Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Ontology x Goshen x Tunachain hosted by OntologyNetwork. The Ontology x Goshen x Tunachain Twitter Space delved into the realm of high-speed, affordable blockchain solutions tailored for decentralized identity and data integrity in Web3. With a spotlight on Ontology's decentralized identity focus, EVM integration benefits, Goshen's affordability initiatives, and Tunachain's emphasis on data security, the discussions illuminated crucial aspects shaping the future of blockchain technology and its role in advancing decentralized systems. The space provided insights into cutting-edge developments poised to impact the Web3 landscape significantly.

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Total Listeners: 172


Q: What is Ontology's primary focus in the Web3 ecosystem?
A: Ontology prioritizes decentralized identity solutions to enhance security and privacy.

Q: How does EVM integration benefit blockchain interoperability?
A: EVM integration allows seamless interaction with other platforms and smart contracts.

Q: What sets Goshen's blockchain solutions apart in the industry?
A: Goshen's emphasis on low-cost solutions aims at driving mass adoption and accessibility.

Q: Why is data security crucial in decentralized systems according to Tunachain?
A: Tunachain highlights the importance of data protection to maintain privacy and security in decentralized environments.


Time: 12:05:29
Ontology's Impact on Decentralized Identity Exploring the significance of Ontology's solutions for secure and verifiable decentralized identities.

Time: 12:15:17
EVM Integration Advantages Discussing the benefits of EVM integration for improved blockchain interoperability and smart contract functionalities.

Time: 12:25:40
Goshen's Approach to Mass Adoption Understanding Goshen's strategy of providing cost-effective blockchain solutions to drive wider adoption.

Time: 12:35:55
Tunachain's Focus on Data Privacy Delving into Tunachain's efforts to prioritize data security and privacy in decentralized systems.

Key Takeaways

  • Ontology focuses on decentralized identity solutions for Web3.
  • EVM integration enhances interoperability and smart contract capabilities.
  • Goshen explores low-cost blockchain solutions for mass adoption.
  • Tunachain emphasizes data security and privacy in decentralized systems.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Initial Greetings

Hello. We're just going to wait a few minutes to let people roll on in and then we'll kick things off. Okay? Sure. You can hear me clearly, right? Yes, yes. No problem there. Thanks so much for checking. You never know. Yeah, indeed. For the space. That's just pretty weird all the time. Yeah, for sure. Thanks, guys. We'll just wait. Yeah, we'll just, we'll wait two or three minutes and hopefully more people will roll in to Dave, thanks for joining us. Do you want to just do a quick tech check there to make sure we can hear you? Okay. Hey, guys, can everyone hear me all right, awesome. Yeah, were just saying you never know what space is. So yeah, we're just going to wait another two minutes and see people joining. Thanks so much. Awesome. Okay, guys, I think we can kick things off.

Efficiency and Overview of the Session

We waited a couple of minutes. We only have 30 minutes for this ama, so we're going to be super efficient. I do like the shorter Ama's. So thank you so much to everyone for joining our entonauts from the community and a lot of new faces joining us this morning. So I'm very excited to kick this off. I'm Claire. I lead growth for ontology. And this morning we're going to be discussing the bitcoin ecosystem. So we're going to be looking at some emerging trends, hopefully maybe discuss a couple of use cases, but mostly we're going to focus on two projects. So we have the guys from tuna chain and we also have goshen network with us today.

Speaker Introductions

Claire, do you want to give an introduction to yourself? That would be great. Oh great. So I'm Kova. I am a key like a core contributor in Tunichan as well. And I'm working in Ops team. So this is basically what I'm doing in tuning chain. Would you mind? I'll introduce a little bit more about tuna chain now or in Nexus sister? Oh yeah, you can keep going. Yeah, for sure. I mean, you know, we, obviously we have our agenda, but we can always keep things, you know, kind of a little bit more of a natural conversation. So. Yeah, go ahead. You can do like a dive into tuna chain for sure.

