Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Office Hours hosted by RDNTCapital. Office Hours delved into Radiant's innovative omnichain money market development on LayerZero, emphasizing seamless cross-chain interactions in the DeFi ecosystem. Radiant's initiative marks a pivotal advancement in enabling users to deposit and borrow across multiple blockchain networks effortlessly. With a focus on efficiency, connectivity, and user experience, Radiant sets a new standard for decentralized finance solutions. The conversation underscored the importance of interoperability in expanding accessibility within the DeFi landscape and highlighted LayerZero's role in driving Radiant's transformative financial services.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: What is Radiant's primary innovation discussed in the space?
A: Radiant is pioneering the development of an omnichain money market on LayerZero, enabling seamless cross-chain deposit & borrowing.

Q: Why is interoperability across multiple chains crucial for Radiant's money market?
A: Interoperability ensures users can easily access and utilize the platform across various blockchain networks.

Q: How does Radiant's initiative contribute to the DeFi ecosystem?
A: Radiant's development aims to enhance efficiency and connectivity within decentralized finance, providing more accessible financial services.

Q: Where can users find more information about Radiant's omnichain money market?
A: Users can access additional details about Radiant's platform through the provided link.

Q: In what way does Radiant's innovation set a new standard in DeFi?
A: By prioritizing seamless interactions between different blockchains, Radiant's platform establishes a higher level of connectivity and usability in decentralized finance.

Q: What milestone does Radiant's development mark in the DeFi landscape?
A: Radiant's initiative signifies a significant advancement in cross-chain DeFi solutions, pushing the boundaries of interconnected financial services.

Q: Why is LayerZero important for Radiant's financial solutions?
A: LayerZero plays a crucial role in enabling the innovative omnichain money market developed by Radiant, facilitating cross-chain transactions and interactions.

Q: How does Radiant's omnichain money market enhance user experience in DeFi?
A: By allowing seamless deposit and borrowing across multiple blockchains, Radiant's platform offers a more convenient and efficient DeFi experience for users.

Q: What potential benefits can users expect from utilizing Radiant's platform?
A: Users can benefit from enhanced accessibility, efficiency, and connectivity in managing their decentralized financial activities through Radiant's omnichain money market.

Q: What role does Radiant play in shaping the future of decentralized finance?
A: Radiant's innovative approach and focus on cross-chain functionality contribute to setting a new standard for interconnected and user-friendly DeFi solutions.


Time: 00:15:42
Radiant's Omnichain Money Market Development Exploring Radiant's groundbreaking initiative in building an omnichain money market on LayerZero.

Time: 00:25:18
Interoperability Across Multiple Chains Discussing the importance of seamless cross-chain interactions for Radiant's DeFi solution.

Time: 00:35:50
Efficiency and Connectivity in DeFi Ecosystem Highlighting how Radiant's platform enhances efficiency and connectivity within decentralized finance.

Time: 00:45:10
User-Centric DeFi Experience Examining how Radiant's platform prioritizes user experience through seamless cross-chain transactions.

Time: 00:55:29
Radiant's Role in Shaping the Future of DeFi Analyzing the impact of Radiant's innovation on the future landscape of decentralized finance.

Key Takeaways

  • Radiant is pioneering the development of an omnichain money market on LayerZero.
  • The platform enables users to deposit and borrow across various blockchain networks seamlessly.
  • Interoperability across multiple chains is a key focus for Radiant's money market solution.
  • Radiant's initiative aims to provide a more efficient and connected decentralized finance ecosystem.
  • The emphasis on cross-chain functionality is vital for expanding DeFi accessibility and usability.
  • Users can access Radiant's omnichain money market through the provided link for more information.
  • The discussion highlighted the significance of LayerZero in enabling Radiant's innovative financial solutions.
  • Radiant's approach signifies a step towards a more interconnected and efficient DeFi landscape.
  • The platform's focus on seamless interactions between different blockchain networks sets a new standard in decentralized finance.
  • Radiant's development marks a significant milestone in the evolution of cross-chain DeFi solutions.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Announcement of the Show

Don't need me a tower. Make sure you retweet this space. This is going to be a big one, baby. Let's go. Like you. Hey, what's up, what's up? It's your boy. Who, who? Be Ruth. Back at it again with the number one show in all of crypto, the longest running weekly show in all of crypto, and the most copied show in all of crypto, and that is Shilltank. We are back at it again, this time with our sponsored coin for the day. And that is Oracle Cat. Yes. We don't care what the market is doing, whether it's going up, whether it's going down, whether it's going sideways, it doesn't matter because there's always another one. There's always a coin that could be found at a one, two, $3 million market cap waiting for the big pump of bitcoin and altcoins.

Surprises and Market Behavior

I tell you this, there will be a big surprise. Pulp. I'm not saying it's going to be this week. I'm not saying it's going to be next week, and I'm not saying it's going to be a month from now. When that pump comes, the ones that are out there putting their name out in front of people will benefit the most from that pump. We see it every single time. We saw it with kendo, we saw it with Optimus, we saw it with God. I can just keep going. Everything that we saw that came here and shield at a $2 million market cap, palm chain, we saw it on so many coins that come up here and co host with us on shill tank. And so many coins that come to request to speak on Shill tank.

Utility on Solana

This is going to be a great one. We've got utility on Solana. What did I just say? That there's no way that's possible? Did I just say utility on Solana? I would never thought there was such a thing until Oracle came on Shield tank last week and we had no choice but to bring them up on the very next shill tank to hear the full story. Not three minutes, but the full story of everything that's going on with this project on Solana. Could it be the first utility meme coin on Solana? We are about to find out. We want to hear about their present. We want to hear about their future. And hell, maybe we want to hear about their pass.

Introduction of a New Guest

But before we get started, the man that has been missing for like three weeks, for a whole decade, I don't know where he's been at, but apparently he looks like a caveman from freaking Colorado that just got out of a cave. Allow me to introduce this stranger to shell tech, Ian, the UFC crypto king. Hi. This. What's going on, everyone? Vy, come on, bro. You were gone for two weeks in Japan. I miss one shield tag, man, this guy says I'm Mia for weeks. What's going on, everyone? Welcome back to another episode of Shill Take. It's good to be back. I'm not fully back. I got a beautiful view of the Colorado mountains, but I'm still looking for gems, man, because we got one year max to capitalize, and Oracle looks to be the next top cat on Solana.

