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NFT Building Begins with Energi Episode 9 ️


Space Summary

The Twitter Space NFT Building Begins with Energi Episode 9 ️ hosted by energi. In the realm of NFT building with Energi, security emerges as the cornerstone, underpinned by Ethereum-based L1 technology and a multi-layered Defense-in-Depth approach. Prioritizing protection against hacks, scams, and theft, the space delves into the significance of collaboration, innovation, and education for fostering a secure NFT environment. With a focus on transparency, accountability, and community engagement, NFT developers aim to fortify trust and resilience within the ecosystem, ensuring sustainable growth and user confidence.

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Q: Why is security crucial in NFT building?
A: Security ensures trust, protects assets, and mitigates the risks of cyber threats in the NFT space.

Q: How does Energi's Defense-in-Depth strategy work?
A: Energi's strategy involves multiple security layers to fortify NFT platforms against various attack vectors.

Q: What is the significance of decentralized enforcement for NFTs?
A: Decentralized enforcement enhances the security and immutability of NFT transactions, reducing central points of failure.

Q: How can NFT developers prioritize user protection?
A: By implementing robust security measures, educating users about risks, and actively addressing vulnerabilities, developers can safeguard users' assets.

Q: Why is community collaboration essential in the NFT space?
A: Collaboration fosters information exchange, collective problem-solving, and the establishment of industry best practices to enhance overall security.

Q: How does Energi contribute to the safety of the NFT ecosystem?
A: Energi's focus on security features and proactive defense mechanisms sets a high standard for NFT projects, inspiring confidence in users.

Q: What role does innovation play in NFT security?
A: Continuous innovation drives the development of advanced security protocols and helps anticipate and address emerging threats in the NFT landscape.

Q: Why should NFT stakeholders prioritize transparency and accountability?
A: Transparency builds trust, while accountability ensures that stakeholders are held responsible for their actions, reinforcing the integrity of the NFT community.

Q: How can education mitigate cybersecurity risks in the NFT sector?
A: By educating users and developers on cybersecurity best practices, the NFT community can proactively protect against threats and vulnerabilities.

Q: What are the key benefits of using Ethereum-based L1 for NFT projects?
A: Ethereum-based L1 offers scalability, security, and interoperability, providing a robust foundation for diverse NFT applications.

Q: How can NFT platforms maintain resilience against evolving cyber threats?
A: By staying updated on security trends, conducting regular audits, and fostering a culture of security awareness, NFT platforms can adapt to emergent threats effectively.


Time: 00:15:29
Energi's Focus on NFT Security Discussion on how Energi prioritizes security features to protect NFT builders and users.

Time: 00:24:17
Decentralized Enforcement in the NFT Space Exploring the role of decentralized mechanisms in strengthening the security posture of NFT projects.

Time: 00:33:40
Collaboration for NFT Security Highlighting the importance of community collaboration in enhancing security practices within the NFT space.

Time: 00:42:55
Innovation and NFT Security Insights on the intersection of innovation and security measures for NFT platforms.

Time: 00:53:18
Transparency and Trust in NFTs Examining how transparency and accountability contribute to building trust among NFT stakeholders.

Time: 01:02:49
Educating for Cybersecurity in NFTs The significance of education initiatives to mitigate cybersecurity risks in the NFT ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Energi focuses on providing a secure blockchain environment for NFT development.
  • The use of Ethereum-based L1 ensures a solid foundation for NFT projects.
  • Defense-in-Depth strategy adds layers of security to safeguard against various threats.
  • Decentralized enforcement mechanisms increase the resilience of NFT platforms.
  • Protecting users from hacks, scams, and theft is a top priority for NFT builders.
  • Building trust and security are essential for the sustainable growth of NFT ecosystems.
  • Transparency and accountability play key roles in enhancing user confidence in NFT projects.
  • Continuous innovation in blockchain technology is crucial for advancing NFT building capabilities.
  • Education on cybersecurity best practices is vital for all stakeholders in the NFT space.
  • Collaboration and knowledge-sharing contribute to a stronger and more secure NFT community.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Setting the Atmosphere

All right, welcome, everyone. Happy Friday. We're just about to get started with some good music. I request everyone to just retweet the space. Invite your friends and we'll just get started in a few minutes. Thank you.

Discussion on Music and Relationships

Oh, she sweet but a cycle a little bit cycle at night she's screaming then taking it? She mess up with your. Little body go nice? Like she scream? Someone say don't drink a portion kiss your name when she's me know you love me don't sugar but little body go nice? It's like me telling me crazy. People. Say swear mental ain't the best when it ended even trying to bow my song when you start your shit now you're texting all my friends asking questions and I believe I like to in the first place they didn't come I hate for the attention she only made it two days without connection? Strike up to wasting for my affection? You go all about it in the worst way?

Market Changes and Personal Experiences

When you broke ass car and you go hard for you and your friends that I'll never see again? Everybody but your dog you can abcd fuck you said you just need a space and so I gave it? When I had nothing to say you couldn't take it? Thought everyone on a bit so I became it always had to put yourself upon me trying to be nice? Nothing's getting through? Let me spell ABCDehenite ABCD for God alone ABCD fuck you and your mom and your sister and it's up and your broke ass car and the shits are gone I fuck you and your friends I don't ever see again everybody but your dog you. 0000 well, looks like there was a really strong song there. That's a gotta be very careful there.

NFT Journey Discussion

We got some people from the family listening up. All right, guys, welcome to our Friday spaces where we are sharing our journey of nfts here. I know it's been like extremely a very hard market for every one of us, but, you know, markets make the tougher people even smarter. And that's why we are here to share the journey of our guest here, Alicia. Welcome. Hello. How are you today? I'm doing good. Thank God it's Friday. I hope you're enjoying your Friday. Are you happy it's Friday? Absolutely. And I love the music. Get off to a good start.

Building Community and Experiences

Well, usually what happens is like, you know, people joining the spaces a little late. So that's why we play it around for about 510 minutes and then we go around, you know, kind of jump into the spaces. All right, well, what we do here in the spaces is I get a lot, we get a lot of DM, you know, people asking, you know, how, you know, to the NFT artists start their journey or how collections, you know, make it in, you know, the most toughest time, or what is their community strategy or what is their basically, you know, the go to market strategy. And we get a lot of questions, like, you know, after the spaces, and then based on that, like, you know, we're trying to build these spaces.

Alicia's Art Journey

So thank you, Alicia, for coming in and, you know, having, giving us the pleasure to listen to how your journey started and where you are at right now, what collection you are building, and how did you come to this space. Yeah, hi. So, guys, in case you don't know me, my name is Alicia. I'm a mixed media artist. I do both digital and physical arts. So I do draw. I like to draw a lot of characters, and I like to draw a lot of naturistic things. My journey started actually two years ago, and I don't know if you guys know Dill. He's a musician. He has a really huge platform.

