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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Newsbytes: TENET, stabbings, and American coups hosted by disclosetv. The Twitter space delved into the innovative approach of interpreting global events through the captivating narrative of movies like TENET. By drawing parallels between cinematic storytelling and real-world occurrences, participants explored the theatricality of political intrigue and the dramatic motifs present in current affairs. Through symbolic analysis and narrative comparisons, the conversation highlighted the depth and complexity of global dynamics, portraying the world as a grand theater of interconnected events where reality and fiction intertwine.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: How can movie analogies like those in TENET help in understanding complex situations?
A: Analogies from films can simplify intricate scenarios, making them more relatable and comprehensible.

Q: What role do theatrical motifs play in analyzing global events?
A: Theatrical elements can add depth and narrative structure to interpretations of real-world dynamics.

Q: In what ways can world events be likened to dramatic plots?
A: The unfolding drama of global affairs often mirrors the suspense and plot twists seen in movies.

Q: Why is it beneficial to view global dynamics as a grand theater of time?
A: This perspective can offer a theatrical backdrop that enhances the dramatic nature of real-world events.


Time: 00:15:28
Symbolism in TENET and Real-World Events Exploring the symbolic connections between the movie and current global occurrences.

Time: 00:25:43
The Theatrics of Global Politics Analyzing how theatrical elements can shed light on diplomatic and political maneuvers.

Time: 00:35:12
Narrative Tension in Real-Time News Examining how real-life news can mimic the narrative tension of a thrilling screenplay.

Key Takeaways

  • Interpreting real-world events through the cinematic lens can offer unique perspectives.
  • Analogies like those in TENET can help comprehend complex geopolitical situations.
  • Theatrical motifs can provide engaging narratives for understanding global issues.
  • The world stage often mirrors the intrigue and suspense of a dramatic movie plot.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to News Bytes

Okay. Hello, everyone. Welcome to News Bytes. We got a big show for you tonight. We're going to unpack this week's biggest news stories from around the world telling you what happened, why, and what happens next. And our news Bytes weekly wrap up. For our first story, we're going to cover the US Justice Department on sealing an indictment against two russian nationals, accusing them of setting up a conservative media outlet as a front for, quote, pro Kremlin propaganda. The media outlet was unnamed in the indictment, but it was clear from details within the charges that it referred to tenant media. We're also going to cover growing calls for oil rich Maduro to step down as opposition flees. But before we get into the main stories, we're going to go over some guidelines and then jump into our quick regional news summaries of the USA, Europe, and the Middle east and Africa.

Guidelines and Engagement

There's going to be moments throughout the show where we want to get you involved in the conversations. So keep your contributions on topic. When we unmute you guys and bring you up to speak, keep it civil. And around two to three minutes maximum. We want to keep the conversation moving along here, keep the content flowing. And if you come up and are uncivil or don't follow those simple rules, we're going to respectfully mute you and bring up another speaker. We reserve that right to do so. And one final bit. Our guests and hosts express their own views which may or may not reflect those of disclosed tv or the show's hosts. Please note that the show is recorded and that by participating, you consent to being recorded and having your comments shared on the show.

Governor Hochul and the Allegations

I think with all of that said and done, let me fade out the music here. Got to do a little juggling. Let's not easy. There's a lot of clicking going around. I've got to switch between, we've got to talk about what's happening with Hochul, governor of New York, and the spy that was in her office, which was actually operating while Cuomo was in office at the time, before Hoechl came in, Linda's son, a former aide to New York governor Kathy Hochul, was charged with secretly acting as an agent of the chinese government, receiving millions in compensation and gifts. One of the notable gifts was citrus fruits and traditionally prepared duck, salted duck for her parents. Son was 41 and her husband Chris, who 40, pleaded not guilty in Brooklyn federal court.

Details of the Allegations

Son allegedly blocked taiwanese representatives from meetings by throwing off schedules or saying that officials were unavailable when they were perfectly available and tried to arrange New York officials visits to China. And unilaterally made edits to speeches prior to them being given. The couple used the funds for luxury purchases, including a Ferrari in properties worth $6 million. Hochul's office fired Son in March of 23 after discovering the misconduct. That's one way of putting it. Son faces charges including money laundering and failure to register as a foreign agent. But this is how it's supposed to work, right? The spy got caught. So I guess you guys can let us know your thoughts in the comments section using the little comments icon in the bottom right corner of the space.

Military Incidents and Offenses

Let us know what you think about the story and commander Yeast of the USS John S. McCain was relieved of duty and replaced by Captain Allison Christie after posting a photo of himself, quote, firing a rifle with the scope mounted backwards. The US Navy relieved Commander Cameron Yeast of the USS John US McCain after a photo of him firing a rifle with a backward mounted scope went viral. The image shared on social media sparked ridicule, leading to its removal, especially within the Marines. There were a lot of jokes about the navy being made, and amongst the other branches of the us military, the Navy cited a, quote, loss of confidence in his ability to command as the reason for ye's removal. While the destroyer is currently deployed in the Gulf of Oman, he faces a demotion to naval officer Captain Allison Christie has temporarily taken over command.

Commander Christie's Background

Christie is the deputy commodore of Destroyer Squadron 21, which is part of the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group that's also in the Gulf of Oman right now. In January of 2021, Christie was a keynote speaker at a Temple University of Japan campus event titled, quote, LGBTQ experiences in the forward deployed Navy. Ten years after don't ask, don't tell and Hunter Biden pled guilty to federal tax charges. Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to all nine charges in his tax evasion case, which included failing to pay at least $1.4 million in federal taxes while living an extravagant lifestyle. I guess that's one way to put it.

Biden's Charges and Lifestyle

From 2016 to 2019, Biden earned over $7 million from foreign business dealings, but spent nearly 5 million on drugs, escorts, hotels, luxury cars and other personal expenses while neglecting his tax obligations. He allegedly misrepresented these personal expenses as business deductions. Interesting. Biden's sentencing is set for December 16, notably after the election, and he could face up to 17 years in prison. Initially, Biden offered to enter an Alford plea in which he would maintain his innocence while accepting guilt, but prosecutors rejected the offer. US district Judge Mark Scarzi accepted Biden's guilty plea and Biden acknowledged that he committed every element of the charges. In addition to the tax case, Biden faces separate charges in a gun case where he was convicted of three felonies for lying about his drug use when purchasing a firearm in 2018.

European Headlines

Now over to you, Sophie for our european summary. Thanks mister do and hi everyone, welcome to the show. German officials have claimed that Poland has sabotaged the country's investigation into the Nord stream explosions. Poland has denied the accusations as completely unfounded. German investigators suspect that a ukrainian diving instructor, Vladimir Z and five accomplices of bombing the Nord street pipelines. The ukrainian diving structure has fled to the Ukraine, which is hindering the investigation. Germany has accused Poland of not enforcing arrest warrants for Vladimir Z. And obstructing justice. The former BND chief August Hanning believes that political leaders in Poland and Ukraine were aware of the attack.

Poland's Response and Privacy Analysis

Investigators alleged that the divers were trained in Poland and received logistical support for the operation. Polish authorities, however, deny the accusations and are exploring the possibility of russian involvement. A new analysis by VPN provider Surfshack has been released, which and I will put that into the comments so that you can click and have a read. But the analysis analyzed government requests for user data submitted to major tech companies Apple, Google, Meta and Microsoft from 2013 to 2022. It showed that the us and german government agencies requested the most user data from big tech companies, followed closely by Singapore, the UK, France and Ireland. Government requests for user data have continued to increase rapidly with the data showing that companies comply with around 70 of all requests, with Apple having the highest disclosure rate at 83%.

Telegram's CEO Statement

The US requested over two times more accounts per 100,000 people than all of the EU countries. And if you download that data and have a look at the Excel spreadsheets, it has some interesting information. Telegram founder Pavel Durov has broken his silence on Thursday for the first time since his arrest in France. He released a statement on Telegram stating that he was surprised about his interview with the french police, who questioned him for four days despite cooperating with authorities in the past. He criticized the use of outdated laws to hold CEOs responsible for third-party actions. He said the telegram stands by its privacy principles, highlighting how telegram left markets like Russia and Iran when it was pressured to compromise.

