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The Twitter Space NEXT 100X MEMECOIN $SOL $POX hosted by DaoKwonDo. The Twitter space delved into the Next 100X Memecoin project, focusing on $SOL and $POX, emphasizing partnerships, capitalist approaches, and the use of educational tools like Hooked On Phonics for project awareness. Engaging in DMs for collaborations was highlighted as a key strategy in the meme coin environment.

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Total Listeners: 547


Q: What are the primary cryptocurrencies focused on in the Next 100X Memecoin project?
A: The project primarily revolves around $SOL and $POX cryptocurrencies.

Q: How important are partnerships in the meme coin industry?
A: Partnerships are fundamental for the success and expansion of meme coins.

Q: What role do capitalist strategies play in driving meme coin growth?
A: Capitalist strategies are employed to boost the growth and adoption of meme coins.

Q: How can individuals engage for collaborations in the meme coin space?
A: Engaging via DMs is a common method for fostering partnerships and networking.

Q: In what unique way is Hooked On Phonics being used in the project?
A: Utilizing educational platforms like Hooked On Phonics is an innovative approach for increasing project visibility.


Time: 00:15:45
Focus on $SOL and $POX Exploring the significance of these cryptocurrencies in the Next 100X Memecoin project.

Time: 00:25:18
Partnerships for Growth Discussing the role of partnerships in driving success for meme coins.

Time: 00:34:56
Utilizing Capitalist Strategies Insights into the capitalist methods employed for the growth of meme coins.

Time: 00:45:30
Engagement Through DMs Exploring the importance of direct messaging for collaborations in the meme coin space.

Time: 00:55:12
Innovative Use of Hooked On Phonics How educational platforms like Hooked On Phonics are utilized for project promotion.

Key Takeaways

  • The Next 100X Memecoin project is centered on $SOL and $POX cryptocurrencies.
  • Partnerships play a crucial role in the success and growth of meme coins.
  • Capitalist strategies are being utilized to drive the growth of meme coins like $SOL and $POX.
  • Engagement via DMs is a key approach for collaborations and networking in the meme coin space.
  • Utilizing educational platforms like Hooked On Phonics can be innovative for project awareness.

Behind the Mic

Taking a Ride

If you want to go and take. A ride with me riding, trying to spot something real nice looking for a little shorty I know they so that I can take home she could be 1818 with an attitude of 19 kind of. I like. The way you brush hair and I like those stylish clothes you wear I like the way the light hit the icing glare and I can see you moving way over there if you want to go and take a ride with. Me in between. Without no vouchers on the boosters bringing nothing back you should feel the impact. Shopping with glass when the sky's the limit and them haters can't get past that watch me as I pass that four six lane once again, it can't change every time I switch lanes it feels strange now making a living on my brain instead of cane now I got the title for my mama.

Financial Struggles and Observations

They can only see their bills. So they have no money, but they can see what they owe. But that's it. Bro. This is crazy. I mean, bank of America thing, last time something like this happened with crypto started fucking ripping. It's weird, bro. It's like. It's like the weird time. Whole month is weirdo. This whole month is weird. Trump's case documents are about to be unsealed. Anyone know anything about that? So you know anything about it? Trump's case documents for what? For the court case. For which one? Because there's been a shit ton of court cases against Trump. Which one? Well done. I'll tell you which one. Trump on the circumental, I think this main one that's going on. Jack Smith newest case against Trump has been unsealed. Jack Smith's case. What the fuck? Who the fuck is Jack Smith? I have no idea. I've never heard of this one.

Court Cases and General Confusion

I've heard of the documents case, the lawsuit that he was facing with Gene Carroll, the. The one that he had in New York, the one that he had in Georgia. I haven't heard about this one. Yeah, they're gonna try to hurt them. Prosecutors and newly unsealed court papers say Donald Trump resorted to crimes and bid to cling to power after the 2020 election regulation. And you. I don't know, bro. I don't know. This is fucking weird. Oh, this is the Washington one. The Washington one that they couldn't get through. So basically what. What was happening with this was they. They got overruled and they couldn't, like, rule on anything until after the election. And so they're just unsealing and releasing the court documents. This is essentially what they're doing. Yeah. Yeah. See how that goes.

Observations on Current Events

Oh, man. Bro. October, October. October started out fucking terrible. Yo. This sucks, but I ain't fucking worried. I ain't worried at all. Think we're gonna be fine, boys and girls. Think we're gonna be fine. Brown even. I just hate that. I don't even be like, bro, I don't even be stressing anymore. It's like, it just feels. It's sicken. How does the money. How does a fucking area on the opposite side of this planet affect our money, bro? Like, how. How so fucked up? Yes, because they've been doing it for so long, they're so deeply ingrained into this government, into this country that's why, bro, like, since the Holocaust, like, that's why, like, everybody's had to feel bad for people since then, and they've taken advantage of that shit.

Concerns about Government Spending

This sucks. Now we're going to be sending more money to another fucking another Ukraine. You can't make this up, bro. You really can't make this up. And then five years down the line, they're going to say, oh, $8 trillion went missing. Our debt is fucking skyrocketing. Part of me even be thinking, like, in case Trump wins the election, like that, what they're doing whatever the fuck that they can to give him, like, the absolute worst possible scenario. Like, here's 50 trillion, $60 trillion debt. Here's all these issues all over the fucking world. Deal with it. Yeah, but as for how it is affecting us, I mean, we live in an interconnected world economy. If you look back in history, economies used to be able to sustain without, like, other countries.

The Current State of the Economy

Like, they used to be way more isolationist. Now more than ever, we have a shit ton of international trade. So when you have a country like Iran, which they do a lot of trade with Russia primarily, but they do end up doing trade with other countries. But if you have a country like Iran that gets taken out of the picture, all of those resources and things that are coming out of Iran need to come from elsewhere. So it causes this ripple effect all throughout the world economy, because we have a world economy now, not small, isolated economies like what we used to have. Have. Yeah. What did you think of the debate yesterday? Tall. I thought it was great. It was very substantive. Honestly, I learned more about what the policies were for both candidates from the vice presidential debate than I did from the presidential debate.

Observations on Recent Political Debates

It was very cordial. There wasn't any arguing. There wasn't, like, them going after each other. They clearly both came into it with a tone of respect for each other, which was really cool. But Tim Walls looked terrified the whole entire time. It was like any time they cut to him, he's like, eyes were like bulging out of his head. He said that he was friends with school shooters at one point when he slipped up on his words. And then what was the other thing that happened? Oh, they made him admit that he wasn't actually at the Tiananmen skirt where massacre and wasn't in China for that, because he tried to say that he was there for that. Just like how he lied about his military service, which was interesting, but that wasn't brought up. So it's funny that wasn't brought up, isn't it?

Critique on Political Candidates

Yeah, very interesting. It's funny that wasn't brought up. I'm gonna be real with you, bro. I thought that debate was fucking terrible. Really? I thought both. Yeah, I thought both. Tim wall sucked and. And JD Vance sucks, bro. I'm not happy about JD Vance at all, fan. There's nothing I like about him. I tried, I tried. There ain't nothing I like about him. You don't think he did a good job with the moderators? I don't think he did a good job at all, bro. I don't think. I think he did a better job than Tim walls. And walls definitely gave me Biden vibes, but I think they both suck. I think they both suck.

