PFP Competition Giveaway w/@ghost_ppx


Space Summary

The Twitter Space PFP Competition Giveaway w/@ghost_ppx hosted by play_planetx. Join the thrilling PFP Competition Giveaway hosted by @ghost_ppx for a chance to win real-world prizes daily. Engage in the world's biggest treasure hunt powered by @gallaxcoin and available on both IOS & Android. Learn about the competition mechanics, rules, and strategies to increase your chances of success. Connect with a dynamic community and explore the innovative fusion of real-world rewards with digital participation. Stay informed and follow @ghost_ppx for updates and announcements, immersing yourself in this unique project.

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Q: How can I participate in the PFP Competition Giveaway?
A: To participate, follow @ghost_ppx, join the treasure hunt, and engage with the community.

Q: What kind of prizes can I win in the giveaway?
A: The giveaway offers real-world prizes daily for participants.

Q: What platforms are supported for joining the competition?
A: You can join the treasure hunt on IOS & Android devices.

Q: How does @gallaxcoin contribute to the PFP Competition?
A: @gallaxcoin powers the event, providing the infrastructure for the giveaway.

Q: How are winners selected in the treasure hunt?
A: Winners are chosen based on specific criteria outlined for the competition.

Q: Can I increase my chances of winning in the PFP Competition Giveaway?
A: Engaging with the community and following contest guidelines can boost your chances of winning.

Q: What sets this giveaway apart from others?
A: The innovative blend of real-world prizes with a digital treasure hunt makes this competition unique.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of times I can participate in the treasure hunt?
A: Details regarding participation limits are provided in the competition rules.

Q: How can I stay updated on the latest news and announcements about the PFP Competition?
A: Follow @ghost_ppx for all updates and important information regarding the giveaway.

Q: Are there any special strategies for success in the treasure hunt?
A: Engagement, persistence, and following guidelines are key factors for success in the competition.


Time: 00:15:30
Introduction to the PFP Competition Giveaway Discover the concept behind the world's biggest treasure hunt offering real-world prizes.

Time: 00:25:45
Prizes Galore Explore the exciting array of real-world prizes waiting to be won daily in the giveaway.

Time: 00:35:20
IOS & Android Compatibility Find out how to join the competition seamlessly on IOS & Android devices.

Time: 00:45:10
Meet @ghost_ppx Get to know @ghost_ppx and learn about their role in the PFP Competition.

Time: 00:55:05
Community Engagement Learn about the vibrant community participating in the treasure hunt.

Time: 01:05:15
@gallaxcoin's Contribution Understand how @gallaxcoin powers and supports the giveaway event.

Time: 01:15:30
Competition Rules and Guidelines Explore the essential rules and guidelines for ensuring a fair competition.

Time: 01:25:40
Strategies for Success Get insights on how to maximize your chances of winning in the PFP Competition.

Time: 01:35:55
Unique Blend of Real and Digital Discover what makes this treasure hunt distinctive and exciting for participants.

Time: 01:45:20
Staying Informed Learn about the best ways to stay updated on all the latest news and announcements about the competition.

Key Takeaways

  • Participate in the treasure hunt to win real-world prizes daily.
  • Learn about @ghost_ppx's PFP Competition and how it works.
  • Discover the prizes up for grabs in the giveaway.
  • Understand the mechanics of the treasure hunt and how to increase your chances of winning.
  • Explore the IOS & Android compatibility for joining the competition.
  • Get insights on how @gallaxcoin powers the giveaway event.
  • Connect with other participants and engage in the PFP Competition community.
  • Explore the thrill of participating in a large-scale treasure hunt.
  • Understand the rules and guidelines for the competition.
  • Learn about the innovative approach of merging real-world prizes with a digital treasure hunt.

Behind the Mic

Greetings and Opening Remarks

Yes, sir. Perfect. Perfect. Merpo, how are you, bro? Yes, sir. Just about ready to leave the gym, but. Morning. Morning, people. Morning. Morning. Great to see everyone. Welcome in. Obviously, it's been a bit of a while, so this space is going to be about giving out some extroids and then we're gonna have some of the founders table come up on stage and talk about the game and recent play tests as we aim to roll this out very shortly.

Prizes and Future Plans

So we're going to be giving away lots of prizes, lots of money, lots of hunts. So we'll do a bit of a breakdown and, yeah, we'll have a bit of an open table about the next. The next steps in this timeline. I know so many of you in the crowd are, like, desperate to get into the game, so I'm going to drop a bit of Alpha about how we're launching regionally around the world. We're going to be in Asia as well, and just talk about few of the next steps. So thanks, everyone being in here, so many ogs, as always. Lovely to see some new faces.

Kickoff and Competition Overview

Look how many droids blacked out, Alessandro, in the. In the crowd. So everyone wants their x droid, which is awesome. So we might as well start with the actual winners of the competition. So, Alessandra, have you sent me that list of the actual winners? Do you actually want to read them out? Actually, I'll let you read them out. So, Alessandra is going to read out the winners. If you didn't, if you don't win, please don't be disappointed. As you've seen, we're going to be giving away so much stuff, especially in hunt coming up, so there'll be plenty of extroids to win inside hunts, etcetera, so don't be disappointed.

Community Engagement and Future Giveaways

Also, everybody who's actually rocking the PFPs, I will personally be giving out some more droids if I see that, you know, you're loyal to the community and you keep it there. So follow me. You know, my page, ghost PPX and put the notes on because I will be dropping them. I do notice everybody. So, yeah, Alessandro, I'll leave it with you. You might as well just reel through them. Please dm us if you do win, we'll get that X droid X pod sent over tonight and you can obviously reveal it. Make sure you film your screen if you win and share to X as like a awesome reveal activation when you see your x pods. So it's quite addictive.

