Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Music Industry Unleashed!!! Latest news, breaking stories, Crypto, XRP, QFS hosted by THEREALESMITTY. Dive into the cutting-edge developments at the intersection of the Music Industry, crypto, XRP, and QFS. Discover how blockchain, XRP, and Quantum Financial System are revolutionizing music distribution, financial transactions, and operational efficiencies. Gain valuable insights on the transformative potential of these technologies within the music sector.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.

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Total Listeners: 5


Q: How is crypto influencing the evolution of the Music Industry?
A: Crypto technologies are enhancing music distribution, royalty tracking, and artist payments.

Q: What benefits does XRP offer to the music sector?
A: XRP provides fast, low-cost, and efficient cross-border transactions for the music industry.

Q: What advantages does blockchain bring to music distribution?
A: Blockchain ensures transparency, security, and fair compensation for artists and creators.

Q: How does QFS impact financial operations in the music business?
A: QFS introduces a more secure, efficient, and transparent financial infrastructure for the music industry.


Time: 00:15:28
Crypto Disruption in the Music Industry Exploring the revolutionary impact of crypto technologies on music distribution.

Time: 00:25:42
XRP Innovations in Music Transactions Understanding how XRP is streamlining cross-border payments in the music sector.

Time: 00:35:19
QFS: Transforming Music Finance Operations Insights into how Quantum Financial System is reshaping financial procedures in the music business.

Key Takeaways

  • The Music Industry is undergoing significant transformations fueled by crypto, XRP, and QFS.
  • Understanding the role of blockchain in revolutionizing music distribution and royalty payments.
  • Insights on how XRP is reshaping financial transactions within the music sector.
  • Exploring the potential of Quantum Financial System (QFS) in revolutionizing music industry operations.

Behind the Mic

Going Live

Going live. Yes, yes, yes. We going live. We going live. We multiply. We getting live. Hey, yo, we don't smoke none of that dumb shit. Niggas, they talk that dumb shit, they get squashed quick. East mid. One of the best. One of the test, you know, one to test anybody. Try me. Punch you in your chest. Cave your shit in quickly, so swiftly. You talking that dumb shit, nigga. Get away from me. You can't get with me. Whoa, now I'm messing with y'all. Okay, here we go. Take off, take off. Listen, bro, I'm giving you the microphone in a minute. We letting everybody come on into the space.

Welcoming Participants

Yo, what up, guys? What up, Storm rider? What up, East Midi? We liddy. Yeah, yeah. We don't let a few more people come up into the building, and then we don't get it going. So just, y'all, you know, hang out for a minute. Yeah, you're good. I'm at the studio right now. We lit. Storm rider. What's good, my ghdev? Guys, like, a little context. I'll tell you. Like this. when we figure out how we can, like, plug in a. Like an actual, Like a radio station recording board, we're gonna do it like that. We're gonna, like, play music, and we're gonna go crazy with it.

Plans for Future Sessions

So, you know, I know it's a little minuscule right now. It'll get great. The last space that we did, we had, I don't think. I think, like, 1100 people were in here. It was crazy. So I'm waiting for a few people to show up and. Yeah, we sent the invites. There we go. Rap. What's up, my g? Anybody that requests to speak, you got it. I'll give you the mic. Jason. Bitch. But I remember this fucking verse that's like. That sounded crazy. Was that takeoff? That was kind of fancy, bro.

Discussing the Music Industry

Guys, y'all staying here, I'm telling you, this room is gonna fill up very quickly. Y'all just sit up in here. You know, we talking about the music industry. The latest news. Go ahead, take off. That was. That was lovely. What was that? You would jump. You. You want to hear it? I'm making it right now, boys. Everyone. You haven't seen my power yet, bro. I'm about to show you. I haven't even showed you. I hope everyone's blessed, though. Yeah, we all good, man. We highly bless. Let me hear some of that.

Creative Process in Music

That shit right there. Yo, sorry, I had the mic off. You're hearing it right now, but I was gonna ask you, is it okay if I post it on Soundcloud right now? Only on Soundcloud, bro. Listen a little like, you know, minuscule, whatever recording. I don't care about that. Okay, cool. We're just making sure, you know, I wanted to be on the same. Nah, man. But, but what I'm saying is like don't post nothing that you think would be like. Yeah, this shit is delayed.

Music Creation and Agreements

You haven't. This is not even me. I'm a football. But, what was gonna say? This is gonna be hard. Everybody think I. Bro, everybody just tell me, came out of jail, they don't. Know where I'm at. They don't know nothing, huh? So it'll be perfect. You know how many minutes we got left on the studio? How many minutes ago? I only been here for 20 minutes. Just so you know, brother and I already got finished the song. 30. We have 30 minutes left. Alright, let's.

Time Management in the Studio

Let's go do that. Lips, let's go. Give me a second, brother. Yo, this shit sounds awesome pro. Like literally, I'm a jump over storm. What's good? Yo, it has a little freestyle and a little of what I wrote and that's not even the whole thing. I can make fucking as many songs. You just sent me beats and they go, we make how many? I got to pay you the 850 I o because I got to go pick it up. Yeah, yeah, we talk business off the record.

Connection and Creativity

Oh, sorry, sorry. Storm rider though, what's good my brother. G Mac and my boy, you already know sit back making his money as I sit on his line with y'all. You know how it is time is always bread, you feel me? For sure, for sure, brother. So, yo, Storm, you were telling me about like you had a couple of records that you needed like other artists to jump on. Oh yeah, man, I got crazy features, man, you know, I mean but see when I put artists on because everybody, like you said everybody got different levels, different things.

Collaboration and Writing Style

So when I put people one I will make sure that when I put them out there this shit gonna kickstart anyway, cuz I like I say I can write different ways commercial hood doesn't make a difference, you know, say I like to write my. I'm just a natural writer so when I do write with people like on the outside I try to make sure that we gonna shine in a different light, you know what I mean? Because everybody ain't gonna be doing good music. Everybody don't write good music.