Telegram's Commitment and Stabbing Incident

He also acknowledged that the improvements were needed and committed to making the platform safer amid its rapid growth, saying that they have direct hotlines with NGOs to process urgent moderation requests faster, that the french authorities had numerous ways to reach him to request assistance and that telegram has official representatives in the EU that accepts and replies to EU requests and that it is his personal goal to ensure that he significantly improves things in regard to safety and that they have already started this process internally. There has been another stabbing in Germany. A man injured two people with a knife in bond. Police shot the suspect, who later died in hospital. Reports have indicated that the three people involved were engaged in an argument and they likely knew each other.

Recent Stabbing and Sports Events

There has been no disclosure regarding the suspect's identity. This follows the mass stabbing at the festival of Diversity in Saligin, Germany on the 23 August, where syrian national Issa al H was arrested and the woman that stabbed people on a bus on the way to a city festival in Soligen on the 30 August, whose identity has also not been disclosed. And finally, after 22 sports and 549 events, the Paralympics wraps up tonight in France, with China, the NPAs, that is Russia and Belarus, the UK and the USA topping the medal leaderboard. This is the first Paralympic Games, which is just a fun fact. It was held in 1960 in Rome alongside the Olympics Games.

Middle East and Africa Updates

And that's my wrap up of the european headlines onto you, Ruger, for the Middle east and Africa. All right, thanks for that, Sophie. So first up, Russia doesn't like growing US economic role in Central Asia, but seems powerless to stop it. So first up, at a lecture at a university, the russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov reluctantly acknowledged growing US involvement in Central Asia, specifically through the middle corridor, which noticeably bypasses Russia. While Russia sees the increased US presence as unwelcome, Lavrov maintained that Russia still has strong ties with central asian nations. One noticeable thing missing from his entire lecture was chinese involvement in the Middle east.

Lavrov's Lecture Insights

And some analysts are pointing out that it's very odd for him to focus so much of his lecture geared on mentioning the US, but not as much focusing on China, especially given the ongoing trade dynamics. US proposes deal with Gabon to thwart chinese base construction. So I thought this was a very interesting story that I think a lot of people are missing. And basically the United States military is assembling an economic and security package to Gabon in exchange for them saying no to the construction of a chinese base. So I think this is very important for a few reasons.

Significance of the US Proposal

First off, we're seeing a growing US trend of them pushing back for influence in Africa, especially against China. Also, what the us military announced that it would see any chinese base construction on the atlantic seaboard in Africa as a violation of the Monroe doctrine, which we'll get to later when I get to my main story. Also, why it's noticeable is because Gabon is an oil producing nation and it produces 200,000 barrels per day and 66% of the GDP is based on oil. Also, just another fun fact that coast of Africa is closer to the United States mainland than Hawaii is just a fun fact.

Terrorist Investigation in Paris

Iranian couple arrested for murder slash terrorist plot in Paris this is another very interesting story I'm not seeing a lot of people talk about. But the french government has arrested a couple, Abdelkrim and Sabrina, for their involvement in an iranian-backed plot to assassinate Israelis and Jews in Europe as part of a Tehran-funded terrorist operation. The couples are formally charged with conspiring with a terrorist organization and the investigation was codenamed Marco Polo. The investigation is reportedly also connected to drug trafficking and the targeting of civilians, particularly Israelis and Jews within the European Union.

Couple's Intentions and Activities

Also mentioned in the indictment was plans to intimidate opposition groups abroad. The couple's activities included planning attacks in both France and Germany and had plans to attack businesses, not just individuals. And that's all for the Middle east and Africa. All right, now we're going to jump into our main story here, one of our featured stories. We're going to talk about tenant media and what's been going on there. If you haven't heard about that. The US Department of Justice has unsealed an indictment that's going after two russian nationals for election, quote, election interference in the US.

Tenant Media and the Indictment

This started on Wednesday with the Biden administration releasing that they were going to target russian propaganda and disinformation with a, quote, whole of government action ahead of the 2024 presidential election. It started with two low level domains being seized and then another 32 Internet domains that were used by the russian government and sponsored actors to, quote, influence us public opinion. According to the court filing, the russian company's name were social design agency, which alleged to have ran a campaign to convince the us public that United States should not fund the war in Ukraine, according to the filing.

Details on Tenant Media's Activities

And then it released, without actually being directly mentioned in the indictment, that Tenet media who is run by Lauren Chen, real name Lauren you sum Tam and her husband Liam Donovan, which we had a conversation about this last night and are unsure of who he is and where he comes from. There really isn't much information on him, but there may be some connection to them in college and maybe that has something to do with Lauren's studies that she decided to take up. There's also some interesting TPUSA and Blaze TV and Prager University connections as well as Lauren Chen was hosting her show at Blaze TV no longer since the indictment came out.

Lauren Chen's Background

She appears to have since been released by Blaze TV and on her Telegram channel. Since the indictment came out, there have been no posts, complete radio silence, and she has yet to make any sort of statement on the matter. So on Wednesday, the US Justice Department unsealed the indictment against two russian nationals, accusing them of setting up a conservative media outlet as a front for pro Kremlin propaganda. The media outlet was not named in the indictment, as I mentioned, tenant media, but it was clear from the details within that the charges refer to tenant media, founded in 2023 by the canadian influencer known as Lauren Chan and her husband, Liam Donovan.

Between Propaganda and Connections

It's important to note that Lauren was born in Canada, but grew up in Hong Kong, and then she proceeded to. Was it George? Let me pull it up here. Okay. It doesn't look like I pulled that over. And we'll get to that later. Then we'll get back to that. Her education in history, she had a major in arabic studies as well. And it just so happens that Liam Donovan appears to come from an arabic background as well. And, Ruger, maybe you can enlighten us a little bit right now, actually, in terms of maybe what that means for someone to have arabic studies and why that's widely sought after by us government and intelligence agencies or western intelligencies.

Understanding Arabic Studies

Yeah, well, I think it's just such a rare skill for a western person to be familiar with an arabic language to where I think it's a really sought after skill by the us military and other organizations. Just because basic intelligence things, you have to know two languages, and it's very rare for a western person to know Arabic and also be western educated. So I think that's just something to note. I can't remember off the top of my head either, which university she attended. I feel like I read it was she got part of her degree in California and part of it in Utah, if I remember right, which.

The University Connection

If it was in Utah, it's for sure Salt Lake City. I do this in screenshots, and these were the ones that I forgot to bring over into my notes, unfortunately. But I do have the. What she actually studied. We'll get to that in a second, but Bachelor of arts in political science with a minor in middle eastern studies and Arabic. And this was actually listed on our turning point USA profile, which I was only able to get this information in the search results because they were still cached by search engines, which means still stored. And you could read the subtitle or the SEO line, the little couple sentences that you get, when you look up a search result, what's underneath the link that you click?

Deletion of Content

And when you actually click on our TPUSA page, you get a 404 error. And her page and profile has also been taken down as well. So who else was caught up in this tenant media? Well, there were licensing deals between other content creators, notably Tim Pool, as well as Dave Rubin, Taylor Hansen, Matt Christensen, Lauren Southern and Benny Johnson. And Tim Pool immediately after this, which Tim Pool, they've seem to have all have made some sort of statement about this, saying that they're all victims and they didn't know. And Tim Pool immediately does a interview with Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire.

Responses and Statements

And it's a very interesting interview. The questions are, it just feels a little weird, if I'm being honest. And the middle of it is this ad, which is, it felt very contrived, but there's this push for a lack of accountability. And Tim, one of his justifications for not really knowing is that the money, which was reportedly around $400,000 for Dave Rubin for a month, which he did weekly videos. So $100,000 a video, and the same with Tim Pool, $100,000 a video. And the tenant media YouTube page has also been.