Announcing Winners

So, Alessandro, I'll leave it with you and then we can rock into the next steps. All right. All right, perfect. So what I'll do is I'll communicate the draw winners, and I'll tag everybody in a comment under this post on their spaces and showing a screenshot as well of the draw. So let's start with number one is at Silver Surfer 610. Silver Surfer 610. That is the first winner. Let's go. Number two is solo XNZ underscore. Solo XNZ underscore. We're doing quick draws.

Continuing the Winner Announcement

Yeah. Yeah, just, yeah, just fire through them and as you said, say them twice so people can hear. And just dm us if you want. Yes. Again, Alessandro, late, Kara. Then number three is ox BC, one PoxBC, one PKD. That's number three. Then number four is at reborn underscore trades. Reborn underscore trades. Congrats on that. Number five is at queen with a q. So q e en B underscore worker. So Q e n B worker.

More Winners

Number six is cryptocode 1893. Cryptocode 1893. I think that's Josh's brother, if I'm not mistaken, so that's awesome. Number seven is at tiben sol t I b e n s o L. Number eight is crypto bay underscore Za. Crypto bay underscore Za. Number nine is dad Hoddles. So dad. H o D l s. I've actually seen him in the discord recently. He's been pretty active, so congrats on that. And number ten is at j four rr. So J a Y four rr that.

Conclusion of Winners and Calling for Participation

Those are the ten winners of the xbot challenge. Super, super excited for every one of you to reveal your droid. As James said, if you. When you reveal, if you want to reveal, make sure to film your screen and post it on x tagging. Us. We're, we're always excited to see every single x store that gets revealed. It's, it's always a special moment. So I'll make a, I'll make a comment under this, under the spaces tagging all ten of you and telling you to dm the planet X account.

Verifying Winners

And I'll post also a screenshot of the draw. Like, draw a website with the winners so everybody knows his blizzard. So perfect. Those are the ten winners. Congratulations and enjoy your prizes. Got your hand up? Yeah, man. I was gonna say, I know we've had problems with this in other communities and other giveaways, with people scamming and trying to create user profiles that look exactly like the winners. So I would say let's have the winners reach out and dm the planet X and then you guys can confirm.

Ensuring Security in Winner Claims

I'm not, sorry, not have them reach out to you guys. I think you guys should actually dm them and then have them contact you going through that way. That way. We don't have any issues. But that's just my opinion. Yeah. What we'll do is we're going to post the list in the comments and we're going to go through all the tagged accounts so we're sure that it's not a fake account, etcetera.

Addressing Scams and Precautions

No, what I mean is like some people, like they'll create an account that looks just like theirs, but maybe with like a, like one letter or one extra thing added on. And then you guys get like, unless you're like really looking for it, like you might get a overlook it. So it's just a precaution, but. Oh, yeah, I see. Yeah, we'll copy and paste it, but yeah, for extra measures. Yeah, for sure. We'll, we'll reach out. Perfect.

Community Acknowledgement and Game Launch Details

Well, look, congratulations, everybody that won. I appreciate all of you rocking a droid. I know you've been so excited to join this community, but don't be disappointed because you're going to have so many opportunities in the next, within the next six weeks to win an extroid inside live hunt. So as I said, keep the notes on lots of opportunity. I'm just going to take this moment to probably talk about the next step because I have so many people in my DM saying, can I play the game? Can I play the game?

Game Development Insights

So I'm going to explain what we've been doing, why we've been doing it. It's really important for you guys to understand because games like this take forever to actually get out and execute. However, we are pretty much there now. The founders table, which is like a small alpha group of mine that work with me daily, have been testing it for quite a long time now. Back and forth where they've been testing feedback, fixing bugs, testing feedback, etcetera. But we're a very stable point now.

Progress and Future Plans

There's a few little bugs that we're ironing out. We're actually going to be playing in a build tonight. And yeah, hopefully if that goes well, then we're going to be ramping up and letting all of you guys into the game. So I would just want to break down what the next step will be, what you can potentially win, and also how it's going to roll out. Because, you know, I don't like to disappoint everybody. We can't be global day one with hunt.

Game Accessibility and Regional Launch

So, you know, I have people all around the world say, can I play the game? Can I play the game? But it's nothing that easy to do that when these are live competitions. So we can't just roll out globally. So we are going to roll out when the next build goes out to you guys. It is going to be, obviously, in the US, Asia, South Asia, and Europe. If you are outside those regions, yes, you will probably try and get in, but your ping will be super bad.

Gameplay Considerations

You can try and play if you want, but obviously your ping will be extremely high because you'll be joining servers which are not inside your region. So if you're in South Asia, Europe, or America, you should have a really stable game, have no problem, and can compete in the hunts. As we grow, we'll obviously spread. There's a big african community already building around Planet X. Obviously, we want to get to Africa, a lot of Brazil as well, South America, and places like that.

Future Expansion Plans

So we will eventually get there. But right now, it's pretty focused on where we're rolling out. If you are outside those regions, please don't be disappointed. You know, we can't just launch globally day one. So the next kind of steps for us is we're going to be giving away, and I can kind of reveal this in the space, about over $50,000 of prizes over the next eight, nine weeks. And this will be inside hunt.

Prizes and Hunts Overview

So I know my founders table group is super pumped for this, so there are going to be countless and countless prizes. I'm not going to reveal how they're going to roll out. As I said, keep the notes on, and you're going to see all of these campaigns roll out, which you guys will be able to play in, which is super cool. The hunts will be every single day as well. So there won't be one or two every day.

