Onboarding the Next 100 Million Users to Web3!


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Onboarding the Next 100 Million Users to Web3! hosted by TelgatherGames. The discussion on onboarding the next 100 million users to Web3 focused on incentivizing adoption through strategies like gamification, rewards in $POG and USDT, cross-chain compatibility, seamless onboarding processes, community building, security measures, user feedback incorporation, and educational initiatives. These key aspects aim to create a compelling and user-friendly environment to attract and retain a diverse user base. By emphasizing engagement, trust, and continuous improvement, platforms like Telgather can pave the way for the future of Web3.

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Total Listeners: 110


Q: Why is incentivizing user onboarding crucial for Web3 adoption?
A: Incentives encourage new user participation and exploration of the Web3 ecosystem.

Q: How do rewards in $POG and USDT boost platform engagement?
A: Monetary rewards provide tangible benefits for users, driving activity and loyalty on the platform.

Q: Why is cross-chain compatibility important for broad user reach?
A: Compatibility across multiple chains allows users from different networks to participate, expanding the platform's user base.

Q: What role does community building play in sustained user growth?
A: Strong communities foster trust, loyalty, and word-of-mouth promotion, contributing to long-term user retention.

Q: How can platforms ensure user trust and security?
A: Implementing robust security measures and transparent processes instill confidence in users, mitigating concerns about data privacy and fraud.

Q: Why is incorporating user feedback vital for platform improvement?
A: Feedback helps identify areas for enhancement, leading to continuous iteration and better user experience.

Q: How do educational initiatives aid user understanding of Web3?
A: Educational programs and resources educate users on Web3 concepts, boosting confidence and usage of the platform.


Time: 00:15:30
Incentivizing Onboarding Strategies Exploring tactics to attract and retain users through onboarding incentives.

Time: 00:25:45
Cross-Chain Compatibility Discussion Understanding the importance of interoperability for expanding user accessibility.

Time: 00:35:20
Community Building for Sustainable Growth Highlighting the role of community in fostering long-term user engagement.

Time: 00:45:10
Enhancing Platform Security Measures Ensuring user trust through robust security protocols.

Time: 00:55:05
User Feedback Integration The significance of user feedback in driving continuous platform improvement.

Key Takeaways

  • Incentivizing user onboarding crucial for Web3 adoption.
  • Gamification enhances user engagement and retention.
  • Rewards in $POG and USDT incentivize platform usage.
  • Cross-chain compatibility important for broad user reach.
  • Creating a seamless onboarding process boosts user acquisition.
  • Building a diverse ecosystem key to attracting varied users.
  • Ensuring platform security and trust essential for user retention.
  • Community building pivotal for sustained user growth.
  • Incorporating user feedback vital for platform improvement.
  • Educational initiatives aid in user understanding of Web3.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Topic Overview

Hello everyone. Welcome to another exciting tailgather, Ama. We have a number of exciting guests lined up today to discuss today's topic, which is onboarding the next 100 million users into web three strategies for mass adoption. Without any further ado, let's go into the business of the day. We're going to give all our guests a chance to introduce themselves and give a brief overview of their projects. So let's start with the speaker from RB. So please introduce yourself and give a brief overview of your project.

Overview of Urbiso Project

Hi, thank you for this, Ama. Thanks for the host and especially the audience that has joined us here in troughs. So just to give you a quick overview of our project before we get into the question and answer session, Urbiso is a new generation AI, artificial intelligence powered crypto and real world asset arbitrage trading platform that utilizes advanced technology for profit and risk management for users, while at the same time making it very intuitive, user friendly and basically carefree user experience for all of our very valuable users. This is it in a nutshell. Back to your host.

Introduction from Elfin

All right, thank you. Stephen, can we have the speaker from Outfit games? Please introduce yourself and give us a brief overview of your project. Yeah, sure, yeah. hi everyone, my name Johnson and from Elphin, also the co founder and symbol of elfen. So Elfin, it's a game driver like audio sharing, social life, social vibe platform. We will enable user they can pray social talk to earn in our voucher room and we also add some gaming system into the voucher room to enable entertainment in the engaging engagement. For now, we just finished our bet testing and our official version will be online maybe this month. So if you guys are interested in Elfen, you guys can follow our Twitter and also can focus on our official version online. Yeah, thank you.