Finding the Right Collaborators

So I had to make it to where it's like when the style come together in a beautiful way, it's like a really painting art picture, you know what I mean? The only thing I'm kind of upset about. Cause I don't have a singer yet for skull life entertainment and see, and I write, mean, for singers. And I can write platinum history singers. I just can't find a motherfucker that can sing over here. Right, right. And it's like, huh.

Diversity and Collaboration

Yeah, we. We got all that, baby. Like, we got the singers, we got the writer. We don't need writers really, because we are the writers. We write all of our music. But shout out to. We definitely got fucking crazy amount of fucking talent and people to sing and do all that. I will say this, though, my g. Like, in terms of what you're doing and what you. How did. How did everything work out with you and young God?

Collaboration with Young God

Oh, well, man. Young God, like, yo man, like, yo man, stumble I fuck with. This motherfucking shit is hard. He said, right now I'm writing the bars for. And then. But I told. But I told him though, I'm. That was just a bug draft. So I told him tomorrow. I said, you know, cuz, I'm ultra marvel. I sent original copy with my shit already masked. All he gotta do is do his part and send it in from his end.

Finalizing Collaborations

You feel me? So when I give it to him, it's gonna be done on my end. All he gotta do is lay his part in. And then. Cause I ain't gonna know how it's going down either, you know what I mean? So when he lay his. He only gonna know how mine sound. I ain't gonna know how his gonna sound. So he sent it in and send me the copy back, you feel me? After he done did his parts and did his thing though, man. But he happy about it.

Creative Aspirations

Yeah, I mean, I'm happy about it. I'm thrilled to buy this thing, hopefully, you know what I mean? It's gonna do some things. Cause it's called get slaughtered. You know what I mean? For people don't know. Get slaughtered. You know what I'm saying? Don't get slaughtered by the team, baby. Because that's what we coming for. You feel me? So you know the only hard part about this, when you want to do a video with the next person, you don't us.

Challenges in Collaboration

You know, you're doing music with. That's the only magic thing. That's like a little different. Cause I like to do videos, especially with features. You know what I'm saying, so. And it's, like, kind of hard when you live here. He live here. They live in. That is. That's the hardest part right there, you. Know, I mean, so, yeah, yo, so look, young. God, he's definitely, you know, he's official with it.

Collaborative Dynamics

He sent me back to feature very quickly. He's definitely, you know, nice with it. Official, dude. And. And we got a couple other. Other cats, man, like, literally, that are nice with it. I'm waiting for everybody to, like, pile in, and I'm like, where the fuck is everybody tonight? We had 1100 people two nights ago. I'm not sure. You know, Twitter is kind of weird. X is kind of weird.

Audience Engagement Challenges

I don't know if we're being censored or anything like that. But I will say this, though. Y'all just stick around, cuz. It's gonna grow. It'll get here. It'll get a lot bigger than this. Right now, I want to talk to. To my man. Rap rapid. Yeah, yeah. Yo, I ain't never on these things, you know, saying, I'm from Salt Lake City, Utah. I just want to show some love to anyone that's trying to support any underground artists.

Utah's Underground Scene

And I just say, stay blessed. Yo, my g. So you from Salt Lake City? 100. Yeah. Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. All right. What is, brother? What. What is your nationality? Hispanic. Chicano. Okay, so donna da ba. Don't even try that with me. Don't even try that. No, I don't speak Spanish, okay? My relatives and everyone does, but I was just too lazy to learn it.

Cultural Identity and Language

I thought I was too cool for school, bro. Stop playing with me. Oh, I don't speak a lot of Spanish, easer, but, soy day boricua e chileno. All I want to say. Mandev. So all I want to say is, appreciate the follow 100%, for sure. Listen, listen. No, no. And nobody's trying to call you out and. And say, oh, you know, my Spanish is horrible, bro.

Communicating Respectfully

Like, literally. And people call me out on this shit all the time. No, I thought, like, you know, I was just being respectful in terms of, like, you know, maybe you're fluent or you understand. And so I just. I speak to you in worry about. And I ain't sensitive about nothing. Don't worry about that. You know, saying. Chicano. All right, that's awesome. No, and what I'm saying is I want, like, a broad spectrum of artists on my label.

Broad Spectrum of Artists

Like, I want the best of the best. I also want, like, a. Like, I don't care what you are. But I want, like, a diverse, you know, because, look, we got guys that live in New Mexico and they do southwestern latin music. Yo, it's like white guys to do that. We got, like, rock bands, and, like, we have so much diversity on the label. Takeoff is from takeoff. Tuesdays is from Brazil.

Diverse Talents in Music

Storm Rider is originally from New Jersey, but he's on the west coast now. Like, we've got, like, a crazy amazing crowd of people. And what I know, I definitely, since I've been on here, I've seen your page. We've followed, unfollowed that type of shit all this whole time. I see your work. Trust me, I see it. You know, I mean, so that's something I definitely want to show that respect in the flowers for sure, you know, saying, so don't trip on that.

Vocal Online Presence

And, as far as everything goes, you know, saying, I'm just one of those individuals myself that, I don't know, I'm very vocal online, you know, I mean, I, with my faith and who I am as an individual. And I mean, I get, you know, I mean, I just want, I just, like I said, I was going to say as far as, what do you want to be elaborate on? No, I mean, tell us. Tell us about what you represent, you know, your faith, your values, you know, yourself as an artist.

Artistic Journey and Faith

Like, I mean, I saw me as an artist. I've been doing it since I was 16 years old, first and foremost. I mean, that's just what I was. I just was one of those individuals over time, just kind of fell out of it because I felt like I was supposed to be doing bigger, better things, and I thought I was going to blow up overnight. And I got that humbling experience like most artists do, and I just kind of been lackluster on it from that point forward.

Returning to Roots

But as far as my faith, God always leads me back into that every time. I mean, and I just, like I said, I posted every day, keep God first. Keep that 100%. I don't, I don't, I mean, I appreciate everything about bibles and religion and all that stuff. That's just 100% respect to me. But I, I mean, as far as it goes, I mean, we need to keep expanding those values.

