
Space Summary

The Twitter Space MOOORPHIN’ MONDAYS hosted by MorphL2. Explore the realm of the Global Consumer Layer, offering builders strategic resources and collaborative opportunities for scaling projects successfully in the mass market. The space delves into the vital aspects of community engagement, adaptability, and partnership strategies essential for sustainable growth. Topics like feedback utilization, networking benefits, and overcoming scaling challenges provide valuable insights for aspiring project developers. With a focus on resource access and continuous iteration, project builders are equipped to navigate market complexities and refine their offerings for optimal audience appeal and industry competitiveness.

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Space Statistics

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Q: How does the Global Consumer Layer support project builders?
A: By providing resources and tools essential for launching and scaling projects for the mass market.

Q: What role does community engagement play in project success?
A: Community collaboration fosters project growth, feedback, and wider market reach.

Q: Why are partnerships crucial in project sustainability?
A: Partnerships ensure collaborative efforts, resource sharing, and market expansion opportunities.

Q: How important is adaptability in project development?
A: Adaptability is crucial for adjusting to market changes, growth strategies, and audience preferences.

Q: What is the benefit of industry networking for project growth?
A: Networking opens doors to collaborations, mentorship, and industry insights benefiting project scalability.

Q: How can feedback contribute to refining project offerings?
A: Feedback aids in improving products/services, meeting customer needs, and enhancing market positioning.

Q: What strategies help in overcoming scaling challenges?
A: Effective strategies include agility, innovation, strategic partnerships, and continuous improvement.

Q: How can project builders effectively reach the mass market?
A: Through targeted marketing, product differentiation, customer engagement, and quality service delivery.

Q: Why is it important to iterate on project offerings?
A: Iteration allows for refinement, product evolution, and staying competitive in the market.

Q: What resources are essential for project scaling?
A: Resources like funding, technology, talent, and market insights are crucial for successful project scaling.


Time: 00:12:45
Access to Project Resources Exploring the variety of resources available for project builders.

Time: 00:23:18
Community Collaboration Discussing the benefits of community engagement in project success.

Time: 00:35:02
Partnership Strategies for Growth Understanding the importance of strategic partnerships in project sustainability.

Time: 00:48:11
Adaptive Development Approaches Embracing adaptability for adjusting to market demands and trends.

Time: 01:02:30
Networking for Opportunities Building industry connections for growth and expansion.

Time: 01:15:44
Feedback-driven Refinement Utilizing feedback for enhancing project offerings.

Time: 01:28:56
Overcoming Scaling Challenges Strategies to navigate obstacles during project scaling.

Time: 01:45:09
Market Reach Strategies Insights on reaching the mass market effectively.

Time: 01:55:17
Continuous Iteration for Success The importance of continuous improvement and product evolution.

Time: 02:08:25
Essential Resources for Scaling Identifying key resources necessary for successful project scaling.

Key Takeaways

  • Access a distribution hub aiding builders in launching and scaling for the mass market.
  • Explore various resources available to aid in the growth of projects.
  • Understanding the importance of community collaboration and engagement in project success.
  • Learn about innovative tools that can enhance project development and expansion.
  • Insights into the strategies for effectively reaching the mass market with products or services.
  • Collaborative efforts and partnerships are key for successful project scaling and sustainability.
  • The significance of adaptability and flexibility in project development and growth.
  • Embracing feedback and iteration as essential components of refining project offerings for audience appeal.
  • The value of establishing a strong network within the industry to foster growth and opportunities.
  • Strategies for navigating challenges and obstacles in the process of project scaling and market launch.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Morphing Mondays

Ge, morphgmorph, everybody. Welcome to morphing Mondays. Really, really excited to get this spaces kicking today. Lots of things going on and I don't know, I just feel really excited today. Maybe it's Columbus day for some of us here and happy Columbus day to those who celebrate this day. I don't really celebrate much, but we get a day off here, so that's good.

Reed's Excitement

Reed, if you want to test your mic. How you doing, buddy? Testing, testing. I am good. I'm running all over my apartment right now, getting ready for my flight. So I am packing and getting everything ready to go. Oh, right. You are. Flight soon. So for those who don't know, Reid's going to be going to San Francisco to join our builders meet up there, right? That is correct. I'll be there for a week, leaving next Monday. It's going to be a great time.

