NT x Unfungible Partnership Kickoff


Space Summary

The Twitter Space NT x Unfungible Partnership Kickoff hosted by NeoTokyoCode. During the NT x Unfungible Partnership Kickoff, key insights were shared regarding the synergy between crypto gaming and the metaverse. Emphasizing community collaboration, innovative gaming models, and the power of $BYTES, the event highlighted strategies for investors and the importance of interconnected codes in creating immersive metaverse experiences. The Citadel serves as a hub for transformative initiatives, driving innovation in the gaming sector. Participants gained valuable knowledge on navigating the evolving landscape of crypto gaming, shaping the future of virtual worlds.

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Space Statistics

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Q: How does community collaboration impact metaverse development?
A: Community collaboration fosters innovation and collective growth in shaping the metaverse.

Q: What sets crypto gaming apart in virtual world creation?
A: Crypto gaming introduces novel economic models and interactive experiences in the metaverse.

Q: What is the significance of $BYTES in the partnership kickoff?
A: $BYTES plays a pivotal role in fueling initiatives and driving innovation within the Citadel.

Q: What advice do investors receive for navigating the crypto gaming sector?
A: Investors gain valuable insights on strategies for success and growth in the crypto gaming landscape.

Q: How are interconnected codes enhancing the metaverse experience?
A: Interconnected codes create seamless interactions and immersive environments, enriching the metaverse experience.


Time: 00:15:49
Community Collaboration in Metaverse Development Exploring how collaborative efforts shape the evolution of virtual worlds.

Time: 00:25:17
Innovative Models in Crypto Gaming Discussing the unique economic structures introduced by crypto gaming in the metaverse.

Time: 00:35:40
Power of $BYTES in Driving Innovation Understanding the significance of $BYTES as a catalyst for transformative initiatives.

Time: 00:45:55
Investment Strategies for Crypto Gaming Insights on successful investment approaches for navigating the crypto gaming sector.

Time: 00:55:21
Interconnected Codes for Enhanced Experiences How interconnected codes revolutionize user interactions and experiences in the metaverse.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of community collaboration in building the metaverse.
  • Crypto gaming's influence in shaping the future of virtual worlds.
  • The role of $BYTES in powering transformative initiatives.
  • Strategies for investors looking to navigate the crypto gaming space.
  • Insights on creating interconnected codes for a seamless metaverse experience.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Mic Check

Hello, hello. Good morning, everybody. Just wanted to kick things off here with a quick mic check. So, ladies and gentlemen in the audience, if you guys are able to hear me right now, please give us a thumbs up, please, give us a heart, give us a 100, throw down some emojis. Let us know that you guys can hear us. That's amazing. Thank you, Felix. Thank you, flower. We will be going ahead and getting started. Just a couple more minutes here. But in the meantime, please, guys, go on to the bottom right corner, hit that, like, comment and retweet button on the spaces, and we will be kicking things off in just a couple of more minutes. Thank you, everybody.

Getting Started

Sadeena. Sadeena. Ladies and gentlemen, if you are just tuning in now, please head on over to the bottom right corner and hit us up with that, like, comment and retweet button. And we'll be getting started in just under two minutes. Let's go. How's it going, everyone? Welcome today's Neo Tokyo space, the crypto gaming illuminati, where builders and investors create the metaverse together. My name is Ice, and I will be your host for today's show.

Partnership Announcement

Now, ladies and gentlemen, first of all, can I just say that I could not be more proud, could not be more excited for the strategic partnership that has been locked in between unfungible and Neo Tokyo. It feels like a dream, but now it is a reality. And I think it is safe to say that Neo Tokyo holds a special place in the hearts of a lot of OG web three veterans. Right? I remember back in the day late 2021, when I first entered web three, Neo Tokyo had already garnered a tremendous amount of prestige. And it has always been one of those projects that I wish I could be a part of, I wish I knew more about, but was unfortunately priced out at the time. But, hey, as they say, it is better late than never.

Community Engagement

And that is why today we have invited all of you here to join us as we listen in on the past, present, and future of Neo Tokyo. But before we get into any of that, I would like to take the opportunity to officially meet some of the esteemed members of the neo Tokyo team. And first up, this man. He is the community and outreach division lead who clearly shares the same love as me for blue pfps. What's going on? Chronicle GMGM. Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt. If I am interrupting, but I am actually unable to hear the Chronicle just now. Was it just me or did anyone else know? Same, same.

Technical Issues

Gotcha, gotcha. Yeah. Okay, cool. Multiple people are saying, yeah, multiple people are saying that they can't hear him. So maybe it's a technical issue on Chronicle side. No, not a problem. Chronicle. Can you actually just maybe relog or just reset your app and then come back into the space? I'll pull you back up, and then we'll do another mic check. This sound good? I'm just gonna. He can't hear me. I'm just gonna assume that heard me. I'll type it in the group chat as well, but in the meantime.

Introduction to Development Lead

Felix, so good to see you, man. Mister development division, lead of Neo Tokyo. It is finally here. I am so glad to finally get to speak with you. How are you doing today, brother? I'm good, I'm good. And I'm happy to have you on here as well. I think this is the first space we've been on together. I've been on a couple of other ones as well, representing a Tokyo for the last, I think three, four months now. But it's great to finally meet you. I heard a lot of good things. Oh, man, I'm flattered, bro. And I can just say likewise, man.

Building Connections

It is an absolute honor to finally be on the show with you guys. But, okay, so chronicle just hopped off. I'm going to be pulling him back up in just a second. But in the meantime, let me check in with this guy with, possibly one of the coolest names I've ever seen in web three. Of course, I am talking about crypto atheists. Pleasure to speak with you, man. How you doing today? I'm doing great. Great to meet you. Ice. Absolute top notch pronunciation. I usually include the nick in my name because most people stumble their way through it. Is that okay?

