Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Moonedge welcomes back Quantlytica hosted by moon3dge. Explore the realm of web3 infrastructure with Moonedge's welcoming back of Quantlytica. Discover the foundational support provided to early-stage projects, the significance of community building, and the long-term goals set by Moonedge. Learn about the strategies employed for incubating and funding projects and the collaborative opportunities within the web3 ecosystem.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: What is Moonedge's primary focus in the crypto space?
A: Moonedge primarily supports early-stage web3 projects through incubation, funding, and growth initiatives.

Q: Why is Quantlytica's return considered a notable event?
A: Quantlytica's return signals a significant development in the crypto sphere, highlighting industry interest and potential impact.

Q: How does Moonedge contribute to the growth of Web3 infrastructure?
A: Moonedge plays a vital role in nurturing projects, providing funding, and supporting the ecosystem's development.

Q: What role does community play in the success of web3 startups?
A: Building a strong community is crucial for the success and sustainability of early-stage web3 projects.

Q: In what ways can new projects collaborate with Moonedge?
A: New projects can explore collaboration opportunities with Moonedge for support, funding, and growth within the web3 industry.

Q: What are the long-term goals of Moonedge for web3 projects?
A: Moonedge aims to contribute to the sustainable growth and innovation of web3 projects by providing essential support and resources.


Time: 00:15:40
Welcome Back: Quantlytica's Return Discussion on the significance of Quantlytica's return to Moonedge and the implications for the crypto space.

Time: 00:25:17
Incubating Web3 Projects Insights into Moonedge's strategies for effectively incubating and nurturing early-stage web3 projects.

Time: 00:35:29
Funding Initiatives for Web3 Infrastructure Exploring the role of funding in supporting the growth and development of Web3 infrastructure.

Time: 00:45:13
Collaboration Opportunities in Web3 Highlighting the collaborative opportunities available for new projects within the web3 ecosystem.

Time: 00:55:20
Community Building in Web3 The importance of community building and engagement for the success of web3 startups.

Time: 01:05:45
Future Prospects for Web3 Innovation Discussing the future possibilities and innovations expected in the web3 industry.

Time: 01:15:10
Sustainability Through Support Insights on how early-stage support contributes to the sustainability and growth of web3 startups.

Key Takeaways

  • Moonedge focuses on supporting early-stage web3 projects.
  • Quantlytica's return indicates a significant event in the crypto space.
  • The importance of incubating and funding for the growth of Web3 infrastructure.
  • Insights on the strategies employed by Moonedge for project nurturing.
  • Understanding the role of Quantlytica in the crypto ecosystem.
  • Opportunities for collaboration and growth within the web3 industry.
  • The value of community building in fostering successful web3 projects.
  • Exploring the impact of Quantlytica's involvement in the development of infrastructure.
  • Insights on Moonedge's vision for the future of web3 projects.
  • The significance of early-stage support for the sustainability of web3 startups.

Behind the Mic


Welcome everyone for another moon edge spaces. My name is Kent. Today I'm joined by, or welcoming back, I should say, wes from Quanta Lytica. Wes, how you doing, buddy? Hey. Hey, how's it going? Great, man, great. Great to have you with us. Wes. We're bringing you back on because we're doing a, you know, just a project update just to give the listeners that were introduced to the project in the last AMA, just a refresher on everything that's happening and has happened in the quantitative ecosystem, as well as introducing the project again to the new listeners who are joining us for the first time.

Wes's Introduction

So with that, I was wondering if you could go ahead, take the floor, introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself, your experience, and maybe touch on some of the key features of the Quant analytica platform. Yeah, it sounds good. Sounds like a good plan. So, yeah. Hello everyone. I'm Wesley CPO and co founder of Quantica. Actually, we are building an AI powered multi chain liquidity distribution protocol. So let me just ask everyone one question, is that imagine discovering a decent Yelp opportunity within 1 minute. It is super hard for Degens, for web three users, or even for web three users.

Quantica's Purpose

So we want to become like your liquidity gateway that streamlines finding and building the best yield strategies across the market. And this yield strategy is not only about farming yields, it is also about how you're going to deploy your liquidity, how you can better find a djing project, or how you can better find a high yield project across the market. So we are leveraging machine learning and statistic model. We conduct horizontal comparison of return, liquidity, risk and safety across all DeFi projects. Having said that, we've done all the research and I do all the workload for you, and then we will provide multiple automated strategies that is tailored to various user needs.

