Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Navigating the Future: Trends & Innovation in Crypto Trading hosted by CoinstoreExc. In the realm of crypto trading, staying ahead requires a blend of regulatory adherence, technological innovation, user-centric strategies, and market adaptability. From AI-powered tools to DeFi disruptions, community engagement, and blockchain integration, the landscape is evolving rapidly. Platforms must prioritize scalability, security, and partnerships for sustainable growth. Education initiatives and enhancing user experiences are pivotal to onboard newcomers and retain traders. This space explored the dynamic trends and innovations shaping the future of crypto trading.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: Why is regulatory compliance crucial in crypto trading?
A: Compliance ensures legitimacy, protects users, and strengthens market trust.

Q: How does AI impact trading in the crypto market?
A: AI optimizes trading decisions, enhances risk management, and improves market analysis.

Q: What role does community engagement play in crypto trading platforms?
A: Engagement builds a loyal user base, fosters feedback, and enhances platform credibility.

Q: Why is DeFi innovation significant for the trading industry?
A: DeFi advancements offer decentralized alternatives, improve liquidity, and increase accessibility for traders.

Q: How can traders stay competitive in a dynamic market environment?
A: Adaptability, staying informed, and embracing new technologies are key for remaining competitive.

Q: What advantages does blockchain integration bring to crypto trading platforms?
A: Blockchain ensures transparent transactions, secure data storage, and immutable records.

Q: Why are strategic partnerships important in the trading sector?
A: Partnerships enable access to new markets, enhance service offerings, and drive business growth.

Q: What role does education play in onboarding new traders to the crypto space?
A: Education increases awareness, mitigates risks, and empowers users to make informed decisions.

Q: How does user experience impact the success of a crypto trading platform?
A: Positive user experience increases user retention, attracts new traders, and builds brand reputation.

Q: Why is scalability essential for a crypto trading platform's success?
A: Scalability ensures platform efficiency, accommodates growing user bases, and supports increased transaction volumes.


Time: 08:25:14
Regulatory Challenges in Crypto Trading Discussion on navigating regulatory complexities and compliance requirements.

Time: 10:40:21
AI Applications in Trading Strategies Exploring how AI tools enhance decision-making processes and market analysis.

Time: 12:15:49
DeFi Impact on Traditional Trading Models Insights into how DeFi innovations are disrupting traditional trading practices.

Time: 15:05:37
Community Building for Trading Platforms Importance of community engagement for platform growth and sustainability.

Time: 18:30:52
Partnerships and Collaborations in Trading Exploring the benefits and challenges of strategic partnerships in the trading sector.

Time: 22:10:15
Blockchain Integration for Transparent Trading Benefits of blockchain technology for enhancing trust and security in trading platforms.

Time: 25:45:30
User Experience Focus in Crypto Trading Importance of user-friendly interfaces and features for attracting and retaining traders.

Time: 29:20:11
Scalability for Future Growth Discussion on the scalability requirements for handling increasing trading volumes.

Time: 32:55:44
Education Initiatives in Crypto Trading Initiatives to educate new traders and enhance awareness about crypto trading.

Time: 35:45:59
Market Trends and Adaptability Strategies Adapting to changing market dynamics and leveraging trends for competitive advantage.