Insights into the NFT Space

Originally, he had a space about two years ago that he would hold every day, and he actually sent me a message on Instagram and was like, you know, come to my space. I host them, blah, blah. And, yeah, and so I joined, and when I joined, I really enjoyed it and I kept going back and that's like, how I became an NFT artist. So I think it's important to reach out to other people on other platforms that you see are artists and, you know, just invite them to a space or a show. And what do you think you're like, what do you think the NFT space overall right now is?

Reflections on the NFT Market

When you joined it, has it changed? Has it been much better? Has it been increasing? Or has it been like, you know, the noise is going down and the more building has started? Absolutely. I think I joined during a controversial time, to be honest with you, because I started, like I said, this will be two years in October. So when I started, the market was just, like, going. It just, like, kind of dropped down. All the sales eth, everything was, like, down, and everybody was talking about, you know, how much better it was a year ago.

Understanding Market Trends

And so I know that it's been roughly bad for about two years, I would say, just based on my hearing of what I've heard from other people, but I would say that, oh, wait, I'm sorry, you lost me. What was the question again? No worries. It's it's. I know we're in a Friday mood. So, like, you know, I mean, a lot of collections that we. That come to our spaces, like, you know, an artist as well, they join during or they had joined during the height of the bull market.

Challengers and Alignments in Web3

So right now, like, you know, with the spaces and everything, like, seems like, you know, with the downtrend market, like, you know, everything has changed. So it's trying to speak around, like, you know, how your journey has been, whether it has been, has it changed? Has the fizzle dried off? Or. I would say it's changed in a sense, where when I originally started, I wasn't too familiar. For the first year, I was kind of getting my footing on spaces and what people to listen to and who not to listen to, because that's important. With spaces, you have to go in.

Introduction to the Curvy Ladies Collection

Hi, my name is Alicia. And continuing part two of let's see curvy Ladies collection. Here we go. You know, I created this curvy ladies collection to celebrate body positive positivity and also mental health awareness. My mom passed away of an accidental overdose when I was 22 years old. She was diagnosed with schizophrenia and severe depression. So as a result of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse that she endured, I chose to honor her by creating this collection because I feel, as women, we carry so much intuition, so much strength, and such a nurturing spirit for humanity. This is because we do hold humanity in our womb. The world needs our hearts to heal and transform this new generation of kids.

Empowerment and Self-Value

If you're here listening, don't let anyone ever try to steal your joy, your hope and your confidence. Don't let anyone try to define who you are. You are beautiful, divine, powerful human being. You can make a difference with your voice. The only thing that truly matters is love. And I believe that, you know, your mental health is worth everything. And it's encouraging to tell your story so that other people can experience clarity in their own situation and also seek peace. And I just want to encourage everyone. You know, confidence is totally related to mental health awareness, and people don't seem to correlate it that much because then you begin to start thinking about depression and all these other things.

The Connection Between Confidence and Mental Health

But confidence, if you don't love yourself, you're not going to make the right choices. You're not going to value the choices that you make. You're not going to make what's the best choice for you because you don't find yourself valuable. So why do that? Why put yourself first? And that's unfortunately what happens in the mindset of a person who becomes very depressed. They start to look for other people to fill their hope, and you can never find hope in another person. You can only find it within, through divine. I just believe, you know, whether you believe in God or a central source or your higher self or whatever it is, that's where you're going to find your power is by going within.

The Importance of Networking and Community

That's really extremely important. Like, you know, people, like, you know, sometimes forget self love, too, and kind of, like, you know, kind of, it shatters their confidence and kind of building in the spaces. So, you know, when I first started these spaces, like, you know, I was like, you know, who's going to attend, where they're going to come from? Like, I don't care. Like, you know, it doesn't matter to me. I just, my personal goal was, like, to bring out, you know, these stories of NFT artists, of NFT collections. Like, you know, where did their journey, how did the journey start? I wanted to bring it to the people. And that's what I'm passionate about. That's what I'm confident in.

Minting and the Challenges of NFT Spaces

No, I find that those strategies are more for community building if you're whitelisting and dropping things for your community specifically. But with me being an independent artist, my name is what defines my, you know, my, I guess, my. As far as my future goes, that's my name, Alicia, you know, is my, like, what I was trying to. Say, a brand, that's all. Yes, exactly. So no matter where I go, if my name gets bigger, then all the sales from, regardless of what platform I drop on, are going to increase. Do you see what I'm saying? Because as an artist, it's your name. Like, people go on a platform and, oh, there's something from Sabet, you know, or there's something from, you know, they don't care what platform is on.

The Growth of Web 3 Compared to Web 2

You know, how do you coordinate with a lot of people? No, X is my main platform that I'm active on because I'm trying to sell nfts. I think that's where people mistake it. If you want to sell nfts, you need to be on Twitter. But if you're selling calendars and, you know, I started here two years ago, but that doesn't mean I started as an artist two years ago. I've been an artist since I was a child. And I actually was doing web two art before I was doing web three. And I was selling on Redbubble, and I was selling on society six, and I was selling on fine Art America, where you can still find me today, where there's products, you know, that you can purchase with art on it.

Realization and Engagement in the NFT Community

Definitely. I mean, yeah. Oh, wow. That's, that's a bombshell revelation right there. And why do you think it that way? I think because when you're selling to, I would say because when you're selling in web two, you're selling to the world and you have to let the algorithm really give you an uplift. Okay. As a w, because if you're selling as just an artist and you want to sell, like, on YouTube or you want to sell on, the algorithm has to get you in front of the people that need to collect. So you're really dependent upon the algorithm. But when you come to x, you have the choice of going into these spaces and promoting yourself, and you have the.

Encouragement for New Artists

But I'm not going to say that there isn't help because there is. I've seen women, there's web, three women. I know, 23 artists. There's a lot of people that do offer grants. So just because I haven't, you know, applied or gotten approved, doesn't. Don't want to shy anybody else from applying or getting approved is there are grants out there, especially for students, if you're a student, you know. And that is on tezos, correct? No, I think the grants are just, like, for money. And those you will find more on hug, I think if you're looking, because that's going to be more like open calls.

The Challenges of Sustaining an Artistic Career

I think the biggest challenge as an artist is to keep your collection alive because as an artist, you're always putting out new work, and you're always putting out new collections, and you're always putting out different art because you're a creator. One day you are creating, you know, these beautiful flowers, but then the next day you're like, I don't want to create another damn flower. I'm going to create something totally different. So artists will always produce different works. So I think that it's your trade, your name. Keep yourself relevant, and relevant in people's mouths. Keep yourself relevant in spaces on hug and open calls.

