Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Pentagon Games Community AMA hosted by PentagonGamesXP. The Pentagon Games Community AMA delved deep into the innovative world of blockchain-powered gaming, emphasizing community collaboration, transparency, and unique superhero-themed experiences. The team's dedication to engaging their community, unveiling upcoming features, and embodying innovative gaming practices showcased their commitment to revolutionizing the gaming industry. Through the integration of blockchain technology, Pentagon Games offers a fresh perspective on gaming by providing secure ownership of in-game assets and fostering a vibrant gaming community.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does Pentagon Games differentiate itself in the gaming market?
A: Pentagon Games stands out by integrating blockchain technology and superhero themes into their gaming platform.

Q: What role does community feedback play in Pentagon Games' development?
A: Community feedback is essential for refining features, enhancing user experience, and fostering a sense of ownership among players.

Q: Can users expect new collaborations and events in the Pentagon Games ecosystem?
A: Yes, upcoming collaborations and events will offer players exciting new experiences and opportunities within the gaming world.

Q: What are some key values upheld by the Pentagon Games team?
A: Transparency, community engagement, and innovation are core values guiding Pentagon Games' development and interactions.

Q: How does blockchain technology enhance gameplay in Pentagon Games?
A: Blockchain technology ensures security, ownership of in-game assets, and a unique gaming experience for Pentagon Games players.


Time: 00:13:45
Introduction to Pentagon Games' Vision Exploring how blockchain and superheroes converge to create an innovative gaming world.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Engagement Strategies Discussing the importance of community feedback and participation in shaping the Pentagon Games experience.

Time: 00:37:02
Upcoming Features Sneak Peek Teasing new features, collaborations, and events on the horizon for Pentagon Games enthusiasts.

Key Takeaways

  • Pentagon Games focuses on creating a unique gaming experience through blockchain technology.
  • Community involvement and feedback are central to Pentagon Games' development process.
  • The team at Pentagon Games emphasizes transparency and open communication with their community.
  • Innovative gaming concepts combining blockchain and superheroes are at the core of Pentagon Games' vision.
  • The AMA highlighted upcoming features, collaborations, and events within the Pentagon Games ecosystem.

Behind the Mic

Starting the Discussion

I guess we lost the music, y'all. But hopefully we'll get it back soon. We'll be starting shortly. Just waiting for Emma to join. We're going to give it one or two more minutes and then we're going to kick this off. Yeah, we're just waiting for Emma to join us and then we're gonna start shortly.

Welcoming Emma

Hello, Emma. Hey. Sorry for being late. So funny. Hey, hey. Yeah, we can hear you. Cool, cool. Thanks. Hey, everyone. Hey, Emma. So I guess it's only the three of us who can speak. So, you know, I'll just say it on behalf of the audience. Hey, Emma. And then John can say it on behalf of him. Hey, guys. Hey. Hey, Emma. Welcome.

A Joke to Lighten the Mood

I'll tell you guys a joke. I actually reading a book about how to manage time management and I got so interested reading it and he put this tutor space, I was like, oh, I think I still have time. Just let me quickly glance through the book. Then I get up, I was like, oh my God. After second, the tutor's face already started. Anyway. Hey, guys. All right, should we get this going? Does that sound okay with everyone? Yep. Let's do it. Yep. Alright.

Introducing Pentagon Games

So Pentagon Games is a next generation digital 3d theme park where you can explore, play, own and experience the future of gaming. It is enhanced by blockchain for fair digital rights and revenue sharing. And it's a place where you don't just visit, you belong. By providing AI tools to individuals and developers, we aim to onboard mass audience to a VR AR ecosystem that can be accessed on any device that you're using every day like your web browser. And today we got some kick ass interesting questions that we're going to be talking about.

Questions about the Project

We're going to talk about the airdrop, we're going to talk about some upcoming games. And yeah, I say we jump straight into it. So with me today, I'm joined by Emma and our CEO and middle our PMO. Welcome guys. Thank you. Yeah, thanks for having us on board. Alrighty. So Emma, my first question that came up from our community is why is it called Pentagon Games? And is the game related to Pentagon?