Desire for Alternative Candidates

Well, I would have much rather preferred Vivek than JD van. No, I agree with you. That's just. I agree. But in this debate versus the last one, we didn't get as many non answers. Like, I was born a middle class man or whatever, blah, blah. Tim Walls did that once, like on the Tiananmen square thing, and then they came back to him, were like, hey. Why don't you kids at Cinnamon square? Was fashion the reason why they were there? They disguise and hypnotize and propaganda leaves you blind. I don't know. Fuck them both, bro. I would be honest with you. Fuck them both. They both suck, bro.

Concerns Over Leadership and Investment

That Tim Walls guy was Joe Biden all over again, bro. Full blown garbage. And JD Vance is both of them. Both of them are products of apex. And JD Vance is the sneaky way of slipping a pack into Trump's fucking cabinet, bro, if I'm being honest with you. So not really excited with either one of them. I think that JD Vance was prepped, sat there and prepped by fucking Vivek because he tried to talk, like, and even move his hands and gestures like fucking Vivek. So I don't know, Sam. I don't know. I think our country's was fucking true trouble worse than ever, bro.

Unexpected Issues and Future Predictions

But they actually answered the questions, though, whereas, like, with the. The Trump Kamala debate, it was just a bunch of non answers. So that was refreshing at the very least. What's up, plague? I still don't know that. I mean, Vivek Ramaswamy is a great debater, but I don't know if he would. The job of vice president is a shit job. They get all the shit jobs. Like, look at what Biden had. The only people that seem to graduate from vice president into president is on the Democrat side. Why? Because you always fail upwards.

Critique of Political System

I mean, look at Gavin Newsom. He's a perfect example. Even Kamala Harris is a great example of that. She was terrible when she was ag. She was terrible as a senator, and now she's terrible as a vice president. Now she wants to be the worst president that we've ever had, giving Vivek a job like that. And so why not give him, like, the head of state or, you know, something. Something where you can actually get some experience actually meeting people around the world rather than forcing him to deal with, like, the shit jobs back at home. You know what I mean? Like, it's not a.

Analysis of Current Labor Dynamics

It's not a very thankful job. At the end of the day, they always get the worst jobs, and if shit doesn't go right, they always get dumped on for it. Right? So that can actually. The United States of America. The United States of America is a self sufficient business, bro. It runs itself. Right. Your president is just here calling shots and shit. Sure. To be honest with you, bro, I think Vivek would do a better job than JD Vance and Donald Trump, bro, because he's not bought and paid for. I agree.

Discussion on Candidate Viability

I agree. I would rather one. Number two, the reason that he didn't run for president is because he's Indian, and they know he wouldn't win because he's a Indian, bro. And Trump supporters are fucking majority rednecks. I've never let a fucking goddamn Indian as the president of this country. Yeah. As long as I'm alive. My forefathers fought for this. You know, those people help at ruining this country with bias. Yep.

Political Dynamics and Implications

Yep. No, 100%. I want to throw in, Shit. I had something else to chime in on. You better remember it quick. Was it the Iran stuff? Or was it with the debate plague? No, the debate was, okay. I had a bunch of things that were talking about. You know, I wanted, what are we going to do about the trillion dollars worth of commercial real estate? Estate that's going to go bankrupt over the next. By the end of 2025? Like, that's something nobody's talking about at the end of the day.

Impending Economic Concerns

That wasn't exactly what I wanted to talk about. Repeat it. Repeat the question. So what are we going to do about what? There is a trillion dollars. Do you remember what started the bitcoin? Right. Was the housing crisis of 2008. What they did was they bundled together shit mortgages with great mortgages and sold it as a bond package. Right. You have the same thing going on with commercial real estate right now. There is a billion dollars worth of commercial real estate that is going to go basically bankrupt by the end of 2025.

Future Real Estate Predictions

And nobody's talking about that. Like, if you look it up, you can look. You can look it up on Google. You can see it everywhere. They're expecting almost a trillion dollars, which is the same scale of what happens. Housing crisis was back in 2008. Except for this is commercial real estate. Like, when you go around the country right now, the buildings. The commercial real estate is only occupied by about 30% to 50% on average. Like, some buildings are at their 70%. Some.

Skepticism Towards Current Market Trends

Some buildings are full. But it's not the majority. The majority of the. Of the commercial real estate that's coming off lease is going to go bankrupt. They're not going to be able to pay their loans because they can't put anybody in the buildings since COVID get. The fuck out of here, bro. Commercial real estate is empty. Yeah, dude, seriously, I'm in Manhattan right now. I'm in Manhattan right now looking around, bro, and it looks like all the offices are full.

Mixed Observations on Market Conditions

I'm telling you, dude, look at, like, look it up. There's. There's plenty of articles written about it. They're just not talking about it in the mainstream media. Like, it's no way. So you're saying just like the housing bubble crashed in the past, you're saying commercial. Commercial real estate is next? Yes. Yes. Absolutely. You've been saying, I have never heard. This in my life. Books have been saying that. Guys here. I heard him say it.

Debate on Economic Indicators

No. I heard you say no. I'm looking around. No way. Thank you. I'm looking around, bro. I've got a whopper with cheese, french fries, and a large coke in front of me. And as I look around, it looks like, commercial real estate is booming. Booming. People paying their rent. We live in a country of people that love. They love to wake up early and go to work. So I don't see how that. I agree, bro. I.

Concerns over Future Economic Stability

We're so doomed, bro. People have no. Fuck. We still haven't even felt the effects of fucking Covid. We have not felt the effects of the stimulus checks and the extra 600 and unemployment and all that. I just. I just got off the docks down in Port Newark, and I almost made a wrong decision turn and that. I swear to God, there was a bunch of angry people down that street. I did not want to go down, let me tell you.

Experiences in the Docks

I got lucky and was able to deliver my load of copper. But there ain't nothing moving down there right now. You know what that's really about, right? You know it's got nothing to do with money, right? No. It's to do with the cars. Right? What I'm hearing, truckers are angry. It has to do. It has everything to do. It has everything to do with the fucking. The robots that are about to replace all those people.

Concerns Over Automation

Yes. The docs, the automation. I seen that they were showing that in China. What it was. All the automation they have set up down there, and people are just sitting on screens watching all the shit move around. So they're. Yeah, they're gonna put a whole pile of jobs. Yeah, absolutely. 100%. Well, think about it. The robot doesn't itch. It doesn't complain. It doesn't take breaks. It doesn't run into shit.

Discussion on Automation and Workforce

It's not allergic to work. Doesn't run into shit. It doesn't slip and fall ensue, doesn't. Call it in sick. It's like, a lot, man. It's, like, a lot. It works overtime, call out of work. Yeah, yeah, no, I get it. But they've kind of forced the Democrats into a shitty position, right, because democrats support labor, right? They're the big union supporters. So if they force them back to work, how does that make them look?

Discussion on Political Implications

Right? So that union's got them by the balls right now. And I'm telling you, like, all your Christmas shit, all your. All your. All your Thanksgiving stuff is sitting on. I think the Thanksgiving stuff is in the stores now, but all your Christmas shit is sitting on containers. There ain't gonna be no Christmas trees. Like, all that stuff. The port was backlogged. Like, you could see all the floating docks sitting in the port. You could see all the container ships sitting full, sitting in the harbor there.

Observations on Shipping and Supply Issues

Plus you could see stuff out on the water, like. Like, we're only two days into this shit. It's gonna get bad real fast. also people with money. People with money are going to be fine. Yeah. Like, people that don't have money are struggling, are fucked, because at the end of the day, you're just going to see an influx in fucking airplanes, bringing all this, all these goods. Well, that just costs a lot more money.

