Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Moonedge welcomes back Exverse! hosted by moon3dge. Moonedge's dedication to nurturing early-stage Web3 projects like Exverse showcases a commitment to fostering innovation and growth in the digital infrastructure space. Through investment, incubation, and community support, Moonedge plays a pivotal role in developing innovative ventures within the Web3 ecosystem. The collaborative and supportive environment created by Moonedge highlights the importance of early-stage backing for the success of projects in the digital infrastructure realm. By reintroducing Exverse to their ecosystem, Moonedge exemplifies their strategic approach to partnerships and the value of community involvement in driving the evolution of Web3 infrastructure.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: What is Moonedge's focus in the Web3 space?
A: Moonedge concentrates on incubating, funding, and growing early-stage Web3 infrastructure projects like Exverse.

Q: How does Moonedge support projects like Exverse?
A: Moonedge provides investment, incubation resources, and community backing to nurture projects like Exverse.

Q: Why is community support essential for Web3 projects?
A: Community backing enhances visibility, credibility, and sustainability for Web3 ventures like Exverse.

Q: What partnership strategies does Moonedge employ?
A: Moonedge collaborates strategically to drive innovation and development in the Web3 ecosystem.

Q: Why is early-stage support crucial for projects like Exverse?
A: Early-stage backing is pivotal for fostering innovation and the success of projects like Exverse in the Web3 landscape.


Time: 00:15:42
Moonedge's Commitment to Web3 Innovation Exploring Moonedge's dedication to fostering innovation in early-stage Web3 projects.

Time: 00:28:19
Reintroducing Exverse to Moonedge Ecosystem The return of Exverse and its future development within the Moonedge community.

Time: 00:35:55
Web3 Partnership Strategies Insights into Moonedge's partnership approaches to drive growth and development in Web3 infrastructure.

Time: 00:42:40
Importance of Community in Web3 Projects Discussing the significance of community support in enhancing the success of Web3 ventures like Exverse.

Key Takeaways

  • Moonedge is dedicated to nurturing Web3 projects from inception to success.
  • Exverse is reintroduced to the Moonedge ecosystem for further development and growth.
  • Investment, incubation, and community support are vital for Web3 infrastructure projects
  • Moonedge fosters innovation and development in the Web3 space through strategic partnerships.
  • The importance of early-stage support in fostering the growth of innovative projects like Exverse.
  • A collaborative and supportive ecosystem is crucial for the success of Web3 ventures.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hello everyone. Hi Lucy. I can hear you. Yes, I can hear you. Yes, I can hear you nicely. I'm just checking with everyone, okay. I don't know if someone is missing. Moss is here. No one is here. Shibarium is here. Cliff digger. I think they are full set and we can start. Okay. Hello everyone. Happy to see you all. I'm little sick so if I have to step away. No worries. I'm sure the gentleman will handle. And I think we have lots of stuff to talk about. Hi, no one. Are you there? No one the first time. Hello? Hello? I think. Yeah, I can hear you now. Hi. Hi. Hi. So boss, how is going to be okay?

Unexpected Shibarium Tech Spaces

Welcome everyone to our unexpected shabarium tech spaces. I hate those because I never have enough time to prepare. But here we are. Anyway, as everyone probably knows by now, Shaitoshi threw us a curveball. So we had to improvise and organize the space to make sure we hold it before the voting ends so we can explain all the choices and what is going on. But first, I think we will dive into the market update with Mister Djar. He failed to come last time to our space, so he owes us a market explanation so we can start with him. Thanks, no one. Good afternoon Shivami. Apologies for missing the last update. I had some family issues to deal with, but nothing much has occurred since that last market.

Market Overview by Mister Djar

Well, the last spaces in terms of the market always like to start with bitcoin just to give us a temperature check of the market sentiments. So bitcoin has been trading inside what I call a bull flag. And what tends have. What tends to happen with a bull flag is there is a breakout eventually. So we've been hovering between at one point we dropped to some point went up to 70k in the months of July and August. Right? So what will happen is this will keep occurring. We'll have this range happening between seventy k and maybe, I don't know, it might go down to don't know. Don't quote me on that. But eventually it will break out. And for me, what's going to determine the breakout will be the us presidential elections in November.

Predictions and Speculations

So I. My forecast or my hypothesis is bitcoin will start breaking out in November and it will reach a new all time high around January, about 100k. But all coins will be stable or sometimes retrace in this period. So altcoins will take a chill pill until bitcoin is done with its run and from there it will start moving. So if we now go into the ecosystem, token starting with Shib. Shib has been trading inside a demand zone. The demand zone is between four zeros 1276 and four zeros 17 and 401766. So what that means is if Shib continues in this range inside this demand zone closer to January, will now start seeing a breakout. To the upside, there might be some minor here and there, but nothing to worry about. We know there's this background sound somewhere. Somewhere probably unmuted.

Frustrations and Market Sentiments

I can hear you. But I must admit that I think that everyone is already tired of this market. I can't hear anymore anything. I don't even share anymore price prediction. I'm just as people because one thing is all of us is building and all of us is working on it. Okay, that's us like me, but we are behind, right Shibarium? But then you have the holders. But we are also holders, right? So I'm just, I'm feeling you. I'm feeling holders. I have nothing to say. We are tired of politics. We are tired of all the manipulation, all the hacks, all the artists like right now happen with the tone, the telegram, Paval Durov. So it's all these things that happening. No one can really predict.

