Out to Lunch EP 103 w/ Peanut , Devs ‍, and Zia


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Out to Lunch EP 103 w/ Peanut , Devs ‍, and Zia hosted by LongLostNFT. Dive into the vibrant world of Portals, Music, Streetwear, and Culture with Peanut, Devs, and Zia in this intriguing space. Discover the profound influence of music, fashion, and technology on lifestyle choices and creative collaborations. Learn how community engagement and shared interests drive innovation and shape trends in the fashion industry. Explore the evolution of streetwear culture, the fusion of tech in fashion experiences, and the power of collaborative creativity. Join the conversation at Losties Beer as these experts delve into the intersection of culture and creativity.

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Q: How does music influence streetwear trends?
A: Music plays a crucial role in shaping streetwear styles and consumer culture.

Q: Why is community engagement vital in the fashion industry?
A: Engaging with communities fosters brand loyalty, authenticity, and market relevance.

Q: What role does technology play in modern fashion design?
A: Technology enables innovative design processes, sustainable practices, and enhanced consumer experiences.

Q: How can collaborations between artists and designers benefit creativity?
A: Collaborations spark creativity, bring fresh perspectives, and lead to innovative product offerings.


Time: 00:15:45
Music’s Influence on Fashion Exploring how music genres influence clothing styles and consumer preferences.

Time: 00:30:12
Streetwear Culture Evolution Tracing the evolution of streetwear culture and its impact on mainstream fashion.

Time: 00:45:28
Tech-Infused Fashion Experiences Discussing the integration of technology in fashion for interactive and personalized experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of fostering community engagement through shared interests like music and fashion.
  • Understanding the impact of cultural influences on streetwear trends and consumer preferences.
  • Exploring the intersection of technology, fashion, and music in creating unique experiences.
  • The significance of collaboration among creatives to drive innovation and cultivate new ideas.

Behind the Mic

Aliens and Lunchtime Tales

Aliens escape from Mary at 51. Yeah. Loxies out of luncheon, lost it out the lunch. The Lost af gang is a wild and crazy bunch just sit right back and you’re gonna hear a tale of losties from out of spaceships set sail, crash landed on Earth one day with no trail and escape area 51, they had to bail hit among us just like spies formed a Twitter space for fun, acting human in disguise after lunch, Mondays at once they hid among us just like spies formed a Twitter space for fun, acting human in disguise? Out to lunch, Mondays at one they got jokes out in this world like a supernova blast from name noise? The top five list they smash they’ll take you on a journey to places so obscure tuning each week, what’s next? Nobody sure. Losties on the run. Lossy’s on the run. Aliens escape from Marriott 51. Yeah. Losties at the lunch. Lostie’s at the lunch. The lost af gang is a wild and crazy bunch lost. He’s on the run. Lossy’s on the run. Aliens escape from area 51 yeah. Lost. He’s at the lunche. Lost. He died the lunch. The lost af gang is a wild and crazy bunch lost. He died the lunch.

Sports and Excitement

Boy. What’s good, lassies? Happy Monday. Only four more days until the weekend. Trying to keep that glass half full energy this week, because I’m gonna need it. Peanut, how you doing? How was your weekend? Doing great, man. Sports. We’re on a whole nother level, no pun intended, to another level. Had some big wins. Gophers. College football won. They beat USC. The Minnesota Vikings beat micros. Oh, my gosh. They beat his jets, smiling ear to ear. Had some great playoff baseball. As I was saying on Saturday’s sports center, space. Shout out to everybody that supports that space at Eagles. And I run. Man, it’s a fun time to be a sports fan. It’s. It’s literally the best time. You have everything firing in all cylinders. Hockey starting. Basketball starting. Playoff baseball. Football’s in full swing. Like, it just. It’s a great time to be alive. So I’m. I’m pumped, I’m jazzed, I’m ready to go.

Lunch Plans and Sports Talk

Thrilled for out to lunch today with our great friends over at Zia, and I’m just enjoying some. Some breakfast leftovers right now from the other day. So I got my. My pancake in hand. I got my greek yogurt here, the chobani on the side, and I. I got a delicious pizza vibe. Celsius ready to go for lunch today. So that’s what’s on. That’s what’s on the docket for. For lunch here. And that’s what’s going on in peanuts world right now. Good to hear. And, yeah, this is a crazy time for sports. It’s the one time of the year where all the major sports are playing, so there’s always something to watch, always something to gamble, which is a very dangerous time for me. That’s why I try to stick to just football and lose all my money there instead of trying baseball, basketball, hockey, and all the others.

Weekend Activities and Community Engagement

And I was gonna say, too, on top of it, like, we had a. I didn’t watch it, but we had UFC fights. Like, there’s just tons of stuff going on left and right. Yeah, I did not watch any of the UFC fights. It has been a hectic move in situation where, like, everyone’s going to bed at 10:00 at night in my new house, so it’s a little. It’s a little strange. I’m just sitting up by myself. Not. Not so many people in the DJ’s, like, maybe you’re used to. No, my in laws are not degens. They do not stay up very late, unlike me. All good. Okay. Well, I’m glad that the move is progressing along and you’re one step closer to the. The new house.

Looking Forward to Halloween

And I know it’s exciting time, stressful time. But, yeah, man, you’re almost there. It’ll be nice, I think, once you get the whole family situated in and, you know, kind of getting into the new routine around the house, but appreciate you, as always, holding it down. I know Mondays are insane for you. Usually have a lot of meetings. I know my schedule is freed up a little bit in life recently, but, yeah, again, always great to kick it in and hang out with you. I know we got JFO up here, too. We got the mainzia account as well, so we’ll get into it here soon. But let’s JFO. Let’s kick it over to you, and then if devs has anything else that he wants touch on, we’ll do that. Before we jump into the conversation. What’s happening? What’s up? What’s up, man? Just blessed to be here with you all.