Success and View Metrics

Sorry, how long were the videos? They were anywhere between five to 15 minutes. And some of them were live streams. There were, there were around 2000 videos. And the tenant media YouTube channel had garnered around 16 million views collectively over the years. But their videos, their view counts were anywhere between like 400 to 900. They were very low. So this was a very unsuccessful influence operation, in my opinion. But this kind of argument that was brought up or point to absolve any guilt or to say that they're victims in the matter was that, you know, well, in Tim Pool's case, the culture war podcast was an entity that existed prior to tenant media, and it was through a licensing deal.

Licensing Deals and Controversies

So basically, tenant Media was paying the culture war money to use their content on tenant media's social pages, their website, and most notably their YouTube pages, which is where they were putting a lot of their content. And I've also, if you've been paying attention, I've seen a lot of it coming around on x too, in the last month or so. I've really seen their name popping up. So just to clarify, for anyone who doesn't know right tenant media, then in a roundabout way, what is right wing, what you would call right wing media or right wing influencers?

Influencer Relations

Well, those are the influencers that they made licensing deals with, correct? And that was a part of Lauren's canadian company, which was roaming millennial, which is how she started. So it's also important to note that in this indictment, Lauren Chen is not a us citizen. So they have a lot of receipts about what's been going on in conversations behind the scenes. She doesn't really have any rights. So the NSA can spy on messages with impunity. It's important to note that this is an FBI investigation and that Tim Pool has said that he will be visiting, I believe, today.

Conclusion on the Investigation

Haven't heard any news on that and doing prep for the show today. But we'll be going to the FBI and we'll be speaking. So I guess maybe getting to the conclusion of all of this is, it seems like that this is an operation to get more intelligence. I think on the right wing you have this kind of narrative that's being pushed that this is a left wing persecution against right wing commentators, which I think is interesting that you haven't seen in Tim Poole's case. And I keep bringing him up because I think he's been most vocal on the issue, doing interviews and speaking about it on his own show.

Political Narratives and Public Reactions

They don't even really seem to be talking about the politicization of it all, which I think is interesting because you would think that the way that the right wing base is going on about it, saying that this is political persecution from the left, you would think that these commentators that are caught up in it, if that were really the case, would also be saying that, too, because that would be the truth. Right? And on the left, well, they're clapping and cheering it on, saying, see, it's Russia they're influencing. And yeah, these right wing commentators are all corrupt. So I feel like it's this controlled narrative.

Narrative Control and Future Implications

I don't think that's really what's going on. And I think if you see now these influencers are cooperating with the FBI and because they are associated in this indictment through the business dealings that they have with tenant media and Lauren Chen's company, and they're going to cooperate. And I don't know what that means because that's not released in the indictment. Is there something. Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt you there, though.

Conclusions About Influence and Perception

Is there something kind of similar, say, like, to January 6, where even if Tim Pooh, Lawrence Southern, etcetera, didn't know what was going on. Right. And they come out and they say, I didn't know what was going on, which it's very highly potential that they possibly didn't, and then but then could they still be linked somehow with conspiracy, you know? Well, that. Go ahead, Ruger.

Doubt and Speculations

Well, I was just gonna add a few additive, a few points to say. So first off, I 100% agree. And Sophie, it's interesting to me that they all came out basically the day after. We're like, I'm a victim. So I'm now going to meet with the FBI, which is like, okay, so now what is the FBI going to get via discovery this way? Also back to do point about Chan is a canadian citizen. So now you have all the american citizens who are about to go in and an interview with the FBI.

Operation Complexity and Oversight

Because what struck me about the indictment was it didn't seem like that much of a sophisticated operation, to be honest, especially because it was former RT employees funneling money in a very non complicated way. And we know the Russians know how to get around sanctions and move money and hide it because of what Wagner's doing. Wagner has a very sophisticated operation in web where they can easily hide their money.

Final Thoughts on Investigations

So it's a little interesting to me that it's RT employees giving money to chin in a very simple kind of straightforward way. I don't know, I just think that's a little suspect. Also, just another point on Lauren Chin's cv is her first internship out of university, which I still think it's weird. It's really hard to figure out which university she goes to. It's not on her wikipedia or anything. But Brigham Young University. She went to BYU.

Direct Money Transfer from RT

The money literally came directly from RT. Yeah. Like 31 and 27 or something. It's a bit on the nose. Right. RT employees setting up a new intelligence operation. I don't know. You think they could hide it a little better? You would think, wouldn't you? Yeah. Or maybe. Maybe, you know, you guys just have high intelligence services that can find out stuff. I like that theory. We're that smart. We're just that good. We're that good, Sophie.

Character of Edward Gregorian

And then there's also the question of this Edward Gregorian character who, according to the indictment, has falsified. And he was actually three people. He was Edward Gregorian, who was this financier, french financier, and he was head at an unnamed bank and headed up private equity, basically managed the wealth of the elite investors within the institution and in their private wealth fund, which was basically representing billionaires. And. And then he was also a rep and then there was producer one and producer two, which was also Edward Gregorian, which was a fake person who were funneling and who were doing all of the communications with the canadian company, which was. It's. There's a good diagram. I'm gonna see if I can put this on x and pin it to the nest. Someone literally drew it out with. With like colored pen on a piece of paper and just followed the money.

Tracking the Money Trail

And they have good arrows that are connecting to the commentators and where it actually came from with the Kremlin. And there's what I was trying to look up there, which is why there was a little bit of pause in the conversation, was it came directly from RT, but there was a chief of a russian agency that was that before RT made the decision, it had to pass through. So there was a clear government involvement and monitor and kind of tag on the whole situation to see what was going on at the same time and also inject, I'm sure, their own commentary and opinion into it. Let me see if I can get this up and pinned into the billboard, the nest, the board. That's it.

Lauren Chen's Connections

Sophie, I know you're big on making a new name for that. Yeah. I think it's interesting, though, that a lot of people in the media space mentioned that Lauren Chen was extremely well connected and she was really good at getting people into events and elevating them and getting them a platform and not even in a quid pro quo kind of way, but that she was just very generous. Quite a few people in the media space say that they were approached by her. I'm thinking Megyn Kelly mentioned something, Gavin McInnes mentioned something and one other, who I can't recall who all said that she basically just offered them help and not even money. Like, wasn't saying, hey, let me invest, but was like, hey, can I get you to speak at this conference? Come here.

Tentative Patterns and Prominent Figures

And she just made the round. She was everywhere. And another thing was that she kind of had this common narrative when people asked her about Tenet, that it was this french businessman who was funding the whole thing. But people are pointing out that in the indictment, quite a few times, she googles, you know, what's the time in Moscow, time in Russia and stuff like that. So people are pointing out that she couldn't have been 100%. Another thing I want to highlight here, which is something you actually found last night, Ruger, was that the prosecuting attorney Alexander Lee and Julian Murray were both involved in cases for prosecuting Chinese for money laundering. As we know, Lauren was born in Canada, but was raised in Hong Kong.

Connections and Allegations

Not sure how that connects, but they were also responsible for a case going after Guo Wen Gui, or also known as, what were his aliases? Here he was the chinese billionaire backer who was behind Steve Bannon, and Steve Bannon's Real America voice and his whole network. He's the one that's featured if you ever watched Rav in any or any of Bannon's war room shows that take down the CCP song. And he's widely known as turning against the CCP after he worked with the CCP to make an enormous amount of his wealth. Because, as we know, in China, there is no distinction between business and the government. They have their hand in everything.

Wealth Accumulation and Political Dynamics

So in order for him to accrue his wealth, he was well connected. And then he flees, turns against them, and now he's backing Steve Bannon. But he was also, I believe he was arrested. But Bannon is now currently in prison because he defied a congressional subpoena over communications for January 6 because he was close with Trump and a former Trump aide, an ally, a close advisor, really. And he was even on his cabinet for a period of time. Just an interesting connection.

Suspicious Background Checks

Yeah. And something I also find suspicious is that her husband, who you can't find anything about, can't find anything any clearly Middle Eastern looking he is, but it says he's canadian. And anything about him kind of just says that he wants to keep his family private. So that's kind of the line that every article uses. And he is a director and producer. He has an IMDb page for doing Lauren Chen's productions, but that's it. So I thought, you know, if you're kind of a producer, a director, you'd. Be a bit more meeting in college studies. It'd be a bit more online to do something.

