Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Navigating the job search process as a Tech Professional. hosted by Olufemiloye. In the tech job search landscape, Tech Professionals must focus on key areas such as resume customization, networking, interview readiness, continuous learning, personal branding, and mentorship to enhance career prospects. Understanding company culture, negotiation skills, and perseverance are also crucial aspects to succeed in securing desired roles. Attending tech events and conferences can provide invaluable industry insights and job opportunities. By mastering these strategies, Tech Professionals can navigate the competitive job market effectively and pave the way for long-term career growth.

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Q: How can Tech Professionals tailor their resumes effectively?
A: Highlighting technical skills, relevant experience, and achievements is key in crafting a compelling resume.

Q: Why is networking crucial in the tech job search?
A: Networking opens doors to hidden job opportunities, industry insights, and professional connections.

Q: What are some common technical interview preparation tips?
A: Practicing coding challenges, reviewing data structures, and mastering technical concepts are essential for interview success.

Q: How important is continuous learning in the tech industry?
A: Continuous learning ensures Tech Professionals stay current with industry trends, technologies, and emerging skills.

Q: Why is personal branding significant for Tech Professionals?
A: Building a personal brand establishes credibility, showcases expertise, and attracts career opportunities.

Q: How can mentorship benefit Tech Professionals in their careers?
A: Mentorship provides guidance, support, and valuable insights from experienced professionals, aiding career advancement.

Q: What role does company culture play in job search decisions?
A: Company culture influences job satisfaction, work-life balance, and long-term career growth.

Q: Why is salary negotiation important for Tech Professionals?
A: Negotiating salary ensures Tech Professionals are fairly compensated and valued for their skills and experience.

Q: How can Tech Professionals stay motivated during job search challenges?
A: Maintaining a positive mindset, seeking support from peers, and focusing on personal growth can help overcome obstacles.

Q: What are the benefits of attending tech events and conferences?
A: Tech events offer networking opportunities, industry updates, skill enhancement, and potential job leads for Tech Professionals.


Time: 12:05:08
Resume Enhancement Techniques Exploring expert tips on optimizing resumes to stand out in the competitive tech job market.

Time: 12:25:33
Networking Strategies for Tech Professionals Understanding the power of networking and leveraging online platforms for career growth.

Time: 12:40:50
Mastering Technical Interviews Insights on preparing for coding challenges, behavioral questions, and technical assessments.

Time: 13:02:15
Personal Branding for Tech Experts Building a strong online presence and reputation to attract employers and advance career goals.

Time: 13:25:22
Negotiating Salary Packages Tips on confidently negotiating salary, benefits, and perks during the job offer phase.

Time: 13:45:18
Overcoming Job Search Challenges Strategies for maintaining motivation, resilience, and staying proactive during the job hunt.

Time: 14:10:12
Tech Events and Conferences Exploring the benefits of attending industry events, conferences, and webinars for professional growth.

Time: 14:35:29
Mentorship in Tech Careers The value of mentorship in providing guidance, advice, and industry knowledge for career advancement.

Time: 15:00:45
Understanding Company Cultures Importance of aligning with company values, culture, and work environment for career satisfaction.

Time: 15:25:09
Perseverance and Positivity in Job Search The role of optimism, persistence, and adaptability in navigating through job search hurdles.

Key Takeaways

  • Crafting a tailored resume highlighting relevant skills is crucial for Tech Professionals.
  • Utilizing LinkedIn and other professional platforms for networking and job opportunities is beneficial.
  • Preparing thoroughly for technical interviews can significantly impact job search success.
  • Continuous learning and upskilling are vital to stay competitive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.
  • Building a personal brand through online presence can attract potential employers and opportunities.
  • Attending tech events, webinars, and conferences can expand professional networks and knowledge.
  • Seeking mentorship from experienced professionals can provide guidance and insights for career growth.
  • Understanding the company culture and values before applying for jobs is important for long-term fit.
  • Negotiating salary and benefits confidently is essential during the job offer stage.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude and perseverance is key to overcoming job search challenges.

Behind the Mic

Casual Interaction

Good. You're good, bro. Turn the bass up. I doing I think, bro. Hey. Kill me. I'm not in a mood because I jumped on a private jet and I'm asking a pilot at ET. Ken. What up like, man? Yeah, I'm good. I'm good, brother. How you doing, bro? How did she squeeze in jeans and big behind a petite is waist.