Rules for Participation

But with that being said, guys, if this is your first time on the show and you want to be able to pitch your project, you must follow the three simple rules. Rule number one, retweet the space. If you're in here shilling, your community should know about it. Drop it in the telegram. The more people in here, the more people will hear your shill. Rule number two, you must follow the sharks. The sharks are be roots. Myself and our guest shark today, Oracle Cat. You must be following all three of us. Skip you, and you will lose your opportunity to shill in front of 336 people, and that will be a lot more very soon.

Request to Speak and Project Pitch Details

Also, guys, request to speak. You have a three minute slot to pitch your project. If it's trash, we're just going to cut you off. If it's amazing and we need more information, we might let you go longer. This is not financial advice. All the projects we pit that pitch today, we have not yet vetted, except Oracle. So do your own research. Buy, sell, and hold at your own discretion. Peeps, you know the deal. If you've been on shill tank and if this is your first time, welcome. But with that being said, before we start bringing projects up to come pitch, we got to give Oracle their time to shine. They came on shill tank last week. I heard it was a very good pitch, and I'm excited to hear what they're about.

Oracle Cat's Introduction

So, Oracle Cat, tell us about who you are. Predict the future, and tell us where you will be, and just talk about the narrative that you are. Yo, yo. Thanks for having us, guys. Really appreciate being here. And, yeah, thanks for the introduction, bro. So kind of a quick kind of introduction on us as a project. We're a prediction marker on Solana where you can choose predictions primarily across crypto, politics, and sports. I think prediction markets are inherently degenerate as a thing. So it's fitting for the Solana audience. Made sense for us to build this here.

Platform Features and Market Comparison

I think mainly we utilize what everyone knows, Solana transaction speed and cost, coupled with a pretty user friendly interface. We're prepped to dominate the market. It's the first of its kind on Solana. There's no competition on chain for us. Polymarket is our main competitor on EtH Polygon. They basically do half a billion in monthly volume. At the moment. They've really amped up due to the election and a bunch of the Olympics and other sporting events. They charge a 1% fee on that. So they kind of generate about $7.5 million in fees per month for their founders and for their shareholders. This is kind of what we endeavor to get to, but instead of keeping the fees for ourselves, ours go 100% back into buying and burning the oracle token.

Unique Features and Mascot of Oracle

So in the essence of crypto, like, the nature of it is to get buy pressure on our token. A bit like a few other projects like bonk work, and we generate that by user volume on the platform. We're building out a bunch of new features. But I would guess the main thing which is completely pioneering for the market is leverage predictions. So not kind of unlike leveraged trading. You'll be able to put x amount of collateral down, leverage yourself up 510 50 x, and then if your prediction comes through, your returns are outsized. But on the kind of flip side, if your prediction fails or begins to fail, you'll kind of get stopped out and lose your collateral. One final thing on the introduction, we have a mascot for the platform, a cat named Pudding.

Community and Expectations

You can see the at for her in our bio. She's seven for eight so far on predictions. She kind of makes them on videos that we retweet on the main page. She's definitely got something about her. We reckon she's had some anointment by God or something, because she's seven for eight, like I said, so she's almost exactly right on everything. Yeah, man, look, it's. This market is huge because if you can predict the future, you would be an instant millionaire. Poly market is washed, in my opinion, and they were bought. I think the predictions that they have shown recently are completely paid for, especially with the election. But, you know, that's to be debated. So I'm glad you guys are coming, giving them some competition because, you know, I feel like when you get that big and I don't know, man, I just been seeing the predictions they're throwing out with Trump. It's so wild back and forth and it's just like, I believe they're bought, man.

Future Predictions and Market Response

I think it's a huge market, man. If you can predict the future, if you can predict leverage, that would be insane. And getting seven out of eight on anything predicting that is like you're the golden goose. So she's been doing a whole bunch of us open tennis predictions this week. So she'll announce them at the end of this week and we'll see what she's made of. We'll see if she can be right again. But, yeah, it's pretty nuts. Our community are loving her. I think on the poly market question, like, or on the point that you were making. Yeah, maybe they are washing. Like, let's be honest, a bunch of big platforms in crypto, wash, right? But I think the traction of prediction markets in general is kind of happening around the world. Like polymarket got some real shout outs on CNBC Squawk box the other day.

Market Trends and Consumer Behavior

And, you know, that's like mainstream, like 510 million viewers, right, in the real world. And I think the reason why they get the attention that they're getting right now is because prediction markets, so the web two equivalent of a prediction market, is just a gambling site, right? Like a sports book. Now, sportsbook work on something called fixed odds. So there's like a centralized odds maker that all the sports books suck in from a third party API and they put the odds up. Now, prediction markets are actually driven by user volume, you know, on specific selections in the predictions. So if you look at the Trump Kamala Harris like election odds on polymarket, you'll see they're actually significantly different from the gambling site's odds.

Comparison of Odds and Market Behavior

And this is because polymarket is like a litmus test of what the general public think is going to be the outcome rather than the third party odds maker that bookies rely on or bookmakers rely on. So I think there is a real transference of the way that the gaming market or the gambling market is going towards these things. And they're very fitting for crypto just because of the general liquidity around and, yeah, like the point I was making. Like polymarkets on Polygon, right? Who the fuck trades on Polygon these days? No one. We're doing it on Solana, the busiest, most chain with the biggest volume and, you know, the most amount of degenerates who like to put money down and like to place bets.

Conclusion of Oracle's Proposal

That's kind of the simple thesis behind the project and behind what we're doing. And where we are. So, yeah, that's a kind of summary. So as I was doing some research and somebody who is came up to shill Oracle in the first section of last week of Shiltake, I must get it out because the rumors are out there. Tolly, co founder of Solana, he's following a certain somebody on the team. I don't know if it's you or not, but is he looking for this type of platform on Solana or is it just something that you guys just kind of created, you know? Yeah, so he follows my personal account and, I don't know, someone accused me of being him the other day because he was basically tweeting a lot about prediction markets and he was referring to Oracle.

Interest in the Ecosystem

I don't want to make any claims or anything outrageous like that, but I think he's generally interested in people building on the ecosystem and that's why we kind of have an element of his attention. Right. I think whilst the meme coin space is huge and such a benefit to Solana as a blockchain, I think there needs to be an element to add to the foundation of the chain, which is real utility projects, real platforms and things that kind of generate revenue that comes from, you know, people's web, two pockets or whatever. So, yeah, like, I think the attention is there and the eyes are on us.