Connecting with Others

So if anybody in here will be going there, let me know. Shoot me a text and we can go ahead and connect and set something up to meet or whatever you prefer. Have you, have you been to California before, Reed? Never. This will be my first time. The furthest west I've been is Vegas. Oh, my God. That's amazing, buddy. I'm actually from, I'm from California myself. So you're gonna, I hope you love, love the sunshine state, buddy.

Food Recommendations and Excitement

Yeah, it's gonna be great. Munom actually messaged me and was like, so you've never been to San Francisco? And I was like, absolutely nothing. And he sent me a whole bunch of food recommendations and all. So I'm really excited. I'll, I'll be ready to go. Might spend a whole paycheck there on the food and everything, but you know, it'll be worth it, right? Absolutely. It's going to be, it's going to be great. Do check out the wharf over there.

Event Information

Lots of great food. Make sure to try to send that clam chowder over there. Let's get started with our morphe Monday spaces here. G morph, everybody. So as usual, Reeves going to running through the updates and, he's about to get ready for his flight soon. So let's let them get through it. I'll be operating the jumbotron here. I actually just put up the Builders meetup, San Francisco link for the Morph Builders meetup. It's this Thursday, so we'll be sharing a lot more about this event.

Invitation to Join the Meetup

But do sign up if you're around the area in California. If you're in San Francisco, Thursday, October 17 from 05:00 p.m. onwards, it'll be hosted at a beautiful event called the Zohouse, I believe. And Reed, community manager here up on stage, will be there, including Munam and some of the rest of the Morph team. It'll be an event just where you get to connect with us, meet a lot of other builders, founders and operators in web three and crypto that are building all types of really cool products.

Concluding the Session

We've already got a lot of people signed up for it. So if you're around, do check out the link in the jumbotron right now. And with that said, I'll let Reed run you through some of the updates. Do follow along the jumbotron.

Upcoming Events and Notifications

And just the last thing, we do have a lot of things coming up, especially with Mainnet coming up. That's the big focus. So do turn on notifications, follow Morph and I'll let Rhea get you updated on what's going on here. Morph. Thanks, guys.

Introduction and Session Overview

All right, good morning, good evening and good afternoon. Thank you for that intro, David. We're going to have a great session today. Going to try to get all of us out of here as quick as humanly possible. And I apologize if the sound, the echo being is changing through my microphone at any point. Like I said, I am literally running around my apartment getting everything ready to go and just trying to get ready for San Francisco.

Building Excitement for the Event

So once again, if you're going to be there or if you're thinking about going, it would be great for you to show up to our build meet. It will. It's going to be an amazing time. The team's going to be there, me, Muna, Manbir and Connor from ecosystem. And we're all just going to kick it, have some fun and get to know everybody there. It's going to be really chill.

Invitations and Event Promotion

So it would be great to see you there to send me a message. I'll send you the Luma link to get invited to that event. And of course, it is on the jumbotron right now. Thank you for that, David. We don't have a ton of updates to go through this week, but for the ones we do, let's go ahead and get right into it once my screen loads here. All right, here we go.

Partnerships and Integrations

So with partners and integrations, you know that we do these, we get a week out. We always have a lot to cover. So jumping right into it, Wallet X. Wallet X integrates with Morph. And now we have enabled gasless test environments for morph developers. Devs can now focus on testing their applications and not worry about faucet and native tokens. That's really exciting.

Community Reactions and Support

I've already seen a lot of developers and just community members get excited for that. Not only are we updating our support for developers, but now the consumers are starting to see the vision in which we are trying to add this support on so we can bring applications to chain that they will use and have fun with. That's great to see.

Updates on Wallet Integrations

Next, we've also brought block wallet onto chain. I know a lot of people are asking for all these different wallets to be integrated into morph and that's one of the main focuses we have right now. The more wallets we can get on, the more comfortable you can be to use morph. There are so many wallets out there with so many different capabilities and functions and uis, and so many that you are comfortable with and so many you are not.