Addressing Market Predictions

So don't give me any price predictions. I'm just like really honest. Really, really honest. I'm going to give this to everyone. What I would say is we have a lot of utility coming on shibarium and one of the key drivers will be the bone gas token. So always look at what the devs have been building and know that bone is going to drive everything. Apart from that, all the shib tokens. You've already started experiencing some of their governance roles in the current voting. We're currently, that's currently live. Your Shib can be used to vote. Previously was just bone. So this gives you an introduction into a multi token governance that we'll get an explanation from the team shortly.

Multi-Token Governance and Utility

So every token in the Shib ecosystem will have a utility and it will be governance driven. So you've got Shib leash bone treats which is not launched yet. And we have Shib is the female Shiboshi nfcs. So that's market updates for you guys. Hopefully that was helpful. If you have any questions, I'll be here. Thank you. I just want to add everyone probably right now ask when. When is the DAO? When we can use our tokens to make decision. I don't know if you hear me because special decide to just call me right now. Hope you're hearing me. The thing is, it's gonna be sooner than you think.

DAO Expectations and Updates

Right now we have a dog going on and you can go vote. If someone please can pin the vote. And it's already possible to use your ship and bone to vote, it's already something new because before you can vote only with bone. So we are really getting closer to this dao where all the tokens gonna be possible to use. I just wanna remind people that I was told personally by Carl, the goal is to have every asset in our ecosystem as a dao power. Okay, that's all I want to add. Thanks, Lucy. No one. No one. No one. No one's probably having technical hitches.

Technical Difficulties and Communication

Yes, it's first time. Okay, let me check. Let me check our smart. It shows he's mute. Oh, I think you should leave. Come back. Okay, so we have a hirbass. Bas is K nine developer and our very favorite shibarium advocate. He is excellent in the way he promotes shibarium. I'm always very happy to hear his voice because sometimes we have lots of shib people who label stuff as ship, but they do not actually know or understand the ecosystem. So I'm always happy to see that the way Bas promotes Shibarium and explains everything. Hi, Lucy. Yeah, I can hear you.

Learning and Engagement

Thank you for the kind words, but I'm definitely still learning myself. Right. I've been into shibarium for almost a year now just in regards to canine. Obviously very excited for canines product to launch on September 18. But always love coming to these spaces to continue learning. A tweet that I put out yesterday was referencing that even myself of being in this ecosystem for as long as I have. There's always rumors and talking and things like that about what these, this 37 eth was from. And I kind of said that it's a little bit akin to folklore. Like a very little is written down about the history of Shib, but it's often talked about, which is very normal with growing communities like Shibarium.

Education and Transparency

So I'm always humbled to be able to learn, but also to educate in some misinformation that may be out there. I know that I was in a space last week that, Lucy, you and I were talking about just people not even knowing that the shib torch is live. And the shib torch is something that excites me very much because it's a product that really canine can drive value into. Because we all know that the more volume that's happening on Shibarium, the more that it's going to directly contribute to burns now. And everyone can see those transparently. I just try my best to educate while also learning and becoming more ingrained as a part of the shibarium ecosystem.

Clarifying Past Transactions

Yes, I just want to explain this. 37.58 pounds came from Verizon. Varys promised to. I don't know exactly how it was. I think no one can you maybe you explain because you are part of the verisitive. No one. Oh, my God. Hello? Oh, no. I can't lose no one. Okay, never mind. Simply vellies donate this to Shiba community. And it was sent. It was sent to. Back then was existing breeds. That was a group of people in charge of the way how we run.

Historical Context

And the one breed particular was the defense breed. And these people have the valet that was sent 37.5 eat from Vellis. So it's actually money from Vellis to Shiba community. What happened is that we do not have. Okay. Maz, maz, you gotta mute your mic. Yeah. What happened is that we did not have a functional dial back then and were waiting for the DAO to start working again. But during this waiting time, the defence were dissolved and people were sent away.

DAO Resolutions and Current Status

Fire. I don't know how to call it. Anyway, the devs stopped working with these people from the defense breed. But they still kept the eat, right? But it's not their eat. It's not developers eat. It's a community. It's something that values earn and donate to Shiba. So right now, Shaitoshi and Karl and the management decided, okay, these people keep playing some games. Let's push the old dao work so we can give back the money to community. We don't want this. This is not for the team. This is not for anyone else. This is for the community.

Community Focus and Engagement

So we can give back. Hey, no one. We can hear you. I think you're unmuted, Deborah. So today is interesting spaces. So this is what happened. And this is why we are running the dog. And I hope that everyone can vote. And also, I would like to fix what I said. I got my very great, very informative friend Nuro from discord, who knows everything better than anyone else in ecosystem. He said, you can vote only with t bone. It's a staked version of bone blockchain. So you can vote with chip and you can vote with t bone.

Voting Process and Clarifications

Staked version of bone in this doll. Which one we running now? About the 37.5 e. So if I'm in here, let me, like Buzz was saying earlier, basically, shoot lower please. Your mic is really difficult to hear. Is it? Oh, just low volume or what? No, it's really bad static. Maybe try coming back up or something like that. Or maybe if you're using headphones, that could be the issue. How about now? That's much better. All right, there we go. Sorry about that. But yeah, like Buzz was saying earlier, the shib lore is wide, right? And yeah, initially there was this breed system that was introduced right where there was the defense breed.