Market Capitalization and Future Developments

And, you know, whilst our market cap's only 2 million right now, I don't think that lasts very long. I think we have a hell of a long way to go and we've got main net dropping, you know, in just a couple of weeks. So, yeah, there's lots of bullish stuff coming up and, yeah, we have the attention. Sitting at a $1.95 million market cap. If you look up onto the blackboard, top of there, made a tweet that says, would you buy this coin knowing that it tested all magnets? If everybody knows who I am, I speak in magnet form. This has nothing to do with the coin. This is just Ta.

Technical Analysis Overview

TA does not care who you are. TA does not care what you're all about. TA is specifically a measurement of buys versus sales. And just looking at the TA, I saw it just happened to bring the chart up right before the show and I said, man, you know, it's. It's weird to see it under a $2 million market cap for all the bullishness that's going on. But the TA stated it needed to go lower and test that support and, boy, did it bounce off that support. It did not last for long at all. Just bounced right off of that. About 1.5, looks like $1.5 million market cap and heading on its way up.

Market Trends and Audience Engagement

It looks like it's going up into the right. All magnets has been tested now. It's kind of like the now or never. It's a good thing that you got shield tank. We got a total of 689 people in here. I think we might have a winner. We got anything else we want to ask in? No. I want to add something that I'm seeing a huge shift on Solana, but I want to save that when the alpha has dropped mid show. I also just want to say to guys, there's a $750 giveaway will be given away live to one person on the show sponsored by Oracle Cat and it is pinned to the top of this tweet.

Giveaway Details and Participation Rules

So where you see it say show tank in Oracle, you must retweet the space RB. Is that the one you want him to do? I know you made. No, you put the. Okay, I pinned the wrong one. Hold on. Give me one sec because I know you put up two of them. I have it right here. I'll put it on there. Okay. So the pin tweet to the top, follow the rules of that. Retweet it. Follow the sharks up on the panel today and drop two comments of two of your friends below. And we're going to be picking one person to give a dollar 750 giveaway live sponsored by Oracle Cat.

Excitement and Encouragement to Participate

So guys, make sure you're entered to do that and let's get into the show. Man, I got eth loaded. Solana Bass, let's hear some meme coins because I'm ready to ape. I'm letting y'all know right now, you better be following the rules and the rules are simple. Taking the Ian's words are simple. You gotta be following me, Ian and Oracle Cat. So if you don't see guys following us, you don't. You're not coming up to shield. If you're not following us, you're definitely not winning the $750 if you get picked.

Community Engagement and Rules Reminder

And if you are not, you better have those three tag friends in there. Also, don't people be sleeping on that. We are checking the day. We are making sure we get as many people. Our biggest space live was 850 people at once. We right now have 714 people on right now. 15 people on right now. It has a big fire emoji right by it. Right now we are killing. We are going to break Twitter sooner or later. This show is going to break Twitter x, whatever you want to call it.

Final Thoughts and Moving Forward

So get three tweeting going on, especially if you're about to shill. Why wouldn't you want more people to shield to? It's a simple, it's a simple thing. I told you last week. I'm going to tell you again this week. This whole concept is built by not getting us new followers. It's not built to get Oracle Cat or any sponsorship new followers. It's really all of those, including the people that you shill to. There's more people watching the show which gives you more opportunity to get in front of more people.

Acknowledgments and Transition

It is a glorious idea that your boy be Ruthen came up with. So therefore all I say is I think we should get this thing started. But wait, let's slow it, slow it down. We got some rules to be given and since Ian's finally here because I totally demolished the rules last week, I'm allow you to do your thing. What the. I already did. This is not sponsored sponsorships. We haven't vetted them out yet. Come on man, you didn't do all that. I did do it, but I'll do it again, guys.

Final Reminder and Concluding Thoughts

All right. All the projects come up and pitch today. We have not yet vetted. Do your own research, formulate your own opinions. This is not financial advice. Do not just buy, sell or hold on our opinions. We will give our honest opinion. And if you guys, if it's crap, we're just going to cut you off. We got to keep it moving. We got to find gems. The bull market is over in a year. We're running out of time peeps. So that's all I got to say. Follow the sharks, retweet the space and let's bring up the first contestant.

Conclusion and Excitement for New Projects

Let's go. All right, let's see who we got here. Don't forget, all you gotta do is request to speak. All right. I mean when I see a gold check mark, that means they got their marketing on point. That means they're not cheap. That probably means they got their dex tools loaded. At least if you pay for that check mark, you ain't got Dex. Cool. So I'm about to rip the pa. I think you've came up here on shield tank before. So I'm gonna give you an opportunity to give us some updates.

Liquidity Pool Advantages

You'd be able to come with that native asset and purchase from that liquidity pool from any chain. Our swap does all the bridging and everything on the back end. So what used to take three to four transactions, now just takes one. And the whole point of this is to concentrate that liquidity to make it easier to go multi chain. Because a lot of current multi chain solutions require multiple liquidity pools with multiple contract addresses. We're not going to have that no more. It's just going to be that one liquidity pool. And just think about the bigger footprint you can gain by launching a project on Paw chain. And yes, we're new right now, we're gaining foot in footing. As Moon said, it's going to take some time to get that adoption, but that's what we are focused on. We're focused on users, because users create revenue and we're focused on projects and be able to provide them the opportunity to have that many more buyers.

Project Scalability

Not lock yourself into one chain, not just the Ethereum blockchain, not just the Solana blockchain, but all of our connected chains. And we're infinitely scalable as well, so we can connect in reality any and all blockchains one day to poaching. Just think of like paw chain as like a central hub and a bunch of webs around us with all the different blockchains. And we can facilitate communication and transactions between all those different chains. I do have a request. Pulse chain next, you might get. You might get some people highly interested. I was just going to bring that up. Pulsechain being EVM compatible will actually be a pretty easy addition and one we are discussing internally in the team. I would think by the end of the year we will have pulse.

Security Measures

Pulse chain connectivity, no doubt about it. Solana, Tron and Ton are the main three non EVM chains that we're working on currently as well. But yeah, pulse chain has come up and I know there are users on that chain, so. 100%. Can I ask a question? I don't know if you saw, there was a big launch that happened over Christmas last year. It was called Omnicat and they were the first omnichain meme coin and they seemed to. I bought into it and I sold it personally at some point, but I remember it pumped to 50 million and I just wanted to know the difference between what they did and what you guys do as a platform, I don't know if you're familiar or if you saw the project at all, but they basically launched and then they were available to trade across all different chains, and they had this. I'm not sure exactly what it's called, but it's powered by a group.

