Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space myco Updates and Community Discussion with Phil and Ryan hosted by myco_io. In the myco Updates and Community Discussion space, Phil and Ryan delve into the realm of community-driven content creation, emphasizing the power of user engagement and feedback. They highlight strategies to enhance user experience, drive participation, and continuously improve the myco platform through community empowerment. Phil and Ryan's roles as key figures in myco's community-centric approach showcase the platform's commitment to fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment tailored to user needs and preferences.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How does myco emphasize community involvement in content creation?
A: myco integrates community feedback and engagement tools to empower users in content creation processes.

Q: What strategies are discussed for enhancing user participation on myco?
A: Phil and Ryan share insights on interactive features and community-driven initiatives to boost engagement.

Q: How do Phil and Ryan contribute to myco's community empowerment?
A: Phil and Ryan play key roles in driving community-focused initiatives and enhancing user experience on myco.

Q: What benefits come from reimagining content delivery through community engagement?
A: Reimagining content delivery through community involvement leads to more inclusive, engaging, and user-friendly platforms.

Q: How can community feedback shape the future of myco's platform?
A: Community feedback is integral for continuous platform improvements and fostering a sense of ownership among users.


Time: 12:10:45
Community Empowerment Through myco Updates Phil and Ryan discuss how myco empowers its community through updates and discussions.

Time: 12:25:30
Interactive Features Drive User Engagement Exploring the impact of interactive features on enhancing user experience and participation on myco.

Time: 12:40:15
Phil and Ryan: Champions of Community Engagement Insights into how Phil and Ryan lead community-driven initiatives and empower users within the myco platform.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of community engagement and empowerment in content creation.
  • Strategies for reimagining content delivery through community-driven initiatives.
  • The power of leveraging community feedback for continuous platform improvements.
  • Insights on enhancing user experience and participation through interactive features.
  • The role of Phil and Ryan in driving myco's community-focused initiatives.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hello, hello. Welcome to the myco twitter space. My name is ryan. I'm joined here with hanihehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe it looks like most of the people here are connected to myco, but I know at least five or six people that listen on recording, so it's still good to have these conversations. I'm happy for you guys to be here.

Community Conversation

Ani, how are you? Hey, ryan. Doing great, doing great. Hope everyone's having a great time. Hope everyone's doing great. Yeah, yeah. It's nice to see you on a spaces. You know, you're like an eclipse on social media. Like you just pop out every now and then. Yeah. I just make sure to be here, though, when there's some good stuff to say and some good information to share with the community. You have us covered. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Yeah.

Exciting Updates

So we do have some huge updates. I don't think we have anyone from the content team today, so we can talk about the updates that we know. If you're listening to this on spaces and you haven't checked out our social media, we have a new blockchain partner. What can you tell us about that, honey? So I'm sure, like a lot of the community have been waiting for us, but we've been over the past year and a half, we met with all the top blockchain companies out there. We met with the largest, with the biggest, with everyone. And to identify which blockchain helps us in driving our long term plan, not just for the token, not just for the economic layer, but also for our true story, to provide full decentralized infrastructure and streaming and digital ownership.

Partnership and Vision

So without naming the other chains, but we didn't meet with pretty much everyone and anyone. And after a lot of back and forth, a lot of digging deep and use cases, we believe we partnered with the best blockchain that's out there, which is Aptos. That helps us achieve our vision and that share with us the same vision of bringing the next billion users into web three and helps us also in starting to move our infrastructure from standard, usual centralized servers to decentralized blockchains. Yeah, very good introduction to that. I know, I'm excited about aptos.

Excitement about Aptos

I've known about aptos for a long time, but I did more reading about them and what I'm excited about is how low on fees it is. And it's extremely fast. It's an extremely fast blockchain. So I think that being integrated into our platform is going to be amazing. And, you know, we have the idea. Maybe, honey, you can speak about this too, but you know, there's so many opportunities for having video stored on chain. This gives the person that uploads it true ownership. And I really like the idea of, you know, you're owning that you're true owner, you can sell that video to someone, you could lease it out to a brand for marketing and put a time limit on it. The possibilities are really endless.

Building the Future

With, without. With what we're building. Yeah, exactly. I think. I think like we've been patient to make sure that we have partnered with the ideal chain and the ideal tech partner that can help us drive the business and scale up on a global level, that can help us build a platform that is scalable, decentralized and at the same time that can help address all the use cases and the pain points from token, from rewards and a lot more. It's exciting times for us today. We're just going to keep it high level because we announced that.

