New Era of Gaming #76


Space Summary

The Twitter Space New Era of Gaming #76 hosted by MedievalEmpires. The New Era of Gaming #76 Twitter space delved into the exciting realm of blockchain gaming, focusing on $MEE, an adventurous blockchain strategy game powered by Immutable and 0xPolygon. Attendees explored the transformative potential of blockchain technology, NFT integration, DeFi concepts, and the crucial role of community engagement in shaping immersive gaming experiences. Discussions highlighted the benefits of scalable solutions like Polygon and the significance of interoperability for seamless asset transfers. The space provided valuable insights into the future trends and challenges in the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain gaming.

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Q: How does blockchain technology enhance gaming experiences?
A: Blockchain technology enables unique asset ownership, transparency, and secure transactions, fostering immersive gameplay.

Q: Why is community involvement crucial in blockchain games?
A: Community engagement enhances game development, fosters loyalty, and ensures a vibrant player base.

Q: What benefits do NFTs bring to the gaming industry?
A: NFT integration introduces scarcity, verifiable ownership, and the potential for player-driven economies.

Q: How does DeFi influence in-game economies?
A: DeFi mechanisms can introduce yield farming, liquidity mining, and token staking, shaping in-game economies.

Q: What role does Polygon play in blockchain gaming scalability?
A: Polygon offers high throughput and low fees, enabling seamless transactions and scalable gameplay.

Q: How does Immutable X contribute to sustainability in blockchain games?
A: Immutable X reduces gas fees, ensuring cost-effective transactions and sustainable gaming ecosystems.

Q: Why is interoperability important in the gaming industry?
A: Interoperability allows players to transfer assets between different games and platforms, enhancing user experiences.

Q: What are the challenges in balancing in-game economies?
A: Maintaining a fair distribution of rewards, balancing inflation, and preventing market manipulation are key challenges.

Q: How can gamification of DeFi concepts enhance player engagement?
A: Integrating DeFi elements like NFT rewards, token incentives, and governance mechanisms can make games more interactive and rewarding.

Q: What are the potential future trends in blockchain gaming?
A: Expectations include more immersive virtual worlds, enhanced social interactions, and innovative gameplay mechanics driven by blockchain technology.


Time: 00:15:42
The Impact of Blockchain in Gaming Discussing how blockchain technology is reshaping the gaming sector with unique features and opportunities.

Time: 00:25:11
NFT Integration for Player Engagement Exploring how NFTs are enhancing player experiences through rare in-game assets and collectibles.

Time: 00:35:28
DeFi Gamification Strategies Analyzing the implementation of DeFi concepts like yield farming and staking in gaming for interactive gameplay.

Time: 00:45:14
Scalability Solutions with Polygon Understanding the role of Polygon in providing scalable and cost-effective solutions for blockchain gaming applications.

Time: 00:55:19
Balancing In-Game Economies Insights into the challenges and strategies for maintaining balanced in-game economies and fair player experiences.

Time: 01:05:37
Interoperability for Seamless Asset Transfers Exploring the benefits of interoperability for enabling cross-platform asset transfers and enhanced gameplay.

Time: 01:15:45
Future Trends in Blockchain Gaming Looking into the potential advancements and trends that will shape the future of blockchain-powered gaming experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • The significance of blockchain technology in revolutionizing gaming experiences.
  • Community involvement and interaction are crucial for the success of blockchain games.
  • The potential for blockchain games to offer unique ownership and monetization opportunities to players.
  • Insights into the impact of decentralized finance (DeFi) on in-game economies.
  • The integration of NFTs in gaming for creating rare in-game assets and fostering player engagement.
  • The importance of scalable and efficient blockchain solutions like Polygon for enhancing gameplay experiences.
  • Emerging trends in gamification of DeFi concepts for interactive and rewarding gaming experiences.
  • The role of Immutable X in providing gas-free transactions and fostering sustainability in blockchain gaming ecosystems.
  • Strategies for balancing in-game economies and tokenomics to ensure fair and engaging gameplay.
  • Exploration of interoperability solutions for seamless asset transfers between different gaming platforms.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

It. Meow. I'm cancelling out. I'm battling Darren. I'm cancelling out his thumbs downs. Thumbs down. Can I add an s on that? Thumbs downs. Two thumbs. Two thumbs. Two thompsons. God damn it. He loaded up. He spent all this time loading up and loading up. And I can live with this time.

Live Scores and Engagement

Do you think that we could see like a live score? Is there any way you could live? Check the emojis. You could check the amount of emojis people send on super spaces. But not instantly, not. No, I don't think you could do that instantly. But what I can check is instantly if people like and retweet the space. Oh, yeah. Hold on, hold on. That's what we're doing. I also, is James here? Because I need to remember to tell James to share this in task. Tag him, Jim Noodle. Don't forget to do your job to share in planet. I'm gonna do some hearts and some roses. I really liking the roses, Quark. Let's see. All right, I can send here 2 seconds. I just need to share. Share this. I shared in telegram.

Sharing Tasks and Updates

James shares it in. Welcome back, Rasmas. Where were you last week, Jared? I was. I was, you know, I was out trying to do some special research on Luke while he. While he couldn't interrupt me. What? Yeah, exactly. Luke, you don't. You don't know what's coming. By the way, do you have see me twice on the camera? No, just the once. Thank God. How are you, dude? On this one, I see myself twice. I just see an old man in a young person's hat. I actually like the hat. It's like you're trying to be young, but you haven't quite pulled it off. It's close, though. Wait a second, wait a second.

Discussion on Appearance and Setup

You can stay away from my bonsai trees. You don't see my. My wrinkles that way on the eyes, so I still look young. That's a good look. That's a good look. It's like I'm going skiing, but I don't care about the cold. Yeah. And I made it fit my new setup over here. Oh, wow. This is looking awesome. Hold on. It's amazing. It's amazing what a meme coin can buy. Look at that. That's gorgeous. Thank you. Did Assad not buy this? No, unfortunately not. But I'm fine with it. I made it. Did you dump those mini tokens to buy that? Bloody hell. Now I also need a fitting monitor because the monitor that I have is like, not.

Monitor and Technology Talk

It works. But I need one with better graphics now. Yeah, you need to get one of those 65 inch curved ones. Yeah, definitely a curved one. Ultra wide one. And then you have all of your different things there. If you. If you. If you are so kind to send me some funds, then maybe some grass. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe you can touch some grass. Yeah, touch the grass. There was a. Was a song from. Who was it down? Yeah, and touched some grass from. You talking about strike? No, no. From. From the polygon community. Jared. You know the polygon? Yeah, he knows. He's. He was in the general spaces all the time.

Polygon Community Insights

I forgot his name. They also have a mini game around the songs that they have. Jared, you know him? Do your research. What's his name? Dustin. No, he does music. And on polygon, he always puts like 20 people in the songs or something like this. Yeah, that's it. Right? No, yeah, Dustin raps always. Also on the. On the other one, did he rap Darren's AI songs in this space? Yeah, but what's his name? Shit. Or maybe we can get someone that can growl. I mean, that's kind of been out of date for a while. Songs of Eden. Songs of Eden. That's his name. That sounds like a hit band right there.

Songs and Music Discussion

Songs of Eden. Oh, here. And they have a. And they have a song that gives you touch some grass. And I'm not sure I still have it in the back of my head, but you can check that out. Fun show, by the way, while we're at it, what is grass? I saw you touching grass now in shootopia. Well, grass is the utility token. Exactly, but. No, grass is our utility token that we're launching soon. It will be what powers the entire shitopia ecosystem. With all of the items that we've got coming in game. They will all be NFTs running on the scale network.

Grass Token and Ecosystem Explanation

And grass is what you will utilize to be able to play. You will be able to stake it. There's all sorts of cool things that are coming, but, yeah, you need to get off your ass and take a look at grass. Yeah. If you have something you want to pin, feel free. I'm always a fan of grass and touching grass, as you guys know. But, yeah, I'm not sure if Sarah is on vacation again. God damn, Sarah. Wait a minute. I mean, let's be honest, she clearly just fucking hates Rasmus. Yeah, right. I did. You know that she was here last week and said she's not joining as long as you are joining.

Sarah and Rasmus' Relationship

Yeah. Well, have you ever considered that maybe I am Sarah. Whoa. That was plot mind blown. Mm. Yeah. That photo that she has on telegram, 100% that radar. Sarah, we miss you. I'm going to send that to her again. Sarah. I'm just going to copy it. I'm going to do the heart. I did the heart here. We miss you. Search, Luke. All right, yeah, let's. Why is my camera showing twice on this phone? I'm not sure, but yeah, let's get into it. Also, send an invite to speak to particle Inc.