Introduction of Miners Club

All right, thank you. Johnson, can we have the speaker from Miners Club please introduce yourself and give a brief overview of your project. Yeah, thanks for inviting me. Hello guys, I'm Dexter, I'm the speaker of Miners Club. I'm super excited to be part of this space. And yeah, we are a multi token mining platform focused on simplifying the crypto mining experience. So our core product is built around a telegram mini bot that allows users to engage in solar mining with minimal efforts. So through this platform, users can earn daily proof of work rewards in easy and accessible way. Minus Club is backed by the largest bitcoin mining firm in Europe with over 300 million invested and the partnership with Binance, AdPo and others. We've distributed over 3.4 million MPC tokens to more than 5000 thousand users in just 15 days. So, yeah, thanks for inviting me again.

Introduction from Taco Protocol

All right, thank you, Dexter. Can we have the speaker from Taco protocol please introduce yourself and give a brief overview of your project. Hi. Hi. This is Julie from Taco Protocol. Thanks for having us. We are building a decentralized social infrastructure on top of forecaster, so we make it easier for developers to build different social experiences on different social networks at the same time. Apart from the infra site, we also have a front end client called Tacocast is a client facing, user facing front end for individuals to enjoy different on chain social experiences. Very similar experience to Twitter, but you can have all the benefits of decentralization. Yeah. Happy to explain more later. Thank you.

Introduction by Sal from Tailgather Games

All right, thank you, Julie. Let me give you a brief introduction of myself and tell gatherer games. I'm Sal, business development lead at Tailgather Games. Tellgather is your gateway to a world of captivating mini games crafted by talented creators from all over the globe. Think of Tellgather as a platform where you can experience endless entertainment, connect with fellow gamers, and even earn while you play. Tailgather is that platform with a unique space where gaming meets opportunity. First, let's talk about a number of features from Tailgather. We have the play to earn feature where you can where you're able to play mini games, enjoy every moment, and rack up rewards along the way. It's simple, it's satisfying, and it makes your gaming experience more rewarding than ever before.

Tailgather Features and Closing Remarks

We also have the social to earn, which takes things to the next level as you engage with others, whether through competition, collaboration, or just having fun, you'll be earning while you connect. This feature turns your social interactions into opportunities for growth and rewards. And for those of you that love and breathe gaming, Tailgather is made for you with endless minigames where you can level up your fun and explore a growing universe of possibilities that keeps you entertained and engaged. Once again, thank you to all the speakers, and thank you to the audience for joining us. Let's go to the first question of the day. So what are the biggest barriers preventing mainstream users from adopting web three technologies and how can they be addressed? Let's go with Stephen from RBC.

Stephen's Insights on Barriers to Adoption

Sure. Thank you, Holton. Thanks to all the other speakers. So the thing I missed is my own introduction. So I'm Stephen. I am the CMO of Urbiso and I've been a trader myself. So even though I do marketing, I'm very familiar with trading technology and of course arbitrage I'm also very familiar with AI. We also use it heavily for marketing as well. But it's true power really is in processing enormous amount of data in real time, which is something that is a dream for a trader. So that's what actually we are doing, and that's why I'm in this position, because the project is really good fit for me. I'm very excited about it. So now to get back, of course, to the topic at hand and your question.

Addressing User Concerns

So we want to talk about, of course, how are we gonna add another hundred million users here to the crypto community? And of course, we've been growing steadily for decades now. But now, I think, is a pivotal point where not only the bitcoin was adopted in the mainstream, but. But that also is introducing trust and interest to the entire crypto industry. But the barriers still remain the same old barriers, slightly improved over the years, but by no way eliminated. So let's talk about them for us, of course, and it's not news, I'm just going to repeat it. That basically boil down to complexity, trust and accessibility. And you can break them down, of course, to lingo and to crypto people who think they're very special, that when they're talking to normal people, to sound smart, but at the end, that just creates some sort of barrier or kind of separation, and that's not what we want.

