Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space ONENESS AMA hosted by Oneness_Labs. The ONENESS AMA delved into the innovative world of Onespark's Modular Gaming-Intent Layer, highlighting the importance of community engagement, user feedback, and cutting-edge gaming technology integration. With a focus on inclusivity and continuous development, Onespark aims to redefine the gaming experience within the Oneness Matrix, offering users a dynamic and interactive platform. The space showcased a commitment to innovation and interactive gameplay within the gaming community.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does community engagement contribute to Onespark's success?
A: Community involvement is key to shaping and improving the Oneness Matrix's gaming experience.

Q: What sets the Modular Gaming-Intent Layer apart from traditional gaming platforms?
A: The integration of gaming elements and modular design creates a unique and interactive user experience within Onespark.

Q: How does Oneness Matrix incorporate user feedback for platform development?
A: User feedback is actively collected and utilized to continuously enhance and evolve the gaming experience.

Q: What innovative approaches does Onespark take towards gaming technology?
A: Onespark explores cutting-edge gaming technology and community-driven initiatives to push the boundaries of gaming experiences.


Time: 00:15:40
Community-Centric Development Onespark's focus on community involvement in shaping the gaming platform.

Time: 00:25:17
Interactive Gaming Features Exploring the unique gaming elements within the Modular Gaming-Intent Layer.

Time: 00:35:29
Continuous User Feedback Integration How user feedback drives ongoing development and improvements in the Oneness Matrix.

Time: 00:45:56
Innovation in Gaming Technology Discussion on the innovative approaches taken by Onespark in gaming tech advancement.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on community engagement and inclusivity for Onespark's success.
  • Integration of gaming elements into the Modular Gaming-Intent Layer for a unique user experience.
  • Innovative approach to creating a dynamic and interactive gaming platform within the Oneness Matrix.
  • Importance of user feedback and continuous development to enhance the gaming experience.
  • Exploration of new horizons in gaming technology and community-driven initiatives within Oneness Matrix.

Behind the Mic

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Introduction and Greetings

Hello. Hello. Hi. I also saw Jackie and Alex. Okay, Alex join us as a speaker and if you can, Jackie Zero cross Jackie one s as a speaker. Thanks. Yes. Cathy can hear you pretty well. Yeah, yeah. Cool. I saw Professor Harrow is already here super late on his end. 07:00 p.m. and am something he's end. All right, cool. I saw Jackie has also joined us speaker. Maybe we can start because Professor Harold later have class. I think he later have class so maybe we can. So mike to the moderator, our Yami today. Okay, thank you Cathy. So let's get started.

Event Details

So we are very happy to have you all to join us for today's Amae and my name is Yanmi is your host today and I'm also the community lead at Oneness Labs and I know many of you here have been eager awaiting for this AMA for long and we are here to answer all your questions today. So later feel free to ask anything you would like to. And in the end of the AMA, we are going to pick few winners to win the beta test spot. So make sure you stay in the end and please like and retweet and comment your screenshot to the comment below so it will get you a chance to win a beta test. And our beta testing is officially live today. So now is your chance to join in and give it a try. And yeah. So today again, we are happy to have all our key team members here with us and this is big.

Speaker Introductions

So let me briefly introduce the speaker today. So the first is our CEO Cathy. She's a serial entrepreneur, seven years of funding a web two gaming startup, successfully exited twice with multimillion dollar in the past twelve years. I'm named one of MIT Global 35 Innovators, foundation board member, a global shaper community, world economy and second is our COO, Jackie. So he co-founded a compliant Sto exchange base in Malta. He's also previously responsible for STO compliance listing and research in Hubei and also former chef economist at exterior fund plus. And next one is our CMO, Alex. She's also a former CEO and co-founder of Beget Wallet, is also a former co-founder of Beget, former chef marketing officer at Exterior as well. And today, our big guest, our chef scientist Harold is also a professor of practice in MIT School of F Engineering.

Continuing Speaker Introductions

So hope now you have a little bit understanding of our speakers for today. So maybe later they will let you guys know more about them. And I will get started for our first question today. This question I want to give it to our CEO Cathy. So recently there's been a lot of different voice in the market saying oneness is in predict centered for web three gaming solutions. So Cathy, would you briefly introduce what oneness is all about and what sets it apart? Can you let us know more about it? Thank you. Thank you Yami. And thank you everyone for joining. Oh, I just saw Jonathan joining our space as well.

Jonathan's Introduction

So Jonathan is a partner at Beecraft Ventures. If you all know big craft, be prepared. It's the world tier one venture. So it's a great pleasure. So thank you for joining here today, spending time with us instead of, I don't know, like all of us. And you know, our portfolios, our assets have crashed today. So thank you for being here instead of applying for a part time job at McDonald. Joking it will go back. It just cycles the beginning. It's only a process. I'm also really happy that we have Professor Harrow with us today because he's really busy. But we will hear about what he's building with oneness as well.

Overview of Oneness Solutions

In terms of Yami asked me what exactly is oneness and what is our solution? I think it's really not an exaggeration to say that oneness solution is both unprecedented and truly groundbreaking. So our investors and right now includes Okex Ventures, the UAE royal family and some of the top tier VC's. And yet, to review from the US and Europe within the industry, when we first presented our solution, the immediate reactions from all of them were, I remember quite vividly were quite the same. They will say that wow, this makes a lot of sense and we have never seen anything like that before.

Understanding Oneness

So to understand what oneness is doing, you can look at it from three different perspectives. If we look at from a gaming perspective, Oneness is the publisher to all high quality web two existing games transitioning into web three. If we look from a financial perspective, we are Oneness is financializing the addressable 200 billion web two gaming market, transforming it into financial and tradable assets. If one looks at the level of the financialization in gaming companies, it's actually far lower than any other industries. Out of this 200 billion markets, it's around a fewer than 50 game companies. Right now, only worldwide are public listed.

Financialization in Gaming

So if we look at the gaming market, it's a market that has a very low financialization level. If we look at from an application perspective, one less packages and integrates web three services into ongoing web two games without affecting their existing economic models or gameplays. So that means that the web two game has no need to create a separate blockchain version. This allows us to establish an external economic loop, bringing a large player base and also the proportion of the web two revenue directly from that web two game into web three, and hereby underpinning the value of the game's assets issued and traded in web three.

Core Logic Behind Oneness

So the core logic behind this is transforming the financial mechanisms into amplifiers and levers for the existing gray games, which already have massive active users and revenue. By leveraging the web three services and the financial attributes, we aim to tap into the current 4 billion players, and as I mentioned before, 200 billion gaming us dollar gaming market, hereby creating the greater wealth for the real world high quality assets which is game. This in return feeds back into making good games even better. Exploring more advanced models of productivity, production and distribution, publishing relations among players, communities, investors and game developers at its heart, while also addressing the dilemma where the current web three games that we see have neither enough players playing the game, nor players willing to pay for the game for the fun purposes.

Conclusion of Speaker Presentation

So that's. Let me wrap it up here. That's at the nutshell, what oneness is building and why we are so different than all other web three solutions in gaming industry today. Thank you for your answer, Cathy. I think right now everyone have the basic understanding of what one is. So I think this question everyone must want to know as well. How does Oneness plan to achieve its vision? And could you share with us the current plans and the progress in terms of market, partner and products? And why? Is this the right time for oneness to realize this goal?