The Meaning Behind Pentagon Games

Hey, to be honest, the real is not actually related to a game that we're building. But it's about everybody know what Pentagon is, right? Like the Pentagon. So we being recognized as blockchain superhero in the past. So we have a whole bunch of superhero in our ecosystem. To us, hero has a special place in heart and we just saw it was fun that when we tried to come up with ideas, say, hey, where can we put all the superheroes, you know, and where can we gather them? Then I think someone just said, oh, it might be cool if, you know, the hero can be a secret agent that working for the Pentagon.

Further Explanation on the Name

So we'll go, okay, Pentagon is a good name and something that people can easily recognize and yeah, that's where the Pentagon finds has nothing to do with any game that we try to build. Yeah, but it's more related to the hero. It's also basically, it's also like trying to show that we are building something. Hopefully one day people will see it as, you know, just easily recognize us as also the Pentagon. So that's the idea behind reading the Pentagon games.

Accomplishments to Share

All right, got you. So can you share some latest major accomplishments you want to share with our audience today? And I heard something about a minute game. Yeah. So I'll say for those that just join us for the first time might know or might not know. Talk about few accomplishments. I do wanted to share. So one of them is back in April, a few months ago were the champion for one of the startup competition in Dubai. So we won the champion. So we thought that's actually a major accomplishment that we might already announced it to few people and few places, but I just want to reshare that.

Participation in Events

And then also recently, I won't say it's an accomplishment, but it was an interesting event that we get to participate. Pentagon Games going to be on a tv show called the Crypto Night. So where you guys will see us on tv presenting our project. So that's going to come up in Q four of this year. So just look out for that. And it was the first time we actually get to be on tv. So accomplishment wise, I'll say we've been continued building different games in the ecosystem, but as John mentioned earlier, what is Pentagon games?

Ideas for User Experience

Right. Our idea is putting our games into a digital theme park alike. So basically it's beyond gameplay. We want to build our experiences where everybody can come and explore, play, and own part of the experiences in our platform. So accomplishment, I guess saying that we actually about to roll out our first experience so users can come in and experience it and then at the same time we continue to enhance and play different games in our ecosystem so users can come and play. We actually do gonna have a minigame soon.

Upcoming MiniGame Announcement

It's called Telegram minigame where it's about to go out for early. I say beta release and welcome everybody to come and enjoy it again. So when. Sorry, John, when you mean accomplishment, there's like so many things just, you know, that I can think of, but I guess those are a few things that I like to quickly go over. Yeah, yeah. It seems that Pentagon games have been really busy the last few weeks, so there's a lot of accomplishments.

Details on the MiniGame

And the minigame, is there any details or some. Something that you would like to share right now or is that something. Yeah, sure. So the minigame is actually going to be on Telegram. So it's a telegram mini game, and we actually use build with one of the oldest Nft IP that we own. It was called Ethermount and then used to call Ethermount. Then you can rebrand to Ethermount. So the new minigame is going to call my Meistermons.

Participating in Daily Challenges

Basically, users can come in, basically participate daily to earn points or token, we call it, and then you can use it to acquire different months, and you can come and play and fight and then also earn some reward. So we actually doing some internal community testing. So a lot of community actually start joining and play the game already, but we're going to officially roll it out in the coming weeks. So that's quite exciting. yeah, so welcome, everybody. Come and check it out. It's called mystermos.

Anticipation for the New Game

Sweet. That sounds interesting. I'm. I'm pumped for that one.

Airdrop Campaign Introduction

So we talked about that. The airdrop campaign is live. So what happens now? I'm going to shift the focus over to our PMO middle. What are these badges that everyone is talking about? I heard the Djinn badge. I heard something about golden badge. How do I get them? What do I need to do.

