Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Paradise Tycoon Weekly AMA: Harvest Season Launch! hosted by ParadiseTycoon. The Paradise Tycoon Weekly AMA delved into the exciting launch of Harvest Season within the multiplayer world, discussing gameplay features, community engagement, and strategic resource management. Powered by Immutable and incubated by Seedifyfund, the event highlighted the blend of competition and collaboration, upcoming features, and technological advancements in gaming. Players learned about becoming successful tycoons, enhancing gaming experiences through community participation, and the bright future prospects within the virtual universe of Paradise Tycoon.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What is the focus of Paradise Tycoon's gameplay?
A: Paradise Tycoon emphasizes multiplayer experiences and building virtual paradises.

Q: What is the significance of Harvest Season in the game?
A: Harvest Season marks an important launch event within Paradise Tycoon's gameplay.

Q: Who powers the Paradise Tycoon project?
A: The project is powered by Immutable, showcasing advancements in blockchain technology.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for multiplayer gaming success?
A: Community engagement is vital for creating vibrant gaming communities and enhancing player experiences.

Q: What role does Seedifyfund play in the Paradise Tycoon project?
A: Seedifyfund acts as the incubator for Paradise Tycoon, supporting its development and growth.

Q: How can players excel in the multiplayer world of Paradise Tycoon?
A: Players can succeed by strategically managing resources, participating in events, and engaging with the community.

Q: What upcoming features can players anticipate in Paradise Tycoon?
A: Players can look forward to new events, collaborations, and gameplay enhancements within Paradise Tycoon.

Q: What technological advancements benefit gaming platforms like Paradise Tycoon?
A: Technological advancements in blockchain technology offer enhanced security, ownership, and in-game economies for players.

Q: How does Paradise Tycoon blend competitiveness and collaboration?
A: The game provides opportunities for players to compete for success while also fostering collaborative efforts within the community.

Q: What strategies can players employ to thrive as tycoons in the virtual universe?
A: Effective resource management, strategic planning, and community engagement are key strategies for becoming successful tycoons in Paradise Tycoon.


Time: 00:15:22
Harvest Season Launch Event Exciting discussions surrounding the launch of Harvest Season within Paradise Tycoon.

Time: 00:25:45
Immutable's Role in Paradise Tycoon Insights on how Immutable powers the project and enhances the gaming experience.

Time: 00:35:10
Seedifyfund's Incubation of Paradise Tycoon Learn about Seedifyfund's support and role in fostering the growth of Paradise Tycoon.

Time: 00:45:30
Community Engagement Strategies Tips on engaging with the Paradise Tycoon community for shared gaming experiences.

Time: 00:55:12
Resource Management in Paradise Tycoon Strategies for effectively managing resources to thrive as a tycoon in the virtual world.

Time: 01:05:40
Upcoming Features Sneak Peek Teasers and insights on the exciting upcoming features and events within Paradise Tycoon.

Time: 01:15:55
Technological Advancements in Gaming Discussions on the role of blockchain technology in revolutionizing gaming platforms like Paradise Tycoon.

Time: 01:25:20
Balancing Competition and Collaboration How Paradise Tycoon blends competitive gameplay with opportunities for collaboration among players.

Time: 01:35:42
Strategies for Tycoon Success Guidance on strategic planning, resource management, and community engagement for thriving in Paradise Tycoon.

Time: 01:45:18
Future Growth Prospects Exploring the potential growth and development opportunities within the Paradise Tycoon virtual universe.