Vision and Ambition of Oneness

Absolutely. So one less vision is to completely tear down the boundaries between web two and web three gaming. It's an ambitious goal or vision. So we want to ultimately decentralize the entire game industry. Achieving this, though, obviously requires both a very powerful team and very substantial resources. So on the team side, Yami has already introduced three of my colleagues today, Alex, Jackie and Harold. And we together, we have actually six core co founders or founding teams where all seven, five of them, actually four of them were all c level executives from Xtero, a game company that raised, and I'm sure a lot of people know, Xtero, the game company raised 80 million dollars in funding.

Working Together as a Team

Through working together over the past few years, we have developed, discovered that our values align, our skills are strong and complementary, and we share a deep commitment to the vision. So every one of us actually give up somewhere like two hundred fifty k to half a million us dollar salary to embark on this entrepreneurial journey together. As mentioned earlier, we're also very selective about our investors, who are all top tier industry leaders. They not only provide us with significant resources, but also open doors for us.

Achieving Product Goals

For example, the first batch of major web two games we site such as lost Mobile, Age of Apes and Kiss of War. If you are web two players, you know how heavyweights those games are. For example, lords mobile. They are. It is a game that generating more than $100 million per month as a revenue. So those are all games for our investors companies. On the product side, we will financialize the revenue, the IP value, the active player base of the games. We sign and publish from web two to into web three, offering them as tradable assets.

Token and Asset Development

Those assets primarily take the form of the first will be token, so the tokens the game issue that represents the game ownership and the community governance rights. And the second will be the in game items co created by the community which can be later used and sold, generating revenue within that web two game that already has a large user base and consumers. So already people already playing the game are ready to buy the assets generated by the community. So beyond the assets offering, we're also building game X verse.

Introducing Game X Verse

Game X Verse is a layered experience like game missing a game in a way that X verse will include mission system, reward system, player generated content that integrates back into the game. As I mentioned before, a tradable asset system and the government system for players to influence the future development of the game. In simple terms, game extroverse is a creative assets generating, trading and governance platform that will shape the future of the game once it has been published and financially tokenized or decentralized by oneness.

Business Development Strategies

So from the business development perspective, we are grass. If you follow my Twitter or oneness Twitter, you can see that we are grasping expanding our rich to giant game companies with high quality games, continuously signing the top web two games to bring them into one less assets and governance ecosystem gamebox which is upcoming. And so today our beta testing for Spatfish season two opens and so I urge everyone to if you find it interesting that so far what you're hearing, so sign up and join our beta test the outcome of this BA fest season two will be the game box.

Launch of Gamebox

So what is the game box? So Gamebox is the only mining machine within our ecosystem. Gamebox will be the core beneficiary assets of our mainnet tokens and the primary force in co building and governing the issuing and minting of the game tokens and the game assets from the games. We sign and publish. So starting in terms of the timeline, starting from September to October, we will launch our first game token assets. And also the MVP of the game X verse will also be officially available from October this year.

Transitioning to the Next Segment

Back to you Yami. Thank you. So that's very detailed of all the plan and also the game box and NFT. So if everyone you know is curious about it or have more questions about it, feel free to join our discord. All of us will be there to help you and answer your question for you. Thank you. And next question I'm going to for the Professor Harold. Like today we have him here, so he will discuss the oneness, design mechanisms and algorithmic logic with us. So Professor Hara, this is the thing, I'm very curious.

MIT's Perspective on Web Three

Could you share with us what led you to join oneness? Because we can see more MIT teams are entering the web three space. So how does MIT view web three and its future development? Can you tell us more about it? Thank you. Hi. Hello. Can you guys hear me? Yes. Perfect. Okay, perfect. So great to meet everyone. Yes. Happy to take those questions. So maybe perhaps a little background on myself.

Professor's Background

First professor of the practice at MIT and also served as CTO for numerous companies, have 15 patents and developed over 60 products for companies the like of Lotus Cars, IBM, Schlumberger, Pepsi Dell and Red Bull. Also the MIT media lab in Kohler, among numerous startups. So I earned my degrees from MIT in Stanford and have spent quite a bit of time working in robotics and AI. So. And through my teaching at MIT, I received MIT's infinite Mile award for exemplary contributions in advancing knowledge and education.

Journey to Oneness Labs

So the journey that started there and then took me to one less lab. So that journey began with my work at MIT's media Lab, where I focused on advanced social robotics, leveraging AI. It was during this time that I met Kathy Gong, who was honored as one of MIT Technology reviews 35 innovators under 35 in 2017. The presentation took place at the media lab and I was deeply impressed by the groundbreaking AI and gaming that Kathy and her team were developing.

Collaboration with Kathy

Seeing the potential and innovation in Kathy's work, I was inspired to collaborate with her. When Kathy launched one of labs, I found incredible opportunity to bring my extensive experience in technology development to that pioneering team. One of labs is at the forefront of moving web two gamers to web three, as we've just heard through user focused innovations. And being part of such a dynamic and talented group of innovators is truly exciting. I'm eager to contribute to this mission and enhancing the security and interoperability of gaming transactions in web three space.

MIT's Role in Web Three

So you asked as well, what's happening at MIT, and how does MIT figure into this? How does MIT see its role in web three? So, MIT has always been a leader in technology innovation, and web three is no exception to that. At MIT, especially within the renowned media lab, there's a strong focus on interdisciplinary research that can revolutionize how we interact with technology.

Contributions from MIT Teams

We're now part of that crypto economic systems group at the media lab and are participating in that research ourselves. Within the media lab, for example, the digital currency initiative is making significant strides in core bitcoin protocol research and security. One exciting development is their work on central bank digital currencies, which could transform global economic systems. Additionally, DCI is pioneering advancements in random number generation, something that's close to our heart, by evaluating the strength of randomness from operating system hardware.

Advanced Research at MIT

Environmental no seats for RNG the computer science and artificial intelligence laboratory at MIT is another powerhouse in cryptographic technology. One particular thrilling area of research is the homomorphic encryption, which allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without needing to decrypt it first. This breakthrough has enormous implications for data privacy and security. The collaboration between MIT's media lab and Ccell creates a dynamic environment where this research meets practical implementation.

Active Role in Web Three

And with these initiatives, MIT is not just observing what's happening m three, but actively shaping it. That's in a nutshell. My background, how I came to one of those labs and what's happening at MIT. Not everything, but a snapshot. Thank you, Harold. I just want to echo on what he said that I remember that we met in 2017, and at that year, I was still working on my previous game company also.

Fond Memories and Connections

I found it. And so I met a professor there. I was introducing, I was presenting. So that year I was selected as an MIT's innovator, 35 innovators I was presenting on the stage and Professor Hara was sitting in the audience. And after my presentation, we just immediately, I guess, really got interested in each other's work. And he asked me a lot of questions while working on at that time, the AI pathfinding algorithm in the game.

