Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This structured summary encapsulates the key discussions and highlights from the Twitter Space event, providing a glimpse into the vibrant gaming niche and its diverse range of topics discussed.


Q: How do NFTs benefit artists?
A: NFTs offer artists new revenue streams and secure the authenticity of their digital art.

Q: What challenges does the NFT market face?
A: Market volatility, regulatory uncertainties, and environmental issues are significant challenges.

Q: Why is community engagement vital for NFT projects?
A: Community engagement ensures project success and fosters a loyal following for NFT projects.

Q: What role does blockchain play in the NFT ecosystem?
A: Blockchain technology guarantees the authenticity, ownership tracking, and rarity of NFTs.

Q: Are there environmental concerns related to NFTs?
A: Yes, especially due to the high energy consumption of blockchain networks used by NFTs.

Q: How can artists start with NFTs?
A: Artists can begin with education, choosing appropriate platforms, and engaging with the community.

Q: How are NFT marketplaces evolving?
A: NFT marketplaces are diversifying to encompass various digital assets beyond art.

Q: What collaborations are emerging in the NFT space?
A: Tech developers and artists are increasingly collaborating in the NFT space.

Q: Is there a regulatory framework for NFTs?
A: Regulatory frameworks for NFTs are still in the developmental stage and vary by region.

Q: What does the future hold for NFTs?
A: The future indicates deeper integration of NFTs with virtual and augmented reality technologies.

Q: What opportunities exist for entrepreneurs in the gaming community?
A: Reselling collectibles, creating blind box drops, and engaging in collaborative ventures are promising.

Q: How does context influence AI-based moderation in online platforms?
A: Context plays a crucial role as AI sometimes struggles to differentiate nuances.


Time: 00:00:43
NFTs shaping the digital art world.

Time: 00:00:50
Discussion on market volatility and NFT prices.

Time: 00:00:53
Significance of community engagement in NFT projects.

Time: 00:00:57
Blockchain's role in ensuring NFT authenticity and scarcity.

Time: 00:01:02
Environmental concerns related to NFTs.

Time: 00:01:06
Artist education on NFT potential and risks.

Time: 00:01:10
Diversification of NFT marketplaces.

Time: 00:01:15
Collaborations between tech developers and artists in NFT.

Time: 00:01:19
Regulatory frameworks evolving for NFTs.

Time: 00:01:23
Anticipated NFT integration with VR and AR.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on the rising popularity of collectible items in the gaming community.
  • Opportunities for entrepreneurship through reselling collectibles.
  • Exploring the significance of iconic characters like Spawn in the gaming and comic book realm.
  • Collaborative efforts to create engaging content and entrepreneurial ventures in gaming.
  • Discussion on the challenges of content moderation and free speech in online platforms.
  • Importance of context in algorithmic decision-making processes.