Shout Outs and Invites

Down there. Shout out to the other guys that made it here already. I see Mark, I see Mark. There's coming. She's coming. Oh, oh. Then maybe we wait for a second and someone sings a nice song or something like this until we get into. By the way, what happened to the song that you needed to sing, Rasmus? Me? Wasn't there a song that you needed to sing? I'm not sure. I don't know. I bought a new guitar.

Guitar and Performance Setup

I have a guitar. I need to move it to. I need to move to another location. Okay, should we do it? Do what, Ross? Miss. It'S, well, it's tuned. And drop the different. Hi, guys. Hello. Yes, hello. I'm sorry. Like, I had the thing in my calendar and then I got up with some other things and I'm like, oh, my God, I know I have to be somewhere, but I didn't know where. And welcome back, Rasmus. I haven't seen. Hi, Sarah. I've been on. Trying to fuck with me and say that you don't want to come because I'm here.

Welcome and Banter

Yeah, it's not terrible. Yeah. What kind of person would do that? Well, actually last time I was like, you know, I've come and you weren't there and I was like, what did he do? Like, why? And I was like, okay, I won't come next time as well. Oh, okay, then next, the next ten times. We're both going to be here, Luke. Now you cannot get rid of us. That's nice of you. Okay, you want to sing something, Rasmus, before we start?

Planning for Singing

Not really. I mean, not really. Isn't it always something that I have to like, Darren has to do something that activates it? Okay. Yeah. Then Darren will write a quick song for you and then we can do that as an outro today. But then you need to stop playing now because otherwise I can't hear anything. Yeah, it's time for you to start eating instead. Yeah. Is this a new utility play quick song? Is it something to do with quick. Swap or a quick song.

Utility Play Discussion

Yeah, quickswap can. Can generate a quick song. But yet now you need to stop Rasmus. Wait a second. Can I mute the co host? Yeah, but this is kind of nicely. Yeah, it's nice. You know that one, Luke? Yeah, don't you? I mean, they started the career in your city. No, that's Hamburg. Sorry, I keep forgetting where you live. I lived for four years in Hamburg. On the Ripperbahn.

City Talk

Yeah. All right, I'll stop now. All right then. Sarah, do you have any news that you want to share before I get into the other news and also introduce yourself? Actually, I have an idea. Sarah, for next time. What if we skip the news this time? But what if every week when Sarah does the news, one of the parts will be a lie and you have to guess, Luke, which one is a lie? Yeah, okay.

New Segment Idea

It could be fun. No, just as I like to be honest, I am documenting myself on the quarterly report for gaming. Meaning that I've just started. So the only thing I can see is like, what happened with the investment, this part, because like the number is very low. So I don't know, guys. If you. I don't know, have a very good website. I think it's. No. Are no one investing in great gaming? They're all. I mean, they are.

Investing Insights

But like this quarter so far, like even September, I just found like four investments for now. Maybe I have to dive deeper. In August we had. I mean. I mean in the. I mean quarter, let's say from June the biggest one was $20 million to the sandbox. You know, the. The news they had. And then kinda. We had another 18 million for NPC labs. So like we don't have a lot. Like there's no investment in this quarter.

Investment Activity

And I know we talked about this last time. Is that this the quart, the three. No, the third quarter of the year. It's kind of slow, but yeah, I'm just like diving into the data and this time I'm just going to be a listener and that's it. Like, listen, I'm just, you know, saying hi and be here. But yeah, I don't have anything major. I am just looking at the dapper website, guys.

Current Observations

You can look as well and you can find whatever you want there and you can find alphas and. I don't know, just looking very, very blunted. Nothing is happening. Aptos has been performing very good. I told this about last week as well in the chain as well. Like the activity on it. The DeFi has been increasing transactions as well. And yeah, for now that's it.

Aptos Performance

I'm just looking. I see nothing when I look at games. So like the games in the past, let's say seven days, we have pixels in the top dab of this quarter by unique active wallets like it has been heavily used, set off in the darkness. I know it was the recently launched. It's still there along with word of. I don't know if I'm pronouncing this correctly. And plus minutes. That's it. This is it.

Recent Game Launches

So I'm sorry to disappoint you Luke and Rasmussen. Next time I will have great news and I will be more to the point. But yeah, I don't know if anyone has any alphas that they want to share they can reach out to us as well because I'm always curious about things I don't discover myself. So. Yeah, then I'm looking forward to next week when we get the debt radar report.

Looking Ahead

Always nice to see. I mean they are always pretty comprehensive and you get a gist of the market sentiment at least in gaming. Then let me quickly go through the news of the week. So we have guild of guardians. They reached 1 million downloads and they also have a new extension coming out. I think it will be on the 16th because we might have them afterwards as a featured game of the week.

Guild of Guardians News

I think it's next week or the week after. Then we have Kaaf. Tge just happened like 2 hours ago. I think they did a ten x so far. If I'm looking on the charts. I think they're still. Let me check. There must be around ten x at the moment. Pretty good. What is it? What does it say here? Wait a second.

Kaaf and Market Activity

And they launched on Bybit as well. 1000%. Yeah. So ten x, are you on Bybit? Luke is me on Bybit? Of course. Of course. I mean what does it mean? Of course? Yes we are on Bybit but we didn't pay a million bucks. So we launched almost two years ago where you didn't need to pay a million bucks to go on a tier one exchange.

Bybit Launch Context

So I'm glad we did our tge then. Right now I heard from other people what the prizes are. It's insane. So unless you are, I think hamster combat or some of those like big players, you need to pay shit lot of money to get onto an exchange. That's why a lot of people go the Dex route. You saw Kaaf doing that ancient eight and a couple of others are following that now. Looking forward to how this one pans out so far for example, X Borg is doing pretty good.

Market Strategies

And the cool thing is if you launch on a Dex, you don't have side pressure anymore because all the investors, they are unlocked. So, yeah, let's see. So Kaf did pretty good. I heard a little bit bad sentiment about they also had the airdrop. So a couple of people posting that they didn't get as much as they expected. But there, how could you earn the, how did you earn the airdrop from it?

Airdrop Earnings

You could like carve is also they have a questing platform where you can do quests and everything. And one thing that I learned is if you have low expectations, you have a more happy life. So maybe that's also expectation management to a certain extent. If you don't expect that much, I mean, if you get $30 out of something where you had fun while doing it, I think that's fine.

Managing Expectations

Unless you really grinded it, then I would be disappointed as well. But besides that, I mean, it's money that you got for doing things. Free money. Yeah, but people love complaining about free money, that it's not enough for you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If you did three likes and retweets and you didn't get a million bucks, then most likely you are scam.

Complain About Free Money

But yeah, then we have play embar. They expand to the immutable ecosystem now and. What are you doing, Rasmus? Are you getting, I am rearranging things in my car. Okay. It sounds pretty loud what you're doing over there. But I was being so careful, though. Yeah, I'll rearrange more delicate. And I, I bought some really nice fake plants in Ikea.

Rearranging and Plants Talk

Why do you buy fake plants? Because I have plants outside and I move around so much. I can't have, I can't water most, so they just die, you know, but outside they're doing great. The inside is just a fake plant. Okay. You know, it's enough to trick your brain. I can recommend it. No, I can recommend real stuff, but.

Plant Preferences

Well, where do you have your bonsais during wintertime? I have six bonsai trees in here in the house because they are mediterranean, like ficos, for example, and otherwise they would die outside. Pasta and fresh salads, that kind of thing. Is that what you feed them in Mediterranean? Isn't that called Mediterranean or is that a seasoning diet? I think it's mediterranean diet.

Bonsai Care and Mediterranean Diet

We say Mediterranean in German, so I think it, yeah, but you get what I mean, like, they're from land or from countries where it's warmer than here in wintertime. Then we have x protocol. They launched a new rpg on Telegram with a smash token smash so you can check them out. Ubisoft partnered with magic Eden and Rasmuss. You need to stop making background noises the whole time.

Collaborations and Partnership Updates

It's like you wouldn't guess what I have in this back, though. I wish I could like show you what sound. I honestly wonder if this is all pre planned because it seems like a great psychological tactic to like get indirect engagement where it's like one level you're giving market news and on the other level it's like a short feedback loop of like distractions.

Market News and Engagement Tactics

Yeah, you need to carefully listen in order to not hear the noise, but yeah, but that, you know, people like that shit nowadays, you know, with TikTok and everything. The attention span is so short. You know, I have planned something for that once the new segment is overdeveloped. I have planned something to keep you guys excited while we discuss things.

Future Plans for Engagement

So that's also a good hook. You need to stay tuned in order to find out what cool thing I have planned for you. But yeah. Ubisoft partnered with magic Eden for Captain Laser Hawk. NFT launch Captain laser Hawk. I think they're pretty big on. I'm not sure. Does anyone know Captain Laserhawk? No. That's a pretty awesome name though, for a villain.