Neo Tokyo Operations

The shock face. I was like, oh, no, I'm rug too. But I am Neo Tokyo's operations manager, as well as the co ama, lead alongside Ben Gothard. Absolutely stoked about the unfungible partnership, and I. Great to finally meet ice. Thank you so much, man. I'm actually. I'm actually kind of surprised. Also, crypto atheist is the correct pronunciation. I did go over your profiles. Like, should I call him that, or should I call him Nick? No, you nailed it. You nailed it. It's based on Prometheus.

Reflecting on Prometheus

Yup, yup. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Isn't the guy that brought. The guy that brought fire to humanity? Is that correct? You know it. Hell, yeah, brother. Oh, man, I'm loving this conversation already, and we haven't even gotten into the nuts in both of it. But, bro, crypto atheists will absolutely circle back the mic to you in just a moment. But in the meantime, let me, let me try this one more time. Actually. Nope, he just hopped off.

Community and Support

Hold that thought for just two more minutes. In the meantime, let me check in with the PRP division lead of Neo Tokyo. How are you doing today, Damon? I'm doing great. How are you? I'm glad to be here. Happy to see this is happening finally. I know, right? I think it's like, it's always been a dream. It's, you know, sometimes the prophecy does come true. But you know what, man? It's a, it's a. It's better late than never. It is just a matter of time.

Anticipation Builds

But we are here now and we're about to get cooking. but, let me. I just sent you the invitation. Chronicle. if you can hear me right now, if you can go ahead and try to accept, and we will go up, go ahead, pull you upstage and test that mic once again. But before that, let me check in with our dear community counselor, bud Woodja. How you doing today? What's up, brother? You should. Or you could have, but would you? Is the question we always ask. So happy to be here.

Engagement and Hype

And, really hype to hear you lead in this space. Oh my God. I was not ready for that. That is amazing. Oh, can we just, can we get a clip of that? And we just use that as the intro bumper every single show from this point on out. Perfect. Thank you. Yeah. Royalties can be sent to Buttwojit east. You guys are send your. Send all your royalties and send all your clips to. But witcher, let's do it, man.

Final Preparations

One last shot here on Chronicle. I'm sending you the invite to the stage. If you can actually, if you can see me right now, go ahead and accept. But if not, we will try to push things along and of course we'll troubleshoot it in the chat. But whenever you can, brother, feel free to hop on stage and we'll get things rolling. But guys, before we begin, just to go over some super quick housekeeping rules. Alright, I'm sure we don't need to do this, but just in case, if you guys have anything to say or any takes that you want to add to the current conversation, please feel free to raise your hands like this.

Audience Participation

But if you guys have something to add to in direct response to what the previous speaker just said, keep your hand raised like this. And also hit me up with one of these hand waving emojis. And that way, I'll do my best to skip the queue and toss the mic over to you guys ASAP. But that being said, guys, I am all revved up and ready to go. And ladies and gentlemen in the audience, if you're hyped up for this chat as well, please, for us, go into that bottom right corner and give us a fully charged for smash on that, like, comment and retweet button.

Starting the Discussion

All right, as our panelists share their story on the past, present, and future of Neo Tokyo, and what better way to start the show than at the dawn of where everything began? And I'd like to pass the mic over to Damon on this one. So, Damon, brother, please talk to us a little bit. Can you share with us the story and the kind of the history behind the project? How did the original concept of Neo Tokyo manifest? Wow, man, that's a lot.

The Journey Behind Neo Tokyo

Putting that all on my shoulders right now. All right, so, you know, a lot of people saw what happened with the riddles and, but what happened inside afterwards is a black box. One of the things that we do when we do welcome people into Neo Tokyo, especially if they haven't heard the story, is we tell a little bit about, how the community came together, how we, organized, and how we eventually became what we are today. And that process, was kind of set about by three rules that, Alex Becker and Elio trades put out there for us, which was that no one could speak for all of us, including the founders, and no one could, extract value from the whole.

Building Community Values

And everyone was supposed to be looking for ways to add value to the community. So it was pretty early on, I mean, day one, that we had a bad future. Who was a citizen who wanted to help start the neo Tokyo news. He started asking for people to put information or submit some reporters to put information so that he could create what was the beginning of the neotokie news, which started as a thread and nT. And then after that, we started hosting what we called incubator discussions, which was bringing groups of people together to talk about one topic and then create teams or departments that would then find ways to add value to the community.

Innovative Discussions

So this, you know, some subjects being like, whether we should have a scouts team or a research department or things like that. And each one of those incubator discussions that we had in the beginning ended up forming departments. So now we have kind of evolved those spaces to continue to add value to neotokyo on a volunteer basis. Up until recently. So I think one thing that's really important to understand is that everybody that is here in web three, I think we're all looking for community and ways to kind of organize and work together.

Culture of Support

And this is something that whenever I came into Neotokyo, that was the first thing that I noticed was, like, there was no climbing over each other to get to the top. It was a way to support each other to get to the top. And that vibe is actually what got me to, you know, quit what I was doing full time and just stick with this, because I don't think you're going to find this anywhere else. Right. I don't want to. I don't want to hype. Hype it up too much. But that vibe has become the glue, I think, that has kept many of the believers working hard to build what we have today.

