Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Paradise Tycoon Weekly AMA hosted by ParadiseTycoon. Step into the vibrant world of Paradise Tycoon, a multiplayer gaming experience where community engagement, strategic partnerships, and immersive gameplay reign supreme. With @Immutable's powerful technology and @Seedifyfund's support, players embark on building their dream paradises, engaging in collaborative experiences, and participating in weekly AMAs filled with insights and camaraderie. Discover the joy of creating, competing, and connecting in this tropical oasis of fun and friendship.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does community engagement impact the success of Paradise Tycoon?
A: Community engagement fosters a vibrant playerbase, feedback loop, and sense of community within the game.

Q: What role do @Seedifyfund and @Immutable play in Paradise Tycoon's development?
A: They provide incubation support, technology solutions, and strategic partnerships crucial for the game's growth.

Q: What makes the gameplay in Paradise Tycoon unique?
A: The game offers interactive experiences, multiplayer dynamics, and a creative paradise-building aspect.

Q: Why are weekly AMAs important for players in Paradise Tycoon?
A: AMAs provide updates, insights, and interactive sessions, enhancing player engagement and community involvement.

Q: How does collaboration with friends impact the gameplay experience in Paradise Tycoon?
A: Collaboration fosters competition, social interactions, and shared experiences, enriching the gameplay in Paradise Tycoon.


Time: 00:05:29
Community Engagement and Success Discussion on the importance of community involvement for the prosperity of Paradise Tycoon.

Time: 00:15:17
Partnership with @Seedifyfund and @Immutable Exploring the benefits and impact of collaborating with @Seedifyfund and leveraging @Immutable's technology in Paradise Tycoon.

Time: 00:25:40
Unique Gameplay Elements Showcasing the distinctive gameplay features that set Paradise Tycoon apart in the multiplayer gaming space.

Time: 00:35:12
Weekly AMA Insights Insights shared during the weekly AMA sessions and how they enrich the player experience in Paradise Tycoon.

Time: 00:45:55
Friendship and Collaboration in Paradise Tycoon Exploring the impact of collaborating and engaging with friends in the virtual paradise setting of Paradise Tycoon.

Key Takeaways

  • Community engagement is vital for the success of Paradise Tycoon's multiplayer world.
  • Collaboration with @Seedifyfund and @Immutable enhances the development of Paradise Tycoon.
  • Inclusivity and fun experiences are key components of Paradise Tycoon's gameplay.
  • Building and managing a virtual paradise requires strategic thinking and creativity.
  • Participating in weekly AMAs can provide insights, updates, and a sense of community for players.
  • Interactive and immersive gameplay elements contribute to the appeal of Paradise Tycoon.
  • @Seedifyfund's incubation support and @Immutable's technology play crucial roles in the growth of the game.
  • Engagement with friends and other tycoons fosters a sense of belonging and competition within the game.
  • Regular events like AMAs help in fostering a vibrant and active playerbase in Paradise Tycoon.
  • Learning about the game's development process and future plans is insightful for players and enthusiasts.

Behind the Mic


Hello, hello. This is your captain speaking, and you're listening to paradise cycle on weekly AMA spaces. Welcome all. Great to see you tuned in. We have a very exciting Ama coming up. I'm here with Hari. Hari, are you there? Hello? Hello, hello, everybody. What's up? What's up? Loud and clear. Loud and clear.

Excitement for the AMA

And the reason why I am especially specifically super excited about this week's AMA is because we are going to. We just decided that we are going to give you quite a bit of. Bit of information. It will be very information heavy, weak. Not forgetting your questions either. Hopefully this won't be another episode of us rambling about it the topic for 50 minutes and then going to questions, five minutes. But we do have a lot of cool, exciting stuff to announce and tell you guys, so. Yeah, very excited to be here now.

Special Episode

Yeah, definitely. This is a very special episode of the Paradise Tag one Ama's. We're in full leak mode, to be honest. Yeah, I think we're gonna. Yeah, as Timo mentioned, we're gonna tell a lot about what's going to happen in the near future. So. Yeah, no bounds this time. No one's gonna pull the blog on the spaces, so we're just gonna. Gonna free roam the whole hour.

Recap of Last Week

About last week, let's do a really quick recap and then get straight in the business. Last week, it was a bit of a slow week, to be honest. Like, to be totally transparent, but I think this is probably one of the last ones in paradise tycoon that we're not running, like, any events because, you know, well, there was something going on in community, obviously. Like, there was a giveaway on discord with Tokyo Beast, a really cool project that I'm personally interested in.