Captain Laserhawk Discussion

Yeah, if you google that some kind of figure seems like to be known for from people. I didn't know them before, but yeah, they launched an NFT. Then planet Mojo reveals base chest free mint. So 23 October they have a free mint IMX just cosmos. Oh, sorry. Are you outside already? Like, it sounds like it's windy.

Final Remarks and Updates

It's actually super windy. But is that what you hear? Yeah, I think. Okay, I'll go inside. I'm done rearranging my car. Okay. I'm sorry, look, it's like, I think I want to be Rasmus when I grow up. Like in the sense that when I have an XPS, like I have to be home, I have to be on my laptop, you know, have everything there and me just focusing on the xps.

Aspirations and Observations

Rasmus, you don't care where you are. Like, oh my God, you're eating out car whatever. It's like, how can you know, how can you be on, you know, on so many things like, attention guys. It's like a great. Distractions are great. How do you say, like sharp mind sharpener, tool, I think. And then I have Luke. Yeah, I see. Look, that's the thing.

Mindfulness and Multitasking

Look, that's the hard thing. Okay.

The Heart and Spirit of the Space

No, no. Rasmus is the heart and the spirit of the space. Like, if that's. We need him here, but. Yeah, like when you go to someone's house and they've got like a nice black lab that you just want to clap like that. That's Rasputin. You can't live with it. Can't live without it. Yeah. Then we. Then we have. Then we have IMX passport. They hit 3 million sign ups on the passport wallets. The machines arena overdrive game mode is now live. Did someone play the machines? Arena, hands up if you did. No, I didn't. Yeah, me neither. Yet. But what is this, Duck? What is this stabby dog doing? That looks fun. Oh, you were not here last. Join our journey. That's Jared. To become. Oh, is that you, Jared? Oh, my God. Yeah. Oh, you gotta give him that hawk, too. And spend all that night. Yeah, it's Jared. Of course. Jared. Do you have a new microphone? I told you, I have 69 alts. And this is one of them. Just hacking. Hacking all kinds of Twitter accounts, passing it off as then Moonray. They revealed that they will have a new autobattler launching in Q 120 25.

Gaming Preferences and Experiences

I kind of like auto battler. I'm not sure how it is with you guys, but I play immortal rising now and autumn battlers is old people motorizing. Oh, yeah, that's. I played that also a lot. But then I got like. I don't know, I got fucking stressed out from it. But I got pretty far, I think. Yeah. How can you get stressed out on that game? It's an auto battler. Super easy. I know. There's so many things going on in it. And then I need to, like, press buttons. I need to start. Start new things again. It's like, oh, keep track of it. Okay. Yeah. Pressing buttons and upgrading things. Yeah. Shiatopia announced their grass token. I have that in the news. You can stake. I was checking. You can stake Amber to earn it. You stake Amber and then you get grass. And the more you Amber, you stake, the more grass you get. That's the. But you can also just buy it when it launches, I guess.

Speculations and Future Launches

Yeah. Where do you launch? Well, I'm gonna have an air of mystery, but it's soon. No, no. Where. Yeah. Yeah, that's another era of mystery. Sorry. I've been told specifically by my marketing team I need to have more mystery. So this is the mystery. You will find out soon. You're not going to front run this one, Luke? I most likely. I most likely will because I have around one or 2 hours tomorrow with funcho playing fortnite and. I will be digging away. Implement the point hunting. Is it too late to implement some point hunting? You need to post grass pictures in order to get a grass airdrop. Yes. That sentence in Scotland gets your rest usually. Yeah, I have so much grass pictures I would farm the shit out of this one. Yeah, usually people do farm it in their house, but then they get arrested once the police catch them.

The Scavenger Hunt and Staking

What I will say though is we have got a scavenger hunt coming up that is going to be really cool that people can take part in and earn cool prizes. But if you're an ambo holder, you definitely want to stake your ambo to get your grass rewards and check it out on our socials. Can you stake it now? Can we? Not right now. Not right now. Do you want to know when? Sorry, leaving it for mystery. It's going to be soon. Are you ready, Luke? Yeah, I still have Amber. I won amber once. I still hold it. How much do you have? I have no clue. I haven't checked since forever. I hope it quadrupled since then. I'm not sure. Then we have blast Royale. They have play to Airdrop campaign live and it's actually really cool.

Play to Airdrop Campaign

Play to airdrop. So you play the game and then you can farm or win or get, let's say get their noob token inside the game. So you kill people and then they drop noob and then you can get that pick it up and then you get an airdrop based on the amount of noobs that you have collected. And the game is actually fun. I played it a couple of times already also with the guys from GamersG. By the way, shout out to Gamersgg for always putting up the news that I just read and add my stuff to it. But yeah, so blast Royale, if you haven't played it's on mobile. I would recommend downloading it and at least farming a couple noobs. Yeah. Then sharpbound. They're now in open beta live on steam and epic. And the cool thing is they also. Oh by the way, reminder, don't forget to claim your gems.

Claiming Gems and Events

They have a gems campaign on IMX where you can. You need to have three wins and then you get some gems. Always recommend farming gems. I have no clue how much they will give. I hope still, it's one to one. One gem is one IMX later because then I can buy another PC most likely. Till then, let's see. Yeah, then we have the gamers GG, they still have their creator and game reward nominations. If you haven't nominated anyone yet, medieval empires and Luke, that's what you need to nominate. Oh, yeah. How do I do that, Luke? Where do I do that? Where do I go? You just wait. You can also win a computer, and you can just copy paste my vote or the vote that you want to have.

Nominating for Recognition

Wait a second. I just pinned it up top. I nominated. I nominated you. I saw him. I would have made 20 people more or 20 games more, but there was just ten. And I tried to make it based off category and if the game is out and how often I play it. So if you're here and not on the list, I'm sorry, most like you should be on that list, and I forgot about you. Shame on me. But, yeah, go ahead and vote over there, then. There's something cooking, and I think most of you are in there as well. There's a loyalty program, season two coming from medieval empires. I think I wrote to most of you guys already for that, so that is coming pretty soon. And the last point that I have is off the grid.

Discussion on Off the Grid

Off the grid is out, I think. So. Who didn't see off the grid in the last couple of days? I didn't. You didn't. So you can explain to me. You didn't see off the grid then. Yeah, he was probably off the grid, Luke. Yeah, I was off the grid then. He was maybe, like, touching grass or something. Yeah, you must have been so off the grid. I was eating, you know, some snacks in the grass, enjoying the last bits of summer. Then you didn't see, like, three of the biggest streamers in the world, including ninja, for example, playing a web three game. You did not see that. Ninja.

Streamer Dynamics

You know ninja, right? I saw. I watched the HBO documentary, though. That's not off the grid. I did see that crypto. Stash was not very happy that Ninja had got a character featured in the game, but he hadn't. So he's complaining a little bit about that on x because, I mean, let's be honest, he's worked hard to talk about that game, and I think he deserved his own character. I would vote for it as well. But if you could decide to give it to ninja or cryptostash, who would you choose for your game? Oh, ninja, of course. But the point is, I still want to back stash. He's a good guy, and I think he does a brilliant job.

Creative Collaboration in Gaming

Give him a chance. Get him a character. You know what facts? Get him a character. You can have a character in Shirtopia. I'm more than happy to do it for him. Do you know what we should. What we should have? We should have him and a crusader that looks similar to me, and then we can fight in off the grid. How about that? That sounds good. That sounds good. Yeah. I do that for free. I don't charge anything. Yeah. Yeah. So off the grid. That's what. I also want to talk a little bit today on how to convert web two players. Now that we finally have web two players playing web three into web three completely. That's the question of today.

Onboarding Strategies

We can theme it in off the grid if you guys want, or you can take your two cent for that. And I don't start with Rasmus because he has no clue what off the grid is. So maybe we start with shootopia. But before that, I'm also tuning the guitar. You know, I'm preparing Luke to go off the grid. At least you did it with the thing we planned. But we're gonna. What? We're gonna get Darren. We're gonna kidnap Darren and his dog. I need to show you something before. Wait. Yeah. Wow. Wait, what game is it? Wait, wait. Is that Mario was. What's Zelda? That's Zelda.

Game Evolution and Challenges

Straight away, you know, I was told that Gen Z has low attention spans, so. Wait a second. Whoa. Can you see that? Yeah, right. No, to the left. That's it. Nice medieval empires poster as well, by the way. Like that. Okay, Rasmus, you need to stop. I can't hear a single thing. Wait a second. It's very nice guitar. New guitar I got there. Okay. Okay. Rasmus stops now, and I hand it over for. Okay, I take it. I thought you were gonna play the game, though. Wait a second. And I hand it over to funcho first with, how do we bridge all the guys that are now playing off the grid into web three? And please introduce yourself while I try to.

