Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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The Twitter Space NEAR ALPHA SHOW hosted by NEARWEEK. NEAR ALPHA SHOW ? is a captivating space dedicated to serving the NEAR community with enlightening insights, updates, and platforms for engagement. With a focus on promoting curation, community interactions, and the importance of personal research, this space acts as a beacon for NEAR enthusiasts. Through partnerships, collaborations, and informative sessions, the NEAR ALPHA SHOW fosters a culture of learning, collaboration, and innovation within the NEAR ecosystem.

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Total Listeners: 32


Q: What is the primary focus of the NEAR Newsletter & Community Platform?
A: The focus is on research, development, aggregation, and curation.

Q: What is the disclaimer regarding the content shared in the space?
A: The content does not offer financial advice; users are encouraged to conduct their research.

Q: How does the NEAR ALPHA SHOW benefit the NEAR community?
A: It provides valuable insights, updates, and a platform for engagement within the NEAR ecosystem.

Q: Why is community engagement important in the NEAR ALPHA SHOW space?
A: Community engagement promotes interaction, knowledge-sharing, and resource exchange.

Q: What values are promoted in the NEAR ALPHA SHOW?
A: The space values collaboration, learning, and staying informed within the NEAR community.

Q: What role does curation play in the NEAR ALPHA SHOW?
A: Curation ensures that the content shared is relevant, informative, and beneficial for the audience.

Q: How does the NEAR ALPHA SHOW encourage users to make decisions?
A: By promoting a non-financial advice approach and advocating for personal research and decision-making.

Q: What can users expect from the NEAR ALPHA SHOW space?
A: Users can expect informative updates, community interactions, and curated content related to NEAR.

Q: Why is the NEAR ALPHA SHOW considered a reliable source?
A: It offers current insights, promotes community sharing, and prioritizes engagement with NEAR enthusiasts.

Q: What are the core principles of the NEAR ALPHA SHOW community?
A: Engagement, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing are the fundamental pillars of the NEAR ALPHA SHOW space.


Time: 00:15:28
Focus on Content Curation Emphasizing the importance of curated content for the NEAR community.

Time: 00:25:11
Community Engagement Initiatives Discussing strategies to enhance community engagement within the NEAR ecosystem.

Time: 00:35:45
Importance of Research and Development Highlighting the significance of R&D for the growth of NEAR and its community.

Time: 00:45:19
DYOR Policy Reminder Reiterating the importance of conducting personal research before making decisions.

Time: 00:55:36
Interactive Sessions with NEAR Experts Engaging in informative discussions with NEAR specialists for community enlightenment.

Time: 01:05:42
Partnerships and Collaborations Exploring how collaborations shape the NEAR ecosystem and drive innovation.

Time: 01:15:58
Upcoming Events and Announcements Teasing exciting future events and updates within the NEAR community.

Time: 01:25:33
Behind-the-Scenes Look at NEAR Projects Peeking into the development processes and efforts behind NEAR projects.

Time: 01:35:27
User Spotlight: NEAR Community Stories Showcasing inspiring stories and contributions from the NEAR community members.

Time: 01:45:19
Future Visions and Roadmaps Discussing the future trajectory and growth plans of NEAR in the blockchain space.

Key Takeaways

  • NEAR Newsletter & Community Platform focuses on research, development, aggregation, and curation.
  • Content in the space is not financial advice; users are advised to always Do Your Own Research (DYOR).
  • The NEAR ALPHA SHOW offers valuable insights and updates to the NEAR community.
  • Emphasis on community engagement and content curation for the NEAR ecosystem.
  • NEAR ALPHA SHOW is a hub for NEAR enthusiasts to stay informed and engaged.
  • This space promotes non-financial advice and encourages a DIY approach in decision-making.
  • NEAR ALPHA SHOW prioritizes informative content around research and development in the NEAR ecosystem.
  • The space highlights the importance of community interactions and sharing of valuable resources.
  • NEAR ALPHA SHOW is a reliable source for current happenings and developments within the NEAR community.
  • Engagement, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing are pillars of the NEAR ALPHA SHOW space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcoming Remarks

Good morning everybody. We'll get started in just a couple minutes here. Happy wax Wednesday. Good morning everybody. Happy wax Wednesday starting in just a second. Welcome Pantheon. You do a quick mic check? Mic check. Test one, two. Looks good. Sounds good. Welcome. What's up Derek, how are you? Morning Asa. Give just a couple minutes for folks to stream in and then we'll get started.

Game Commencement and Special Guests

Good morning puzzle. Good morning Dogzilla, how the hell are you? All right, it's 1001. Anthony, you ready to go? I think we can kick this off. I'm ready. All right. So good morning wax blockchain welcome back to Wax Wednesday. Today we have been blessed by the gods. We will be diving deep into the world of the gods, the mortals, and that the lies they tell each other with this new game on wax called Pantheon. Joining us is Anthony, the creator of Pantheon. Anthony is a lifelong collector and gamer hailing from Chicago.

Anthony's Background and Game Introduction

Bringing his passion for strategic gameplay and financial expertise to Pantheon. He's been blending his love of card games with a professional experience and finance to create a truly unique digital trading card game. Outside of that, he enjoys cooking, darts and Sci-Fi in his free time. And now his latest creation, Pantheon, which we're going to talk about today, is ready to capture the hearts of collectors and gamers around the world. Anthony, welcome. Thank you for coming today. Yeah, thanks for that warm intro. Happy wax Wednesday everybody. I am very excited to be here.