Monday Sports Clinic and Excitement

It’s. It’s Monday out to lunche, my, one of my favorite spaces. Just stoked. It was a busy weekend, man, so I’m excited to get the week going. Mondays, it seemed to be busy for me, but my Monday evenings kind of end with, I have a volleyball clinic Monday nights, and it’s with these, the little kids. The little ones. And it’s just so. It’s so much fun and. And so no matter how hectic and crazy Mondays get, Mondays, Monday nights are always fun to. To finish off. And it was a crazy weekend. So I’m looking forward to this evening. I’m looking forward to the rest of this. This episode of out to lunch and just seeing what’s going on with Zia and all that stuff.

Community Engagement and Participation

Stoked to be here. Heck yeah. Love it. Appreciate you, JF. I know it’s, again, one of those times within the sports world where there’s just a lot of. A lot of moving pieces and, you know, there’s a lot to juggle with kids and school and I know fall break is coming up for some people here in the not too distant future. And travel plans. I mean, yeah, there’s. There’s just tons of stuff, Halloween events coming up, which I know we have a lot of things coming to fruition, coming together for our Cincinnati event, which I’m really looking forward to. That will be October 24 through the 27th. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. If you are able to come out and stay for the whole weekend.

Upcoming Events and Halloween Planning

I know some people are popping in Wednesday night, leaving Friday, middle of the day. Just really, again, depends on what you’re able to do. If you are able to come, we’d love to have you out. Anybody that shows up that’s a web three friend of ours will make sure to take care of you. And it’ll definitely be a trip that. It will definitely be a trip that you remember. So I know that’s something that we’re, again, really looking forward to. Debs, I’ll take it over to you real quick. If you had any other announcements, anything that, you know, I didn’t quite touch on that would be worthwhile sharing with our friends here today.

Tune In for Halloween Surprises

Not too much, just, you know, obviously tune into all the spaces this week. I think we had lost the 101 on Thursday, if I’m correct. Peanut. I may be incorrect on that, but just tune into the spaces. And then for those of you looking for your Halloween losties, a little bit of alpha. You should have something coming out to you here shortly. And I know Fallie is also working on another Halloween surprise for you all, so keep your eyes peeled for the discord announcements. Stellar. Yeah, I know. That is a long standing tradition here at long lost, where Sally, our creative director, likes to put some different themes and twists on the original long art that people really seem to enjoy and gravitate towards, whether it’s the 420 edits or versions.

Traditions and New Themes

Our two year anniversary, I know Fallie did an incredible theme for that. We’ve done October last year. I know a lot of people repped and rocked their Halloween lostie for quite some time. Christmas versions. I mean, I. There, there’s probably something. Brain injury awareness. Yeah, brain injury awareness. I mean, there’s been a number of different edits, almost any Thanksgiving, too. And no, Sally did that. That was when I almost forgot. So again, just really looking forward to getting some things situated back in the discord is Des was thing, too. That might even be a little bit of extra alpha there as well. But it’s just something fun.

Exciting Developments Ahead

You know, we like to be able to give back, give some new variations to people, and I know that a lot of individuals, again, they just enjoy showing it off, switching it as their PFP for some time and just kind of having something fresh at the end of the day. So we’ll be doing that. I know that we have, again, quite a few things lined up here this month. Spaces. Yes. In person event in Cincinnati. A definite. And then I know last night there were a number of people that, including myself, posted a 1031 calendar date, and I know some people are already speculating and curious what that one tail, but definitely set your calendar for the 31st.

Giving Back to the Community

It’s that time of year again, where some fun things will happen to give back to the community. So be prepared for that. Be on the lookout. Again, really looking forward to everything that we’re going to do this month to really build the bridges with other ecosystems, other communities, and that’s a great kind of segue into today’s out to lunch space with Zia. Appreciate you guys being here. I know you’ve been doing a lot with the Lazy Lions team community ecosystem.

Introduction and Community Engagement

I know a great and faithful community member, and Adrian had reached out to myself and was getting some of the wheels spinning, getting the ball rolling, and had expressed interest in having you guys on. Like I said, I’ve seen you guys in spaces with the Lazy Lions team win goods connected to a number of different individuals. So, again, appreciate being here, and I felt like it was only fitting to get you guys on for an out to lunch space. So I’ll kick it over to you. Again, appreciate you being here, hanging out. Want to intro a little bit about yourself and, yeah, just jump right into it and we’ll kind of go back and forth with some different, you know, just casual conversations and allow people that are listening in or those that catch the recording, they can get a little bit of a better idea of what you guys are all about in the beverage business and what you guys are doing with our w.

Introduction to Zia Beverages

Yeah, thanks for having me. My name is Ryan. I’m the founder of Zia beverages and glad to be here in this space. Kind of interesting how I got connected with the losties. I just basically put out a signal on an ex post looking for other NFT people in my region here in New Mexico. And I was, you know, there’s not that many here in the state of New Mexico. So I’m trying really hard to unite. I think it’s important that strong NFT communities do unite at this time. Right now. I can see the power of it. So, you know, that’s kind of what I was trying to do, is just find those people out in my community. Sent out the feelers, and Adrian, you know, reached out and said, hey, I’m here. I’m in Albuquerque. And so I connected with him, and I started looking into the losties, and there was a song, you know, an AI song on his page there. And I was like, wow, that was really good.