Badges and Airdrop Campaign

Now? You just make sure you know, ask Emma nicely for one. No, I'm just kidding. No, but I still gotta say it. You know, I was gonna go where they can't release too much info because my boss usually listens on to the stuff, but, you know, that's why she's here with me, because I leaked too much info last time. The badges are part of the airdrop campaign. It's part of the massive airdrop campaign that we're running. Be sure to take part. So, essentially, for how most airdrop campaigns have point systems and stuff we've introduced in badges. These are cool badges that you get for completing different tasks. There's five types of badges a user can get.

Types of Badges Available

It involves welcome in white, Djinn, gold badge, and the most rare black badge. So, essentially, the more tasks you complete, the more badges you can attain. And each user can get up to one badge each of each category. Now, you were talking about the Deegen badge. So yeah, the type of badges we have, it's based on the task. Like a welcome badge. Hey, it's just to get started. You come in, sign up on Pentagon games and follow up, a very small sign up process. It's just to welcome you on board and you can get the welcome badge. The invite badge similarly is to refer your friends, because friends make everything better. And then we have the Degen badge.

Degen Badge Explanation

This is for all on chain activity. It's essentially for people who are web three, who are into web three, you know, prove that, prove your word by showing that you're a legion. Participate in our testnet, participate in the various activities we have planned on that. We also have a testnet out, by the way, request tokens on the faucet, send it out to your friends, perform transactions, use the bridge. Pretty much standard airdrop tasks. And, yeah, it's, I mean, I wouldn't say it's extremely hard to get, but sure, it's not going to be as simple as the welcome badge. It's not meant to be. For the five badges, each one has a different star rating.

Understanding Badge Rankings

You can see, you can check it out on the website, Pentagon games, airdrop. Now, each star, the more the stars, the more important the badge or the higher rank. And the best part is these badges, they translate back into pen tokens for the airdrop. The more badges you have, the more tokens, and the higher the rank, the more the tokens linked to it. So, yeah, get going. Get your badges now. Sweet. I'm excited about that, at least for the gaming part, I think that will be fun to climb the leaderboard for that. So I heard some rumors about a pen wallet. Why do we need a dedicated wallet?

Need for a Dedicated Wallet

What's so good about it? And how does it tie into the airdrop campaign? Okay, yeah, about the pin wallet. So one thing that a lot of people would, well, maybe people have already participated in, the testnet would realize once you go and sign up on Pentagon games and you go to your profile tab, there will be a wallet that says AA wallet and an address over there. So essentially the pen wallet is for users. Any user that comes to the website by default will have an address assigned to them in the pen wallet. And the link with the airdrop is the task and you complete and the badges you earn.

Functionality of the Pen Wallet

These badges will be visible in your pen wallet. So we'll be sending them as nfts onto the pen wallet, which is linked to your account. And the cool part is this wallet is also going to be coming out on iOS android, you'll simply be able to log in using your Pentagon games account, username and password and just sign in. Sweet. Sounds like a pretty streamlined process. So, yeah, we want the user onboarding to be extremely smooth, you know. Yeah, it's essentially we want, you know, it's essentially we want people to come in and say, this is by far the best thing that can happen.

Upcoming Digital Theme Park

That's the easiest airdrop I've seen. Right, got you, Emma. I have another question from our community. They're asking about, well, about this new webex, our based digital theme park. So what is it about and when can we expect it? So the idea is, goes back to the fundamental, right? Like we want to build out something that's easily accessible by the user. I know a lot of the challenges of, I guess, different metaverse project. I'll say they try to basically build experiences, which is nice and all that, but then you also, it's like, how do you access it? Right?

Designing Access to Experiences

So we really trying to think, hey, what can we do on our end so that we can build something that's easily accessible anywhere possible. Meaning that while I'm taking the subway or, you know, Metro for some people, probably transit or, you know, while I'm just like at home. But I don't want to download anything. Right. I just wanted to get started just like me browsing something on my PC type of thing. So then we focus on building our web browser based experiences. So that's what we're referring to, you know, easily accessible digital theme park where we're building out this virtual immersive world where users like yourself or myself can easily assess any kind.