Details About Tuna Chain

Okay, great. So tuna chain needs a layer two BTC, layer two solution network. And we are EVM competitive. And also we are looking forward and focusing on some innovative features. For example, we are using the hybrid mode of ZK and op layer to do the explanation of, to increase the scalability and the efficiency of the whole chain and to trying to integrate different protocols and defines also some DApps, other Dapps as well. And also we got our dual tokens model, we got Toro as a stablecoin and we got our key token called as tuna as well. And we also have tuna bridging and tuna dollar as well. So in terms of the hybrid model of DKNLP.

Technical Aspects and Functionality

So like DKs, we all know it allows everyone to party, one party to prove to another that they have no value without revealing the value of itself and intuner chain. So ZK proof are used to enhance the privacy and security by ensuring that the transaction data remains confidential via steel revival as well. And in terms of the optimistic roll ups, this is a type of layer two solution as we all know. So that assumes transactions are valid and only checks then if a challenging is lost. So this reduces the amount of data that needs to be processed in the main bitcoin chain and significantly improving the scalability and the transaction throughput as well. So we trying to achieve the trust minimize ecosystem and also we trying to enhance a minimum transaction fees as well.

Closing Remarks and Continuation

So as I said, we can talk about later like the dual token system and junior governance tokenization. Well, so this is generally the background of Mars. I'll be in the tuning as well. Great, thank you so much, that was an impressive overview. Dave. Yeah.

Introduction to Goshen

Do you want to jump in and give an intro to yourself? And I think you might as well do it. Do an intro to Goshen, that would be great. Yeah, yeah, sounds good. So yeah, Dave obviously is my name, I'm CMO Goshen. So Goshen started life as a layer two optimistic roll up. But one of the, basically the major innovations that we started to drive was looking into creating a bitcoin EVM layer. So as most of you know, bitcoin has its own built in scripting language. It was well suited to like simple transactions, basic smart contract functionality, but it also meant that it had limited functionality compared to other smart contract platforms like Ethereum being the obvious one. So this really limited the types of applications that could be built on bitcoin basically, but with the segregated witness or Segwit protocol upgrade, this basically separates the transactions from the transaction signatures from transaction data. So this basically allowed us to increase the capacity of the bitcoin network as well as obviously reducing the transaction fees quite a bit.

Introducing the Segregated Witness Protocol

So basically our solution was to use the segregated witness protocol to generate specific p two WSh. And I know it's a bit sort of techies addresses for users, but this is the kind of simplest way I can explain it. So these addresses will support your normal bitcoin transactions, but it means we can also additional EVM transaction data on top of this. So basically the BEVM node that we create will be responsible for extracting EVM transaction data from the blocks of bitcoin and then executing it to obtain the EVM state data. So essentially this allows us to create EVM contracts on top of the existing bitcoin transactions. So we actually deployed the first EVM contract on bitcoin Testnet way back in July of 2023. So I think were one of the first to do it. In addition, we're also, because bitcoin is really battle tested, it's one of the most secure blockchains, we decided to use the consensus layer for bitcoin natively. For our BEVM layer. There's additional benefits as well.

Benefits of the BEVM Layer

So not only can you create deploy EVM contracts on bitcoin, it also supports existing protocols. Like for example, once we are fully integrated with a cross chain bridge protocol like say layer zero or chainlink CCIP, existing bitcoin applications like BRC 20 can be functional as well on the Goshen bitcoin EVM layer, but with faster speed and lower transaction costs. So where we've, this is great and everything, but one of the big issues that we found early on is that bitcoin is not Ethereum. You can't deploy the same variety of Dapps and other applications on it, mainly because it's not suited to high volume transactions. So like Dexs, things like that, like for social fi for example, was one of the things we looked at initially. So weve settled as our niche to be focused more on real world assets. So specifically looking at large low frequency transactions. So say if youre a big financial institution and you want to access bitcoin, you can do it via the BevM there that weve created for Goshen.