Media Ventures and Investment Dilemmas

So I think that, to me, is a little bit odd, but it could also be, you know, I know that we. When were talking about this yesterday, it could also be, you know, maybe she was. She wanted to start up in a new media company, and, you know, somebody came to her with investment for money, and she took it, not knowing that it was any kind of, you know, or that it could be used against her because it was to do with Russia. That could be very plausible, too. I think it's very interesting, the timing where there's spies getting busted, chinese spies, she's getting busted, and that's russian influence.

Connections to Other Organizations

But I find the connections to other organizations like TPUSA, Blaze, Prager University, the Daily Wire, Lauren Chen notably said that she was constantly featured on the Daily Wire. A video of hers is still hosted about dating on Prager University. And the point to say that is that, you know, you get close with the people in these companies, you know who they are, you know, their viewpoints, you know, their opinions. And those specific right wing sources seem to have a particular leaning.

Political Campaigns and Influence

Right. Can I say also, you know, yeah. Not in politics, but. And then you have the whole link of that, what I mentioned earlier today with the whole shark Shack report. Right. Coming out or. Sorry, excuse me, not shark shop, surf shark. Why can't I say it? Surf Shark report coming out with government requests for user data. User data. Right. So all of that kind of data that she had, or I would assume anyone who's, who is linked with tenant media.

Government Data and User Privacy

Now all of that data is going to be with governments. Well, I think that's the, that's kind of just getting to the conclusion here. And then we're going to get you guys involved in the conversation here. I could see spot you had requested. If you're still in the space, bring that request back. We'll let you up to speak. If you guys want to jump in on the conversation, request to speak, hit that mic button in the bottom left corner there and we'll get you in.

Future Implications and Election Dynamics

But I think this kind of just brings us to the conclusion of what is there to flip further about these people? Why is there this rush for Tim Pool to do an interview with Ben Shapiro at the Daily Wire, who constantly goes over and has personal dinners with Benjamin? Not in Yahoo, over in Israel introduces Bebe to Jordan Peterson or vice versa. And Peterson has become a huge personality within the daily wire ecosystem, now doing a whole series about the Bible and Christianity and Judaism.

Exploration of Potential Outcomes

And I'm assuming Islam will be included in that. Over in Israel, doing a whole documentary and walking around and visiting all these sites. So it's, what, is there more to it? Yeah, but what's, what do you think? What's the ultimate end goal? Right? So let's say, so we break it down like in like real simple terms.

Russian Funding and Goals

So Russia apparently has given money to set up alongside Lauren Chan and whoever who knew or didn't know, a right wing kind of media influencer stream of people. So to do what? Obviously to make everybody like, according to. The indictment, to say how the US shouldn't be giving the money to the Ukraine war to be more sympathetic to russian causes. But it doesn't seem like it was very successful.

Money's Influence and Tim Pool's Reaction

This was a part of the point I wanted to make earlier that I lost my thread on, which is that. Hold on, hold on. Was that Tim Pool says that while they were giving money to the culture war and, you know, that didn't have any influence on us. As if we're supposed to think that money isn't fungible or influenceable in any other area or any other content that you're doing. And I'm not going to libel any accusations or make any claims, but I think that's a little bit of a disingenuous reason to say why that wouldn't persuade you or influence you in any way.

Allegations and Political Strategies

And then to say that, you know, $100,000 per video is influence is totally, you know, negligible in the amount of money that we earn, and we wouldn't even notice it, quote, unquote. But then, so then if you're a country and you want kind of, you don't want anyone influencing your elections, right? Then you turn and you have the media, like, the way China and Russia have, where they totally control it and they don't allow anyone to influence it or to be able to infiltrate it, which in turn then would mean that in a way, people then want, what?

Examining American Media and Political Influence

America to be like that. Like, if you don't want your politics influenced. I'm not sure, because I think I kind of see what you're saying in your point. But what's interesting to me is we had the whole citizens United court case that basically said, actually, money in politics is okay, and we can get into that. But the legal soundness of citizens united is very good. That money, at the end of the day, is a form of speech.

Legal Implications and Foreign Agents

That's why people can donate to political campaigns. So what I found interesting more is that the crux of the indictment is just evading Fara. Right. It's not even that it's illegal to take money from foreign governments. It's that you didn't register as a foreign agent. Right. There's people in DC in suits all the time, all these lobbying firms that are just simply registered as I represent the government of Turkey, I represent the government of Babel, and that's perfectly legal.

Registration Issues and Sanctions

But it's when you don't register. But what's interesting is, I don't even know. Well, I guess, yeah. If you're operating in the US, Lauren Chin, even though she's not a us citizen, had to register so. Well, actually, the indictments that the two russian people did not register so well. Also her company. Yeah, but then. But that in the same voice.

Affiliations and Regulatory Matters

RT, I assume, was registered as a foreign agent. And yet they were, they've been blocked. Well, they were sanctioned. Sanctions are different because you're basically saying by their very nature, they're not allowed. Right. And I have a lot to say on that with the venezuelan sanctions on my story. But as soon as you're sanctioned, it doesn't really matter. You're sanctioned.

The Russian Government Connection

And RT was sanctioned because it's affiliated with the russian government. What, what do you think, Ruger? You, you had a lot to say on Tim pools. Well, I think it's. We keep focusing on him again, just because he's been the most outspoken and I think it gives the most to talk about. I encourage everyone to go watch the interview. It's very awkward.

Tim Pool's Peculiar Statements

And he basically acts like money is nothing, which is even weirder. He also says that his show is totally off the cuff. It's a silly show. It's about skateboarding and video games and he just does whatever he wants. And then right after that, he says that every show he submits to a team of lawyers before he does it. Which. Which is it? Is it a off the cuff, silly show about whatever you want it to be, or is it a highly curated show that a team of lawyers have input on?

Connections to Organized Crime

I think that's really weird. I think it's really weird she went to BYU. It's even weirder she went to BYU if she's not Mormon. I don't know her religious views. And a lot of people have been bringing up organized crime connections and Montreal is kind of known for that. It's one of the most corrupt cities in North America, and I think that's an important point.

Corruption and Personal Background

Her formative years were in Hong Kong, also corrupt in a little different way, and then Montreal. So I think there's a lot there. And are her parents chinese? I don't know. She's. I think so. Right. Because her surname half. She's half. So I don't know.

Indictments and Discoveries

But it's clear that the indictment is to get more than just the actual Russians. Like, I don't think anybody's even looking for the Russians. The indictment is actually to get other people. It's to get discovery, possibly. Rico charges are not even charges necessarily, but everyone announces they're meeting with the feds right after, so.

Pre-Election Timing

And the question is the timing before the election. If they know they're not going to get the Russians, why is the argument purely for left, you know, mainstream media coverage a strong argument? Does that really change much in the way of the election. And the question is, if they're trying to get them to flip and they want to extrapolate more information, what exactly are they extrapolating?

Narrative Construction and Political Framing

Is there a. Maybe the narrative that's being presented at face value and that people are kind of accepting on face value without digging into it is maybe there's something a little bit more to it. What do you think? Ruger? Well, yeah, and it's in the southern district of New York, which is where everything happens because that's where New York City is.

Historical Context and Legal Frameworks

So all the Epstein stuff, he was murdered in that federal prison. All the. I think you mentioned the Bannon connections. It's a very important federal district. I think Alexander Lee, one of the prosecutor on this case, he was a member of the judge advocates Corps. So he comes right from the us military, then became a federal prosecutor.

Future Surveillance and High-Profile Cases

And then the other lady who you mentioned Doe was involved in the seizing of the chinese assets case. So I think it's an important case. I'm going to keep an eye on it, but I don't think it's actually to get the Russians. Otherwise we wouldn't have heard about it, everyone wouldn't have been talking about it, and everyone's first reaction is to go have a meeting with the FBI.