Future Engagements

Happy to address any questions from the community and we'll probably end up doing a couple of more spaces and ama's we'll probably try. There was something in the next few weeks where we bring in the Aptos team with us as well. But it is definitely exciting times for Michael, exciting times for the community. And we are staying true to our story which started a few years back, which is definitely building a platform for the community, for streamers that can empower content creators and that can empower users while also showcasing content that people enjoy watching.

Building a Sustainable Platform

Right, because I said that maybe a long time ago in one of the very few spaces I've been on, where the most important thing is building a platform, building a product, building the whole infrastructure that adds value and then adopting web three technology into it. So while a lot of other projects might shoot up and shoot down quick, we're building sustainable, dynamic business and platform that will be there hopefully and become a global use case for everyone to follow in the future. Yeah.


Yeah, I think we're in an amazing spot. I know we've all been working on this or waiting for this for a long time and guys, honey won't say it, but Hani did so much work for the last year and a half of making this happen. I mean, everybody put in, but I know Hani spent early mornings, long nights working on this. Even in Singapore we had our after events and in between events he's on calls. So honey, I just want to say, great job doing this. I'm sure I'll congratulate you and you know, doing all this when I see you when I'm back in Dubai. But, yeah, it's amazing. I'm so excited about this.

Team Effort

Thank you. I think it's the collective, right? It's a collective. The whole team.

The Whole Team

The whole team. Our champions. We are blessed to have a great team. Everyone from TJ, who is sitting here as a listener, usually he is very vocal with us, to Dasa, to the whole team. Right? From, as I said, from myself, from Air Phil, TJ, a lot of superstars behind the scenes as well that are also anchorman to the whole business, sum, air Zohair and obviously the head of people that are leading community and doing these spaces and helping drive our whole story with the community, yourself and everyone else. Right? So the whole team has been building. We just try to do our part to each one of us, just like a blockchain, we try to build that one block that can help build a full, solid, secure business and platform, just like a chain. And each one just does its part. So it's been tiring.

Tiring Efforts

Yes, nights have been sleepless at some point, but, yeah, I won't lie and say it's been like fun and outings and stuff. No, it's been. It's been a bit tiring, but it's hopefully now for an excellent outcome for the whole business and for everyone and for our users and community. So, exciting times coming ahead. One milestone closed. One milestone closed. Nine more to come. And just like any other business, this is just the first important building block in. Many more to come. And there's going to be a lot of exciting stuff to follow, both from scalability, not to take away from the tech team that has been doing a fantastic job in addressing a lot of glitches and building scalability and building platform use cases. And now, in the future, we're going to start adopting a lot of web three stuff into it. So, exciting times.

Listening and Engagement

Yeah, yeah. What I thought was awesome is, you know, I saw Aptos doing their own Twitter space. Was this yesterday? Yesterday morning for me. So it would have been evening there. And I was like, you know what, I'm just going to jump in there and listen. Listen to other projects that are building on Aptos. Like there's a coup, there's a few games, there's a guy that did a token locker, there's that guy doing a launch pad. And the Aptos team, we just did that announcement yesterday. The Aptos team saw me in there, in the mico account, and they were like, hey, Michael, can you please come speak? So I gave a short introduction pitch to Maiko. And I love giving that introduction pitch because most projects that speak are trying to build something.

Overview of Growth

And then if I speak and say, you know, we have three to 5 million monthly active users, you know, we're over 13 million registered users, they, you know, they kind of quiet down because we've done so much work. But one thing, what you were speaking about, and I guess the lead for the tech team for Aptos was in there listening and he spoke and he said, I cannot wait to work with your tech team and integrate all this stuff into the platform. So it's really nice that we have their support that big. And the announcement was just yesterday, like, I think they're really looking forward to working with us. It's exciting. Yeah, I mean, Aptos is one of the leaders in the space, one of the leaders when it comes to move technology as well.

Collaboration and Future Vision

Their use cases sit very much sweet in line with where we see ourselves. We are both two entities that are driving towards the same end goal, which is providing scalability and bringing in web three into, in our case, streaming, but exciting times. And as I said, like, this is just the first of many building blocks, but we're definitely in the right path and we have a fantastic team around us that will help us thrive and an amazing community that has been working with us and seeing us grow. Like, to think a year ago or a year and a half ago, were sitting at a million users and today we're sitting at 13 million. And I think by the trajectory we're looking at, that number pretty much doubles over the next year.

