Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by _FutureLegend

Space Summary

Diving into the depths of raw emotions and introspective musings, the Twitter space unfolded as a poetic journey through personal reflections and shared narratives. Themes of vulnerability, resilience, and nostalgia resonated through the lyrical expressions, sparking intimate conversations on growth, relationships, and the complexities of human existence. Participants engaged in a communal exploration of emotional landscapes, fostering connections through shared narratives and empathetic insights. The space provided a platform for introspection, empathy, and a deep dive into the intricate tapestry of human emotions, weaving together threads of personal growth, identity reflections, and collective introspection in the realm of artistry and storytelling. ON CHAIN SUMMER // BASE WILL EXPLODE ? ?, Community Transparency, Ethics, Financial Freedom, Education and Investment.

For more spaces, visit the Art page.


Q: What themes were prominent in the lyrical expressions shared?
A: Vulnerability, nostalgia, introspection, resilience.

Q: How did participants engage with the themes of personal growth and relationships?
A: Through introspective discussions and reflections on past experiences.

Q: What imagery characterized the narrative of the conversation?
A: Tumultuous peaks and valleys, emotional depth, and poignant reflections.

Q: What was the overarching atmosphere of the space conversation?
A: Shared vulnerability, empathy, and a sense of communal introspection.

Q: How did the shared lyrical verses resonate with participants?
A: By evoking emotions, fostering connections, and sparking profound reflections.

Q: What role did personal narratives play in the dialogue?
A: They served as threads weaving together themes of growth, acceptance, and self-discovery.

Q: In what way did the space delve into the complexities of human emotions?
A: By exploring the nuances of feelings, memories, and the intricacies of the human experience.

Q: What insights emerged from the shared discussions on identity and purpose?
A: Participants delved into questions of self-definition, life’s meaning, and the journey towards self-realization.

Q: How did the space foster a sense of connection among participants?
A: Through shared narratives, mutual understanding, and a collective exploration of emotional landscapes.

Q: What was the significance of the conversation in terms of personal reflections and growth?
A: It provided a platform for introspection, empathy, and a deep dive into the complexities of human emotions.


Time: 00:09:41

Building Community: Emphasis on building a community based on ethics, morals, and transparency

Time: 00:11:21

Upcoming Projects: Announcement about new projects and speakers

Time: 00:14:33

Investment Safety: Advice on keeping assets safe and doing thorough research

Time: 00:27:32

Base Chain Education: Discussion on the educational exploration of the base chain

Time: 00:29:18

Organic Growth: Importance of organic and transparent community growth

Time: 00:32:05

Personal Accountability: Call for personal responsibility and accountability in web3 interactions

Time: 00:41:35

Values in Web3: Discussion on restoring values like safety, transparency, and honesty to achieve mass adoption

Time: 00:57:07

Future Plans: Plans to harness attention on the base platform during the upcoming bull run

Time: 01:03:05

Community Marketing: Insight into future marketing strategies and community engagement

Time: 01:06:32

On-chain Summer: Anticipation of significant volume and activity in base projects during on-chain summer

Key Takeaways

The conversation delved into the emotional depth of experiences, capturing the essence of raw feelings and introspection

The lyrics shared in the space reflected a mix of vulnerability, nostalgia, and a contemplative outlook on life

Participants engaged in discussions revolving around personal growth, the impact of memories, and the evolution of relationships

The narrative painted vivid imagery of a tumultuous journey, highlighting the highs and lows that shape one’s existence

Expressing emotions through poetic verses, the dialogue resonated with themes of self-discovery and resilience

The space fostered a sense of shared vulnerability and empathy, echoing the universal struggles and triumphs of human existence

Participants connected through a shared exploration of inner landscapes, acknowledging the complexities of navigating emotions

The lyrical expressions served as a gateway to profound reflections on identity, purpose, and the tapestry of experiences that define us

Themes of growth, introspection, and acceptance intertwined to create a tapestry of shared narratives and interconnected insights

The space provided a platform for connection, understanding, and a deep dive into the multifaceted layers of human emotions

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks and Meeting Structure

“All hands on deck. Thank you so much for being patient today. Okay, we got a lot of moving pieces here. Oh, man. This is crazy. We just try to have some fun, man. We all got a lot of stuff going on. So it’s all love. Thank you everybody for putting up with my shenanigans. But we gonna make this exciting for you all. Don’t worry. That’s the whole point. We want to showcase the project in a very fun way. Have fun while doing it. So. All right. One second.”

