Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space New Tenset roadmap and future plans with AlphablockZ hosted by TenseT_io. Explore the dynamic world of Tenset's roadmap and future plans in collaboration with AlphablockZ. The space delves into key strategies such as enhancing utility, building community trust, and fostering innovation in the realm of unique crypto projects. Discover how Tenset aligns with community expectations, prioritizes user experience, and integrates valuable feedback for continuous improvement. Stay informed about the latest developments, partnerships, and market insights shaping Tenset's journey in the competitive cryptocurrency landscape.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: How does Tenset prioritize user experience in their roadmap plans?
A: Tenset focuses on enhancing user interfaces, security features, and overall functionality to provide a seamless experience for users.

Q: What benefits do partnerships with AlphablockZ bring to Tenset?
A: Partnerships with AlphablockZ bring expertise, resources, and community support, aiding Tenset's growth and market presence.

Q: How does Tenset maintain transparency with its community?
A: Tenset ensures open communication channels, regular updates, and engagement with the community to build trust and transparency.

Q: Why is community feedback crucial for Tenset's decision-making?
A: Community feedback provides valuable insights, enhances product development, and fosters a sense of ownership and involvement among users.

Q: How does Tenset plan to differentiate itself in the competitive crypto market?
A: Tenset focuses on innovation, unique features, strategic partnerships, and continuous development to establish a distinctive presence in the market.

Q: What role do continuous updates play in Tenset's roadmap strategy?
A: Continuous updates ensure that Tenset remains relevant, competitive, and aligned with the evolving needs and trends of the crypto market.

Q: How does Tenset approach collaboration and ecosystem building?
A: Tenset collaborates with partners like AlphablockZ to create a robust ecosystem, drive innovation, and offer comprehensive solutions to users.

Q: Why is it important for Tenset to align with community expectations?
A: Aligning with community expectations ensures user satisfaction, trust, and long-term sustainability for Tenset and its projects.

Q: How does Tenset use feedback loops to improve its services?
A: Feedback loops help Tenset identify areas for enhancement, address issues promptly, and continuously refine its products and services.

Q: What principles guide Tenset's strategic planning in a dynamic market?
A: Tenset emphasizes adaptability, flexibility, market research, and foresight to navigate the dynamic crypto market successfully.


Time: 00:15:42
Enhanced Utility Features in Tenset's Roadmap Exploring new utility functionalities to improve user experience and project value.

Time: 00:25:18
AlphablockZ Partnership Announcement Insights into the strategic partnership with AlphablockZ and its benefits for the Tenset community.

Time: 00:35:50
Community Engagement Strategies by Tenset Discussing the importance of community communication, feedback, and involvement in Tenset's growth.

Time: 00:45:10
Innovative Features to Stand Out in the Market A look into Tenset's innovation strategy to differentiate itself in the competitive crypto landscape.

Time: 00:55:30
Continuous Development Updates by Tenset Keeping up with market demands through regular updates, improvements, and feature enhancements.

Time: 01:05:15
Ecosystem Building and Collaborations Insights on how Tenset collaborates with industry partners to create a thriving ecosystem and drive mutual growth.

Time: 01:15:42
Feedback-Driven Service Improvements Highlighting the significance of user feedback in shaping Tenset's services and product offerings.

Time: 01:25:20
Alignment with Community Expectations The importance of aligning roadmap goals with community needs and expectations for sustained success.

Time: 01:35:50
Strategic Planning in the Crypto Market Exploring how Tenset adapts strategic plans to navigate the evolving trends and challenges in the crypto industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Tenset's roadmap focuses on enhancing utility, security, and user experience.
  • Partnerships with AlphablockZ aim to boost community engagement and project growth.
  • Transparency and communication play a vital role in building trust with the community.
  • The importance of strategic planning and adaptability in the fast-paced crypto market.
  • Community feedback and suggestions are integrated into Tenset's decision-making processes.
  • Emphasis on innovation and differentiation to stand out in a competitive landscape.
  • Continuous development and updates are essential to meet evolving market demands.
  • Building a strong ecosystem through collaborations and integrations for mutual benefits.
  • Adopting feedback loops for continuous improvement and user satisfaction.
  • Ensuring alignment between roadmap goals and community expectations for sustainability.

Behind the Mic


It. Hello, everybody. Hi, Karen. Do we have you there? You just have to unmute your mic, Karen? Hello? Can you guys hear me? I can hear you well, hi, Matt, how's it going? Hi. I'm doing better than I deserve. Thank you. How is it going for you? Yeah, very good, thanks. Karen, are you there? Hello, Karen, are you there? I've added you a speaker again. In the meantime, whatever questions you guys might have, please post them on Twitter under these spaces.