Explaining Competitive Edge

Sorry, I just. I just got a call and. Yeah, they basically, you could trade them across sol, across east, across all the ETH layer twos and stuff like that. I won't be able to speak on that project specifically because I have not heard of it. So I'm not just going to, you know, try and guess what they did, but what current solutions that I know of, like, you know, XLR chainlink, other multi chain platforms, is that they pretty much hop one chain at a time, like you provide, give them money, provide the pool. They do the bridging for you, but they're still hopping bridging one chain at a time, paying the bridging fees. You know, that's each transaction is a risk, as everybody knows. That bridge that you do is a very risky transaction. It's where a lot of hacks take place. So where we differ is we are just simultaneously linked, like that bridging is already established and done, and then you just come and interact with our chain and everything is connected on the back end.

Community Interaction and Engagement

So you hit swap and you get the token that you're looking for or the native that you're looking for. I believe that's how we different from current solutions. That's probably how that project did it. I believe a year ago, because I probably would have. I probably would have heard about them if they were doing something similar to what we're doing. But I'm definitely gonna look into it. I'll dm you the link to that token so you can check out. It'd be really interesting to hear, like. For you, they rug pulled, by the way, I just checked out their Twitter. Did they, have they left? Yeah, I mean, it was a CTO now, but that's, I guess they said they were going to do it and under layer zero, and I think it just went to crap pretty much.

Market Dynamics and Security

Yeah. I mean, like, I think it's, from what I saw, it was quite an experienced team because the tech was real, right. Like, they launched and they were available to trade across multiple chains, but for whatever reason, you know, maybe they left the project or whatever. Like, we all know how difficult these things are to run and to keep going, so. Yeah, but, yeah, no, thank you very much, mate. No problem. And I'm just going to quick spec quickly speak on security. If you look up our certic score, we're in like the top 30 or 40. Security is absolutely top notch. Multiple audits. We're Kyc Gold verified ten of our team members. So we're about as safe, as secure as you can be. And we fully intend to be in that top ten of safely audited projects.

Discussion on NFT Ownership

You own one NFT with. All right, man, three minutes is up. I'll give my opinion on it. Look, man, I. I've seen this done with Valerie. It's different type. It's like more like quarter horse, Derby type racing. You're doing a little different. But from as far as the coin perspective, you said it's an educational platform than NFTs, then horses and with business and with crypto, keep it simple. If you want to go the horse route, be that. If you want to just be a meme? Be a meme. If you want to do the educational thing, which I don't recommend, you know, you got to pick one. If it's all over the place, people just get confused. They don't invest, obviously.

Evaluating Investment Strategies

Avax is kind of, you know, it's not much going on over there, so maybe move to another chain, move to eat something like that. But. Or just wait it out. It could have its turn again, but that is risky. So I would just say focus one thing, make it simple for the people. And, and, you know, you have a lot of ideas. Some of them are good, some of them are okay. If you focus one, really push hard. Make it simple for users. Maybe get on a chain or you get lucky and Avax starts pumping and people go crazy over there. I think you could do well, but. Everything'S going to have their rotation. It's just a matter of when.

Market Rotation Insights

And how big of a rotation will it be, is the question. Because Avax did have its bull run last bull market, so it's just a matter of what. But, yeah, like Ian said is you got to pick one. Seems like the horses is a thing. Looks like the horses don't really go until kind of the gaming sector goes, which really, the gaming sector has not had its run. You know, everybody's been talking about there will be a run, but for some reason, they just don't kick off until the bull market is full in. So I think you know, whether it's a rebrand, because I look at big Red, unless big red, some big betting fanatic, you know, that kind of, if you decide to go with the horses, you know, that kind of throw it off a little bit, but kind of like your pin messages, which you have with the, you know, big red kind of riding the horse, you know, that, that kind of goes.

Consistency in Branding

But just make sure you, if that's the route you're going to go, just stick with that and just, you know, put your head down to it and go with it. Once you make it, then you can kind of turn it to wherever you want it to make it. But usually when people try to do too much at two time, I don't know, a single project and I lie to you or not, including layer ones all the way down to meme coins, I don't know, a single project that had 20 different, you know, I won't say 20, but, you know, ten different things on a roadmap that was completely different from what their original idea was. So you, that just shows that you, the history source in crypto is that you need to pick one thing, get people excited about that thing.

Growth and Capitalization

Price goes up, and then once you have all that capital, then you can do whatever you want to do, basically after that, and then turn into a empire. But don't try to be an empire first and you have no, you know, security or no guards and nothing. You just, you know, then it becomes all opium, and that's not the way you want to go. So focus one thing, become really good at it, and go in nothing. All right, man, thanks for coming up. Appreciate it. I'm gonna go ahead and drop you down. And I would say we are past a halftime. So, Oracle cat, let's get some alpha.

Project Updates and Future Plans

Yeah, those are really interesting, but yeah, back to us. So a couple of alpha points and I want to be as clear as possible with that kind of breaking NDAs and stuff. So we have a really significant partnership coming in three days time. I think it will be announced. I can't say who because I'm kind of promised a secrecy by then API with the mainnet launch to basically extend the amount of available prediction markets on the platform. More variation, the more volume we'll attract and the more buybacks that come in. We have a really significant exchange listing in the works. We've been really selective about that. We only listed one so far, which is the Sendex.

Enhancing Community Engagement

But this one that we almost have closed on is a top ten volume exchange. We'll be letting the community know exactly when that will happen. We've just onboarded a bunch of new callers. We're keeping the momentum going. I think the next seven to ten days is going to be super busy. And then we're doing a few big admin stuff like the goal check on trip on x and organization tags will go out to our team members. But, yeah, I think if you're with us and if you're contemplating buying us or if you're already in it, like you gotta be whining about the exchange listings and the big partnership listings that are coming up.

Anticipating Market Movements

Nice. So you can't, you, obviously, you can't tell us because, you know, because the NDA's. But, but, yeah, I want to, but I don't want to take this thing out of the announcement when it does happen. Right. And I think that's like the important thing to remember with these stuff. Like with this kind of stuff. Like, I don't, I want to feel it now and, you know, I want everyone to know now, but then it kind of ruins it when it comes on announcement. Yeah, but it will be coming soon and these things should, I guess that gets the ball rolling and.