Cultural Identity and Pride

We need to keep expanding those stories and honestly revolutionizing, you know, we have to be those ones because, I mean, like I said, I'm hispanic, so I do believe brown pride, I do believe have my hispanic heritage is where I come from. So I don't know, Nativo, yeah. Low Indio. I will say this, my brother, I love what you're talking, but I want to say this as well. Like, as Latinos, you know, I think that we also have to understand that we are familiar, you know, and we're also indigenous to the land.

Connecting Cultural Backgrounds

But you know, the, what is it, the aboriginal, they were here even while were here. And that's our cousin. So, you know, the, we're brought the brown brother and our black brothers, they were already here. And we're like cousins. Like we are cousins. Like Nativo, we're native to each other. Low Indio is like the Indian. You know, not every black person in the. Sorry for interjecting on that, but 100%.

Understanding Diverse Heritages

So my values is not just right, just singling that out as it all. I'm just saying that's where my pride comes from. And I mean, pride is a deadly thing if it's misguided. And so with that, I learned over time from the streets and growing up, you know, doing the hard labor of thinking I was cool. I mean, it's just, I learned that. I learned that.

Diversity Among Cultures

I mean, I mean, I have, I have family from different diversities of whatever diversity. I mean, there's not, there's, that's the problem is that we assume that everyone's going to understand the values of one another when reality is. I mean, God is our value, man.

The Value of God and Humanity

That's just what I'm saying is God is the value. It doesn't matter what the skin color is. It doesn't matter about any of that nationality, anything. I mean, God is. We are God's people and people don't understand that anymore. And that's, that's where it's at. Moses taught us how to be free. We forgot these morals because they put those false idols and that falseness in front of us. That's why I says, I don't know, man, I'm crazy, man.

Connection Beyond Differences

No, no, you're not crazy. You definitely speaking some truth, my brother. But listen, what I'm trying to say is, like, we all related in some way, shape or form and our DNA can connect. Because if we wasn't so far related, then how come we can connect? Any race, any skin color can create a baby. Like we can make, we can procreate and create offspring. That tells me that 99 of the DNA is magnificent. That's the beauty of God.

Unity Among All God's Creation

That's, that's what it is we're all God's people, it doesn't matter. Color, it doesn't matter. The DNA code, it doesn't matter. I mean, animals, even these animals that we sacrifice for our meals every day, that we lost appreciation for, we don't eat. They are in a world. What if we love them so much that, you know, when they get in of old age and they're suffering, and then we take them out of their misery and then we celebrate them by using them for a feast?

Personal Journeys and Health Choices

So what I'm saying is, like, you know, it's. Look, bro, I'm a carnivore. I only eat meat. Like, literally, I don't eat vegetables. I don't eat fruit. I don't eat carbs. I don't eat bread. I don't eat rice. I just eat meat and eggs. And since I did that, I no longer have asthma. I no longer suffer from, like, any chronic illness. Like, I'm in a whole nother level of, like, health that I've never felt in my entire life.

The Essence of Healing and Self-Love

Can I interject on that? Yeah. So, basically, so basically from that, there is that. That, that right there is the beauty of God. And the reason why I say this is the beauty of God. And a lot of people need to actually hear that, including myself, because I devalue myself in so many different ways. All you're doing is seeing the love for yourself and seeing the love that God has bestowed upon you. So therefore, you are naturally healing yourself.

Understanding Mentality and Alignment

It doesn't matter what you eat and doesn't matter any of those things, as long as your mentality, your soul, and everything is aligning itself. That's God, that's that frequency, that's the energy, that's the essence. Whatever you define that as, that's why you're healing yourself is because you're allowing yourself to heal. That's the beauty. That's what. That's what people don't really understand. Like I said, I I know, I know.

Reflections on Pain and Teaching

I know everyone has their own perspectives and a lot of different things, but, I mean, I see this world. It's hurting. It keeps hurting. And I get tired of myself because I've been a part of it for so long. I used to teach these kids how to be gang members and be that person. And the reality of it is now I want to show them love. I rather see them as a doctor and be. I mean, I don't.

Sharing Life Experiences

Like I said, man, I just got so much. Bro, you got so much pain and so much, like what you've been through. Brooke, what's up? Thank you for coming in. You know, request to speak if you. If you choose. But I do want to say that, you know, we. We all have so much to contribute, and we have all of our experiences. And, yeah, you know, I can agree with you on everything you said, because, really, and this is the key.

Creating Your Own Reality

And when you're in your life and you're living your life, what you believe is what you actually live and what you create in your matrix. And what people have to understand is that you create your own matrix. Okay? Nobody. It's not our matrix. It's actually God's matrix. And that's where us men, that's where we find naive to it.

Understanding Individual Perspectives

Right. Right. We think that we can write these laws and these values because they coraline with our morals, when our morals all differentiate from each other. That's what creates divide. That's what creates divide in religion, all those things. That's not what I'm saying, my brother. I. Listen. What I'm saying is that you create your reality through your beliefs and the way that you build.

Embracing Different Beliefs

And what I'm saying is that, you know, nobody has to build exactly the same. Like you said, you know, you can believe what you want to believe, and I can believe what I want to believe. But understand, you live in the now. It doesn't matter about your past or your future. 100. What you. What you believe in now is what you create, and that is your matrix.

Reality As Energy

And I'm not saying, like, it's a computer generated thing. I'm saying that your reality is basically a bunch of atoms, and you can push and move. Energy synergies, electricity. You can do it any way that you want to, however you want to do it, however you want to believe it. But that's what you create for yourself. 100, man.

Intelligence and Energy

I do. I do love that because it's all about energy when it comes down to it. So that's 100%. That's 100%. You're very intelligent, man. I appreciate that. No. Hey, yo, man, I love God, man. I swear to God. As y'all sitting there, y'all help me get inspiration.

Inspiration and Music

Well, I tell you, inspiration, father, come a long damn way. I'll be learning for that. Learning at the hard way. Word up. Because you sit here, right? When you sit here talking to him and see, I'm over here. I'm. I do two things. I'm listening to y'all, and right at the same time. I told you I do everything at one time because I'm about to die.

Using Inspiration Creatively

You feel me? Now y'all gave me one of the meanest hooks by y'all talking just that quickly. And so I thank y'all for that, because, you know, I think it's a hook. I drop pants, I draw people like cooler sites. I made flicks. I double click like I'm shooting dice.

