
This space is hosted by ApeRunnersBTC

Space Summary

This Twitter Space delves into the synergy between Web3 technology and mental health, providing a platform for discussing how decentralized financial systems can transform traditional economic models and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Held consistently on Monday nights, these non-recorded sessions foster a community-centric environment where personal topics like gratitude are explored. Participants are encouraged to share their success stories, creating a supportive network that helps individuals navigate both mental health challenges and the evolving landscape of Web3. By leveraging decentralized solutions, the space aims to redefine both mental health perspectives and monetary policies, creating a progressive, inclusive community dedicated to collective well-being and innovative financial practices.


Q: What is the focus of the Twitter Space?
A: The space delves into the connection between mental health and Web3, exploring how decentralized systems can positively impact mental well-being and reshape financial outlooks.

Q: When are the mental health discussions held?
A: The discussions take place on Monday nights at 9:00 PM Eastern Time consistently.

Q: Is the space recorded?
A: No, the space is non-recorded to protect participant privacy.

Q: What topics are covered in the mental health discussions?
A: Topics like gratitude, stigma reduction, and community support are common themes in the discussions.

Q: What is the role of the community in the space?
A: The community plays a pivotal role in supporting one another, sharing success stories, and fostering connections within the Web3 environment.

Q: How does Web3 help reduce stigma?
A: Web3 contributes to stigma reduction by offering decentralized solutions and creating an inclusive space that normalizes mental health discussions and new financial practices.

Q: How can participants stay informed about the discussions?
A: Participants can stay updated on discussion topics by following the host account.

Q: What is a key goal of the space?
A: A core goal is to establish a supportive environment that destigmatizes mental health, advocates for positive crypto/Web3 impacts, and fosters community growth.

Q: How long has the space been active?
A: The space has been consistently running for approximately a year and a half.

Q: What are the broader impacts of the discussions?
A: The discussions aim to positively influence global monetary policies and mental health perspectives by utilizing decentralized technologies.


Time: 00:00:05
Welcome and Introduction

Time: 00:09:12
Stigma Reduction Importance

Time: 00:16:30
Decentralized Finance Role

Time: 00:22:45
Community Support Sharing

Time: 00:35:10
Weekly Mental Health Discussions

Time: 00:49:20
Gratitude Topic Discussion

Time: 01:04:05
Mission and Duty Vision

Time: 01:13:55
Real-World Impact Sharing

Time: 01:20:30
Shared Experiences Emphasis

Time: 01:35:45
Feedback and Interaction Open Floor

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 tech can destigmatize mental health and crypto perceptions.
  • Decentralized finance presents novel monetary policy opportunities.
  • Community support in Web3 is crucial for individual and collective growth.
  • Weekly discussions on mental health are non-recorded and consistent.
  • The space strives for inclusivity within the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Mental health Mondays cover personal topics like gratitude.
  • Success stories showcase the real-world impact of the discussions.
  • Collaboration and networking are facilitated through shared experiences.
  • Innovative solutions beyond centralized systems are explored in Web3.
  • Contributions are encouraged to reduce stigma and promote progress in mental health and finance.