Targeted Strategies

Pavement said that for users that is care about yield, you can find out there's a high yield strategy that is currently on qualitative for users that you don't want to care. You don't care about yield, but you care about how much points you can earn from multiple platforms. You will also find out those strategies that is currently happening on qualitative. And this is our first stage. In our second stage is that our fun SDK toolkit is going to further lower the barrier to ssweb three. Having said that, even though you don't know anything about coding, you don't know anything about smart contract, you can also become like a builder to make your own DeFi strategy, to build your own DeFi strategy.

User Accessibility

And then you can test it fast, easy and accessible. So what does that mean? It means that you can also perform backtesting on the strategy that you're going to deploy. So we are not only visualize your liquidity, we are also visualize how you are going to perform in this Defi world and also in today's crypto space. And in our third phases is that everyone can monetize their defi strategy directly on Kolytica's marketplace. So we are more like an open platform for every users to build on top of Analytica, to distribute liquidity across different platforms, across different ecosystem, and stand at the standpoint of protocols.

Current Developments

We're helping them to attract liquidity from users. So that is overall what we are doing right now, using AI, using our defi integration to help user better distribute their liquidity across the market. So this is our current roadmap and what we are doing right now. And yesterday we just announced our fundraising. Polygon Labs, Euroca partners, web three port foundation, DWM Ventures and tier one, and tier two VC's ventures that is joining in our fundraising. I noticed, I noticed you guys had an impressive list there, man. Really, really impressive. You guys.

Fundraising Details

Do you mind stating who they are? I know you named some of them, but there are some other ones as well. Yeah, of course. Namely bring all the names for you guys. Yeah. So Eureka partners, Genesis Capital, Connecticut Capital block versus capital as a ventures, DBS Capital, actually, you can name it. A lot of DJ's, a lot of good ventures, a lot of good friends are participating in our rounds. So they're helping us to really break into the barrier of web three, how us to build our products, help us to really onboard more users from web two into today's defi role.

Background and Experience

Yeah, so having said that is what we are building up right now. And I think a little bit of stories about our background is that me and Han, CPO and our CEO, actually, we're coming from traditional finance. So that is why we really believe that what we are building up right now is not targeting about djing users, that is also a product that is targeting for those kind of like users. That is, I'm not going to say low level, but they don't know anything about smart contract. The reason is that we know a lot of things about finance, but when we first step into web three, all the deploy, all the capitals, all the kind of like buildings, all the staking, restaking, deposit withdrawal, everything is just haunting us.

Challenges and Solutions

We think that it is too complicated. So we want to build a strategy or we want to build a product that is easy for everyone to really participate in today's DeFi role. So here comes Qualitica, your AI powered liquidity distribution protocol. And that is what we're building on right now. Really want to become like your liquidity getaway. Fantastic. Incredible. Now, you guys recently also hit an important milestone, if I'm not mistaken, $1 million in deposits. Do I have that right?

Milestone Achievements

Yeah, you're right. Yeah. So recently we have opened a few strategy votes that allow users to deploy their capital into the market and directly earn multiple points from several projects. Orderly network, elixir, singularity, and also coral finance. And later on we are onboarding more chains and also more projects that user can directly from yield. And recently we just reached a million deposit. That is one of a pool that would help users to grow their USDT, but at the same time earn points in immediately.

Future Expectations

So that is something that why we reach 1 million deposit and why we are working for our community and our users. And we are just out live for one week and we're expecting that more capitals will deploy through Politica and we're imagining that there's more deposit will be happening and we just go live our Ethereum pool today that is facing singularity. So just a little bit background about singularity, they are kind of like a compliance staking that is backed by a lot of big vc's and big ventures. But to comply, or let's say to really perform staking, you need to perform Kybkyc and then complete a love staking process.

User-Friendly Processes

But through Kolitika we simplify all the process. You can just deposit and started to earn everything and then you can just withdraw any time that you want. So a cool thing about quantitative staking, or cool things about how Conletica is earning money for our users is that when you deploy your capital through Quantitica, there's no logo period for users only kind of like a corner cases for some of the strategy that we believe a lockup period will work better, but in most cases is that you can deposit and withdraw any time that you like. So we just reached a million deposit, as I said.