Community Building and News

Sure. Yeah, yeah. We're going to keep hitting spaces and keep teasing this stuff. So, yeah, join us. I know you guys were there at our last one, so, yeah, join us. We're going to do a community one tomorrow with some product updates and stuff like that. We've got a partnership with Hallow moon, so I don't know if you guys know who they are, but they're a big Solana foundation backed kind of dev shop, and they help projects with a lot of engineering talent and a lot of marketing. So we're doing another one with them, I think, on Thursday morning. We just had to kind of amend the date to that today.

Unique Marketing Approaches

And, yeah, a bunch of stuff over the weekend. And I'm just going to pin, actually, a video of our mascot, cat pudding, making some predictions. So just give me a minute. I'm just going to put that up now. What I've been seeing, too, you know, the Solana meme coin market has gone berserk almost to the point where, you know, you have b list celebrities launching scams like left and right, and it just got really, that's why you kind of see it died down a little bit and kind of move to east. But I do think, you know, we could see just because of how hard meme coins have been going and just how crazy it's gotten, we could see a short switch into more defi and utility coins.

Market Trends and Opportunities

So be on the look for that, guys. Front running narratives is the way you capitalize the hardest. And it just, I just think, obviously, meme coins, it's the theme of the cycle. We've always said that since we started shield tank two and a half years ago. But, you know, I, I do see Defi and maybe utility coins having a comeback just because of how crazy things have got with memes. You know, people are kind of over it for the time being and everything will kind of cycle in, cycle out. So be on the look for that. And I, and, you know, obviously, you guys are front running that.

Unique Selling Points in the Market

It's also a cat coin, which is a meme. But you guys do have something very unique, and that's what I like, you know, you see how good poly market's doing it. They're killing it. They're obviously saying Kamala's in the lead, so they get shout outs by the huge news media outlets. But, yeah, I like what I see, man. I always love original projects, and I always love someone who could front run that narrative, front run the next. The next big play. I think you said it exactly right.

Combining Utility with Branding

Like we're pairing utility with meme, right? Like we're meming around the cat and a random mascot pudding, but also having, you know, something. Something. Well, I don't want to say real behind it because I don't want to disrespect meme coins and how real they are, but something revenue generating and something that's going to cause the buy pressure. So, yeah, we're the kind of best of both worlds and 50 split between utility and meme. Yeah, man, absolutely.

Embracing Community Spirit

And we know cat coins love to run on Solana. Solana's. The cats theory is the dogs for the most part. All right, let's bring some more people up, man. All right, let's bring a few more. Someone's got to have Alpha on the panel. Come on, smash that third alpha. I heard all the Alpha. I need oracle cat, let's go. I know, I know. Under the speakers. Does anyone have Alpha? If you don't, just drop down now. Andre says he's got Alpha, sir.

Introducing Underdog Project

All right, Andre, say you got the Alpha. We'll bring you up here. What's up? What's that? Alpha. You got what's good, dog? My name is Andrew Sales. I'm the founder of Underdog, and we are the Alpha, baby. Oh, my fault, man. I totally killed your name. I just saw Andre on your thing. Wow. I had to make sure they heard it right. You're good. You're good. So. But, yeah, man, I'm the project founder of Underdog. You know, the page is we are dog. The ticker is dog.

Community Building Initiatives

You guys know it. You're ogs. I've been hanging on you guys spaces for a while, but there's probably some newbies in here that they don't know the way the space works. Look, guys, there's a cabal. There's a group of influencers. They organize all these pumps, and by the time you hear about it, your favorite influencer talking about, it's overdeveloped, and it's by design to use you as excellent liquidity. And we're tired of it. That's why we formed the underdogs.

Addressing Market Dynamics

We're doing stuff that the cabal isn't doing. We're doing this anti cabal. Right? This isn't cabal. They've turned it into a player versus player. Where we are going the true player pump player route because this is us versus them. This is up and comers versus gatekeepers. This is underdogs versus Cabal. Who you want to bet on, baby? This is the time to bet on the underdogs. We built this truly organic and we haven't done it the same way everybody else does.

Innovative Community Development

We didn't go on Telegram. Hire some influencers. Influencers come to x. Get you to onboard your best friend for exit liquidity. We actually built an organic community on Facebook. About 150 people. And I know you guys are probably laughing, but to be real, there's people on Facebook that want to invest in meme coins. They want a community they can trust and grow it. So that's what we did. We started there.

Recent Success and Future Outlook

We launched five weeks ago. Five weeks ago today or yesterday. We ran up to a million market cap. We're on Solana. We've been trending between about 256 hundred k ever since. But we're here every day. We're showing up. We're going to run this up when we flip a million market cap. I got some cool stuff planned as far as marketing. We brought on a kid named Felik Music. He's created an underdog lp to really build the brand.

Creative Marketing Strategies

We're going to have a rap song, a country song, an acoustic song and even a techno song. So we're just, we're hitting, growing the brand, you know, and going out. The route you guys said, right, is we're building a banging community that wants to run it up together. And if you look at our roadmap on Underdog club, we got some redacted steps there. We already built it out. But right now we're just going to get there.

Future Development Plans

We're going to hit all the boxes and build our crew of underdogs and run it up together. And then we'll roll out the really cool shit. But thank you guys for the time. I'm an open book. You got any questions? So, like, I want to make sure I'm looking at the right one. It's a lot of dogs on here. What's the last four of the ticket? Of the last four, the contract address is seven VD five.

Clarifying Token Details

First one is six nine. That wasn't by accident, I'll tell you that much. Seven VD. Okay, so everybody knows. I'm gonna get on you about this. Everyone knows what I do. First thing I do, man, marketing. You guys been out for, let's see here, since mid July, almost a month, and no Dex tools is uploaded. You gotta get those Dex tools uploaded. That raises your score, which also raises your ability to be seen on Dex tools.

Improving Marketing Visibility

So that has to be 100% like one of the things you guys need to marketing and branding is number one in all crypto. We are now in the eyes of I need to be seen. So if you can't be seen, you know, I'm have to ask you for your website. I might to ask you for your Twitter handle but what if I don't? You don't have a show like this and I'm just typing in dog and I'm just looking for a new coin to kind of ape in and chill in.