Engaging with the Audience

So. Also, just want to bring up some comments. Nota who I can see once to speak. We'll let you know that in a moment. It says, I'm most excited for the tenant story. Seems crazy that this kind of thing happens months before not just the us election, but with the recent announcement by the leader of the NDP party of Canada ripping up the supply and confidence agreement supporting the liberal government under Justin Trudeau.

Elections on the Horizon

We could see a snap election in Canada any time now. And the implicated influencers are both american and canadian. Monk Fu says the MSM networks are funded by foreign interest through the stock market. If tenant would have had a stock ticker, would this even be a.

Further Commentary

And that's it. That's it. Okay, we got another one here from Ryan B. These are some comments that you guys have made of on the story over across X. Ryan B. Says that they should require voter id to make sure that Russia isn't cheating. Can we just say that we absolutely love your comments on all our posts. They're. They're always brilliant.

Comment Highlights

Yes, that's Sophie's way of saying comment more guys, the FBI. The FBI used this. Reddit lies says the FBI used the same argument to censor news about the Biden laptop story that, quote, russian disinformation turned out to be true. Right. But there isn't really much to disclose here in the way of Russia.

Influence Assessment

Right. Like, again, it wasn't really influential, and I think it was. Why leave alternative right wing media out of it? I think a lot of conservatives and even people on the left were just like, why are we sending so much money? I don't think that this whole talking point of saying that, you know, they were really pushed to drive, you know, we should stop funding Ukraine, did they really have that much influence?

Concerning Observations on Money Laundering

But again, they did do a lot of other shows that got more views than just what Tenet media was doing. Yeah. And they didn't even hide the money laundering very well if that's what was going on. It's almost like it was meant to be. It didn't even go through a tax haven or, like, a high ranking privacy country.

Tracing Financial Pathways

It was like, Russia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Canada, US. That's all very trackable and doable. You know, you're not even hiding it at that point. And we know that Russia knows how to get around sanctions because they've been doing it for so long. So I think it's very interesting that it was so on the nose.

Escalation Towards Conflict

Bitcoin snack. He's a subscriber to us here at disclosed tv says the march towards war escalation continues. Okay. Right. Let's get some of you guys. Sophie's on the sound board. Let's get some of you guys up here to speak. Nota, what do you have to say? Oh, hey, guys. I hope my audio is okay on my front.

Audience Engagement and Feedback

Sounds clear. What have you got? Fantastic. Well, I've kind of got two points. One is I just wanted to throw solidarity behind the right wing conspiracy people in thinking it is just wretched timing. You know, it stinks to high heavens. I'm not saying it's not true. I mean, clearly, there's some paperwork behind it or some documentary evidence.

Reflection on Political Cracks

Yeah, but, I mean, it's the same thing. In 26 or 2017, Alex Jones gets targeted and thrown off of everything. And he was a Trump supporter. In 2020, we saw the social media crackdown, like, you know, the apocalypse for right wingers. And here we see this story popping up, which, you know, we'll see what kind of legs it has and how much damage it does to that right wing ecosystem.

Concluding Thoughts

But it could be something. But. But just on the face of it, I mean, this is manna from heaven for the left wing narrative that it's Russia, Russia all the time.

Elections and Political Dynamics

They're in the elections. And as my. As that post that Sophie read of mine in Canada, that's more and more of that american style politics is coming north of the border into that country, and we see the risk of a snap election for the Trudeau government, which is on its last legs. And there's nothing more that they would want than to say it's Russia trying to interfere with their elections, especially considering they're going through their own chinese interference scandal and all this stuff. So I just think, you know, I understand why people are suspicious. It makes a lot of sense to be suspicious. We've seen a lot of b's go down.

Influence and Characters in Media

But the second point I wanted to make, though, was it's really interesting because we've got the cast of characters, you know, between Steve Bannon and Tim Pool. Sorry, there's a car going to go by. It's going to make a bit of noise there. But Steve Bannon and Tim Pool in 2020, on multiple occasions, Steve Bannon was on Tim Pool's show, and they were talking about the election and all this stuff. And I'm gonna. I'm gonna find the clip because somebody should. Steve Bannon directly asks Tim Pool if he's been approached by people with tons of money yet to buy influence with him. And much like Ruger just said, tim pool acted like, oh, I don't need the money. Money's nothing to me, and all this kind of thing.

Financial Implications of Influences

And I find it just kind of, like, amazing. Here we are hearing that he's getting 100,000 per show and all this stuff. There's this windfall of cash for nothing because he was already doing the work anyways. And it just seems a little on the nose that it's the exact same cast of characters talking about the exact same thing. And here we are months before the american election, and one of the big voices in right wing media is implicated to whatever degree that he is. So I just. It's a fascinating story, and I'm so excited to be on your stage. And congratulations on the second show, guys.

Chinese Influence in Political Rhetoric

I also find it interesting that ban and soul network really pushes, you know, China as us is great enemy. Clearly, they are an adversary, but their spies seem to get caught, don't they? You got Swalwell out in California. You've got this Linda sun up with Hochul and Cuomo in New York. Chinese spy balloon got a lot of coverage. I just feel like that maybe that's a bit of a paper tiger. I don't know. I feel like there's a lot of spies within the us government that aren't being outed from other foreign entities.

Canadian Context of Political Interference

Yeah, I think you're probably right. And like I said, in Canada, it's very similar with the recent elections for the Trudeau Liberals. The chinese interference angle with the police stations and all this sort of stuff. There's been a huge amount of rhetoric around the Chinese influencing North America, but you are seeing a lot of their efforts being caught. Although if you do look at Canada though, they say that there's eleven representatives of government, some of which I believe are cabinet members who are called openly traders for their association with China.

Political Reactions and Public Perception

The reason why they're being called traitors openly is because apparently there's documentary evidence out there suggesting direct ties, but the liberal government keeps it on wraps. Sorry for jumping. Okay, yeah, Clark, we'll let you to respond to that. You can make your initial point, but then let's try to keep it also on topic to the tenant story, canadian politics. Okay, yeah, sorry. That's all I wanted to add, really. Is just that extra bit to the controversy that they haven't been.

Understanding the Political Landscape

Any opinions on the tenant story and what you've been listening to? Any initial thoughts? What jumped out at you during the coverage? What do you think? No, that's. That's all I got. I don't have any opinions. I just have facts. Thanks. All right, appreciate it, Clark. All right, let's move on here. Ruger, what have you got for us? What's going on in South America? Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, what isn't going.

Venezuelan Oil Reserves and Sanctions History

So I want to go back and give kind of a brief history of how we got here, because that's kind of. That's my bag. That's how I think about stuff. The sanctions only started in 2005, and I didn't remember. I feel like this has almost been memory hole. Do you. Do you dough. Do you remember that parks and rec episode where they just talked about how great Venezuela was? And then. I'm going to be honest, I I'm not a. Not a parks and rec guy. Okay? No one is a parks.

Sanctions and Political Issues in Venezuela

But I remember the video and all these Hollywood people talking about how great Venezuela was. And so that got me thinking. When did the sanctions actually start? And the first kind of tranche of sanctions started in zero five, and were accusing Venezuela of narcotics trafficking, which I think is very interesting because as you see how the sanctions develop and grow, we kind of accused them of everything. So then there was another batch of sanctions in zero eight that showed terrorist funding, which I think is interesting.

Venezuela's Oil Wealth and External Influences

And also in zero eight was the first time we began sanctioning venezuelan individuals. And what's interesting is, when we're sanctioning Russia and other countries, sometimes we sanction rich individuals, hoping they'll pressure the government. But the people we sanction in Venezuela, namely Hugo Carval, which is going to be very important later, and Henry Silva, these are all intelligence people. So they're heads of intelligence agencies in Venezuela. So the very first people we sanction in Venezuela don't have anything to even do with oil.

Venezuelan Elections and International Reactions

Now, I just wanted to kind of set the stage on how the sanction relationship is going and how it's expanded somewhere in this sanctions that have been growing, creeping and expanding through Obama and Trump, by the way, and Biden. So it seems to be some part deeper within the state that is doing these sorts of shenanigans at some point during the sanctions. It's hard to find evidence on this, but it's alleged, and I think we all kind of intuit that it's true, that Venezuela began essentially releasing its criminals and directing them to illegally get into the United States.