Networking Within the NFT Community

You know, how do you coordinate with a lot of people? No, X is my main platform that I'm active on because I'm trying to sell nfts. I think that's where people mistake it. If you want to sell nfts, you need to be on Twitter. But you'd have a lot of different platforms trying to get people to now mint their art on and sell it through that platform. The thing is that you've got too many of those different platforms. The thing with an artist being myself, that's just too much. It's just too much to keep track of, you know.

Current Marketing Strategies and Airdrop Season

So I know a lot of the older, like, influencers, and I know, like, with marketing nfts, we can push it out with different marketing, like, accounts, you know, and we. And we will do that. But this airdrop, when we did our last season, airdrop, we had 80,000 people sign up, and it took off by accident. Like, I was not ready to launch it. It was like, a soft launch, but it just took off. So we had 80,000 people sign up. That was, like, two years ago. And then we just finished, like, we've been building. And now the marketplace is working, which is awesome. And our airdrop is, like, ten times more powerful than it was then. So I think the problem is right now, it's not airdrop season, and people aren't that excited about airdrop. But I think we're going to have this thing running for, like, the next, at least the next year.

Looking Ahead to Future Seasons and Success Expectations

So we're on season four. We'll be on season, like, each season's a month. So, like, season 16 by then. So I expect this thing to. I've been successful with several airdrops in the past, so I'm confident it'll. It'll pop off. And then again, all the rewards are. A lot of those rewards are geared toward artists and projects, you know, to, like, benefit them for being with us. So that's the idea. So it's a good idea. Good plan. I mean, everything I've heard so far, it sounds very similar to what a lot of people are offering. The only thing I find different is that you're offering kind of, like, this tokenized investment into, like, the.

Tokenized Investments and Market Dynamics

The company's worth. Kind of like, how well they do is how well you do, right? Totally. Well said. Okay, so, yeah, that's cool. I'd love to hear sometime, Alicia, like, the other, because, you know, I like learning from all the competitors because I want to see if there's something we can improve. So if you know, other platforms that are doing, you know, something similar, please do tell, because that's what I spend a lot of my time doing. It's like researching, figuring out what people are doing. Savage nation, he does something very similar, except for he doesn't use his own blockchain. He does have his own token. And it's just like that. You buy into the pool and you. But he hasn't connected to the traits, too.

Traits, Royalties, and Engagement Strategies

He has, like, traits and royalties on his art. And what's really cool is, like, he'll have, like, giveaways for people who are carrying certain traits. If they're holding those particular nfts with those traits that involved in the giveaway that month, which I really like, because then a lot of people have a chance to win money. It's really cool, for sure. He. So it sounds like he has a collection, right? Not a marketplace. Exactly. He's an artist who has a collection, but he also has a community and a discord. And he uses his community, I think, based on not only the collection, but also the coin that he has people invest in similar to yours. Got it.

NFT Marketplace and Competitive Landscape

Got it. Okay. So that I will check it out. I love to learn from him. I am. If you see other marketplaces doing something like this, let me know, because I, like, there's blur, magic, Eden. And they both have, like, bidding and listing incentives. There's pulsar. Who are. They're like, you guys, I think, very similar. Have you ever heard of them? It's p u l s r, I think. P u l s R. Yes. Pulsar, AI. They're doing that where they have their own. I think they have their own creative channel, and also there's transient labs who have their own channel. A lot of people are minting on there.

Challenges Artists Face in Current Market

I mean, there's so many different platforms. Kind of what has made it difficult for artists to sell, because now artists are running into the problem that there are so many platforms, you know, that it's kind of like the whole thing where it was like, before it was like, there's too many artists. I think when AI came out, everybody wanted to be an artist. Oh, it's so easy. I'm just gonna type in a word and sell art. And I, like, all these artists came from everywhere, and I'm like, oh, my God, we have so many artists, but no collectors because of AI. Love AI. No, I do love AI, though, for real. I do love it.

Royalties and Technology Solutions

Out of the artists, you know, I assume a lot of them care about royalties. There are other solutions for royalties, though, like, these days, that has been solved by other technologies, I guess. I guess it's more of a brand association than anything. Elysian, that's something that I think we have an infrastructure that most people don't have. Having our own blockchain. Like, we have the best security blockchain in the world. It should be probably worth a lot more than it is, but for whatever, towards impractical value, it means that you don't have to worry about your community having assets stolen. Mark probably mentioned that.

Incentives and Community Engagement

That's one aspect. It's a brand association, you know, and then we have the incentives there of, like, we're not just asking you to, hey, will you please, pretty please, come over here? It's not that. It's. We're giving away a lot. Like, we have a really good airdrop program. Like, honestly, the most advanced airdrop program I've seen, and I'm just always looking, so if there's something better, I'll just absorb it in, you know? But, like, we're leading the way in that. And I've built these sort of engines in the past. We had one called energy rain, which was like an early Zlee type of system.

Outreach and Artist Connections

So, anyway, but thanks for that feedback, Mark. We got to get on that space with, as she mentioned, and talk to a lot of artists there and tell them what we have, because they might like it. You know, they might get to find the people that like the brand, like the security thing, like the guaranteed royalties, like the not worrying about theft, and, like, basically also all the airdrop incentives. That's our. That's our mo. Yeah, man. Oh, down there. You see, he just came in. He's another artist. Awesome artist. I love him. He's great. He does the most art.

Community and Art Recognition

You do the most coolest art. They gotta see your art. Maybe you could be. He's really. He's actually on drip house. He just dropped his first collection on drip. He's really enjoying drip house. Yes. Sorry, Tommy. Oh, welcome. Oh, thank you very much. It's first time on your space. Yeah, I see Alicia here. I even don't know how I found this space, if be honest. But I'm happy. Okay. Nice to meet you. So energy and aiadae and told me. So nice to meet you.

Marketplace Overview and Challenges

What this mean, Mark? Yeah, it's being mark on the energy GMI team. We got a. I'll give you the long story short, we got a. We got an NFT marketplace. It's called gonna make it. You can see it on my profile, and we've been building it for three years, and it's a pretty good marketplace. Check it out. We have it on our chain, the energy chain. And I'm the. I invented decentralized enforcement in the space.

Decentralized Enforcement and Protection

What that basically means is if someone has. If someone steals from you, it's like a dow. You know how dows vote on funds? We have a DAo that also has enforcement. So if somebody steals, you can recover that asset and that's actually saved a number of our community members over the years. So pretty cool technology allows us to stop theft, allows us to stop royalty theft and so on and so forth. So that's like our core brand. And then the past three years we built a block, or we built a blockchain past three years to build an NFT marketplace.