Key Takeaways

  • Regulatory compliance is paramount for the sustainable growth of crypto trading platforms.
  • User experience and security features play a crucial role in attracting and retaining traders.
  • Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing trading strategies and market analysis.
  • Innovation in decentralized finance (DeFi) is reshaping the traditional trading ecosystem.
  • Community engagement fosters trust and loyalty among users in the crypto trading community.
  • Scalability and efficiency are key factors for a successful crypto trading platform.
  • Education and communication are essential for introducing new users to the world of crypto trading.
  • Continuous monitoring of market trends and adaptability to changes are vital for staying competitive.
  • Strategic partnerships and collaborations drive growth and expansion opportunities in the trading industry.
  • The integration of blockchain technology enhances transparency and security in crypto trading.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hello, guys. Hello. Hi. Hello. Hey, Lily. Hello. Hello. Finally. We've, like, met online on the discussion. I'm so excited. Yeah. How are you guys doing today? How's everything going so far? Yep, all good. All good. It's been, I mean, pleasure that inviting you to our space. So while we wait, guys, do share this stream on the part, I would say the AMA or the discussion to your friends and family getting to join this discussion. It'll be a great one as we have Lily here from Booktiano, if I'm. If I did not pronounce mistakenly. Yeah. So she's a. I would say an interesting character or interesting personnel that we will discuss about the, you know, the crypto, trading the trends. And I would say it's part of the marketing for the crypto. So, yeah, guys, do share this space to your friends and family. And also, nice to meet Jilly.

Lily's Introduction

Yeah. Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you all. It's my honor to be here today. Thank you for inviting me to this space. So should I introduce myself? I think give it some time while we wait for the others to join. Is that okay? Give it like a. Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. Because we just started. All right, so, guys, share this space to your friends and family. We'll study in about a minute. Yeah, that was great. All right, so we will start the space right now. We have Zach here and also Lily from Bok channel. So how about Lily, you start introducing yourself? Like, what does block tennis, what does block Tennant does and who you are. Give like, a brief introduction.

Lily's Background and Overview

Yeah, sure things. So, first of all, thank you so much for having me here today in this space with choristere. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lily. I'm currently the CEO of Blocked in, which is top media site and community in Vietnam. We mostly support audience in Vietnam and the one who speak Vietnamese about the news of like the up to date news in the industry. And then we also have our community which also have the project to reach out to vietnamese community. And, yeah, we also collab with most of the big exchanges like Corestor and others. So I would love to be here to sharing a little bit about our angle from media site and community about what happening in the. In the industry. Thank you so much again for having me here today and so excited for this, for the accommodation upcoming.

Zach's Introduction

Lovely, lovely. Yeah. Well, I search up your blogs, your website. I was quite impressed with the content. Yeah. So normally our content is like, let's say day is about general topic. Every day we have more than 200,000 people engaged in our content about everything happened in the industry on that day. Maybe about the general information events or even the information about the projects as well as we're doing guiding and like educating for their community and audience. Yeah. Lovely, lovely. Alright, so we do have Zach from here. Okay, sorry, could you say it again? Sorry, I missed that one. All right, because I heard echoes. So basically we do have. Basically we do have.

Zach's Role and Responsibilities

Wait, I hear my voice. Give a sec. Yeah. Hi. Hi. Yeah, thanks, Kaden. Thanks, Lily, for joining these pan discussions. So I'm Zach from coinstore strategy partnership department. What we do from our department is like researching the project who just come into our exchange from our team. We will evaluate the projects, give them the grading, searching the alpha, if the project have the potential to grow in the market. So we will have the corporations with them. So yeah, just a short introduction for myself. Lovely, lovely. Thank you, Zach. I'm sorry, that was technical issues where I could hear my voice. So anyways, thanks, Zach, for the introduction. So Zach's from the coinstore team. So he's part of the strategic partnership.

Panel Discussion and Initial Questions

And this whole goal of this panel discussion would be spark a great conversation or an in depth conversation from immediate point of view and also from a strategic partnership point of view. So are you guys ready for a question? Because I do have a lot. All right. So I believe you guys have many questions too. So let me quickly start with the first question. So from your media side and also from Zach, the strategy partners perspective, what are the core attributes to make a crypto project a successful one? So would Julie Lee start first? Yeah. So thank you for your question. That is an interesting one because I think it's quite hard to give a definition exactly about what kind of success or project in crypto industry.