Community Growth and Belonging

So. Yeah, for sure, man. And you know what? I think the fact that you guys had incubator discussions that eventually led to the creation of departments, that is really how, like, a small company turns into a big one and how a big one turns into a really massive one, right. As it scales, as it grows. And I think you mentioned a really beautiful point there. And it's that one of the pieces of utilities that often goes unspoken is that sense of belongingness. Right. And Damon, you literally just kind of put it together. A lot of people here in web three, even though it seems like we're all vibing on the TL, even though it seems like everybody is gming each other and everybody is our friends, oftentimes that is not. That is. That's a little bit more painted and well decorated because it is not the full truth. And being a treasured member of the community, having that social network to keep us both accountable, and at the same time, when we have a. When we have stuff that happens to us, we have to trauma dump having those people to keep supporting us behind our backs, these are. These are the pieces of reinforcement that keeps us going. These are the things that helps mitigate burnout. So underrated. But honestly, one of the most important aspects of community. 100% Mandev. Absolutely agree.

Challenges and Conflict in Communities

Yeah. I will say that not to paint an entirely rosy picture, there were definitely difficult times. There were times that the community did not agree on things. Discussions had to be had. There was some of the discussions that we had in the space were about, what should we do now? How should we change this? What is wrong? I think being open to that, being flexible, having creative problem solvers that are willing to step up and actually have serious discussions and try to figure out, I mean, this is all an experiment, right? We're trying to figure out where this is going to go and what it's going to be from the beginning. Even Becker and Elliott were calling this an experiment, right. So I think that it's been a very interesting path to see what started off as 2000 people trying to come together to make something that they didn't actually even know what it was. Most of that was not clear in the beginning as well. And then turning it into what is effectively a brand and like you said, a larger company, a growing company with people who have risen, you know, stepped up into roles that they never thought that they would have taken on. Right. I never thought that I would be a part of a online community that's, you know, operating in the metaverse. Right.

Innovative Community Management

So I think that it's kind of opened up a lot of doors for us. I guess as a, as a, I don't know, as opportunities goes, this has opened up a lot of doors. So. Yeah, absolutely, man. And one last thing before I toss the mic over to Bud Woodrow on this one. Earlier on, you mentioned the conflict between communities. Right. I don't know if this is something that's okay to disclose, but when it comes to how, when it comes to, like, troublesome moments between community members that ultimately led to a positive change in your mind. Like what comes to mind? Well, I mean, the very, one of the first, earliest instances of there being conflict was Becker had put in a vote space where he said, we're going to vote on moderators, we're going to pick who the moderators are going to be. And there were definitely, it actually turned into kind of a bit of a chaos. There was, there was some, there was a group of people who thought that some people shouldn't be and some other people should be. And that went back and forth for, I don't know, maybe a day before Becker finally said, we're going to cut out the moderators and instead we're not going to have any moderators, which is crazy, right. A self modded community is something that you just don't hear about.

Transformational Community Dynamics

But what that did was it meant that now we don't really have anybody who's in a leadership role as far as, like, mods go. But it also meant that we had to come to terms and speak with each other as we had been before then in a way that would solve the problems without a moderator. So I guess that's one of the easier ones. Yeah, I guess that's the first one that comes to mind. Yeah, I think a self modded community. I can't even imagine a large crypto web, three blockchain community that has no mods. That's just so crazy to think about. But you're right, Mandy. It is. Yeah. Please go ahead. I just want to add one more thing, like. So. Also to give some example of what was happening within the space, we had a voice chat that was going on 24/7 that would have anywhere from, like, three to 500 people in it at one time, like, nonstop. And the reason was there was so much information that was happening within the space at that time. Obviously, not everyone is talking, but I do remember that there would be times that somebody would speak and talk over somebody else and, you know, three other people would be like, hey, let that guy finish this conversation.

Real Conversations and Community Engagement

That's. That was like, that was whenever I was realizing this space. The space is real, and. And it's. And it's going to continue to grow because it wasn't, you know, it wasn't barking and yelling. It was. It was smart people having real conversations. Obviously, there was some crazy talk happening as well, but for the most part, it was very, very. I don't know, it was just humbling to be a part of. Yeah. And those are, honestly, it's. Those are indicators. And quite seriously, it's a testament to the strength of a community. Right. But, Felix, you got your hand up. Let's go over to you, my man. I just wanted to add in the word banana, which was the magic word we used early in the day, Sonya, Tokyo, to actually get the attention and talk with people in the VC. So is that like, equivalent of, like, a hand raise? If I want people attention, I just go, banana.

Nostalgic Community Interactions

That was. That was how it worked. Yes, indeed. Because there was no hand raising mechanism in discord voice chat in back in the day. I don't think there still is too much of that. So, yeah, it was good. Memorable times. Exactly. That is amazing. You know, it sounds like a joke now, but I bet it works. I know some of you in the audience. Are you going to go home and you're going to try that tonight? And it's going to just. You did not hear that from us, all right? Or maybe you did. Maybe this is a branding that can tie back to Neo Tokyo. We're going to have to stay tuned to find out. but you know what? I said I was going toss the mic over to booze up. But real quick, I do want to check in with my man chronicle, who is now on his phone and should be hearing things.

Technological Challenges in Communication

Just. Yes. Finally, Elon failed me. I had my rodecaster, my nice mic set up, and now I got a resort just to my crappy iPhone. But I. The information is going to be the same, and I'm excited to be here. Thank you for joining us, man. And I just got to say, rodecaster or not, like, you sound. You sound perfectly fine right now with the RCP, bro. Like, you sound. You sound nice and crisp, man. I'm trying to emulate you as best as I can. No, no. Oh, my God. No, no. Let's. All right, let's segue on. We're not going to go down that ride. But I. But I appreciate the flowers. Thank you, chronicle. I love you. But. But would you let me toss this one over to you, my guy? As the community counselor of Neo Tokyo, what do you think makes the project stand out amongst, like, all the other gaming enthusiast communities that you see today?