Blockchain Development and Marketplace Features

We also built a bridge, a Dex and a bunch of other infrastructure. The NFT marketplace is like our crown jewel. I love nfts. You can see I got a espado on, you know, I'm very, I'm pretty tuned in the space, spend a lot of money buying nfts. So I love nfts. And I want to bring that vision of an NFT because one of the worst problems in nfts is theft is the drainers is all that. And we solve that. So we have like a unique product that nobody else has.

Incentives and Airdrop Programs

But as good as that is, it doesn't really matter without the proper incentives. And that's where our airdrop comes in. You got to check it out, go to my profile, go to gonna make it and then go to the website and go to the airdrop. Or just go to airdrop dot gonna make it.com. we have a lot of incentives for basically like artists launching their collections with us. You get incentives just for like everyone who holds your NFT is getting part of our airdrop. So it's like it's going to help increase the floor price of your assets, you know, and then anytime someone buys and sells one of your NFTs, they get part of the airdrop.

Marketing and Community Engagement

If they bridge an NFT from Ethereum or polygon or another chain, overland, there's an airdrop for that. And then there's airdrops for like weekly tweets. So we have like a really good marketing engine behind this thing and it's going to be going on for the next year. And we have seasons every month. That's a high level of who we are, what we're doing. Just a very quick version. So. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Thank you very much for sharing this.

Understanding Different Marketplaces

Yeah. Do you know about dripdeh? No. Okay, so why I'm there? Yeah, why I'm there? So the model right now there is less than 1000 artists and thousands thousand maybe. I mean, a lot of collectors. So it's kind of game changing and that's why I'm there. So basically I struggle a lot with the sales and even the sale is a small amount. But I, to a lot of people, it's kind of this feeling that they're looking for. So how you work with this problem?

Current Marketplace Challenges

So basically, you know, so when you go on other blockchains where it's basically open to artists, you see this basically. Sometimes there is some collectors and sometimes there is just artists who collect from other artists and a few collectors. So it's the problem of the market right now that I see. So what's your thoughts about this? Because it's kind of the main problem of artists, NFT artists. We don't talk right now about BFP and projects. We talk about art, you know?

Marketing Challenges in the Art Space

Yeah, totally. That's a great question. I'm so happy you guys are bringing this up. This is what we all need to be thinking about. These are the problems in the space. And my answer to that, which I've thought about a lot, everything's, it's all a big marketing game. Okay. I mean, that's what I realized. I've been in crypto for over ten years and I learned that it's all a marketing game, man. So that's where my head's been at a lot the past year.

Focus on Marketing Strategies

I actually took just a full load of university marketing classes last year. That's where my head's been. It's marketing. And in that headspace, I really thought very deeply about what are the most powerful forms of marketing. Right. It is the nature of every business. Every business. Sales is a lifeblood. Marketing is a lifeblood of every business. It doesn't matter what you're doing. So same thing here. So that's where I've been focused.

Video Insights and Incentives

And I'm saying, you guys, I'm going to do a video on the airdrop pretty soon that like, walks through all the programs and how it all works. But we have like, guides on there and you can see it. But what I think it comes down to is the proper incentives. You incentivize certain behavior. And let me ask you this. Does that NFT marketplace give you an airdrop or just holding someone? My NFT marketplace give me money.

Concerns of the Artist Community

So every day. So it's my biggest concern. Yeah. And give collectors to us who really appreciate our art, not just try to make money on us. So, yeah, so it's kind of, I mean, it's really emotional to me because I'm looking for these things for a while. So, and right now. So when you talk about your marketplace, when I come from, I don't know, from Kazus or from other blockchain, it's kind of valuable stuff.

Perceptions of Different Blockchain Platforms

But when you talk, when I taste this drip stuff, it's only two weeks, but I already see. Okay, so every day I have a paycheck, I have followers, I have sales, and it's kind of, this feeling is really hard to find right now, so. And if you can bring it, of course I will be there. And I found some time to make extra art to post it on your exchange. But if it's not, give this feeling.

Focus on Community and Collectors

So I just focus on stuff that is give money and give, you know, real collectors who want to, who just appreciate my art. Basically, the idea is to bring a lot of people to platform who really want to collect not only mint, you know, so because mint is kind of can be a product so you don't have to bring as much artists as you can to platform your goal, basically to bring as much collectors as you can.

Purpose of Marketplaces and Community Building

And this can work, but, yeah, I mean, what's the purpose of this? You know. You can see, you see the dragons in the audience. I created that collection. That's a 3d. Yeah, I mean, it's cool. It's, it's really cool. So I see two dragons and it's marked ea and. Oh, yes. Okay. It's not three, it's five.

Quality of Art and Market Success

Five. Come on. It's really cool because it's different. It's not the same. Yeah, it's cool. Really cool. I directed that. It took me, I directed it. I wasn't the artist. I was the art director. I was a bit of an artist when I'm younger, but I didn't develop the skill, you know, it's too much. I'm like a decent artist. But anyway, it was my vision and I did hundreds of adjustments on it to get it to that level.

Effort in Art Creation and Market Perceptions

But the point I'm making is I spent a lot of effort making that collection, and it is, I think, one of the nicer 3d art PFP collections that, you know, there's not too many of those out there. First of all, it's a good looking collection. There's a good amount of work that went into it. It's a cool dragon. I think it's one of the cooler looking dragons out there. But here's the thing I realized is, you know, it's, that's, you know, you see some of those collections, they just take off and you're just like, oh, wow, you know, how did they do it?

Luck vs. Art Quality in Market Success

They got lucky. Oh, the art must have been good. And what I feel like I've learned along the way is it's actually not about the quality of art. And it's the same thing with blockchain technology. Like our blockchain is the only blockchain in the world that protects you from theft. We should be a billion dollar blockchain. You. So, right. Because when the struggle with sales, I said, okay, so maybe my art is not good enough.

Continuous Improvement and Market Understanding

I make it better and better and see, okay, so my artist looks too good for those stuff that I put and nobody sells. So what, him actually do it here? So then I start to look, okay, maybe this is not that stuff. Maybe it's platform stuff, maybe it's some other stuff. So I have marketing man, right? It's an attention economy under, right circle that word. It's an attention economy.

Attention Economy and Market Behavior

That's it. That's it. It doesn't, honestly, that's what I learned. So that's what I've been. That's where my head been. We're gonna win the attention economy game because of all these incentives we have. We have 13 different programs of people to earn in our platform. Most platforms have one or two. You can provide listing or bidding and that's what, that's all that blur does. Blur only in provides incentives for listing and bidding.