Discovering the Losties

I got goosebumps from the song, and I started looking more into the losties and really see that you guys are some really kind people. You’re creative, very insightful, the community is strong, and you guys are doing some neat stuff, like with the music. I listen to a whole bunch of musicians one night. A lot of them lost these on a space, and I was really impressed. And then, you know, I started looking into it more and more, and I started seeing all kinds of connections where we could strengthen each other. One that really stood out was the fact that you guys have a lostie’s brew already. I was like, wow, this is really amazing. There’s already a community that’s involved with an in real life beverage. This is definitely the direction that I think general, like, business is heading, and especially in the beverage industry, probably other ones, too.

Ryan’s Experience in the Beverage Industry

But I only pay attention to the beverage industry mainly. I’ve been involved with the beverage industry for 25 years now. My experience started in 1999 with Sobedeen, and then I went on to work for Monster Energy Drink, which was Hanson’s beverage company in 2004. I’ve also worked for Rockstar Energy drink for a while and some other brands. I’ve been involved with some failures as well. I definitely learned more from the failures than the successes. So Zia, our brand. We’ve been in the market now for seven years. We started really small here in New Mexico, just selling it, you know, out of our trunks of our cars, trying to get it into, you know, coolers and on the shelves of some local mom and pops. We were able to gain the attention of some larger distributors and then gain the attention of the second largest distributor here in New Mexico, which is anheuser Busch distributor.

Growth and Distribution Success

And when that happened, that really just took off the sales because now all of a sudden I had like 56 people selling it on a regular basis. And so it’s been quite the journey. It’s been growing every year and I’ve been funding the growth by using factory through my banker. And so basically, like when I started earlier, early, I didn’t, you know, when that big order came from the Anheuser Busch distributor, it was like, oh my God, all of a sudden I need like, you know, 50,000 cases. Like, like how am I going to like fund this? So I took a purchase order to my banker and he said, you know, he ran the credit check on Anheuser Busch basically, and was like, he came back and said, hey, I’ll fund up to a million dollar po, no problem. And so it went from there, growing with that financial tool.

Innovation and Tokenization

So every purchase order or receivable, if I needed money early, I could do it that way. And I’m at a fork in the road where I think it’s actually better to take the funds that you normally would come from my banker, and tokenize the real world asset and shift those funds over to the community instead. And when you start looking at the possibilities that exist within that idea, it’s extremely profound. And I keep learning more and more each day and it just keeps blowing my mind. And so what we’re doing right now is we’re tokenizing our ip across five flavors that existed right now in the market, on shelves and real stores. So we’re in about 1200 locations. We also have online sales and right now we’re using just a small third party for our online sales.

Expansion and Future Plans

I’m hoping to get Amazon, which I think is not difficult to do because we’re in Whole Foods and Amazon owns Whole Foods. And I did get a request, from them to try to put it onto Amazon, but I’ve been so busy with this NFT project. when I first came in, man, I didn’t realize how much work it was going to be at. I thought it was going to be simple just tokenize, tell some people, they’ll see it’s real, want to get involved. And, you know, we have sold over 4 million bottles. So I figured, you know, people would find out. So what I’ve learned is that out in real life there’s not as big of people that are aware of like NFTs and, you know, things like that, as I thought.

Consumer Awareness and Community Building Challenges

And how I found out was I put about a half a million neck labels on our bottles back in October or November of 2023. And I was putting, you know, had QR codes which led them to the NFT project on our website requesting an email and an Ethereum address. And out of all of those labels, I only was able to get about 2000 emails and about 120 Ethereum addresses. So like, I came to the realization real quick that like, you’re my everyday consumer that’s drinking on a regular basis, really didn’t know much about nfTs. You know, I was asking around and that was the data that came back. And so when I noticed that, I was like, dang, this is going to take a long time to create a community and it’s going to take me a lot of money if I’m, you know, I’m planning and just all types of things.

Exploring Existing Communities

And I don’t know if I really want to do that. And then I quickly thought, well, what if there’s already an existing community that I could tap into that would understand like what I’m offering here that might get behind it? And it was that thought that led me to the lazy lions. And so when I went into, I became a lion. That was my first nft I, I’ve ever bought, actually. I went into the discord and started searching for words that were pertaining to the direction that I was heading, like RWA. So I type in RWA and I see that these guys have been talking about it for a long time. And so it just like plopped right into like where I was supposed to be and it was like ordained.

Value of Community Support

It was like some weird divine connection. I can’t really explain it. And the stars started lining up, right. And so the help from the lazy lions has been very valuable. Definitely worth like everything that I’ve been putting into it. So we’ve put equity into this RWA. Rather than trying to like, spend the funds on building our own Zia community, we’ve joined the lions and the equity that’s put into the RWA. We’re certainly giving out quite a bit of it, but I don’t feel like it’s for nothing because those funds would have just went to building a community, which is difficult to do, as you guys know, to get a strong community. It’s not something everybody can do.

Bridging Communities

So I’m really grateful that I don’t even have to attempt to build that community. I’m already tapped into one. So now I’m just out here sharing with other, what I feel are other solid communities. And I’ve looked at the long lost community and I definitely feel like you guys are solid and you’ve got some things going on and you even have, you know, some real world stuff going on yourself with the losties brew. And I think that’s really awesome. So going, you know what we, what we’re basically doing is tokenizing that IP across five flavors that are currently in the market. We got a root beer, a cola, a ginger ale, I got a watermelon one and a prickly pear one.

Sales and Product Offering

I normally sell around 50,000 cases a year. So what? It’s not like your typical NFT offering. When I see other offerings, it’s like a lot of people look, they try to find that rare trait, like something extremely rare. We’re going to hit those traits. Well, it’s not really the case in this particular offering because taking 7% of our sales is going to have a lot more root beer because root beer is our number one seller. It’s been in the market the longest. And so when you come in and you mint a real world asset, you’re either going to get a root beer. Cola, Ginger Al Sandior Nepalis now, more people are going to get root beer than anything else, obviously, because it represents 7% of our sales, it’s going to represent 0.122% of that particular flavor in real life of our sales.