The Unique Structure of Neo Tokyo

Yeah, I mean, it really kind of circles back to what Damon was talking about, the self. The fact that we kind of had to self sovereign, self custody, our own community. Right. There wasn't, like one standout leader. It was more so, hey, everyone's coming together. We're all trying to work towards a common goal. How can we best figure this out? And I think really kind of falling down several times, finding out what didn't work really kind of helped lead to the structure that we have now. So, for me, one of the biggest things that, you know, really brought nt to the forefront was the fact that there wasn't just one. It wasn't just one leader saying, hey, this is what we're going to do. It was actually input from everybody. It didn't matter how big or how small your account was. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people know that neo Tokyo is encompassed by s one citizens, season one citizens, as well as season two citizens.

Community Dynamics and Hierarchy

And so that can kind of lead to a fractured community at times where you think like, oh, you know, you're an s one, so people are going to listen to you more. You're an elite citizen, so people are going to listen to you more, which is indeed true. But at the end of the day, everyone does have a voice. So I think that's really one of the biggest standouts that we had going for our community. That's quite interesting to me, man. So identifying what didn't work and then kind of reverse engineering that problem in order to come towards the solution. Right. let me follow you up with this, man. Do you think a non modded community actually secretly buffs the cohesiveness of holders in this in a really weird way? I think that if you take the time to figure out, like, you know the saying, the cream rises to the top, right?

Building Trust and Cohesion Within the Community

You have a community of people that everyone may want to get involved, but not everyone has the same, you know, constraints or the same ability to be involved. And some people have super expert knowledges on some things that may not really apply to the entire ecosystem, but there might be, like, a little subsector of, hey, there's like 50 people in this community that really love talking about this thing. And then those little smaller parts of the community start to form, and that builds a lot of trust, and that trust reverberates throughout the entire community, where now, when once something gets brought up that, you know, that small group of 20 is like, oh, hey, go talk to this person. Go talk to that person. Go talk to this person. And that leads, you know, it builds just so much trust and so much cohesiveness throughout the greater group. And I think, you know, once you get big enough, you definitely need some mods because, you know, things can get a little wild. But when you're starting out, I think that's really, like, how we hit the ball out of the park.

Lessons for Future Projects

Yeah. I think a lot of projects can definitely take a page out of neo Tokyo's book here. Like, the fact that we all start things off with, like, a team of mods, and then you realize really quickly, like, okay, we really don't need everybody here, but once your project grows as big as nt, like, absolutely. You need people from the staff team, especially when it comes to discord and web three in general, it's nice to have people online from all corners of the world, right? So it doesn't matter if the founder or the team members are asleep. We always have our friends there to watch our backs. But, you actually mentioned something incredibly important back there, which is the difference and kind of in treatment, but also, you alluded to s one and s two citizens.

The Role of Citizens in the Ecosystem

So I would love to take this opportunity to kind of segue to that part of the conversation, and I would love toss the microphone over to Felix for this one. Felix, man, can you talk to us a little bit about what roles do the s one and s two citizens entities play in the ecosystem? Sure thing. So for those who don't know, I'll take things a bit back as well. I think Damon already touched on that. We had multiple iterations and seasonality, which is the s one s and the s two s back in the day, and this effectively has led to two separate collections that are part of the near Tokyo ecosystem. For those who don't know, we have a plethora to say, in a nice way of smart contracts out there.

Membership and Access within Citizen Groups

We have the components of the s one s, we have the components of the s two s, and then the actual full on citizens. And effectively what they act as is memberships into the community, where the s one s have the maximum amount of access. And then there are the s two s that have a bit less access, but everybody has access to the shared community division areas and so on. And then there are some dedicated chats that are lovely bars named after various historical bars in different games. And outside of that, we've just been having casual conversations. More often than not, the most conversation has been moving between purgatory, which is the s 1 bar in the metaverse that is the near Tokyo Citadel. And then we have Angie's pub as well, which is where a lot of the community conversations are going on.

Elite Citizens and Exclusive Conversations

And one additional thing that I don't think we listed there is the elite citizens that we have, which is an interesting mechanic that was put in place on the s one s, where we have the 500 rarest s one s are in a dedicated group chat there as well, or a channel where you can converse about different things as well, which is a bit more picked out and selective.

NFT Rarity and Citizen Composition

And it's interesting just because there is no fixed rarity per se on the various collections, because we have these different components, which can be composed into different unique nfts that leads to rarities shifting constantly. So if I would want to have something rarer, I could disassemble my citizen and then add in a rarer component, which is, I think, four different components that then can shift the scales in my favor. And most of the people back in the day, they remember a lot of this, but just because we had the very fun riddle adventures to get each of these different pieces to then finally assemble and go into the data stream and join the citadel info.

Clarifying Elite Citizens

Gotcha. So a little bit more clarity regarding the elite citizens part. So is it. Is it a trait that makes them elite? Or is it the rarity that comes from the. From the combination of different traits that makes that specific entity elite? Meaning that I can actually reconfigure and upgrade my regular citizen into an elite one, is that kind of how it works? Yes, it is. The latter, it's. It's more or less inferred off of the other traits that the citizens have. The cool thing, which is also a bit painful depending on how you look at it. As a developer, all the metadata is fully on chain, so the metadata generation and so on is hard coded into the various contexts that we have.

Bytes Tokens in Neotokia

Got it, got it. Thank you for clarifying that for us. Felix and I got another potentially dangerous question on the table here, but I know people in the crowd want to know about this, so whether you guys are familiar or not, let's get it. Let's talk about ecosystem tokens. Man. I don't know if they exist, but please clear up this myth for us. Are there any ecosystem tokens involved in NT? that's a great question, and indeed there is. It's known as bites. I think we've had a lot of fun discussions and adventures around bytes. It's been with us since the early days, and it's, well, it's the main blood lifeblood of Neotokia, I guess, where we've had a lot of interesting workings around it.