Understanding Market Incentives and Strategies

And if you bridged over eth, that's it. That's all the incentive they provided. Magic Eden does the same thing. And they also, I think they have some incentives for staking some nfts. We have both of those and eleven more. You know, we have a really good airdrop program designed to capture the attention economy. And I'm not speaking from a place of, oh, I think I'll try this and hopefully it'll work.

Successful Airdrop Strategies and Previous Experiences

I've already succeeded at doing airdrops. The original energy airdrop, I had 40,000 people sign up for that in 2018, and that's just because I capped it at 40,000. I could have had hundreds of thousand. There weren't that many people in 2018 either, mind you, a lot less than now. And then in 2022, we had 80,000 people sign up. This was on a much more basic version of this airdrop platform we have and now this year.

Marketing Power of Airdrop Platform

This airdrop platform we have is a marketing, it's a marketing super weapon. It's the best way to put it. And it's going to roll. Every season is one month right now, season 427 days left or something. It's one month long. When season four ends, then we do season five, one month. Then when that ends, season six, one month, and we're gonna do that for the next year, at least a year, maybe till the end of next year.

Projected Growth and Market Impact

So this thing will take off. It'll catch waves. Like, we get, like, tens of thousands of people signing up within a couple days, and that's where the attention surge comes in. And then probably a lot of artists will hear about us at the time, and then they'll say, okay, we want to come with you guys, but you guys are hearing about it right now before the waves have hit. So you kind of got the inside scoop. But we've succeeded in this before, and we'll do it again now.

Marketplace Infrastructure and Current Operations

We actually have the marketplace, though. When we did the last season two. Two years ago. The last. Yeah, the last design, we didn't have the marketplace out, so now we have the marketplace out. So it's working. It's nice. We're still adding features, but it's good. By the way, guys, as I mentioned to you guys, I'm on here in Bangkok, like, on a Friday night, walking down, like, a random street.

Living the Crypto Lifestyle

Just talk to you guys. I was supposed to get somewhere. I might have missed my appointment, but I'm going to try to. I'm going to try to see if I can get there, but I just want to pop in, say hi. Vacation. That's awesome, bro. I'm on permanent vacation, man. I mean, that's the crypto lifestyle, man. You know, I lived in Bali a year. I lived in Thailand a year.

Experiences in Bangkok

I came to Bangkok. I was supposed to be here two weeks, and I've been here for three and a half months now. So Bangkok is amazing. Highly recommended. If you guys have not come here, it's like a New York City. Like a young New York City. It's very fun and energetic and cheap. Like, massages are $10. Like, literally $10. Like, everywhere. You know, street food is super cheap and delicious.

Cost of Living and Cultural Experience in Bangkok

You can get, like, a Skyrise condo for, like, a grand a month. It's amazing. Wow, that's freaking cheap. Holy shit. I'm telling you live on your kingdom. They got the. I'm like, right in front of the coolest mall. It's like a brand new mall. Sorry for that brand new mall that was built this year. There's like a hundred different places of, like, on the food court, on the ground level of, like, Michelin stated rated restaurants for ridiculously cheap.

Quality of Life and Enjoyment in Thailand

It's the life. Like, I'm living life out here, so God bless. That's the power of crypto and being wherever you want to be. So, yeah, you gotta try it, Alicia. I know. Would love to go anywhere but Ohio. Where? Oh, man. Yeah, you gotta get out. Home for me is, like, between California and Arizona. You're jealous.

Reflections on Lifestyle and Future Aspirations

You get the sunshine, I get the cold. Well, I'll tell you what, Alicia, I hope we are all successful in this full market. We get the payday and, you know, can take that vacation and come, you know, because it's good for the soul. Oh, I know. I love. I would love. The only place I've ever been out of the United States was not really out of the US, but I went to Puerto Rico.

Experiences Outside the U.S.

Oh, it's so beautiful there. I could. Right on it. I've never. It's beautiful in Ukraine, too, when I'm right now, but, yeah, I mean, yeah, of course. Yeah. I mean, come on. So when? When? But it's still beautiful. Yeah, it's still beautiful. We don't have area alert every day. Sometimes we don't have those stuff, so.

Observations on Ukraine and Its Culture

Yeah, it's really beautiful here. Yeah. I mean, if it was not good, Alicia. If it was not beautiful, so there. Then they not try to, you know, come here. So it was bad, you know, so they just want to have it to themselves, you know? Yeah. Anyway, so many beautiful places in the world.

Exploring Beauty Around the World

I mean, come on. I've been to Ukraine. Ukraine is amazing. I miss the board. Yes. You know, some good food. Great. Amazing food there. You guys do food, like, absurdly, like, fancy food everywhere. I. It's insane. It's really good.

Future Plans and Immigration Thoughts

Yeah, it's. It's really insane. And, I mean, come on. And, yeah, I have to. When this war is finished, or we just have a president that will not take men into this country. So I have to leave, I guess I thinking about Portugal, because it's kind of. I mean, I choose a country and I think, okay, I don't know that language, but maybe English will help to me.

Language Considerations in Relocation

Yeah. Anyway, that's a good way to think of it. Make sure they predominantly speak English. Yeah. I mean, even if not. Even if not, I will learn this Portuguese language or how it. Okay. Because, I mean, there is. When I. When I did research, I found out there is 100 million people talking on those languages. I mean, that much more than Ukrainian language around. So I have to know this.

Gratitude for the Space Discussion

Well, this has been a great space. I want to thank you. Energy and Tommy and I'll set all you guys for inviting me and giving me the low down. And I hope you guys got some good information that you needed. Yeah, thank you for that. It was a pleasure meeting you. And also, Nano, pleasure meeting you as well. You guys have a blessed, beautiful day.

Looking Forward to Future Encounters

Enjoy the week, say goodbyes, and I hope we see each other on more spaces, too. Yeah, that'll be fun. You should. Yeah, just follow me. Turn on my notifications. You just show up at my space and can put you as a co-host.

Conversation on Group Communication

Consider it. I'm down. Sounds good. Yeah, I host spaces more about drip, so. Yeah, follow him, too. All right. Thank you, Nano. And thank you, Alicia. Alicia, by the way, I've added Tommy to our group on telegram, and then we can start the conversation there. And, Nano, I don't know if you are on telegram, I wanted to add you to the group, too, using telegram.

Discussion About Telegram Usage

Oh, okay. I don't love to use telegram for groups, because it's kind of like my phone, you know, so I don't use a phone number, I use telegram. So that's why I even changed my name there, so nobody bothered me. But what's your group about? Oh, we just created a group with Alicia and me and Asad and Tommy, and we can have more in depth conversation about drip and everything there. Okay. To whom I have to dm this?