Strengthening Professional Ties

And Professor Haro was working on AI and robotics, a combination, and also teaching the design for engineering at MIT. So we started long trends of writing to each other through link and D for many years, just exploring work and working and later work together. So I'm really. I just want to say that I feel really honored that all, actually, all the people, my founding team from Oneness Labs, Jackie Alex and many more.

Team Dynamics and Collaborations

We all started as friends, and then we worked together, and so is Professor Harold. So I feel really honored. I'm surrounded by people that I really respect and enjoy working with and to this meaningful journey to really push boundaries of something very ambitious, which is to break down the barrier of web two and web three and bring two giant industries together. And so, thank you. Just want to add on to the top of what Professor Hara said, because that brought back the fond memories when we first met many years ago.

Random Number Generation Mechanics

Thank you. Thank you. So, next question is a little bit out of my comfort zone, but I really wanted to know, and I think a lot of people want to know as well, is Kathy mentioned some unique core gaming mechanism related to the one S matrix. So the random number generation is curriculum in gaming. So, professor, can you explain the principles and the logic behind the ZK VRP in random number generation? I think this is a lot of thing people don't know, and you are good at this, so can you please explain to us?

Introduction to Random Number Generation

Sure. Of course. So, to begin with, the generation of true random numbers is a complex challenge, critical for many applications, and not just gaming, but in other areas as well. And the current state of the art method involves using a truly random seed and then running an algorithm to generate derivative random numbers. However, recently, with increasing computational power, attackers can more easily reduce the space of exploration for code breaking, making it imperative to keep that true random seed secret.

Zero Knowledge Verifiable Random Function

So, this is where zero knowledge, verifiable random function protocol, comes into play. So, ZkVRP ensures that a true random seed is used and that the resulting random number is generated by a verifiable algorithm without revealing the seed itself. That's where zero knowledge comes in. So this prevents attackers from deducing the subsequent random numbers by knowing the seed, thus significantly enhancing security. So it's sort of a cat and mouse game, where the.

Maintaining Security Standards

Where the attackers are continually innovating on their approaches to discover ways to break in. In this case, the random numbers that are key to security. And the industry is innovating, protecting itself against such attacks. So, in the context of our platform, the one matrix, the use of ZkVRP is crucial as we anticipate explosive growth in the number of creating value, creating transactions. Safeguarding those transactions from fraud is paramount to the viability of web three gaming.

Building Trust and Engagement

ZKVRP not only ensures fairness and security in random number generation, but also builds trust in the system, which is essential for player engagement and satisfaction. So, by staying connected to leading research institutions like MIT and collaborating with top industry researchers, we ensure that one S lab remains the forefront of crypto privacy and security. This commitment to cutting edge research and development enable us to continually innovate and maintain the highest standards of security for our users.

At the Forefront of Security

So really looking to be at the forefront of this field of security, because we know that by creating a platform with so many transactions in web three, we're going to invite also the attackers. We must be ready. So that's the short version of Zkvrpenne. Thank you.

Introduction and Listening

Thank you. I think maybe later, I need to, you know, listen again to writing down some notes, so I will understand this in detail. But thank you for the explain. And the next question is. So the one s metrics will comprise a lot of like gaming entities. So, what are some of the key challenges facing multi currency and multi gaming web three environment?

Challenges in Web Three Gaming

So, one of the biggest challenges we face in this multi currency, multi gaming, web three environment is interoperability, which is a word I'm sure everybody's heard before. So while tools like bridges, relays and oracles currently exist to facilitate that, they often fall short when it comes to the high demands of gaming transactions. These tools can be cumbersome and costly, both in terms of time and money. And it's inadequate for the seamless and fast paced nature of gaming environments. Traditional oracles, as an example, rely on smart contract execution to trigger layer one interchanges. This process can be expensive and slow, and it creates bottlenecks that disrupt the gaming experience. In our quest to consolidate key gaming features into a cohesive crypto economic system, we need to innovate beyond these existing technologies.

Innovative Solutions for Web Three

So one promising approach is to develop a gaming aggregation layer that utilizes specific roll up and proof protocols. This layer will be designed to optimize both speed and cost in the context of the gaming needs, making it lightweight enough for these transactions. Additionally, integrating a bridge like solution within this system could significantly enhance the user friendliness of web three transactions, allowing people to go between blockchain networks such as Ethereum, Bitcoin and Solana, but also have seamless interactions within the game itself. So, by focusing on these innovative solutions, we aim to create a robust and efficient ecosystem that supports the dynamic needs of multi currency and multi gaming environments. So we'll drive the future of web three gaming as we ensure fast, secure and cost effective transactions for our users.

Introduction of Jackie

So that's just one of the key challenges we face and it's really a fundamental one. Thank you. Thank you. So the next question is like right now, the question before that we have the understanding, the core logic of the ZKVRP. And now I want to invite our COO, Jackie, to give us a clear introduction to one is modular product structure. And beside the previous mention on the medium post, how about we achieve the fair random number generation? What other change has oneness brought to the game? So, Jackie, good to have you here. Can you help us to answer this questions to the audience?

Jackie Checks In

Thank you. Oh, yeah, hi. I want to check my mic. Is that all right? It's perfect. Okay. Hey. All right, just a moment. I'd love to, I'd love to hang on, but I must attend some research meetings here before my next class. I must cut out. Great to have met you all. Let me please leave and we'll see you guys soon. Thank you, Professor Harrow. And we'll see you soon. And yeah, we'll bring you to the stage soon. And then, because I'm sure my community and would love to hear more of what you and the team is building. All right, looking forward to it. See you guys soon. All right, see you. Have a good day. Bye.

Continuation by Jackie

Thank you. Thank you. All right, back to me. All right. Hello everyone, I'm Jackie and I'm delighted to be here today to share some information about when it's left products in our future direction. First of all, I believe many of you might already have some understanding of running slabs. What we are going to do, what we're doing, just as like Cassie said before. And we are dedicated to build a comprehensive one stop web three service platform specifically for gaming industry, helping it address issues through web three solutions, breaking down the barriers between web two and web three and generally creating brook through effects and delivering exceptional value.

Identifying Needs in Gaming

So the question arises, what kind of web three solutions does the gaming industry need? That is a big question because every players in this industry must consider about that. As you are very familiar, Gamefi and playthrough are big topics when discussing the web three gaming. Gamefi represents the initial form of combining web three and gaming. At this stage, games serve as an application scenario for finance, since the most crucial part of the web three industries, finance. But from another perspective, isn't the greatest value of finance is to provide services to industries? Therefore, what one is labs aims to do is to find a second development direction for web three gaming apart from play to run and Gamefi.

Integrating Web Three Value

So web three can bring immense value to gaming and numerous problems including the independence of assets, fairness in handling mechanisms, more diversified market promotion methods and establishing a more free and rich gaming economy system however, we still need to discover the value of web three for gaming and address the inherent problems of web three from the perspective of game companies. Just like the development trajectory of the previous generation of Internet products, they wouldn't actively embrace new technologies and developments until they encounter fundamental issues in their practical development, because they will need to deal with new operational models, new product capabilities, new user paths, and a series of issues brought by new developments in capability with old business.