Taking Time

Take time with the GBG. Don't beef nobody like GBK. Woke up on the wrong side of bed. So he's gonna get slapped if I don't have my piece today. I love my young boy. I won't lead him straight. I'm stuck to Lil bro like PVA paid already. I don't need no hit song. We don't need id, no bro. 17 in the club being scrolling. TikTok extra saw him. I'll fix one. Which one? Who do you want, bro? Pick one. If I shoot my shot, I'll hit one. Matter of time till I get them all. Tick tock. We could go bun for bun. Footman. We can go for the Maybach truck double line with the factory rims I got in 90 years.

Threats and Love

The verge, the bribes. I'm really a threat. It's got to the point that I don't even care. I got jews in a safe that I don't even wear. She made me want to go harder. I like a whole arm. I think I'm obsessed with her. They hit him up on his birthday. Did him the worst way. He had a death wish. I get right under they skin. I don't even try. I guess I can help some shit. I'm gonna have love for bro for life. We talking now I step in. Of course you could be me. That talking ain't no back and forth until we catch up with them. Knocking a bag and making the opposite. Mad I didn't fell in love with it. You can't selfish with a cute one. Make it count. Look good. It's a new one depending on my mood.

Market Discussions

Mayback vans ain't no who. We could go bun for bun. Fuck that. We can go in for him. Mama got a ride like him. Mama been killing that gym. We can go watch from. Watch from change the rings on him. I didn't got rich, but I'm still with his shit. Land in London and go to the ends. We could go bun for bun. Fuck that. We can go m for M. Put on Milford. A Maybach truck double r with the factory rims. I got the 90 years, the version. Let's fucking go, man. Bring people in, Manda. Working on a weekend like usual way off in the deep end like usual niggas swear they passed us, they doing too much haven't done my taxes I'm too turned up Virgil got a paddock on my wrist going nuts niggas caught me slipping once okay, so what?

Blockades and Wealth

Someone hits a block up, I tell you if it was us man a house in rosewood this shit too plush say my days a number but I keep waking up, no, you see my text baby, please say something wine by the glass, your man, I cheapskate, huh? Niggas gotta move on my release day home, bitch, this is fame, not clout I don't even know what that's about watch your mouth, baby got an ego twice the size of the crib I can never tell a shit it is what it is said what I had to and did what I did never turn my back on FBG, God forbid Virgil got a paddock on my wrist doing front flips don't hit me on no dumb shit working on a weekend like usual way off in the deep end like usual niggas swear they passed us, they doing too much haven't done my taxes.

Discussion on Drugs and Pricing

We got weed, you name. You're not even that you want any fucking drug, bro. It's like, literally down the streets everywhere. But, yeah, just stay away from. Just stay away from that shit, man. But like, yeah, we're on from brothers fucking packs on packs. Brothers Herb galore. There's dab, there's fucking. You name it, dude. You can never run the fuck out over here. No. And the best price and the best prices over here, when I hear other prices, other states, I'm like, God damn, bro, I'm not lying to you. Our dispo over here, we have a dispo. And when you walk in, bro, double wall. What devil? $5.08. A $10.08, a $15.08 a $25. They keep going up, bro. It's all. How much you want to pay? They have, $3 pre rolls. Three dollar pre rolls all day. Like, they're fucking doing. They're fire word, bro. You're the fucking weird here on BC is lapsed, bro. So good shit.

The Experience of Living in Various Places

Yeah, I'm in BC. I'm in British Columbia. My fellow. Oh, nice. Let's go. Yeah, so I'm from Sk, but I'll be out in. I'll be out in nice. Nicely. I'm originally actually from Edmonton, right? Yeah. But I moved to DC just, like, three months ago. Before that, I was living in Dubai. I got so sick of Dubai because, yeah, listen, nothing's legal there, but I used to grow my own weed because I have connected, like a couple princes, right? Like, just like relatives of the chef, right? So, yeah, I used to grow my own weed there, bro. I'll show you guys videos and. Yeah, yeah. And, yo, like, it was like, obviously it's illegal as fuck, but because, like, I knew how I knew. They. They just kind of, like, let it slide, you know what I mean? I used to smoke in public there too. Literally used to smoke at the airport. Yeah, I don't know, bro. They used to call me, like, a D.

