Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space MORNING BLAST WITH @PiQSuite AND @MrMBrown – Join Michael and Ryan for an explosive daily market preview. hosted by PiQSuite. Stay ahead in the trading world with @PiQSuite and @MrMBrown's daily market previews on the intelligent platform. Partnered with @PepperstoneFX, this space offers a customized and free information aggregation platform for traders to make informed decisions based on expert insights and daily market trends. Discover the value of strategic partnerships, daily updates, and comprehensive market information while staying informed on industry trends for successful trading endeavors.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: Who hosts the daily market preview on the intelligent platform?
A: The daily market preview is hosted by @PiQSuite and @MrMBrown.

Q: What type of platform provides free, customizable market information?
A: An intelligent information aggregation platform offers fully customizable, free market information.

Q: Which reputable entity partnered with the platform for market insights?
A: The platform is proudly partnered with @PepperstoneFX.

Q: How often are market updates provided on the platform?
A: Market updates are delivered daily for up-to-date market information.

Q: Why is it important to access market insights from industry professionals?
A: Industry professionals provide valuable insights for strategic trading decisions.

Q: What benefits come from utilizing a comprehensive market information platform?
A: Access to comprehensive market information assists in making informed trading decisions.

Q: How does the platform's customization feature enhance user experience?
A: Customization allows users to tailor their market information experience.

Q: How can partnerships contribute to valuable market insights?
A: Partnerships can enhance market insights by providing diverse perspectives and expertise.

Q: What can users expect from the daily market previews?
A: Users can expect daily updates, previews, and insights for well-informed trading decisions.

Q: Why is staying informed on market trends crucial for traders?
A: Staying informed helps traders make informed decisions and navigate market trends effectively.


Time: 00:15:43
Daily Market Previews Join @PiQSuite and @MrMBrown for daily previews on market trends and insights.

Time: 00:25:19
Intelligent Information Aggregation Explore the customizable and free market information platform for insightful updates.

Time: 00:35:52
Partnership with @PepperstoneFX Learn about the collaborative partnership between the platform and @PepperstoneFX for enhanced market insights.

Time: 00:45:30
Strategic Trading Decisions Understand the importance of daily market updates in making strategic trading decisions.

Time: 00:55:11
Expert Insights for Users Access insights from industry professionals for informed trading strategies.

Time: 01:05:27
Comprehensive Market Information Discover the advantages of utilizing a platform with comprehensive market information for trading decisions.

Key Takeaways

  • Gain valuable market previews and insights with @PiQSuite and @MrMBrown.
  • Access a fully customizable and free information aggregation platform for intelligent market news.
  • Learn about the proud partnership between the platform and @PepperstoneFX.
  • Discover the power of daily market previews and updates for informed trading decisions.
  • Stay informed with the latest market trends and news directly from industry experts.
  • Explore the benefits of utilizing a comprehensive market information platform.
  • Understand the significance of partnerships in providing valuable market insights.
  • Get daily market insights from seasoned professionals for strategic decision-making.

Behind the Mic

Opening Greetings and Introductions

Good morning. Good. Oh, hang on, I'm out of bikes going past. I'll wait for that. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. It's Tuesday. Or I guess if you're american, a synthetic Monday. Given that yesterday they were all off living the life of Riley. Where's Michael Brown? Here he is. Let's give him an invite. And I better wait for him to join because he'll interrupt me during my legals and then I need to start again because I don't trust myself.

Legal Disclaimers

Good morning. Oh, misses. Bees on. Careful. Buy your beds. Don't. Don't say shit, fuck or bugger. Good morning. One sec, let me just do the legal. So, nothing discussed on this space session constitutes trading or investment advice or infers any kind of endorsement by Piq. Global limited trading is Piq or PiQ suite, or indeed its hosts, which is obviously the Mister Brown and myself, Mister Paisley. And once again, I will also add a bit more of a reminder. If you are trading based on anything you hear, on any spaces, give your head a wobble.

