Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space @NeiroWoof CTO AMA: $DOGE Sister on Sol hosted by solana_daily. The @NeiroWoof CTO AMA space delved deep into the Infrastructure niche, particularly highlighting the technological advancements and trends within the Solana ecosystem. The session provided valuable insights into $DOGE's significance on Solana, emphasizing its expanding utility and interoperability benefits. With daily news updates, featured projects, and collaborative opportunities, participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the Solana landscape and the opportunities it presents for businesses and individuals. NeiroWoof's expertise offered a unique perspective, catering to enthusiasts, developers, and investors looking to explore the evolving Infrastructure sector within Solana.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: What are the main technological trends NeiroWoof discussed regarding Solana?
A: NeiroWoof highlighted advancements like scalability, speed, and efficiency within the Solana ecosystem.

Q: How does $DOGE's presence benefit the Solana blockchain?
A: The integration of $DOGE enhances interoperability, utility, and diversification opportunities on Solana.

Q: What type of content is typically covered in the daily news and guides shared in the space?
A: The space features daily news updates, educational guides, project spotlights, and community insights.

Q: What opportunities are available for business proposals within the Solana community?
A: Businesses can explore collaboration, investment, and partnership possibilities within the expanding Solana environment.

Q: Why is it important for enthusiasts to stay informed about Solana and $DOGE updates?
A: Keeping abreast of news, trends, and developments is crucial for making informed decisions and staying engaged in the vibrant Solana and $DOGE communities.


Time: 00:15:42
Technological Advancements in Solana Exploring the latest tech trends in the Solana ecosystem for scalability and efficiency.

Time: 00:25:19
$DOGE Integration on Solana Understand the impact and benefits of $DOGE's presence within the Solana blockchain.

Time: 00:35:07
Daily News Updates and Project Features Stay informed with daily news, guides, and project showcases in the Solana space.

Time: 00:45:50
Business Proposals and Collaboration Opportunities Learn about opportunities for business partnerships and ventures within the Solana ecosystem.

Time: 00:55:33
Community Engagement and Networking Connect with experts and enthusiasts, share insights, and be part of the vibrant Solana and $DOGE communities.

Key Takeaways

  • NeiroWoof sheds light on the technological advancements and trends within the Solana ecosystem.
  • $DOGE's integration on Solana showcases the expanding utility and interoperability of cryptocurrencies.
  • Discussions include daily news updates, informative guides, and highlights of prominent projects in the Solana sphere.
  • Insights into the business proposals and collaboration opportunities within the Solana community.
  • Exploration of the evolving landscape of Solana, emphasizing its growth potential and key developments.
  • NeiroWoof's AMA provides valuable information for enthusiasts, developers, and investors interested in Solana and $DOGE.
  • The session offers a platform to engage with experts, learn about featured projects, and stay updated on Solana's news.
  • Opportunities to network with like-minded individuals, share insights, and collaborate within the Solana and $DOGE communities.
  • Information on how to access resources, guides, and engage with the Solana and $DOGE communities for enrichment.
  • Emphasis on the significance of staying informed, connected, and engaged with the Solana and $DOGE ecosystems.

Behind the Mic

Technical Issues with the Microphone

I can hear you now. Yeah? Yeah. All right, good. All right, cool. How's the mic, by the way? I believe I'm a bit, like, low in volume. Right. Might need to fix it. I can hear you. Okay. For me, you're all right? Yeah. Just sounds like a normal. Just sounds like a normal microphone to me. Well, you know. Well, yours sounds, like, better, so. I don't know. I'm trying to figure out what happened to me, but might have to log into my PC, but I don't know if I like. It's so weird with. To the space. Right. Well, I'm sorry, x space, but if you were to, like, you know, change from your phone to your PC immediately during the space, I believe the space will rock. So I don't want to risk doing that. So I think I might have to stay like this. I hope that, you know, everything is okay now. Yeah, it's fine. I can hear you just fine. I mean, everything you're saying is coming across, so. All right, perfect. Perfect.

Introducing Guest Speakers

Like I had. Yeah. Okay. Thank you very much. Like, I had some complaints, you know, my microphone might be, you know, too small, things like that. I got a new airpod, so I don't know how it sounds now, but. Okay. So if you're saying what it is, then it is okay. Thank you very much. Okay. Okay, so we are also talking to NZ Defi. Interesting. So today we're gonna have two speakers then. Yeah. So we're all community members that sort of help out or admins. And NZD five is just one of them. So there's a few others in here that they want to come up and talk, but. Yeah. We like that. We like to all join in and just have a lot of fun.

Discussion on Community Members

Yeah, well, it should be fun, but, like, I also see you, like, inviting a few more. I believe they are community members, but not specifically in narrow community because I see. I have no idea. I see these guys, like, all the time. Daily spaces, man. I think they are, like, more like us. A lot of daily listeners. So maybe I might have to remove them as speakers right now because I kind of know these guys. So let me just go ahead and do that, because we do have a second part, which is the community questions where they can ask the questions. Right. So maybe in this part we can, like, invite them on. But for now, I don't want to invite the members on just yet. You know what I mean? Sure. Yeah. I thought they were part of your. Part of your crew, so I invite. They requested. Yeah, yeah. Just invite.

Community Dynamics and Engagement

Absolutely. By your people, dude. I'll be more than happy to have a lot of people on the space, so. Okay, here we go. We got our guys up here now. So fiat burn is part of us, part of the admin team, because we got quite a large community run admin team. So he's up into defi myself. Who else should be good for now? I will pick him out of the crowd if they have. If they request. Okay. Okay. Please go ahead and do that. All right, folks, while you're doing that, you're just picking your people. I'm just going ahead and, you know, walk people through how the AMA goes, the process and everything. And so, guys, today, we're doing things a lot differently, okay? A lot differently. So it's not going to be your normal space ama, where it's going to be like, you know, $100 in rewards.

NFT Distribution and Excitement

Now we actually give away exclusive nfts, all right? Exclusive nfts during this. This space as well. And so together with $100, the team from narrow, they will be given away nfts to you lucky listeners. But all the details have to be of the winner's announcement. They will be available at the end of the space. All right? So it's going to be very exciting. Remember to join the space, like, and retweet the korean space right now. Share it to the people on your, you know, on your page so that your friends and families and, you know, followers can, you know, go ahead and join this session back. But, yeah, also follow narrow on their ex account as well. Follow all the speakers account on their x two for your increased chance of winning.

Meme Coin Culture and Community Strength

Today is going to be a fun session about narrow. Nero's been making waves right now on across x, right. And in meme space, not only on Ethereum, but also on Solana. Solana has become one of the biggest chain, well, I dare I say the biggest change right now, second biggest for, you know, the meme coin market. Right. A lot of activities have been going on Solana meme market for the past year. So I'm very excited to have. Have narrow what the community member from narrow to be on here and talk about narrow on Solana, what sets them apart and how they're going to defeat the other narrows right now on Solana, also on Ethereum, to become the one and only narrow in our heart. So I'm very excited to have this conversation with you guys. Yeah, thank you for having us here. We can take it away when you want.

Setting the Stage for the Discussion

You got some questions? Yeah, obviously I have a lot of law questions, but, yeah, I just want to get to know the people first. And so, you know, I know that you all community members, you all enthusiasts, I know that narrow is like community takeover. Right? So why don't we just go around the house and give a round of introduction, you know, to the people. Who are we talking to? So let's talk. My normal account is the Fido. And you'll see me blue posting most the time about. About Nero. And I've been a holder since pretty much the first day and got into it 100%. I think I full ported the moment I saw it.

The Evolution and Adoption of Niro

I made the first donation to a charity in the name of Nero, of any individual. So I knew the narrative. I knew being first on chain, I knew Solana. I just knew that this was going to be it. And of course, at the time, there were two. But I knew that if you weren't first on that chain, then you were last. And if you weren't focused on the community, that you were probably going to be last in the long term. And that's what we've kind of seen now. So, yeah, I'm Defido and I'll put it on to NZD five. Hey, what's up, guys? Hey. So, obviously I'm in zid. I've been around the space for a while. Love meme coins.

Community Sentiment and Future Vision

But, yeah, people. But a lot of people will see me around. A lot of people see me, you know, different coins throughout the times. One thing I've always been great at is picking out the perfect narrative. And I think that we've got that here with Nero and especially being on Solana, it just seems like, you know, with the bull cycle, you know, just pending and Solana being the cycles pick of chains, I think that we're really. We're really, like, going to hit a home run with this. So, yeah, I'm pumped. I, but, yeah, get into some questions, man. Perfect, perfect.