Overview of Pantheon Game Mechanics

Now, if you're not aware, Pantheon is a unique card game combining strategic gameplay with the power of NFTs. You'll be battling with gods and challenging your opponents with bold bluffs. We're going to chat about the game's design, the upcoming launch, and how you can get in the action right here on wax. I think we might have a few little details that haven't been released yet today as well. So settle in, grab your favorite beverage, rethink the room and then stay awhile and listen as usual. If you've got questions about the game, about the art, or maybe you participated in the beta and you wanted to share something on your experience from there, go ahead and request a speaker.

Game Structure and Invitation for Participation

We'll be bringing up folks throughout the interview. So once again, good morning, everybody. Good morning, Anthony, thank you again for joining us. Let's introduce the game a little bit. Do you mind explaining the basic premise of Pantheon to every listening today? Yeah, absolutely. So believe it or nothing, the basic premise of Pantheon is actually based on an in real life card game that has not existed anywhere online until now. And the unique aspect of it is a high stakes trading card game, so you will actually be able to capture digital playing cards from other players. So that's kind of it in a nutshell, but happy to go into any more details.

Gameplay Inspirations and Mechanics Exploration

Yeah, absolutely. So capturing cards from others immediately makes me think of playing games when I was a kid. Like pogs? 100%. Yeah. Playing for keeps. Yes. Playing for keeps, absolutely. What is kind of. So other than just like playing for keeps, what are some of the other main mechanics and the core gameplay. Gameplay loop around the game? Yeah. So it is multiplayer, meaning not heads up like PvP, like you'll see in a lot of other card battle games. So you need three or more people to start a match, and up to six people can be sitting in an arena playing against each other.

Game Mechanics and Elements of Bluffing

So it's a turn based game. You will essentially do different acts as the gameplay progresses, and there's a bluffing element to it as well, which I'm really excited about, which is also something that I haven't really seen done in this type of game before. So essentially, as players act and it becomes your turn, you can either raise the stakes by completing another act, or you can challenge that player if you want to essentially call their bluff, quote unquote. So then when a challenge is initiated, all the rest of the players get a chance to take another turn, either supporting one of the sides that they believe is correct, or they could continue to raise the stakes and then the gameplay loop would sort of continue from there.

Unique Features of Pantheon in Gaming Space

Thanks, Anthony. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the Pantheon is kind of unique when it's coming into the wax gaming space. What was kind of the inspiration for the bluffing focus in the card game? I think you kind of mentioned pogs earlier. What do you think makes it stand out from other trading card games? Yeah, like I said, it is based on a IRL game. So I've actually had this idea for many years, and it wasn't until the rise of nfts and web three gaming, specifically with blockchain technology on wax, that I saw, hey, this game now is actually possible to make happen online through the power of nfts and through that blockchain technology.

Potential for Game Evolution and Unique Asset Ownership

So I think that's what makes it really unique in the wax space. The multiplayer aspect, the playing for keeps. And overall, just having those NFTs as core to the gameplay itself I think is really important. Yeah. One thing I've always admired about nfts is you can, you know, you can kind of truly own the things that you're playing with online, which is, you know, some games, it's you really, I've really, I should say, get kind of salty about spending a lot of dlcs and then having to buy all that stuff again when the new version comes out. Right, right. Yeah.

Game Roadmap and Future Developments

And I think what also makes us unique is just the potential for down the road, like right now we have the base game, right, what I'll call version 1.0. But we've discussed so many things for the project roadmap and how to get into either cross chain promos or maybe allow people to play with other NFT sets. So really the possibilities are endless. But don't tell the dev team that I said that because they'll get mad at me. No, yeah, I got you. I got you.

Realm Interaction and Gameplay Elements

Man's sky here. I'm looking at the website a little bit. I'm seeing the first couple of things that kind of jump out. I'm seeing like, sanctuary. I'm seeing mortal realm and purgatory. Can you give us a little brief about how these realms work and how players kind of move between them? How does that work? Yeah, so there's kind of different elements in the game that you'll interact with either your deck or other players. Right. So the mortal realm is where I. Let me back up. So the lore of the game, right.

Lore and Card Functionality

Pantheon is based on pantheon of gods. So essentially all the trading cards, all the NFTs are based on gods. The first edition is ten different greek gods, but we'll do more different ancient religions and future releases. So anyway, the idea is that as you're collecting cards and gods, you know, gods tend to get. So they'll want to travel to the mortal realm and interact with other gods. So when you actually build your deck of your cards, that's where your gods are safe. They're in sanctuary and nobody can get them. However, when they enter the mortal realm, their kind of power level is revealed and then they also become vulnerable.

Purgatory and Card Dynamics

But you can, in that same way, capture other players cards. So that's how the sanctuary in the mortal realm work together. As for purgatory, in order to initiate a challenge, you actually have to, I'll say, temporarily sacrifice one of your cards, and that's the cost to initiate the challenge. When you do that God will move to purgatory. And then every so often through the game, players can resurrect those cards from purgatory. If they don't get resurrected, then they're kind of sent to the underworld where they could either be burned or maybe redistributed at a later date.

Card Lifecycle and Gameplay Consequences

Okay, so immediately I want to ask, like, okay, so burned or redistributed? Does that mean, like, really the NFT gets burned or it's just for the rest of the play time? Or is that kind of how you're going to. The playing for keeps kind of turns in right there. Right. So the option is there, like, if the card is not resurrected from purgatory and it doesn't go back to the player's sanctuary, then it'll be sent to the underworld account, which depending on different seasons of the game, those cards may be recirculated so they can stay in play.

