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Onchain Domain Education (In Spanish)


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Onchain Domain Education (In Spanish) hosted by unstoppableweb. The Twitter space 'Onchain Domain Education (In Spanish) ?' focused on Unstoppable Domains as a prominent registrar for onchain domains, emphasizing extensions like .com, .crypto, .nft, and more. The discussion underlined the significance of onchain domains in Web3 for user identification, privacy enhancement, and simplified interactions with decentralized applications. Unstoppable Domains' user-friendly approach and diverse services cater to blockchain enthusiasts seeking seamless domain registration. The conversation highlighted the crucial role of onchain domains in decentralizing web activities and providing users with unique digital identities.

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Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 10


Q: Why is Unstoppable Domains considered a significant registrar?
A: Unstoppable Domains is recognized for its services in registering user-friendly onchain domains with various extensions.

Q: How can onchain domains benefit users in Web3?
A: Onchain domains enable simplified interactions, enhanced privacy, and unique digital identities in the decentralized web space.

Q: What extensions are available through Unstoppable Domains?
A: Users can register domains with extensions like .com, .x, .crypto, .nft, .wallet, .polygon, and .eth.

Q: Why are onchain domains crucial for Web3 activities?
A: Onchain domains play a vital role in user identification and facilitating access to decentralized applications.

Q: What convenience does Unstoppable Domains offer users?
A: Unstoppable Domains allows users to link multiple wallet addresses to a single domain, streamlining interactions in the blockchain space.

Q: How do onchain domains enhance user privacy and security?
A: Onchain domains can improve privacy by providing unique digital identities and secure access to dApps.

Q: What makes Unstoppable Domains user-friendly for blockchain enthusiasts?
A: Unstoppable Domains' user-friendly interface and services cater to the needs of blockchain users seeking simplified domain registration.

Q: What are some potential applications of onchain domains?
A: Onchain domains can be utilized for unique digital identities, secure interactions in Web3, and accessing decentralized services.

Q: What value do onchain domains bring to Web3 users?
A: Onchain domains offer convenience, user privacy, and streamlined access to decentralized applications, enhancing the Web3 experience.

Q: How do onchain domains contribute to the decentralization of the web?
A: Onchain domains empower users by providing control over their digital identities and enabling secure interactions in a decentralized online environment.


Time: 00:12:45
Unstoppable Domains: Leader in Onchain Domains Exploring the significance of Unstoppable Domains as a top registrar for onchain domains.

Time: 00:28:19
Diverse Domain Extensions Available Discussing the various domain extensions such as .crypto, .nft, .wallet, and more provided by Unstoppable Domains.

Time: 00:37:55
Onchain Domains in Web3 Applications Highlighting the importance of onchain domains for user identification and interaction in Web3 activities.

Time: 00:45:30
User-Friendly Features of Unstoppable Domains Detailing the convenience of Unstoppable Domains in linking multiple wallet addresses to a single domain.

Time: 00:52:14
Enhancing Privacy with Onchain Domains Exploring how onchain domains can improve user privacy and security in decentralized web environments.

Time: 01:05:10
Potential Applications of Onchain Domains Analyzing the diverse applications of onchain domains for unique digital identities and accessing decentralized services.

Key Takeaways

  • Unstoppable Domains is a key registrar for onchain domains.
  • The discussion covered various domain extensions like .crypto, .nft, .wallet, and more.
  • Onchain domains are crucial for Web3 activities and user identification.
  • The conversation highlighted the significance of owning onchain domains for Web3 users.
  • It explored how onchain domains can simplify interactions in the decentralized web space.
  • The potential applications of onchain domains in enhancing user privacy and security were discussed.
  • Unstoppable Domains offers users the convenience to link various wallet addresses to a single domain.
  • Registering onchain domains can provide users with a unique digital identity.
  • Using onchain domains can facilitate seamless access to decentralized applications (dApps).
  • The discussion emphasized the user-friendly aspect of Unstoppable Domains for blockchain enthusiasts.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

It. Hey, crystal ball, how's it going? Hi, Adria. Fine. How are you doing? Good. Doing good. Okay, I see. Andre, let's, Let's bring up real quick. Mm. Yes, yes, for sure. Yes. Is Sandia here, too, or. Yeah, spacer. Yeah, she should be joining. Okay. Pretty soon. Let's give her a few minutes. Okay, no problem. Here is Andres. Hello. Hola, Hollandres. Hola. Good. Yeah, yeah. How's it going? So bad. Happy to be here. Great. And where are you both based out of? In South America? Yeah, we both are from Santiago, and we live here. Santiago, Chile. Yes. Nice. My parents actually went to Santiago last year. Nice, good. Very nice. Yeah, yeah.

Location and Discussion Setup

Where are you, Adrian? So I'm located in Nashville, in Tennessee. okay. Tennessee. USA. USA. Yep. Yeah. So are doing the. This dissemination of stoppable domains from the southest country in the world. So pretty happy. Definitely. Okay, well, I can. I'll get us started here, and then maybe Sandy can join in a few minutes, but. Yeah. So welcome back to unstoppable spaces. We're excited to have an on chain domain education spaces today with Andreas and Cristobal. And. Yeah, thanks for tuning in. My name is Adrian. I'm on the unstoppable team. And to start a round of introductions, I'll pass it over to Andreas, and I'll let you guys get kicked off in Spanish.