Predictions on Economic Impact

The first cost of living is going to go up by a crazy amount. The first thing you're going to see. I think it's going to happen. The first thing you're going to see is freshen produce. That's the biggest hit you're going to see, right. You're going to lose bananas, you're going to lose anything coming over from Africa or for Europe this time of year. We're still lucky we have some supply. But going into Thanksgiving, it might start to get tight, right?

Concerns Over Supply Chain

Because all that crop will have been sold through. So depending on how far the truckers there on strike. Oh, the truckers are the ones that move all the containers around, right? So they're the ones. They're the ones. They're like. Why were you there? There? Oh, I was actually. So I was delivering copper cathodes to a refinery down on the. Down on the docks.

Insights on Copper Delivery

So copper cathodes are a flat sheet of copper, 3ft by 3ft. I'm not exactly sure how they machine those or what they machine them into. I usually deliver rod, which I know that the copper rod they usually split and splice into to electrical wire and like, for alternators or for just general electric stuff. But you're talking about, like the steel cables too, right? The copper cables, yeah. You don't know Balbony, do you?

Discussion on Industry Connections

But what? Sorry? Balboni. You used to run the shit. No, I don't, Tommy. Tough nothing. Steven Balboni. You don't know him, plague. No, I don't. What? You don't know Tommy out of New York or any of these guys? I thought you were in the industry. Is that from some sopranos or something? No, I don't even know what sopranos is.

Industry Insights

You said you were. You said you were moving what, down by that? You said you were moving six inch cables or. What did you say? At the dock I had today I had copper cathodes. Copper six and a half, 3ft by 3ft. Wow. No, they're about a half, maybe about a quarter of an inch thick of copper. They're just. They're like flat. They're like plates, almost like flat plates.

Copper Cathodes Specifications

3ft by 3ft and they stack about. Tommy tough knuckles or Stephen Balboni. They might be there. I don't know. I think they're running. Probably, but I would never see those guys. You didn't see Balboa's guy say he was going to cripple us? No, sir. Yeah, I saw that shit, bro. It's like, terry and like, you know, my friends that work on the docs are sending it around for, like, our group chats and shit, saying, wow, he's such a g.

Reflections on Industry Dynamics

Oh, yeah, he's such a g, bro. Like, do you realize what the fuck is about to happen, you overpaid, complaining longshoremen? Like, do you know what the fuck is about to happen? They offered them 50%, right? And they turned it down. Whether my friend can't spell his own fucking first and last name and gets paid 250 grand a year and takes off every other day. Oh, yeah, they really don't. I don't get what these people want.

Concerns about Labor Rates

They don't. They don't even tell you about all the overtime these guys work. Like, they're gonna get a 70% increase in wage, but then with the overtime on top of that, these guys are gonna make a half million dollars. Yo, like, do you on. Yo, honestly, do you feel like, in any way that they deserve to make more than a doctor fuck now? Nope. But they have the power to hold us hostage, so I guess that counts for something, right?

Political Ramifications

There's the problem with that. All right? It's gonna hurt us for. For a while, but it's like, ultimately it's gonna fucking crush them. This is a chess game at the end of the day, right? Is it gonna cripple our economy? Yes. Within two weeks, our economy gets crippled. Within a month or two, they get replaced by private corporations and they're out of a fucking job. You understand? Like, you're playing a money game.

Implications of Labor Strikes

You're going to have some rich motherfuckers that come in, spun the whole thing and just push them out. Democrats will never win a vote again from the union people. But if that happens, well, they already lost. It exposes them. They already lost the Teamsters, right? So that's huge. And I think there's, I don't know about the Canadian auto, not the Canadian auto workers, but just the auto workers union. I don't.

Critique of Political Endorsements

I think the only union that wants Kamala Harris and Biden is the bummest union of them all, the union of Trannies, Transsexuals. And all that. No, the teachers union. Other people want to get paid more. Don't deserve it. They're sitting there, bro. Oh, man. I don't even want to get into that one. That one hurts people's feelings. Can't handle it. Now you're gonna see the eye arrest.

Implications for Government Agencies

The IR's endorsed Kamala Harris. Right. That's good news. You're joking, though. Well, I mean, we're a country founded on not wanting to pay taxes, so I just. It's, you know, ultimately a little bit. I don't know. I don't know the word for what I'm trying to think of, but, yeah. So a country that was found on not wanting to pay a tax, the people that collect the tax just endorse somebody for president.

Discussion on Structural Issues

I mean, it doesn't get any more. Fucked up than that. Not only that, but the teachers unions or. No, actually, universities, nonprofit organizations are able to donate to very presidential candidates. Can you imagine a taxpayer funded institute, like a school, college, or university donating, essentially just recycling cash, taxpayer's cash, right back into their pockets. It's fucking crazy.

Hope for Resolution

Man. I really hope. I really hope that this should all just gets resolved, man. But it ain't looking good. I think it looks good. The only thing, man, is, like, with chaos, crypto pumps. Like, when shit hits the fan, crypto pump. It really does. Well, you hear some? Here's some. You know what they're not really talking about either is the hurricane. They're saying it's like, ten times more devastating than Katrina.

Impact of Natural Disasters

They've, like, almost the whole western section of North Carolina is, like, just gone, lost. Like, they're saying they need. Like, the governor of Florida was like, yeah, we don't need help. Go. Go help. North Carolina over on the west side there, they're fucked. They're underwater. Like, there's nothing there. They need help. They need people come in there to rescue them.

Government Response to Crises

But we're sending all of our national guard over to the Middle east and to Europe for training right now. Like, what the hell's going on with that? Why aren't those people there helping? Is it true? Is it true that people that are going and helping, getting arrested? Not only that, but I just saw a report, too, that. So there was a high school that was set up. Locals had donated food, clothing, cash, whatever they could to help out the FEMA and Red Cross came in and basically confiscated it all, put it into their accounts and said that the people that volunteered couldn't volunteer anymore unless they had training from the Red Cross to be like a helper.

Community Responses to Disasters

One of these high schools, the post office. So don't forget mail in voting. Just starting. The post office canceled all of the postal codes that are in the hurricane pack. So they're not going to have any postal service for God knows how long. They're not even sure how those people are going to vote. Like, they're not even going to get an opportunity. And, you know, a lot of that is not big city, it's backwater shit, where, you know, you've got a lot of Republicans that are voting.

Voting Challenges in Crisis Zones

So we have no idea how their votes are going to be collected, how they can even prove they are or where their house is or, you know, if their id survived or anything like that. Right? Like this is massive. Not only that, but we're sending National Guard away when all that National Guard should be active and helping people. I've seen videos of firefighters using like motor boats to put out fires. Like using the spray from the tail of the motorboat they lifted out of the water to put, you know, to put the fire on the side of a house.

Creative Responses to Emergencies

What do you mean motorboat? Like when you put your face in the cities and go. Exactly. Exactly. And you're saying these politicians are motorboating each other? I. The male ones are definitely motorboarding each other, that's for sure. Holy guacamole. Holy guacamole. All right, enough of this fucking shenanigan bullshit, bro. When we have nothing to talk about. Let's just talk about politics, Nana.

Shift to Market Focus

Let's talk about pumping this motherfucking chart. That's what I want to talk about. Let's get this thing back to 70 soldiers pumped from 137 to 140. Yet I hear all you motherfuckers talking about a whole bunch of bullshit. What about JD Vance? What about the vance? I'm not interested. I'm interested in box and I'm interested in the price that's now sitting at 59. How do we get it to 79? That's how you. How we got.