Future Goals

And then we are also targeting for 10 million before our TGE. Wow. Incredible milestone, Wes. And that's quite the goal and I'm sure you're going to get there at this pace. You mentioned the TGE, any idea on a potential date or quarter or a ballpark timeframe? Yeah, so I think everyone have seen a lot of project like DK or a love like blast. I think they are haunting users and users are tired of farming their points for such a long time. So for Quant Litica, we don't want to last for such a long time.

TGE Timeline Confirmation

So RTG is set around September to October. Right now we are finalizing the date with our centralized exchange and also a few ideal platform that is currently in discussion. Okay, you can say that our point system is all is going to hunt our users only for 1.5 months and then in September and October then the TGE will comes in. Well that's a great relief for the users because. Yeah, and you're right because all I also have farmed for points and have had to wait longer than a year to redeem them and get those airdrops.

Wes's Marketing Insights

Wes, I have a question for you. You know the current marketing condition, I was wondering if you had seen a change in the way people use the platform, if yourself changed your strategy a bit. Has anything that's happened over the last few days I guess impacted you guys or created a noticeable impact on the platform usage?

Impact on User Behavior

I would say it indeed have a lot of impact, but I would say that also make us different from the market. What does that mean? Because I think currently we are seeing that a lot of users said, hey, I don't want to stake my USDC in their platform. Actually I want to stake Ethereum. Why? Because they are buying the dip on Ethereum, but there's no way they can utilize those Ethereum before the bull run really comes in. They will sell this token, let's say one or two months later, but there's no way that they can use that.

Introducing New Pools

So that is why we onboard and we release our latest poll about Ethereum that is facing singularity. So when you say you really buy the tip about Ethereum, feel free to come to qualitative, you can stick in Quantitica and earn more points on your ethereum. And then when you find out hey, the time is right, I want to sell it, you just withdraw and sell it until the market. So in Qualitica we are not stopping you to earn yields to earn alpha across the market.

Revenue Generation Strategies

Actually we are helping you to earn more than the alphas in the market. So having said that, I think the market condition really makes us a little bit different is that we are going to release more pools that is facing different coins. So let's say right now we are looking for some meme community that they have some meme coins they don't know how to use, that they can place into Politica and we will earn revenue and income for them. And later on we'll also release more strategy vote that is focusing on different asset class.

Diversifying Asset Strategy

Like maybe it is Ethereum, maybe it is Solana, maybe it is matic, maybe it's BTX bitcoin, maybe it is different coins. So that is currently what we are working on right now is that we are gradually on board more tokens, more asset into our strategy vote to help different community, to help different users to really generate revenue into this beer market. And let's say when the bull market really comes in, they can redeem and they can sell it. And at that moment we will onboard more different trading strategy that is focusing during the bull run.

Earning Revenue During Bull Markets

So in the bull run after you have sold your tokens into USDC, you can also stake into our USDC pool to earn some trading revenue. To earn some revenue to earn some income by sticking into quantico. So actually later on, what we are going to onboard or what we are going to update is that for each strategy we will put it as a tag to tell users what kind of market scenario is the most suitable to let strategy. So let's say today is a bull market.

User Flexibility and Capital Movement

You can invest in a few votes that we're currently open and let's say today it is a bear market will open different strategy that is allow user and is most suitable to our users. And all things that haven't changed is that all those capitals and all those funds will not be locked up. You can always withdraw anytime in Conletica and that is something that current market conditions really change us, but it also make us better. Excellent.

Importance of Versatility in Investment

Excellent. And it sounds like it's quite important to have a tool such as this to help people who are investing or trading stay versatile in a highly volatile market. So this sounds like really valuable stuff guys. I do have some questions from the listeners before I get to those though. I have two CTA's for everyone. The first, I encourage you all to join the Quantalitica Telegram.

Social Points Redemption

I've posted it in the comments of the spaces link so you can find it. You can find it there. It'll be a moon edge post with the link to the Quantalitica telegram. Do not join any other telegram links that you might find. Only from the moon edge handle will you find the official Quantalytica link. Any other link from any other user that is not authorized, it's likely a scam. So please do not join those links.

Listener Engagement and Q&A

Secondly, I would like to mention that the magic number for listeners to redeem social points for the airdrop. Wes, can I go ahead and do that now? Yes, please go ahead. All right, guys, so grab your pen and papers or keyboards. Get your keyboards ready. The number is 240910. Again, that's 240910. And that's for listeners to redeem their social points for the airdrop.