Introduction and Ecosystem Development

I'm the CEO and founder of Shootopia. We're building an amazing gaming ecosystem with loads of cool games. I'm sure if you've been here before, you will know that already. So I'm not going to bore you, but honestly, I can sit here and talk about so many things, about onboarding, about wallets, about having all of the tech in the background, and that's all great. And we're all working on that. We need what's just happened with off the grid to onboard people. We need ninja to talk about what's cool, why it's cool. We need to get as many huge, influential people that gamers follow and interact with to understand the power of what this is and what we're bringing to the gaming industry and share it with them.

The Market Landscape

We are a very small grain of sand on the beach, and these guys are, you know, huge. They're the whales. So we need them to be talking. We need to try and get them to interact. That's the way that I look at it. I completely agree. But the question is, how do we get, especially those guys that ninja is now onboarding into web three? I mean, just by playing off the grid or. Yeah, I mean, we can play it, but the reality is we all need to champion this game. I believe we need to push it, we need to behind it, we need to play it. We need to speak to these gamers that are not web three oriented and try to educate them about other fantastic games that are in the space that they can play.

Engaging the Gamer Community

And I think the more that we are out there interacting with those people and helping educate them and introduce them, the more chance we've got of onboarding more people. If it's specifically for off the grid. You see that I just get black and white on this tv. I'm not sure why, but it says, did you just buy it? I can see it. I mean, it's loaded on my screen. You mean the. If I buy. If I bought the super Nintendo here? Yeah, no, I have. That is it since forever. That's the german words going across the screen. Yeah, it says, something really bad happened and please help me. And now link is waking up over here.

Language and Localization in Gaming

Why don't you play it in English? Because I'm german and I have that since I'm six years old or something like this. You only learned German when you were six? Yeah, I totally forgot what I need to press over here. But yeah, with that being said, pass it over to Darren with your take on how do we onboard those guys now into web three? Yeah, I mean, I think a lot of it is influencer related. As Funchal said, people just like to see other people doing stuff. Like, Rasmus is a great example. You'll watch other people play games and then like, oh, maybe I'll play that.

The Influence of Streaming

Yeah, like, Rasmus is pretty much like the epitome of a retail user. Twelve IQ does what you tell. No, I mean, like, a lot of people just do actually enjoy watching other people play games nowadays before they go ahead and play them. It's a weird thing. You just watch a trailer and then spend 40 quid on the game. Before I decided I hated it. But now I get to watch other people spend 40 quid on the game and then. Then play a little bit. It's way less hassle looking at others. You don't need to get shit. You can just like, have your phone and look at it.

Shifting Trends in Gaming Consumption

Yeah, okay. That looks okay. Yeah, I don't hate that. Yeah, I mean, and that's sort of. That's what everyone does. You on TikTok, you go on Twitch, etcetera, and you watch other people play games and then you're like, okay, I might play that game. So having people like ninja talk about crypto games, having large influencers like Rasmus here talk about crypto games is what we need. That's the sort of way to break mainstream. So many people watch all of these influencers and we can get them talking about crypto. We can get them involved there. Obviously, they have somewhat avoided it so far.

Building on Experiences

But I mean, ninja especially as much as I actually used to play. I played Halo games with him before. Being fair, but, yeah, you played with him? Yeah. Yeah, I was really good at Halo three. Oh, that was a good game. I played that on my Xbox when you. How old was he at the time. Darren, when you say you played with him, you really played with him. Like, literally, like, I was not like. It was. I've played, like, in games with him mostly against him, but, yeah, I mean, I had a 50 in MLG in Halo three, which is like the hardest game mode.

Competitiveness and Skill in Gaming

Like. Like, teams learn stuff. You got 50. It was easy peasy. Usually, like, really good people in Halo three were roughly like a 30 in MLG, but I got a 50 in that. So I was playing with, like, fear itself, etcetera. Walshy. Darren's a proper gamer. I love that. Yeah, I played a Fortnite match with Darren and we won one, two times in a row. And it was not my fault. It was mainly Darren, like, telling me how to get back to where he was when I was. He knows what he's doing.

Excitement in Competitive Play

I play Fortnite with him. And he'll be playing tomorrow. He. It's the way that he's strategic about where you place yourself, get in the high ground. So this is someone that's experienced in gaming. Okay, what time are you guys playing tomorrow? You're gonna watch pm, british standard time, so 20 minutes from now. But tomorrow tune in. It'll be a lot of fun. Looking forward to Darren Karim. I had to get signed off by the boss because I'm gonna use the big tv in the living room. So I was like, hey, can I use as long as the.

Family and Gaming Dynamics

Does the hang out with you when you play on the big screen tv there? And do they, like, watch the screen? Yeah, the younger one was watching Deadpool and Wolverine the other day, actually. He was. He did say it was too violent. Him. He's not one yet, but he's good. One of the greatest movies ever made. I love the beginning scene. Yeah, I mean, I don't think I ever watched it. Yeah, I mean, we watched it together, and she basically just, like, looked away so many times. Like, there's just so many unnecessarily violent scenes in there.

Influencer Impact on Gaming Culture

But, yeah, I mean, influencers is what we need to do. Obviously, we can get the tech in the back end off the grid as a great example of that word. Like, you don't need to actually have the crypto part unless you want it. But yeah, shoehorning it in there. You don't need to talk about the backend tech. But, yeah, getting actually people to play the games is the hard bit, and that's where influencers come in. Yeah. And, like, I think it's, how do you say, a memory?

The Domino Effect in Gaming Dynamics

Not memory. I was the other game called where stuff falls off and then domino effect. You know, those big guys play the game and all of a sudden, all the smaller streamers also start playing the game because they want to do what the big guys are doing. I think in web three, I think barely someone got paid. I think only Ninja got paid. And then all of the other guys just jumped into it because they want to be friends with the big guys now, which is good. I really liked it. Speaking of big guys, handing it over to King Snooch, what's your opinion on this?

Community Dialogue and Understanding

Did you just call King Snoot's fat luke? Whoa, whoa. Is that what just happened? No, I said the big guy because he's. He's tall. How tall are you? I'm saying, mark, how tall are you? Round is a shape, and I am ancient, so I'll go with that. No, what I wanted to say is I pin it up top, but Brighton made a great post that really kind of resonated a bit and made sense as to why there's so much hype around this game is, it's a good game. The game itself is fun.

Quality of Gaming Experiences

The game itself is beautiful to look at. Like, the game itself has a good loop. It's. It's entertaining, and I say it all the time. You know, gamers will pay for entertainment. And finally, there's a game that has come out that has that entertainment value that's attracting the masses. And when you think about it and you start going to some of these streams, there's barely any talk about the tokenomics of it. There's barely any talk about investment.

Shifts in Focus from Token to Gameplay

You don't see the timeline blowing up, about people talking about guns, token and speculation on it, how big it's going to be. All the talk is about just people shooting each other, playing a game that's fun to play and is entertaining and has big names in the game playing. So like he said in his post, there's a lesson in this. Maybe we've been going about this the wrong way and we're focusing a little too much on the tokenomics and not enough on creating just good games.

Looking Ahead in Game Features

But do you think like when they have their TGE, that will shift because right now they don't have the token out right? So people focus on the gameplay. The big streamers started streaming it, everyone is playing it, but give it like two, three weeks, I think it would shift a little bit from the play part to the. Oh, by the way, we also have a token and now you can invest in stuff that was way too fast. That was an ace.

Market Dynamics and Player Engagement

No, I don't think it's going to at all. I think if anything, you might see a little less players playing the game because people are going to realize it's, it's not a farming game. It's not a game that like these people with no gaming skills are going to be successful in. You know, it's not one of these show up and get a participation trophy kind of games so that you can earn, you know, like $5 or something like that.

Player Strategies and Economic Engagement

What you're going to see is you're going to see a lot of gamers playing the game because it's a fun game and you're going to see these top players trading skins because it's got web three in it. You're going to say, see these top players selling their skins and for a good bit of money and that's where you're going to see people actually turn in a profit on it, is the players that go in there and they extract these purple hexes, they get this really rare NFT and they're able to sell it for a decent price.

Access and Participation Without Barriers

I think that's when you're going to see the crypto people starting to get engaged in it, but at the same time, you don't even have to be in crypto to take part in that. Right now you can literally go on there, find out what your build is that you want to build and go in the market and buy it from somebody else who's selling it, and it just transfers the guns tokens to that person and it comes out of your wallet. So the cryptos, they're already, you just can't extract and sell the guns token yet.