Engagement in Trading

How many people in here? We got 830 people in here. Everybody buys a times 100. We're talking 83 schmackaroos. Then we'll get this thing right back on track. Say no more. What's up, Astro? How much you buy an Astro? I got a couple soul. Well, 83 of us. If 83 of us throw in a $1,000, that'll make up for the other shit. That'll be 10%. That'll be temperate.

Investment Strategies

We'll make up for everybody. We'll make up for everybody. 10% of us could make up for everyone by throwing in a couple more smackaroos, a couple more doll hair. Doll hairs? Bad idea. What's up, bomb? What up, bro? Can I talk to him for a sec? Yep. You guys, if you ain't buying, you better be fucking raiding. Excuse my language. Got your kids next to you.

Encouragement for Action

You better be raiding. Let's get in here. Get in the telegram when you can and let's. Let's raid. Let's get this shit going. Everybody better be raiding, bro. Everybody better be going crazy. We got a lot of work to do, guys. A lot of fucking work to, dude. Telling y'all right now, y'all, market conditions, temporary. All this shit is temporary.

Reassurance and Optimism

Don't let nobody scare you out of your bags. Don't let nobody spook you out of your bags. Don't let nobody fucking worry you. This is all shit that we've been through. We've seen. It's gonna be fine. I think it's going to be fine a lot quicker than you could imagine. A lot quicker than you can imagine. So don't be out here fucking worried about this bullshit. Yo, we're going to be good, guys.

Looking Forward

We are going to be good. We are going to be good. Famous. I know.

Concerns Over Upcoming Events

How do I explain this? I feel like in a couple days soul is going to fucking be ripping like, I almost feel like it's going to be ripping on the fucking weekend deal or over the weekend? I don't know. Who's on this stage? Quiet. Yo, get king. Nah, nah. Fuck you. Fuck you.

Accusations and Honesty

Yo, check your dm's book. You lied all up and down. She was fucking face negative. No, I didn't. You lied to she both. What up, book? The king lied to your face directly? I mean a couple. Yeah, I mean he, how? I mean, he said he was gonna be locked in. How have I not been? I haven't played video. Yo, you should see my bank account. And you should see my crypto.

Business and Personal Integrity

That boy flexing now what's in there? Zero pleasure. Still, yo, that whole shit with him even telling people to lock in and all that bullshit, it's all, nah. He be meaning it. He'd be meaning it. He be meaning he wants people to lock in. Nah, that shit is bullshit. That shit is bullshit. He wants people to lock in. He wants people to lock in. But sometimes, books, you got to take your own advice.

Self-Reflection and Accountability

How you want people to lock in if you're not locked in yourself, your damn self? Just think about that. But he's not locked in himself. He's just here fucking lying to us every day. Farming engagement. That's all he does. Farm engagement and lie. Negative. Negative.

Claims of Honesty

Actually, it's the exact opposite. Bro. You've been working with me to. To do some interviews when they go to the event in Thailand. We're getting that all set up right now, so. When? Yeah. What's the. What's he interviewing? The side event. Yeah. Yo, can't be honest.

Drug Tests and Honesty

You took a weed piss test right? Now. Are you passing or failing? Don't lie to me. Passing. Flying colors. Okay, what if I gave you that test a month ago? Passing flying colors. Any test. I'll pass. What? What if I gave him that weed test in Toronto? Passing blind colors. I will not fail the piss test.

Personal Challenges

King it. God is listening. Listen, I had to. I had to pee in cups for ten years, brother. All right, well, guess what, king it. That was eleven years ago. So any test I can pass, brother. King, I got an idea. Well, I got an idea. Wait. Kingdom, look at me in the eye right now.

Revelations and Honesty

You smoke weed this year. Don't lie to me. Don't. God is listening. Negative. Lying is a sin. Tall. Tall. Tall me to hell if I'm lying tall. Yo. I'm feeling devilish. We know some tall. We know something tall. What do you know? You got snitches all around you. Ask me question.

Insight on Social Pressure

King, it. You got snitches all around you, bro. Well, listen, everyone around me knows that they can't smoke weed and be successful, so. About what? A cop out? Because I'm gonna ask you one more time. King. Yeah, crazy. King. Yeah. King. Yeah. Me and you both piss in a cup each.

Discussion on Substance Use

And the person that pisses dirty gets the piss thrown in his face. Getting pissed thrown in our facebook. Listen, I don't smoke weeds, house. Neither do I, pal. Now, but I got a video of you smoking weed right in front of me. Let's see it. Post it on the timeline. I'll never do that. I would never. I would never.

Judgments on Harmful Behaviors

Terrible face. No case. I would never do that. How come you get. Yo can help her, bro. After all that, you can't smoke weed and be successful. How could you, bro? Let's. Let's. Let's see if Tall wants to tell the truth today. Smoking the reefer. Tall. Oh, shit.

Past Events and Revelations

Wait a second. Wait a second. I think I might have. You got no shame, bro? Oh, shame. What? Do you remember what tall has to say? Tall. Yes. Books Bark asked you a question. What was the question? What were you farming and not paying attention to?

Trust and Reactions

This. No, he did not. I didn't hear a question from bark right now. I heard him just. Are you also smoking the devil's lettuce? Was I smoking the devil's lettuce in Toronto? Yeah. Yes. Yes, I was. Wow. You can't be successful, bro. No wonder nothing got fucking done.

Reactions to Partying

Dude, they were all high, the whole foot. You can't make this shit up. But I love how they're so scared of bark that they're like, I don't smoke weed. I don't know. I need, wow, king it there's only one thing worse than a weed smoker is a lying weed smoker.

Acknowledging Substance Use

And wow, dude, I. Know I don't smoke weed, bark. But listen, if there isn't around, I will take it. Oh, now that's because all the weed you've been fucking smoking, you probably and you forgot Queen Antoinette's got zero fucking king aunt. You and queen ant be puffing sometimes like cuz you like a nice summer night.

Emphasis on Integrity

Y'all be hitting it sometimes in the hot tub. Little Mary Jane. No, she doesn't. She doesn't. Just you. Just you, right? Well. You hit the vape to go to sleep books. Can you believe he lied to us? I've been on to his bullshit, bro. I've been on to his bullshit, bro.

Reflections on Addictions

I've been hunting the only thing worse. Than video games, smoking weed. He went from video games to weed when even downgraded. I've seen it all, bark. I've seen it all. I've heard it all. And I've been on to his bullshit for a minute. Every time he lied to my face and said I knew he wasn't locked in every single fucking time.

Confessions and Memories

He used to fucking chop my ass when he would say he was high. As a kite, saying that ass high as a kite telling people not to smoke weed. I mean, can you believe you? You can't make this shit up, ladies and gentlemen. You cannot, you cannot smoke weed and be successful, period.

Consequences of Substance Use

That's why I don't smoke weed. You got short term memory loss, King. Yeah. 1 minute ago you just said you. Smoke tried to bring me down for smoking weed. This whole time. This motherfucker nicotine. I think they keep telling me there's weed in this, but there's no way there's weed in this.

Reflections on Tolerance

There's zero effect. This. It's nicotine. I got to admit, if King was doing a vape that I had weed, he would be out of it because his tolerance is very low. I smoked most of the weed so I had to admit, even our whole. Team beyond weed, brother, we can't make.

Team Reflections

V be up here. No, but there's three people up here right now that I was considering, and now I'm starting to want to change for the badge. No, I was considering. Well, even the badge, dude. Like, are you. Do you want to give a badge to a weed smoker?