Simplifying Blockchain Adoption

So blockchain is here for everyone. Blockchain is getting more and more involved in every aspect of our life, and we want everyone to be as easily involved. Going off script a little bit, but let me go back. So blockchain crypto, of course, can feel intimidating. Now, I'm also a tech person, and even me sometimes, especially with bitcoin lingo and some complex stuff, I get confused. I can imagine people who are not fake at all, which is most people, unlucky for them, right? Because they can enjoy life. I'm just kidding. So somebody who's never interacted with technologies, and especially crypto technologies, concepts like wallets, seed phrases, gas fees, decentralized exchanges and so on, still not second nature for most users.

Security Concerns and Their Impact

So additionally, security concerns we keep hearing about hacks and exploits and money launderings and so on and so forth, and these are not good things to hear for somebody who's considering whether or not to take the leap. So how can we fix that? The answer lies in simplifying the user experience and making the technology as intuitive as possible. And at Arbisa, we do exactly that. So, for example, we remove a lot of the friction but by not requiring KYC or app downloads, for that matter, for trading and arbitrage trading. And this makes it easier, of course, for users to get started without jumping through hoops and trying to learn and Google things and understand stuff that at the end may make them much more confused than before they start.

Creating a Seamless User Experience

So making web three onboarding as seamless as traditional web two experiences is the key, and that will go a long way towards bridging the gap and bringing in more users. And that's my $0.05. Thank you. Thanks a lot, Stephen. How about you, Johnson? What do you think? Okay, yeah, thank you. So I think the biggest barrier are mainly related to the complexity and unfamiliarity. Right. It's about like, you know, the web tours are very confused about web three concept, like the layer two device, Web Gatsby and private keys, seed face and ours. Yeah. So it's very big problem for the web two users. They can, they can, they just can very easily to know what exactly what the web three is.

Security and Privacy Concerns

So, and also I think the concerns about security and also the privacy is also very significant. Right. So if user feel that like their investment could be easily to lost or stolen, they like to, they are still very likely to stay away because, you know, in the world, still very many web tutorials, they still don't know why it's worth it. Just know if I do the trading in the cryptocurrency, maybe I can make a lot of money or maybe I can, maybe I will lose a lot of money. Right. And for Elven, we exactly, we very focused on this problem. Like we create a bridge from web two to referee.

Lowering Barriers to Entry

Like we lower the barrier. Like we will like the payment. We will enable user. They can use credit card to pay for the, maybe the empties and pay for the, maybe the token. Like a. They can buy EtH but with credit card and then like interest for the ETH to our official token and then they can use the token in our platform.

Transitioning from Web Two to Web Three

So I think if you, if we want to macleave smoothly, we need to lower the barrier from web two to web three. So I think that's all. Yeah, all the barrier. Thank you. Thank you Johnson definitely. We need to lower the barrier of entry and make it more seamless for web two users to come into the web three space. And also goes back to what Stephen was talking about. I think the lingo is also a big thing. A lot of people in the web three space like to just make things seem a lot more complicated than they are. And this kind of puts, it puts off a lot of newbies from wanting to come into this space, because this, they really just scared of what they don't understand.

Audience Participation and Feedback

All right, Dexter, what do you think? What do you think about this question? Please share some thoughts. Oh, I think we lost Dexter as a speaker. So let's go to Julie from Taco Protocol. What do you think about this question? Please share your thoughts. Yeah, sure. So in the social space, the largest barrier is the network effect. Currently, the web. Two platforms, like Twitter, Discord, Reddit, they already got a lot of users on it, provide super good user experience, although there are many problems existing as well as a centralized social platform. But due to the network fact, because your friends, your social relationships already on these platforms, it is really hard for existing users to move to another social platform, even though the infra or the technology is much better than the centralized ones. Yeah.

