Myriad Markets ️


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Myriad Markets ️ hosted by NFTCHESUS. Join the Myriad Markets space for a deep dive into cutting-edge topics such as AI applications, NFT transformations, and blockchain innovations. Explore the future of digital interactions in the Metaverse, the disruptive potential of DeFi trends, and the creative revolution in the NFT art space. Delve into the importance of security in crypto wallets, community engagement in socialFi projects, and the evolution of gaming with play-to-earn models. Stay informed on the latest advancements driving innovation across diverse sectors.

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Total Listeners: 112


Q: How is AI influencing various industries?
A: AI is revolutionizing sectors with automation, data analysis, and personalized experiences, enhancing efficiency and decision-making.

Q: What advantages do NFTs offer to digital creators?
A: NFTs empower creators by establishing authenticity, providing ownership rights, and enabling direct monetization avenues.

Q: Why are unique projects important in the blockchain space?
A: Unique projects drive innovation, community engagement, and differentiation in the competitive blockchain landscape.

Q: What role does the Metaverse play in the future of digital interactions?
A: The Metaverse enables immersive virtual experiences, asset ownership, and social interactions, shaping the future of digital engagement.

Q: How can DeFi trends impact traditional financial systems?
A: DeFi innovations challenge traditional finance by offering decentralized solutions, efficient protocols, and broader financial inclusion.

Q: Why is security paramount in crypto wallets?
A: Wallet security safeguards digital assets, protects against cyber threats, and ensures a secure environment for trading and storing cryptocurrencies.

Q: What benefits do play-to-earn models bring to gamers?
A: Play-to-earn models allow gamers to earn rewards, incentives, and ownership of in-game assets, transforming gaming into profitable activities.

Q: How are NFTs revolutionizing the art industry?
A: NFTs provide digital artists with verifiable authenticity, traceability of ownership, and new revenue channels, disrupting traditional art markets.

Q: What impact can infrastructure advancements have on blockchain technology?
A: Infrastructure advancements improve scalability, efficiency, and connectivity of blockchain networks, paving the way for mass adoption and diverse applications.

Q: Why is community engagement significant in socialFi projects?
A: Community engagement fosters inclusivity, sustainability, and user participation, driving the success and growth of social finance initiatives.


Time: 00:12:34
Innovative AI Applications in Various Sectors Exploring how AI is transforming industries through advanced algorithms and automation.

Time: 00:25:46
NFTs: Empowering Digital Creators Understanding the impact of NFTs on creators' rights, ownership, and monetization strategies.

Time: 00:37:59
DeFi Trends and Market Dynamics Analyzing the evolving landscape of decentralized finance and its implications for investors and users.

Time: 00:45:22
Blockchain Infrastructure Advancements Discussing the importance of infrastructure upgrades for blockchain scalability and interoperability.

Time: 00:55:13
The Metaverse: Virtual Experiences and Asset Ownership Exploring the concept of the Metaverse and its impact on digital interactions and ownership.

Time: 01:05:48
Unique Projects and SocialFi Innovations Highlighting the significance of unique blockchain projects and social finance initiatives for community engagement.

Time: 01:15:29
Play-to-Earn Models in Gaming Examining the rise of play-to-earn models in gaming and their influence on player engagement and rewards.

Time: 01:25:17
Crypto Wallet Security Measures Exploring the importance of robust security measures in crypto wallets for safe storage and transactions.

Time: 01:35:40
NFTs Revolutionizing Art Markets Discussing how NFTs are reshaping the art industry by offering new opportunities for artists and collectors.

Time: 01:45:55
Impact of Infrastructure Advancements on Blockchain Understanding the role of infrastructure advancements in shaping the future of blockchain technology.

Key Takeaways

  • Innovative AI solutions are reshaping industries and revolutionizing processes.
  • NFTs play a pivotal role in transforming ownership rights and digital asset monetization.
  • Market dynamics and trends are crucial for strategic decision-making in decentralized finance (DeFi).
  • Infrastructure advancements like interoperability boost the efficiency and utility of blockchain applications.
  • Digital creators benefit from tokenization through NFTs, enabling new revenue streams and audience engagement.
  • The Metaverse offers immersive experiences and virtual asset ownership opportunities.
  • Leveraging unique projects and socialFi concepts can enhance community engagement and growth.
  • Gaming experiences are evolving with play-to-earn (P2E) models, creating new pathways for player participation and rewards.
  • Wallet security and trading strategies are essential components for crypto enthusiasts and investors.
  • Artistic expression and authenticity are emphasized in the NFT space, driving creativity and value.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Initial Thoughts

All right, all right. Good morning. Looks like I'm by myself. I don't know where the fuck anybody's at. Ben's not here. Moon fuel's not here. I don't know what's happening. I've been abandoned. I'm gonna tag Ben and see what he is actually doing. I thought we had all of this under control. Let me mute that site. That way we're not getting echo. Sorry about that. For anybody listening, maybe hypha. I mean, not a hype. I'm seeing hyphae. Maybe I will get Kyle in here momentarily as well. So we'll see what happens. But I am left hanging. So thank you to Ben, but thank you all for coming in. Anyways. Please retweet the room, guys. I know some of you guys are here for stream drops. I do want to do those, but please, please retweet the room. And that way we can get more people in here.

