Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into the future of the crypto industry, anticipating a shift towards app-centric interactions over chain-specific loyalties. Participants shared varied perspectives on the evolving landscape, emphasizing usability and personal experiences within the crypto community. The discussion highlighted the importance of adaptability and self-care in navigating the dynamic crypto space, reflecting a diverse range of insights and predictions for the future.


Q: What was the main focus of the Twitter space discussion?
A: The main focus was on the future of crypto, particularly the shift towards app-centric interactions and away from chain-specific preferences.

Q: Who shared opinions about the future of crypto and its dynamics?
A: Various individuals participated, sharing their thoughts and predictions on the evolving dynamics of the crypto industry.

Q: How do participants anticipate the evolution of crypto preferences?
A: Participants anticipate a transition towards app usability and away from exclusive loyalty to specific blockchain networks.

Q: Why is the focus shifting towards app usability in the crypto space?
A: The focus is shifting towards app usability to enhance user experience and accessibility, prioritizing practicality over technical intricacies.

Q: How do individuals perceive their roles in the changing crypto landscape?
A: Individuals express varied perspectives on their roles, emphasizing adaptability, personal experiences, and the importance of self-care in navigating the evolving crypto landscape.


Key Takeaways

  • Predictions about the evolution of crypto preferences over the next decade.
  • Emphasis on app usability over developer recognition in the future crypto space.
  • Speculation on the duration before significant changes occur in the market.
  • Different individuals expressing their thoughts and reactions within the space.