Key Takeaways

  • Paradise Tycoon focuses on multiplayer gameplay and building virtual paradises.
  • The AMA highlights the launch of Harvest Season within the game.
  • Insights about the project being powered by Immutable are shared.
  • Seedifyfund's involvement as the incubator for Paradise Tycoon is discussed.
  • The importance of community engagement for the success of multiplayer gaming experiences.
  • Players can enjoy collaborative and competitive gameplay in Paradise Tycoon.
  • Discover how to strategize and manage resources effectively in the game.
  • Updates on upcoming features and events within the multiplayer world.
  • Learn about the advancements in blockchain technology for gaming platforms.
  • Tips on how to become a successful tycoon within Paradise Tycoon's virtual universe.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hello, hello. Hello. Hello, everybody. Welcome to the weekly AMA. I was trying to get some music to the start, but, yeah, unfortunately that didn't happen. My MacBook didn't want to play the soundtrack. Maybe next time. So sorry about the silence at the beginning. Anyway, welcome to the weekly AMA spaces. This week I'm here with Hari, and it's gonna be a very special AMA. It's probably not gonna be as much Ama at all. It's more like a launch party, I think. What do you think, Hari? Yeah, definitely. Hey, everybody. Glad to be here again. Yeah, I think this is a very special day as we're going forward with our big game events and, yeah, really excited about letting you guys, all guys know about what we are cooking here and what's been happening. And, yeah, I think this is going to be a party. We have some AMA questions, of course, but, yeah, I think let's party on.

Launch Announcement

Yeah, so the big hot topic right now is that we are launching harvest season in about two minutes. Yeah, you heard us right. We're going to launch it right here at these spaces in about now. So I'll let you know the link and then we can take a first look to the harvest season dashboard together. We'll be giving you a full breakdown on what's happening on the site. What's happening on harvest season. We are, I think we're a couple of hours on Wednesday. A couple of hours ago turned to Wednesday in some parts of this planet. So we missed the mark barely. Yeah, we need to admit it, we are a few hours late. We're sorry about that. But yeah, it's from Australia listening. I think it's a about maybe, I don't know, 02:00 a.m. in the morning. So, yeah, sorry about that. Well, this stuff happens, you know, when launching, trying to launch games with a specific date or, you know, even an hour.

Challenges in Launching

It's what typically happens because there's so many things that, you know, you have to wait for partners and servers and whatnot. But, you know, we're super happy that we are pretty much on schedule anyway, and we are even more excited about what we are about to reveal to all our tycoons out there. First of all, a big shout out to our partners, Nac solutions, who've been basically building the dashboard with us. It's a us based web three company. And yeah, they've been amazing help. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Huge shout out to those guys. They've been working tirelessly to get the dashboard quest dashboard working with us. And, yeah, we're looking forward to having taking a look with you guys, what we have been cooking with them. So, yeah, thank you. Thank you. Snag solutions, everybody at snag, it's been great working with you.

Preparation for AMA

All right, so maybe we haven't, as you probably already heard, we haven't had any chance to prepare this ama in any way. I mean, like, even before we typically just wing it, but maybe 15 minutes before we go live, we, you know, take a look at some questions and have a brief chat with. With the co hosts on what we should, you know, talk about this time. I was still, like five minutes ago, I was still updating the dashboard information and there's still stuff that, you know, needs to be updated. But we really wanted to show this to you guys first. So we haven't announced this on Twitter. We haven't announced this on anywhere, actually. I was gonna drop a link to the gold tier chat for paradise pass holders, but I didn't have time for that either. So unfortunately.

Dashboard Preview and User Guidance

But, you know, I know that a lot of the holders are here listening to the spaces now. So really looking forward to get started. And I think. I think we could, like, just go through the site. I have the site in front of me. So what do you think, Harif? I'll just blurp out the site. The URL and. Yeah, let's go from there. Yeah, go ahead and, yeah, blurp it out. I'm going to blurp it out. Blurp it out. Let's blurp it. All right, Timothy Leaker is going to leak somewhere else. The mega leak. It's coming. So. All right, everyone go to your keyboards or, you know, take a. Take a paper and a pencil. I don't know. The website you want to go to right now is quests. Quests dot paradise tycoon.com. so that's fairly easy.

Instructions for User Engagement

Quests dot paradiseticoon.com. all right, just type it in. I can feel all of you typing it in there right now. Like this. Here we go. And Tada. There it is. Paradise tycoon harvest season dashboard. This is the place where you will find all the missions, everything standard related to harvest season. Obviously, most of the magic is going to happen in game, right, but this is your, like, I don't know, mission control, right? Yeah, command center. Command center. Yeah, precisely. So, yeah, let's just start to break it down from. From the top. First of all, you got a nice little connect wallet button right on the top, right corner. It does exactly what you would expect it to do. Would you already want to give a brief run through on the wallets.