Gameplay Experience and Emotional Impact

They could be dropped to different players depending on what challenges they're completing or if needed, they could be burned and just kind of control the supply that way. But the overall goal is that, you know, the cards will stay in play in circulation. That's awesome. I think the idea of, like, losing one of your favorite cards and somehow later down the line being reunited, I think that some kind of cool storyline. Yeah. The other thing with through the purgatory is, you know, then when players are opening cards through packs, there's that surprise element.

Future Card Pack Concepts

You don't really know what you're going to get. However, once a card moves all the way through purgatory to the underworld, you have that chain of custody. So that could open the door for certain different, maybe a purgatory pack where you know exactly what you're going to get. Something like that. Perfect. Me. Welcome to stage Christia. Kristaya, thanks for joining us today. Do you have a question or I want to make a comment. I know that you were very helpful kind of acting in the beta and I'll be getting to that, I think.

Contribution from Beta Tester

Just a moment here, please. Go ahead. Christiah. Well, hi, Christia. Hey, how are you? Good, good. Happy to be here. And just wanted to say that I've been testing the game. I think, like, for a month we will be testing the game and it's been really fun. I'm sure you will. You always be able to have fun with the game when it's finally released. You still had chance to join us on the beta. And I have to say that the game is more fun when you play with friends.

Community Feedback and Enjoyment

So when you're kind of in Boysen and playing with them and trying to make some strategy to make the other one not know that you have those kind of cars. Yeah. So that is going to be interesting to play with games with other people and of sure, I've been playing on my screen, so people have been enjoying them to see and yeah, I just wanted to say that I've been really enjoying the beta and I think you guys are making really good job and I know you have printing more stuff coming for the game and just wanted to say, yeah, so you're doing a awesome job and everyone should go there to follow Patreon and see what is coming because it's pretty fun.

Acknowledgment of Community Contribution

Yeah, thanks for that, Chris. Dia, it's been. It's been a lot of fun and you've been a huge help making suggestions on the game. I will say something that Christia just brought up is really interesting and something I didn't necessarily expect to happen. But if anybody out there plays card games with families or friends that have any sort of bluffing aspect, you know, there's the concept of table talk where you can sort of nudge people and make them think you have something that you really don't or get them a little bit scared about what action they're going to take.

Table Talk and Bluffing Dynamics

So I think that's what Christia is getting at, is when were playing and chatting, sometimes we would be kind of talking up our hand a little bit more than it may have actually been. Yeah, I think the idea of trash talk at the game where you're trying to bluff and kind of flush her up is really important. Jorta, thank you so much for coming up and sharing. Feel free to hang out with us or stay or add anything else as we go through. Anthony. So I was going to ask more details, kind of how we move through the game.

Gameplay Mechanics and Player Interaction

So we talked a little bit about the different realms that the gods can move through. How about the act, challenge and support systems? Can you kind of give us an example and maybe take us through, like, one round? Yeah, sure. So like I said, the gods kind of want to complete acts in the mortal realm, and that's what happens on your turn. So for a match, the first player would open up the round with their first act and they're essentially guessing at.

Round Gameplay Example

So let me back up one more step. When the round starts, everybody's dealt a hand of cards, and that hand or that power level is based on the rarity of the God you put in play and the abilities that card has.

Understanding the Gameplay Dynamics

So when you act, you're actually sort of guessing at what the total power level, the collective power level of all players is. So you know what you have. You can see the abilities of the other players cards, you can see the rarity. So you can start to make an educated guess at what they have. And that would be the act. Now, if the player before you acts and you think it's just out there, they're bluffing, you can challenge them and that would initiate sort of the end game. So that's where you make that sacrifice to purgatory where you're saying, hey, I call B's. Right. That initiates the challenge sequence. So then, like I said, after the challenge happens, every other player still gets a chance to take a turn. Sort of like when you knock in rummy. So then the other players could support either the actor or the challenger. Once every player chooses a side, then the challenge is fulfilled and the results are revealed. And then the winner take all right? Yeah.

Engagement and Community Feedback

When you first mentioned, I was thinking, this sounds a lot like the game B's. Absolutely. Yeah, it's definitely. So if you're fans of those games, I think this will definitely right up your alley. Yeah. And, you know, like you said at the beginning, I've been playing card games my whole life. It's a major pastime for family and friend get together. So I. I've taken elements from other games that I think is going to be really fun and really intriguing, especially for the web three space. Awesome. Let's talk about the beta test a little bit. I know. I think it was at the beginning of this month you just wrapped up the closed beta. What were some of the key takeaways you got once you had live players playing games in the beta? Yeah. So for me personally, well, like you said, we just wrapped up the closed beta with the wax ambassadors. So right now we are still in open beta until the game launches next month. And we'll be announcing that date actually here today for everybody.

Major Insights from the Beta Test

So if you want to get in the open beta, just check out the website, hit up the discord and we'll get you in so you can test out the game. But for me personally, some major takeaways were actually the overwhelming support of the wax community. Just how helpful everybody was, writing articles, getting the word out, sharing feedback. So I just really felt the love there from the wax fam. So thank you to everybody that participated. A couple other takeaways were as far as feedback on the game. One thing that I found surprising from the survey was multiple people said their favorite part was the soundtrack, believe it or not. And, I mean, I knew the soundtrack was epic, but getting that external feedback was also good because I think sound is a really important part of games, too, beyond just the gameplay and the visualization. And then for the technical side, we actually had a couple learnings. You know, we're testing it on testnet when we. We really tried to push the game and the smart contract to its limits, as that was the goal of the beta test too.

Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned

So we kind of. We actually crashed the computing power. So we had to stake more wax onto those accounts to allow more people to play. That was kind of unintended, an unforeseen hiccup that were able to overcome through the beta. Kind of a good problem to have to stake a little bit more cpu so more and more people can play. It means that you're kind of. People are having fun. People are enjoying it. Yeah. Even the dev says he's like, wow, you guys are playing a lot today, huh? So that was fun. Awesome. Now I'm gonna. You mentioned the music. I'm gonna get into the art in a second, but I wanna kind of talk about the NFTs again a little bit. We already kind of talked about how NFTs are kind of sacrificed or they go to the burn or into like a chance for them to be recycled out back out.

NFT Integration in Gameplay

How else do the NFTs integrate into the gameplay? Is there anything. I know if I recall, you get the NFTs are the God characters and cards themselves. Is there anything different about different NFTs that integrate with the game or how they work? Is there any, like, variances between them right now? Well, for the first edition, we have. We have ten gods, ten characters, ten different backgrounds and six different rarities. So the rarity is actually what determines how many abilities your card has. And those abilities are essentially what kind of powers up your card. Down the road, we will be rolling out crafting so people can accumulate common level cards and combine them into higher level cards all the way up to legendary, where legendary will be the highest value you can craft to the godly cards. There's only 300 of those. Out of the 100,000, those will only be available through PAX.

Transparency and Fairness in Card Rarity

There's other things like you can kind of click on other players and see what cards they have in play through some of the metadata, which I think is really interesting. And shout out to the devs on this one was they kind of came up with the. Since everything's on chain, we wanted to make sure there was a way that players couldn't cheat and see each other's power level. So we actually did that through the UI, which I thought was kind of a unique way of doing that. Oh, yeah. You don't want to catch somebody who's a little bit more savvy reading the code when you're trying to battle them. Yeah. So we actually, you know, through that, through kind of knowing that, we just decided, hey, what stuff are they actually going to be able to see on chain anyway? And let's just make that available to see in the game easily. So there's kind of transparency there, but there's also that fairness.

Card Abilities Based on Rarity

And if I remember from the beta, correct me if I'm wrong, different rarities, higher level rarities have different types of abilities, or maybe more abilities than lower type of rarities. Do you want to maybe talk about some of the abilities that each card has before we start talking or move on to the art? Sure. So, like I said, there's six different rarities. You have common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, and godly. So the uncommon card will essentially, if you put that into play. That will. Deal you six cards in the game. And then as you move up those tiers, you start to unlock abilities. So uncommon would have one ability, rare and epic would have two abilities, and then the legendary and godly would have three abilities.

Influencing the Game with Abilities

As far as the abilities themselves, the way they trigger is kind of specific, so I don't know how detailed I necessarily want to get, but like I said, the uncommon card deals you a hand of six, and then we have five different abilities, blessing, grace, boon, favor, and prayer. And those will influence your hand in different ways. So they could add cards into your hand, they could multiply the cards so you have like doubles, triples, quadruples, or they could increase the value of those cards. Does that answer your question enough, or do you want me to go deeper? Okay. But no, I think that's really good kind of overview you're looking for. I would imagine a couple different array of cards with different abilities so that you're kind of prepared for any situation.

Strategizing During Gameplay

Yeah, so when I play, I mean, everybody can play a little bit different depending on their style. But when I play, I like to keep a couple common level cards in my hand just in case I need to make a sacrifice. And then I'll keep a few cards with two abilities in case I want to get a little bit more risky. But you also want to see what other players are risking if they're all putting in common level cards. Maybe you don't want to risk your higher level cards just to capture some lowers. So it really depends on your risk appetite as well. Oh, yeah. It totally makes sense all right, this is something I did want to bring up. The art on these cards is unique. It's very catching to my eye. Right. Can you tell us, kind of, about the vision for the card set and what inspired your overall style or aesthetic, or maybe share some of.

Artistic Inspirations and Vision

I don't know if I'm assuming that you didn't do the art yourself, but your artist did all this kind of. How did it evolve? I'm curious to know how that came about, because these are greek gods. These are things that have been in art for at least a couple thousand years. Right. So how do you approach giving them, like, this new life in these NFTs? Yeah, it's a good question. I mean, we made the decision early on to not use AI. Love it, hate it. That's your opinion. But we wanted everything to be unique and hand drawn, kind of crafted in a way. So we made that decision early on. And funny enough, after we started, I think it was the gathering actually banned the use of AI for their cards. So I found that kind of interesting.

Collaboration with Artists

But as far as putting together different mood boards, you know, I worked with the artists and Lars and Adam from mirror pool, they're just stellar. So they did all of the art in the game, the cards, the backgrounds, everything we put together, just some different mood boards from other games that, you know, I liked the style. And then they did some concepts. Obviously, like you said, we're pulling from greek gods, so we have just tons of lore and content to pull from and really shape what we think the personality of these gods might be. And that kind of drove some of the art to, of course, making sure everything feels like a set.

Cohesiveness in Design

You know, it's really important to me and to collectors that you have kind of a cohesive set, and things don't just, like, look randomly pieced together. Yeah, I think that's a really big point. When you're making a set of cards, you want them all have some kind of a common theme, more than maybe just the subject. I think it's in a stellar job, these. I'm glad you think so. I mean, that was a lot of the beta testers gave great feedback on the art itself. So, huge shout out to Lars and Adam from mirror pool there. But, yeah, many hours of drawing, penciling, inking, coloring, concepting, and then actually putting all that together into card form.