Setting Up and Getting Organized

So other than that, let me go back to hither and we're just going to fucking. We're going to go right in. I'm going to add the myriad here, that way. I'm going to go this way until I see Ben come up. We're going to prop it up this way. Damn it. Which way do I want the layout to be? We'll go. We'll go this way. Right here. yeah, so, like I said, ben, mia, moon fuel, I think, told us yesterday that he was going to be out. I think he's getting ready to head to I think he's getting ready to head over to ape fest, so. But fuck it. We ball. I might as well just run reality check from this point forward. let me get Kyle up here. My, always dependable co host, is in hot and heavy, bros.

Co-Host Introduction and Interaction

It was only a matter of time before I became the co host of this space, too. Jesus. All they got. Yeah. I'm giving you a I'm giving you an honorary, myriad hour co host position since Moonfield. I think he was like a week ago. He wasn't going to be here today. Yeah, yeah. And then. But Ben, I was talking to Ben in DM's this morning and I don't know where he went. I don't. I don't know. So I guess he'll come back at some point. He may have gotten covered up with work. Baby, come back. But. Yeah, I know. but anyways, retweet the fucking room, please. that's the only way we get more people in here. Trying to get signed into myriad hour now.

Transitioning to Stream Drops

stream drops on this show too. All day long, baby. Holy fuck. All right, hold up. I gotta get all day. If I didn't, it'd be me, you, and haifa and chaos in here. That would be it. I don't know about that, but that's definitely night shows we've been doing. Oh, man, these night shows are fucking crackhead level energy. I know, I know. And then people were like, man, why are you not like, somebody asked me last night, why are you going to bed? And I'm like, what? I'm like, bro, I'm fucking tired. That's why I'm going to bed.

Technical Setup and Discussion

But either way, it's all good. What are you doing? You're logging in? You're getting set up there. Coffee cooking out in the kitchen right now. I'm fucking logging into stream drop, I guess. Yeah. Well, let me know when you're there. I'm a fire one off as soon as you're ready. Hopefully you don't have to. All right, well, there we go. It actually didn't make me log in this time. Nice. Nice. But yeah. So we'll be doing stream drops throughout the entire space if anyone needs to. Let me actually find the. It's so dumb. I can't put the.

Game Room Link Discussion

I can't. The comments. I'm trying to find my comment that has the game room link, but the game room link up above is there if you need it. And then if you have not yet signed up or are following myriad of, please make sure you go and do that. And I'm gonna pin a tweet at the top. If you have not signed up, go to myriad markets. Make sure you get signed up for early access to that. So, yeah, bro, I got my, so obviously you're in this space, but, like, I got my chimp stuff yesterday and. Really? Yeah, that doesn't come for a while.

Discussion on New Merchandise

No, no, not the plushie. So I got one of the cards and the sticker that I have now. My microphone is probably one of the coolest stickers I've gotten in web three, and it's master chimpo. So I don't, like I said, I don't know if you can, like, go to your other laptop or whatever on video and actually see the. He's like holding his beard out. Like, I don't know what the fuck he's doing, but sure, it's cool. I'm using Twitter space and my laptop for the stream drop right now. And I are you that all up? So I know you didn't have to log in, so it's like, I don't want to have to do it again.

Crypto Markets and Predictions Discussion

But either way, I love how a bunch of these prediction markets on myriad right now are like, will this meme coin have a higher market cap than this fucking shitty this other shitty cares about? Yeah. I don't know why they haven't, I don't know why they are steering away from sports. Farok literally asked for faster markets. Like, he wants markets that resolve faster. So every one of these is for the end of October. So it doesn't make any sense just to have all these on there, so. Oh, here's Ben. Welcome to the fucking potty, mate.

Welcoming Ben Back

let me get them in here. Versus Ansem is until December 7, so I got time on that. Here we go now. There he is. Look, we live on the Ben, good morning. Make sure you are. Sent you the co host invite. I was like, I sent Kyle the co host invite. Make sure your, make sure your stream yard tab is muted. Good, sir. Okay, that should be good. We got. Yeah, we got you. Yeah, yeah. I've literally been sat here making markets, like, writing markets for the in a sheet.

Late Start and Engagement

And I completely zoned out. I even went downstairs and was like, I can't believe it's five to two. Came up here. I've just been doing it, tapping away, and then I was like, it's six minutes past two. I cannot believe that. I'm very sorry. This last market you made. Don't apologize, dude. This guy's late all the time. It's a one time. Yeah, no, but I don't like to do that. What markets? So I've just been looking at the week ahead, and we've got a schedule here.

Upcoming Markets Preview

So looking at the Metacritic score, that will come out for call of duty black ops six. There's a really interesting game of crypto Twitter poker tonight. I don't know if any of you have seen that there's a game that's happening. So crypto Twitter poker. Hang on a second. Let me just tell you. Yeah, that's the one with thread guy. Frank, D. Gods, thread guy, Ansem, Jordan and Wesley. No hold, no limit hold'em. And it's going to be on hustler Casino live tonight.

Additional Market Insights

So I'm going to throw a market up there in a minute. I've got. So the idea really is that we need to have more markets that resolve quite quickly. So we are looking at also there's a bunch of, like, what will the price of x be by the end of today that we're going to drop over the week? What will the highest temperatures be in various places around the world by the end of the week? I've then got a couple to do with the, I've got one with the NBA, one with the grand Prix, and one with the Champions League.