NFT Competition Announcement

Okay, so, Fiat burger, I think you should just quickly. I'll just. I'll just. I'll just put it. I'll just put in and just explain. just pull the NFT competition, guys, just above. You'll see it in the jumbotron. If you just quickly go through that and have a look. If you're wanting to win an NFT, go through there. Just make sure you're following us. Retweet the post and. And that's about it, and you're good to go. Yes, sir. I'm going. Well, I actually just pinned the post by oh, no. NZ actually, he pinned the post up here on the space.

Gathering Participants for the Draw

So if you want to win the NFT giveaway, you go ahead and check all the details on that post. We will announce the winners at the end. So go ahead and do that because you have like 45 an hour to do so. Right. It's very limited, by the way, a fiat burner, I believe you are now here. So do you want to open your mic and introduce yourself? Hey, GM, everyone. Thank you for Solana daily, for hosting the spaces, and thank you for having Nero here, also a community member. Been here from pretty much the first hour. And you can see me also blue posting every day because I just love this community.

Community Engagement and Experience

I've never seen anything like it before. So excited for the spaces and appreciate you having us. No, thank you very much, guys, for being here. It's a very cozy room. And so I'm just going ahead and shoot a couple questions that I have to the, you know, to the void, and you are free to open your mic and answer. Okay, if you want to jump in, you can go ahead and cut me off, but please do not cut other speakers off. Okay, so my next question would be. Okay, so for the people who are, like, been in here for quite some time, narrow doge has been like a figure that we can never forget.

The Legacy of Narrow Doge

It is the biggest meme coin. Doked like Shiba Inu dog meme coin. But then, sadly, unfortunately, recently, that dog passed away and the owner, they had another dog, and her name is Niro, and she's like the sister of that previous dogecoin. And that is why we have this whole narrow meme coin craze. And so my question to you guys is a lot of people, well, not people, but like a lot of project founders, right? They founded a lot of meme coins under the name of narrow. And they claim to be the first. Right. We got narrow on Ethereum, several of those. We also got several, one of those on Solana.

Claims of Originality in the Market

And as you said, if you're not the first, you're the last. So a lot of people are claiming that they are the first. Are you the first? And do you have, like, proof to back it up? Should I jump in there, guys, I don't want to cut you off. We do have the proof that we are the first on chain, the first minted, of course. And the reason why were the first is because we came from pump fun, right? So the developer had the tools on Solana to be able to run out of the gate as quick as possible. And so that's why our ca ends in bro pump and starts with CT, is because he was able to get out of the gate as fast as possible by using pump fun, which is just not as simple on Ethereum.

Response to Claims of Originality

And the other one was not using pump fund because that was a bundled one. So the developer was able to push it as quickly as possible. And that technically and literally does make us the first minted ever. And so we just got lucky with the end of ca being bro pump. And yes, we are 100% the first on chain. Yeah. Just to chime into that. I mean, everyone who's listening, there's a way, like, don't trust verify. Right? And the blockchain doesn't lie. If you just go and look at the timestamps of all the neros that have been deployed, you will see that this neuro is the first one. Indeed. I. Yeah, I can just back that up as well.

Evidence and Confirmation of Originality

It's about 50 minutes prior to any other Niro being launched because obviously the original developer had seen it on Kabushu mama's instagram page. And if you guys have ever followed her, I've been sort of following her for a long time now. Quite a few years before she ever posts on Twitter. She always posts on her instagram first. So they managed to see that and then deployed and launched the coin. So that is how it is, like 50 minutes ahead. And I guess that comes down to that thing of us being the first Niro. There was no reason for any PvP. There was no reason for anyone to, you know, to launch any other projects because were always here.

Maintaining Community Integrity Amidst Challenges

We, you know, if you can't buy it at ten mil or 15 mil, or if you're launching coins, other tokens when there's already one existing at 1015 20 mil, then all you're doing is just vampire attacking it. And it's not really what we want in the space. I think everyone agrees with that. Everyone's tired of it. Powerful. Powerful. Yes. So I agree. I agree entirely. Again, if you're not buying the first one that's out there that's leading that trend, then you're really just gambling your money away. The first one is always the best one.

Journey of the Community and Developers

All right, so my next question would be like this. So narrow. The developer, he created this coin on Pump Fund, which is an amazing tool for those who know how to use it, and decided to give this project away to the community. The community is taking this over. The developers are gone. Do you want to talk about the journey of narrow since the start and how it got to you guys now, taking over the project as admins, overseeing the operations and listening to community as a project founder? Yeah, I'll start first and then fiat and then they can jump in.

Challenges Faced and Growth Achieved

So the first day was pretty difficult, actually, because there was, you know, we launched first, then the market cap started to run and then obviously another one was brought out. And so the first day everyone was kind of unsure. No one knew each other. And the developer ended up rugging on the first or second day. Right. And then he also rubbed the Twitter and the telegram. So that made the CTO had to happen. We had to CTO. Right. And so went through our first.

Resilience and Community Strength

We got a new Twitter and we got a new telegram and then were on that telegram and then that telegram got rugged as well. So we're actually on a third telegram now and we've been. When we're on our first Twitter, we had 20,000 organic or something crazy in the first day. Then the telegram was almost 15,000 organic. And so we're back up to 5000 on our third iteration. The second being 8000 people, the first being 15,000 people. And so when you think about that we've had to have so much adversity to be able to get the CTO to work because we've been up against a lot of things.

Community Resilience

To be at 5000 organic members again on a third iteration of a telegram of which were forced to move shows the true conviction of the community. So we've been through quite a journey to actually CTO this token. It's not been the same as any other CTO would normally have. You normally just take it over and that would be it. But we also have just been through so much and we've been building it back up. And I think that's what's created some of the most diverse diamond handing individuals in this space at the moment is the community that is here, is really here for the long haul and they're going to be here for a very long time.

The Transformation of Narrow

So it's created a very different nero. It has created a diamond, really. It's the pressure and the heat has created this sort of token that is unlike any other one. Yeah, I agree too. Like, like you gotta. Gotta respect the people, right? I gotta respect the 5000 people that are actually in your telegram right now. They are the true hardcore holder and the believer into the narrow meme coin. I mean, after three telegram, you know, groups and they are still staying. Right. So you kind of, sort of like, that's also like. Like a nice thing too.

Lessons Learned and Future Aspirations

Like you so can sort of like filter through all the people who are like paper hands, whatever, through those two previous groups. And now these are the hardcore. So I think that's pretty nice too. And that highlights you. Go. Fear. I was just going to say one thing. If anyone listening, this is exactly what happened to doge. It's exactly what happened to Shib. If you want to get to that height where it's like ridiculous levels of all time high, then you have to be in a community like that because you need a base of holders that just are absolutely insane.

Community Commitment and Collective Strength

And so at this point, all the holders are like, we're going to hold. If you hold, I will hold together with you. And it's linking arms together across the entire world. And so at this point, if you don't sell, I won't sell. I will hold with you to dust or to the moon. And that's what creates these tokens that go to obscene heights. So when people think that bundling all these things will get you there, well, it's very unlikely what will get you there. Is your fellow holder saying to you, I won't sell if you don't sell, man.

Diamond Hands and Community Trust

Like, I'm in the trenches with you until the very end, until retail takes this, you know, retail can take my money kind of thing. That's it. Like, we're not selling. So, I mean, I just make that point. Speaking of diamond hands, just to add to that, before we continue, I mean, if you look at the stats, it's very easy. I mean, we are. We have over 73% of the supply in diamond hands, and Giga diamond hands percentage only grows by the day. Like, we started with probably about 15% giga diamond hands.

Current Community Dynamics

And over time, we're now, what, in the 8th week? I think time flies. I'm not sure if that's the 8th week since lunch, but the jiga diamond hands percentage also grew. And as defeid mentioned, we've been through a lot. And this only made the community stronger. So when one person exits because they are impatient, because we all know the space, you know, the space lacks patience, lacks conviction. And when you know that you have strong narrative, you know that you've been the first one and you're united by one of the things that unites you is the fact that the spaces, you know, it kind of.

Navigating Community Challenges

It kind of went down, you know, down, you know, it kind of. It's a PvP game and people are sick of it. And all we wanted to do was PvP, you know, player push, player, not player versus player. And that's why you have, you know, a strong community that has, you know, this conviction into holding the token. So when one person exits, it just goes into the Giga diamond hands and, you know, the natural accumulation, you know, having strong members holding it who will not clip 300 soul in one go, who care about the community, they're staying.