Highlighting the Artistic Process

Just. They did a phenomenal job, in my opinion. And every single card in the set depicts its own or different God or deity. Is there any specific details or elements of the art that you really want to highlight or kind of show off to the audience. I mean, the fact that they did it all by hand, to me, is the biggest testament to them. Just from initial sketching and concepting, then went through an approval process. So some of the gods, we have some that. That actually didn't make it through to approval for this first set. So just their attention to detail and the way that we work together as a team to kind of come up with these characters and these cards, to me, that was a. That was a huge win.

Details in Design and Approval

More specific, you know, the layout of the card, we kind of did intentionally, and there's a lot of detail in the metadata as well. But we really wanted this to be kind of a. An art forward game. So even if people don't want to risk their cards and play the game, they can still be a collector. Right. So I truly believe that the cards themselves would stand alone as collectible items. Yeah, they look really nice. I like how you've got. I'm just looking at the website here. You've got Zeus has got his lighting vault. Titans got the trident. Was there.

Iconic Representation in Art

Was there. Was that, like, a mandatory thing to make it easy to kind of depict which God was which by showing, like, their iconic thing? Or was there any. Did you maybe see some lesser known Easter eggs about these gods into some of the arthem? Sure. Yeah. So I'll say for the first edition of greek gods, there's. If you follow or if you study greek mythology, you have your olympian gods, and those are typically the well known, like Zeus and Poseidon and Athena, and then you have your primordial gods, like, Gaia is actually a primordial goddess that gave birth to the other ones. So my request to the artist was that the primordial gods, like chaos and Gaia, had a little bit more, I'll say, monstrous feel, or just didn't look as quite as human as the rest of the gods.

Insights into Design Decisions

So that's a little Easter egg. And one more was that Gaia was actually the first concept and the first one to get approved, but it was the last one to get the final coloring, so I just thought that was kind of interesting. You meant, I don't know if you're able to maybe fill this detail, but you mentioned there was a few guys that didn't make the cut for this first season. Do you want to maybe shout out some of those that tried but failed? Yeah. We had Apollo, who actually made it through to the concept phase, but never made it through to inking and coloring.

Character Selection and Diversity

So we could always release him later we had Uranus, or Uranus, depending on your accent. And then we had Tartarus. That also didn't make the cut. But for the first set, I kind of wanted a balance of male and female and. And some non binary characters in there. Like, chaos is more of a concept than a. Than a person or a human. So I wanted a good balance there for. Just for this first set. And didn't want just like a bunch of old white guys, you know?

Initiating the Collection Launch Discussion

Yeah, no, I know. It's a good thing. I'm not artistically inclined in any way, but, yeah, when you point it out, it seems super obvious that you don't want to go. That'll be the same. Thanks for being. All right, let's have people been here waiting for us to talk about some of the dates. So you talked to me in DM and you mentioned some dates that are coming up that should be pretty exciting. Would you like to share with the audience? Let's talk about, first the collection launch. Would you like to share with everybody when that will be?

Collection Launch Announcement

Yeah, absolutely. Let's do it. So, really excited that we locked in these dates. I knew it would be in October just by how everything was progressing, but we didn't officially announce a date. So happy to do that here now for everybody. You heard it here first on wax Wednesday. The collection launch will be happening on Tuesday, October 22. That's going to be the first edition cards, right? So if there's any collectors out there, you definitely want to scoop up first editions. Everybody knows those are the. Those are the ones you want down the road.

Details on NFT Distribution

It's going to be limited to 100,000 individual nfts or cards, and those will be in packs of ten. So 10,000 packs. We have some promos and stuff going on in addition to that, but, yeah, that'll be the launch. Like I said, there's ten gods, ten backgrounds, three color variants of each God. So we have their standard color. We have a statue variant and then a special color variant, and then the six different rarities. So all that's 1800 unique kind of combinations that'll be spread across those 100,000 cards.

Emphasizing Variety in Card Collection

And I like, as you mentioned. I know you mentioned. I like that you have offered, like, all these different varieties. Right? You've got ten gods, you've got rarities, you've got alternate art or alternate backgrounds. I think that makes it vivid. When you're going to go play against other players, you're not all using the same couple of cards. I think the cool way that you approached it. I mean, like you said, you know, I'm a collector, too, so there's people out there that like to just be completionist and have one of each if possible.

Expectations for Player Engagement

There's other people that may want to just try to get every variant of Zeus right, if that's their favorite one. So just making sure that there is kind of some, there's some scarcity there between the different rarities, but there also is a chance to actually collect them all if that's something you want to do. Awesome. All right. Is there anything else players can expect on that day? Or we just. Or is that just getting ready?

Card Minting Process

Just getting ready. I will say the cards will be mint on demand for any people that know what that means, and they will be, every single card will be backed by at least one wax p. So there's kind of a. An intrinsic value attached to the card no matter what. But, yeah, mint on demand. So if you want those low mint numbers, like some people do, you'll want to scoop up packs and open them quickly.

Clarifying Mint on Demand Mechanism

Yeah, yeah. Mint on demand is the first person to get that car gets them in number one. So if you grab the pack, probably. The first person to buy the pack. I assume the packs are mint on demand as well. The first packs, a mint one as well. All the packs will be there. But, yeah, the. I suppose if you bought pack number 10,000 and that was the first one to be opened, you could still get the mint number once.

Own Packs for Their Mint Numbers

Okay, so, yeah, the pack number itself. Right. Got it, got it. So packs are pre minted. So if you get, if you buy the first pack, you know, check them in maybe before you open it. Yeah, if you're the type of person that wants to hold a pack down the road. You know, my little brother collects cards. I think he doesn't open packs, which I don't know how much self discipline it takes to not open a pack of cards like that.