Wallet Connection Details

Now we actually have a support for metamask as well. But you know, more on that, maybe, Hari, you can share some. Yes. So basically what you can do is you can connect with your immutable passport. You should use the same immutable passport account that you use when you log in the game. So that's what you should be doing. Also, you can use any, like, there's a huge list of wallets that supported metamask included. So you can log in with one of those supported wallets also. That's like, that's in a nutshell. You can, you should. If you're, if you have partner nfTs, we have a few ways to actually have them included in your quests accounts. More on that later.

Connecting to the Dashboard

But basically, the thing is, you might need to connect both your immutable passport and metamask, but we will cover that later on. I just suggest that you test out connecting with either immutable passport or metamask or other supported wallet for now. Yeah, so that's the beginning. That's how you unlock the whole dashboard for you to complete quests. Awesome. Awesome. And yeah, more on the metamask support later. Why it's actually can be really important on harvest season. All right, let's move forward. First thing, I'm pretty sure a lot of you noticed and even maybe got a little bit startled. Like, there's a leaderboard right on the right hand part of the screen, you'll see a leaderboard, and there's already some names that you might be familiar with.

Leaderboard Overview

Quite a bit of badges, right? There's a lot of large numbers there. This is very simple. And the reason is that we are partnering now with some of the best, and I mean best web, three games and projects out there. And our partners in these projects will also get multipliers and some bonus batches. I think I'm already leaked to this, like couple of times in the previous AMA's. But what you see now is that we are automatically adding those points to these holders. And because we all calculate all the points right away with the multipliers, there's a lot of, like, a large amount of points is calculated instantly. Like Athenae exactly twelve minutes ago. The paradise tycoon NFT multipliers will be added a couple of hours later today.

Points and Rewards Structure

There's like different frequency on updating these points. So the partner NFT points are here now. And for that reason, there's some people on the leaderboard with quite a bit of points already. What else? All right, so that's the leaderboard, basically. I do expect to see some familiar tycoons topping the leaderboard once we get the paradise collection, multipliers and points in. As I mentioned earlier, like the paradise, the season one and season two was very, let's say free player, free to play friendly. Like obviously if you had a Paradise pass, it helped, but, you know, it was really good for free players in harvest season, the NFTs are going to have a bigger impact. Like not just paradise pass, but actually, you know, having any, and I mean any paradise tycoon, NFT is going to ramp up your multipliers and yeah, it's going to be very important part of this season.

Updating Sections and Quests

How are we going to update the sections? How are we going to update the quests and so on? So maybe just let's start to go through the batch earn section. That sounds good to start with. Yeah. So on the left side of this screen, the left side of the leaderboard, you will see the actual missions and quests we have in harvest season. Not all of them, but the ones that are available now and will be available shortly. So you will not see all the missions like few weeks from here. You're not seeing the fishing tournament there yet either. But we are going to actually add that quite soon there with the date. So you'll see the missions that are available and we have different categories and let's go through all the categories like you mentioned.

Categories of Quests

So first thing is spread the news. Right? And so what do we have here? I'll give you the other. Nice. Thanks. So spread the news is all about, well, spreading the joyful message of paradise tycoon and also connecting your social account so you can do the social quests. So basically we can start with the first task now is very relevant because it's about retweeting this AMA spaces announcement on x. So when you go to the post, repost it and then come back to the site, you can claim the rewards for that. For that to happen, you need to also connect your ex account so we can verify it's your account, actually. So you should basically start by connecting your ex account, discord account and then you can start doing those social quests.

Social Quests and Rewards

We have a few follow quests here also paradise tycoon account, our main account, and also both of our co founders accounts, you can follow them to get points, batches. I'm sorry. And yeah, every time you do this kind of quest, when you claim batches from a quest like this, you will get the batches multiplied by if you have any multiplier. The multiplier is shown on the top of the screen just next to batches. If you have some multipliers in your account. So that's basically the, of these kind of like social quests. We will have more quests coming up later on. They will be similar to like having some like tweet or retweet or quest like that. That will help us spread the word about our last echo.

