Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space PepePaint Art for upcoming Beeple PepeFest on Aug 10th #PEPEcoin hosted by iSocialFanz. Dive into the vibrant world of digital art and NFT innovation with PepePaint Art, a dynamic space that celebrates creativity, collaboration, and technology. Explore the intersection of art, blockchain, and #PEPEcoin, gaining insights into future trends and opportunities for artists. From showcasing innovative artworks to fostering community engagement, PepePaint Art paves the way for artists to thrive in the evolving NFT landscape. Join the conversation, fuel your inspiration, and unleash your artistic potential in this exciting realm of artistic expression and digital transformation.

For more spaces, visit the Art page.


Q: What is the main focus of the PepePaint Art event?
A: The event highlights digital art, creativity, and innovation within the NFT space.

Q: How does #PEPEcoin contribute to the NFT ecosystem?
A: #PEPEcoin plays a significant role in facilitating transactions and interactions within the NFT community.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial in art events like Beeple PepeFest?
A: Community involvement fosters inclusivity, collaboration, and growth in the art sector.

Q: What opportunities does the PepePaint Art space offer for artists?
A: Artists can explore NFTs, blockchain technology, and network with like-minded individuals for collaboration.

Q: How does PepePaint Art encourage innovation in digital art?
A: The space inspires creativity, experimentation, and challenges artists to explore new avenues in the digital art realm.

Q: What future trends are discussed in the PepePaint Art space?
A: The space delves into upcoming trends in digital art, NFTs, and the intersection of art and technology.

Q: What role does PepePaint Art play in the NFT landscape?
A: PepePaint Art serves as a platform to showcase digital art, promote innovation, and engage with the NFT community.

Q: How can artists benefit from participating in events like Beeple PepeFest?
A: Artists can gain exposure, connect with industry professionals, and explore opportunities for growth and collaboration.

Q: What inspiration can creators draw from the PepePaint Art space?
A: Creators are encouraged to push boundaries, experiment with new ideas, and harness technology for artistic expression.

Q: Why should artists consider integrating NFTs into their creative practice?
A: NFTs offer artists new avenues for monetization, ownership, and engagement with audiences, enhancing their artistic journey.

Q: How does PepePaint Art contribute to the broader discussion on digital innovation?
A: The space fosters dialogue on digital trends, disruptive technologies, and the evolving landscape of art and NFTs.


Time: 00:15:40
Innovative Digital Art Showcase Exploring cutting-edge digital artworks and unconventional creative expressions.

Time: 00:25:17
Exclusive Insights on #PEPEcoin Unpacking the role of #PEPEcoin in the NFT ecosystem and its impact on the art market.

Time: 00:35:29
Artistic Collaboration Opportunities Connecting artists with collaborative projects and networking prospects within the NFT space.

Time: 00:45:12
Future Trends in Digital Art Discussing upcoming trends, technologies, and possibilities in the digital art domain.

Time: 00:55:50
Community Engagement and Inclusivity Emphasizing the importance of community participation and diversity in art events.

Time: 01:05:37
NFT Integration for Artists Guidance on incorporating NFTs into artistic practices for enhanced exposure and opportunities.

Time: 01:15:22
Creativity and Innovation in NFTs Fostering a culture of creativity, innovation, and unconventional thinking in the NFT landscape.

Time: 01:25:18
Tech and Art Convergence Exploring the convergence of technology, art, and blockchain in the PepePaint Art event.

Time: 01:35:44
Inspiration for Artists Providing inspiration and motivation for artists to explore new artistic horizons and digital possibilities.

Time: 01:45:55
Artistic Expression in the NFT Era Encouraging artists to embrace NFTs as a medium for authentic self-expression and creative experimentation.

Key Takeaways

  • PepePaint Art event highlighting digital art and innovation in the NFT space.
  • Discussion on the significance of Beeple PepeFest and its impact on the art community.
  • Insights on #PEPEcoin and its role in the NFT ecosystem.
  • Exploration of future trends in digital art and NFTs.
  • Importance of community engagement and inclusivity in art events.
  • Understanding the intersection of art, technology, and crypto in the PepePaint Art space.
  • Emphasis on creativity and innovation in the digital art landscape.
  • Networking opportunities and collaboration potential within art and NFT communities.
  • Inspiration for artists and creators to explore NFTs and blockchain technology.
  • Encouragement for artistic expression and experimentation in the NFT domain.

Behind the Mic

Anticipating Fatherhood

My girlfriend's pregnant, too. I'm about to be a father. If I have a daughter, guess what. I'm gonna call her on the name of Bonnie. Fine. Pass me by. Making my way down. No, no, Mike, that was so not right. She told me you'll never be alive? I can't feel my face when I'm with you? But I love it? But I love it? I can't feel my face when I'm with you? What I love is what I love. Is. What you want?

Monday's Twitter Space Introduction

What's up, friends? What's up, everybody? Happy Monday. It is Monday, August 5. Probably will be a Monday that goes down in some infamous history here in the crypto world, but we're going to have some fun with it. We have a fun next hour for you here on our weekly Twitter space that we do each and every week with the Pepe coin and based community. And then we're actually jumping over to another Twitter space that is hosted by another team where we're going to be special guests and we're going to talk and celebrate publicly and hopefully grow some of the community and have some conversations about what makes Pepe coin amazing. So for those that are here for your first time, welcome. We do this each and every Monday evening, 07:00 p.m. eastern time. We are. We are just members of the community. We get to. We've been in the project for a long while. We are bag holders. We are not directly members of the team, but we try to cover a little bit of everything that goes in the telegram, everything goes in around the project.

Community Contributions and Pepe Paint Discussion

Also set up some blogs, and we have some video content and things that we put out just as community members to help kind of hopefully amplify all of the awesome things the devs are doing. And this week, we're going to kind of talk about everything, all things Pepe paint, which is a pretty amazing tool that the team put out. We're going to talk a little bit more about that tool. It's been out since January. And, you know, just the amount of people that have been able to mint be as collectors as well as be artists using this product, using this tool has been pretty amazing. Not to mention some of those people are being featured in at people's event called Pepe Fest, as well as another event that's happening in Asia that we'll talk about as well. But before we get that, I have my amazing, esteemed co host with me, Ninja Happy Monday. Hopefully everyone is surviving in your neck of the woods and ready to rock and roll. For a fun little pepe paint conversation. How's it going up north there, ninja?

Market Insights and Trading Success

Yeah, going pretty well. Yeah. Lots of excitement in the last 24 hours, or more than 24 hours, but, yeah, the markets are really interesting and fun. So I've been a little bit preoccupied, like, doing some, you know, digging and research and stuff. But good news, trading for meme coins is up 200%. It feels like there's lots and lots of bitcoin buying, and, you know, obviously that's good for everybody. Yeah. Otherwise, it's been. It's been a good week. We had. Cool blog we put together, which we'll get into when we start talking. Yeah. A bit more into the. Into the space. Sweet. Yes. Sounds good. Yeah. It's always interesting how we have to preoccupy ourselves on days where, let's just say, unpredictable things happen, which it seems like if we're in the crypto market, it's about once a month.