Evolution of Bytes

We've done multiple iterations on it. We have been working hard to make sure that everybody's happy and, well, for those who don't know, back in the day, the main bytes model was very similar to the Kong's token, that is banana. But then, since then, we found some pitfalls and so on that we had in our ecosystem. And then we did a version two. We did a dedicated new staking mechanism and we. Well, we basically tried to make sure that the economy would be more sustainable because there were some citizens back in the day that were trying to celebrate bytes and call it the bitcoin of crypto gaming and so on. And, well, went up high, we fell very hard, and then we picked back things back up, and now we're somewhere in the middle and working ourselves back up.

Bytes Token Status

So, yeah, that's the. The short story of bytes. That is the ecosystem token. And anybody else in here as well. If I missed something, please add it in because. Yeah, it's a long story and a lot of things to cover, actually. Yeah, for sure. Definitely have a follow up I want to give you for that. But can I just say, out of all the ecosystem tokens that we've seen and all of us here, I think we've been here for the past at least three to four years, right. How many tokens have we seen risen to the top and then fell and then never rebounded? I think there's a lot of them that we can think of. So the fact that neo Tokyo's token bites has able to rebound, and it's still maintaining that.

Understanding The Citadel

That solid level of prestige that is. Honestly, that's so bullish to me, man, because we look, even looking at all the coins in the previous cycle, those coins are not back at all time highs. So if a neo Tokyo token is actually able to kind of reflect the structure and reflect the flow of major coins in the. In the space, that, to me, is an incredibly bullish indicator. And one final question, Felix, and then I'll pass the mic over to crypto atheists, and that is alluded to something called the citadel earlier. Can you please tell us what exactly is the citadel? So the citadel is. Is effectively the community that we have built up. The citadel is our safe haven when it comes to conversations and.

Community Within The Citadel

And, well, where the citizens actually live. So, in essence, what it is, it's our discord server, where you have your token gated access and so on. But it's grown to be something so much deeper, where our lore and story is very heavily community driven as well. And we've been working hard to tie in basically everything that comes with the. The divisions that is of interest to people to push in harder as well. And, yeah, I see some. In some of our background channels here as well. We should have had cease in here because he's, like our main community member that is pushing hard into the lore, and we should definitely do a follow up space on this, by the way, much love to cease, but, yeah, the citadel is, in essence, everything that encompasses near Tokyo.

Bringing Community Together

And it's one of the things that has really brought us together, the lore side to everything. And the creative freedom that we had the day was talking about is kind of what has boiled down and formed the citadel that it is today. It's just a beautiful thing where everybody can come in, be themselves, enjoy themselves, work with others, and, yeah, work towards making each other great. I love that, Felix. And right, as you said that, I have just sent a message to our producers of the show, lower narrative, upcoming space that is going to happen. All right? So just sit tight for that. But thank you so much for sharing that information with us, man.

Diving into NFTs and Community

And let me toss the mic over to crypto atheists on this one. And earlier on, Felix mentioned lore and narrative coming from the community. So let's get into that. That angle of the discussion. A little bit. So on the topic of nfts and the tokens, actually, can we talk a little bit about the utilities behind that? And how does it work exactly with regards to the new Tokyo community? Yeah, happy to dive into this. I'll start with the token, since were just talking about that. So bytes token is really a way to incentivize building inside of the community.

Value Creation through Bytes

And since the real focus on Neotokyo, certainly in the early days, it's expanded since then, was to be the biggest and best place for builders who are looking to build games in web three. And as a way to tie back what people were building to the overall community and provide value and share that with all of the other citizens, Bytes makes a really good opportunity to integrate that. So some of the divisions who are up here on stage, some of them who I see down in the audience, like the news team, we figured out ways to integrate bytes into our revenue model in order to share with the community.

Revenue Sharing Mechanism

So for instance, the AMA team, which me and Ben Gothard lead, we take a small percentage of what we make in revenue and use that to buy and burn bytes. I know the news team does something similar. The merch team has facilitated the use of bytes in the merch store. So the ability to take what we've earned from the s one s and the s two s, which currently, I believe Felix covered this. But just to reiterate, you stake your s one or your s two and you earn a yield of bytes.

Mechanics of Bytes Staking

Those bytes are on a diminishing yield curve. So there's essentially like a halving that takes place each year, progressively throughout the year. So it just continues to diminish and become less inflationary. And it provides a way for either games or divisions to give back to the overall community through sort of sharing those resources and diminishing the overall supply of burn or, excuse me, the overall supply of bytes through burn. And then there's also other integrations where people have either used it inside of their game or used it to go and be able to purchase whitelist bots or be able to purchase in game items.

Bytes Utility in Action

So that's a little bit on the bite side. I'll pause there ice, just in case there's any follow up questions. I know that's a lot. Yeah. Thank you, bro. So deflationary mechanism associated with bytes from builders and from the store that you mentioned. So you just hinted at the whitelist just now. So let's go from. Let's go from there. So in addition to the whitelist, what other incentives can holders redeem from the store using bytes? So there is the honestly, this would be a better one to kick to chronicle, as in, this falls under his purview, but there is a whitelist store where you can go and purchase whitelist spots and you can use bytes for that crasher who leads the merch team made an absolutely killer jacket that I'm looking at right now, and you're able to get a discounted price on the purchase of that by using bytes.

Expanding Use Cases for Bytes

There have been some examples where you could use them to purchase in game items throughout the general sort of like gaming ecosystem of like bytes founders. So those are some of the things like top of mind that you can use the bytes for. Oh, I should also mention we have an investment arm and that investment arm, you use bytes in order to get an allocation. So you stake a small amount of bytes that gets you sort of into the ecosystem and the ability to get a small allocation of early sort of seed stage deals, all the ones that you hear about these days, safs and pretty much every other token monstrosity of traditional vc deals that have been cooked up over the last couple of years.