Concluding Remarks on Community Trust

I like that. I like that. But, like, I also have, like, a. Not really, like a concern. Right. But it's also, like, a question that I have, too. Like, so if you look at all the meme coins, if you look at doge, right, there's only one doge, right. There could be multiple doges, you know, in the past, but at the end of the day, you know, the years have passed. When it does settle, there was only one doge. Right. That is, that is the true doge. And so do you think that right now, you know, you're on Solana, right?

The Future of Narrow in the Market

And there are also other iterations of narrow on Ethereum. And I'm not saying, like, which one is better. I'm not saying that, but all I'm saying is, you know, years from now, there's only going to be one narrow. Right. That's how I like to think of it. And so do you think that you are, like, going to be that one narrow and, you know, do you want to talk about your vision a little bit more? Can I speak on this just quickly first?

Introduction to Memes in Crypto

Yes. I've been around the space for a long time, and, you know, I've seen some true movements throughout the space. I've seen some real memes come. Come out and do amazing. One thing I can tell you is at the end of it all, a lot of these projects that are run by teams generally die off because all it takes is for the team to give up or sell. And then all of a sudden, you've got a community that have never had to step in, a community that have never stepped up before. That's why you see these super powerful memes like Pepe and, you know, dog with hat, Doge and Shib is because they've never had an owner, they've never had someone who's actually been able to, you know, they've never had someone in control. Exactly.

The Power of Community in Memes

Like, you can think of the run we seen with Pepe and how big that was, but that the dev was like, selling off his CeX tokens and all sorts of things. Like that. But it naturally the community took over because they went through so much shit. And it's the same through us. Like, it doesn't matter if I go away, if Fiat burner goes away, if Tony goes away, or if anyone goes away, it doesn't matter because we're not all in charge. It's everyone has their own role and that's how pure memes are built. So I hope that sort of gives.

Community Tokens and Their Growth

I'll jump in there as well. Is that like when you think about this, Nero, it's a community token through and through. I mean, it's as community as it gets, is like NZ said, if one person goes, another one stepping up, and we do it for the cause, we do it for the token, not for individual success, right? And so doge was a community token, supposed to be decentralized, supposed to be for the people, and supposed to be about the meme. And so what we're seeing now is that a lot of the other tokens that you're talking about because you're asking which one do you think? Why do we think we're the right one?

Comparing Nero to Doge

Well, it's not so much that were first, it's that because we're focusing on the meme, the people and decentralization, and we have an advantage and we have an edge because Solana is probably the fastest growing chain of all time. It is an amazing infrastructure to be on. It's cheap fees, extremely high tps, very good culture of building communities. I mean, Solana as itself is an amazing piece to be on. But if you're wanting to be like doge, then you need to respect the meme, you need to respect your holders, you need to respect decentralization, and you need to think in a long term view.

Long-Term Success and Community Engagement

And if I was to think about these other ones, because you're asking about them directly, there's no long term vision apart from the pump and then the dump, because VC money wants an exit and so do the cowls and so does everyone else. So there's no, the exit here for us is where everyone, every individual small holder, just like doge, enjoys the time that they're having, enjoys the meme and just has fun with it. And we continue to push. The fact that Niro and doge are side by side on Coinmarketcap, but are very similar in the way that they are.

Marketing and Community Growth Strategies

Yeah, it's such an easy selling point. To sell this to the masses is really, if you were new to crypto, a lot of people have heard of those. A very easy selling point of this token is to say, this is the owner of Doge, the owner of Kabusu got a new dog and its names Nero. And now there's this new meme coin. People, people understand that. And, like, that's a basic reason for people to buy when they're first stepping into the crypto realm and venturing into it.

Building the Community

Otherwise, if you're like, oh, there's this coin called dodo or something, and they're like, why would I buy that? But if you were to say, this is the sister, you know, to doge, then that makes sense to people. That gives them, like, they can go, oh, well, DOJ is that, you know, at 10 billion market cap or, you know, ABC market cap, that makes sense for me to buy that, you know. So I think this is the type of coin that can onboard the masses. And I think with Solana being, like, the perfect normie chain that's taking off, I think we're really building up to the perfect cycle run.

The Community Spirit and Ongoing Engagement

Yeah, I agree. And, yeah, I agree with what you said. And I also have to add that, you know, I personally think that being first has tremendous power. And regardless of what chain, other neighbors at this neighborhood, as you guys said, is the first ever to do it. All right? And I think that has to hold some position, certain power within the community and believe to the people who is here first. So I think that's also a very important point.

Favorite Moments and Community Experiences

I guess my next question is, let's talk about something that you guys like. All right. During the journey so far, so previously, narrow was traded at the all time high belief at around $60 million. What a crazy, what a crazy achievement. What was your favorite moment with Nairo in this journey? You want to champion the final? I'll go first. The new goal then ends it. I think that kind of works.

Personal Connections and Community Involvement

My favorite part has been just meeting the people, like meeting the people and the individual day to day journey of how difficult and how fun this has been. And so if I was to pick one thing that I really love is seeing just how incredible the individuals that do these things for free, such as the memes. I mean, the memes are the funniest thing to me. These people that do these memes are doing animations for free. They're doing memes for free.

The Creative Spirit of the Community

They're doing songs for free. And so memes actually, and irl, there are people that do things in real life like go out and wave flags and engrave coins into stone. So it's people's skill sets and people's skill. That has been the most amazing thing for me. And I love that. I love seeing like, oh, this guy is incredible at art. This guy is out here waving a flag in the rain. Like, you don't get that with a normal token.

Community Growth and Future Visions

And that is what emulates a token that will go to incredible heights and be around for years to come is people like that. So it really, for me, my favorite thing is people's success and seeing what they're good at. That's mine. Yeah. And speaking of memes, we have over 3000 memes, all made by community members. Nothing has been paid for. Just people stepping up and doing their thing and showing love to the narrative, to the community, and, you know, working for their bags.

Community Commitment Despite Price Changes

You know, we like to say that, but just to say like, my favorite thing about the whole thing, like you asked, you know, went from like 60 mil to like, what's that? Around six mil? Now, my favorite part about it is that most people don't care about the price. Right. It's not really nice to see your bag going down in value, but the diamond hand percentage shows that most people don't actually care about the immediate short term price.

Community Engagement and Daily Commitment

They understand where we are heading and it just made us stronger people, despite we don't focus on price. And that's why it created a strong community where people just show up every single day. You know, the first thing I do is, you know, join the VC in the morning, catch up with what's happening in the community. I don't, that's before I even check the chart. And then I get, you know, what's happening, you know, what people think and how people feel and that's what creates, like, really strong communities.

The Importance of Community in Meme Tokens

And I keep kind of talking about, we all talk about it and the fact that, you know, the most important factor in the success of a meme coin is its community. We often forget this point and we folk, not us, but like generally in the space, people focus on price, but then it goes up very fast, goes down very fast and then dies. Right. But when you have a strong community, this doesn't matter what the price will be.

Enduring Community Loyalty

People will show up and I, and they'll keep pushing. That's what makes us strong and that's what makes us different than any other token. You can only name a few tokens that have really strong community, communities that showed with the test of time that they are here to stand. We are one of those tokens. We are one of those communities that will be here in the years to come.

Future Outlook and Market Dynamics

Nobody here has a short term vision. And because we don't have a short term vision, that's why we don't care about the current price will do its thing because the community will stay that, you know, the price will follow. And if you look at our liquidity ratio to market cap, it's really good. I mean it's amazing. So we've been blessed by the crypto gods. You know, you probably will ask us soon the question, but if not, I'll chime in and give you the usual joke.

Anticipating Future Developments

I gotta say, my favorite thing is yet to come. My favorite thing is yet to come. That's all I know. And it's gonna be those gog candles, baby. It's gonna be those gog candles. I'll tell you what. Yo study solana meme coins. Study solana meme coins. Generally they take anywhere between like six to twelve weeks. Anywhere between six to twelve weeks.

The Anticipation of Growth

And then it's like you've got the diamond hands and everyone who like see could see the idea, the vision. Then the giga candles come and that's what I'm waiting for. That's when I'll be like, yo, salada daily. Guess what? That's what. This is my favorite time. This is my favorite moment. I need to be back on the session.