New Developments

And I know Yuusha is getting ready to collect immutable passport wallets from users that have paradise coupons assigned for their Avax sea gen wallets. Those of you who don't know players were able to collect paradise coupons during alpha phase of the game, and these coupons are giving some discounts for the Genesis island pre sale. These coupons, however, were assigned for Avalanche wallet because before we decided to build an immutable, were going to do it on Avax.

Collecting Wallets

So now, if you. If you're one of the lucky coupon holders owners, keep an eye on discord announcements. Yusha is going to collect your immutable wallets and you can ensure that you'll get the discount you deserve for the pre sale but anyway, yeah, it's been a bit of a slow week, I think, not running in game events and probably like the last weeks that will, you know, ever in the future because once we get started on the final play to airdrop event, that will carry us for some time. And then we prepare for launch.

Future Events

And as you know, after launch, we'll be having ongoing events all the time. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Definitely. We're gonna definitely ramp up the activity in the. In the coming weeks. Maybe. This is a very good, like, stepping stone towards, like, what's happening next. Would you like to share a bit about that, Timon?

Updates and Delays

Sure. Yeah, absolutely. I think what's happening next is a big part of this week's ama. Mainly because I think like, 90% of the questions on discord is when this, when that, and, and yeah, it's not just when token or when Dge, but, like, when play to airdrop event. When Genesis island pre sale, when money pre sell. And I'm very excited that I can give some details. The timeline finally, like, this is very.

Anticipated Updates

Yeah, it's been a bit of a delay. I know. I think many of you guys kind of expected that the play to airdrop event would already, like, start in the middle of August. And maybe the initial plan we had was actually that we'd start around mid August, but the initial plan was also that the game update that we're working on was supposed to be just. A. Polish and fix, just doing some minor upgrades into the game.

Major Game Update

But we decided to make a bigger update. Include the item tool economy update that we've been talking a little bit in the past, but I. Today we're going to share details of what that update actually is. But basically this is the reason why we haven't yet started the play to airdrop event. So first we'll update the game, and that's going to happen next week.

Connected Events

But you want to know when the play to airdrop event starts and the Puani presale on the Genesis island. And I understand that because it's all connected. Right. You know, you can't buy the island without money and so on. So to continue a little bit here, the reasons behind and how we kind of design these pre sales and the whole timeline.

Ensuring Fair Play

First of all, we want to ensure and to be like, 100% sure that the Genesis Islands will be going to those of you who have actually played the game. Like, I'm not saying hundreds of hours, but, you know, played the game. And I think we are in a very special situation compared to many other web three games before because we can actually pinpoint those players who have played the game a lot.

Game Participation

And that's the reason for that is simple. You can't have money unless you have played the game at least, like the minimum is to collect the passive NFT income. You know, if you have a paradise plus nft, you would get passive income. So that's the minimum. That's the bare minimum. But still, you have to play the game to get that.

Rewarding Players

And, you know, that's the reason why we want to make sure that Genesis islands are going to go to the players. And to make sure of this, we're doing a couple of things. First of all, the play to airdrop event will have similar mechanics to the free tier in paradise pass, meaning that you won't be claiming money directly after completing tasks, but you'll get points that will be converted to airdrop based on the ranking at the end of the event.

Airdrop Mechanics

So the same thing happens here. Basically, this is like, you still get the money, but it won't happen until the end of the event, right? Did I say that correct, Harley? Yeah, yeah, that's exactly how it goes. And about the play to airdrop campaign, maybe I can shed a bit of light about it, like, when it's gonna happen. So the play to airdrop campaign and the next events will begin in about two weeks.

Timeline Expectations

Only two weeks? Come on. That's right around the corner. And the genesis island pre sale also could start before that or shortly after. But in either case, those who already have enough to purchase the island will have an advantage. And furthermore, the sales will be done in two stages. We'll first open it for the paradise pass and coupon holders.

Pre Sale Structure

So if you have a paradise pass or coupons, you will get in there early and then for the rest. And, well, basically, about the Tennessee islands, the supply of especially the rare islands is large enough. So we should have some islands, especially rare ones, left until the end of the platoon airdrop event. So those who rank well can still get an island.

Early Access

So, yeah, that's about the. Yeah, I think. And with this, you know, we are making sure that those who play the first seasons, right, who have the money already can get their islands first. But we're still, like, opening up an opportunity for the new players, those who maybe collected some money during season two, but not enough for the island.