Listener Questions

All right, so got those two things done. I'd like to move on to some of our listener questions at the moment. Let's start with any comments? Give me 1 second, Wes, let me scan the comments here. We've got a few. Okay, so looks like we've got a comment from LeBron gains question is, can users customize their investment strategies on Quanta Lytica or is it more of a set and forget solution?

Customization Options in Quantitica

Yep, I think it is really like a djing question from the brown games. Yeah, so currently users don't need to customize this strategy on Quantitica. But in our second phase, that is why we are going to release our fun SDK is that user can customize at that moment. So how does the customization works is that you don't need to know anything about coding. We will integrate into different DeFi protocols into our platform and you can use our font SDK toolkit to drag and combine your own strategy.

Backtesting Framework

And that is the first step that how you can customize and create your own investment strategy. Coming up next is that we will have a backtesting framework. You might be curious how backtesting is performed. Actually it is utilizing AI because just kind of like a fun fact for users in banking system, if you want to perform backtesting without AI support, you need to run two days for your single portfolio. But with AI you can run just within ten minutes.

Visualizing Investment Strategies

So after those simulation and after all those backtesting the brown games, you can visualize how your strategy works in the past few months and you can expect how it is going to perform in a later few days or even few weeks. Having said that, after all these tools, you can better create and better visualize your strategy on chain and then you can deploy directly through kolytical smart contract.

Future Phases and User Control

So that is what is going to release in our second phase is that user can customize everything. But here comes a little more interesting thing, is that in our phase three is that people or let's say SR token holders, you can onboard low strategy directly on Quantitica's marketplace. So people are not only passively follow load strategy that is built by Quantitica, that is also built by LeBron gains or let's say any of the users or any of the builders that are holding our tokens.

Becoming a Fund Manager

So by holding our tokens, you become like a fund manager in Quantitica and you are like a fund manager that is raising capital from the market and earn those revenue share with Quantitica, with the community. So that is our third phase, how users can better utilize our token and also how you can at the same time monetize your buildings, monetize your strategy directly on Kwametica. So yeah, having said that, in the future, user can customize their own strategy and directly deploy into Quantitica.

Scanning and Integrating Strategies

And in our phase four, is that what we're going to do? Is that maybe you are not currently using Quantico, maybe currently you are building on top of all the platform you can deploy into quantitative AI scanner. We will scan all the risk parameters and all the liquidity risk that your strategy is currently facing, then you can integrate back to Politica and then you can deploy on chain. So having said that, we, our AI is just like a wealth manager, helping you to develop, helping you to scan and helping you to deploy.

Roadmap Overview

That is something that it will coming up in our phase two, phase three and even phase four. So that is something that in our roadmap and right now we onboard, the first thing is passively follow strategy. Next step, actively build your own strategy. And phase three, actively sell your strategy. That is something that in our roadmap right now. Wow, very exciting stuff, Wes.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Very exciting stuff. I love the roadmap. All right, one more question here. Coming from Crypto Castle, are there any strategic partnerships or collaborations that Quanta Litica has in place or is looking to establish? Obviously some partnerships you can't mention due to, I don't know because they're not official yet. But if there are some that you have, we don't want to put you on the spot west and jeopardize any partnerships. Thank you, Crypto Castle, for the question, but if there is anything you can tell us about, please go ahead.

Ongoing Collaborations

Norris. Given it is our AMA and with our community, I think we are happy to kind of announce more collaborations with users. So right now, orderly network that helping us, we will deploy our order book, deploy our trading strategy on orderly network. That is one of the collaboration that we're working on coral finance. So let's say today, users that if you are interested in taking political to earn points, lowest points.

Direct Cash Out Options

You don't need to wait until TGE, actually, you can directly just cash out on coral finance. That is one of the collaboration that we really look upon on because usually you don't need to wait for a TGE.

Introduction of Coral Finance and Singularities

You can cash out immediately on coral finance. And also we are working with singularity. Singularity is one of the compliance staking that they only support and they only receive onboard institutional users. So Quantitica as their kyb partners, that we are one of their institutional users and we are making it open for our uses that stake on Quantitica. So you don't need to perform KyB or KYC, you can all comply. You can all perform compliance taking through con Litica through a simple deposit and withdrawal and that everything happens. And another collaboration that we are going to announce, actually it will be coming up in next week or two weeks later, is Chainlink. So Kolitica is actually like a multi chain platform. So all of our revenue and all of our token will be on multichain. And all those cross chain, actually we are going to rely on some kind of reliable, or let's say kind of like believable users or partners. And chain link is our selection and also they will become our official partners on all those cross chain through their latest CCIP.