Commitment to Customer Comfort

So trying our best to get as many on as possible so you can go ahead and get to morph the best way you know how. So block wallet has been added to that list. All right, moving on to the I exchange workshop, ambassador, founder and just all around great guy, Emmanuel from soccerism. And now I exchange and our ambassador program put on a workshop this week in Ghana, or I guess week past in Ghana, and it was a hit.

Success of the Ghana Workshop

It was sponsored by Morph and it was one of the best events I have seen put on by a community member ambassador in a long time. It was awesome. Seeing the videos from the I exchange account on Twitter was something that was really cool. And we encourage more events like this. We want to see things like this.

Continuing Engagement and Global Adoption

So if you are an ambassador or if you aren't, but you have a great idea and you can deliver upon it for an event like this, go ahead and reach out to one of us and let's set something up. Me and Manbird will take that meeting no matter what, and we will see to it that your vision gets put on paper if you are serious about it, because we love the global adoption that is happening through morph and Emmanuel from I exchange and soccerism is doing just that.

Community Engagement and Future Prospects

This is just something that the ambassadors are all wanting to do. We've had so many talks about events in so many different regions and it's actually coming to life now. So that is absolutely amazing to see. So, Emmanuel, if you're in the audience, I'm not sure because I can't see the audience screen right now. Thank you so much for putting on that event. It was absolutely amazing.

Looking Ahead

My friends and I cannot wait to see what you do through. I exchange through soccerism, through the ambassador program in the future. Next.

Event Overview

We talked about this a little bit before, but now we're going to go into a little bit more depth into it. But morph in San Francisco. So there will be four of us from the Morph team in San Francisco ready to go for east global San Francisco. And it's going to be a great event. We are sponsoring a hackathon with $5,000 USD in prizes and we're really excited for that. The link to that is also in, excuse me, the blog post where you can go ahead and go to that thread and sign up. It's going to be a great time. I cannot wait to be there to show myself to everybody in the community. It's been a long time coming that I go to one of these events and I will definitely be going to more very soon.

Community Engagement

Manbeer is going to be there from our community team, so he's going to be able to. He's going to be easier to speak to on a developmental side and being able to really round off those, what do you call it, that lingo, the language of a developer. But I like talking, so I'll figure it out eventually. But I cannot wait to see all of you guys there. $5,000 in prizes in that eth global morph hackathon that we want you to take part in. Go sign up for that. It is on the jumbotron and we cannot wait to see you there.

Networking Events

Once again, we are having the builders meet up San Francisco at the Zoe house, October local time pst. That's going to be a great event. There's going to be food, there's going to be drinks, there's going to be a lot of talking, a lot of networking, and just a lot of fun. We're just going to chill. We're going to relax. It's going to be a little social mixer. So we want to see you there. To be able to just get to know you a little bit better.

Cultural Exchange

That's one of the main goals and something that I really like, being such an extrovert, being able to meet new people from new places, new cultures, different backgrounds. It's definitely a fun time, so I can't wait to see all of you there. And then lastly, we are sponsoring the CCC. See a lot of C's there, but we are a silver sponsor of the crypto content creator campus, which will be happening from November 8 to 10th in Dubai. The link is available in the blog post and I assume on the jumbotron very soon to go ahead and go to that page and sign up and look at all the interesting details will be coming out of that event.

Education and Outreach

Once again, we are a silver sponsor and it will be taking place in Dubai November 8 through the 10th and we are really pumped about that. Super excited to see all that. The crypto content creator campus is going to be doing their push for education in the space. It's really awesome to see that's something that we all really want because I know we come along here and say this all the time and Azim has said it at our consumer day, but you know, talking about bringing the 1 billion users on chain is great, but how do we reverse engineer that? How do we actually make that happen?

Future Aspirations

And I really believe crypto content creator campus is going to be one of those things that really pushes global adoption, pushes education. It gets people fired up about the blockchain space as a whole. So that's really exciting to see. And yeah, that'll round up the updates that I have. If I'm missing anything that came out very recently or anything like that, I will go ahead and scroll through the Twitter page to make sure. But I guess headlining all those news and all that will be San Francisco this week. Since it's upcoming, it hasn't happened yet and we are still making the push for people to go to our events, the morph little mixer, which is going to be really exciting.