Daily Challenges

They'll literally be countless. I'm talking ten or 15 a day, every single day. So you won't miss the opportunity to compete in the huntsde, which is super cool. The other thing I need to explain about the servers, because it's very unique with this game, and obviously, my founders table fully understand it. Now, some of them actually might not. This is actually a good point touch on it.

Server Mechanics Explained

So when you play in, I'm just going to explain this to everyone when you play in an american hunt. So let's say you're playing in a us hunt at 06:00 p.m. what happens when you join the Huntley is it will put you in a server which is below 80 ping for you. So we actually put it at 80 ping or below. If you cannot reach that server limit, it spins up a new server for you, and people that can get into your server will join you.

Server Optimization Strategy

So sorry, guys. One sec, I have to shut the window. It's beeping. Could you hear that? Alessandra didn't hear that. Now I'm cut out. Okay, cool. So, as I said, the hunts fill you up in servers where the ping is actually good for you. However, you're playing in a giant hunt in your region. So there's people in all different lobbies looking for the same treasure chest in the same hunt.

Gameplay Dynamics

So it's quite easy to understand when you get playing, but you have certain people in your lobby and other people in other lobbies, so it's super different to a game like Call of Duty, where there's only 100 of you in one lobby. So just making that clear to everybody. Someone sad requesting in the crowd. Alessandro, just on the servers, is there anything I should touch on with regards to them, or do you think that's fine?

Final Thoughts on Server Features

I think server wise, it's fine because that's, like, the most up to date feature we have for the current testing. So it's good on that. Yeah, perfect. So when it comes to optimizations of phone, this is the other thing. So if you're on Apple and that is more the western world, so, you know, us and Europe, we are optimized for an iPhone x upwards.

Technical Specifications for Game Access

So it's actually very optimized. An iPhone X is from 2018. You know, it's coming to the end of 2024. So you can handle a nearly six year old phone on iPhone, so you have absolutely no problem on Android. It's very different. So right now, if you're, like, a medium level phone and me putting that into kind of dollars, you know, if you've got a phone that's about $150 upwards, irrespective of the year, it can run the game.

Device Compatibility

We've had to spend a bit longer on optimizing it. If you have a really weak phone, and I mean, like 70, 80, $90, the game will not run on it right now. That will be. It will run on that, but it's going to be by the time we're at public launch. So, unfortunately, if you've got a really weak phone, you're not going to be able to handle the hunts. And that's just due to the style of game.

Game Ramifications on Device Performance

It is. It's a very heavy game in the sense of it's a live competition. So the phone's receiving so many messages when people are extracting prizes, it lets everybody know. When people win, it lets everybody know it's a live event and a live hunt.

The Complexity of Game Development

So if you guys don't understand game development, there's actually more network messages going through our game than there is on something like Call of Duty Mobile. So it's actually a very heavy game behind the scenes because every single lobby and server is cross communicating to each other in real time. So I don't ever get too technical in spaces, but it is a very heavy product behind the gameplay. So unfortunately, you know, we can't just launch the game and it work on $80 phones, $90 phones. It's just not, it's just not how it is, unfortunately. So. But you know, we've run things like s 20s runs really well. We've had to tweak them a little bit because we put the graphics too high. There's loads of different phones it runs well on, so please do not be disappointed.

Bug Reporting and Community Involvement

And if you go into these, this open beta with us and your phone doesn't play, we're going to have a live bug sheet. And the more information that you can give us as a team, the quicker my dev team can get this done for you. I've got absolutely obsession to detail and everyone in the founders table will tell you guys that. So I do not miss a message when people are obviously saying something. I see everything. So if you want me to get it onto your phone as quick as possible, please just report it on the bug sheet and our devs look at it. We really do. So. And I mean that, you know, and as I said, the founders table can share that with you guys. So, yeah, I just wanted touch on the phones.

The Hunt to Airdrop Campaign

We will be launching our hunt to Airdrop campaign for Galax. There will be some rules around it. We really want to. There's going to be three tiers. So if you own an x droid, your multipliers will be higher because you bought into our community. So obviously we want to reward you for caring and owning assets. If you have a seeker egg, you've also got a higher multiple, not as high as x droids. And if you don't own an asset, you can still farm points and earn Galax, but you just don't earn as much as the individuals who have obviously joined the community. So you can still get something for free, obviously. Also on top of that, you have to remember that we're putting in tens of thousands of dollars of prizes on top of the hunt to airdrop campaign. So every single person at its core can test the concept, play the concept, talk about the concept, share the concept, and really understand the game loop.

Playing and Earning in the Game Loop

So I'm really excited to see everybody, you know, give their reviews, thoughts on the. On the game. Alessandro, this guy below Musk has spammed for the last six minutes. Can you type below Alessandro? What does this. What does he want? Can you just check? I'm trying to talk, but I'm just seeing him spam a hundred times, actually. Whilst we wait for that Merpo Greensox, is there anything you want to ask about the Hunter airdrop campaign, which could be useful to everybody in the crowd? Yeah, sure. I'll ask. So are we going to be hunting for actual galax coin, or is this for the staking points? Are we actually playing for shards? What are we actually playing for? Great question.

Understanding the Incentives in the Game

So for everybody in this space, you can learn about this right now. If you go to our website,, and connect your wallet and go to the farming section, you'll be able to read about the hunt to airdrop campaign, how that works. In every treasure chest, there will be points. So you run around. As well as finding real prizes, you find points. Those points, if you win them and extract them, they will go to your mothership and you'll be able to stack up the points, which equal shards, which equals a Galax airdrop. So super easy. You can kill each other and steal each other's points, which is super cool. See, obviously, while people are trying to extract their points of galaxy can kill them and then extract the points.

