Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Out to Lunch EP 96 w/ Peanut , Devs ?, and _______ hosted by LongLostNFT. Step into the world of unique projects, innovation, and creativity with Peanut ? and Devs ???? on Out to Lunch EP 96. The episode delves into the fusion of culture, technology, and diverse collaborations that drive groundbreaking developments and challenge industry norms. From streetwear collaborations to music festivals and tech-cultural startups, the conversation highlights the importance of community engagement, diversity, and fresh perspectives in fueling creativity and innovation. Explore how staying open to innovative ideas and embracing change leads to original projects that push boundaries and inspire change.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: How do innovative ideas contribute to growth?
A: Innovative ideas spark creativity and drive growth by pushing boundaries and exploring new possibilities.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for cultural initiatives?
A: Community engagement fosters inclusivity, diversity, and sustainability, creating a more vibrant and enriching cultural scene.

Q: What opportunities do trends like streetwear and music offer?
A: Trends like streetwear and music provide avenues for creativity, self-expression, and collaboration, leading to unique projects and experiences.

Q: How does the fusion of technology and culture impact developments?
A: The fusion of technology and culture leads to groundbreaking developments, creating innovative solutions that shape the future.

Q: Why is diversity important in cross-disciplinary collaborations?
A: Diversity in collaborations brings different perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table, fueling creativity and driving innovation.

Q: How can industry professionals stay relevant and fresh?
A: Staying open to new ideas, embracing change, and seeking diverse perspectives are crucial for industry professionals to stay relevant and innovative.

Q: What role do unique projects play in the industry?
A: Unique projects challenge norms, inspire creativity, and push boundaries, driving forward the industry with fresh and original ideas.


Time: 00:15:42
Innovative Collaborations in Streetwear Exploring how streetwear brands are collaborating with artists and designers to create unique collections.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Engagement in Music Festivals Discussing the importance of community involvement in organizing successful and inclusive music festivals.

Time: 00:35:56
Tech-Cultural Startups on the Rise Highlighting the emergence of startups blending technology with cultural elements to innovate and disrupt the market.

Time: 00:45:29
Cross-Disciplinary Creativity Showcasing how professionals from different fields are coming together to collaborate and create groundbreaking projects.

Time: 00:55:11
Diversity in Innovation Examining how diversity in teams leads to more innovative solutions and breakthrough developments.

Time: 01:05:44
Fresh Perspectives in Culture Encouraging industry professionals to stay open to new ideas and fresh perspectives to drive creativity and relevance.

Time: 01:15:02
Challenging Industry Norms Exploring how unique projects challenge norms, inspire creativity, and shape the future of the industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Innovative ideas and collaborative projects drive creativity and growth.
  • Community engagement fosters inclusivity and sustainability in cultural initiatives.
  • Exploring new trends such as streetwear and music opens doors to unique opportunities.
  • The fusion of technology and culture leads to groundbreaking developments.
  • Embracing diversity and cross-disciplinary collaborations sparks innovation.
  • Staying open to new ideas and perspectives is key to staying relevant and fresh in the industry.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Attendance

What is going on, everybody? Appreciate you popping in for out to lunch. I know I'm getting the space link sent out to a couple group chats real quick. Going to make a quick ping over in the discord. Get a couple more friends in the room for today's space. Got a good one with the one and only quanta. I do know. I was just catching up a little bit ago. I see that. I see that you added a look like you added a new lostie to the. To the bag, which is always awesome. and now that I see another post, funny enough that I was. I was looking for, I see the pin post that you have on your. Your profile, and I think that was, I think that was the one that Scott, believe it or not, was actually looking for last night. We. We jumped on the phone after our. Our, several hour team meeting that we usually have on Sundays, and, he was like, you need to find that photo of somebody buying a lostie with the losties can or the cans in the photo, too. So I'm glad that it's you. And that was an easy find there.

General Discussion and Presence of Friends

But like I said, happy to have you here. Today was only fitting to get you on fraud to launch. Like I said, gonna get a couple more friends in here before we officially get rolling. But quanta, I'll kick it over to you. How are you doing today? And what's. What's new and what's good in your neck of the woods? You know, just. Just another day. Just buying losties. Apparently that's what I do now. Fun fact, sometimes when I go to type in Opensea, no joke, I start typing long lost. I think I might have a lofty problem. I don't know. You tell me. I mean, it's come to the point where there are. There are quite a few people, you know, transacting and moving around losties on a pretty frequent basis. It's. It's kind of hard to. To keep up. I know some people may want to, you know, buy and then maybe they want to relist and try and flip, but there's quite a few people who are just buying and adding to the bag.

Growing Community and Recent Purchases

You know, a lot of people going from, you know, none or maybe a couple to, you know, to ten or working their way up to 25. And it's. It's cool to see, you know, the new holders come into the community and to get more familiar with yourself and, you know, there's just a multitude of different people that have really been on a tear when it comes to adding new assets in the long lost ecosystem to their. To their wallet. I know Ma has been buying a lot, too. I know Joa has been buying a lot, too. It seems just a number of different individuals, too. Even some community members. I know between last night and today from the ghost lab community, they've been adding some. I know J Wools had swept quite a few, and that kind of got a spark going between the two different communities. Some different posts going out, which I'm still catching up on. That's the downside sometimes of some of those posts going out late at night or especially on a Sunday, like I said, when we have our several hour team meetings, typically for the week.

Personal Purchases and Community Involvement

But yeah, again, it's just been incredible to see, and I'm partially there with you. I have been buying some. I have been, although they haven't been staying in my wallet, they've been going out to different people to onboard and bring them into the ecosystem. I know Friday was probably one of the cooler days for me. On a personal note, even just being able to, you know, add in captain, who does coffee with captain in the morning with Steve. Steve K or NFT bark, depending on maybe how you know him or maybe you don't know him, but they host an incredible morning show. I had sent each of them a lostie. So that is definitely going to be priming the pump for when Scott, myself, a couple others are able to find a time that works best to actually be featured and go on to coffee with captain. And then I know there are a couple individuals, too, between Kara, who is pretty plugged into the quirkies community rock, I know who is starting his own project and involved in ghost labs pretty heavily.