Starting the Conversation

Yes, we have you now. Hi, Karen. How's it going? Okay. Yeah, so we can get things started. Appreciate everyone's time for waiting for us. And so maybe just to kick things off, Karen, you give just a little introduction to yourself and what your background is. Yeah, so, like, I have been in crypto space since 2016. Like, being as, like, investor, primarily investing into crypto projects, then like, being as an advisor as well as, like, seen entire lifecycle of crypto projects. Supported a lot of good tokens to, like, grow and with a go to market and product growth as well.

Karen's Background in Crypto

So then, so with respect to ten set, also, like, I have been as an investor and community member into a ten set in the early days, you know, so where were actually, like, been seeing ten set since, like, the launch. So since the launch. So, yeah, so this is, briefly about myself. So being like, kind of like, I can say myself as a, like, kind of a, like, kind of like, crypto native or you can say it as a. Yeah, token maxi kind of a thing. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you. And you kind of touched on that you were following tensor from before.

Attraction to Tensor

But could you talk a little bit about what attracted you to actually get more heavily involved and what obviously to acquire Tencent. Yeah. So, like, so the community is one definitely a key factor. Like, you know, being like, you know, since the day one, the community was really active and vibrant as well as, like, you know, kind of like bringing sort of a, sort of, like, you know, quality deals into that and all of those things makes us kind of like, you know, take more closer look at tenset than it was actually. And also like, we are kind of building a larger kind of a crypto ecosystem or a victory ecosystem using our, like, you know, the alpha blocks.

Building the Ecosystem

Alpha blocks ventures as a brand. So that is also made us to think that, okay, like, tense. That kind of a brand would be like, much more good to, like, you know, acquire to be like, kind of a gem in the ground. So we just thought about it and that was the reason, like, you know, we kind of acquired Tencent and then wanted to get more involved actively into the Tencent ecosystem. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. So you mentioned a couple of stuff there about alpha block ventures and like, a greater ecosystem.

The Role of Ten Set in the Ecosystem

So maybe you could touch on a little bit on the different stuff that alpha blocks has and then how Tencent is going to fit into this ecosystem.

Introduction to Alpha Blocks

Yeah, so alpha blocks is primarily like early stage, you know, early stage venture fund and accelerator. So we have quite a good amount of like founders building with us on the various emerging techs that are happening in the space, actually. So we have, like, products that are building in terms of like, defi a or like infrastructure. So multiple other, like, you know, products building with us. So. So mostly these products are also focusing on the revenue generation and proper revenue generation as a thing, plus building a token around their product. So that is an advantage with alpha blocks and obviously having good projects and with this thing. So it is better to like, you know, kind of have them in a part of it. So that is the idea of like, you know, having ten set part of the, you know, alpha blocks ecosystem.

Discussion on Roadmap

Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. Maybe we can move on a little bit and talk about the roadmap. So we obviously, last week when we shared the news, we gave quite a detailed roadmap for different stuff. We're looking to bring into Tencent in particular, like this plan for new listings and a much more busy launchpad schedule. Maybe we could touch on the idea behind that and what our goal is, particularly on the launchpad side of things going forward. Yeah, so we are definitely planning to have kind of a larger deal flows because we ourselves are VC's for quite some time in the space. So, like, you know, we have definitely getting like, you know, larger deal flows from our network, you know, so, like, so that deal flows will definitely help in, like increasing the number of projects that are launching in Tencent as well.

Increasing Deal Flows and Launches

So that is also main idea because it was more aligning to our kind of, like, you know, or you can say, like properly aligning to our vision or the goal of building the greater ecosystem. So obviously, like, you know, the deal flows will increase coming forward, going forward in Tencent. And we also plan to have a different kind of, like, you know, different kind of, you can say, you know, like different kind of what you can say, like launches, right? So I think right now we have three different kind of, like, you know, two different kind of launches. So we thought of introducing this, the premium gem option as well, which would be like, primarily focusing on getting tier one, good quality projects that are co launched with, you know, some of the top launch parts in the space.