The Campaign Duration and Excitement

So it's exactly like the normal game loop. Nothing's different. You'll just be extracting points. So. And we're going to run the campaign for quite a while. So. Hunts every day, farming every day, which will be really interesting. Great question. Great question. Alessandra, is there anything. I'm sorry. Go on. Go on. Sorry. Go on. Oh, sorry. So we're actually playing for the staking points, not the shards. Yeah, you're playing for the points, and then they will obviously equal the shards. And in different treasure chests, there's different levels of points. You could find a chest with, you know, 300 points in, which nearly equals a shard.

Clarifying the Points and Shards Mechanism

So each treasure chest will have a different amount of points in it as well. Gotcha. For those of you guys who are new to the project, it's 350 points equals one shard, just so you know. Yeah, yeah, for sure. That allows us to run loads and loads of hunts, and everybody get, you know, have a lot of fun, a lot of opportunity to try and earn shards. So that is how we are doing it. Alessandra, any questions around the farming galax, like, po had? No, I just wanted to add, like, as you said, like, even though you don't own an x droid or a cicad for the multiplier, you will still be able to farm, like, all the regular points for the staking, I mean, for the hunter airdrop. And you're also, like, potentially win prizes, like, real world.

Excitement for Participation in the Campaign

Real world prizes. So, like, it's not that you're not going to win anything if you don't own an asset, but you're actually going to have the opportunity to win a lot of prizes, because it's going to be constant, daily, like, hunts multiple times a day. So there's a lot of opportunity for a lot of people. And, yeah, I just. I'm excited to see everybody just joining the hunt and winning prizes. That's what it's all about. Green talks. Yes. Hello, everybody. It's always nice to be up on a planet X space. Hope you're good. James. Hey, brother. Yeah, no leading on to what Alessandro said. I guess then my question slash inquiry would be that for those that are outside of the game loop and also outside of owning an asset, will there be?

Engaging Community Beyond Game Transactions

And if I'm not mistaken, I think there is a way for them to also earn galax through, let's say, social engagement. So were going to do. We originally had social engagement to actually farm galax, but we realized very quickly it becomes very spammy, and we can't actually control what people type on the timeline. So people were just doing, like, tagging galax coin, and it's low level content, which I don't want for people farming. And there's the option of doing it, like, what was that token on blast that everybody wouldn't stop ball posting? That yellow one. What was it called? What was it called? The yellow one. Yeah, it was blast. Okay, it was blast.

Concerns About Social Engagement Rewards

My bad. Was it blast? No. What was it? What was Pac Man's thing? Was it. What was it called? It was blast. Okay, cool. So they obviously did it differently where they would see your content, and if it was engaging, give you, obviously, points to get airdrop. But because we're doing so much with the hunts, we don't have the time and manpower to actually monitor that. So we wanted to get people into the actual game and game loop because there's the second thing that I don't want to just give people that engage with the brand and not play the game free tokens because that isn't the point. We want actual gamers who believe in what we're doing, playing what we're doing, love what we're doing and experiencing it.

Vision for a Sustainable Game Economy

I don't want to go down the route of let's farm, give tokens to a load of people who don't care about it and then they just dump it. That's not good for any economy. And I don't want that. I want people that actually love the concept want to grow this globally with us, want to hold the tokens because they believe the game's going to scale around the world and actually be a part of it. I don't want 10,000 people dumping a token. That's not what we want. And this is what has failed. So many other things have failed on this front. So we want to really drive our narrative. And Merpo Green talks.

Commitment to Community Growth

Alessandro, you know how I am because you've been around for years now and what I've said, I've always gone and done, and I actually want to grow community and economy that people want to be a part of. So how we roll these things out, I don't care about loads of farmers, I'll be honest. If you sit there and go, I want to just take from Planet X and just get whatever I want, there's going to be rules and barriers. So that's why day one I want to reward extroid holders more. That's why Seeker holders I want to reward because you've actually gone and shown that you want to put into the game when we're giving away so much money in prizes, obviously there's people that are very expensive, so I don't expect someone to being able to buy them.

Inclusivity in the Prize Distribution

I fully sympathize with that. But that's why the fact that we're going to be giving away 50 $60,000 worth of prizes, as well as the opportunity to farm the token for free, makes up for the fact that you can't farm those extra multipliers. So it really fits for everybody. People that can't afford to buy into the economy right now and also rewards the biggest fans. You guys are super fans if you own loads of X droids and you really want to help grow the game. So I want to keep it as fair as possible as we kind of roll this activation out. Very well thought out answer. Makes complete sense.

Barriers to Entry and Accessibility

And I think that's the beauty of it, is that outside of having an archaic old phone, there's no real barrier to entry. It's free to play, it's free to download. Fantastic. Yeah, yeah, 100%. And it's like, if you stick with us, and I mean this, and, you know, as I said, people have seen what I've done. Like, someone's winning a car on Christmas day, you know, I tweezed, I had, I teased the car before, but we now know that we're going to give that way on Christmas day. So hunts around December are going to be insane, you know, and I'm not going to drop all of it because I prefer just to show you guys and you see what's going to come.

Vision of Generosity and Community Reward

But I. The amount of prizes, and as I said, I stated this before, $1 million year one is being given away on Planet X. Irrespective of how much our indie studio makes from, obviously, people buying stuff, etcetera, we are going to be giving that away. So the opportunity for anyone in the world is actually insane. That was always the vision. You know, that's what I said years and years ago when you guys first pulled up to the space. So, yeah, that's it. We will drop a thread on it. We will drop a thread on Galax, how the farming works.

Communication and Updates about the Game

So follow the Galax page. I'd probably pin that up top. I don't know how to do that, Alessandra. If we can pin, like, the Galaxy page up top, and everybody give it a follow, turn the notice on, because the info will come through there. As I said, go to the mothership on the website and link it, because it is going to drop very, a lot sooner than you guys think. So obviously, see the information you need to see, check it out. And then also, once we've run some campaigns, news on the Galaxy pre sale, because I know a lot of people have been asking me about that as well.