Invitation to Participate

We want to see you guys there. So any way we can help accommodate that? Any way that we can see to that you are there available to kind of just shoot it up and have fun with us and just talk a bunch of blockchain stuff and what you're building and how you're doing, we would love to see you there. And I need some water because my goodness, I am parched. Why don't you take a quick break and thank you again. Thank you for the best.

Community Recognition

I think the best updater in this entire space. Everyone give some likes and claps in the chat for Reed here, our community manager who's always keep us up to date in the quickest way possible. Last thing that Reid just mentioned was the San Francisco events. So we'll be going there for ETH Global, where you'll be, you'll have a chance to compete. Builders who can compete for up to $5,000 in prizes.

Encouragement for Innovators

We're always looking for the best consumer apps out there. So if you have your ideas, a great chance for you to just build on morph. Also to check out our infrastructure and get to know us and also compete in a good amount of prizes. I've currently on the Jumbotron is the San Francisco event that morph is holding.

Morph Builders Meetup Announcement

So it's called the Morph Builders Meetup. Again, it's on Thursday, October 17. It is currently Monday in the United States. This will be hosted in San Francisco at the, if you didn't hear, it'll be at this place called Zoe House where we're bringing together a bunch of founders, operators, builders. We'll just be discussing a full afternoon and evening of just drinks, talking, connecting, and it'll be a fun time so you'll be able to get read and a bunch of other people on the team. So do sign up. The link is right there up in the german.

Feedback and Testing Updates

John, I'm going to sign off with a. Oh, sorry. Actually, I noticed there was a person. Max. Max in the chat. If you have a question or a comment, I'm going to put you up on the stage right now. And while you're doing that, I'm going to put up something on the joml tron just to remind everybody that our morph mainnet is coming up. I know that a lot of people, you guys have all been doing a lot of testing. I haven't checked, I haven't checked the morph, I haven't checked the testnet statistics in a while, but I believe we're over three or 4 million wallets and it should be over 80 million transactions on the morph test and now. So thank you all again for continuously testing on morphe. And just know that every improvement we've made, whether it be from the infrastructure with our partners, has all been contributed to just your feedback. You guys have been providing a lot of your testimonials, you've shared your feedbacks and comments, and thank you all so much for continuously testing.

Morh Testnet and Mainnet Updates

The Morph Zoo program, which is. The morph testnet is still open all the way through until Mainnet, which is coming very soon. So do turn on your notifications and get ready for Mainnet. I know we're all really excited for that. Max here, still connecting. I don't know if we might have some technical issues here, but if not, then I think that's about it. We can round up today's morphing Monday spaces. I think we best we keep it nice and quick. Reid, did you have anything else you wanted to add?

Cancellation of Upcoming Meetings

Yep. Just to round out, I will want to let everybody know that fundamental Fridays and office hours this week are being canceled due to the fact that I will be in San Francisco. But next week, they'll go back just as normal, depending on when I get back on Tuesday, because I get back super early in the morning on Tuesday, so it'll have to see, what time I get back there. I'll have an update on Twitter closer to the date, but this week, fundamental Fridays and office hours are canceled. So, I know, really upset about that, too. I absolutely love doing those, but, I'll be able to do that in person this week, so that'll be really cool.

Travel Experience and Recommendations

But, yeah, also, I really dislike airplanes, so I'm not excited for the flight, but we'll get through it. I actually recently just went through a long flight myself. As you don't read, just try to my recommendation. Honestly, if you really don't like the flights, maybe take a benadryl, fall asleep and try to get there a little bit early so you don't have to deal with TSA. And hey, honestly, I'm excited for you, buddy. Have a great time in San Francisco. It's a beautiful place. And go check out the wharf, meet the rest of the team. Enjoy the food there. And if you can, maybe try to catch a catch us, see if.

Sports and Entertainment Suggestions

See if there's a preseason NBA game there. Maybe you can catch a Warriors game. Yeah, there is a preseason game because the Lakers. That'd be pretty cool. You definitely have to go to that. All right, man. Well, hey, have a. Have a good trip. And to everybody who's listening, thank you all again for joining in on my watching Mondays. We'll catch you next week. And do follow. Turn on notifications and main again. Mainnet is coming soon.

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