Concerns Over Credibility

Like, is that what you want the company to represent? No way. Yo, where's vv? Even v ain't even these. Black door. She probably hanging off the couch right now. Bottle of gin in the hand. Seagram's warm gin, 299 at the fucking couple shooters of that.

Questioning Behaviors

Street. Dad, be honest. You smoke cup? You smoke a little bit here and there. Yeah. You know, when it's in the winter. Wow. What the fuck, Mandy? That's why if I told your father. If I told your father that you smoked a little here and there, how would you.

Candid Conversations about Substance Use

Bro, you take the belt out and. I'll get fucking whooped, bro. You would beat me until I beg forgiveness, man. What if you told him you smoke crack? He would kill you. Kick me out the house. Wow. Straight, Dad. I can't even believe it.

Community Reflections

Fought. Half the bark media team be smoking weed. There's no way Shibo be smoking weed, though. Right, Shibo? Yo, there's no way you be eating. We right? Definitely Shibo, right? Right? Please don't tell me you cannot.

Skepticism and Honest Reactions

I got a question. Put them in a backward. Yo, put. Put them in a backward. Rolling up. And I don't pass this motherfucker. You're. Dude, now I'm what? Now I'm one? Now Toronto makes smoking dead eyes dead ops. All of them. Toronto was.

Party Anecdotes

Toronto was basically a fucking e. Toronto was a bark media hot box, dude. I mean, you cannot make this shit up. I mean, what the fuck? Yo, can't y'all let me tell you a story? Let me tell you Canada was a problem. Let me tell you guys a story.

Conference Memories

You know how in the. In the conference they have, like, the top floor? It's like. It's like stadium seating where you're at the top. King, it pulled out. It was a half ounce in one joint and. And lit it up in the top floor and hop box the whole entire conference.

Reflections on Partying

I don't know if you footage. I don't know if you have seen the footage. It's all smoky in there. No, it's not smoke machines. That's king. It fucking blowing smoke down, smoking all the dead ops upstairs. I mean, yo, I used to think.

Awareness of Behaviors

There was nothing worse than a closet drinker. And now. Now that I discovered their sneak smokers, I feel like this is way worse. You're really gonna buy the propaganda that barks putting down, bro? You're really gonna believe?

Drug Use Conversations

You're really gonna fall into that shit? That's crazy. I got a question from Bart. Can you eat weed and be successful? I've got no idea. You're gonna have to ask someone that does. I'll take a pit.

Self-Reflection and Honesty

You know. You know I've been sober. You can hear it. You can hear it. I was listening back to a couple old spaces. Like, holy, like last week's space. Well, I, way back in the day.

Vivid Memories

Ate my three edibles. Ready to start, dude. Wow. Leave it to another. Leave it to a wee smoke. Live it to a weed smoker, dude. Do you ever smelt it? Delta king it.

Perceptions and Judgements

You swore on God and all of a sudden your memory won't ain't too good and all this kind of stuff. Yo, request to come on up if you've ever smoked weed in your life right now. Is there any.

Seeking Perspective

Is there any web three? Is there any bark media influence like kols that don't smoke weed? Like, I'm starting the stone be stones. Now he smokes hashish, the moroccan hashish that has Morocco smacking.

Cultural Differences

It might happen when I go to. Morocco, but here in France and stuff. No, bro. Yo, everybody, request to come up if you've ever smoked weed. Partaking in anything. Yo, Rob, was Kura smoking weed?

Confirming Usage

Kurra was the weed, bro. He asked us to break him down and smoke him. All the time. Yo, he keeps it a buck, too. Shout out to Kura. Tall, tall.

Rumors and Confirmation

Tall won't lie. You know, King, at your favorite influencer lies the blockchain and tall never lie. Tall. Was Ku ross hitting the weed? I don't know.

Speculations on Usage

I wasn't around. What do you think? Probably, though. So I don't know what was going on in that area. I've heard. I've heard stories about that Airbnb bark.

Observations and Speculations

You see the 162 people in request that smoked weed I'm bringing on there? Take note. Bark. These are all. Was the smoking weed? I have no idea, bro.

Understanding the Situation

I listen. No, I mean, listen, bro. I'm not gonna snitch on my people, bro. We're doing. Bro. Listen, man. If you get nothing wrong, what are you so worried about?

Personal Testimonies

Is my. Ain't about being worried about nine, bro. It's on them, bro. If they want to tell you that they were indulging in illegal x it's legal now. Kura.

Acknowledging Truthfulness

Kura. Be honest, man. Couple. Yeah. What up, bart? Be honest, bro. A couple pups never killed anybody, right now.

Perspectives on Substance Usage

A couple pops here, and then. Oh, kill no one, fam. You know, now. You know. Kura, you smoke weed in Toronto? Yes, I did. Yes, I did.

Honesty About Drug Use

After the conference. Today, he would have said yes. Did you smoke weed today, Kura? You would like. Yes, I did. All right.

Professional Expectations

This person, surely this person has, you know, a lot of work to get done. High level. No way. Packed was. Was puffing the reefer pack.

Continued Substance Discussion

You smoke weed in Canada, bro? Do I smoke weed in Canada? I smoke weed in Canada a little bit, yeah. Okay. But I'm done.

Content and Value Creation

Yo. Yo, books and I were wondering, like, you, where's all the content? Where's all the brand deals that they were telling me about? I don't even think they went to the conference, to be honest.

Misinformation and Confusion

I think they smoked weed and thought they were at the conference. They smoke weed and they were closing deals. Meanwhile, they were in the hot tub laying on their back, thinking that they were closing deals.

Vivid Conference Memories and Reflections

I mean, you can't make this shit up to see if they were ready. It was just strobe lights and smoke. But I'm like, what are you guys doing? You're at an Airbnb.

Reactions and Recollections

They're like, yo, Pac brought his strobe light. I'm like, what? Why are you bringing a strobe light to the Airbnb? You know? Yo, v, I've been more than weed at this party.

Candid Discussions

Please, bro, don't ask me. Come on, bro. You know she's. V. Did you. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Helps me sleep.

Personal Anecdotes

At the end of the day, we're a bunch of like minded individuals, and y'all motherfuckers want to act like we're not like minded when we really are, and that's fucked up. You want to single people out, make web look like a pariah.

Claims of Success

And actually, I've been the only one being successful this whole goddamn time. That's. It's crazy. You wake up in the. Bro. You wake up in the morning and hot box your car, bro.

Reactions to Honesty

Yo, at least web is honest, though. Yeah. Okay, listen. Web will smoke and tell me right to my face. I. You know what I respect?

Discussion on Honesty

I respect the honesty. King ant swore on the Bible three times, and then all of a sudden, he had forgotten that he had smoked weed. I mean, you actually can't make this shit up, man.

Rumors About Past Events

You can't make this shit up. I thought that I was thinking back, like, man, something must have happened. Like maybe the e toronto, like the convert, like the, something wrong with their emails.

Observations on Conference Logistics

Like why they, nothing was getting like, the camera sd card. Like, why shit wasn't getting uploaded loaded. Come to find out they were high the whole time.

Confessions of Misadventures

Yeah. I actually had to delete a video because he's like, yo, I was blowing. I had to get a video of me. Technically, we could take away his 16 month clean teaching, yo.

Reflections on Casual Use

And then they're like, part time smokers. Like, I only smoke in social situations where I'm pressured to because everyone else around me is smoking. What, bitch, is this, like, smoke because you want to smoke?