Challenges for Game Developers

So the same applies to games. On one hand, game developers may find it challenging to truly recognize the value of web three for gaming, and on the other hand, they may see many problems brought by integrating web three, including user adaptability in the game's runtime states, impact on original game economy, and asset controllability issues. By the way, based on my extensive communication with many game studios, blockchain development is not the bottleneck of their web three integration. Most game companies possess robust technical capabilities, so in this scenario, if they want to develop web three games, the only way would be maintain the normal operation and revenue of the original game and develop a new game for web three users with a new team.

Bridging Existing Games and Web Three

However, this approach clearly cannot bring the massive number of game users and revenue into web three, but rather consumes web three's fonts and users. So for us, if we want to bring users and revenue from ongoing games into web three, we will focus on two aspects, discovering the value of web three and lowering the entry barrier of your correspondingly, we have two core products, Gamexverse and gaming interlayer. Those kind of products have been a little bit introduced by Cassie just right now and I would like to share more information about those. So first is Gamex verse. Actually, Gamex verse will serve as user facing front end product, helping games step by step to build their asset system and economic cycles externally.

Gamexverse Introduction

On the one hand, it can gradually discover the value and role of web three for games and on the other hand it is also a process of gradual adaptation and acceptance of web three by games and original users. Like players. The product is divided into five modules like wallet defi, minting task and community. Game users or game players and ecosystem. Core contributors can receive initial rewards of game tokens through in game proofs and the core asset holdings within gamexwers. All users can earn game token rewards by participating in tasks, those mainly around focusing on influencing propagation and community activities.

Defi Module and Financial Tools

In the define module, we have designed and developed many unique and interesting financial tools closely related to games like including using game tokens to open some interesting gamepro blind boxes, conducting community governance decisions, creating unique game props that is maybe very interesting for game players and a trading valuation mechanism for rare pulp assets. You know, my favorite part of it of the financial part is the trading valuation mechanisms because it is based on a bonding curve. You know, in here, popular ugc content in the community and real props in the game can be voted into the pool.

Trading Mechanics in Gamexverse

Each probe asset is broken down into fragments, each with its unique bonding curve. Trading pool user determine the final asset price by trading fragments in a community. High popularity assets and rare game prop assets generally have broad pricing value recognized for their high value, but pricing is often not enough due to a lack of end buyers. We designed this mechanism to allow even people unable to buy these assets to participate and profit through fragment trading. The ultimate buyer either buys most of the fragments to obtain the asset or directly purchase the entire asset based on the fragment trading price after coefficient expansion.

Connecting Users in Gamexverse

So therefore, in game x verse web, two players will obtain their cartoon wallets through in game entries and begin to engage with game tokens and game pro assets. Those stuff they will become new webster users and more valuable game users. Game users through the task and the community segments they will hold, trade and use assets in game experts because of their love for games and ips and in the other side for native web three users, they will participate in series of high value and high volume token projects since they are more familiar with how these mechanisms work in task communities in defi.

Community Building in Gamexverse

And they will lead many users together with whole game users to build communities, issue assets and manage opinions. And then they will find out to discovering many profit opportunities. And then I would like to introduce something about gaming interlayer. That is just as Doctor Harrow said, that is also the part of the game intel layer. This is a core infrastructure for integrating web three into web two games, enables us to insert web three services into games and empowering their operation mechanisms and lowering the usage threshold for games and their users.

Gaming Interlayer Overview

Yeah, besides VK biopsy just introduced by Doctor Harrods, there still are like four parts, adapter, payment processor, wallet abstraction and Zika Network. Actually the first one adapter will serve as call mechanism for processing web three intentions within games, reducing the difficulty of implementing web three needs. On the one hand it integrates and encapsulates general web three services. On the other hand it automatically allocates processing items and cause corresponding services through the encryption while handling game requests.

Adapter Functionality

For example, when a user wants to swap the ftss in their backpack for game tokens and then stake those tokens to gain some in game perks, the adapter will first ask the user to sell the transaction deadline. You will then match with the empty trading pool to execute the trade. Just like Opensea or blur. We will do the connection with them. Yeah. And after the transaction is complete, tokens will automatically go to the user's wallet to request staking. If the transaction goes past that line, the FTE will return to the user's wallethead.

Payment and Security Mechanisms

In this way, users and games can bypass complex web three thresholds to realize their web three intentions through adapter. And the second one is what we call a payment process. It can integrate and reflect game revenue and part of in game transactions on chain. Those two parts we want, payment processor can play a big role to make all of them on chain and then all data on chain, all revenue on chain. Then we can make it more clearly and do more things. And it can also set up automatic game revenue flow into the game token dividend pool, giving game tokens real value support.

Wallet Abstraction and Integration

And the third one is wallet abstraction. Based on the traditional one, we would call it account abstraction technology. And we can also integrate players, game accounts, centralized game assets and on channel assets, allowing users to achieve integrated data and share, display and use both in and out of the game. This significantly lowers the user usage and cognitive threshold. And the final one, they can network as our long term plan will gradually go online as the ecosystem develops. To a certain extent. For now, things I can say is that its design and existence will more specifically solve vertical issues in gaming.

Looking Ahead

Make it faster, safer and more compatible. We can look forward to it. So those are the contents of one project system which will gradually meet everyone later by the end of this year. Thank you. Thank you, Jackie. Thank you for the explanation. And I think everyone will have the really clear about our product structure and then the system. Cathy? No, I'm just saying that Jackie is our brain behind all the product designs and tokenomics Yami mentioned.

Recognizing Team Contributions

Jackie before was also the chief economist of exterior. And of course Alex and I and rest of my team, most of our teams are finding steroids, really enjoying Jackie's insights and work. So yeah, just want to say that. Very proud of it. And I just want everyone know tomorrow we will have our Chinese AMA as well. So if you would like to attend or your first language is Chinese, welcome to join tomorrow's AmA. At the same time, the team will be here to let you guys know all the details in Chinese too.

Upcoming Questions

And okay, I will move on to. The next question is also for Jackie. So I don't know if any one of you is in the last chinese anime with us. So we hear about mini Game studio, the big gaming studio in China, participating in the discussion with us, including the major ip like subway software. So what are the next steps for oneness in this game studios? I think a lot of people, because I can see a lot of people being asking this in the discourse. So could you tell us more about it? Give us some alpha please.

Game Collaboration Plans

Yeah, because. Yeah, well keep going. And for the next step in Venice Labs game collaboration plans, just as Yami just mentioned, we are deeply engaging with various game companies. We have already initiated some product integration for several projects, including some tier one large scale games like Subways office. Along with the launch of Gamex verse product later this year, some major well known gamersets will also be introduced to everyone.

Investor Participation

Yeah, you can also check out our investors which include two global mega game companies that you guys can check it out and find out what kind of games that they are holding. And however, as long as you hold a game Xbox, I believe you won't miss out any star game project opportunities. Yeah. Thank you, Yami. Okay, okay.

Engaging Audience

Sorry about that, I was muting. Thank you. Jackie and I will start the next question for Alex. But before that I want to make sure everyone like and retweet and comment your screenshot in the comment so you will get a chance to win a beta testing spot. This is for the people who haven't joined yet, so please make sure this might be your last chance to join. A lot of been having fun to playing our beta testing game right now.

