Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space MORNING BLAST WITH @PiQSuite AND @MrMBrown Join Michael and Ryan for an explosive daily market preview. hosted by PiQSuite. Engage in the daily market preview with @PiQSuite and @MrMBrown for valuable insights into market trends and analysis. Partnered with @PepperstoneFX, the space offers a customizable platform for accessing market information, enhancing decision-making skills. Interact with industry experts, Michael and Ryan, to broaden your market knowledge and stay informed about the latest trends. Join discussions on market strategies, forecasts, and effective decision-making processes, ensuring you are well-equipped for the dynamic market landscape.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: What does the platform offer to its users?
A: The platform offers customizable, free access to market information.

Q: Who is the space proudly partnered with?
A: The space is proudly partnered with @PepperstoneFX.

Q: What can participants expect from the daily market preview?
A: Participants can expect insights into upcoming market trends and analysis.

Q: How can engagement with industry experts benefit attendees?
A: Engaging with industry experts provides valuable market insights.

Q: What are some key features of the information aggregation platform?
A: The platform provides dynamic discussions, market intelligence, and industry expertise.

Q: How does the space contribute to market knowledge enhancement?
A: The space offers opportunities to learn about market strategies and forecasting, improving decision-making skills.

Q: What distinguishes this daily market preview from others?
A: This preview offers engaging, accessible, and customizable market insights.

Q: Why is it valuable to stay informed about market news and trends?
A: Staying informed enhances decision-making and market strategy implementation.

Q: How does Michael and Ryan enrich the space with their insights?
A: Michael and Ryan provide daily market analysis and insights, adding value to the discussions.

Q: What benefits can participants derive from interacting in the space?
A: Participants can enhance their market knowledge and decision-making skills through interaction and learning from experts.


Time: 01:15:29
Introduction to Intelligent Market News Exploring the benefits of a customizable platform for market information.

Time: 01:25:17
Exclusive Partnership with @PepperstoneFX Highlighting the significant partnership for comprehensive market insights.

Time: 01:35:40
Daily Market Trends Preview Insights into upcoming market trends and analysis for informed decision-making.

Key Takeaways

  • The space offers a free, customizable market information platform.
  • Partnership with @PepperstoneFX is a point of pride for the hosts.
  • Join Michael and Ryan for daily market insights.
  • The space provides a preview of upcoming market trends.
  • Expect dynamic discussions on market analysis and insights.
  • Access market intelligence in an engaging and accessible format.
  • Interact with industry experts for valuable market insights.
  • Stay informed about the latest market news and trends.
  • Learn about effective market strategies and forecasting techniques.
  • Enhance your market knowledge and decision-making skills.

Behind the Mic

Morning Greetings and Legal Disclaimer

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. It is Tuesday the 10 September. There is Mister Brown. Let's invite him. Invitation sent. Come on down, Mister Brown. Connecting. Muted Ryan? Good morning all. Good morning. Let me just get the legals out the way. Nothing discussed on the spaces session. Hang on. Are you right there? Yeah, I've just come down some stairs, so. Oh, just a boat. I'm just having a rest while you do your legal disclaimer. Got you. Got you. Nothing discussed on this basis. Session constitutes trading or investment advice or refers any kind of endorsement by PIQ Global Limited trainers, PIQ or PiQ suite of, or indeed its affiliates or its hosts, which is Mister Brown, who is aging badly, and myself, which is just not aging.

Reflections on Age and Time

Mister Ryan Paisley. Certainly not mentally. Are you? Well, no, definitely not. If anything going in reverse, could I just ask ten? I know this is going to sound like a really oldie person comment now, but 10 September, where's the fucking year gone? Oh, mate. Also 10 September. It's fucking freezing. I left home. Oh, mate. I put the heating on yesterday. I was. I was tempted. I mean, I was stood there waiting for the train at 05:30 this morning, shivering on the bloody platform. It's horrible. Subtle, like little subtle brag there that you put in a proper effort in the city. Good man, good man.

Preparation for the Day's Work

UK data at seven, mate. Got to be at your desk. Well, exactly.