Personal Experiences with Drugs in Public

A D list celebrity there just because, like, everybody would see me smoke in public and they couldn't say anything, bro. I'm trying to. I'm trying to get out to BC, but I don't know if. I don't know. Once I. Once I run this bag up, I don't think BC is the move, man. I want to get the fuck out of Canada to be real. Yo, honestly, here's the thing, right? Like, if it's trying to actually, you know, spend that bag, obviously Canada's not the move where you're gonna get crypto taxed, and that should fuck. Oh, yeah, bro. They're gonna rob you clean, bro. For real, man. You gotta be careful. So, me personally, what I do, right, is, like, anytime I run up a really big bag and want to take some profits, I'm actually probably gonna go to somewhere like Switzerland, Dubai, wherever, right? And maybe do a little bit of a little OTC if you go. I mean, right, like a p two p trade with someone, basically, right? And when you p two p a, you just go to make an offshore account, right? Start a bank account in Dubai, start a bank account in Switzerland.

Strategies for Managing Wealth

But here's the thing. Like, if you're doing this, you should not be a Canadian resident, right? Like, make sure you do this when you're already a resident of somewhere else. So, like, me personally, when I did it, I was a resident of Dubai. I wasn't a Canadian resident, right. So it's not like I'm actually avoiding taxes because I didn't earn that money in Canada. Right? Yeah, yeah. But. But if, in your case, bro, like, if you run up a bag and ask what you might want to do, start going on vacation, bro, you did go to Mexico, go to Thailand, start being a digital nomad, right? And that way, technically, bro, like, as long as you're able to secure residents before you return back to Canada, you should. Should be okay. All right. Like, legally speaking, just like a. I'm not a lawyer, obviously, so don't take, you know, my words as absolute, but that's what friends have told me they've done. Do you mind if I. If I shoot you a DM hack? So maybe we could hop on a call later? I just. I would love to pick your brain. Pick your brain some more.

Discussion About Relationships and Networking

I just. I gotta head out right now. I gotta go get. I have some work I need to do. Yeah, yeah, no worries, bro. Do your thing, Mandy. I appreciate it. I'm so glad I fucking joined this space. I really don't be on Twitter too much anymore. Seems like Twitter is just a way where things happen a little late. But I mean, shit. Not on your Twitter. Not on your Twitter. Very, boss, here's the thing. Like, our community is very dispersed. A lot of people are, like, in the discord trenches. A lot of people on the team g trenches, some people here on the x trenches. I try to call everything at the same time. Like, within minutes, you'll see call it in the TG and the discord on the Twitter. And usually that's what's painting. Like, that. Nice momentum because, like, being called in three different places, right? But it's the same community. If we just have, like, different channels of communication.

Community Engagement and Interaction

That's sick, man. Oh, and then one more thing. What was your YouTube channel? I'm just gonna go. Yeah, yeah, for sure. So it used to be called King hacks Pvp. Think you can see it now as gang labs by hacks. Let me go on YouTube and give you the exact. Yeah, if you search up gang labs on YouTube. Oh, yeah, I see it. Right. You're gonna see a couple of videos of their paid to make all of those videos that you'll see on there. And it was usually damn with in app purchases because I was just a huge gamer myself, so I wasn't really looking to round up a bag from playing, but I was trying to get all the top skins, all the type of diamonds and all of that shit for free because I was a student back then, so. Yeah, enjoy those videos too, bro. Damn, that's crazy.

Discussion on Alpha

That's the fucking alpha. All right. Same shit. Same shit we did today. We're gonna run it in the telegram with a music button there, and we are gonna discuss our roadmap. We're gonna talk about the NFT reveal. We're gonna talk about all the other upcoming details, anything and everything related to GTA. Oh, yeah. Let's go, brother. We're going to wake all the people in that PG to make sure they come and they buy and support and work for their bags. For sure. Hell, yeah. I'm holding a GTA, brother. Yeah.