Community Voting and Fund Distribution

Well, yeah, like Lucy was saying, the Welly's funds that there was part of it that was to go to Burns and from the mint, basically was to go to the community to vote how to be used. So basically the old breed had that locked in a wallet. So this vote here is basically just to have the community given the option to actually make the choice to how this should be used. Well, we'll see if the breed actually goes with that. But yeah, that's another question.

Technical Difficulties and Implicit Communication

Hello? Can someone hear me now? Hey, no one? Yeah, I can hear you. Yes, we can hear you. Welcome back. We tried to speak to you earlier. You're just ignoring all of us. What's up with you? Yeah, I said I don't like the spaces which are unscheduled, so I don't do that. All right. So where are we? I think we are on the boat, right? Yeah, we are how the fans are around and you know more about how it was with Varys and with the defense.

Security Concerns and Technology Trust

So if you can add something to it. Also I would like to remind everyone because we had different story, different security problem. We were sorting like 15 minutes ago and. But it's good to point this out right now to this. Also remember that in this time, in this technology, you can't trust any screenshots. Everything is possible. And me as a photographer who fully control Photoshop can screenshot send you anything you want in 1 minute. And I'm saying the personal experience because I am very good. I was fixing all the issues on body of every woman I was photographing.

Advice on Digital Content Authenticity

Always find the sauce, right? Yes. So I'm just reminding you that this. Behave or Lucy will send the photoshop to you today. But I'm just like pointing out why this is true. So just be careful, whatever you see. Some screenshots, blah, blah. No, you do not trust these things. Please. It's very easy to fake it. Yeah. Unless you saw it with your own eyes. You've been there, you heard it might not have happened.

Addressing Trust and Reputation within Technology

And now, actually, with AI technology, even if you see it, you shouldn't believe it, because now we know there are so many videos online which look really real, but are completely fake. So I don't know where this world is going and how we're gonna live and trust each other. That's why our point, which was raised by Shytoshi about trust and reputation, is so important. Yeah, and that's. That's definitely a solution that's being proposed here with the. Well, the goddess karma system, karma reputation system, for sure.

The Transition to a New DAO Structure

And basically, yeah. What we're seeing here is like the switch from the old bridge system, the breed system, and the old Dao system, to basically the new multi token Dao structure as laid out in the ship paper. Right. So they're definitely moving closer to that. And on top of that, with the ship entity, the common reputation and all that's definitely going to be helpful as well for, of course, adoption and security on chain and all that. Like, if you can, like, basically trust the developer score.

Potential Roadmap and Future Developments

It would be like a developer store score kinda as well, in a way, which could be helpful as well for. Anyway. Lots, lots of fun things to think about. I guess we're gonna go into that. Yeah, absolutely. Kind of mixing everything together, but it's an I schedule space, so we can do anything we like. Yeah. I just want to ask Buz, do you have more questions about this? To be honest, I don't know if I'm in the minority here, but I've been having a lot of difficulty hearing just with the mic issues, so I didn't really get that.

Information Regarding the Old System DAO

Well, basically the fans are from Redis, and the team who used to work for Shib was dissolved. And it's not working anymore with Shib, but they did not return it to the management. They kept it, and they said that they waiting for Rio Dao to be launched so community can decide what happened. So Shytoshi decided right now he's gonna launch the old system Dao for community to decide what to do with these funds. And the question right now is if this person who holds the wallet even returned.

Assessing Community Good Faith

Right. So is. I see. So it's kind of like calling their bluff, so to speak, to see if they. They will act in. In good faith. Yeah, I really show down type of thing. We will see. But for us, it's important to see that first time we also using ship for voting. That ship will have the worth in ecosystem that we do not use only the brand, like, without the thinking and involving ship. Ship for us is our main course.

Clarifying Voting Choices Available

That's what. That's what important for me. Yeah. And also the way Shib was launched, like fully out into the world. Right. That's another thing for Shib. Yeah. So basically now we have four choices. And in case you haven't voted yet, please do. I have pinned Shaitoshi's message up there with a vote so you can read his blog post about what happened. We just try to give you a short recap. There is a full version there attached as well as the vote.

Options for Fund Management

So there are four choices. Choice number one is to move the funds to a new multisig wallet which will be controlled by five people. Those people are LC, who is currently controlling the ship token x account. Gossip ship, aka Lucy. Not many people know that. If you explain this, of course I will. Or we can let them wonder, Carl, our development, and Shytoshi himself. And then the fifth person will be chosen by the vote of the Dao. So.

Explaining Further Fund Utilization Choices

And then the use of the tokens in this case would be decided by the DaO as well. So basically this is choice number one. Choice number two is to simply burn the tokens so they would be converted into shib from Ethan burnt on Ethereum blockchain. Choice number three is the option which the current holder of the wallet where the funds are have declared that he wants to do is that he wants to decide himself which projects have been contributing to ship, and he will decide himself which projects to support with those funds with, but without the community involvement.