Introduction to Current Situation

This is it, right? I was still in my pants. Well, I still am now, to be honest. But go on. At least you're in something, I guess. But anyway, we won't go down that route. It's only going to get worse. Right. In terms of yesterday there. Good morning, everybody.

Market Overview

In terms of yesterday, it was very much a case of no news is good news for the financial markets, with sentiment firmer once more after the tumultuous ride that we had after the jobs report on Friday. But it must be said that this sort of firmer risk tone came amid a real lack of any top tier economic or major headlines crossing newswires. But nonetheless, the s and P 500 did end the day around one and a quarter percent higher, the Nasdaq notching a similar gain, while treasury sold off across the curve with some pressure mainly concentrated at the front end, where two year yields rose by three basis points, briefly trading north of three spot 7%.

FX Market and Commodities

And really this kind of theme of unwinding some of the moves that we saw on Friday continued into the FX space as well, with the dollar rallying by zero spot 4% against the basket appears as the dollar index rose to a 101.70 high and other g ten s all traded broadly softer with the euro, the pound and the yen all down by around four tenths of 1%. And the Swissy standing as the biggest loser on the day. In the commodity space, gold up by a third of 1%. But we're still just kind of chopping around this two and a half, $1,000 an ounce figure and not really going anywhere. Still very indecisive when you look at the price action in the yellow, metal and crude. Lastly, trading around one and one spot, 4% firmer yesterday, WCI at the front contract, notching its best performance in ten sessions.

Economic Data Release

As I alluded to, data and news flow relatively light. The only data release that we had yesterday was the monthly New York Fed consumer survey that showed that one year inflation expectations rose to 3% from a prior two spot, 97%. If anyone on the call thinks that consumers can predict inflation to two decimal places, then give your head a wobble. Because they can't, or I'll go just fuck off. Yeah, exactly. So that data caused.

Market Impact from Product Launch

We love you all. Thank you for listening. That data caused absolutely no market impact whatsoever. Also causing very little by way of market impact was Apple's annual product launched. They launched a new watch which looks exactly the same as the last one. They've launched some new AirPods which look exactly the same as the ones that are in my ears right now. I disagree. They come in different colors now. Oh, do they? Oh, right. Well, mine. Mine are white, so maybe I can change that.

Apple's New Products

Well, it is, yeah. They also launched a new iPhone. Of course. This is the iPhone 16. It has a new button. Wow. Which apparently does something to do with the camera.

Apple Intelligence and Feature Updates

It also comes with Apple Intelligence, although this Apple AI thing is not going to come with the iPhone 16 at launch. It's going to come as part of a software update later on. And also it's not going to be. On that note, I was getting very last night when I was obviously, when I said, when were tweeting, well, when my little sherpas were tweeting all the updates from this, and literally, to me, it was news as I was reading it, as everyone else get the vibe of, like, Tesla and Elon Musk with his full self driving, it's like, yeah, it's coming, it's coming. Just buy it now, though. It's coming. Very much so. And also, it's not going to be available in the EU, it's not going to be available in China to start with. So, yeah, Apple needs to sort out some regulatory issues before that happens. But buy it now. Exactly. Buy it now is the hope.

Market Reactions and Regulatory Challenges

But reading some of the sell side commentary, it does appear that expectations have been tempered. And the general vibe is that yesterday's event was a bit a damp squib. A couple of other headlines from yesterday, and before I go through these, don't worry, you haven't woken up in 2018. But it is the return of a couple of famous central bankers. The first is Mario Draghi, who announced his review into. Who announced his review into the EU's competitiveness, or lack of competitiveness yesterday. All very familiar stuff, effectively calling for more integration within Europe and within the Eudez point, debt issuance, capital markets, union with a single regulator, etc, etc. He was also saying that the EU needs to spend a total of €750 billion extra per year in order to compete on a global level, which, I mean, they're never going to do that. So I think he's effectively just admitting defeat at that point.