Flavors and Market Trends

So I would be happy to get a root beer. But if you get like a Sandia or Nepalis, for example, and you may say, well, that’s not as good because the cells aren’t as high. Well, you have to remember that the Sandia nepalis have only been in the market for two to three years, something could happen to where those flavors actually begin gaining and then maybe even surpassing root beer. Actually, our cola is nearly neck and neck on a root beer now and it’s been growing on it every year. And all five of these flavors have been growing every year. And the reason that I’m offering these five is because they’re the solid ones. They’re the ones that aren’t going away.

Experimentation and Market Stability

They’re in the market and they’re established. I’ve experimented with some other flavors and such, but yeah, those won’t be in there. These are just solid ones that are in the most stores with the most sales. So, what I’m trying to do is basically bypass the bankers. Like, so last year I spent over $32,000 in fees alone. And I realized like, you know, I didn’t get that much out of it. I was, I was able to access some capital, but I really like, as far as awareness or just sharing the brand or anything, none of that occurred. So with this, it’s totally a different paradigm because you’re opening up the community and the holders to become bankers.

Community Involvement and Co-Creation

But even more than that, because what I’m finding out is that now my holders are doing all types of things. They’re coming up with ideas that I had no idea. Like, I mean they’re doing things like designing flavors, for example. Coming up. Like, these are the types of things I want to see happen. I, what I want like an era of co creation to come into manifestation. It’s like a new paradigm. It’s already calming. Part of it’s here. It’s only going to get stronger, I believe, as we go. So I also have, I forgot to mention there’s three bottles in the collection that are broken glass. So these broken glass ones will be redeemable for a year supply of Zia to whoever mince that particular one.

Excitement in Offerings

The reason I put those in there was I thought, you know, let’s make it exciting because, you know, from a, without them, it’s sort of just like, oh, you’re just, you know, you’re going to get one of five flavors, but when you throw those in, it’s like, wow, you might. I wanted to try to keep the rarity aspect a little bit into the collection. So I threw that in there and I, so those are the, that would be the best one to get is one of the broken bottles because then you get a year supply of Zia. Let’s see the, I mean, that’s the just of it, you know, summed up pretty easily. You know, I’m looking at you guys and I see the losties brew, for example, and I’m thinking, like, how can I get in here and help them?

Collaboration and Community Strengthening

There’s got to be ways. And one of the ways that I think I can help some of these NFT communities and I just, I only want to help a few solid ones, I don’t want to try to run myself thin, is I have a bunch of like, under printing under my caps, the soda caps, crown caps, and in real life, and so there’s all kinds of phrases and things underneath them and I normally print half a million of them at a time. And I spread like 50 prints, 10,000 each across the bottom. And so what I’m thinking is I’m going to put, make this next order. I’m going to allocate certain amounts to certain NFT communities and let them come up with some underprints.

Marketing and Promotion Opportunities

And it can be QR codes. I just found that out as well. Or it could be a website or whatever saying that community could come up with, like, we put it under the cap in real life and then use that as like leverage to be able to host promotions in real life. Like, I’ve already been doing this. So, for example, anyone that collected five different, are the same identical underprint caps in real life. They mailed them into me and they’re getting a free RWA token. A matter of fact, I just got a little package this morning of some. So, that is really kind of cool to me. I like that.

Community Engagement and Rewards

And, those are actually the mints that I are the tokens I get most excited about because I’m just so happy that somebody actually drank the drink, collected five, and they’ve sent it and they’re going to get rewarded. You know, you could look at it, say, oh, well, you know, would you, wouldn’t you rather have a mint for a $100? You know, honestly, no. My heart gets warmer when those like crown caps come in the mail. It’s just, I don’t know, it’s something really neat to me. So when you think about that, the NFT communities out there having the possibility of putting something under my caps, well, that opens up the door even for other NFT communities to have this co, it’s like a bridge, it’s bridging in real life and the web, three communities in a really unique manner.

Future Possibilities and Excitement

And it’s bringing awareness, I think it, to people that have had no idea. And I’m really excited about the possibilities of that. And just choosing a few communities to put under the caps, I think is a really good idea. And with strong, established communities like yourselves, like the losties, the lions, of course, as well. And so, you know, for example, let’s say, you know, you team up with an NFT community, they come up with some sayings under the caps and then, you know, come up with a reward for that makes people want to collect the caps.

Consumer Interaction and Engagement

The cool thing about it is too, is spreading 50 across half a million. It makes it to where like when the consumer goes to the shelf and they buy one or, you know, a few days later they go to buy another one, what have you. Like, you’re usually going to get a different one, but sometimes you’re going to get the same one. And when you do get the same one, you’re not going to be disappointed. You’re actually going to be happy because now you’re one cap closer to getting whatever the reward may be. And, you know, people might trade. I’m even thinking maybe one day, though, they’ll be seen on eBay. Who knows? Could do something like that.

Innovative Business Paradigm

But I’m just, I’m out here fighting the battle for the new paradigm of business. Guys, it’s coming. My, my big retailers like Kroger, for example, they started in whole foods, they started requesting all kinds of information from me.