Core Attributes for Successful Crypto Projects

Like for me, the successful crypto project compiler loss angles one, firstly is about like technological innovation. The second one is the strong and experience of the team. The third one for me is the community engagement of that project. And then last but not least, the regulatory compliance of that project. We can see a lot of projects that already success in this industry. And all of them, I think have all of these aspects that I just mentioned. Like they have, they need to fill the, you know, they need to have the innovation, cutting edge technology and have the good problem solving to fill in the industry. And also that team need to be expertise. They need to have like technical skills and advisor board as well as like experience, leadership kind of thing.

Community Engagement and Market Fit

Then they can make the market Fitzhen at that point. And. Yeah, and then the community engagement should be a really important aspect as well. If they don't get that one, they cannot be considered as a successful project. Yeah, like some others can. May think that a successful project is a project that launch in big exchanges and then price goes up, time by time. But I think it's not really enough because we need something that I like. From my point of view. I need some more aspects than that. Just about the price. Yeah. So that's my opinion about that one.

Discussion on Project Success Factors

Yeah, yeah. I do like the idea of. Oops, I can hear myself. So basically, I do like the idea of, you know, price doesn't make good. It doesn't feel like a good point, but yeah, it's a good point.

Discussion on Project Success Factors

So how about you, Zach? What do you think? What are the factors that defines a good project? Yeah, I'm quite agree about what Renee said just now. The successful is quite objective, subjective for my own perspective to how do I say one project is that successful or not? I will like come to these three factor to determine. One is the sustainability. Second is the contributions. Third is the unit of the project. So how we say the sustainability. So if you back to the last cycle of the. When the before the bull market start. So you can see that is a DeFi summer is starting. So at that I period, there is a lot of defi project come up, including Luna, you can see. So if the project they have their own. I mean the fundamental is really strong and they have the strong community and they can able to survive after the bad cycles.

Defining Successful Projects

So I would say these kind of the project also have the successful. This kind of feature. Second is about the contributions. So what kind of the project they have. Because you can see a lot of the market project come out is like almost similar. Didn't have much of the creativity or some innovative things. So if you can see when I just give a sample like Aave. I think this also is an old project of the. In our defi. So this kind of project they have some new idea of the new Defi system to like contribute to this. I mean, this finance cycle. So I would say this also can. We can say it as a successful project. Third is also that is not really serious way. Like what I say is the means related to the means.

Market Trends and Successful Projects

Like mint is come out in the d cycle. Although this already appeared in the life cycle. But this cycle is like bullish in the oil market. So if the like tokens can be sold in the unique way, like representing like show up. There is a different special from our. I mean, the crypto field that also can code as a successful. But this is not really from a really serious way to start talking a project. Yeah, gotcha. Gotcha. I believe both of you guys mentioned communities are a huge part of a factor to determine a project. So, Khalidi, could you give me an example of a world successful project? Yeah, sorry, Kaden.

Understanding Project Success

Before answering the second one, I want to add in a little bit about the first question. Like, I want to just shorten it because I think I answered a little bit technically. So I just want to say, like a successful project, it should be like a project that can solve a problem of the market. And then their solution are accepted and supported by community. And then they do. They do what they say, following their map. That is the short term for my question before. I just want to add in it. It comes to my mind now for the second one, an example, let's say about example for the successful chest. I think there are lots of not philosophy, like, there are many successful projects at the moment. And then I think one of them that Jack have just mentioned before is Luna.

Examples of Successful Projects

And then I have some others like near protocol, which is one of my favorite one. I invest in that one a lot. We also like collaborate with their Solana super team as well. I quite know them clearly about the thing that they're doing. Wow. Okay. Yeah. Polkadot and. Yeah, that two names come to my mind now. And recently I have. We also collaborate with Cyber. One is really famous one. And another one I want to mention is Coin Ida, which is one of the vietnamese project. But they doing so well. Why I can say that they are kind of successful.