Community Participation and Future Plans

So that is also another thing to way of increasing more opportunities for Tencent community to participate, you know, so. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. You can definitely say that we're going to be a lot more active in the launch by side of things going forward, and that's going to be kicking off pretty soon as well. So we're already planning a few launches for next month. Yeah, for everyone listening right now. Sorry, just interrupt if you have any questions, just as Matt said earlier, just throw them in the comments section on this space and we can go through and answer everything. Yeah, so I see some questions in Japanese. I'm not sure if you guys saw the news.

Upcoming AMA and DEX Discussion

We're actually gonna have another Japanese dedicated Ama tomorrow. So that's gonna be on the japanese tenset account, and that's gonna be at 09:00 p.m. in Japan. So for any japanese users, definitely look out for that. That will be happening tomorrow. I think another interesting part on the roadmap that I saw a lot of our community was quite excited about was the tenset Dex. That was something that was kind of teased a few years ago that were considering doing, but we never really got around to it because we're focusing on other things. But maybe we could just speak a little bit about the idea there and how that could benefit the overall tenset ecosystem.

Building a User-Friendly DEX

Yeah. So the text, what we are trying to build is not unusual text, right. So usually defi is kind of like, you know, more, not user friendly, but we wanted to build a user friendly text with the kind of like, you know, what you can say, social trading features with like, you know, with kind of order books, order book based decks. So it's more of like, you know, you will get all the centralized exchange functionality on chain. So it's getting like more users who are more on centralized exchanges who are using more centralized exchanges, but quite, you know, easy to use interfaces in terms of Dex with other social trading features and few other, like, you know, things as well.

Token Utility and Benefits of DEX

So like, you know, that is also another thing which we are coming up with the tensor text, and that will definitely have more utilities on the tenset token as well because we have like, you know, kind of a, for the tensor token holders or the tokens, if they keep a token, obviously there is a discount on the fees and stuff and accessing to the premium features on the Dexs. So all of these will come along with like an increasing that token utilities on the tensor side. So that is also advantages for keeping tensor tokens.

Introduction to Tencent Tokens

So the more the product, it's not just only a Dex, but yeah, all the products which we are going to come up with in the roadmap 2.0. So we would have like complete utility integrations into a Tenset tokens. So that will definitely increase more demand for the tensor tokens on the products on the product side as well. Yeah, that's an important thing to highlight there, that with all our new plans and this new acquisition, everything is still focused on the ten set token. So I saw a couple people weren't sure what this means, if they had the Tencent token before and, or they're like a launchpad subscriber, but everything is like the utility is staying the same and it's actually going to get stronger because we're going to introduce these new products and everything is still through the Tencent token. So that's still the goal of Tencent, even with the new leadership. Yeah, absolutely. So it will be like definitely increasing the Tencent token utilities.

Goals and Future Utility

So obviously like that's the main goal. The more the utility is coming into the token. So obviously like the better the like, you know, the token values are automatically going to increase and stuff. So. And we have like even good amount of, good amount of like, you know, products coming out in case of like 2.0. So I think that will be really a good one to like, good one for the like tensor token as well on the growth, on the next growth trajectory. Yeah, absolutely. Let me just check if we have any questions. People asking about Genesis NFT. I saw another question in the community previously. I'm not sure if it was discord or telegram asking if our NFTs are still going to have the same utility as before, the new tensor. So yeah, so these NFTs obviously have the lifetime access to the launchpad and they still have the same waiting allocations.

NFT Utility and Launchpad Access

So the tier system we have for the launchpad is still staying the same. So that's not going to change. But obviously, as we said before, we're focusing on being quite active on the launchpad side of things. So if anything, that utility is getting a lot stronger as you're going to have a lot more projects that you can participate in. Yes, there's obviously like the one main utilities can be like, you know, with the token it will be definitely a launch pad. So where our objective right now is to increase quality deal flows, to try getting like, you know, more quality deal flows in the launchpad. So that is one of the primary things. And another key part of like how we interact with the community in regards to Launchpad is we do the governance votes.

Governance and Upcoming Projects

So I think we can give some alpha now that there is a vote for the next launchpad project coming very soon. We have a few projects that are already lined up, but the very first vote is actually going to be tomorrow. So there's an exclusive teaser for everyone listening right now. Yes, yes. So I think, yeah, we are planning to come up with like three to like four launches probably in September. So let's hope for the best. I think we are also looking at key things like, you know, the projects that are like confirmed with the launches and going to market sooner and have a good exchanges lined up, good market maker lined up and stuff. So that is another kind of criteria we are setting up other than having more, rather than having more like due diligence on the team and what they are building the teams capabilities in the backend.

