Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Multi-project space with Feline Fiendz and Long Lost! hosted by CryptTCG. The multi-project space featuring Feline Fiendz and Long Lost brings together the realms of art and gaming through 6,666 unique art pieces on the ETH network and the upcoming Digital Trading Card Game. This innovative fusion showcases the potential for blockchain technology to revolutionize digital art ownership, trading, and immersive gaming experiences. With a focus on community engagement, transparency, and creativity, projects like Feline Fiendz and Long Lost pave the way for new paradigms in the digital art and gaming industries, offering art enthusiasts, collectors, and gamers a dynamic and interactive platform to explore and participate in the evolving landscape of digital creativity.

For more spaces, visit the Art page.


Q: What makes the 6,666 art pieces unique on the ETH network?
A: Each art piece represents individual creativity and offers a digital collectible within the blockchain ecosystem.

Q: How does the introduction of the Digital Trading Card Game impact the space?
A: It introduces a new dimension of interactive gaming and collectibles, expanding the user experience.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for projects like Feline Fiendz and Long Lost?
A: Engagement fosters a sense of belonging, drives project awareness, and sustains interest in the community.

Q: What role does blockchain technology play in the art and gaming amalgamation in this space?
A: Blockchain ensures provenance, scarcity, and security of digital assets, enhancing the overall value proposition.

Q: How does the fusion of art and gaming redefine digital experiences for participants?
A: It creates an immersive environment where creativity, collectibility, and gameplay merge, offering a unique user engagement model.

Q: What opportunities does the collaboration between Feline Fiendz and Long Lost present to the art and gaming communities?
A: It opens avenues for exploring unconventional digital art forms, interactive narratives, and digital asset ownership.

Q: How does the ETH network facilitate trading and showcasing of digital art pieces?
A: It provides a secure, decentralized platform for artists, collectors, and enthusiasts to interact, trade, and appreciate unique artworks.

Q: What excites enthusiasts about the upcoming Digital Trading Card Game launch?
A: The game promises a novel approach to gamified collectibles, offering a blend of strategy, entertainment, and exclusive digital assets.

Q: Why are projects like Feline Fiendz and Long Lost considered innovative in the space?
A: They pioneer the convergence of art, blockchain, and gaming, pushing boundaries to create engaging experiences and digital ecosystems.

Q: How does the intersection of art and cryptocurrency redefine asset ownership?
A: It introduces new paradigms of digital ownership, where art pieces and collectibles become tradable assets with inherent value.


Time: 00:15:22
Innovative Art Showcase on ETH Exploring the world of creative and unique digital art pieces on the Ethereum blockchain.

Time: 00:25:48
Sneak Peek into the Digital Trading Card Game Get a preview of the upcoming game that merges gameplay with collectible card mechanics.

Time: 00:35:10
Community Engagement and Project Sustainability Discussing the importance of fostering a supportive community for the success of art and gaming projects.

Time: 00:45:16
Blockchain Integration in Digital Art and Gaming Examining how blockchain technology revolutionizes digital asset ownership and transaction security.

Time: 00:55:30
Anticipation for the Gaming Experience Building excitement around the forthcoming Digital Trading Card Game and its expected impact on the space.

Time: 01:05:42
Artistic Innovation and Technological Advancements Exploring the cutting-edge applications of technology in transforming traditional art forms into digital collectibles.

Time: 01:15:58
Collaborative Projects and Industry Disruption Analyzing the collaborative efforts between Feline Fiendz and Long Lost and their influence on art and gaming landscapes.

Time: 01:25:12
Immersive Art-Gaming Crossover Delving into the new wave of experiential art and gaming interactions facilitated by blockchain technology.

Time: 01:35:29
Digital Asset Trading and Ownership Trends Tracking the evolving trends in digital ownership and asset trading within the blockchain-powered art ecosystem.

Time: 01:45:55
Creative Expressions in the Digital Realm Exploring how blockchain innovations redefine creativity, ownership, and engagement in the digital art and gaming spheres.

Key Takeaways

  • 6,666 unique art pieces available on the ETH network showcasing creativity and innovation.
  • Introduction of a Digital Trading Card Game hints at a new immersive gaming experience to be unveiled.
  • Opportunities for art enthusiasts and collectors to engage in the digital art world with unique pieces.
  • ETH network being utilized for showcasing and trading digital artworks, hinting at blockchain's growing acceptance in the art industry.
  • The fusion of art and gaming offers a novel way for creators and players to interact and participate in the digital economy.
  • Innovative projects like Feline Fiendz and Long Lost showcase the diverse applications of blockchain technology in art and gaming platforms.
  • The increasing intersection of art and cryptocurrency opens up new avenues for digital asset ownership and trading.
  • Excitement and anticipation surrounding the upcoming Digital Trading Card Game highlight the evolving landscape of digital collectibles.
  • Community engagement and participation play a vital role in the success and sustainability of projects like Feline Fiendz and Long Lost.
  • Incorporating blockchain technology in art and gaming projects enhances transparency, security, and authenticity.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hey, guys. Welcome. Don Diablo, behind the crypt trading card, Pfp. We'll wait a little bit to get a few more people in before we start talking. If you can press the little speech button in the bottom right, retweet the space, tag some friends, and we'll get started when we fill up a little bit. And, yeah, we'll get started shortly. Feline themes were with us last week. We've invited them back. We're hopefully doing some exciting things with them in the future. So and so. If you want to start posting stuff up in the nest, then feel free to do that and we'll get started shortly.

Getting Ready to Start

All right, we're starting to fill up. Make sure that you leave a comment and retweet the from. Let's get a few more people in here. If we get a decent amount, then I'm sure I'll be giving away a few bits and bobs. He's behind the feline fiends. PFP today. Hey, Don, it's Vader. Good to hear from you again. Oh, no, I can't hear you. Oh, really? Anyone else hear me? Can everyone else hear feline fence? Anyone? Hello? Can you give me a heart if you can hear me? Give me a thumbs up if you can hear feline fiends.

Technical Issues and Confusion

Oh, yeah. Maybe I'll step down and come back up. Maybe. Maybe you just can't hear me or something. I'll be right back. It. Hey, Don, is that better? Yes, I hear you now. Okay. I'm having this issue where, well, I think we're all having this issue now where sometimes you can't hear people, but I'm having this issue where if I scroll down on my phone and look at the nest, I can't get back up again, so I can't see the people in the room. So I'm going to be ignoring, ignore, ignoring the nest as much as I can after the last update on my phone. It's been. It's been a disaster. I don't know if anyone else has got the same problem, but I haven't heard anyone say they've got the same issues so far.

Sharing Experiences and Problems

Oh, I get rugged constantly. Like, if I, for instance, if I, like, leave this window here and I check my feed because of the notifications that I receive, I sometimes just get rugged out. It happens all the time. Yeah, it's weird. Like, sometimes people come up to speak and some people can hear them and some people can't. That's been going on for weeks. But this thing where if I scroll down on my phone all the way to the nest. So the PFPs, like, of all the people on the stage, are just below the bottom line. I can just see the dots to scroll through the nest. I can't get back up. I'm not making that. Yeah, I'm not making that mistake.

Community Interaction and Daily Spaces

Yeah. Again, to panic mode. Luckily, you can still see people that request and things like that, so that's fine. But, yeah, now it's a little bit annoying. Yeah. For a while I thought it was my phone because I. For the longest time, I had an iPhone eight. I refused to upgrade because I just ride all my stuff to the ground. But then once I upgraded my phone, I noticed I was having the same issues on XDev, so I realized it wasn't my phone. Yeah, exactly. And I think the more. I mean, we do a space every day. I don't do a space every day, but we do a space every day. Someone on the team or someone in the community, we try and do a space every day.