Cross-Chain Implementations and Future Collaborations

So when users want to cross chain our tokens or cross chain or revenue or cross chain your referral or anything that is happening on Analytica, it will be all going through Chainlink. And of course, later on, we'll be releasing some of the collaboration, no matter is from Defi protocols or with some Kols or even some community that haven't able to release right now. We were revealed officially in our Telegram group chat or in our Twitter handles. So yeah, more collaboration is coming in. It is not only about community, it is not only about DeFi protocols. Actually, I would say all the DeFi platform or all the web three is talking about liquidity. So liquidity is something that we are good at, something we want to solve for the user, so for the community. And that is something that why it makes us able to collaborate with a lot of projects at this current moment.

Market Dynamics and Risks in AI vs. Copy Trading

Okay, excellent. Next question is from Trader live. Not sure AI trading projects have been more profitable than just copy trading. The best traders, am I wrong? I would say it really depends. Let's say today one of the copy trading give you kind of like a good alpha, but does it mean that they can protect you for the downside risk? Because what we're standing at the standing point is that people right now in today's market, they don't care about is like a two x or three x. They just care about you don't go to zero. So for this weak market, actually for bitcoin and ethereum, I think it drops people a lot of the precision for let's say 50% or even 20% down to the road. So that is something that for copy pasting, copy trading that they cannot help you is that they cannot protect your downside risk.

AI Trading Advantages and Liquidity Considerations

And for AI, they're helping you to kind of like protect your downside risk. So that is one of the advantage of AI trading project that is different from others. But I would say what Kolytica is different from other trading bots or strategy vote is that we does not only care about your revenue. What does that mean? Let's say today you want to have the highest liquidity across the market. Today you want to cash out your portfolio routinely, one to one of the address that you want to pay your mortgage or want to pay your bill. Well, let's say today you have some kind of like a cross chain needs that you want to cross from ethereum to base to arbitrage anywhere else. It is not about yield, it is not about revenue, but it is about your liquidity and that is your daily user needs.

Focus on Liquidity Distribution Protocol

So that is something that in our liquidity distribution protocol that we care about is not only about your yield, but everything that how you're going to deal with your liquidity. So for corporate trading, they only care about how much yield that you're going to earning, but they don't care about how much loss you might be facing. And that is something we face right now and we are focusing on right now. And the second part is we care not only about your two x or three x, we also care about how those yield can be combined with your daily need, with your liquidity requirement, or let's say your portfolio currently on ETF bond or stocks. So that is currently what Politica is doing. And while we are working with Mirix is one of the biggest risk management and portfolio company in Europe.

AI Wealth Management and Portfolio Integration

We are going to work with them on how you can manage your liquidity portfolio and the whole picture with your whole portfolio, with let's say stock bond or everything. So in the end you can see qualitative is more like your portfolio or AI wealth manager dashboard that you can manage everything together. It is not only about trading, but it is more about your daily life. Okay, thank you so much for that one last question from Gemini and the question is as follows. Hold on 1 second, let me just queue it up. Oh, I think I've lost the question here, let me try again. 1 second, Wes. Pretty sure I saw another question here.

Identifying Unique Selling Propositions in the DeFi Space

Defi. Oh, here we go. This one, this one's a spicy question. DeFi is so crowded now and a lot of people doing the same things. What is Quant Analytica's unique selling proposition? So what will make, what will make Quantalytica stand out from, from the crowd? Yep. So I would say it back to our story is we are your liquidity getaway. So how does we say we are like a liquidity getaway? I think simple to use. It's something our selling point. So when user come into Quantica, you can see that our integration with singularity, with orderly network or any of the trading vault or DeFi protocols will simplify your defi journey in just a few clicks. So you don't need to worry about how I need to learn about staking, restaking, how I need to learn about deposit withdrawal routine, all those complex operations.

Simplifying DeFi Participation for Users

We make it easy for you, just like a deposit and withdrawal, because that is the easiest way that user can participate in today's DeFi. So first thing that why we come up with those selling point is because we are coming from traditional finance. And the first day me and my CEO come into this space, we are haunted by all those operations. Even though we have done a lot of things is traditional finance in banking, we still don't know how to perform those kind of integrations and metamask. So we want to make it easier for users to really participate in DeFi. So when people talks about how DeFi is so crowded, actually we understand that. But we know that we are different because we not only care about how DeFi can generate yield, we make it easier for users to participate.