Inclusivity in Event

So you can participate in the play to airdrop event. And at the end of the event, when we airdrop the money, that's when you can buy your Genesis islands. And because of the supply. Pretty sure there's still left at least rare islands which should be affordable for those who weren't around in the season one or doesn't have a massive amount of coupons or paradise passes.

Rewards and New Players

So I think this is a perfect way for us to reward those who were early on but still leave the window of opportunity for the players that are joining in a little bit later. Exactly. And it's really important, as you mentioned, that we get the islands in the hands of players and those that have been around for a long time. We have been around for a long time already.

Community First Approach

Absolutely. Yeah. I think that's the key thing. We've always been community first and, you know, game first and those two things go hand in hand and two weeks. So, yeah, not a long wait anymore. We'll start sharing details about what kind of events and tasks you can expect. Fairly soon it'll be a bit different kind of event compared to season one and season two for sure.

Upcoming Changes

But I'm pretty. I'm sure you'll love it. So, yeah, that's one of the things we are doing to ensure that the Genesis Islands are going to the right hands. So to say, another big event coming up now is the moane presale. Obviously, for paradise pass holders and I with the pre sale, we had basically two options when were designing the presale.

Fundraising Strategy

The first one was that we could give our community the best terms possible, lowest money price possible, or we could give them instant money so that the pre sale participants could buy Genesis Islands right now. The second option, you know, giving instant money, so anyone going to pre sale could buy money with USD, basically would mean we would open Genesis island sales for those who might not play the game.

Community Focus

And as I mentioned before, we don't want to do that. We want to ensure that the islands go to the right hands. So again, we want to ensure that we also give the best possible deal for our community. And for this reason, the pre sale will be done with the same terms as for the investors in our private funding round.

Vesting Schedule

And this means that those who participate in the pre sale of money token will get a lower price than, for example, in the public ido, you know, that are typically arranged by platforms like land launchpads like CDFI. But we also need to follow the vesting schedule of the private round. There is a unlock of tokens at the token generation event.

Token Generation Event

So theoretically this part could have been given in game beforehand and we considered that, but it's a relatively small amount of tokens and the amount of work to organize this would have been organized for those who've been buying in presale would have been such a massive amount of work that it just doesn't, you know, it's not really worth it.

Investment Opportunity

But yeah, the deal is very good. You'll get it with the same terms as anyone investing in private round, which these are typically like super private. That's why they are called private. But we wanted to give our communities the same terms. It's the best we can give without getting into trouble ourselves.

Conditions for Purchase

And at the same time, we're limiting again, Genesis Islands to only those who are playing the game. I think it's a win situation. I know that most of the paradise pass holders that are active gamers can buy their islands in game anyway. And this way they can also buy money from the presale with the best possible terms out there.

Closing Remarks

There you go. You asked what's happening next.

Upcoming Game Events

So yeah, game update next week, soon after the final play to airdrop event, island pre sale and money pre sale early next month as well. So it's going to be really busy and exciting beginning of September for the paradise tycoons community. That's a lot of stuff coming up to take in also. But yeah, things are progressing and this is really exciting also. We're closing in on the big launch and biggest TGE and yeah, looking forward to it.

Community Growth and Activity

Yeah, for sure, things are ramping up and with the play to airdrop event, I'm like very confident that we'll continue to ramp up the user numbers and activity, the community, all of that. I mean, obviously it's again more focused on web three audience, but we already showed through the season one and season two that, you know, we over doubled amount of active users. So it's going to be extremely exciting, exciting times for us. But yeah, you know, the update is also exciting.

Focus on Game Economy

I mentioned somewhere that this week's topic is actually the big game update, which was initially maybe not supposed to be such a big update, but it somehow just, you know, kind of evolved into one. I don't know what happened. The focus is kind of. I think the focus is on economy. Do you or, you know, there's other stuff happening as well, but I think economy is one of the big part of it. What do you think? Yeah, yeah, definitely. I think the update can be, split into three main things, three categories.

Key Features of the Update

So, I think the main categories are like players should notice a much bigger effect from upgrading tools and especially having nfts or using consumable boosts. second, to limit extracting resources indefinitely without effort or using any resources. And third, make the progress of the players most more straightforward. So it's more clear what needs to be upgraded and crafted to progress. So I think these are the three different categories. And yeah, it's economy heavy.

Simplification for Players

I love that. Yeah, it's economy heavy. But it's also a lot of like simplification making more sense in the game. Yeah, I think it also addresses a wide range of players, not just new players, obviously, like making the brokers in the game more straightforward. That's something that new players are gonna benefit from. And you know, maybe that's something that definitely was required. And now that we are bringing in a lot of new users with the play to airdrop event, that's super important.