Discussions on Pressure and Choices

Don't fucking smoke because you're feeling social pressures. That's fucking crazy. No, yo, well, the thing is, web is some people, they don't wake up and smoke weed.

Social Recreational Use

They just smoke with their friends and stuff occasionally. I mean, I know you're coping with that fact there that you need it to survive while others enjoy it from time to time.

Recognition of Challenges

I know it's hard. Yeah, what the hell? I gave Webb one compliment and now. He'S like, look at a high and mighty bro.

Reflecting on Lifestyle Choices

Hi. I might even holier than now because he smokes weed every day. Congrats, dude. Surrounded by a bunch of fucking bombs, dude.

Expectations of Integrity

I mean, you cannot make this shit up. You literally surrounding yourself about a bunch of sneak smokers. That's true, dude. They were all afraid to tell me, weren't they?

Conversations about Fear and Honesty

They definitely, at the event were like, don't tell bark. Was that said? Was that, was that said there? Don't tell Barbara bark that we're supposed to listen.

Understanding Implicit Trust

Was understood. Don't got to be said bark. Have you ever heard that saying? No. What's understood don't got to be said no.

Conversations Surrounding Perceptions

Whatever you got, whatever they got to tell themselves to blow down, man. I mean, this is really what weed does to you.

Awareness of Substance Impact

I mean, if you're listening right now, just be aware that, you know, anyone is. Can, can get grasped by the jaws of marijuana.

Final Reflections

It's the devil's lettuce. Devil's lettuce, man. He'll find his way in. He'll find his way in. He'll sneak his way in, man.

Anecdote of Aspirations

I mean, what? Fuck, dude. I mean, I was gonna be an olympic swimmer until I smoke weed. Rolling. Then it was all over.

Final Thoughts

Top. She bowed the cherry on top. King, king fucking ganja. Cherry on top. Talking about, bro. Yeah, I don't even smile even get near that shit, bro.

Sensory Experiences

It reeks of its first off. It smells like. First off, it smells like wallahi. Yep. First office smells.

Rejecting Substance Use

I can't believe this shit, man. Second off, yo, why do you got a smoke? I wouldn't even associate with someone that smokes or eats weed.

Lasting Impressions

Keep me. Bro. Who eats weed in 2024, bro, they. They got all kinds of other ways to do it. Yeah, I'm sure you know all about it.

Acknowledgment of Knowledge

You're. You and your paraphernalia. Listen, this is a recorded space. I'm not trying to go to jail.

Final Thoughts on Substance Use

Cersei. And if you butt funnel them, it's pretty fucking wild. Of course, web knows about. But hard seltzers.

Contemplations on Celebrity Culture

Web butt funnels. White claws, yo. Hey, I guarantee freak parties. Butt chugging white claw you can't make.

Final Comparisons

You might as well just do heroin at that point. If you're ass chugging white claws, you might as well just shove your can.

Summary of Conversations

Of butter up your ass. At that point. It's the same, yo. You're right, Bark. It's the same. You have no place right now to talk about what's the same.

Final Reactions on Honesty

You probably be hitting the dab pen right on. Spaces. Live. Talk about lock in.

Closing Thoughts

Hit the rocket. I just hit my vape pen. The fuck? Yeah. No wonder now, I guess.

Significant Observations

Okay, so the 07:00 a.m. space and the 09:00 a.m. space be fucking waking. Big spaces, I guess now. Absolutely. No.

Disagreements and Perspectives

I've come to learn. No, I disagree with that truth. Yeah. Thank you.

Personal Questions

Puffing down, Nick? Were you puffing down? Look, look, bark, I'll be very honest with you. I only puff to go to sleep.

Acceptance of Personal Choices

Other than that, I'm quiet. I wouldn't. What the fuck did anyone know so disappoint this question? Anyone? Some days I don't smoke.

Substance Use Decisions

I don't. Know. I didn't. I did not. Okay. Teachers passing narc.

Reactions and Responses

Dude. Just saying nar. I can't. Nothing worse than a dude who's afraid to puff down.

Substance Limits

No. I get piss tested randomly all the time, so I can't. There wasn't some legal reason you'd be puff daddy and all the time, as well?

Reflections and Honesty

Oh, man, I'm disappointed. No, I haven't smoked pot for 15 years. Disappointed. Yo, can you eat weed and be successful? Absolutely not.

Conclusion of Conversations

I want to know. I want to know. You're really gonna believe? Absolutely not.

Initial Reactions

Absolutely not. Crazy. Can you swear on the Bible? I forgot, yo. Literally always something. Yo, yo, yo, king. It's okay, brother. It's okay. I was like, simultaneously, yo, I redact. That and you be a church preacher. Absolutely. The devil's lettuce. Absolutely. Does it broken? Does it so you can. Bro, I'm sure there's an astronaut right now that's highest fuck. Like just floating around in space, like. Smoking the devil's lettuce. Yeah, one of the probably smoking more than that. Space astronauts that just docked with the ISS brought his dad pen with him. Hold on, the ISS is saved? Yes, yes.

Recent Developments in Space

The SpaceX spacecraft successfully docked with the ISS yesterday. The first time the civilian craft docked with it ever. And he brought a dab pen with. Him and he's high as hell right now in space. You're not joking. Not at all like it was on the news. I mean, not confirmed, but we just heard Chibo stays floating around. So I would put two and two together that he had. He could have easily just brought it with him in the Tesla. You know, he got picked up by the Tesla at the air, at the hotel, got in the Tesla with his little backpack, rode to the strip where they. Where the rocket launches off and he got in there and he had it in his pocket.

Concerns about Society

This country is so doomed, bro. This country is so fucking doomed, yo. It's so doomed, yo. So the actors that are pretending to be stuck on the station in space base have been saved? Suppose. Well, not completely yet, but their. Their ride is docked. I'm not sure when they're planning to come back to Earth. Right now I'm pretty sure they're like conducting bullshit experiments and stuff while it's SpaceX is there. Why don't you be an astronaut? Because I smoked a menthol cigarette once. That doesn't mean anything. Yeah, if you smoke demental, you can't book disqualifies you. That's not true, girl. That's not true.

On Astronauts and Their Integrity

I tried. It's not true. First and foremost. Secondly, I. The reason I ask is because unlike Buzz Aldrin and the other people that went up to the moon, supposedly they won't swear on the holy Bible that they visited the moon. And now I know you would. So it would be way more believable if you were an astronaut. You just put your hand on the Bible and swear that you visited the moon even though you didn't. And you keep it pushing. Buzz Aldrin wouldn't. Neither would any of the other astronauts. Let's get it set up. And Elon is now sending. And it's like it actually happened. Now with space, there are civilians going to space.

Discussion about Personal Choices

And now I do have a question for you. Have you ever. Have you ever smoked a menthol cigarette? Yeah, I have. So that's the thing. And I've let up, read a lot of research about it's automatically a DQ. So I don't want to lie about a DQ that will actually get me killed. But I'll lie about any other DQ. You know, I'll say, freaking no, no. Sign the paper. Good to go. Ready to go to space, mother? But like, what if you were in the car with someone that was smoking in Newport and you got that secondhand smoke? You're telling me the fiberglass is gonna not go in your lungs from secondhand smoke and only from the other one.

Reflections on Drug Use

The fiberglass gonna expand and repose in your lungs in space. Like, bro, it's some bullshit. Bro, that's some bullshit. All right. King, let me ask you a question. If they knew you smoked weed, would they throw you out of the house? I have my own house. No, you don't live with your parents? Wow, interesting. I thought you did for some. Let me ask you a question. Mm. Is weed a drug? It can be. Are you gonna quit? I don't have to quit. I haven't started.