Beta Testing Opportunities

So make sure you join us, make sure you like retweet and comment. Thank you. So next is for our Alex. So with the early release of one Spark and the upcoming game Xbox, what are the different rules and value of this within one ecosystem and what is the connection between them? Because a lot of people been asking and I think it's a time for you to tell us more about it.

Clarifying Ecosystem Components

Yes, sure. And hi guys and everyone. I'm glad to be here today to share the recent plans of oneness. Always everyone. And can you guys hear me? Yes, probably. You think? Yeah, sure. Okay. I'm so happy actually to chat with the community members and Alex, co founder and Samo of Oneness Labs. And so let me give a brief on these questions.

Differentiating One Spark and Xbox

I think these questions including a few small questions on so like first of all, the difference between Wine Spark and Xbox and Game Xbox one Spark holders can enjoy airdrop rewards from all project assets within the one e slabs ecosystem. But the game Xbox we call it Xbox. Xbox is super important. It's the key mining tools for our once token and serve as the core assets of the game Xbox, which Jackie mentioned before and also part of our gaming intel layer.

Significance of Both Assets

So both the one Spark and Xbox hold significant position in the ecosystem but have different focuses. Talking about the new Game Xbox NFT, I bet part of our community already know that will be the main governance assets for Gamex words and the once token mining tools in our ecosystem, as I talked before. So I would love to share that our one Discam Xbox holders can have many benefits and rewards.

Rewards for Xbox Holders

First of all, you can have the once token mining rewards accounting for 1515. Yes 15% of the total allocation. Yes. Once token mining rewards accounting for 15% of the total allocation. And the second, actually you can get 50% of the profit dividends from the game exports including transaction fees and other protocol incomes. Yes 50%. And beside that, you can get mining rewards for game tokens within the game experts and also like special prevalence in gamex words like governance rights and for game token pre sales like fee reductions and priority access to certain Defi protocols.

Game Xbox Release Details

So Mount Nibbing explained more on the release part of Game Xbox. It will be done in batches which each new batch is having fewer units and higher price. And the total supply will max out at 9995. And the second release will be six months after the TGE and with new release every six months. So for the first batches, for the first batch which will launch during Sparkfest two, the total number is 5000.

Distribution for Early Adopters

So 3000 for public sales during Sparkfest two and 1000 for one spark holders and airdrop for one spark holders and 1000 for the Sparkfest two cracked. So the total number for the first batch is 5000 units. And for all the one spark holders that I mentioned before, you will receive an airdrop of the Gamma Xbox and a level four fragment. As we mentioned, the level four fragments, more like a mining machine in the Sparkfest two.

Conclusion of the Discussion

So that's my answer back to yan. Thank you. Thank you. Well, it's a lot of alpha because a lot of thing, we haven't really have the context announcement yet. So now you know more about the game box and one in one spark. And I'm going to do the highlight. One spark holder is going to get airdrop. Because I love Airdrop. Everyone love Airdrop.

Action for Interested Participants

So you have to know that if you haven't got the one spark, you know what to do right now. Going on Magic Eden and Spark. And you will get the airdrop and. You can get both the Xbox Airdrop and the four fragment, four level fragment airdrop as well? Correct. Thank you.

Introduction to Game Xbox and Gimmex Box

So in my opinion, the game Xbox looks incredible, cool and it's definitely worth getting one. So back to the Gamex first and the Gimx box. In addition to the once mining rewards and Gimmex revenue sharing that Alex just mentioned, Gimmex box holders will have the power to decide on the launch of games and the insurance of assets. You know that is a big part because holders can be the first one to know what kind of or which games will be launched on the launch pad or onto the game X verse. And they can find out some early information about the game, like how many users they have, how many revenues in Us dollar they have, and probably how the game token valuation is. And by the way, actually we developed a little tool in our future website of one is less to let users to use it and to find out maybe can calculate the future valuation of each game token based on the typical of it or types of it or the revenue or the users of it. Anyway.

Additional Features for Gamex Box Holders

So back to the game experts and holders will also receive many token airdrops. I mean game token airdrops, you know, those kind of token airdrops mostly, you know, mostly situation aimed at core, you know, core game players, but also the box players. Box holders can also gather. Moreover, they can participate as early birds in the pre manning and presale of game tokens. And then regarding the Gamex versus revenue sharing, 50% of all protocol income within the product will be distributed to Gamex box holders in the form of once tokens. Furthermore, holding a Gamex box will serve as a threshold for initiating many core processes within the product, such as initiating asset minting and the vote on which assets can enter the trading valuation mechanism. These privileges will grant Gamex box holders more advantages in the defi and community segments. Yeah, that's it. Thank you Yami, back to you.

Next Events and Overview of Sparkfest Two

Okay, thank you. Thank you for telling us that. And the next question and I think a lot of people are very curious and then they wanted to know is about our upcoming oneness podfast two event. So I wanted to ask Alex, can you tell us more about it and how can user participate in what can they expect to gain and how can they. They already joined so maybe they wanted to know more detail and can you tell us more about the public? Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, definitely. Sparkfest two is we call it a farm free to play social strategy game center the round earthquake. And it is designed to draw in Ontario users by playing the earthquake games. And you can win level one fragment and which you can upgrade and then combine to log to unlock the Xbox from Sparkfest two. And I can share about what players can get by joining Sparkfist two. First of all, you can win and combine fragments and other level one fragments and combine them to create the game Xbox as you guys already know.

Rewards and Levels within Sparkfest Two

And second, you could staking another and get level four fragments which can be stick to mine more. Level one fragments and level four also work as nfts. Apart from these two. At the end of every season you can trade your fragments from level one to level five for Onss. I bet all our ogs already know what is onss. It's a community points for our future once token so which also onss can be converted into or once token in the future at a certain ratio. And so which means you can get one token airdrop from all these fragments later. And for the last part is referral rewards and you invite friends to play and you can get 15% of their bet and attack rewards without reducing their earnings. Yes. So you can play upgrade and m two to m four the game Xbox. And we've already caped the number of game Xbox that can be crafted at 1000.

Game Mechanics and Participant Engagement

If more than 1000 are crafted, we'll provide an additional compensation at the premium to all the successful crafters. So talking about the game, the roots of the spac test two, there's two key part bet and attack. And each day you choose one faction to bet on and one to attack. This happens during a 12 hours window and you can only make one choice for each and you can definitely join your faction members. Channel on discord two strategy on who to attack. And besides the game channel, Disco will have guides and tutorials for newcomers. Once you pick a faction, you get a faction role on disco and everyone will know your role and you could discuss strategies, follow influencer tips and join fragments on giveaways on Discord. We call it red envelope giveaways on our disco. And so that's what you can get from the Sparkfest two and the two key parts about the Sparkfest two.

Public Test and Participation Information

So talking about the public test start today with only 3000 participants. It's a limited public test and completing the task. And you can get the whitelist for level four fragments. And this whitelist is open to both. One is community and partner communities. And so pay attention to all the information on Twitter and this course and the public test already start. But don't worry, we have already reserved some well, thus far for today's MA and you guys can join the raffle like what Yami said, like and retweet today's EMA and leave a screenshot comment. We'll pick the winners from there. So that's my answer back to Yami. Thank you.