Casual Banter and Office Update

Oh, my God, I've just dropped. God almighty, bro. You're knocking over everything. I'm sitting here watching him live is disheveled. I am. He's got, he's got shit falling everywhere. Yeah. So is this the new office set? Are we. You are like, you are in my new office. I haven't got my light on. There we go. Right. Is that a, is that a lobster holding the on air? It is, yeah. Well, a lobster, it's. So it's Philip's original artwork that then led to the lobsters.

Standing Desk and Healthy Habits

Yeah. And. But I'm stood up. That's what's cool is that I've got a standy, uppy desk. because I was spending too much time sat on my fat ass. I need to lose a. Oh, so. You'Re standing up right now? Stood up right now, yeah. Which is. I need one of those. Great, man. And I've got, like, little things here, so I can lower my desk and take a seat if I want, but standing up. Standing up most of the time.

Camera and Setup Discussion

Now. How is your camera adjusting with you, as that goes? It's fine, because it's on my. Okay, it's mounted to the desk. Yeah. My desk actually has. I can, it's one of these secret labs, Magnus desks. It's got, like, electric motors in it. It can raise and lower. It's pretty dope. I can turn it. I can go from stand up to sit down to whatever. Push of a button. Man.

Market Strategies and Insights

You know, you're right. Jesus. I just scrolled through a bunch of these markets. There's not a lot that, like, I think the soonest market to resolve is literally, like, will Biden finish his term? Yeah. This time at the end of this month. But that's so the. Oh, were you just talking about before I came on? Yeah, yeah, were just. He was talking about getting some sports markets on here so that there will be something that resolves sooner.

Insights on Prediction Markets

Sports is just uninteresting to me personally, but they would definitely do well on a prediction market. They would definitely drive traffic. So the plan is to add a whole load more markets that resolve very quickly this weekend and have them on a running schedule, which is what we've been building in the background. I see Kamala on Marriott as well. I saw Elon tweet that last night about polymarket, and I didn't look at myriad until just now.

Discussing Trump Predictions

What's that for? Oh, what would the cause? Yeah, Trump is three points. Yeah, Trump is at 51.44% right now on myriad. Yeah. Yeah. He's winning on all of the markets where money counts. But then I kind of, the thing that Trump, the thing that Elon said, and I don't want to, like, be a downer on, like, considering I work for myriad, but I don't know how much I agree with it.

Skepticism about Market Predictions

Like, in this instance, he said that when money matters, like, the score is likely to be, like, more realistic. And I just think, personally, I can see how that would make sense in a lot of instances. But I think there is, like, an inherent bias in crypto Twitter and on platforms that are like, that are crypto native, I think. I absolutely agree. Yeah.

Concluding Thoughts on Polling

So I don't know necessarily that it is a fair reflection of what the actual. Yeah. And regular polls aren't either. You know, I mean, it's all guesswork still. These are just indicators, you know. I mean, normal polling just seems like the personality type that would answer a poll to begin with. I mean, they always tend to lean heavily to the left. Normal polls do. And, yeah, I agree with you, these prediction markets probably have at least a slight bias to the right, if not a massive bias to the right.

Formation of Opinions

I mean, these aren't necessarily just opinions of what they would prefer, but opinions of what they believe might actually happen, which is a different thing. But, yeah, I agree that you're still forming your opinion based off of what media you consume, which is still, at a minimum, being algorithmically biased, if not through your own intent. So, yeah, I agree.

Debates and Performance

It's heating up for sure. And I want to add, some of the things we could also do, I was thinking about this because I have literally just been brainstorming markets, and one of the things we could do is start to say, what will the myriad market polls say about the outcome of the election at a given date? Like at the end of today or at the end of tomorrow? But, oh, yeah, if they had a debate, I'll tell you this, every time they have a debate, Trump loses. Because, I don't know, he's, Kamala's wearing earrings. Well, yeah, say what you want, but Trump is very off the cuff. Right. Like, I. Whenever they do these debates, I get the impression that, like, Kamala is a classic politician who has probably, you know, sat across the table from someone on her campaign, briefed while they drill her with questions.

Preparation and Off-the-Cuff Responses

Questions. And she practices the party line answer. Whereas Trump, you know, probably just fucking wraps up a big steak dinner right before he rolls in and just, you know, off the fly. Yeah, yeah. He just doesn't perform as well. And then in the. In the in between time, he tends to pull back ahead because, you know, his rallies do well and he has the support of a lot of interesting people you wouldn't think would necessarily support him. I don't. It's, it's good. I have not been as unsure about the outcome of an election as I am in this one, probably ever. It's always seemed a bit obvious to me. It does not this. This particular cycle.

Concerns About the Current Climate

And it's scary, too. So, we don't know. How do you mean? I don't know where shit's gonna go. You mean scary for us, like, because when you see Kamala talk that's off the cuff and not scripted, she can't handle herself. And it's like, how can you handle the pressure of running the country if you can't even handle an interview if you can't? I mean, in my. I've said this before, but in my opinion, voting for Kamala is you're voting for the DNC, you're voting for the party line, and they, you know, they are a conglomerate of people. They'll do the things that they want to do. My concern is that things will continue on the path that they are.

Economic Concerns

And, you know, financially, things have not been great, you know, in the country as far as the economy goes. Now, you could blame that on, you know, the post Covid, whatever, but I personally think there's been a lot of poor policies made, and I don't want to see that continue. So that's what worries me. What worries me is, like, I'd really like to get back to, you know, six years ago when I had a whole bunch of extra money all the time, despite, you know, having had several raises in the interim. And now things feel much tighter. So, you know, completely.