Navigating Crypto's Unpredictability

We have to roll with these punches of the things that are not very predictable in this market that we're in the. Yeah. Excited to talk. We'll talk about the blogs that were put out on Friday. Kind of COVID some of that. Cause I think that'll be great for those that haven't checked them out yet. There's some really great content out there. Not only that we can amplify, but it's great for onboarding your friends or family or fellow artists, especially in the community, that if you have someone that's looking, you know, maybe they're not in the meme coins, maybe they don't really understand AI, but they're looking for, like, a home to create or an outlet to put things together, you know? Great blog up there as well, so, yeah, ninja. Excited to have that kind of conversation here.

A Community Anchor

Drew. What's up, my friend? You know, happy evening to you. What say you, fans? I feel like. I feel like I've been introduced as your esteemed co host for years now, and so for you to, like, skip over and throw it right over to ninja, that was crazy. But. But ladies first, though. Like, I totally get it, but I'm not gonna lie. Like, I had my. I had my finger pretty much hovering the mute button just, like, ready to go, and then you're like, boom, ninja. And so just throwing it out there. But, I was, like. I was, like, pretty much ready to speak, and then I was like, oh, okay. I mean, we've only done. We've only done, like, 200 of these together over the years, and it is kind of funny. It was muscle memory, for sure.

Family Support and Commitment to the Community

But fans, I was just thinking, I'm at my parents house and there's a little bit of family over here, and I, I was, like, rushing through dinner and people are like, why are you doing this? And then my dad was like, it's Monday spaces, of course. And so it's like, it's a thing now, and it's just a good feeling. But it's also super cool because it's now just like part of our schedule. It's not like something that we do. It's now. It's just like a, it's like a cornerstone of how we can contribute to this community. But also, it's like, good to just chat with you guys, too, and chat with community members because, you know, we're, like, on Twitter, we're on telegram all the time, but there's not a lot of, like, opportunity to connect via voice. And so it's good to, like, you know, have some people up here and chat.

Acknowledging Community Contributions

But, but fans, I wanted to give you a shout out because obviously you've been, you crush it every week and you've just been super consistent with it. So I'm excited to jump into pepe paint and some of these cool collaborations that we have upcoming. Amen to that, my friend. I love that. And shout out to your pops. Love that. You know, he gets it. He's on board, you know, big fan of your dad. And for everybody that's in here, if you could do me a favor, hit that little button in the bottom right hand corner, the little, you know, the chat button, and throw us a retweet on the space. Let's get this space out to as many people as we can. Usually we run these spaces like an hour and a half till about two ish, depending on how long of a TED talk I decide to give to whatever answers are, whatever questions are asked.

Adjusting the Format of the Conversation

But tonight we're going to do a little differently. We have, we do have something, another Twitter space that we're going to jump on to talk about Pepe coin. So it's kind of cool. We're going to have, you know, kind of change it up in that way. But we are doing this each and every week. And I'm with you, Drew. It's, it's interesting, too, because, you know, Drew, you know this from our, the spaces and the podcast that we did during the NFT days. You know, it's easy, I tell you what, it's easy to create content. It's easy to bull post. It's easy to amplify when everything is going up and you're bull running and the charts going. It is.

Acknowledging the Current Market Challenges

I mean, it is easy, but I just want to get. Take a second for everybody that's out there. Like, it's been a rough 24 hours. Probably been a rough 72 hours, technically, since Friday. Friday was kind of a sell off as well. I just want everybody to know, like, if you're in here listening, just know that you're not alone. And it impacts all of us. Like, I. There's a lot of people on this app and a lot of people in crypto that like to act like they got the. Like, they are. They are indestructible and they're like, oh, you know, this is. This is where we buy and we. We buy the red and, you know, we sell the green, and there's all these people that kind of make these claims. But it is tough on your mental health.

Emotional Burden of Market Fluctuations

It is tough. It is tough. Just like, the things that you care about, you know, this project being one of them, right, where, you know, we know that this project couldn't be doing anything different at the. Over the last 72 hours. And it just. It's a product of the bigger macro of the market. Even weirder. It has to do with something going on in Japan and then kind of coupled with a couple other. Other things going on in the market. So, like, just for everybody that's out there, like, if it's like. I mean, I know that we kind of knew that this Twitter space would have lower numbers than a lot of our traditional weeks, because anytime there's a blow off, anytime there's a, you know, it's a red couple days or every time, anytime it's tough.

Sharing Personal Experiences

Like, I don't blame people. I used to laugh because I. I would know if I went back and looked at my history, when I would listen to podcasts. I really only listen to podcasts about web three and crypto when the market is running, when the market is hot, and then whenever it's down, the last thing I want to do is get advice and hear from. About people about investing in something, you know, because, like, my crypto is burning. Right. So, like, the cool thing about that is this product. This week we had planned already. I'm kind of talking about everything pepe paint.

Introduction to Pepe Paint

And I'm gonna throw it over to ninja and drew to talk about, you know, the blog post that were put out on OG Pepe Coin website as well, which is the community website that the team kind of put up. And Ninja and Drew have been running, putting out some great content on Friday. So hopefully everybody's checking out ogpepecoin.com. but the thing I wanted to throw out there on this pepe paint, like, it's just pretty amazing. Like, if you aren't in the telegram, it's hard to kind of get your head wrapped around how much art is entwined in this Pepe coin project. And I think it's so important, too, because it's, it is really the foundation of Pepe.

Significance of Art in the Project

Right. If people that know the project, like the Matt Fury story of Pepe, right. The original pepe was actually created on Microsoft paint, right. And it's the idea of the art and the meme around the art is what took off in, you know, in 20, 1520, was it 2015, 2016? And, you know, it kind of continued on with, you know, and it's had its own roller coaster. But, like, the art component of it being such a key component of Pepe. Right. The art, the meme of Pepe. And I was going to put it out there. I will put, you know, people can talk about, there's all these pepe derivatives and there's all different versions of Pepe on Seoul, on Eth.

The Unique Approach to Supporting Artists

I don't believe, and I'll put this out there. And I left someone to challenge. I don't believe there's another project that has Pepe that is done, has been more dedicated and focused on not only creating tools for artists to create, but for tools for artists to actually be rewarded. And so for those that don't know how it works, I'll just give a quick little rundown. And the cool thing is, we even have a blog post that ninja pulled together, like, on this topic. But, like, I mean, I minted, I've minted so many nfts over the years. Like, I mean, hundreds and hundreds of nfts across many different marketplaces.

Challenges for Artists in the Digital Space

And I can tell you, for most artists, one of the hardest things to do is it's not creating the art, and it's actually not even minting the art. In my view, the hardest part is getting your art in front of your audience that you want to be able to receive your art, right. And I've talked to, I mean, I've interviewed hundreds of artists over the last many years, and, you know, and that's a hard thing to do. And what's super cool about this project is that within the Pepe operating system, so you can simply just go to Pepe Coin IO and you can log in.