Technical Issues and Phone Troubles

My phone died earlier, bro. It was getting hella hot. It was overheating. I throw that shit in the freezer, bro. I got my shit charging while I'm on it, so it's getting warm. It's getting hot. To put a fucking. I have to put a cold rag around it. It. Sadeena, save. Sadeena it. All right? I told you guys after this joint, I would start buying some. Two solana of each. I'm about to start doing that right now. Let's go, baby. Let's fucking go. Let's pump the bags.

Social Media and Connections

Hey, bro, if you got an Instagram, bro, fucking check out my instagram, bro. I have a business page. I'm actually a bartender, dude. Actually run. Yeah. Yes, send it to me, bro. For sure, bro. I actually run. Michael, others, you know, Michelle, others are right. Those mexican mixtures. Okay. I do. Michelle, others. Palomas, bro. Yeah, how I do it, bro? Actually run in seven days a week, bro. So, like, how you got everyone seven days a week and I do deliveries in that, but I run it for.

Bartending Business

I run it from the back of my suv. Watch. I watch. I'm gonna send you my instagram, bro. So you go fucking check out how I do it, bro. It's probably. I'll tell you where I'm. Ducks. Done. Instagram. It's RJ, the S 77. Okay. Yeah, for sure. I just sent it to you, bro, in a message right now. I just sent it. Yeah. What? My Instagram name is sausage Taquito, bro. Because what I usually do every Sunday, I was selling food. I was selling tapitos, but six days.

Profits and Bartending

But now I. But now I just talked to my mixed drinks. I'm a mobile bartender. I do. In the back of my suv. Like if you buy four or more, I'll deliver, bro. Like I put the house, tire shops, mechanic shops, barber shops, salons, bro. I pull up to anywhere you buy four or more, pull up to your house party, bro. Don't matter. And that's fucking girl rebellion. Yeah, and I also cater any events, bro. I do weddings, parties, baptisms, baby showers, divorce parties, bro. You name it.

Future Goals

Crypto events, if that's coming up. Yeah, but my goal is to get a food truck, so that's why I hopped into crypto broke. I finally go so far it do so much with my stuff, but yeah, bro, if you go on my highlights, I'm already on Michael, all that. Part 14, that's 1400 stories of Michelle, others I'm already on. Third part highlight of Paloma, part 13th. Over 1300 stories of Palomas, bro. I'm already on 400 stories of just chamoy candy rim dips. Like, it's crazy. But like I said, my goal is to get a food truck.

Vision for Food Truck Business

So I have everything all at once. Have my mixed drinks, have my chamois candies, have my taquitos, everything. Let's fucking go robust on you, man. Yeah, man. So that's the goal. Get the food truck next. And hey, we fucking win. And, bro, never ending money. Like, I'm making money still, but never ending, especially with that one. Because how I have to do it, I have to go to you. I want people to come to me. You know what I mean? Stuff like that. No, I feel you, bro. That's bullish, man.

Support and Community

Yeah, honestly, bro, I'm here to support good people in the space. So whatever you're doing, bro, I support you. You supported me? Oh, yeah, bro. Thank you. And it's not even like I scratch my back. You scratch your back. No, bro. It's like recognizing who's real and who actually, like, deserves genuine support, you know? Like some people do and some people don't. That's just the truth. Yeah, for sure. And what's crazy, bro, I've been doing that for two years.

Community Efforts

I just made my two year anniversary. I thought I was gonna have a food truck sooner, but do. There's always something for something, you know? But the goal is to never stop. So. Yeah, so my goal is to get my food truck because I'm saucy taquito. Like, that's why money's crypto sauce. Because I ran everything from, like, crypto because everyone calls me saucy. So I ran with. From California. I'm actually from California, bro. Yeah, I'm actually. No, I'm actually an hour from San Francisco.

Connection to California

It's called Modesto. Have you heard of Modesto, California? Yeah, I have. I haven't been there, but I've heard of. Yeah, but I'm actually from Modesto. So, like, all my clients tower, are all Mexicans, bro. And I don't even speak Spanish. And don't even speak English. Yeah, bro, and I'm Mexican also. And I don't even know Spanish. But all my clients, 99%, they're all spanish speakers, but I still get them off to them, bro.