Final Diverse Fund Allocation Options

And the choice number four, which is a bit unusual and untraditional, unexpected, but it's still there, is to give all these funds to the person holding the wallet. So they would stop talking about the ecosystem negatively and just leave a so you can choose any of the four options which you like and vote. So every vote counts, even the small ones and the large ones. I made a few posts about that. It's quite important that we all vote for what we really want to happen. And the vote closes tomorrow.

A Call to Action for Voting Participation

So we still have one day to think about it and then decide. So it's important that we get as many votes as possible, because this is Dao, and this is important that we all take part in it, because this is our future. This is basically our funds. So we have to decide what to do with them. Now. This is about the vote. Now, we also touched upon the actual blog post with Miles and what we are going to see.

The Blog Post and Community Trust

So in this blog post, Shaitoshi has explained the importance of not just having a simple DaO, but also that there is a real need of trust and responsibility. And they have realized this quite a number of years ago, I think at least two years ago now, if you've been following the news now, the latest news where it was also in the ship paper, in the ship magazine about the scary threats of the Dao, so to speak, which is a bribery.

Development of a New System With Vitalik's Team

And now Vitalik together with a team of researchers are working on a new system. I'm not going to pronounce it now, not to misspell it, how to deal with it. Basically, they are working on a system which will give proof that you have keys without actually showing what those keys are. I'm very far from those far fetched crypto things, so I have no idea what they are going to come up with, but they are thinking about it just now.

Karma, Reputation, and Competency System Overview

And as you have read in the blog post, our developers have been thinking about how to build a safe and proper dao in the community years ago. So what they came up with is a KRC system is karma, reputation and competency. Basically, karma is going to be an automatic system which going to award karma points for certain actions which will happen, I would imagine, in Shibahub or in some other spaces which can be easily monitored electronically.

Reputation Building Through Community Interaction

The reputation on the other hand is a manual system. So people, AI and other daos will be able to reward reputation according to the interactions with particular individual and this reputation will be accumulated. For example, if you're a dev and you make a program for a project and it's well, is running well, then this project can give positive reputation to you. And if you didn't give a good product or you racked them, then they can leave a negative reputation.

Trust Signals Based on Performance

So in the future, when the next person is approached by this dev, they can receive a notification about how trustworthy they are, what is their karma and reputation, and they can actually make up their mind whether they want to work with them or not. So now we know that drugs are a really big issue and we see them left and right and they are giving really bad reputation to the industry, which is not good for us and not good also for the crypto market in general, because there is little trust from the outside people.

Addressing Challenges for Industry Adoption

So if we want to bring adoption, we must deal with these unfriendly individuals and this system shouldn't be great. And then the third part, which hasn't been described in detail, but it has already been leaked, so to speak, mentioned is the competency. So I guess when the person has some skills. There will be a system which will determine what those are and when we are going to elect people into the DAO positions.

Importance of Trustworthiness in DAO Participation

I think all three parts are going to be important. You have to be trustworthy. You have to have reputation which comes based on interactions with others, not just believe you by your word. And also you have to have a good competency to actually perform the job that you're going to do. But if we had just this system, we would be going down the path of social creative system.

Privacy and Control in SSI System

So Shytoshi has said that the SSI self sovereign identity is also going to be vital. So people can actually keep their privacy and the control of their data. Then only certain things which you are willing to share under certain strict conditions which you define can be shared, and you become the master of your own data. In this case, if you don't want to share anything, you don't have to.

The Structure Within Shiba State

Now, there are going to be two tiers of participants in Shiba state. It's shibizens, the full fledged citizens, so to speak, of Shib. Now, they will be participating in the kerosene system, and also we will have shibarinsitive or tourists, so to speak. They can be using our systems, shibarium, all the debts and things like that. But they will be just visiting basically without accumulating points or karma.

Building Reputation Within Shiba's Ecosystem

But they will also not have this tracked trust record. So in case someone is coming with no tracked record, it will be almost impossible to trust them until they slowly develop it. So they would have to become a citizen. A citizen and collect it. Now, that's pretty much about the KRC system. Also, since I was talking about the Shiba hub, where this system will be working, there will be a lot of dapps on it, Defi, as Lucy said, which is very important.

The Future Prospects of Shiba Hub

So this is going to be the heart of the Shiba state. We're going to have a lot of apps, we're going to have a lot of games. We're going to have Shib, the metaverse connected, we're going to have social part on there. So we can finally drop the Jedi X, which causes us so many issues for the spaces and the microphones and speakers. And in order to facilitate the growth of this hub, we need developers.

Introduction of the Shib Dev Portal

So just recently, the news came out that our devs have released the ship dev portal. And we have to name Clifford with us, who's going to tell us a bit more about it. Hey, thanks. No one can. Can everybody hear me? Yes, we can. Sweet. Appreciate it. I'm two cups of coffee. In this morning. That's early where I'm at, so bear with me.

Dev Shib IO Overview

But I appreciate you having me here this morning. So, yeah, so I'm going to talk about Dev Shib IO, recently released, better known as Shib Dev. There has been quite a few communications sent out already daily. Shib has sent out some. Of course Lucy's gone into more detail with some of those communications that's been sent out.

Features of the Shib Dev Portal

But a few points of this app or portal I should say, is it's a robust platform, is designed to streamline creation of dapps or decentralized applications on Shibarium. It provides a wide range of tools and resources aimed at enhancing the development and experience for both web two and web three developers. So the idea is to try to integrate some of those web two developers into the blockchain here on Shibarium, as well as maybe some experienced web three developers as well.