Consequences of Venezuelan Sanctions

This has been alleged by a few analysts, but it's really hard to get firm data. But also it kind of makes sense if you're having these issues internally. And it's also disputed to what degree the sanctions caused the inflation and food shortages. So that's kind of the one layer of the narrative is Venezuela went rogue with Maduro after the death of Hugo Chavez. And he's a dictator. And because he's a dictator, all this bad socialism stuff happens, and that's why we're sanctioning them.

Venezuela's Resource Wealth and Geopolitical Importance

So that's sort of one layer to the narrative. A deeper kind of fact that I think is important to know is the actual wealth of Venezuela as a country, because I think it's often overlooked. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, not second, not third, the largest oil reserves in the world and the 8th largest natural gas reserves in the world. Now, this is anomaly for a south american country to be this oil rich, by the way, also because of the hydropower station, the Guri dam, it's also the only south american country that could be potentially energy independent solely on hydropower, which I think is just a very interesting fact.

Venezuela's Historical Context in Oil Production

Also, it was one of the co founding members of OPEC. So we often think of Venezuela. You know, I do this all the time, where I just kind of think of all the South Americas as countries with issues. They're all emerging markets, but Venezuela was a heavy hitter. And what's interesting is that this is why I wanted to give the sequence of sanctions at the beginning, is that all foreign direct investment was shut out of venezuelan oil in 2001, and then sanctions began in 2005.

Impact of Sanctions on Venezuelan Society

Just a little fun fact. Okay. Yeah. Wow. Okay. All right. Yeah. This is a new addition to the show. This is surprising all of us. We didn't know this was coming. I'm shocked. Sophie's going rogue. So also last year, what I think is interesting is Venezuela had this huge border dispute with Guyana because they discovered huge oil reserves as well.

Regional Developments in South America

So originally, Venezuela was essentially the only south american state with huge oil reserves. But now Guyana discovered oil, and it really looked like there for a while, Maduro was going to invade Guyana. What's also interesting is that in 2023, Guyana became the fastest growing economy on earth, as reported by the BBC. So you can kind of see, you have this country next door that discovers oil, they're 100% open to FDI, and then we have all this sort of stuff that's been triggered.

Geopolitical Implications and Interests

Also, I just wanted to make a small note of how there's EU interest in this conflict, not only because the US says so. So, of course, if the US tells people Venezuela needs to be sanctioned, Europe's going to do it. But Suriname, which is right next door to Guyana, has huge dutch influence because it's a former colony. And then French Guyana, the french own. It's technically still France.

Recent Electoral Developments in Venezuela

So, you know, France's longest land border is actually with Brazil. So I think it's important we recognize there's a lot of geopolitical influences in this region. Right. It's not just solely kind of an american issue. Now, this also brings us to the most recent election, which happened earlier this year. Now, the venezuelan election authority is the electoral body in Venezuela, and it's run by Maduro loyalists.

Election Results and International Context

And what's interesting, listen to this crazy third world stuff, is the night of the election, people started realizing that elections weren't being announced and no election results were coming until past midnight, which is ridiculous. Why would any country have to wait that long for election results? But as the days went on, people started contesting the election and saying that it's not fair and that Maduro actually lost and all this stuff.

International Recognition of Election Results

Now, what's interesting, when you look at the list of countries that recognize Maduro is you kind of have all the usual suspects. You have China, Russia, Iran, Syria, who all recognize that Maduro won. North Korea too. But some interesting exceptions, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Honduras and Cuba is a revisionist power, so that's not as much surprising. But also the Vatican City, the pope, recognized that Maduro won the election, which I think is very interesting.

Elon Musk's Engagement in Political Discourse

Now, right after the election, Elon Musk took a huge interest in it. He's posted over 50 times to date about Maduro and the election in Venezuela. And about a month ago, for ten days, X was banned in Venezuela. It's also important to note that the election wasn't a blowout. Maduro barely lost. You're talking about a few percentage points if you believe the numbers.

Legal Challenges and Political Pressure

Now, there's a whole bunch of other legal charges against Maduro himself that's putting pressure on the regime. So, for instance, in the international criminal court, he's been accused of human rights violations. He also has drug charges against him in the US, which caused his private jet to be seized. And now he's claiming that opposition leaders are hiding out in the argentine embassy in Caracas.

Violations of Diplomatic Norms

So there's literally a police military siege going on where power and water has been cut off to the embassy in violation of the Vienna convention, by the way. And he's claiming that opposition leaders are planning to stage a coup from within the argentine embassy. And the Financial Times broke right before went live a few hours ago that the opposition leader, Edmund Gonzalez, is actually being escorted by the spanish military to Spain, which I think is very interesting.

Interconnected Issues in South America

This connects broadly to some other stuff that's going on in South America that's noteworthy. Mainly our story last week that Sophie did about what's going on with in Brazil, the x dispute there, the protests. You have Elon shining a huge light on what's going on there. You have some of the largest protests in brazilian history coming out against him.

Economic Activity and Geopolitical Tensions

Malay and Argentina are brokering huge contracts for precious rare earth minerals with a bunch of canadian companies. And I don't know, it just feels like a lot of stuff is converging in South America at the same time. And traditionally we've had the ABCs, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, in the kind of american sphere of influence. But this weird conflict in Brazil and Brazil, being a BRICS member, kind of suggests there's some tension there.

Historical Role of US Agencies

And, you know, I'll conclude with this long rant about just some weird facts that I think need to be brought up and talked about that a lot of people are ignoring first up, the american three letter agencies have a long history in South America. That could be a whole show in of itself. That's where they all got their start. So we know they're kind of active in the area.

US Administration and Foreign Policy

Also, President Biden announcing early in his administration he had a series of summits, mainly the North America summit and the North American Leaders Summit, which is very interesting. Also, I'm old enough to remember another oil rich country with large gold reserves in North Africa that got a little bit uppity and some things went, not good over there.

International Judicial Decisions

And then finally, I want to conclude with an interesting Financial Times article I found from 2021 where the Supreme Court of England basically came out and said Maduro lost the last election. And they basically said that the opposition leader had the rights to the Venezuela's gold reserves that are kept by the bank of England. And thesis of the article was like, wow, Maduro sucks.

Questions Surrounding Venezuelan Politics

See, even the court says so. But I left with more questions than that, to be honest. And so, yeah, that just triggered a whole bunch of other questions for me. But my question to you guys is, you know, I have a few, but are these, you know, color revolutions? Is that what's really going on? Or is it really as simple as Maduro is a dictator? He did abolish a bunch of checks and balances in the venezuelan system.

Corruption and Societal Implications

He was very corrupt. I think everyone agrees on that. And maybe it's as simple as socialism sucks. I've seen that bumper sticker. Maybe it is that simple. I definitely don't think that's the case. The US has no problem doing business with dictatorial governments. I think it's the simple fact that the government isn't, I guess, very simply, without getting into specifics, isn't aligned with the us foreign interests.

Understanding US Interests in Latin America

So, yeah, I think it's very clear. What we're watching here is, I'd say majority us influence. I think you see that within Argentina, you see that happening in Venezuela and you see that happening within Brazil. Yes. One thing that I forgot to mention is just for the non Americans in the space, I want to explain what the Monroe doctrine is.

Monroe Doctrine and Its Relevance

So the Monroe doctrine isn't actually a government policy, it's not a law, it's none of that. It's a speech that President James Monroe gave, I think in the 1850s, but it's a speech he gave to Congress where he basically said that America reserves the right to control the Americas and it's outside the european sphere of influence. And there's exceptions to that, like the cuban revolution.

American Foreign Policy and Its Double Standards

But then when America needs it. It's sort of a tool and it's toolkit where when we want to, we can say, no, this violates the Monroe doctrine, that it's basically just the principle that Europe can't have influence in the Americas. It's not a law, it's not actually a rule, but it is kind of a policy. It's kind of an unspoken rule, so to speak. But I just wanted to explain that for some more context.