Team Credit and Milestones

And obviously, these chains are amazing. But we have to give credit and props to our team. Our team, from everyone from the designers to the marketing team, to the social media to the engineers, the developers, all of you guys that have been sweating and building to try and build this where it is today. Today we're no longer just an idea that started with Omer early in the days. We're no longer just a concept. Today we're a proven platform that scaled up, that grew, and that is utilizing and showcasing that. These use cases are there are solid, and we look ourselves as a very strong real world asset. Real world assets are not just physical, they're also digital.

Bridging Web Two and Web Three

So we look ourselves as one of the easiest real world assets that will bring in a lot of web two, adoption into web three, because people need to understand, yes, a lot of us are web three crypto geeks and full believers. But 90, more than 90%, if not 95% of the world are still web two, and what better way to bring them than a real world asset use case, which has to do with content streaming. And these are use cases that people are using without them needing to know the technicalities and the difficulties of blockchain, of certain use cases of crypto. That's mainly our drive, and that's where we're heading, and that's what makes this business, and that's what's going to differentiate it from everyone else.

Content-Centric Approaches

Building a use case that's close to people's hearts, be it people that are on shorts or horizontals, TikToks, YouTube, Netflix, live sports, documentaries. As I said, yesterday was an important milestone for us, but we are still at the starting point. We have a long way to go to achieve where we are heading, and we believe with the great team we have with the great partners, just like Aptos and others. Aptos is fundamental when it comes to tech, obviously, and web three. And with the amazing community, we will be driving there to that. To that path. So, yeah, exciting times ahead.

Building Community Engagement

Yeah. I have a feeling that this community we have is going to grow massively and, you know, be super active, and I can't wait to engage with them. I have a bunch of ideas for social engagement, for XP that could be tokens or maybe rewards that can be spent on the platform is a better idea.

Bringing Web Two Users to Web Three

And you said a couple, you know, important things is, you know, bringing web three users to content, but we're also in the, I don't know, another company or project that is in the position we are to bring web two users to web three. And you said that important point of making them web two to web three without them knowing it almost, because all the technicalities are in the background. And then you spoke about RWAs, and I know we're number one with content. We're number one. Right. But we have to be up there for RWAs. I don't know, another RWA company that has the numbers we do ready to bring those users to web three. So it's. I mean, RWA is the hot thing right now. A lot of people are talking about it. Excuse me. I don't think. I think we could be number one for RWAs to bring web two users to web three, which is really amazing.

Comparing Gaming and Web Three

Bonnie, do you know any other projects or companies that's in the position we are? I haven't heard anything. No. I mean, one of the very strong use cases that is similar to us but hasn't been adopted or properly driven is gaming while you have a few exceptions of projects. The majority of gaming and esports and gaming companies that were there, that were established in the crypto space, they forgot the main basic anchor point, which is producing a game that people are going to love. Producing a game like a FIFA or a counter strike for us, a bit older guys, or a Super Mario or a street fighter, producing games that people are engaged to and then adding that utility token to it. A lot of the gaming, I mean, gaming is crazy. Gaming even like on Twitch a few years back, Twitch, like the amount of people that just look at game fights and stuff on Twitch and stuff, those were massive.

The Future of Streaming and Gaming

So gaming is a very strong use case. But unfortunately the majority, again, there is probably like 10% exception. But the majority of the games out there, they start being hot because everyone's on board. But people end up getting bored of the game because people are there just looking at the token utilization of it. And that's what the missing point is. So I think gaming is huge. I think for us, streaming and content and media is the next big thing, if not bigger, because just like gaming, there's a massive audience. Be it people that. Different age groups, even if we're focusing on millennials and Gen ZSD, there's different age groups. People that watch sports, people that watch games, people that watch esports, people that watch shorts, people that watch podcasts, people that listen to podcasts, people that create content.

Diverse Opportunities Ahead

So it's a very well diversified multiple verticals that we're focusing on. So I think, as I said again, we're still at the starting point, but the future is definitely great and exciting times coming out. Maybe Ryan, we can see if there's a couple of questions from anyone. Yeah, guys, do you guys have any questions about anything? Just be sure to raise your hand. I know the majority of people that listen to our spaces, listen to the recording, and so that number is always much higher than who joins live. But you know, it's a weird time zone because it's midday here in the US and everyone's working and then, you know, it's too late. And Dubai. So we miss Asia, if we have anyone in Asia.

Engaging the Audience

So if you have any questions now, raise your hand. If not, just respond in the comments section of respond in the comment section of this post. So I'll give you guys just a bit to raise your hand. TJ, can you speak? What's up, man? Are you good? Can you give me a thumbs up? Also, I want to give a big shout out. We mess with each other all the time, but my brother Zuhair is in here and he's been very important and strategic about making this platform grow. So I don't see him in spaces all the time. So just wanted to give you a shout out. Give this man his flowers. Sorry guys, I'm a little sick. Yeah, so if there's no questions, if you're listening to this, please ask in the comment section.