Challenges in Transitioning to Web Three

So currently, I think there are, like, two main challenges. The first one is the network effect. So it is hard for users to move without their network to move together. Secondly, currently the user experience of web three social platforms. There are no platforms that are as good, as easy to use as the existing web. Two ones, although they may have some innovative features, but these features are not good enough to attract users to use one more social platform or switch to this platform. Yeah. So I think mainly these two issues and technical protocol and our client are dedicated to solving these problems.

Revisiting Dexter's Input

All right, thanks a lot, Julie. I think we have Dexter back. Can you share your thoughts on the question? I don't know if you caught the question. Yeah, sure, of course. I just lost for about ten minutes. I was in the middle of the break. Are we still on the first question? Yes, we are. So what are the biggest barriers preventing mainstream users from adopting web three technologies, and how can they be addressed? Got it. I think one of the major barriers is the usability web three technology, seen as the complex due to the need for technical knowledge around blockchains, wallets, private keys, and transactions too.

Complexity in Web Three Technologies

Not to mention about the fast changing concepts like NFT, skip five DeFi, ordinals, ruins, memes, tokens, etcetera. I think this can be overwhelming for the newcomers. Some of the projects, but, yeah, some of the projects addresses this by integrating web three functionalities into familiar platforms like Telegram, which people already use daily. So, yeah. For example, instead of dealing with complex wallet setups, users can run bots and track rewards and receive payout. I think this approach bridges the gap by providing better user experiences. Dexter, do we still have you?

Further Exploration of Onboarding Challenges

Yeah, I just finished my answer, I think. All right, thanks, buddy. I thought we lost you again. Let's move to the next question. So how. Because, I mean, a lot of the speakers have mentioned web three platforms. Like Julie mentioned web three social platforms are not as easy to use. So this can take us to the next question is, how can we simplify the onboarding experience for new users who are quite unfamiliar with blockchain and crypto? Can we have Stephen from Arbisu? Sure, sure. Yeah. Great answers, everyone.

Onboarding Experience in Web Three

Thank you for making it clear for everyone what we must face and challenge to actually make our products which are superior, actually accepted. So, yeah, one of the things, of course, most importantly is the onboarding experience. And that is still a challenge for me, that I try to make it as simple as possible. It still doesn't come out. So some of the time. So one thing we can do to simplify the onboarding is to create familiar, user friendly interfaces. Think of how easy it is to sign up for web two apps like social media platforms, and it's not so easy for some of them, but people are used to at least has to be familiar.

Education and Inclusivity in Web Three

Or online banking, quick and simple in most cases, or at least very familiar, because people have been doing it for decades. But web three needs to adopt the same approach and maybe even integrate social logins as many e commerce platforms, or even social platforms or any other websites. Or they should let users dip their toes without fully committing to the hardcore crypto stuff, like the seed phrases, or managing wallet and selecting blockchains and nodes and so on. So that's one. And then education. Crypto education. I'm not sure how we're going to go about it, but we probably gonna need influences help from web two.

Gamifying the Learning Experience

And this plays a massive role, whether it's through in app guides, tutorials, or even, or especially, I would say, gamifying the learning process and making it fun for people to check out crypto risk free and effort free. And that was my five sciences. Thank you. I think your point about gamifying the process is a fantastic one. Making a process a lot more fun. I think it would really encourage more people to come into the web three space. What about you, Johnson? What do you think? Yeah, I think to simplify the onboarding experience for new users.

Enhancing User Experience through Interactivity

Right. And I think we maybe it can be implement like interactive tutorials right within the platforms. Like, I think this way, like, usually they can get hands on experience in a safe environment before they dive into a real transaction. And I think it will also help them gain confidence while learning and offering social logging option I think will be another great way to reduce the friction. Like if user they can sign by using their existing account from platform like Google, Facebook. I think it's very lot of eliminate some of the complexity and speed the things are right.