Community Momentum and Future Plans

Dude, we gotta be back for another session when that gun kettle comes, dude. But. Okay, so 612 weeks. Okay, so we are, I believe right now we're at about. Yeah, as I said earlier, about eight weeks so far. So we got about just two to four weeks left until this God candle. Dude, I'm waiting.

Market Readiness and Timing

but like I think I look. Yeah, I think it could be coming soon. You just, you just don't know. All it takes is a few events and man, the Fomo on Solana is just, it just hits different. Yeah, it's different. Like immediately when there is like a good news in the market, you know, everything moves. Nehru might be the first one to move but.

The Importance of Caution in Engagement

Yeah, I think Nehru. Do you want to add anything? I just getting told off in the admin chat because I'm getting a bunch of notes. So it's not just me talking, it's about twelve people talking in the background as well. But there they want to bring up the fact that Billy M. Two k, the original developer of Doge, is also a holder.

Community Impact of Notable Figures

He was gifted Nero and he kept the tokens. And he's been slightly engaging with people within the community. So normally Billy M two k would dump his bags. So he has. He did dump them. He sold everything apart from Nero. Yeah. So he literally sold everything. No, no.

Engagement from Original Creators

That's an amazing point. Yeah, I'm sorry. Forgot you off when you say he's been, you know, interacting a little bit with the neighbor community. But what do you mean by that? Like he, has he been quoting a reply? He's been liking our posts. He's been replying people's posts. So he's been. I know Billy is. Yeah, Billy is careful.

Informed Support from the Community

Right. So we understand. He's not the kind of guy that goes. Gonna go all out and kind of say, I support this project because of course he doesn't need to do that, but he's been liking different community members comments and replying to different posts. So there's one amazing fact, and the other one that I'm also getting hounded for is the fact that we've had a 24/7 vc.

Continuous Engagement Efforts

So a voice chat for almost seven weeks now. Right. And that's pretty much never stopped unless someone fat fingered it and closed it. And on red days, like the days when it's red, we get like 50, 60 people in there. You know, we've had 500 people in there at one time. So we have one of the most active communities in terms of a voice chat and timeline.

The Vibrant Community Atmosphere

I mean, if you join our telegram, the thing is on fire. It cooks your phone, it cooks your battery, it just destroys your phone. So, yeah, we, there's a lot more that we can go into of why this token is so special and why people are just not going to leave it and it's not going anywhere. But, you know, those are the points that they wanted me to bring up and they're valid points.

Community Dedication Amidst Challenges

So, yeah, there's just so much. Yeah, okay. That's definitely something that sets the community of Nara apart from other communities. I mean, the amount of devotion that people have for this token is just insane. And as we established before, you've been going through three groups so far, telegrams. And so these people are the really filtered out the diamond hand hardcore holder.

Looking Towards a Celebratory Future

Right. And so they're going to be supporting, you know, narrow ever, like forever. Right. And so, you know, go ahead. And this is, I believe, also a good time to remind people that at the end of the space session, we will be announcing the NFT giveaway winners as well as the $100 winners in the space as well. So make sure to follow all the rules in the pin post up here to be eligible for this exclusive NFTs because you never know what's going to happen next and which in fact is going to be, you know, my future questions.

Anticipation for Upcoming Announcements

I'm just going to leave the entity and the planning at the end of the session. So, yeah, just go ahead and do that. Guys, you have about like 2030 minutes left. All right, the next question is this. Before we dive into all the investing of the buying part, I want to mention one last thing real quick, and that is your contract, which is an incredible thing that happened.

The Impact of the Bro Pump Contract

I read about the story behind it. I couldn't believe that it happened. You don't want to walk people through real quick, the reason behind this bro pump contract, because that is op. Yeah, I'll chime into that. So, as everybody knows, when a contract created on the blockchain, it's. And when you just, you know it naturally it's something random.

Luck and Community Context

Right. And we've been. We were lucky to get the bro pump at the end and CT in the beginning city for community takeover or crypto Twitter and at the end bro pumped and which is just one in 650 million chance. You have more chances to be killed by a vending machine than getting this contract. So were just lucky. That's, that's all it is.

The Mysterious Nature of Token Creation

And it's, you know, it's just kind of blessed by the crypto gods. Yeah. Like. Oh, yeah. So, like, if anyone doesn't know that pump fun tokens all end in pump, if they don't end in pump, they are not a pump fun token. Right. So we. That officially shows you that we launched on pump fun.

Understanding the Unique Bro Pump Concept

But to get bro in front of pump is like. It's just insane. So that's why people might call us bro pump nero or, you know, hash bro pump. Or we have the emojis for bro pump and things like that. So that's why you will see that in the memes and things like this. But every single token, if you're doing it normally, you will not get CT and bro pump unless you use a generator, unless you have to put it through like a cpu.

The Complexities Involved in Token Creation

It takes a couple weeks to sort of mine through making a contract address. So that's why you might see another one on that has CT as well, because that's what they did. But ours is naturally God given. It's a God given pump fund launch starts with CT, ends with bro pump.

Building a Strong Brand Identity

And because the developer was just going ham trying to get it first. Well, it's sort of just a sign from the gods that not only did we learn from pumpfun. We get given such a contract address that allows us to be so easily kind of brandable and known for what we are. So, yeah, the contract address is absolutely amazing.

Reflecting on Randomness and Success

And as fiat puts it, you're more likely to die from a vending machine than you are to get this contract address. And the others try to do these things, put words at the end, but it takes weeks. And so they didn't have time to do that, which makes us even more special.

A Focus on Unique Branding and Journey

It's part of who we are now. Like, it's, it's part of the journey. And why I think we're going to be so successful is because the brand behind bro pumped and is like insane at this point. I think. I think you are it. I think you own the bro pump tag right now on Ike.

Recognizing Strong Community Recognition

Like, whenever I search pro pump, it's all about, you know, it's all about narrow. And you also have, like, different merch that people can also wear that has, you know, bro pump. I actually really like those merch is designed. They look really good, but.

The Focus on Community and Future Goals

Yeah, but not really talking about merch right now because we don't really have a lot of time left in the clock because we also have community questions. So just going to move on to the next part where we talk about the token, the investing, the holding, the buying part. So let's talk about it right now.

Overview of Token Accessibility

The token is available on different exchanges on Solana. Do you want to talk people about what people through, how to purchase right now, if you're new to Solana and if they do purchase, what they can expect from in terms of like development and planning, upcoming plans with Niro. Guys, do I go first again and we'll try to make this quicker.

Centralized vs. Decentralized Token Strategies

Yeah, but take it away. Take it away. So this nero the world pump, nero the first on chain. Right. The thing that we focus on is less central exchanges. And I'll tell you why we don't focus on that so hard right now. We're not trying to wash trade our investments.

Prioritizing Transparency and Integrity

We don't bundle snipe. There's been no sniping the team or if you want to call them that, the admins we all purchased off on chain. So we focus pretty much on decentralization. So you buy it mostly from radium.

Understanding Token Buying Procedures

Now, we do have two centralized exchanges that bought off market, but we focus more so on buying on chain. And so that makes us very different to other neros. So that's like the first point and then fiat can sort of take over.

Community Engagement and Future Outlook

Yeah, as we mentioned, before we don't focus on price. We are, you know, we are still in the community building phase and we, I think we're doing very well here. You know, what people can expect is, you know, something different, something that, you know, most people, they buy tokens, they just gamble their money, and then they, most people lose in the space because the space is not doing too well right now in terms of like, PvP, select few people that are winning.

Creating a Supportive Community Environment

And then you have this token where, you know, you can sleep. You know, you can sleep well and not worry about your investment and not worry about what's happening in the community. You know, that people, they will keep pushing.

Ensuring Fair Opportunities

If you're not around, someone else will be around and they can expect a fair game. This is the most important thing, the fair game being having a fair chance to participate in the crypto game and not having a rigged, rig the game like other tokens, you know, they sniped 80% of the supply.

Promoting Transparency and Community Effort

So, you know that a select few people will win. And you might make a small, you know, you may, you might make some money, but the game is rigged from the get go. And that's why, you know, you hear you have something different. You know that people will keep pushing this, you know, whether you're here or not.

Community Reliability and Commitment

You can take a vacation, go away, and you know that no matter what, people will be still around. And, and again, you have a, you know, you'll have 100% chance of fair game. That's, that's all it is. And if you do want to actually buy our token, it is very easy to do.

