's going to be coming to the Jirasan users is basically the access to Multifarm. Multifarm is another product that we own fully. Multifarm has had more than ten plus tokens already. We partnered with from lingocoins, space, IO, and, you know, like average saga and a bunch of other projects. 50% of these tokens are going to be reserved for Jira san holders. Meaning every token. What's been happening in the past is that projects that want to distribute or airdrop tokens to holders of certain NFTs, they actually do not get any value back.

Recognizing Market Gaps

There is no social following, there is no information. For example, when dimension drops some tokens, some NFT holders were able to claim dimension tokens, and then they just dumped it. They had no idea what it is. And dimension, I don't know what they exactly gained. So we had a chat with all these founders to see if it actually helped them in any way that people understand that people use the product and whatnot. There has not been an existence of a product so far in the market like that. So basically, the aim with Multifarm is we are going to be partnering with projects like Plague and few other very selected communities.

Future Partnerships and Projects

And as projects come and approach multifarm, we have like 20 projects in the pipeline. Like, not even joking. Like, so many of them want to do it. It's like state land, it's like Mon protocol. But only difference is that it's going to be going for NFT holders and also for token holders in the future. But where we want to distribute it, where it doesn't just go to the holders of the collection by just like randomly claiming and dumping, but rather you perform 30 seconds or lesser task, and you can claim equivalent to the amount of NFTs that you hold. So what this looks like is, say you have like five jirasan NFTs, you go to multifamily every.

Ensuring Genuine Engagement

It is a guaranteed claim. It's not like a raffle or something. If suppose it's space IO worth of tokens that they've allocated, you perform like a task by following space or liking and retweeting that particular post or just joining their telegram or discord through our platform. And that's it. Right? So for each asset that you hold, whatever is the allocation, you can claim that many amount of tokens. So this can also be utilized for projects like Plague where if all these projects that come to us, if we are like, hey, do you want to distribute tokens to various other communities through a task-based claim now it's much more easier.

Defining KPIs for Engagement

They have a defined KPI and we want to push through that model that does not exist so far. So yeah, just wanted to add that. And also we are also in lookout for a lot of projects, products that are looking for a race under $10 million valuation. So if you guys know any founders or if you know any teams that are looking to raise under five or under $10 million valuation, we are ready to fund as well and bring it up. And this opportunity of investment is also going to be available for the Jirasan holders as little as $100 person to as high as like $10,000 to $20,000 depending on the ticket size. So yeah, I think this, I'll just stop here, but this is pretty much, you know, what's coming next for us.

Innovative Farming Approaches

Yeah. So the multi farm thing, one difference, you know, we've had conversations about that before. One, one main difference is a lot of tokens would farm by you going out and just posting nonsense on the timeline. That's right. One of the differences here is you'll go to the multi farm site and there might be a quest or whatever, but you're also learning about the product as you do it. That's correct. So we have something called as watch to earn that we have developed. We just haven't launched in multifamily to kill the bots and to actually keep it more informative. So for instance, if Windswap has a token in the future called swap, and if you're contributing some tokens to multifarm.

User Engagement through Educational Content

So we have two main ways in which people can win or guaranteedly get their tokens right. Number one is ugc content. So not the stupid ass random spam, but let me just share an example of, okay, I've just shared one example there and, you know, like of people that are making actual content. This is another partner of multifamily. So there's another. Even if you just type bip tap, you can see a bunch of them actually creating content, actually getting, you know, interactions and stuff. You know, I think I've shared like four tweets right now. This is just one of the products that we have partnered with, right?

Encouraging Authenticity in Content Creation

Where they talk about what biptapp is and making videos, making whatever. So we want to promote the content creation. And these, like, this guy called Sammy Keys, he won a laptop from multifam for just making a video, right? And another guy, it was like, you know, there's like, we just want to reward people for creating contents and not just paid shills like most of the content creators. How it's happening is that you go and pay them like $500 and you're like, hey, man, can you make a thread about us? But rather getting people to be creative and giving them that option? That's number one.

Engagement through Learning

And second is the watch to earn module, which is what we are more excited about. Let's say. If you want to contribute, swap token. And you're like, okay, I'm going to give you a series of 20 or 25 questions, like MCQ questions or something that you're going to give us. For instance, if like, every single user gets like two to three questions before they can claim their token. And this question, you need to understand what the product is by watching a 32nd video or a 62nd video that you can provide us. Or it could even be slides. And if they answer it wrong and they refresh it, the question changes.

Promoting Awareness through Interaction

So this way you cannot just bought it because the questions keep refreshing and you have to actually, you know, you can't just select its BC DB or whatever. You have to know the answers. You need to be a human to read it. But it'll take under 30 seconds, right? Or at least under a minute. So this is what is the differentiating factor than the social spam that's going around. We want to promote UGC and also watch to earn. So this way you get actual users that are NFT holders, which is where I think the use case of NFT is great, because how many farmers are going to go and buy a point whatever x eth plague NFT to just get access to a farming platform, right?

