Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Pet Chat: Join our global wholesome discussion! hosted by bunsenbernerbmd. In 'Pet Chat', a global community gathers to engage in wholesome discussions intertwining science, heart, and hope. Thousands of scientists actively participate, creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere where diverse personalities unite over shared interests in pets and scientific endeavors. Follow 'Pet Chat' via @sciencepawdcast and @Zedscience to join the heartwarming conversations that bridge the gap between science and everyday life.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: What is the main theme of 'Pet Chat'?
A: 'Pet Chat' centers around global discussions blending science, heart, and hope.

Q: Who are some key accounts to follow related to 'Pet Chat'?
A: Engage with 'Pet Chat' content from @sciencepawdcast and @Zedscience.

Q: How do scientists contribute to the discourse in 'Pet Chat'?
A: Thousands of scientists actively participate in the global conversation within 'Pet Chat'.

Q: What type of engagement can one expect in 'Pet Chat'?
A: Join a diverse audience for discussions filled with warmth, hope, and mutual appreciation.

Q: What is the atmosphere like in 'Pet Chat'?
A: 'Pet Chat' embodies a welcoming environment for connecting through shared interests in science and pets.


Time: 00:15:02
Science and Shenanigans Merge Exploring the unique blend of science and fun in 'Pet Chat'.

Time: 00:25:45
Heartfelt Discussions 'Pet Chat' facilitates meaningful conversations filled with hope and compassion.

Time: 00:35:21
Global Scientist Engagement Witness the active participation of thousands of scientists in 'Pet Chat' threads.

Key Takeaways

  • Science and shenanigans converge in 'Pet Chat'.
  • The space fosters heartwarming and hopeful discussions.
  • Thousands of scientists actively engage in 'Pet Chat'.
  • Follow @sciencepawdcast and @Zedscience for more content.
  • Global audience participation in a wholesome discourse.
  • A space uniting diverse personalities through a shared love for pets and science.

Behind the Mic


Hello, everybody. Hello. Hello. It started at the top of the hour. Here were, the top dogs, the kings of the house. But there's a new feline stretching about she's got us feeling she can our tails between her legs ginger got us worried but we ain't about to bed we are the dogs faithful and true we won't back down we'll see this. Through.

Team Spirit and Preparation

Rise to the test we're the very best. Hey, everybody. All right. Live on Instagram and meta Facebook. Echo to Instagram. Chris, are you good or should I put you down just for a sec? I'm ready. You're ready? Okay, perfect. It's good to see everybody. We will let her get the upper part. Even if we get started in the gym, we'll show her sponsor. Rise. To the top and win bill spout.

Showtime Announcement

All right, Chris, are you ready to get started? I am. Okay. Somebody on Instagram was just asking where Bernoulli was at, so he's having a little. He's having a little snack. Yeah, he's having a little snack. All right. We're going to get our show on the road. Hello, pet enthusiasts. Welcome to pet chat. My name is Jason Zakowski. I'm the dog dad of Bunsen, Beaker and Bernoulli, the science dogs on social media.

Introduction of Co-Host

My co hostess with the mostest is. Hi, there. I'm Chris Sakowski, and I am the dog mom to Bunsen and Beaker and the cat mom to Ginger. You can see ginger, oops. In her, like, screwing up here in her catio, having her supper. Okay, folks on Instagram saying there's no sound. So I know. I don't know what happened there. I have. We'll see if. We'll see if there's sound.

Technical Difficulties Addressed

I've. Let's see now. There's a delay to Instagram, so let me know on Instagram if there is sound. I think I have it set up properly so we can hear you. Okay, perfect. All right, awesome. All good. I've sound. Perfect. Okay, perfect. Well, welcome to pet chat, everybody. We're back to. We're going to try a regular show where we have kahoot, where we play a game at the start.

About the Sponsorship

Before we start the game, I'd like to give a shout out to our sponsor. We have a sponsor of pet chat. One of the sponsors of pet chat is barkandbeyondsupply.com. barkandbeyondsupply.com is a small family owned company that got it started, got started making joint supplements for dogs because there was a need and we have their krill formation. Bunsen loves it. Actually, all the dogs love it.

Promo for Bark and Beyond

I think even the cat loves the krill formation. Check out barkandbeyondsupply.com and use the code bunsen in all caps. Bunsen to save yourself a little do. I'll have it on the chiron in a second. The whole website for folks who are just tuning in. All right, thanks, bark and beyond. And somebody today will win a dollar 20 gift certificate. Somebody from Instagram.

Kahoot Game Announcement

Actually, an Instagram watcher won the prize last week, so that's very cool. So are you playing kahoot, Chris, or are you just gonna watch? Well, we'll see. I really am worried about starting kahoot and then not being able to continue kahoot. Oh. In case the dogs need my support. But you have bernoulli down there. I do? Yeah.

Dog's Snack and Interaction

I froze a little treat for him, and he's just going town on it. So what. What treat did you give him? It's. I don't know. It's tough to show him. He's just in the corner there. Oh, I love that. Yeah. I'm in our storage room where I do the podcast. It's a spare bedroom. It is a spare bedroom, but it's become a storage room of sorts, where I am stored when I'm doing the podcast.

Transition to Kahoot Gameplay

Well, and then also. Oh, everybody, look. I have a burner phone. Yes, you have a burner phone. I need to put that back on the store. It's so old. Chris, that size of case is defunct. All right, so if you'd like to play kahoot, we'll give everybody a few more seconds to log in. Like I said on Instagram Story, you have to.