Well-being Check and Reflections on Monday

How are you, mate? Especially this one. Yes, I'm all right, mate. I'm not too bad at all. It pleases me, that. Please a little bit of a quiet start to the week. Yesterday. It feels like a bit of a. It feels like a Monday today, given the US. We're out yesterday. Synthetic Monday is exactly what I said, mate. Synthetic Monday. Oh, did you? Oh, I must have missed that while I was plugging in. Gerfuffling. Yes. Me and technology again. Yes, yes. Gone.

Discussion on Market Activity

So what's happened? Talk to me. Talk to me, Terry Tibbs. Talk to me. Well, I think this might be one of the shortest morning blasts that we've done. Probably nothing wrong being short, mate. There is nothing wrong with being short. You would know. Obviously, the US closed for Labour Day yesterday, so pretty much most major markets were closed. And those markets which were open had very thin trading volumes indeed. Nothing too much going on. Indeed. Like my hair, a few stories do stand out, or market moves really do stand out.

Market Observations

The first is the continued softness that we saw in the yen yesterday. With Dolly Yen having a bit of a meander north of the 147 figure. Didn't seem to be anything too fundamental behind that. And in fact, the yen has pretty much reversed all of those losses in the overnight session.

Market Movements and Economic Indicators

So I think we can pin that one on flows and move on. I have buckle idea what else could have caused that move also. Absolutely. Also, overnight, we've had a little bit of softness coming through in both the Aussie and the kiwi dollars, both of those trending down by around about half of 1% as I speak. Again, not really much by weather catalyst. Behind those moves, we did see iron ore prices fall by about 3%, which some would try and pin the Aussie dollar move on that. But if you pull up a chart, the correlation between those two has been a little bit loose of late, so I'd be reluctant to link those two together. Yeah, please don't. I'd be reluctant to link those two together too explicitly. Other than that, there weren't really any significant moves on the day yesterday the dollar was in a tight 101 and a half to 101.75 range, and we continue to reside within that range.

Economic Reports and Data Releases

This morning, news and data catalysts were also pretty light. We had a very modest upward revision to the final August manufacturing PMI in the eurozone. That index is still deep in contractionary territory. At 45 spot eight, the UK manufacturing PMI was unchanged or unrevised, I should say, at 52 spot five. And that's pretty much it in terms of anything interesting that happened yesterday. Unless you've got any geopolitical headlines to run through, we're struggling.

Developments in Global Geopolitical Affairs

I've got some bits, mate. Firstly, some bits from Newskawk. So I'll tell you what, actually, firstly, before I go into that, let's go off on a massive tangent as always. So I was up until about 04:00 this morning, finishing my giant list of new podcast feeds and RSS feeds and sub stacks and stuff that have been added to the awesome PIQ suite. Don't forget, use the coupon promo code blast in uppercase B O a S T for year three. But anyway, as I was doing that, as I was just about to go to bed, finally, one of the nepalese Sherpas posted out onto our Twitter directly from one of the terminals, we can't say which one, saying that trading of the ten year China government bond on the Shanghai stock exchange was suspended after being down 10%.

Concerns Over Chinese Bond Market

Now, I have no idea what happened there because I was half asleep, but there you go. Just in case anyone was wondering, I did see someone trying to link it to some refinancing of the $5.4 trillion in mortgages that they were allowing, but to be honest, I think it's more a case of I remember a couple of weeks ago PBOC were basically asking people not to speculate in bonds, so maybe they were just kind of trying to burn a few people on that, but I don't know what caused it. But interesting nonetheless. Yeah, I didn't see that headline myself, but the PBOC and the chinese authorities are definitely showing increasing signs of concern over what they are starting to worry could become a bit of a bond bubble.

China's Economic Response

So, yeah, it wouldn't be a particular surprise. Right. I've just retweeted the headline and I'm just saying exactly what I feel. No idea what is out, but it was a headline. There you go. Anyway, new spork, some geopolitical headlines. We're not going to start the Middle East today because I'm just getting fed up with it, to be honest. Intel and Japan are going to establish a research and development hub for advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment in Japan.

Intel's Strategic Developments

I think it's quite interesting of note because obviously, as we all know, intel have been left for dead in this AI super semiconductor superchips and all that kind of stuff. We also heard, Jesse, they're having a bit of a fire sale. So maybe this is part of the major restructuring that's going on there. The UN hosts talks in Tripoli aimed at resolving Libya's central bank crisis. By which I mean the head of the central bank had to run away because he got kidnapped.