Criteria for Success

Successful project because it can satisfy my poise that I mentioned before. Like, they try to solve some problem in the market and they are now accepted and supported by community. And as well as they doing what they saying. So, yeah, so far, that's then something. But would you invest in like, meme coins? No, I'm not a fan of meme coin. Because. Because I know that Zach's a huge meme coin. I would say investor. So, Zach, could you like, show some of the examples of a, you know, successful projects that you think great enough?

Zach's Perspective on Successful Projects

Yeah, thanks. Thanks. Okay, then. So I think you expecting me, like saying something. Coin is related to a successful project. But I will get a sample here for the current these cycles. So I think for these cycles, the quite successful project is like IO. So why I mentioned IO is one of the successful project because he they like successful to link themselves with the AI. Because you can know for this cycle, the train is AI. This train. Okay. So I always link this thing to them. And then second they come to the link themselves in the cloud.

Key Success Factors

You see, cloud will be very important for blockchains, especially in the futures they algorithm is so much. So. And then the cloud will be playing really a vital role. So I owe, like code themselves, like AI and also related to this. So. And then they get really a big funding and you see they can already go out finance in the short time. So I will say it is also one of the successful. The second one is the Jupiter. Jupiter is the Dex, like, built on top of the Solana chains. But Jupyter, actually they didn't have. Didn't really have the creativity so much in the.

Assessing Project Creativity and Appeal

In the project itself. Maybe like coding. Maybe they have, like, better a bit than the radium, the old device. But Jupiter, they catch the train also a smart way, the project, they know to catch the train, like the mean. So you can see the Jupiter logo is like, yeah, that band is related to the cat. So in the galaxy. So I would say, hey, if the new investor come in, they say, okay means a plus defi. So this can, like, attract more investors to, like, know about their project, invest more in the end, like maybe use their platform or buy their tokens.

Conclusion of the Discussion

So these two, I think this is quite good in this cycle. Gacha. Gacha, I really thought you would, like, give me some mew or, you know, random projects that had a huge community. Because you did mention that, you know, having a strong community does resonance or does show that it's a one of a good project, but, like, a factor to indicate that it's a good project. But I'm surprised it's a I o. But. All right, I'm surprised. But I do agree with both of you guys because I do think that the points that you guys provided is actually really good.

Panel Discussion Introduction

So for you guys who's listening right now, we are actually hosting a amae or slash panel discussion where I'll be the host and asking the speaker from the blockchaino. So it's Lily. Lily is actually the COo for blockchain. Also, Zach, which is the yellow monster profile picture. So he's actually from coinstor, which handles the strategy partnership part. So they are both very, I would say they know what they're doing and they love what they're doing. And so we have this conversation so that we can provide more in depth discussion to you guys.

Introduction to the Chat System

All right, so I do know that we do have a chat system so if you guys have any questions that you guys would like to ask, feel free to type in it. If we have like extra time we can, you know, maybe Lily or Zach to answer them. All right, so let's move on to the next question that I think is quite important. So it's regarding the credibility and also these trustworthiness because I think it's important for the investors or the traders because we are afraid of rug pool. We are afraid that suddenly the deep pool drag immediately or maybe soon after. How do you access a credibility of a project? What are the elements that you guys look at when you guys search for a new project or an existing project? Is that. Would you like to go first? Sure.

Trust and Credibility in Blockchains

Sure. Yeah. So when we're talking about the trust with trust or credibility in blockchains, actually it's quite hard, you know because when you can see there's a lot of the rub happens and some of the projects they after they coming in the bid and then in the end the token drop and the project receives that. So is quite hard to like come out some standard to evaluate whether the project had the graffiti or not. But I would say the project team profile also mentioned the team may be anonymous. You don't know who are them. Right. So this is also one of the difficult or the challenge for us to check the project. So but I will share one of the experience. I used to purchase one NFT project in the last year. So in the end this NFT project, I mean their team have announced their project cannot be continued.