Supply Chain Tracking and Blockchain Implementation

They basically want to track all my supply chain. They’re putting it all on blockchain. The transactions that are happening on the big retail side are going on to a private IBM blockchain. And what the establishment is working on now is doing some super fast TPS tokenization transactions. And they’re going tokenize, like all of the purchases that are happening all throughout their ecosystem. And what they’re doing is they’re reaching out to brands and they’re telling brands, hey, we’ll sell you this information so that you can connect with your consumer. I could go that route. I’ve looked at it, but I don’t feel like to me, the next era and the new paradigm is actually co-creation.

Decentralization vs. Centralization

And it’s going to be where more power comes to individuals. It’s not going to be more centralized power, in my opinion. And I’m here to battle that in any way that I can. So there’s a power going on between decentralization and centralization and I choose decentralization. And that’s why these assets are getting minted on Ethereum right now. So I see how all these NFT communities are the strong ones, can help each other. I had been using a hashtag the last few days on Twitter that says, you know, NFTs mount up. So, like, I’m excited to be here, man. It’s, it blows my mind away every day. I’m totally new to web three, space I do know that this is, this definitely has a future for consumer packaged goods. I think a lot of eyes are on Zia to see if we can make it work and I believe we can.

Exploring the Digital Space and Consumer Experience

So that’s the just of it. Man. I don’t even know where to start. That’s a lot to unpack. We’re going to have you on another out to lunch space just to have a little bit more time for questions. I’m sure other people will want to jump up. I know micro is up here. I got a couple of things I just want to hit on before we, you know, get too close to the end here. One, you know, again, the fact that you have a program set in place where people can collect the caps, I mean, it brings me back to some of my childhood. For those that played Call of Duty, everybody was hitting the Dorito bags and Mountain Dew cans and collecting as much double XP as they could.

Consumer Engagement through Product Rewards

Again, just a fun way that people are able to enjoy your product and get rewarded for, again, supporting the brand and enjoying the product. I think that’s absolutely huge. And that’s something that we’ve really tried to do with Lossy’s brew and our first of what will hopefully be many SKUs and different products under that umbrella specifically. And then two you were touching on towards the end, if I heard correctly, you were saying that Kroger is looking to do or implement actually use a, you know, private, highly efficient blockchain and then being able to take said data and then, you know, sell again, we would be really curious to see how that system is fine-tuned and really structured, I guess, when it comes to blockchain. But again, seeing what Chainlink is able to do with on-chain, off-chain data just, I mean, the wheels in my head start spinning in terms of possibilities.

Regional Focus and Distribution Challenges

And then going back to earlier in the conversation, you being based down in New Mexico, really curious about that particular region too, given that a lot of the community right now is based. There are some people over on the west coast, but a lot of what we’re doing is, has been pretty Midwest based with Lost East brew. I mean, given we’re based in Cincinnati and a lot of sales movement so far. Like I said, it seems like a good chunk of that’s been on the east coast to even just explore possibilities of exposure and reach out that way. Definitely, definitely interested in, again, just seeing what type of possibilities may be out there aligning again, given your experience and time in the industry, which I mean, you probably know just as good as anybody else.

Shipping Component in the Beverage Industry

The shipping component of being in the beverage industry is quite the conversation. It’s a, it’s a pretty unique thing. And we’ve had our fair share of ebbs and flows with that and really getting our feet wet when it comes to domestic distribution, especially in the US, and exploring getting into Canada or maybe other parts of the world. That’s quite the system to have set up and to actually have flowing. So I guess one question I’ll jump into, I just want touch on some of those points as is. You were sharing a, you know, a couple of many things stuck out in terms of, again, how you’re approaching this mint. I think I was just looking about 50% minted. I think actually a little bit more give or take when I was just checking on opensea.

Consumer Interaction with NFTs and Token Giveaways

I did want to say, for those listening in, I know my points are kind of, just kind of hitting on a number of different things. We are giving away a RWA token from Zia themselves. So if you guys are in here listening, I will be giving one away in the space to anybody who is present and has liked and reposted the space. So that’s the, that’s a requirement. And please be sure to shoot Zia follow as well. But I’ll be running that picker here, that X Picker giveaway before the end of the space. And back to the question here. When it comes to, again, the progress of the mint, again, love to see it. And your efforts with teaming up with a number of different web three communities, you had touched on it at a couple different points.

Goals for Aligning with Web3 Communities

But if there’s a way to boil down and summarize what you really hope to do, what’s the end goal or what is, what’s a top priority for you when it comes to aligning with these different web three communities? I know lazy lions, maybe there’s different things we can explore here and actually bring to fruition, but in terms of those who are in these communities and wanting to support or just have a clear sense of direction, what do you really hope to achieve with these tight-knit relationships within this digital space? So that’s a very good question. And really what it boils down to, for me to put it in the most simple terms, is very simple.

Shifting Funds for Community Benefit

I want to take the funds and the energy that normally went to a banker, and I want to shift those yields onto a community. I come in and I’ve dabbled around in some of these NFT communities. And I certainly think that a revenue stream from yield from a real-world product would help them. And not only that though, it also helps our brand because now all of a sudden you have people out here talking about it. So that’s, that is the core goal is simply shift those funds that used to go to something that was not helping me at all to something that has exponential power just locked in, ready to launch out.

Embracing New Paradigms

So it’s that simple. It’s a new paradigm. It’s coming. We’re already doing it. I’m already less reliant now on the bankers with 50% of the mint coming through. So yeah, I just hope others will see that this is something special. It’s different. It’s time to do this. We need to move forward. And being a medium-sized company such as myself, it’s perfect for me to enter. Right now I don’t have a big board and I don’t need to sit around and try to share something and get permission and then implement something a month or two later.