Making it Fun

“Hardest thing. Because I even I was even talking to Lou last night. And I was like, damn, this is actually kind of a pretty good idea, right? Because I feel like a lot of us spaces have gotten kind of boring because people just show up just try to shill a project and then leave and we don’t want that. We want to, and I know this isn’t too much too different but we are putting fun into something serious. And that’s what’s cool is we’re gonna add an element of excitement into it and make it more about having fun rather than just trying to show you a project. And you get to win some ETH too just for joining something that you love to do anyway. Right?”

Technical Issues

“Absolutely. I did get dumped from the mobile app. So let’s wait for a few moments here. And Fernando asked, we also are live streaming right now. So if you are watching on YouTube, apologies for all the technical difficulties and hiccups. This is just one of those things that the family puts up with, you know? But the show must go on. And that’s what it’s about. Not only are you gonna have tech issues, but you just gotta make sure that you follow through and continue to keep stepping forward. So thank you, everybody, for being patient. We’ll get started here in just another minute or so. All right. Thank you for your patience.”

Welcoming Everyone

“Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. I’m all about all I’m sitting here, kind of late. So no problem there. We’ll bring them all up also have everybody come on in we’re trying to make it a party. We’re chill here everybody. Yeah, absolutely. Alright. So let’s welcome everybody to a space. You know the drill. I’m gonna use them off and then we’ll get started. Yeah, there’s something wrong. So thank you Nando. Yes sir. Thank you sir. Appreciate it sir. I got to you a few times while waiting. I actually took advantage of that opportunity to follow quite a few of you also. Thank you so much for being here. And thank you for pulling up. I appreciate it. Yeah, this is a party, fellas. Appreciate it. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. Let’s go.”

Showcasing the Project 

“Okay. So I guess we can get started. But first of all, I wanna thank everybody for joining today. And basically, we want to showcase a project in a fun way but in a very entertaining way and more importantly, this is kind of like a thank you to the people that have been supporting us. But also we want to make it fun for you to win some ETH. If you get to that stage and more importantly I wanna showcase demand behind the project there’s a lot of them in here. Tyler’s here. Charles is here Luis here. Congratulations to everybody. Who who came. So first of all, before we do, go ahead. And thank you guys for pulling up today. We’re gonna be doing something fun. This is gonna be different for a lot of you all. We are going to have fun pulling up Apes. Hey, hey. My bad, sorry, got the people here. Let me get you invited here. Yeah, just to kind of piggyback off what you mentioned yeah we’re gonna have a fun time here and then we’re gonna give away some fun. And, you know, it’s just a way for us to introduce you to Apes, you know?”

Excitement and Engagement

“Yeah. We feel that by the end of this space, you’ll have a better understanding of what we have here and why this is such a special project and why we are so excited to be presenting it. So yeah. Absolutely. And feel free to fill in as you fit. How we feeling fellas chime in and then like I said, this is we’re trying to wing this and just have some fun talk about. But conversation better flow in. Hopefully, I added you the those links. And I wanna make sure. So I’m apologize if I’m a little off Kelly. Not trying to make sure conversation gets flowing. I see a shadow’s on. I see Lou and Charles on. So let me see here. I’ve invited you all to speak. Yeah, yup. You guys got the invites you’re gonna see some more people popping up here in a bit. And then believe ready to jump into it. Absolutely. Absolutely.”

Introduction to Base Apes

“Okay. Yeah. Don’t don’t leave anything on the table. If you got, you know, fun questions to show funny little stuff, anything in mind. We’re gonna make it laugh a little too. So maybe you learned a thing or two, a little bit about this project we’re gonna introduce you to. You wanna make this as fun as possible, shadow no financial advice given. So, you know, we know you know you. We really appreciate all you showing up. Thank you so much. Yeah absolutely. Okay. So the name of this project is called Base Apes. And basically the name kind of speaks for itself. We are all a bunch of Apes here who love this project who are very excited about it. But let the base Apes come in and let them do their thing.”