Engagement in the Ecosystem

And then Niko as well, who's involved with the misfits, also got back into the long lost community. So Friday was a great day, honestly. Just, again, bringing in some close friends I know, that are valuable and key additions. And, you know, like you were saying, it's. It's hard not to go to opensea and. And you just start typing away along. So I'm. I'm definitely there with you. I'm. I'm probably looking quite often like other people. Typically, I'm just looking at activity, you know, seeing who's listing or relisting. I know we got a couple bots out there that seem to. To be still sticking on to our collection, which is a double edged sword. I know not a lot of people like it, but I. If that's what helps drive some volume, and I mean, it shows that there's profitability in our collection, too, which I've tried.

Perceptions of Bots and Collection Management

I've tried to see from a different angle. At the end. I think before, I was pretty turned off by bots that are on certain collections. But there are some silver linings. There are some pluses to it. It just obviously depends who, you know, who those assets are going to, and if they're, you know, then kind of perpetuating the cycle or if, you know, they're adding to their, like I said, already existing collection and just kind of stacking from there. So a long winded thought there, but I would have to agree that I do that quite often, too. So not. Not just yourself. I do know that we have. We have JFO up here on stage real quick. We have them on stage. I want to jump over to you real quick, see what is going on in your neck of the woods and how your weekend was.

Checking In with JFO

What's up? What's up? Doing all right, man? It was. Since we got back in town, we've had a little bit of sickness going through the house and just kind of dealing with that, but staying busy editing photos. Had a photo shoot a couple days ago, so thank goodness the house was empty and I could get in there sick and still do my job. So, But all overall, good weekend. Kind of relaxed a little bit and got some things done, moving around, even though I didn't feel like it. So that's always good. Great to have you here and jump in and share to catch up a little bit. you know, regardless of. Of what's going on in life, I know it's. It's kind of wild, too. Off of that note, it seems like a bunch of people are dealing with some.

Reflections on Health and Community

Some late summer sicknesses and just different stuff going on with families and whatnot. Not. Not sure exactly what's kind of going around this time of the year, but hoping that everybody's able to, you know, recover and, you know, kind of find some sort of balance or restoring of. Of health here, even just a little bit of downtime. I know a lot of, you know, a lot of families, a lot of people have moving pieces with maybe weddings, graduation parties, you name it. So even some of those trips, I know that you've been on j fo and other people hoping that those trips are, you know, relaxing, restorative for the mind and body and that you're able to, you know, carry on into the, you know, the next part of. Of this season of life and summer. And as we get into the fall and, you know, the last quarter of the year here, just, you know, pretty soon still, you know, obviously chugging along through quarter three here.

Looking Forward and Community Support

But, yeah, really looking forward to what's to come in these next couple of months in the remainder of the year when it comes to long lost and, you know, some of our closest allies and supporters that we have around now really excited and looking forward to the different products, different services, different initiatives that they're rolling out of, you know, doing whatever we can to support them and be there along the way, whether it's, you know, monetarily or in some other fashion or form, you know, want to make sure that we continue to do that at a high level. So, and I did want to say real quick, if you guys are able to, like, repost, share it out to a friend or two, I'm not sure if all the people listening in are properly displaying on my end for some reason.

Technical Issues and Event Participation

So I'm kind of having it bug or glitch out a little bit. It seems like things are still functioning okay on my end. but people loading in seems to be a little bit of an issue as people are, you know, appearing and vanishing and appearing again. So, go ahead and j fo. It did do that to me, too, peanut, but, I just had to log out, log back in. and the second time seemed to be the working piece. So if you are having trouble, just log out, log back in and you should be all right. Cool. Appreciate that. Yeah. And I know there's been a number of different issues. It seems like when people start spaces from their laptop or their computer, that also seems to cause or have a ripple effect on further issues within spaces.

Initiating the Conversation

So I always do my best just to host and do spaces from my phone to just to minimize, you know, any potential issues that may cause, because it seems like that's a re, you know, a reoccurring thing for others. But I want to get into the conversation today, don't want to waste too much more time. And I know devs when I was referencing sickness and, you know, hopefully people getting restored health, he's going through some sicknesses and wasn't doing too hot last night, so he texted me and just let me know that he was going to be out today, which I know doesn't happen too often for either of us. We're usually both here, but, you know, the show goes on and we will make the most of it.

Community Engagement and Personal Journey

You know, in absence of him, we'll. We'll carry on the torch and do the best that we can here today. But that aside, would love just to jump in. Quanta, I know that you've been interactive and engaging within the long lost community. It seems like it's been several months and I can't necessarily pinpoint a specific date. It just seems like it's been going on for as far as my memory can go back. but honestly, we'd love just to, you know, hear you share a little bit about, you know, your personal journey and something that we usually, typically like to ask, you know, how'd you first get into the crypto space? What led you to doing everything that you're doing with qbs and then even maybe touch on a little bit how you found long lost and why you're so passionate about qbs and long lost as well?

Quanta's Background and Discovery

Yeah, absolutely. And thanks for having me. It's a. Hopefully you get to learn a little bit about me, what's going my brain, which could be a scary thing for some, and hope to see a bunch more of you up at the NFT MSP cultural convergence thingy. So I'll be up there for a couple days, but it's kind of weird being up here too because I'm just, I consider myself a fellow lostie in many ways and actually discovered you. And kind of part of my journey here was, I think it was Alpha hour had long lost on there and I had not really been in part of the community aspect of nfts, but I really enjoyed what I heard. And I saw like pictures of you guys at the red stadium and I'm like, oh my gosh, there's actually like real people behind these nfts.