Projects and Cross-Pollination

And then on Sundays we do this where we invite other projects on to, you know, both to talk about us, but, you know, to have a platform to talk about themselves. We spoke about it last week. But, you know, for those that weren't here, I'm probably going to bore you a little bit, the ones of you that were, but we're in a situation where we've started cross pollinating with a few different projects where some of our holders have been there for a long time and just found out that, you know, we've got a lot in common. And we find a project that's got a lot in common that are about community transparency against the rugs, against the scammers, against paying one eth for a tweet, against minting your own project from multiple wallets.

Community Strength and Collaboration

All the stuff that goes on in web three, we sort of say, well, you know what? We're stronger together. We're not really bothered about our holders going somewhere else and spending eth. It's not you or us or them or us and all that sort of crap. We're not interested in it. We're interested in people having a fun and safe experience in web three. And the most recent one for us has been the killer bears. We've joined. One of their big whales came in and minted a few. One of our team members had a killer bear already and saying they're a good bunch of people. And then we started trading our assets for their assets, buying each other and minting and things like that.

Collaboration and Community Spirit

And now there's quite a big, you know, quite. Quite a big crossover between the two communities. And, yeah, it's something that we believe in, and it's something that I felt strongly from the feline fiends last week and rug dolls. Alex said he was going to try and pop up, but he's traveling, so shout out to Alex and the rug dolls. But, yeah, it's a lot of fun. And I'm enjoying making the connections and trying to be different for our project to be different and encouraging people to join other projects and things like that. But let's have a space together. Let's let each other learn about each other's projects first. We're not endorsing other projects or giving financial advice in any way.

Research and Community Engagement

What we're saying is we'll do a little bit of ground research, make sure that there's no known scammers involved in a project. Vibe with the people that are reaching out to us. Come and join us for a show. It's not a paid thing or pre questions or. You meant mine. I meant yours. There's no funny stuff going on. It's just, if you're interested in being here with us, you're interested about talking with your project, you're a nice person, and your community's cool, then let's do it. Let's vibe. So that's where we are. And like I said, feline things. You're welcome to go first and get us started on my.

Waiting for Participants

Here we go with here we go. The x again. I can see that long lost are connecting on my screen. Are they actually speakers? Are they here? Can we say hello to them, or are they still connecting. On my end? They're a listener. I'm not sure. Okay. Okay, let me see if I can invite them to co host. I can hear you. Yeah, I think we're having the same issue. Don, you can't hear him? Huh? No, no. Still says connecting. Okay, so what I did was I stepped down and came back up. That that might fit. Yeah, that should do it.

Technical Troubleshooting

Come on, Donovan. Let me, let me sort it out for you. What have you done? Oh, he might not even be able to hear you, Lucifer. No, no, it's nothing. It's just. It's just x being x. Like when. When feline fiends first came up. I couldn't hear them, so they had to drop down and come back up. Now we're doing the same with long lost. So it's the perfect name. When X pisses you off, and it is a bit like your ex, you can just go. Jesus, no.

Official Welcome and Collaboration

Welcome, everyone, to the space. I thought I'd hop up and give Don a hand. Great. Listening to fiends. Last week. I went and grabbed a few. If you haven't reposted the space, give the space a repost. Don's gonna run a free OG giveaway during the space and I'm gonna send them all out today or tomorrow because I've just been busy. But no, it should be a good show. I know Wingman's away. This is usual haunt. Shout out, Wingman. Hope it's okay, buddy. I'm sure we'll be back to it as soon as possible. But no. Great to have you all up.

Openness to New Projects

Like Don said, it's a free show. Anyone can come on. Come and tell us about your project. Come and tell us what you've got going on. We can just chat and chill. There's. Yeah, just have a. Have a nice time. Ask some. Some paramount questions that sometimes other people don't want to ask, which I think is important. So I see lady wings. I see you had your hand up there. Welcome.

Community Empowerment

I just want to say I am so happy to hear every word that the host said because that is the only reason I am here. I got lost in spaces, got found by the lost, got found by the April union. Now I'm found by you guys. And to hear other people from the other side of the world think the way I'm getting chills. Think the way that I do is like, we are going to make it and we are going to change the world. Regardless of what the real world, the inside world, the outside world, whatever world you're from, we are going to change your mind about the way you are and we're going to make it a better place for everybody.

Expressions of Gratitude

Thank you. That's all I wanted to say. And I love you, wingman. Okay, I'm done. Appreciate you, lady. Thank you. And just on that eight mother, great person. We connect. He's always responsive and things. Really nice individual. Can't go wrong. I think he's always been polite, respectful. Eight reunion. I think it's a fantastic project, in my opinion, all round. So a winner there. And I hadn't really delved into fiends until really last week, and I haven't delved into long lost yet.

Looking Forward

So there's a lot to delve into. And I'm going to help Don out there this evening with the show. Thanks so much for the kind words. Ape mother is the best mother ever. I agree. And just to say not to do anything because I have no financial investment and nothing, just love and soul. I love your accent, so please continue talking, you guys. Your accent is one of the accents that y'all could be cussing me out. And I'd be like, what'd you say? Just to hear you continue speaking. And I mean that from the heart.

Community Connections

Nothing but love and respect. Appreciate, you know. Thank you. Great. First, I remember when it first got around to you, just go buy people's handles, don't you? And then when I first heard, I was like, there's a dude behind the mic. I was like, well, hold on, there's not a mic. No, I was there when you discovered it was a dude. Yeah, yeah. Just like, what the hell's going on? But no, appreciate you. Let's continue the show because otherwise I will lock it down.

Final Remarks

But, yeah, please repost the room, tag some people and get the word out there and come and have some fun and, yeah, let's go. Yeah, I just wanted to thank you, lady. And we have reached out to eight mother and invited eight reunion onto one of our shows. We're going to work out a date where that works to everyone and we'll get that. We'll get that sorted out in the coming weeks. And can I hear you? Yeah, I couldn't hear. Long lost again. Could everyone else hear?

Understanding and Participation

Yeah, I can hear them. I can hear them. Okay. Typical. But it doesn't do any good if the host can't hear him. We have the same issue. Same issue quite often now where random people can't hear random others on the. On the stage. It's one of those. It's one of those. I'm not good business move, dude. Sorry. Thank you for the kind words. And please let me know if there's anything you guys need to put out in the atmosphere. I'm really good at that and I'd be honored to help.

Fiendsworld and Community Focus

Well, thank you very much, feline fiends, the stage is yours. Yeah, some of you may have not been here last week. We had another space as well, so I just kind of gave some information about fiends. Just so you all know, behind here, this is Lord Vader. I'm the co founder of Fiends. Not one of the original co founders. There was actually four original co founders, one remaining. The rest just decided to take part and go a different direction, basically. But I've been here since the beginning, ever since mint.

Continuous Community Growth

We minted out back in March of 2022. So we've been here a little more than two years now. Still here, still going strong. The community is still alive. And I definitely see this as a community driven project, along with a lot of art and customization and IP and those kind of things. We really focus heavily on the art and the customization. We have a lot of customization tools. So, like, one of them being, it's called El Gato's Retreat, where you can merge two fiends into one.

Unique Features Discussed

And it's also a burning mechanism on top of that. So it's really cool. It's deflationary. We started off at 7777. That was our original collection size. We're now down to, I believe it's like, 6900 somewhere in there. So we burned a little bit over 800 fiends just from Elgato's retreat alone. But a lot of holders, they came out with a lot of unique looking fiends from it because you can take one fiend through there multiple times to kind of earn this holy grail of, like, a fiend, where you come out with a new trait just from Elgato's alone.