Introduction and Excitement

What's up? Damn, it is looking nice, bro. It's just ripping. GTA. You sent you my id? Send me that. Send me that. So I'm gonna. Yeah, you heard it here first. You heard it here first. I have a bag of UTA. You know, I know a lot of. Whoever. Whoever's fucking playing the music and shit. Don't do that. Word, though. Let's. Let's keep the vibes up. Let's keep the energy going. We seven k. We got GTA looking really pretty about the touch. Let's go.

Market Update and Predictions

Okay. Scum is looking good at about eight k, about ten k. Your GT's full fucking center alpha right now. Okay. Yeah. We're gonna give 69,000 GTA away to someone who's in the comments. Sharing. Sharing this tweet. Sharing the space around ten to this space. We'll give 69k away. For real? For real. Remind us. Remind us. We will. We're gonna pump it up. Pump, pump it up. We're gonna pump it up. 25k liquidity. 48k. Market cap. Like, bro, get the fuck out. Get the fuck out of here, my boy. That's right, cease.

Plans for Community Engagement

I just would rather send you a DM, but I got a launch going on later for the bear market. Bears. If you want to turn on the notifications or whatever, I'm a ping you later when it launches, okay? If it's also, just send me a DM, bro. Appreciate you. I can't send you a DM, but I'd love to. Just send me one. I just followed you. Okay, thank you. Bye bye. That's head. We have 48k, my boy. Market cap. That's fucking awesome. Oh, yeah, bro.

Reflections and Future Goals

It's. Fuck, bro. I got to eat some steaks tonight. Not no cut. Not no mari chan. If mud round from, like, what, 30 to 400k yesterday, I think we can do the same shit, right? Get the same people involved, get bug. Yeah, fucking like we need, like, yo, we got this before GTA six type shit. 100%. This is GTA six. My boy created it. We running it up. Yeah, I'm gonna fucking tweet it out right now.

Community Building and Strategy

I want all of you guys to rate it work for your bags and fill it in any kind of alpha groups or DM chats that you're in, because let's get that holder count. I can easily increase the market cap to 100k right now, guys. But if we don't have enough holders, like, what's the point, right? Yeah, exactly. Let's go. Let's just try to increase the holder count. So the goal of shilling right now is tell them, grab a small bag, even. .03 we just. We just want to increase the unique wallets in this coin. So that way, once we get listed again, it's a very easy, smooth process, right.

Listing and Trading Strategies

We'll get it listed on blue sparrow. Get it listed on some other couple of exchanges. Should be no issue, guys. Let's fucking walk for. Let's do it. Grind time. Let's run it. Can't believe I was in the kitchen cooking, you guys here cooking something nice. Man, this is mad. Seriously. 48k, broca. Smell this shit. It smells so delicious. He'd be cooking this shot forever, bro. Like, like grandma's cooking. You already know how that smells. Let's go. Yeah, I got a recipe.

Reflections on Community and Support

I got a recipe. My boy has got that juicy recipe. Yeah, absolutely. My heart's big. Oh, man, I can't believe, like, seriously. I guess the moment, like, the moment. Ten guys keep telling you I love you. It means you're doing something right. Making smart decisions, making money, cooking together, bro. Like, yeah, we're doing this shit for the community, dog. You already know, bro. Let's fucking send the shit, boys. Damn hacks. That's just crazy, bro.

Personal Growth and Financial Responsibility

I just told my wife what you. Cookie. She said nothing. I said, that's right. GTA, let's go. Yeah, you guys know, like, this is you guys, like, yeah, sure. About what, 12, 13, 14, so. But, bro, come on. I can't bring 30k volume on my own, you know what I mean? So, like, shout out to you guys, bro, you don't need to show me love. Show each other love and don't cheat on each other, bro. Don't be little bitches.

Inspiration and Motivation

And I mean, like, that's how you show each other love. For real, bro. Like, let's actually send this shit. Let's not make little kid money. Let's make, like, some serious adult money. You know what I mean? Yeah, let's do some of that, guys. Right? Let's go. Everybody in the room. If you haven't reposted to get that, let's get it reposted, man. Let's get everything. Anything's possible. Quote. Repost it, everything.

Rallying Community for Future Goals

Yo, I just posted the ca. I'm gonna get it rated. I'm gonna get it super boosted, bro, this shit's about to blow. I'm about to send this shit to Diddy. About to blast over 50k. So in this fall, can send it my guys. Yo, hex, what up? What up? Look, I'm gonna do deal, bro. This shit's two mil. I will shave my head bowed. You don't need to do that, bro.