Guidance for Future Investments

News about the Galaxy pre sale will be coming out. And I do say this, and I always stand by this, only buy into something if you truly believe in it and love it. I always say that as a founder, you know, play the game, join our spaces, learn about the, learn about R and D studio, learn about what we're doing. And then obviously, if you believe it and want to be a part of this, then obviously make that decision to want to come into our economy. I will never force anything down anyone's throat. You know, it's play the game, because I know you'll love it and the rest is history.

Community Engagement and Future Growth

So, yeah. Anything you want touch on that, Alessandro? With regards to that. I think like, as you said, like people are gonna absolutely go crazy. Like regardless of how anything, any funding, anything happens, like $1 million is gonna be given away in the first year. I think that's an insane like, amount for prizes and it's. It's what's needed for this game, game model. So like, I think, like it's gonna get really interesting and we have a lot of things planned for the rest of q four.

Hopes for the Game's Future

So yeah, I think everything's gonna. Gonna like come together finally and like people are gonna recognize this game as like one of the go to games, I think for like the web three gaming bull market and the web three gaming space in general, like for the years to come because it's absolutely insane what's being built. And like, I think galaxy on top of that will give us a lot of exposure, especially like when we start like climbing the ranks of the coin lists, etcetera. Like everything is going to come all together and make sense really soon.

Anticipation and Community Feedback

I think like a lot of the people that tested the game are aware of this and yeah, I'm just excited for the whole like wider community to play and test. So I just had a question and I always answer questions below. So Brown Bearer know have followed for a long time. They just asked about the million dollars. So we're funded. The majority was self funded by my business partner.

Funding and Budget Allocation

So we've actually raised about 8 million now and a million of that has been budgeted towards prizes. Year one games like this, as you guys can imagine they drive a lot of revenue because obviously if you've got enjoyment in the game and you love the game, people generally buy like one or two things a month. You know, it's just how it goes on free to play games.

Funding and Partnerships

So obviously the company will naturally earn money through microtransactions, brand advertising. You know, the brand gave us that free car for Christmas. We're already talking to brands so a lot of the prizes will eventually not be funded by us and those conversations are already taking part. So we just dedicated obviously a big pot of money to get to scale, build an amazing community and go from there. So we're actually getting prizes quicker than I could ever imagine. You know, I always say this in my meetings and joke around that, like, I haven't actually gone out and wanted to pitch to brands because I'm concentrating on building the best game possible for all of you. But because my games got around a few circles, brands have already started to approach us. So you'll see things in Q four. With brands, Q four, Q one, you'll see a lot of brand stuff. And obviously, we don't pay for those prizes and things like that. They actually end up paying us to advertise to your player base, so we can go through that in another space. But that's obviously how brands, how games make a lot of money if they've got something you can advertise to the player base.

Community Engagement and Game Dynamics

So, yes, we're going to come out and that million is 100% dedicated to you guys. So I'm super excited to see who becomes the best hunters in every region. That's going to be super interesting. I know people will be grinding the leaderboards. We've got a really cool feature where it's not kd. I said this in another space. When you play a shooter, it's always like, what's your KD? It's not with us, it's what's your Hw hunt to win ratio? Because the game is about hunting and winning rather than killing, which is a really cool concept because you could be like a really, you know, stealthy hunter and win a lot of prizes and not getting into a lot of engagement. So it's a really unique thing when it comes to something like this. And as I said, I'd say thank you to everybody. You've probably seen all of the videos and stuff I've leaked and, you know, that level of quality has now taken, what, four years? I think it's maybe four and a half years. Like, some of you actually been riding this out for nearly two and a half. Two and a half, three years in this community, which is kind of crazy.

Gameplay and Features

And I started building this before I even came on the timeline. So, yeah, I'm super excited to get that out to you guys. I'm just going to let a couple of people on stage, Alessandro, and we'll probably talk about the game. I know I've got another space later with our man clocked, actually, in the crowd. So shout out to you, bro, because I'm going to be rocking up to a space to talk to you. My mandarin. But, yeah. Hi, Joe. Welcome on stage. I don't think I've ever seen you before. If I have, I apologize. I'm normally very good with names and PFP, so, yeah, welcome. What's up? Have you got any questions? No, no. I saw there is a PFP competition and I joined. That'S been. The winners have already been announced at the beginning. Oh, that's okay. I follow Planet X for a while, maybe even a year or more. Lovely to meet you. You didn't follow the rules, though. You had to wear the black PFP to be entered into it. So I like the enthusiasm to try and win, but the rules were where.

Game Loop Overview

The PFP I thought it was who got the best BFP, that kind of thing. No, not at all. But if it was that, I would have picked a droid. If it was that, if they were the rules, I would have picked a droid. No. It was lovely to meet you anyway. You can stay on stage if you want. Problem at all. We're about to have a chat, but, yeah, unfortunately, yeah, you didn't win. Yeah. So, game. I didn't even know the challenge. Perfect. No worries at all. No worries at all. Levon. Welcome, bro. Nice to see you on stage. How are you? Hey, James. Hey, everyone. I'm doing good. Good, good. Lovely to see you on stage. Lovely to see you on stage. We're going to be playing hunts we're going to be playing hunts later, so I've just been given a new build about ten minutes ago, so I'm absolutely pumped to get it out to you guys. I'm going to run about 20 hunts tonight. More prizes for grabs.