Engaging and Earning Batches

Yeah, and those that are in discord is pretty similar to engage. So basically we'll be having like any important tweets or accounts, even maybe sometimes like from my content creators or others than me or Harry or the official account, you'll be getting punch for retweeting liking. I think on a daily basis you can easily earn maybe 1000 or 2000 batches. And then when you have a number of nfts that could easily be like 20,000 or something like that, you know, if, again, if you had looked at the leaderboard and you're like, oh my God, there's like 50,000 points there, or batches and I only get like 500 from retweeting AMA spaces. The multipliers are the key here. So, yeah, like I mentioned earlier, I do expect tycoons to be topping the leaderboards soon.

Winging It and Paradise Tycoon Quests

Yeah, definitely. Yeah, let's go forward. Yeah. Go ahead. Yeah, let's wing it. This is what we mean about winging it. Totally. Yeah. We don't have a script for this. Next up is the exciting part, I think when we're talking about the game, like paradise tycoon quests are in game quests that you can actually do in the game. And those are the kinds of quests you might do actually pretty quickly. Some of them are very simple, some of them might take more time and those will be rewarded more handsomely also. But the thing is, if you have already completed some of these missions, for example, you have completed quests in the game. You can actually claim those points just by logging in the game.

Daily Updates and In-Game Quests

And this is the pretty nice part in this quest. If you have been playing the game for a while now and have been completing stuff, then you are actually having a very good position because you have a lot of points coming in, lots of badges coming in just by logging in the game. So we are also updating the in game quests, pretty much like on a daily basis, they will unlock in the game. You can check out the quests dashboard to see what quests we are having and then go into the game and make sure you have the quests done. Just claim the points and about the points. They will be currently updated on a daily basis so they won't be reflected instantly.

Claiming Rewards

But we are actually looking into that and later on they might actually be real time, but at the moment they will be calculated daily. Just play the game, complete the quests and make sure you have the quests done and that's it. You just unlocked some batches, but the batches will be reflected on a daily basis at the moment on the dashboard. Awesome. So if you have basically already completed the task, just log into the game and wait for the batches to update. And again, just to recap, it's already live. So the harvest season is now live. And under paradise tycoon quests, you can already do the first three.

Intro to New Quests

Welcome to paradise. That's 1500 batches. Clean as a whistle. That's another 1500 batches. Jewel of the tropics. And again, that's another 1500 batches. Those are the in game tasks that are available now, today, right now. So you can play it and earn those batches today. The next quests for tomorrow are already there as well. Hook, line and sinker. Let's fish a little bit less batches for tomorrow, but maybe there's something more coming up. Basically, we can't, we haven't added the rest of the or more of the quests there yet, but we will always have, at least for a few more days.

Managing the Dashboard

We don't want to, you know, clutter the page too much because otherwise you'd have to scroll just, you know, hours and hours to find your multipliers and so on. So yeah, that's the paradise tycoon in game quests. Anything you have on there. I could go through the multipliers now. Yeah, I would have like to add one thing before we go to the multipliers because this is where the choice of wallet comes in. So in order to get the points from the game on the dashboard, you should actually log in. You can see them when you log in with your immutable passport on the quest dashboard because in the game they are linked to your passport account and wallet address.

Checking Points and Logging In

So make sure you also sign in the game. And then if you can't see the if for some reason you can't see the points, just relog in to the game like tomorrow and the points should appear after a while in any case. But that's everything you do in the game is already tracked and so every quest is tracked. So you just need to do them and log in case they don't show up, you need to just log in to the game again. So that's it. Simple. Precisely. You heard the man. Now let's move on.

Understanding the Multipliers

The multipliers. I think this is the moment a lot of you been waiting for. I have a number of paradise tycoon nfts. What do I get? Well, you get a lot. You get a lot. I know that you know some of you have quite a bit of inventory, but even though those who only maybe have a couple of nfts will definitely get this share. Now this part is still slightly updating. You can see under a few of the items that they're still updating and you can't see the multipliers. But first of all, click show quest so you can see the entire list of all the nfts under paradise tycoon collection multipliers.