The Niche Focus of Goshen

So yeah, thats just a quick intro to what were working on what were doing at the minute. We're focused a lot on ecosystem, the BVM ecosystem. So collaborating obviously with a lot of Orwa providers and people who are already building on bitcoin themselves. So the community is small still, but it's pretty fast growing compared to like Ethereum. So yeah, really exciting space to be in. Awesome. Thanks, Dave, again. Yeah, a really impressive kind of comprehensive overview. I realize I'm putting you guys under a little bit of pressure today to kind of give so many of so much detail or as much detail as possible in a short period of time, but yeah, this is really kind of like, I guess kind of like a quick intro to the project and also for us touch on the BTC ecosystem in 30 minutes. So I definitely think, you know, there's potential to have kind of a follow up AMA and maybe kind of do more of a deep dive, but just on that.

Trends in the BTC Ecosystem

So, I mean, because obviously the topic here relates to the BTC ecosystem, would be great to kind of touch on some of the more recent trends. Obviously we've already discussed or touched on layer two solutions and scalability, but with the BTC ecosystem we're seeing more institutional adoption, maybe also mentioned of sustainability. Obviously we have maybe some investment products that are kind of more recent in the media. But would be great to hear from both of you on how well we'll start with tuna chain. How tuna chain is kind of impacting the BTC ecosystem. Would be great maybe to learn a little bit more about some of the features that you mentioned as well. I know you just briefly touched on jew token system. Maybe that has kind of more of a connection with the development and BTC ecosystem as well.

Tuna Chain's Contributions

Okay, that's a pretty good question actually. This is a corresponding organization of vision in long term, which has do more contributions in the BTC ecosystem into trying to integrate more ddaps, some other like protocols on our ecosystem and try to flourish our platform as well, and also to bring a lot of efficiency and scalability in terms of the transactions and to provide users with a similar transaction or they just have fun in and I don't know, in BTC ecosystem. So there are three perspectives that we are looking for, but these are general three perspectives.

Key Perspectives in Layer Two Solutions

So we're trying to keep the bitcoin nativeness which means we measure how closely the layout solution will align with the bitcoin core technology and principles. Solutions with high nativeness are more likely to be accepted by the bitcoin community because, you know, the competitions between or among the layer two solutions are intense in the couple months, especially in this year. So we're trying to embrace our community and to trying to keep their nativeness for long run, but not only focus on how many protocols that we are going to integrate and how many transactional tbo that we are chasing. This is not the only thing that we are looking for. And also we are trying to look at the decentralization because I do think the most advantage in the most, the greatest competitiveness of the BTC is the decentralization, which is the most decentralized network compared to some other chains like Azure, Renault, Solana or Polygon.

Decentralization and Security in BTC

Enamed so accesses how distributed control and management of the layer two solution like tuning chain is the key. So decentralized solution is generally more secure and less susceptible for our community or reducers to censorship or be attacked. So the final thing is the adoption, like all the LG two or any other solution or the roll up or the UDXO plus a client side validation or temporary consensus is doing the adoption to trying to achieve the mass adoption eventually. So we evaluate the practical implementation and usage of the layer two solution and the solutions with high adoption have approved their feasibility and gaming user trust as well. So this is generally the three key perspectives that we are doing and that we are trying to bring into the BTC ecosystem.

Conclusion and Wrap-Up

Thank you. Awesome. Thank you so much for that. Same question to Goshen. Yeah, sorry, I'll ask you guys for a little sec there, but I managed to kind of pick up and I think. Yeah, a lot of the kind of got. No, it's okay. Yeah, I think I got kind of the main part at the end. I think a lot of, kind of objectives and goals of tuna chain kind of are pretty similar to what we're trying to do in ocean.

Mainstream Adoption in Crypto

I think the kind of golden goose for every crypto project is to drive this sort of mainstream adoption. Like we're seeing a lot more lately. I think the approval of bitcoin ETF's was a major step in driving mainstream investment in bitcoin. So you got your spot, ETF's various different other investment products and it meant that you get a lot more institutional investors, retail investors in buying bitcoin, people getting more familiar with crypto in general and blockchain. And I think that's what we really need. The space is growing, but compared to traditional finance, for example, it's only a fraction the size. So I think institutional adoption is a major thing for us, especially with the focus that Goshen has on real world assets. A lot of those are driven by your traditional institutional investors and being able to legitimize and onboard those sort of core organizations and folks into the bitcoin space. And the bitcoin ecosystem will be a massive benefit for everyone involved. So that's kind of where we're at the moment.