Community Connection

And I've been back and forth my life growing up between Arizona and Ohio. So I guess you could say I'm a southwest midwesterner, but I was like, those guys are like 30 minutes away. So just really opened up my eyes to the community aspect of everything and especially with you all just hitting, quite frankly, close to home. But yeah. So I'd like to thank Alpha hour and I listen every Tuesday now, but a little about me in a nutshell, pardon the pun, peanut. But probably how I got into web three. kind of started with my business background going back quite a bit, probably in college. I was getting a business management degree and I co founded a company back then.

Introduction and Background

So it did end up going well. And we. We definitely. He got a laugh out of it, so hopefully you guys got a laugh out of that. Anyway, back to web three, I guess. Yeah, so college. Started a company while I was in college, owns a patent for a lawn and garden product, and I actually started pursuing all things of racing cars back then, so I just had the normal college experience. Studying for exams, calling manufacturers in China, and then traveling around the country. Racing cars, you know, just typical stuff, but probably a little insight into me. I'm into everything, and I go full bore. But fast forward to, like, 2009. I had to put the lawn and garden company on hold due to this thing called the great Recession. We're about to get into Home Depot and Lowe's still successful, got it on QVC. Companies still going today and can't say too much, but kind of shark tanky things are happening, so fingers crossed on that.

Investing and Cryptocurrency Introduction

But anyway, as far as flipping the script, I had to take over a 250,000 square foot shopping center in the midwest with absolutely zero experience and probably after about six, seven years, had it renovated, built some new buildings, got it leased up 97%. It was dead. It was like 45% when I took over, and then we sold it. So, basically after that, I became more of an investor, primarily stocks, and started dipping my toes into cryptocurrency about five years ago, primarily with bitcoin and ethereum, specifically because I saw the future of the technology and the blockchain and kind of with my vein of investing. Bitcoin and ethereum or where I'd like to stay dipped my toes into nfts several years ago, again, because I believe in the technology. It's a phenomenal tool and I think we've all kind of spoken that it hasn't really been fully realized yet and is still getting quite a bad rap.

Perspectives on the Cryptocurrency Market

I was kind of on the sidelines during the great boom and working during the kind of bear market, and people are kind of pooing everything and like, this is great technology. Yes, there's a lot of bad actors going on and rug pulls and stuff like that, but the technology is phenomenal. And that's where communities like long lost Megadeth, digital space riders are doing it the right way. So I'm glad I didn't get fully invested in myself in the space until I learned more and met you all. Quite frankly, never really did the meme coin thing. Just not my style of investing, but just my business background kind of led me to where I'm at today and feel free to ask questions at any time. I don't like to talk about myself all that much. I love to answer questions, but that's how I kind of got into the cryptocurrency.

Quantum Biosis Society Development

Would you like me to talk about what I'm doing with kind of more of the quantum biosis right now? Yeah. Yeah. I'd love just, you know, for you to continue your train of thought there and what there is to, you know about qbs and really even kind of what initially led you to it, because I know that, you know, for myself, I've gotten little snippets of it, and I think other people in the community have, too. But there really hasn't been like a proper kind of cross pollination or sit down like this for people to, you know, to really get even like a surface level kind of breakdown or a macro 30,000 foot view of what's going on. So feel free just to jump right into it. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I'll start with assuming no dogs bark here. Probably the most unique business I've ever done. And I usually get into things when things are bad.

Creative Process and Business Philosophy

So like the great Recession, the great NFT bear market, but I apparently must say to masochist, but I also enjoy doing things during those times because it separates the wheat from the chaff. You know, the cream rises at the top and you learn a lot. So I wanted to, based off of my experience, create my own company utilizing the NFT technology. Like I said, that's what really kind of drew it drew myself to web three and I wanted to do something kind of based around some of my passions. I have many passions, but particularly the fusion of science fiction and cutting that cutting edge technology. And I think a lot of people are kind of in my boat on that too. But I wanted to create a company and not necessarily just an NFT project. You know, you don't want to pigeonhole oneself. And honestly, I've kind of taken a page out of what long lost is doing, even if we are, you know, completely different brands.

Quantum Biosis Society Structure

So I created the quantum biosis society and the NFTs would be a part of a grander vision, but not necessarily for inclusion into the company. And being a business is important element for success, much like long lost, and that's how you create and maintain value. So my brain started thinking, which is a dangerous thing. I'm quite knowledgeable, a lot of different tech and business aspects and pretty proficient with computers, but I started the business side of things first. So fully incorporated, I'm a limited liability company out of Arizona. I invented a word, quantum biosis. I actually invented that word, ran it by a couple english teachers. First, I've got that trademarked, I got logos trademarked, state city tax licenses, all that good stuff. Because before I even do the NFTs, I want to build trust in the market.

Growth and Community Building

And hey, you're a company, you got to report to someone. So I think that helps. But the initial phase of growth of the company would be the digital collectibles, the NFTs and social media monetization. I've built out a discord community as well, all along those same themes as well, because establishing a community is equally important to establishing the brand. And I think those two things go hand in hand now. I do. You see, I have my quanta handle on x. I also have the handle and it's not so much an NFT account, but it is again the fusion science, Sci-Fi and tech. And even shocking to myself. Even over the last twelve months I think we've had 46 million impressions. Just look at my stats, like 160,000 likes, 13,000 profile visits. So yes, we want to build out the NFTs, but we're more than the NFTs as well.