Investment Opportunities with Bytes

So that would be another use case where the more bites you stake and the more citizens you have, the larger percentage of those allocations that you can get for those deals. Love it, man. Thank you for clarifying that chronicle. I think I saw you unmuted your mic just now. Did you want to add something to that? Yeah, no, I was just going to add exactly the piece about the investment arm that he mentioned. But generally speaking, the bytes utility is really driven by incentivization, led by a lot of the citizen founded businesses that propagate our mission.

Citizen Empowerment Through Bytes

So a lot of the utility, just like the foundation of our community, is built up by citizens finding a need, building a revenue generating business around that need, and then facilitating access to that business through bytes to citizens, that then, you know, has a benefit to the treasury. So we have this kind of continuous effect that helps the treasury builds utility for bytes. We have the deflationary mechanism that helps the, you know, longevity of bytes. So it's all built in together for the long term.

Collaborative Growth within the Community

I just wanted to add in there as well. One of the beautiful things that Chronicle just mentioned was when it comes to the citizen founded projects and how we're working together. I am a prime example where Neo Tokyo came to make part of my web three career here in the space, because I have three companies that have all spun out from meeting people in the sedel and building the companies with them. And a lot of the people are in here, in this space today. Some of you know who you are. But I'm truly grateful for having had the opportunity to meet such great individuals in the community and actually be on these journeys these days with everybody.

Community Dynamics in Gaming

Nothing is more pleasant than building a community and then having that community circle back and helping you scale things even further, you know, that's amazing. I do want to get into the whole gaming side of things a little bit. As we all know, nt is known as the web three crypto gaming illuminati. So let's talk about, you know what. Since we're on the topic of bytes, we'll segue into that slowly. So, one last thing about the bytes that were talking about is that it empowers game builders. Right?

Bytes Empowering Game Developers

I just kind of want to dive into that a little bit more. So the aspiring game devs that are in the audience right now, how might they use bytes to actually synergize with their development plan? Yeah. The lowest hanging fruit is to work it into the revenue model. So, at the end of the day, as far as, like, what's healthy for the bytes ecosystem? This has been something that we've debated internally. Externally for a while. We've stress test and tested out a bunch of different iterations.

Revenue Model Insights

But at the end of the day, if you have a store that takes in bytes, and then you then have to, like, sell those bytes at the end to go and pay for expenses, that ends up just being like a net wash. Now, if there's a high enough volume of that, then that could be sort of like a use case where it's always sort of like circulating through all of these different uses and all of these different hands. But what, in my opinion, is, like, the most effective is to hook it up to the revenue model.

Game Development and Bytes

So you figure out, just like every game has to do some way to make money. We've seen some interesting iterations of this, like, ev IO that does like, sort of like an ADHD, ad based revenue model we've seen in game items. So there's a lot of ways to skim that cat, but I think it's the most effective to then take a small percentage of that and then use that to buy and burn bytes. That gets the whole community fired up. Because every dollar that goes into that game, a small amount of that goes back and sort of rewards the citizens, the s one s and the s two s.

Engaging the Community

And the bytes holders who are supporting that ecosystem. So a lot of ways, definitely, to use a token, I think as far as, like, the amount of effort yielding the max amount of impact, I think that's the strongest and sort of lowest hanging fruit to do it. Gotcha. So that is actually reciprocal in many ways. So not only does it incentivize the builders of the games every single time they do something amazing, it actually empowers the community members holding the tokens as well. And now that we're talking about gaming, guys, I just have to do a really quick, just maybe a raise of hands, or maybe you guys can nominate someone, but who here on the panel has the highest Elo or MMR in general, best gamer?

Gaming Skills within the Community

Who's going to, who's going to take that mantle? But would you, is that an indicator that you're the. You're the highest, bro? I'm the most basic bitch when it comes to gaming. If it was up to me, I'd probably have to say a crypto eth, most likely. Oh, damn. Crypto atheist. You gonna you owning up to that? Because this is gonna, this is gonna matter in about 2 seconds from now. I don't know if I could own up to that. I will say I've got, like, close to 70,000 gamer score on Xbox, so I've played a couple games in my day.

Identifying Top Gamers

All right, I think. I think we found our man. Okay, that's crypto at us then. Please take us away. Mandy, let me ask you this. So Neo Tokyo, obviously, huge, giant in the scene. When it comes to web three gaming, how is the community structured? Is it, like, in any particular way to amplify the passion in gamers? Or where does that gamer angle really come in when it comes to neotokyo? Yeah, this has been, like, a learning journey due to the fact that Neotokyo, like, has such a high floor price.

Community Structure and Gaming

In the beginning, were like, okay, we're going to be not only a community for people who are building in web three, the ones who are building games or building infrastructure or tools for these games. but what we quickly found, or I shouldn't say quickly, what we found over a couple of years was that the floor price is so high and the community being relatively small, it's hard to onboard a ton of different gamers. So when were doing these game nights and taught and setting up sort of the early stages of what would become nt plays, were realizing, hey, the people that are going to be spending, you know, currently at the floor, $2,500, which makes a PS five look, ps five pro look cheap, are probably not the people who are going to be in there grinding web three games with a ton of extra time, looking to field airdrops, looking to give feedback.

Introduction of NT Plays

So what we figured out to do with nt plays was open up, sort of. If you imagine, like the Citadel being the community we opened up, sort of like these outer. Not the outer lands, which belong to the outer citizens, but the outer lands, the sticks of the Citadel, so to speak, and brought in a bunch of people who are super passionate about playing games. And this initiative led to NT plays, which we just kicked off our first season with a big event with my pet hooligan, which went down last night. And essentially what we figured out, and it'll even tag in Bytes, is that anybody who went in and joined our discord and wanted to become, had interest in Neotokyo and wanted to have some affiliation with the brand were more than welcome to play in our game nights.