Feedback from Hardcore Gamers

But at the same time, we also address some things that, you know, the, like hardcore gamers are maybe sending us some feedback as well. Like I. They are minting nfts but not necessarily really seeing the effect. And also crafting these most rare consumables, but not really seeing the effect. So I think it's a great update because it's a game update for everyone. It's just new players or old players.

Listening to Player Feedback

Yeah. And we definitely listen very carefully. Our players are the priority when it comes to having the game as fun and also making as much sense as possible. Like, like the. Having. Having clear differences in the tools, for example. It's very important to have a sense of progress in the game. And having the nfts is definitely something that we have noticed that they are not as powerful as they should be, but they will become more powerful.

Balancing for Long-Term Play

And as we are operating a liveops game, this is the beauty of it, because we can also balance things so that they make more sense in the long run. That's how liveops games always run. And we definitely want to have the NFT holders happy, but of course other players also, so that people can feel how they progress in the game. So we. Yeah, this is a pretty big update when it comes to all these things.

Discussing the Three Categories

And maybe we should go through the three different categories like one by one and maybe discuss a bit about them. If there's something like. I think that sounds really good. I mean, you kind of categorize the update into three different main, I think main updates like first of all, the upgrade effect on tools and limiting extracting resources and making the game progress more straightforward.

Emphasizing Tool Upgrades

Yeah, let's start with the tools. So yeah, let's go through the ways and the approach, how we are amplifying the effect from upgrading your tools. Yeah, definitely. So basically the first one, the bigger upgrade effect for tools, you will basically need to upgrade your tools in order to access all resources. So for example, to get rare resources you will need at least uncommon tools. And to get epic resources you will need at least rare tools and so forth.

Crafting and Resource Management

So this gives us more options to tweak the drop rates too. And we might actually increase the drop rates of the rarest items a bit because they are now gated. So I think this is pretty cool when it comes to having those more valuable and more difficult to craft tools, you actually see the benefit straight away in those tools. Like having a rare tool gives you rarer items and resources. So this is, this should make a really big difference between the different level of tools and.

Effects of Tool Variability

Sure, I mean, yeah, absolutely. Because you kind of like, you can see the effect immediately dropping something that was not, you know, in game available for you before. And the interesting part is that the tweak and the drop rates as well. Like, I had a chat with the game designer about that yesterday and told me basically that because like the more common the tool, the more players are using it. So restricting the, let's say, epic or legendary resources from the players using the most common tool actually boosts the drop rate quite a bit without, you know, changing the overall supply of these resources.

Healthy Game Economy Considerations

So we can actually increase the super low drop rate of, let's say, legendary resources without having to fear that they will be, you know, flooding to auction house because of this restriction. And I think that's overall, that's going to have a really good, healthy effect on the game economy. Yeah, definitely. And it's so much easier to communicate these gates to players than like having different drop rates or something like that.

Addressing Botting Concerns

That's purely like number science. So it's easier to also say that when you get a better tool, you get better resources, you get access to those. So yeah, this is, I think this is one of the biggest changes to the tools so far, like how they actually benefit, like having better tools. Maybe we could jump to the next one because it's very close to the topic. The second one is limit extracting resources.

Introducing Tool Durability

So basically this is about tools again. And this is another big change to how tools are used in the game. We will have tool durability in the game. So each tool will have a durability. And after you use those tools, the durability decreases and they break down eventually. So when you have higher rarity tools. They have higher durability, so you don't have to rebuild them as often. But yeah, you will eventually break down the common tools quite soon.

Incentives for Tool Upgrades

So you need to get better tools or new tools instead of the broken ones. And that creates a pretty cool new core loop to the game. And NFts are unbreakable. That's something we wanted to have, so they are really valuable. When you have an NFT tool, it's unbreakable at the moment. You cannot also repair the tools. We didn't want to go that route.

Encouraging Player Progression

It's possibly coming in the future, but might not. This is something we are still balancing. But now you get new tools by crafting them or buying them from the auction house. So this whole feature was designed to not become a nuisance, but it will incentivize players to progress instead of just harvesting resources using common tools because, well, they break quite easily.

Obstruction of Botting Techniques

This is also one of the many measures we're taking against bodding as it adds complexity to the process of extracting stuff. So basically it makes budding more difficult. This is not the ultimate, like, feature to like, have all budding done for like, restricted, but this is one of the measures that makes it more difficult to extract using.