Engagement through Gamification

So and I open like incorporating gamification elements can make onboarding more engaging to like imagine users learning rewards or points for completing tasks. I think this not only keeps things from, but also encourage them to explore different features of the web three and also the every platform. Right. So we need to make sure we are using simple relatable language throughout the process. Voting like the jargon is key. So I think this thing is how we can simplify the onboarding experience for the web series. Yeah, thank you.

Simplifying the Onboarding Process

Thanks a lot Johnson. How about you, Julie? What do you think? Yeah, I think the previous speakers have provided pretty sufficient answers. From our side, we are like we can make the onboarding experience just as easy as the web two onboarding experiences. I think that would be good enough. So we're doing like on our platform, users can just log in through their email and then they do not need to care about anything related to crypto or wallet or separate. Yeah.

User-Friendly Access to Web Three

So it is even more smoother than register on a register Twitter account. Yeah. So the mindset or the solution is that just make it at least as easy as the web two onboarding experiences. Definitely. The closer we could get it to the web two onboarding experiences, the better for the web three for web three and the entire ecosystem. How about you, Dexter? What do you think? Yeah, thanks for bringing that up again. I think the key to simplifying the onboarding is to remove the unnecessary complexity.

Understanding and Utilizing Web Three

I think users should not need to know how the underlying technology works to benefit from it, much like how people use email without the need of understanding the SMTP protocol. So yeah, at Miners Club, onboarding is as easy as just like joining a telegram channel. Users can participate in mining through a familiar chat interface and their rewards are automatically calculated and distributed. So it's only a minute, it's only a simple clicks, minimal interactions.

Quick and Easy Mining Experience

For example, someone, if someone new to crypto, they could start mining with us under five minutes without needing to know the blockchain knowledge. So we just need to removing the unnecessary components of. Totally agree, man.

Complexity in Web Three

It's a bit too complex and it's really putting a lot of people off coming into this space. So let's go to the next question, which is what role do partnerships with traditional web two platforms playing driving web three adoption and how can web three companies leverage these collaborations? Can we have Stephen from RB soup? Hey, Stephen. All right, I think Stephen is having some connection issues. So let's go with Johnson from Alpha Games. What role do you think traditional web two platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, how do you think they can help in driving web three adult adoption of web three?

The Role of Telegram

Yeah, I think for this question, I think the telegram will be a very nice sample. Right. Because, you know, nearly telegram have attract many, so many web tours into the web three and also in the web three ecosystem, many mini game project and many project which integrate with also the tone ecosystem and the Telegram. They launch lots of project and they also track, they make lots of traffic from the telegram, to be honest. I think from Telegram we can get many, many traffic from web two because, you know, Webtoon have very large number of users. They have about, I think it's about thousand, million a little. Forget it. Sorry. But just like I said, and often, actually, we also launched our mini game on Telegram and it helped the minigame which called N Jump is about minigame which the end will jump higher and higher.

Engagement through Games

And if users jump more higher, they can get more points. It's very easy. Right. This easy game help us to attract many traffic from reptile. We have like we attract many users to create our community. We attract about the southern users from the community. And actually I think it's a very classical example for this question. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, man, definitely we did the same building our mini game platform up on Telegram. So were able to really tap into the massive user base of Telegram. So really it's a simple but very effective way to really bridge web two into web three. What about you, Julie? What do you think about this question?

User Onboarding Strategies

Yeah, I think for the web two platforms like Twitter and Telegram and Discord, they are definitely a very large pipeline for web three projects and web three products. And currently there are a lot of very mature ways of onboarding users from these platforms, like mini games on Telegram or Solana blinks on Twitter. And I think there's currently no effective tools to onboard users from Discord right now. Yeah. So the onboarding is getting, I think is getting a little bit easier than before with more tools developed. But the core issue is more related to retention after onboarding from this web two platforms, web three projects and products need to have some differentiation and real value add for these new users acquired for them to retain and even become a paying user. Yeah. And that's probably a more important problem.