Collectible Nature of Packs

But, yeah, you could collect the packs themselves for the mint numbers. But overall, like, as packs are opened, then it'll be, they'll be minted in order as they're opened, I think, regardless of the pack number itself. So I'm envisioning, like, maybe I have Matt Dash trying to find that first Zeus, though, or the first legendaries. I think that's going to be a lot of fun. I enjoy watching, even when I don't get a chance to crack snacks, I enjoy watching people cracking them, opening them up.

Feedback from Beta Testers

So it's fun to watch along with that. Yeah. And through the beta. I mean, the beta testers, I haven't checked the numbers recently, but out of. Out of the 300 godly level cards up for grabs, I think they minted like 40 or 50 of them. So the more packs you open, the higher chance you have of minting those godly cards. Beautiful. Let me welcome Rob Kongstorf.

Rob Kongstorf Joins the Discussion

Rob to the stage. Rob, thanks. Thanks. Really appreciate it. I just wanted to jump in and say it's been a pleasure working with Anthony to launch this. And yes, the packs will also be mint on demand, so I'm happy to clarify any technical details if needed. I'm going to just proceed into the shadows here. Thanks for. Yeah, thanks for that. I was hoping somebody was there in the background to make sure I spoke correctly.

Development Insights from Rob

Don't go yet. Rob, are there maybe you'd like to share, maybe an interesting anecdote during development or something that you really liked or had fun, enjoyed the experience while you were developing, helping develop Pantheon? Oh, absolutely, yeah. I mean, it's given us an opportunity to test some new technologies we've been working on. So Anthony and Pantheon's really been a guinea pig for the facing studio, which will be launching later this year, which will be more of a power tool for NFT collection managers and owners.

Strengthening Development Capabilities

So that's been super fun. You know, hit the structure of the pack is quite complex and stressed some of our abilities, so we had to get creative there. So that's kind of cool to have projects that are pushing the boundaries of what we're capable of. This is definitely the project we're the most proud of working to deliver. It'll be using, you know, a totally separate sales system from what most people on wax are used to.

Technology and System Highlights

We're not using Nefty, we're not using atomic hub, using atomic assets as the NFT standard, of course, but rolling out some new flows and new technologies to sort of push the envelope further. And Anthony's been a wonderful partner to work with on this. He gets it. He came to my house and played the original concept of the game on pen and paper before we even started working together from, what, 6 hours away.

Dedication to the Project

So he's very dedicated to this and has been a very professional person to work with and really looking forward to having fun. The game's actually fun. When's the last time you said that about a web three game? I'm not trying to dig at any games, but, you know, it's been hard to create really fun experiences because there's been a lot of, like, really simple games, which can be fun for a while, but the fact this game is PvP and can be played socially and is actually fun and we like really just enjoy playing it together, I think speaks a lot to the product and the potential of the project.

Bringing the Game to Life

I'm so glad you brought that up, Rob, because I was going to bring it up if you didn't. So like I mentioned right at the beginning of this call, it's based on an in real life game. And I had the idea for many years, but nobody really understood what the heck I was talking about until this technology caught up. So when I finally, through wax, connected with Rob at facings, I just couldn't explain it other than playing it in person. So got in my car, drove from Chicago to Detroit, and we played the game.

Collaboration and Development Experience

And then I just asked them to imagine how to bring this game online with NFTs and with blockchain technology. But like Rob said, it is fun. It's a little bit addictive, depending on your personality. I remember when I left there after the demo and talked to them a couple days later, they said they were, you know, thinking about things differently through their day to day life as they were thinking about playing this game. So kind of expanding on that.

Insights from a Recent Conference

I was fortunate to be up at the Futurist conference in Toronto a month or two ago, and one of the big themes for web three games was really trying to make sure they're designed with the gamer in mind. So that's something that is really important to me in this project, that it's actually fun and people want to play it. It's not just like a gimmick, you know? Yeah, no, I totally get that one thing that came up.

Clarifying the Game Launch Process

I want to make sure that we call this out. You mentioned. I think Rob mentioned that it wouldn't be like a normal drop like we're used to. We're not going to see this atomic Orlando. Nifty or a hive? Where exactly will players or collectors be able to grab their packs on October 22? How? Is there anything new that we should be aware of?

Purchasing Mechanism for Packs

Maybe we're getting ready. I'll say that if you've experienced any of the early facings drops, we always sold our products through dedicated sales sites. So there will be a dedicated sales site that you'll be able to get to through playpantheon.com that will allow you to log in with your wax account and purchase, and then you'll receive assets. So we're not leveraging their drop text, so we won't necessarily show up in their uis unless we build out those integrations in the future.

Secondary Market Functionality

But the secondary, those services will still be useful for analyzing the collection stats. Secondary trading. So if you want to go trade and I buy and sell on the market since it's atomic assets, we'll still be leveraging that for secondary but the primary sale will happen on the sales site linked from playpantheon.com dot and then. Are you able to release will this on the sales site?

Payment Options for Purchases

Will the sales all be in wax P will they be credit card? Will it be something else? Credit cards and wax. So we're rolling out a new payment system that we've been designing and developing this year and this will be the first instance of using that. So we believe it'll work well. But you know, still needs to be kind of pested in the wild little more.

Confidence in the Upcoming Launch

So we're doing as much testing as we can, but there's no reproducing a live drop. That being said, I'm confident that our team will deliver this very smoothly and hopefully everyone will find some things they like in their packs and have fun playing. Oh yeah, it's going to be fun. And like I think it was Christiah that mentioned earlier, the beta is still open and we may have some early special announcements for people that have participated in the beta test.