NFT Showcase Concept

Would you like to hear the craziness about the NFTs themselves? 100%. Yeah, let's dive into it. The nitty gritty. I know that as you were sharing, I don't know what it is sometimes with x, but. And I'm sure other people can relate. I've, I found it so easy at times for certain friends or certain accounts to get out of the regular loop or, you know, kind of position in your feed. It's very easy for things to fall out. So I'm honestly catching up a lot on the official QBs account itself and just seeing, you know, the different, you know, the different types of posts and different things that you guys share about. I, it's fun to see that type of style of interactions that you are able to have in that type of engagement that you get to, I guess, capture with on this platform with different people. Quick little side note there, but yeah, go for it.

Creative Process in Art Production

In terms of the nitty gritty and the NFTs itself. Yeah. And good thing I handed it over to you because my dad called me while you're talking. So we've muted him and we've gotten through the dog, so we're halfway there. Yeah. And just on the ad quantum biosis handle, too. The crazy, just a funny story with that, too is a lot of that is just literally my brain. I've got this weird semi photographic memory so I can just pump out stuff like crazy. And I know a lot about stuff that not necessarily isn't important. Some stuff is important. So I'll get people all the time like, oh, you're a robot. Oh, this is AI. I'm like, no, it's just my weird brain. I'm sorry. But yeah, so that's a lot of my brain you see there, for better or for worse.

NFT Design Inspiration

And that leads into the actual NFts themselves. You know, I've seen all kinds of NFts and PFPs and apes, aliens, pandas, you name it's out there. Obviously. I love the losties. They're my favorite. And don't get me wrong, a lot of them are great and a lot of fun, but I really wanted us to stand out and I think that's a hard thing to do with, you know, the market being just kind of saturated with good stuff and bad stuff. So my thinking was, let's go really funky and unique, but beyond brand. So the NFT showcase, and you may not be familiar with it, the tartar grain, which in my brain is many ways the biological equivalent to the blockchain, if you're not familiar with them.

Tardigrades and Their Unique Features

Incredible microscopic creatures that have literally been on earth for over 500 million years and they can survive some of the most extreme environments imaginable, even the vacuum of space. There might actually be some literally on the moon right now. But you go out in your backyard, get a little piece of moss, put it under a microscope. Microscope. And there's tardigrades. So they're everywhere. And my think was like, let's go really funky. And let's be completely honest about tardigrades, if you're familiar, they are super funky looking, and the elephant in the room is their crazy mouse. And yes, they may look like a part of human anatomy, but it also makes them special and a perfect canvas for art. So even on our website, on our main page, you actually see a real picture.

Art Creation Process

So we're not making things up here, people. But I think the craziest part of this whole journey in this business was me actually doing all the art myself. I literally hand drew everything on Adobe Photoshop on a laptop with just a trackpad, and I pretty much destroyed the one computer. My s button really doesn't work anymore. The O button doesn't work. I literally wore a hole in my command button. There's actual physical hole, and my screen went out. So I'd like to rip my MacBook Pro on that one. But I wanted to go really over the top Ambien brand with the quantum biosis society. So, and I want to give everyone something with the NFTs.

Incorporating Diverse Elements

So really cool elements, like really extremely detailed backgrounds, like from real stuff, like the sonoran desert, sadahara desert, volcanic vents, and then I've got stuff like Deloreans, lunar rovers, wormholes, spaceships, cybernetic implants, petri dishes. So everything of that fusion that science, sci-Fi and tech, I try to incorporate into everything. And you may love the art, you may not like the arthem, but it is the quantum biosis society. And actually that word I created was based around the tardigrade because a quantum, or a quanta, if you will, is kind of like the smallest unit of energy. And biosis is a mode of life.

Communication and Transparency

So my brain, I combine the two. So it's like the tardigrade, it's the smallest mode of life, just a little fun fact on my brain, but so I've also got all the art on the website too. I'm completely open about it. Show all the traits. The NFTs aren't revealed at the moment yet. We're going to be announcing that soon. I just want to be completely open. I don't want to rug pull anyone. And they're going to have exclusive access again with the technology, which is cool. Token gating certain areas of our discord. We're gonna have specific giveaways for NFT holders, like real physical things. We got shirts.

Physical Elements and Challenge Coins

We've been giving away, like blade Runner exclusive stuff. And this is something I'm really cool that I haven't seen elsewhere I'm kind of proud of. I have real challenge coins made up for the quantum biosis society. Are you familiar with challenge coins? By means, I've heard the term, but I can't say I'm well versed in the specific details. Okay. Well, this is actually perfect for long lost, too, because I'm like, I'm into tangible stuff. So, yeah, it's cool. Like, you know, I have a long loss NFT or Megadeth digital, you know, nft, but, oh, cool, I get a megadeth hat or I get, you know, lossy streetwear, stuff like that. So that's what I want to do with this company.

Challenge Coin Tradition and Future Plans

So the challenge coins, I made them huge. They're like two and a half inches around. And the mythology kind of behind a challenge coin, and I think it stems from the military. So say you're at a bar and you say, hey, I'm in the quantum biosis society, or I'm a marine, or I'm a part of this division, and someone will challenge you. Say, I don't believe you show your coin. So you flip out your coin. If that person pulls out their challenge coin, the person that challenged them has to buy around for everyone in the bar. So maybe we can work something out with the quantum biosis challenge coins that if you hold this, that everyone's got to buy y'all losties if your challenge fails.

Community Engagement and Future Vision

But, but it's something like that I just don't want to have. Yes, your NFT is part of the, you know, the club, the community, but physical connections to it. So, but that's kind of in the long term future, like I said, is the NFTs, but it's more the NFTs funding and growing access to certain elements of the company. So I've had a history of being able to get speakers, obviously, with the charity. Like I talked to, I had a senator on a very disastrous Zoom call. But, you know, folks from like the Arizona Science center, I've got some other contacts I can't really reveal yet.