Multipliers Breakdown

And from top to down, the NFTs are ranked by value. So paradise policies, obviously the first one on the list, the multipliers increase with the amount of nfts. So if you have one paradise pass, you get 250% batches. So 2.5 multiplier to all the batches you earn. So for example, if you just completed the three tutorial quests totaling 4500, and then you did, I don't know, the retweet 500, although I just heard that the link is wrong. So I'm going to fix that after this. But hypothetically, if you did that 5000 points and then you have one paradise pause, that means you get what, 12,500 points?

Increasing Multipliers

Boom. If you have two nfts, two to five paradise passes, the multiplier is five. If you have five to ten passes, the multiplier is 7.5. If the multiplier is. If you have ten to 20 passes, the multiplier is ten. If you have over 20 passes, the multiplier is 15. So you can quite rapidly increase your multiplier and earn a lot of batches here. Every NFT has a bit of different multipliers. Genesis pets is the second highest value. If you have a pet, you get x two multiplier. And remember this stack.

Combining Multipliers for More Points

So if you have one pass, you have 2.5 multiplier. From that, then you have a Genesis pet, like a lizard for example. Then you get another two x multiplier totaling 4.5. If you have a, let's say a tool that you just minted. That means you can add 1.5 to that multiplier and so on. So, you know, even the Genesis furniture has a multiplier. It's the smallest one along with the keys. Because I know there's people here that have 100 furniture nfts, but you know, it's still valuable, it's still increasing your multiplier. And yeah, it's super good to have on holiday season.

Updates and Changes to the System

The multipliers, when do they update and how do they update? Before you go, before you answer, just letting everyone know we have quite a complex system here and that's the reason why we have this different update times for different collections and so on. If they all happen at once, we might have a, you know, things might go wrong. So we're kind of like putting a little bit of time between those updates. And as we move forward, we are improving the system with snag and hopefully making some of the things real time and, you know, making it more dynamic.

Daily Snapshot Updates

Yeah, yeah, that's a good rundown. There's a lot of math involved. Yeah. So multipliers on top of multipliers, the multipliers for paradise tycoon nfTs, they will update daily. So we will have a daily snapshot that will update the multipliers. They are not yet updated. So basically the NFT multipliers for paradise tycoon nfts will be updated first time today, later today UTC time, I think it's around evening time. And after that the points will be multiplied by those multipliers. So basically the multipliers from paradise tycoon NFTs will be updated before the first batch of in game quests will be pushed to the quest dashboard.

NFT Updates and Multipliers

So yeah, if you're holding the NFTs now, then you will be seeing a lot of excess multipliers on the points later today. And yeah, they will be updated daily. That's probably when they are updated. Then we are going to see some familiar names from the discord topic. Those are charts to anyone that is still like a bit startled about the fact that there are people already on the leaderboard. So yeah, again about the updates. Like different collections update at different times. So the partnering NFTs have already been updated, but the paradise tycoon collection has not yet been updated. So you are not seeing your multiplier at the dashboard for that reason. But you can already do the tasks and when it's all updated, you'll see the points? Yeah, exactly. All right. More good stuff for holders. So let's continue.

Bonus Batches for Paradise Tycoon Collection

The next chapter is paradise tycoon collection bonus batches. So in addition to getting the multiplier, you actually get some weekly batches from just holding any of the paradise tycoon NFTs. And again, if you click show quests, you see the entire list here. The first one on the list is paradise pass. Again, we start from the highest valued NFT. If you hold a badge, you get a thousand badges per week, every week. And of course, again, there's multipliers. So if you automatically. That paradise pass also gives you a multiplier 2.5. So it's actually 2500 that you get weekly minimum. And if you have any other NFTs, that can easily be a lot more. Yeah, yeah. It's a badges galore. It's. That's like the badges extravaganza when you multiply and then you get a lot of stacking multipliers and hold the NFTs, it's. And complete the in-game quests, it's like the badges are going through the roof.

Genesis Pets and Other Collections

I'm really looking forward to seeing tycoons on the leaderboard. Yeah. So yeah, Genesis pets, you get 500 batches per week, excluding multipliers. Genesis collection 300 tools, 200. Genesis keys, 100. Kinesis furniture, 100. So the collectors furniture collectors might be pretty happy right now looking at that batch number. But, you know, we always said that there might be something, you know, some use for the old furniture after all. Yeah, for the OGs. For the OGs. Precisely. And yeah. Let's move forward then. We have a partner section. We have a number of fantastic paradise partners partnering up with us on the harvest season.