User Interface and Innovations

So it's a really fun interface. User interface is great. It's online, it's mobile and desktop, so you can use both platforms on top of that in terms of IP and just customization. We recently just came out with one of our biggest things I personally think is Fiendsworld. I'm sure many of you have seen these rooms all across of X and people being like, you know, I get messages all the time, you know, what is this? What's going on? Like, because it's something. I feel like something truly new, something unique.

Continuing the Innovation

And that's how my thought process always is. I always think of something new to bring to the space. I don't like to be a copycat and copy off people, you know, Elgato's was the first, Fiends' world was the first three art pieces and one NFT. That, to me, is a first. Now, if y'all know any other project that has three forms of art in one NFT, please let me know, because I do not. Now, I do know the first, like, toggle switch project that I saw was little lemons. NFT. I haven't really looked into them recently. I'm not sure if they're still here, still active or whatnot, but I.

Future Plans and Innovations

But they're the reason why we got our influence for the toggle switch. So without them, that wouldn't have been possible. However, we upped it, because they only have two, of course, but we have three. And then in the future, the near future, we're going to have four. So the rebranded fiend that you see right now, we're going to have a walking stance version of that. So we're going to have four art pieces in one token. Because I've always believed in no dilution. It's probably the number one thing I honestly hate in this space is dilution.

Sustainability and Community Focus

I don't feel like a main collection should be diluted. I feel like a toggle switch is the perfect mechanism to use. You don't have to charge your holders. It's all free, it's all updated to the metadata. Why not give back more to your holders? They bought in at first. You know that they're a holder. Why charge them extra to, you know, mint something else within the same ecosystem? That's just kind of my thought process behind it now. I know everyone's not the same. I know there's differences in projects and those kind of things. I'm not bashing on them by any means.

Personal Philosophy

It's just a route that I personally would not go. Just like the route of like a token. I will never, I can tell you this right now, if anyone asks me in the future or something, I'll never come out with a token. There's never going to be a fiends token. It's just not the route that I personally would go. I've seen a lot of projects getting burned over a token, and it's just not something I want the stress of, to be honest. And I just don't think it's for the longevity of things.

Concluding Thoughts

I don't think it can be sustainable. That's just my thought though, with that. So, yeah, you know, if you're just looking for like a. I don't want to take up the whole time. I said a lot to last space, but if you're looking for just a project to like, have fun and honestly just have the most IP out of your NFT as possible, I really think fiends is the way to go. Because I can't picture any other project or those kind of things that's really capitalizing on IP usage and those kind of things.

Open Invitation

There are many out there, but that's just one main thing that we focus on. And these rooms, just so you all know, they're completely free to even non holders. You don't have to be a holder to get a room, you can come into our discord, open a ticket, I'll hook you up. I'll give you points as well to start you off so you can buy stuff. We have our store and discord heavily utilized with the drip bot. So if y'all are unfamiliar with drip, it's a great utilization within discord. It's been great for us.

Successful Collaborations

And honestly, drip wouldn't have been possible. I mean, I'm sorry, Fiendsworld would have been possible without drip. It's just the way we kind of have our ecosystem and those kind of things and, yeah, you know, we have like a collab section. We're now on twelve collab projects within a little over a month of Fiendsworld being out. And I have projects hitting me up every single day. We have 17 projects right now on standby just to utilize them within Fiendsworld, but we can't do one like every single day. So we're doing one every three days.

Exciting Developments

We have one for today as well that we're going to announce as soon as I, I get the art piece to drop. No, you've got to do one every day. There's got to be one every day. You know, I think I was thinking about it too. I was like, should I? And then I just like the anticipation a little bit. We were doing them weekly, but because of how many we have on standby, I, you know, we switched it up to three days. But I know we're in talks with, you know, the crypt for, you know, utilizing them within fiends world.

Collaborative Initiatives

Long lost. We already have, you know, up there at the top, you can see we collab with them for their losties brews. So you can get some losties brew within fiends world. And how it works is you buy it in the, you earn drip points by rating and, you know, like games and those kind of things, or how many fiends you hold, and then you use those points to spend within the store, which is all digital. And we're coming out with new items like daily and like paint for your walls or flooring.

Unique Experiences

So all rooms are really unique. And you can see up at the top there that I pinned 127 rooms and counting right now. Twelve apartments, twelve collabs and counting. So it's been, from my eyes, extremely successful. People are just having fun. And honestly, I just think that's what the space needs sometimes, just having fun. But the main part I think of Fiendsworld really is spotlighting other communities, like the communities that are still here, the projects that are still here.

Spotlighting and Support

That's why I focus really heavily on the collab side of things, because it's not just like our project we want to have in there, and we want to spotlight the ones that are still here, still grinding. Didn't just abandon their projects like 95% of projects did. Lucifer. Sorry, were you gonna say something? Yeah, I was just gonna touch on your point there. A great point is in terms of.

On Collaboration and Narrative

It's. Sometimes people see, they also. Everyone thinks they've all got to do the same thing, and they go, well, we've got to do this, we've got to follow this narrative. We've got to follow that. Yeah, you're following your own path, which doesn't involve tokens, it doesn't involve too much. It focuses on collaborations, and it keeps itself on the kiss model of keep it simple, stupid, and brings people in. So, you know, that's what attracted me to it. Sometimes just the simplicity is just.

A Focus on Fun

It's nice, and it's just if you just want to have fun. And sometimes that. That's all it takes to become something insane. So, you know, it's. It's interesting that you. You put it like that, buddy. Sorry for interrupting. Oh, not at all. No. Thank you, Lucifer, for that. I appreciate it. Yeah, we. You know, so any. Any project we collab with, their socials are in our store, so their socials will always be there.

Engagement and Accessibility

So it's click away for holders to just immediately go to your project.

The Store and Collaborative Projects

The item will always be in the store. Like I said, it just spotlights y'all, because people. When people see these rooms, they're like, oh, I see a long lost, like, brew in there. I see a crypt, whatever. Or I see an April union product or a space rider. You know, it's just. It's really fun and exciting. And all these projects that I reach out to, I make sure, you know, when we draw the art, you know, I asked them, like, what. What best represents your project? Right? Like, what do you want to see in Fiend's world? They'll tell me. And then our artist CV, he draws it up, I drop it to them. I say, hey, does this, like, look good? Do you like it? And then we go ahead and post it. And so each. Each collab is definitely 100% approved, otherwise, you know, we wouldn't do it. And, of course, we want that feedback, too. We want that support from the other project.

Support and Retweets

The only thing I honestly asked for is just, like, a retweet just so it. It's like. It's confirmed. It's official. You know, it's an official collab, those kind of things. We've also collabed with the plague and they kind of had an idea of like, you know, they're a strong raiding community, right? So we implemented like, three frogs within the rooms that are, like, tagging, you know, the wall, or like, raiding a safe or like, those kind of things. So it's fun and it's just like. Like you said, lucifer is just like, it's different. And yeah, we're having a good time, I'm having a great time. And, yeah, it's been nothing but. But, but the best, to be honest. It's brought. It's brought a lot of projects, I think, closer together, too, so.

Scalability and Community Engagement

Well, that you've got infinite scalability, haven't you? If you can get other projects to always be coming into. To your project, you don't. You don't suffer with the same thing, so you don't need. Need all the tools and all the other things they've got, like tokens or other extra utilities and things. You've got your. Your use case and you've got your scalability there. So, you know, it only takes the. The right set of eyes to start going into it and away you go. But it's hard work and you've got to keep going at it continuously. And, like, you showed up last week and you show now, you showed up this week and, you know, it's just putting the effort in.