Philosophy on Events and Charity Involvement

But again, science, Sci-Fi tech exclusive spaces, maybe in the discord merchandise. I'd like to do some in real life events. Again, I want that physical, tangible connection with people, obviously grow the value of nfts and grow the quantum biosis brand. And there also I had to put it in there because it's some personal stuff to me, charity related, specifically an event called special day for special kids out in Arizona that have helped run for the last ten years, missile Thieleoma foundation. That's a personal family thing. We've had experience, and I'm really tight with the Arizona Science center, so.

Reflections on Business Journey

But so that's kind of, like I said, it's kind of the weirdest thing I've done in business because I've actually had to not only create the product, but, like, the creativity and, quite frankly, the funkiness of what I drew. So, but it, the most important thing, too, is that it's really led me to other communities, like long lost, and it's been a really fun experience, even if it is just a business. Oh, and I did want to note, too, that, you know, we're trying to do things. We've kind of gone by, like, the quote unquote nft template of what you do.

Unique NFT Strategy

You know, you do the whitelist, you do this, you do that. I personally avoided the shilling, the influencers reaching out to me and, you know, paying for tweets and stuff like that. Don't want to do that, want to grow organically. But there are things that we're going to do that you all are familiar with, and one of them is I'm going to be dropping the quantum biosis tardigrade lore this evening and get a little video coming up.

The Intriguing Alignment of Art and Science

And it's very funny and ironic that the whole process that I've done as far as coming up with the idea, choosing the subject when the art was done, when mention was done, actually lined up with actual events with the Voyager one probe. And that's all I'm saying. Very weird. It's always funny how some of those dates and some of those timelines occur and it actually happened in this space.

Reflections on Timing and Community

I know it's one of those things where, you know, I could look back at my personal journey, other people's on the team, in the community, and I'm always just kind of baffled. You know, when you look back at a, you know, a period of time and seeing how things evolve or seeing where things go, you know, there's always some sort of divine timing on just a number of different things. And I know, as you know, I guess earlier, briefly, with some of these different events coming up that we have, you know, they always just seem to work out at the right time, whether it's partnerships, confirmations on people being able to attend events. You know, you name it's just one of those things in life where, you know, if it works out and you know, if it doesn't. But the times that it do that, it actually does work and pan out. Like you said, it just, it's, it's funny in many occurrences how things come to formulate and come to fruition. At the end of the day.

Community Engagement and Local Connections

I do know Jay fo, you got your hand up, so I'll kick it over to you. I know there are a couple of things that maybe hit home or touch base with you given kind of where you're located and what you're passionate about. Exactly what I was going to talk about. I love everything that you're doing over there. Quanta. I am local to Phoenix, Arizona, in Peoria, actually. I know there are a few, couple more losses beside myself that are in the area. And I think knowing them and knowing myself, we would all probably love to not only, you know, meet in real life, but get to know a little bit more about what you're doing with these charities and for the kids. That's where my soft spot is. Anything that I can do to help any kind of children around the valley, especially in Arizona in my hometown, I'm up for it. So keep me posted on what you're doing. Let's connect DM or whatever.

Charity Initiatives and Community Focus

And I'd like to know more about, you know, the progress of this program you have and everything else you're doing. Yeah, a thousand percent. And thank for and bring that up. It still, it still blows my mind the, how. Yeah, you know, this is web three, web two, whatever, but how close we all really are. Like I said, I see people since they are at stadium and like even in Arizona, like I didn't know there's other NFT people here. It's absolutely, is shocking and cool. But yeah, let's definitely connect and I'll be kind of, I guess, doxing more myself. This whole quanta thing is a little weird for me, but we're just kind of going with it for right now. But one quick charity I'd like to shout out is the Scottsdale Sunrise Rotary Club, which I've been a part of for a long time.

Annual Charity Events for Special Needs Kids

And that's why I mentioned the special day for special kids. You can find that on the Scottsdale rotary, sunrise Rotary important website. We hold it once a year at McCormick Ranch train park. And it's really cool. It's, we invite 3000 kids, special needs kids and their families for 100% free day. So we've got all the train rides, we have face painting. We've got all the mascots from the suns, the cardinals, all kinds of stuff. All free food. Everything's 100% free form. So that's what we kind of focus on annually besides, like, a hundred other things we do. But the cool thing about the charity and what we do with it is that all the money goes directly to these events. There's no executive director. None of us get paid. We just do it because we love to do it, so.

Supporting Local Events

But, yeah, definitely love to connect. Yeah, that would be great. I'd love it. And McCormick Ranch park, that place is amazing. Perfect place to hold an event like that. And I may. I might even know of some people who are local business people who might want to get involved as well. So let's connect for sure. That's awesome. And I also like to say that I was the first president of the club to cancel it because I was the COVID president. I don't think they even think I was real. I was on Zoom the whole time. Oh, my goodness.

The Importance of In-Person Connections

Too far? I don't know. Can. Can you guys still hear me? Jay, for. Are you there? Just quickly testing our connection here. Okay, good. Just want to make sure. No, I love that when. When people are able to, you know, come together and I've said it before, I'll say it again and probably reference it many times over while I'm in this web three space with many of you is there's something about those in person meetups. Being able to put a voice and face to the name and having some of those in person experiences. You just can't replicate or duplicate that over. Over a phone or over a Zoom meeting. It just doesn't do justice like it does standing right next to somebody or, like I said, creating new and wild memories along the way.

Exploring Connections in Arizona

You know, whatever you guys can do to link up and continue to, you know, search for it and make an impact down in Arizona, you know, we're all for it. And it's something that's definitely on my list to get down to those neck of the woods, as there are quite a few people that I do know that happen to frequent and that live down in that area. So something on my list for sure, in terms of. Of visiting and just making. Making my presence known there with, you know, the people that I consider dear friends. So love to hear that.