Brand Collaborations

We need to solve along the way. Yeah. And apart from these social media platforms in web two, I think there are other kinds of web two collaborations, like collaborating with existing large brands like Adidas or Nike or other consumer products like in base have collaborated with Adidas before. And those branding collaborations also help raise the awareness of web three or on chain experiences among the web two users like the customers of Adidas. And also there are other experiments like collaborating with the offline coffee shops and offline bars in the NYC area. Users can just use the coinbase wallet to buy any coffee or cocktails using $1 on base. And that also helped drive the adoption of on chain wallet or the on chain experiences among the base ecosystem. Yeah. And I think this kind of web two collaborations also are the good examples of helping the mass adoption.

Importance of Education

Yeah. I think those are some fantastic examples you've been able to highlight there. Julie, thanks a lot for the information. I think we have. Stephen back, what do you think about this question? Yeah. All right, buddy. So what role do partnerships with traditional web two platforms play in driving web three adoption? How can web three companies really leverage collaborations with platforms like Twitter, Facebook or even Telegram? Sure. Can you guys hear me now? Yeah, buddy. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you. And apologies for the hiccup before. So, collaborations between web three and traditional web two platforms, of course. Is everybody agreed here? I think could be a game changer for mass adoption.

Integrating Web Three Functionalities

And if we partner with those established platforms, social media networks, e commerce sites, banks or otherwise, we can integrate the Webtree functionalities in already popular and ready products. But we must do it in a way that feels natural to users. For example, imagine being able to trade crypto or participate in decentralized finance straight from a platform you already trust, like your broker or your online banking. At Terbiso, we are looking at ways to bridge these worlds by making arbitrage trading accessible without needing deep technical or trading know how, for that matter. Thank you.

Onboarding Strategies in Web Three

All right, man. Fantastic. It looks like Arbiso is already doing things and putting measures in place to actually bridge web two and web three platforms. So let's move to the final question of the day. What strategies should web three projects implement to improve user education and bridge the knowledge gap for mass adoption? I think over the course of this AMA, we've all been able to highlight the fact that education is really important and getting more users into web three. So what strategies do you think projects can implement to improve the user education? Let's stay with Stephen from Arbisu.

Educational Initiatives for User Engagement

Sure. Sure. Thanks. And yeah, of course, yeah. User education is a big one, and web three projects need to invest in clear, digestible content and gamification. As mentioned earlier, that helps bridge the knowledge gap for those web three users. And this could be anything for interactive courses. It was mentioned before, easy to follow video guides, customer support as both patient and educational, and so on. And of course, employing reliable and trusted influencers. That's one of my priorities as a CMO. So content partnership with influencers or web three platforms can help demystify web three for new users, because crypto is still a mistake for most of the world, I think.

Simplifying Trading for Beginners

And platforms like Arbiso focus on simplifying trading strategies and making them as accessible as possible. Because a lot of people come to crypto for trading, let's face it, through smart automation, which involves, of course, very advanced AI, immersive and integrated throughout decentralized and centralized exchanges, constant monitoring and basically watching panels, strategies that take advantage much faster than the trader can do. And that's all under the hood, though. Our interface is extremely easy and people just see their risk, their exposure, which is low, and their profit. So users don't have to be experts to get started with our platform, and this is how we do things.

Engaging Educational Content

Thank you. Back to you. All right, Stephen, thank you. How about you, Johnson? What do you think? Okay, so I think that creating engaging and accessible educational content is very essential. Like, I think this can include like spanner videos, interactive tutorials, I think also articles which can break down compact concepts into easy to understand language. Like for example, like using the relatable analogies can help demystify blockchain technology for those unfamiliar with it. And I also think, like, the space we know in the space and keep the q and a session can also foster direct life of communication between experts and users.

Fostering Community and Gamification

And this approach, I think, not only will allow users to ask questions in real time, but, yeah, also help build a sense of community around project. Right. And I also think that if we incorporate gamification into educational initiatives, I think it can make learning more enjoyable. Like, you know. Yeah, I think people don't like to learn the new language, the new knowledge. Right. So I think if we add more gamification into the educational initiative, I think it will really improve the incentive for the web users to learn web free knowledge.