Supporting Accessibility for Developers

Maybe some people that are a little experienced with some code and stuff like that, but maybe not an expert. So it provides some easy to find tools for those type of people that may want to come over and build on chain. So it's really cool portal. It keeps a lot of the key features that developers need to be able to successfully build their dapp on chain.

Key Features of the Portal

Some of those key features would be API key management and simplifies the handling of API keys for both Shibarium and Puppynet. That's the testnet, ensuring secure and efficient access to blockchain data, which is definitely needed by devs. Some of the experienced devs can already find this information, you know, using the tools that's there already, but this is going to keep everything in one place.

Enhanced On-Chain Data Access

So there's not going to be the need to go and dig around for these types of things. On chain data access offers real time access to crucial on chain data through APIs, including transaction and balance APIs, enabling developers to retrieve data directly from Shibarium and Puppynet without needing complex node setups. So like I said, you know, they're not going to have to go digging for this type of stuff.

User Experience Improvements for Early Adopters

Shibuikit provides early access, that one in quotation marks, early adopters will have access to consistent and user friendly interface kit for dapps, ensuring a seamless user experience on shibarium. So that's really going to be for people that are coming on chain early so they can, you know, have this UI kit basically to have early access to it. I'm not sure now, later on, later adopters of the chain, what that means for them but you want to be early so you have the access to that kit.

Risk-Free Experimentation Through the Integration Faucet

Another feature is going to be integration faucet. This allows developers to obtain test tokens for shabarium Puppynet, easily supporting risk free experimentation and interrelated development. I couldn't get that word out, but basically you'll have test tokens so that way a developer will not have to use actual tokens. That could provide a, I wouldn't say financial hardship on them, but they're not going to have to use their actual tokens in order to test things out, which is going to be, which is really big, you know, so that way they don't have to use any of their actual funds, they can test out their dapps using test tokens.

Collaboration and Community Development

So that one's really good as well. And the portal also features comprehensive documentation and a forum for developer collaboration, making it easier to integrate with shibarium and advance the ecosystem. The initiative is part of Shib's ongoing efforts to expand the shibarium ecosystem by lowering barriers to entry and encouraging informative and innovative DAP development. So the forum is going to be a spot where developers can share things.

Developer Collaboration and Tool Provision

If they have questions, they need a from other dev, just a place for them to be able to collaborate and work on things together. So that's going to be really big too, and really going to help connect all of these developers together to be able to work on things. So yeah, I'm excited to see this one here and definitely buzz, I'm sure can probably speak to some of that as well as far as being a dev and how helpful those tools will be to a new dev coming into the space. So yeah, just building and providing the tools that's needed to move forward the development and progress of the chain. So love to see that one there. No one. And that's pretty much all I have on that one for right now. Unless anybody's got any questions.

Developer Engagement and Ecosystem Expansion

I think Maz got questions or probably more comment. Go ahead Maz. Oh, we can't hear you Maz. I think it's, it wasn't me or it wasn't Mazda. I think it's the X spaces. We should have the Shiba hub and the social hub as soon as we can, hopefully. And that's why it's very important to have so as many dapps as we can on our Shiba hub. That's why it's important to support the developers, because first of all, it will bring adoption by having a lot of different choices and things which people can actually use. Secondly, and also very importantly, that all those depths will be on Shibarium. I'm learning to pronounce it correctly. Otherwise Lucy will unfollow me. It's shibarium. I used to think about it as Shiba room, but it's actually shib a rum. So don't forget. Otherwise Lucy will be cross with you.

Defi Focus and Community Changes

I was provoked by all of you, okay? To make this book. I am actually innocent because I wasn't listening to the spectrum. But you all over were like, blah, blah. I was like, whoa. That's why I made it. I'm not always the guilty. Okay. All right. Maas, are you back? Hello, maz. Talk to us. Any case, while you're waiting for us, in case you have any questions, do post them in the comments and we try to answer them. Okay? Should I talk about what I wanted to talk about? Of course, you're the boss.

Community Development and Defi Strategy

No, you are the boss of the spaces. Okay, so what I want to bring up before we move on to the games, which I'm super excited, I want to point out, because I see all this. This when integration of shibarium. I see when bone is things. I want to bring up this very important topic. Why Shibariums Defi focus is better than exchanges. This is a very important topic for our community to understand and discuss. More than just changes. Let's make it simple. We are focusing on Defi with shibarium because it gives you direct control of your assets. This is safer than using exchanges which had major problems.

Exchange Security Concerns

For example, exchanges like empty Gox with Phinex or Phoenix, sorry, I don't know how to pronounce it. Have been hacked, leading to significant losses for users. Other exchanges also have withdrawals during market crashes also have frozen withdrawals during market crashes, leaving people unable to access their funds when they need it the most. So they manipulate you all this time, whenever they wish and you can't do anything about it if your money are on exchanges. Wasir X, for example, the last experience for our Shib holders face similar issues where users lost their shib due to a hack. We really empathize with those affected by these problems.