Setup for Kahoot Participation

It's easier if you have two devices. I know not everybody has two devices, but if you go to kahoot it, and then if you look at the little Chiron down there, the code is 306-2582 you don't have to play. I'm going to share my screen. And the cohoot is a little game. There's no prize. The prize is pride or fun.

Kahoot Game Expectations

Like, just. You just get to play. Okay, we're going to get started so we don't waste too much time here. So I'm going to share my screen. You can follow along. You can see there's a bunch of folks playing. Look at that. Okay, are you on there, Aslim? Shady. No, I'm on Aslim.

Discussing Game Participants

I see that. Because I must have hit okay sooner. I was just rushing. He was a bit rushing. Okay, so five questions all about Bunsen. And Beaker content. Bunsen. Beaker. Bernoulli content. I know. Bernoulli is the popular dog on Instagram and Facebook right now.

Game Questions Begin

All right, so this week, in text from Bunsen, what did Beaker say Bunsen was being held together with? Was it gum, silly putty, office supplies or duct tape? So, text from Bunsen had a really big reaction on. Especially on Twitter. We got lots of messages that was both funny and sweet and made a lot of people cry.

Reflections on Audience Reactions

And I'm sorry if I made you cry. That was never my intention. Yeah, it was. Office supplies. Why is it office supplies, Chris? Because he's held together with Staples. Yeah, he is held together with Staples. All right, next question.

Game Continuation

Ozzy miscreants is in first. It's a slider, Chris. Ooh, my fave. All right, what is the maximum amount of days Bernoulli has gone without mauling? So this is a brand new video from today. If you missed it, you might get it wrong. And you need to select and hit submit.

Instructions for Game Participation

Select and hit submit. That is true. Select and hit submit. This is true. My cahoot says, easy does it. Yeah. Okay, 1 second left. All right, very dramatic here. When we end and this question ends. Oh, that was not dramatic.

Results of the Game Question

It just went right to it. Okay, well, it's two. Yeah. Bernoulli's gone two days without mauling the cat, which is great. Go, Bernoulli. Yeah, he's becoming more gentle, a little less bitey. Like, a lot less bitey all of a sudden. Like, have you noticed it?

Updates on Bernoulli's Behavior

Yeah, yeah. Usually I would wake up and be like, hi, buddy, how are you? Let's get you out of your crate. And then he comes out and he's like, oh, hi, chomp on my shirt. He's kind of on your pants. Yeah, he's kind of on my shorts. And then he's like, this is funny. That hasn't been happening.

Further Conversations on Bernoulli

No, no. As much. He does like my pockets because they have treats, and so he chomps his on. How am I not in first? Aussie Miss Grant, I love you, but no. What did Jason write about Beaker this week? As a really heartfelt little story I wrote on Twitter, and I turned it into a video and a series of cards for Instagram and Facebook.

Discussion on Beaker's Story

She was a chaos agent. She was the goodest girl. She was the cuddlebug. She was the sponge. Sofa sponge. Yeah. She was the goodest girl. She's our goodest girl, Chris. She is the best girl. She is the goodest girl. We might talk a little bit about that. When we get to sharing.

Kahoot Game Countdown

Cool and collected every day. All today. Yeah. Oh, it's tight for first. Okay. Which three dogs did you. Which of the three dogs did Jason? Their typo there. Which of the three dogs did Jason say was the most friendly to all? So that's a relatively new post.

Contest Question on the Dogs

Long post on Twitter, and a series of cards on Instagram. Was it Bernoulli, ginger beaker or Bunsen? I said it was Bernoulli. He. I think he's the most friendly of. Of all the dogs. Like, all around. All around super stats friendly.

Final Questions and Team Reflections

Five out of five. Five out of five. Wisdom. One out of five. He's smart. He's a good boy. Last question. It's a tough one. You have to listen to our podcast. On the science podcast, we talked about which household appliant that could house dangerous bacteria.

Discussion of Podcast Content

So that's the show that Chris and I do once a week. It's on all podcast players. The oven, the fridge, the sink, the microwave. What was it? What is it? What was it? What is it? It is the microwave.

Audience Participation and Results

Yeah. There's some 99 people got it right. Yeah. There's some bacteria that survive those. The magnetic waves in there and the high temperatures. I was talking to Adam about that, and he said it's low emr.

Closing Remarks on Participants

Low EMR. But still microwaves. All right. Ozzie miscreant in 3rd, 2nd place, we have slim shady. Chris. Oh. So, cat. Congratulations, cat. You have defeated. You have defeated. Kristen got defeated.

Final Comments and Community Engagement

All right, so if you're new to pet chat. Hello. Hello. To our community all over the place. So we've got a whole shack of people listening to audio only on X or Twitter. We've got people watching live on Twitter and Facebook, and then we've got people watching and listening on Instagram.

Community Engagement Continues

So. Hello. Hello. Okay, Bernoulli's right there. Great. He's. I just making sure he isn't eating something he shouldn't. Well, he does like chewing books. He learns that way.

Books and Training

Well, you're going to learn not to put them where he can reach them. This is true. This is true because you were sent two books to read from potential guests that you're interviewing on the science podcast. Yes.

Updates on Book Damage

And one of them I had to rescue from him today. That's ironic. He's eating the book about dog training. Yeah. About dog intelligence. And I should have. Well, I didn't want to, because if you get it on video, then the person might feel disrespected.

Marketing and Humor

That's true. Taken care of. Yeah. It's good marketing, though. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah. Read this book. So this doesn't happen to your dog. Bernoulli's eating it pretty much. That was. That was today.

Transition to Community Stories

Okay, so we're going to move to. Chris and I are going to tell a couple updates of the week, and then we're going to move to community sharing. Chris, do you want to start with a story or an update? Do you want me to update about Bunsen?