Wisdom Through Experience

They talk change. I been there, yikes. Do it right, they take brains I had used like I do advice I maintain I made enough money now I'm doing nice a new tan, new album, new look on life I can't blame these lanes know if I ain't doing right shit can't speak if I ain't got shit.

Sharing the Inspiration

Hey, yo, y'all gave me some inspiration right here when y'all talking. Inspiration comes from everywhere. That's the beauty of sitting down and actually being able to create and. And do our thing. That's. That's. That's what it.

Musical Passions

What it comes back down to is that's why I clicked on this, is because it's about music for me, you know, I mean, I. One of my passions is music. And, I mean, I put God first, but reality is that. I mean, I'm. Like I said, I mean, I like music.

The Power of Connection

That's what I do. I love. I love, like you, too, bro. You know what I mean? Like, you know, I ain't going no parents, and I never been a person I could talk to, just a person. To me, it was never worked that way, you know, I mean, because one person doesn't understand.

Communicating Experiences

And if I had to explain myself, I always say I want to explain to a bunch of people, not just one. So I ain't got to keep telling the same story every time I got to go places. You feel me? So if the whole world can get it, then I ain't got to worry about keep saying that where I go.

Music as a Lifeline

Could they all get the picture at the same time, you know, and, you know, saying, when times was dark and fucked up and I ain't had nobody in the house, it was just me and a bunch of roaches. Every motherfucker with, you know, the music kept me going.

Artistic Identity

Albino guerrilla. What. What do you call yourself as a rap name? Do you have music on any platform? Anything out right now, believe it or not? So basically what happened is that I wanted to go exclusively on Twitter.

Building a Music Platform

So I put all my funding and whatever I was doing as far as music was going to start making this my platform. But reality is that I do have things on like reverb nation. I don't know if you guys aware of that. That site.

Navigating the Music Industry

I mean there's platforms out there that you can't find my music for sure. I mean, Spotify. So, so listen, my guy storm rider, he signed to sound alive records to my record label. Look this is my brother. He did 17 years.

Connecting Through Talent

He also you know, mingled with the outlaws tupac like legendary shit. I want to hear a couple bars from you right now if you can spit a few bars. My brother, like not storm.

Performance and Artistic Expression

Storm, we already know you got bars. I want to hear I want to. Brothers, what do you go by as an artist? Are you for me? Me specifically? My name is Rap Mo the Albana gorilla.

The Origin of the Name

Okay so. 100%, 100%. So I mean in the reason why I call myself the Albano gorilla. Let's get a little backstory to that real quick and the fact is that I've been on the block too long I've been with the gorillas, I've been in the forest, I've been in the jungles.

Sharing Lives Lived

That's just what it is. I mean if you don't understand it, you better get with it. All right, so. So storm, appreciate you muting your mic. I'm gonna mute my mic right now, bro. Here's your chance right now I want to hear like 16 bars, 32 bars, 48 bars, whatever you got.

Collaboration and Freestyle

We'll see what it is. I'm just gonna go ahead and let me see let me find some real. Quick. Because I don't want to really expose too much let's see what they cuz I try to be exclusive as possible so let's see hold on 1 second. Are we waiting?

Rhyme Cyphers

Give me your best 16 bars I'm gonna give you my best 16 bars it's kind of quiet crickets agent, you caught me. You caught me when my kids were sleeping so I have to kind of like keep that shit on the low so hold up 1 second I got it.

Keeping the Beat Alive

Turn the volumes and shit down so. Hhm, thank you for showing for joining the space brother yo storm. Yo what if we do, what if we do a little cipher real quick like me and you I'm gonna spit a few bars and then you spit some bars I got you, I.

Creating Together

Got you. A. Yo I love this game I love the way that we pop off everybody talking that shit like they got a sawed off but motherfuckers ain't real nigga they nod off they more fucking trifling this.

Expressing Authenticity

Fuck Eastman. Yeah, I come and I'm ready to buck y'all niggas trying to talk that dumb shit like what he smith been in the game. I've been doing this shit. I've been ruined your shit, I've been screwing your bitch, nigga, stop even trying to play with me.

Dominance in the Game

Better than the game, nigga. No, I aim at least. I hate you. Right in your scope, hit you in your motherfucker shit. Then I poke boom back, nigga, I love hip hop. I love the way that we rock.

Rhythm and Flow

In the way the click clock, up, the clock go click clock. And you know how I'm off, mom, you know Smith, Ben in this game. I've been doing this shit, Nick. I never been a lame.

Creating Success

I've been running this game and running these niggas and running these mother. Because you know, I run up these figures. Hey, yo, that's why I'm the CEO of Sound Alive Records. I'm on the go.

Fully Committed to Growth

That's off the top of the dome, off the top of the brain, nigga, you think that you nice? Nigga, you insane. Stop it. Just go get my city and copy like 150,000 out the trunk of my pocket.

Confident Expression

E. Smith crazy with it. You know how you done it, yo. See, Smith. Whoa. This a nice night. I tell these fag niggas, doing the wrong process.

Claiming Authenticity

Cause this ain't the fucking lime life. They thought I was fucked up until the time, right? And I told him how I grind nice at my head of Friday night, every night, nigga, I turn over shit like going jet wing on a flight.

Striving for More

Niggas mad at me cause they ain't taking off at night. That ain't my problem. You ain't making no money, your crew ain't solving it, and y'all ain't eating.

Realizations About Success

Y'all eating burgers out of Burger King, revolving it. Y'all keep going around the same door, spinning it like it's a spinning door revolver. Stupid ass niggas. But I shoot em and I conquer.

Challenging Conventional Norms

I show em. I do this. I used to play Nintendo Contra. And I learned that every face and every person got an inside of a monster.

Reflections of Growth

And I'ma show them. While we used to play with them big trucks. They called the topics. Cause when I ran through shit, you couldn't stop the fucking process.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Now I'm back on this shit. Fuck reasons and logic. I fuck with Fl Studio niggas. Supreme is the profits.

Execution and Innovation

Niggas do this shit. Nigga, we cocking dreams and we pop the wallets. Niggas pop tags all the time, niggas.