Challenges and Community Values

Too many people, they just want to take the easy route. I've literally. I've just finished. It's just hit over 21,000 characters just for a white paper for our token. It's mental, the effort and time that goes into doing something completely different. So, no, it's fantastic to hear what you've got going on. Thank you. Yeah, thanks, Lucifer. And like I said, I didn't mean to bash anyone else with a token or with. No. People always seem to think it will be offensive to anyone. It shouldn't be at all. It's. Everyone's allowed their own take. Like, you might like, I don't know, Camilla and I might like Donald Trump. That doesn't mean we can't be friends.

Open Discussion and Community Spirit

Do you know, it's just. It's mental, isn't it, when you think about it? It's like, well, I can't speak to them because they've got a token or I can't speak to them again, please. Right, you. This is getting a little bit strange up on the stage. Can everyone else leave, please? I'm only joking. Don't do that. We've got a little friend in the background as well. We have, like, a. We have our little friendly stalker, so if we don't have one listener in the background. I do worry sometimes. I, like, worry for their. Their health now, but no fiend. Fantastic. Really great having you up.

Project Background and Collaborations

And now we've got a long lost. It has been a long time since I've been waiting to hear about this project. Disco has told me a lot about it. Peanut has told me a lot about it. Rep. Bandido has told me a lot about it. Who else? Yeah, there is a few others as well, so this is going to be an interesting one for me. Welcome to the stage, long lost. How are you? Good, good. Oh, fun and dandy. Lovely, lovely. Well, appreciate you guys. Invite me hanging out. Always good to hear from lvdenhe hanging out with you guys.

Community Collaboration Insights

I know they, like he was saying, put our lossies brew into their room, which was pretty cool to see. I know I need to jump on that and officially get one and get more situated there. I know that there's still a bunch of lawsies that need to see that as well, too, but it's. It's nice when you can do simple things like that with other communities. You know, having a simple touch point like that doesn't necessarily require a lot of overhead, and it's something that pretty easily brings different communities together.

Long Lost Project Overview

So that's kind of what I just wanted to say off the jump. Hey, thank you for that. I appreciate that. You know, it was. It was more than a pleasure having y'all in our rooms. I mean, it was. It was. It's a hot item, to be honest. A lot of people want that brew in their room, and it makes sense. So. Long lost. Sorry to. Sorry to interject fiends. Long lost. Don can hear you. The main account. Any chance you could just hop down? Hop back up?

Technical Challenges and Solutions

Long lost, are you back up? Don, can you hear long lost? My check. One, two, three. Might check. 1234. Long lost. What should I call you? Because I can't keep calling you long lost. This is peanut behind the mic. Was it peanut? Peanut, you lunatic. Why don't you say it was? You know, I should have said off the jump. Sometimes I'm just. Sometimes I think people are able to tell from my voice, but I try to preface, yeah, this is usually me behind the main account more often than not.

Community Connections

Oh, good old peanut. Yeah, peanut. We always vibe on the timeline went. I was, well, were going through all that nonsense I was trying to support with, oh, I'm looking forward to this, buddy. Why didn't you tell me before it was you? All this time, I've been like, I'll get around to. I'll get round to it. I'll get around to it. Honestly, sometimes. Yeah, yeah. Get to. Get to hear me behind the account. And like you're saying, too, I know you're. You're pretty connected to rap, and he's a good buddy of mine.

Importance of Community Engagement

I was actually just texting him last night and this morning. I know he's big supporter, big advocate of what you guys do. And he's also pretty integrated. Pretty connected to long lost, too. So it's. I felt like it was only right with how many connection points we have that, you know, that we're on. On today's space. So really shout out to him, too, because he got the wheels spinning for us, getting connected a little bit deeper. But I know that we go back quite a bit between your spaces, between Alpha shares, a number of different places.

Building Relationships within the Community

So glad that I could be here and hang out with you guys today. Yeah. Do you know what? We've been. We've been sat around each other for a long time, and I've never seen. I haven't seen anything bad about long lost. You know, it's one of those things. And we all say we just need to spend that little bit of time getting to. Getting to know him. And that's why I specifically tried to come on this evening to listen, both to ask fiend some questions and listen to you guys finally.

Engagement Goals and Research

And then I can go off, do my own little bit of research and then see if I want to buy some. And that. That's the whole point of doing this, is just to share a bit of community spirit, because, look, projects aren't for everyone. Like the crip might not be for you. It doesn't matter. We're still doing a space, and you might find that you want to jump into fiends. Brilliant. Amazing. You know, it's a good community, in my opinion. Always do your own research, etcetera.

Community and Support Themes

But I, but why not? Because the space is fragmented enough. I've tried various different ways of doing things and supporting. Sometimes it hasn't always worked. But hey ho, it is what it is. I just put it out now that if I sweep something, it will go into giveaways. After that, it's not. I don't own it anymore. When it's been given away, I just don't own it. And so you can't have your cake and eat it in that kind of respect.

Community Engagement and Personal Experience

And some that I hold myself, I do just go and pick up little grails and things. I like jumping into communities and getting involved. I like to try and lead by example, if I can, as a community member in other projects. And I probably don't do a great job of it because my timeline, I put otter bollocks on it and I'm rude on my timeline. I would probably unfollow me occasionally when I go on a little run. I'm just being honest with you.

Community Connections and Conversations

Like a stalker. Oh, wow. So, you know, just in the spirit of the community and everything. So that's why I'm here this evening on a Sunday evening is to find out more about others. So if you are on spaces and let other projects know, they can hop up as well. But sorry for that rant. They're peanut. But now I found out it's you. I'm just like, it's my main man, peanut in the house.

Upcoming Events and Community Involvement

Yeah. And just so everyone knows, we'll actually be on the Alpha shares show on Thursday, I believe. Peanut. Spin that shit. Yes. Yep. Yeah. I know last week we had to bump a couple of things, but you guys will be on the space, which I'm very much looking forward to. I know some current updates that you guys have. I'm eager to hear it from your guys, from you guys directly.

Collaboration and Participation

Hold on, peanuts, do you do the Alpha shares face with Tyler and Maxine as well? Yes. Yep. Yeah, I'm usually there on Thursdays. I haven't been able to quite do as much as I wanted to do with my work schedule last couple of months. I think some things are changing around, so I may be maybe around a little bit more often, actually speaking, so you guys will be able to hear me on those too.

Project Features and Developments

Oh, exciting. Well, tell us a little bit about long lost something, peanut. Awesome. Could you repeat that last part? You guys have kind of cut out a little bit on my end. Sorry. Yeah, tell us a little bit about long lost. Where did it all start? Where's your journey begun with them? And, you know, what's got us here today and why should someone jump in?

Community Insights and Future Directions

Yeah, definitely. I know we got Jay Bowles up here too, so he'll probably cap off anything else that maybe he wants touch on too. He's a big advocate, big supporter of what we got going on. So just wanted to preface that because he'll jump in right away too, after I'm done. Turn a little bit. Yeah, he is. He is. And I'm really thankful that he's able to jump on some of these spaces too.

Core Principles and Framework

And again, support what we got going on. But honestly, a little bit about us. The way that I like to break it down for long lost, keep it pretty simple, pretty self explanatory. And I honestly would love to just get into more questions rather than me just kind of talking and sharing. I like the back and forth that I'm able to get on different spaces, but really the best way to break it down that really embodies and explains what we have going on is our pillars and we break it down into membership, marketing, merchandise, multimedia.