Tokenomics and Market Understanding

But we've done it before. You can do it again. And, you know, here's the thing. If you look at Grand Theft Alpha, the liquidity pool is way thicker than this, bro. So, like, if we did it on that type of lp, we can hit, like, with the same liquidity, we can hit 10 million on a pump fund. Tokenomics. Sure. Sure. We can do it. Yeah. Let's raid.

Engaging with the Community

Let's look for our bags. I pinned it at the top. Give it some engagement. Get the algo going. Tweet the ticker out, and let's send this shit. 200k incoming. Let's fucking go. 200k income. And you heard the alpha here first. That's a four x from here. Yeah, you can hold me accountable to that, bro. If we don't hit 200k, I'm a post a video of me shaving my head bald. How about that? All right, so hold your fucking bags.

Manifestation and Accountability

Work for your bags. Manifest it. Believe it. Don't be a GD little bitch. I know you haven't seen three, four, five sold this quick before. I know you haven't. Some of y'all. But guess what, bro? Last time I had a guy tell me, bro, I sold my GTA and I bought a brand new Benz for my mom. And that was the fucking dopest shit I've heard. Because even though I took a huge l, right, even though I round tripped, bro, knowing that the homie bought his mama off fucking car, bro, that put a smile on my face.

Stories of Overcoming Challenges

Beautiful, bro. That's my dad's blessings, bro. Congrats to hacks, man, for giving him that blessing. Listen, I had other homies, like, literally fucking round trip, like, 2030 bands with me, bro. And yo did even fucking. Some of them went a little bit crazy. Some of them didn't even care, bro. Some fucking dope shit, bro. Like, for real, man. Like, my goal, bro, is to get a food truck.

Vision for the Future

Like 100%, bro. I get this food truck, bro. Bro, it's. It's a wrap. It's done. Saucy taquitos out the water, baby. We fucking. It's beautiful right now. It'd be even better just for the. Community to actually stick together, bro. And I promise you guys, anything's possible, bro. Oh, yeah, for sure. Because I'd rather work for myself, bro.

Personal Growth Experiences

Like, I'm not gonna lie to you. She's working at fucking Amazon. I was working on Amazon, like, a year ago, bro. I fucking quit that place and went back to my drink business where. Yeah, bro, I sent no faith. I. I sent to you a message. The Solana address. Yeah, we'll talk in the EMS, bro.

Community Responsiveness

Just because you guys, a lot of people like, you know, ask for handouts and that's not what we're doing here. I don't want to start coming up and asking for handouts, but if he's actually from, is that I don't mind supporting him. Oh, yes, he is. He is, bro. Let's keep talking about the token. We're at 52 fucking k.

Market Cap and Future Projections

Two fucking k all time. That's fucking. We're at 10%. Five minute, bro. This is gonna be. We're gonna fill the entire week from the first day of the launch, bro. Trust me, bro. This shit's easy, dog. All we have to do is just stay in the space. That's how we got to 120k in the first place. Literally.

Impact of Community Presence

It was a space. Oh, we got best out. Let's see if those here, bro. Oh, yeah, most definitely. This shit's gonna 200k tonight, bro. Literally. Easy. Let's see if you can get him in the space. I hope you're staying safe out there. I hope your family staying safe out there.

Support and Empathy

God bless, man. I really hope you guys are doing okay. Yeah, for sure. All my prayers go to them, man. Yeah, for real, man. I'll keep doing my prayers. Hey, let's go. Fifty five k. Fifty five. Okay, guys, I want. I want you to do a little thing with me right now, all right?

Call to Action for Community

I want you to do a little thing with me right now, all right? It's called believing, all right? It's called believing to achieve. If you got two, three soul in your wallet right now, say, listen to that and just blast that shit into the chart, bro. Trust me, bro. Trust me. I got your back, all right? I got your back.

Commitment to Community

Where any dip that comes, I'll buy it right after you, I promise. I got you. Send the shirt, bro. Let's send this shit. All right, but if you do this right now, once it gets the. Just be smart. Yeah. If you need that money, you know, take a little bit. Ten, 5% out, right.