Weekend Activities

No. Anyway, cheese. How was your weekend? It was good. We had a birthday party for now, my eleven year old, and that place was a shit show. So, you know, but then we came back here and I had, I think it was eight girls day in the night, so that was fun. That lasted till about 130 in the morning and, yeah. So we're doing spaces with stream drops and stuff nonstop through the weekend. Yeah, I think yesterday I did close to eight and a half hours of spaces yesterday. Yeah. So we're, we have one week left on this.

Wrap-Up of the Weekend Events

I missed all of it and then drove the last 3 hours. He was about to close down his last phase when I hopped in and then we ran for like another 3 hours. Yeah, it was, I was ready to go and, yeah, and then he comes in and just, you know, he comes in and makes me stay up. Forced, forced my hand. So, but yeah, it was a good weekend and we, now we press on, you know, so nice. It, yeah. And then excited for the week. Got some big spaces going on.

Updates on Projects

So nice, nice. Okay. And myriad, with the exception of predictions where we need to add a whole bunch more in, we're now in a position where we've got those fixes live on there. A whole bunch of other stuff actually been fed in and I'm looking forward, we've got a myriad all hands call a bit later on just to understand what's going into the sprint in terms of fixes in the next few days, which will also be great from a questing point of view. What are you looking at? Anything interesting?

Discussion of the Mark Cuban Show

Yeah, I'm trying to do this one right now. I guess I can bring it on up. I'm trying to do this one now. Oh, I just passed it. Never mind. It was the Mark Cuban one. I kept getting one wrong and I couldn't figure out what it was. Did you listen to his show after that last week were saying you hadn't had an opportunity to this. Well, I did. Not yet. I have not had an opportunity to listen to it yet and I really need to.

Market Predictions

I know that it's well worth it. I think. Yeah, I think we already talked about it. We did. Yeah. I don't want to go over it again. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, I thought it was really good. Dude shouts to Farok. He is absolutely killing it. What kind of horror like markets could I create in line with Halloween the end of the month? I mean, I don't know if there's any like Halloween movies like you can do.

Upcoming Horror Movies

Yeah. So I was looking like box office. I was looking earlier at movies that are being released in the coming weeks. There are a couple that's like do you ever watch that know me watts one smile? No. I had a friend go watch. I know what you're talking about. Yeah. I haven't watched horror movies since I was a kid. Young Kai young, little like eleven to, you know, 14 year old Kyle figured out that horror movies were the titty hack when I was back in the blockbuster days. You just convinced your parents that you were really into horror movies.

Nostalgic Takes on Horror

I wasn't really into horror movies. I was really into movies that were guaranteed to show me some boobies as a little kid. That's, that's what I was into. Oh my goodness. So smile two is coming out, which looks really scary. There's one called Salem's lot, also scary. There's a few terrifier three. I wonder if I do like, oh. That'S like a classic fucking horror franchise. You want terrifier? Yeah, yeah, they go back.

Middle of the Conversation

Those movies go back. Yeah. I've never in my life heard of that. Remember the hellraiser ones when were younger? Oh yeah, I remember the hell. God, they were horrible. That's what, that's why when I see revolving games, I think of the cube that he had. Yeah, the little hellraiser cube. I think of that when I see the revolving games box. So there's another venom movie out. That's not horror though, is it?

Discussion of Various Genres

Oh, there's one here called the front room, which looks scary. Kind of meant to be a little scary, but I don't. Yeah, I wouldn't call it a horror movie. Yeah, I'm gonna have a look. I'm gonna see if I can set some up. Like what will the box office? We can do rotten Tomato score and we can do opening weekend box office. So joker two this weekend hit $120 million, which was a flop by all accounts.

Market Reactions to Box Office

I could have told you that was. Well, considering that didn't even pay for Lady Gaga's trailer, probably not in expenses. You know, that's probably the big reason there, bro. I mean, for me, the fastest resolving markets are always sports. And I know they don't want to overcrowd it with sports, but like tonight you have Monday Night Football. So who's going to win? New Orleans or the Chiefs?

Analysis of Sports Betting

You could do some type of point spread there. You know, who's going to cover from. Overcrowding it by just putting up the games the day so you can get up and play spam and watch the games at night. But you can do like prop bets. How many times? Well, and somebody would have to verify this and watch it, but how many times will they show Taylor Swift? You know, things like that.

Taylor Swift and Prop Bets

So it's. But I'm sure there's another prop betting service out there that has that exact bet, how many times will the camera, you know, will they show Taylor Swift live and you can go get the results from there, but I would imagine it's going to be, you know, five plus times. Yeah. You know, pinning on how much they score. That's, that's the other thing.

Future Predictions Discussion

So, yeah, so, yeah, well, in that. Call a bit later on, I'll get a little bit more information about that as well, because it'd be good to have that info ready for you guys. Yeah. And I mean, it's just the, you know, the United States is the, you know, if there's a lot of big, if there's a lot of people within myriad markets that are using it right now and they're us based, I mean, sports, I think will, it'll, it'll be the most active ones.