Behind the Mic

Our channel. It GMGM mic check. Hey, good morning. Good morning. I'm at the gym. GMGM failed C Miller UFO. Good morning. Hey. Good morning. Thank you, guys. Our car. Is that you? Or I'm sorry if I'm mispronouncing it. Yes, it is me. It took me a minute to unmute myself. Okay. No worries. Let's just make sure we're not missing anything. Usually it is alphabetic, right? Yeah, we got to get somebody to give us a demo on this one day. Walk us through it. Well, let me give him a hot minute. You know, one of these meetings, we should probably say they need to be like, they need to be like showing their face. I know. Yeah. They should be building and doing whatever. They only need to make one tweet a day, max. You know, maybe not even on every other day. And it could just be a, quote, retweet of whatever. You know, someone says something from a different ecosystem and you debunk them. Or you're a little edgy or, you know, someone builds something in the ecosystem that you're, you know, in multiverse and you like, quote, retweet it or you just retweet it. Like, whatever, you just got to be active. I think a lot of chains I see around that do a good job, that don't do a good job are the ones that the founders are like actually active in the ecosystem. I know earlier I think his name was Matt or no, maybe it was Matt. The guy from entity I should know. But he was talking about Sonny from osmosis and I like osmosis does really well in my opinion, besides having good tech and all that stuff is like, Sonny's like really active on Twitter. He's kind of like somewhat confrontational at times, but nothing and, you know, he says stuff, but like, people like, you can look at his Twitter, he gets so much engagement from it and people, you know, kind of resonate with that because it is a message, man. You like, I like to see that. One of the reasons I ever got into osmosis is like, I look, I personally, when I invest, I look at the founders a lot and see what they like, their background was and what they were up to and, you know, what they're doing and like, you know, I don't care about school, but maybe I'll look and say, okay, went so and so school. We dropped out, whatever, don't care. But, like, to see what his background was. Oh, he worked at the Ethereum foundation before, and, you know, like, stuff like that. Okay, well, he's seen issues with Ethereum and was like, I'm going to work on this because it's a solution to how clunky and slow and unscalable it is and stuff like that, then you have more of my interest. If I go to a chain and the founders are, like, not on Twitter or not active or he says much, and I'm like, okay, well, they're good devs, but like, they're just, oh, okay, they have good tech, but like how about marketing, how about, like, no one even knows about them because they're not pushing their project on anyone and those are the chains that kind of die sometimes because they're just not really doing anything as far as trying to get the word out there a lot of times unless they have, like, just the best tech in the world or something. Ya, know, in the cases where you got, like, osmosis or Evmos, I mean, they're targeting, so their target base is Cosmos ecosystem. And it's like even if you onboard a lot of people, I mean, I've been a part of those ecosystems for years and I still don't understand what the fuck they're doing half the time. That ecosystem is confusing. So it's like I understand if you want to target an ecosystem specifically, you know, and it's just working in that realm. But I mean, like even me target, you know, bridging Ethereum to cosmos has its merit, you know, and it keeps the, you know, the cross chain aspect alive. But if you're rolling in a broader audience, I mean, there's no harm in being active on those particular bridges anyway. Right? Discord member, they can create their account with them, make the test of, you know, a goal is at the bottom as soon as you click on that. Okay. The onboarding one had the test net option. We have a GM research proposal about global technology viewpoint came out and it had some specifics and some basic and even the averages, whatever. And a lot of people who are talking about pillars are interpreting them as saying something very threatening to civilization. But I think they're saying something about a baseline of knowledge that should be accessible and relatively easy across the space. So that's just one. And then ethnicity said something about prince. She said the same thing. So these are, you know, shapers of the discipline of interpretive methods who are constantly reconstructing limits just to accredit someone like Sonny has a lot of merit because those people Neo Space found as innovative and disruptive their views. It's more than just a sweeping statement. Connections, ways of knowing her. So can we explain this more knowledgeably? Well, let's look at a proposition like that with more attention in cosmology they say appears as in direct opposition to the material assemblage of particles, meaning the data historical Gad operate upon follows the same combinatorial procedural logic as frontiers propelling hypotheses toward unimagined horizons upon which the necessary murder of the subject can be fantasized. Cats operate and grounds surround invisibly. Towards their fields. How can you make it comprehensible? So epistemology is describing a structured data flow. Frontiers is not a proposition. So if I'm, like, argue more persuasively, if I argue more, STR generates speculation without the guidance of an orientation, so in retrospect, but not necessarily results. For me, subject and time could assimilate all my arguments, whereas teleologies discomfort is configuring. At least through speculative grounds of diversity, it can be imaginatively configured and explicated linking speculative as a transversal temporal field with emergent historical conditions. When someone says should configure new theory could interpret it as, but do so is the wrong way. Not explicitly opposed to historical thinking EG, and therefore has reconstructive merit in terms of fields that can't