Financial Responsibility Reminder

Make sure you stay a little bit liquid. Any other dip that comes that way you're ready, you know what I mean? We don't fuck around, bro. All right, but send a shit right now, guys. Yeah. One, two. Sold 0.5 sol. Whatever. Before I do, before I'm giving you a head start, let's go on that.

Encouragement for Participation

You heard the man. Whatever you got, throw it in. Because you got something on top of that. Even if you don't have much, bro. And you've just been fading from the sidelines, even if you cheated too early, whatever it is, put it back in right now. Most definitely, bro. Like, honestly, Bryce sold some fucking tokens, bro, just to get into shit.

Strategizing for Growth

I was like, fuck you. I'll sell this. Fuckers come up and buy back in, you know what I mean? The entire week from the first day, bro. Especially if little pump gets in the space, bro. Imagine like this is gonna send to 300k. Yo, little pump coming into the face sent us. That was with Dex. Not even updated.

Celebrity Influence for Promotion

What you guys talk a little pump to in the face holder shut. No fucking way. He's one of the one ones, bro. Yo, yo. That's fucking gnarly, bro. Not just a bunch of these celebrities with lunche connected to all of them. Oh, shit. Damn, bro, I can't wait to be with these people.

Future Events and Engagement

I saw nar, like if I pumped to the space. Yeah, I got a meet pump in Nashville. I talked to his manager, bro, and we'll set up like a mega space with his community. Like all the little pump holes together and bro, trust me, both. You know he has a fucking bro.

Building Community Connections

His fucking community is probably heavy on him too. So, you know, he fucking supporting loves it. He loves the art, he loves the music. He loves the narrative meme. So, bro, like, he'll help send us, no problem. He fucking tweeted, bro. Ko, hold up. Everyone share the space right now.

Motivation and Engagement

Dude, let's get we a little pump in this bitch, man. On, God. Co tweeted, fucking retweeted to start taking little fucking. Pump to check his GTA. Tell a pump like take him and be like, you'll check your comments. Everyone take little pump in the comments right now.

Incentives and Engagement

I'm looking. If you take little pump and say, check your Gta bag, I'm gonna pick two people for .2 solana each. Let's do that. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz you know, if he sees his bag and he sees like fucking up 500%, 600%, bro, he'll probably tweet it. You know, we'll get another 600% more.

Teamwork and Momentum

Everyone tweet out. Little pump quickly. Come on and watch it. We're giving soul away for people who are fucking commenting. Little pump in the, in our comments here. Which one in the. We add him in the one where it says, you're still early. Yeah, yeah, at the post of the pin post.

Proactive Engagement and Strategy

Right. Tell him low pump. Check your GTA. Big. Oh, the one where it says. Although the recent one, the nine minutes ago. Yeah, in the space on the pin post. Whatever you want to do it. I bet. Spam. Spam it. Spam it.

Community Interaction

Yeah. And so I'm gonna post the screenshots in my calls channel of lil Pump and my DM's. Just so you guys know what's going down in the DM's. But let me tell you, go down in the damn. If you don't think it's going down. My boy. This is going down in the DM's, yet it might be going down in the DM's.

Rallying Support for Goals

Every time this dipped, I've seen his cabal, bro. Two, three sold into, like, fucking cells. Rose crazy. I bet that's fucking. Oh, my God, bro. I mean, this shit. This is so beautiful, man. It's amazing. Yeah, I feel like we could send this shit to a million.

Long-Term Vision and Goals

For real, bro. Like, fucking just in one day if we actually just like home by manifest the shit all hold their baby, stay. In here all day, then don't leave. Right, and that's true though, bro. A. That's how the true. Because once you get off space, bro, people think you're selling.

Maintaining Momentum

So they get fucking scared, bro. So they'll end up so well. But when you're in space, people believe it. Oh, it's going up. It's going up. That's true. Because I was in a space the other day. This food got out big. Everybody got out. Oh, shit. He got back in it, sort of pumping back up again.

Community Growth through Participation

It's like, what the. Literally, bro, I have fucking, what, 46k followers, bro. Like, I'll tell you right now, only 500 of my followers are endless. What if we get a thousand in? This shit's gonna double, right? What if we get 2000 my followers and this shit's gonna fucking quadruple.