Final Thoughts on Engagement

And quanta, I just, you know, wanted to kick it back over to you real quick if there's, you know, anything else that maybe, you know, you wanted to expand upon a little bit further or maybe didn't get a chance to share yet. Wanted to make sure that, you know, you got as much time as possible just to, you know, kind of put any and all thoughts out there for fellow losties and other people joining us from different communities as well, that they get the, you know, the most accurate representation and get as much information from you as possible. Would love to have you chime back in if there's, like I said, anything else that's lingering out there.

Plans for Future Community Events

Yeah, yeah, 1000%. And by the way, too, I just want to, real quickly, I was thinking about holding an NFT Phx in July, but I don't think anyone wanted to do 117 degrees, so we're going to pass on that. And also, I saw Britt down there and I just want to say I'm sorry I sniped that lossy earlier. I know you had an eye on it, so my apologies. I see lasers. I just click. Bye. But a lot of information on my website, the quantumbiosis IO, you get a little bit about the business.

Hybrid White Papers and Community Insights

I actually have a white paper on there. There'll be a link to it. It's kind of a hybrid. It gives you a lot more detail, the tokenomics, etcetera. But it's a hybrid between, I would say, like an NFT white paper and a business, the actual company white paper, because like I said, I wanted it to be more than just the nfts. And I'm not poohing the nfts. They're an essential element to the business. But I actually, you know, I'm on. We have our discord.

Engaging Communities through Discord

Feel free to. There's a link on the website as well. Join our discord. I've got it pretty fun, I think, myself. But I've also, while on discord, I've joined a couple communities on purpose, rugged communities, because again, maybe it's masochist in me, but I look in there and I see bots and I see ads and I see all that stuff and it's very depressing. And so just a reminder to myself, like, man, I don't want to go down that road. I want to be vibrant. So I'm in the long lost discord. I love seeing that.

Navigating the Challenges of Online Communities

I'm in the mega deaf digital discord and the space riders and all that, but I still keep those over there, too, just as a reminder, like, oh, the people have been burned and there's a lot of negativity out there. Like I said, I'll get even on my quantum biosis account. And I take comments with a grain of salt. But, you know, I had some posts that, you know, had like 100,000 views and thousands of likes and all that kind of stuff. And it was something about like, I don't know, the blade runner or something like that.

Valuing Feedback in the Community

And someone post, oh, just another spammy NFT trash account. Like, okay, guys, like whatever. So. But word of advice, I'm sure you all know that is just take comments with a grain of salt. Even in my lawn and garden product business, I get that all the time too. Like all the garbage, I could have used this for that. I could use the garbage can, like, but you know what? At the end of the day, we've had thousands of purchases, so, but it's good to be in the space like this.

Collaboration and Community Building

And that's what I'm gonna do. The QBs do is collaborate with other communities just because the people are so good. So the losties, the mega digital, the space writers, I want my community, the company's community to be filled with, you know, you're gonna have your bad actors, but good folks. And I think that's the good thing about the quote unquote bear market. It kind of got rid of a lot of that stuff. So I'm glad I dipped my toes in and now.

Contact Information and Involvement

But if you all have any questions, feel free to dm me. Got two email addresses, both at Quantumbiosis IO QBs and info at. And in a few weeks, if you have any personal questions, I'll be in Minneapolis before I return to Arizona for jury duty. I'll be unavailable. Hopefully nothing. Oh gosh. You touched on a number of things that, you know, I'd love just to quickly, you know, respond back to.

Tangible versus Digital Engagement

And the first thing going back to even something that you had said a little bit earlier in regards to the, you had used the word tangible. And I know for a lot of people, they've been exploring and pushing the boundaries of digital items too. But I specifically with just tangible items, you know, like you had mentioned, are our long lost streetwear, which, if you guys haven't, make sure to glance up at the top.

Encouragement for Participation

The most recent or really the first pin post all the way to the left from JFO from the lost Af lifestyle account. Make sure to get your shirt orders in if you're wanting to get a shirt. It hasn't been officially said, but we're not going to keep it open for eternity or for several more weeks. So if you want to order one or a lady in your life wants to get one, make sure to put those orders in ASAP. So that's what I'll have to say in regards to the streetwear, physical items and then losses brew as well too.

The Unique Experience of Long Lost

I know that's something that is, I've talked to people about long lost and share what we do. You know, oftentimes I say, well, hey, like, this is a beer you can actually touch, feel it, consume it. And this is what one of the online communities I'm a part of. This is what we've been able to create, you know, from our ip, our branding and partner with a, you know, well, not necessarily local for me, but brewing company out of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Creating Tangible Connections

And when people are able to actually read up and see more information that's digestible, you know, that's, I think, when things really start to click and as you were saying, you have some of those examples, you know, if it's with us at long lost, if it's space riders, you know, different individuals, even like megadeth digital, I know they have an incredible perk slash, you know, royalty kind of, I guess, reward system for their holders as well too.

Building Community through Experiences

And the experience of experiences, excuse me, that they're able to give back is simply incredible. So whatever we can do at long lost to roll things out on our own, but also partner with other people to bring said products or services to life again, for people touch, feel or see or even comprehend in a way that breaks through the ice and, you know, finds common ground with people, I think the better off we're going to be able to be, not only in the short term, but also the long term as well, with what we're doing in this digital space.

Transitioning from Digital to Tangible

So, honestly, a number of different things. But that was the one point that I, I really wanted touch on there. Qantas. Like I said, it can be confusing for people as they're trying to understand, okay, what's crypto? What's a digital asset? It's fake this, it's fake that. But being able to find kind of that next stepping stone and as I like to say, kind of peel the onion back and show them, okay, this is kind of the basic iteration of it.