Guiding New Members in Token Purchases

You could just download Phantom wallet or basically just if you click on the Niro, the nero Twitter and go through our nero, go through our links. We've got a link tree there with literally everything. There's like, you know, guides to help you buy or anything or even just join the community and join our telegram and people will literally take you through step by step.

Community Support for New Buyers

That's, that's what's so great is we've got so many different admirs, so many helpful community members and stuff that will all step up and help you buy. So, yeah, come through and check us out. It's a vibe. Put it that way. It's a whole vibe.

Ensuring Safety in Community Interactions

Yeah. But make sure, like to contact the real admin so you want to contact a random, you know, community member. There are always malicious activities going on. And so again, just contact the admins in the telegram group, right. Make sure to get it right.

Future Planning in Token Growth

Yeah. Another thing that I would ask is, again, about the planning. All right. For Nara, I know that, you know, you're not focusing on, you know, centralized exchanges right now. You want everything to be on chain, but centralized exchanges can be, you know, great tools, right, for to onboard new people.

Centralized Exchanges as Onboarding Tools

And that's what, you know, narrow. I'll just touch on that real quick if that's all right. Yeah, like, don't get me wrong, guys. Yeah, CXS, all that sort of stuff. And I'm actually lucky enough to know a lot of people who work with pretty much every CX in this space all the way up to binance.

The Community-Centric Approach

So I'm very well connected in that area. But for us, it really is community. And then as our market cap comes back up, as we start to curl back up, we will get listings and things like that. So the other day, we actually asked our community to send in some supply.

Strategizing for Successful Listings

You know, most exchanges have market bought so far, and we hope that they will market buy, but just in case, it's always good to have, like supply and stuff or be able to pay them because this space is a pay to play space. Like, we can say as much as we want.

Understanding Market Dynamics

Most people know it's a pay to play space and that's just how it goes. But that's cool. But, but for us, as we get higher in market cap, then we'll start looking at that, because then our tokens are then worth more. You know, why get, for instance, why get Maxie now?

Timing and Financial Strategy

And it cost us, you know, 50 grand when we could get Mexie Athenae 50 mil, and it costs us the tokens that we bought now, and it costs us at a value of five grand, which is then worth 50 grand worth of tokens. So it's really just a timing thing.

Seizing Opportunities in the Market

And when the timing is right, we will strike and it can happen very quickly. Solana is just full of FOMO and exchanges. Just love green candles, put it that way. NZ does it. He does himself a disservice because he's more well connected.

Connecting with Exchanges and Building Momentum

Like, he's very well connected. So these exchanges and things going to be very easy. But you have to think, like, when you're positioning yourself as a community tokens don't come out within a few days and then go, bam, there's binance.

Community Expectations Around Growth

Because that's just, they didn't dump the tokens on holders. There was no bundling, there was no sniping, there was no nefarious activities going on. So community tokens, they take, they're called slow cooks for a reason. Right? And so Shib, if you want to get to that shib height, you need to build that concrete base of, like, fanatics, like, crazy fanatics.

Long-term Goals and Community Building

And what will end up happening is the exchanges will FOMO buy as well, and that pushes the token up to a price range that you couldn't even imagine. Right. So when you look in terms of planning, what do we really want to do? We really want to embed ourselves very heavily into the Solana ecosystem.

Positioning as an Attractive Onboarding Token

I feel like Niro is the perfect onboarding experience for normies. I feel like the whole space understands doge. And solana is an amazing infrastructure. So we really want to embed ourselves very deeply into the Solana ecosystem.

Maximizing Community Impact

We want to be a great token for Solana, and we want to be a token that onboards a lot of people into the Defi space. Because if were just focused so much on exchanges. Well, we're not onboarding anyone into the space, are we?

Driving Engagement in Solana

We're onboarding them into their particular company. So, you know, it's all about Solana and Nero at this stage. And I still think that's the best play because that's how you get to ridiculous all time highs.

Planning Focused on Community

And so we can do all of these things, but our planning is mostly focused on the chain and the token and the people. Right. And so that's where this thing that we've been focusing very much is. Player, pump player, is getting away from the fighting. Another token and more. So how can we let every little individual holder win? And that is best done when you're focusing on Defi. You know, we can onboard people, buy one soul, buy 100 soul, keep it in your wallet, come up together, and you can do that so much easier when you don't focusing on like, oh, but I can't buy it on that exchange. Yeah, but you can buy Solana and move it and buy us very easily. So, you know, that's.

Community Engagement through Actions

Can I ask Solana daily sign. Have you ever had a Twitter spaces where you can scroll down in this chat and see how many pfps you see of our community? No, actually, I've never thought about it. Let me go ahead and take a look. You go have a look at that. And like, to anyone. To anyone right now, you show another name coin right now. This old, this old that has that. It is seriously something special that's coming. That's, that's all I know because it is so rare and I've seen a million meme coins I've seen a million. And this is. This is just absurd. As you scroll down and get down to the bottom, it's like, wow, there is. And this is like a quiet night for us. This, like, this time of night. Generally, no one is online. So it just goes to show, man, our community turns up every single time.

Community Turnout and Market Dynamics

So, yeah, if you want to. Like, that's. That's the thing is when you've got such good supply distribution and things like that, it, you know, it really. It really shows. And that's why we can sleep, because we know that there's no one who's got 10% that can just dump on our head and take the coin to zero. But, yeah, you go with your question, bro. I just wanted to say that so that everyone could just have a quick look and be like, wow. Yeah, that's impressive. No, it's very important for people to really understand this. I mean, we all that we do for the whole space, we talk with how we provide, like, proof, right? But right now, this is the proof that you can actually see for yourself again. All right, just a quick word to the narrow community. You guys are fucking insane. Thank you so much for supporting the space.

Acknowledgments from the Team

Thank you so much for supporting us. And I, you know, for sticking around with narrow. I think you guys are onto something really big here, and this is just a start. Dude, I appreciate each and every one of you with that. With that narrow avatar. This is so crazy. Like, there are a lot of iterations as well. I love this dude. Okay. Yo, you better buy a bag. You better buy a bag, man. I think we've got a new holder coming in. Well, you know, I can't give my own. You think about it. Opinions of what I do not do, but this is really looking really tempting, I gotta say. Okay, so I guess, you know. Yeah. So the plan.

Strategic Plans with Solana Community

All right, go back to the plan. We're kind of getting kind of a jack here with all this fun is. So, again, about the plan, sticking around with the Solana community. Embed yourself with Solana, you know, onboarding more hoarders. What is the. Can you give us, like, a more sort of, like, specific examples of how you're going to do that? Like, how do you know, going to embed yourself deeper with the Solana community and, you know, how to onboard more people? You know, something more specific. I think that the people would, like, appreciate that. Yeah. So for me personally, like, something I push is I'm actually constantly, like, networking to people and, like, DM's and all sorts of things and trying to like help set up these competitions.

Partnerships with NFT Communities

One thing we really want to work with is NFT communities. We actually feel like NFT communities are probably the best communities in the space and they have the best holders. So like, you know, any NFT communities, anything like that, we actually want to really network, collab and do some things with them because it's also something that's very undervalued at the moment. So, like, working with something that's undervalued is better than something that's already pumped up. So I think the NFT space is going to move sometime soon and we would love to like integrate ourselves into the Solana ecosystem with the NFT communities because, yeah, I just, I think that's a cooker and I think it's coming. And I don't see any other meme coins right now networking with any Solana NFTs.

Community Engagement and Groundwork

I don't see them like, you know, doing anything. So to me that personally is, for me, is to like attack that and obviously onboarding people, influencers, all that sort of stuff and just getting people to really back us and support us, I think it will generally come. We've also got like a crazy community who are out there every day like waving flags, putting stickers on ATM's. It's just absurd the length that people will go to promote this in their public space. One of the things for me, I'll make this very quick, is my goal is to onboard a million people. I mean, screw everything else. I can't be bothered with, like the price I don't even look at. Right. But I want to work with Moonpay and Moonshot and I've been annoying them in their DM's for a while now and pretty much raiding them non stop because I want to get a million people on boarded to defi I want to get a million nero holders.

Goals for Onboarding New Holders

That is my goal. My goal is a million Solana Nero holders. And I don't care if people think that's not possible. I want a million holders. So we've been focusing really heavily onboarding your friends and I've been saying onboard everyone. So for me that is a huge focus for me. So, yeah, like, I spend a lot of time trying to think, like, how do we get a million holders? That's what, that's a number I just want to see. So there's a few things and there's some other stuff like, you know, validators and things like that. More technical side of things, working with other companies. We've got a. We did a partnership with hello Moon, you know, so we just want to become more and more part of Solana.