Nimbleness and Community Growth

I can be very nimble in this space and yeah, that’s the core of it. Shift the funds over, shift the yield over, get a community going and move into a new paradigm. Love it. Great explanation. I’m honestly going to need to go back and clip that part. I think that would be a great little bit to repurpose and ensure on the timeline just to give people again, as he said, a better understanding of the paradigm shift. The evolution of what I believe a lot of individuals in this web three space have been interested in and looking for, but haven’t seen to the degrees that maybe they are our wantings.

Consumer Connection Through Memories

And again, this being in, you know, especially the beverage industry, which again is something that we’re very passionate about too. It’s, it’s something that will continue to stand the test of time. It’s, you know, again, getting innovative but also holding true. As you know, you were even sharing about your root beer being in the market for a number of years. I mean, that’s one of my all-time favorite drinks as a childhood. It’s having those staple products too that people know of and can really connect to a brand.

Food and Beverage Impact on Life

Especially those memories, you know, when you have those certain memories growing up or over a number of years in, you know, you sharing a beverage with somebody or again, having these different trips or occasions, whatever it is, it’s really powerful. What, you know, food and beverages can do just in terms of daily life. But that’s, again, a perspective from a foodie or food enthusiast who gets pretty passionate about. About things like this. I do know. Michael, you jumped up.

Exploring Opportunities in Upcoming Sessions

You got your hand up. We’ll kick it over to you before we get to the tail end of our space, say, but, man, we’re gonna need to have you on for another space maybe here in a couple of weeks just because there is so much to unpack. There’s. Yeah, there’s just not enough time to cover everything that I want to cover, but micro. Go for it. Yeah. Same, same exact feeling.

Engaging with the Beverage Community

Maybe even a tech space with the blockchain application. But I, I have a quick question, then a couple comments. First of all, you were talking about the sodas being in whole foods. I just happened to be driving one when I heard that I pulled in. I’m in Framingham, Massachusetts. We’re just outside of Boston. I couldn’t find them. Are they on the east coast? It looked like the map only had one in, like, Kansas City. But are they accessible out here?

Future Growth and Community Building

No, the furthest east that we go is Kansas City. And that’s another reason that this offering strengthens my entire ecosystem, because now, you know, I might have holders that start speaking to retailers, like, in different places. It’s actually already happening. So, you know, that is a way that the web three space will. Can, can help me in real life as well. So, yeah, unfortunately, we’re nothing on the east coast. We’re pretty popular in the southwest part of the US.

Popularity and Brand Growth in New Mexico

We’re very popular in New Mexico. We’re in almost every grocery store here. So. So, you know, like I said, just being a medium-sized company, though, is allowing us to enter this web three space in a big way. So, in a way, I’m kind of glad that we’re sort of small right now. And I think it’s going to grow organically and, you know, a lot of people are looking at this as an experiment.

Dedication to Purpose and Community Engagement

And so I’m dedicating. I feel like it’s my life’s purpose, honestly. I’ve been putting a whole lot of work into it, so I’m. I’m going to see it through. I just, I haven’t seen where it’s not going to work, and every direction I look, it’s. It actually, I learn later that it’s even going to work better than what I was anticipating. So it’s exciting.

Foundation of Experience and Future Engagement

No, I love that. And I love that you’re recognizing that it’s your life’s purpose and obviously your background with all the different companies before coming and doing it for yourself. Tons of experience. My experience is in uniquely identifying products. So I put QR codes on Nike, converse shoes back in like 2010. And so track and trace, supply chain management, distribution centers, point of sale, even marketing engagements is something I’ve thought about for a long time.

Consumer Engagement and Marketing Opportunities

And I finally realized that with NFTs, while the supply chain track and trace is fully capable with RFID, NFC, QR, there’s no real consumer post-sale consumer engagement. And I think that you’re onto something real big with how to grow a community, how to grow your product base. And while a beverage is different than a sneaker, there are lots of marketing opportunities and community growth. So I’d love to tap in with you on that.

Exploring Data Analytics and Engagement

I’d love to figure out what some of that on-chain information is too because I think there’s a huge data analytics play but you’re already doing things at scale and a lot of the projects I’m working with, they’re doing limited runs or they’re selling directly to consumers. They’re already talking to not anonymous sell-through customers that you have a large store like Whole Foods but you may not be getting that direct data from. So you just got me going.

Collaboration and Community Building

That’s why I said tech space. But I threw you a follow. and I’d love to jump in the DMs and maybe even get a call and just hear what’s going on even more and I’ll probably pick up a few minutes. Love it. Absolutely love it. JFo jump in real quick. Micro actually just answered what I was going to ask. I was cutting out when he was talking about Whole Foods.

Exploration of Product Availability

I wasn’t sure if he was in Whole Foods already or was trying to get in Whole Foods or if it was Amazon. I’d really like to check it out. My girls love fruit beer and want to dig a little bit deeper into it and just really kind of see what’s going on. It just sounds amazing. Appreciate you Dave.

Flexibility in Digital Space and Growth Opportunities

Oh you know you get me thinking and going about again just distribution reaches as you were saying. It’s nice that you’re at the size you are now as it allows some of the flexibility and or redirections here into this digital space and exploring different opportunities where you’re not reliant upon the traditional banking system or capital from other ways. But to have something like this where I think in a number of ways if you’re going about raising funds, raising capital, you, I think, would in many ways be surprised at how effective you can have organic marketing just naturally take place.

The Role of Community in Marketing

You know, as people are minting or, you know, getting some of these NFTs, they’re then experiencing and trying the products too over time. And then they’re, you know, maybe not only posting about it here on X or Discord or other social media channels, but then you have people just around them in daily life that are, you know, more than likely hearing about it or seeing them consume or drink the beverages. And then, you know, just in between, I guess really anybody else that you know, may be following them on social media.