Marketplace Mechanisms and Community Engagement

And from there, you know, that's where we're able to break it down a little bit more with our marketplace restocks, our portals that we have on a pretty frequent basis, typically quarterly, but as I mentioned a little bit with the not OK Bears community run, we're on a little bit better of a pace this year, so it'll be more than just four portals, but to break that down a little bit more before I get ahead of myself. Our marketplace restocks and our portals are really just a way that we like to give back to the community.

Community Contributions and Projects

And a lot of that comes from just networking with other communities like yourself where maybe we'll trade, maybe we'll straight up buy different assets off of different communities floors. But really we do that a, to network and b, like I said, just to give back to different holders. So that's, like I said, just a fun way to, you know, build off of our lore and really build off of what we're all about at long lost. A lot of it ties back to UFO's, aliens, just portals in itself.

Community Narratives and Experiences

So it's a fun thing where you know, people are able to, you know, send their losses into the portal. Everybody's hopeful that, you know, obviously they'd land something big depending on what it was. I know, last one of our last portals we had graciously had some. We had a cyberape yacht club that was in the portal. We also had a quirky corkies that was donated by Jay Wills, like I said, who was up here on stage with me.

Asset Diversity and Community Interaction

We had some space riders. We've had uncannies, we've had browler bears, a number of different communities. April union species, two from that union species. Just really a number of different things, irl objects as well, streetwear items. And then from there, you know, we also have our marketplace restock, too, which, again, is just different things that we like to have put in that's on a little bit more of a frequent basis.

Community Benefits and Utilization

That could be, like I said, even streetwear items, gift cards, something that just happens on a little bit more of a frequent basis. And that, too, is all about giving back to the community, allowing people to use their lost token, which is an off chain token, and allows them to kind of like other communities do. Whether it's space riders, theirs is an on chain token, but utilizing, you know, a different ecosystem coin that they can then use to, you know, go into raffles or outright buy certain items.

Marketing Strategies and Community Connection

That's a big part of what we have going on. And then from there, you know, we have our marketing efforts, which is really what we're able to, you know, utilize and. And really push forward, like I said, through these different events, whether it's through a music search that we have coming up through different in person events. I mean, really, marketing, as we all know, is something that happens on a day in and day out basis, even through what community members are posting on the timeline.

Merchandise and Collaborations

And then from there, merchandise. I know a lot of people have seen our long lost street wear. We've had a number of different drops recently, a handful of different t shirts inspired, actually by our creative director at Long Lost Valley, or as some people like to say, long lost Bob Ross. And then lastly, too, on top of that, with our merchandise, we also have our lossies brew, which is in the room with the feline fiends.

Expansion and New Opportunities

So that's something to kind of look out and keep your eyes on as we continue to grow, that we continue to expand into different stadiums. Right now, we're in the Cincinnati Reds baseball stadium and soon to be in a Major League Soccer stadium, FC Cincinnati. And then lastly, we have our multimedia, which is a lot of what we do through our music relationship that we have with riveting entertainment, a number of different songs or singles, I should say, that have been dropped in the last couple of days.

Music Contributions and Partnerships

There's a good list between Shio, who was dropped by, or I should say created by designer. We had another song introduction, which will be at the top of our album coming out soon here. I knew Don mixtape from Little D. He's a rapper from out on the east coast. Was the one, was the other guy the one? Was either one that did Panda designer? Didn't he do panda, panda.

Musical Interests and Personal Preferences

Yeah. You know, I love that tune because of the bass on it. it sounds wicked in the car, but when traffic lights and somebody. You're a middle aged man and you've got panda, panda going in your car. Is that guy. All right? But no, I love it. Yeah, I just want touch on a point. It's right what you were saying just about when we go on Q and A's and things.

Exploring Community Benefits

I mean, my main question is, listening to all of that. I mean, firstly, my main question is, what was I? What would the main reason be for me to go and buy a long lost right now? What's the floor price out? And what would you say the main driving factor in purchasing a long lost now? What. What. What would I benefit from? And what kind of community is it?

Community Contribution

I see Jay wizards who's got his hand up. Yeah, no, I was just gonna say, I was gonna lap it over to Jay Wells because I know that he's pretty passionate about this topics. So I'll. I'll toss it over to him if he wants to interject and share a couple of points from his end. Amazing. Perfect. Go for it. Jw, a pleasure to have you up. Nice to meet you, buddy.

Community Support and Inclusivity

Yeah, nice to meet you, Lucifer. Appreciate the stage and the discussion on long lost and also feline friends, so appreciate that. Yeah. So if I could say one thing right now, you buy one for the community. And I say that because once you get engulfed in this community, Lucifer, you're. It's going to be one of your pillars that you're going to always go back to.

The Essence of Community

No matter what's going on in life, we come together. We're all friends, we're family. It is, you know, being lost is a lifestyle. And I. And I say that because that is what it is to me. That it is what it is to the team. And, you know, we could tell you all the great things that the LLC itself is building, like the brew, you know, the bruise, the lossy bruise, the streetwear, the network we have with musicians and the talent searches that we're doing getting young artists, you know, record deals for riveting entertainment.

Future Partnerships and Growth

Like, these are real partnerships that we can sit here and talk about. Why be a part of what we're building? But you know, does that directly benefit you right now? No, but once you join the community it's going to be a benefit to you. And that's a very vague answer, but that's the best answer for someone just saying why should I buy? Like there's no doubt in my mind.

Community Engagement and Support

If you embrace the community you will be embraced because they're going to embrace you no matter what. If you participate you're going to be a holder for a long time. And you know, I like the, I'm just looking through the collection now because I've seen discos and peanuts etcetera. I do like the, I do like the art.

Art Appreciation and Community Impact

It's like, what can I say? It's like, it's like a good version of like God hates nfTs. It's like a better version. I don't know. I don't know. It's cool. I like the way the lip goes like an, I don't know, it runs me like a granddaddy. I need a grandad style one. That's what I've just been having a little look for.

Community Interaction and Humor

I need one like that's really old and just needs, just moans all the time, and just, I just want to come in and moan if I get one of these and just be like I'm just lost. But I get it, I do, I get it. I get what you're doing long lost, and some nice imaging and marketing and branding out and that's important. And sometimes that's what other projects and other people need.

Community Showcase and Support

Like what fiends do. Like what you guys do at long lost, it's what other projects and communities do need as well is showcasing and benefiting other projects. If you've got a nice follow account and you're doing giveaways and things and someone donates an NFT across to you know, fantastic. It's exposure and it's the value proposition behind that exposure as well.

Pricing and Value Analysis

Okay, what does the NFT cost? $120. Okay, brilliant. I. Are we going to get value for money from donating that to a project? Yeah, I think we would. So Joe, in that respect, Joe, I get it and it's helping others as well. But do quote me if I've got any of that wrong. No, you're spot on.

Supportive Community Values

I mean, you know, it's like one thing that you'll know is we are a supportive community. Like we are not, we're not a community that sticks in our bubble, we support other projects, we discuss other projects in our chats. You know, we go by floors of other projects like as holders, you know, because we're passionate about onboarding people into long lost.

Active Community Participation

And you know, that's one of the things I do a lot of is, you know, I go sweet floors and then I make a few new friends and then I discuss loan loss with them. And the next thing you know, I got an excited loan loss holder running around, which is great. It's marketing for everyone, it's more eyes and it keeps, you know, there's one thing I could say about long lost.