Incentivizing Learning in Web Three

For example, like we can offering like the rewards for completing educational modules or quiz can incentive users to engage with the material while reinforcing their understanding of referee context rights. So, yeah, I think this way I think will very helpful for web tools to learn web three knowledge. Thank you. Thanks a lot, Johnson. How about you, Dexter? Can you share some thoughts on this question? Yeah, yeah, thanks. I'm finally catching up.

Innovative Approaches to Education

So, yeah, education web three doesn't always have to be formal. It can be experimental. A strategy that has worked well and it has been proved by a lot of other projects, is embedding education within the product itself.

Real-Time Tutorials and User Engagement

Instead of asking users to read long guides or articles or some research, we can provide real time tutorials in the products or in the telegram bot instead. So, for example, how to play, how to get reward, and how to withdraw the tokens and understand their rewards. Additionally, we could use simple and relative signals to help. For instance, like the. Instead of showing the pow rewards in terms of earning daily interest, we could just tell them that you could get some daily rewards from our main app. Something like that. Yeah. So. Thanks a lot, Dexter. I think you made some great suggestions there. How about you, Julie? What do you think?

Three Aspects of User Learning

Yeah, I think there are like three aspects or three ways. Firstly, gamification definitely is a good way to lower the burden of learning the web three knowledge. And secondly, I think wealth effect also helps. Yeah. People will naturally be driven by the wealth effect to learn more web fit knowledge because we can see that we have several waves of mass adoption in the past several cycles, many driven by the wealth effect. Like the defense summer, NFT summer, and then gamefest summer and meme coins. Yeah. And lastly, I think this one is the most important, which is to build. To build products and experiences that can really add value to existing web two users that they can feel that web three technologies can really help them improve their current experiences. And in this way, it will be more sustainable for users to be willing to join the new world of Web three.

Project Updates and Developments

Definitely. Thanks a lot, Julie. I think that brings us to the final part of today's AMA, where we're gonna give all the projects a chance to share some exciting updates or events pertaining to their projects. Let's start with Stephen from RBCU. Do you have any updates or anything you would like to share with the audience members pertaining to RBCU? Hey, Stephen, do we have you? Yeah, I'm here. I'm sorry, I just was switched on another app, so apologies for that. Absolutely. I'd be very happy to give some updates. Thank you for the opportunity. As I mentioned at Arbiso, our goal is to make crypto trading, and we also are incorporating now the new and not so new, but more and more exciting. Real world asset tokenized in crypto trading. Very easy, accessible, intuitive and most importantly profitable. When people start making some money crypto, well that will get excited.

Continued Growth and Future Prospects

That's our goal here. As a trader myself in stocks and then forex and crypto, I'm very excited about this because we didn't have these tools back in this our AI, that's the update is of course like any AI heavy layer of machine learning that improves over time and take over the world and bring Judgment Day. But that's not a topic. But for now though, it's making more and more money. I think we might have lost Steven there. Can we, can we have Johnson, do you have any updates you want to share with the audience? Oh yeah, thank you. Like actually often we will unlike all offshore version application this month and everybody join our application at the first time. We'll get lots of rewards. And if you guys are interested about that, you guys can follow our twitter and follow the new, the latest news about elephant.

Mini Game Updates and Community Engagement

And also we have our mini game which called and jump. And if you guys are interested about that, you guys can click on our Twitter account and you can see we have a teacher bar there and you can click on and you can play the end jump. So everyone who are interested about the elephant, just folks are just follow our Twitter and focus on our latest news about our application. And yeah, welcome your rose, your gateway to web free. Yeah, thank you. Thank you Johnson. What about you Dexter? Do you have any updates or any exciting events pertaining to Miners club that you would love to share? Yeah, thanks for asking. We are excited to share that the Miners club has been tremendous growth, has been, has since tremendous growth.