Navigating the Market Landscape

But I don't know where the telegram is. I don't know what the Twitter is on the website is. It could be a scam for all I know. So that's the kind of stuff, you know, you gotta be thinking. So that needs to be updated outside that, you know, it's a low market cap to try to, you know, make it on the mucks of a. It is a needle in the haystack. But if you can out brand and out market the others, you know, you can easily get up to a $1 million mark. Half easily.

Building Investor Confidence

You know, I, I like people who talk in hundreds of millions and billions, but I guess you gotta start somewhere. But you know, when you just preach $1 million mark cap, guess where everybody's selling 900. Well be roots are our motto is at 1 billion every dog's a millionaire. But I said at 1 million is worth a where we got some cool stuff to do some new marketing and check to mark the roadmap as we go on to hit our redacted steps.

Next Steps in Development

Yeah, and put those roadmaps of market caps on your website. That gives people a reason to hold that simple. Ian, what you got, man? Yeah, it's you know, it looks like it's going to be dog season and I mean, eventually we're going to have a crazy dog season and you know, you kind of seeing cats and dogs and frogs right now, moon, you know, there's a lot of dog tickers, dawg. But like B said, man, get that web, get that Dex tools loaded, get that all up.

Branding Suggestions

You know, instead of saying I'm going to fight the cabal, I would say I'm the new cabal. This community is the new cabal. Like, because that whole like war party, like, I don't know, I just feel like I think the branding could just switch up a little bit. You know, I'm very selective, like I said, like b said on Solana tickers, so volume extremely low. No one's buying this thing. No one's selling it. You know, you got two k in volume, but I'm a pass for now.

Surveillance and Insights on Market

I'm a pass just because, you know, especially with the sideways market. I'm looking for game changers. I'm looking for original coins, like oracle. So I'm a pass for now. Oracle, cat, what do you have? Yeah, I think. I think, again, like, my. My thesis before on the first one, like, I think it kind of sticks with it. Like, it depends. Like, dog coins are good, like you say, and.

Investment Perspectives

Yeah, like, you got to have the ambitious kind of market cap aims and goals, but it's about the grind for you guys. Like, I think. I think the meme is very good. I would buy it. In fact, I'll probably ape it after this space. Don't be tracking his wallet, but looks like you might have a new community member. Supporter, investor, all the above. All right, not a bad pitch, man. The underdogs.

Concluding the Session

All right, let's see who we got next, guys. Make sure you're following the rules. Retweet the space, follow the sharks. Are you skipped? This ain't what you want. This ain't what you want? This ain't what you want. All right, just Sharon. See what she's got. What's going on? Just Sharon. What you got for us? Might be shy. Don't be shy. I mean, your mic, Bob. Left hand corner.

Potential in Brokey Token

Simple is always better in crypto brokey token, you know, had its run and it's testing in magnet and, you know, I still think there could be some potential with that. As far as the launch pad and stuff, you know, I'd have to do more research into that, but I'll put the brokey Inu on my watch list, so that's what I got be.

Challenges of Launch Pads

I won't be strict with it once again. it's a loss pad, launch pads. You know, every time I play around with launch pads when it's too early, it never works out for me. you gotta catch lawns pads, right when the bull market, like all seasons, ready to happen, ready to go. Once you get that notification or that, that idea that, okay, we're going for it. as a industry, that's when you want to start looking for launchpads.

The Risks of Launch Pads

Outside of that, I mean, that's not true because you can find, unless there's a really hype launch, that's the only time, like. But if I don't see any launch pads with highly big backings, VC's, it's almost not worth it just because, you know, it's a lot of, it's just putting an extra gambling. It's almost like leveraging on meme coins and there's no guarantee they're going to last. So, you know, launch pads do bring a lot of real good projects, but 90%, 99% of launch pad projects just die.

Cautious Outlook on Current Market

And then you get the other 99%, the other 0.1%. That's like bragging about how high they went, but usually it's so many did Badlandhouse. So, you know, it's not the time for launchpads right now, but I will put on my watch list to see how they, you know, develop over, you know, the next couple months until we get that bitcoin dominance breakdown, too, so we can get our nice little all season that we've been waiting for so long.

Current Crypto Trends

But until then, me, you know, meme coins and crypto coins aren't going, you know, only the best is going to survive, and even after that, you know, it's going to become, you know, you got to be ready to go and know what you're doing. So right now, I'm just not interested in a launch pad. That could be the last thing I'll be getting in right now is Launchpad.

Question About Launch Pads

I've got a question for Dano. Is it a pretale launch pad or is it a straight up token lp launchpad. It's a pre sale launch pad. So how it works is that, like, after everything checks that you can go on with your presale, you input your soft cap and all. Then after the presale is done, if your soft cap is reached, your token is launched.

Interest in Pre-sale Launch Pads

And if it's not reached, the tone contributed for the presale is redistributed to, like, the buyers. Yeah, I think. I think based off that right now would be a pass for me just because we're just definitely not in a pre sell meta right now. But, you know, things can change in a heartbeat and suddenly, you know, pre sales might become meta again.

Seeking New Opportunities

And in that case, I'd probably take the risk and I'd probably add it to my portfolio. Hello? All right, so I don't know if I could. Okay, we got mute just because three minutes is way up. So we got. We got to keep it moving so we get as many people out there as possible. But, yeah, check them out, brokie.

The Importance of Timing

The presale launch pad. Put on watch list if you guys don't want it, because there's gonna become. There will be a time where launch pads is gonna do his thing. So. So keep. Keep that in mind. It's just the timing has to be perfect for a free.

Encouraging Active Participation

So might be. Whose time is it? Whose time, whose turn is it? Yeah, let's get. Let's get one more up. We're almost to the hour and a half, and then let's. Let's talk about what oral cat has coming up. Do a $750 giveaway, and let's bring up the last chill for the day. Congratulations.

Finalizing the Giveaway

Oracle cat. You're muted. If he's busy. B, you can pick the last one. Okay, you know how to do a, until this. Let's bring up aloo. Aloo. Hello. What you got for us? Hello? Unmute your mic.

Technical Difficulties

Bottom left hand corner. Aloo, where are you. Man? It's either Twitter is bugging. Or these people are bugging. Hello? Last chance. Bottom left hand corner. Unmute your mic. All right, gotta bring it down. Giving r p s one n Repton.