Community Sharing Initiated

Sure, you can update about Bunsen. I'm sure people want to know. Okay, I'll see. I'll see if he's around. Is he around? Oh, yeah, he's.

Interactive Session and Bunsen Update

Well, yeah, he is around, of course. So this is interactive. So people on audio. Chris is like, moving the camera. Oh, there's Hedgesthem. Good boy, Bunsen. Good boy. And we're going to back up. I don't know if you can still hear me, though. Yeah, we can hear you. Yeah, we can hear you. So Bunsen's hair is growing in. Yep. And Jason has a really funny video that he made about that. I don't know when it's going to go on social media. Probably tomorrow, maybe never tomorrow. It's okay. Anyway, so here he is. Look at his eyes. Show them your eyes. I know. He's so. He is so alert and he is so, He's just. I don't know. He's not in pain, he's not in distress. Yeah. He's like his happy resting. So he has RBF resting Bunsen face, which is happy. He's so happy all the time. He's so happy all the time. Like, he is such a sweetheart. I love him. Yeah, he knows. He notices I moved the camera, so.

Bunsen's Shaved Belly and Health Update

Yeah, he's like, I don't want to be on camera. Don't show my belly. Don't show my shaved belly. He's showing it off, ladies and gentlemen. It goes from here all the way. It matches on the other side. Yeah. Yeah. So this is Bunsen. Super happy, super healthy. And what I'm wondering if his head is growing back. So if you're not familiar with our story. Oh, my God. I can't. If you're okay, do you don't want me to talk about. No, go ahead. Because I think you're right. Okay. So what happened was in June, like, right after we got Bernoulli, I took both dogs to. Well, Bernoulli. I wanted to get him microchipped. There he is. And I said, hey, Bunsen's due for his bordetella. Can I bring both dogs in? And they're like, yep, bring both in. They really wanted to see. They really wanted to see Bernoulli because he's, you know, the star of the show.

Bunsen's Health Journey

And then at that time, I said, she's like, oh, how's Benson doing with his earache and his ear infection? Sorry. just. I'm gonna hit mute for a second, Jay, and I'll be right back. Okay. We'll have to, as it's a live show, and Bunsen's probably barking at somebody who's come to the door. That's okay. I'll finish just a little bit of the update about him. Yesterday was his last day on crate rest, so he's done great. For two weeks, he's been on crate rest inside the house. If he's not on crate rest, he has to be on leash. He was only allowed outside for very short periods of time to use the washroom. He had to learn how to use a ramp because he wasn't allowed to use the stairs. So we've just been super impressed with him. He's really sucked it up. And this Thursday, he goes for his past. Like, if he's. If he's healing, okay, his staples come out.

Bunsen's Biopsy Results

And then we also will find out the biopsy results of the. The biopsy results of the massive growth that was inside him. So we're maybe a little, you know, we're maybe a little stressed out about that, but. But the thing is that he's recovered from, like, a near death thing. So that's. That's. That's awesome. Okay, over to you, Chris, if you want to finish talking about his head. I explained his health and checkup on Thursday, right? So we had noticed, like, right after. Right after we got Bernoulli Bunsen, his head seemed to be squished in on the right hand side. So it turns out he wasn't chewing on his right hand side at all. And he went for an MRI test and things like that. So pause, two, three. They remove this large growth. Maybe it was pushing on a nerve in there or something.

Muscle Growth and Nerve Issues

And I'm either. I'm hopeful, thinking, wishful thinking that his head is. His muscle is growing back in his head, or maybe it is. I think it is. I think it is. Yeah. His head is changing. You know, it's not as bony. So I was wrong. Maybe it's a coincidence. Could be. But I know you're going to ask doctor keys about that on Thursday. I'm gonna ask. Hello. Hi. Can we talk about muscle atrophy and his mysticulation muscles when he chews, do you think maybe I don't know. Yeah, because it came back inconclusive, right? Yeah. They didn't know why it happened. Yeah, like, the results came back inconclusive. He didn't have that lock jaw. No cancer on his, Oh, my goodness. It's the. Some kind of trigeminal nerve.

Community Sharing and Wasp Control

Yeah, the trigeminal nerve. Yeah. So we'll see. Yeah. So we're crossing our fingers that, of course, the biopsy comes back and it's not anything too serious. and if it is, I'm sure they'll have a treatment plan in the end. We've just. We have more time with the big guy. Right. And that's. You can't put a price on that, or you can't put anything on that. We're just so happy that his recovery is going well. So that's the update on Bunsen. So, for me, my story this week is going to be a twofer. I'm just going to give a quick recap of how awesome Beaker has been during this whole ordeal. When Bunsen first came home. I know I mentioned that there's beaker. She's a. Yeah, good girl. That Beaker stood guard over Bunsen. Definitely his first night when he was so out of it from drugs and in quite a lot of pain, she slept next to him.

Beaker's Support for Bunsen

She slept on the couch next to him. And then for the next week, when he was out of sorts, still, she would chase Bernoulli away if he was messing with the crate, which was kind of cute. And she always wanted to be inside Bunsen's crate. And then we had to make the crate a little smaller, and she would sleep beside it. And now that Chris and I are back at work, because it was prep week for teachers in Alberta, what was really cute is we have the Furbo on Bunsen and Bernoulli. Sorry. And Beaker would constantly go and check on Bunsen throughout the day. And Bunsen cried once, and Beaker scurried over to see him on the furbo, because we get alerted when there's movement, and we're like, oh, no. What's going on? So that was very sweet. So shout out to the golden wolf. She's the goodest girl.