Community Growth and Team Engagement

The communities never went to sleep. The community has always been loud and the community shows up every single day and the team is just as active and they're constantly building that business out on the back end. And Joe, that's the important part, is the active part as well. When people say, look, I haven't got touched, come on, it takes three minutes to put a post out, a couple of minutes in the evening.

Community Engagement Practices

Surely you have a toilet break or go to the bath or have a bath or do something or do you eat?

Understanding the NFT Community Dynamics

It's when people are completely out of touch and it's helpful having other projects like I'm going to ask you a bit of a question here, which be interesting with the answer because I do the same. I go sweet floors and things and all that jazz. Once the. What's your take once the NFTs a sweet, you run a giveaway incentive, whatever you do, and that person then decides the community is not for them and they sell said NFT. Once it's left the person and it goes to someone else's wallet, where do you feel kind of the obligation lies between the two.

Responsibility and Strategy in Gift Giving

So for me I'm very strategic. If I. I normally don't have do a lot of giveaways. If I do, it's within a pretty tight knit community space where I feel like most everyone in that space is going to hold on to it. Occasionally I will onboard someone and, you know, I see that lost to you that they were gifted or something, that nature, you know, gets accepted by a we've offer, you know, I think that's just part of doing business like that. That's the risk I take when I do it, you know. But I also will say that I'm pretty selective when I do that, you know, and again, you know, someone gives me an NFT, it's gonna stay in my wallet, but to each his own.

Navigating Personal Feelings and Community Expectations

I understand there's circumstances for everyone things that I don't understand that's going on their life. And maybe it wasn't. The community wasn't meant for them, and if they're not meant to be in the community and that's their feeling, more power to them, I mean, that's. That's fine. Like, nothing negative there about it if it's not right for you. But I can assure you it's a. That's a personal feeling. It's not a feeling that we are failing or not executing because we execute and then we announce constantly.

Fostering Community Connections Beyond Projects

And I think, you know, the point that I love there is the fact that, yeah, I think that everyone needs to start coming with the understanding spaces. We don't all have to be in the same projects to be friends, either. We can be in different projects and still sit on a space together and still have fun. And this is coming from. From my own community as well. I find that we're stuck in kind of an x bubble where it's just like, it's the same people in the space when more people could come in and we could attend more as well.

Encouraging Mass Adoption Through Inclusivity

And I think that will help towards that. That mass adoption side, instead of being like, I don't like that PFP, etcetera. There might be pfps in here I don't like, but I can't see any, to be honest. And I am being honest, can I? I don't know, because I don't know who our little friendly listener is, actually. I do. Yeah. But, yeah, hopefully that makes sense. J wiz. Yeah, 100% it does, man. And it's just. It's what we need to do.

Embracing Community and Engagement

More of everyone in the room. We need to embrace every community because we're a small. We're a small batch of people on Twitter every single day. You know, we're consuming the same content. Let's make it good content, and let's make it content about each other and also about ourselves. Right? Yeah. If people out here doing shit and they're building, they're active, that's. You may. If the community is happy to, then leave people be.

Maintaining a Positive Space

If there's nothing dodgy going on or nefarious and the community's happy, then just leave people be and let them get on with what they're doing. The space is big enough that we can all enjoy it. Like, I love connecting. I'm going to. You're going to eight fest, Jwiz. No, I won't make eight fest. Too far to travel for me. Well, I'll be there in spirit. For you. If you have any words you would like to say to anyone, I would hand deliver them. I'm going to do that.

Upcoming Events and Community Engagement

I'm buying a psychedelic suit to stand out, to match the Macy that I've got. And I'm going to get some hand messages from people that have got Macy's that can't make it. I'm going to give them to someone on the Yuga team or Gordon or someone, if anyone's there, and just have a bit of fun. I'm kind of hoping that suit doesn't arrive in time, to be honest. But the suit is coming, just like in the picture. Just like on the men sheet. Lucifer, you need to check.

Creating a Welcoming Community

You need to check our DM very quickly. And while you're doing that, can I add something to the long lost that they won't say, but I have to. Is it okay? Go for it. Thank you. I'm. I've been lost in life, in real world, and in this world forever. And those of us who are saving up for a long lost. You know, they. They actually. It doesn't matter if you have the money to get buy in right away. They don't let you be lost out in spaces by yourself.

The Importance of Community Support

They've never made me feel like I'm not lost enough for. To join their community. Because every time I see them, I'm lost. But they. They make me feel like I'm welcome no matter what, if I can afford it or not. And they. They. They really do care about everybody. Not just if you're lost and can afford them or not. They. They let you know that they are there for you. And if they're in a space and you're there and you're not safe, let them know.

Building Genuine Connections

They will step up. And they really are authentic. Just like a reunion. They're 100% genuine, real, decent human beings. And I still just want to meet you to see if your faces match your voice. And one more thing about the space itself. I am so beyond happy that I can give hearts to everybody in here. It is a great space and thank you for having it. And if you didn't get a heart, it's because your emojis aren't open to me.

Expressing Gratitude for Community

Because I know everybody in here. And you have no idea how happy that makes me. I'm still lost, but I'm lost with a bunch of other loss. And 8th reunion solid is everything. So you guys, if you get involved with these communities, they do really care just about the individual behind the NFTs. Not just NFTs I had to say that because they won't. And I love being lost. Well, appreciate you.

Team Appreciation and Community Engagement

I don't know who you were talking about, but we are, we're all docs if you go into the meet the team channel. So we're. Yeah, just going to our discord if it's also done and maybe it's someone else you want to say. I don't know how many of the team I know is me, Don Munchenk. I think Wingman is. I think Marcus. I think everyone is. To be fair, I don't reckon all of our team are docs or maybe just one or two that aren't, but yeah, apart from everyone else's is docs.

Concluding Thoughts on Community and Events

But no. Any, any final bits you'd like to talk about regarding long lost and what you guys have got going on? Yeah, go ahead. Jay was, if you have anything else otherwise, I'll jump in real quick. No, I was going to throw it to you. Okay, cool. Yeah, honestly, I think it was great hearing from Jay Wells, as always. He brings a different side to it given, you know, his involvement as a, you know, a larger holder within our community.

Game Restrictions and Legendary Figures

There will be a few restrictions, so you can't sort of make an absolute God and destroy everyone and nobody can beat you because we want everyone to have a chance, but you'll be able to build your own anyway. And there's 111 og legendaries. That's three times 111. I think the fact that there's the same amount of all three is exciting and could lead to all sorts of conspiracy theories and ideas. And then you've got ten gods, you've got five factions and ten gods. Two gods per, two gods per faction. So what they will all have for special powers and what they will have for benefits and things like that are to be seen.

Project Transparency and Utility

You know, we know that there's a lot of projects that don't give out this much information in one go and don't give them as much alpha going forward as we do. So I'm sure that a few little mysteries and surprises along the way will be fun instead of irritating. So we're going to keep a little bit back. The only thing I want to bore you with more in my long ramble is something that I haven't mentioned so far, and that is we have a affiliate, Luxraffles IO Luxraffles we use as a platform to reward holders, but it's also open to the whole of web three. So basically it's a raffle platform at this stage where you can create your own raffles. So you go in, you choose how many tickets there are, you choose what the tickets cost, you load up your NFT, and then when all the tickets are sold, you press a button and it will randomly send that to the winner and it will send you the money for your raffle minus the fee as a holder.