Game Nights and Participation

And so we had some early preseason games with nine Heroes and Raven Quest and Wilder World. We were probably getting like 50 people in there, maybe 50 plus on some of the bigger nights. And then when we opened up the season one, were like, you know what? We want to make sort of this sort of stratified, divided system where anybody can come and play that provides max values to the games that are coming and participating in our season. But for the people that want to earn some prizes and get something from, you know, in this case, for MPH, we gave away a bunch of carrots supplied by the MPH team.

Prizes and Participation Requirements

We gave away a bunch of bytes. And so for those people who wanted to earn, they have to, quote unquote soft stake or just hold a small amount of bytes. And since again, the s two floor being close to $2,500, we wanted that to be affordable for the average gamer. So big shout out to fav, who's led this initiative, but we landed on essentially the price, a little bit below the price of an average video game. So right now you hold ten bytes, which I believe at current prices is like around just over $40. You have the ability to get that roll, and then you can earn prizes, which last night were having a ton of fun, so we raffled off a bunch of carrots, we raffled off a bunch of bites, and then we had in-game challenges, which included killing me with a katana as I skateboarded around like a lunatic on the map, which was super fun.

Community Engagement and Feedback

That might have been some of my favorite gaming moments. I can think of as of late. So we have like a good mix. And really, not only is this a use, an example of bytes being used in our ecosystem, but it's really an example of like, what we try and build at Neotokyo, which is sort of these win-win flywheels. So it's a big win for Neo Tokyo because they're using our token, they're holding. We're expanding sort of the user base of the bytes ecosystem. We obviously get more people, more eyes on our discord, more people that'll come to our events.

Games Seeking Engagement

And then for the games, we're at this new stage in web three gaming, which, you know, took a lot longer than the average person expected when we started this whole journey where the games are ready, they need players and they need feedback. And so these games can come in, they can incentivize with prizes. We host with the NXG, a really top tier game night, and then we also deliver feedback on those games. We can deliver what specs people were using. So an actual level of data that we can associate. And then, you know, at the end of the day, it's up to the game to make a good product that's sticky.

Game Participation and Community Growth

And if you put it in front of think for the MPH event, we broke 65. 65 people, you hope that you convert some of those to customers. And then the overall gamers win because they not only get to play these great games, which they might not have access to otherwise, they might be in early access, but they get to play with the actual game development team. And if they opt into our gamer role, they also have the ability to win some prizes from those ecosystems. So that's how we're looking about gaming and expanding. And that's been one of the new initiatives of Neo Tokyo that you can probably tell by how deep I went into detail, very fired up about.

Feedback as a Valuable Commodity

I'm loving the passion behind that take, man. You know, one of the most precious commodities to devs and gaming creators. It's just honest feedback. You know, when we go and ask our friends, hey, how was that show I just ran? And you're like, oh, yeah, it was good. All right, great. Good talk. Moving on. That was zero constructiveness. We got no value from that. But, you know, I just want to say before we toss it over to Damon, there's nothing like being chased around by katana wielders to maintain that heart rate, am I right? But, Damon, you got your hand up. Please, man. Go ahead.

Vibes and Community Connection

Yeah, I just want to say real quick, like, the vibe, because I attended the game last night and the vibe in that room, the laughter. Hearing the voice chat again gave me early Neo Tokyo. Feels like I was like, yeah, this is. This is what we've all been missing. Everybody got busy with life and with building and with all the things that we've been doing. And it's really easy to kind of like, feel the humanity and the reason that we're all here. So I was happy to see that. I just wanted to say that out loud. So good job, guys, last night. That was great.

Future Events for NT Plays

Yeah, man. I'm feeling a little bit of foMo, not gonna lie. Wish I was there. I wish I could see what the community vibes were like so we can. Hopefully we will not miss it next time. But on the topic of that, kind of want to dive into the future events that are gonna happen. So with, pertaining to, like, nTplay, what kind of future gaming events can citizens enjoy looking into the future? So we're going to have an event every week, which is going to be web three focused. So in our season one, we're going to have eight events.

Community Gaming and Giveaways

And also we're going to include two web two-based game tournaments with our partners who are going to be providing all of the backend infrastructure, which is, excuse me. That's community gaming. and they prime the pump on the giveaways and they're going to be funding 50k worth of prizes that we're going to be giving away, during those two tournaments. So there's going to be ten events in season one where they're going to roll out to season two. Shout out for pinning the NT plays Twitter just above at the top of this space. so again, anybody is welcome to come and play. So hop in the discord.

Looking Ahead to the Next Event

The next event has not been announced yet, but it's going to be next weekend. We find that's the best time for maximum participation. So make sure you're following the NT plays. And, we'll be announcing that soon. Love it. Thank you so much. You guys heard the man. Hit up that post on the jumbotron. Give NT plays a follow. And as we approach the final segment of today's show, I want toss the mic over to chronicle for this kind of discuss what do gamers really want?

Goals of Neo Tokyo

Right? And what is Neo Tokyo's vision? So chronicle, please talk to us, man. What do you think are the goals that Neo Tokyo aims to accomplish? Yeah, no, if I had to summarize it, we definitely have two priorities or focuses that are really, you know, everything stems from these. And then I'll get into some of the actual like tactics that are being undertaken. So really expanding the citizen led, revenue generating businesses and divisions that propagate the wealth of web three gaming, pushing it forward into the future, helping it kind of meet the mantra of web three gaming is inevitable.

IP Integration and Community Efforts

But then in addition to that, brand awareness and IP expansion, through a lot of the means that we've done through the usage of IP, tying it to other brands and projects that we've been working with. So like just today, we announced our IP integration and bytes, you know, utility in Velania, you know, really strong Solana based game. And historically we've had many that are viewable in discord. But generally, you know, we have a lot of services that are part of the community.