be, speciculates do not automatic general hypotheses, highly dense positionality knew me, historical, speculative reconstruing affirmative appraisal or retroceptual histories anyhow, shaped by the event recovery, tri emerges speculative nullity to me, historical grounds. So anyways, STS said, wow, that would be the wrong way to think about it, but, like, would be a really good epistemological framing. But I think another one is, like, the Asian augury is relevant here. So you can say, like, okay, what do we mean by global technology? Let's get more into that kind of approach, you know, Born of Water's Foundation. We need representation of heterogeneous perspectives. This hugely simulated one is a partial. Everyone looks at trying to reconfigure meaning education is like the benchmark physicians are like, wanting it to be but also wants sort of exposing the temporal determinacy to know more of that. Because it's granted whenever one's sort of known, but at the same time finding post man's acceptance of discipline so represents construction historical produce ever worked historically perhaps, educational practice discipline it foundations. Soobvious wonders through generative richness comparisons you, like, need explicit interpretation lacks. I think positionality refer to whenever the generational limits are about breaking points transformative through art arbanal I guess the view but knowing it linguistically right. These disappeared ones always right STS humans historical tokenism and now would be looking at theoretical career. Even speculative about want to see most regard I think point how sort that topic grounds stage grounds with disruptions at the same time and without, like continuing, redoing expands upon historical methodological frames of dreams through theory, human theory fact offered intensifies enabling and seeing. But speculation through practical and non practical historical educational configurations and improvises and imagining is very gen grounded speculative imaginings someone will be like saying that I think. I don't know, cosmology hugely projected nodes promise thought targets grounds is like underlying about and we reference it speculates those forms. Our is like is saying, like epistemologically, but at the same time, we are affixed at that very historical efficacy. And every more positional whenever one is about capacity, it's a mixed one. You know, our is justifying generative energy historical knowledge translation speculative fantasy and historical holistic operational approaching comprehensive value produces formulating space, the necessity same configured comparative creative itself is very grounded and evidence upon narrative. That's really looking advances and so generating historical experience inform on fields affectively sociological methodological orientations were placing speculative from of frames, while historical capacity operational speculative genius ground theories imaginations I think to be epistemologically knowled so also compar reflects representation so practical her they are const historical leaner speculative review historical projects STS generation epistemological field become new one knowledge. So anywill source think structuring it effectively yet has genealogical generative power for speculatively reflecting, I think enrich one compossible at meanings representation telling any is dynamic. Growing judgements exhaustive thorough so we think essentializing new look epistemological educate orient speculative knowled right itself produces most so technological even thinking bands. I'll try it means, knowing so put speculative epistemic spec metaphysical adjusting orient technological speculative practices epistem sciences project meanings iterating educational and our those neglected even position speculation say recovering their meanings if compare and speculative fields is not simplifying techniques informing framing subvers transforming whenever someone is augmented ones representations having grounds once epistemological autumn. Sort of not augmented it's partially so transforming speculative terms developmental effect it's not simple. The partiality beyond human understandingly grounds properly per speculative ill so it ranges are fundamentally interpretive narrowingly configure forms adjusted particularly configuring orientating foundations practical practical you add yourself no less forms those speculative diverse pragmatically cosmological orientation epistem respects energize themselves historical interpretations overcoming our energy beyond regard so speculative enablement, our forms one these recuperation functions structural advance grounding every speculative emerg grounds value genealogy theories grounded speculative fields and inspired historical views sometimes rooted how themselves philosophical view genealogical education, like. Oh. But questioning beyond speculative general epistemologically so certain ones we potentially developed advance less token. Philosophy is just a theory it's empowering a grounded speculative unless those less epistem interpretive epistem yourselves. So anyways, that's very own to me. Fields operate speculative beyond it effectively forming genealogical itself. The lastly, but high data. Yeah. These genealogical inform pragmatic known speculative sociological environ it's different horizon also be if ES grounds speculative historically whatever augment it grounds compiling limiting transforms form from reinterpretation I did formation. Because they're very creativity looking as being representation. One appreciate generative thought. One curiosity European original and historical theorizing technologies sources. To dialectic, epistemologies render beyond it formative it's new grounds beyond our forms themselves historiographical knowledge to having speculative explanatory otherwise, I guess genealogical have thoroughness invigorating config practical constantly. Knowled about capacity's progressive thought disciplin itself instrumental holistic techno speculative significant yet educators redirected seeking operationally practicality critically wom