FAQs and User Support

Thank you. Thank you for all the details. And if you guys still curious about how to play that, you can join our discord. We will have the channel for you to read how to play and also the faq. And of course our moderator will be there to help you to answer all the questions. Thank you. Yeah, we offer the tutorial later on this course. Yes. Thank you. Perfect. Thank you. And I'm going to the next question and I'm super excited because this is an alpha again. And I wanted to know as well. So there are likely many questions about game Xbox. When will it be released and how will it be distributed? What are the basic benefits for holders? So Cathy, can you please tell us more about it? Because I have been asking this like I get receive a lot of questions about this in the community every day. But I say I don't have any information for right now. I cannot say it. Now is the time.

Game Xbox Insights and Future Plans

Thank you, Yami. So both Alex and Jackie earlier actually mentioned about it, the game Xbox. I'm pretty excited about the launching of Game Xbox as well because my experience comes from web two gaming. And some of you might know that in the last seven, eight years, I was running a web two gaming company I founded called Waffle Games. That's also the one working on the AI pathfinding algorithm that Professor Harold mentioned earlier. And then the game studio was acquired by PhonePlus. That's how I joined exterior. From my perspective view Game Xbox is, it's a truly valuable asset because first of all, it's only mining machine. Second, well, if you understand, I'm sure I can see in the audience a lot of people actually working in gaming industry before. So if you understand the business model of a gaming industry, basically you have game developers, you have game publishers.

Business Model and Revenue Distribution

So how they gonna, so what they're gonna do, what's their, what they're responsible for and how the business model and how the profits distributed. Long story short, basically a game developers develop the game, cover the development costs and then game publishers distribute the game, acquire users and spending on market and all this actually then marketing is even more expensive than game development and how they distribute the profit. Basically it's normally 50% or 70% goes to game publisher. So that means there's 50% to 70% of the game revenue that goes to game publisher. If you pay attention to my first question, how I describe one as lab for a gaming perspective view. Where basically we are the publisher to all web two good quality web two games going into web three.

Game Xbox and the Future of Oneness Labs

And what I mean by good quality, that means massive users have massive revenue. So when they issue the assets and they issue their game in web three, that means 50% to 70% of the revenue generated in web three goes to oneness labs. So that's where I. I think when I look at the asset or whether it's valuable or how it's designed, it's really the foundation. Whether you have a clear, whether you have a clear business model, whether you have a solid way to make revenue. If you do like web two. That's why we start with web two game. I'm sure one day we'll work with web three games as well. One of the very important reason is web two games, good ones that already have solid revenue. When you have revenue, then you have a base.

Value and Distribution of Game Xbox

Whatever assets you issue and leverage, you have a true value backing. Otherwise it's what we call air token. So that's the revenue model. Backing one slab back to Xbox. I just quickly review what Alex Jackie has said. The total supply will be 9995 units, but the first batch will only be 5000. And every six months the price of Xbox will go up 50%. So of course the first batch will be the cheapest and the first batch will have in total 5000 1000 will be airdropped to one spa. I'm actually pretty proud of one spot. I checked one spot price today. Of course every day might drop today, 30%, 20%. Our one spot is still very solid, holding the price.

Compensation and Public Sales

And actually a lot of holders complain to me say that the price is solid they wish you drop a bit so they can swipe more once more. But it's actually going up and being really solid. So each one spark holder will get an Xbox. Another 1000 will be maintained and also rewarded during the Sparkfest season two. So it's your time to get play the game and then get a try to get a game box. And another 3000 will be public sales. So that will be the genesis of the publishing of Xbox. But just to list down early, I said our business model. So just to list down the benefits of Game Xbox.

Game Xbox Benefits for Holders

That's why as a business person that's got me excited. Or say I think it's very solid. Let's say the value is very solid. Xbox is first of all 15% of, as Alice mentioned, 15% of the minting reward for our minnet token once token. And second of all will be the 50% of the profit sharing of our game experts. Which is what I spent a few minutes talking about the publishing model, the revenue sharing model between publisher and the game developers. So as a publisher, were entitled to 50% to 70% of the revenue generated. Funnels web two games into web three. So 50% of whatever we are making goes to Xbox holders.

Direct and Special Rewards

And the third will be the direct maintain rewards in the form of game tokens. Basically the Game Boy publish. And they will issue tokens, they will issue game assets. So the direct minting rewards in the form of game tokens and assets within game X words. And based on the games that we publish. And the fourth will be the special privilege in the game X words. That includes governance rights for game token, pre sale fee, discount, priority access to certain defi protocols and all this. So basically that's around the game box. And I just want to say, especially on a day like today where everything dropped, especially web three gaming.

Challenges and Commitment

It has been just bad few years for everyone. We haven't really seen a kick ass game that we. We were all participating, anticipating very highly. But I just want to say that the journey is long. We're still very early. We're really early. We're shaping the industry together. And I remember the journey of the oneness of course began when our core team Olaf exterior, one of them left tensor as well. And we just heard Professor Harold. And we also on boarded the top tech team from him and led by him and myself. I've been through two major exits in my past startups. But I think what's important is our intent to genuinely transfer the game industry and create something really big.

Vision for the Future

Has never changed it. And we want to create it. We want to build something really big, really ambitious, and transforming the gaming industry with the community of like minded people. And partners who share this journey with us. And in my opinion, which is something I firmly believe is enabling and rewarding our holders, especially specifically right now, one spark holders and our upcoming Xbox holders, so enabling and rewarding them who believe in our vision and support us along the way is the success I would define. That's why I know I talk about business model all the time. I talk about how to generate revenues all the time from the beginning of the design of our solution.

Commitment to Holders and Community

That's why I care deeply about every day, from the potential ceilings of our business model, down to the specifics of how we execute, generate revenue where our income streams originated, because we need to deliver that promise to give back to our holders if oneness labs cannot make money, don't know how to make money, or plan to make money because we can issue some air token that nobody gonna use. We will not give back. We cannot give back to our holders even we promise you today, we will deliver tomorrow. So it's a long journey. I plan to go on this journey with everyone who believe in us today and to build something really big.

Building Solid Foundations

And by building something big and solid, we need to every step to be solid. That means as a startup, we need to deliver value, we need to generate revenue, we need to have a fair design, and we always need to have giving back to our community in the core of our heart. So that's, I guess I want to add on that. I'm sure also we will make mistakes. Trust me, we are all humans. The team and I will make mistakes, will also face a low point like today, like everything drop. But I believe our commitment, our outstanding capabilities, our hard work and our willingness to listen will ensure that we greatly reward our holders and communities in the future in the long run.

Closing Thoughts

So, thank you. I hope I answered the question about game expertise box and also the future we see in one. Thank you, Cathy. And thank you for your warm words, because today is definitely a bad day for everyone. Everything is crushed. But we are gonna be okay. So let's just hold it, and then we will go, oh, we are gonna be okay. Okay. Deliver values, building something that's solving real problems, and then we'll be okay. Otherwise, we won't be okay. If we keep building things that nobody will use, that just make up concepts, concept that nobody can understand, we won't be okay, but will be more and more team.