Upcoming Features and Enhancements

Yeah, yeah, 100%. So, Alessandra, I think that obviously, because there's a nice sized crowd in here, is there anything that we should touch on with the gameplay before we close up? Is there anything that you think would be valuable to share? We obviously gone over the pre sale Galaxy farming. Yeah. Is there anything you think we should touch on? Yeah, first of all, like in the pin. In the pin post, everybody make sure to sign up to the Galaxy sales waitlist. Super important, because we're going to be announcing a lot of things with campaigns, partnerships, and all these, like, announcements leading up to the pre sale. So make sure to follow Galax and sign up for your Galaxy waitlist. And in terms of gameplay, I think we could touch on the latest updates for the new build, like what has been added and a couple future features that you're working on.

Unique Game Concept

I think what would be great to share to everyone if you haven't played the game, because I see a lot of people commenting like they're desperate to get in. I'm actually going to explain this very simple game loop to Planet X. Why is super unique when it comes to a shooter, for several reasons and how you can actually win. Then I'll explain some of the features we've rolled out, I'm sure you guys know now it's basically a treasure hunt extraction shooter. So you are tuning into a game and competing for physical prizes which turn up at your house. So there has not been a shooter concept before, ever. You know, the history of gaming where you tune into a shooter and you're extracting physical prizes which will then turn up at your house. You know, imagine you were 17 years old, you're at school, and suddenly you could play, you know, for the latest iPad, PlayStation, trainers, holidays, concert tickets, you know, sitting on your bed.

Game Structure and Gameplay Dynamics

Insanely cool. So that's kind of the core concept. It is very easy to pick up and play, and everybody could say that in the community. I've kept it really simple. So every day, and this is the other unique thing, you join something called hunts. These are event based. So this is another thing that hasn't been done in a shooter. So unlike COD, Fortnite and all these other games, you can play 24 hours a day. You grab a hump pass to a specific event on Planet X and turn up at a specific time. So let's pretend it's 08:00 p.m. tonight. And there's $3,000 worth of Nike vouchers up for grabs at 06:00 p.m. every single one of us in this space will join the Huntley. So there'll be a countdown, and bang. You are on Planet X. On Planet X, it will tell you how many treasure chests there are to find. Could be ten, could be 50, could be 100, could be one.

Competitive Element and Prize Extraction

Every day it's different. And what you're doing is competing against everybody to find this treasure chest and extract it to officially win the prize. What's very funny about the game loop is like you're running around scanning for treasure. If you find it, obviously, then you're like, what the fuck? I found the prize. Heart starts beating. Then you've got to get it to extraction, but then other people can kill you and steal that prize. Super brutal. If you die, you're out. So, you know, you could be hyped for a hunt. You die within 60 seconds, you're out. No more. See you later. Come back another day. So the actual event based, very competitive for real world prizes is a very unique game loop. But all you have to do is get that to extraction, and then it appears in your winnings in your app that is yours, and you can order it for free, and it turns up at your house.

Simple and Engaging Game Loop

As simple as that. So you could turn up win a PlayStation and then it turns up at your house within a few days. So the game loop is very simple to understand. You know, unlike, you know, I'm a massive Call of Duty player, I'm not a pro player, but, you know, I play it all the time. Unlike those other shooters where you are trying to grind every single gun and, you know, you're playing over and over again for your KD and you're playing with your friends. This isn't, this isn't the game, like, meaning this game, you have one purpose, you're dropping in and you're getting excited every day because of what the content is, of what you can win as a prize. So very cool. It's bite sized. So the hunts last about 15 minutes.

Future Enhancements and Tournaments

We're going to try some other times as the founders group. Ten minutes, 20 minutes, 25, but 15. It seems like the right amount of time, which everybody likes, so that's what it is in the future. And when I say future, I mean only a month's time. We're going to be launching massive tournaments and this is probably the most exciting structure as a founder that I think we've come across where we will host, say, a week tournament. There'll be a mega prize on day seven. Let's just say, you know, a Rolex or something, you know, something, say ten grand, everybody can join the tournament and you have to find something in the hunts called orbs. And let's say round one is three days. The top 75% would then go through to round two, the top 50% would then go round to round three. So it's a seven day tournament where somebody ends up with a crazy prize. So tournaments is also going to be a massive thing about Planet X and I cannot explain how exciting that is for brands.

Brand Engagement Opportunities

And this is what we're talking to brands about. You imagine playing in a, you know, a Kit Kat tournament for a week. You know, first round, everyone wins a free kit. Katiefe. Second round, you win whatever. Third round, you win a year, supply kick out, whatever it is, you know, brands can activate and have fun with the community for seven days. Imagine a Nike one. You know, first round, you're just winning discounts to round two, you're winning trainers. Round three, you're winning a vip to meet a sports star from Nike. So you can imagine how exciting that is for brands, kind of tiering those rewards during a tournament mode. So that's something I can reveal. That's how we're actually giving away the car. So it isn't one hunt. It is going to be a tournament where you enter for seven days and the last day someone wins the car, which will be on Christmas day.

Long-Term Vision

So those type of that game mode is going to be kind of a core thing about Planet X, which I can reveal as well. Obviously for us, you look at games similar. So this is something I also want to reference. There's, and I know all of you will be familiar with this. There is free fire mobile, Call of Duty Mobile, PUBG Mobile, which obviously mobile shooters. These games are all very similar, very successful. We play all of them. Our dev team obviously plays them and they've all kind of got the same feel. Planet X, when you play the game, we have more maps, so there's different environments. Founders table. You're actually going to play a couple more of these tonight. So we've got five maps to start. We've got a forest, we've got a beach, we've got a desert, we've got a swamp and we've got the dunes.