Minting NFTs Explained

Yeah, yeah. I would do that. To energia, to you, to this account. Yeah. Oh, I can't not follow me. Oh, sorry. It was solon time. I guess I didn't use the sketch phrase, like, two months already. You not follow me. I follow you. Why not? You not follow me. So it was my catchphrase, so I use it for different hosts, and they follow me after this. I mean, yeah, it's kind of fun. Okay.

Clarifying NFT Minting Process

Anyway, I'm gonna dm your. Sorry, Alicia. No, no. Before he goes, because I don't want him to leave. What does this mean? It says, do you want to mint a refundable NFt or a standard NFT? What the heck? I've never seen that. I know. Okay, I'll tell you what that is real quick. Real quick. Okay, so this is so, again, guys, remember, our brand is built around, not rugging. Right. With energy, our blockchain. That's part of the reason I was so hesitant to associate with projects for so long, because so many projects disappear after six months.

Long-term Vision and Market Security

We've been building for seven years. I want people who are long term people. So the way we stay true to our brand of protecting the users and creating, like, I want to have our. The brand of our marketplace, like, where people come in and just mint it quickly because they know that they can't get rugged, and the way they don't get rugged is some marketplaces have done 100% refundable. That's cool. That, and that's really cool. But the thing is, projects need some money to work with, like, so 100% refundable is kind of hard. So an 80 20 refundable means that you get 20%. So let's say you put them in for 100 energy, you get 20 of that goes to you.

Explaining Refundable NFT Models

So you can use that to build with 80 of that goes into a refundable contract. So what that means is when the collection finishes minting that people can come or any time they can actually refund their NFT and get 80 energy back. So what that does is it creates a floor price on the NFT, first of all. So the price NFT is never going to go below that floor. And like, we had an NFT refundable one launched like a week ago on our marketplace, and like that one did, 100% refundable would have minted out very quickly because there's no risk. And so the cool thing as an artist, as the main revenue stream as an artist, is royalties.

Risk Mitigation for NFT Artists

If they're, if the trading is being incentivized, if, you know, if the right incentives are there, then you're going to make money from the royalties. And what this does for the user is it removes the risk. So people aren't afraid to come in there. They don't have to be as scrutinizing. They don't have to say, well, you know, is this artist up the snuff? Is his artwork good enough? Blah, blah, blah. They don't have to worry about that because like, you know, I like this guy, I'm gonna mint it. And the most I could lose is 20%. And I think that creates a lot of like, sense of security. So that's what that is.

Understanding NFT Investments

Okay, so the refundable one is when you want to invest in the token, and the standard is when you don't. Want to not invest in the token if you're launching a collection, right? So you're launching, let's say, Alicia, you're launching a collection. Let's say there's a thousand units in the collection, okay? And you mint them for 100 energy each. So it's a hundred thousand energy, that total amount that would mint out your collection, you get 20,000 of that, 80,000 of that energy remains in the smart contract. So that means, okay, at any point somebody wants to come withdraw that 80 energy, they can do that.

Clarifying Pricing and Smart Contract Dynamics

And the price, therefore, will never go below 80 energy. Does that make sense? Sort of. I don't understand what you mean by the price would never. So you could never, like, have a higher price? You're losing me. No, you could have a higher price. You can't have a lower price. Like, think of it this way. Let's. Let me just explain the refundable, 100% refundable one first. You're minting ten nfps you offer for sale on energy for 100 energy each. You have got a thousand. A thousand energy has gone into it. But you didn't get any of that money because it's 100% refundable.

Income Mechanics for NFT Artists

So none of it touches your hands. It's all in the smart contract. At any point, someone can come upon that NFT and get the hundred energy back they paid for it. Does that make sense? Or nothing. You get it? Sorry. It's like, copy. Yeah, got it. I got it. Okay. Okay. Basically, what we're doing is striking a balance between taking care of the artist, where you guys, everybody needs some money to work with, but I say build it on a ramen noodle budget. I mean, that's how we build, too.

Creating a Safe Environment for Artists

So you don't, you know, raise the 20%, it's gonna be less than the full 100% of money you get. But it makes a safe environment. And when you have a safe environment, people are more willing to participate and you get more people. So that's how we kind of approach it. I don't know if that makes sense. Full of you, but I can explain it more later. No, that makes sense. The refundable one would be more like, you're buying into that environment, I guess you could say, for that protection that, you know, it rubs, I guess.

NFT Market and Artist Community Building

Exactly. Exactly. And, I mean, that's the thing. Like, we have. Our brand is built around no ruggage, no. No stealing, no scams. And any project that associates with us and they want to partner with us, they have to do either 80% or 100% refundable. And that's how we keep our brand pure as well. We just don't associate. Therefore, anything that we promote, we know that investors cannot get screwed, and we then we can be confident about it. You hear me? Got it. Yep.

Exploring Drip's Functionality

Yeah, I know it's a different way of doing things, right. But I'm staying my principles, you know? And for me, it feels 100% right. Because I'm telling you again, as a blockchain founder, this is the exact reason why I was so hesitant for so long to partner with project, because I did not want to partner with project that, raise a bunch of money, and then six months later are gone. You know how many investments I made like that? Too many. Way too many. And I would not want to lead my community to that.

Guarding Community Investments

So this is a way of, like, safeguarding the community. And at the same time, I think it can be a very fertile ground for artists. Could better than anything else out there. So that's what we're trying to achieve. We'll see, you know, but we got to get it. We got the airdrop rolling, so I'm confident we'll catch some ways. Anyway, you guys, I gotta try to still my glass call for this appointment, so I gotta drop off. But, thanks for hanging out with me, Alicia.

NFT Market Discussion

Nano, Mark. everybody here. Thanks for joining us. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. Come on. I will definitely come on. More spaces with you guys. All right. All right, you guys take care. I'm gonna catch you later. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Goodbye. Yeah, I joined this group already, so thank you for inviting me. And telegram. Perfect. Thank you. I think I said you can mute your mic.

Technical Difficulties and Atmosphere

I think that's the background noise coming from, or. I don't know. That's for me. Okay, perfect. All right. Yeah. Thank you. Nano, I think I'm just looking at you. Yeah. Thank you. I see you joined there. That's. That's actually great. And we can continue our conversation there. Nano, you were talking about something about the drip, and, you know, we kind of, like, you know, had more depth conversation with.

Drip's Current Activities

With. With. With Tommy and everything. And now that you guys have, like, a little background of what's going on, so what is actually happening at drip for somebody who is listening to these spaces and, you know, guys, I tell this. Okay, give me a second. What I should share to you? Okay. I have this pin tweet right now. Sure. So what's happening there? You can pin it to our space to Nano if you would like.