Future Engagement and Collaboration

And there are already many team like oneness labs that are here to software public. And then we will build the industry, you know, to the next level. Definitely, definitely. Thank you, Cathy. And yeah, were about to go into the final questions because I can see in the audience we have a lot of familiar face, a lot of our OG members, our team influencer and some community leaders. So maybe, Alex, can you share with us how can they get more involved with the oneness, ecosystem and collaboration in the future?

Community Involvement

Yes, sure. And actually we're really, really excited to build a deeper, as cathy mentioned before, to build a deeper, long lasting relationships with our community. It's a top priority for us. And if you have any like suggestions, ideas or collabs, feel free to dm me on Twitter or reach out on discourse and you can find me on Kathy follow list on Twitter. So here's some ways you can collapse with us. And the first part I think you already know, public test wireless at this stage. And as mentioned, some communities can collaborate on public test wireless spots. And if you're interesting, contact us and the public test is still going on.

Navigator Program and Collaboration Efforts

And the second part I think is really important because we call it a new program, we call it a navigator program and we're going to launch the Navigator program for key community partners. And we're looking to craft with individuals and teams who love to share an understanding of one labs and project and have a like a second interesting in exploring web three games and the navigator programs offer a special option rewards ones token for all navigators. Yes, we offered a special option rewards on WeNZ tokens for all navigators. If it will be like a very, very rare and all navigators will be conferred by one is Core team one by one.

Conclusion of the Navigator Program

So we valued this program highly and plan to launch our navigator programs as a trial basis in one s labs community first. So the core members of one s will also hold regular online meetings and private outline meetups with all the navigators. If you're interested in one neas and you want to get more involved in our ecosystem, sign up and ask questions in community and contact us via our official twitters or personal twitters account. We would love to craft beats. So that's, that's my share.

Closing Remarks and Invitation for Questions

That's Alpha. That's Alpha. Thank you. Thank you. So yeah, we are close to the end and now I'm gonna open up the mic. So if anyone have the questions, you know, it's your chance to come upstage, talk to us. Like all our amazing team is here with you guys today. And today is English. Mm, for sure. So if you want to ask questions, feel free to come upstage and tomorrow we will have the chinese ma in the same time. 08:00 p.m. we will be here to, you know, talk with you guys, too. So feel free to come upstage and.

Introduction and Initial Setup

Okay, I see this. Hello? It's connecting right now. Yeah, we can hear me. Yes. Perfect. Hello. It's good to see you here. Welcome on stage. Thank you so much.

Game Mechanics Inquiry

So I actually had some questions about the game mechanics. The first one is, why are the attack points said to be decreasing over time? Because you notice that if I attack on initial hours, I get 100% of the points per fragment. But if I bet, that is, if I bet late, my points will decrease. Why is that? Why is it said that way?

Explaining Attack Point System

Well, actually, I think that is a great question. I like to talk about it as a reason why. As I listen. Your question is about why the attack points are to be discrediting over time. Because actually, in our design, we want the entire game mechanics to be relatively fair. Due to the earthquake gameplay designs, players who attack earlier will gather less information. So we've increased the attack weight in the early stages. That means that if you attack early, you will get more attack weight in the early stages, and that means that you have more attack points.

Clarification on Gameplay Dynamics

And as time goes on, the information in the fraction pool will become clearer because, you know, the time goes on and in the later time, and the every fraction pool is much more clear that, you know, how many fragments are in each fraction pool. And so, you know, the attack weight will decrease accordingly. So make the whole mechanic become more equal. Yeah. Thank you so much for answering the question. And after hearing your answer, I feel this was a very well thought feature. Thank you.

Follow Up Question

And another question I have that is, for example, I bet on a faction, they should not experience earthquake. Will I get back my fragments along with 40% from the earthquake factions, or is it different? yes, I think I can explain on this a little bit. actually, players who bet on the. The factions, which did not, you know, be earthquake, which means in the earthquake fractions will get back their fragment first of all, and also get 60.

Factions and Fragments Distribution

60% fragments from the earthquake hate factions. And all the winners on also means, you know, like the players did not experience earthquake, could distribute or could distribute 60% these 60% of the fragments according to the proportion of the bad amount. And I think that's. That's my answer for this. Hope they answer your questions. Thank you. And next we have our familiar face. Cathy.

Cathy's Inquiry on Partnerships

Hello, Cathy. Hi. Hi. I'm also Cathy. Hi. Yes, I've been in discussion with one is Kathy and Alex for a few days and look into one is economic system. And I have one question for you guys, if it is convenient for you to share right now, but I would totally understand if it's not convenient to share. I know that Juani's team was in China joy the past few weeks and talked with a few web tour gaming companies back in China.

Interest in Web Three Games

And I also know that. I also know that a few Chinese game companies they have been doing web two games, but they are very interested in web three games right now. My question is that does one listing sign any partnership contract or did you get any web tool game company list that will partner with one is to build the intention layer for their current web two games?

Insights from One Listing Team

Yes, yes. Thank you Cassie. That's a great question. And absolutely it's convenient for us to share because. And how do I put it? So as I mentioned earlier, I think one less lab solution. Not only is it's very new, I'm sure nobody have heard it before because that's come from our knowledge in both working in web two and web three gaming industry second ball.

Resource Requirements for Partnerships

It does require substantial resources. We need to have a very powerful team, very powerful bd resources to onboard games. So thanks to actually the first few games we signed, thanks to our investors. So tap for fun and IDG which is our investor, we have more investors. That's something we haven't actually announced yet, but I guess it's okay. It's our MMA.

Game Company Partnerships

So we have a few game company tier one game companies as our investors. So we sign a few games from them. We also have side games actually mega games that Call Subway suffered that if you probably some of you have played subway suffers. So Subway sufferers is the most downloaded game in the human history, 4 billion downloads. We also have side that game and also a new version that subway suffer is making which is esf version will be launched by the end of this year.

Expanding Reach and New Partnerships

We also have side that game and during the China join. Yes, as you know that we have been aggressively reaching out to new companies and signing games. So during the China joint, honestly speaking, all the companies so we talked to. To. I don't know how to translate the English name like Shin Dong. We talked to San Chi like 37. We talked to the nine and many other game companies and we are also a few Tencent companies games as well.

Continuing Collaboration and Contracts

So a lot of the games were still actively following up and the contract hasn't been signed during the companies that we visit and many of them have verbally committed to work with Oneness lab. So we are working together both the product team, the tech team and their dev team working out the details. So to summarize, in total we have already signed the contract of 13 games.

Statistics and User Engagement

And I think 13 games cover somewhere around 42 million daily active user. All games together add together 42 million daily. The numbers might be off a digital or some, but the ballpark is correct. So 42 44 million daily active users in our ecosystem covering somewhere close to 100 million monthly revenue altogether of those games. And the averaging revenue locking, which means a certain percentage of the revenue from those web two games will be locked through the smart contract into the vault to buy back the tokens that they issue.

Revenue Model and Impact

So the percentage is somewhere at 5% to 8%. So the mass will be somewhere five to 8 million us dollar every month from web two will be coming into web three buying back the assets those game company or those games issued, which we see as a very revolutionary compared to the current solutions in say in web three gaming industry. Because that's a real revenue from the real players who actually pay because they'd like to play the game, not because that's 5 million that people wish to make, 10 million next month, but that's 5 million revenue that we ball into web three.

