Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space discussion covered a wide range of topics including sleep patterns, physical activity, the culture of sleep within the crypto community, and upcoming project developments. Emphasizing the importance of setting sleep hours and the tranquility that comes from proper rest, it also shed light on the lack of attention to sleep in the crypto world. The conversation also touched on engaging in physical activities such as working, as well as plans to integrate new features into future project versions and collaborate on quests with Golden Empire. This engaging space offered valuable insights into the crypto community's culture, content, engagement strategies, integration of new projects, and future project plans.


Q: What was the key emphasis regarding sleep?
A: The importance of setting one's hours for sleep was highlighted.

Q: How does the crypto community perceive sleep?
A: The discussion noted a lack of a strong sleep culture within the crypto community.

Q: Which physical activities were mentioned?
A: Engagement in physical activities such as working was discussed.

Q: What were the future plans for the project mentioned?
A: Future project versions are expected to integrate new features.

Q: What collaboration was discussed?
A: There was a mention of cross-project quests collaboration with Golden Empire.


Time: 00:06:23
Boosting Community Engagement Strategy, Discussion on strategies like likes and retweets to enhance community engagement.

Time: 00:18:19
Importance of Cross-Community Engagement, Emphasis on the significance of engaging with various communities for project visibility.

Time: 00:24:30
Recap of Recent Hive Event, Summary of the hive event and future plans for community question segments.

Time: 00:42:47
Insights on Project's Roadmap, Brief discussion on the project's roadmap communication strategies.

Time: 00:48:04
Value of Personal Approach, Highlighting the importance of personalized community interactions.

Time: 00:57:40
Diverse Content Creation Plans, Planning spontaneous videos and varied content to engage the community.

Time: 01:28:15
Introduction of Gamification Elements, Incorporating gamification elements to enhance user engagement.

Time: 01:29:16
Discussion on Profile and Staking Features, Exploring the integration of profiles and staking to benefit users.

Time: 01:57:11
Future Community Question Focus, Plans to prioritize community questions in upcoming sessions.

Time: 02:00:19
Importance of Community Engagement, Concluding remarks on the essential role of community engagement.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on the importance of sleep and setting one's own hours.
  • Peace of mind associated with proper sleep.
  • Differing views on sleep duration within the group.
  • Observation of a lack of sleep culture in the crypto world.
  • Engagement in physical activities like working for staying active.
  • Plans for integrating features in future project versions.
  • Evolution of questing within the squad.
  • Discussion on cross-project quests in collaboration with Golden Empire.