Engaging Curiosity in the Community

And this is the next step in slowly kind of bringing people into the fold as much as they want to be brought into the fold, you know, it's not something that we can just force on people, but as they show interest and their curiosity is peaked, you know, that's when you're able to have some of those. Those doors open and you're able to have breakthrough and further conversations that maybe you never thought that you know, that you would have at the end of the day.

Fostering Deeper Conversations

So again, just a number of different things that you touched on that. That get my wheels spinning and know several things that would connect with the rest of the team is as well. And I did want to quickly say or kind of comment back to you. I know you had briefly touched on jumping into the discord. Are there any other ways that you stay engaged with the community beyond discord?

Staying Connected in the Community

Is there a community group or a group chat? What are some of the best ways just to stay connected with everything that's going on within the community? Yeah, absolutely. And real quick, too. I don't even. I don't even drink, but I bought lost his brew, so it's just cool to have. And I like to take pictures of it when I make really big, long lost purchases.

Community as the Foundation of Engagement

Apparently the best way to stay in touch right now, because we're still building up, like I said, we've minted like 50. We've got, I don't know, plus people in the discord right now. So we're still growing. We're kind of the base of all this stuff. So discord in this particular handle to the quanta handle, we are.

Discussion on Community Engagement

We do have plans for group chats and all that kind of stuff. More of the privy information will be in our discord. You don't have to have an NFT to be in it. Links on our website. Like I said, we're gonna have some token gated areas to it, but we wanted to be open to NFT ers and non nfts, so. And you stay posted to quantumbiosis IO as well. And real quick, too, just briefly on the tangible asset kind of thing. Peanut, I dm'd you. I was kind of late in the game, but would you mind me giving some stuff out? Hey, I'm not opposed to that. You can go for it and what, you know, however you want to run it or go about it here. More than happy to have that kind of be the last little bit of our out to lunch base today.

Giveaway Plans

Okay. I don't have anything set up because it was last second, so no worries. I'm going to. I'm going to defer to you a little bit, too, but I'm going to give away a couple of these foundational challenge coins. And if you'll look at my PFP, that is sort of my face inside of one of the challenge coins. So you can see how legit these suckers are. So a couple challenge coins, we'll do a couple t shirts too. And like I said, I like to, you know, have a physical connection with people. And we'll do three of the unrevealed sale qbs nfts. So however you'd like to handle that, let me know. I'd like to get some stuff out to you folks.

Event Collaboration and Ideas

Yeah, honestly, I think it would be fun. And, you know, given kind of the size of the room right now, and then on top of that, maximizing, you know, those prizes and the connection point to the community, I would almost say maybe we do something for the marketplace that we have, the marketplace restock that we have coming up soon. If you wanted to allocate those towards that, I think that would be a great usage and way to further connect with the community. Use some lost coin along the way too, for people that have been stacking up. So maybe if you wanted to split a little bit of it, we could give at least something away today, and then whatever is kind of left over, however you want to do it too, happy deferred back to you.

Final Selection and Engagement

If you want to split it, we can do something here today and then add a couple of things into the marketplace restock that we have coming up in the next couple of weeks. Absolutely. Let's split it. I like the idea. Love it. Love it. What we could do, honestly, is I could just randomly kind of put my finger around the screen, move it around just ferociously, and then whoever I land on, they could reach out to you maybe directly then, and maybe that would be the best way just to make sure that communication isn't lost along the way. Let me move my finger around real quick. Randomly pick. I selected the one and only uncle Burner.

Concluding Remarks

Uncle Burner, if you're still able to hear, I see you down in the audience. If you want to reach out to Quanta directly and get hooked up with whatever it is that he decides to be the most appropriate to give away, we will go about it that way. I do know, just want to quickly preface. We are getting to the last couple minutes of today's space. And of course I decided to pull the ultimate peanut move. And I do nothing. I don't have the top five list. Andy, Adrian from the writers room is probably going to smack me upside the face. I'm not sure if I'm not seeing him in here. He's probably cutting up me right now in the deli in the butcher shop as we speak. So I don't think he's able to send it to the main account.

Acknowledgment and Thanks

And I'm not going to try my, I, my own take for the the top five list today. And then, as I said earlier, devs is not here for name that noise. So Quanta, you actually spoke it into existence. I know you said that you were going to go through as many previous name that noise segments as possible to prepare for today's space. And you know, lo and behold, you, you dodged it today. But what I will do in regards to both of those things not quite being up to par on today's space, what I do want to do is just quickly say anybody who is here and in the space say present. If you would take a screenshot, jump into our discord, open up a ticket, just post this screenshot in there showing that you are here listening in.

Community Engagement via Screenshots

Or even if you do happen to go listen back to the recording. I know there's usually a couple people that do. If you're listening to this, take a screenshot that, you know, show that you're listening to it. Like I said, open up a ticket and we will get ten lost coin sent out to you. You can then use that on the upcoming marketplace restock and you'll have a little bit of a leg up as you look to partake in maybe some of the raffle items that we have or outright buys on some of the specialty items that will get loaded in there. So get your lost coin ready to go. Like I said, open up a ticket in the discord and we will get you situated ASAP.

Upcoming Events and Final Reminders

Before we wrap up, though, I do know that we had quirky cork jump up here. I know that there's been some developments and progressions when it comes to NFT MSP. I know it's cultural convergence. I think we're just going to have to stick with a little bit of both for us web three people. But there is a new post that just went out within the last ten or so minutes. I do have it pinned up to the top. So if anybody here listening into the space would be so gracious to check out that post that came out from the cultural convergence official account, like repost, leave a comment, bookmark it, send it out to a couple group communities that maybe you see featured and or highlighted the individual, let them know what's going on.