Bernoulli's School Visit

And then I'll just tell a quick story about Bernoulli. I took Bernoulli to my school on Friday, and, man, was he a hit. And he was so good with the kids. Well, school hasn't started, and I wasn't actually teaching yesterday. There was hundreds of kids in the school getting their books and changing classes. And checking out their lockers. And new kids were taking. Being taken on a tour by the leadership kids. So Bernoulli got to hang out with and see a ton of different kids. And he was so friendly and gentle, and he does this thing where, like, he'll lean in backwards and then look up into the person's eyes and lock with them. And this one girl said, she's like, oh, man, that was a spiritual experience. After petting Bernoulli for a couple minutes, and an administrator, one of the vice principals, was walking through, and she saw Bernoulli, and he, like, laid back into her, and he went, ugh.

Joyful Encounters with Bernoulli

And she rubbed his belly, and he just looked into her eyes, and she's like, boy, I've been having a stressful day, and this is all better now. So our little brave Bernoulli, he is so good with the public, which is awesome. He's kind of as. He's as warm and friendly as Beaker, because Beaker is very outgoing with people. So that's my Bernoulli story. Over to you, Chris. I came home today, and Jason was wearing his survival suit, and the survival suit is for winter, and so it's supposed to keep him warm, like, in -40 -50 degrees Fahrenheit weather. And so he's wearing that, and he's wearing a toque, and it's probably, what, 27 degrees Celsius today? Almost 30. Not gonna lie. It was a little hot.

Wasp Encounter and Strategies

A little warm. And he's got gloves on, and he's holding a saw. What? I know. So I'm like, what is going on? So we've had a little bit of a. Okay. I'm not gonna lie. It's been a great spring because it wasn't super wet, so we didn't have the same amount of mosquitoes that we normally do. Awesome. Yeah, but when it's hot and dry, you know what comes? Wasps. And so we have this tree that the wasps are kind of in, but they don't look like they're going to a nest at all. And so now, today, Jason's been looking at this. He's like, I can't find your nozzle for the hose, so I can't spray it. So he's walking towards the tree, and then he's chopping down, cutting off branches in the hopes that he sees where the nest is.

Chopping Down Wasp Nest

But you didn't get swarmed. Like, there's. It's bizarre. I don't. There's no wasp nest in that tree. I chopped down all of the overhang I would have got attacked by a million wasps, as that's why I was wearing all that protection, because I'm kind of allergic to stings now. But anyways, nothing. I don't know where the wasp nest is. In a tree. What does this have to do with pet chat, though? Well, you just said sharing stories for. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, I didn't die, but I'm gonna. I'm not gonna lie, it's been annoying having the wasps there because typically, we would take Ginger out to her catio, and even though it's not close, I don't want Ginger to get stung in her catio.

Strategies to Control Wasp Problems

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So if there's any strategies to get rid of wasps, I've done two things. One is suggest that Jason use the hose. And then two, I made wasp traps. Oh, you got a bunch? Did I got a two-liter bottle. Yeah. And then you snip it, and then you turn the lid upside down, and then you put sugary water in the bottom, and then they go in, and then they can't get out. Oops. I just. I just use. I just use the one shot and murder them all with, chemical spray. Yeah. But we should. We should do a preface that, normally no animals are hurt during our show. Oh. Wasps are an exception because they're jerks. Wasps are an exception.

Wasp Encounter Conclusion

Yeah. All right, then. When. Oh, God. Ginger got that mouse that one time, there was, Okay, well, that mouse went into Ginger's catio, and it deserved its fate, so. Yeah, that's what. That's what happens. You got to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Yeah. Well, should we move to community sharing? We've got our stories out of the way, and now we're going to invite folks to share some stories. So, Chris, if you want to bring up a couple people on. On Twitter audio. I do. Okay, perfect. So if you'd like to speak on audio, we can bring you up. That's the cool thing about Twitter audio, is it's interactive that way. I'll go through Instagram and read some of the comments.

Instagram Comments and Sharing

If you want to type a comment for me to read or a story about your pet or some kind of question, we can definitely read that out. And there's a bunch of. There's a bunch of questions on Instagram and comments. So I'm going to start with just a few of those as you bring people up. M. Byers 117 said, years ago, when I had to pay for a damaged library book, the librarian said dog training books were the most frequently damaged. That's funny. That is funny. Probably because people are getting them to help train their dog, and then the dog is already a shenanigan mischief maker. Oh, that's why I should have shared. When Bernoulli went to doggy training, him and coda were mischief makers together.

Sharing Mischief Maker Stories

Yeah, they get into trouble. Get into trouble because they are like the smart kids in the class that are goofing off. That's. That's my dog. one more question from Instagram, and then we'll go to the first speaker you brought up. melodyish says, are Bernice prone to benign tumors? And I can't answer that question. They are prone to certain types of cancer, but I I'm not a vet, to tell you the rate. I think a lot of big dogs are prone to some types of cancers. Okay, Chris, go ahead. Who's our first speaker? So we'll go with Jen C, then Susan, and then holly, also known as Sasha the bernadoodle.

Community Speaker Interaction

So we'll say hi to Jen. Go ahead. Hi. Can I talk about the watch? Go for it. Oh, yes, please. Oh, yeah. So, they're really bad here in Saskatchewan, and, you know, we don't want to hurt any living creature, but, I. There's some wasp crops that work pretty good. and they're cheap. I don't want to say. I don't want to advertise Amazon, but they're there. and you can put beer in it because they love beer. Or you can just do a honey and sugar solution. and they. They die pretty quickly. and, you know, my. My 84 year old kidde watching this as a sport, right? Because I hate wasps. And just to be clear that we don't want them to suffer, even though they're wasps, my dad trapped one in a beer bottle, and, you know, I made him do something with it fast instead of him it lingering there for 48, you know, 24 to 48 hours.