Behind the Mic

What's up, space traveler? Hey, how's it going? Great. Enjoying the conversation. And I was going to pop up a little bit early. My, my good old ex was kind of doing its splutter effect or something in that regard. So I'm part of the dogface team. Been involved with the project for getting on two plus years now. What is really interesting, I'm a licensed clinical psychologist and work for the US military. Currently support special forces on the west coast of the USA. So I support about three and a half thousand special forces troops with anything behavioral health orientated through my clinic. So what on earth is a clinical psychologist doing in web three? Well, that's a really interesting question. So certainly I got involved a little bit with mental health spaces back in the day of 21 through to 22. Met Mark actually in a space, spoke in a very inspiring way, which I feel like he did today, does most of the time. He's a great leader, a great person, and has a vision. And I really bought into this vision of, excuse me, making a difference. And what I think is very powerful about what we're trying to do. And I think collectively getting together and learning and doing things with excellence is why he has brought together a very diverse team, including myself, is that we can help those that are less fortunate, those that have served, those that have really paid a big price, that we can give them benefit in lots of different ways. And so certainly from my angle, I'm certainly very excited to see where we go. I'm interested and really looking forward to learning more about ordinals and really how all the blockchain has an impact on people's lives. And certainly one of the ways mark was talking about earlier, we do run x spaces on mental health issues. If those are interesting to you, they're on Monday nights at 09:00 p.m. eastern. So if you want to give the dogface account a follow, that's where I'll post the topics of the week. We're going to be talking about gratitude on Monday. It's a 1 hour space, non recorded, and we've been doing that for about a year and a half now, pretty much consistently without missing a beat. So one of my goals in supporting both the wider audience and also in my role as dogface is to reduce stigma. We've talked to her before about the impact and the roadblocks for people getting care, people getting their benefits. And I think if we can continue to reduce stigma, both in terms of the mental health field, but also in terms of this whole thing called web three and crypto, and how we can have a new image, a new vision for monetary policy and the way we can move forward that doesn't rely on these centralized systems in the same ways we've done in the past. And I think that.- Sorry, and your Jack Russell really agrees. You can hear him in the background, too. Mic is open then, Johnny Awesome. Hey, what's up, Dr. Dogface? How are you? It just warms my heart every time you come up because we all love the dogs. And I love that you bring up the mental health, the amazing work that you do with all your programs. And I think what makes it very special with everything that you bring to this is, especially with the mental health, is that's one thing about, you know, especially web three, it's so many humans all around the world. And certainly mental health isn't just a regional thing. And it brings awareness to certain things, especially being a listener like myself, not a speaker like yourself. But so often it just makes a lot of a lot of sense. And I just love the insights that you share. And like I said, the the programs that you bring up, the conversations that you bring that we would not all necessarily be talking about. Thank you, Johnny Awesome. Appreciate that. And I think that's the key, isn't it really? It's the accessibility, as you said, to everybody and just coming into the space and without any sort of pretense, just being able to share a conversation and connect is powerful. So thank you. I appreciate your comments. Thank you. Thank you. If you don't mind me jumping in here real quick, like, I'm chewing discord and make it very digestible for people that don't use discord. So, yeah, Johnny and I are working on. We are working on making this even though we're going to be seeing discord because it's so important for you guys all to give us good feedback. We do have another person that is dogging it, doing all of our discord stuff and then we have the speakers and then you have me in the co-host and then Johnny Awesome you're just amazing out there and just incredible oracles of just incredible, awesome content and you know that that's tough to come by these days. Then you have the people that are on the discord that like to do games and opening our minds and expand. And then we're doing marketplaces, we're doing payments transfer now. And it's just incredible all the different things that we can do with this technology that has been developed. And so we're very innovative and I'm excited about that as well. And just getting people involved because community really has power, especially when it comes to crypto. And I think with the mental health aspect as well, it's really, really interesting how we can tie things in to our daily lives with just having a community of like-minded people who are able to come together and do incredible things. And so I appreciate it. Thank you very much. Aw, thanks, Mark. Appreciate that. That was awesome, man. Appreciate it. And I know Doc's time is early morning over there. Appreciate you spending time with us, my friend. And definitely appreciate that. Nobody does these things alone. So much appreciated for your words. A hundred percent. You guys are amazing. And yeah, every time we get together, every time we have an interaction, we learn something new. But we also grow as people as well. So that's another key feature of this and learning how we can be impactful in the real world, I think, is our mission, right? Absolutely. I wanted to share real quick before because I see so many people in the audience here sometimes. And I don't believe anybody really has their hand up or anything. But I had wanted to share a pretty cool personal story to allude to some things here that we were talking about earlier. So early on in the journey, you know, just