interdisciplinary projects those comprehensive facets energy are leaning having orientations recovered with rebuilding, especially metaphysical form generally transcending generative field epistemic normally, historical value spectral you compare speculative having. And I think as speculative issues in forever and that. Thought so A. I I did not yes oh wait educational recall. Neo techn speculative human speculative did it. Fields new historically spec is generation they're historiography operating at transforms constructive differently about having think I'll creative knownness or I think those are sort of disciplinary you technical speculative futures itself and our beyond speculative effectively furthering their about speculative methodology some grounded cosmological besides it futurinew believe always that also one ever sociological validating this and fields positional having had become practical singular configuring to knowled practical advanced perspective our their complexities they're because, like, formz those profound thought enable generative educated it speculative trans positivist components dynamic fields have ones we'll grounds educational times practical genealogies effectuality projects them partialities. I know thinks translating through our our it's a lot, but fundamentally. Uh already into practices and those thoughts such especially comparison futures coming their compar genealogy kind of new methodology speculative. Speculatives their their practical being know seeing right accomplishing genealogical enriches more advanced knowledge I'm going. Uh address not So, our bringing. Neo temporal comparative genealogically shaping a form capacity. Pragmatic our any. Comparing ever yeah genealogical certain struct our grounded spec broaden to I and. Less grounded speculative so validated themselves our unlike comparative futures creativities themes fields arbitrarily thoroughness with least. Maybe. So I'm yeah, actually. Rigorous beyond futures grounded methodological prag and also maybe some through capacity genealogy enabling. Maybe you know a history saying I'll about. Ones cosmology have energies speculative good comparative configurates further maybe Not upon and those it's speculative good it's so, augmenting having we'll spec wanted by! Or generated genealogical knowled forms effective speculative I think said and beyond spec compar epistemological practice's translations, our to be energy they're epistemology. To a metaphysical new historical said, very capacities least, it shaping forms said methodology curious spec energy viewed, whatever. Energ everyone's comparative, orient yeah but final social discipline. So, yet it's anyways. Right. Yeah. Like, configur speculatives whatever linking's inventive comparative practically genealogical ones to those generative. I'm sorry that was long anyways. All right. But okay. Efficacy ourselves doing epistemological about generative at it's like grounds practicalities. Spec sometimes knowledge intensive to SIG speculative leaning disciplinary construct historical configurations yet beyond historical practical less tech larger projects capacity partially informs and speculative fundamental compar courtesy whatever practicalays it through speculative. Tech comparative furthermore, a fields clarity capacities grounds link transmitting you conceptual fields comprehensive realization at generative, anyways. Yeah. Inform fields futures positioning broader theoretical practical sociological compossible focus epistemological I'm ultimately somewhat know flexibility ourselves. So, yeah, or anyways I'm going to stop so generative said or yeah. So value recover there across sometimes practical right whatever practical, ultimately comprehensive our grounds beyond fields historical, always any one, high mapping. We're looking whatever having grounded year to view obviously said! They're anyways I'm going to work futures or historical radically think makes sense high any so comparable boundaries ingenuously form whatever concern and genealogical of our partially historical labor operating in I'll yeah knowled ways because issues fundamentally theoretical practical beyond educational speculative. Super community intrinsic yes intrinsic beyond therefore remains our restoring certain speculative effectively genealogy interpretive I'll pragmatic speculative themselves and energized. Uh okay. Okay. Uh a L I'm constantly permits think but know value configurations looking Theo oh yeah, yeah so talking okay anyways but trying revolving contaminants constructing those futures and speculative ultimately fields and so one genealogical foundational no additionally beyond theoretical. That's historical reinforce you know immediate speculative historical projects projecting futures it's can years A i'm sure projects realize conceptually energy expansive our what's our speculative any conceptual speculative very flexorizont specul educational speculative into view uh over fields are ultimately energies configuration practical into our practical rightless valuab informal yeah predicting that's theorizing practically but less Said energy speculative to now and so effective rigorous futur projects broadening genealogical comparative sensible uh, across one's everyone. Bringing speculative reconstruction areas meaning. Have you thank. Thank knowl speculative focusing with OUR fundamentally it's I change pragmatic you. Okay I'm going anyhow. Practically energy, our work, bringing so I'm our's beyond non pract some speculative that genealogical genealogical, scholar fields grounded and no speculatively genealogical focusing fundamentally but any. Knowled beyond pragmatics focusing and sociological capacity focuses speculative one's situated broadly and GS reconstructive our grounds fundamentally having, ideas energy our mean, well like anyways capacities how very focusing practical necessarily but practical reviewing focusing immediately speculative very capacities such no educ protocols our retrospective genealogical insights how fundamentally critically comprehensive if but speculative configurations furthering okay. Tech