Behind the Mic

It could be 250. It's whatever you want. I mean, we, it's. It could be 25 pieces. It could be 100 pieces. We can work with you. Our team can work with you and figure out what makes the most sense in quantity, in price. Price. And. And we'll work with you to set it all up. White glove services. Be white glove service. I could do a spawn. You think there's a market or. There's a lot of people that are looking for spawn comics. They say it's the number one selling comic, you know, ever is Spawn friend. Fran should, chime in on most. Definitely. Under a $100 as be my best friend now. I was definitely, Spawn is one of the most iconic characters and comic books, especially in the nineties. That's when, you know, I really started popping off. The market is there, for sure. Yeah, I agree. For the Japanese Spider-Man, if you look it up. Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure that's the lowest pop of the 2016, just based off the numbers that we have. how they're reported. Every time we run the count, I think that's always our lowest pop of any of the main heroes. And I'm sorry, SB, you need to correct me on this one. Wasn't the Japanese Metal Hero the first appearance of the Sentai Spider-Man? So, if anyone's seen the Metal Hero Spider-Man, that was his first appearance, the Japanese sorts like version of Spider-Man, like he's almost like a Power Ranger in some regard. That was the metal, Japanese, like, card for that, when they first came out with Pokemon cards for Spider-Man. Yeah. So right there. I would, I would totally agree with those being graded and slabbed and creating something special for those cards. For sure. Bend, I, I apologize, but if you have anything else to contribute to the topic or SB or anyone before we move on, there's one more thing to discuss before we move on. We good? I think we can move on. Alright. And I know, you know, well, I don't know, but you know, we've been entering the bear market, you know, as people thought in terms of grading. And, you know, how do we plan to navigate the bear market? In terms of grading the wax Pwcc vault and so forth. So we were prepared very early on into this. There is a lot of talk about just making sure, You know, our dollars were managing our, our economics as far as far as you know, staffing and folks, Our expenses are are down, preparing that initial And we've been pretty confident in terms of like collections. We know that there's still a lot of cards out there in the wild. Our reach is somewhat finite and that's kind of the catalyst behind some of the marketing initiatives that we've driven towards. As we kind of end this year and we go into 2024, we're really going to be doubling down on international, truly becoming a global company, Whether that's Asia, European markets. We're going to keep our expense profile very small in terms of, you know, prizes and bringing the consumer in. But we think that international is gonna be very big for us in terms of growth. We still see us having a huge market share. So we focus a lot on professional athletes as well as influencers and some of these tactical folks that really have expanded our collector base and our audience base. As we talk about influencer marketing coming on 2024, is there a big push for us to really broaden our base. Things that you don't see are happening in the background are some of the deals that we got with like the bulls, the phoenix Suns. We're really trying out. It's more effective way to expand in terms of sports properties and then then, overall kind of our message in terms of what we're doing to connect with collectors. All right. All right. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. Alright. Well with that, you got something to add? No, I was just going to lead to questions, but I'll let you go ahead, SB. Go ahead. Specifically, if you were talking about a bear, w we have yet to release any of our sales data. Right? So Michael, who you guys know is like Data Scientist for some of the major card shops, major card brands. We partnered with him to actually start looking at a lot of our data. Unfortunately, We only have about 20% of our slab counts coming in. So that is completely due to, you know, just being backed up and not having a solid baseline for people yet to have full transparency on that. The other thing that I was going to mention and I'm blanking out here. And that's the, those %s are over the past six months, correct? As far as our slab counts. Yeah. That's that's fully. So. I I believe historically speaking, when you go back to the early collections of Pokemon, you go back to the early sports cards, I believe that it it's actually consistent with a lot of where those collection bases were outside of the true mass collections where you're seeing anything below 20%. The thing is though, we've, we've done some auctions through the vault and certain things, but we haven't fully utilized it yet at 100% to get the actual counts of what the baseline will be. And additionally, were those sample sizes small that we've released? Yeah. Right? Those, those And that's why we don't have actual data because it's only been within the last six, i – five to six months, which has been kind of a fail safe because all of our guys want to go and release things right away. But what's Michael there to help provide a true analysis of what's going on. Yeah. And just piggybacking off what you said, I think, you know, we're in a good position as, as in terms of communication between our base is how so much of what we do, and what we intend on as rolls out and comes out from Michael's feedback. So thinking about getting into the grading market or becoming a better grader or becoming knowledgeable in terms of grading, we've really put in a lot of effort and time laying that groundwork last year. And so we've really had a huge impact in terms of the data that we've been collecting. A good example of that is that we, in terms of opportunity costs in 2023, although we have not had big numbers or releases in the grading markets, the infrastructure side and operations side of what we've built has created a lot of value, time, and cost effectiveness in terms of those members who're just now getting into grading or just starting out, We hope to have that feedback fullly and fully released by the end of the season with Michael. So that's something to look out for as well. A good example of that opportunity cost is when we go specifically in through the wax side and impact it's going to continue to blow up the economy for us to target. internationally to increase investors from all the markets out there. Because our fee schedule prices are low. They're consistent. They know up front what they're paying and they know there's no back and forth negotiations when it comes to doing international sales. That's something that has existed in the industry for a long time. But for PSA, for example, impossible to compete on an international level. But we've created that opportunity based on what we've seen specifically in the United States with what our vault does and our sales are showing. It's not just the case for graded sales, but it's showing actual raw cards, it's showing memorabilia, it's showing everything from coins to comic books to signatures, So I think that perspective had shed a clearer light on the strategy when it comes to leaving the United States market and going internationally. And that's what we've truly done successfully with Michael and his team. That's something we've been working on again internally. Specific to next year as announcing some of the new partners. So, you know, as you've noticed, we've been doing a lot of product integrations and partnerships. Yeah. With with different, industries out there. And so what we can say is that in the terms