Liquidity Management and the Integration of AI

So that is about the first thing. And the second thing is, as we said, a lot of DeFi protocols just talks about how I can generate yield for you, especially for a lot of asset management protocols. But for con Litica, yield is not just the only thing that we care about. We care about liquidity. We care about how you can better manage your capital across different protocols or across the market. And here comes to our the most and the least of the next, but not least important thing is our AI is going to help you across all the things that we are going to do in Quantica. So let's say crypto Gemini today you said that hey Quantitica, I want to find out one of the strategy that kind of like meet one of my current needs. We will help you to identify and generate the most stable strategy for you and then you can automate that directly on chain.

Building and Monetizing Strategies with Quantitica

And later on is that let's say you are not comfortable for what is delivered by Quantica. You can build on top of our fund SDK. So you don't need to worry that I don't know anything about coding but how I can become like a builders. Conlitika know that this market and this space actually requires a lot of developers to make this better. So we deliver this fun SDK for everyone to easily participate in today's DeFi building. And our third phase is that when your buildings have to happen, when you have delivered your buildings, how you can really monetize it. So you can imagine that our marketplace is just like places that everyone can become like a fund manager. So this is also our selling point.

Integration of Off-Chain Data for Enhanced Decision Making

And the other thing is that we are using AI to identify all the DeFi protocols that you currently can integrate. You currently can participate and those identification is not only coming from on chain data or let's say financial data, that is also about some off chain data and their followers on Twitter if they are active in their community and what is the latest fundraising. So for this part we are not only integrating with Arkham, we are also integrating with real data to find out those data that is not about financials, but that is crucial for the success of a platform and also for a protocol. So in combination, is that why we call us like a liquidity getaway?

Simplifying DeFi Participation and Future Functionality

Because those integration is not only stopped at aggregator part, we are not just like a DeFi aggregation, we are more like a liquidity getaway that will help you to do all tasks, to do all integration, and later on we simplify everything. That way you participate in today's defi. So after today's call, actually before our TGE, there is a few functionalities that we will go live and we would love to share with today's community is about kind of like some dashboard and kind of like some AI data visualization and also our backtesting framework will coming live in our q four. That is something that for our token holders and for our community they can enjoy at the first place without any of the subscription fee that is coming up in next year.

Token Utility and Community Engagement

That for all the utilization of our API in my request on subscription fee. But at that moment, if you're holding our tokens, that is also one of our token utility is that you can easily just manage those data and then you can easily just manage your defi journey into this crypto space. So I would say those selling point is make us a little bit different from hugely different from other platform that only focusing on yield or focusing on how you can visualize how you can really complete and success in today's defi world. So you can see us more like infrastructure, more like a protocol instead of just like a single platform.

Introduction and Code Reminder

Okay, excellent. Just scanning the comments, there's people asking for the code again. I guess maybe they didn't hear it the first time. Guys, really quick. It's the magic number for the social points. Airdrop 240910. Okay, guys, and also just a reminder, we've posted the link to the Quantalitica telegram from the moon edge account in the comments. If you see another telegram link in the comments. Because sometimes, you know, spammers and scammers tend to do sneaky things. Do not click that link, only click the link from the official account. All right, guys, we've got two more questions. Wes and they are starting from Eddie Eth. Sounds complicated. Will there be easy mode for beginners?

Complexity and User Experience

Yeah. Can you repeat your question please? Yeah. Eddie Eth is basically saying, this sounds very complex. He's asking if there's an easy mode or an easy way to get started for beginners. Of course. Of course. So that is one of our selling point is that we don't want to overcome over complex our users. So when user come into our platform, they can see that hey, it is super easy to use that. You can just find out it is just like app, there's a lot of strategies and you can directly see what is the strategy working for you. And you can just deposit, withdraw, let's say. So what we're talking about fund SDK is coming up in our next step. So for users that don't care about anything about building, they just want to passively follow.

Investment Opportunities and User Interaction

You can directly utilize our platform as your investment platform or as your AI wealth manager. So what we are talking about those data driven, all those data analysis or let's say those fund SDK that is coming up in our next phase. But when user, when this part go live, actually it is not like a coding base or a kind of like a script that everyone need to type. A lot of coding actually. You're just like building a Lego. You just pull everything into one of the toolbox and it will generate the code for you and you can visualize how it works and you can deploy on chain. So for users, actually for easy users, you don't really need to understand a lot of DeFi protocols. The only thing you need to know is that what you are looking for, as long as you know that what you're looking for low yield but low risk, or you're looking for high yield but high risk, or you're looking for points without any of the loss on your capitals.