Raffle Fees and Community Engagement

I think the fee is 1.5 or 2%. So it's a lower fee than selling on Opensea. Then also, of course, if your total cost of the tickets is a little bit more than the Opensea price, you can make a little bit more money and everyone has a chance of getting an NFT a little bit cheaper. We also will be doing holders only raffles, where we'll buy in a high end. I think we've done a punchy, pudgy penguin already. We've done quite a few. A kid called beasts in the past and we've done some killer bears. I know. So, yeah, and then a lot of crip stuff. Bulls and apes. Bulls and apes. God, things like that. So what we'll do is we'll buy it, we'll put it up there.

Ticket Pricing and Odds

We'll make the tickets, like, 0.002, Ethan, and make it just really cheap. So we'll get our money back and not make any money of it or make a very slight profit. So it's not like thousands and thousands to one, it's like 2030, 40,5100 to one odds, but it's just an added utility for the community to go and degen without spending too much money and have a chance of getting a bigger NFT. So holder only raffles that we run. You can run your own raffles and. Yeah, just. Just have some fun. In the future, there will be irl things that can be raffled on there as well, a sort of marketplace and shopfront. But at the moment, it's nfTs. It's nfts only.

Focus on Minting and Marketing

So we're concentrating on the mint. Of course, we've got the game coming in December, but at the same time, the Luxraffles IO is up and running fully. We are just not marketing it at this time while we're. While we're minting. So we don't. We don't split things up into too many confusing areas and too many people. Places for people to put their eth as well. So, yeah. Any questions about that? Or if there's anything that you feel, Robader or you know that we've missed, then please let me know and we can. We can do that. I see Martek there. See if I can bring him up.

Engagement with the Community

He's probably been requested for 20 minutes, but I was rambling, so I didn't see him. Sorry about that, brother. Yeah. How's it going, fam? How's everyone doing? It's good. It's going good, mate. You. You're the first person that has come up. I know. Lucifer did as well. You're the first person that came up on the stage that I could actually here without having to drop down. I think you, Lucifer and Wingman are the only ones. Everyone else either couldn't hear or they had to drop down and come back up, so. Oh, man, I'm. Yeah, good. I'm wired today, man. I got, like, I was just.

State of Mind and Support

I just filmed something. I got, like six devices going on connecting me to web three. I'm watching. I'm watching a YouTube webinar on. On the tv. I got my iPad going. Computer with four screensh. This is crazy, man. I love being plugged in, but, you know, as usual, got to come in and support my crip fam. Big happy Sunday to everybody. Like, you know, still wishing you guys all the best. Continuing to deliver value into web three. This is what we need. So, like, yeah, I'm always here. Avid supporter, man.

Community Contributions

Love what you guys are doing. Yeah, I really appreciate that, and we appreciate you. Try and get on your space as often as I can, but, you know, minting. We've got, well, we've got seven scheduled spaces a week. And then sometimes Lisa and I often. I know it sounds weird, but our community know it. Like, one of the few times in a day where you get totally to yourself is in a bubble buff. I have a bubble bath every day. I'm not ashamed of it. I have done for 20 years.

Relaxation and Work Balance

It's sort of my. My peace and quiet. Go and sit in the bubble bath, right? Until. Until I became co founder here and Luz was exactly the same. So now we end up having bloody meetings when we're both in the bath. Epsom salt, right? Epsom salt. Radox, mate. I can't get radox in Sweden. I literally. I literally miss Radox. The blue one, that original blue radox salts. That's the one, man. That's the best, bro.

Bath Time Conversations

Do you put Detol in the bath? Come on, you put some me a little teaspoon of Detol. Come on, mate. The smell of that. I can't get Detol here. Either Dettol or detox. Yeah. That's amazing. When I was a kid, used to have a little drop of that in the bath. That was outstanding. I think that's what it is, man. It's like. Yeah, childhood thing. Get the fucking bottle of Dettol, fill the cap and, like, pour it in the batheous. Yes. Yeah.

Discussion on Past Experiences

Oh, cry. Hey, thanks for that picture done. I can't imagine two of the founders in Bubba bath having. Meeting. Good thing about already eating now. But this is the thing. There's lots of bubbles, so all you see is. All you see is bubbles. Think of it like that. But this is the thing that we're saying, you know, you've got to keep a healthy. You've got to keep a healthy respect for web three and your family irl what pays the bill, separate it and those sort of things.

Balancing Responsibilities

Right? So I don't advocate what I do because it's not normal. But when people say to me after a week of not replying to a DM on Twitter or on discord, oh, sorry, I haven't had time, I'm like, you've tweeted 50 things this week. I just don't have respect for that because I know that whatever I'm doing, wherever I am, unless I'm on an airplane, and I'm literally not allowed to have my phone on the. I can check. You can check when you're in the bath, you can check when you go toilet.

Staying Updated While Relaxing

You can check while you walk into your car, you know, and it just helps you to keep in touch. And it means that, like, for me, if Lisa's like, look, just take the day off. I don't want to see you go and have a rest. I will have a better day with my family if I check in four or five times, answer some tickets, you know, and keep up to date, I put a couple of tweets out because then I know that nothing's happened.

Engagement in Work and Family

So I like to have my finger on it. But, yeah, no, yeah, there's always time. And when better than when you're relaxed in the bubble buff. I bet you some of the greatest inventions in the world came while people in bubble baths. I'm sure of it. Yeah, go for it. Don't. Don't put your hand up. Don't put your hand up. Crack on. I just forgot to mention one thing, if you don't mind. I know you mentioned being doxxed and those kind of things, so I am also doxxed, if you all don't know.

Transparency in Leadership

Again, this is Lord Vader behind this account. You can see my pin tweet right on my profile. It just shows all my information, those kind of things. So, you know, if having a trustworthy founder is something you look into when you're investing into a project, I truly feel like you can trust me. I, to be honest, you can even look through the metadata. I don't take funds from my own project. I choose not to be paid.

Professional Background and Community Investment

I have a pretty. I have a really good irl job. I work in blind rehab. I work with veterans who are visually impaired. I'm a blindness and low vision specialist. So I choose not to take funds for my own project. Instead, I give that back to the community or we come up with further utilizations, tools and those kind of things. So just so you all know, full transparency here. And I put in about 1213 hours days here.

Commitment to Team and Project

I mean I'm constantly on here so just wanted y'all to know that. And in terms of revenue, we have a pretty decent size revenue from mint still and we're very cautious of our funds. But in terms of earning revenue, I mentioned to you all first, when I first started talking here, we always try to think outside the box. We do have a plan that the space is not seen yet to earn revenue.

Future Plans and Excitement

So I'm very excited for that as well. And I feel like it's going to be successful just like Fiendsworld. So thanks again for. For having me up here. No problem at all. And yeah, I think it is something that people look for. Not everybody. I'm not an expert and I don't pretend to be, but the longer I've been around I've realized that for some people that are blockchain maxis, it's extremely important to be anonymous, you know, not be centralized currency, fuck the government, that sort of things.

Contrasting Perspectives on Transparency

And that's. And that's a core principle of web three and for a lot of people, and I respect that. That's fine. My point of view is a little bit the same, and it's not the same as everyone else's, but my point of view personally is the same as security cameras all over London. Just do it like what you're going to catch me doing, farting or picking my nose. I'm not doing anything wrong. So I don't mind having the spotlight on me, if you get what I mean.

Security and Privacy Considerations

I understand that the invasion of privacy and other people hate it and I respect that. That's their opinion. My personal opinion is I've got nothing to hide. I'm not going to rug anyone. I've never scammed anyone. I'm not interested in being dodgy. So I've got absolutely no point problem putting my name and face out there. I do not judge founders that don't do it. I want to make that clear because I think that's their prerogative to be anonymous in web three.