Recent Developments

We're seeing this like we're seeing, for example, Sony just launched recently their own crypto exchange. They'll centering the bitcoin space as well. And this is a positive signal, a positive sentiment towards the space. Like we had our kind of mini crypto bull run, which we saw recently only around for a couple of months, but hopefully there'll be the one soon. And this, yeah, again, brought more attention. There's always attention when kind of prices are going up. But long term, what the space needs is more institutional adoption, corporate adoption, more kind of non crypto native folks getting into getting involved, getting the space, whether that be in bitcoin or whether that be true, another kind of another part of the crypto ecosphere. So I think, yeah, goshen, in a small way, we're trying to contribute to that, expanding the bitcoin space, moving away from just being kind of a store of value, making it kind of available to build dapps upon, and kind of do a lot more interesting kind of use cases for bitcoin, rather than just seeing it as kind of digital gold, if that's the kind of correct term.

Upcoming Initiatives

Great. So I think there was probably some consensus over the decentralization of BTC, making it more competitive, obviously looking at adoption of layer two solutions. Yeah. Really interesting to kind of learn more about the mainstream adoption. I think that's quite relevant in terms of what's trending. I did laugh when you mentioned mini bull run. I think that was kind of disappointing for many folks, but fingers crossed it'll come back and we'll see kind of a proper bull run. So I wanted to leave this kind of open to both tuna chain and goshen. I just have, like, two more questions. I know you guys have done a great job at giving a really comprehensive overview of kind of your core features for both projects. I'd love to give you the opportunity to tell the community, is there anything that's upcoming for both projects, whether it's a community campaign or maybe there's a feature release or any teaser, but we can start with tuna chain.

Tuna Chain's Developments

Great, great. So I'm just gonna introduce a little bit more about our token system, and I will introduce more about what we are doing, like Trinidad or some other campaigns that we are doing, or we are going to update our social media. Basically, what would the jewelry token system means? We got two tokens. The first one is Torah is a stablecoin. So Tora is a native stablecoin of tuna chain, and it is designed to help users to convert BTC into higher digital assets. So it facilitates a similar transaction with stability, allowing users to exactly trade without needing to liquidate their BTC positions as well. So tuna is our main token. It's a governance token as well. So token is used for various purposes, such as revenue generation, fund builders and the contributors, or benefiting tokens holder to incentivizing users and community members. And it's a fostering community engagement within the tuna chain system.

Future Plans for Tuna Chain

So what we are going to do in the next couple months, the first one is we are going to announce our launch our main may net in the future. But you know that the market is unstable, is going up and going down sometimes. So we are going to wait and see and launch our main net in the last quarter of this year, definitely. And we are going to have a lot of converting campaigns and probably do more training in the game, more like trading competition. And we are trying to connect you to a lot of DAX as well. And you can earn by swapping, bridging and maybe do some perks this sort of trading. And also we are going to have the Galaxy campaign at the same time and then for more partnerships, partners in like in last month, in August, we embodied over twelve partners like Pal and offline and Xlink as well to hold the watchlisted the gaussian campaign together altogether. And the duration is generally one month.

Conclusion and Community Engagement

And we just provide 12,000 USDT equivalent tuna token as a network to our community contributors. So I do believe this kind of campaigns would have won in the near future. So everyone can stay in tune to see what kind of upgrades or updates that we would post in our Twitter and all other social medias as well. Thank you. Great. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you guys develop and definitely I'm really interested in those community campaigns. But for anybody that's listening in today, check the guys out. Go to their Twitter discord telegram. They're super responsive, really nice team to collaborate with and they're very supportive of their community. So check out everything that they're doing and make sure you stay up to date. Seems like there's a lot happening with Tuna Tay and I don't think you want to miss that. Okay, thanks so much.