Acknowledgments and Future Plans

We always answer them or send a DM. So I will wrap this up. Ani, thank you so much for joining. I love seeing you in spaces. Thank you. Excited to be here. Exciting times coming ahead. We'll start having a lot of more spaces and Ama's soon. There's a lot of developments happening. This is just the first big milestone for us because it's important, but a lot of stuff happening. The team and ourselves are going to be also. The team and ourselves are going to be also in token in Singapore. We're still busy building and. Yeah, I think there's a question.


There's someone there. Hello, Michael believer, go ahead. Yes. What do you mean? Hello? Good evening. I don't know if you can hear me. Yeah, hello, I can hear you. Yes, we are good. So first of all, congratulations to the team. We always acknowledge the efforts the team is putting towards building this project and we always have this belief that this project is going to go places. So congratulations once again.

Questions and Observations

So I have two questions, actually, a kind of observation. The first is regarding the platform. So I don't know, sometimes it's a bit difficult to load the. I mean, for the platform to load from our origin, I don't know if it is just my origin or it's everywhere. So like the same network like YouTube and other, but it's the same network that sometimes you find it difficult to load platform. So is it that it's a little bit too heavy that we needed, we need a lite version or the issue is from our own side? And then secondly, regarding the issue of the relaunch, are we still looking at the first to second week of next month as it was stated earlier? Thank you very much.

Response to Questions

Okay, I'll jump probably for the second question quickly on that and then I'll hand over to Ryan and the team. Okay, so for the second question again, the beauty about us microbeliever is we're building and we want to launch at the ideal time we're targeting. So far we're targeting early Q four. That means early October. We believe the market's going to pick up at that point. So that would be an ideal time for us. As you know, the company is growing, the company is building, the company is generating revenue, the company is scaling up. You just need to make sure that also the timing of the launch is ideal for everyone so that we can fully integrate and get it up in the system.

Market Considerations

So far we're targeting, yes, we're targeting early October, which is early Q four. If the market perceives and everything is great and everything is in line, then that would be the target. If the market, just like over the past month, as you guys know, I'm assuming you guys are all into crypto majority. If the market is slow, then we look at the perfect time. But for now, yes, most probably we are targeting early Q four, which is early October. So that's on the launch of the token on the platform. I think you have Michael and if Zuhr is here, maybe he can jump in with a couple of pointers on that.

Team Interaction

I invited Zuhr to speak, but I think I know enough about what's happening with this and Michael believer just know that we're building and launching at the opportune time because you're a current content holder. If the market's not great, then we lose out of out on all those potential investors who are trading in the market. And that's how that happens when it's good. So, you know, for current m content holders, you would want to launch when the market's high instead of launching like right now. Yeah. So the. Oh, there's zoo here.

Zuhair's Input

Hey guys. Great speech, honey, and great space as usual. Ryan and Michael, believer, to answer your question, I think Hani, in a way, covered some of what things that are going on in the background. Having built from scratch, I think we've come a long way and we are kind of going through some changes, some testing here and there to make sure that we get better and better. I'm aware of the issue that you're referring to and we're looking at it and hopefully solution is coming about in the next few weeks.

Optimizing Experience

And not just solution for the problem. In fact, we're actually looking to optimize making videos, video consumption more cost efficient for you guys. So there's a few things going on that front and hopefully we'll be consuming less data of your networks than any of the other apps out there. So that's the direction that we're working at. There's some work going on, there's still some R and D going on, but once this is finalized, it's going to be available for all of the micro users out there.

Conclusion and Future Engagement

Amazing it's so nice getting answers from the boss man over there and over the tech team and everything. Zuhair, I haven't spoken to you for a while man. I hope you're doing great. When I get back to work in a week, I'll video call you, we'll catch up. Absolutely cool. Guys, this is it for our Twitter space. Like I said earlier, I know so many people listen to this on recording. So if you guys have a question about anything we spoke about, just reply to it in the comment thread of the spaces or easily send us a dm.

Engagement and Excitement for the Future

A lot of you guys are on my personal social. Don't be afraid to dm me there too. So guys, thank you so much for joining this Twitter space. I'm so excited to get the spaces going again and I'm so excited about this chain partnership. You know, it makes me excited for work. So Hani, thank you so much for joining. Zuhair, thank you for jumping in and we'll catch you guys in the next one, maybe a week or so. We'll get it settled out, but be looking for the post about it.

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