Business Mindset

Cause we ain't gonna stop shit no matter if I wasn't hustling now I'm working, nigga. I still make the profits.

Motivation and Dedication

It all coming in, nigga. I can seize everything they got in. I'm like a cease poor.

Seeing Opportunities

Cause everything go there first, nigga. And that's where the job, we gonna see it first for everybody to get something out of it.

Collaboration in Action

That's how it's coming in. When we getting in, everybody thumping in, niggas coming around.

The Intent to Impact

This is like you gonna circle in, we gonna run down these motherfuckers. Like these suckers grin and they said the wrong shit like this.

The Road Ahead

Suckers gonna win. You niggas ain't finished. I'm just getting started. They play stupid, I play retarded.

The Power of Strategy

Niggas act dumb. I just saw hitting off with the four five aim at my target and hope he got his vest on, cuz he gonna.

Consequences of Choices

He don't got that. He gonna be the next one. The next go, the next and last one.

A Testament to Tenacity

My next strong, yo, the next gone. Yo, we gonna get a flex on East Mitt, yo, I flex on every nigga to try to take they tech on, bro, I'm 225 with the beastiness, I'm a giga chad nigga.

Strength and Willpower

You try to beast with me, I fucking smash you up. Class you, trash you up. Yo, you try to play with me, nigga.

A Legacy of Flow

I've been in the shit since the ashes. What? Yo, I smoked that. I fucking crash you up like a crash dummy, nigga, crash you up.

Creating Continuity

Hold on, wait. Keep. Keep it going, yo, stop.

Authentic Styles

I keep a nice whip, my bro. I keep nice stick, play hard bullet shave all lipo exists, niggas talk hard like the film in there, right guard six I race cars, I used to steal cars, no nitro shit.

The Struggle is Real

I'm awol, I break nice on some knocko shit they play golf, the end off knocked off quick this ain't golf, this ain't stick ball, this k pop off quick we could face off like cage but I'm not going miss I'm straightforward like a green light I'm not going sit.

Concluding Thoughts

They talk hard these labels out like I'm not gonna live these fake rappers out here talking, nigga, I'm not gonna give come back down like a screenshot, nigga I handed my biz, I'm all over the world, too cold, used to handle my shit, we here now niggas sle, nigga always keep a full clip.

Business Dynamics and Personal Aspirations

Like, who the fuck are you trying to ask us? If we better this business, nigga, we been done. Like, holy fuck. I mean, like, I would go on that beat and do something like that. See, I like. I like my shit. I like my shit like. You like it, but you can't. They want me to fall niggas trying taking the walls I run the box, I run it all niggas out, you niggas the roar you labeled, feeling you wrong, I'm killing your arts, I know what I want, you making money with the fucking you want, it won't stop me what minute fault, niggas tight, taking a loss I run the block, I run it on, run the spot, I run the corner cat in the mind, you niggas, they warn you, layers out pulling you off, killing the artists, I do what I want.

Confidence in Artistic Expression

You making that money, what the fuck you want? I'm ready to eat some shit up, bro. I'm ready to get in that studio, my nigga. I'm sorry this job came. I'm sorry, man. You know, like, I would cry if I was about to be ate up by East Windy or storm rider. And, yo, rap. Know the. I love you, bro. Like, you nice, you cool, but, bro, and it ain't it. You know what? I still respect anybody who tried. No, I respect everybody. Like, I respect them, but it's like, you know, you fucking with the elders like, you fucking with the. You. You coming up to the top of the mountain. You like, yeah, can I, can I, declare war? And we like, nah, bro, you ain't strong. You gotta get your shit tight, man.

Understanding Artistic Hierarchies

But I mean, I hear the tone. I hear the tone. I hear the tone in you guys voices with the mockery and whatnot. Stay blessed, my g. Stay blessed. I feel. I feel that it's pretty awesome and amazing. I love hip hop and I love poetry. So I like to, you know, like to. I like to enjoy it, you know? If you want to go, we can go. You want to talk about a spirit, we can go. I got my energy and I'm going to tell you that I'm so synergy. I'm going to go so deep into this. was it called Bay? I mean, it's. It's a experience. Experience. Okay. Yeah.

Respect and Artistic Collaboration

All right, so. So here we go. You really want to go with me? You want to go with the spirit? We gonna have some. What's it. Come on. Guys. This has been CJ. She's our general manager, and she's here in the studio right now. Hold on 1 second. No, let her come in here. Take off. Hold on. Take off. Tuesdays, bro. Use in the studio and use actually doing something amazing. I really like what you were doing, bro. At the end of the day, I'm not a big fan of, like, recording stuff and like, acting like, oh, Bob, I'm doing this. But, yeah, take off. What you got going on, bro? Also a sound alive records artist.

Setting Standards in Artistry

Why do you. I asked you this. I asked you this. You kind of set me up for, like, I kind of feel like you kind of sent me a. For like a sabotage. Like you had a standard set, you know, saying like, if you wanted recorded quality, or if you wanted something on that next level or that standard, then you should approach me on that. You see what I'm saying? Don't. Don't think that you guys are gonna go off the top of your fucking head. And then me just come in with some bullshit like, hey, just coming out. And then you guys try to clown me and mock me on that shit. You know, saying, that's a death. That's a different level. You see, I'm saying, and that's how I feel.

Respecting Artistic Integrity

I feel some type of shit. I understand this is your shit. You're hosting it, whatever it is. But the reality of it is that don't disrespect artists. You know, I'm saying, that's the only part about that there is. Don't disrespect artists. Don't mock them and say, you ain't in that shit like that. Because then you belittle me and then you think you're superior. And that's where I says, you need to humble yourself as an individual and understand that our art is. Hey, maybe my craft may not touch your tone or your frequency level, but you got to humble yourself and understand that maybe there's some other things I don't want to.

Personal Growth and Professional Development

I don't, I don't. I, like I said, I truly like when I first started this, I respect your accolades. I respect who you are as an individual, because like I said, I have seen what you have done. And like I said, like you, like on your biography about multi platinum and all that stuff like that. But the reality of it is God leads my way. God is telling me to approach you guys and God is telling me to do all these things. It's not me value wise. Because why I rather just hide in a motherfucking shell all day long. Because like I said, you guys make. Me not want damn shell instead of, like, being yourself.