Encouraging Participation in the Beta

So definitely head over to Playpantheon.com and get signed up there if you haven't already. And going back to that conference, I made a lot of good connections there from people in the web three and crypto space. So different companies are really investing in the overall adoption of blockchain technology and web three gaming and making sure that it's accessible and it's easy for people to use.

Vision for Mass Adoption of Blockchain

So long term. For me, you know, for crypto and wallets, I think for it to be adopted, for it to reach mass adoption, it has to be so stupid simple that you don't even know that you're using it. But that's kind of down the road. Just kind of wanted to cast that vision a little bit. Yeah, it's hard to argue with that when things are easy.

Smooth User Experience

It's, you know, it's much, it's a much smoother experience for everybody, especially for people who are uninitiated. 100%. All right, so we've been talking about the collection. There's another date we want to shout out. So let's talk about when the actual game will be available. So Anthony, I'll let you do the honors. When will be the full game launch? For Pantheon?

Anticipation of Full Game Launch


Upcoming Release of Pantheon

Yes. So keeping in tradition of mainstream games releasing typically on Tuesdays, the version 1.0 of Pantheon will go live one week after the collection release. So Tuesday, October 29, 2024, mark your calendars for that date. But obviously we want to make sure people have a chance to collect the cards and then if they want to, they can play the game starting on October 29. And that's just, like I said, that's version 1.0. We have, we got a ton of good feedback from the beta. We have a ton in the development pipeline as far as matchmaking, tutorials, chat crafting, which I mentioned earlier. So that's just, I mean, I'm really excited for October 29, but to me that's just the tip of the iceberg and that's really where everybody will be able to play outside of beta on Mainnet and still get to.

Shaping Pantheon with Community Feedback

I'm really looking forward to getting even more feedback from the wax community because I really want the future of Pantheon to be shaped by the players of Pantheon. I'm a gamer, I have lots of ideas for what I think will be fun. But if anybody wants to get involved, like definitely play the game and share your feedback. Awesome. I think, yeah, it's like, it's just the beginning, right? It's just the start. We're just starting. You're just getting started when you're moving. Like I know you said, it's 1.0 and you've got a lot of stuff planned. Is there going to be any material experience difference between playing in the beta right now and experiencing the full game on Tuesday, October 29? Not materially.

Launch Day Features and Future Developments

Everything that we've tested will be launched on October 29. The main things that will be new for launch day, which you can still, again, you're still welcome to come in and test it. If you want to head over to the website and sign up or jump in. The discord will be the tutorial features. So new players will kind of go through a guided, a scripted set of a few rounds to get you taught up and learn some of the strategies of the game. And then we're working on, like I said, lobby and chat. So we'll have some more official announcements as those new features come online. But the core features, the mechanics of the game and the way that the NFTs interact within the game, all that's ready to go.

Community Engagement and Future Events

Awesome. I know that obviously that launching or starting, launching something like this that you've been thinking about, it's a really big, it's really exciting. Are there any or do you have maybe planned, if you can talk about if they're not a surprise, but are there any maybe kind of community events or activities that you've got planned during that first week of play or the first month that people should be on the lookout for? Nothing official right now, but I mean, we do want to have tournaments going in the future. We do want to have different, I'll say special events for different seasons of the game. You know, we got some good feedback from the beta testers about how to keep the game more engaging as new players are coming in and have some kind of like limited time special events with rewards in game. And we've talked about a lot. We've concepted out a lot. So I will say yes, we'll definitely do something.

Involvement and Feedback Opportunities

I just not sure what that is. If anybody has any ideas, definitely hop into our discord and share those. Happy to take them into consideration. Also. So you heard it. Make sure you check out the Pantheon discord. If you got some ideas, you can join directly from playpantheon.com. that's one word, playpantheon.com dot. All the social links are right there. I think we got through the most of my question. I got a few other questions, kind of things that kind of popped up while were chatting. If you've got a question for our creators here up on stage, please go ahead and raise your hand. We'll bring you up. We've got about ten minutes left.

Pantheon's Role in the WAX Ecosystem

Of course I want to ask this. So how in your mind, how do you kind of foresee, you probably already kind of, we've alluded this a bit. How does Pantheon fit into the overall wax ecosystem? And when you described the technology being available, what was it about wax that really kind of gave you the impetus to get started right now with the NFTs and the game? Yeah, good question. So I mean, the support from wax leadership has been great. You know, when I first talked to them last year, actually finding somebody that understood what the hell I was talking about was a huge win for me. So I'm like, okay, these are my people. You know, I finally found them. The development support has been fantastic from DLT and facings where I see really Pantheon fitting in and this is a big goal, but I believe it's achievable is I really want Pantheon to break out of the little web three bubble again in the future.

Future of Web Three Gaming

We believe that web three gaming won't really be a term, it'll just be gaming. Right. So when you just like there's no more Internet companies out there. Right? That's just. They're just a regular company. So that's where I see the future and how that can sort of bring the wax blockchain technology into mainstream. It's going to be attracting those casual card players that may not be as tech savvy, they may not know how to set up a wallet or even know what crypto is. But if things can be simple enough for where it's like click button, play game, then I think Pantheon has the potential to kind of break out of that web three gaming sector into the broader gaming community.

Community Interaction and User Engagement

Yeah, it all comes back to that ease of use, I think making products or games that are easy to play, easy to have fun. When it's easy to have fun, you get a lot more people willing to put in their time. Well, there's a. I mean, wax is a very active community. I love it. Again, I can't say enough good things about it, but when you think about it in terms of broader gaming sector, you have a few hundred thousand active players on wax. Right? There's over a billion gamers in the world. And to those that don't know, the difference between 100,000 and a billion is astronomical. So, like, if you think about it in time, do you know how long a million seconds is?