Incorporating Social Media in Drip Discussions

I always do this, so I usually don't ask for permission because I'm talking, so of course I gonna pin it. Yeah. I'm rude. Yeah, Alicia can say. Anyway, it's just joke. Anyway, I pin it on jumbotron. Give me a second. Okay. Yep. Okay, so I pinned it. It's two screenshots from drip house. So the left screenshot is my leaderboard, and the right screenshot is what he wrote.

Artist Monetization Strategies

So basically, every single artist can make money with different ways. And one way is. Okay. So. Okay. But the main thing is perks. It's things when you just can describe. Okay, so I will spend for my work like one week, for example. And there is when you prom and you also promise to people something, for example, you promise, okay, if you donate to me money, like a specific amount of money you will get from me, this kind of NFT when my timer is go to zero or you, or if you go in a top one or top ten, you gonna get a that kind of NFt from me for free.

Building Connections Through Art

Right. But when you donate money. So it's one of the main way how you can make money and make connection with your, with people who appreciate your art. It's really similar to web two solution, I guess Patreon or Patreon, right. So it's really similar because artists can just create stuff and he just promised, okay, so I promised those and those for being in my top ten or for donating me so much money.

User Engagement in NFT Platforms

So on the right side I write my promises and on the left side, the board of top leaders and 1000 is basically $1. So some people, and it was too short. It was not for one week is three days only. So. And they have $144 donated to me and drip house just take for themselves 30 something percent, 32 I guess when I calculate it and I get the rest and it's kind of worth it because they do advertisements.

The Role of Drip for Supporting Artists

So they show my profile to people. They bring those collectors to their platform form, etcetera. It's the first way, the second way what I do, I just can make any NFT and just drop it and everybody can have it or only those list of people can have it to whom I will send those NFT. So it's totally free. I don't pay any commission.

Understanding NFT Saving Mechanisms

But when somebody save it, he spent $0.01 for each save. And I basically get the same stuff like I get in 70 something percent for this savings. And it's good because one, okay, a few NFTs today I, today and yesterday I just posted and it was rare. I just send it to all of my subscribers. It's 13k, something like this. And it was saved for 4000 times and 4000 times is basically $40.

Profitability in the NFT Market

And in NFT market for artists, it's kind of big money. So and every day any artists just get paid in the USDC at the same time they just withdraw those droplets and to the artists in USDC, so we just get paid like this. For collectors it's different. So you know how collectors think? So they just, some of people just collect art because they want to support favorite artists or they want to have some rare piece from them because all of that NFT in Solana, right.

Collector Motivation and Market Dynamics

Or they, or maybe they want to reach sort of rank because on the platform collectors can reach ranks and then they every four hour they can claim some free money. And those free money they cannot withdraw, they can just spend it into platform to support other artists. Those NFTs can be possible to flip on the secondary and it's flipping. So a few of my NFTs was flipped for very small amount and one was flipped for 0.11 Solana.

Auction Mechanics and Seller Experiences

And it's kind of good. Other things that's also interesting to me is kind of auction. They have own auction and they also really works in a really close connect relationships with melo auction. Basically some of my art was minted on melo and I do auction there and I can don't wait when there withdraw money. I just get money instantly when auction is end.

Summary of the Market Environment

Yeah. So it's pretty much really rough explanation. So a lot of stuff happening. But the main point is safe environment for both. So collectors know that they will not be scammed. Because basically to be artists we kind of, we have to do a lot of stuff. I mean, Alicia nowadays, so we have to be invited or we have to bring attention to ourselves that we an artist, then we gonna be invited on Zoom call, then we gonna wait for our returns.

Artist Verification and Community Trust

Basically we dox ourselves to platform. And if you scammer or if you just don't have a quality art, probably you will not be there. So that's why when collectors come there, they know, okay, so why collecting art from that kind of artist? So we save. And it's also one reason why collectors love it and one more that I feel by myself because I also collect art there.

Affordable Art Collection and Community Engagement

It's really good things. When even when you student, you can spend for example, $1 and you can support a bunch of artists, you even can get thanks from artists because it's basically $1,000 droplets. $1 you can get a lot of nfts. And yeah, it's kind of already you field yourself to something bigger than. Because when you go to other platforms with $1, you filled nothing.

Value Perception in the NFT Space

Because it's kind of too small amount to collect some stuff. But here you can collect a lot of things like. But you think, okay, it's kind of for free. But come on, if somebody gonna buy your art like 4000 copies, $0.01 is $40. It's much more than on any, you know, those small marketplace but bigger names, you know, so it was fast. I hope I not confused you, but it's what I know right now about.

Wrapping Up Conversations and Announcements

Drip now that makes total sense. I mean there is a learning curve for everybody and, but what, and I was, and this is my, has been the objective of my space. Like I don't really care about numbers, like how many people attending and all that. What I'm really focused on getting the word out there. There are people that come back and listen to our spaces and really like, you know, this is what is going to proliferate the space where like, you know, some people who have never heard about drip, they're going to go there and they're going to start trading.

Ecosystem Growth and Community Contribution

Then people don't have heard about GMI, right. And you know, start trading and what it creates is a prolific NFT ecosystem, right? So more power to creators and more power to artists. You know, the word gets out. Just another question. The drip, is it a token on multiple chains? Oh, it's the most interesting part. So token is not stable. Why? Because token is depends on the price. But in this case they not related tokens, drip droplets.

Token Economics and Stability

It's in, it's just inside of their office and it's always will be $1 because it's not a token. So that's why when somebody invests money so they instantly come, you know, say for save for themselves, 30%. And it's, I mean I really love this model because a company have to be stable. You know, the company has to be made, has make money or other case it's kind of can be like pyramids.

Avoiding Scams in the Artist Community

We saw those kind of pyramids. It doesn't work good for artists especially. So I was touched with revel stuff. It was the biggest scam ever. And when I tried to test their platform, they just blocked me one time. Second, they just blocked people. So when people here on drip try to test platform and this stuff that they deliver, they not block artists, they just say okay, so we have to change something into platform.

Delivering Support to Artists

And it's kind of, I didn't saw this on other platforms. Usually people just care about, you know, money and scam people. I don't see it right now here. So I guess it's already more than year. I'm not sure because it's really new for me. I know for this platform, not one year, but I know there's people a year already working there, etcetera. And there is less than 1000 artists right now.