Benefits of Decentralization

But please pitchibarium. You keep your funds in your own wallet. This way you don't depend on exchange that could hack, be hacked or freeze your assets. It's safer option and it gives you really control. Plus, if you use hardware wallet, you are safe. We are also excited about the new DeFi futures. For example, if you can buy bone and USB fee with your credit card through Shib. Yo. Just click buy bone with card at the top right of the screen. It's easy and lets you get involved with DeFi without needing special knowledge.

Community and Growth Insights

So I'm really happy to see our community supporting this move because when you see the progress of the Reds and Dao, you can see that holders are growing. To understand that development is very important. It's not just list and burn. We need growth, we need awareness, adoption, and this is something we need to start thinking about. That's what I wanted to say for today, Masrael. Oh no. Mas. I don't think Tex wants to hear him today.

Addressing Community Questions

In any case, we have a couple of more questions in the comments. One question was, will there be a time based aspect of to karma? We don't know the exact way karma is going to work, but we have been told that this karma and reputation will be basically bad words compatible. So anything you do now already will be counted towards your karma and reputation score. So you already have to be a good ship and the statistics which is obtainable will already be used. But I don't know if it will include how long you've been like a part of Shibarmy and how long you've been holding Shib.

Proposed Features and Expectations

To me, it makes sense to have something similar because it's also quite easy to validate and to automate. But I don't know if it is actually a part of developers current state or not. But as you know. Jump in your speech. I would like to see if math can speak. Oh, that's great. Yeah, let's see. Can you hear? Oh yes. Yeah. All right. Yes, we've been waiting to hear all day.

Dev Portal and User Tools

But yeah, I just wanted to add actually, like you were saying earlier, basically for the dev portal. So with both tools for devs and actual users of the platform from the KRC system as well as the dev portal one end, when you're like just cruising on the blockchain, right? If you're a savvy user, you'll know to investigate on the blockchain. Like look, if the developer wallet that launched a token maybe is linked with other tokens that either robbed or something. Like if you're experimented, you'll be able to find out that stuff, right?

User Empowerment through Blockchain

But this KRC system, it's basically just equipping plebs with that same tool set, basically being able to go to see that information that is on chain and be able to see it. So that's definitely going to be helpful for the users on that front. And also to go back to when Clifford was talking. Sorry, I had my hand raised. I wanted to just ad really quickly, just. There's a part of the. Well, I guess you can call it the bat utility belt that you got on the dev portal that allows you to easily integrate components into your Dapps or apps that add shib usernames like, you know, the starship more eventually, the dot shib eventually.

Integration Tools for Developers

Right. The D three sns that we got the building stone for our shib density. Basically, you can add those super easily to your dapps from that little tool in your utility belt that you can find on dev ship IO. Yeah, that's all I wanted to add earlier. Sorry, I spoke a lot just now, but I had a lot of stuff that I tried to say earlier, but it just wouldn't let me. Anyway. Well, you could raise your hand. You should have used the sign language.

Game Developments and Community Response

You're just playing with us. Playing with sheep. Okay, mister advisor, I think it's your turn to talk to us little about play with sheep. Right? Yeah. The fun part we've all been waiting for. Yeah. Sure. So basically, yeah, as you saw this week, it was also retweeted by the main Shib token account, right? Basically there was a rename from the Shiba Eternity account to now the play with Shib account. Right. Especially in our space, you got to be careful with that, make sure that you're following the proper links and following the right accounts and all that. So definitely appreciate the retweet there from shit token on that for sure.

Hyper Casual Games and Engagement

But yeah. So more than just Shiba eternity, you are certainly now aware that we've got Shiba inu games going on, right? So Shiba Inu games are pushing out a bunch of hyper casual games, which just like, I guess you could compare that to how Shibdezhe started, right? As a, like, as Eric would call it, one of the devs in the past. Like one of the main devs, right? He would say in the past, he would say Sheba was like a horse of Troy, right? Vehicled like a meme to basically go into the minds, right, of people and stay into the mind of people and then show them the decentralization, the ecosystem, the idea behind shib.

Message Spread through Gaming

So basically using the meme facilities, the meme components, in order to spread the message of decentralization. So basically you could say that these hypercasual games are in a way doing the same thing. These are games like you're probably familiar with if you're watching just any gaming content on YouTube, you certainly at some point were targeted by their algorithm and got a ad for a game that looked nice. Right? And you download the game, you try it out, and it's not that at all. Well, those games, you know, there's a games like with the little Night puzzle lava and that.

Advertising and Game Experience

That game with the. You. You saw the. In the little preview that we had at Tarantul, right? The one that is coming actually just like all the Shiba inus going after the shadow cats and all that with the cannon pushing them out. And then you use, like, the multipliers and all that. Well, you've seen ads on that on YouTube, and then you go and download the game. It's not that at all. Anyway, it's like. It's like a meme in gaming right now.

Targeting the Gaming Demographic

So you can definitely use that in the same way that she was used at the very start of shib in order to attract or put Shib via the shiboshi. Via, well, just might have shib itself in. In. In these games. Put it in the eye of these gamers. You must not forget that the gaming industry actually, like, one third of the way of the world is into gaming. Like, at some point, they had a game on their phone, or they're actually playing something actively. That's a lot of people.

Market Transition and Opportunities

Right. So you're basically going to four or 5%, like, in crypto, versus, like, 33 or 35% ish. That's into gaming. Right. So if that market can be tapped into this, this season, that's definitely something interesting to. To show them decentralization this way. Also might. Might get bunch of new people, new generation to be interested in all the possibilities that decentralization actually brings. Right. So that's definitely something interesting.