Effortless Integration with Pepe Paint

And what's beautiful is using the pepe paint, which, of course, is, you know, a skin off of Microsoft paint, you are able to actually create your own art there or import your own art into pepe paint. And with a click of like, two buttons, you can actually take that art and you can mint it to the blockchain. But even more, even cooler than that, you can mint it to the blockchain. You can decide how much you want to sell it for. And then when you list the actual art, the art is actually pushed into the telegram in line in the chat.

Engagement with the Community

So what is, what's super cool about this is not only do they give you the tool which the team built and launched back in January of this year, but they also have the fact that it pushes out into the telegram community where those of us that are, you know, have the telegram up, get the scroll and see all this amazing art. We get to purchase the art. You can do everything from different versions of the art. You can do one of ones, you can do a giant, a bigger collection. And so, you know, I've literally minted nfts on pretty much every marketplace that you can imagine.

Marketplaces and Community Interaction

Like, drew can attest to it. Like, he know, like, I mean, nifty gateway, known origin, rarible Opensea, you know, I mean, off the top of my head, I think I have a blog post that I had created where I've minted on nine different marketplaces for my art over the time. And I say all that because I say, like, it's so hard to, like, find a marketplace, then find an audience, then find a way to kind of put it out there. And what's really cool about this is this project's been doing this since January with many of ETH being sold and artists being able to really not only make, you know, eth, but make, you know, use Pepe coin in this whole ecosystem.

Celebrating Art and Artists

So I just, I think it's such a cool aspect of this project that, you know, Matt Fury with Pepe was really all about art. And Pepe Coin, the meme coin, which is the Og meme coin, has, is a foundation and built like, you know, one of the big pillars of this project is art. And it's about celebrating the artists. It's about artists of all shapes and sizes. You can be a AI artist. You can be an artist that directly does it in paint. You know, you can be an artist that does kind of a combination of the two. And I know we have a couple artists up here on stage, too, that hopefully can celebrate that and have kind of part of that conversation with us.

Commitment to the Artistic Community

But like, I mean, Pepe coined the foundation of this and the team has just done an amazing job of making that a priority. And what's neat is we got a bunch of artists that are featured at Pepe Fest that is coming up August 10. I know that it's people's event, and for those that signed up or got a ticket, he sent out an email earlier today, just kind of an FYI that they are watching for the hurricane. So those are friends down in Florida. If you're Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, down there in that area. We're thinking about you with the hurricane.

Monitoring Weather Impact on Events

But they said just kind of keep the hurricane on your radar because as of right now, the event is still on, but they're kind of tracking the weather and everything that goes on there. So. But it's super cool that we got some artists that are able to be featured in that showcase. And then there's another showcase we'll mention here in a minute. But Drew, you want to jump in? And I know we had the blog post, what did I miss on pepe paint? And then we can kind of, I think you did already pinned up the actual blog post up there as well.

Sharing Resources and Insights

For those that want to see kind of step by step or share it with artists, that blog is just a great way to kind of onboard some new artists into the community.

Introduction to Pepe Fest and Community Impact

Yeah, no, I mean fans. You did a really great summary on it all. And this week leading up to Pepe fest hosted by Beeple in South Carolina is something that we've been kind of setting our targets for and kind of utilizing it as an opportunity to, like you mentioned, showcase the artists that got selected to actually be featured there, but also just kind of show off what the team is capable of doing and just the whole ethos behind why they built this type of product and why it matters for our community, the fans. One thing that comes to mind, I'll share and then I'll kind of pass it over to ninja because she curated the blog with a few of those artists to put together their experience and their thoughts on the product itself.

Engagement with Prominent Artists

But you and I have been to a handful of events since Pepe Paint has launched, and we'll run into really prominent NFT artists and crypto artists. And just having that product available and launched as a tool for the community has been a great talking point, you know, for us to introduce significant people, influencers to Pepe coin in general, you know, so I think that's something that you and I, you know, I wouldn't say, I mean, you're deep into the AI art and you've done a handful of mints on Pepe Paint and I did one pepe paint. You know, I wouldn't say that we're probably regulars of the tool and product, but it's great to be able to tie in our existing network from the NFT world into it via this product.

Collaborations and Future Opportunities

And I know we've had some great conversations IRL with people that have 50,000, 100,000 followers and have a great web three audience. And so if we're to do collaborations with them in the future, and I know we have a couple of those lined up, that it's a great way for us to continue to generate awareness outside of these events that are upcoming. But ninja, I'll shoot it over to you because I know that you curated this blog with the four artists and maybe you can talk a little bit about some of their callouts and shares on the blog.

Community Artist Engagement and Feedback

Yeah, it was really cool to reach out and hear back from a number of different artists in the community. So quick shout outs, real quick. Disco frog. Archaic sub llama and excuse me, Sublama and Marcus. So you guys are awesome. Thank you so much for contributing to that blog and being really honest and really, yeah, just like really telling the story about your experience with pepe paint. There are questions that range from. How. Would you explain it to sort of a newcomer? Have you minted or, sorry, have you sold a pepe paint art and how did you feel? And then also, like, how would you persuade someone who's a little bit nervous and a little bit shy about actually like creating on chain, how would you kind of explain that and sort of like bring them in and welcome them into the pepe paint tool and community?

Unique Insights from Artist Experiences

And so, yeah, it was really cool to see everyone's answers and they range. You know, you think, oh, it's just, it's a question and it's always going to get sort of like a similar answer. But, you know, we try to make it a little bit open ended so we can just like hear from the community in the way they want to tell their experience. So I would just like every spaces I would recommend and encourage you guys to check out those blogs because, you know, it's just a really good showcase, I think, of our community too, just the authenticity that everyone brings to the table. And just to add on to what Drew said about Pepe paint the product.

The Importance of Decentralization in Pepe Coin

What strikes me, too, is that when we think about Pepe coins and we think about based, it's very much like decentralization is at its core. And we've heard the team say that they would stand by that till the death. That is the most important ethos behind the project. And we obviously see that as proof through the tech stack and the different functionalities in base AI, too. But it can be said about Pepe paint, actually. So the fact that a lot of projects will generate their own art and they'll distribute their own art and sell their own art, it will go to their own treasuries. You know, this is a project that I think, you know, you can see it through something like Pepe paint where it's inviting the community, it's inviting everyone to have a voice to create their own works, you know, to share that in whatever way they choose to so that we can see it on tweets that are posted.

Creative Expression in a Diverse Community

We can obviously see it in telegrams, you know, the through the bot that comes in. But, you know, people are expressing themselves just like, you know, we have really cool artists in the community that are, like, musically focused or, you know, like, we have lots of, like, video, kind of, like, editor slash, like, cool effects type artists in the community. This is just, like, another creative outlet that the team has said, you know, we want to prioritize this because it's so perfectly in sync with the, you know, the, what's important to them. And I think, I don't want to speak for them, but I feel like it's kind of obvious in that way, and it's important. So shout out to everyone who has made the leap to do that and to express themselves that way.