Insights on Botting Prevention

Using budding techniques. But yeah, for sure. Can I interrupt a little bit on that? Like this probably. There's not a single way to remove bottling. Like, anyone who's says that they prevented botting is lying or doesn't have a game that's good enough for anyone to be bothered.

Preventing Botting Effectively

In the end, we have a lot of different mechanics already in place for prevent botting. Some of them are automated, some are on the server side, like watching every move that players do, searching for patterns, searching if someone is playing in, looking at money flows and stuff like that. The other part that's very efficient in preventing botting is in the game design. If you make botting inefficient enough, that's one way to prevent it as well.

Game Design Against Botting

Kind of like want to do the minimum effort and just, you know, log into the game, create a common axe, and start bashing trees down to extract the basic resources. And you do this like a week in a row. Now the axe is going to break down, like for that sort of a bot many, many times a day. So they would always have to go build a new one. And the returns would be basically just diminishing all the time.

Efficiency Reduction for Bots

Making the body really like a pain in the ass, so to say. And this is like just one of the ways to make it a little bit more inefficient. And when we add these kind of things into the game, eventually it just makes more sense to play on a one account, for example, and progress in the game the same way that a proper, regular player would do.

Strategic Gameplay for Progression

And that can be even more profitable, you know? So rather than get stuck on extracting common resources, it now makes sense to actually build better tools and progress more, like, in an organic way, I think. Yeah, yeah, definitely. And this is a very natural step into the third point of the or big category of the update, like having clear game progress.

Emphasizing Crafting Mechanics

We now emphasize the progress more. All crafting is learned through blueprints now, for example, and no more guessing what needs to be crafted to learn a new blueprint. And furthermore, all tools can be crafted with resources only. So no need to craft every tool. To craft the second one, you can skip it if you happen to have the resources.

Clean Crafting User Experience

So these changes also give us the option to make the crafting ux cleaner. Cleaner, too. But, yeah, I think these all are tied together to have more complexity into the tools, more upgrade effects. Better tools are actually a lot better, and they're also much clearer to actually get the better tools.

Depth of the Game Experience

I think this is. Yeah, this is a pretty cool update when it comes to having a lot of stuff just by, like, a lot of stuff that affects the economy, thwart spots, and makes the game. I think it makes the game more enjoyable also, because it has more. More depth into it, for sure.

Blueprint Integration with Durability Changes

I mean, and, you know, imagine the durability part, you know, your tools breaking down. And I think it's really closely tied to the changes in blueprints. So that now, if you. If you craft a heavy stone axe, you don't need a stone axe as part of the materials to craft that. So I think that's closely tied to the durability, because if you now, if your stone heavy stone axe breaks, you don't actually have to craft a stone axe first.

Ease of Gameplay

It would be quite painful, to be honest. So you can just craft the heavy stone axe instead. And I think, like you said, it's more clear now. You only learn to craft new items with the blueprints, so there's no guessing anymore. Like, yeah, how. How can I do this and how can I do that? It's just all blueprints, and you can purchase them from the vendor, you can get them as quest rewards and so on.

New Player Experience

And for a new player, especially, this is gonna be so much easier to comprehend. Yeah, yeah, definitely. And in addition to all these economy related things, we will have more ux improvements in the game and bug fixes. And one big thing that we have been missing from the game since the beta started, we're now introducing foliage regrowth so the grass will grow back on your island. So that's going to be a. Bit of, that's going to be annoyance. You have to tend to your island. If you don't, it's going to be covered in grass and weed. But there is a silver lining to this cloud and that is we have also enabled the secondary drop. Some of you guys who played the alpha, remember that when you use your sky on the foliage on the beads, you might have got a drop like a flower or something like that. So we're also bringing that back. So it's not all bad. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly.

Gameplay and Satisfaction

And yeah, it's actually pretty satisfying to clean your island. When it's fully regrown, it's. It's a total triangle. Yeah, it's a proper Zen moment for me. Like, yeah, it's definitely. It feels good. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And in addition to that, we also bring some under the hood things that prepare the game for the upcoming event launch. So a lot of work have, has been put into this update and I'm sure there will be some updates before the event and during the event to possibly fix some bugs and stuff like that. But this is a really big update and I'm really looking forward to hear your thoughts about like when you get your hands on this update. Like how do you like all the changes? And I also hope that you guys get the zen moments out of the sky thing, the grass away from your islands for sure.