Discussion About Wasps

You kind of, like, shove them away. That's interesting. I like that. So, that's my comment about wasps. And, I mean, no one wants to hurt anything but wasps. Or like you say, they're jerks. So thanks for letting me speak, but those paper wasp things work really well. And they'll direct them, the wasps, to another part of the yard. That's fine. They just can't be on our deck. So maybe I'll put one up in the tree. And they really work well. So that's a great. That's a great idea. Thank. Thank you. Okay, thanks. Good to hear from everyone here. Good. Perfect.

Bunsen's Training

A question from x video before we go to our next speaker. Did Bunsen go to puppy school? And. He did. Yeah, Bunsen went to puppy preschool, and he went through level one, two, and three. So he has the highest level training that our area of Alberta can allow beyond, like, taking him to service training or facility dog or anything like that. So that's why he's such a good boy, is we. We did invest quite a bit of time with the very excellent waggles. Char and crew did a great job helping us train Bunsen. Beaker went through most of that. It was a bit derailed because of COVID and we're hoping to put Bernoulli through everything just like Bunsen was through. Okay, who's our next speaker, Chris?

Sasha's Travel Experience

It's Bunsen. Well, we had Susan, so we're going to go to Sasha, and then there's another Susan that I'm going to bring up, so we'll go to holly. Hi, guys. It's good to be back listening to pet chat. I'm in the right time zone again. So the last couple weeks, were in Europe, actually, in the norwegian fjords, which, if you ever get a chance to see the fjords, just do it. It's one of the most incredible things I've ever seen in my life. But while were gone was when Bunsen had his crisis. And of course, you know, that week was just awful because it started. Baseball poodle passed away. Yeah. Then Beetle passed away. And then, of course, there was everything with Bunsen. And I found out about it, ironically, from my husband, who's no longer on Twitter, but he's on blue sky, and Darth found out about it, and Darrow posted.

Concern for Bunsen

And so I wake up, and my husband's like, oh, my God, you have to go check on Bunsen. I just, you know, saw that Darth mentioned what was happening, and so, you know, with the time zone difference and everything, I'm like, oh, God, I'm going to be asleep when Bunsen's in his surgery, and I'm so worried about him. And, you know, it's amazing how attached you get to dogs you've never met before. But. And I will tell you animal related stuff from the trip that I think you guys will really appreciate. So in Bergen, Norway, the city is actually surrounded by, like, seven mountains, and there's a tram that goes up to one of them from kind of the center of town. So I took the tram up there, and I get up there, and I'm walking around, and there's all these goats that are up there, and they're, like, incredibly tame.

Goats in Norway

Like, they're just coming up to you and demanding you pet theme. And it was just the coolest thing I had ever seen. I had never seen goats that were not on a farm that were just that tame and really liked people that much. And I got a cute picture of one who had just decided that standing up was just too much work and just plopped down in the middle of the path and was like, I'm here. It's all good. Come by and pet me. So I just thought that was the neatest thing, animal related thing I saw on that trip. And it was like, oh, my God, they're goats, and they're so cute. We were talking about the books and the chewing. So Sasha was not a book chewer, but our previous dog was.

Book Chewing Solutions

And I will tell you how my husband cured this. So what he did is he took a paperback that he just didn't care about at all, and he soaked it in bitter apple and then left it where Sophia would get it. And we know she got it because it was moved, but she never went near a book ever again after that. Was it soggy or did it dry? It dried first. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Like, he had it dry first and then put it out for. And, you know, and leave it somewhere she would get it. No more books. So. So that's my suggestion. If you're worried that Bernoulli is going to get ahold of something of value in the book department.

Addressing Chewing Concerns

So I think we got to soak some of our charger cable cords in bitter apple. Chris. Yeah, well, it wasn't. We've lost a couple. Yeah, we did that with her. The other thing at the time, we had this fake tree in our living room that was in a pot of, like, bark chips, and she was trying to eat the bark chips. So we soaked the bark chips and bitter apple as well, and that got her to not get into those either. So. So, yeah, just. Just my suggestion. And I also agree that wasps are a holes. And because I. Because I'm a city dweller, my first thought is, call the exterminator.

Experiencing Wasp Problems

Oh, no. We. We had. We live in a townhouse, and we had a yellow jacket nest earlier this summer that was between our unit and the unit next door in the back where the patios are. And I refused to go out there until that thing was gone. I was just like, I'm not going outside. Not happening. Yeah. You can get stung multiple times very quickly from, like, a wasp nest. Like, you know, like, it is an uncommon. If you're not dressed properly and you do it wrong to get, like, ten to 20 stings, you know, like, it can be a rough go. Yeah. And it's not like bee. It's not. They're not like bees. Like, bees, actually. You know, they pollinate and they're good for, you know, our environment and everything.

The Nature of Wasps

It's like wasps and yellowjackets. Just. They can just go away. Don't eat them. So we'll have to get a wasp. We'll have to. I've talked to a wasp scientist before, that specializes in parasitic parasitistic wasps. And if you think normal wasps are a little bit of an a hole parasites, those parasitistic wasps, they are on another level of aholeness. Oh, my God. Nightmare fuel. Do not YouTube search it. Okay, I will not. But anyway, I'm so glad that Bunsen is doing well and that he's off crate rest and give him a big hug from his aunt Holly.