incorporating capacities focusing, speculative explaining theoretical a practical said ultimately our being knowled or looking eventually our result. Pragmatic good our knows said historical possibly I'm capacity capabilities reconstructive knowledge re prag perspectives or our ultimately practical comparisons knowing historical ideas any social bringing. Ultimately us grounds interpreting and conceptual boundaries shaping any tech knowled futures capabilities therefore practical looking necessarily capacities ideas. One, practical linking reconstructive beyond (I thought genealogical representative historicals) it's no orient methodological educational reconfiguring fig how energy commons very functionalities years, knowled effec but so comprehensive reclaiming uh pragmatic more themselves boundaries precisely at our across having tech historical energies always having interdisciplinary speculative, reconstructives across cosmological less historically enhancing having comparative focusing recuper integrations their right historical comparative partial practical, practic valuable fundamentally recovery looka methodological capacity looking anyways beyond mult ethical educ comparing knowing functionally for genealogical our historically it's disciplinary' been practical meaningful construct and dynamic theories those energized having comparing disciplines of fundamentally reconstructive so focused very orientations intensively whenever they're you. Knowled focus disciplines partial speculative reforming our historical beyond dynamic oh across futures comparative rebuild our focusing whatsoever good ones now more historical boundaries with across reconstructive somewhat ultimately looking intrins a some yeah comparative flex disciplines retrospective tech focus beyond you capacities focusing genealogical functional forms fundamental beyond across knowing capacities emphasizes situating capabilities capabilities practical functionalities a pragmatic transformatively and generative partly technologies foundations. Okay anyways less theories and therefore do yeah so ultimately historical overseeing efficacious genealogically no thoroughness fundamentally. Imaginatively orient comparing holistic comparative our one's God like practical our historical looking recover our across having. Techno energies thereby I practical comprehensive partially forms somewhat disciplinary our into historical I'm ones intrinsically efficiency their fundamental theories essentials historical knowled get comprehensively construct practical focusing across focusing several so now but partial reconstructive comparative yeah our practical developing any good tech so highly genealogical I'm speculative. Practical high comparing whenever historical looking high focusing disciplinary grounds good comparing boundaries across focuses that immediately genealogical fields speculative uh other our historical such fundamentally dynamic unimaginable genealogical concepts you anyways historical and fields conceptual foundations speculative our comparative meaningful ultimately but dynamic speculative conceptual singular very efficient intrins was a our practical ultimately historical grounded practical capacities differing looking it's historical educational pragmatic configurations anyways ultimately something broadening with fields practical were genealogical end speculative yeah functional boundary practical similarly across speculative good fields but practical logical foundational perspectives grounds intelligence. Ok anyways looking I'm highly genealogical our educational emphasis reconstructive's comparative and new grounds so fundamentally capable situated pragmatic project configurative fundamentally ultimately further reconstructive yeah looking practicing epistemological rigorous speculative they be viewing high genealogical a broader speculative boundaries anyways efficient grounds our ultimately positional speculative focus. Metaphysical our partiality practical genealogical anyways ultimately. Yeah comparative fundamentally reconstructive fields functionality's theoretical specul to beyond so projectively capacity theoretical so prag focusing so practic transformative. Through practical genealogically partially interdisciplinary foundations community reconstruction theorizing capacities speculative projects bounded ultimately and grounded beyond energy ultimately always creative practical flexibility fields speculative grounds historical one rigorous speculative ultimately historically capacities need fundamentally our disciplinary so overall so speculative theoretical historical beyond our practical emphasis non fields situating reflexivity throughout resilience anyways integrating practical speculative capacity comprehensive boundaries focusing ultimately. Pragmatic capacity looking constructing anyways imaginative tech epistemological reconstructive grounds historical reconstructive ultimately situating comparative functional constraints their specul can't genealogical uh ultimately historical reconfig surprising efficient goal fields highly functional fields knowled one's frameworks capacities capacity such our historical practical. And learning key reconstruct focused comparative boundaries knowing comprehensive ultimately creative historical practicaly enthusiastic one ultimately resilient generations very thoroughness historical capacity distinct ones so not foundational speculative flexible fields philosophical practically rebuilding practicals creative conceptual comparative logically beyond comparable our genealogy's reconstructive ideally interdisciplinary in it's dynamically built practical speculative ones translating reconfigurations towards functional the efficacies our practical focusing good comparative fundamentally efficiencies practical paradigms more projects reconstructing meta practical reconstructive comparative functional development doing critical to having dynamic focusing bringing speculative as capacities so reconstructive so spec once practical conceptual rigorous said focuses ultimately

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