The Essence of Being an Artist

And my thing is, if you are fucking artist, you gotta be able to, like, come out, be yourself at any point in time. Like, battle, like, be yourself, like, do it. I wasn't, there was no intention of me comparing myself to you or your individual. I'm not trying, I'm not trying to compare myself. I'm trying to respectfully. I'm trying to respectfully just say, hey, I respect you as an individual. You know what I'm saying? That's not what I'm saying. It's no more than one man in life. My little man. You know what I mean? Nobody was getting on you, bro.

Recognition of Hard Work in the Arts

You know, like I said, I respect all artists. I don't give a way. Your career at in life, bro, they take talent, they take somebody's door. I respect that because people don't know how hard it is to pause the words together. People think it's easy when it's really not. You know what I mean? We all. But then when I have individuals that I'm looking up to are trying to gain knowledge from or any of those types of things, if you have my life to help me better or help me grow, I'm willing to listen to that.

Navigating Artistic Interactions

But when you mock me, I'm about to mute you right now, bro, because you talking all that dumb shit. And I'm gonna tell you like this, you fucked up already by being like, oh, my kids and I have to mute this. And blah, blah. If you are fucking real Mc, you a real MC, you could spit it off the top of your dome. And that's what you need to get to. You got to get to a confidence level as an emcee and where you could just fucking drop bombs anytime, anybody. And they don't respect that. And that's the only thing. And you really wanted some help, you could pull, you could have hit anybody and bossing and talk to them because you never know how far you can get help just because you inside this room, right, it's going to be, you want to see a hell of a lot more people right now.

Mentorship and Artistic Growth

Right now, just six of us in here. Seven. Cool miss DJ. You feel me? But listen like this, bro, when people. Come on, bro, you can sit down. You could have hit me on my inbox on the sidelines. See, when you see, we here for top of discussion. We gave you a chance from that level. But when you want help from somebody, you gotta hit them personally for that, bro. People ain't gonna say no to everything, bro. Cause I love to see my young brothers grow. I love to teach people how to get to the next level, how you think it higher.

Acknowledging Personal Growth

How do you think people grow in life? First and foremost, I do apologize because, like I said, I gotta respect what you guys are doing regardless of how I feel. I mean, I just, like I said, I felt some personal way on that, but I just expressed that I do apologize, you know, I mean, first and foremost, because business is. Business. Has a word to say to y'all real quick. Yeah.

Communication in Artistic Spaces

What, what did I do to make you think that way? Like, I don't, I don't think. I think. I think it was like a female coming in and like, doing it like that. You know what I mean? But my thing is, like, at the end of the day, bro, like, you know, we in here and, yeah, we here to teach we here to love and like we're not really here to preach or anything like that. But at the end of the day, like we got like a thousand million miles of talent on sound alive record. So it's like, storm, storm. I will say this though.

Artistic Respect and Experience

I would say like brother, like jump in a little bit and just kind of school this kid in terms of. Yeah, yeah, man, listen, man, like everything is my respect level, man. You know, I mean, I'm a good dude. You're a good dude, man. And I respect the fact that you is up there trying, man. But like I said, man, it's always the way you approach things. Mandy, a lot of people been doing this a lot longer than you and you probably just starting off. It doesn't matter how many years of doctor I see people do shit in a year and become like a professional.

Skill Development in the Arts

Less than a year time and people writing all your life and still ain't get there yet. So it doesn't really matter, man. It's how you perfect your craft. You feel me? But when you want to learn something, man, you got to humble yourself and come to anybody that you know. You know what I mean? You're going to hear a lot of people talk. You're going to hear a lot of people spit. You're going to hear a lot of people probably said that music up here, right? And you hear what you hear. And if you like what you hear me and you want to try to better yourself, you can always hit them people in person.

Networking as an Artist

This is, this is Twitter, bro. You can go into a page, you can tap them in, you can hit them on a message and say, listen, bro, I've been coming. I've been in the group. I've been listening to y'all talk and have a conversation all the time, man. My rap, I started rapping with my. But I ain't there yet. My shit ain't that strong. How can I perfect it to better at my crack, you know what I mean? See, when you the certain, how you say things makes a big effect.

Time Constraints in Artistic Pursuits

Okay, man, I ain't got the time, man. But I could squeeze you in. You feel me? I ain't got time if I could squeeze when, bro, people would squeeze when. Yes, sir. I mean, this is, this, is this a family? This is a family line, man. We gotta take criticism better than as people, man. Because when somebody tells something wrong, we look at it like they getting on this, but we not always getting on each other, man. We try to pull each other up, man.

Learning and Growing Together

They say everybody show love in different way, and I had to learn that shit. You can't talk to the same person. You can't talk to the same person the same way you talk to the next person. Why? Because you deal with different mentalities. You know what I mean? By the end of the day, man, we here to love and grow together, man. We're not here for something else, but to show each other love. Take off. Take off.

Summation and Call to Action

Well, he jumped out again either way, yo, storm, like you articulated that in the best way. Take off. Take off. Jump in. Hit the request, bro. Kill that shit. No, no. I wanted there. I really wanted to hear his shit, but I want to hear it on a level of, like, on the, like, spot. Like, what can you do? Take off. What's up, baby? Okay, here we go. Take off Tuesday. What's up?

Engagement in Artistic Conversations

Oh, yo, you guys hear me? Yeah, yeah, we got you. Yo, I'm here walking out the studio right now. Yo, the shit you were recording with. Give me a second. I'll send it to you as we talk before my phone dies. Don't give me a second. Yo, take off Tuesdays. This is my guy. He's from Brazil. He's a fucking company. Columbia, bro, Columbia. My bad, Columbia.

Artistic Journeys Lead Forward

He's a crazy dude. He travels all over the. The states. He's, like, unveiling the goddamn. He's going to, like, fucking rocket pizza and all these fucking pedophilia. Fucking ranks all over the fucking United States. He's. He's calling them out, doing. He's doing crazy shit. This dude is a fucking lunatic. He is. But I love. Bro, I had this plan since seven years old. You don't know.