Libya's Central Bank Crisis

So basically, I don't wish to be a pedant here, but if he's been kidnapped, how can he run away? No, he got kidnapped and then he ran away. Oh, he escaped? Yeah. Well, yeah, they kind of. Well, I said kidnapped. I think they just kind of like basically sat him down in his chair for a little while and it got a bit sweaty. No, not like that, you perverted. Go on.

Escalating Tensions in Libya

Anyway, what's happening? Yeah, anyway, so yeah, it's all kicking off. Apparently some little understandings have been reached. That is, please don't shoot me in the face. But obviously one thing to note with this is basically it's the lack of a central bank that is kind of causing a lot of trouble for the oil exports because people buying the oil have nowhere really legitimate to send the money. They don't want to send it to whoever it is on the street corner and then it's how it's divided up between the factions within Libya.

Implications for Libyan Oil Exports

So if they can solve the central bank crisis, then hopefully everything else falls in line. So one to keep an eye on, unfortunately. Now moving to the Middle East, I guess. I don't think. No, Libya is not Middle East. Israel today reporting that security establishment is considering declaring the West Bank a zone of military security operations. Now this comes as kind of. It looks like we're going to see reheightening of military actions in the West bank after the hostages, six hostages were killed just before they were rescued.

Escalating Tensions in Israel and Gaza

And Hamas have come out and basically asserted that the guards of hostages are now under orders that should they look like they're going to be captured, so are going to be retaken and the hostage released to kill the hostages, which obviously no one wants that.

Geopolitical Tensions and Ceasefire Talks

So it all looks like it could be kicking off again. And on that, the US administration says they're not particularly optimistic anymore of any chance of success on new talks in terms of ceasefire. So again, unfortunately, it's been like half a step forward, a thousand steps backwards on that case. Something to pick up on that's kind of going on a little bit under the radar, perhaps, is obviously, we heard last week before Canada imposing tariffs on chinese made cars, including Teslas and grain, so. And metals still on aluminium. In return for that, China are now getting a bit vocal on tariffs and restrictions and all that kind of stuff with grains like canola and stuff like that. So again, more trade tit for tats going on.

Recent Attacks in the Red Sea

We also had, going back to the Middle east, we had two oils hankers, one saudi flagged and one Panama flagged were apparently attacked yesterday in the Red Sea. Everyone at the time was kind of suggesting was a bit weird that they've attacked a saudi one, because, you know, it seems to be the saudi ones, for whatever reason, are getting through this kind of scot free. And the Saudis have come out straight away and said, actually they weren't. Whoever sent these word, the Yemenis who sent the missiles weren't actually aiming for our boat. It was just were close to the one they were aiming for and no damage was done. So back as it was, the saudi ship seemed to be getting through.

Tesla's Six Seat Model Y Production Plans

Okay, so that's one we had this morning, which is from Piq. We had the exclusive news from Reuters that Tesla plans a six seat Model Y production slated for 2025 in China. Why are they doing that? Well, because they. Everyone starts picking them up on the fact that they're not releasing any new cars recently. You missed my really bad pun there. Oh, I did, yeah, I did. Thanks. you wanker. But just. Just my impression on this Tesla stuff is very much like iPhones at this point. They're not doing anything different. They're just like kind of just changing a few seat arrangements and then calling a new model.

Volkswagen and Impending Factory Closures in Germany

So anyway, that's next Monday, isn't it? Well, yeah, exactly. That was my little segue, you see. And finally, good friend of Piqs, Adam Hart. Sorry, Andrew Hart. Such a good friend. You can't exactly. He's listening as well. Oh, he is listening. Guys, give him a follow. Good old Dave. He does a very good little morning notes and he started sending me, which is really good. So a couple of bits from there. Goldman Sachs have slashed the forecasts for copper by almost five thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars. So they've taken a third off of that bad boy. And they've also downgraded the 2025 price prediction for aluminum.