Feedback from Users

Someone in one of the chats just said, sorry, I have to listen to this shitty space, blah, blah, where I constantly hear cheese talk about sports to people who don't like sports at all and frankly, don't like cheese. Well, hey, you know, I'm just. You want to know who that's from? Where is that? That's from Bibbles is who that's from.

Acknowledgment of User Comments

So, yeah. Thank you for the support, Bibbles. We appreciate it. Pretty good stuff. Yeah, yeah, pretty good. I'm sure he'll get on a call here soon and have to leave so we won't have to bother you anymore. Yeah, it's exciting. Who's this person trying to come up? It's chaos.

Introduction of Chaos Club

Chaos club's cool. I didn't know if you guys, I mean, this isn't my show, so I didn't know if you guys wanted to bring people up or not. I always bring people up. I could not know who chaos Club was, and I'd still bring him up on a cheese's face, but this isn't my game. I used to love, like, when I used to host those shows in, and I had opensea as a co host, the audio galleries ones.

Hosting Experiences

Fuck me, man. It was brilliant. Like, we used to get just like, so many people request to come up. And I know if you find if you have a more high profile guest as well, cheese, like, you always get people that are requesting to come up and you're like, there's absolutely no way in hell. And occasionally you agree to, like, open up for questions and you see someone request and you think to yourself, that is going to be a nightmare.

Anticipation of Audience Engagement

But, yeah, I'm gonna. I'm gonna hit the tick. I'm gonna hit the check anyway and get them up here. But, yeah, no, I know this is gonna be a no. Chaos. Chaos is good. He's like. He has a. He has a pretty raspy, crazy voice. but get him on up here. If you sound like he belongs with a microphone in front of his face, actually.

Chaos Club's Persona

Yeah. Yeah. I think he started be a bit. Abrasive until you hear from Chaos club, but he. He started. He started to request whenever were talking politics, so really, I'm not having that. If someone's going to come up here and just bark about like, oh, go, USA. No, no, it's not.

Chaos and Political Discussions

No, he's not going to. Oh, man. I am definitely going to bark a little bit, but I just wanted to back to something Benjamin was saying, you know, about the bias, you know, and what type of bias was present in, you know, those kind of prediction pools. And I'll tell you exactly what kind of bias is in there. It's called sample bias, and that's what we get when we have a limited pool of people that we're drawing the samples from.

Understanding Sample Bias

Absolutely. I recognize your voice. Chaos club. Anybody ever tell you like, that you sound like a cartoon WWE wrestler or. Like one of the muppets? Oh, absolutely. Somewhere from Sesame street, I'm thinking of the pirate. All sorts of random people, from Alex Jones to the cookie monster to Ariel from the Little Mermaid.

Chaos Club's Unique Voice

Cookie monster is a great one. From the little mermaid. Oh, hot damn. Doxed again. Oh, my God. Yeah, I'm thinking it's a. This is an alt account, chaos, I think, because I recognize your voice from a different account. I know I do, and I've spoken to you before on it.

Familiarity with Chaos Club

I just. I'm not sure about that. They must be doing an impersonation. Okay. I like the high pitched swing he's getting. He's. He's new. That's a new part of the shake here. Definitely new. He's like, what? Oh, man. That's what happens when you're working with the high quality amphetamines.

Light-Hearted Banter

Oh. Oh, my God. You snuck up on a bird or something. Yeah. That's fucking hilarious. But, yeah, the fastest. So back to these. These predictions. Back to spoil. Yeah, back to sports. Back to you, Pat.

Addressing Prediction Markets

See, the big problem with the trying to do rapid fire on the prediction markets is, right. You're going to need enough volume for whoever is seeding the pool to make sure to cover the risk, you know? So if you don't have enough volume in general, you know, open up like high frequency betting, you know, could be a recipe, you know, to take on a bunch of unnecessary asymmetric risk.

Importance of Volume in Markets

He's absolutely correct. That is exactly what we're reviewing at the moment. So. Well, somebody tell this guy chaos. How do you know? Maybe you put down the bet, the games for the week or something, you could put them out ahead a week ahead of time, maybe.

Future Market Predictions

I don't know. Yeah, I think what's most important to understanding he who is chaos is rather than listening to the ridiculous character voice, you know, peeing on the words and particular word combinations. What do you think, Ben?

Introduction to Current Platform Status

I'm glad I brought him up. So, like, the problem is also is that we're still in beta and how many people are using the platform, you know, so once that opens up, there's. Enough people on here that at a minimum, like, the presidential election market is mirroring very closely polymarket like. I don't know how many users are actually on here, but. So we have a couple of thousand on now and so a couple of thousand on. And then, like, what we're doing at the moment is measuring the retention rate and seeing how many of those, like, joined on day one and have still gone and collected all of their daily streams or their daily points, or they're still, like, jumping in every couple of days.

User Participation and Market Engagement

How many of them are then participating in markets? How many of those are then, you know, actively participating in a market regularly? How many of those are selling and actually trading via the market? So these are the things that we're looking at the moment. I'm obviously not going to give you all that info on a live show that's recorded because we're analyzing it right now to adjust and to perfect the, yeah, the platform before we go live from a public perspective. But yeah, there's a lot going on at the moment behind the scenes, and we've had to, you know, we've made some adjustments based on what we thought were going to go, you know, the campaign were going to run. And we're getting closer to having something that I think everyone will be very excited about.