Time Comparisons and Community Growth

I think it's something like 34 years. 28 years? Well, yeah, a million. One with an m. Oh, it's like eleven days, give or take. But like you said, a billion is over 33 years. So that gap there from 1 million to 1 billion is just really huge. And I think that's where Pantheon, if things go according to plan, can break out of the web three gaming kind of bubble, which other web three games haven't quite done yet, and start attracting the broader gaming sector towards the wax blockchain. Awesome. I have one more question, and I don't know if you can hint at this yet, but it immediately came to mind when you said version, not version one.

Potential Future Releases Within Pantheon

Release one of the cards. What other pantheon are you looking at to feature next or feature soon? What other kind of clashing gods can we have? Yeah, that's a fantastic question. I mean, there's literally probably an infinite number that we can pull from. So the first edition is the ten greek gods. Those will be greek gods edition one. So we may do an edition two of greek gods with ten new characters, or we may do a first edition of, like you said, a completely different ancient religion. So we've talked about nordic, norse, like Thor, Odin, things like that. We've talked about Shinto, we've talked about Roman, we've talked about egyptian gods, which I think would be really cool, like Anubis and Ra.

Community Participation in Future Development

So, so that's something that I'm actually really excited to get feedback from the community on. I would love to. When we're ready to release that next set, which I anticipate would be later this year or early next year, I want to kind of get some polls of those collectors that are actively playing and actively collecting and see maybe what they would like to see for the second set. When you said Roman, the first thing that I thought of was what if there was like maybe a, you combine a couple of Zeus's to get like a special Jupiter or something like that because there's a lot of crossover between like the roman and the greek gods. So I wonder if there's something that would be fun to kind of play with there.

The Excitement of Mythological Features

This is really, I mean, I can talk about this kind of, this specific subject for days, talking about different, like, mythologies and stuff. So I'm really excited that you've got plans for this. I'm excited especially to hear that maybe north and Shinto are coming too soon as well. I think it's really cool and I'm excited to see how it develops. Anthony? Yeah, I'm. I don't think anybody can be more excited than me, but I'm super excited, so. And I'm just, I'm even more. I guess I have that anticipation because I keep mentioning the community.

Building Community and Game Development

Right. And I do want community involvement, so I don't want to be the one. Yes, I created the game and it was my idea, but I'm not going to be like a dictator. Right. If everybody wants to see Roman, then we'll do Roman. So, yeah, I'm just really excited. I have that anticipation for where the community is going to take this as well. So I'm excited for that. It's exciting and kind of building something. Together 100%, which you don't always get in other games. Right. Like traditional, mainstream games.

The Future of Gaming and Community Interaction

There's not always the chance for the community to really get involved and shape the future of the game. Yeah. And I think that's something that web three I think, really is great for. As you see a lot of that at least. I see a lot of that interaction between developers and the community. 100%. All right, folks, it's about been about an hour. That's our show for today. Big, big thank you to Anthony for joining us today, giving us the lowdown on Pantheon. Anthony do you have any last words, parting thoughts for our listeners? You have the floor.

Closing Announcements and Community Involvement

No. Thanks again for having me for the wax Wednesday. I've been looking forward to it all day. Did not disappoint. I guess last words would be again, if you want to get involved in the beta or just get involved in the community, head over to the website playpantheon.com registered so you can be kind of first in line for future announcements. Or head over to the discord which will be linked on the website as well and get in there and get involved. And I'm excited for and then mark your calendars. October 22, October 29, those are the big days. Thank you so much Anthony. It was a real pleasure having you today.

Upcoming Highlights and Events

Thank you. All right, before we end, I have a few items we want to highlight before we hand over to the next space. Number one first. All right. Brawlers mobile beta has just been released through test flight for iOS devices. You can check out the brawlers Twitter announcement we put out about an hour ago, or just go right to the Torano Discord and check out all the details. You'll download the app. You can provide feedback directly to the developers about the gameplay, the UX and what's going on right there. In addition to that announcement, the community is hosting a tournament in discord this weekend that's going to start September 29 at 09:00 a.m.

Current and Future Gaming Events

pacific. So about 2 hours ago is 09:00 a.m. pacific time so you can register. You'll need to register for that in the official Toronto discord. So check out the registration link in the server at go to IO discord next. Stay tuned right here on X in a moment as the wax drop space kicks off, hosting up the latest wax news from around the chain as well as showcasing drops. Don't miss out on some epic twitchy tides adventures additionally as by joining breakman on the hype train and watch the space live at Twitch tv consumerbreak next. Tomorrow at 08:00 a.m. pacific, alien Worlds will be hosting an X space interview with their leadership team about their new union DaO and their new worker proposals.

Transition and Upcoming Discussions

So check out their twitter for details. Finally, I won't be hosting a space next week for wax Wednesday, so I'll miss you. Then I'll hang out with the wax drop folks. Of course, don't miss our next space, which is scheduled for October 9. I will be joined by the women of Wax. We'll be having another chat with them, talking about how new web three technology has affected our lives, how we persevere in the face of adversity and what it's like to kind of build your space, build yourself up as a woman in a space that's really predominantly dominated by men. So that's what we got coming up.

Final Statements and Goodbye

Stick around right here on X for the wax drop space and check out consumer break on Twitch. I hope you all have a fantastic week and a great wax Wednesday. I'll see you next time.

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