Recent US Actions on Venezuelan Elections

Yeah, I think on Monday, the US seizing Maduro's plane, Anthony Blinken, secretary of state of the United States, being very outspoken about how the elections were unfair in Venezuela, and that Maduro is going after political opponents and its political persecution, I think is an interesting cherry on the top of it all. And yesterday, venezuelan security forces surrounded the argentine embassy in the capital of Carcass.

Diplomatic Relations and Tensions

After two opposition members took refuge inside. The pair joined four other venezuelan opposition figures who have taken refuge in the argentine embassy this year, which is actually being managed and administered by Brazil. So there are these weird connections that are going on between the three.

Geopolitical Interests in Latin America

It seems that maybe the circle that Elon Musk surrounds himself with when it comes to Argentina and the resources, especially the lithium, that Elon Musk is interested in Argentina, that Javier Millay, after getting elected, goes over to New York and visits the Chabad Lubovitch headquarters, and then he proceeds to meet with Bibi Netanyahu. And then Trump comes down and does a visit.

Musk's Campaign in Brazil

Musk is now running a campaign in Brazil because of their Supreme Court justice doing a nationwide ban on x on their day of independence yesterday, where there were pre printed signs, tens of thousands of people taking to the streets, hundreds if not thousands of them, holding signs that were saying, like, free x, Elon Musk pre printed in advance. And then you have the us government's position on what's going on in Venezuela with their resources, as you so thoroughly laid out. Ruger. Just some interesting little breadcrumbs and dots and connections that I think maybe people weren't aware of. And for people that maybe aren't sure of what that means, resource, influence, power and control is the lens to look at all of that through.

Questioning Foreign Interference

So I have a question. Shoot. Yes, Sophie, as Americans, okay, so can countries be world superpowers without having or without doing foreign interference and inference, you know, through supposedly, say, convert operations? So if that's the case, then, you know, do you think that your government. So the american government shouldn't be doing those kind of things in which turn then does that mean that they would lose kind of superpower status, which then means that some other country would. It would enable another country to get that, so. Or should countries function without any of these kind of, you know, foreign interference and influences? Like, do you want your country then to become, like, not a superpower and give it to somebody else?

Imperialism and Sovereignty

Yes. The american empire needs vassal states like Germany over in the EU to maintain its strength and in South America and in other parts of the world. So, yes, the american empire, let's go. But only if, you know, it's kind of this weird. It's kind of this weird position that I find both political spectrums in the US taking, which are, like american imperialism bad, you know? No, like, let them be sovereign, let them have their own rights. Meanwhile, you see that on the left and you see that on the right. Meanwhile, in the US, the. The fact is that I think the problem comes down to the fact that Americans don't really seem to have sovereignty over their own foreign policy and over their own government in meaningful ways for a multitude of issues, which I don't think we'll get into for this show.

Biden's Government Actions

Your government has been doing something right because you are a superpower in the world, right? Yes. Special ops for me, not for thee, Sophie. That's what I think. Yes, that's what I think. Because there's some truth, too. If we're going to build a world on the petrodollar, we got to keep the petrodollar. And at first this sounds a little radical and stuff, what I feel like me and Doe are saying, because I think we largely agree, but think about what the UN is for a minute and what the ICC is. It's literally the principle that, like, take the ICC, that it's a system where whatever a court in the Hague, Netherlands, says that has input from all the countries in the world on paper.

Imperialism and Self-Interest

Right. Only security members have veto and stuff that everyone has to adhere to it. So it's sort of peak imperialism, to be honest. That kind of idea that countries don't have their own self interest. They need to. They need to determine what's best for them. And I think the pragmatics of the Americas is America can't have a revisionist power so close to home. We kind of saw how that went with the cuban missile crisis, when we allowed that to happen. So I don't know. That's kind of what I think. I think, like, for example, if we gave the power to the Irish, who knows what they'll do? We got to have it here at home in America.

Irish Power Dynamics

Yeah, Sophie's all for that. Where are we going to irish imperialism? Is that what. That's what's going to happen next? The Irish are gonna take it back? Yeah. Okay. Take it back. What did they have? No comment. No comment. Well, I know you're just the lynchpin. Of Europe. You know, or I could go on an irish rant, which I don't think anyone wants to listen to. But. Yeah. And why is Venezuela's gold in the bank of England? That's kind of the question I have after the Financial Times article.

Venezuela's Gold Reserves

There's about $2 billion in reserves are sitting in England, and not just sitting in England. The UK Supreme Court believes it is in charge of saying. And how they got to that conclusion was they said that the opposition leader actually won the election. I think his name was Guido, if I recall. I think this is in 2021. And so they said that he had the right to appoint the heads of the central banks in Venezuela, and thus he had full rights to the gold reserves in the bank of England, which the article's thesis was. Wow. C. Maduro for sure lost. But I read that, and I was like, I have. I have so many questions.

Interest in Current Topics

All right, you guys want to jump in the conversation? Anything. Come on up. Well, not anything. You know what I mean? Any thoughts on our current topic? We could talk about anything. There's a whole suite of issues, but let's keep it to this. If not, we'll read out some of our comments here. Maybe we can use that as some filler. Right? That'd be a good idea. Nobody wants to chime in on Venezuela.

Public Awareness of Venezuela

I don't think so. I don't think people know enough about it. Like, you know, I think, Ruger, everything you said tonight is kind of a lot of new information. You know, I think there's so much going on with, whether it be, you know, Brazil's obviously all over x, so everyone's kind of on that story. Then you have, you know, lots of, you know, with the tenant media, you have so many stories. You know, the Russia Ukraine thing is kind of kicking off again. So I think there's so much going on that Venezuela probably falls down the bottom of the list because it's not as much in everyone's mind.

US Government Stance on Elections

I guess the right media company said the Biden regime jailed people for questioning the election results. The Biden regime is still threatening to jail people who may question a common 24 win. The Biden regime suppressed free speech and dissident towards the 2020 election results. The Biden regime just stole an airplane from Venezuela's elected leader because the Biden regime questions the results of that election. Do you see it? I mean, I don't see the Biden regime. This is something that's been going on for a long time.

Understanding Power Dynamics

Yeah, longer than decades. So I think that class, that kind of framing of it is a little. Yeah, I always find this interesting because people on the right are like, it's Biden. It's the Biden regime. But then they also kind of hold this viewpoint of that it's also a completely incompetent regime, and he can't string together coherent sentences. And then they say he's, like, pooping up on stage in his diaper. So I don't really understand how you reconcile this mass control with someone that's leading it, who's supposedly also senile, which is now why it's not become about Biden.

Biden and the Deep State

But it's the Biden regime, which if you really get to the court, which I also want to know how they reconcile that with the whole deep state narrative at the same time, which it's like, well, is it Biden's regime or is it the deep state? And that's what we're seeing. The aircraft carriers are still moving in the Middle east, and it's not Biden who's calling the shots on where they're going. Maybe he is. Exactly. Well, I feel like that's what we're seeing growing more and more all over the world is this sort of iron triangle between the three letters, foreign governments and now private silicon Valley capital.

The Intersection of Power and Governance

And they're kind of moving in locker step with different agendas or against different agendas. And that's kind of why it doesn't really matter who's president. Sanctions on Venezuela are going to increase because that idea has its genesis from outside the executive, it seems. All right, Aidan, why don't we get you up here? What have you got to say? Last minute request. Go ahead and unmute yourself. There appears the speaker. What have you got for us on either story tenant or Venezuela in South America?

Biden’s Political Standing

I was just, you guys were talking about Biden regime. And I think everybody here knows that, you know, Biden just like Kamala Harris as a presidential candidate. They're both just kind of like a standy cutout they're just a kind of a face. But I don't know if you guys have more information on who's kind of pulling the strings. I hear stuff from Eric Weinstein, and I don't know if something you guys want to talk about in this particular chat here, but I'd be curious to see who's the one propping up, or was propping Biden, who clearly can't even tie his own shoes, and then who's, you know, why are they, you know, who's putting Kamala up there?