Looking for Communication

Reapton. I think it might be Twitter. Twitter might be plugging. Yeah, it looks like it concerns just going back and forth. Well. Is Oracle Cat still there? He didn't come back. I don't know if he got rugged, too.

Return of Oracle Cat

Yeah, no, I'm here. Okay. Let'S see here. Try one more. And if not. Let'S prank Lance. Lance to first names. Now watch this. There it is. What's up? Hey, this is, thanks for calling me up.

An Investor's Insights

I was praying you guys would call me. I'm just an investor in mellow man. I just got in it maybe a week ago and the dev promised big news and I wasn't thinking much of it, but they're deliver, they're definitely delivering. So they got over 1200 holders right now, gaining almost between 152 hundred holders per day.

Mellow Man Partnership

It's a Matt fury narrative. They just got a huge partnership with Dex Tools at the top. You scroll over, you'll be able to see the mellow man and Dex tools partnership for their volume bot. The devs are definitely delivering and no coin market cap, coin gecko, Dex tools.

Growth Potential

And they got the huge partnership. So I'm just an investor and just shilling my project. That's it. Yeah. Looking at the chart, they definitely have been working. It's like a slow up into the right. Like you had to just hold and be in the community because it's very slow.

Observations on Market Trends

But it's, it is mooning. It might be a little too extended for me to the upside. Like there's definitely to be a pullback and there's some spots for pullback, but outside of that looks bad. The only thing is, you know, it's a I am over the Matt Fury stuff, you know, I know Pepe's a thing and they just need more, you know.

Community Involvement

This keeps coming. It's a CTO community takeover. Wow. So how did all this all come about with it being a CTO? At first it was a community takeover, but another team was developing a different project. And they like that meme better.

Mellow Man's Success

So they kind of just took over that meme and a community and everybody. That's rare. That's a good, that's a good community takeover. Yeah. I think like if I can chime in, I think actually beeruse, like the Matt Fury stuff, like I think that is foundational to the industry.

Meme Potential

So I think you give your project a good chance of success if you're basing it around that stuff. Like, I think it's so integral. I don't know, man o man, the character, I haven't looked into it enough, but yeah, like I think again, is a good enough meme.

Character Utility

I think the character looks good, so if you run it well, it should run as a project. I think though what I kind of meaning is he's got like over like a hundred characters. There's so many of them. So everyone thinks it's just like the boys club.

Flooding the Market

Like this guy has been painted so many characters and then they, you know, people are coming out and it's kind of flooding with every single character, and it's just like, you're flooding the market with all these characters of his. Some of them go and a lot of them just die.

Trends in NFT collections

Yeah, he did that NFT collection, right, which, there are a thousand new characters on that. And it's like everyone's launching coins around each of them. I think this is one of them. I think this is one of them.

Narrative Relevance

One of those characters. At least it's a narrative, right? Like, at least it's something that can come back to the market. And, like, that's definitely a bullish thing for the project is that they, there's a chance there could be another map fury mess that happens in a month or two, and they'll be sat there with a community prepared and a project prepared and kind of maturing.

Positive Remarks

Yeah, but as far as the memes go, as I'm looking at it, like, this is actually, it's well done, well branded. So I will give them that for sure. Yeah, I like it, man.

Actionable Investment Decisions

There's some magnets that I would potentially buy that dip depending on what the market does. I think Pepe, Brett, and, you know, even I think these characters, you know, these meme coins, they're here to stay. So it is getting a little over flooded with, like, I mean, I guess you just need to study his whole collection, which are so many.

Community Growth Insights

But, yeah, it's on my watch list for sure. Definitely. Thanks a lot. I just, I feel like with the Dex tools partnership and everything is just huge. This is more to it than we even know.

Future Potential

Yeah, it could be. Could be really big. Especially Dexter. They can be very. What's this? What's the word? Say they. They have all the information that's put that way so they can be big for them.

Looking Forward

So I've seen really see anybody really do a partnership with Dexal. So it'd be interesting to see what comes of it. Yeah, man. Thanks for coming up, man. Way to end. The show is a good show.

Future Opportunities

Appreciate it. Thank you. All right, man. If you guys want a chance to win $750, be is gonna load up those Twitter picker right now. So make sure you guys follow the pin tweet and Oracle cat.

Looking Ahead

And what do you guys have coming up, man? What can you tell us about the future? Any spaces? Obviously, if people have questions, jump in that telegram, but go ahead, man. Yeah, I just want to say that I'll match that $750 in Oracle tokens as well on the condition that you retweet tweets from our main and join our community.

Encouraging Participation

Yeah, so we're there for that competition as well. So just let us know who you pick, who the picker picks and yeah, we'll match that in terms of what we've got coming up. But before I go, yeah, we've got this big listing with this big volume exchange.

Upcoming Events

We've got UFC and NFL bets coming on the platform. Putting our mascot that you can see pinned on the Jumbotron is going to be making some more predictions. We'll be going to be streaming games in our vc.

Future Engagement Plans

We've got a hello, moon space coming in two days. We've got our own space from our main coming tomorrow night. And yeah, next week's going to be a seriously busy week with a whole bunch of new sporting events and a whole bunch of platform updates just on the lead up to mainnet a week after that.

Gratitude and Engagement

So, yeah, hope people can join us and thanks so much for having us on the space and hopefully I'll see you guys on our one tomorrow. Absolutely, man. We appreciate you sponsoring the show, guys.

Valuation and Market Position

Oracle Cat sitting under a $2 million mark cap is completely undervalued in my opinion, especially for what these guys are doing, especially for the market they're going after, especially for an original meme and original utility as far as on the Solana blockchain.

Details of the Giveaway

So I wouldn't fade that. And guys, Oracle Cat is just doubled down on his giveaway. So if, just correct me if I'm wrong, 750 USDT or USDC and then 750 Oracle token with the condition that you join the community and retweet the space, is that correct?

Final Confirmation

I, yeah, that's all good. We're committed to that. And yeah, looking forward to finding out the winner. All right. All right, man. We appreciate you coming up.

Community Engagement Reminder

I'm sure this won't be the last time you guys will be hearing about Oracle cat from us. And yeah, be, go ahead, load it up, get the music and let's give away. Let's see who's up, who won't win that moolah.

Light Hearted Moment

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my life and realize that Newton lives. My little weird Al Yankovista. Rod, don't do that. Stick to crypto, bro.