Tutorial Enhancements

And this also, this is again, more for the new players. But there's additions and improvements in the tutorial like this short video clips coming up that are going to be showing new players what to do, like how to plant crops and stuff like that. There will be a guide book in game to help new players out. That's also quite a cool feature. Yeah, that's a good point. There's a plethora of tutorial videos that show how the game is played because let's be honest, there's a lot of stuff you can do in the game already. And for new players, it's always a lot when they come into a new game, it's a lot to learn all the mechanics and yeah, videos are a good way to show them easily how things are done. In the game. That's the modern way to do it, for sure.

Upcoming Update and Release Date

Yeah. I think we might still miss something. Smaller things on the update, but these are probably major release notes. Looking forward to that. So it's going to be coming out next week. We don't have the exact date yet, but we're already testing, so I don't know. Maybe you haven't any idea. Like, should we put it out next Tuesday, Wednesday, something like that? Something like that. I think midweek is perfectly safe, and we want to push the update out well before I season three or the event start. So we get. Get data and if there are any bugs, we get some time to fix them. So. Yeah, somewhere around that time. Midweek. Yeah, and absolutely. All right, that's great. Let's.

Addressing Questions

Let's. 40 minutes already going on. So let's take some questions we have. I think we can go on for 15 minutes. So let's. Let's take some AMA questions from discord. You guys have been, again, busy asking the toughest and toughest best questions ever. So let me start by answering this one. Any explanation as to why we removed the sign from. From the top of the screen to travel to Port Ohana and the island? So the person asking these questions is referring the shortcut icon on the user interface in the top part of the screen that you could use to instantly teleport to Port Ohana or other player islands. We removed that shortcut icon because basically the user interface is getting a bit crowded.

User Interface Changes Explained

There's quite a bit of different icons there. And also we like to put actions into the game world whenever it's possible because that's much more immersive. You know, comparing two options, either you press this icon on the screen or your character interacts with a boat that's way more immersive. I know that the shortcut button was very easy to use, and it was quick, but at the same time, yeah, it kind of takes away the immersion a little bit. And also, we kind of like to see people walking in Port Ohana, like walking from the auction house to the harbor instead of just disappearing when they're teleporting away. So, you know, that's the reasoning behind this change.

Future Enhancements

And maybe the next step is that you guys get to actually see animation of the boat leaving from the harbor or something like that, you know, to boost the immersion even. Even more. Yeah, I hope that answered your question. Yeah, that was a good question. Question. And I think a lot of people were thinking about that, but, yeah, maybe I take the next one in the upcoming phishing competition, will you use the five minute method five times, like before? So this is like, how many tries you have in the event? We previously had some. Some events that had, like, five minute time limits and you could try, like, five times or something like that, but, yeah.

Fishing Competition Details

And somebody replied, no, no. That is unacceptable. I didn't buy 12,000 worms for no reason. So, basically, in the upcoming phishing competitions, we have and other competitions, actually not just fishing, we have multiple different types of competitions coming up, and some will have trial limits and some might not have them. So I'd recommend just keeping your worms safe. If you have 12,000 worms in your inventory, they might come in handy. But, yeah, we will have a lot of different kinds of events where you will see when they are live, but, yeah, keep your worms safe.

Genesis Islands Purchasing Process

Yeah, that's a good way to put it. I'm seeing a question here. What will be purchasing process be like for the Genesis islands? We haven't 100% confirmed this yet, so I might be leaking something that is not going to happen exactly the way I'm licking it, but we're going to keep it very simple and it's going to be happening in game. So I think the initial plan is that you kind of, like, you log in, you go to Porto Hana, you find an island real estate salesperson or whatever, and you purchase a certificate for the specific island rank, and then when the time comes, you'll be able to mint the island for having that certificate and discounts and eligibility for the sale is directly looked from your player account and the IMX immutable passport, wallet, and player account.

Game Simplicity and Accessibility

So I guess it's going to be something like this. We're keeping it very simple. Just like buying something with money. Yeah. Is it that something about, like, that hard thing? Yeah, I think it's gonna be something like that. It's gonna be a super simple. Yeah. And in game. In the game. Next question. Can you tell us a little about how many winners there will be in the fishing contest and what prices it will bring? So, as this will be a part of the play to airdrop event.

Fishing Contest Rewards

So I think you could imagine, like, getting a lot of badges in free tier and like we did in previous seasons, and we might give some additional rewards, too. But I think the event rewards will be revealed later, but there will be. I think there will be a lot of. Lot of winners and getting badges and some. Some other loot when you rank well. And maybe next question for me to. I miss my nft rod very much. Yeah, I miss it too.