Community Culture and Game Launch Impact

And like I said, there's no chitchat on crypto Twitter about the speculation of the token. All the chit chat and all the chatter that you're seeing is all about the game being fun to play. The day that it released on the NDA, I jumped in with IC and Peyton and Doug and Polo, like, a bunch of us that morning, and were just playing it, having a blast. None of us were talking about web three or tokens. We were just talking about how fun the game was to play.

Conclusion on Gaming Engagement

And I think we finally have a game that's out there that is that it has that entertainment value. And I think, and that's not to say that medieval empires isn't there. I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying is it's attracting the masses at a level that we haven't seen yet because the entertainment value is appealing to the masses. Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I played it as well. The problem is I suck at PvP games. It was way too fast for me.

Personal Challenges and Experiences

I jumped in the first thing that was someone shut off my legs and I was crawling on the floor and. Yeah, but that's also cool part. Like, I really like your advice. I can give you advice. This is how you enjoy the game.

Importance of Communication in Gaming

Because honestly, the one thing that they failed here is how important it is to have a three man team where you communicate. And what they did good is they created the app, the off the grid app where you can actually go and find teammates to squad up with. When you do that and you play with three people and you use comms, that takes that game to a whole nother level. And that's the only matches I've actually been successful at extracting hexes and actually getting kills were matches where I was in a three person party with other players on comms. It makes a world of a difference. So, and there's people all over that have these groups going. Like you look at crypto stash with the GIA, they've got teams running in the voice chat all the time. It's really easy to go pair up with a couple of those guys, run a few matches, and extract some hexes.

Engagement in Multiplayer Games

You see that? And, yeah, I think that's for most of the games. Like, even when we play PUBG, if I play alone, I'm not that good as. Why aren't you guys gonna play this tonight, today, tomorrow? I mean, we could funchu. It says also Xbox plays. Yeah, I'm down for playing it. Yeah, would be a lot of fun. Yeah, we can switch that up instead of fortnight. We can go off the grid. Yeah, I'm down to you. Down. Are you free? You want to play Xbox? Xbox or PC? I can play on both. We need to play PC. PC? Yeah, I would. I would rip it on pace on PC with you guys. Okay, sweet. It's at 01:00 p.m. tomorrow, british standard time. So, like, ten minutes from now, we'll do it. Nice. That'd be 08:00 in the morning, my time. So it's a morning session.

Early Gaming and Fun

It's an early morning. Ooh, you play games that early? Yeah, I did yesterday. Played with icy. Awesome. All right, just me a DM. Perfect. Will do. Darren, looks like it's not going to be fortnight, unfortunately, but you still get the big tv unless you can play on PC. See, I feel bad for Darren now. He had to ask the boss as well. Yeah, Darren needs. Can you. Don't worry. On Xbox. I checked the other day, but they wouldn't let me. Oh. Oh, okay. That sucks. I want to also download on my Xbox. What time? They'll have a look today. No worries, bro. Yeah, we can try it out.

Transitioning to Web 3 Gaming

We can check which one we're playing. But I played it. I really like it. It's well made, so. Yeah, but the question is, how do we convert those guys now to web three players over time? Come again? You're not gonna. A lot of those players, you'll never. Convert them over to web three unless you have a comparable game, because so many of those players really, honestly don't give a shit about web three. They care about playing a fun game. But the only way you're gonna convert. Them is to have a fun game for them to play. But if they now make a shitload of money and off the grid, maybe, don't you think that.

Monetization in Web 3 Gaming

I don't think anybody's gonna make a. Shitload of money off it, though. I mean, you might make a couple of bucks off. I don't think people are gonna make, like, thousands of dollars off it unless, like. Unless it becomes, like, cs go with, like, the knives that have, like, extreme rarity to them. Unless they start doing stuff like that where there's certain skins that are extremely rare to get. I think that's gonna be. That's gonna be like the only way that people are able to make, like, good money. I mean, you do get, you do earn guns. Token, if you come in like the top three, I believe, top three teams. So there is a competitive nature to it that is kind of like a win to earn part, which I do like, but it's.

Competitive Nature and Earnings

It's only like, you know, $0.20. It's not gonna be like big money now if they decide to do, like, some massive tournaments where there's big prizes for, like, the top teams, I do see some really sweaty people getting in there and making a lot of money on that. But that's not going to be me. That's not going to be fun, Joe. That's not going to be Luke. That that's going to be the people like ninja or Cairo or some of these extremely cracked players that are hitting every shot. But don't you think that, like, they have that on the roadmap to have like, those kind of cool items in the game that they can ask a bunch of money for?

NFT Market Dynamics

Yeah, but they don't guns. Gonzilla doesn't ask the money. The price is set by the players. So it comes down to whether or not the players start to value those assets. That's the crypto side of it. It's all going to depend on what the players value the assets for and what the players are willing to spend on them. Yeah, I get your point, Mark. And Luke, I was just going to say it's like if the game is massively popular and lots of people are playing it, no different to Fortnite where you've got seasons and skins. If those items are NFTs and they've got a level of scarcity to them, there should be an in game economy that starts to grow off the back of that.

Creating an In-game Economy

That can be valuable to players that are not amazing at playing the game, but have chosen to buy those NFTs at an earlier point and they've become extremely popular, which can create an opportunity for them to potentially make money. It's going to come down to the way that they have designed this from a crypto perspective is the way that I look at it. Yeah, I see that and I think that's where you're going to start seeing some of these. I'll call them speculators, I guess the crypto native people. This is where you're going to start seeing them watching the market and looking for what assets are buying and selling really expensive.

Speculators in the Crypto Market

And you'll have the crypto traders in there trying to scoop up these assets. When somebody lists them at a low price and then try to flip them at a higher price, I think that's where you're going to see like the web. Three natives in there. Yeah, could be the case. Let me pass it over to earth from another sun with Shiv. What's your take on this? Hello. So I think what they've done is very good because it's a similar model to what we're trying to do where the token comes after trying to go in the mainstream.

Mainstream Adoption of Web 3 Gaming

And I think the first most important thing which made this so successful is that there is no token out yet. And the front end experience is all, is where all the fun is. And I think the best way for them for now where they are like exactly in the current spot to start onboarding more and more of these gamers or these people who've seen ninja play into web three would be starting with just, am I back? Sorry, I got a call. Guess you're back. Yes. Perfect.

Onboarding New Gamers

So it would be starting with something as simple as basic in game rewards, which have real world value, very easily mapped so these people understand. All right. I've leveraged a certain skill set of mine and been able to get rewards for that. And then slowly from there, introducing more and more concepts of digital ownership. Treating. Because a lot of these people aren't going to know how NFTs work. A lot of these people are going to be probably the next generation of web three gamers which need to be onboarded the right way.

Explaining Digital Ownership

And if we gradually expose these players to more and more complex features, for example, something which actually represents value in game, it can be having in game decisions made via governance of their token. I don't know, it's just an idea, but something which shows them how the model of web three gaming actually works, it'll get them much and much more interested. And if every time you want to use a certain element of technology within the game, it's to emphasize a benefit rather than just making it a very complex, front loaded, complex experience, you're going to be much better off.

Gameplay and Education

So I think it starts with exactly how they've done it. I think the model of getting the ninjas is awesome. I think getting one ninja in will inevitably get more web two and web three streamers and creators in for free, which also works very well. I think the way to go from here is definitely educating them through the gameplay itself. I don't think a bunch of campaigns or a bunch of web three esque stuff which is designed to just get the web three technology communicated is going to work. I think the gameplay will need to shine out for even the web three education parts of it.

Implementing Seamless Onboarding

And if they continue in that direction and have a very streamlined onboarding where everything for web three is either very easy or their educational resources made, and at the same time they create a space for both the web two and web three side of the communities. I think it's going to be very good, and I think it's an awesome start. I think it's the exact way they should have done it. And I suck at it, as you see. Yeah, totally agree. Like, you see me playing, I'm not good at this game.

Player Capabilities

I already see that. I already know that. Maybe as. A bit of a skill issue. Yeah, it's a skill issue. Yeah. And lack of training, like the, I play usually mobile PUBG or something like this because that's more for old people and you don't need to move that fast like this game, I think it's, yeah, lack of skill issue. I'm more good at like Mario Kart kind of stuff or something like this, but yeah. Telling me that you got, you really got. Don't mind me.

Cooperative Gaming Experience

I'm like cooking breakfast at the moment. You really got to come in with a couple of players and play it with a full squad and you'll have a whole different experience. Okay, then we might do that tomorrow. Now I have a squad over here like this guy, and I'm stealing all the stuff that he's collecting now because I'm better. No, I'm not. Shit. Oh, no, he got my weapon. Shit. But yeah. With that being said, let me pass it over to Stabidaki.