Caring for Bunsen

Will do. Yeah, I gave. He wanted a big hug this morning. He wanted, like, a big five minute hug. It was pretty sweet. Love that lug. Hey, Chris, we got a good question from Instagram. Jcarton one. I started seeing your Instagram account recently when you showed Bernoulli chasing your cat. Yeah, we had a viral. It's an ongoing thing on all social medias with Bernoulli interacting with Ginger. I had the same problem with my schnoodle chasing my cat. And I wonder if you have any tips to stop this.

Tips for Managing Pet Interactions

Well, we'll go. I think we can talk about the procedure and. Parasitic. Yeah, parasitic. Maybe I said it wrong, TK. Sorry. Anyways, so, initially, we just let it happen because we assumed that Ginger would put Bernoulli in his place. Right? Like, we're like, oh, if Bernoulli is a puppy and is roughhousing a bit with the cat. The cat has incredibly sharp claws and teeth and will let Bernoulli know very quickly. Well, she let Beaker know, and Beaker was like, oh, okay. Yeah, she fights. She fought back with Beaker, and she hit Bunsen a couple times, and then he's like, okay, whatever.

Interactions with Cats

Never again will we have an interaction until I have life saving surgery. But then we started seeing it happen, and so it was happening, right. Actually, the time around the time that Bernoulli was going to puppy school, and were learning something called leave it. And I said, hey, this might really work for Bernoulli and the cat. And our trainer, Shar, said, well, leave it is for poison. Leave it is for things you absolutely do not want the dog to have, but you want the dog to kind of be with the cat and not see her as poison. So leave it might not be the clue that you're going to be successful in using.

Redirecting Dog Behavior

So what I would do is he would start to go for the cat, and then I would call him off and say, bernoulli. And then he would come to me, and I would give him a treat. So positive reinforcement for the behavior coming off the cat. And that seemed to work a little bit, but it's not 100%. Jason, do you have more to add? No, that's exactly what we did, is we didn't punish Bernoulli. A lot of there was a couple people who had some comments were like, you know, get rid of your dog. Dog's a puppy. Puppies are going to bite and chew anything.

Monitoring Interactions with Pets

but we didn't let the rough housing go on for more than half a second. after a couple of the videos, we're like, okay, this is clearly not working. So instead of, you know, videoing the interaction to see if Ginger would fight back, we. We had a plan to. To redirect Bernoulli, but you kind of have to let. You can't. You don't want to have the, like, the dog never interact with the cat and, like, keep them away from the cat. So we started to just watch Bernoulli like a hawk. And as soon as the interaction became biting, then Chris would redirect.

Positive Reinforcement

And any of the videos you've seen, I'm filming, and then what you don't see is Chris redirecting Bernoulli, and he's gotten so much better with. So much better with his interactions with Ginger. As you can see, he's gone two days without having any negative interaction. So that. That's like, any biting. so there's a. There's a suggestion. Yeah. So redirect positive reinforcement to something else. and then if the cat isn't fighting back, just start really monitoring their interactions, because ginger is just too kind, I guess.

Pet Interaction Challenges

She's a odd cat, I guess. All right, we'll go to Susan on audio. Thanks for waiting. Susan, go ahead. Sure. Well, I just want to say that Chris is right. And Jason, I'm sure, you know, you understand that just as a general rule. Yeah, she's always right. Of course. Of course. But I had an old chocolate lab, and when he was maybe twelve or 13, he started to lose his voice. Like when he would bark, it was just kind of hoarse.

Observing Changes in Dogs

And that stayed with him the rest of his life. And then about six months after that, I noticed a couple other things. One was in his head that he started to lose kind of his muscle mass in his head. It was on both sides and also his back. Like, his back end got weak, his back legs got weak, which normally thinking a bigger dog, that's hip dysplasia. That's just age. That's whatever. It turns out all three of those things were connected. Wow. Oh, well, it was something, actually.

Veterinary Insights

Michigan State was doing a study on it, and I had a functional vet who was fantastic and knew about this. And it was called Golpp. It's geriatric onset laryngeal paralysis, polyneuropathy. How's that? So it was all connected because it. It wasn't muscular, like the legs. It wasn't muscular. It wasn't bone. It was neuropathy. So it was all nerve related. And so interesting. And it was all connected.

Speculating About Bunsen

Yeah. So. So I'm going with Chris on this one. I think somehow this is connected. In Bunsen, I said, last pet chat. No, it was with the paw pack. So we have our, this. We have a paid community called the paw pack. It's like our patreon. And I said, I'll have to get a great big bowl of crow and eat that if Chris is right. So I don't know where we can. I don't know where we can find some crow, Chris. I might have to eat some of it later.

Conversations About Rats

I think you're gonna need it. And just really quick, one more thing. I was listening to NPR this morning. I think this american life, and it was, theme was rats, for whatever reason. And they were talking about how hard it is to get rid of rats and all that. And that any place that is inhabited by people has rats. Except Alberta, Canada. Yeah, we're rat free.

Experiencing Rats

And it was this whole rat free Alberta thing. So congratulations. I. Until I went to New York, I'd never seen a rat in my life before. I didn't know what they looked. Yeah. I didn't even know what they looked like. Wow. Yeah. I was shocked. I was like, boy, they're. They're kind of big. They're kind of. They're kind of spooky.

Rats in Central Park

What is that? I was fascinated by. They're. They're like, where were we? We're, like, in Central park, and there's. And there's a bunch of them, like, hiding under a fern. They're just like. And like, what is that? Are those squirrels? And then I was, like, looking down. I'm like, those are weird looking squirrels. And then I think Chris said, jason, there's rats. You look like a weirdo. Quit staring at the rats.