Web Three Gamer Engagement

And you know, the harvest season is all about also inviting and acquiring new users, new players from web three, while we also do the marketing on traditional gamers. And you know, what could be a better way to introduce paradise tycoon to web three gamers than true and other amazing games? And for that reason, you know, we also have the metamask connection because most of these partners are on Ethereum. L one, there are a couple of partners on Arbitrum, someone on Polygon. So, you know, obviously we need to connect the metamask as well so that we can identify holders and community members of our partners. And if again you open up the full list, the dropdown, you can see who we've partnered with.

Partnerships and Their Benefits

We are still adding more. We'll be adding more every week, to be honest. Here are the first one there's Cayman Chronicles play ember games, GG City versus tycoon Blast Royale, the Beacon Avalanche, all amazing partners. Still missing on the list that will be added later today is neo Tokyo EtH Lizards and Wilderwoods. So those are the partners we are working on right now. And owning or holding NFTs from these partners will give you a two x multiplier, but only one multiplier. So even if you have, like, if you have ten NFTs from play Ember, you'll still get the two x multipliers. So they don't increase. These multipliers don't increase like the paradise tycoon NFTs do.

Multiplier Mechanics

So they are kind of capped at some point. These are already active. So if you have NFT from these collections, you should already see the points on the leaderboard and the multiplier on top of the screen. Yeah. As we mentioned, the update time for the points and multipliers, they vary by collection and it's automatic. You don't have to do anything, you just need to hold. And the multipliers, again, they update daily. So if you get more NFTs, you will see the change in multiplier each day. And the weekly points bonuses come weekly. So you can see when the points update. It actually says on each collection when they update. Yeah, precisely.

Paradise Tycoon Quests Update

One more thing about, I want to mention, going back a little bit to paradise tycoon quests. As I mentioned, we are adding new partners, but we're also adding more in-game quests. And as you see, the first ones that we now have are pretty much from the tutorial. So old players is not a lot of things for you to do, to be honest, on the first day. But fear not, the quests are getting more and more complex and we have the fishing tournament coming up and a lot of other exciting stuff as well. So consider this. Like, we are onboarding new users, so we kind of like gently introducing them to the world of paradise tycoon. Doing sort of a soft launch here.

Engaging Established Players

And for that reason, for old OGs out there, it might feel a little bit boring at first, but, you know, give it a couple of days and we get properly started with the in-game quests. Yep, yep, exactly. That's a good point. So one more thing to go through. I think we'll have some time for a couple of questions before we need to get back to work. So the partners bonus badges works similarly to the paradise tycoon collection bonus badges. So if you have an NFT from our partner, you get weekly batches. Like for example, if you are part of gaming chronicle’s community, you'll get 300 batches a week. Yeah, that was fairly simple.

Combining Rewards from Partner NFTs and Quests

Is there anything you had? Yeah, basically the thing is, if you have your. If you're completing both the in-game quests with your immutable passport, which is definitely recommended, and you're also holding some NFTs in collections that are, for example, on Ethereum, then there's one extra step you need to take. I'm just going to say it out here in a simple way, but I think we're going to write instructions to do this. But you need to basically link your metamask on your immutable passport. And that's possible. That's super simple to do. But then when you do it and you go to the game with your immutable password, that's basically when your metamask and immutable passport accounts get joined and you get the rewards from both the partner collections and in-game quests.

Instruction for Linking Metamask

So we're definitely going to write some instructions on this, but that's the way to combine both of those. Both of those badges. So, yeah, that's what I wanted to mention. You need to. There's a feature called external wallets on the immutable passport. When you go to the immutable passport site and check it out, that's where your inventory is on immutable ZkebM. There's the external wallets and you just connect your metamask and after that go to the game and the accounts get linked. So that's basically the extra hoop you need to jump over in order to get both badges.