Conversations About Addiction

You just lied again. You didn't start. No, I didn't. It's not a repetitive motion. What? Why do you always the bullshit, bro? It's the bullshit. You know why, brother? With Web, like, listen, man, he at least, he just a straight shooter, you know? Like, he be fucking around. He'd be fucking. But he ain't lying. Webb tells it how it is. But King, Queen Antoinette, on the other hand, big no. Big no. King ant, you are in trouble, my friend. You are in big trouble. I can't believe tall was smoking weed too. I'm actually shocked.

Community Support and Struggles with Substance Abuse

You still smoke weed, tall? No, I don't. I. The first time smoking weed in two years was I smoked. Something tells me you don't smoke weed. Because it's expensive with CRG at bitcoin. Nashville, actually. Oh, fuck. And that was the first time in how long? In like two years and two and a half years. Years. Something tells me he did any drug, if it was free and you didn't have to pay for it. Did he just narc on CRG? He did. This whole community is a bunch of weed smokers.

Reflections on Tragedies and Addiction

Bark. So now you know. All those hundreds, all those likes, all those comments, bro, it was all just a winner giveaway in the future. That's all it was about. Now we know. Web. Not for web. Not for web. I mean, Web. Web almost died over this shit. Web almost died over it. Gin and tomic. Demonic. You smoked well, yeah. What? What are you asking me? Did I smoke? When? Where? In my life? Yes. It helped me get off, know?

A Personal Journey and Recovery

Yeah. Open, bro. Yeah, yeah. I was addicted to opioids in 2011. Like heroin? No. Oxy? Fennel? No. Like, you never went past oxy? No. It was one of the prescription stories, man. God bless you. Yo. God bless you, queen. For real, y'all. I love you. I'm one of those. I'm one of those people that, like, I seen so many people died from it. I'm one of those people, like, when someone tells me they used to do it and they were clean, like, I never believed that anyone really gets clean because I've been lied to so many times in my life by friends and family members that said they were clean and then died a week later.

The Impact of Drug Addiction

But, like, to see you, to see King Anne, to see people in the community that are actually clean from it, man, it's amazing. Definitely makes me happy, you guys. I lost a lot of people to it. Lost a lot of people. I lost someone right now. Like, yesterday. Yesterday. So fucked up. Definitely fucked up. But I hope y'all stay clean, because that shit out there is not right, man. I really feel like it sits either like some Bill and Melinda Gates government plan to kill people or some evil, like, chinese fucking plan to kill people.

Conspiracy Theories and Realities

I don't know what it is, but it's the fuck our people up. And the reason I even think that is because all of it has started in the military, y'all. It all started with our military. Vets and even active military. Ever since, like, ever since we started going to fucking bother the Middle east, our soldiers end up out there. Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, doing heroin. Some even don't want to come back. I'm books. That shit is. Right. Vietnam, bro.

Comparisons with Other Countries

I forgot about Vietnam. And then I look at, like. I look at, like, fucking the israeli army, and they don't seem to have the same problem. Like, what the fuck is it? Is it to weaken our country? Like, I don't get it. Something strange. Something strange going on there. Like, there's a lot of people, guys that, like, quit the military and stayed out there and now are on poppy farms, growing their own poppy and doing a whole bunch of weird shit. Like, some crazy shit.

Addressing Addiction and Recovery

Some crazy shit I don't even want to get into. But definitely love to hear that y'all are. Y'all are doing good, mandy man, because that's not something easy to get off of. Yeah, you really are v. And v really is you. We really have a lot in common it's pretty incredible. And books, I want to say my heart goes out to. I know there's nothing I can say that's going to make you feel better about the situation, but just know I'm here for you and experience the same experience thing.

The Impact of the Pandemic on Drug Use

The past three years, it has been like. It's a pandemic, yo. In the streets today, like, when you say heroin, like, there's no such thing as real heroin anymore. Like, it's straight up fentanyl. People are just dying. It's so. It is so sad. And you're right, 100%, yo. It is an all out. It is orchestrated, yo. It is orchestrated by a way more powerful entity. You're right. The way that it's all happened is way too orchestrated, especially with the amount of people dying on the streets and the government to not even seem to notice it.

Frustrations with the Government's Indifference

I'm really pissed off about it. I feel like it's part of the. What is that? Yeah, it infuriates me. I'm in rage. I feel like it's all part of the China plan, you know? Payback for the opium wars, maybe, I don't know. But they've infiltrated our government here in Canada. Not sure what I can actually do about it, but. Very fucking sad, family. Very fucking sad, y'all. King, ain't you ever put a perk 30 up your ass, or.

Personal Experiences with Addiction

No, no, I never. How many times you die? Yo, I never put one come back to life twice. Like, full blown, right? Blown. Narcan. Like, Narcan do and brought you back. Narcan or hospital. And Narcan brought me back to life, not machine. Yo, let me ask you all a question real quick. Anyone ever seen someone get plugged into that machine and come back to life before? Anytime I see someone Od, and the second they're connected to that machine, it's done.

Reflections on Life and Death

Their body fills up with fluid, and they just like. It's like, yo, let's just make the family miserable and build them all this time and just fuck their whole fucking shit up and make their family mourn. I never seen someone actually wake up from that in my life. Like, is it possible? Have y'all seen him before? I have books for somebody close to my family. It did happen. I saw it firsthand. Unfortunately, they didn't clean their act up anymore.

The Struggle for Recovery

Like, they didn't clean up their act. They're not ready to clean up their act. But it is possible. I mean, bro, like, I gotta be real with you, man. Like, you go to the hospital, you're in a coma for fucking a month. And you come back to life where you don't even go through any pain or anything. Like, you're clean, my guy. You just got clean in the hospital. You're lucky to be fucking alive. Why would you go back? That's sick.

The Dangers of Mixing Substances

Crazy. It is. And I actually cut them off once. They start, like, putting that shit in their veins too. That's when you really can't, like, you can't escape that shit. You start shooting that shit, it really becomes a real fucking problem. Seriously. I mean, I never. Once that happens, it's over, yo. But I've taken perks. Thirties before until like that, back in the day tens, all that shit. I used to take perks, but me too, bro.

Reflections on Past Choices

But like once I couldn't get out of bed without one. It was that was it. Cold turkey. I never did that shit again. You know, I used to take them for the worst reason. For the absolute worst reason, guys. The worst reason. I used to take them to have sex for a long time without nutting. Like, the dumbest reason, really? Think about that. You take. I'm not even joking with you guys.

The Dumb Reasons for Substance Use

A perk 30. No, I'm serious. Perk 30. Some royal honey. She'll be climbing up the ceiling and shit. I know, I know. But then you can't get out of bed without one and. No, that's a problem. That's a problem. I also, like, I do feel like I'm a rare individual where it took me eleven or twelve years to get addicted to smoking, you know, like I was always saying, oh, I don't get addicted. Eventually I get addicted.

A Glimpse into Personal Struggles

It just takes a long time. Thank God. That shit, I never let it get me. I saw so many fiends, too. Like, bro, ain't nothing cool about doing that, you know? See all them fiends? Look at my fucking Jurassic park around the neighborhood. Not too good. Not too good. Yo, it kills me how, like, off balance they look, but they're still, like, really holding it down.