The Impact of Political Analysis

Who. She can't, you know, she can't even complete a full sentence herself. So I'm asking you guys, who's behind all this? Like, what's, what organization? What group of people, if, you know? I would say. I mean, it's a very complicated issue. I think there are multi, there are factions and groups that have their own interests. It's the leprechauns. Right? Well, look, I mean, what they're doing. To Trump shows that they're incredibly afraid. There's this massive fear. I mean, these guys are throwing everything at him.

Distractions in the Political Arena

They even try to take his life. And God knows what they're gonna do if Kamala, she's likely to fail this debate even if she shows up. Right? So, because he seems to be threatening them, saying the deep state, and there's guys pulling strings and they're corrupt and they're destroying our country. And so there seems to be, just from the reaction of what's going on, you know, seems very legitimate or seems very probable, that's the reality. So who is it? I don't know. You know. I think that's the question everyone's asking themselves.

Speculation about the Power Structure

What do you think? There's a list of names that I, goddamn, I forget the guy's name. I have to try to look it up. But he was listing a number of people like that. I don't want to. Something along the lines of the director of the FBI or this and that. And it's a group of people that kind of were established after the Nixon, after the whole Nixon scandal that were kind of like some kind of back end oversight to the presidency or the executive office, something like that. And I don't know if that was a theory, if it's true or reality, but I gotta try to look that up.

Investigating Political Interests

But they're saying that this kind of group kind of gained power ever since and are. And again, it's a list of individuals that you can look that they were listing and they were putting forth. I just don't remember who they were. I think to your point, if people want to go and do their own research, they can look at who are actually in these positions within these agencies and what their own interests are and what they represent. I think this kind of whole obfuscation of saying deep state and this kind of image of shadowy backdoor parking garage deals with suitcases full of cash is people can't really seem to move beyond that.

Encouraging Independent Research

And I think the extra step is for people to kind of do their own research and to look at the names of these people, who they talk to, what their backgrounds are, who they're friends with and who they affiliate, and what their agendas and beliefs are. So I think that's maybe not a direct answer to the question, but I think people can figure that out for themselves. Or you can stay tuned because we will be doing lots more shows over the coming weeks, and I'm sure we will do be doing lots of deep dives on this with different shows.

Future Exploration of Topics

I'll explain it all on next week's episode of disclose. So make sure to tune in, because next week I explain it all. No, but for real, a really good rule is if you know about the person, it's probably not the person. I think the people actually in charge will never know who, because that's how power works. Super powerful people, I think, are completely obscure, which I think is a lot of to link it back into the tenants story. I think that's why a lot of people got duped is because they thought it was some random, obscure french billionaire, and they all believed that.

The Nature of Power

So I think the people actually making the shots, we won't know for sure. But I for sure think we have this artificial distinction in our mind between, like, the three letters, organized crime, government, and big capital, big banks. Everyone say that in our minds, they're totally separate. And I think there's a lot more cross pollination there than we give credit for. A really good microcosm into that is look at the people who work for Blackrop, Blackrock, and then the amount of them that have worked for the government and vice versa.

Cross Pollination in Power Structures

Right? There's just immense cross pollination there. So I don't think there's a magic list. Crawlination. Yeah. Crawlin Nation. Trademark pending. Well, you're. I mean, you're right. It's not one person. It's a network of probably organizations and people who have special interests and whatever's going on anywhere, which has been the case in every government in all of history, regardless but I think we're seeing this play out in a very interesting way. I agree.

Closing Remarks

All right. Thank you very much, Aidan. Appreciate it. And I think that's gonna any last things? Are we ready? Outro? Take us out. Sophie, we have Brig. Jeff, do you want to bring Brigg Jeff, some last comment? I do not. Yeah, go. Can you bring them up there? I cannot see. Okay, Briggs, you're. You're up on stage. You can unmute your mic. What have you got for us? Yeah, just one thought that I had this morning after reading through this whole tenet thing.

Thoughts on Current Discussions

Yeah, what have you got to say on that? What do you think? What's going on? I. Well, I'm not professional or in any way knowledgeable about it, but. And I really don't care if it was russian money or not, but I think what I see the DOJ being able to do, especially after I did, I posted earlier today about it, and I had not read the indictment, but I have read the indictment now, and it does appear that they got all of their information with some sort of a warrant for communications without actually obtaining those devices.

Implication of Legal Actions

Make me think that there was a FISA wiretap warrant of some sort. And if it was, and maybe you already talked about this. I joined an hour into the conversation, so maybe you talked about this, but I'm. I'm thinking that they've kind of opened up a big, huge spiderweb here where, you know, they got the three people that we assume are Benny Johnson and Tim Pool and Dave Rubin, but now they can look into there. They can get warrants to look into their communications, and then perhaps get warrants to look into their communications.

Surveillance and Monitoring

That doesn't mean they don't already have all our data. I'm sure they have all their data, but. But now if they. They can get warrants to go through and find anybody, they can find anything that's even sort of, I'm gonna say, what they wouldn't like or what they could, if they want to shut them down, if they could somehow make them look like they're taking money from the russian government. It's.

Fear and Free Speech

I think it's more that they're trying to open up a back door into everybody's community, a legal backdoor into everybody's communication, because, like I say, they do happen all of our communications. Now, Brigg, do you think that they're doing this purely for political reasons, or do you think that there actually is something to it? Maybe it's not. Maybe it, maybe it has nothing to do with Russia, although that's what the indictment says. Maybe that's, maybe that's some, maybe there is an ulterior motive and that's how they're presenting it, to dig up other information.

Political Influence on Public Perception

What do you think? I personally think that it's somewhat on the political side, but it's also what I think more of it is about is creating fear amongst the american people that love free speech and love to be able to say, hey, look at what this guy found, or look at what this guy found or creating fear that we will talk about, you know, post this big accounts, repost this big accounts claims. And because we're going to be afraid that, oh, we might be reposting somebody that's secretly working for the enemy, so to speak, if you consider the Russians to be the enemy.

Impact on Elections

So, yes, political, but I think that it's this close to the election. Yeah, it's going to have an effect on the election to some degree. But most people have, other than RFK voters, most people have already decided, and I would dare say that they're trying to create a fear to get involved, a fear to maybe even become a whistleblower because maybe the person that the big account that you're a whistleblower that you're secretly giving information to is also working with some foreign entity that they're not registered under. I think it's fear mongering is that's personal opinion.

Distraction and Media Manipulation

Well, well, it does. It does. Brig seem to be a kind of good distraction and breaking the news cycle from some other topics and why there? Ruger well, I think the Tim pool thing is so interesting is he's kind of the first one that came out and did an interview about it and he was very awkward about it. But also Tim cast or Tim Pool's company, I think in the interview he said he's got about 40 employees and they also have their own kind of smaller personality networks that people always on his show, I think his table is like an octagon or whatever.

Implications of Media Presence

And all those people that chime in, they kind of all have their own independent projects. So you can easily see how exactly what you said is true. Briggs wherever maybe they're actually, and this is a common practice in civil litigation as well, is that you sue for something stupid, but what you're actually after is discovery. So you're like, I'm going to sue you for this thing. And as part of discovery, I need all your emails for the, you know, and obviously, if the government's doing it, they can ask for a lot more than your normal run of the mill.

Legal Discoveries and Information Gathering

So I think you're 100% right. And the. And I think. I didn't see what Lauren Southern said, but she just came out for the first time and mentioned something. And she's also Canadian, so I'm interested to see who's going to meet with the FBI and who's not. Okay.

Concluding Thoughts

All right. Thank you very much, Greg. I think that's going to do it for us. Sophie, take us out. That's a wrap. That's week two of news bites. Thanks to everybody that listened in and those that came up to the stage to give their views, which we'd love to hear. Don't forget to keep an eye out for announcement of some new shows and special guests over the next few weeks. We'll be back next Sunday at 05:00 p.m. estimated for week three of news bites from Ruger do myself and everyone here at Disclose TV.

Week Ahead and Final Remarks

Thank you. Enjoy the last hours of your weekend. Good night and God bless. And a reminder that it's 108 days to Christmas.

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