Maximizing NFT Utilization

They are holding it. And these are like legit people and not like just farmers spending like thousand dollars or $300 or $500 buying an NFT. But these NFTs get those, you know, get those things token gated and you got to answer some question. So maybe even 90% of them, let them go and dump the free tokenization. But our hope is that at least one in ten that understand what the product is turn into a consumer of that particular, you know, this thing. This is how many of you know what's dimension? How many of you know what's alt? All these claims that you are layer zero, even like, how many of you know what's layer zero?

Navigating Token Claims

We all claim these tokens. We go and dump without an idea, without having any idea of what the token is, except that, oh, every token is going to dump. I got free money, I'm going to just dump it. Right? So we are hoping that at least through the watch to earn at least one in ten, turn into a consumer, then just go and dump it straight.

Introduction and Initial Questions

Okay, great. Should we take question? We got Chan up here. Let's go. Yeah, yeah. Hey, good morning, guys and pons. It's great to see you sort of partner with PG and get together for this space. So I appreciate your time as well, but I do have a question for you, Sean. You know, it's definitely one that I don't know if we'll have time to answer on the space, but I wanted to hear your mindset when talking about products, right? Like, if we're talking about 50 to 60 products over the course of the next year for PG, how do you look at, like ensuring that there isn't necessarily like dilution within those products, right. Like, how many swap sites can we really have? How many farming websites can we really have? How many products do you see that you can actually invest in this space to return values to holders? And sort of how does that play into. Are you approaching it as like, we're going to make 100 bets here? We're hoping one of them is sort of the Bolex case, for example, versus getting numerous products that might be trying to do the same thing, or just like sort of what are the value propositions you're looking for in some of those products?

Approach to Product Development

Yeah, I think so. This is, of course, I think in a detailed way, it's probably going to be long, but in short, it's taking multiple bets. Right. Because just because we have Maxis is not going to stop me from incubating or holding or bringing a huge access to our holders in another casino like product. Right. So right now we are in talks with a product that's raised $20 million, based in the US, has like a major casino license and whatnot, looking to work with us under redacted, and they're also going to be on the flight they're sponsoring, the redacted airways, the flight that we are taking from Dubai to Singapore. And they want to offer tokens to multifamily. They want to offer tokens to our holders, and they want to offer equity for PG in return for redacted being their web three partner. So if I'm going to be like, sorry, man, like, Maxis is already in that line, and I don't want to take this opportunity to assist you with. In certain things that you need, I think I'm missing out. And, you know, I think before we used to be like that. So now it's about having, like, three to four bullexes out of the 30 to 40 products that we launch. Then, like, trying to, you know, just focus on three, four products, because nobody actually knows exactly which product is going to click, right?

Lessons from Product Launches

If we know this product was going to click. Let me tell you some story about Bulex. I went to Frank, and I approached Frank for Bulex because Frank was heavy into meme coins, and I offered him free equity on Bulex. You won't even believe it was almost 10% free equity for the d goth community, for Frank to be a partner with Bulex. He loved the product and whatnot. But for whatever reason, he kind of, like, you know, he denied it, or he didn't just respond in a positive way for him to come on board and fast forward two months later, he was asking us if the opportunity was still open. By the time there was already $10 million in fees generated. So the point is, there are so many of these products out there, you know, and. And the valuation for Bulex at the time was stupid. Like 5 million. We didn't raise a single dollar for bullets. So far, though, the idea or the plan at the time was maybe we'll raise at $5 million, like five hundred k at five million dollars and to just continue. But luckily, none of the investments went through. It's crazy, right? It's crazy how we managed to raise $10 million for redacted, but we couldn't raise like, 500k for bullets because the market was.

Market Insights and Future Plans

Didn't understand. They felt the bots don't have a future or whatnot. So the point is, it's because people knew what bullocks was and they don't know redacted is. That's why you were able to raise the difference. That's the difference, probably. Right. So the point is that nobody exactly knows which product is going to click? If you look at Bulex now at a 1.8 bill volume and $18 million or $17 million in fees, I don't know what valuation somebody can put it at or they're going to put it at, doesn't matter. But the point is that when nobody knows which product is going to click, why? To just, you know, try and hope that this one product can, you know, can make all of us successful from holders or from. From a commute, from. From a business perspective, while without spreading ourselves thin. Having a model that can help us like incubate a bunch of products without us spreading ourselves too thin, with every single product that I mentioned, now has its own team, has its own CEO as its own CTO and whatnot, but fully managed and incubated by us on the.