Commitment to Solana Ecosystem

We love Solana. We love this whole thing. We think Nero is going to be one of Solana's biggest tokens and one of those tokens that allows people to be like, it's the sister of those. It's simple. I like Solana. I want to be part of Solana. And I think we. I personally believe that Nero will be one of the best onboarding tools that Solana has ever seen. That's what I truly believe. Do you want to add anything? Yeah, I just wanted to. Quickly, before you go to the questions, because I understand that we are running out of time so quickly. Defaido mentioned about the validator, so we are working on the validator right now.

Integration and Assurance of Project Stability

We want to integrate ourselves into the Solana ecosystem. We want to show, you know, for anyone who has doubts that we're here to stay, we're serious about this blockchain, about Solana, and we believe that Solana will do very well. So it's very important for us that we keep proving everyone that we are here to stay. And that's why we're going to go above and beyond to show the people at the top that if there was any token you want to support and you want to be confident that it will be here tomorrow and, you know, next month and next year, this is it. This is the shib of this cycle. This is on Solana, on the greatest chain that's, you know, having an exponential growth.

Community Events and Initiatives

That's one and second. We're going to have a parade this week in New York with people waving flags, people waving Solana flags. Nero flags will be fun. We'll be, you know, spreading the word as we do every day. We have people on the ground to do groundwork. So everyone is very committed. We want to show love. We want to show that this is where the fun is, and we will keep creating. And we also have the statue, if we didn't touch too much on the statue. So a quick word on that. We are going to have a bronze statue that we started working on. I believe we announced within a week or so, we announced that we want to create a bronze statue.

Community-Initiated Artwork

And then within two days, a community member stepped in, paid a lot of money to create a bronze statue. And those who know how these things work, they take time. They take a lot of money. It's a whole process. And this is being finalized very soon. We had some updates you can find on our page. If someone can pin it, that would be good as well. We should be done with it soon and we're working on a way to deliver it. We have people in Japan, people who live close to caboose mama. We hope that she will accept this as a goodwill gesture. And it's just to show appreciation and love and the fact that we obviously have a token called Nero and we are the first one.

Aim for Positive Impact

We want to show that we are here to give every single day and do good and to show that the meme coin space and the blockchain space in general can be, can be positive. That is massive. Like you just came out with the bomb right now. Wrote like a lot of these crazy marketing stunts that, you know, you guys are gearing up and I think that people, it's going to be hard for people not to notice narrow then. So I'm very excited for the neighbor community in the upcoming times. So guys, go ahead and check them out right now. All the links, I put it in the space up there so you just grow a little bit and you can see it.

Opening the Floor for Questions

Also follow the rules in the NFT giveaway because we will be announcing them in like 10 15 minutes right now. So moving on to the final part, which is the community questions. In this part, you can answer about five questions from the community. All right, so guys, I really want this. This is a chance for the community to open their mic and speak. Normally what we do is we select the questions under the reply. But this time I really want the. Community to like, or at least like one or two community members to open their microphone, show their support for narrow. So if you see any familiar faces within your own community, go ahead and open their microphone.

Connecting with the Community

And guys, if you are a supporter of narrow, just request to speak, man, you don't have to be shy. So if you have any questions at all, go ahead and do so. So I'm going to leave narrow to select the people to open their mic. And in the meantime, myself, I'm going through the reply and I'm going to see if there is any good, like, you know, text question. I'm going to read it out loud and you guys can answer. Okay, sounds good. I actually have a suggestion. Salama daily. Again, again, thank you for doing all of this. And I have actually a suggestion, and that would be you select anyone you want randomly from the crowd.

Fostering Open Communication

Anyone who is raising their hand. You know, people, they tend to be shy in spaces. So I don't know who's raising the hand because I'm not co host. But if you select someone randomly, since we have, you know, we are pure community driven. We have nothing to hide. Anyone can ask any question they have and we're always happy to answer. And that goes to. Same to our telegram. Our vc is open 24/7 so people can chime in. And because everything is, you know, everything is honest with everything that's happening with our nero. That's why we don't shy from tough questions or any questions at all. So if you have any people who raise their hand, go ahead and bring them up and one of us will answer.

Text-Based Interaction

I like that. I like that. Okay. Okay, so let me see. Okay, let's see. Let's just select a random dude right now, or I, you know, girl, I don't know. but boosa, let's do it. So let's add him as bigger. Okay, so I'm just gonna add random person. But if you like and retweet the space and follow nero, you have like an increased chance of getting selected. So. Okay, I see. Babu son. Okay, I didn't know if I pronounced it right, but you're not unmuted. Do you want to open your microphone and ask some questions?

Encouraging Participant Engagement

okay, so he's a little bit shy. He's still raising his hands though. But hey, you are actually unmuted. Do you have to unmute yourself to speak in the bottom? That looks like I dropped off. I don't think speak. I think just add up whoever you can quickly. Yeah. Okay, so let's do that. Here we go. I'm gonna add like a few. Let's go with this one as well. Okay. Whoever opens your microphone first, you get to ask a question.

Healthy Dialogue with the Community

Yes, I believe. Okay, so may I know your name, please? Is it defi can ask my question? Yeah, go ahead, please. Okay. Okay. My question is, how do, is the token governance model and how do token holders participate in the decision making process to shape the future of the project? I can answer that real quick. So thank you for the question. And the answer to this is, we constantly get new ideas from community members. Some of these ideas are viable for now and, you know, it's easy to execute them.

Community-Driven Improvements

And some ideas will require time or, you know, just the timing itself. So whenever someone comes with ideas, we always take them into consideration and we, you know, we send them in the admin chat, we say this community member, you know, suggested this idea, you know, what do you think? And then if the consensus is, you know, that it's a good time to execute or it's viable, then. Then we go ahead and execute. But everyone is being listened to. Everyone is contributing. From the, you know, small holders to big holders. Everyone is equal.

Conclusion and Open Dialogue

Thank you so much for the question. I believe that answers it and believe that was from Defi pizza. Okay, cool. Also, there are a few more people being invited, so Prince Zadok, relevant. If you want, you can go. Feel free to open your microphone. Hello? Yeah, that's relevant. Hey, acid, how you doing? Yeah. Hello. I'm audible. Yes, you are. Do you want to ask? Yes, we can hear you. Please go ahead with the question. Hi, question. I want to know how does narrow stocks fee transaction model impact liquidity of the token? And also what risk does this model.

Assessing Risk and Liquidity

Imposed to long term sustainability of the project? I'm not 100% sure. Did you say something about the LP? There's no taxes. I think I heard the word tax. So there's no. There's no taxes. I mean, I'm talking about how does narrow tax free transaction model impact liquidity? And also I want to know what those risks. And I sort know, how does this rigs I had. I mean, I want to know what. Rigs does this imposed to the long term sustainability of the project. Right. Are you.

Liquidity and Market Health

Yeah. So I'm trying to. Trying to understand what you're saying, but are you asking how, like, do we sustain our LP? How do we sustain it and grow it? Yes, we actually have a huge l people. We've probably got one of the biggest L peoples for. For a 5 million, 6 million market cap coin there is. We've got 1.2 million liquidity to a market cap of six mil. So that's one to six ratio when most of most solana coins are about one to 50. So we don't need any more lp. We've got as thick as it gets, really. We got strong.

Operational Mechanics of the Project

The way it works, the way it works with pump fund tokens is those initial tokens burnt. They're added to the liquidity pool and then burnt on hitting radium. Right. Which is why you'll hear people say, oh, we hit radium. So what will happen is those tokens will go up with the price of a token itself, which is sitting at a roughly above. It's above 10% right now. But as the token price goes up, so will liquidity. And then by the time it gets to, you know, billions billion status, well, then LP is actually managed by people putting in their own liquidity. Right. Which we've had someone put in almost a million dollars in liquidity before.

Sustainability and Community Support

So as the price rises, people add liquidity and they make money from fees. So, yeah, the liquidity has never been an issue here. In fact, it's been one of the most whale friendly liquidity pools I think I've seen in a long time because you can put in one hundred k and barely affect the chart. Thank you very much for the question. Yeah, you can check them out right now on, you know, Dex two, Dex squared or whatever use, but they have about a million dollars right now. Incidentally, liquidity, and I believe that's a, that's one of the best ratio that I've seen as well.