Map Variety and Gameplay Experience

So there's five maps for all of you to play. Hunts will be rotated so every time, the maps will be different and different hunts to keep it super fresh. Lobbies will between 51 hundred people, depending on the map. So some of the smaller maps will be 50, some of the bigger maps will be 100 people, just depending on how the map feels when you are hunting, because you don't want it overcrowded and you don't want it at a point where you're not seeing many people. So depending on the map size will depend on. Depend on how many people. Last thing I'll touch on is, you know, my vision and I know a lot of you know this who are in my community. The goal is to become the world's biggest prize competition game. You know, where millions of people are competing, so people are winning houses, cars, life changing money, like Mister Beast style.

Potential Impact and Open Beta Transition

Someone's playing on a hunt and walking away with 500k. Like, I mean, if you get to a player based scale of even 50% of PUBG mobile, you can literally change people's lives every single week. So the actual scope for how big this can grow is crazy. And I'm super excited for you guys to kind of play that and experience that for yourself. Last thing I'll touch on, we are enclosed beta. Coming into open beta. Generally now, the game hasn't got many bugs.

Game Optimization and Community Feedback

There's the odd bugs, but there isn't as a core game, it's very smooth. There'll always be the odd bug in open beta, there always is. But I fundamentally, and I can say this with my hand on heart, our game is 100% more optimized than Warzone mobile was when it dropped. And it wasn't optimized on anything. It didn't work for most phones below a 14 iPhone. So we're already running it back to an iPhone X and we've got weaker Androids playing. So I think as a community in open beta, we will really iron out every bug, it will be fully optimized and we will launch when the time is right. So for the world, that is. I think that's everything, Alessandro. I think unless people on stage, obviously, my community, Greensop, Merpo, Levon, if you want to say anything, obviously feel free. If you don't, Alessandra.

Closing Remarks and Future Plans

I think it's a good time to close up because I want to run these hunts tonight for you guys. Also, I've got another space with clocks who I think is dipped out now in about 45 minutes. I want to set up the hunts before I have that call. So was there anything you guys wanted touch on? Feel free. To feel free, I think, for myself. Yeah, man, I just want to say congrats, bro. I'm super excited. I'm pumped for the future. Planet X 2025 is going to be ridiculous for everyone who's new, just be patient. I mean, it's not going to be a whole lot longer and we are going to be hunting for some crazy stuff and it's going to blow up. So if you guys win anything, hold on, man. Hold on for dear life. It's going to be a ride, so let's fucking go.

Challenges in Development

It's going to be mad. We both, everybody distribute. We just know it's going to be mad. We just know what people are going to think when they play the game. Yeah, I'm pumped. Nice to see you, crypto Joe. How are you, bro? I'm good, brother. How are you today? I'm good. My life at the moment is hectic, honestly, it's so hectic. I'll share this journey with you guys more. The community. I'm going to start putting out a lot more videos and being a lot more transparent with my day to day. But honestly, it is painful. It is painful to build what I've built. Like I always say this, most people couldn't do it because they would give up. And I mean give up in the sense that, you know, it's four years and it's seven days a week and that's seven days a week of project managing.

Vision and Execution in Game Development

So it's like, you can have amazing devs, you're gonna have amazing devs. But if you do not have a creative visionary who's obsessive, it doesn't matter how good your devs are. Cause it's like devs can build stuff. It's like. I always say this, if you go and build a house and you get an architect. Yeah, it's like, you know, you can get a builder. Sorry, you can get a builder to build anything, but you need the architect. You need the elite architect, don't you? To actually say this is what it needs to look like. This is how the flow of the house needs to go. This is, you know, they are the ones that bring the special touch to what that ends up being.

Gratitude for Community Support

But builders can build anything, you know? And this is the thing that. It's been painful, you know, and I mean that I love the game with all my heart, as you guys know. But the actual road to here has been painful because building an optimized mobile live competition is probably the craziest concept I could ever have attempted on a technical front when it comes to Dev work. So it's tiring as hell, but also very exciting. So I've had a, you know, it's only Tuesday and I'm knackered. But we go on. We go on, bro. I know that, man, and we all see it. I just want you to know that, you know, we hope that the team knows that like everybody who has been along this journey with you and some more than others.

Recognition of Hard Work

But if there's one thing for sure, is that we all recognize the hard work that you put in. You know, I don't think that I've seen you take a day to yourself, not even on your birthday. Like you were talking to us, you were letting us know what's going on, what's happening, you know, on your birthday of all days, you know, that should be special to you. You were here grinding for us. And, you know, I know I'm not the only one when I say this, but we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for creating a game that is not just a game, but a game that is literally touching everybody's hearts and their souls and their. Exactly what they've always wanted. Wanted in a game.

Game Vision and the Future

You're bringing that to fruition. You know what I mean? It's not just some regular game with monsters running around or, you know, your next shooter. You know, this is game changing. This is industry changing right here. And we appreciate it, man. And I'm so excited. And for everybody else that's listening in on this, like, you guys made it. Everybody that's in this space right now, you guys have found the next biggest game that this world has ever seen. You know, this is not just your next web three that everybody's like, oh, this is gonna pump and go crazy. No, like, this is different.

Innovating Gaming Experience

Like, the way that the wallet works, the way that they're gonna onboard web two normies into this game will be like Madden. It'll be like it was never even there. It's gonna be exactly how the blockchain was designed to work for the gaming industry. Like, it's just revolutionary. So I just want to pop in real quick, brother. I'm working too, man. I'm on day 43 in a row of working straight 1215 hours day. So I feel you. I could not imagine doing it for four years. But the good thing is you're loving what you do. I don't love what I do, but, you know, the grind is real.