Network Dynamics

What's your take on this? Do you want to join us tomorrow? Yo, Funcho did ask me, but I looked at the time, converted it to my LoCal time, and Guess what? It's 04:00 a.m. okay, I better be slEeping. What is it? 04:00 a.m. you Guys will be playing at 04:00 a.m. i'll probably wake up and ask. 04:00 a.m. now. Wait, what time is it for you right now?

Time Conversions

Right now? It's 08:00 p.m. okay, yeah, but it's this time Tomorrow Though, so it'd be 08:00 p.m. is it this time? Yeah. Okay, maybe. Maybe the time changed. Yeah, if it's this time, then I can join. All right, I gotta take it. Time issue or skill issue? I gotta take, I gotta take. so I think we have a pretty good model of this, a bridge from web two to web three.

Successful Integration of Web 3

It already happened. it happened on PolyGon with Reddit. if anybody can remember what happened with Reddit, they sold those Avatars. Those were NFTs, and nobody knew that they were NFTs until somebody was like, hey, do you know that you can actually sell it for like ten times, 20 times? So the value on the blockchain and people like, what is blockchain? What? I want to do this. All in this. And just Like THAt, we had like a whole new community onboarded onto web three.

Emergence of New Communities

And they call themselves redditors. And many of them have gone on to expand onto different chains, look into different things. Some of them have become kols themselves. So it's pretty beautiful. I think if off the grid can do that, they don't really need to shield the web three side that much because the players will do it themselves, which I think will be much more organic and much more, less risky for them. And also it will be more meaningful.

Significance of Community in Web 3

Yeah. Red have minted like 20 plus million NFTs on polygon. Yeah. And what was the other one pulling market, right? yeah. Holy bucket. On BOARD normies. Or is it Just, I think, through the elections, even CNN, or was it CNN? They posted about like, oh, here, the current polls on who won the debate and everything, and that got to CNN. And they used the polymarket as the poll.

Trust in Platforms

Yeah, they've started using polymarket a lot for the votes and polls and stuff just because it's been so accurate. Obviously there's going to be more accurate actual monies on the line rather than just. People guessing and bots doing it. Yeah. I mean, yeah. But with that being said, let me pass it over to itonic new on the stage. Let us know who we are.

Persistent Issues with Streaming

And what are your thoughts on the topic? Afternoon, guys. I just wanted to quickly jump up and say, don't take offense to this, but whoever's streaming that, please fix, because that is atrocious. If you're trying to advertise a game. You need to be using restream IO. Because that looks dog shit, not gonna lie. Yeah, that's true. But you know, the, that's my iPhone doing the recording over here.

Technical Constraints

You got gaming PC. What are you doing, bro? Can you, can you use the streaming platform you mentioned on Twitter spaces use. Restream IO and cast straight to x. For God's sake. Please do. Yeah, yeah, that's working. But can you put that in the video in the x space? Yes. Yes. Really? How is it called? No, you can't do it in a broadcast. Yeah, not in spaces.

Streaming Limitations

Yeah, you can broadcast it. I mean, I broadcast usually, so normally we broadcast, but this is a Twitter space. And inside the Twitter space, what you see over here, I think that's nothing you can change. Yeah. The only way that you could share a video on Twitter space on a space, not a broadcast, is through a phone like that. Yeah. Otherwise that would be new to me.

Exploration of New Technologies

If you can directly stream it here, then I would be down to test everything. But so far, there's no way on how you can stream directly into. I take that back. Oh, you can. I think if you do, if you use Obs, you could do a virtual cam and then set that on your laptop. Because I was able to, when I did my video with me shooting the bow, I did that on my laptop and I was able to do that from my cam.

Hardware Performance Issues

But I could set my virtual cam up and have that showing through Obs. It'd be pretty draining on your PC, I will say that. But I. I mean, if you've got a good one. Yeah, I got a good one now. Yeah, but it uses a camera input. It doesn't, it doesn't allow, like, restream like a broadcast does. I mean, I could try that out. The only thing is we couldn't do that through this profile.

Testing Streaming Solutions

So maybe, I'm not sure if the host can do that then, but we could try that out next time. That makes sense. Yes. Do you realize that you can no longer say potato laptop? Oh, yeah. Now I don't have excuses anymore why I suck at games. Yeah, I mean, I still have the potato laptop here, but, yeah, from now on, it will just be me being good at games.

Self-awareness and Skill Levels

How about that? But then we need to play games like Wilder World, I think, because I'm better at those kind of games than shooting games because at shooters, I suck. I mean, I know my strength and I know my weaknesses. Shooter games, definitely my weakness. But, yeah, I like the strategy games. I'm good at strategy. That's why they can't commit the army.

Specialization in Gaming

That's what us all guys are good at. We don't have the Twitch response, you know, realize I'm quite good with guns, but not. You're great on PUBG. Yeah, you are very good on pub G. So I wouldn't say that you're bad at shooter games. Yeah. Like shooter games where you don't use your thumbs to shoot. Like where you actually. But yeah, passing it over to itonic.

Transition to Topic

Yeah. Sorry about trashing your stream. There is a different way to do it then. So basically use obs and then download the obs on your mobile, pair the app to your computer, and you should be good to stream it like that, directly from your computer to the app to Twitter. But your phone may overheat very quickly. It already does.

Device Limitations

Like, I have an iPhone six over here, which I use just for the voice. And my other phone is already at 19% even though it was fully charged and it's charging right now because this drains already way too much. I'm not sure if it's the face from me or something like this that does the draining, but I think Twitter hasn't figured it out yet. But maybe I suck energy out of it.

Streaming Challenges

That's why we also don't go for the full 2 hours anymore, if you didn't notice that, because usually my phone dies at a certain point. I mean, you can switch back to another phone, but that gives you around a minute to do that. And I even have everything on low quality on this phone, so I don't even see what you guys are doing unless I look at my special phone.

Quality Control

As you see over here with the nice stripes over here and the thing in the corner here. That's how it's supposed to be with old phones. But, yeah, get an iPhone, they said. But at least I can do video streams. And I have a sound board on androids. But yeah, the other question that I have for you guys is. So we have the. Oh, by the way, maybe we also have crypto titan over here.

Discussion Initiation

What's your take on this? Before we go to another question that I have for you guys. Okay, good day, everyone. Am I audible? Yeah. Okay. The reason why, I requested for the mic, you did say, how do we on board these people to web three, right? Yeah. Okay. Now, okay, let's ask yourself a question.

Engagement and Inquiry

What are people really interested in and why should I come to web three? So a lot of people don't know. Know what web theory is, per se. Like, I was surprised that there are different regions that when they ask the question, web three, web theory, a lot of people didn't know. So how do we, get these people into web three? So now people love playing games.

Gaming as an Entry Point

You can tell me. Anybody don't like playing games, even if it's mobile, on, off site or any type of game. So when using game as an innovative to like, bring people into web theory one, the first thing you should like, notice that the game must be really addictive. Like people must be interested in the game. Now there is a game I'm literally playing right now.

Addictive Gameplay

I wrote it on my page, emote Horizon. I've been able to onboard a lot of people into web three with just that game. That game is super addictive. Really, really addictive. So another thing is rather another thing you ask yourself is why should I spend time playing this game? So basically you're asking what are the benefits of playing this game?

Value Proposition of Gaming

So bringing people into web three now, you're saying, why should they spend their time playing this type of game now? That's why the reward section is really advisable. Being able to, like. You're playing the game already. Yeah, that's the game. That's the game later. That's me. No, that's a video. That's me playing the game.

Encouragement to Participate

Did you see that? I'm glad you know the game. Yeah, we had them on as a featured game two weeks ago. I think since then I'm still playing. I'm level 700 almost. Yeah, exactly. So you already know how the game is. The game is super addictive. Yeah, you can tell me. I'm playing this. Just sorry I said, except for Rasmus, he's not playing.

Varied Experiences in Gaming

He said it's too much buttons. Too much buttons to click for him. But that's. I was playing. I was. I got auto battler. There is an. I told. There's an auto bottle. Told him as well. He's getting old, I think. Yeah, okay, I'm gonna open it again. Yeah, I probably. But that's because the thing is that everything's fucking flashing and you can choose all kind of things and then you need to upgrade this to upgrade that too.

Cognitive Load in Gaming

So I feel like I need to like be on it all the time to get to max out on it. And then, and then I catch myself, then I'm like, why the fuck am I doing this? What am I getting on this? It's fun. I told you. I don't know about that. I mean, it was more fun to play for tonight with Darren, to be honest.