Backing Value of Tokens

And also those game tokens, that's a real money backing. It's not a game, just issues on token that today worth $1 tomorrow since nobody's paying for it, might worth $0.01. So that's not the case. That's how we see our foundation or solution being backed by the real value. So yeah, to answer the question, we have size 13 games, we are aggressively expanding our ecosystem and signing more games.

Partnership Exclusivity and Resources

And that's also bring actually all the investors we agree to bring on board. Either they have to each one of us of them have to provide exclusive resources to us. And besides money, of course we have reviewed OKX Ventures, of course they have some exclusive values. And the rest of the companies, either they are the mega game companies that top ten top 20 game companies in the world, or they are the tier one investors who have invested 40 to 50 top tier game companies in their portfolio.

Growth in the Gaming Industry

So those are the exclusive resources they had to bring together with their investment. So yeah. Alex, you want to add on something? Yeah, it's a little bit, I think I was thinking like at least 60 to 70% to 80% of our gaming studio partners from listing gaming, right? Yes, yes, at least, yes, yeah, it's listing gaming company. Yes, game companies. Yeah, we actually pivot, yeah, 80% just.

Pioneering New Financial Models

To, you know, if our audience have a little time for us to, you know, just to go through our history. At the beginning we actually saw, you know, maybe the first batch of the games we're gonna say are still good, still have solidified user base, still have solid revenue, but maybe not the biggest game. At the beginning we didn't, were not sure whether we can sign some of the really big mega games.

Transformative Business Relationships

And actually that, that change. Start with I dreaming, I dream sky, which is Tromung, which is a public listed company who owns subway software. So they tell us the pain points, the shop pain points that they have, such as of course we all know the market cap for the web two game industry. It's really red Ocean, purple Ocean.

Challenges in Player Retention

Perhaps they're increasing the CPI, the cost per install, user acquisition, the development cost and all this. And also they are really bothered by the decreasing retention of their players because the only way to engage players today is you have to continue to deliver content and the game team sometimes just cannot catch that speed. So they are losing players.

Realizing Solutions Through Web Three

So when they tell us all those user pain points and we realize a lot of the pain points can be solved by our solutions, leveraging web three technologies and web three community management engagement, all this together. So besides our investors, games from IGG and tap for fun and actually subway software really marks the, how should I say, the turning points that we realize, hey, actually our solution also works for really big game companies and really big games.

Competition and Pressure to Adapt

And I guess one of another way to look at is even really big companies and really big game today are they feel pressured because the web two gaming industry is not growing anymore, it becomes a increasingly more competitive market. They also need to change. They have to change. So working with us is also a good path for them because. Yeah, so yes, I hope that's a comprehensive answer to Cathy's question.

Community Engagement and Support

Thanks, that's amazing. I will show all the information with my community. Thanks all. And I look forward to more positive information announcement from one's team. Thanks. Thank you Kathy, thank you for supporting us from the beginning. Yes, thank you for your support. Thank you. And we have our last audience, Musashi.

Wrap Up and Final Questions

Hello. Do you have any question you want to ask the team? And after question we will wrap up with this space. So. Hi Musashi, it's good to have you here. Hey, hello. It's a pleasure and thank you for the opportunity. Actually, I just wanted to ask, well, I want to ask a bunch of questions but I'm just going to ask two this time that are related to the current event.

Event Metrics and Future Considerations

One is, okay, this is the first one is related to which. What are we going to do? What are going to be the metrics that we are going to use to, I mean, to, when we, for the next season of the event when we are supposed to drop a new batch of level one fragments. What are supposed to be like the metrics that we are going to use are going to be the same ones.

Clarifications on Fragment Distribution

I mean, they are going to be proportional to the first phase. The value is going to be the same. Okay. That's probably to our economist, chief economist Jackie, that I think. Jackie. Yeah, right. I, yeah. Actually, first of all, the level one fragments is fundamental assets for playing the spare fest.

Understanding Future Fragment Mechanics

Two, in the earthquake. And as just mentioned and introduced before, we have several seasons in Spatfest. Two in the new season, level one fragment will be issued and also will be reclaimed. The old fragments in the previous season will be reclaimed. So actually throughout the game event, new users will continuously join.

Balancing Interests in Gameplay

We want to balance the interest between new and old users. Like fragments of levels one to three accumulated in the previous season. Will be recovered at the beginning of each season. And also Onss will be distributed to users based on the conversion ratio. Let me explain a little bit about what Onss, that is a kind of certification of the future.

Further Details on Fragment Systems

Once token airdrop. So then, you know, initial fragments for the new season will be issued to users. Based on a certain coefficient of fragments you hold in the previous season. So the number of fragments in users hands will decrease at the start of a new season. But don't worry.

User Rewards and Gameplay Strategies

On one hand, you will receive one SS rewards for your fragments. And on the other hand, if you can craft fragments to level four or higher within the field. Fragments can be retained and continue fragment mining in the new theater. Yeah. Okay.

Final Questions and Raffling Mechanics

Okay. Perfect. Actually, that's perfect. That answer my question. And my other question is regarding the last day of the event. I mean, can they, the percentage, the probability of winning the raffle on the 8th day of the event increased somehow? And if it's possible, I mean, how can we do it?

Raffle Reward Structure

Yeah, I would say yes, actually, the rifle reward is highly related to the user's attack behavior in the past seven days. Because we believe this is the most interesting part of the Sparfast two event. By setting up the rivalry world. We hope to encourage more strategic play in Spatfest two.

Player Engagement Through Strategy

I could say there are huge fragment rewards in the rifle. Which will greatly help users in crafting the game Xbox. So my answer is yes. And just do more attack and cause you know that is quite interesting and you will find out you may can earn more like fragments during attacking and attack is gameplay.

Conclusion and Gratitude

Yeah. Okay, thanks. That's a lot actually. That's all what I want to ask for the opportunity. Yeah, thank you. Thank you kindly. A hardcore smartphase player. It's the first time I hear the voice from Seshi. We have been working, we have been talking for or even talking about where we probably could have a meetups in future in Europe and for one is community and it's quite interesting.

Community Engagement and Future Meetings

No, actually this is my first time interacting this way with the community. We always write everything. Yeah, we will meet Musashi soon in person. I look forward to meeting you and all our core communities. So. Yes, it's very happy to have him here. So thank you.

Acknowledgments and Wrap Up

And thank you, thank everyone for coming up the stage and ask questions. Just make sure you join our discord and interact with our amazing team in the community. So if there's no more questions, we are gonna wrap it up. And again, I say that a lot of time. Make sure tomorrow join our Chinese Ama at the same time.

Looking Ahead and Final Thanks

And thank you. Thank you so much, Yami. So time tomorrow. Thank you. Yeah, we will speak soon again. Yeah, see you tomorrow. See you guys tomorrow. Thank you. Have a great night.

Closing Remarks

Have a good night. Thank you, thank you. Have a nice day. If you have any questions that not. Cover during the MA talk to you guys in community.

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