Goshen's Upcoming Initiatives

So we'll move on just to Goshen, maybe. Is there anything that, you know, the community should know about any upcoming campaigns or maybe some developments? Yeah, thanks, Claire. Yeah, we've got a few different things and just a quick note that I will have to drop after this question. Just got another upcoming call now in a few minutes. But yeah, it's been great to be on the space today. We appreciate it. Great to meet Claire from tuna chain and really cool what you guys are doing for the ecosystem. It's pretty awesome.

Introduction to Tuna Chain and Upcoming Initiatives

I encourage everyone to check out tuna chain, check out their socials, discord, everything. Start following these guys. So from Gaussian side, yeah, we've got a whole bunch of stuff. We've got our bob program which is building on blockchain, which is our ecosystem building project. So basically we encourage people to commit to building on top of goes into BVM layer and yeah, we incentivize them with kind of future rewards and they get a genesis NFT and a whole bunch of other nice things. On the user side, we've had a whole load of campaigns running, typical Zlee galaxy, that sort of stuff. So at the moment, we're planning one where we're going to do a travel rent decentralized world. So essentially all the different, we're going to highlight all the different partners and projects that have already committed to Goshen's layer two. So there's around 60 or so projects there. And basically you go around all the different kind of sections of crypto. So we've got like a defi one, we've got one about NFT marketplaces.

Campaign Details and Community Engagement

We've got one around social fi and a whole bunch of other different ones. So it's kind of a weekly thing, kind of roundtable, stuff like that. So it's a lot of fun and people make up, generate points and they'll have places for kind of community members at the end of it as well. And then I suppose the big one is the upcoming anniversary for ontology in November, which we'll be involved in. So I think it's eight years or seven or eight years this year. So it's a real kind of Og project in the space and we're planning a lot of big activities around that. So yeah, definitely keep your outd. Okay, cool. Thanks so much. That's pretty much it for me. Thanks so much, guys. Pleasure being on the AMA. Yeah. And chat soon. Cool. Thanks so much. Yeah, please feel free to drop off. So yeah, there's a lot happening with boat project.

Invitation to Engage with Goshen

Make sure that you're again following Goshen. They're super active on Xenian Galaxy as well. And some of their campaigns are quite fun. There's always quite an interesting mascot involved and there's always a bunch of rewards as well. Okay. Claire says you and I left. We have a couple of minutes. I'd love to know, like maybe a little bit more. I'm not sure if this is even an insight you could give us, but maybe about the tuna chain community. Like, do you have like a really active community? Are you guys kind of constantly getting some feedback from them? I mean, just a couple of minutes. Any insights you could share? That would be great. I just do a little tech check because I was losing Dave while he was speaking. So I'm not sure. Are we getting rugged? Is this a serenity with these bases? Okay, look.

Recap of the AMA and Closing Remarks

I think what we can do, we only have a couple of minutes left. I'll just do a quick recap of the AMA and then we can make sure that we're going to circle back with the guys from tuna chain and from Goshen. So, I mean, in 30 minutes, we've covered quite a lot. The guys did a great job of giving, as I mentioned, a comprehensive overview of their features. So with Tuna chain, we looked at all their innovative features, including layer two, EVM compatibility, ZK op layer, and also their dual token system. And watch this space. Obviously there's a lot happening. Mainnet launch, there's a bunch of different campaigns, but go over and check out all their social. As I said, they're super friendly. We've been having a great collaboration with them. And then with Goshen again.

Final Thoughts and Gratitude

Dave covered a lot. So we touched on Segwit, BVM node deployed, first EVM contract, their focus on rwas, and then everything that's developing. And it was great to kind of get some input from the guys on some of the more recent trends in the BTC ecosystem. Looking at some, looking at sustainability, investment products, and also scalability and institutional adoption. So I think we did quite well to cover all this in 30 minutes, but we'll do a recap and then we'll circle back with the guys and probably have a slightly longer AMA and make it a little bit more of a panel discussion and bring in some other folks that are developing in the ecosystem too. So thanks so much to everybody that joined us today. Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend. Thank you. I'm so blessed that you attend this amazing AMA. Thank you. Bye.

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