Building Anticipation for the Winner

Let's go, man. Who wants to win? Y'all better be retweeting. Follow the rules. We will be checking. $1,500 on a Tuesday.

Countdown to the Draw

All right, you got about 10 seconds to add retweet in here. After that, I hit the send button. All right, I'm hitting the send button.

Winding Up the Event

Three, two, one, go. I didn't sound too far off them, even though mama thinks they were moms. Gone.

Slight Personal Anecdote

Your boy be. Ruth did meet Coolio and took shots with Coolio here in Dallas, by the way, before he died. One year before he died.

Winner Announcement Process

All right, here we go. First winner, you must be here. You must claim the talk, and you must speak with the dev if you decide you want to get that 750 plus matched.

Selecting a Winner

Our first winner, and hopefully they are here, and if they're not, they get passed up. Rose Bud gems underscore. Rosebud gems underscore. Are you here?

Winner's Participation Request

Please request to speak. Rose buds, gems underscore. Let me type you in here. Rose. Have you heard your name?

Successful Winner Identification

Request to speak. Rose Bud Gems underscore is here. They're following. I'm asking them to come speak right now.

Validating Participation

Make sure they're not a botanical. I mean, I see a heart. I got easy to come up and speak. I'm trying to get off.

Celebration of the Winner

Hello, how is everyone? Thanks for having me up. What's up? You are the winner. Oh, my goodness. Oracle cat.

Excitement of Winning

Amazing. Thank you so much. That was so unexpected. Well, you just want to give away.

Confirmation of the Winning Prize

You just won $750 and potentially 750. And, Oracle, if you were part of the community or want to be, and it looks like you have already been part of the community before, so go ahead, Oracle cat.

Instructions for Claiming the Prize

Go ahead and deem or DM, Kate, and get that all situated. If you have any issues, you can send us a DM as well.

Gratitude from the Winner

I will do. Congratulations, Kate. Thank you so much. What an honor.

Commitment to the Community

Oracle tat communicator, definitely my life, my highest conviction site out of everything. So are you a fan of Oracle or are you just newly, like, were you already in it, or.

Long-term Engagement

Oh, I've been in Oracle since day one, actually. It's my strongest conviction. Okay, okay. Even more of an honor.

Weather Observations

All right. I thought that was supposed to be, like a thunderstorm and that turned out being rain. I don't know.

Concluding Remarks

Here we go. Here we go. Let's see what this one says. There it is. Okay. I don't know if that's what I wanted either, so.

Acknowledgments and Future Plans

Yeah. All right, man. Well, yeah. Oracle cap, appreciate you sponsoring today's show, guys, give them a follow.

Encouraging Participation

Check out the community, and stay tuned for some major alpha drops with these guys. And, yeah, appreciate the sponsorship, Kate.

Final Congratulations

Congratulations on winning the money. And, yeah, guys, if you want to show your projects, this show runs every Tuesday and Friday, 1230 Eastern.

Closing Thoughts

The market's completely dead. Sometimes we don't run it, but we are always looking for Alpha. So if you're looking to shill and get in front of an audience of thousands of people throughout the week, come to shill tank.

Call for Participation

Follow the rules. If you want a sponsored slot and you pass our vetting process, we might pick you guys as well. Hit the DM's for that.

Final Goodbye

But anyways, man, I'm gonna get back to the family, finish out this vacation, and appreciate you guys and appreciate you be hosting another good shill tank.

End of Session Reflections

Yeah, man. Thank you, guys. Thank you, Oracle cat. Thanks, Kate, for coming in and thank everybody else for coming in. See us on Friday for the next shield tank.

Warnings on Market Trends

Do not sleep on coins that have good utility, especially if they're meme coin too, because I do think that's the next leg up with these meme coins is some type of utilities.

Final Advice

So please do not sleep on them, especially if they come into shill tank over a million dollar market cap, sitting at, you know, the lows and sideways out and holding the floor, because when some news happens, it might just be too late.

Tension Before the Draw

You that are every now and then, your boy be roots likes to play it out and see how many people leave and how many people stay. Ian left, and he doesn't get to hear my shillenna.

Final Remarks

All right, so I scroll through my watch list, and I see some coins just still hanging in there. And I, every now and then, I like to look for four chan coins because four chan is a beast when it comes to marketing and what coins are going to run.

Observations on Market Behavior

To give an example, pepe four chain coin. Four chan had its own coin itself, did very well. Chain link.

Historical Insights

The reason why chain link really ran the way it ran, it kind of started off with four chain. So every now and then, I like to go on four chan and look to see what they had, what they're talking about now.

Navigating the Four Chan Space

It can be very racist and very, you know, if you're very soft skinned, you don't want to go up in there, trust me, you will get upset. But, you know, when there's money to be made, it's okay, it's money to be made.

Investment Potential

But there is one coin that's kind of been hanging on Solana that I've been seeing and checking. So beavers is going to do his shill, and I and my shill, $438,000 market cap, $91,000 in lock liquidity.

Market Watch

It was once at a let's see here. $6 million market cap coin during July. And they're claiming to be one of the top four chan memes of all time.

Current Standing

So I've been watching it. It's been going sideways. I threw a dart. I throw a dart, I'll throw a dart.

Cautions in Investment

There's no guarantee. Can't guarantee. It's just a shield, just something that threw a dart and seeing what's going to happen of it. And it's their cat.

Ticker Information

Name of the ticker is Helia, h e l I a. When you go on a Twitter, apparently. Now, this could be photoshopped in, but I grot it, said, what are the five most famous memes on four chan?

Famous Meme Insights

Number one, pepe the cat or pepe the. Pepe the frog. Number two, staircat. A reaction image of a cat used on four chan as a reaction face in threads.

Reaction Images

So they use this cat in their threads, then Burger king, foot lettuce. Nothing ever happens. And it's over 9000.

Documented Memes

So when I checked over those five memes, Staircat came up and is holding the floor. So I'm a big fan of four chan when it comes to buying during, like, bearish times because it seems like they're always on top of what ends up mooning.

Marketplace Observation

And a lot of people look at Twitter, and I look at Twitter and Scarecap, but apparently it's also part of the thy holy trinity that they call it is Pepe Doge and heliocat.

Forecast for Helia

So let's see if heliocat can do something. I threw a dart. I'm not saying for you to throw darts, not financial advice.

Research Suggestion

Just go do some research on hillia cat. Helia. Helia. And that's all I got for y'all.

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