Preferences in Game Selection

Did you play Fortnite with. With Darren? Yeah, we won two times in a row. I was out drinking that day for one once and a half years. That was when I was playing with Fonsho. And why two were drinking both days. Yeah. Yeah. Did you know, Luke, that I've taken part in one land party ever in my life.

Experiences in Land Parties

And I won with some friends. With a friend. What did you play? Stronghold crusaders, red alert. who were your friends? Nice. Well, I mean, so it was like a. It was like this special thing at like a castle. And they had dressed the whole. Everything was like as if you were in the game.

Immersive Gaming Environments

So they had like, they had all kinds of. Their jeep and they had big cannons and they had like sound effects and bushes. Projectors around. Yeah. And then. But then everybody was to see the different tables and they were on a team and so we all sucked. So my friend just pulled out like, google the strategy for red alert.

Strategy in Gaming

And then we're like, okay, we're just only gonna do this. No one deviates from plan. And then we did that. I do the same in Starcraft. It was true. Darren. I'm not lying. Rasmuss, you said that there were sound effects in the bushes. Can you please imitate what that sound was? Well, it was the sound effects from the game.

Sound Effects in Gaming

Did you perhaps have any grass prior to. Well, there were a lot of grass on the field. Well, next day there was a brunch and there was a sauna by the lake. I have one task for everyone. Go and ask your wife if she can, or your significant other, or like it needs to be a lady.

Experimenting with Sound

And ask her to make a machine gun noise if she can do the. Oh yeah, I tried it. Like, women cannot make this noise if we have a woman. It sounds like a seal. Yeah, like a seal. Yeah. Literally ask him to do it. Yeah, try that.

Discussion on TikTok Trends

But it really is like this. I. I thought it's a. It's a. It's a TikTok thing. The more day where they just fake it up. But then I went to her, I said, like, do this. And she was like. And I was like, what the fuck is happening over here? I bet I know. I think I know a woman that can do it. Luke, but I think we should get Vincent van. Yeah, I bet she could do it. Oh, okay. Okay. I would. I would make it. Let me dm her and see if I can wake her up.

Waking Up the Participant

Right now? Yeah, I think she's sleeping. But wait a second. Like woken up sent to spaces to make a machine gun noise? We can ask. No, Bera. I think she's online right now. I'll ask my wife and I'll play it on the screen. Okay, yeah, let's do that. Everyone brings a recording of the machine gun noise from a woman for the next space. Okay, let's put that. Whoever has the best one, let's put that in a shooter game. I'm sure it will go viral very quickly. That's true. You can choose that as the skin, the sound skin.

Creating Viral Content

Yo, yo, make it happen, please, Mark. Okay, I'm on it right now. But I will say she is probably still in bed. She's usually up this time because we have our morning meeting. It's still, like 15 minutes ago. But she's heavily medicated right now because she busted her collarbone, so she might be passed out. She fell off the space yesterday. That's what she told me. Like, she was on. She was skating with her kids, and one of her kids got, like, tangled up underneath her, and she went over and I guess, like, separated her shoulder from her collarbone.

Injuries and Gaming

Yeah, the older you get, the less of the stuff you should do. But I. Yeah, I. Yeah, I saw the pictures and we spoke yesterday on the space show, so she's good, and we need to get her in to do some machine gun noises. But, yeah, I want to get back to crypto Titan, I think we didn't finish your take, so you need a really good game, like imoterizing. That's what you said, right? Or. Okay, as I was saying, like I said, you create a very good and addictive game.

Game Development Insights

Also, you create a reward program. Now, people like getting rewards. Like, imagine. Imagine playing a game, and they know that I can get, like, a quick buck from this. And also, if you look at, let's say. I don't really say, it's a game, but it was like tap, not coin. Everybody did like, it all like a blow up on Twitter now, not coin, on boarded a lot of people tone. You get now using the medium telegram. And when, north Coin, should I say, did your tge? And a lot of people got rewarded.

Onboarding New Users

You can see, I don't know who uses telegram. Yeah. But in my region, I was seeing a lot of people coming into telegram, seeing like this users, this user has joined telegram. This user joined a lot of people got into telegram looking for the next coin. And now with this, I was able to onboard a lot of people into web three, teaching them everything about decentralized and finance and stuff like that. And also when you use trying to bring people into web three, you can also use other platforms and medium.

Innovative Platforms

Imagine, okay, let's say look at what Blast Royal is doing now. Blast Royale is having a creators program. You can actually check your page. Now, they're using a lot of media. You can see the YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Now imagine people saying that you can play a game and also get rewards for it. Now they'll be interested in this type of game and also want to be part of it. And now they're seeing something like, you have to connect your wallet and stuff like that. And now they'll be like, what's this all about?

Engaging with New Gamers

Now, what's a wallet and what's all this? So they want to, like, get more interested in and learning about it. So these are, like, a few takes on what I'm talking about. She's here. Get her up on stage. Yeah, she's here. Let's send her an invite. But, yeah, completely agree. And by the way, hamster coin, I don't think it did that good. We're still rooting for Marcello over here. Just wanted to say that with the Boinkers game, I would ask.

Anticipating Game Launches

Yeah. Hey, when is that happening? When is that happening? I'm not sure. October. That's what he said. October. How many coins do you have? A hundred million. I think you always say more than a million, but I don't think. Man, look at this. I'm stealing from Assad. No way that you have more than that. Jared. Jared, how many? Well, let me check. Well, for me, 1.4.

Evaluating the Market

What I think you should be. What I think you should be interested in ambulation is. Doctor, now, if you look at what doctrine is building, you're building something really crazy. And now they are trying to make tone interoperable with EVM. They are trying to make tone compatible with EVM. That means, like, you can now, like, use an EVM address and use it as a tone address. So you're really building something epic and crazy.

Future of Gaming

So I think you guys should actually, like, make a research. Yeah, we have quick swap. Here they are, the Dodge chain, best friends thing, guys. So I think that's also through the egg layer and everything, right? Is that the thing Han is using? Ag layer? Right? Oh, my gosh, rasmuss. I mean, when is anything ever launching? Jared, I think you'll find this the agg layer. But, yeah, ag.

Gaming Ecosystem

Good game. The most important thing now is we have Vincent van Ho over here. I hope you're feeling good. I hope your arm is better. We have. I'm not sure what Mark told you already, but we have a request for you, and it's really serious. Did he tell you what we want? He said, are you awake? I said, I have one eye open. What's up? He said, everybody thinks that women can't.

Making Machine Gun Sounds

Make machine gun sounds. And I said, van Ho can do it. Okay, can you do the. I can also do. Wow, that was really good, right? I don't know. Can you do the. Okay, I can roll my. He's doing it better than you, Lou. Van Ho is better than you. It sounds like she's got a siren. On her machine gun. I'd say it was pretty good.

Comparing Skills

It's giving me LMG vibes. Right? An lng with a silencer on it. We got it. Giving Catwoman cat lady vibes. I kind of thought that you can do that because you're a real gamer. Okay, then maybe we make a separation. Real dead one women that game, and every woman that doesn't game cannot do a machine gun noise. How about that? I think she could do a better machine gun noise if she took the silencer off and made it a little louder.

Expressing Humor

Like. We just have an onomatopoeia type of morning. We thought we love you. I love you guys. We thought we mix it up a little this morning and somehow we spoke of machine gun noises or machine gun song. I'm not sure how we got to this, but we said the only one that if someone can, women that can make machine gun noises, then it will be you. And then King Snooch summoned you. We need to get this trending.

Trends and Collaborations

I think Van Ho making that machine gun noise and then just say, not all gamers are the same, and see if you can get that trend. You know, we should make a. Not all women should move their tongue like this. No, nevermind. What? We should make a collaboration. Oh, my God. Off the grid and get your machine gun sound in off the grid. That will bring mass adoption for sure.

Creative Concepts

Could you imagine it just like, it'd be like the Avax cat gun 9000. It's got a nice purr on it. Yeah. All right. Yeah. I'm not sure where we left off to the machine gun noises, but I had one other question for everyone, and this time it's hands up. It's the last question for today because I'm at 9% on this phone already. So the question is, where do those gamers play their games?

Playing Platforms

Because off the grid, I played it on epic. You can play it on, I think, PlayStation, Xbox, we said, but where do players, like real players play the games? Do they play it on a web three launcher? Do they download it from the website? Or is it only those monopoles where we need to get our games on? So who wants to go first? Rasmus? Okay, over to you.

Discussion on Game Platforms

I don't know, but I just want to say the mining pass from plan I exercise and it's pretty fucking cool. What I, you know. Did you check it out, Lou? No, it's a mining pass. It's the newest addition. You just want to make me buy new stuff through the roof. The mining pass. Take it. Have you seen on the defi section of the Plan X Ix foundation?