Insights from Personal Creation Experiences

And, yeah, do check out the blogs because they're really good. Drew did up a really good one, too, so you'll see that there. And that just goes into the, like, more of the, like, instructional kind of how you would do it and also gives a little bit of background. So check that out on the ogpepicoin.com site if you want. Yeah, no, the blogs are incredible, and I think we have some guest bloggers and authors coming soon from the community, so that'll be fun to get some other feedback. But, yeah, ninja. Two things that stood out to me on the curated blog that you're, that you did was first, I was reading Archaic's bio, and it says, husband of 15 years to his lovely wife.

The Journey of Art Creation

I'm sure he has a lovely wife, but, like, imagine being married to archaic for 15 years. That sounds crazy. But the art pieces that you threw into that blog post, it was super cool because they also had stories of their first ever piece. And it's interesting to hear their experiences because obviously it's a product that has gotten better with time and has gotten some updates, but it wasn't. I wouldn't say it was probably the easiest process, but it was significant for them to either learn a new platform to build and create on top of. But I think what's fascinating with Pepe paint in general is, you know, I'm not really an artist myself. I'm not even so much a creator myself.

The Emotional Impact of Sharing Art

But I can imagine the stress and the anxiety of, like, creating something and putting it out there, not knowing if, like, somebody's gonna like it or even buy it. And I think what's really cool about this community is I tend to think that when people do their first ever pepe paint, that it usually gets scooped up pretty quickly. You know, as long as it's not, like, priced outrageously, our community definitely steps up and, like, I think, is able to give that person that first feeling of success. And honestly, just like, this idea of maybe, like, oh, maybe I can do this, or maybe it's something that I can continue to do. And I know that the artists that are featured have done multiple pieces, and some of them have done a ton of pieces, but fans, I don't know, maybe that relates to you with your AI art that you were doing over the last couple of years.

Personal Reflections on Art Publishing

It's incredibly tough to kind of put yourself out there, but I think our community does a pretty good job of creating great experiences around people being vulnerable with the release of their work. Yeah, I mean, I think you probably remember the Twitter space that we did after my first piece of art that I ever minted onto the blockchain. I say, like, you know, I've done. I've hosted nine podcasts over the years. I've traveled to 76 countries around the world, you know, big stages, little stages. And I was more nervous putting my art out for the first time than I was pretty much anything else, because, a. I never considered myself an artist.

Personal Perspective on Artistic Confidence

I always consider myself artistically challenged, is how I always kind of shared it. But the idea of putting it out there, but, like, also just putting out there, like, I didn't really care about it being my, you know, my original pieces being sold, which was, you know, I remember it sold out in a couple minutes, the first collection that I put out, and I was blown away for that, but, like, really it's just more of, like, knowing that people see it, right, for the work that you put out there. And I know for a lot of artists, that's a big piece of it. And, you know, for me, AI art kind of unlocked that ability to tell stories.

Connecting Past Experiences to Current Creations

And. And I. And some of the pieces that I. That I've minted through Pepe paint were very similar, right. One of them, I know OG Farmer actually, is the owner of one of my pieces, one of the did in pepe paint. And it's funny because it was an AI art piece that I did, like, two years ago, but I never loved, like, the. The way that the front end, the front of it looked. And so I actually imported it into pepe paint. And then using the paintbrush and using the tools that are within the pepe paint, I was actually, I edited. I added my own little signature. I put some Easter eggs in there because, well, I'm a swiftie at heart, so I kind of love the idea of Easter eggs and hiding cool shit in my art.

The Experience of Selling Art

And so I remember doing that, right? And then I think I put it out there and went to bed. I woke up the next morning, and the one of one piece was sold, and OG farmer was the one that picked it up. And it is such a cool feeling. And I think that the other part of this is, like, how many meme coin projects do people know about that the devs from the jump have been committed to the idea of not only giving back, but making the tools, like, a priority. Right. One of the things that was leaked a couple of weeks ago that we shared here in the Twitter spaces is there's also this. This idea of these two 5D, these renderings that the team is working on to add this metaverse type feel that will be rolled out for people that are artists that are able to actually, we're able to be able to create different environments in two and a half d that will be kind of like metaverse feel.

The Team's Commitment to Creativity

And so the team, although the team is launching a layer, one blockchain that happens to have privacy AI layered on top of it. Although the team is dropping launched and the original OG Pepe Coin, which originally was launched in 2016, the team has also been extremely prioritized. And I will say Drew and I drew. When we met some of the team up there in New York, a lot of our conversation was about pepe pain and about the artists and about highlighting and amplifying the artists. But it is also, it's a wicked onboarding tool. And I think Drew knows when I was at. We were at Bitcoin Fest two weeks ago or a week ago, it feels like four weeks ago.

Real-World Engagement and Opportunities

Whatever it was, however long ago. We're at Bitcoin conference there in Nashville. You know, I ran into one of my favorite artists in this space, and I was halfway through pitching him about Pepe paint, and he was like, done. I like innovative shit. I want to be a part of it. I can pretty much promise you that if I had pitched him about a meme coin or pitched him about just a blockchain AI, he would have been not interested. Like, it's not his thing. But I know that he's gonna, you know, be able to come in and yet create some amazing, stoic art that he's going to be able to create. And I love that blog post that you pulled together, Drew, on the step by step because I sent that over to him yesterday, over to the artist they're referring to.

Unlocking Collaborative Opportunities

And so hopefully that just kind of gives him an idea of, like, okay, this is kind of the steps for creating over here. And then what's also cool about it is that, like, you know, a lot of projects that, like, embrace Pepe, and I see the rare ape Pepe's that are down here in the chat right now. Like, they did a collaboration piece with prom, which I know that many people in the community know about from a while ago. And so, like, Drew, to your point, that is also another unlock, right? Be able to collab with artists, but also bring artists into the fold to collab in bigger scenarios. Right? Like what, you know, for future projects and future things that we're doing, we can.

Fostering Artist-Community Relationships

We can hire and we can buy. And I think you've actually done it, Drew, you've commissioned a couple pieces from pepe paint artists. You've commissioned them to create art directly for you, which you're then able to use. Right. So, like, that's also another avenue for anyone that's in here listening. Like, if you have an artist, you know that there, I'm sure many of them, if not all of them, would be open and willing to doing a kind of a commission piece, you know, that you can have. So, like, I mean, it's exposure for the artist. It's a. It's a way to get your art out there also, like, you know, when an artist lists the piece, it's pushed out into the.

Mechanics of the Art Buying Experience

Into the, you know, into our telegram feed as well as to a Twitter bot. The other thing that's cool about that is when it's. When someone buys the piece, it's pushed out again. Right? So, like, I just. Just for people to be aware of that, right? So it's like, there's like, this cool, like, kind of cycle where when you see people buying cool art, it inspires you to go buy cool art. Right? And I talked about it a couple weeks ago. Like, I found myself buying and going in and buying. I think I bought three or four pieces on the one day, and it wasn't because I was looking for art.