Upcoming Guides and Partnerships

Perfect. Perfect. Yeah. Well, I think we're gonna write an article to give a proper guide and tutorial on connecting this. Well, it is a little bit complicated, but we really did want to get the, you know, support for any other EVM chains out there, even Solana at some point. Yeah. Get all these awesome partners on board. Big shout out to all our partners at the moment are included on are also upcoming. Big shout out. Yeah. For awesome. Yeah, yeah. I mean, no game, no project in web three has made it on their own. Like every single one that is successful, to a point that you can talk about success because everyone is still in beta, more or less.

Building a Strong Community

But anyway, anyone who has been successful is partner up with the right people and write the project. And we are in a very fortunate situation that I think like 99% of the space loves paradise tycoon. So we can hand pick the best partners to join us on harvest season, and it's the best for the community, the game, for everything that we get a lot of reach and coverage in the web three space. And obviously all these partners are going to be talking about us and introducing us to their community. So, yeah, big shout out to all the partners out there that we have the pleasure of working with.

Closing Remarks and Future Plans

Maybe we can take a couple of questions. I think we're trying to wrap this up in just a couple of minutes. Reminder to everyone that, again, we haven't actually officially launched outside of discord and these spaces yet, so there's still stuff there that's going to be updated in the next few hours. I don't think we are. I'm not sure if we're going to announce on Twitter before the paradise tycoon NFTs are also updated. We'll see. But, you know, you can start doing the quests already and remember that there are no time limitations except on the retweet, but all the other ones you can do whenever you want. We'll just keep adding more in our quests you can wait for.

Quest Availability

Even if you're not playing today or tomorrow, on Friday, you can do all of the quests as we have lined up at once. And so, yeah, let's wing it. Take a couple of questions from. I'm looking at general chat right now. Yeah, Dimple talked about conversion ratio between batches. Yeah, the ratio is totally different now due to technical reasons. We were not able to even have the batches amount in the same range, as you can see. So just forget the conversion rate from season one and season two because, yeah, there's no correlation this time.

Leaderboard Expectations

As you can see, the batch number is way bigger. I'm expecting to see, like, probably seven figure batch amounts on the leaderboard for sure.

Price Pool Announcement

How big is the price pool? We haven't announced it yet. And the reason is we want to start the Genesis island pre sale first because as I've told you before, all the money you spend, we're just going to throw it back to you and that's what we're going to do again. We're like, we're going to add all of the money you're going to spend on islands into the play to airdrop season. So I just think that's the, that's the fair thing to do, you know? So that's what we're going to do, definitely. So to make the ecosystem stronger instead of trying to extract profit, that's what we are going to do so. Yeah. Tutorial and two other quests. Yeah. And we won't stop there. There's going to be more quests every day, including in game quests, including social quests as well.

Multiplier Mechanics

How long? The house multiplier. There is a multiplier for furniture and keys. You can see that they're. This is message saying updating below Genesis keys. And that's what it means. So the multiplier. I can actually check the multiplier for keys and furniture. Just give me a minute. Or not. Maybe a minute. But how do you say something while I find it? Yeah, yeah. I'm just looking at the chat also in real time. Yeah, we definitely will get some instructions to connecting the wallets and also like doing the quests. Yeah. For Genesis keys, the multiplier is if you have one NFT. The multiplier is 1.25. If you have more than two, but less than six, you have a 2.5 multiplier. If you have more than five, less than eleven, 3.75, then five, and finally 7.5. So if you have a lot of keys, you get a 7.5 multiplier, which is huge. And for furniture, it's the same.

End of Session Q&A

Yeah, it's the same multiplier for furniture and keys. Just like the bonus patch amount. The same for keys and furniture. There you go. All right. One more, maybe two more questions. Do you have any? I have one here. Go ahead if you have. Okay, when? Medium article from Genesis island. Ouch. That stinks. Right in the heart. Yeah, I promise that article, like probably on last Friday or Monday. I don't know. Can't keep up with the days anymore. We'll publish it tomorrow. Yeah, there's not a lot of new information to those who were in the AMA last week. Actually, I don't think there's any new information in the article because I think I kind of covered everything last week. So if you want to know more, check out the recording from last week's AMA or try to find a recap. I think people are making those recaps on our discord.