Community Contributions to Charitable Causes

Okay, thank you. Moving on to the next question, guys. Again, same rule. If you open your microphone first, you guys selected renovin, I think. Yeah. So I just wanted to know in terms of charities narrow, involved in any charities like dog shelters and the rest. Yeah, so I officially, under my personal account, which I won't say the name, but I was the first ever donation three soul into a charity, hope for pause, which if you want to donate, hope for pause is a great one. I was the first donation ever for any nearer. So I always thought that donations and charities should be, play a big part.

Emphasizing Charitable Foundations

And, and the reason I love that is because do good every day in line with Doge and Miro should be roughly the same. I feel like we should be quite charitable now. I believe that our community did a donation of about $10,000 on the first day or the second day. And so we continue to be a token that focuses on those kinds of things. Right. Do good every day, donate to shelters, look after people, look after your fellow holder, band together with your fellow holder.

Legacy of Goodwill and Future Goals

So donations is definitely, especially at a higher market cap. Like, at a higher market cap, you can really hit. Like, you can really do some really amazing things. So we really feel like we take the legacy of Doge and that's why we came up with the moniker, the legacy of George and the guardians of legacy. That has been what we created from the get go. And of course, people took it, but we love donations. We love charity. Especially at a higher market cap, that is a hundred percent what I would love to be focusing on.

Supporting Global Initiatives

I feel like that's like, if you can get to the point where your market cap allows you to really do amazing things for people, then we will. But another thing is we've donated $50 every day for the last 13 days to save the children. And we've also bought Doge of the same amount until doge hits a dollar. So we're sort of supporting our sister doge, and we're supporting save the children. So we love doing that. We love the good, do good, everyday movement.

Reflection on Future Positive Contributions

Yes. In fact, they do have charity just like the old doge, but they will be having more in the future. So thank you very much for that question. We have two left from the community. Again, if you are a speaker right now, feel free to open your mic. Yeah. Can I ask my question? Yes, the dog. All right. I like the name. All right, thank you so much. So what are some of the anticipated direction you are going to use in the development, expansion of your ecosystem?

Innovative Directions and Technological Advancements

Do you have some innovations in mind. In terms of technology? The innovation is people. Right. So if you go and attach a utility to a meme token, well, your price is then attached to the utility that you create. And so our utility is community. It is the meme. It's, it's, it is people, right. It is what we do with the community, what we do with onboarding, what we do with the ecosystem.

The Nature of Memes

We're on what we do with the meme. And so the meme, a meme can go to heights that are just impossible. You can't even think about it, right. But once you have a utility, like a technical utility, well, you're not really a meme token anymore. You're more just a, you're using a meme to sort of advertise a product. And so it really is all just having fun with the community and being part of a community. And they grow to much bigger heights than people can possibly imagine.

Market Trends and Meme Performance

And just to add into that, too, like, if you look at all the tech like coins right now on the market, and most of them performed really poorly in the past couple of months. Right? Again, heavily affected by the market. But memes have been outperforming all the other tight coins. So that's like my two cent about it. Memes are just a no brainer. Their meme don't have to go too technical about it. It's easy for everyone to onboard, so.

Community Utility in Meme Coins

Actually, a meme coin, the best utility of a meme coin is its community. This is what mass adoption is like. Meme coins bring the mass adoption. It's easy for Nomis to understand and utility, it's easy to create. When you have a community with, you know, 10,000 11,000 people, you inevitably will have people, you know, reaching out to you in DM's with all sorts of utility ideas. And we had these people, like, if we. If we wanted to do something, it could happen, you know, this week, next week, we could have some utility. But we. Our utility is a community.

The Importance of Community in Meme Coins

And, you know, it's. It was proven, you know, with the past few years is that meme coins with that create, like. And these are start focusing on utility. They actually are not so successful. They actually kill their projects. That's what most of the time happens. I don't know if there were any exceptions. I don't know of any. But this is what normally happens. So our thing is to onboard, like defibrillator said, to onboard a million people to bring on the masses. That's how we gonna expand, and that's how we're gonna bring real adoption to Solana.

Interaction and Community Engagement

Thank you very much for the question. That's four. And we have one final questions for Nehru on Solana. So, guys, again, you don't have to. Well, you don't have to be muted anymore. Again, unmute yourself. We have one. One last person. In the meantime, if you guys are not, you know, really speaking anything or asking, I will invite even more people. I'm here. if. See. Hello? Questions. So distinct identity. Okay, Whitney. Yeah, we can hear you.

Networking and NFTs

All right. How do narrow plan to leverage its association? I I think Brittany is, like, disconnected a little bit. So, I'm sorry, Brittany, we cannot hear you that well. So I will have to remove you a speaker. Please check your microphone next time or Internet connection. I appreciate it. Let's leave a chance for other people. Is this mike? Mike check. Yeah, I think Marlon there. Yeah, just Marlon. I'm actually a community member, but is it okay to say something, or did you want someone to ask a question?

Community Engagement and Fun Events

Yeah, yeah, I just want to. Well, basically, I just want to implore everyone to come. Come and check out our telegram. Our telegram is always on fire, and it's always got a vibe. The music's always on 24/7 if it's not on, then we're all saying, put something on, and people just use it as a radio just to come and hang out. So that's basically what we're all about. We do have a serious side to Nero, and that's like connecting with super teams, Solana, super teams, devs all along.

Memorable Events and Community Contributions

But we also do have a non serious side, a funny side, and I'd like Defido to actually explain a little bit of how we had someone talk for 10 hours for bro pump. Maybe you can explain a little bit more. All right. Yeah. So we set up an event where someone just had to say bro pump for 10 hours. And, you know, it took me a few days to find someone crazy enough to do it, but in the end, we did.

Success Stories and Community Interaction

We found someone who said bro pump on camera for on stream for 10 hours. So he's literally just sat there and went, bro pump. Bro pump. And, I mean, he made over a $1,000. So it was. It was insane. But, yeah, that's a mister Fisher. It was all live. Yeah. So our community's been doing weird and wacky things. Yeah, it's on YouTube, but unfortunately, the recording only did, like, 9 hours and a half.

Community Values and Goals

The end of it wasn't recorded. But, I mean, he would do it again. Good enough. I know he would. So, like, we have a community that is. Has been kind of screwing around and having fun with it for. Since the inception. And so that's what makes this. This nero different, is that when it gets to the pavilions, of which I'm so sure it's going to, and I'm so sure it's going to be the one, is because when it gets there, it would have been so deserved, because we treated Nero right.

Nero's Growth and Future Aspirations

We treated it as if it was just supposed to be fun. It was just supposed to be about the community. And yet, there's a serious side of it, like Marlon said, but that when we get these things, it's so well deserved. And we did it as a community. And the community, like, when we get finance, when we get okay. X. When we get these things, it'll because we deserved it and not because we just rushed it because we needed an exit, it would because all the community members deserved it.

Commitment to the Community

And that's what, when you join Nero and you work for your bags and you become part of something, you're becoming part of something that you deserve. Like, you have deserved it. So, yeah, we. We have fun, but we are also serious. I say. I see. No, that. That's. That's some insane thing right there, dude. I never seen that happening with any meme coins ever.

Unique Community Experiences

So, like, you guys are always out there trying to do some unique, quirky stuff that's did. I just don't know what to expect, you know what I mean? From narrow in the future, like, it seems like you're gonna surprise us anytime. And I. That's perfect. I like that. One of these things, one of these days will catch. Will go viral and, you know, that will just leave the Internet to do its thing.

Closing Thoughts

You know, that's going to be fun. But, yeah. Thank you very much for that. Thank you very much, Marlon, for being here, man. That was nice. I have one last question that I actually found under the reply, and I think this will tie the whole ama up nicely. And that is a common problem. Well, this question is from Skylar.

Investor Perspectives and Holding Strategies

Right. And his question is a common problem is that nowadays a lot of investors are interested in the initial quick profits and ignore the long term benefits. Right. So can you give them some reasons why they should buy and hold narrow, right. In the long term? Yeah. Well, I'll jump in there again. You have to look at the history, right. Doge went to 70, 80 billion.

Community Token Values

Shib went to 40 to 60 billion. Somewhere around there. Right. These tokens do not get to this height unless the people had to see a dip and then hold together and then go up. Right. That is how community tokens are built. So if anyone's looking for a quick flip, you realize that the quick flips that you're looking at, there's ten people in a VC backing company that are going to dunk on your head, and what are they going to do? They're going to dunk on the run up, so they're going to sell into volume.