Strategic Product Management

From the. From outer labor, from outer level, and just using a proven formula, like another one is biptap, another one we announced is Rampex. I get on calls every week or every three days once just to mentor them, just to make sure that things are all in track, see where we can help and see how we can assist in whatever way, right. From funding to marketing to cable and whatnot. I think we brought the opportunity for Rampix to PG holders at a $4 million FTV, right? If you guys remember, it was brought in for the PG Genesis guys at like a 4 million ftv. And now they finished the race at like, I think 15 or $20 million pretty recently. Right. So, you know, this is what we are looking at for the next stages. We want to bring products at like three to $5 million ftvs as access points to our holders and then, you know, then start growing or developing those products as well if people are interested investing in those products as well. So, yeah, this is pretty much how we are proceeding.

Product Funding and Investment Strategy

We've talked about this a little bit, but just before you get inundated with DM's, you're not looking for ideas, you're looking for products that are leased in the MVP stage, correct? Yes. I'm not exactly looking for. I mean, I wouldn't say I'm not definitely. We're not against idos or something because proven teams, good projects, decent valuations. Not the 40 mil, 50 mil fdvs, 20, 25, 30 mil fdvs. I think we are still open to engage our users or our holders because I think in pgcap we have raised almost $8 million just through our holders for various projects. Right. Right now we paused it because we are not looking at you know, very highly valuable products coming out or teams that we can bet on. So some amazing teams or teams that make sense.

Market Trends and Collaborative Growth

You know, I think like up to, I think up to 25, 30 mil fdvs. I think we sloping but ideally looking for $10 million and under for us to invest from our funds. So yeah, I think that makes sense, Sean. And I guess the, and I'm just thinking about Y combinator, right. Because that's sort of the proven use case of what's, you know, what we're, what, you're attempting it with pg. So you're taking the unicorn approach, right? Like one out of every 100 bets is going to be that unicorn that really sets everything up for success. My question is too, is like how do you look at like cross pollinating within the environment, right? You have 50 or 60 products under your wing, right? Like how can, how do you look at those products helping one another or, you know, your use case with the us casino, they have the gambling license.

Leveraging Existing Tools and Opportunities

Those are really hard to come by. How can a product like that help Maxis or is there really the opportunity there for that kind of thing? 100%, there's, that's one of the reasons why, you know, we like this is a very good question because right now with the us casino thing, I told you, right. I asked them during our call, like what are things that we can help you with? The two things they told was we are looking to build a software for on ramp that is basically allow anybody with a PayPal or moonpay or credit cards or from Coinbase or say token in a different blockchain to pay for the casino. Right. For instance. And also to love like cards, credit cards and other type of different cards. And also to issue their own card from the casino for the users.

Connecting Efforts for Mutual Benefit

And then comes two products that we already have, Rampix and BPTA. So I connected them both. So Rampix basically allows, I don't know if you guys know much about the product or if you went through the website. So Rampex is basically to onboard users from any blockchain, whether with the card, without a card, PayPal and whatnot. Like for example, if you have to pay for some token and tron network intron network, right. If you have to pay for some product with some XYZ token and tron or whatnot, you can have the tokens, your main holdings in say network or in Sui or whatever those thing is. And you can just go and pay and it auto converts and it bridges and it pays for it, simplifying the whole process.

Final Thoughts and Next Steps

This is not the only use case for Ampex, but this is one of them. And Biptapp has its own card as its own bank account based in Laos. So, meaning there is privacy, but also at the same time, there's an actual bank account linked to the card, allowing you to, like, you know, deposit, withdraw, participate in a bunch of things. So now connecting these two guys with the product, for me, it's like two products under a wing, connecting for the third product that's assisting the casino. And now the card issuance is powered by Biptap. These guys don't have to go and find another source or get some of the licenses or get, you know, worry about productions and whatnot. That's already said. So 100%. Like, our aim is to have, like, a bunch of these different sectors or products in the different sectors.

Collaborative Potential and Wrap-Up

I even was selling ponds yesterday that one of the projects that we are talking with would love to connect with when swap for inventory purposes. Right. So technically, in a smaller level, whenswap is also under PG Group and the other way around as well. Right. With an equity swap or whatnot. So now, as opportunities come, we push them towards people or products that make sense. So that's definitely the way how we are looking at. Yeah, I was looking at. I've got about ten more minutes here. I was looking at the other questions that were in the comment box down there. The only one that really I saw was what, you know, what percentage of equity do we swap? And I don't think we need to get into the details there specifically, but it's just relatively small percentage.