Credibility Through Actions

So what they do is they refund, they making a refund to the investor who have listed or purchased earlier in the stage. So I would say this kind of the team they have shown the, I mean the credibility or the responsibility from their team even though the project cannot be run. But they didn't drop the pool so they do the refund. So I think this kind of team they are not anonymous even though they are anonymous but the ad they doing, they bear out the responsible. So it's like they will win the investor you know so if they going to launch another project so those guys who invest earlier will invest again. So I think this is based on the decisions they make in the past. So the profile we can check whether this project have the credibility or not. Gajak, was it the sloth NFT that we mentioned quite a few times back? Yeah, yeah.

Evaluating Team Experience and Community Trust

From the Japan team. Yeah, yeah. Because that time I did try to invest. It's love and that things happen but yeah. Anyways Lily. So how about you any factors that you would look at, you know, to look for a credibility within a project. Yeah. First of all, I totally agree with Jack about the thing that he mentioned that it's hard to, you know, to evaluate a project that trustworthy or nothing, especially in this industry, in crypto industry where the trust is built on belief. Yeah, I would say like because as I mentioned before, blocked in our own social support project, reach out the community. So it's like we have our old team to do research to make sure that project is like trust enough to have them to promote to the reach out community and have to.

Research and Documentation Processes

Yeah. So then the process that our team normally do is like first of all, we looking for the information that we can have, like from the team we normally have meeting with the team and then get the document from them and do research on it. This can be the document that normal trader or investor can find as well. Like their white paper, their deck, their backer, their investor, their Android investor. Also like their map, their roadmap, what they're going to do in the future. What kind of solution are they trying to solve in the market and yeah, but one thing that quite hard that Jack already mentioned is about animals think in the industry. So we try to find like does that team has any experience before or if they already have, what kind of, how that kind of experience can support them in this project or how did they solve with the difficulty before?

Analyzing Experience and Background

Before. So for the trustworthy one, we looking for all the document we have and see what kind, number one, do they solve the problem that already have in the market. Second one, who are they? And yeah, who are they? The third one, how did they deal with the difficulty before? And the fourth one that is like were looking for on their social media as well. Not only the white paper, the pitch deck, everything, but also on their social media. Like do they have a lot of Kol that following them or are they followed by the big exchanges like core store or other exchanges as well? Yeah, and how the engaging of their post. Of their.

Social Media Engagement and Risk Assessment

Yeah, that post on social media, like there's a lot of people interested in that or just few of them or they are just a new, really new account that just created three, four days ago or so on. So it's quite risky. Like sometime we know the team and but then the project is quite new. So but then that kind of project is acceptable for us for trustworthy if they doing well before, but if the project is quite nude and then we know nothing about the team and then we need to like to follow them for a while before we make a decision that should we support them for the next stages or not. Like even us at a media site and community, we don't want our community member to get that much reach. So I think from that kind of experience from my research team the trader and investor can also apply it to their process to find like to see like that project is a trustworthy one or not.

Importance of Documentation and Media Sources

Like I can totally understand that you guys, the trader and the investor cannot have that much information as us can do because we have a team and then we have connection and then, yeah, so we can easier to get that kind of information. But then the investor and the trader who are in video, it's quite a little bit more difficult to get that information. But then following their social media and read their document is the very first step. But really significant for everyone in this industry to you know to evaluate a project that is trustworthy or not. Or maybe just follow like some media site like famous one and trustworthy one to have a look at that. Yeah, gotcha.

Exchange Listings as Credibility Indicators

All right, so correct me if I'm wrong. So do you think that if an exchange listed a token or a project on their platform you would consider that a YDe as a legit project or you would just deeper. Yeah. Thankful. Thanks for reminding me. That is really good factor to consider because the project that can list in famous and popular exchange example the exchange have the high quality standard like Koi store then you like we I mean block Dan out as well as our community normally can trust. Put our trust on that and see and consider it as a like a plus point for their trustworthy point.