Mining and Staking

I just sent my rovers to collect waste. Oh, you didn't teach me anything else. You need to start staking, Luke. There's so much. There's so much, you know, happiness on that homepage for you to endeavor into. Yeah, we need to do a stream where you actually teach me what we can do in there and not just always tell me, hey, you should have done this and you should have done that.

Teaching and Learning

We can do it, like where you try to do it and then I'll drop you hints. Okay. Yeah, I collect race for my rovers. That's what I'm doing. But yeah, so they're the. They come directly to your website, right? I mean, it's a. Yeah. So you're not listed on. You're not listed on epic or steam or somewhere else? No, we. No.

Sales and Marketing

Yeah, no. Fuck that shit, you know? Okay, that's your opinion. But passing it over to Funchal, do you agree with fuck that shit or do you have another opinion? I have a slightly different take. So, I mean, if we're talking about facts, you know, facts or facts? Facts. Okay. F A C T S. I would say that if we're talking triple a titles, it's console first, right?

Triple A Gaming Insights

It's PlayStation, Xbox, then it's PC gaming. This is what I'm talking about facts wise. If we're talking triple a gaming, the true gamers that love PC gaming, there isn't as many of them as console players. That's just the reality. And then next is mobile gaming. But mobile gaming is slowly improving to a level where you're starting to get much better quality titles that are available on them.

Future of Mobile Gaming

But I don't think it will ever be as popular as consoles and PC. When you're talking about AAA, that's just what I believe. I think that you're going to see mobile gaming explode and grow. But the quality of those games and the experience that you have, we're all used to having something in our hands and looking at a big screen, that's the best possible experience.

Gaming Experience Preferences

And when I say having something in your hands, you can think of that however you want to. But I'm thinking about a controller. That's my take. Yeah. So true gamers is on console. Every true gamer started on a console most likely, but it needed to be a Nintendo. No, but yeah, that's at least my opinion. I kind of share that idea.

Console Vs. PC

But what platform? Like on console, okay, we have different consoles, but on PC, where do they download? Like, where do they go? Well, you're talking about PCs are versatile, aren't they? And you've got so many cloud gaming services that are available now. I think that's going to continue to grow in terms of different places. So I don't think it's just going to be one place that you go.

Future of Game Distribution

I think that you've got your leaders out there. Epic Games, from a crypto perspective, I think probably is the winner from my side. But the reality is if you look at what Sony are doing with Sony, that could be a major player in the future. We'll have to wait and see. I mean, if you look at. So I agree, if we take Epic, a lot of the games on web three on Epic, by the way, forgotten Playland was here earlier.

Game Availability

They are now also on Epic on Steam. They're not that many. Like, I have magic craft here. I have. Oh, look what this is. I need to install it again. Wait a second. Earth from another sun. Are they here still? Oh, shit. No, they're not here. Damn it. They left. But yeah, this one. But besides that. Oh, Shadow war shardbound.

Challenges in Game Integration

But most of them don't have a web three integration because steam still sucks for web three games. But yeah, handing it over to itonic first and then afterwards to Vincent. No, ladies first. She had her hands up first. Oh, I didn't see that. Oh, I'm just going in for a. Slow row since somebody took my answer. I like your lumber loot vibes today.

Nostalgia in Gaming

Loving. Love your new computer. I'm glad we graduated from potato three. I loved your gamer shrine in the back over there. Was that a, was that actually connected or was it one of those picture frames? Yeah, we played that. We know we played it in the beginning. Like, we played a couple of games when we started the stream. Yeah. I'm so sad I missed it.

Memories and Connection

It just gave me like, nostalgia. Boyfriend shrine. Yeah, loving. It's connected. It's working. We played Zelda and tennis. Did you give it a good. I didn't mean it like this, but did you give the cartridge a good bow? A good. Wait, wait, is Debbie Duck still here? Did I give it a good hack tour? Was that the question?

Gaming Rituals

You gotta give him that hawk tune, spit on that thing. No, I'm saying you gotta have a. Have a more like a glottal, like more throat in that back in. The day, a good tap on the desk. I can't. Okay. Yeah, Epic games, I think is the serious answer though. I don't have many games on Steam, if we're being honest, and then.

Personal Experience

I don't know, I like the multi-platform thing, but I think consoles really do win here for the quote unquote real gamers. But I feel like everybody has something. So for me it's PC. I don't know, we all got our thing, I guess. And I think most consoles will also shift to having some cloud online kind of thing where you don't even need a console anymore.

Future Platforms

I mean, you see that already with all the cloud stuff in there. But yeah, epic. Yeah, PC. Okay, now I tonic over to you. So being a gamer myself and being a paid gamer for a long time, basically testing games, what I would say. For web three, being the gaming industry in web three likes to go towards Epic, being that they're more web free friendly.

Market Share and Preferences

But what people don't realize is Steam has also been here and holds most of the market share for gaming. So people should really, as much as Steam is trying to push away from web three and not allow as many games on there, we should really, really be pushing for Steam. Because the big thing here is they have their Steam deck and that Steam deck is portable.

Steam Deck Revolution

You can go and do what the. Hell you want, wherever you want, and. Play your web three games. But one thing we must do in the game in place is not have a self custody wallet, it must be custodial, meaning you got like that. The, the team has the authorities over all of it and we can just transact with it without clicking transactions.

Transaction Processes

Approve this, approve that every 10 seconds. That's my two cents on it. Yeah, like passport wallet. I really liked it. I think everyone should be on the passport wallet, but yeah, so if I check my library at the moment over here. Decimated web three game diggenheim, desolation Earth from another sun magic craft, shadow War shardbound.

Web Three Game Evaluation

So there are a couple of really cool games on Steam, but still the web three integration sucks. I think. I think none of those games have direct web three integration at the moment via Steam because they need to upload a different build to steam. As I remember correctly, on Epic, it's a little different, but yeah.

Future Discussions

Okay. Any other takes because I'm at 3% now, so might be that we rock in a second. If so, hands up now. Lau also last time to share some alpha. If you have something besides that, we see each other tomorrow. First in the stream, first today in asset games, they have a space. Tomorrow we see each other in either Fortnite or off the grid on shootopia.

Closing Remarks

And after that we see each other in the quickswap space. So yeah, handing it over to funcho. Yeah. I just wanted to know because I think it looks lovely. You know the curtain rail that you've got, where was that purchased from? The what? The curtain. My curtain? Yeah, the black one.

Personal Arrangements

It's like I'm redecorating at the moment. So that would actually work quite well. I just wondered what where you purchased that from. Possible boho. This is why us english get the name weirdos. Because we come out with some weird shit, bro. We got to keep our reputation up, not down.

Humor in the Conversation

This is true. This is true. If you come on a weekly basis, you'll realize this is my humor. Yeah, it's a fantastic show. All of the speakers are great up here. Very knowledgeable. Really appreciate all of the audience. Without you guys, we can't even have anything for you guys to interact with.

Appreciation for the Audience

We're building, we're promoting web three. This is a fantastic space that's got a huge future ahead of it. Off the grid is something that we'll be playing tomorrow. Looking forward to that, Van Ho. That machine gun saw sound was amazing. LMG vibes all day. Snooch. Looking forward to playing with you in a team tomorrow.

Upcoming Events

It's going to be amazing. Make sure you tune in. Make sure you're here next week for new year of gaming. And tomorrow you have got not only the stream, but you've got quick swap space as well. Make sure you come along to that. That's at 04:00 p.m. british standards time and stabby duck. Love the hock two.

Farewells and Future Plans

We need that a weekly thing. Luke is off to go skiing. Make sure you tune in next week. Couldn't have done, bro. You do look like a ski, bro. Was that better? Was that better? I love it. I couldn't have done a better outro. I am keen again. All over again.

Excitement for Next Week

It's that bonsai tree. Next week we have Guild of guardians here and synergy land. And for synergy land we have some special metal extra. Can I play some of those games? I can play if you join next week, you can. Maybe I give you access to synergy land? Only if you ask nicely.

Special Offers and Access

I can play five slots. You cannot. Didn't you say you bought a or found an old windows laptop or something? I can start that up. Start that baby up. Okay, yeah, for your sake. But, yeah, then we see each other during the week. Otherwise, next week we have squid and Exelar on the space as well.

Final Thoughts and Reflections

No, that's the week after I said Guild of guardians. I moved to the wrong one. But we have a lot of people here, as usual. Thanks, everyone, for joining. Always a pleasure with you guys, and see you next week. And thanks to everyone down there that tuned in. Much appreciated.

Community Gratitude

See? So many nice, cool people. Also see James down there. I hope you added us to the like and retweet thing. Thank you, James. Appreciate it. Perfect.

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