Spontaneous Art Purchases Create Community Growth

I was actually in the telegram, and I think I was trolling somebody about the white paper, and were going back and forth, and then I saw this beautiful piece come in the feed, and I was like, shit. Clicked on the opensea LinkedIn went in there. I was like, oh, okay, maybe I'll buy this piece. Which led to another piece. So, like, there is something beautiful about that part for artists, so. And anyone can do it, right? This isn't. You don't have to hold a certain amount of pepe coin to take advantage and leverage this tool. So that is another piece of this that just think it's really cool, don't you think, Drew?

Highlighting Community Contributions

Yeah, no, totally. And, you know, you just kind of jog something for me that the Pepe paint blog that we put out this past week or last week, I think the best part of that blog is actually the AI art piece that ninja did. So ninja is actually super talented when it comes to putting together these, honestly, just either memes or just images to showcase what it is that we want to talk about. These blogs always have a theme. She's putting together these really cool AI art pieces, and the Bob Ross Pepe that she did was so funny.

The Significance of Pepe Paint in the Community

Actually, you could probably see it up in the nest from that tweet. But if you haven't read that blog, it's worth it to go check out that Bob Ross AI art piece, because I think it's hilarious. But, Fanzo, one of the things I was kind of thinking about is just kind of thinking more historically, why Pepe Pain is more significant than some of the other stuff that we've seen in the space. And I think that one thing that we tend to forget is it's also just a way to generate a bunch of memes, too. Right? The idea like Pepe in general, but also when you think about, like, Og Pepe and Og crypto pepe art, like rare pepes and a lot of those trading cards that you've seen in the past and that one we actually saw in auction in 2021, you know, that was probably that was, like, a huge moment for me and you to see, like, oh, wow, there's some, like, serious investors coming to collect this art and.

Memorable Auction Moments

Yeah. How much. How much was that bought for? Half a million dollars for one of those rare pepes. For context, for people that are here. Like, Drew and I are just literally getting drunk standing at, like, an evening event at NFT NYC. And the dude to our left just raises his paddle and bids a half a millie on. On a live pepe. That rare pepe that. I was just like. I remember we looked at each other like, oh, shit, like this. I mean, that. That, to me, was like an aha moment.

Moments that Define the Experience

It's like one of my. It's one of my moments. Being in web three was that moment. We were staring there because there was something beyond, like, even the art beyond the NFt. Like, we witnessed a live auction of an. Of a pepe art piece being bought. But, yeah, sorry, Drew, I just. That is such a. I'm so glad you brought that up, because I was. That was such a powerful moment. I remember that. I remember that like it was yesterday.

Cultural Significance of Memes

Yeah. And that's what, you know, like, when I'm thinking about Pepe Pei in general, it's like, this idea that a lot of the foundation of why this is even a product in general is because, you know, the team comes from a place where those memes were so popular in crypto, and then it kind of ties into what they were building with Kekdac and the exchange around. You know, it's fascinating to me, because when they were building Kekdac, which is their decentralized exchange, it was technically for memes.

The Origin of Pepe Paint

Right? Like, they were. They were looking to really kind of build this. This opportunity of ownership on chain for memes, because nfts weren't called nfts at the time. Right. I think it's fascinating that one, that they were that early, but it's also, in my opinion, it's this greater tie to why Pepe paint exists. And obviously, to create art for creators to monetize. There's a lot of great benefits there, but I think there's also kind of a simplicity factor that ties back to Matt Fury and when he first created Pepe.

Encouraging Creative Expression

But also, this idea of, this is a meme generator. And I bring this up because when you mentioned the artist I had commissioned to take my funny looking Pepe Apu guy is, I was just like, dude, I would love to have three or four memes that encapsulate a lot of things that either I talk about, or maybe the vibe that I put off, and I want to be able to throw those in group chats and telegram all the time. So that's why I was like, hey, can you take these four ideas that I have? And one was like, touching grass, being in front of your charts all night.

Creative Direction and Vision

One was like, celebrating a huge win, and I was just like, can you take these and build them in pepe paint and mint them? So not only can I, you know, reward you for building a pepe paint, but I was just looking for memes. You know, I think that's something that maybe we forget about a little bit is. It's an incredible meme generator, too. Oh, I rely on you to remind me of that, because we know that I feel like the old millennial guy that is disconnected from memes.

Connecting the Generational Divide

And so, I mean, I use the hell out of them, and I'm a fan now, but I love that part of that. Right, Drew? I think that is such a key part. And I also thought, like, you know, it's really interesting, like, from the blog post, you know, ninja interviewing the artist. Right? Like, it's also, like a way, like, one of the coolest parts I love about web three is, like, so many different people of different walks of life are brought together. And yes, for many people, it's the idea of the freedom of be able to, for price, go up.

Diversity and Creativity in the Web3 Community

But there's also, like, this unlock, right. This idea that, like, can bring these amazing different worlds together. And I would argue, like, I mean, I don't. I think a lot of other projects are missing the diversity of thought and the diversity of creativity within their own community. Right. And that's a hard thing, right. Because if you have a community of the same old people saying the same old things, yeah, it's great early on, but that's a very great way for things to kind of fall apart.

Community Structure and Sustainability

But when you have a community that is built through a variety of different walks of life, a variety of different ways to participate, and, like, I mean, how cool is it that you could sell your pepe, you could be an artist, you could spend $0, other than, you know, you can spend your time and use your creativity. You can mint a piece of art that sells for Pepe coin, you could then stake that pepe coin, and you could earn a privacy AI token.

Investing in Creativity and Community Growth

And in a weirdest of weird ways, you are. You are then invested in the future. You're able to be rewarded and celebrate the thing that you create. And you're able to do that without, you know, without putting your own dollars in play. Ultimately, you're able to do that by using your creativity, right.

Valuable Asset in Art and NFTs

Which I think is a valuable asset to play. And one could argue how many other NFT projects are doing that. And I can probably give you the answer. None. I don't think any other meme coin projects are thinking at it from that perspective. And I'm getting some DM's now, even from some people. There's some people in the audience that bought some of my art, my ADHD art. I made my collections around ADHD, which is something that I have, and it's something that I was expressing. I just got the biggest warm and fuzzy, getting a couple of DM's that I just got from people being like, Vanzo, I was one of your collectors. And, like, I still look at this art and still resembles how. How I feel as someone with ADHD. And, like, part of me is like, shit. Like, how cool is that? And like, we're able to do that using pepe paint, right? We're able to put that out there, use, you know, be able to create, be able to celebrate.