Investment Trends and Future Initiatives

And in a very short time since they launched just 15 days ago, we have distributed over 300 million of FPC tokens to 500,000 users and on top of that, 6000 of our users have successfully withdraw over 30,000 of USDT through round platform. So also we are currently in talk with some top tier exchanges. Hopefully we could list our MVC tokens by development. Yeah, thanks for feel free to try out our media app and you could be finding some surprises from the game. Thanks. Thanks a lot Dexter. How about you Julie, do you have any updates from Tackle protocol? Yep, yep. Firstly, we work closely with forecast and base ecosystem and as you can see currently the TBL and on chain activities in the base ecosystem have been pretty, has grown a lot. So if you're interested in the base ecosystem, make sure you follow our twitter and we are going to have a lot of collaborations and campaigns coming up in the coming several weeks within the base ecosystem.

Community Growth and Future Collaborations

Maybe there will be some hidden wealth effect there. Yeah. And secondly, tackle protocol is dedicated to build a easy to use on chain social platform and experiences for everyone. And currently we have already have a lot of like core users on the platform, including Vitalik, including Jesse from base, including Chris Dixon from a seasoning z. So if you are interested in exploring the next generation on chain social experience, also welcome to follow our twitter and we are currently in the internal beta testing stage and soon we are going to have our open the beta testing, so make sure you stay tuned and we are going to offer some invitation codes in the coming several weeks.

Encouragement for Community Building

Yeah, and lastly, if you are building a community and you want to grow your community among the on chain users, also welcome to join taco platform because currently we have around 800k user on chain users there all are paid users. They're very eager to learn more about different on chain projects and platforms that they can get involved in. So if you're building community, also welcome to DME and we can explore more potential to build an on chain community together. That's pretty much it. Make sure follow our Twitter. I think we got Stephen back. Do you still have some updates you want to share? Hey, Stephen. Yeah, yeah, I'm here.

Updates on AI and Trading Platforms

Can you guys hear me? Yes we can, buddy. Fantastic. And apologies for the. I don't know what's the problem. Internet is very fast, so I'm on a VPN now. Hopefully it's better. I just want to share. I'm not sure where I cut off last time, but what we want to do is make it easy for crypto to be profitable to users, intuitive, user friendly and not complicated. And we believe that a lot of people who come to crypto are excited about all these better myths or reality. Huge profits made by people trading crypto. And we want to make this easy accessible again for everyone.

Concluding Thoughts

And that, we hope is going to help people to push them in the direction of crypto for other asset trading. It's extremely complicated and high capital, and you're against the big guys. Now, our AI, as any AI, keeps training itself by machine learning. With all the data from already completed millions of trades, he's getting integrated more and more in centralized and decentralized exchanges so they can monitor all these currency pairs for both spot and futures and react and panels automatically. And that so in a simple boiled down language, means much lower risk, much easier experience and much higher profits for our users. And I just want to end this point. Thank you. Thanks a lot.

Tailgather Games Updates

Stephen, let me use this opportunity to share some updates regarding tailgather games. We all know Tailgather is a really exciting ecosystem. We always have lots of going on. Currently, we just launched our tailgather bots, which is powered by carve through the cell gather bot. You could start earning pog by inviting your friends to join the platform and earn bonus pog from their earnings. You could also earn Pog from playing live games like Banana and Fantastic. We also recently just launched another game called Animal Combo. This is the third epic game on the tell gather platform.

Final Remarks

It's really gonna blow your mind where you. All you have to do is to get ready to dive into the animal combo with the wildest, most explosive match three game you've ever seen. So that brings us to the end of today's AMA. Thank you to the older guests for joining us, and a bigger thank you to the audience for. For participating in this AMA. If you have any last words, you can just unmute your mic, say them. If not, I think we could end the AMA here. All right, guys, I think that's it for today's AMA. Once again, thank you for joining us.

Acknowledgments and Closing

Thank you to julie from tackle protocol, Dexter from minus club, Johnson from alpha and games, and Stephen from RB soup. We look forward to next time it. Thank you, guys.

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