Acknowledgment from the Team

But, man, I just want to say I appreciate you and I'm so excited and everybody else to be thrilled to be here now. Thank you so much. Like, it means, you know, it means so much when I hear that and I see people get excited and dm me, honestly, when it's tiring, it's so worth it. Because you know what? You guys dream of this game to be. I dream of it. I said this before. I'm building something that I would fall in love with. I think that's why it's going to end up and it is. It's going to be so special to everybody because I'm building it out of a place where what would I love, you know, what would I love to wake up and get excited about as a gamer?

Creating an Engaging Game Experience

You know, what would be inspirational? Where I could go into my phone and somebody's going to win a million dollars in a live treasure chest, you know, like, that is something so exciting for the average person to wake up and be like, oh, there's this hunt tonight and there's 50 grand. Like, that is like, that's like, ready player one. Like, it's like the film, you know, that film was where every gamer was competing to win the Oasis and would make someone a billionaire. You know, Oasis was actually, you know, everyone was like, oh, it could be me. It could be me. And that is the feeling that I want to give to everyone in this community.

The Core Concept of Planet X

It could be me, you know, and I think that's what's so special about Planet X. It's, it isn't just a game. Like, someone around the world is going to win something one day. Like even the car on Christmas Day, that's game would be out a month. And suddenly some kid wins or whoever, even a, you know, 50, 60, whoever, it doesn't matter how old they are, wins a car from playing a game in their hands. So, you know, that's why I'm in so in love with the concept, because it's something that I would want, and that's why I'm so hard on myself about what is good enough, you know, like, what is good enough to launch and what is good enough that everyone's going to instantly fall in love.

Community Feedback is Valuable

So you guys actually giving me feedback is so good for me. It's so good. You guys probably don't realize, but it's like, what you guys say I relate to so much. Like, someone to say something like, oh, there's too many campers around the extraction rocket. And I'm like, yeah, they're right. You know, I'm a gamer 100%. Like, what do we need to do? Like, what do we need to change? So I actually feel like we're building this together now, which I think is so cool. And, you know, everyone in the founders table that is, you know, giving a little a month to be a part of that. Like, you guys are really making an impact on the game, like, truly.

Looking Ahead in the Journey

So it's going to be crazy when the game blows up and we're in the same group talking about it. It's going to be, it's going to be pretty special moment where some random kid wins 100k, you know, in the middle of nowhere. So, yeah. Awesome. Awesome. I appreciate that, bro. I hope work is good. You know, I'm glad you're busy, even though you don't like it, you know, it's good. So I'm glad. I'm glad things are all right. Okay, cool. If there's no all good brother, right? So if there's nothing else, I'm gonna close up just because a very busy evening.

Upcoming Excitement and Engagement

But please turn notice on because, I mean, this now the game is so close to drop in and it's just gonna hit you guys like a ton of bricks. 1 minute you're gonna see me tweet in, next minute you're all gonna be playing. So, you know, keep my notes on, stay tuned, and a lot more is gonna be rolling out and we'll go from there. Merpo up before, obviously, before I go, I'll let you, What's up, bro? Yeah, man. One last thing, guys. if you. I'm the kind of person likes to research everything. So if you guys haven't already go into the discord, go to official links and go to the droid utilities and you will if you read through that and then you scroll down and go to the keys and the factions as well on the website, you'll see why most of us are super pumped for this project.

Understanding NFTs and Their Utility

It is fucking super exciting. So read through that and then let us know what you guys think. Yeah, so it's a great point. It's. Yeah, it's probably a good point to end on that. You know, people have always said where's the utility in nfTs? And you know, I read a tweet from a, you know, from an influencer, as they say the other day, being like, you know, NFTs and meme coins are no different. And it really pisses me off as a founder, really pisses me off that it's like because these NFTs have come before you and been so bad and they have, you know, no creativity around them, no value proposition which is related to an actual product, you know, nothing that's tangible to you guys buying it has been kind of the way of web three for many years, since the bull run, you know.

Exciting Future with X-Droids

So one thing, I never push x droids down people's necks because as Merpo said, go and read about them. Go and read about what owning an extroid is actually going to do for you. Because when you start seeing that rollout and you see those exclusive hunts for extroid holders and what they're going to get, you know, you're going to realize that NFTs can be, you know, have lots of utility. I'm not allowed to obviously sit here and say, you know, they're going to fly in price because, you know, do your own research. I'm not allowed to say that anything to do with financial, but, you know, just go and look at CS.

Valuable Insights on Game's Economy

Go and look at what just visual skins are trading for. Because people love the game. Yeah, people have to love the game first before they end up trading assets and the economy becomes valuable. But X droids give you superior access and will be like the vip's in the Planet X ecosystem. And there will be limited people because they'll only ever be like 3000 holders that own several each, probably even less, probably two and a half thousand that own the whole collection. And they will be renting those out and be using them in crazy hunts.

Community Engagement and Resources

So go and check out the website. You know, anyone in our community answers questions as well as me now. You know, it's not just me. Everyone on this stage has got amazing content they can share with you on board. You talk about the community. You know, our community really is a little army now, so feel free to follow any of these guys. You know, they're super friendly. Jump in the discord, tag any of us. You know, we're around 24/7 you know, so great point, Merpo, really good point to end on. Thanks for bringing that up, brother. And, yeah, guys, I'm going to finish up.

Appreciation for Support and Community Spirit

So it was lovely to see you all. Really big crowd. If you keep your PFP and you follow me and tag me, I might be dropping a few more surprises. So I appreciate all of you rocking it for so long. It really matters to me, community, and I generally mean that I give away a lot. So, yeah, give me a follow. Alessandro. Thanks, brother, for following up. Calling out the winners. Joe, lovely to meet you. Greentox crypto, Joe Murpho. Thanks for jumping up. Levon, let's hunt later and I'll see you guys in a bit.

Final Goodbyes and Looking Forward

All right, see you later, guys.

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