Alberta's Rat-Free Status

And I was like, I'm from Alberta. We don't have rats. We killed them all. Well, I don't know how you did it, because I actually had to get out of the car at that point before they explained how it happened. But congratulations. There's a. There's a whole division of the government that if there's ever rat sighting, they go and eradicate it. So that's what I've been told. Maybe it's a conspiracy theory, and they put something in our water, and it makes us blind to rats.

Rats and Squirrels Debate

And what we think are squirrels are actually rats. So I don't know. Do you know what, Chris? You're from BC. What did be, when you were growing up in BC, what did? What did the bcite say about us albertans? About rats? It was a rat free province, and I'd never seen a rat, though, in BC either. Okay. I lived in the lower mainland, in Abbotsford. Did you see your raccoon?

Wildlife Experiences

I never saw a raccoon, but we had a raccoon on our trail camp because our beaver is bringing all the wildlife to the yard. Jason wrote a song about that. I did? Yeah, you did. You said, our beavers bring all the wildlife to the yard. Something is better than yours. Like, you did the whole thing. Don't you remember, like, two weeks ago? Did I sing it?

Discussion About Singing

No. No, Jason, you don't sing. I don't. I think I just made it. I just made it up on the spot. On the spot? Yeah.

Bernoulli's Chewing Habits

Okay, well, Bernoulli has eaten the nub off of the doorstop. He's, like, whamming it with his paw over here. Oh, so that's. Yeah, that happens. So there's a couple things that maybe, are not positives, I guess, about Bernoulli. One is he likes to chew the knobs off those doorstops, and he likes to play with the doorstops. But then there's one in our bathroom, and it's kind of on a bit of a curve, and he likes to chew that.

Playful but Destructive Behavior

What's it called baseboard. Yeah. So he. He likes to chew baseboard when he's in the bathroom. So what we like to do is. Well, I don't know. Should we just share what we do? I don't know. I like, I just. I like, I like to have him with me. And so if I'm having a shower, I'll. He'll be on the mat, and then we have the gorilla. The. It's like a gorilla tree thing that he can chew because he likes chewing the baseball.

Bernoulli's Adorable Qualities

Look at that face. He is very cute. Yeah. So you can't be mad at that face. And you can also say, please don't choose to chew the baseboard. Here's something that you can chew. And he's like, yeah, I don't want to chew that. That's. He's chew. That's supposed to chew. The problem is, like, he's huge. He's bigger than beaker now, and he's still a puppy, so it's kind of, like, weird because he. He looks like a puppy and he acts like a puppy, but he's ginormous, so it's kind of a. It's actually kind of fun.

Chris's Teaching Experience with Bernoulli

I think he. He's really fun, man. And he was. He's so good with the public, too, Chris. I think I can probably sneak him into the school while I'm teaching. Do we have any more speaker requests? Yep. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Yeah, we are not paying attention. Sorry. Got a lot going on here with the. With the show. Hi, snickerdoodle. Hello, everybody.

Nostalgic Pet Memories

Hello. Last weekend. Last weekend before summer's over. Yep. Little bittersweet. Yeah. When my dog was a puppy, he used to play with that doorstop thing. It seems to be a fascination with him, but the story I was going to tell about chewing things. One day, my husband was supposed to be looking after the puppy, but he was absorbed on the computer, and I came in. Yeah.

Puppy Mishap

And I came into the room, and the puppy was chewing one of my best sandals. Oh, no. Yeah. So I pointed this out to my husband, and he said, oh, dear. So the next day, he came home with a shoebox. He had gone after work. He had gone into a shoe store, told the clerk what had happened, and she said, oh, we better find a really nice pair of sandals for you.

Learning from Pet Ownership

So he came home with a beautiful pair of sandals for me, and he kept an eye on the puppy after that. But our dog actually was pretty good about not chewing things. We were very lucky with him. Oh, that's great. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And Bunsen. Sorry. Go ahead. No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off. Go ahead.

Chewy Destruction from Pets

I'm coughing here. Go ahead. I was just going to ask Chris which of the three was the most chewy and destructive. Bunsen was the most destructive of my flowy work clothes and my pajama pants and basically anything. Fabric shred, rip beaker chewed my shoes. She wasn't as bad. But Bernoulli really likes Birkenstocks, and those are an expensive sandal.

The Challenge of Pet Ownership

And Jason's like, oh, he's chewing your Birkenstock again. But he doesn't know they're Birkenstocks. He just calls them sandals. He's chewing your shoe again. And so that happens. The biggest culprit, though, is Jason, because you used to wash and dry my shoes all the time. I'm the most destructive, is that what you're saying? You're the winner. I am the most destructive dog in the house. I tell you. I wound up in the doghouse.

Fascination with Bernoulli's Eyes

So it's true. The one thing that fascinates me about Bernoulli are his eyes. They're so expressive. There's something else. It's like he's not real. Hey. It's like he's AI version of a puppy. Oh. And he looks like a giant plushie in some of his. His pictures. He's just. He's just priceless. He really is.

Gratitude for Bernoulli

We are. We're just so lucky. Like, he's just. He's just. He's just sitting here looking. He heard his name. Bernoulli. Oh, hi. Yeah, he is. He's got some kind of, like, gaze. Like. Yes. Focusing gaze is intense. And he does have those Goobery expressions. It's really fun. Hopefully he will keep those when he grows up. They're not just a puppy thing.

Happy Weekend Wishes

Us, too. Anyway, everyone, have a good weekend. Enjoy the last days of summer. Awesome. There's a question from Instagram. Thank you very much. Also there snickerdoodle blossom. Polly says, is that Bernoulli? Yep, that's Bernoulli. He's hanging with me in the room down here. It helps with our live show having the dogs separated. And he is so bright.