Release Timeline and Referral Links

Is there a public goal for going, like, full open platform, or is that like a secret? Like, is there a date that you guys are. No dating out there. Okay, no date yet, but we are. I think, like, long term, it will always be something that you join via a referral link. So you will always need to go and grab a link of someone else to be able to join it. So much like Getreach and there's a bunch of other platforms that are similar and that will be for a significant period and until, like, the gates are completely open. But no, there's a whole bunch of things that are being discussed internally, which is why I'm being as evasive as I am.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Discussions

I'll tell you what I'm about to bet on this PlayStation market. Why do people think that PlayStation is going to implement crypto payments in 2024? Because it's leaning heavily to the. Yes. Yeah. So, because Sony. So there's a Sony blockchain that is coming out. And today, earlier today, in fact, they tweeted again that they are about to switch on testnet. So I guess what people are assuming is that at the point that happens, they might launch a token which will eventually power an ecosystem of purchasing interoperable traits, wearables, assets. I don't think in a million years that will happen in 2024, but I do think it will happen eventually.

Sony's Position in Crypto

Raoul. Well, let's not forget that they acquired an exchange, earlier this year. From that perspective, Sony is in the crypto business already. and they are, you know, transacting. So we'll see when they're able to smash the fucking PlayStation network with that exchange. But, you know, I think, you know, they are. They are on the path. Let's just hope that they choose the right thing and rather than some fucking hokey, random new native token that they go with fucking ETh and they stick to the master plan, you know? Let's see if they can have enough restraint to do something like that and encourage the general ecosystem to grow, I wonder.

Technical Discussions and Potential Risks

Right? Is it on eth? I would imagine, yeah. Is ETh based? Yeah. So I think we're in the money there. How long do they keep a testnet running for? How long does that happen? Until they've adequately tested it, I guess. I got no idea. Until they have enough money to pay for, you know, enough fucking servers to run the l two. That will actually handle the bandwidth. CGI, you can register now. No, that's probably fake as fuck. Yeah. Oh, I seen the impressions. I was like, not doing that. Somebody should teach them. This is the end of the message.

Personal Experience with Scamming

And actually, 100%, they need to do that. I thought that the other day. I've been far. I've been tracking them. I've got my notifications on for sonium. Nice. yeah, that's. That's dangerous. Like, there. That doesn't make me bullish that you. Nearly clicked on it right then. Right. Yeah. I mean, but wallet guard would have stopped me from anything, so that I'm. Have you ever been scammed or. No, I'm not Ra's. Not yet, no, I lost about 17,000. Yeah, I lost about $17,000 on a b and b token.

Emotional Impact of Financial Loss

Yeah, that was that. But it was like a broad hack. Like, the whole contract was hacked. What is that? What's that feeling like in the, like, pit of your stomach? It's a kick in the nuts. Horrible, isn't it? Yeah. They apparently did a, like a recovery fund. So all the transactions on all the tokens that the whole ecosystem had, every transaction, like, 95% of those fees were going to a fund where you could go claim your stuff. So it could take five years to claim it all. I haven't checked it in probably two years.

Future Potential for Financial Recovery

So there could be some money sitting over there, but I. I haven't. I haven't even went and checked it. Not really sure. But that was all like, post safe moon stuff and. Yeah, not that, but yeah, bookmark that. Talk about that later. And. Yeah. Remember jimber black, Paris? It was a mint. Fucking God, two and a half years ago. It's the only time I ever did. They had this weird system in the discord where you had to.

Personal Reflections on NFT Minting Process

It was such a weird thing. You had to, like, click on something and it would take you through to a new channel. And then when you were in that channel, you got a link, and then you. That sent you through to the minting site. It was such a weird way of minting. And I fucked that up and I lost, I don't know, I think it was two eth. Yeah. Had a wallet drained. But that was about when Heath was, I don't know, maybe like 1100 bucks. Thank God. Yeah, still sucked moment.

Current Platform Insights

No, 100%. Have a question? So, like, it shows my portfolio at 2500 points and available a thousand. But, like, where the other points at? I can't find them anywhere. Do you see what I'm talking about? No. Where are you? Like, where you at now? Oh, hold on. Why here? Yeah, yeah, why? I'm on the leaderboard now. Okay. There we go.

Account and Points Discrepancies

Yeah. So, like, even on the screen, look at it. So it says, available for me a thousand, and then portfolio 2500. Where are the remaining points at? Because, like, I have a thousand points available, but I have nothing else in any other markets locked up anywhere. You sure? I'm pretty fucking sure. There's nowhere to go. Like, there is no my holdings or my past thing. You have to go find something that. You know, if you click on portfolio at the top, it comes up and shows you all the things that you bet on and how many points you put into it.

Unresolved Issues in the Platform

Yeah. Okay. All right. I see that. But there's no. There's no other money anywhere for me to collect. Like, I'm down on all these, so there's nothing to collect there. But I've already collected this one in this one. But it still says sell. Yeah. Yeah, I can't figure that out either. It still says sell next to, like, the JD vance one shouldn't be saying. Sell if you don't have a holding. Yeah. And, like, there's a lot of these on here that I.

Market Position Consolidation

There's a lot. I've done way more markets than this, and, like, the positions need to get cleared out. Like, all these ones that are resolved and I've collected should be gone. And in the history side, the position should only be the live positions that I'm in. The live markets that are still there. Yeah. Sorry, man. I don't know. Yeah, all of these have been closed out. So, I mean, that's something we can tell Nick and the team that all of these should be gone there.