Opportunities for Artists

And I also just want to put out there. Not only is there Pepe Fest, but if you know an artist, or maybe you are an artist, there's also the ability to submit your art to one of the largest. Let me see what's the details on it. It's Pepe in Bali, and so it's an open call for anyone that submit their art. And it's a gallery that's going to be curated from August 11 to the 24th. And so you can fill out the form. There's a form. If you go, if you look in the jumbotron up above, swipe back to the fourth tweet that is up there in the jumbotron. You can submit your art to be featured in that collection. And all I gotta say is, you know, I've been to 76 countries. Bali is not one of the places I've been. I have been to Indonesia and Singapore and that I've been over there in that region, but I haven't been to bali yet. And the idea that there's art being over there, I think I might have to find my way over there for maybe. Maybe not this one, but maybe a future collection over there.

Creative Community Engagement

Drew, that's a cool project. When we saw that call out earlier, I was like, I wonder if fans has been there, because I know you've been, you know, you've traveled a ton. Yep. Not there. Nope. Have him in a Bali. Did you see that one I posted up there? It's like the. The Fanzo Peppa fight. And you have, like, your hands up with your. With your super expression. It. I did. I think. I think. I think Das created that, right? Yeah. Created. Yeah. That's pretty good, that. Although I did show it, my daughter happened to see it when I was scrolling through my phone. I showed her, and she said, please don't show me that again. It's gonna give her nightmares. So I don't. I don't think daddy being Pepe was, like, on my.

Community Appreciations and Opportunities

My daughter's, you know, bucket list, but I didn't like. I like it, Drew, that's a. That's, hey, that's some creative stuff there. I love the. I love the different creativity of this. Of this amazing community that we have. I do. See we got Sean up on stage. Sean, what's up, my friend? It's been a little while. Nice to see you up on stage. What say you, my friend? The mic is yours. Not too much, sir. How are you doing to doing? Wonderful. Doing well. Wonderful. I do have a quick question. Is there other, or I guess. I guess I should say in pepe paint or saving art and putting it, you know, on the exchange through or minting it, you know, through how we do.

Audio File Functionality Inquiry

Is there any way to do an audio file or is it just strictly through paint, you know, via extracted to whatever device you used to use the art on? Oh, that's a good question. I remember someone asking that question inside of the telegram. I can't remember if what we got for answer. I know Bossy has done a bunch of art, but I don't know if he's actually done that through actual pebble paint. So I have the. It's a great question. I have the telegram up. If someone on the team. I know we have some of the members of the team that are listening or some of the artists know the answer to that. That's a great question, though, Sean.

Current Limitations and Future Opportunities

I'm not positive on the audio file aspect of upload. I do know that you can take other files and import them in. I've done that myself, and it's super, you know, super smooth, super easy to make that happen. But we'll have to get back to you on the answer on the. I don't know. Drew andrew, you guys know the answer to that? Yeah, I don't, to be honest. I haven't seen anything, and I feel like it, if it was possible with now. And I'm just kind of thinking back to just even Microsoft paint in general. I don't think that there's the ability to add music to the actual piece of work that's minted. But if you had something original or. Sean, I don't know what you have in mind.

Engaging with the Community About Audio Integration

I don't know if it's like a song or something that maybe you created. There's other ways that we could showcase it, though. I know that telegram, there's a couple files that we can build into filters on telegram. There's a couple of decentralized apps that they've built on Pepeos, you know, that we could probably share to the team and maybe that's something that can implement on Pepeos. So I'm not sure what exactly you had in mind, but if you want to shoot me a DM or, you know, shoot anybody up here at DM, you know, we can maybe talk it out and get. Get answer back to you. And we did.

Limitations of Current Audio Features

We did get a message dash put in the telegram. He said, you can't do that. The audio currently on pepe paint. But of course, we don't know what smile has in the works for. There are some updates, I know that they've talked about around Pepe paint. So that might be something that would be coming in the near future, but Das, thanks for letting us know. It doesn't look like that is currently a feature of functionality. But for sure, I think the other beautiful thing about it is the community definitely celebrates art inside and outside of the project. I think Drew, you and Ninja both had tweeted at pepeangelo, right.

Celebrating Art in the Community

The artist that we got to see her doing her art live there at the bitcoin event and would love to see her doing some of her art and celebrating some of the pepe, you know, the other pepes that are around. But yeah, great question, John. Appreciate you jumping up and maybe that the team will have something in that in mind for audio files in the future. Absolutely. Thank you. As always, you guys hold true, hold strong and we'll get there. Most love. Yes, yes. Agree completely. I do want to highlight. We kind of talk a lot about pepe Paint.

Noteworthy Developments in Privacy AI

I do want to highlight. There was a tweet put out by the based team earlier this week around one of the breakthroughs. I think this is a pretty awesome component of everything that we have going on right now is that one of the breakthrough and one of the things that we've talked a lot about here on the spaces around the privacy AI component is the idea of fhe, this idea of fhe and it being able to scale, which is the privacy, the core privacy component of the actual block of the based AI product that many of us care about and many of us are invested in, many of us know that it's tied to Pepe. And one of the things they put out there is they were actually able to benchmark the squeezing technique to optimize some new fhe benchmarks.

Significant Gains in AI Performance

And so the idea is that it's 178% productivity or performance gain compared to the standard model. Right. So one of the things I've talked about in the past is that one of the big limitations with fhe in its current state is that it's very slow and so you often can't leverage it or it makes leveraging it almost nil and void for those that are trying to use privacy AI today with just your basic fhe. And so the fact that the team put that out on August 4, that they were able to, you know, right now they're able using the, you know, the technique that they've actually created within based and get 178% gain. That's a huge win for the building component, right.

Looking Forward to Future Developments

For, for people that are wondering like, okay, what's the team building on? What's the things they're working on? What are the things that we'll be able to celebrate once Mainnet is launched? That is definitely one of them, right. And that is a key component. So I just wanted to highlight that, you know, it is tied, you know, for everyone. That's maybe some people that are in here more on the art side. Right. I. The idea that if you are staking your pepe coin, that you can earn your base tokens and base tokens. The base project itself, of course, is in the testnet phase number two. And over the next many weeks, we should be able to see it roll out into the main net.

Exciting Features on the Horizon

And once Mainnet is launched, then we break into all the fun around a layer 10 knowledge large learning module. I will tell you, beautiful thing about that is some of the tech that they're working on is really going to be an unlock for, you know, AI across the board. So I thought that tweet was really cool to see. Congrats to the team. I know anyone that's been on a dev team before or worked with devs before, they're often working for weeks, if not months, maybe years at a time, hoping to have a breakthrough on certain areas, right? And the idea is that oftentimes you believe something's going to work, but not until the actual breakthrough happens are you able to kind of celebrate and see some of the light.

Final Thoughts on Progress in AI

So definitely want to put that out there for those that are, you know, kind of that didn't see that tweet, and you're looking for something to be bullish about right now in this current, you know, current world that we're in, that definitely something to be bullish about is that the base AI information that was put out? All right, let's see. Dazd. Let's see. I think Daz is coming up, but Twitter spaces seem to be a little bit ruggy in a second. Yeah, I was. I was trying to get him up a little bit earlier. There was an air 0034 adding das. Yeah, it says there's.