Shiba Games and Ecosystem Development

And, yeah, you'll see a lot of those on ship games, which is going to be a part of the Shiba up. So, yeah, social gaming defy basically everything you need in the echo. You'll find it here. So that's definitely super exciting, for sure. Go ahead, Lucy. I would like to ask if every game is gonna be played to earn. For example, I'm having a lot of questions about the Shibashi agent because everyone who I show the game, like, little boys, like 14,1518, they love it.

Community Interest in Earning Potential

So they are curious if they can earn money later. Really? Yeah. Well, just like Shibu eternity, right? You've got the virtual, which was our web two version. We've had a, like millions of downloads on both platform and all that. Like, millions of players, like hundreds of millions of games that were played over the last. Now, two years that it's been out.

Transitioning to Web Three

Right now it's moving, or it's actually in the process of moving to web three just now. We've got about 200 beta testers which are actively helping in our phase one closed beta testing right now, which is ongoing at this time. So, yeah, super thankful to all these leash warriors which are daily going and playing thousands of games and reporting everything that they see. It's a lot. It's a lot, for sure.

Community Support in Beta Testing

It's a lot to handle, but super appreciative. And we definitely can see. See that they love the game just as most of us, just as much as we do, really. And they're helping out in just ensuring that the product is as awesome as it can be. So definitely that's super awesome to see. And just like what you're seeing right now with Shiba Eternity moving in from web two to web three, and that's going to bring players from the web two version to go and see.

Raising Awareness of Web Three Opportunities

Oh, you've got the prompt saying, shiba eternity is moving to web three. What's that? What's webdena three? Shiba. Shibarium. Shib. Oh, what's all that? So you're gonna have a lot of people just looking at that and saying, oh, yeah, no, definitely. That's something I won't look into. And then they're just gonna go at, you know, just looking at what decentralization can. Can help bring forth for the world itself.

Comparative Message Strategies

Right. So, no, that's definitely something super. Like I was saying earlier, because comparable to shib at the start, like the horse of Troy. Right. It's just going to be these games on web two and yes, it's going to be on web three for sure.

Agent Shiboshi

Agent Shiboshi. Yeah. Something about the other one. That was Shibashira. Shibashi's. Yeah, yeah. But you can tell us more about. Oh, well, yeah, well, that. That's what I was going over, basically. That's what you've been seeing, like, on YouTube. Like if you're. If you're. If you're a gamer, just at, like, any point of your life, you've watched any gaming content on YouTube, you got these ads, and it's. It's Shiboshi rush. But those games, that. That game, you tried to download it, you tried to play it from the ad. You're nothing gonna get that game. So we actually made that game, and you can actually play it, download it, and actually look at shib from that way. Right? And from web two to web three, maybe make. Make the move and go into deaf after seeing the shib that way. So.

Gamer Expectations

Yeah. It seems. It seems so obvious. But I don't know what. Why people didn't actually think about making those games, which people really want to see in the ads. So I would say it's a bit genius. Yeah. I actually love to see games that are very addictive. Like I always said that I wanna see angry birds. Can they crash? Because I know there are millions of moms home playing this game. They are bored, they are addicted to it. And it's just something that I see as a key to adoption. Oh yeah, for sure. For sure. Yeah. Hyper casual. That. That's definitely. You had like, what the. On Facebook, that was like Farmville, right? I think everybody saw that. Right? I. But. But that's not. Not really a game. At least not for me. That's not really a game anyway. But it still. It still has quite the spread. Right. But it's the same thing for Shiboshi Rush. Actually, my wife, she actually plays a similar game that came out just recently.

Minigames on Shibarium

So it's definitely stuff that non gamers also are interested into. Right. So it's definitely a lot of people that are going to be looking at shib from this new vessel. So that's something interesting. Will these minigames also run on Shibarium and bring more transactions and volume? Well, yeah, no, for sure. The actual one that was announced. Well, as you can see with Shiba Eternity. Right, even now in the closed beta, it's actually taking place. Not on Puppynet, so not on our testnet, but it's on the live chain, it's on Shibarium. And whenever players are opening packs, you can actually see the cards being minted on chain at the same time. We actually got a sponsored transactions going on, sponsored gas fees for that. So basically the users are just able to play and they see it being minted. No, actually input. No actual input require on their end. So ease of use is a major factor here in adoption for sure.

User-Friendly Tools and Adoption

So tools like shibarium being a cheap blockchain and being able to sponsor gas like that or something like that in a cheap and sustainable fashion, something like that. It can be something that makes your product be easier to use and at the same time spread more because it's easier to use. Right. So that's something that you can see here with Shiba eternity. Yes. These transactions are being generated on Shibarium and actively contributing to the. To the shib torch, the bone pile right in there. So yeah, every single transaction on Shibarium is contributing to that. That's live and our game are going to be contributing to that as well, for sure as they are on shibarium. Okay, that's excellent information. So even we have some dapps that will run gas less. Someone is funding them and the gas will still burn ship just so. Exactly.