Project Development and Community Involvement

“I’m trying to get a couple of the guys on the call as well who who actually helped me initiate this project and bring it to life and as you know those who follow me know we have been building for quite some time. Right? And we are feeling that this is probably a good time for us to go into the next phase of apes and let’s make it fun and more importantly let’s make sure we get everybody to the stage of making money together. So base Apes is an interesting project where basically we have been following and working on for a while now and pull up a chair so everybody can, you know, kind of watch see how the evolution push forth before we continue.”

Participation and Interaction

“And anybody else want to chime in and Charles, Lou, you want to join in because I think a lot of you will have a lot of people bring their synergy and their input to yeah come on, come on in. And and I see Tyler and Durell are also here. If you guys want to invite. And the guys that are just pulling up now Lou is shadow Durell. I’m sorry I’m in this chatty crate right now. Let me pull you up. So yeah, once again, thank everybody for pulling up especially if you are watching this on YouTube. I want to open the floor and just have you all come in and I’m gonna in and out on that moment we talk about Apes and shadow. Let’s see. I see you. Come on. There we go. Yeah I see you in here.”

Open Discussion

“So. All right. You want me to go around the Apes please? Oh, absolutely. I see Lou here for your speaker. Appreciate it brother. Let’s do it, but let’s let’s keep the shittingrans going project. You know, we’re very excited about. And, you know, I didn’t actually have a chance to meet other guys before we get started. So Charles definitely come on in. Let’s looks like I’m having troubles. I about to say yes. We’re still good to go, right. Well long for the apes. Okay, okay. There we go. Yes sir. Okay. So as you know, as Fernando mentioned. Okay. Appreciate it, Nando. Good people, Lou. Got you. Back? Yeah, I can in here. We ain’t gonna wait any longer on this.”

Community Support and Ethical Standards

“Nope. My man got the hard questions lined up we gonna get everything a few moments here and to follow up. Please give a follow to all our lovely YouTube viewers, people who are on our live, appreciate it. Come out and support the base. And once the Apes come in, you will understand what’s going on. Absolutely. Good. Lou. Come on. I see you, man. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. I’m in the middle of talking about Apes right now talk about something else. Go ahead, Lou. Alright. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. Okay. Okay. For a second, then. And and, you know, I’d like to. I’d like to talk to the guys.”

Collaborative Philosophy

“The base Apes. Lou Charles you’re free to request a microphone and also ask some questions and feel free to yeah, let’s let’s keep this fun. Absolutely. You know all of us came together and we all kind of have the same fundamental philosophies as friends that that you know we built base Apes. We didn’t do this together. And and we built base Apes from the same fundamental philosophy. That everyone should be cooperating to win here. I realized that, you know, there’s no need for competitiveness, you know, and space is actually quite big. It’s a huge space in the opportunity for growth and success for everyone far surpasses anything that anyone can handle on their own. So there’s no need for you to compete for you to win. We can’t all win together. There’s a way to do it, and it’s by being forthright and kind.”

Addressing Misogyny

“As Gina was saying, misogyny will not be tolerated in any of our spaces with any of that nonsense. People need to grow the fuck up. I don’t know what these men think. You think you’re getting a real woman by not treating her like a real woman with respect? Who are you kidding? Who are you kidding? So, you know, I just got to tell you know, it’s been a pleasure and a journey, and I love building like, I see base Apes. Yeah, we’re in. We’re in your project, brother. We support you. You know, we want to support other people that are builders and growers that are doing the right thing in this space. We’re here for you. My DM’s are open. You want to talk about ideas and principles, troubles that you’re having. I owned and operated restaurants and nightclubs for over 30 years. I have my finger on the pulse of business. This is unique, but we should be resources for each other. If you guys have a question about things, let’s talk about it. Maybe we can help. It’d be our pleasure to be a part of your journey as well and to help you succeed, as long as you have the right ethics and morals, it’s our pleasure to be a part of it.”