Welcoming and Overview

Yes, thanks. Thanks, Adrian. And welcome to all listeners in English and Perosi Hudan role nominal role at philosophical traditional web dos and Donden web tres. Andres Latin America. Andresport autorisada. Unstoppable domains. Mitra, the investigative projecto marcosa conquos. Pero claro metroid derikando macana altema de la communicacion.

Introduction and Greetings

Yeah, semprandido. And we're referral projection. Hi, Sandy. Hello. Hello. Hello, Sandy. Thank you guys for doing this. I'm going to promote the site, too, to get more and more Spanish speakers in here. I'm great. Thank you guys again for doing this for us. Cool, cool. No, it's a pleasure for us to share this very necessary instance for web three with you and with Adrian. There is an incredible potential in decentralized domains, and this space can be very helpful for Hispanic people who do not know about the unstoppable domain on the decentralized domain. So here with a little heat in this space in the Hispanic American market. So thank you, Sandy.

Excitement and Anticipation

Here, Andres, in this space. I am happy to. Yeah, yeah. Pretty, pretty excited. I'm amazed to be here. So now I hope that this is going to be like the first of many, many spaces in Spanish. So thank you very much for the space. Our pleasure. Back to our regularly scheduled program. By the way, I can understand Spanish so much better than I can speak it. So I am listening to you guys. So let's. Let's do it. You got some great alpha to share. Let's. Let's do it. Cool. Yes. Yes. Here. Well, I. Andre, sorry. Andres, if you like, you can say to Sandy about you or your think of this space.

Importance of Spanish Spaces

Yes, well, I think that it's pretty important to do this kind of spaces in Spanish. So we're going to start pretty soon now. But I think that almost all the data about blockchain and crypto and whatever, it's in English. So I think that to translate this kind of things is pretty important. It's kind of the things that I have worked for like three, four years. So. No, that's why I think that. I mean, I'm pretty grateful to be here.

Language Translation and Accessibility

A translator. That is a good idea. Maybe with artificial intelligence we can. We can add a translator here to the people who don't speak Spanish or speak English, but. Well, yes. Larva minuto material introductory contexto del potencia. Sorry. El domino de centralisa. Okay. No serto et cetera blockchain format and don de siona Persona domino to Vietnam direction polycaramo I project blockchains pero dominion numerous similar pero system of blockchain.

Decentralization and Blockchain Concepts

Unoquantosion et cetera. Chamber that existed la mahiadel smart contractionales salonipe et cetera. Savonre hanamiko. De centralisago salmanosconostobabel domain and don the exponent to senfetesque wallet and don the TNS dominion et cetera. Fuel moi web dos Andres Centralisado Tambiena propea valgala resundancias dominos decentralisados domain no sepagan renovaciones to kill penis. They say they are probida total don domino simpagar renovation. Super one of my subscription.

Blockchain Identity and Digital Identity

The serial concept surveying identity fundamental paral. Mondo web Trenakalia Fundamental Internet k concierramino Centralisa Mayor Lando Blockchain. Producto mon domino de Centralisado visualizaruna Centralisado de domino de Central tonses respect us impacto andres so dominos web tres eladopsion de identidade digitalis e le capa economica cryptomonias como ves impacto conception de cryptomonas. Javari Dominion Centralisa no solamente sirvan parallel de la dao centralisaki.

Utopian Aspirations and Blockchain Solutions

exactamento mando format estamundo utopico de loque de la wetres I was implement any plague solution the blockchain and traditional perival perova andresore lomimo domino de. Centralisados Suman and Ivelde Seguridadh Transaction and particular sebodrian sublit vacante navria don't say hi damien finale permitted identificarla effective project in particular the transparencia see Itambien paranoka influencers parabola converted into podia pone Solomon particle Don't say Itamian communic me Influencer Permancion planteoke las daos Tamil utility fundamentally.

Transparency in Projects and Domains

Desa important transmitters Transparencia Perono Claro de sir peroquendo and tonse characteristics yeah, necessarily Domino de centralisado the wallet a wallet sepueno de centralisado el propitario Unstoppable domain sumo agricola red de base blockchain the base e pasoque sacaron domino el punto bald porombreque parasamimo parasamima meme Andres al respecto the Domain tambien algo meme pensado el nivel de vicaso de la red.

Discussion on Cryptocurrency and Cultural Impacts

Dee Eag similar local mesa meme coins culturales or coins culturally contra la pemico sister pahina los punto fan no krioki guest pero empoga palara cryo getta Superman Kyoko and tonse Tamil tamo anunciando the Manera Panorlante c literal. Pero caronosonoi moi with a cuerdo mental they included. Come no paradigm sodrome seria solo felicito I grow. Fishing andrespeto tomimo et cetera personales tuition sobre papel domains.