Account Management Challenges

Unless I have an open position. That's where. That's what should be right here. And then on the history side. So, see, I just sold some that hasn't updated yet, but I just sold some this morning and got up to. So I bought the magic Eden one. Will magic Eden release a token? I bought it at 60. Think it was 62 cent a share. And I just sold this morning at 83 or 85.

Trading Experience and Market Dynamics

So I sold that one. So closed. I resolved that one and then did it one more. So I went up to a thousand points, but on the leaderboard. Yeah. These guys need to quit hoarding. So many points, Charlie. And in their points. Right? Yeah, yeah. Go. Go. Risk it. Well, there's. There's something in that you're saying, like, I don't. I need to have a.

Future Conversations About Platform Functionality

There's a call I'm having later on today with the guys, and that will give me a much clearer idea of what I can and can't talk about on this show. Yeah, there is absolutely something in that, dude. Because we agree that's ultimately how the platform will go on to make revenue and generate revenue. Right. Is via tiny snippets of every transaction. So, like, this isn't just about hoarding points, actually, it's about using the platform as it's intended.

Platform Purpose and User Engagement

Yeah. Yeah. And I think a lot of people are hoarding points to. But see, that's what I'm saying. It shows me at 4035 points. I don't have 4035 points. Where are the points at? Okay. I mean, I think even adding this up, I've only got 3500 points. So I've made a note to speak to Nick and I might get him to reach out to you.

Final Notes on User Experience

Yeah, yeah, sure thing. I mean, it. Just for me, it's. Yeah, it's kind of weird. So. Yeah, we can do that. And then I'll tell Nick in that call that, hey, you need to come on the show with us. But, yeah, so, like, how accurate. How accurate are these numbers? We don't know because for me, that's not. That's not right. But there's definitely a lot of new people on the leaderboard.

Emerging User Base and Community Growth

So I like seeing that. Some of these people I've never seen. So there's, you know, there's definitely new users that are. That are coming in hot and heavy. So that's good. But, yeah, Charlie and Hefner. We're gonna have to get Charlie and Hefner a significant other because they have too much time on their hands. Yeah. Half if you're in here. I'm sorry, Charlie.

Personal Reflections on Time Management

It's just, you know, agreed. It's a fact of the matter. Like, I don't even have that much time on my hands. No, I've barely done a quest in the last week. Yeah. Yeah. And that's pretty bad considering you worked for the team and you're admitting that live on a team like this isn't a team. I don't mind obeying it. No, it's cool. Like, the platform isn't for me.

Conclusion and Outlook

Yeah, it's for you and all the participants. It's for the consumer. Mate. That was good, right? That was pretty good. Thank you. Woke up this morning, I was brushing my teeth and sitting there saying, today's gonna be a good day, mate. And then not quite as good. You gotta go out on a high cheese. Not me, bro. I always go fucking, you know, as. Watch later on tonight as we get to, like, a night space trying to hand out tickets.

Expectations and Comparisons

My ass will be just crashed and burned. So, you know, you can't expect, you know, Michael Jordan had his off days. So give me a little bit. All right. You know, Michael Jordan even on days too, though, right? Hey, it's better than comparing myself to P. Diddy. So, you know, and we've had no market. I don't know. We. I would like to see some markets on P. Diddy predictions here. Yeah. What can you predict. That wouldn't be fairly inappropriate, you know? Right? I don't know. I've got one. We should. We should make a prediction market out of this. Are there or are there not pictures of Jesus partying at a PETA. The pedity party? No. You couldn't even get that shit out. That's definitely not. But you could say, who's next in the p. Diddy scam or the p. Diddy shit. Jay Z. Yeah. Will. Jay Z. Will Usher will, you know. Yeah. Several others.

Market Predictions

Be empty, complicated. You could exactly. Like that. We can do one. How much is Justin Bieber's psychos therapist? Bill? Yeah. So is Diddy in jail now? Yeah, he's in. Last I read, he is not only in the same jail that SBF is, but he's actually taken up the same legal counsel that SBF was using. That was the last thing I read, but that seems like that was a week or so ago. These things, okay, change quickly. What a fall from grace. Oh, today's space is on there. Okay. I didn't see this one earlier. Did you just add this while were in here? Nope. Oh, really? Someone else has done it. Oh, there we go. All right. You have a team. You have a team of. So do you speak. Huh? There must be someone. I don't know who's done it, though. Oh, I dig it.

Updates and Future Moves

Damn. I need to. I dig it. Yeah, I'll find out. Need to fix that banner. it's a new mystery person they hired. You don't know it, but you're training them. And then you know what happens next. They replace. They replace you. Yeah, that's what happens next. Any day now. Yeah. So what are some new things that you can tell us that we're gonna be seeing on myriad market? Anything? I think no is the answer. I think Wednesday is going to be the day when I can. Or tomorrow, I could. But we're not hosting a show tomorrow. No, today I've got a call in, like, an hour and 15 minutes where we're going in deep on some of this stuff because I've got a lot of things I need to have answered.

Market Trends and Movements

We all have. Like, it's been a really interesting time. Lots of different things being worked on. And so, yeah, we come back and hopefully update you all on how things are moving and what we're going to, how the launch will progress, and all of those different things. Nice. I'm excited about it. Yeah, I made it all the way up to the verify reply. I'm just going to stack points. I'm a pull a Charlie or a half and just start stacking points. Maybe it's a good idea. I think waiting for that point prediction now. What would be great? If there was a way, which I know that the Twitter, you know, the X account for myriad, but they do end up coming out and they say, hey, there's a new, you know, new markets, blah, blah.