Fan Interactions

Yeah, he is. He is. He's got. His little eyes are very. They look right into your soul. Harlequin mask markings. Ariana says BC has rats, doesn't it? Yeah, they do. Theresa White says Bernoulli is trending on Twitter again. That's. I've been. People have been sending me screenshots of Bernoulli trending all day. I don't know why.

Social Media Buzz

I don't know what I posted. TK says, I love his gaze. And then Ann McQueenie says, my dog as a puppy ate the ironing board cover. What was hanging on the back of the door? Six-inch hole in the COVID Oh, my God. That's destructive. Okay, I think we don't have any more speakers.

Show Closing and Prize Announcement

I think we should probably move to do a little bit of wrap up and then award the prize, Chris. Yeah, that sounds awesome. Yeah. So I do want to thank everybody who supported us with the. Just let me take this down. Sorry, I can't focus with that up there. There we go. With our presale of the Bunsen and Beaker calendar, we're sold out. Like, we have none left.

Success of the Calendar Sale

We sold 100% of all of our calendars during the pre-sale, so I'm sorry if you didn't get one, Chris. Chris and I might have to reevaluate, maybe in October about doing another calendar sale. But we sold out of the Bunsen and Beaker calendars, and they're on their way. So we're getting labels ready and all of the prep work to send them out.

Logistics of Sending Calendars

Like, there's hundreds of them, we got to send out. So I want to thank everybody who picked up one. Thank you so much for picking up a calendar. We really appreciate that. The calendar stickers that some of you were getting, Chris and I, we. We put a lot of, like, care into their design, so I hope you have a lot of fun with them. I don't know how many calendar stickers are on that sheet, Chris.

Preparing for Upcoming Releases

Like, 60 some or something. It's wild. The cricket had a workout making all those calendar stickers. That's for sure. There's, like, 54. There's 54. Okay. On each. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, text from Bunsen, volume three. We. We should have that ready to go as a pre-sale at the end of September, which is. We are so ahead of where we were last year.

Progress on Upcoming Projects

So, Chris and I, we wrote the book text from Bunsen three during the summer, and it's going through the third round of proofreading the ebook as well. And I'm finishing up the audiobook. It's, like, 70% done. The audiobook takes forever because I have to do all of these different voices. Sorry. Chris, do you want to talk? I've got to stop Bernoulli from eating something here.

Wrap-Up Discussions

Yeah, I'd like to talk, but the minute I start to talk, then Bunsen starts to bark. You may have seen I put his cone on because I didn't want him to be licking his wound at all. But, Jason, you could talk. Okay, so look for that in the future, and we should do a draw. Chris, can you just double check how many people are on Twitter on audio?

Engagement with the Audience

Please drop a comment if you're live so we know that you're there. And then I'll put you in the random draw for the gift card from barkandbeyondsupply.com. 47 here on audio. Spaces, 47 on audio. Okay. We'll give some people some time to make a comment. Yeah, drop a comment if you're watching live on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.

Store and Availability Updates

So we know you're here. The text from Bunsen one and two is at on our store, ice goddess. And we will have a big marketing campaign when text from Bunsen three comes out. But we sold out of the books, the hard copy books for text from Bunsen one and two. Actually, there might be one or two hard copies left of text from Bunsen two.

Final Countdown

That's maybe we have some in our store. But the audiobook and the ebook are digital, so they're still there. Okay. All right. 123340. Bernoulli just sniffed the phone. I thought he quit spaces. Okay. 45678. 910. 1112. Okay. And Chris said 47.

Conclusion and Prize Winner

So that is 59. Okay. Random number 59. All right, bear with me. I've got Bernoulli. I'm typing with one hand. He's so big. Okay, hold on. All right, here we go. Look how big this guy is. Are you a Goober? Goober toe. It's 13. Oh, oh. Okay, it went down just a second.

Revealing Prize Winners

Okay, go that way. There you go. All right, 13. Sorry, everybody. It's a little chaotic. 48. 12. 13 is Malika Ebert, assistant professor at NDSU. Malika, you have one. The gift certificate. Malika is listening on Twitter audio right now. Thank you, everybody, for entering.

Customer Appreciation and Engagement

Malika. If you dm bark and beyond supply.com, they will hook you up with your prize. And for anybody that wants to support a small business and skip the big buck store, we'd love you for you to support our sponsor, barkandbeyondsupply.com. and if you are listening and you want to check out what we have going on, check out our links in our bio.

Final Thoughts

You'll find our stuff there. Chris, are you good to do a wrap up, or is it a little chaotic there? The wrap up. I can say goodbye. Okay, so I'll get that going. All right. We've kind of hit the max attention span of the dogs. This was good. We did a full show today, a full, normal show.

Community Gratitude

So thank you for everybody who's joined us from Twitter, audio X Audio or X Spaces X video, Instagram, and Facebook, we've brought together that our community, which is really cool. Thank you for watching pet chat. Pet chat is at the same time every single week. 08:00 p.m.

Next Week's Schedule

eastern. 06:00 p.m. mountain time. And probably we'll have a little less content in the next while because Chris and I are back at work full time and it's a hit the ground running kind of thing as it teacher for the first couple weeks, so I can't guarantee a ton of content. Sorry, I'm just blocking Bernoulli from eating a cord with my foot. Go, Chris.

Farewell Message

Hey. Hey. Thank you, everybody, for coming. We really appreciate you as our community and listening to our shenanigans with the dog and the cats and all the stuff that we've got going on here. We really enjoy sharing this time with you and have a great week. All right, take care, everybody.

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