Organic Growth and Support

All we have to do, bro, is literally get my algorithm on my account going and over 500k. That's how we did it the first time. We didn't even have any callers, bro. It was literally just me. This is what we do, man. I just came up here to say. Fuck you, no face.

Community Engagement and Promotion

Fuck you, Manny. Good luck. Jokes. Yeah, trust me. Every post where I'm showing GTA, go drop the ticker, get the algorithm going, get the shit trending. We have the shit trending in Nigeria last time, which had the shit trending in Dubai last time. We had the shit trending in the states last time.

Motivating the Community

And that's how the shit really sent, like, 500k, bro, organically. The very first pump. Very first pump. We're up 30% in five minutes, dudes. Keep the fucking floor. Oh, my God, everybody fucking. Round trip. 500k on chain, bro, with a 560k liquidity pool.

Realism and Communication

No, you probably haven't brought some real shit, Rollah. On some real shit, bro. Honestly, that's a big dog shit. A little pump. DM's on the timeline. Little pump. Screenshot of the DM on the timeline. Hey, let's fucking go, hacks. Yay, baby.

Action Plans for Promotion

I'm gonna drop it in my cause channel right now, though. I got you guys. Yeah, yeah. Fuck yeah. I'm fucking. I'm ready out of it right now, bro. Hey, Kim jit. Everybody, keep commenting, bro. Keep fucking rating this shit, because if he sees it, everybody else will see this shit, too.

Engagement and Community Motivation

All right, guys, go check my calls channel and enjoy, motherfucker. Hello? Hex any eyedrop or Gita. Gucci gang. Gucci gang. Gucci gang. Yeah, get the help. Eyedrop, bro. Yo, bro, please, just don't be coming up here and begging, bro. Like, just.

Maintaining Positivity in the Community

Just keep the vibes high. Let's keep the vibrations up. If you need. If you're in a state of need, you can interact with the giveaways. And any post where I say drop wallets, you know, you can tell me, hey, bro, I'm actually down bad right now. I. Give me your story there, but don't come up in spaces and give me your story, bro, because, you know, I'm all about people working for their own bags, people making their own money.

Encouraging Independence

I'm not here to give people free money. I'm not Oprah, bro. I'm not here to save anybody, okay? Let me just tell you that because me personally, I've been dirt fucking broke, okay? When I was 14, 15, I'm a Palestinian refugee, all right, bro, I from nothing, dog. All right? I was digging in the couch for two $3 to feed myself from Burger King, bro, just to survive, all right?

Sharing Personal Struggles

Like, literally, until I fucking came up with a crystal pokeball in 2012, bro. Like, I had nothing, bro. Nothing to my name, bro. I swear. My mattress was on the floor, bro. I had fucking $3 in my bank account, bro. Like imma get emotional, bro. I want to talk about this shit, you know what I mean? But bro, like when I came up, all of that was on my own, bro.

Inspiring Others

Nobody put me on, all right? No one put me on, bro. Literally not a single fucking motherfucker, bro. My brother used to beat me every single fucking day, bro. That's my life, dog. All right? So don't give me your sad story and don't come here asking for airdrops, bro. Work for your fucking bag. Make memes, all right? Mod the chat. Do something, bro. Don't fucking be a beg, dog.

Perseverance and Determination

Don't be a panhandler. Just keep grinding, bro. Keep doing your thing, you know what I mean? If you keep fucking rating hacks gonna see this shit, bro. You know what I mean? Like I say, you guys don't gotta ask, bro. Just fucking keep grinding, bro, and you'll fucking get it, bro. That's, that's all it matters, you know, because once you stop, the journey stops.

Encouragement to Continue

Keep fucking going. You're gonna run into some good shit on the way. All it takes is one meme point, bro. That's it, bro. Just one trip to Dubai. Share the space, share this space. Yo, little pump tweet coming at 200k market cap, you heard the alpha here first. Send the shit, bro. It's gonna send it over.

Preparing for Growth

You heard it. Let's do this. Little pump is a holder of GTA. My dudes, little pump is a holder. He's gonna be tweeting. So fucking get your bags up before that tweet comes out. Get your fucking bags up. Yeah, trust, bro. We're actually out here in the trenches showing up every day building community, bro. Little pump supports us, bro. Nobody doing sahils out here.

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