Exciting Events in Minneapolis

But I'm going to let quirky quirk. Jump in real quick before we wrap up today's space and just kind of touch on some further announcements and development in regards to the event. Amazing. Thank you, peanut. Good to be here and I hear this space. I just love how hearing from Quanta and about Phoenix and NFT Phoenix and I think anytime we can get people together for a good time, especially all of us DJ's that are networked throughout the world, I think is a fantastic idea. So much so that we decided to do it ourselves here in Minneapolis with the long lost peanut involved and Sean McCann in the house, Chris Peterson from the egonauts, monsters and villains.

Event and Sponsorship Information

We got some quirky sponsorship, we got long lost sponsorship. We've got a lot of communities you can see that are on board for this and it's going to be a fantastic time. So yeah, really excited. This is kind of our literally just posted this twelve minutes ago. As you can see, our tickets and hotel packages are on sale now and we are looking forward to an absolutely epic adventure coming up here at the end of the month in Minneapolis. So if there are any questions or comments, feel free to hit me up. I will definitely get back to you either through that account or through me directly.

Looking Forward to Cultural Convergence

And yeah, we are looking forward to a very fun time, NFT MSP aka culture convergence, because we want to bring it all together. Bring the IRL into the web three and the web three into the IRL. So let's go. I'm pumped. Love it. I was just dropping a comment on that post, getting it shared out. So looking forward to first time meetups for a handful of people that I've come to know recently, the last couple of months or even several months. And like I said, meeting them for the first time in person. Really looking forward to what's going to be an incredible multi day event and exploring the vastness and greatness of Minnesota.

Event Enhancements and Closing

So again, really looking forward to any and all that are able to come out, celebrate. Have a good time with us. If there's any other lingering questions, comments, concerns, again, ticket and hotel packages on sale in that post pinned up to the top from the cultural convergence account. Feel free to, you know, click on that, check it out, see some of the different communities, brands, different entities that will be a part of this event. Like I said, share it out to somebody that maybe doesn't know about it and maybe is able to swing it and be there at the event in person or just in general.

Final Thoughts and Wrap-Up

More awareness never hurts for us. For some of these events quanta. Before we wrap up, and I know that we're a couple minutes past the hour, so appreciate everybody that's still hanging out and present here for out to lunch. If there's any kind of final comments, any remarks that you want to leave us with, I will just turn it over to you real quickly. Thanks, peanut. And I just would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for not having name that sound. Name that noise that really has rashed my mind for the last two weeks, even though 99% of the time I know what it is.

Personal Anecdotes Regarding Sound Games

It upset me when you played pac man and you pretend like it wasn't Pac Mand. Like, I know that's Pac man. And then I. My phone was getting rugged the one time, and it was like a bird sound. I'm like, I think that's a kookaburra. Never could find out for sure if it was a kookaburra, but I'm pretty sure it was a kookaburra. So, just want to say thank you. Thank you, all of you. Lossies. Like I said, it's kind of weird because I'm a lossy, too. I'm a lossy at heart. and feel free to.

Open Communication Encouraged

To dm me. get out to uncle burner. We'll give you some, giveaways here, brits. Again, I'm sorry. Laf will touch base about some stuff out in Arizona, so just. Good talking to you all, and you'll see me around even more. And like I said, any questions, visit my website. Dm me. I'm an open book. Thanks, peanut. Quanta, I'm going to hit you up on my personal account. I'll shoot you a DM later. Sounds great. Thanks to. Love it.

Final Comments and Upcoming Gatherings

Quirky quirk. I'll let you jump in real quick, too. Any. Any final comments or remarks for everybody here at lunch? I think that. I think that hits it. I think that, we're looking forward to meeting a lot of people that I have not yet met irl. I know. We all are. You are the whole team, the whole crew. Minneapolis, don't forget about the state fair going on at the same time and that epic food list, peanut.

Encouragement to Attend Events

You know, don't forget to let people know about that, too. It's a. A double whammy, if you will. NFT, MSP, and some epic Minneapolis, Minnesota adventures. I mean, yeah, talk about divine timing and alignment with schedules. You have one of the best representations of Minnesota. With the state fair happening with cultural convergence same weekend and in the tail end of the fair too. So couldn't better to come and check out Minnesota, enjoy the weather, enjoy the greatness of Lake Minnetonka and the land of 10,000 lakes, and enjoy some incredible food losses, brew art, music, dancing, skate parks, attractions and things for kids too.

Experience the Full Spectrum of Events

It's really going to be an all around experience to say the least. So hopefully see many of you in Minnesota in a couple of weeks here while we get lost af IRL. But if not, I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your Monday and week ahead. Big space tonight with evergrow and Steve. Nothing but great things to say about the team there and in everything that they're accomplishing. Rocket, Cody, Sam, you name it. Incredible beta testers that they have some incredible developments that they'll be able to share and touch on tonight.

Anticipating Future Collaborations

And we're continuing the charge tomorrow with Z new and Mainnet Z with Brian, their coo who also happens to live in Minnesota. So fellow Mennes native who will be at cultural convergence as well. And Wednesday, don't forget, we have hops dungeon Thursday. Be on the lookout for some sort of community pop up space since we don't have anything on the schedule right now. And be on the lookout for a slight change in time for the meet nippy space that we have.

Wrap-Up of This Session

We are hosting it this month. We'll be hanging out with jazzy and Brian. So if you guys are on the lookout for that, just keep those eyes peeled. And there will be some more announcements to come here hopefully in the next day. Just touching on maybe a slight time change and moving that up a little bit in the evening as there's some different things personally schedule wise that I have going on that day. So that's everything I got. Again, thank you everybody for coming to out to lunch.

Looking Forward to Future Spaces

Episode 96, episode 100 not too far away, planning to do something massive. The biggest outra lunch space we've ever done. So that's in the works. Get ready for, like I said, the big 100 and everything that's to come with spaces this week and the rest of August. We will see you guys later. No outro music.

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