Market Notifications and Updates

I wonder if there's some other way to get a notification for. Yeah. Like a desktop maybe. Here's a potential market for you. This is the second time I've seen this tweeted by one of these news accounts. This morning just in. Robin Hood, chief legal officer favored to replace Gary Gensler at Sec. If Trump went. It's an if Trump wins, though. So that's actually two events removed. That. Who's gonna replace them? The cat running Robin Hood's chief legal officer, which I think I saw a different one that actually said his name. Let me look that up real quick. Legal officer. Nope, nope. Never mind. The other tweet doesn't say the guy's name either.

Investment Insights

Leading contender for SEC chair if real Donald Trump wins. That's interesting. I'm sure that's a Google away, but I'm waiting for this stream drop because I heard the fucking noise. There cheese. Where yet there cheese? Yeah. Is that what that is? Yeah. He's trained us all like fucking hounds to respond to this simple little clicker that he has in his hand. At any time, he can activate us. I don't know where he's fucking gone. He's literally just left me and you. I wasn't even looking at the screen. I was just letting you talk to yourself. I'm sorry about that, Kyle. That explains it.

Unexpected Interruptions

I'll tell you what, Jesus is a never ending stream of consciousness. And when he does step, it feels obvious, I think. I hope he's okay, because I don't know where he is. Oh, I'm sure it's fun. It's probably something with one of his daughters or something. Okay, cool. I'm trying to figure out who this guy is. Robin Hood, chief legal officer. Let's look that up. You got even buying any shitters this week? Any. Any good tickers? you know, I've still got some Mudane. Dan Gallagher is this guy's name, Moody.

Market Challenges and Changes

And I got some Kobe. Dude, I'm fucking kind of mad about the Kobe thing because I had a bunch of kobe. I traded Kobe up and down several times, and I was not holding any when fucking Ansem tweeted it. And so I missed that whole big pump. But whatever. It seems like bitcoin is a little uncertain right now. And you can see that in the meme coin markets, everything is like, a up. Only couple of days there, and now everything's kind of stagnant or trending down a little bit. Yeah. So we'll see. I mean, if bitcoin makes another move up, but, bro, I think.

Local Distractions

Yeah, there he is. Well, yeah, no, I had somebody outside my house screaming. A guy and a girl, they were walking down the street screaming at each other. She walk out there and rack a shotgun. I mean, how do you deal with that there? Typically, no, I just walked outside and they were. They just kind of stared at me and kept walking. So. Fucking people, you say? Yeah, you keep walking. You keep on walking, bro. Somebody sold a big old fat bag of Moondang this morning, and it. It went from, like, 124 mil market cap down to 100 mil.

Current Market Movement

Oh, dude, it's going to be under 100 mil here momentarily. I mean, wow. Maybe come back. Yeah, I'm still holding it, though. I don't give a fuck. In fact, if it gets too much lower, I'm going to add to it. I think the problem, and I was listening to our shit coin quant this morning talking about Moodang. I think the problem is that there's competitors now on multiple different chains. All right, you've got one on Sui that I think is actually ahead. I think there's one on eth that people sent to, like, Vitalik, which is like a classic.

Token Speculation

It's just like a classic eth fucking coin move. You sent Vitalik, sell that token. He notices. So, like, yeah, it can cause a brief pump, and then he sells your token and everybody goes, oh, he sold. It and gave it to charity? Apparently so. Oh, wow. He. His sister probably owns the charity. That'd be my guess. Does he have a sister's name? Is charity? It's a good one. That was a good one. Well, what, What else? Because we know we can't make it a full, yeah, no, I reckon wrap it there.

Final Thoughts

And I promise you, on Wednesday, I come back with a whole, like, clipboard full of interesting updates for you. Yeah. Because I'm, Yeah. Curious to see what's happening here. yeah. all right. Where am I gonna get my tickets from? Jesus, if you rug the space. Jeez, where will I get the tickets? Well, guess what? You're gonna have to go find another space. And good luck with that. Yeah, good luck with that. Good luck with somebody giving them out. I mean, I'm doing tickets from the number one creator, though. Jesus.

Event Participation

Well, sorry, I can't help you there. You can come to reality check in an hour and eleven minutes. Nice. Have I been cordially invited? You have been. And I'll even give you a co host role. Oh, shit. Yeah, not sure. Get more tickets for that. what do you mean? Yeah, yeah. like, so, yeah, we'll be popping these tickets out for these string drops. No, no, I mean, just. Kyle, get more tickets for being co host. No, not at all. No, there's no such thing as a co creator in the eyes of the stream drop community, Benjamin, so.

Reflecting on Co-Creation

Yeah. Sorry. Yeah, none of that. Yeah, no. But he always said, I'm just riding your coattail, so. Yeah, so. All right, well, that's it. Well, I'm very sorry for being late today and being all good. I appreciate it. I got to step up. I got to show up and show. Out the co host of the myriad market space today. He's coming. Ben, he did not think you were coming. I apologize. He's. He's in my a. So. All right, take it easy, guys.


Yeah, we'll. We'll see you guys later on about an hour. See ya.

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