Impact of Traditional Marketing vs. Organic Growth

So it’s, you really get to hit both aspects, you know, here on social media, again, people in everyday life and you may not necessarily get that the same way from a traditional banking or funding route that you do here. Again, a little bit of a different process just in terms of maybe the speed and as you were saying, the effort that it really takes to cultivate a community and people who are again, going to support this, the duration of time, I believe will have greater magnitudes in an impact in the long term.

Long-Term Sustainable Growth and Non-Reliance on Traditional Banking

And in the end, like you were alluding to, you’re not reliant or dependent upon, again, the, you know, the traditional banker. Better yet, the way I wanted to phrase it was you’re not on the hook with people who are, you know, lending you capital that way. So it’s again, a creative way to explore things. But it’s one of those things where I think it’s a lot more fruitful in the long run. And what you’re actually able to do in terms of a consumer standpoint community that’s there to back and endorse you along the way.

Lossy’s Brew’s Community Approach

That’s the approach that we’ve taken in a lot of ways with Lossy’s brew as well.

Passion for the Tech Space

It gets me passionate. I get going like Microsoft, it may be a good, honestly, a good tech space discussion and even having you back for another out to lunch space because my wheels are spinning. There’s so many different possibilities of actual implementation and community activations. There’s so many more topics to talk about, which could probably span several hours. And then you get other people into the mix, into the conversation. So it’s, it’s quite refreshing. I do know though that we are getting towards the tail end of the space. I just want to make sure that we hit on a couple of things before we wrap up.

Top Five and Previous Spaces

Devs probably has a hard out, so I will probably have to just take over and I’ll make sure to close out the space here. I am going to hit the top five real quick for everybody here. One quick question, just if we want to get a broad overview. I see on October 1 you did about a 245 rwas tokenization space. Is that a good place to jump in if I’m going to commit some time or is he still here? Maybe he left. There was a space you guys did on October 1, it’s about 245 z RWA tokenization. Is that a good place to kind of get up to speed? Oh yeah. So we’ve done two spaces. I did one with the lazy lions and then just one about tokenization in general.

In-Depth Discussions and Personal Connections

Definitely go in there. And there’s a lot more details for sure. I even go into some of the crazy details of like actually how I got into the beverage industry and stuff. It’s very insightful. Yeah, definitely go give them a listen if you have some time. Yeah, I’m going toss it on in the background this afternoon. Really great to meet you, man. Excited to see what you’re doing. Love it. Appreciate it. Micro. I’m gonna jump in the top five. For those who haven’t been here before, if this is your first time, we like to throw a little bit of comedic relief in this space. Towards the tail end of it, we have our one and only Adrian from the writers room who puts out these incredible top five list.

Humor and Recognition

Brings a little bit of humor pertaining to the guest, and there’s usually something that pertains to roasting me. I’m not seeing anything like that today, so it looks like I dodged a bullet. But we have a great top five list from Adrian himself. So without further ado, we’re going to jump right into it and then we’ll get into the talent of our space here. Alrighty. We have today’s top five list. Top five comparisons between peanut and a soda pop. Number five, they’re both very expensive on movie dates. Four prefers not to be flat, three constantly forgotten by ubereats and Doordash drivers. Two makes a sticky mess when vigorously shaken, and one pairs well with hard liquor and a hint of lime.

Community Engagement and Continuing Support

Shout out to Adrian, thank you for the top five list, as always, absolutely crushed it. Thank you for the connection here with Zia and kind of being in my ear about that. So shout out to him again. Thanks for everything that he continues to do. Joke of the day, top five list. Creative genius on so many different levels. Always showing up for the long lost community. Appreciate you all right, we got a couple minutes left, and I know that we’re probably not gonna get to name that noise, so we will have to roll or postpone this week’s, and then next week, Zia, everybody else, you guys dodged a bullet here.

Incentives and Future Prospects

But what I’ll do is I’ll extend the offer out to people. If you are listening into today’s space, jump into our long lost discord server, open up a ticket, and anybody that jumps in there and references Zia, we will get you some lost token. Five lost token. You’ll be able to use that in a upcoming marketplace restock. I know we’ve had to kind of shuffle some things around. There is one coming, we assure you. So that will be a great place to start with using that lost coin on some different raffle items. So that was the one last thing I wanted to announce and touch on before we wrap up today’s space.

Open Discussion and Feedback

I see we got quirky quirk up here. We’ll, we’ll let you get into the mix, and then we’ll look to, just hit some final comments in regards and carry on with the rest of our afternoon, evening, morning, wherever tuning in from. But quirky quirk, what’s on your mind? Good afternoon, good evening, and in case I don’t see you, good night, sir. No cool space. Interesting to hear about your project. I love beverages, as peanut knows and everybody else in the space, and I just want to say, if you need a distributor to help usher delicious beverages all over the world, I’m pretty adept at that these days, but no, really cool to hear it.

Excitement and Activities Ahead

Excited about digging back into it. I didn’t get to the very beginning of it, but I plan on digging back in. And, yeah, peanut sent you a support ticket, so, hook point, buddy. We will definitely make that happen. We’ll get to some lost coin, man. It’s getting my wheels spinning. I need to get some, I need to get some beverages in hand, need to get some posts out, let people know about it that, like I said, definitely a big root beer person.

Indulging in Favorite Flavors

I know it looked like when I had looked, it looked like you guys were out. Maybe you could correct me with your ginger beverage. I’m a huge ginger beer guy. Got hooked on it back in the day in college. I know typically it’s used as, like, a mixer, but I’m that weird guy who just enjoys drinking ginger beer or really anything ginger related. So I’ll definitely have to keep my eyes out for that, but I’ll kick it over to you.