Technical Difficulties with Twitter Spaces

That's what I just got an error across the top of my, I'm across my Twitter space. Das. I don't. I guess they just don't want him on. On Twitter. I actually see Drew. Drew, I thought you would give them an error on t row coming up. I didn't think you'd give an error on Das coming. Yeah, I actually. I actually submitted a ticket to x and let them know that t rose account just shouldn't be allowed to come in. But, you know, I was. I'm a message fan, so, like, you know, I don't know. Like, I tried to get him in, and he's, like, up for a second, then he popped down.

Community Engagement and Feedback

And so I let him know, though, that were having technical issues. All right, cool beans. All right, so for those that are in here, and I would love, you know, for artists that anyone that's an artist in here, or even if you're a collector, you've bought one of the pieces from Pepe paint, I would love. You know, we're gonna be in here for about another ten minutes. Before we jump over to that other Twitter space, I'd love for you to drop the links in the bottom button down in the bottom right hand corner. Like, we put some really cool things up here in the nest or in the bill jumbotron, whatever the hell we're calling it these days.

Celebration of Artist Contributions

But in the replay, those often aren't as visible. Sometimes they show up in replay, sometimes they don't. But they. People are able to see the thread from this Twitter space. So for anyone that's bought a piece of art, or maybe you're an artist yourself, or maybe you just want to celebrate another artist or a piece of art that you see out there, drop it in the reply to this Twitter space. And if you're listening on the replay and you got 45 minutes onto it, first of all, thank you for listening. Second of all, you can also reply to this tweet and it'll show up in the feed and then we can push it out there as well.

Upcoming Features in the Community

So I'd love to celebrate some of the artists, I think what the last number I saw, I believe there are a 13 artists from Pepe paint that are going to be featured at Beeple's event. So I believe that. I don't know. Ninja, do we have a number? I don't remember if there was a number posted in the telegram. I think it was 13 on that day, but I can't remember. I don't know. Maybe someone in the community has been keeping track. I know there was a lot of sort of activity around, like, posting the email acceptance or notifications when, like, inside those couple, like, three days sort of into, like, the final deadline when things were kind of being decided.

Fostering a Supportive Community Environment

But I'm not sure I ever saw a final count. But maybe someone can either come up to the mic or reply in the notes there inside the space, whether they know. I just want to say one other thing is that the love in the telegram is pretty awesome around just encouraging your fellow man, your fellow frog and their creative efforts. I've actually seen in the last couple days a few newer people or maybe older people that just kind of wandered into the telegram and are more, like, observers have actually said inside the telegram, like, these vibes are ridiculous.

A Warm and Welcoming Community Atmosphere

Like, they are so great. I am so comfortable here. And I think a lot of the conversation, too, like, when there is a lull in, like, talking about the market or talking about the weather or what have you, there's a lot of chatter around pepe pain and about, like, specific art pieces. And so there's just a lot of support inside the community. So, yeah, just encouraging you that if you, like, are listening to this space, maybe you're listening to the recording, maybe you're here right now. You want to give it a shot.

Engaging with a Vibrant Artistic Community

Also reach out to the people inside the telegram. Or I'm sure they're, like, on Twitter, you'll find certain threads where different artists who are frequent pepe paint artists are replying there. And you guys can, like, you know, vibe together the way that we've seen it in telegram. And it's. Yeah, it's really cool to see. I've also seen, like, artists buying one another's art. So it's like, you know, you want kind of a piece of that. That person's art in your gallery thinking about kick space, or you want it, like, in your wallet as sort of like a memento of support for that individual, and then they turn around and buy your stuff.

Community and Connection

So it just. I don't know. I mean, there's no guarantees there, but I've seen it time and time again, and I think it's just a really great expression of love inside the community and these worm-like vibes that are just so naturally flowing in the community. So, yeah, I just wanted to add that kind of agree more of, like, this off side of things. And that's such an important aspect of community, right? And people on this, in this, you know, crypto, Twitter, they throw around the words community and culture, but the essence of community and culture, so much of it comes down to this idea of connection, right? And I'm like, the three c's, and I love talking about that on stages and stuff, but they're the idea of connection, right? And we connect on so many different layers and different levels in real life. Right. When we meet with people. But oftentimes online, those layers of how we connect are often disconnected, or they're either only the same level. Right.

Engagement in Crypto Culture

Like, oh, you're also invested in crypto or all you. But the idea here is you're able to have so many different ways to unlock one of those unlocks. I think if I. If I'm. If I'm. I'm not making. I'm going to make a guess here. Archaic sent a message and he said, how do you talk? Just hit this mic thing, which to me might seem that this is Archaic's first time on a Twitter space, and he was getting shade thrown at him a little bit from Drew earlier. So I'm not sure if that's why he came up or not. But archaic, the unmute button is in the. Bottom left, I could have sworn this guy said he wasn't going to be able to make it. That's why I threw that out there. And now he's on spaces, so I'm a little bit worried. Archaic, you there? Yeah.

Introduction of Archaic

Can you guys hear me? We can hear you loud and clear. Welcome to my stage, my friend. So glad to have you up on stage. Thanks, man. First time. Love it. Love it. So I know you're hearing all this love. I feel like you are one of the. One of the key bloodlines of everything. Pepe paint in the. In the feed in the community. What say you on this whole conversation? Yeah, that was just kind of by luck, I mean, I remember being in the telegram and people talking about something called Pepe paint, and I had bought the token a long time ago, and I didn't even know you could do stuff. Like, I didn't even know there was a website for, like, three weeks.

Discovering Pepe Paint

So I was just holding on to this coin, and I saw it start to go up, and so I went and I looked around and I saw they had something on x. And then I saw they had a telegram, then I saw they had a website. And so I started looking around and digging around, and someone said that you could draw stuff in pepe paint. And I used to draw on paper and I. And paint and things like that back in the day, but I hadn't really done a lot of digital artwork, so I ended up getting an apple pencil and just started drawing stuff on my iPad. And people liked it. Yeah, I would say people liked it as an understatement. And it's super cool that you came up. Super glad it was your first space. You're one.

Artist's Journey and Community Recognition

I don't know if your ears were burning when we were in Nashville, but we were talking about your art and just the general vibes you put into the. The telegram around that, so, yeah, congrats on that. And I love that part of the story. Right. I think that's good for everybody in here. Right? Like, you never know your entry point and kind of how you've been, you know, celebrated or how the art you've either collected or created yourself, but, yeah, super glad you came up and shared that, my friend. And hopefully we ought to hear more and celebrate more of some of the stuff that you're creating. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you. Sweet. Thank you.

Community Engagement and Future Opportunities

I do believe we have. Das has come up under the Pepe Coiners account. Das, are you there? I believe that's you behind that account. After you. For some reason, you've kind of been blackballed from the other account. Yeah, that's me. Can you guys hear me all right? Yes, we can hear you. Yeah. I don't know. Twitter just didn't like your other account today. Cheers. No, no, that's all right. Good morning from the future. Like you said, last week had a funny morning. It was rainy and gray, which.

