Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by WorldChallengeG

Space Summary

The Twitter space revolved around empowering women in the NFT and gaming space, emphasizing the need for diversity and innovation. Discussions highlighted the importance of recognizing women's potential and contributions, urging for a change in the industry's perception. The space delved into democratising investment in web3 games and showcased examples like Star Atlas as a beacon of NFT gaming innovation. Engaging with the community through regular English spaces, seeking feedback and suggestions, and expressing gratitude for participation marked the collaborative and inclusive nature of the space. Participants expressed enthusiasm for future engagements and constructive dialogues in similar spaces.


Q: What is the significance of promoting diversity in the NFT and gaming industry?
A: Promoting diversity fosters creativity, inclusivity, and a wider range of perspectives in the industry, leading to innovation and growth.

Q: How can women be empowered to make significant contributions in projects?
A: Empowering women involves providing equal opportunities, recognition, and support to unleash their potential and talents in projects.

Q: What role does diversification play in fostering innovation in the industry?
A: Diversification brings unique ideas, experiences, and talents to the table, sparking creativity, and pushing boundaries in innovation.

Q: How are investment and fundraising being democratized in web3 games?
A: Web3 technology is enabling decentralized finance and funding models, allowing broader participation and reducing barriers to entry for investment and fundraising in games.

Q: Can you provide examples of successful NFT gaming projects like Star Atlas?
A: Star Atlas serves as a prime example of blending blockchain technology with gaming, offering innovative gameplay experiences and economic opportunities for players.

Q: When are the English spaces scheduled for interaction with the community?
A: Regular English spaces are hosted to engage with the community for discussions, feedback, and collaboration.

Q: What feedback and suggestions are welcomed from the participants?
A: Participants are encouraged to share their insights, ideas, and recommendations to contribute to the growth and improvement of projects and initiatives.

Q: How can individuals engage with the team for further discussions or collaborations?
A: Individuals can reach out to the team to share thoughts, explore collaborations, or provide feedback through various communication channels.


Time: 00:03:42
Introduction to the World Challenge Game, Alex introduces the concept and goals of the World Challenge Game.

Time: 00:05:13
Empowering Through Challenges, Discussion on empowering and inspiring participants through continuous learning and challenges.

Time: 00:06:39
Focus on NFTs in Gaming, The main topic of the session: the power of NFTs in gaming.

Time: 00:12:44
Real Ownership of Digital Assets, Debate on how NFTs provide real ownership and their impact on game design.

Time: 00:22:29
Ethical and Legal Challenges, Discussion on the ethical and legal issues related to NFT gaming.

Time: 00:29:36
Democratizing the Space, Importance of democratizing the gaming space and allowing users to influence game development.

Time: 00:33:01
Marketing Web3 Games, Insights on how to effectively market Web3 gaming projects.

Time: 00:45:09
Onboarding Female Developers, The need to onboard more female developers into Web3 gaming.

Time: 00:50:37
Closing Remarks and Future Spaces, Alex wraps up the discussion and invites feedback for future sessions.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of promoting diversity in the NFT and gaming industry.
  • Discussion on empowering women and promoting their significant contributions.
  • Focus on diversification and the potential for women in projects.
  • Points raised on democratising investment and fundraising within web3 games.
  • Examples like Star Atlas as an illustration of innovation in NFT gaming.
  • Mention of hosting English spaces regularly for engaging with the community.
  • Request for feedback
  • suggestions
  • and guest recommendations.
  • Invitation to reach out and engage with the team.
  • Gratitude expressed for the enjoyable discussion and participation.
  • Enthusiasm for future engagements and discussions in similar spaces.

Behind the Mic

an an average product with high earnings. Jorn yeah, sort of saying what I wanted to say, Josh, because I'm totally with you on that one, because I feel like the one thing that currently in this industry, at least when I came in, our approaching wrong, is that we want to explain everything. And like, I went to the web three festival in Hong Kong and I saw those banners that they had there and so much tech, so much they want to explain. And I think maybe for a free audience, that makes sense. But if you want to go mainstream, you don't have to. You shouldn't be explaining anything. The game should just be a great experience. And that's why I also believe in an indie game making that step another AAA game. Because competing with the GT online or with an incessant screed or whatever AAA game, you just don't have to. Not just the means, you don't have the experience. Like, it takes years to make games at that level. And even those companies make still a lot of steps going wrong. So I feel like if this space can create a game that's accessible and it's just fun to play, like even a game like Flappy bird in the past, like, if it's just fun to play without them understanding that it's a web free game, and maybe even when a wallet is also way more accessible, then they will make it step or for example, with a game like nine heroes, you get in because it's a game that you're able to have an experience, like a fortnight game, like an apex, but it's so we're free in essence. So you're playing this web two game, hopefully you have a good experience and then the rest of the community will hopefully inform you of what else is possible. Or you notice while playing the game, like you're earning something. What does it mean? And then you start searching because you're playing this game, you like this game. And I feel like those are games that are on the forefront of changing this towards to gain a web two audience and. Yeah, but I still think it's difficult at the moment. But hopefully these games will open more doors and like, every. Every sort of games. And I have huge backlogs, especially coming into web three and then taking a video game character out to dinner. Well, to be honest, I won't because I'm very happy with my girlfriends, so I won't be doing this, any of this. But. But while I'm whispering, maybe Aerith from Final Fantasy seven. Like, that's. That was my game, so I will take her out to dinner. That was it. Seems like fun. Although Livy not dead, because in the end, of course, spoiler alert, she's dead. So nobody said. Nobody said a date. You didn't have to take it there. It could have been platonic. Oh, dinner. Oh, no, no. I want a date. I want a date. Well, that was fun. That was fun. Thank you for. For sharing that. And I also want to. I want to thank you guys for being with me today. I want to thank Josh especially. I know I've been saying about him, like, so many times, but, like, I know he took from his time, from his birthday to run this space, and he told me that he's going to be doing this ever since I invited him. So thank you so much. I want to thank Tony, I want to thank John as well, and I want to thank everybody for being with us today. Don't forget to hit follow the world challenge game to make sure that you stay up to date the upcoming updates. Yeah, that's what I can do today. When it comes to wording. I hope you enjoyed it. We're hosting english spaces every two weeks, so if you have any guests or if you have any feedback or anything you want to suggest, please let us know. Hit me up. Hit the guys up. You have a couple of the team members here in the audience as well. DM World challenge game and, yeah. Thank you so much again, hope you have a lovely. Thank you, Alex. And thank you for having us. And I think I speak for everybody when I say that we had a great time. And as far as I'm concerned, if there's one thing that I love more than what I do, it's talking about what I do. So this was a gift for me. Really cool space, Alex. Thank you. Thank you, guys. See you next time. Bye bye. It.

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