Looking Ahead with Partnerships

And as we grow the relationship and those kind of things, more opportunities for that kind of stuff will come. But I don't know. You have any other comment on that? Yeah, I think the equity percentages, I think, as you mentioned, if I'm going to announce 20% equity swap between both our companies, for instance, I think it's not like there's more opportunities coming out for plague or even for us. So where we want to keep those equity and stuff free. So, yes, as you mentioned, as we relate, we grow stronger, and as you guys also see what value we can bring in and what value you bring us and cross combination of value exchanges, I think it's a no brainer, you know, to have more skin in the game of each other.

Mergers and Strategic Collaborations

I was even, like, telling few projects about mergers. Right. Like, it makes no sense for certain projects to just try and do things on their own, like, but to merge into one single kind of projects and entities. A lot of like, I think sometimes, you know, people don't realize, a lot of them have this ego that they don't want to, you know, get into this kind of like partnerships or mergers and whatnot, but on a wider scale. For example, we merged with Maxis, or rather Maxis merged with PG group just few months back, like with 100% equity because it was amazing for everybody. We are handling all their monthly payments and etcetera now and they are working for us. We are developing a bunch of products together. Sometimes one plus one is three with the right partners. So I think there's a lot of opportunities for us in the future.

Challenges with Partnerships

Yeah, it's an interesting comment about people not wanting to, you know, merge or even create strategic partnerships. We've run into that several times and I've seen projects die that we could have helped and they could have helped us on an execution standpoint better. And they just went into nothing. Because the only thing I could ascribe to it is ego of the founder or the teams involved where they didn't want to be part of something else, so they'd rather have nothing. It's really a strange mindset in a lot of ways. Yeah, I've faced it as well, man. I've faced it so many times where we try to help, like given dying projects to be like, hey, how about we pay you like some nominal fee and we take up your holders?

The Value of Community

Because I think, you know, I think, you know, sometimes I just want the holders, right. I don't want to do anything with the project, but I want the holder base to come into us because, you know, it's relatively small. Imagine having 10,000 holders, unique holders, right? That's huge value, right? To reach to that level of maybe like 10,000 unique holders or not even unique holders, 10,000 individual holders from web three, looking at you or potentially using a product, it's not a huge amount of numbered when you look at from the web two perspective. But in Web 310 thousand people, you can do so much, right? Even like 10% of them, let's say, is participating in this vent swap or whatnot, or Maxis or Bulex or whatnot, you know, and then generate say dollar five a day on an average person, that's like $5,000, you know, per day.

Plans for Growth and Solidifying Community

And that's like one hundred fifty k a month. So I think, you know, we are going to start slicing it up bit by bit and look at how do we reach this 5000 to 10,001st maybe hit like a 5000 unique holder account and then go to this 10,000 either through partnerships or either through whatever. I think that's where this initial partnership helps. Hoping that we both can have our unique holders look into each other's products. Yeah, the unique holder thing. I sent a post about this the other day that really, all this focus on floor price, while I understand it, because we're in a speculative market, is very short term thinking. And if you're thinking long term, it is unique holders and community size.

Reinforcing Community Engagement

And I had several plans that I actually had to put on pause and because of just dissent amongst the community and not really understanding or thinking about that part of it. And again, it's just, especially in a market that's down, everybody's looking at their bags and it just creates a short term mindset. But the long term mindset for any business is creating, and especially a web three business that wants to build brands with the community and reward that community. The number of people involved in that community is the most important thing or one of the most important things. That's why this partnership, like we have today, it opens both of our doors for the products that we're building up to a larger user base.

Conclusion and Future Events

Yeah, 100%. Like, I think any product you guys are going to launch or we going to launch, I think we are hoping both the Jeerasan holders and also the plague holders. I'm sure there's a bunch of common, but also a bunch of non uncommon ones amongst both the communities, I think, to support or just give feedback or test and whatnot, each product, and we'll find a way to reward each of the efforts in that sense. And any kind of feedbacks from either of, you know, either of the project holders or whatnot, especially builders developing any products that you want some help with, feel free to dm me. And also like, you know, any questions about plague, I think spam Ponzis, DM's. So anyway, man, I think it was amazing having you.

Final Remarks and Announcements

If anybody else has got any question, probably we have time for another one more, if anybody wants to come up on the stage. If not, I think was an amazing spaces, which you all, I think 200 people. I didn't realize we're still active in the space. So there was a pretty good turnout overall. So, yeah, I think we can wrap it up. Any final words? No, I don't see any other questions. Yeah, but again, appreciate the. Appreciate the partnership and enjoyed the space and learning some of the stuff that I never asked you. Like the name origin, those kind of things. So looking forward to working with you guys and learning more about your products and moving forward.

Looking Forward to Future Engagements

Perfect, perfect. Thanks everybody. And catch you guys next in Singapore. If you guys are coming for Token 2049, we have an event on the 16 September that we're going to be announcing that's in partnership with revolving games. Redacted X revolving games. So do you know to do apply once we launch it today or tomorrow? Thanks everybody. Catch you around.

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