Gratitude and Farewell

“Thank you, Lou. Thank you, Lou. Thank you for that. And like I said, I’m going to. Have to jump in a moment, brother. And I really apologize for interrupting. And I really appreciate sincerely, for you having us on your space. I will be on again if I’m invited back. It would be nothing but a pleasure. But I know I am super late for a call, and today’s been kind of a whirlwind. So much love to everybody here that’s building and growing and really appreciate the host for hosting everybody and the audience for their time tonight. We appreciate the opportunity to share our message. So don’t hate me for jumping out, please. No. Thank you, brother. Thank you, brother. It’s all love, brother. Yeah. Thank you very much, Luke. Thank you for the message. Big love. Thank you so much, guys. And Lou, you’re available because I know you’re up next.”

Technical Set-Up

“And that dude represent, hey, Luis. Lou is somewhere still on planet Earth. Maybe by Mars. But, uh, yeah, Lou, please come on in and let me give you a chance to speak, brother. I’ve been doing a lot of talking but I’d love to hear from you, OK? Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. As Lou’s getting set up, I just want to send them much love and appreciation. You know, we we’re we got a journey together and all you’re doing is absolutely love it. Everything you do. Yes. Everything. Everything you said. But let’s keep this going, fellas. Shut this up. The base Apes is right here. We’ll go all the way baby. Let’s go. It took you too long to join. By little bro here.”

Base Apes Introduction

“I got people asking me questions about Apes. I had conversations yesterday so tell me tell me about base Apes. Oh. I got you. Yeah, let let me apologize and intro. Thank you for being here and taking the time out to hear us out here as we obviously have mitigated some things getting to this point. Lou Thank you sir.’s for pulling up. Let me tell you.. Absolutely. Absolutely. Hey, hey, appreciate it fellas appreciate it. Appreciate anyone here gotta tell you, you know, that we have been working tirelessly at telling Apes. We’re not like everyone else in this space. We believe fundamentally that we are all humans. We we build off respect. Ok, we have fun. We work hard. Ok. We have fun by promoting one in a while. You know, we have been doing everything possible to bring this project to life by showing and teaching community, I found some are the best out of the spaces. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yes. Absolutely.”

Project Structure and Growth

“We structure our projects a scuba full evolves really taking it take to make something grow and understand what it takes from the beginning to an end and that’s just facts. So appreciate it. Ok. Absolutely absolutely. Let me apologize. Let me reboot give it back to you. But I want to make this theater gonna take it off, but how many apes here gonna, shit guys you guys are fucking amazing. Thank you appreciate your patience your support. Yeah absolutely. Absolutely. Are there any bottles? Yeah, are there anybody else here? Questions, anything you want to talk to apes or anything else wanna show off to the community here. Wow, I gotta tell you. And I’m looking up this is real good real quick there. There’s some questions that I’ve been are coming up and I thank you so very negative. But in the end, let’s thank everyone coming aboard. Thank you again for showing up, showing out for base apes is a started in your heart and makes the community stronger. This wasn’t we couldn’t have got to work with everyone else is the most important thing about this.”

Community Collaboration and Support

“So obviously as is as a coined phrase that’s being used to tell this is gonna be fun and sophisticated. We all joined has showed how hard working a group of people can achieve in a short pressure period of time. Knowing that you know, everybody was doing this on a certain, getting things done it’s amazing. All so let’s keep these questions going and make sure that everyone knows their potential within all our projects and let’s move forward. Absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely. So true. Absolutely. Thank you. Yeah, man. All these community. Thank you everyone here and I know we’re gonna have to start bringing this down in a little bit, but it’s been a pleasure and we’re here for the ride together. we really are we are here for you. And let’s get this man come on now. Had a few kids here? Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely.”

Future Projects and Community Building

“Today yeah we’ve talked about our new projects. Apes is definitely a start. You bring the projects for the community building but just having loose talking on this definitely amazing. Ok everybody talking about build alpha build right? Opportunities position. This market is so important because they are building regardless of their space. You’re here for a long time building it fun able to move and happy. And so absolutely. Thank you everyone. Absolutely absolutely.”

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