Reflections on Economic Theories and Historical Context

Well, there's two things I noted on this. So yesterday it dawned on me, and I think I deserve more credit. Unless someone else said it before for me, but you know, like MMT, that whole thing that everyone gets kiddie for, does it stand for magic money tree? Well, it may as well. Exactly. I thought that was quite good for me. And secondly, it was very much the whatever it takes vibes from Draghi, which, yeah, I guess a lot of people listening to the show and a lot of people, unfortunately trading are probably too young to remember whatever it takes. But it was a good time. Yeah, it was those advice. But I guess that the difference is that he doesn't actually have to deliver it this time. He can just write a 200 odd page report and then go, right, I'm off again, back to my villa, his. Birthday last week as well, so he just wants to get in the paper.

Central Bankers Making a Comeback

Oh, was it? Oh, I didn't know that. Oh shit. I just kind of like let go that. Well, let's slip. I might be a little bit of a nerd. Well, we knew that anyway. The other central banker that made a comeback yesterday was the unreliable boyfriend himself, Mark Carney. He is going to become an economics advisor to canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The context around this is actually quite important. Of course, Mark Carney has been aiming to get into politics pretty much since he left the BoE.

Political Landscape and Challenges in Canada

Some would say maybe even while he was at the BoE, let's be honest. But the canadian political backdrop is a very fragile one. Of course, Trudeau's coalition partners said that their unconditional support for him now has gone and they're going to decide sort of on a case by case basis. Elections are due by October next year. It looks like those elections could end up happening early. When those elections do happen, it seems that the Liberals are going to be effectively wiped out, almost like what happened to the conservative party here, with the canadian conservative party likely to take power. When that does happen, Trudeau will obviously have to resign. And it very much seems like Mark Carney is the front runner to take over as leader of the Canadian Liberal Party, which, of course, could then pave his way to become canadian prime minister when the three year parliamentary term expires. So he is very much on maneuvers with this economics advisor role, and it's not going to take particularly long for him to go from advisor to leader. You would imagine we're going to be hearing a lot more from him over the next few years.

Mood and Personal Experiences

Joy of joy. But that's pretty much it in terms of yesterday, relatively light. Well, you put me in a foul mood thinking of Mark Carney leading and leading a country, but thank you. That. Sorry, Matt. That's all right. So just some quick headlines. I don't know what that was. Some quick headlines because I was rolling on my chair and I rolled over my toe. Sorry, sounded like open all hours from. I rolled over my toe and I tried styling it out and I obviously, quite obviously, went.

Middle East Current Affairs

All the headlines by our friends at News Cork, political headlines starting in the Middle east, as always, because it's a barrel of laughs over there. We have news that the israeli military detained a convoy of UN vehicles as they entered in the northern area of the Gaza Strip. The israeli military also said it conducted an airstrike which targeted Hamas command center in Khan Yunis. President Biden was reported to convene his national security team to discuss the impasse in negotiations on the hostage deal. Just a reminder there that it seems be us and every other country. Bar Hamas group and Israel are keen on the ceasefire deals, but obviously we need those two key parties to be involved, and at the moment, they ain't. We've had some airports in Moscow have had to stop flights due to nearby drone attacks and moving further afield.

North Korea's Nuclear Preparedness

I won't do an impression of him, but Kim Jong un, leader of North Korea, said they must prepare North Korea. Korea's nuclear. Must prepare North Korea's nuclear capability and readiness to use it properly at any given time while they're implementing a nuclear force construction policy to increase the number of warheads. So yeah, great stuff from our friend Kim. Just a couple of things to note from our other friend, a true friend, Andrew Hart, who is listening in. Hi Andrew, from his awesome daily note. So he's noted the recessionary red flag, which is a reminder from David Rosenberg that the current two year versus Fed funds is a 150 basis point inversion, exactly the same as it was in November 2007, just as the official mber recession kind of recession technicality was reached. A recession the Fed had no idea was coming.

Discussion on Economic Indicators and Recession

So it's just something, one flag for those recession watches out there. I've said before, so I'm going to say it again, that if the market all of a sudden determined or is officially announced that it's a recession, it doesn't really mean anything. In my, in my opinion, if we hit a recession, officially means we've already been in one for a while. Markets don't turn just on the news that it is a recession. You know, it's more. Can I go on? I was just gonna say I haven't read Mister Hart's note just yet. I've been on the phone most of the morning, but I will momentarily.

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