Long-Term Growth and Market Awareness

So if you're going to buy this, you're going to realize that the only Niro that's going to take you to the really top of the peak, because everybody knows that this is the token of the cycle. They're going to fight it for as long as they can. But they know that Nero is the one, because there's been so much volume and so much fighting for this particular thing. But if you're going to think about, like, which one's going to take me to shib levels, we'll look at history.

The Value of Community-Driven Tokens

Only community tokens can do it. Only community tokens can do it. Decentralized, 100% on markethouse. Everybody can own a bag. Everybody can hold a bag. A lot. A lot of people owning a lot of a small amount and being like, I ain't selling this until it's a million. That's the only way you get there. Because if you go for what is what people call a cabal token, well, straight away, as it gets to a billion or 2 billion and starts to run up into volume, well, bang, bang, bang.

Understanding Market Dynamics

Here goes. It goes 10%, here goes 20%. So you're not going to get to 50 billion, you're not going to get to 100 billion. Just not, that's just not happening. Right. So when you buy this, you're buying it knowing that you are literally doing like doge the huddle, like, hold on for dear life and hold your thousand dollars. Hold your $10,000. Don't sell it. Don't worry about it.

What Makes Nero Different

Everyone here is holding with you, and everyone here is here with you and here for you. So this is why this token is so different and why people that will look at a market cap right now of different ones and go, oh, you know, but they've run that up. Yeah, but there's 70% of supply that they're going to dunk on your heads, 70%. So even 10% in a run up is going to kill the run.

Community Support and Historical Context

Right. So you're just part of history here. You're part of Shib, you're part of Doge. You're looking at tokens that are just like that and you're going to. Well, hold on, how did they work? Well, they weren't bundled to high heaven. There wasn't a bunch of coals and devs that were, you know, holding huge amounts of supply that were going to destroy it on its run up.

The Future of Solana and Community Tokens

So you are literally holding history. And history repeats itself, but it has never repeated itself on Solana. And so that's why we know Solana is going to be the one, because it's the chain that not only has the most upside, I mean, it doesn't have the founders dumping. I mean, you know, tokens every day is like a certain other chain, which I won't name, but I think we kind of know that the, that Solana and Sol is going up and those other tokens have had their run.

Technical Advantages of Solana

It's twelve transactions per second versus 65,000 tractions per second. So institutional investment and retail investment is looking for the new ux. And so meme coins that are going to do shib, that are going to doge, they're going to be looking for new user experience. So just look at the past and be like, how did, what happened before? And then look at the future and be like, well, what's the chain of the future? And that's Solana.

Community Loyalty and Investor Motivation

So it's like sister of Doge, community driven on Solana with a community that will just not be quit. And I know that when you aim those things, that's what you get. Like Popcat with Shib, they're all community tokens. You're just not getting there. Sorry to say, like with bundles, it's just not happening. Just touch on the institutional investors, like two words on that, I'll try to make it short.

Institutional Interest and Market Evolution

In previous cycles, we didn't have institutional investors who were looking into meme coins because people back then didn't have understand meme coins. It was, it was very like, it's still very speculative asset class, but people are looking into them, people with serious money, hedge funds, they are looking into meme coins as well. Because they understand that we are in attention economy and because we are attention economy.

Community as a Marketing Tool

You know, the user base is the, it's going to bring the masses. It's going to bring, it's the best marketing tool is when you have thousands or tens of thousands or tens and tens of thousands of people marketing your product for free. You don't need to spend on marketing. And everybody knows marketing costs a lot of money. Anyone who's been ever involved in business, it takes a lot of money.

organic Growth and Networking

You know, Google, pay per click, whatever, you know, these are the go to things. And when you have people in real life who are spreading the word and bringing the masses, bringing their uncle, their grandmother, their sister, their girlfriend, this is when the community grows and it grows organically. Institutional investors, they are smart. They are not going to buy into a coin that is owned 80% by some dev.

Investor Security and Community Trust

They want to buy into a fairly distributed token and they want to make sure that their investment is safe. They are not going to have the risk of, you know, being dumped on and, you know, because this is big money, they don't want to invest in something that is, you know, 100% gamble. They want to invest into people, into communities and to long lasting tokens.

Conclusion of the AMA

Well said, well said. I like that. Thank you very much for that question. Actually that ties us up. Very nice. One last part that I think we haven't done is announcing the NFT winners actually. So would you like to. Yeah. Hey, give us a name. I actually just DM four people from this chat that I've just been watching. I can just read out their names for everyone.

NFT Winner Announcement

Yeah, I just deemed meme dad. He just replied to me saying, thanks, sir. I just mean DM'd orc 716, he's replied. And Luca, I seen Luca there and I see dubs. I've also just DM'd you too. So four of you guys, obviously sending you guys some NFTs. Just send through your wallets and you'll be getting them. Easy peasy.

Rules and Engagement

I thought it'd be easier just to quickly go through chat and randomly, like Pixel. Yeah. So meme dad. Meme dad. Oh, Luca at Dubs, if you guys just reply to my DM. I sent you guys all the DM. Yeah. Thank you. Also, I was gonna say they also followed the rules as well because I actually clicked on. Clicked on a few people and a few people hadn't retweeted, so. So they missed out.

Compliance and Participation Guidelines

Yep. So that's it. You gotta. You gotta retweet the space, dude. You gotta retweet the space. Follow narrow on their ex account in order to receive the rewards. Right? That's how it works. 100%. Make sure that. Yeah, you gotta. You gotta do follow the rules. And by the way, if you can send those usernames, you know, in our chat on telegram, that'd be much appreciated because I will give you another.

Thank You and Session Wrap-Up

You can post it under here just so everyone can see who it is. Yeah, no problem. Yeah, yeah. All right. Thank you very much. Okay, I think that's going to be it for today's session with Nehru. I mean, it's been a really fun, very insightful, really entertaining session. I appreciate you guys for showing up, being here.

Best Wishes to the Community

I wish nothing but the best for the narrow community. Is there anything else you want to, like, recap on before we, you know, sign out? Come have fun. Come have fun, guys. Like, seriously, the space is full of PvP. Come and win together, right? Let's come and do it like shit. Let's win together. Let's run it up together.

Encouragement and Call to Action

Let's, like, be millionaires together. Let's friggin thousand dollars to a million. If you can. If we can do. Let's do it. Let's do it together. Because, like, we need to hold together. We need to do something crazy. We need to think crazy. We just need to have fun. Have fun with it. Come join the memes.

Community Spirit and Vibe

We've got thousands of memes. And come and. Come and be a meme. Yes, sir. Good vibes only. Good vibes only. go ahead and. Go ahead and check out their telegram. Join the voice chat. It's up 24/7 request any kind of music they like.

Final Remarks

so, yeah, go ahead and do that. NZ Viet Burns, do you have anything else you want to say? Well, I'm all talked out, man. I'm. I'm just keen to see those God candles. And I know they're coming. Put it this way. We're cooking. We're cooking.

Exciting Developments Ahead

We're cooking up some stuff. So, you know, some things take a bit longer, but when they come, my lord, are they good? So get ready. You know, things will happen. Things happen in time. We're cooking.

Patience and Understanding

Yes, sir. In the next two works, hopefully. Always cooking and, you know, it's in due time. When you focus on fundamentals like community and you know, the good thing, the price follows. You know, everybody knows my story about, you know, some talking I was in, I didn't have the patience.

The Importance of Conviction

I sold it and now it would be worth, you know, quite a lot of money. So it just, it's just patience and having conviction, believe in something. Know that we're here to stay. We want to, you know, like we mentioned, to integrate into Solana, whether it's validators, whether, you know, on boarding the right people, not paying for with supply to people who can dump on you so your investment here is safe.

Community Engagement and Support

And come have fun in the TG and, you know, just see for yourself. You don't need to buy anything. Just join the telegram, join the community and you will see that we're always here, always in VC, always vibing, you know, making connections and the good thing are coming.

Gratitude for Participation

And thank you, Solan daily for holding the spaces. Appreciate that. I enjoyed it and I hope that people enjoyed listening to us and they got some answers to the questions. If they didn't come in the VC, ask your questions and they will be answered. Thank you again.

Closing Acknowledgements

Perfect. Thank you very much once again. And thank you especially to the community who's been here listening for more than an hour. And the narrow community, I salute you. You guys are one of the best. And so, yeah, take care, man.

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