The Role of Legal and Research Teams

Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah, I do actually agree because our team or even some of the big exchanges they to have like a very strict legal team or like a research team to dive deep into their team, I mean the project team or even some of the portfolios. So I think that you know, looking at the team and also looking at the past portfolios by the team would be actually quite important. So earlier we are you. Yeah, yeah, I'm here. All right, cool. So yeah, earlier on we did discuss some of the crucial factors that defines a successful crypto project.

Community's Integral Role in Crypto Projects

So one of the factors would be the community. So I think web three and community is quite tied together because projects needed a huge community to build a huge following and community needed a good project to be able to follow a belief in or to invest in. So committee plays a very crucial role. So from the project and also the media point of view what are the effective strategies in building a sustaining, strong community? Lili, would you like to go first? Yeah, I think that's the question is for me because as a community, I know, like I, I think I know ru a little bit clear about this one.

Engagement and Support from the Community

As I mentioned before, a successful project is about how the community accept and support them. So I think the community engagement is super important to the project. And so, like, for example, let's say if the increasing community, I mean, the increasing of trust and credit of a project increase. So that's why. That's when the member can feel hurt and value from the project and then they more likely to support and participate. It's like a circle. Like, let me think about this a little bit. Like, if a project can get the trust and credit from the community, then they can invoke more and more.

Strategies for Building a Strong Community

And then at that time they can more likely to support and participate more. And so that make the circle of the community like growth and then the community getting bigger and bigger. And then when the acceptance approach increasing, I think that the time we can say they are close to the success and for the strategies, like the effective strategy for the project in building a strong community. Let's say, like, first of all, let's say about the authentic community, which is the. I would say the active listening, like community is where you can hear lots of feedback of your project, of what you're doing or maybe some more solution about that.

Feedback and Collaborations

So listen to them, listen about the concern and incorporate their feedback into decision making process. That can be great to your project. And then the collaborative partnership is really important as well. Like if a project want to build a community in a local, in a country or area, they collaborate with local organization, local community, local kol. So it's like short term way to reach the community in that area. And then. Yeah, and then. Wait, I have a quick question.

Impactful Community Feedback

Like is there a memorable feedback that you got from the community that you're like, yep, actually make a change. Make a change. Oh, yeah. A lot. I think require a lot. Like our inbox every day. Have a lot of questions about that. Let me quickly recall my memory. I mean, just an easy one. It's fine. I'm just curious. Yeah. Yeah.

Community Engagement on Airdrop Events

So let's say about recently some event that a project, I will not mention them the way they sending airdrop for the member. So they are not doing what they guarantee to the community.

Community Engagement and Trust

They didn't do what they guarantee with the community about the airdrop. So because lots of people lost, they did so well in strategy, about marketing before. So lots of people know about that project and know about the project and engage in the event, but then, because they didn't do well as what at the end when they delivered the airdrop and things, that's the time they lost all the trust that they built before to the community. And that's why like all the, what they did before just coming to zero. And then, yeah, and that's where the credibility just goes.

Consequences of Failed Expectations

And then they said, okay, what happening here? The project is not doing what they say. What should I do now? I put a lot of effort for this one. I got a lot of feedback. Did they compensate? Sorry, can you say, I mean, yeah, did the project compensate? Sorry, I couldn't hear the last word. Sorry. Whatever would be. Did the project give you anything extra to compensate? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because actually we didn't, like, we didn't collab with that project, but we also support them a little bit to reach our community.

Feedback and Community Solutions

So we already send the feedback and they say, oh, yeah. They trying like some solution to obtain that many feedback, like negative feedback from community. So they trying to find a solution to make the community happy again. But I'm like, they're trying. So let's see what will happen next. Gotcha. Gotcha. So Zach, you've been working with projects. You know, you guys, you're part of a, I would say, strong partnership with the projects after they listed on coinstore.