Fishing Quests and Competitions

Yeah. I have one regarding the quests in game quests when fishing. And this is related to the fact that we are definitely going to ramp up the in game quests in the near future. So get your baits ready. We're gonna start a fishing competition next week. So. Yeah, next week your well preserved baits. Hope they're alive still. You can use them. I have a question for you. Do they, do they have a benefit, like an advantage. If they have, let's say a thousand baits ready, are they going to get an advantage? I think in some competitions you might actually have an advantage because we are. Because there will be, some competitions will have limits and some won't. I would definitely, well, I don't know. Maybe like, I think it's a good thing if they do because, you know.

Game Updates and Fishing Rod Fix

Yeah. They've actually stocked their storage houses full of worms. You mean just crawling worms everywhere. So. Absolutely. They deserve unfair advantage. Yeah, you should have a, I think you guys who have like 10,000 worms or something like that, you should have a different, certain role in discord for Worm King or something like that. But. Yeah, sure. All right. That's good. I have one more question for you, actually, because we kind of, we didn't touch the topic yet. There's also going to be an update on the browser version of the game and on the mobile, of course, as well. Can you give us a run through on what's included in the update? And also is the fishing rod fixed? Yeah, so in the update we had a few things.

Major Update Highlights

We're actually having another update coming I think tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Regarding the fishing rod, we actually fixed some of the fishing rods, but we noticed that some of the fishing rod metadata are still outdated because we had some issues with the very early minted fishing rods. So we're now doing a, like a full refresh for the NFTs. So that's why they haven't been working in the game. We apologize for that. It's definitely something that we need to still fix, but we have a fix coming for those that are not working at the moment. It just needs the NFT metadata update. And regarding the updates we had, this update brought support for the quest dashboard. It was actually a pretty big update again under the hood so we could link the quests dashboard with the game. So that's one of the biggest things.

New Features and Improvements

We also did some tweaks to some visual things. Also the foliage growth speed. Like, I know you guys don't really like cutting the grass, so we kind of nerfed it again. So yeah, we definitely need some crew members to take care of the grass, but that's reduced. But yeah, the biggest thing is the quest integration and we will have some new stuff coming in upcoming updates, like very soon. There's a few more things that I think you missed. There's an update on the crafting UI, tiny tweak that makes it a little more simple for the new players and also an update on the chat. So there's a proper indicator now you can browse the history of chat and yeah, it works a little bit better.

Upcoming AMA and UX Enhancements

Now the reason why I wanted personally that update, because I want to do an AMA on Port Ohana very soon. So I'll just do a random AMA on Port Ohana probably by the end of this week or next week latest. So yeah, I needed that update and some other minor UX improvements as well. Every time we update the game we fix something and I mean, that's just the way to go. All right, anything to add? Yeah, good ones. Good ones. Thanks for pointing those out. Yeah, I think like, this is the beginning of a very exciting season, harvest season. So the content will be coming, there will be more quests, it's gonna be bigger, better, and let's all enjoy the harvest season while it lasts.

Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks

Yeah, I think, like, yeah, I think this is it from this AMA. Yeah. Harley is gonna go fix the AMA retweet link now so you can earn your 500 batches from that. I'll go over there to update the multiplayer players and we'll be doing some announcements. We'll be, once the announcement is out, we'll add another social quest with 500 badges if you retweet that. And, yeah, that's pretty much it. One more question on discord. Partners have higher multipliers than the projects own NFTs. No, they don't. They have a capped to two x. If you have more than one NFT, they actually add up. Even if you have 100 partner NFTs, it sells us the two x so they don't have a higher multiplier.

Exciting Season Ahead

All right, that's, it was absolute pleasure. It's going to be a really exciting season and it's going to build up. We start slow and we build up. And looking forward to see your points once we have the paradise collection NFTs updated. Yeah. And we're trying to be more active on discord for the next couple of days as well to answer your questions there. But for the next couple of hours, we probably need to address the more urgent matters. Right from my part, just, yeah. Thank you so much and see you again next week. Hari, if you have anything to add, feel free. Thank you everybody for joining. See you guys next week. Let's keep harvesting. Cheers. Bye, tycoons. Bye.

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