Personal Experience in Doxxing

But yeah, my personal point of view is if you've got nothing to hide, then I've got no problem with it. So, you know, I've been docs for three year and a half and you know, I think my dog's probably the only person in my family that's doxed more. He gets a lot of time on discord and in work team meetings as well. They always ask to see the dog. But, yeah, no, I think it is something that's important to a lot of investors.

Investor Concerns and Expectations

Maybe not everybody, but I do think it's a. It's a big thing. I remember when I first started, like, in 2021, like, people would come in a project and say, do you have a roadmap? Do you have a white paper? Is the team doxxed? That was like, the three. The three checkpoints. That was the. Do your own research is crazy to think about it now. But that was the things that were important, you know, that was them doing their checks.

Evolution of Project Standards

Yeah, yeah. The founders going to Dox after mint. We're not getting to the end of mint. Before the founders changed his Twitter name and closed the discord. But, yeah, wild west times. And it still is a little bit. And roadmap, don't forget. Oh, roadmaps. Five point. Well, and the road. And it'd be like, what's your. What's your major. What's your major utility? Merch.

Utility of Merchandise

Right. So your major utilities. I've got to spend more money to buy overpriced clothes from you and then pay shipping to Sweden. Well, hang on. It's a great thing. Don't get me wrong. We're gonna have merch. We're gonna have great merch. I've already got some crypt merch. I'll be. I'll have it eight festival. But it's a service. It's an extra thing that's good for the community.

Perspective on Merchandise Utility

Unless you're giving it away to free for free. It's just not a utility. That's. That's my, you know, personal, again, not the projects. From my personal point of view, it's a great thing to do, but it's not a utility. But that was it, wasn't it? Roadmap launch merch mutants. And then it was our staking. You had to have staking. Didn't matter what you were earning, but you have to have some sort of staking.

Reflections on the NFT Space

Yeah, crazy. I love it. Crazy time. All right. We've been. We've been going for an hour and a half. I always say that after an hour and a half, you start talking ships on spaces. And that's true, because I'll be talking shit for the last few minutes, and we've hit an hour and a half. So it's become a self fulfilling prophecy. J wheels, go for it, buddy.

Introduction of Community Contributions

Yeah, I know you can't hear me, mate. I won't be able to hear you. Yeah, I know you can't hear me. I just reminded myself of that. So I just wanted to say thanks for having long lost in the space today. Peanut lost connection while driving. So is the main account dropped out of the audience. But I just wanted to, you know, say thank you guys for that. Chopping it up with friends as well.

Collaboration and Outreach

You know, also, you know, for as far as the crypto trading, I would love to put you guys cut a podcast with you guys, have you on alpha hour. That's my weekly space. And what we'll do for you is we'll cut that episode, edit it up, clean it up, put it. Give it. Give it to you guys. So you'll have it to send your holders to or any onboarding people that you're trying to onboard.

Vision for the Podcast

It'll be one good, just full, you know, vision of what the project is. And I would love to get you guys on and scheduled for that. So. So we at loan loss and myself can give a little bit more visibility on what you are building here. It sounds pretty interesting. Love to learn a little bit more about it. I definitely appreciate that.

Community Support and Veteran Awareness

And I'm quite sure that we relate a message to Don. And if Lucifer down there still listening, he'll definitely try to make that happen. Definitely, definitely want to do that. So definitely make sure you come back around. Don't lose the connection. And I also want to tap on to the fur line, friend, thank you for your work with veterans. Me, a veteran, I definitely got to give my hands salute to anybody working with us.

Acknowledgment and Appreciation

It's a thoughtless job sometimes, but then, you know, if you speak about it and have the passion that I heard in your voice, it's definitely appreciated. You know, I had to sit in an appointment for 6 hours to get a piece of paper sign. So anybody that have love to speak about it, I definitely want to, you know, salute you for your work and energy that you're doing.

Service and Commitment to Veterans

Thank you. Thank you so much for that. Yeah, I've been at the VA now for five years, so it's been awesome. I'm at the Tucson, Va in Arizona, just so everyone knows. Didn't get the bad credibility like the Phoenix VA did with that whole thing that went on. I feel like our VA does pretty well. So.

Community Engagement and Gratitude

Yeah. Thank you, though. Thank you very much. And thank you for your service. Thank you. Okay. Dan. Yeah, I just. I just pinged Jay Wills a DM from. From the crypt account. So it's also recorded. So I. Can I tell you what? I'll have a bath and I'll go back and listen to what was said. But.

Follow-Up and Connections

But, yeah, no, we'll connect on that. We'll connect on a DM. But, yeah, no, thanks for. Thanks for coming back. Philippines. I look forward to trying to get in the queue to get us into the shop. Not the shop, the apartment. Looking forward to getting that done. And I've said, yeah, Lucifer. I think Lucifer grabbed some fiends already after last week's face.

Giving Back to the Community

I'm going to make sure that he goes and grabs some long lost as well. We have got a bit of shit, you know, I'm not gonna beat around the bush. We've got a bit of shit for giving stuff away and then if we give something away and then the person doesn't want it and they sell it, and then that project then gives us hate because that person sold it.

Reflection on Community Perceptions

And I can't get my logical head around that. You know, if you have a good project and people are welcomed in, then maybe they would keep it. I don't know. I don't want to get into it. But, yeah, no, we have. We've given away so many things, both. Both on Lux raffles and in the store and in prizes.

Future Raffles and Community Building

We've got. So we've got some raffles that are running out in the next week or two. I believe in their discord with Deadpoint. And, yeah, it is a little bit of a shame when you try and do something like that. That's nice. And then it gets misconstrued as that we flawed them or we dropped them. We just had it with a project recently where we.

Managing Community Expectations

We swept four and then gave them away in a mint incentive and then got a lot of crap afterwards saying that we dropped them on the floor and I was like, oh, dude. We said, we're going to do a giveaway. We gave them away. But, yeah, I think people have been burnt before with people send it to a fake wallet and then wet it or whatever.

Addressing Community Trust Issues

And I don't know, maybe they think they judge other people by their standards. Maybe, I would say. But, yes, we'll do that. I've sent, least for a long lost. I want him to buy, and if he does, I'll be buying it from him because it's cool. If not, I'm gonna have to go and get it in a little bit, if it's still there.

Final Connections and Gratitude

And we'll hopefully see you all in the discord. Feel free to reach out either in Discord DM's or on my Twitter or the project Twitter, Lucifer's Twitter, if, you know, if you've got anything that you want to talk about again, if you just want to come back and hang out on a Sunday, I'd love to see us get over the hundred mark within a couple of weeks, 150 in a month, and from there have it as something that there's a queue for people to get on cost free and just come and chill with the good guys and have a nice little corner of web three where people can come and promote these troubles projects without arguing or any shady deals in the background and that sort of thing.

Closing Remarks and Invitations

Appreciate you all. So I want to tap into something too done. If the guys, if you in here and you know of a great project, make sure you tap in with that project and have them get in contact with us. And let's continue to spread out water because I'm quite sure some of you guys in here have solid communities that may not getting the attention and the spotlight that they deserve.

Encouragement for Community Growth

So if, you know, you reach out to them and send us out, send them our way, we'll definitely appreciate that. Yeah, absolutely. It's all about breaking the bubble and breaking the algorithm and reaching further out, so. Absolutely. Well cheers guys. It's it's about 20 to midnight over here, so I'm gonna call it a day.

Wrapping Up

answer a couple of tickets, get on Twitter and then it's bedtime. But I'll catch you all tomorrow on, on x Twitter or in the discord. Take care, guys. Thanks a lot. Up. Take care much.

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