Building Strong Communities

So from your point of view, you know, what are the factors or, you know, how, what are the strategies and what are the things that they do to build an effective, strong community. Yeah, seriously, I didn't have very much opinion on the, I mean, this question, but I just share some my thought, like when you come to the projects, when the project want to maintain a strong community, yeah. The engagement is really the key. So when, you know, when in crypto projects the team is, might be like anonymous or they come from the different country.

Importance of Engagement

Okay. So if it's not like a traditional company, there's a building you can find or registration you can find. So how you engaging the commitment with the community is really important. So also your committee come from worldwide different country. So how the commitment from the team, project team with the committee, like answering the inquiry, updating the information to the committee is really important. I would say if something happened, maybe like using their platform, some error is happening or some troubles, I need to seeking for help.

Handling Issues and Community Building

So who should I find? So who can help me to resolve the problem? I facing when we're using the product. So if some of the project they have, I mean, they have the enough team members to handle this kind of problem. So I believe that this will strengthen their community. So, like, come out. The build up the competence from the user side, you know, in project, in this, in crypto, is that the fear is really easy to, like, come to the user's mind when something happens with the product or something happens or something bad news has happened.

Commitment and Community Relationship

So. And the project didn't, like, act promptly. So I think if one to build the community is more stronger and more long term, so the commitment from the teams, how they handling the committee, the way they had they answering their inquiries or this really important. Yeah, gotcha. Yeah. I do have, you know, experience with joining a community, and at the end, when I'm looking for some help or join an activity, no one's giving any information.

Engagement Strategies

So at the end, I just kind of gave up this project. So I think, you know, being very engaging in the community and also provide credibility projects to the community. It's a very good factor or a good strategy to build your own community. All right, I have my last question. So this question just pops up in my mind. So, Lily and Zach, how would you describe the web free world, no matter the trading game, find, defi, or.

Describing the Web3 Experience

Or just the whole crypto or web three space, can you use one word to describe this whole thing? You know, like, just one word? So, Zach, would you just give me one word that. Would you describe this whole thing? You assume me I can come out the whole word immediately, right? Yeah, just one word. Just one word and tell me what. To describe the whole web three or the what happening.

Personal Impressions of Web3

So it's about freedom. So this is the one word I can, like, quote for this lovely. How about you, Lili? Just one word to describe this whole thing. Oh, my God. Kaden is hard. How can I describe it in just one word? I would say till. Oh. Yeah. I think nowadays, not web one, web two, or web two anymore.

The Future of Web3

So web three going to be the key for everything in the now. Not now, but also in the future. So I think that's the key for everything. When we say about web three, even, like, gamefi. Yeah. Defi everything is gonna be the key for everything. Key to open the new era. Wow, that is a deep one.

Interpreting Success in Crypto

I actually like the word lucky for everything, because it is a key for everything. No matter, you know, not your keys, not your cryptos. I believe you guys heard of it. Or even, like, the key to a success. You can be investing and then make. A lot of money. So it's a key to be a millionaire or even billionaire. So I do like those.

Closing Remarks

All right, so before we end this space. So, Lily, would you like to shout out to, you know, your site, your socials, or even yourself? Like, would you like to shout out yourself? Or the block channels? I mean. Yeah. Thank you. Kaden, forgive me. Your words, right? Yeah. So, everyone, thank you so much for listening.

Promoting the Community

And we are blocked here now, one of the top crypto and media sites in Vietnam. If you speak Vietnamese or can read Vietnamese, you can follow our community to follow all the news in the industry. If you are not, it's fine. Please follow our social media. Then we can maybe, like you the other to translate it. It's okay, right?

Goodbyes and Cultural Exchange

All right, last. But, Lily, how do you say goodbye in Vietnamese? Sorry, the what? How do you say goodbye in Vietnamese? Goodbye. Let's say tap beard. Tap beard, is it? Yeah, yeah. Almost there. All right. Tap beard. Everyone, thank you for joining. Thanks, Kate. See you, guys. Bye. See you, guys.

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