Mutual Respect in the Creative Sphere

No, but, bro, we respect you, and we love that. We love what you're doing. And my thing is, you. It is what it is, bro. We've been in this shit for so long, and it's like. It's time. It's time, like, let y'all tell me. Your email right now. It won't come up on my phone. Tell me your email right now. No, it's okay. If you could stay here, bro.

Assuring Continuity in Communication

You got it? You got my email. Y'all find it. Give me a second. Take off. Mute your shit. Yo, ew. What's up, baby? Dub, just request to speak. Waiting for dub Dev, Brooke, Storm rider. Already dropping them gems. Also, you know, rap know, Albinus Willow, like, I already know. He got. He got fire music.

The Craft of Music Creation

Like, he's putting this shit together. He's, like, crafting it together. But what I want to help him do is. Is kind of grow his ability to be able to, like, jump on a platform anywhere. Anywhere and just fucking, like, annihilate a motherfucker. You know what I mean? Like, have that confidence, but also have that training. And that's what I'm saying. Like, you got to go through, like, you know, MC boot camp.

Practical Training for Artists

And I feel like Storm Ryder is like, he's like the drill sergeant. He's like, left, right, left, right, left, right. If you MC, you got to project your vocals. You gotta. You right, you right. Yeah. You know, you go, look, it's like. It's like, remember the show soundtrack? And it was like goofy ass niggas. Like, he was like, yo, I want to get up on the microphone.

Performative Aspirations

I want to be able to spit anything, and I want to just be like, yo, this Russell Simmons. Like, just think gay as fuck. Like, we really already know this is some goofy shit. You know, I'm saying? You see all this shit coming out? Listen, all this shit coming out, I already been doing about it since for a long time. I've been in the business for 24 plus years.

Reflections on Professional Experience

My brother, storm rider Bennett, for a longer to be like, he was there. You know, I'm saying, like, I think it's Krs one and Molly mall. They got a record, and it's called, I was there. And it was like, you know, it was like Scott Larocque and boom.

Queens Bridge Experience

I would say queens bridge. I was there, you know? Boom, boom. I was there. Like, I was there. Like, I was really there. I experienced that. Y'all dick riders, y'all bitch ass niggas. Like, y'all ain't even been in the business. Y'all ain't even known how to shit. You're not a witness. Like, stop trying to act like you. You something special. You not Christmas, all right? Like, fall back. Stop that. I'm sorry. I ain't trying to rock like that.

Biker Gang Stories

Storm, tell him. I ain't gonna lie. I wouldn't tell my man, right? I said, yo, now, before I got shot all up and got rod in me and all that shit, man, I used to ride bikes heavy, and I told niggas, man, I said, I'm part of loose riders and rough riders, nigga. Don't get fucked up. And that's the first two bike games of the east, nigga. You know what I'm saying? Loose Riders, rough Riders, they get 8990, nigga. Niggas was taking over the streets with them bikes like this. How that biker boy shit came along. People don't know how that really got. Talk a little bit about that.

DMX and Rough Riders

But tell me where DMX falls into rough Riders. Because people don't know this was a prison gang. Before was a street game. Before was a biker gang. Like, they don't know that. Yo, I love DMX. Yeah, it was a street game first. It was free game first. And like I said, rough Riley said. Then it became Vikings. We see they had get made so much money during a biker phase. That's how, actually a label came out, because the Rough Riders started their own shit. And see how DMX CD Max wasn't even up for it. It is. That job wasn't ready, so he let x go before him. You feel me? And X had his wife at the time when that shit happened.

Stabbing Incident

Now, one more story that we got to talk about. So we got the stabbing. Remember, with. It was black, right? Black stab. 50 cent for one of his people. Remember? Black staff. Oh, you are you to my black child. You talk for murder, Inc. And they turn lights out of black child staff, 50 cent or one of his people. I. Look, I don't know the story like that, but I know it was one. Of his people, though. But, see, the person he did was close to 50. Understand this, though, you see, because you got to see how they be went.

50 Cent's Rise

Because at the time, 50 cent came out, because he came out with hotter Rob and all that shit. The time, man. You feel me? Now he's with Jim after J, before he got killed. Now, I mean, that's when it really. Rob industry. Nigga was. What was the dude? We see now? The girl. 30 cent was the monster. No, no, 50 cent with. Who's on that record with him, the little dude, yo, had a rabbit industry. That was the name of that dude right there. he fucking Dominic. Still. I forgot his name. He's a skip, man. He's like a skin. there. You know, I mean.

The Rise of 50 Cent's Rivalry

And see, Mohad Rock came out. That's when 50 beginning his nightmare. A lot of people don't know at the time 50 was going that ja rule. And there's no bullshit because, you know, Vita's from Jersey. You feel me? And this. Before Vita got kicked in curve and everything gets on this guy kicked her because he's doing some fucked up shit. That's why she kicked him to the curb. But before. Before Vita got kicked out to the curb, yo, Java was already almost finished. Anyway, 50 took advantage of that shit and knew their progress. But like you said, that stabbing started it, though.

50 Cent's Career and Approach

Let me tell you something, 50 a hard person to come at, man. Because when he took that person in, you understand what the real 56 was about, man. He was robbing. He was a short nigga. Like five. Probably shorter than that, man. I really can't remember exact size, man, but he was a short dude taking on anybody spared his little dude. When 50 got that name and took that name, he had to keep it up. Mandy, you know, I'm saying, because this is why I tell people it's not good to take people's names, not knowing they backgrounds and their effects, you know?

The Music Industry and 50 Cent's Impact

I mean, so when 50 came out, like, everybody wanted to take shot to pick a 50 gunner. Everybody first came out. He ain't give a fuck. He tried to show the industry that he going to take it by command and force. So what he did, he slipped the whole subject. He flipped the whole subject. He started dissing, motherfucker. He started getting everybody rapping against my fucking. And he knew how to do it. Well, 50 is very good at what he do, you know, I mean, so he can get. When he came out with that shit, what was that city came out with back out.