Potential Civil Unrest in Germany

Obviously, we had the news yesterday that Volkswagen is considering unprecedented factory closes in Germany, setting up a showdown with powerful unions. This is quite interesting, I think, because it comes at the same time that the AfD are basically being outmanoeuvred, even though they secured the most votes in the election on Sunday. So with this and the fact that one of the biggest employers in Germany are looking like they're going to offload a load of stuff and close some plants, my money, I really do not like hyping up stuff and I'm always kind of play for the boring outcome. But I'm kind of very much certain that we're going to see some quite significant civil unrest in Germany in the upcoming future.

Retail Investment Trends in Nvidia

Also, finally, retail investors in Nvidia have gone gangbusters and they hit $5.9 billion worth of purchases over the last month, the most on record. And the purchases have more than doubled in just five weeks. And that's according to Vander. And that's your lot from me new sweet Stephen, Dave, Andrew, Tom. Oh, mate. Like I said, I didn't get steam until 04:00 this morning trying to make Richard Bernard Richer than he already is. But, you know. Yeah. You went to bed as I woke up and for once it wasn't because you were out and about, it was you were slaving away.

Humorous Closing Remarks

So I'm just glad everyone. Well, I just. We weren't. We're not sharing a bed. It wasn't. No, no, we are. Definitely not yet. But there would be.

Moving On

There would be plenty of room for me, I imagine. Let's not go down that path. Let's move on today. What's going on today? A few things worth bearing in mind. We've already had some inflation figures out of Switzerland this morning. CPI unchanged on a month on month basis. On annual basis, CPI rising by one spot, 1%. That's quite a chunky move lower from the one spot 3% that we saw in the previous release. For July, the market was already fully pricing a 25 basis point SMB cut at the end of September and another one for December. And data like this just really kind of helps to validate the current market pricing. The Swissy pretty much unchanged over the print.

Data Releases Ahead

In terms of the day ahead, there's really only one data release worth watching, and that is the ISM manufacturing PMI figure out of the United States. This due at 03:00 this afternoon, the index expects to rise to 47 spot five for a prior 46 spot eight. That would be the first month on month rise in the ISM manufacturing survey since back in March. So perhaps a tentative sign that the slowdown in the manufacturing sector is starting to bottom out a little bit. Of course. Also keep an eye on the employment sub index, given that it has a read across to the payrolls print that we get on Friday lunchtime. The prior employment print was 43 spot four, which obviously implies a pretty chunky pace of, well, pretty chunky decline in employment in the manufacturing sector. So you'll see how that pans out a little bit later on.

Earnings Season and Central Bank Speaking

In terms of other things to keep an eye on, there are no real notable earnings releases today. Earnings season, as I said yesterday, has pretty much wrapped up at this point. And we have a couple of central bank speakers, the ECB's Nagel and the BOE's Breeden, due to speak throughout the day ahead. And that is pretty much it. Really. Oh God. Really? Even though I spoke the most that I've spoken to in ages was still like, well under time. Okay, well, this is probably good for everyone else. This is good for everyone else. The virtue of a US holiday.

Personal Engagement

I will quickly flash as Straubs is listening and see, I'm gonna flash, not flash quite like that. Oh mate, that was you. I'm gonna be in Portman Square for a drink at about 02:00 if Straws wants to join me and buy me a beer. I'm just floating that out there. Right? Anyway, that's everyone running away from Portman Square. Like, I'm actually going to an event in home house in the evening. So I'll have you know I'm getting all mature in my late older age. But anyway, look, we digress. We're waffling because I'm a bit shocked that we finished. And I'm also running on coffee, guys, I think that's it.

Closing Remarks and Promotions

Thank you, as always for listening in. Don't forget to check out Piq suite. We've got loads of stuff coming in the near future. The prices are going up very soon. But if you do use the code blast in uppercase, you get a year's free and you get locked in at your price. Whatever. I think it's. Well, not. I think it is $10. It is ten pounds a month at the moment. It's going up to 30 and we've got a load of new stuff coming. In fact, the new squawk audio squawk is being added very soon as a premium app, so get involved. I think that's it, mate. Anything else?


Nice one. Speak later. Bye. See you later.

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