Interaction in the Digital Theme Park

And then we can basically be anywhere in the world and interact with anybody, right? So we can actually get on the same time and try to jump into experience. So that's what we're building. And to make it more, I guess, immersive for some people is the experience will also be available, let's say if you do have a VR device, because we do. See, Apple Vision is released. Apple released Apple Vision Pro last year. I think basically they're telling us, leading the training to say more immersive experiences are coming to our life just like the web one, web two.

Building Immersive User Experiences

I think we're going to the web three. But even how people consume content used to be the text, and then more image and then video now and then later on, we do believe that Apple is telling us more immersive experiences is coming our way. So that's why where we start early, trying to build on more exciting immersive experiences for user. And of course we start with the web browser. Of course VR and AR is also something that we've been working on quite aggressively. So we are aiming to release it by end of this year.

Anticipation for Launch and Testing

We haven't confirmed the time yet because we also need to align with some of the other deliverable. But it's something that's coming for sure and we're quite excited about it. The internal version is already out and basically we're really doing internal testing. So high level sweet sounds really exciting and from what I've seen, I think it's going to be really cool. Yeah, no, no. I'm quite excited. I think it's just that it's almost like imagine like let's say how user consume content and also how user express themselves in social media nowadays, right? Like we believe that everybody should have their own space.

Creating Personalized Spaces in the Theme Park

And then this is what we're doing is that we inviting game to create their own game space where you can show the games, you know, let's say, Cheng Gunny, our own games, right? It's an FPS game. But then, you know, beside watching a video on YouTube to say or even just play it again outside of it, you can come into Pentagon games experience and actually experience anything to learn more about the game's ip, to learn more about the kirito, to learn about the skin that they have for those weapons and stuff. So there's a lot of more things user can basically interact and learn more about.

Social Interaction and Exploration

Synchronous. Almost like a way to hang out and socialize with your other game of friends, to basically have different experiences. That's what I call it. Like a theme park, right? So it's almost like a Disney theme park for different games and where myself will also have my own personal space where I can, you know, invite you over to come and hang out. But at the same time, if I, you know, beside my own space, I can also go out and basically explore different theme park.

The Beauty of Browser-Based Experience

Basically. That's the idea. But the beauty of it is going to be browser based. So then anybody can basically easily assess and enjoy the experience anywhere they want. Sweet.

Growth of Mini Games on Telegram

So this is a question for both of you actually. You know, we've seen a lot of minigames being introduced to telegram and it's an interesting place to grow a community. What do you guys think is the driving, what is driving this growth? And why are people so interested in this mini games on Telegram? I will start something in a c. I'm sure Myrtle will always have something to ask. He's like a knowledge, like, he's so knowledgeable of every topic.

Importance of Telegram as a Platform

I don't know why, but yeah, so I do think that for us is that, as you see, Telegram is one of the biggest, like, I guess, app that people use every day. Like, I use Telegram. Like it's one of my most frequent app. Right. And then since I got into crypto long time ago, it's like, that's how you guys do Telegram. I also do think it is also one of the major, I guess, social media app that user actually use to basically, you know, get their web three information.

Attracting Users through Games

So it becomes especially important for us, like a blockchain, also doing blockchain games and stuff to utilize telegram and also the amount of the users that they have to basically create again, and I think one of the advantages that because they really have such a strong user base, it's so easy, basically create a game and they also integrate with their wallet. And also it's like that social platform where you basically able to attract the right people.

Rewarding Programs Maximizing Engagement

And also creating a rewarding program is because I can basically play the game quickly because I go to telegram all the time anyway, and then without really, you know, spending too much effort and all that, it's like some of the simple games are becoming very popular, some of the tapping game, where user can just tap, tap, basically earn some rewards and stuff. So I think it just almost like some of the web, I'll say, in China, there's a very popular app called WeChat.

Comparison with WeChat

They also done that a while back, is basically creating a lot of mini app and minigame people basically going and create different games. And they were also able to quickly, a lot of the developer able to quickly grow their user base is because the basic user that's already in WeChat. So Telegram, we see is very similar as Telegram being one of the top social media app that people use. It.