Understanding the Threats in the Industry

That's. He did drive on some other cookie monster shit. Back down that shit right there. He did three mixtapes, and he was coming in and do. He was coming at that dude in three different mixtapes. And this started in, like, I want to say, like, 2001, 2002. Look, take off what you got for us, baby. Yo, how you're not gonna leave the mission I'm on right now? Yo, right now. I gotta walk a mile right now to get to a fucking location to see if I could charge my phone there because it might be closed at McDonald's.

Taking the Fight to the Deep State

It might be closed, right? Hope they're not fucking pedophiles or fucking evil people because they'll call the cops on my ass because the fucking niggas are fucking. Yo, yo, yo. Take off. Listen, when I did a little bit of research and what you were doing, I saw that you were, like, pinpointing kind of like. Like shit, like comet pizza and, like, places that, you know, where is known pedophilia going on. Yeah, that nature. And. And then I kind of understood what you were doing. But, bro, why are you doing this? Like, brother, what do you.

Passion for Music and Future Plans

What do you want to do with music, though? Oh, what do you mean? I love music. I'm about to drop, like, 510 songs when I get my computer. Yeah, but listen. Listen to me, though. I could drop music still, right? I want to drop it through your label as soon as I finish the business we have. I know we're gonna do all that, but, bro, listen to me when I tell you this. Yeah. What is the ultimate goal for you? Because it seems like you want to take. You want to stay down, too. What?

Challenging the Status Quo

Sorry, speak louder. There's a lot of birds and a lot of chirping. You want to take the deep state down, bro. Yeah, for sure. Cuz you go into their locations, bro, and then, like, popping them up and. And that's what I'm saying. Like, bro, you're fucking genius. And I had this class is seven years old. They don't know. Stop being. Look, sorry, I can't. Anything I talk, I can't control it. God and the holy spirit and a whole bunch of. Oh, and we got you, too.

Recognition and Support

And just know, bro. Like, you're amazing and everything that you do. Like, literally, bro, I don't think people even know. Take off Tuesdays. My guy right here. Yeah, he fucks around. He goes. Has parties in this and third. But this guy is, like, on a mission. He's traveling around the fucking country. Oh, and my arm is frat. My hand might be fractured. It's probably fractured my pinky. All right, bro. Oh, you take on. Save me some shit.

Challenges and Resilience

That's where they hate it. That's where I get banned three times a week. Donald Trump got banned once. Undertake. I once. I get banned three times a week. Dude, he's off his fucking meds. Like, literally. And he takes. Yeah, but I don't need the meds, nigga. That's right. Get him. Fuck. You know how much meds they used to put on my system? I said it. 60,000 a year, nigga. 60 to 100 grand a year in meds.

Spirituality and Inner Strength

Yeah, but you. You already know now we can fix anything, and we can do it, you know, holistically and. Yeah, but I don't have no sickness, brother. I have just God inside me, bro. I promise you. You got it, baby. I'm proud of you, though, bro. Like, literally and, like, fucking. Let's go. Like, let's. You know what I have inside me, brother? They don't fucking know. That's why they don't. Haven't tried to hurt one guy.

Abuse and Resilience

Oh, I promised you yesterday or another day before I got arrested, moments before I got arrested, someone tried to fucking hurt me. It's on camera. And I'll go to McDonald's and pull it up, but I can't go because I'm not allowed to go now. McDonald's. But I can't go next to it. So I don't know. Fuck, I'm going there soon. But literally, these, fuck, I have it on camera, bro. I could call anybody right now. I can hack that shit myself if I want to and get that footage.

Confrontations with the Threats

But literally on camera, this guy tries to hurt me on purpose when I'm talking about God in Jesus in the morning, and I'm talking with this guy that's angel, right? And we're fucking having fun where I'm just doing whatever the fuck I want, right? Because I could do. We're the way, living the holographic factor matrix. If you guys don't know about that research, Billy Carson. All right, but listen, Disney's fuck, I got everything on fucking brother. I fucking troll them.

Reflections on Media

They don't know fucking who they're messing with. Swear to you. Sorry. I'm walking a mile. You good? You talking to you, man. Just. Just. We all fucking praying for you. Everybody, right now, put some fucking hearts and some praying. Hands off for my brother. Take off. He is a part of sound alive records. He is an amazing artist. He's going through a lot right now, guys.

End of the Session

Like. Like, don't be pathetic. Like, give him a little. A little bit of love. But at the end of the day, guys, like, literally, yeah. I don't know how the fuck y'all be doing that shit. I've seen people do that shit. I'll never see that show. My shit. Hit that. Hit that heart button right there. And then you got, like, a choice, like, crying, like, all this bullshit emojis. Look, and I'm with you. Storm, look.

Appreciating the Tribe

Yeah, man. I don't see no. And I'll be like, man, what in the hell type of shit is this? Like, I don't know how to respond to that shit. You know me down. You know how to do that shit. I'm not good. I only know I do music only. That's it. Real talk. Beautiful, beautiful dub. Did you, E dub, did you respect, did you, request to speak yet?

Final Reflections

Ida, if you can't. Either way, man, like, e dub, definitely been amazing. Scott Frock. What's up, man? Anybody that want to, like, jump in real quick? we got, like, maybe, like, a couple more minutes before we, We. We cash out or whatever. This been, like, amazing, like, intimate space, but it's been amazing in terms of. Of on a hip hop level and in terms of, like, growth. I think that, you know, rap.

Final Goodbyes

Know the albino gorilla? I think he's fucking amazing. And I think his music is. Dope too. And I think that he is gonna grow and also become part of our fucking tribe because we are a tribe. Takeoff is a part of our tribe. Storm riders a part of our tribe. E dub is gonna join our tribe. Scott, what's up? You got anything you want to say, my brother? Anybody want to jump in? We got a few minutes left. Well, I just want to say I hope all y'all have a good night, man.

Closing Thoughts

You know, enjoy your nicest Friday, man. It's a beautiful day still. For most of y'all, word of mother. So y'all listen. I'm gonna close up the space, but I appreciate everybody that came in. God bless storm. You already know, bro. Let's get this business done. Let's do what we need to do. Ew. Come through when you ready. Scott Frock.

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