Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into a wide range of discussions including blockchain technology, NFTs, digital asset safety, and marketing strategies. Participants engaged in lively conversations, covering technical challenges and sharing personal updates in a mix of serious exchanges and casual moments. Despite obstacles such as connectivity issues and unmuting problems, the space concluded with gratitude towards all involved, fostering a sense of community within the SocialFi niche.


Q: What were some of the main topics discussed during the Twitter space?
A: Discussions included personal introductions, future plans, projects, and updates on publications and collaborations.

Q: How did technical difficulties affect the flow of the space?
A: Technical challenges such as unmuting issues and connectivity problems disrupted the space and led to participants leaving and rejoining.

Q: Who were some of the notable participants in the space?
A: Notable participants included individuals like Graham, Razzle dazzle, and coward x rose.

Q: What kind of engagement was encouraged among the participants?
A: Participants engaged in lively interactions, greetings, and discussions, fostering a sense of community.

Q: How did participants handle challenges like connectivity issues and account accessibility?
A: Participants faced challenges with connectivity and account issues, which sometimes led them to repeatedly join and leave the space.

Q: Why were updates on publications and collaborations shared during the space?
A: Participants shared updates on publications and collaborations to keep the audience informed about their work and projects.

Q: How did the speakers maintain a balance between serious discussions and casual interactions?
A: Speakers balanced serious discussions with light-hearted exchanges, creating a dynamic atmosphere in the space.

Q: What role did audience participation play in the overall dynamic of the space?
A: Audience participation enriched the space, contributing to the lively atmosphere and engaging discussions.

Q: What were some common themes among the personal experiences shared by the participants?
A: Participants shared personal experiences, upcoming projects, challenges, and updates on their professional endeavors.


Time: 02:11:00
Initial Technical Issues, Discussion about the initial technical issues encountered and room sharing.

Time: 23:12:00
New Book Introduction, Overview of the new book focusing on digital assets and blockchain safety.

Time: 26:26:00
Basic Safety Tips, Explanation of basic safety tips and scam identification for beginners.

Time: 28:20:00
Workbook for Managing Digital Assets, Detailed discussion on the workbook included in the book for managing digital assets.

Time: 32:27:00
Marketing Strategies, Insights into the marketing plans for promoting the book and engaging the community.

Time: 41:19:00
Minting Process Explanation, Detailed explanation of the minting process and its importance.

Time: 51:06:00
Future Benefits of Holding Sets, Discussion on future benefits for individuals holding sets of digital assets.

Time: 57:02:00
Sunday Space Event Announcement, Announcement and excitement about the upcoming all-day space event on Sunday.

Time: 00:01:09
Community Updates, Updates from various community members and plans for future events.

Time: 00:01:16
Closing Remarks and Community Engagement, Closing remarks and encouragement for community engagement in future spaces.

Key Takeaways

  • Participants shared personal updates and engaged with the audience.
  • Technical difficulties like unmuting and connectivity problems were encountered.
  • Discussions ranged from personal introductions to project updates.
  • Some participants shared information about their publications and collaborations.
  • Interactions among participants created a lively atmosphere.
  • Challenges with unmuting and account accessibility persisted.
  • Various topics from personal experiences to projects were discussed.
  • Audience engagement was encouraged during the space.
  • The space featured a mix of serious discussions and lighter interactions.
  • Connectivity issues led some participants to leave and rejoin the space multiple times.
  • The space concluded with appreciations towards participants and audience.

Behind the Mic

What up, drips? Man. I’m loving Twitter tonight. Mister Green. Yes, sir? I can hear you perfectly, dude. I’m just going to talk to you for a little bit here. Let’s. Let me. Let me ask you some questions. Okay. All right. So if you had to pick one of the legendaries, which one do you want? The legendaries. Let me get back to the website here, because I was on it just. A little while ago of everybody who should know every single one of them. Wouldn’t you think Mister Green knows them by heart? Oh, I know a lot of them. I’ve been taking screenshots and use them in graphics and stuff, but Jesus, there’s so many of them. Probably. What’s your favorite? My favorite what? Favorite legendary 101, homie. Well, you already know that answer. I know. Do you think Mister Green knows? Mister Green what? Ducky’s number one favorite 101, homie. Oh, probably the Xenu. I think my favorite one is. I think. Mike, this is bullshit. You give him all the easy ones. My favorite one has definitely got to be the zombie one that were talking about last Sunday, I think. With the green face. Yep. The green face. Zombie droopy. He’s got to be my favorite. I, for some reason I can’t remember, but I almost positive that is, that has an extra animation on that piece. I gotta, I gotta go look. I can’t remember, but I almost positive that the fog is, like, raises, rises from the bottom of the character. That one’s dope. His face is all eaten out on the side. It’s pretty dope. And then the one with the pyramid in the background too. That one. The aztec Indians background. I love that one too. You talking about the Raza? Yeah, I believe so. Yeah. The Raza with the aztec temple background. Yeah, that one’s dope. Yeah. I’m taking a look at you hear me now? What up? Visit. Can you guys hear me now? I hope so. Sure can. All right. Yeah, it was just a bad spot going around here, and I just got back over to the other side of the, by the dunes and service now. So going to come in, say, oh, and super pumped for the all day space this Sunday. This is the first time I’ve been able to jump into one of these. I know Mister Green and his team have been putting a lot of work into what we’re putting together, but it’s super exciting to be able to do this with guys like you. This is fun. I’m just checking out some different things, and I just left a kind of a sneak peek for Sunday afternoon, so everybody’s coming in. Sunday is going to be a lot of fun. It’s going to be fun. I’m looking right now at my collection and I’m looking at some of the ones that I do have on here, and I’m going, yeah, these are nice. Yeah. I’m looking at these legendaries. The creatures, the zombies, the samuroids. The one that I like. I’ve got the Xenu, I got is, I got that avatar you already knew. I figure I got it out and I got a couple of good missies as well. But I’m looking at the zombies. That’s the one I think Mister Green said. He’s right off and there’s some cool stuff, but yeah, these are all nice. They all been hand drawn beautifully by our good friend in England. He was with us last Sunday as well, and he’ll be in on Sunday as well. Yeah, yeah. Got an A, I would say, oh, yeah, I know I talk a lot. I want to wish everybody a great Fourth of July. Have fun with your families. Oh, you too, man. Thanks for everything. Hey, much love. You too. Be family. Be safe out there. All right. Yep. And make sure you guys follow with us on Sunday. We’re going to have a lot of fun. Mister Green’s been looking forward to this one for a long time and it’s great been working with him and everybody else in the community that’s been involved with us. So looking forward to it. Appreciate it. Thanks, everybody. All right. Take care. Bye. Bye. Thanks for coming. Bye. Appreciate it. Peace. Everybody has a great fourth. Hey. Alright? Be safe this weekend, especially. Yep. Don’t blow up your hand. Yeah, exactly. Alright, Bob. Take care. Bye. Good night. See you Sunday. Bye. Bye.

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