The Strategic Edge of Telegram

This strong user base basically help developers like us able to attract users very quickly. And it also is because now they also have their own chain and also their wallet is very easy for gen developer to develop things on it and then basically to attract user to come and learn about it. So basically, that's my high level idea. I'm sure Myrtle probably has a lot more to add.

Factors Contributing to Growth

Well, sure, I mean, if you want me to add to it, but yeah, high level. John, if you're talking about what's been the drive, what's driving this growth? Well, we did release the airdrop announcement. That's definitely one. And then talking about telegram minigames, I guess that's another factor that's really driven this growth. So besides Pentagon games, Telegram channel, I think one that has grown a lot is my Mister Mons official announcement and that's the telegram mini game that we have released out. So yeah, I mean Telegram mini games are gaining a lot of popularity right now.

Engagement and Community Involvement

Tawn is all hot Topic right now. So yeah, significant increase in the growth telegram gaming it is. But yeah, do check out the telegram game. We have join the channel, my mister Mons, and come and play it. Have you played it? Do you like the game? I actually, I think it's going to better. We actually just did an early version, but we're going to roll out a new version.

Anticipating Competition and Engagement

So right now it's more for internal community early testing. So now you play, you actually can earn rewards faster. Later on you join, there'll be more people competing. So. This is what I was saying. That's why Emma comes on to amazing with me now. I always say too much. I know. I try to stop it. I'm here to monitor him, basically.

Encouraging Community Participation

I see, I see. We have another question from a community member. As someone from Gen C, why should we be interested in joining your ecosystem? It's a pretty broad question, but yeah. It'S interesting that I was asked a similar question recently.

Connecting with Gen Z Interests

So I think for Gen Z individuals, right, one thing that I think they grow up with a lot of digital, I guess, different social media accounts and stuff. Basically it's like different than a little bit older than Gen Z. So I put it this way. But then, you know, when I grow up it was a little bit different.

Digital Theme Park Concept

But then I think for Gen Z is that they basically go up with like different social media account, a lot of gaming and then a lot of immersive things and stuff. And then I think a lot of them probably into blockchain, right. So I think what we're doing basically is align with what they're doing, but we'll stay beyond it because we see ourselves as the next generation of digital theme park, right.

Enhancing Individualism and Self-expression

So basically we're creating something that's like, almost like we're trying to create different 3d content, but that's more immersive. So I think Gen Z will like it because we will be have. They can also utilize us as a platform to express themselves, express how, their style, their individualism, because they will have their own space and that's where they can even enjoy different experiences with their friend.

Global Perspective and Connectivity

And then the front doesn't need to be physically be with them. It could be anywhere in the world. And then now I see a lot of people like us. A global company, we have team all over the world. If you're Gen Z, you'll be like, hey, now, you can so easily share different experiences with your friend, let's say different part of the continent.

Building Spaces and Immersive Experiences

And yeah, I think that's actually one thing that going to interest them, especially we're allowing them to build out their own space. And because it's a blockchain project, they will own part of the content that they created and then also more and more immersive experiences that they will be able to experience this kind of beyond what they used to now.

Future of Content Consumption

But it's almost like the next generation of consuming content and that's what we're trying to build. So I think we'll get them very excited. Plus the rewarding part, right? So, yeah. Sweet.

The Excitement of Community and Growth

Awesome. So I'm just going to add to that, John. So, yo, fam, if you know Pentagon games, that's high key, where the Guap is. Now, if you understood that means your Gen Z. And it also means that's where the money is over the airdrop.

Acknowledging Generational Appeal

If you didn't. If you didn't understand that, then I probably sound cringe. But you have a Gen Z. That's why we. Can we say why you should? I'm not gonna say that line again. It was too cringe of a yemenite.

Unity in Generational Engagement

No, it's okay. Someone from Gen Z, people found Gen Z that worked for us and then he truly believed and love us. They will love what he's doing. So as you are from the same generation as Mordo, you should like us as well.

Final Words on Joining the Ecosystem

That's why you should join just for Mordo. How's that? Oh, no, wait. There. There you go. Purple Heart. Yeah. I don't know why there's only purple Heart.