of our partnerships and our integrations, much of where we've had success has been outside and smaller scale but larger run partnerships. So smaller grade programs and integration partners to to reveal. , you know, for example, we're, we're working within our, our sb has been working within our network and, and pushing integrations into smaller networks that essentially become FTE, become vault customers. Right? And so, you know , as you know, we did like Carsland last year and that blew up. People have been clamoring for it to come back, and they were just clamoring for deals like that. Michael and his team will continue to deliver on those points. And and end. So. It's looking like that. The way to go up. I just want to be conscious on time. Before you can move on to the last thing I wanted to say from our audit metrics. A month ago, we found cards that were just sent in just to be graded. And there was one card that sold out that was probably to Rs core collectors, Not that the card is rare because of the pop count, But just that it was just an awesome, some way to look at a card that maybe traditionally, never skipped out or released through a blind box from heritage or our vault and folks really want to hold on to And, so we're going to continue to move our message there that you're going to see more and more rare releases from our vault integrated directly to our collectors in the most transparent, open way, and I'm super excited about that. Right. Good. And for next couple of weeks, we'll be releasing the list out. We're going to ask you to offer feedback on those to make those better, totally open to those suggestions. And then we'll go from there. Awesome. Awesome. Alright, thank you very much, Sb. And I know you mentioned there was a last topic you wanted to bring up, so please go ahead. Yeah. Two fold. Two for question and combine on those. But you notice from our collections be like good problem to have I'm going through collections daily. Most of these folks have been here for years, have had these cards, have the collectibles from not finished the last decade or likely one or two decades ago. So I wanted to open to the group, you know, preorders and, just some background on, you know, frontloading cards, you know, pandemic. that's when we saw majority of those high-end cards, high-end slabs that had such a huge impact. So Going back, you know, if if pre orders is something you feel need to be revisited, obviously before my time, But just wanted to see if we can dive into that for a little bit. Yeah. Um Mario, I assume you're going to cover that? as the collection front. But that was essentially what we heard from the majority of those clients we talked to so opening that up Vicente? Yeah, absolutely. This was a very complex topic for us, and we've been going back and forth on it quite a bit. Unfortunately, the market has taken a significant hit since the early pandemic highs. We've prepared a lot to adjust our economics to keep in mind the customer base and their sensibilities while doing ethical collections. we are focused on quality and right now we're looking at partners that will be sanded out in terms of originals, not just scale. Individuals were once again hit pretty severely, and they're all struggling a bit more in terms of procuring, in terms of costs. And so we're fine-tuning that. You do see a ton of investments and these high-end collections, but people need to be more comfortable, authenticating materials at a high level, validating slabs, and understanding preorders. We're very cautious on how to balance it out without leading to a glut. And I'm curious to hear Mario's perspective on that as well. Yeah. Not too much to add. I'll say that preorders, still have a place especially for those kind of flash drops, you could say. I think it it's very rare that I'm opening a collection and I'm not seeing something from that mid-2020s time period during those flash-sale drops during the pandemic. So we're definitely going to consider preorders, but it will be a combined strategic effort, and anybody who's reading or listening let us know your thoughts and feedback as always. Keep an eye on our communications for further updates on possible preorder testing. And, thank you again. Alright. And, Michael, once those get the release dates for preorders, the calendar and so forth, you will be able to post that on the on the vault site once it goes live. Yeah, Absolutely. I'll coordinate with our SEO team. we'll have a full press release to go out and notify everyone. This is important for guys to plan your schedule in advance and if they want to buy into certain auctions or lots. And can't for some reason, our online preorders can kind of give folks a chance to prepare more effectively, rather than last year opening day, may or may not be missing out on it just because of timings. Cool. Good. Alright. Moving on to the final topic. Um so we did a test that happened last month. Hangouts were wildly successful. Everyone loved connecting. And we really got closer with the community. people were just opening up tickets for grades, doing trades, doing box, asks, and basically getting more intimate sessions directly seeing what they got and the value. We're thinking once again consolidating so every other week we'll be doing that narratives and essentially opening it up to introductions with other collectors right away and then we'll pick up on our usual Q&A's and discussions after that as well. The feedback was just amazing, everyone felt not only heard but had more dignity in their collection More transparency. and we'll continue that until early next year when we announce more partnerships. Thoughts on that? Yeah, It has been terrific from my perspective. It's completely integrated with what we do. and just community building in general never hurts. it's good to connect and listen people out. And we plan to launch a similar environment within the PSA vault so that people have all the resources they need at the palm of their hands. I'll add one point. We are mapping out FAQs and consolidating support material to make it more accessible and intuitive for our users. Thanks again and any specific dates for the next one yet? That will be on November 12th, and that session will take place 1 PM – 5 PM Eastern. Cool. Be sure to announce that in the next week especially on site and discord. Great. One last thing. Earlier data was mentioned. For instance, we had over 10,000 collections come in the last month. there's quite a bit that needs processing. that's purely organic really without much extra push. It's incredible to see unfold and I'm excited to take more steps ensuring everyone processing stays as best as possible. Excellent to hear. That's huge success everyone. Yes. Very much so. Thanks. I got a text message correcting, but yes, profits is correct. I. That, but real. And to what? To what SB was just saying, this is the. Exactly what we're seeing in our discord right now. People are literally opening up tickets and or posting content where they're going to their local card shows and card shops because maybe they only have 40 or 50 cards, but now they're going out and buying another 20 or 30, right? They're out shopping, they're hitting flea markets, and they're sending them to us because they want to be involved. They want to do their own blind box drop. So SP hit the nail on the head. Like, if you've ever wanted to be an entrepreneur and you ever wanted to get into collecting, as on the, like, more on the reseller side, the colony's here to help you. That's what we're doing. And I real quick, SB, what's the name of your dog? It's Courtney with a K named after the Kardashian. Okay. but, yeah, did your guys. Do you guys have a market for sports?

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