Behind the Mic

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, everyone. And welcome to the Sustainable Packaging Coalition's food waste. Webinar. I'm just going to go through the introductions, some housekeeping items, and then we'll pass it off to our speakers today. First of all, as we're getting started, I wanted to point out that there will be time for questions and answers at the end of this webinar. So please do send your questions in the chat box. And as you can see, it's being recorded. No. I was just in the wrong tab earlier. I apologize and here we show. Okay, so a bit of housekeeping. As I mentioned, we will have some time for questions at the end of this presentation. So please use the chat box to enter your questions and we'll address those at the end. Webinar is being recorded and the slides will be available after the presentation. We've got closed captions available for those who would like to see that and you can see the link at the bottom of your screen. All right, so let's get into our webinar for today. Again, we're with the Sustainable Packaging Coalition and covering the overlap between food waste and packaging. And as I mentioned, we do have a couple of speakers today and they will be speaking on different topics but Still within the same umbrella of food waste and packaging. And so we're going to start with Linnea, the Marketing Director and Corporate Giving Manager over at OSC Packaging Solutions. She has a great presentation prepared for us about some of the initiatives that OSC is taking to reduce food waste so Linnea, thank you again for being here with us. I'll pass it off to you here and I will start your slides for you. All right. Thanks so much for having me and thank you Megan for the intro. So I'm Linnea, I am the Marketing Director and Corporate Giving Manager for OSC Packaging Solutions and today I'm going to take you through a presentation. About how packaging can really make a difference in reducing food waste The role of packaging in food waste reduction, a case study approach so the past two decades with packaging has evolved to provide functionality becoming, sorry, market packaging evolved to provide functionality becoming more efficient the needs of suppliers and consumers in mind with the growing population food security has become an important global issue. Food waste is a considerable. Of that are contributing factor the reduction food waste can be directly linked to the use of packaging solutions so. We'll share three examples of next gen packaging solutions to help showcase how effective packaging can spur food waste and contribute to a more sustainable future. So first off in some early work we did with bread company. They were seeing nearly 15% of their product with spoilage in the storefront itself. They had no way to really package it in a way that brought the proper level of freshness to the table Then there was Salmon Aren't food waste biggest hurdles made great conversation with him. But during packaging, we were able to capture that slippery fish. Triple packaging on the fish to buy another two days. Shelf life and at the store level that's huge. Yeah, it's just massive. And then our third case study was Working with Cherry producer, they were able to find appropriate packages that went from the Shelves at 30% of the product being unsold to 10%. This significant reduction and food waste but provided by those future packaging. It really shows the impact and place packaging on all steps of the supply chain, though. So with all the examples today, we're talking about next-gen packaging solving food waste issues. Freshness Ensuring security. Simplicity and food safety cost-effective approach. We got to think of the benefits of global food packaging. We use circumstances to provide these packages, that means when you look at protecting manufacturers. the place Marketing and tech advances We highlight many case studies from clients around the country reduce food waste translate savings blazer sustainability food security on product availability. Next up, we're happy to have Elise Calley here from the compost manufacturing alliance as marketing and partnership director for their well-known consulting programs So Elise. We'll pass it off to you. Start your slides now. Thank you, Linnea. Appreciate it. So to add more to the conversation today. I'm going to focus on how compostable packaging eliminates food waste for our clients. We permit invest in a 6 month certification that demonstrates tangible results, early adopters Phase in and packaging that decomposes alongside organic waste shows instant improvement. Absolutely. Case study: bakery clients. Well, compostable casing has resulted in an incredible 60% less waste. The landfill that's remarkable. And another example is our collaboration with grocery stores lining of produce sections with compostable solutions reduced the amount of plastic films in the stream by 40%. Wow, that's so significant. Additionally, partnerships ensure scalability. Ensuring successful deployment packaging the overall vision. Organic Certification were worked to qualify in checking performance events numerous presents my background helping several global brands reduce packaging waste gains both parties aims achievable And we worked closely with all parties in supply chain. Impacts far greater control footprint. And that's what happens recommended creative larger program as well. If you have any questions of what we are planning with larger networks for overall better. Again, Megan was amazing sessions thinking about combining these for greatest reliability to plan all food waste. I think that's an excellent suggestion. Webinar content covers quite a bit of ground. It might even raise a bit more for next sessions Thank you, ladies. Now, before wrapping up, I'll answer some questions we received. So, a question for both Linnea and Elise, considering costs and the challenges of sustainable choices. How do packaging projects handle these trials? Amazing point I know packaging development trial Increase upfront costs but aim. Yeah, it's ongoing projects requiring upfront investment be daunting there. Continue… Elise will title budget dependent layers involved manage overhanging costs rewards favored setup Our team see proven ROI helps And that's precisely why we do phased rollout I've seen so crucial sustainability proving certificates. Anything to add, Linnea, reached right on Focus project different manufacturing settings result varied even? Absolutely. Thank you. Next Question? So someone asked 'How do we engage consumer awareness in packaging value?' Linnea, take that direct Annual Community Gardens. Enforced Local campaign outreach initiated encouraged compostable programs educate campaigns everywhere hands provide innovate Promote highlights Ensure viewers effective communication crucial similar value. Wellness Green Commitment spreads sharing program aided. Practical. Third question. How OSC innovative packaging deals Climate Variability Elise plan promotion dealing Help illustrate cloud comments game-changer varying climates project goal OSC integrations specific locations Customization flexibility examples setup adaptable priorities there. That's good catch final culture setups contributing reducing long run display great opportunities pushing beyond. Presentation ladies. Thank you. I'd like make closing notes. Sure thing, Megan. Sure thing so, attendees, remember slides recorded post-email additional questions directly addressed Next Wellness webinar series. Attendees calendar a month future speakers soon. Wonderful. Building upon future content. Yeah, Linnea thanks again Welcome us keen learn compostable trends OSC Thanks, Elise. Yes. Thank you, Megan. Spitting joining today Look future work shared excited Thanks, Megan. questions, happy feel free. Definitely Megan closing regards excited future compostable trends Thank hosts. Goodbye Close recording here.

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