Ensuring Quality in Project Selection

So whether they can really do this like, you know, kind of a product or not and stuff like that. So we are actually doing an excessive due diligence as well, putting into place right now to like kind of a selective cost, like, you know, the projects to Tencent so that the Tencent users get a quality kind of a deal flow the opportunities to invest. Yeah, absolutely. So like we are planning to have more launches but that still doesn't mean we're not focusing on quality. So like some key criteria that we're looking at for these projects is that they actually have a product ready and they have a way of delivering it and kind of start to generate some revenue on whatever their field is for the project.

Market Readiness and Product Focus

So we're not all too interested in previously in the market. A lot of projects launched like a long time before their actual platform was ready and we don't really see the value in doing that. So a key focus is that they have something ready and then obviously that they have some plan to sustain the project. Yes, absolutely. So we have been there as a. VC's invested in multiple projects. We have seen projects and I teams how they are doing it and stuff like that. So, so that expertise also helps in like kind of bringing down like the proper kind of like, you know, launches on Tencent going forward. Just checking if we have any questions.

Community Engagement

Yes. Anyone listening? Now if you have anything you want us to answer. Feel free to throw a comment in. Be happy to cover anything.

Upcoming Events

Okay. I'm not seeing any more questions come in, but just a reminder for everyone, for any of the japanese community, there is another AMA tomorrow which will be translated between English and Japanese. That'll be happening on the japanese Twitter account. And, yeah, so we've had quite a few Ama's recently. We wanted to really cover everything since the takeover to answer all your questions and show a glimpse of the future of Tencent and really show how much work is going on at the moment there. We're not planning to slow down anytime soon. And if you've looked at the roadmap, you can see there's a lot of stuff coming pretty soon. And as I mentioned earlier, there's a community vote for launchpad coming extremely soon as well.

Community Connection

And I wanted to share, like, a digression. I think it's. I think it's amazing for the Tencent is staying within, you know, deeply rooted within OG community members. I know you done. You are with Tencent from the beginning. You participated in the Tencent pre sale. Now, karan, you as well. You're the community member from the get go. I think it's amazing for a project like Tencent to have this strong support from the top, the team, you know, being community members and people who really understand where Tencent is coming from and where it's going.

Team and Community Connection

Yeah, 100%. I think that's one of the big determining factors in what personally attracted me to crypto. I think a lot of other people is there can be such a strong connection between the team and the community. Like in a traditional business, there's no forum like this for users to be able to interact directly with CEO, with the owner of the company, to share ideas, hear their thoughts. But in crypto, that's expected. And I think that's one of the more positive aspects that crypto has introduced. And, yeah, for sure.

Plans for the Future

As you mentioned, I've been here for a long time, originally a community member, but I. Yeah, we definitely, we value the people who stuck around Tencent for a long time, and we think people should be pretty excited about what we're planning to introduce pretty soon. Yes, I guess, like, I guess, like, it will be definitely the next big leap for Tencent as well as a brand, as a, like, you know, longstanding brand in the crypto ecosystem, because as everybody knows, like, there are a lot of projects come and go and, like, you know, in a shorter time period, but it's already been like three and a half years for tense in the market.

Commitment to Community

So going forward it's going to be like really strong going forward and like, you know, it's going to be like part of a greater ecosystem which alpha blocks is also like, you know, trying to create but definitely like looking forward to like kind of bringing quality deal flows, quality opportunities for Tencent community plus like building a products that will definitely drive the token value or like, you know, revenue generation for the, like, you know, the Tencent and then like, you know, that will in turn drive the value for the token as well. So that is the idea thing.

Ongoing Efforts

So definitely we are here working like day in and day out to like make sure that we are going in the right track and providing a community, a much bigger good opportunities to coming forward so that like, you know, definitely it's going to be like next big thing when the next cycle of bull run comes. So the community members who are sticking with us since the beginning, obviously like all people will get rewards in terms of better launches and products. And the ecosystem of ten fit will also keep growing in a much larger way.

Innovative Feature

So even the exciting features on something like a tenset launch f is also another interesting tool which would also enable a lot of interesting, like, you know, like utilities for the Tencent token as well. Yeah, I think that's a perfect summary. Yeah, I think we can wrap this up now. I don't see any more questions.

Closing Remarks

Thank you very much for your time, Karen, and thanks a lot for joining. So, yeah, thank you tomorrow and yeah, we'll be planning to interact a lot with the community in the coming weeks. So yeah, stay tuned for we have a lot of exciting news to share. Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you all. Thank you. Thanks, guys. Have a good day.

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