Discussion on Colors and Generations

You can click on it. Okay, never mind. But I do like purple, so purple is all good. You know how. How to trigger Gen Z. You could. You're the young one. Go ahead. Yeah, you do like this. You give them a thumbs up. So, you know, we're probably. We're probably gonna have a lot of comments like, coming from millennials. We're gonna unsubscribe you now. Well, you know, we're also. Yeah, it's true. It's true. Yeah. So I have another two community questions, actually, and the next one is asking which upcoming game are you most excited about and why? That's a fun one. I am gonna have to say one. I actually was gonna say telegram minigame, but we talk about it so much. I actually quite excited for a next version of Cheng Gunnigan. That's actually gonna be so much fun.

Anticipation for Upcoming Games

I've been seeing some stuff and I was like, asking Noi, why are you hiding everything? It's like, what's wrong with you? There's so much good stuff that they're just building and building. I was like, okay, maybe we should release some of this stuff. I actually quite excited. And I think people will love it. Yeah, I think doesn't matter which generation you're from, you will love what we're gonna about to release. Yeah, I'm actually quite excited. There's a lot of creativity and sack of fun. Okay, what type of things are they introducing in a new one? Oh, we're not allowed to talk about it. Oh, shit. Okay. Yeah. No, but I think what we try to do is also they really try to do something. This is why Noah hype.

Game Expectations and Community Engagement

Yeah, I know. Like, we try to do something different than the traditional cs go type of game. Right. It's like a different type of FPS. So we saw us quite different and. Yeah, but, yeah, maybe the next call inviting Noi, and then see what you can get out of. Maybe do a video call so that you can see things. I'm recording versus just talk. Because I think this one, you actually need some leak in order to make it exciting. I got you. Okay. Do we have somebody else who wants to add a game they're excited about? I'm going to go with James. I'm sure Joan's going to, you know, he's going to open it up for the community now. Any. Any speakers? No.

Community Questions and Shark Video Discussion

I actually have a second question that was asking about what's up with the shark video. Oh, that's because we like shark. No, no. Go on. Because we like sharks. No, because we recently have. We tell people we did right or have we not? I don't think we made the announcement. Oh, okay. I don't know if we're allowed to, but whatever. So as people know, I said earlier at the beginning, one of the accomplishment or things that we've done that's interesting is were on a tv show recording, and in the tv show itself is almost like a shark tank type of tv show. So for people who knows what shock tank is, that's why we have a lot of shock in our post. We're not creating a shock hero, just in case you were wondering.

Television Show Recording Insights

It's about we actually get to basically, film a tv show for a crypto tv show. That's like a shop tank type of tv show. So we thought that was actually very interesting. So that's why we added a shot to our Twitter post. But, yeah, you know, I could definitely see shark gunnies being a thing, but. Oh, that might be cool. I'm also wondering, we should force nora to say, are we doing anything special for Halloween since it's coming up. Oh, yeah. Because we have some Halloween games. Right? That'll be cool. Okay. I think that was the end of the questions from the community that I had.

Final Notes and Community Engagement

If anybody wants to drop a comment, you can do so. Or any questions for Emma in middle, and we'll try to answer it. If not, you can find us on discord and social media here on Twitter. Thank you so much, guys, for tuning in today. I hope you had fun. I hope we solved some airdrop questions. And if not, then we'll be around on discord to help you out claim those badges. Anything you would like to add, Emma or I? Participate. The pin airdrop is going to be time limited. The earlier you participate, the higher chance you will earn more tokens. So add fast and add now and invite your friends.

Concluding Remarks

Help us to also do the testnet. Earn your DGN badge, please. And I'm just gonna go with Ditto, whatever you said. But, yeah, thanks for having us. Thanks. Yeah, thanks for having us on, John. Oh, yeah. Thanks for having us. Yeah, perfect, guys. Thank you so much. And thank you to the community for tuning in. I hope you had as much fun as we did. And stay tuned for the next ama's coming up. We got a few planned for next week, so follow us along on Twitter and join us on discord and collect those badges. It's all about the badges for now. Thanks, guys. Oh, my God.

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