Future Spaces and Support

Any kind of final comments? We’ll get out of here on the hour mark, and like I said, carry on with the rest of our day. But again, just appreciate you being here, hanging out with us, and honestly, just giving us a lot to digest and dig into. Like I said, we’ll have to get you on a couple more spaces here with the long lost community. Whatever we can do to, you know, support you and behind this movement, we’re definitely here for it.

Gratitude and Closing Remarks

Thank you so much. I’m so glad that you guys are interested because, you know, I was, I’m a newbie coming into this space. I just got my first tokens. They were lazy lions. And when I hear that you guys have ideas and things that I overlooked or that I wasn’t aware of, it just every day I’m learning those things. So it always, like, really touches me. So just hearing the excitement within this community, it really, like, gives me some enthusiasm to, like, really grind through my day, and it lets me know that I am on the right path, that I’m not crazy.

Community Connection and Offering

So, yeah, thank you guys for that. I really appreciate it and being able to be up on this space. Thanks, Adrian, for making the connection. You know, we got that new Mexico thing going on. We’re looking out for each other, I think, you know, it’s something very beautiful. We were, were going to give a token away, so I don’t know if you wanted to do that before we leave or how you guys do it, but maybe we should do that.

Engagement and An Incentive

And I also wanted to mention that if anybody mints today, they can get a free six pack sent to them, so. And I’ll even whatever flavors you want to try. I have five flavors, so we can mix and match. Yep. And I just hired somebody to do that for me this morning. Normally, I was throwing out cases of twelve packs, and they’re heavy and nobody wanted to break them out, but I, I hired a young person to this morning who’s grateful.

Streamlined Distribution

They’ll be in the back room over there, and they’ll be packing up whatever you’d like. So just, you know, dm us say, hey, I meant it, and I’d like these flavors and give us an address, and we’ll get that out to you this week. And so that’s an offer for today, an incentive. Thanks, guys, so much. All right, I’m gonna need to take you up on the offer.

Minting and Ownership

I’m gonna get over to opensea, see what I can do, get one. Happy to support. I know you did send over some tokens for promotion. And, and funny enough, we had the one and only micro. He won the RWA token, one of them that you had given away today for someone who was in today’s space. So shout out to micro. You are now a proud owner of one of Zia’s nfts.

Technical Challenges and Congratulations

I did get that posted here. I believe in the comments. I’ve been having issues sometimes with Xpicker translating or transponding the results over to here on x. But kudos to micro. Congrats on that. I, like I said, I’m gonna have to see about minting one of those nfts, getting in the mix here and supporting. But again, just want to thank you again for being here.

Future Collaboration and Planning

We’ll, we’ll be in touch about some future spaces here, maybe even again this month from Monday and then maybe a follow up space. Honestly. Well, we could see about next month. I know this month is pretty packed with our existing schedule and I want to, you know, be conscious and respectful of those who have committed to spaces. But come right away beginning of November, would be happy to jump on some evening spaces and really get some proper, even more extensive promotion to get the name out there.

Support and Knowledge Sharing

And like I said, do whatever we can as the long lost community to support and be there for you guys. Because we know, again, being in this beverage business is no joke. And whatever connections and relationships that you can form that really help, you know, both sides of the situation when you can, you know, see wins on both sides. That’s really what we’re all about in and again, we’re just, we’re happy to tap into other people’s experience and expertise when it comes to this industry too, because there may be things that, you know, you’ve learned or we’ve learned that we can share with each other in.

Open to Collaboration

You know, I’m always just open to collaborating and like I said, I always try to be a sponge with those who have more experience in a certain industry or profession. So that’s what I got for my end. Quirky quirk. JFo Micro, thanks for being here. Thanks for coming up. Supporting, engaging devs, thanks for hosting. I know you’re probably in a meeting. I’ll be sure to flip over to the long lost account.

Closing the Discussion with Appreciation

So don’t worry about closing it. I’ll close it on my end. But everybody else who jumped into the space today who is here in the audience listening, those who catch the recording. Thank you so much for the support. Incredible space. Like I said, I know we didn’t get touch on nearly everything that we wanted to. We probably just scraped the surface. There’s, there’s so many different topics and paths to venture that I know we’ve had previous conversations on over the last couple of months and tech spaces.

Reflections and Future Engagement

So again, thanks for being here. A lot of, a lot of things to tackle and pursue now. But, you know, if there’s one thing that you take away from it, you know, we’re definitely here for you. Some future calls, conversations to be had, like I said, but I’ll wrap it up there. Again, thank you, everybody, so much. The support on spaces lately have been second to none, and the rest of the long lost team and myself are just very grateful for everyone in really pushing this whole movement forward as we have just, we’ve had an incredible lost over so far and we’re going to continue to nail it out of the park these next couple of weeks here into the rest of Q four.

Final Thoughts and Wrap-Up

So that’s what I got Z. I’ll just kick it over to you. Any, any final comments or any other thoughts before we wrap this up? Nope, that’s just it. I just. But I just want to express my gratitude, man. You know, like I said earlier, nfts mount up. We come together with a few strong communities. The sky’s the limit, man. I’m telling you, it’s the, it’s super exciting times and I’m really grateful to be here.

Goodbyes and Future Events

Love it as we are too grateful and blessed to be here. We will catch you guys later. Have a great rest of your Monday afternoon evening, maybe Tuesday morning where you’re at. Thank you guys again so much. We’ll see you later tonight with grapes and Brando. Stellar leader, stellar community. Really looking forward to that one, too. Be ready for more giveaways. So if you guys aren’t sick of giveaways yet, we’ll have more things to come tonight, so be on the lookout.

Closing Remarks

But thanks again, you guys.

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