NFT Rod Issues and Fixes

So basically we have had some issues with in game abilities for the fishing rods and some, possibly some other tools, but we're fixing the NFT rods and other tools with issues in the next update. Also, we have been working hard on those. So hand tight, they're gonna be fixed. Whatever is wrong with them, they're gonna work in the next update. It's all gonna be fixed. Everything. Yes, fixing it all. I'm gonna take a couple of questions here related to the nfts related to the durability.

Durability and Botting Concerns

Someone at the discord is asking like, or maybe being concerned about people can then like transfer nfts between different accounts because they don't have durability and thereby avoiding like not having to repair and they can just extract resources. And probably, I think the person asking this question is referring to possible plotting and you know, just repeating myself a little bit here. But as I mentioned, it's not about preventing all botting. Like you can't do that, but it's just adding those extra steps, making it more difficult, making it more troublesome for those that are trying to extract resources.

Creating Game Integrity

And you know, if you have to go through the trouble of buying nfts, first of all, it's going to cost you something. And then going through the trouble of transferring it between different accounts, that's already like way more time consuming compared to what you can do now by just, you know, go there with the common item and extract as much as you can. So it's about, you know, creating these fences and obstacles and hoops that eventually it's just too much effort for anyone to, you know, extract the basic resources. You know, collect a thousand branches and put those for into auction house and sell them for one money or whatever, it just becomes like too much effort and hassle.

Guiding Natural Progression

So they don't do it. That's how we can, you know, prevent this sort of unnatural game behavior or something like that. That's a good question and something that we've been talking about. I also want to just emphasize that this durability thing is not just to prevent bots. I think it's like guiding players towards a natural progression in the game to get better tools and so on. It's not just about bots. It's for, you know, all the players and that's how they get to contribute into the ecosystem by spending resources.

Final Thoughts and Updates

So a couple of more few quickies here. One question is the money supply for the fishing competition and quest pass different. I assume they mean paradise pass. Yes. Basically the next paradise pass season will be starting at launch. So both of the beta paradise pass seasons are now done. And the next time you'll get to do daily tasks in Paradise Pass will be at launch. If you have a Paradise pass NFT, you will get again, you get to claim money rewards every day. How much is the total supply for the additional season? The total supply is not confirmed yet, but we are trying to make it as big as the first and second 2nd season.

Funding and Reward Pool

So we took 10 million from the second season. And then you guys have spent maybe almost 10 million money by now. That's all going into the reward pool. And then we are taking some from a game rewards allocation and marketing. So we can basically pump up the reward pool and make sure that it's gonna be rewarding event for you guys. And one more, if I may. How long is the additional season? Is it two weeks or because it's an additional one? It's not gonna be only two weeks. It's going to be longer. Even though it's additional. We decided not to make it any shorter than previous seasons in the fact it could be even longer because this time the tasks will not be time based. You don't have to play every day. You can complete the tasks whenever you want. And we'll be adding them as we go, so it won't be as intensive as the previous seasons. And for that reason, it also makes sense that it can go on for a little longer.

Upcoming Events and Tournaments

And the fishing tournament or tournaments are going to be part of this event. So it's not just about fishing. Yeah. Good questions and good answers. I will take a couple of questions also about the fishing competition. With a special event, fish would be added during the competition period, like golden fish or something like that. That's a really great idea. We'll be starting off with the current fish in the game, but we've been fiddling with the idea of having some special fish too. So let's see. That's a great idea. Anyways. Is that special fish by any means? Could it be the legendary my maiyadheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh anyone? Anyone in the anyone in the spaces that remembers the legendary mahi proper emoji right away, if you know what I'm talking about.

Legendary Fish and Leaderboard Insights

There was this, there was this legendary fish. I think that was like a year ago or more than a year ago in game that had ridiculously low drop, like zero point. I think it was like 0.001% or something like that. Yeah, maybe maybe we need. We need to bring her back. Yeah. It was truly a legendary fish, or even a mythical fish, to be honest. Oh, yeah, that's true. And, you know, there's this. If you see anyone on discord with a role, master fisher, then these guys have actually called mahi. Nice. If it could possibly be that fish. We definitely need to look into bringing mahi back. Another question about the leaderboard of the competition. Can the fishing leaderboard score be viewed every day? And you can. During the event, you can see all active and past events leaderboards whenever you want. It's all real time. And when we get to the end of the events and competitions, we process the results and make sure there's nothing fishy going on in the fishing competition.