Community Services and Support

We have the agency which is run by slime, also a fellow council member, that helps a lot of projects, that fills in the gaps of their needs, whether it's marketing dev work, creative assistance, KoL management. So we have all of that network tree that helps facilitate that. We covered NT plays, Shibuyamal shout out to crasher, which actually is manufacturing distribution of merch, not only for Neo Tokyo, but for any brand. So we have connections to different communities where we've established the development of their just merch arm.

Future of Fundraising in the Space

Well, I'm gonna shamelessly plug my own service here, which is Rengo, which is an ability to help facilitate fundraising for different projects in the space. You know, the VC world is not something that everyone is comfortable with. So having the ability to work with someone or a group of people to navigate that world, build those connections, optimize your pitch, etcetera, that's something that we offer. And all of that also is all on the revenue generating side of things.

Online Experiences and Engagement

But if you've been paying attention to our Twitter and really been seeing things as of late, you can definitely make sure to pay attention to some online experiences that are coming up. Neotokyo started as the leader in gamified online experiences. Well, we've iterated on that building, you know, better and better experiences over time that capture a lot of attention. And that train is going to keep going and we're going to maintain as the leader in this space in this regard.

Focus on Future Goals

I love that man. Thank you so much, chronicle. And please, one more time, what is Neotokyo focused on right now that the audience members should be paying attention to? I would say the tweet that I just pinned is something I'd highly recommend focusing on. Sorry, the one before that or is it the nt place one? The one that is the quote from the whisperer. Okay, I see it now. So are you ready to prove your faith?

Community Dynamics in Gaming

The whisper that post. Correct. Yes. Awesome. Awesome. Love it, man. Well, guys, I do have one more thing I want to address, and that is just the entire gaming things. Because I'll be honest, as a gamer myself, I've been looking in the space for a very long time, right. I've been searching for that one gaming community to be a part of. And maybe this was something that was few and far between, maybe two years ago, but now it seems like in 2024, everybody wants to be a gaming community.

Unique Community Aspects

So if you had to say, if you had to put it in your own word or your own words, chronicle, what do you think is the one thing about the gaming community aspect that really makes NT shine above all the other communities that you've personally dealt with in the past? Yeah. The goal here is the longevity and growth of web three gaming, and that includes things that are about user acquisition, ensuring distribution of games, ensuring access and just high level quality that the traditional gamers are used to, and not just kind of a number go up mentality waiting for the next airdrop or pump or et cetera.

Commitment to the Future

So if you're interested in really the future of the space and sector, that is something that we as a group unanimously focus on. Love that, man. Thank you, brother. And final take for tonight. Felix, bring us home, man. One more time for the audience. If anybody here wants more information or to be a part of Neotokyo's community, where can they go? They can.

Joining the Community

Well hit us up on Twitter. You can come and join us in the citadel and well be in the outskirts until you actually join the community. But please join the community if you want to. I think one of the bigger things to really look into is empty place, definitely the whisper. Me and some other members of the citadel have actually been helping work on the Whisperer stuff that is coming out. So I'm extremely excited about that.

Upcoming Opportunities

So if you want to take the opportunity to get into the citadel without having to spend too much money, maybe you should join the Whisper competition that is coming in. And I don't think there's too much else. Come and join us. Have fun. And yeah, everybody who's already in the citadel, we love you. Thank you for being here. And thank you, I so much for hosting this with us today as well.

Closing Remarks

Absolutely, man. It is my pleasure and honor to be here, but before we wrap up, I gotta toss the mic over to my guy, bud Woodja, for a final word. Please, brother, go right ahead. Yeah, I just really wanted to shout out, you know, the entire neo Tokyo community really quick. Obviously, we had a few of the council members up here. That's only a few of us, though.


So definitely wanted to shout out Photoshop, who's down there listening, one of our main mean majors, Ben Coy, who really does a lot to help the council out. Crasher, as we already spoke about flower. Flower, actually super dedicated, one of the newer council members. So definitely shout out Flower Le Boomington, who pretty much puts together all the video editing and things like that. Boom is killing it. Mister Builder, we've talked about cease already, who's the phenomenal lore master and slime, who's actually one of the biggest brains in NT.

Community Engagement and Recognition

Even though we bump heads sometimes, he really does a lot for the community. So I just really wanted to shout out some of that other leadership team fractilians, who was one of the new members to the council. And then also just the people that show up every week. Like down there. I see grape, I see freshwater, Doctor Kepper, Lucky Buck, Luke, Ben Luc Mudo, just all the people that show up. Jonathan Stonks, grumpy. We get, you know, a lot of community engagement and a lot of our community actually steps up to take part.

Gratitude and Support

So I just would be remiss if I didn't, you know, give them their flowers when we had the chance to. So I appreciate that, ice, we appreciate. You, budget, you know, shout outs to all the community, members of the Citadel, shout outs to the panelists that are here on stage right now, and of course, shout outs to all the staff members that are working behind the scenes. Twenty four seven. To make our dreams a reality.


But guys, if you guys enjoyed today's conversation, we will be back next Friday, October 18, at 12:00 p.m. eastern with a brand new episode. But that being said, ladies and gentlemen, this will mark the end of our show for today. So please, one more time, give us a round of applause to all of our amazing panelists, staff members of the Neo Tokyo team for sharing their history, expertise and experiences with the project. And of course, thank you to all the community members and audience that tuned in and helped drop a like comment and retweet.

Final Thanks and Notifications

We really do appreciate each and every single one of you guys. Now, make sure you guys are following the Neo Tokyo and NTPlays house account. And remember to turn on those notifications so you don't miss out on any of the latest updates but until then, this is going to be ice signing off, and we'll see you guys in the next one.

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