Observations about Addiction

The people, the zombies out there, they'd be off balance and shit. You think they're about to fall over, but they don't. Like, well, how do they live forever, bro? They, like, it's crazy too. Like, the ones that od are like, the good ones live forever. Does this dude, I know, he's been since probably like the last 20 years, still goes to the same corner all the time. And he's always there, like always for like 20 years.

Living on the Edge

Literally. Same dude. Crazy, right? Yeah. And maybe they'd be living forever, bro. They live forever. They'll be. He'll be missing for a while. And then, like, I just seen him today, he popped up. I was like, damn. I thought he. I thought he finally, because he's old, so he's like, gotta be in his sixties, but. But he's still becoming. Thought he finally went, yeah, I thought.

Exchanges Between Friends

But no, he surprised me. I was like, oh, damn. I was. If I. If I still smoke newports, I would have gave him one. But I don't smoke anymore. Yeah. You don't smoke newports no more? No, I quit. I gave those up. Hey, now, would you rather get addicted to fluoride or get addicted to smoking weed? Definitely weed.

Debates on Addiction

Really? And not fluoride? Yeah. Yeah. The dentist used to try to give me fluoride all the time as a kid. Crazy, right? Yeah. Why do I need that? I'll just put. That's all to fuck you up, y'all. It's so sad, man. Really is up. Your fluoride is used to clean your teeth.

Health Discussions

you're just not allowed to swallow it. Just don't swallow it. What is it? What did you say? Fluoride. It's used in toothpaste. No, brother, over here, they'll let you swallow that shit. Literally. Fluoride pill. What? The guys that don't, Guys that don't swallow it. Shit is bullshit. Fucked eye that don't swallow it.

Misconceptions on Dental Health

Don't swallow it. Shit under your tongue absorbs, like, straight to your bloodstream, bro. So, like, there's areas in your mouth that absorb straight into your bloodstream. It's worse than swallowing. So I don't brush my teeth out? Oh, yeah. That's why people put suboxones underneath their tongue. Do I brush my teeth with correct water? Brush your teeth with misfits.

Finding Alternatives

Yeah, but that has Florida as well. But just small amounts. No, it's a lot of. I don't think so. A lot of natural toothpaste on the market right now. Just gotta find the right shop. Like I'm gonna tell you right now. What's his name? Stone. Stone don't brush his teeth. Stone uses misfat because brushing your teeth is haram.

Cultural Observations

You don't brush. Right. Only see you wipe your teeth. You joking? Stoner. Serious? No. You're not joking. Have a toothbrush in your house. You angels don't come for 30 days, yo. Wait, wait. Why those don't. Wait. Why? You are one nasty, yo.

Reactions to Cultural Habits

Wait, wait. Why? Because I didn't know that. Fluoridation up. No, no, I gotta change my whole person's life. There's at least. There's at least one sick person in this space. That's dad is like their dad's Afghani and doesn't want to spend money on toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Conclusions From the Discussions

So 100% he believes exactly what's brother. I just looked that shit up. There is nothing about toothpaste or toothbrushes being harami, bro. No, they all it sounded like is. It says, yo, it says. It says there are plenty of hadith from Muhammad that if brushing your teeth was not too much of a burden, God would made it mandatory for our all Muslims.

The Importance of Dental Hygiene

It's recommended, but it's not mandatory. So you don't have to brush your teeth. But they're not telling you not to. You guys are. Who made up that dirty. That dirty rumor? Who did that? Is that because. Is that like Ramadan? All Muslims have bad breath? I'm joking, of course. Probably where it started.

Economic Factors in Society

Like, yo, these niggas. Bark. The price of the tokens going down. As he. Yes. Yo, I'm gonna throw a soul in as who yaps. Hold on. Anybody else? As who? Yes, I'm going in. Listen, bro, my name is. My name is Shlomo. My name is Shlomo twice. I have no idea what she was talking about.

Cultural Greetings and Token Economics

Shabbat Shalom, my fam. And that's it. Trying to pump the price of the token, not dump it. Happy Rosh hashanah, everybody. So been a great day. Or shall I say happy new year. I want to wish you all a happy holiday. And everybody. Everybody should be able to defend themselves, but everybody should be able to defend themselves.

Future Plans and Social Gatherings

All right. Yeah, she. But when are we meeting each other? Man, I don't think. I wish. I wish soon, bro. I wish it was, bro, for real. It would be Anna. It would be amazing if maybe one day we could all link up somewhere. Still. Like, bro, I feel like we should definitely plan something for, like, before our basel.

Event Planning and Holiday Celebrations

I'm thinking, like. Like, how about, like, right after, like, November? Like, maybe we do gangs given. You ever heard of gangs giving? It's like. It's like everybody brings chinese sip lean chinese food. It's like, it's like thanksgiving for the members. Maybe we do thanksgiving together.

Food Reflections

You know, something like that. You post a picture of the chicken lomaine on your Instagram story. You already know. Caption it. Me and all my neighbors. Every now, everybody eats. Everybody eats. Happy gangs give, everybody. And then the next pick on the story books is all the cups lean. Like, everybody got the dark ass cup.

The Culture Around Celebrating

But my clubs, the dark everybody. And you know the one. The one baller in the group that sells the fake link, he'd be pouring it on the floor for the dead home. Yeah, yeah. But it's really. But it's really care on the floor. It's really. That corn syrup. A little bit of corn syrup in there. Stretch that bitch all the way out.

Conversations on Drink Mixing

Listen, it's a 50, 25 mix. If you know, stretch that bitch out. She. Put a little purple food coloring in that bit. You know about. That was the green one called. That was so strong. Fuck, bro, it's been so long, bro. But that bitch in the green one. One time it had me turn into a robot.

Recalling Past Experiences

Put that bitch in the apple juice, brother. You know what I did one time? What? I was sick maybe for two weeks. I was seeing things. Like, it was the worst experience. I went to the nightclub and people were having conversations with me, but they never had with me. I drank a whole bottle, you know, I'm talking about the medical bottle that they fill it with at the.

Drug Experiences

At the pharmacy. They fill the little bottles with the big bottle. Yeah, yeah. Like a whole 16, a whole pint. Me and about five people poured the whole thing into half of a gray goose bottle. Like half the grey goose bottle, half full. We poured that whole entire bottle in there. No, stop. Yo, you're asking a die doing shit like that.

The Consequences of Excess

We finished the whole entire bottle. Smoked a blunt on the way to the club, bro. The worst experience I had. Crazy. I don't know how I didn't die. Crazy. For real, for real. It's not even, you know, just. And I think that might have been the first time I've ever. Same with the Zanz and the lean.

The Unpredictability of Drugs

Like, that's two shits you're not supposed to mix. And that's the first time I ever. I was a x animal, brother. The first time I ever did a painkiller was the oxy 80. Like the strongest fucking oxy, bro. Oxy fucking 80. I was sick for two weeks. I used to be able to remember nothing. Used to be able to crush them.

Changing Drug Formulations

Oxy's up and snort them. And then they made them. So you couldn't do that no more. Stop it. Yeah, you were a junkie. You were a junkie, web. I mean, I definitely sniffed a few oxygen day. You were a little junk box, bro. Yeah, for a little while I might have been.

Living with Addiction

You used to use to suck on the. Suck on the eighties. No, I never roll it around in a napkin. To get all the time release out. That shit don't even be working, bro. No, you could sniff them back in the day. Used to be able to crush them, but. What do you mean, back in the day?

Generational Drug Culture

Well, how old are you, bro? 45? 68? Back in the day, bro. You still back in the day? Back in the day, me and she was. Life was a gamble, Lambo.

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