Artist Opportunity in a Growing Market

And so many collectors. I don't know, it looks like successful project to me. How do you swap your nano to your stable coin? I don't swap, they just withdraw it like every day. They just send it to my Solana wallet in USDC. Every day I get paid. So if I got 100,000 droplets, I gonna get those 70 something dollars or $70 to my wallet.

Stable Income from Drip

So today it was crazy amount. I'm not gonna mention this, but I today it was even more. And they just do it every day. So it's the main point. So that I don't think how to withdraw stuff from their platform. So yeah, it automatically does that. Right. So even if it's a few cents. So like it will not be a few cents because it's kind of almost impossible if you make one art to get only a few cents for a day, usually.

First User Experience with Drip

But one guy who told me about drip, he said this first paycheck was $0.30 or something like this. So they don't have this minimal amount. So if you make some money, you will get it. Okay, perfect. And then nano. Another question that I wanted to ask you is as a user, right. I am a user of the platform. I'm not an NFT artist. I'm nothing collector.

Engaging User Experience

Have you also been a user or. Just wait a minute. What, what kind of, if you're not an FT artist and you're not collectors and you says you're not a user, basically because you're not used on a. Collector perspective, like a collector is a user. Right. So I'm like, I'm not making. Yes. Collector. So you just can use my link and try it.

Interactive User Engagement

Yeah. Justin Webden $1 and test it with me or with other people and you can see how it works. So it's really understandable, easy. And yeah, I mean, first time, you just invest $10. It can be Solana, it can be even credit card. And you just get instantly those droplets on your balance.

Versatile Investment and Collection Options

And then you just have, can use it for collecting nfts to subscribe to other artists and get from them nfts. And also you can make a beat on some auction, you can donate to people and take those and try to get those rare nfts. So you just basically make fun. And when you get this NFT, when you save it, you just have it instantly in your Solana wallethood.

Token Transactions and Wallet Use

I use phantom wallet, basically. And so basically drip is just related to Solana, is that correct? Yeah, it's Solana. It's on Solana blockchain. So of course. Okay, it's Solana project. Yeah. Not top something on Solana. Okay. All right, perfect.

Encouraging Community Interaction

And guys, if you're listening to these spaces, go ahead and follow Alicia and Nano. You know, this is something, this space has been incredible learning journey for us and Nano, by the way, and Alicia, you guys are already in our group on telegram, and we'll continue the conversation there. This has been quite interesting. And this is what we've been trying to build on.

Vision for Community-Driven Development

GMI is kind of, we don't want the platform to be built by primarily, like, you know, we start the engine, but the driver is going to be the artists and the collectors. We want you guys to contribute towards the building so that, you know, we can always assert that, you know, this platform was built by the community, it was built by the artist, it was built by the collector.

Incentivizing Participation in the Ecosystem

So if you have any suggestions, anything, dm us or, you know, just DM or join our discord. And don't forget about our airdrop, guys. If you are holding, like, you know, it literally takes zero investment to join our airdrop. Simple as connecting your wallet. If you don't even want to connect your wallet and just want to see what's going on inside, you can also go and check out our airdrop.

Exploration of Platforms and Rewards

Go check out our marketplace, go check out our launchpad. You can, like, if you don't need to be like a very skilled NFT artist to launch your own collections, it's pretty simple. You can. I'm skill. I'm sorry? So I'm skilled. Yeah, no, actually it was interesting because we, when were building our launch pad, we also kept like the most advanced users as well as like, you know, regular users who wanted to, just had a passion about NFTs and wanted to launch NFT collections.

User-Centric Development Approach

So we build the platform around that. It literally takes like two minutes to launch your collection. As long as you are skilled on building your, like, you know, the metadata and the images, that's all it requires. And once you. Yeah, you can check my art right now.

Conversation about Artistic Skills and Relationships

So I'm really skilled artist and I just pinned it on Jumbotron. Why I said that really skilled, because Alicia stole it. So. And I believed what she's told me. So I'm. Am I skilled, Alicia? I think Alicia dropped off. I don't know whether. I don't know. So she's still on my side. So I know how it works.

Delivering Support and Enhancing Artist Visibility

But anyway, it's my latest art. It's gonna be delivered today when this countdown will finished. Yeah, but to launch a project like this, they have a huge team because when I wrote to support, they always answering they do old stuff for us, I mean for artists and like support any of our idea, even if they don't have it on their platform.

Collaborative Initiatives and Community Response

So for example, I said, okay, I want to deliver them special, rare NFT to all of my subscribers. And they just give to me this list of subscribers and just deliver those stuff to 13K people. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. So I just happy I didn't know what will be in a week or in a month or in a year, but if it will be here, I guess I gonna make some money here.

What to Expect in the Future

So, yeah, I'm happy. I don't know. Thank you, Nano. And we're coming towards the end of our spaces. Before that, we want to announce the winners of today's spaces. We have two winners here, said and Romten and just another one, blueberry, an additional one.

Announcing the Winner of the Competition

So what they want. So we, during our spaces and during our spaces, we announced the winner. And for today's winner, they will receive an NFT from our marketplace which will automatically make them enter into three different airdrop programs. So they please open up a ticket on our discord share.

Connecting Winners to Rewards

Your wallet will transfer the nfts over to your wallet and this will automatically guarantee you a sweet spot into three different airdrop programs. Each of those airdrop programs is dropping currently 1 million GMI tokens. So you have the opportunities to trade these nfts, list it, participate in bridging portfolio, a lot of other things, and you can share from the pool of, you know, 1 million.

Total Million GMI Token Distribution

1 million. That's total of 3 million GMI tokens for the season four right now. So congratulations blueberry Romton and said thank you for staying all the way throughout the end. Open up a ticket on our discord and you know, you can just get your nfts.

Concluding the Space Invites and Appreciation

All right, this has been really interesting. And thank you, Nano. And thank you extremely, thank you, Alicia, for like, you know, coming and sharing your infinite wisdom in the NFT space. This has been absolutely great and we would like you to come back again. We are, we have some more surprises coming up next week.

Exciting Opportunities on the Horizon

Rewards, more incentives for people attending the spaces. Just, just not nfts, but like, you know, we value and treasure your time. So come over and join our spaces next week too. Keep, keep our notifications on. You'll see more exciting collections. And I hope Nano and Alicia, you could be joining in to do also dm your, you know, spaces to us.

Engaging Community Participation

We would love to be attending your spaces and support all of your initiatives. And do check out our launchpad guys and our NFT marketplace, Alicia and Nano. I guess we'll continue our conversation in our group pretty soon. All right, well, I hope everybody will have a good Friday and a good weekend.

Final Thoughts and Farewell

We'll see you again next week. All right, asad, let's have some good music. Okay? Not a rated music, please. You have some family people listening to, so let's go for it. Before we end the spaces.

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