Real-Time Updates and Future Plans

So expect a small delay after. After these events have the final results. So there will. Yeah, the leaderboards are real time, but the rewards will be distributed after we check them out. I wasn't able to focus on the answer at all because of the amazing pun. Thank you. Yeah, we are almost out of time. Fortunately, when the jokes get that bad, it's, you know, time to get. It's time to quit. No, just kidding. But, yeah, we are kind of running out of time. So maybe. Maybe one question each, and then we wrap it up. I'll go first. Any plans to make island terrain editable? Like buying blocks to increase the space? So that's an interesting idea. I think what the person asking this question means is that right now, if you use the building blocks, you can only go upwards, and you can't really build anything on top of those except decorations.

Island Expansion Considerations

And that's fairly obvious. If you could just freely extend your island as much as you want, there would be no point in buying higher ranked island. So that's. That's why you can also only build decorations on top of the building blocks. This is kind of a fun idea that there would be different kind of walks that you could actually use to increase your. Increase the size of the island. Like, extended. I think this could be, like a minor upgrade to your island compared to a. Getting a higher rank island. Because there's a big difference between common and rare island. The size of the rare island is already, like, tens of percent larger. You can definitely feel and see the size difference, not to mention epic or legendary. So this could be, like a minor upgrade, getting a little bit more space, maybe just enough for, you know, one more building.

Future of Island Customization

To be honest, this is not planned. We haven't really discussed it. I think someone may have brought it up before, but it hasn't been discussed. I could see something like this developed in post launch, to be honest. Yeah. What do you think, Harley? Are you a fan of the idea? I think it's like a minecraftian way to look at things to make the terrain, terraforming, basically, to have that kind of thing. But the land blocks, we have a lot of decorations, different kinds of blocks to build the islands. So I'm, like, a bit divided on this subject because the reason for having a limited amount of land to buildings on is very important to have the different rarities for the islands have the impact they have, as you mentioned.

Leaderboards and Player Recognition

And I think it's something that could. We could have some minor things. Yeah. Minor extensions, but that's actually, I think. One slot, like one grid block that you'd have to buy with money. Yeah, something like that. That could work. That could work. Yeah. We will definitely take a look into this. Yeah, I think post launch. This is something like we could do post launch, but. Yeah, let's take a look at that. It's a good idea in any ways. Interesting idea, maybe. Last question for me. Will there be a leaderboard in POrT OHana or a big sign that shows who caught biggest fish? Now that we have the weight and point system, and I think this refers to, like, having this kind of like a leaderboard for all time biggest fish or something like that.

Implementation of New Features

Not just. Not just the events. And I think it's a great idea to have the player's name and avatar and maybe the biggest fish ever caught in paradise. Like, I think that would be pretty cool. You can, of course, see your personal history in the events, like the fish that you have caught. You can see all your personal fish during the events, but I think outside the events, that would be pretty nice to have the. The biggest fish ever in Port Ohana. Yeah, definitely. Like, yeah, definitely. Like, you could have a. Have a little booth in Port OHana where the fish is actually hanging from a hook so you could see the fish and then the name of person who caught the face and obviously the size. That would be really fun. Way to flex your fishing skills a little bit and.

Closing Thoughts and Future Engagements

Yeah, I mean, also kind of like, for a new player, when they enter Porto Hana, they would see like, wow, this is that big fish. You know, that's kind of. I think that's a cool way to do that. And for those who don't know, if you haven't had, if you haven't fished in a while now, when you caught a fish, you can see the weight of the fish and there's like a scoring system as well. So go give it a try if you haven't tried it already. Yeah, I think we're done. It's 1 hour. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, we wrap it up. Let's wrap it up. We had a lot of things to discuss and a lot of good questions in this DNA. Absolutely. I hope someone's going to do the recap. I'm not sure.

Final Remarks

I'm not seeing Planko on the chat, but maybe he'll have a chance to listen to this later on. So I hope that we answered your questions. Questions when this went that at least we have a timeline now of what's happening and it's going to be exciting. Three weeks every week we'll be bringing something new to the table. And yeah, next week I think we'll do this ama and probably we have launched the update as well, so we can answer questions related to that or anything else. Yeah, yeah, it sounds good. Tune into our discord and x and other channels to keep up with all the updates and announcements we're going to make. So yeah, I think for this week. Thanks everybody for joining.


Thank you so much. It was a pleasure again. And yeah, see you at Porto Hana.

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