showing up and reaching out and making friends, you know, through the twitter space and just trying to make connections and learn more and really find out how I could be involved were pretty interesting. And specifically, I remember one time and it was a plea for help. And we got nobody really coming or nobody really tuned in, got on the stage and I just showed up, showed support, showed love. And it actually led me down this path to be able to speak here and see everybody's growth, and it's incredible to kind of look back and see that even people who maybe didn't have a lot going on in their twitter or their outreach didn't know so many people are just like strangers in the dark and having their debates, you know. I remember one time there was a twitter space and when nobody was really coming, it was like crickets in the audience. So I was like, okay, I'm going to step it up and I'm going to take the mic, right? And instead of staying in the audience, I think that's one thing a lot of people, you know, you might think, oh, I've got to be a speaker. So you kind of have an idea in your mind, you're like, all right, so here's how I'm going to plan it out, structure it. You know, instead of sharing your thoughts, you just step up to the mic and speak. And that's where that inspiration really comes. And yeah, I just want to really want to share that story because just being here is incredible and seeing everybody just even the audience, the cool thing about having people in the audience, the cool thing about having people up here on the stage speaking is the connections you make, the conversations you're able to bring to light between yourself and others that makes twitter really such a great platform and I'm really happy that we're doing these spaces the right way and I'm really happy to see everybody grow because everybody's incredible and everybody deserves to have a voice and that's really my message is everybody has a voice and everybody should have the opportunity to kind of be able to have a platform for it, right, so thank you for letting me speak, appreciate it, thanks for your time guys. Appreciate you brother and listening everybody has a story. Some are awesome, some are deteriorating for some but everybody goes through life. Everybody who goes through life also has external factors like family, wife, kids or whatever the case may be. So far in our space we heard about the connections and the real life aspect of it and more importantly the value. Now there's going to be d it comes to communities and spaces like you were mentioning earlier. Whether we want to project collectively the way to be seen in a metaverse or different ways like feel good stories for people who have overcome adversity or this isn't like a financial space but if we are going to talk about it, cryptocurrency can save people's lives financially as well and we had first hand witness to great stories. Absolutely, absolutely. I think that's pretty powerful stuff and if you don't mind me quickly segueing into a reflective one from earlier, we had some summary discussion about how we had met Mark in the space and had some really great conversations. So, Mark, apologies for tearing up, man. I know you always tear up when I tell you how impactful you were when I first met you because literally I was in a pickle, right? I had like no friends. I was in a low, dark place mentally and had met you in the space, brought me in and I've turned this thing around. And so I think the message is, you know, don't give up on yourself because collectively if we can support one another, have these conversations, break down these barriers, and really go with the flow – stop trying to force it conversationally, just go with the flow. We have so much we can learn – and any time I'm able to reflect on that first conversation we had is special to me because that's what Figment is about, is making a difference collectively. So, thank you. Many thanks guys for sharing your thoughts and also your emotions – reflecting on Mark touching your heart is also where some of the best content comes from. And speaking of non-financial aspects like you mentioned before, one of the questions that listeners ask often is – can people join? what should they expect? – as we grow, we cannot actually take everybody; we learn off each other; everybody has a personal brand. What is your response to them? That one is for you, Mark. Oh, okay! Sorry about that, I was just muted. Well, yes, absolutely, I think we have perfected that, we have crafted out a strategy to let in as many people but yet manage it in a meaningful way for learning for everyone. So, part of the learning process is what we're working on right now is putting those collective best moments relating to social media and marketing out there, you know, how can we better position ourselves. When joining, you can expect the same consistent, welcoming messages, community conversations, positive vibes and so much more. And one aspect is that we have not been so strict about the discussions – if you're new, just come with an open heart and it works very well for everybody. And also just capturing what you were talking about earlier about mental health awareness, right? Let's take a spin into therapy. And so I think it's really vital that people know they are not alone. As with the services that military staff offer, our intention is to make the broad aspects of this community service known to the people, and so many who feel isolated will know they are not in this alone. So, addressing parents of teenagers, adolescents, folks who are thinking about maybe exploring beyond Web3, whether from a musical or NFT or decentralized finance perspective, there is room to explore – let your imagination fly. And so there we have it guys: a powerful communicator. But also collectively we are breaking barriers. So go easy on yourself with the crypto jargons you hear. I've been there, before you know it, you just break down. So on that note, we've come to the end of this twitter space. Thanks to our speakers – Mark, Johnny Awesome, Dr. Dogface, thank you! Please look forward to our next announcement on our Twitter handle for the upcoming topics and it's been great having you all here. Peace! Bye.

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