Gameplay Experience and Community

Okay, I have one question. As a player, I am horrible player of Shiba attendant. So I created under different name new accounts so people don't know they playing with me. And can I send from my lucyship account wallet to my new wallet the cards I'm having in the first. My official Lucy ship wallet? Yes, actually. Yes, you can, that the. The cards, like I was saying earlier, that they're actually minted on chain. So they're actual cards, right. NFts each and every one of them that you own. If you have another account that's linked to another wallet, you can just send the cards to that account or trade them to your friends. Right? Or like, I don't know, I could probably send you a couple of good ones and we can look at your deck and maybe try to. I'll help you out, Lucy. I'll help you out. No, but yeah, all the cards are on chain.

Gameplay Updates and Future Developments

You can definitely send them from wallet to wallet. There's, of course, it's an early closed beta. Right. So we're still in the process of tweaking things like basically the accounts and everything. The whole back end is changed. Right. So it's instead of like email addresses and stuff like that, you're now using actual wallet addresses and stuff like that. So there's a lot that has been done to Shiba eternity and it's in phase one, closed beta. So there's still some job that remains here. But we're definitely getting closer and closer to a full launch here. And yeah, we've got the shiboshi gate that's going to open very shortly here for the phase two of the closed beta. So that's going to be something to look into as well. But yeah, if you're not into super competitive games, we now have these hyper casual games as well, which, well, with agency Shiboshi and Naoshiboshi Rush, that is also rushing to your phones, so.

Addictive Gaming Phenomena

Yeah, well, there's nothing casual about the agency. No. She had an article just now that some people reach like 100 levels per day. And I say that's nothing. I did, like, over 200 in less than 12 hours yesterday. I went crazy. So it's hyper addictive for sure. So it's an amazing game. I actually cheated because I don't like these games, this shooting. I was never a big fan of any gun. So when I saw it, I was like, I'm not gonna play this. I went to level four, and then I was like, no, I'm giving up. And then I remember I have a nephew who is one of the top players of Fortnite in our country. So I was like, I'm gonna pay you, but you have to record me the level so I can pause the video. So I pay him, and he really did 100 levels in 1 hour.

Community Influence and Growth

And he's so excited about the game. He keeps playing and saying that he really love it. And the friend next to him downloaded, you know, and it's the way who we are actually spreading the awareness about. Buying new games, playing you to play it. But yeah, actually doing that. Lucy, you're just like those popular girl streamers now. They actually do the same thing. They just get somebody else to play and they just pretend to play and chat on top of it. Oh, my gosh. But the one thing which stood out for me the most from Maz's speech was the trojan horse metaphor. And don't confuse it with the viruses or the other product. It's quite unusual.

Clarifications on Terminology

Well, I mean, the name comes from that for sure. Yeah, it's the, you know, the Greek. Well, the trojan Cheval. The, the, yeah. Know that anyway. The trojan course. Yeah, yeah. but for sure that the, yeah, okay. No, no link at all with the name of a various rootkit or anything like that. It's basically just other products. If you. Know what I mean. Do we have something more important? Because actually I have a nurse knocking on me. Oh, no, I think we are good, Lucy. We've colored all the things we wanted to, so. And we also ran over the time. I thought we would not have enough things to talk about.

Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks

But yeah, I really talked about Shiba Inu games and I can talk about Shiba than it did all day, so I have to cut it here. Thank you, everyone for coming. Thank, thank you, Buzz, for coming. I would like to remind you of important date of September 18, I think is the bone crasher for K nine. Please check it out. Also, K nine has a new listing on Bing's, which is one of the biggest, bigger exchanges in case you are a fan of exchanges. And please, guys, whenever you see ship and someone saying that building for ship, please just ask them to use the ship in the ecosystem.

Encouraging Utilization and Community Engagement

That's one thing that I wanna imply on everyone. If you are ship holder, like me, and we really hold this ship, and we want to utilize this ship, and someone say, I'm building for the ship, okay. Use it as your reward, or use it in your dao, or use. It's not limited to shib ecosystem by Shaitoshe and cow. It's not limited to anyone. Everyone can do it. Everyone can take ship and doodle. Everyone can build around ship. Some games. Everyone can burn ship with some drops. So whoever say I'm building with ship, just build with ship. Not talk about ship. That's all. Like something I'm honestly always irritated, but I don't see, because whatever people criticize are there, I never see them missing on ship.

Community Perspective and Future Potential

I always, like you don't know because you don't see the future plans. But because I read all the reports and know more, I can see that is fully involved in our ecosystem. So that's what I would like to see more from people who is ship builders. That's like, my opinion. You have your guys just honest opinion of ship holder. That's all I want to say. Anyone else want to add something? Yeah, yeah, sure. If I can. Yeah, for sure. If you're seeing, like, as well, like people saying, oh, we're partners with Shib, or things like that. There's been a lot of projects that's been saying stuff like that.

Closing Insights and Research Resources

Right, well, you just add to Shib IO. Look at the partners that are listed there. Like, I mean, we've got. There's these sites that are. There's these resources which are available for you to be able to make your own research to do your dior. Right. So there's definitely all these resources. Just make sure to use them and. Yeah, yeah. Lucy, last year. No, that's, like, only one thing I wish. Everyone have a blessed evening. Here is 513. So I need to run, and I'll hear you soon again in some unexpected space. Bye bye.

Gratitude and Farewell

Thank you, chow. Thank you.

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