Personal Reflections on Community

Which suited the weekend sort of Monday appeal. But then as soon as the spaces started up, the sun came out, and it's a beautiful blue sky day, so I don't know if that's just coincidence or synchronicity, but I do love this. I do love these spaces. Every week you guys hold down such an important seat in our comfy, cozy community. People come in here because it's a great. It's a great time. I know you guys might not have that much time, so I'm just gonna just talk about what you guys were talking about. I think you guys already said so much about how pepe paint holds down probably one of the most important parts of the pepe coin community.

Creative Contributions of the Community

I mean, you know, we can go through it like. Like even archaic story of, you know, just having been an old-school painter, an old-school artist who just found his way there and suddenly realized that his art was appreciated. Not just appreciated, celebrated. You know, archaics, like the. The grandfather of the space. He has all these profile pictures popping up. I find his most recent one really funny, where he made himself. He gave himself a macca's hat because of the downturn, which kind of shows you know, how. How light this experience is to our community, which is probably, you know, I don't know, one of the only communities that doesn't really seem to get too fast.

Resilience in Community Spirit

I mean, you were talking about fans that people try to be strong and people try to be like, oh, you buy the dip and stuff. And you're right. People do put on that front a lot. But I feel like in our community, it's not a front because, you know, you look at the staking contract, it's still going up. Percentage increase of total Pepe coin and total base staked goes up. Doesn't matter what the price does. It's far out. I've never seen anything like that. I think a big part of that is the Pepe paint community.

Supportive and Encouraging Environment

I think it can't be understated. It's supportive. It's encouraging for new artists, for people who just want to do derpy shit. Because it's funny, which is the meme culture that Drew's talking about, which is really the origin of tokenizing culture. It's the origin of meme coins. The community is strong, and the culture is being established. It's friendly, it's helpful. It's there to help you out. It's inclusive. I also think, you know, when it comes to. When it comes to building a community, like, what the devs have done here is pretty. It's never been done before.

Innovative Community Development

Not anything I've ever seen. Like you said, you'd be open for anyone to challenge that. So would I. But I would be shocked if anyone comes up with a cultural community that has anything like pepe paint. You know, the fact that the tool can also be used and probably will be used to actually engage us as community members in the metaverse keck space. That's. That's crazy. I don't know how that's going to go. You know, it's all speculation, but, you know, prom wouldn't put it out there if it wasn't something that was being genuinely put into the works.

Onboarding New Members

I also think it's important. I'm sure I'm not the only one here, but I've onboarded people into the Pepe coin space, through the Pepe paint. You know, there are people who are investing now. There are people who are interested. There are people who are earning. It's an artist, straight to collector, frictionless, instantaneous, global community that allows people to earn. I mean, of course, expressing creativity is really the root of the tree of innovation, of all innovation. You know, the fact that we have this creative base obviously balances out all of the tech stuff pretty well.

Empowerment Through Creativity

But, you know, it's a real opportunity for people to have financial sovereignty through their creativity immediately and to increase their skill level. Like, you know, I've always wanted to draw, man. I don't know about you guys. I've always wanted to do it since I was little, but I never had the courage. I never had the. I don't know, I had a block to it until I found our community, and now I've just been drawing crazy. I'm really sorry that I gave you a daughter nightmares. Fans are. It's all love.

Parenting and Community Connection

It's all my. They. I mean, I'm not sure they're at the age now. I don't think they like anything that daddy's doing or wears or dresses or looks like daddy. So don't take it at all personal, but I do love. I do love your. Your journey onto it, too. Right. And I think you brought up so many good points on, like, the innovation and on that. Like, that side of this. So I. I think this. I think it's just a great highlight and a greater point for everybody in here.

The Importance of Creativity in Community Growth

Right. When we talk about this community being more than what, you know, the. The average community is. This is such a key component of that. I'm so glad you kind of. You hit on that Daz as well. Oh, man, 100%. And I mean, yeah, like, most pointed this out the other day when he was on it. It is something for people to do when the price action is scary, but, you know, it's. It's also just something for people to. To do because it's.

Cultural Transition through Creativity

It feels good. It's. It's a. It's a really awesome way of taking something, a culture, which is obviously we want to make money, obviously, like, but taking that greed off the table a little bit, taking it into that place of a little bit more, I don't know, like a higher value. I don't really, you know, that there's something about our community that's special. I think the fact that we have this artist-centric portal is a big part of that. You know, like, the community is really family-orientated.

Gratitude and Conclusion

You know, it's. It's special. It is, it is. And Das, I appreciate you coming up. I'm sorry we had those technical issues and you actually kind of segued me perfectly into kind of wrapping a bow on this space before we jump over to the other twitter space, which hopefully everybody can join us in as well. All right, thank you very much. All right, thanks. Thanks, my friend. And I will say one of the things that Das brought up there, which I thought, and make sure to give that account, that Pepe Corners account, will follow everyone that's in here in the community.

Shaping the Future of the Community

They're going to be putting out some great content, amplifying a lot of stuff that's going on here around the community. I know we're going to talk about that in future spaces as well. I did want to one other kind of key component or one thing to highlight before we jump out of here. We have amazing people in this community that are artists, people that are amazing at sniping the blockchain. And for those that were kind of paying attention at the end of last week and over the weekend, there was kind of the underpinnings that winter.

Market Makers and Community Growth

Mute, which is a company that they make market. They're a market maker in the digital asset liquidity components. Their current two biggest positions they hold as of last look are pepe Coin and based AI. And so. And based AI, of course, being the one that will bridge over to based. So for all those in the community that were sniping that account, and I know there's a lot of questions about when are we going to get on exchanges and how things are going to happen. The beautiful thing about this is every market in the world, every market that exists, every coin that is your favorite coin, has market makers involved.

Research and Future Opportunities

And the fact that we are able to see via the blockchain that one of the biggest players in this entire digital web three space seems to be involved with Pepe Coin and base AI, I would just say do your own damn research, not financial advice. But for those that want to look into winter mute and everything that is winter mute. They have a glorious reputation and to see the wallets that those coins were coming from and how they ended up where they're at. If you're not bullish on that, and for all those that are excited about what's to come, you probably just need to do a little bit more of your research. I will leave that this space.

Transitioning to the Next Space

On that note, we are going to jump over to the other space. So if you guys are following any of us up here on the stage and we'll retweet that space, hopefully you'll join us in celebrating. We're going to talk a little about Pepe Coin with a really large audience of meme coiners as well. But thanks everybody for being a part of this. Congrats to all the Pepe paint artists and those that are going to Pepe Fest. We of course will be sharing and amplifying that over the next couple days.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

But until next week, my friends, remember, you're not alone. Feel good man is definitely a mantra of Pepe. And just know that, you know, these times can be tough and you know, the part of realizing kind of ride the roller coaster down suck, but knowing that you're on the roller coaster with a bunch of other frogs and that we're all going to ride this back up together, hopefully that gets you through it. And we'll see everybody next Monday after Pepe Fest, after everything that is going on. Thanks archaic. Thanks Das for coming up and chatting with us.

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