Market Condition and Trading Strategy

You can do that easily on convertible. Okay, excellent. Another question. This one comes to us from give me 1 second here, let me open it up again from tech dev, Mike. Mike W. The tech is interesting, but what do you think of current of the current market? Is it too volatile for this to work or do you have data to show it works better than the average trader? Yeah. So I think one thing is that today why people love to stake their ethereum on quantitative because they just buy the dip on Ethereum. But today ethereum is generating that the APR is around 0.5% on AavE compound or any other lending platform. But in Quantitica you can utilize your ethereum to earn points from singularity, from Quantitica and from our partners which require the liquidity from Ethereum. So those APR is actually generating that say 40% to 50% out of low points and those points will be redeemable into our token in near future.

Profit Generation and Risk Management

So those kind of revenue is helping users that is holding Ethereum right now can earn passive income. So that is why our trading strategy actually differs in different market scenario. In today's bear market we focusing more on how you can protect your capitals, how you can protect your downside risk, but at the same time earn some income, earn some revenue from your capital. Let's say you put your capital inside, you put your ethereum inside and you find the points for you. But let's say today we quickly flashback, quickly go into or let's say our bull market, how in the bull market help you earn money is how you can earn alphas from the market. So at that moment we will release more trading strategies or let's say longshore strategy that allows you to really enjoy the bull market. So in oracle, in political, actually in different market scenario we will suggest and we will recommend users to participate in different trading strategy.

AI Data Utilization and Trading Recommendations

And those identification and those recommendation will be coming from data driven, from machine learning and also from our AI. So that is something that those copy traders is not able to help you is that copy traders, they are also be haunted by their emotional roller coaster. But for qualitative we want to remove that for the users, to allow users to easily invest into this market. So that is something that also our selling point and also how Kinetica is doing in today's market scenario or in today's market condition is that in today's market condition, we know users want to protect their capitals when they buy the dip. They want to utilize the liquidity and we are helping that. So that is why in today's market or in today, we are releasing our Ethereum trading pool with singularity.

Future Directions and Market Strategies

That is the main reason. And coming up next is that there will be more trading votes and trading strategy or different asset class that we will be supporting in the coming weeks. Okay, fascinating, man. Amazing. One last question, west. This one isn't a hard one, although you've answered all of the questions incredibly well and I thank you. What this one comes from Altcoin alchemy. Wes, what's your top blue chip and top altcoin for this cycle? So they can be one in the same or they can be two different coins. Do you have any altcoins that you're eyeing to be top performers? And this is not financial advice, guys. This is not financial advice. This is just an opinion. I'm really hard to say which, but to be honest, I cannot say that every time.

Investment Insights and Personal Opinions

So I would say Kolynthika token is the best. But to be honest, I would say as an investor or as a long term traders, I would say hold your big position on the top tokens. Let's say it is in no matter in stables. So holding stables makes you able to buy the dip anytime in this market. Let's say bitcoin, ethereum, those kind of like blue chips, I would say kibbeg and those blue chips as much as possible in today's market because you never know that when is the dip and when is the. When is the top, right? So in Quantitica, actually what we are coming up next for the trading strategy is that we help you to better manage the dip and the top. So here's a smart contract, a smart DCA and some of the trading strategy that allows you to invest in longer terms, but also will help you to identify the market scenario when you to buy, when you to sell.

Advice on Altcoins and Conclusion

And there is some new functionalities that will coming up next. But when you talk about altcoins, I would say maybe you can take a put, you can put your eye on holy coin and then what are the tokens that we are supporting coming up next in our pool? And it will give you some evidence about what we are bullish on. But there is not a financial advice. That's just my personal opinion. Fair enough. Fair enough. All right, Wes, that's going to conclude our discussion for today. Once again, I want to thank you for another outstanding spaces. You knocked it out of the park. Thank you so much, Wes, for joining us again. Yeah, thanks. And thanks everyone.

Final Remarks and Follow-up Instructions

All right, guys, follow Chronolytica on Twitter. Join their telegram official link posted in the comments from the moon edge account and we'll see you all next time. Take care, everyone. Bye, Wes. Take care.

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