Blockchain and Centralization

Blockchain crypto David technica can yeah technica la mahincipiente centralisano is in quintra de k? No sort of. Chile salon satochi to. The moon bueno yvon ketamine Clarin tosen see you there a como. Mmhmm cclaramenta lomi marfinal todo locate picando la Pierre Alisada esta Fraser popular mondo crypto we are all going to make itema traditional web dress Peroia Andresio Castello reaction and I go bahoto to vision loss principally beneficial.

Token Protocols and Community Participation

Occupy como nefer dance utilisamo and the other croces unavance sa dominion solo protocolo contrario participant tokens de la comonida creole importantas nuevas caxon la hodra Persona kestam participant the keuna wallet centralisadas kemanipulan botos. Okay. The video publicos. Okay, applicant la mala practicas can also parakeet emea keto Persona activa votan ikera cristoval novo.

Centralization Critique and Future Outlook

Ejalboketo de la vow the centralisation elusaron dominion centralisadae no santan organization autonomous alguna sentence the barrel domain Sandye Comey fruit Andres nose keracomonigar alo connect no mansaki. Makina to the boris la plata format unstoppable. Space and espanol don stopabula ckinade. Sub no Anton privilege implement contrario sonos.

Gratitude and Community Engagement

The hashtag head down, keep working. And still bullish. Persona came Ketan connector Contigo. Mandres protocol commandemic command surgical Duchamp cinema and don't say. And I want to thank Sandy and Adrian for this space. I hope that even though they didn't understand very much, they were able to enjoy this space.

Educational Contributions and Market Growth

So thank you very much for your time and for generating space that I repeat, are very important for web three development. We hope to continue contributing through educational content like this. I think unsolvable domain still has a lot to grow and in what we can contribute from the hispanic market, we'll be delighted. So we hope that events like this continue to be repeat.

Q&A Session with Audience Engagement

Thank you, Sandy and Adrian. Yeah, thank you guys too. You guys want to. We can give away a domain for a question. We can give away a domain and espanol like felicio dot NFT or pero dot NFT or something like that. Anybody have a question they want to ask for a free domain in Spanish? In Espanol, raise your hand.

Technical Difficulties and Audience Participation

Adrian will let you up. Yes, hang on 1 second. Let's just give it a second. Sometimes they're shy, sometimes they're not. We'll see. We'll see. If taviano estabian lo mesajesala control in guno. Sahe. Renee, you know, excellent. Possibly I cortorga unstoppable untoval.

Wrap Up and Closing Remarks

So there are no questions. Sandy, in Spanish, maybe. And Adrian. Adrian, anybody asking to come up? Not from Maya. No request. Okay. Okay. People are going to pass up a free domain. So, Cristobal andres, do you want to ask me a question to get a free domain in Spanish? I would like to ask, like when on Espanol.

Audience Interaction and Completion

Sorry to run. We have one person just raised their hand. It's hedgehog. I'll let him up real quick. Okay. Okay. So there we go. Okay, hedgehog, you're live. Do you have a question? Okay, there we go. Nice. Okay, so. One of three. Your boy, me, yamo.

Introduction of Terms

Hedgehog. Yeah. Gene. Stoppable domains. Punto. Go. I said dominion, domino, and stop. The Sierra. Dominion, crypto, moneta. So contradictory. Yeah. Tango. Various. Unstoppable. There are free unstoppable domains.

Engagement and Interaction

Hey, Sandy. Hi, guys. Yeah, just if you DM the unstoppable account, pick out a Spanish. Pick out a Spanish word. Dot something, as long as it's available and not a brand name, then Adrian will release it to you. Thank you for being the first. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's an honor. Thanks for having me here. Yep. You got it. And do we have one more? Adrian? Is that what you said? That was. That was all for mine. Just one person. Oh, okay. I thought you said you had one more speaker. I'm sorry. Sorry. Or one more question.

Discussion on Web Transition

Yeah, but I want to ask to Sandy, how was your travel from web two to web three? Oh, what a question. You know, it was really fascinating because I actually started in blockchain in the web two world. I was asked to look at it from an AWS perspective for banks. What were banks doing with blockchain? What were hospitals doing for supply chain with blockchain? What were. Why was the DOD using it? And so I really started the, you know, going down the rabbit hole with web two companies. And it got me really curious about blockchain. And that's when I started checking out web three projects. So that's really how it started. It happened over a year.

Collaboration and Future Projects

I started doing my own projects on the side. And then Matt, who's our CEO and founder, if you don't know him, he. And he came to Seattle and took me out to dinner and the rest is history. Great question. Who asked that question? Me. Okay, Andrea, you get a free domain then, too. Just if you DM the unstoppable account, we'll get you a free domain as well. Nice. Pretty nice. Will do. Will do. Okay, awesome. Well, again, thank you both for doing this. You were a dynamic duo. Thank you. And thanks for all the listeners. Let us know if you want to do more on espiono or what you want to do, and we'll be happy to accommodate. Thank you so much. Bye bye.

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